TOMMUNOMUS009808455B2 U TOKUMENTI UNITI (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 ,808 ,455 B2 Chuang et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: * Nov. 7 , 2017

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No . 12 / 746 , 968 filed on Jun . 9 , 2010 hydrogen or C1- 6 alkyl or together may be fused to form a entitled “ Combinations Comprising 3 - Phenylsulfonyl- 8 10 5 - to 7 -membered aromatic or non -aromatic heterocyclic Piperazinyl- 1 YL -Quinoline ” , which is a National Stage fil ring optionally interrupted by an C or S atom ; ing under 35 U . S . C . $ 371 of International Patent Application or solvates thereof. No . PCT/ EP2008 / 067225 , filed Dec. 10 , 2008 entitled Specifically disclosed is 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 -piperazinyl “ Combinations Comprising 3 -Phenylsulfonyl - 8 -Piperazi i lyl- quinoline (Example 16 ) and its hydrochloride salt (Ex nyl- 1 YL - Quinoline ” , which claims the priority of United 15 ample 2 ) . Kingdom Application Nos. 0724281. 1 and 0724285 . 2 , both 3 - Phenylsulfonyl- 8 - piperazinyl- lyl- quinoline can be pre filed on Dec . 12 , 2007 , the contents which are incorporated pared as described in WO03 /080580 or by the further herein by reference in their entireties. process described in W007 / 039238 . WO05/ 040124 dis The present application relates to new uses of 5 -HTO closes a further polymorphic form of 3 - phenylsulfonyl -8 receptor antagonists , specifically 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 - pipere - ,20 piperazinyl - lyl- quinoline as Form III . These International azinyl - lyl- quinoline , and to the combination of 5 -HTO Patent Applications are incorporated herein in their entirety . receptor antagonists , specifically 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 - piper Compounds of formula ( I) and their pharmaceutically azinyl - lyl- quinoline , with a second therapeutic agent. acceptable salts are disclosed in WO03 /080580 as having WO03/ 080580 discloses compounds of formula ( I ) and affinity for the 5 -HT , receptor and are believed to be of pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof: 25 potential use in the treatment of certain CNS disorders such as , depression , epilepsy , obsessive compulsive dis orders , migraine , cognitive memory disorders ( e . g . o Alzheimers disease , age related cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment ), Parkinsons Disease , ADHD ( Atten 30 tion Deficit Disorder /Hyperactivity Syndrome) , sleep disor AZ ders ( including disturbances of Circadian rhythm ) , feeding (R2 ) m u disorders such as anorexia and bulimia , panic attacks , with N drawal from drug abuse such as cocaine , ethanol, nicotine and benzodiazepines, schizophrenia ( in particular cognitive - R deficits of schizophrenia ), stroke and also disorders associ ated with spinal trauma and / or head injury such as hydro ( R ) cephalus. WO03 /080580 also discloses that Compounds of formula (I ) and their pharmaceutically acceptable salts are expected to be of use in the treatment of certain GI (gas RS 40 trointestinal) disorders such as IBS ( Irritable Bowel Syn drome) and in the treatment of obesity . wherein : It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that the R and R² independently represent hydrogen or C1- 6 alkyl term cognitive memory disorders includes other neurode or R is linked to R² to form a group (CH2 ) 2, ( CH2) 2 or generative disorders associated with dementia , e. g . VaD (CH ) ; 45 ( Vascular Dementia ) , DLB ( dementia with Lewy Bodies ) , R , R4 and R independently represent hydrogen , halogen , Mixed AD + CVD ( Alzheimer' s Disease and Cardiovascular cyano , CF3, CF , 0 , C - , alkyl, C - alkoxy, C . Disease ) and HD ( Huntingdon ' s Disease ) . alkanoyl or a group CONROR "; US2007 /0167431 and W007 /087151 (both Wyeth ) dis Ró and R7 independently represent hydrogen or C1- 6 alkyl close a method for the treatment of a cognitive disorder such or together may be fused to form a 5 - to 7 -membered 50 as Alzheimer 's disease in a patient in need thereof which aromatic or non - aromatic heterocyclic ring optionally inter- comprises providing to said patient a therapeutically effec rupted by an O or S atom ; tive amount of a combination of an acetylcholinesterase m represents an integer from 1 to 4 , such that when m is inhibitor and a 5 -HT receptor antagonist . an integer greater than 1 , two R² groups may instead be US2007 /0167431 discloses that the acetylcholinesterase linked to form a group CH2, (CH2 ) 2 or (CH2 ) 3; 55 inhibitors suitable for use are donepezil ( i. e . AriceptTM n represents an integer from 1 to 3 ; manufactured by Pfizer ), galanthamine (i . e . RazadyneTM , p represents 1 or 2 ; manufactured by Johnson and Johnson ) , rivastigmine (i . e . A represents a group -- Art or — Ar ’ Arº ; ExelonTM , manufactured by Novartis ) or any other com Art, Ar ’ and Ar independently represent an aryl group or pounds known to inhibit acetylcholinesterase . A number of a heteroaryl group , both of which may be optionally sub - 60 patent applications were cited therein which disclosed stituted by one or more ( e . g . 