XEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, MONDAY; MAY 31, 1909. c Auction Sales of Real Estate. Auction Sales of Real Estate. Auction Sales of Real Estate. Auction Sales of Real Estate. Long Island Real Estate for Sale. Long Island Real Estate for Sale* Is wbat the property will say BRYAN L. KENNELLY, Auc'r H^^©I © for ilscll at Beach "Swept by Ocean Breezes" FACTS — "We have a perfect SEWER system installed we t Northward SX^?M2r,&! have also, at great expense, laid solid CONCRETE SIDE- 1. For 300 Years ?JT7 h2 Grown WALKS and CURBS and the finest HACADATIIZED are our blocks are 208 feet deep, rT'i«- Godets, Rhmelacders, Gerrys and Hundreds of Other x streets that built— Ac+a«i Tflfc CCO r allowing space lots, where m IfIC ASLOIS* Fortunes have been Founded on a Knowledge and Belief in 111la ittCli an 8-foot in the rear of the 22 the SEWER, WATER and LIGHTINGmains are laid. 3. In 1858, A. J. Bleeker & Son and Hy Father, William Kennelly, Ayes., 57th, $15 0, to say: Sold st Auction Lotson Sth and 6th VT/vi*r \\ff\-4-ti 0 00 * is what our salesman will "The health 58th and 59th Sts., from $800 to $1,200 Each I^IUW VV01111 $400,000 Each. H£^l*^i W'Ja. of any section is safeguarded by a perfect SEWER system— the CONCRETE SIDEWALKS and 1891, Syndicate «I%»VS3K; Now because there will be rainy days and we 4. In the Morton=Bliss t CURBS are in do not want you to walk through wet sand or mud."— $10,000 to * laid, you WorthWOrth $50,000 each. \ Good, solid macadamized streets are because will drive to the lot or lots you buy, and some day inNew York years. Look your want to around — Who has lived 25 at you may to into the house you build or even before Anybody own experience-Can you fail-to have seen the Wonderful UrOWtllGrowth North-INOlTn- want move 5 Ask that the builder or some builder will want to cart inhis material in the last 5 years and wouldn't itbe nice to get stuck inthe mud for \%iaWellfc\ to build a house the increase in value. lack of good pavements or macadamized streets past the lots It—Examine you buy and this extra 8 feet in the centre of your block will 6. Think— Common give each owner more privacy to his home, and as the sewers, — Sense—^"^S^- water lighting are laid there you willnot have to ' c*llllo* possibly make a mistake by buying a lotat the and mains the PIQnCI tV see your streets torn up at different times when the builders arc making their sewer connections. And just one more word. All the above mentioned, sewers, sidewalks, curbs and macad- amized— streets put in,saved you, the purchaser, from any assess- ment watchword at _. . \u0084-.._. WALDO HUTCHINS ESTATE SALE Manhattan Beach Estates is no assessments for these —improvements, and the trans- 200 CHOICE LOTS AND 2 BEAUTIFUL DWELLINGS portation is one of our features trains every— ten minutes from Hall (Brooklyn Bridge) present running time AYE., ETC. ONLY 5 minutes' walk IX>CATED AT RIVERDALE AYE.. WEST 236TH TO 238TH STS . WALDO DASH LANE. to Manhattan Beach 35 minutes. from Subway Station at 242dSU and . To be scld at Auction IP. Manhattan Beach Estates a A most refined, residential seashore section in New York City sth, , 1o1 UINON SATURDAY,bAIUKuAY, JUNEJUIMC