Donations to Missions etc - 2020 Name of Mission Total Paid 20Schemes £535 3P Ministries £1,750 Abaana Ministries £600 Acre International £1,540 Acts29 £100 Adopt-A-Child £1,750 AIM (International) £300 Aimee's Hope £375 All Nations Christian College £1,750 Arab World Ministries £725 Asia Link £1,170 £9,810 The Barnabas Fund £1,165 Belfast Bible College £460 Belfast City Mission £1,310 The Bible Society £700 Breda Trust £500 Calvary Mission £1,100 CARE £560 Care for the Family £260 Charlene's Project £200 Child Fellowship £7,950 Christain Aid £325 Christian Blind Mission £200 Christian Concern for our Nation £50 Christian Guidelines £200 The Christian Institute £960 Christian Unions Ireland £500 Christian Witness to Israel £1,800 Explored £1,750 The Church Army £675 The Church's Ministry Among Jewish People £450 Coaching 4 Christ £250 Commission £320 Community of Hope £275 Crossfire Trust £150 Crossroads Foundation £6,400 Crown Jesus Ministries £150 Pastor Vane Cvetkov £3,100 Dohnavur Fellowship £20 Dublin £460 Elam Ministries £175 European Christian Mission £2,165 European Mission Fellowship £325 Evangelical Protestant Society £150 Evangelize China Fellowship £60 Every Home Crusade £2,050 Faith in Action Missions Newtownards £300 Faith Mission £600 Faith Mission Bible College £140 Far East Broadcasting Association £900 Fonic Trust £100 Mission £500 Friends In Action £300 Friends of Kiwoko Hospital £10 Frontiers Ireland £2,400 Global Recordings Network (UK) £275 Good News Broadcasting Association £975 Hebron Free Presbyterian Church £410 Helping Hands £800 Home for Good £50 Hope for Youth Ministries £250 IFES FEUER £1,800 Immanuel Studios £200 International Fellowship of Evangelical Students £325 International Justice Mission £150 £1,890 Irish Bible Institute £1,050 Irish Evangelistic Band £460 Japan Christian Link £1,000 Labour in Faith & Trust £1,750 Langham Partnership International £220 Langley Institute of Ministry £100 Latin Link £400 Leprosy Mission £250 Life in Abundance £1,725 LifeWords £910 Limavady Baptist Church £7,750 Logos Ministries £50 London City Mission £1,275 London School of £50 Mercy Ships U.K.Ltd £400 Messianic Testimony £275 Dr Gary Millar £2,100 Mission Africa £740 Mission am Nil International £1,250 Mission Aviation Fellowship £2,555 Mission Possible £500 The Nazareth Trust £100 New Irish Arts £250 New Tribes Mission £375 NightLight £275 OMF International (UK) £1,800 One Mission Society £450 Open Air Mission £25 Open Doors £1,805 Open Schools Worldwide £150 Operation Mobilisation £825 Partners in Service (For DBI) £250 People International £675 Pioneers £450 Platform 67 £300 Premier Christian Radio £75 Presbyterian Irish Mission £130 Prison Fellowship £245 Queen Street Methodist Church Lurgan £450 Radio Worldwide £500 Reach Beyond £450 Release International £1,915 Revelation TV £110 Revival £100 S.A.S.R.A. £300 Sandes Soldiers' & Airmen's Centres £240 SAT 7 £955 Scripture Union £1,690 Seamen's Christian Friend Society £1,015 SIM (International) £425 Slav Lands Christian Fellowship £100 Slavic Gospel Association £3,400 Spanish Gospel Mission £3,365 Speak Life £250 Stauros Foundation £250 Stewardship - Dr & Mrs EA Moore £3,155 Stewardship - Jonny Sanlon £1,700 TEAR Fund £3,840 Telling the Truth £25 The Big House (Ireland) £500 Trans World Radio £575 Transform Now £100 Trinitarian Bible Society £400 UFM Worldwide £1,980 United Christian Broadcasters £1,075 Vision Ireland £200 Waakisa Ministries £250 WEC International £250 Wycliffe Bible Translators £1,600 YADA £3,000 Youth For Christ £50 Youth with a Mission £50 Candidates & Short-termers £1,200 £138,400