1 , 2 or 3 ) substituents which 5 -HT6 antagonists suitable for use . Furthermore the follow may be the same or different, and which are selected from ing 5HT6 compounds were listed by name, 3 - ( 1 -naphthyl the group consisting of halogen , hydroxy, cyano , nitro , sulfonyl) -5 -piperazin - lyl- 1H - indazole , N , N -dimethyl - 3 - { 3 trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy , C1- 6 alkyl, trifluorometh - (1 -naphthylsulphonyl ) - 1H - indazol- 5 -yl ] oxy } propan - 1 anesulfonyloxy , pentafluoroethyl , C1- 6 alkoxy, ary1C1- 6 65 amine , ( 2 - { [ 3 - ( 1 -naphthylsulphonyl ) - 1H - indazol- 7 - yl] alkoxy , C1- 6 alkylthio , C1- 6 alkoxyC1- 6 alkyl, C3- 7 oxy } ethyl )amine , 1 - (phenylsulphonyl ) - 4 - ( 1 -piperazinyl ) cycloalky1C1- 6 alkoxy, C1- 6 alkanoyl, C1- 6 alkoxycarbonyl , 1H - indazole , 5 -chloro -N -[ 4 -methoxy -3 - (1 -piperazinyl ) US 9 ,808 ,455 B2 phenyl] - 3 -methylbenzo (b ) thiophene- 2 - sulfonamide (SB cally acceptable salt thereof and a second therapeutic agent 271046 ) , 4 - amino - N - [ 2 , 6 -bis (methylamino )pyrimidin - 4 -yl ] selected from donepezil , rivastigmine , tetrahydroaminoacri benzenesulfonamide (Ro 04 -6790 , 4 -amino - N -[ 2 ,6 -bis dine, memantine, galantamine , 6 - [ ( 3 - cyclobutyl- 2 , 3 ,4 , 5 - tet (methylamino )pyridin - 4 - y ]benzenesulfonamide (Ro rahydro - 1H - 3 - benzazepin - 7 -yl ) oxy ] - N -methyl - 3 -pyridin 63 -0563 ) , SB357134 , SB399885 , GSK - 742457 , 5 ecarboxamide hydrochloride or 1 - 6 - [ ( 3 - cyclobutyl- 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 LY4833518 / SGS - 518 , Ro43 -68554 and PRX -07034 . tetrahydro -1H -3 -benzazepin - 7 -yl ) oxy ] -3 -pyridinyl ) - 2 The present invention provides the combination of a pyrrolidinone . 5 -HT , receptor antagonist , specifically 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 piperazinyl- lyl- quinoline or a pharmaceutically acceptable At a mechanistic level, pharmacodynamic interactions salt thereof, with a second therapeutic agent. In one embodi- 10 between an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and a 5HT, recep ment the present invention provides a combination of 3 - phe tor antagonist are feasible . In preclinical studies in rats nylsulfonyl- 8 - piperazinyl - lyl - quinoline or a pharmaceuti 3 - phenylsulfonyl- 8 -piperazinyl - lyl - quinoline induces a cally acceptable salt thereof with a therapeutic agent known small increase in the extra cellular levels of acetylcholine in to modify cholinergic transmission such as M1muscarinic the prefrontal cortex . Although the underlying mechanism is receptor agonists or allosteric modulators, M2 muscarinic 15 Sstill unknown , it is likely due to increases in the release of antagonists, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors , nicotinic recep acetylcholine from cholinergic neurons, On the other hand , tor agonists or allosteric modulators , 5 -HT4 receptor partial donepezil increases the extracellular levels of acetylcholine agonists or 5HT1A receptor antagonists and NMDA receptor by inhibiting the acetylcholinesterase to reduce the degra antagonists or modulators , glutamate antagonists , GABA dation of acetylcholine . Therefore this action may prevent ergic antagonists , H3 antagonists , putative metabolic /mito - 20 the degradation of acetylcholine induced by 3 - phenylsulfo chondrialmodulators , or disease modifying agents such as B nyl- 8 - piperazinyl- lyl- quinoline resulting in a net increased or y - secretase inhibitors, Tau - targeted therapeutics , ß - amy level of acetylcholine that may influence cognitive func loid aggregation inhibitors and ß - amyloid immunotherapies . tions. Examples of putative metabolic /mitochondrial modula In another embodiment the present invention provides a tors are KetasynTM , RSG - XR , intranasal insulin and Dime- os25 combination of 3 - phenylsulfonyl- 8 -piperazinyl - lyl- quino bon . line or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof with an Examples of B -amyloid aggregation inhibitors and antidepressant, for example a tricyclic , a MAOI (Monoam B - amyloid immunotherapies include PBT2 (Prana Biotech ine oxidase inhibitor) a SSRI ( Selective Serotonin Reuptake nology ) , ELND005 /AZD - 103 (Elan and Transition Thera Inhibitor) , a SNRI (Serotonin and Noradrenaline Reuptake peutics ), Gammagard / IGIV (Baxter International) , mono - 30 Inhibitor ) or a NaSSA ( noradrenergeric and specific sero clonal antibody LY2062430 ( Eli Lilly ) , and bapineuzumab tonergic antidepressant) . Examples of specific antidepres (Wyeth / Elan ) . sant compounds are described below . Examples of Tau -targeted therapeutics include tetrameth ylthionine chloride (REMBERTM , TauRX ) and AL - 108 ( A1 lon ). Trade name Group This combination may be useful in the treatment of Tryptizol Tricyclic Anafranil Tricyclic cognitive memory disorders , for example Alzheimer' s dis Citalopram Cipramil SSRI ease , age related cognitive decline and mild cognitive Prothiaden Tricyclic impairment, neurodegenerative disorders for example Sinequan Tricyclic dementia including vascular dementia ( VaD ) , dementia with 40 Fluoxetine Prozac SSRI Tofranil Tricyclic Lewy Bodies (DLB ), Alzheimer ' s Disease and Cardiovas Gamanil Tricyclic