dvl9 rarain or sh.neshine with a sweep of 22 o miles' frontage on the Atlantic Ocean and shore boulevard on "the Sheepshead Bay. E»3FIE33VEISE3S Station. QTST THE Get off at Sheepshead— Bay Carriage in waiting to take you the property a three minute ride. Mortgage Titles Insured FREE to 70% on 3 Years 5%. Go Down To-day Send for BOOKMAP to the Auctioneer, 156 Broadway, or man on the property. ReprtMntatirea «m the proper** to show> mi around this great dv 111n an City Hotel*. Excursions. Lots and Plots at Private Sale CONSULT THESE COLUMNS OF BOSTON. TITLE GUARANTEE POLICIES FREE CHARGE — DECORATION DAY BEFORE MAKING SUMMER PLANS HOTEL YEHDOME Cp tlie Picturesque Hudson. Any Hotel K«pre*ented Wiii Send Booklet or Information on Request BOSTOHCOjniOKTTEALTH AVENCE XK*t!=rslshf>d for M cUeotagc eppointments an« Newburgh, locatioa. Equally attractive to permanent and To West Point, transient gJ-«sta Perfectgaragequie^ e>:celle:*t nearNZAR* BTbt NEW TORK. c. k. green leaf CO. Poughkeepsie and Return >KW VOBK- Sommcr Hotel. Whit» Vtmrtaina, and COTTAGES. BY MPKRB DAY LINKSTEAMEK* "HBNDRICK NEW PROFILE HOUSE HIDSOX," -ROBF-RT ni.lON.' "ALBANY." Sale* .4 fant AND -MABY POBF.IU" Desbroa-iea St. 8:40, 9:40 A. M.. and 145 Frontenac Leavlnr '"> The Hotel r M W -121 St. »:00. <>\u25a0) >. M., and 2:00 also 31 Nassau Street, New York City. -\u25a0• TWO Offices on property, P M.; W. l"8th 81.. 8:-0, 10:20 A. M.. and 3 1,000 ISLANDS ST. LAWRENCE RIVER BEAUTIFUL P M. Eeturalar due W. 4X4 Bt 8:30 and 6.40 Proposals. P M. Oi heatra on each boat. Be* Suabt. Adv. OPENS JUNE 19. ! SUMMER RESORT 81. -SBAI.BI> PRO- A naca_a>tai Hotel, delightfully situated on aa !-'aad HOTELS IN THE WBBT POIKV. X T.. MAT '\u25a0*; ' -• »;•'. r!aas of to ttlplMa.t«. will be i \u25a0 tcr» .rt!'. 2 EXCURSIONS In the I^iwrence Rlvar. an »xcius4TS Business Purposes. \\ t»»£s !?«\u25a0 for fornlsl •:g a-'.-! :«i' !•? CHARMING natrcnace. Tl:e favorite water for IIMt« boat* aci boat Business Purposes. To Let for ciioekMSi, Joce^l. except Sunday to name points. Leave at) PURE PINE LADEN AIR To Let for Elsctric Combtaitton Gee and Electric Light Flx- Dally ntclcir Fldhlnit. » win* and aquatic spocti An •\u25a0 or the and ,*r draw- B'klya. Fulton St. cby Annex) S>; r>»«br yeiirs .-• . treaieJy picturesque r.liie-hole g-n!f <-ours« free to rue«t» «-!pata «• Port Ke»4 MARY rOY 1.1.1 . HOUSE vrrr.L AT •STEAMER S:0i; PROSPECT CHAMPLAIN.. PKOPOSALS bros»«s Bt., TV. 42d I. the __U-ta_t Office, Pcrenth Aferrue,. L'avtnir De 1:45: P.. W. \u25a0IOXTEB KUsJVD HEIGHTS. I. ! SEALED OeaeraJ's Arriving West Point \u25a0 P. M.. \u25a0 Tachtiny: <,«p«c-. A.\n City, twelve 123 th «;• 1:20 P. M. O»»ns Jure mi Golf, Bathtrc. COTTAGES Let M S«h N«w Tork unxil o'clock. pay Telephone To corner Street. for New Is St laTS IARE < Stations oa Morda- Juoe for turntehtna; cew wh'-re connection Tork made with Bureau :13 <-.-»a>. car- SMh J HAMPLAIN. L" rocn. . 7Ui ISK'3. Line Steamer "HENDEICK HUDSON." ExcurHon B. D. LANGWORTfIY. Mcr. CLINTON N Y. for tie -Jfohl an ,_\u25a0"•» tickets MadSw.- Booklet. COUNTY. t. boiler Naval -Clllris L*un<- Tork. 