cular Disease (Mixed AD + CVD ) and Huntingdon ' s Disease Zispin NaSSA ( HD ) . Moclobemide Manerix MAOI Accordingly the present invention also provides a method Allegron Tricyclic for the treatment of cognitive memory disorders , for 45 Paroxetine Seroxat SSRI Phenelzine Nardil MAOI example Alzheimer ' s disease , age related cognitive decline Reboxetine Edronax SNRI and mild cognitive impairment, neurodegenerative disorders Sertraline Lustral SSRI for example dementia including vascular dementia ( VaD ), Tranylcypromine Parnate ???? dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB ) , Alzheimer ' s Disease Molipaxin Tricyclic - related and Cardiovascular Disease (Mixed AD + CVD ) and 50 Venlafaxine Efexor SNRI Huntingdon ' s Disease ( HD ) in a patient in need thereof which comprises providing to said patient a therapeutically In a further embodiment the present invention provides a effective amount of a combination of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 - combination of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 -piperazinyl - lyl- quino piperazinyl- 1 yl- quinoline or a pharmaceutically acceptable line or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof and an salt thereof, with a therapeutic agent known to modify 55 atypical antipsychotic , for example olanzapine , clozapine , cholinergic transmission such as M1 muscarinic receptor prisperidone , quentiapine , aripriprazole or paliperiden . agonists or allosteric modulators , M2 muscarinic antago - This combination may be useful in the treatment of nists , acetylcholinesterase inhibitors , nicotinic receptor ago schizophrenia . Accordingly, in yet another aspect the present nists or allosteric modulators, 5 -HT4 receptor partial ago - invention provides a method for the treatment of schizo nists or 5HT1A receptor antagonists and NMDA receptor 60 phrenia in a patient in need thereof which comprises pro antagonists or modulators , glutamate antagonists, GABA - viding to said patient a therapeutically effective amount of a ergic antagonists , H3 antagonists , putative metabolic /mito - combination of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 - piperazinyl - lyl- quino chondrial modulators , or disease modifying agents such as ß line or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, with an or y -secretase inhibitors , Tau -targeted therapeutics , ß - amy- atypical antipsychotic , for example olanzapine , clozapine , loid aggregation inhibitors and ß -amyloid immunotherapies. 65 prisperidone, quentiapine, aripriprazole or paliperiden . One embodiment is directed to combinations of 3 - phe - In a further embodiment the present invention provides a nylsulfonyl- 8 -piperazinyl - lyl- quinoline or a pharmaceuti - combination of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 -piperazinyl - lyl - quino US 9 ,808 ,455 B2 5 line or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof and a decrease the physical symptoms associated with PTSD , e. g . second therapeutic agent suitable for use in Attention Deficit clonidine (Catapres ), guaneficine ( Tenex ), and propranolol ; Disorders /Hyperactivity Syndrome, e . g . methylphenidate mood stabilizers such as lamotrigine (Lamictal ) , tiagabine (Ritalin ) or dexamfetamine (Dexedrine ) . (Gabitril ) , divalproex sodium (Depakote ) ; monoamine In a further aspect the present invention also provides the 5 oxadazine inhibitors , phenelzine (Nardil ) ; antiadrenergic use of a combination of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 -piperazinyl - lyl- agents , e . g . clonidine (Catapres ), propanolol ( Inderal) and quinoline or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof and guanfacine ( Tenex ) , mood stabilizers that are also antipsy a second therapeutic agent in the manufacture of a medica chotics , like (Risperdal ) , olanzapine (Zyprexa ), ment for use in the treatment of the above disorders . and (Seroquel ) . Accordingly , in one embodiment the present invention 10 In respect of the treatment of MS, the second therapeutic provides the use of a combination of 3 - phenylsulfonyl- 8 - agent may be selected from : steroids , e . g . methylpredniso piperazinyl - lyl - quinoline or a pharmaceutically acceptable lone ( e . g . Depo -Medrone ) , prednisone , dexamethasone dis salt thereof with a therapeutic agent known to modify ease - modifying agents e . g . interferon beta - la ( Avonex or cholinergic transmission such as Mi muscarinic receptor Rebif) , interferon beta - 1b (Betaferon ), glatiramer acetate agonists or allosteric modulators , M2 muscarinic antago - 15 (Copaxone ) injections or mitoxantrone (Novantrone ) ; symp nists , acetylcholinesterase inhibitors , nicotinic receptor ago - tomatic agents e . g . Muscle Relaxants (Baclofen , Dantrolene , nists or allosteric modulators , 5 -HT4 receptor partial ago Tizanidine , Cyclobenzaprine , Clonazepam , Diazepam ) ; nists or 5HT1A receptor antagonists and NMDA receptor Anticholinergics (Propantheline , Tolterodine Dicyclomine ); antagonists or modulators , glutamate antagonists, GABA - Urinary Tract Antispasmodics (Oxybutynin ); Tricyclic Anti ergic antagonists , H3 antagonists , putative metabolic /mito - 20 depressants ( Amitriptyline, Imipramine ) ; Antidiuretic Hor chondrial modulators , or disease modifying agents such as ß mone ( desmopressin and desmopressin acetate ) ; Anticon or y - secretase inhibitors, Tau - targeted therapeutics, B -amy - vulsants (carbamazepine , phenytoin , acetazolamide , loid aggregation inhibitors and B - amyloid immunotherapies , lamotrigine ); Central Nervous System ( pemo in the manufacture of a medicament for use in the treatment line ) ; Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs ) ( cit of cognitive memory disorders , for example Alzheimer ' s 25 alopram , fluoxetine , paroxetine , sertraline ) ; Non - Steroidal disease, age related cognitive decline and mild cognitive Anti -Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS ) ( ibuprofen , naproxen , impairment, neurodegenerative disorders for example ketoprofen ); and Phosphodiesterase - 5 Inhibitors (sildenafil , dementia including vascular dementia (VaD ) , dementia with tadalafil , vardenafil ) . Lewy Bodies (DLB ) , Alzheimer' s Disease and Cardiovas - Additionally the second therapeutic agent for use in the cular Disease (Mixed AD + CVD ) and Huntingdon ' s Disease 30 treatmentof MS or its associated symptomsmay be selected (HD ). from an H3 receptor antagonist, 6 - [ ( 3 - cyclobutyl- 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 In another embodiment the present invention provides the tetrahydro - 1H - 3 -benzazepin - 7 -yl ) oxy ] - N -methyl - 3 -pyridin use of a combination of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 -piperazinyl - lyl ecarboxamide hydrochloride or 1 - {6 -[ ( 3 -cyclobutyl - 2, 3 ,4 , 5 quinoline or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof and tetrahydro - 1H - 3 - benzazepin - 7 -yl ) oxy ] - 3 -pyridinyl ) - 2 an atypical antipsychotic , for example olanzapine , clozap - 35 pyrrolidinone ; S1P1 agonists; anti -CD20 monoclonal ine , prisperidone , quentiapine , aripriprazole or paliperiden antibody therapies such as rituximab , ofatumumab ; anti in the manufacture of a medicament for use in the treatment CD3 monoclonal antibody therapies such as otelixizumab ; of schizophrenia . rosiglitazone ( AvandiaTM ) , alpha 4 integrin antagonist e . g . The present invention is also directed to new uses of firategrast , natalizumab ( TYSABRITM ) . 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 -piperazinyl - lyl- quinoline or a pharma- 40 Additionally the second therapeutic agent for use in the ceutically acceptable salt thereof; specifically treatment of MS or its associated symptomsmay be selected a ) further psychiatric disorders with prominent cognitive from BG12 (Biogen Idec ), an S1P e . g. Fingolimod , deficits e . g . chronic PTSD (Post traumatic stress dis an immunosuppressant e . g . Laquinimod , Teriflunomide ; an order ) ; estrogen agonist e .g . Trimesta . b ) non -degenerative disorders with prominent cognitive 45 In respect of the treatment post chemotherapy , the second deficits : MS (multiple Sclerosis ), post -chemotherapy , therapeutic agentmay be selected from : Aldesleukin or IL -2 post - CABG (Coronary artery bypass graft ), hostpost (Proleukin ), Alemtuzumab (MabCampath ) , Amsacrine stroke ; and (acridinyl anisidide ; m - AMSA ), Anastrozole (Arimidex ), c ) paediatric disorders : autism , mental retardation and Asparaginase (Crisantaspase ) , Bevacizumab (Avastin ) , learning disabilities . 50 Bicalutamide (Casodex ), Bleomycin , Bortezomib (Velcade ) , The invention further provides a method of treatment or Busulfan , (Campto ) Irinotecan , Capecitabine (Xeloda ) Car prophylaxis of these disorders, in mammals including boplatin (Paraplatin ), Carmustine (BCNU ), Cetuximab , humans , which comprises administering to the sufferer a Chlorambucil, Cisplatin , Cladribine ( 2 - CdA , Leustatin ) , Co therapeutically effective amount of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 -pip codamol, Cyclophosphamide, Cyproterone acetate (Cypros erazinyl- lyl - quinoline or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt 55 tat) , Cytarabine ( Ara C , cytosine arabinoside ), Dacarbazine thereof. (DTIC ) , Dactinomycin ( Actinomycin D ), Daunorubicin , The invention also provides the use of a 3 -phenylsulfonyl - Disodium pamidronate (Aredia ) , Docetaxel ( Taxotere ), 8 -piperazinyl - lyl- quinoline or a pharmaceutically accept Doxorubicin , Epirubicin , Erlotinib ( Tarceva ) , Estramustine able salt thereof in the manufacture of a medicament for use (Emcyt , Estracyte ) , Etoposide ( VP16 , Etopophos ) , Exemes in the treatment or prophylaxis of these disorders . 