'are $100 Also ehole* when Iiln« of re- I »t asf*»w««' Bt fiaisf i«.fc--' Ne*- CpliJJts- any f^-.ore. or N. V Cent, train. or ROBT. MCRRAT. Mjr. Large and Small taraish«4 cpon application to this eflie*- turning by We»t £ntra.nc» to ien» win t>« Ptr. P.arasde!!. $l.l">. Parade. Public Buildings, etc. MA!*BArnrSETTS. >"ELSON" H HENBT. Tie Afijutai-.t General. 3. N. T. • FORT william I Brooklyn Brtda* i' HENRY HOTEL I Subway TRADE AND FINANCE ABROAD. I.AKK firnßOE. OFFICES May LENOX,ASPINWALf 5 WAKRKN COUNTY. N. T. 31st MASS. " ~ I J. WILSON. Mgr. I9t». J. r. Single en Suite recently or "\u25a0">.• 2natic:al acreements IBaAa -aith- HOTELOPENS JOE BTH. * A.It tortbin a odtd park on shores of t of Excursion Up the Hudson After Trust Bld( SS9 Fifth An. l»-o beautiful lak-s. OPENS JUNK a«TH IN THE Ulists of «*• United SUte*. tinder th» form 111 O. V- SEAVET.. Manas'r ia loan* to foreign s/oTemtcents or Investments for l!«(tnlfl-»nt BcanerT. Beautiful Drives. '"'healthful outdoor \u25a0:-.r\e. attractive social th« baiidins cJ railroad*, harbors, etc.. In those To West Point & Newburgh Invigorative Climate. Pure Water. IIXISTRATEn BOOKLETS Fatsußufratag have raafl« clear the necessity «f ol>- ' Finely Equipped Garace and fables. Fre» by mall on request to N. Y. o!fle«. 24J * coumnea. Villa Pltea for 6ale. T Fifth Aye. tatolcg of the stocks r»pre- r™^_ Choice / BOTH HOTELS tie official q-jotatloas nXWnFINEST RESORT I>'IW THETKE FAHOCSFAMOrs 4inde,r general •apeTTiaton and inanacemsnt EL£VAT&kS «Tlig tiese operatior.3 on the foreign bourses. Steamer |_£ »>f Delaware *Hudson Co.. owners. Through ' Pullman service from N. Y. City via D. A Tribune >I«cy on th« «inotatloni vi Ameri'-ar! loans ar« not ERKSHIRE HILLO U. K. R. % list? cf Europ-saJi exchanres- After the flotation Electric Light and cf the recent Argentiiie loan of 000,000, on*-third Homer Ramsdell BrRKSHIBE CO.. MASS. cf which was taken up rv Now York banker*. th» 7jbs*B« fe* F*AWKIJ7f ST.. ».«0 A. M ;WBBT PITTSKIEI.D. Jetnitor Ssrvtoa to li»TH ST.. BSO A ii Building Arpwttr.e Minister to Italyrenewed Mi efforts Betu.-Bißg Vwt« VKWBrP.OH. 601 P. U.: ebtAla .^tlag or. the Italian exchanges. This min- WEST POINT. 7.00 P. M THE MAPLEWOOD Open Bxtery 7>oy ister. Dr. gasns P»:'.&, has presented a note to the 154 Nassau Street Fcvermacjit at Ronj«s recalling tbo fact that th« Round Trip, 90 Cents MAY TO NOV. IST OPEN booklet,29THalso Auto Map. City Ha.ll in -the prices of the Argentine debt are quoted cnlr "n PINSEB EERVED ON BOARI>. 50c. Send for Road Oppoalt* Park Jtecw TROLLEY COVNECTS with ?tMuoer it W. PLUMB. tic Paris ar.3 London tschar.ges. and at BOM on 33 ARTHUR ago Newlmrgti lor OrtANGE LAKE PARK that Berlin, adding that years the minutes7 from 4oci to tbt» beaotlfnl summer of and two ride »nd NEW JERSEY. 'Srwr.br or Commerce of Milan had expressed Km rvort sna ajc-ineaient perk. Mnsie. boatluc tIM all modern attrs.tious. Renting Agent, Room 807 tnrpath;. -Kith proposal. He observed that Ercurslea ticket* from New Tor* to THE OCEAN FRONT. Apply for Terms to the Steamer.Ot»3«» aXONO adoption of the proposed measure -.vi.'