60 tane ( Aromasin ) , Fentanyl (Durogesic ) , Fludarabine , Fluo The invention also provides combinations of 3 -phenyl - rouracil (5FU ), Flutamide (Drogenil ) , Gemcitabine sulfonyl- 8 -piperazinyl -lyl - quinoline and a second therapeu - (Gemzar ), (Herceptin ) Trastuzumab , Goserelin (Zoladex ) tic agent for use in these disorders. for breast cancer, Goserelin (Zoladex ) for prostate cancer, In respect of the treatment of PTSD , the second thera - Hydroxycarbamide ( used to be called hydroxyurea ) , Iban peutic agent may be selected from : serotonergic antidepres- 65 dronic acid (Bondronat ) , Ibritumomab ( Zevalin ), Ibuprofen , sants (SSRIs ) , e . g . fluoxetine (Prozac ) , sertraline (Zoloft ) , Idarubicin ( Zavedos ) Ifosfamide, Imatinib (Glivec ) , Inter paroxetine (Paxil ) , trazodone (Desyrel ) ; medicines that help feron (Roferon , Intron A ), Irinotecan (Campto ), Interleukin , US 9 ,808 ,455 B2 Iapatinib ( Tykerb ) , Letrozole (Femara ), Liposomal Doxoru When formulated separately they may be provided in any bicin (Caelyx , Myocet, Doxcil) , Lomustine (CCNU ) , Mel convenient formulation , conveniently in such manner as are phalan , Mercaptopurine (6 -MP , Purinethol) , Methotrexate , known for such compounds in the art . Mitomycin C , Mitoxantrone, Morphine, Oxaliplatin , Pacli A pharmaceutical composition may be prepared by taxel ( Taxol ), Pentostatin , Procarbazine, Raltitrexed ( Tomu- 5 admixture , suitably at ambient temperature and atmospheric dex ), Rituximab (Mabthera ) , Sodium clodronate (Bonefos , pressure , and is usually adapted for oral , parenteral or rectal Loron ), Streptozocin (Zanosar ), Steroids, Tamoxifen , administration and , as such , may be in the form of tablets , ( Taxol) Paclitaxel , ( Taxotere ) Docetaxel, Tegafur with uracil capsules , oral liquid preparations, powders , granules , loz (Uftoral ) , Temozolomide ( Temodal) , Tioguanine (Lanvis , enges, reconstitutable powders , injectable or infusable solu 6 - TG , 6 - tioguanine, Tabloid ), Thiotepa ( Thioplex , Triethyl- tions or suspensions or suppositories. Orally administrable enethiophosphoramide ), ( Tomudex ) Raltitrexed , Topotecan compositions are generally preferred . (Hycamtin ) , Tretinoin ( Vesanoid , ATRA ) , Treosulfan , Vin Tablets and capsules for oral administration may be in unit blastine (Velban ), Vincristine (Oncovin ) Vindesine ( El- dose form , and may contain conventional excipients , such as disine ), Vinorelbine ( Navelbine ) , Zevalin (90Y Ibritumomab 16 binding agents , fillers , tabletting lubricants , disintegrants tiuxetan ) and Zoledronic acid (Zometa ). and acceptable wetting agents . The tablets may be coated Specifically the second therapeutic agent may be lapa - according to methods well known in normal pharmaceutical tinib , which may also be used in conjunction with capecit - practicepractice . abine. Oral liquid preparations may be in the form of, for In respect of treatment after a stroke , the second thera - 20 example , aqueous or oily suspension , solutions , emulsions, peutic agent may be selected from alteplase ( Actilyse ) , syrups or elixirs , or may be in the form of a dry product for aspirin , dipyridamole , fluvastatin sodium (Lescol ) , clopi- reconstitution with water or other suitable vehicle before dogrel hydrogen sulphate (Plavix ), ramipril ( Tritace ) and use . Such liquid preparations may contain conventional simvastatin (Simvador , Zocor ). additives such as suspending agents , emulsifying agents , It will be appreciated that reference to treatment is 25 non -aqueous vehicles (which may include edible oils ) , pre intended to include prophylaxis as well as the alleviation of servatives, and , if desired , conventional flavourings or colourants . established symptoms. For parenteral administration , fluid unit dosage forms are The two therapeutic agents may be administered simul prepared utilising a compound and a sterile vehicle . The taneously or sequentially and , when administration in is 30 compound , depending on the vehicle and concentration sequential , either may be administered first . When admin - 30 used , can be either suspended or dissolved in the vehicle . In istration is simultaneous, the combination may be adminis Prepanpreparing solutions, the compound can be dissolved for tered either in the same or different pharmaceutical compo injection and filter sterilised before filling into a suitable vial sition . or ampoule and sealing. Advantageously , adjuvants such as The two therapeutic agents may be used either ass separate 35 a local anaesthetic , preservatives and buffering agents are formulations or as a single combined formulation . When dissolved in the vehicle . To enhance the stability , the com combined in the same formulation it will be appreciated that position can be frozen after filling into the vial and the water the two compounds must be stable and compatible with each removed under vacuum . Parenteral suspensions are prepared other and the other components of the formulationlotion . in substantially the same manner , except that the compound Therefore, in further aspect the present invention also 40 is suspended in the vehicle instead of being dissolved , and provides pharmaceutical compositions comprising an effec sterilization cannot be accomplished by filtration . The com tive amount of a combination ofa 5- HT , receptor antagonist, pound can be sterilised by exposure to ethylene oxide before specifically 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 -piperazinyl - lyl- quinoline or suspension in a sterile vehicle . Advantageously , a surfactant a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof and a second or wetting agent is included in the composition to facilitate therapeutic agent , and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. 45 uniform distribution of the compound . In one embodiment the second therapeutic agent is an The composition may contain from 0 . 1 % to 99 % by agent known to modify cholinergic transmission such as M1 weight, preferably from 10 to 60 % by weight, of the active muscarinic receptor agonists or allosteric modulators , M2 material, depending on the method of administration . muscarinic antagonists , acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, Compositions may , if desired , be presented in a pack or nicotinic receptor agonists or allosteric modulators , 5 -HT4 50 dispenser device which may contain one or more unit dosage receptor partial agonists or 5HT1A receptor antagonists and forms containing the active ingredients . The pack may, for NMDA receptor antagonists or modulators , glutamate example , comprise metal or plastic foil, such as a blister antagonists GABA - ergic antagonists , H3 antagonists or dis - pack . Where the compounds are intended for administration ease modifying agents such as B or y - secretase inhibitors . as two separate compositions these may be presented , for In another embodiment the second therapeutic agent is an 55 example , in the form of a twin pack . antidepressant, for example a tricyclic , a MAOI (Monoam - Pharmaceutical compositions may also be prescribed to ine oxidase inhibitor ) a SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake the patient in patient packs ” containing the whole course of Inhibitor ), a SNRI (Serotonin and Noradrenaline Reuptake treatment in a single package , usually a blister pack . Patient Inhibitor) or a NaSSA ( noradrenergeric and specific sero - packs have an advantage over traditional prescriptions, tonergic antidepressant ) . 60 where a pharmacists divides a patients supply of a pharma In another embodiment the second therapeutic agent is an ceutical from a bulk supply , in that the patient always has atypical antipsychotic , for example olanzapine , clozapine, access to the package insert contained in the patient pack , prisperidone , quentiapine , aripriprazole or paliperiden . normally missing in traditional prescriptions . The inclusion In another embodiment the second therapeutic agent is a of a package insert has been shown to improve patient therapeutic agent suitable for use in Attention Deficit Dis - 65 compliance with the physicians instructions . orders /Hyperactivity Syndrome, e . g . methylphenidate ( Rit - It will be understood that the administration of the com alin ) or dexamfetamine ( Dexedrine ). bination by means of a single patient pack , or patient packs US 9 , 808 , 455 B2 10 of each composition , including a package insert directing the The use of biperiden may be monitored as a possible patient to the correct use of the combination is a desirable indicator for side effects of the antipsychotic medication . additional embodiment. In order to exclude the chance that possible differences in According to a further embodiment there is provided a the therapeutic effectiveness between the two groups might patient pack comprising at least one active ingredient, of the 5 be due to non - compliance during the antipsychotic therapy combination and an information insert containing directions or to differences in the antipsychotic agent metabolism , the plasma levels of this drug may be monitored during the on the use of the combination . study. According to another embodiment there is provided a The statistics may be performed according to the criterion double pack comprising in association for separate admin 10 of “ last observation carried forward ” (LOCF ) , i. e ., the last istration of 3 - phenylsulfonyl- 8 - piperazinyl- lyl- quinoline " PANSS scores of the patients who dropped out before the and the second therapeutic agent. end of the study were carried forward to all subsequent The dose of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 - piperazinyl - lyl- quino observation days . line used in the treatment of the aforementioned disorders For the comparison of the main efficacy parameter, the will vary in the usual way with the seriousness of the 15 mean change in the PANSS between the two treatment disorders , the weight of the sufferer, and other similar groups, t -tests for independent samples may be employed . factors . However , as a general guide suitable unit dosesmay With reference to the underlying hypothesis of a better be 0 . 05 to 1000 mg, more suitably 0 . 05 to 200 mg, for outcome of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 -piperazinyl - lyl- quinoline / example 20 to 40 mg; and such unit doses will preferably be antipsychotic agent group , a significance of p < 0 .05 may be administered once a day, although administration more than 20 calculated in the one - tailed t - test and used as the basis for the once a day may be required ; and such therapy may extend estimation of the sample size ( statistical power ) and for the for a number of weeks or months. comparison of the groups . For all other comparisons, two The dose of 3 - phenylsulfonyl - 8 - piperazinyl - lyl- quino - tailed t -tests may be used . line used in combination with a second therapeutic agent The improved effectiveness of the combination therapy may