. the more Lsie Part. 11.15. Tickets sold on MOUNTAIN LAKE the presence 5a HOTEL neoeasary in Italy on account of COOKS TAILS. NEW YORK. Argentina of hundreds of thousand* of Italian HOTEL TRAYMORE A model Bummer home; ancommodaiM S: newly enlarged: colenifts. DAY rebuilt and first class In every way; large. DECORATION City, N. J. airy rooms, with jiuro running hot and cold water In •' Atlantic •auh: 40 rooms with private haths; best of sanitary Real Estate Exchange. Real Estate. '- and I^uiurj. for I r SEASHORE wheat pit of the N" AT THE The Acme of Modern Hotel Equipment arrangements: fine location and surrounding!; private Tte recent Curries in the lake., stocked with native trout; boats free; Cos or- Tort market has-« shown more ti;an ever before ROCKAWAY BEACH. OPEN THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. chestra mi «.»a».m: -ianrlnp, bowline. *<•. Largo illus- building EsUbllsbed ISBT. Inoorporats4 1901 supremacy the United trated booklet on application. R.«naonabls rates waix^tToffice tha all over the world of TRATMORE HOTEL CO. V. Prop. have gone F,^^ A. FRANCISCO. Uxchanc* for Lonr Island acreage. »uitabl« tor s«.l>- SUtM In that line of builne*?. Price* S/?^r^ v&'\u25a0•"•' raS2O,WAgg4;30. 3 \u25a0•"\u25a0 Chas. O. Marciu«tf. ilitr V. 8. White. Pres't. dispatch's 10 30. :•':•'"• a M.. 1S:BO. 1:2'». vision. M-J«t bo free and clear or com* casS addad. RULAND & WHITING CO. up everynh're on the receipt of .-able fl-4f> 1:40, 6.00 P. M 12: HlKli'. Brooklyn SUtlon). 6:04. 8:». ESTATE •btmt the rises '•• Om American quotation*. The lAv« «FUtbush Are. ' * HEALTH IN THE DAVIES, REAL arti- 7:05. g;23 14 r.R 10:00. 10:41. 11 <*-J}-j 8:04 HILL TOPS J. CLARENCE »P«iof Zurop* end America contained 5O«, 2:44 S:l7. 4:49. 5.51. 6:1«. « ='. T:OS. 8:-<'. *ZL. of Ji. AYE. S BEEKMAN ST. NEW YORK. extraordinary night. HOTEL DENNIS Cranr*. sulllvac. Ulster and Delaware Counties. V.. U9THST. ANDBKP \u25a0*» sisßli.r th« II "The 9:45. 11 i.O P. M. 12:10 to in '\u25a0\u25a0 Subway trains direct M the th- cofcsequence The Interborourh. run ATLANTIC CITY. V J. ' BtTNGiAX/yWfc XSSSSCSXB", «wt««9M are nothing else tnan n?>bush Avenue FtaMon. _ 6ltust%d directly on the. ocean front, surrounded bT YORK, TVAI>Ft>RI>' ARTIST —^2oß ft thoe* Of New Tork and Chicago, Us» places •!« own spacious lawn, which loins the beach and NEW ONTARIO & WESTERN RY. XV views and plans: Cement Houses and Hi» to Bull! liherally appointed liberally Them- views and plar» cf 87 cement, plaster. concrete regulate pric<» grain in a!l PolntE In boardwalk. Most and con- SUMMER HOMES In n reg-ton of «t>(«tut« Apartments to Let. ?"Wcl» the of dected hotel on the New J«rsey Coast. Unfurnished h»ase>. Each SLOP post paid. RAfrORX> ARCHXTBCT- '*« An- J. HEAL.TH AT MODERATE COST. CO.. 178 Fulton St. N. T. world \u25a0»h*T»> there ii. trade in cereals." WALTER BUZBT- (100 FEET NORTH OP EAST URAL table covering SOU N D ST.. 760-76S bath, ; •«*«\u25a0 paper said, after printing a UP THE 2.C00 f»et above th* sea; pur* air. pure water, pure mil*.— iK«th st 5 4. ft light, airy rooms: steam heat. malaria, moiqultoei. Hours Tram New York FOX pl£ Inquire Janitors, on '-•• y«a«* fluctuations in the jrraln market in New ON Do no Three 'hot »!?