be same as when it is used on its own or may be 25 with 3 - phenylsulfonyl- 8 -piperazinyl - lyl- quinoline / antipsy different. It may be possible that the dose of either drug used chotic agent in comparison to antipsychotic monotherapy may be lower when used in combination than when used may be clearly shown by the significantly lower PANSS separately . global scores after the 2nd to 12 weeks of treatment. Suitable behavioural models of cognition known to the Therefore, it could be excluded that the observed differ person of ordinary skill in the art , for example object 30 ences in the therapeutic effectiveness between the two recognition memory in young Sprague -Dawley and aged groups may be due to incompatibility during the antipsy Fisher rats , WaterMaze model to investigate spatial learning chotic agent therapy or differences in antipsychotic metabo and memory in young and aged Fisher rats . lism . A suitable animal model for studying therapeutic drugs The combination of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 -piperazinyl - lyl against post- traumatic stress disorder is described by Aharon 35 quinoline and an atypical antipsychotic agent according to Levy , in Military Medicine , December 2001 . the present invention thus may show improved results A suitable animal model for studying multiple sclerosis is compared to the monopreparation of the atypical antipsy the experimental autoimmunal encephalomyelitis ( EAE ) chotic agent with regard to effectiveness in the treatment of model. schizophrenia . Patient Study for Schizophrenia 40 Depression/ Anxiety Study The study may be performed as a multicenter , double Activity of 3 - phenylsulfonyl- 8 -piperazinyl - lyl- quinoline blind , placebo controlled randomised , parallel group deter - in combination with SSRI inhibitors, vs . depression /anxiety mination of efficacy of 3 - phenylsulfonyl- 8 -piperazinyl -lyl - may be evaluated according to the following models: quinoline in combination with an atypical antipsychotic Porsolt test in mouse for SSRI/ TCA ( tricyclic antidepres agent approved for the treatment of schizophrenia vs an 45 sants ) ( Porsolt et al 1977 , Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther : 229 , atypical antipsychotic agent approved for the treatment of 327 - 336 ); schizophrenia with placebo . Chronic mild stress in rat for SSRI/ TCA (Willner , 1991 , For example , the study may be performed using a thera - TiPS : 12 , 131 - 136 ) ; peutic dose within the prescribed guidelines of Risperidone . Maternal deprivation in rat pups for SSRI ( or modulator of The patients may receive an appropriate dose of the 50 serotonin receptors )/ TCA (Gardner , 1985 , J. Pharmacol. atypical antipsychotic agent (defined antipsychotic agent or Methods 14 : 181 - 187 ) ; antipsychotic ) , and , depending on which group they Rat social interaction after chronic treatment with SSRI/ belonged , a therapeutically effective amount 3 -phenylsulfo TCA (File , 1980 J . Neurosci Methods , 2: 219 - 238 ; Light nyl- 8 - piperazinyl- lyl- quinoline once daily or placebo over owler et al. , 1994 , Pharmacol. , Biochem . Behaviour : 49 , 12 weeks after a brief wash -out period of earlier antipsy - 55 281 - 285 ) ; chotic medication . Gerbil social interaction after chronic treatment with SSRI During the wash -out period , a benzodiazepine preparation ( or modulator of serotonin receptors )/ TCA (File , 1997 , (mostly lorazepam ) may be prescribed , if necessary . Patients Pharmacol. Biochem . Behav . 58 : 747 -752 ) . with agitation , anxiety , or sleeping problems may be also Clinical Trials medicated with lorazepam during the study . 60 The usefulness of the compound for treating a Depressive Efficacy and tolerability of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 - piperazi - Disorder can be supported by the following studies as nyl- lyl- quinoline/ antipsychotic agent vs placebo / antipsy - described . chotic agent will be assessed using the following end Clinical Observations points — positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS ), A double- blind multicenter clinical trialmay be designed Clinical Global Impression score (CGI ) , AIMS, Simpson 65 to assess the safety and efficacy of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 and Angus, Barnes Akathisia , Calgary Depression Scale and piperazinyl- lyl- quinoline of the present invention in com cognition endpoints . bination with an SSRI such as paroxetine for treatment of US 9 ,808 ,455 B2 11 12 Bipolar Disorder , Bipolar Depression or Unipolar Depres 6 . A method for improving the cognitive function of a sion . Patients are randomized to 3 - phenylsulfonyl- 8 - piper patient suffering from Alzheimer 's disease , age related cog azinyl- lyl - quinoline, an SSRI such as paroxetine or 3 - phe - nitive decline, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia nylsulfonyl- 8 - piperazinyl - lyl- quinoline plus an SSRI. In one such study, an 8 - week , double blind trial , 28 5 associated with mixed Alzheimer' s disease and cardiovas patients diagnosed with treatment - resistantmajor depression 5 cular disease comprising administering to said patient 20 to would be randomized to one of three treatment arms: ( 1 ) 40 mg of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 -piperazinyl - 1- yl- quinoline or a paroxetine and placebo ; ( 2 ) 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 -piperazinyl pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, and a therapeuti lyl- quinoline and placebo : or ( 3 ) paroxetine plus 3 - phenyl- cally effective amount of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. sulfonyl- 8 -piperazinyl - lyl- quinoline . The efficacy of the 10 7 . The method of claim 6 , wherein the acetylcholinest treatment may bemonitored using the HAMD - 21 (Hamilton erase inhibitor is selected from donepezil , galanthamine , M . Journal of Neurology . Neurosurgery & Psychiatry . rivastigmine , and any combination thereof. 