£ wwP all improvements. recommended by phy«i<-iins: send 8 cents to ti« under premises. Country Chi'-ajo: may l-» *e^n. tli<» Increase nlgned. or call and get free, at nfrlcts below the SUPERB- _ Property for Sale. "^••n*! 'A« DAY HADDON HALL I HOMES," the pri a. York has had an immediate DECORATION LY ILLUSTRATED BOOK. "SUMMER of 140 « la New ATLANTICCITY. N. J. It gives •* list of Hotels, and Boarxjtag 1^ r i pages. Farms *S?K:s< in our country." Directly on the ocean front, with unobstructed , Hcrses, location, rates of board, attraction*. &C Infor- T^^e^^Att^^--of A. P. COBUR.V. oa pr^miiea. COLONIAL RIDGE view. Salt water In allbaths. Hot and -old water Bureau, 425 tlculare mation Broadway: K. Y. OT7T. ANDGLENWOOD In most bedrooms. Always open. B««kl«»t. IN NEW YORK—I4I.426, 1304 Broadway. 240 PORTCUESTER-OS--OCNT>— U atT!«UTXB SEAGLIFF • Ne»- Pier X Colum- Je*v- * recently in Mexico, in >, -NantasVef will -> LEEDS LIPPINCOTT. bus Ay« 27«S 3d 11l 125th St. 183 Bth prte#. "her« has been discovered »str.»r (near Hanover "W "ta \u25a0. 9 c: Aye. . A*.. West «'noire reat" plots, \u25a0• to Ticket West St. terries. raer- if un V 0«. offices. De&brosses and 4Sd Exceptional surroundings and tfce Bocatain ridge of Vera Cruz, » lake of r.n.w.v M. 66 Beaver St. Bronx Real Estate. t!«wi * foot 31st StT'E. Sewers, (as, r.ia.:adanilse ITMh "^hlna remote region of the leading house of America, is particularly - ; . by 140 deep. LocaUoa Is SEASHORE cdUNTRY PUCE. The resort i«r. 2=S ft front ft. new float, account of City's famous l ft Fcr Several sjefsa of land, with lars» manor houee. *ithrraall stones, which on RED BANK LIME. Iattractive durlug Atlantlo surnnier . d^raW: Immediate Island. <-.^nvsn!«Bt to New York; and s»- th* A tunnel JOSIAH WHITE & SONS COMPANT. Sen particulars apply to J. a !™~£lonHULL. Jr.. l.» j.Nona Shore. I»ti« treat density of tha liquid metaL season. o-te-sa-ga | "eßna and perb bathing beach: fcalf nil*from e»j>res» station: r»- * New YorV jTt^^.^,^,,.,^^..^^— country. A. E. P. OL mourtaln to the bam Red Bar.k. SS 2d Av-. jR-.r:cted: beautiful surroundins X.. fc!^»i!lbe cut through the ?> li»«-" £ «ly>. for Highland. - New York City. £\u25a0 flan" g Park. Y. Box 1237. of tie lilt* mO conduct th* mercur>' to a l'Ulll> ?ie y-^-'apc Trolley to l'" Branch. Aiburv FEXNSTXVAKIA. On Otaego Lake Cooperstown, N. ***«It trillbe gathered. The beautiful region mad-> famous by 'Tenlaiore Jersey. and perfectly ap- MUCH HOUSE:. \u25a0 Cooper." the Novel This new j Beat Estatefor^Sale—yew TOO V will open July of residence CbssCar ****: to th<* pointed hotel for its first season 12th For •-• •.•! reason owner corner on ruaeUn government has presented Instruction. D. trice, ! ar.xioua to 10 lanje roc-s and bath; all acquiring THE KIfTATINNY under the personal management of J. of Dwellings HSU Is sell: J foreigners from THE LEADING AT THE Private *^ttLsa bill to prevent City. HOTEL Anderson & Price. Ormond Beach. Fla.. and Bretton One Finest 14 , For Both Sexes Exceptional «„ Hohoken's& location: rooms. 3 *\u25a0* It is believed that this step has DELAWARE WATER GAP. PA. Woods Hotels, White Mountains. flshlnsr. t»st residential=0x100; up to ;""^ Properties. IANGCACES. and^a^ndry: plot fine garden; all "**? prompted by the fact that Americans have THKlIIK BEKLITZ SCHOOL OV Now open. Largest and most modern. Every con- boating, solf, tennis and excellent automobile roads. 