1960 . 23 : 56 -62 , and Hamilton M . Development of a rating 8 . A method for the treatment of a cognitive memory scale for primary depressive illness. British Journal of disorder in a patient in need thereof comprising administer Social and Clinical Psychology. 1967 ; 6 :278 -296 ), Mont- 15 ing to said patient a pharmaceutical composition comprising gomery -Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS ) (Mont - 20 to 40 mg of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 - piperazinyl- 1 -yl - quino gomery S A , Asberg M . A new depression scale designed to line or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, a thera be sensitive to change . British Journal of Psychiatry . 1979; peutically effective amount of an acetylcholinesterase 134 : 382 - 389 ) , and the Clinical Global Impression ( CGI) — inhibitor, and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier; Severity of Depression rating scale (Guy , W . ECDEU 20 wherein said cognitive memory disorder is selected from Assessment Manual for Psychopharmacology . Revised ed . the group consisting of Alzheimer' s disease , age related US Dept of Health , Education and Welfare , Bethesda , Md. cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment, and 1976 ). dementia associated with mixed Alzheimer ' s disease All publications, including but not limited to patents and and cardiovascular disease . patent applications , cited in this specification are herein 25 0 incorporated by reference as if each individual publicationherein 25 9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the cognitive memory were specifically and individually indicated to be incorpo disorder is Alzheimer ' s disease . rated by reference herein as though fully set forth . 10 . The method of claim 8 , wherein the acetylcholinest The invention claimed is : erase inhibitor is selected from donepezil, galanthamine , 1 . A method of treating a cognitive memory disorder in a 30 rivastigmine , and any combination thereof . patient in need thereof comprising administering to said 30 11 . The method of claim 8 , wherein the therapeutically patient 20 to 40 mg of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 -piperazinyl - 1 -yl effective amount of 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 -piperazinyl - lyl- qui quinoline or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, and noline, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, is 20 to a therapeutically effective amount of an acetylcholinesterase 40 mg . inhibitor; 12 . A method for improving the cognitive function of a wherein said cognitive memory disorder is selected from 35 patientP suffering from Alzheimer' s disease, age related cog the group consisting of Alzheimer ' s disease , age related nitive decline, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia cognitive decline , mild cognitive impairment, and associated with mixed Alzheimer' s disease and cardiovas dementia associated with mixed Alzheimer' s disease cular disease comprising administering to said patient a and cardiovascular disease . pharmaceutical composition comprising 20 to 40 mg of 2 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the cognitive memory 40 3 -phenylsulfonyl - 8 - piperazinyl - 1 - yl- quinoline or a pharma disorder is Alzheimer ' s disease . ceutically acceptable salt thereof, a therapeutically effective 3 . The method of claim 2 , wherein the acetylcholinest amount of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor ; and a pharma erase inhibitor is selected from donepezil, galanthamine, ceutically acceptable carrier. rivastigmine , and any combination thereof. 13 . The method of claim 12 , wherein the acetylcholinest 4 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the dose of 3 -phenyl 45 erase inhibitor is selected from donepezil , galanthamine , sulfonyl- 8 -piperazinyl - 1 - yl- quinoline or a pharmaceutically rivastigmine, and any combination thereof. acceptable salt thereof, is administered once a day . 14 . The method of claim 12 , wherein the therapeutically 5 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the dose of 3 - phenyl effective amount of 3 - phenylsulfonyl- 8 -piperazinyl - lyl- qui sulfonyl- 8 - piperazinyl - 1 - yl - quinoline or a pharmaceuticallymaceutically 50 noline40 mg, . or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, is 20 to acceptable salt thereof, is administered more than once a day. * * * * *