'ib^tS ****•• Important M»dl«on Square (1122 Broadway* venience, Orchestra. Social diversions. Table sap- , ON "THE SCENIC TOUR." date. BONANZA. purchase the concession or the piled from own farm and greenhouses. Bell 'phone 92. 'i Price low to Quick purchaser A **• ! For booklet. Information and Automobile Road Maps, <* potassium ealt of Staasfurtt cad that Garage Livery. Gf> f. tennis, bowling, boating-, flahinir. Corcoran Manor; 9 room house: 'ibaths: unique ai Him THE SL-MMER. Write for Special Spring Rates and booklet showing address New York Office, Ho^en. N. \u0084 and design; cement exterior ;plot fsOxfOO; saras*. acquired ago concessions REDUCEDlUiU RATES L-VRISG Park, scenes, B'way 86th Street. H.. 61 Second St.. ment **"*•\u25a0* llnnt. a short time _;hril.r school at Asbury N. J. hotel, Klttatlnny Park auto maps. Klttatinny , H".ei Bratton Hail. and Jg^r£ Business compels owner to sell. Price $17,500. «**! within hendred rallea meets all trains. G. FRANK COPE. * Mount Vernea. X. T. Phtn»7Ca. mine*. Teachl^nf f-fanIP&M coach «VFW JERSEY TO THE FRONT." COOL£T WEST. Inc.. ** con- economic situation of Russia would be Agencies. WHTEK GHP HOUSE HOTEL KAATERSKILL [g XOff RtAOV F«>? PEinERV. *'-&ert&«Miy unsatisfactory IfJudged only by the School A MOUNTAIN PARAIMSE CATSKIIX MOUNTAINS. Country Property to Let. appointment. ! <> TO WUtl6a savings bank* of the empire. The TiF:Ac EK For those .•\u25a0'.•• seek the best tn location, peril! June 2*. Elevation 3,000 feet. Reservation* of j of the - nEiG? v A^l"**»**\u25a0 _; a>d T_Mch«n Tutors, rn;tr« etc, service comfort- Delaware Water Gap, Pa. Now by greatly de- "TmfrmW t— v !iGoVf*mtM6lt and rooms made *T»"«e in thowt establishments have op. ii Remains open to December.. Booklet and Auto : HARRISON <*. DOWNS. . RENAISSANCE cr vary- Maps. COPE- Teiep. 18«0 Bryant. City Property to Let. ITALIAN «*»«OLJSY WEST. Inc.. Vemoc N. T. >• \u25a0suite with or without bath Private Golf Courw. Musi.. nxcticutl VILLA INN Tennis, booklet MOFKATT &. PECK, s GLENresort, &\u25a0: For address Massawlppi Weal on b»autlJul 1 Lake. en» T. OR SEASHORE? Canada* Frcpg \u25a0 Broadway. ROCHE L MOUNTAINS ), 1ISO N. to Let. nlrht frcm New York and Boston tno change four hour* J I Furnished Apartments NEW FELHAJI ROAD. . . Tk« Tribune, froir Woetreal and Quebec; 200 giae»ts $3 and M per day; prtrat* residence, focrt*ta r=«at. '-^ Summer R«aort number of The up; Bowling FOR OUR ILLUSTRATED ANNCUNCE- T^kipEVT JUNE 13 TO SEPT- L SEVTEN- | Beautiful £*S*- e • i»«ek!v. 114 Casino Orchestra. Goli. Tennis. Number of The today FROM Ap- *tnext Sunday, \u25a0 writable mine of i* 'Eathiojt. Good Flshlnjc, Horsej. Boau and Cano«a. I WATCHmsat In the Annual Resort furbished: r«ftr«nce t^uured. *j• willbe brats BARON, rt-^r June & Itwi:i mtereat you. FORT OOJ*TCP-T "F ?w^aiarT^n* Park ara, fw to * Bookletf 5 A. IS Prep,. Ksrtb Katl«7. t-^- Trl*uM. £5y %nu 480 »»tJen rt2»rd«m wher« B» fer vacations. I liSwa-toi- «-«». Cottar Xoi*. ©fflc*. U£2 Broa4wM, \u25a0 ' **cfutt;yHluttrcted. t«a»ult ft. - Ji2£^-i^S^-SE JKotT