

BOTTOM LINE: When we stand with God, no one can defeat us.

OBJECTIVE: Kids will pray for strength with a tough situation they are facing.

KEY PASSAGE: 1 Samuel 17:32-49, David and Goliath

MEMORY VERSE: “I depend on God to save me and to honor me. He is my mighty rock and my place of safety.” Psalm 62:7 (NIrV)

SUMMARY: Superheroes usually have a nemesis who tries to stop them. Kids will learn that when we stand with God, there is no enemy that can stand against us.


Stand by our side, and give us victory!

In Jesus’ name, Amen


“My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.” Psalm 62:7 (NIV)

“I depend on God to save me and to honor me. He is my mighty rock and my place of safety.” Psalm 62:7 (NIrV)

LARGE GROUP: a hip-hop beat on the drums, and rap the memory verse for the kids, then have them repeat it back to you. Do this 3-4 times. See if they can do it the last time without reading it off the screen.

SMALL GROUP: Give each kid one word of the memory verse. They have to remember their word and then they all have to stand up and line up in order, so that when they say their word from left to right they will have said the memory verse.



ITEMS NEEDED: A wolfman mask for Wolf Girl A remote control Rope


CHARACTERS: Jake - A guy Wolf Girl - A super-villain

Jake is on stage tied up in a chair. Wolf Girl enters, carrying a remote control.

WOLF GIRL: Hello, Jake! Welcome to my underground layer!

JAKE: What’s that I smell? Is that… Is that Milkbone dog treats?

WOLF GIRL: Ha ha ha. Very funny!

JAKE: Oh, Wolf Girl, I should have known it was you.

WOLF GIRL: Yes, it is I, Wolf Girl, sworn of your best friend, the Purple Cape!

JAKE: What? Archenemy? Get outta here.

WOLF GIRL: I am her archenemy. I am the Joker to her Batman.

JAKE: Oh please. You’re more like the Mad Hatter to her Batman. Everybody knows the Purple Cape’s archenemy is Dr. Cat-Tastrophe.

WOLF GIRL: That feline fiend? Please! Do you think he’s genius enough to plant a bomb under city hall?


JAKE: No, but he is genius enough to create a ray gun that turns all adults into cats and all children into kittens.

WOLF GIRL: You serious? He did that?

JAKE: Uh yeah. Two weeks ago. Turned the whole east side into cats before the Purple Cape stopped him.

WOLF GIRL: Wow, that’s pretty brilliant.

JAKE: And still not enough to defeat the Purple Cape.

WOLF GIRL: Yeah it really makes you think.

JAKE: Think about what?

WOLF GIRL: Think that I’m really not cut out for this super-villain business. I mean whoopy, I built a bomb and stuck it under the mayor’s office. I can’t turn people into cats.

JAKE: Or turn ordinary cats into giant, killer cats.

WOLF GIRL: Stop! Okay! I get it. I’m not that good of a villain.

JAKE: Well, technically, no villain is good.

WOLF GIRL: I mean look at you. Here you are tied up. You’re not even afraid of me.

JAKE: Of course not. What do I have to be afraid of? I believe in the Lord.

WOLF GIRL: The Lord? You mean like the guy they talk about in church and stuff?

JAKE: Yeah, that’s the one. God. God’s son Jesus. The Holy Spirit.

WOLF GIRL: How does knowing God give you such courage?

JAKE: Because I know with God on my side, no enemy can stand against me. God will win the victory. All I have to do is claim it.

WOLF GIRL: A little guy like you beating a super-villain? Sounds like a David and Goliath story to me.

JAKE: Funny you should mention it. That was God’s doing.


WOLF GIRL: No way! God pulled that one off?

JAKE: David believed in God. Goliath didn’t. Goliath lost his head.

WOLF GIRL: Yeesh. I do not want to lose my head.

JAKE: Maybe you should give up the villain game, get on the right side.

WOLF GIRL: (starts to untie Jake) I could never be on the same side as the Purple Cape. I mean I just don’t like the color purple. But I wouldn’t mind having God by my side. Will he really help me to face all my enemies?

JAKE: Trust me. God is bigger than any challenge you will ever face!


ITEMS NEEDED: A night light

Do any of you realize what a powerful device this is? This night light has given children like you the courage and the strength to overcome some of the scariest moments in a child’s life. You know what I’m talking about. You’re at grandma’s house. It’s the middle of the night. Mom and Dad, they’re sleeping in another part of the house. You’re all alone. And you need to go potty.

There could be anything lurking in the hallway. Maybe it’s grandma. Maybe it’s something spooky. Whatever it is, you fear nothing. Why? Because of the night light. The night light reveals to you the path to the bathroom. What’s more, the night light shows you there’s nothing to be afraid of. That’s not a grandkid eating in the hall. Just grandma’s cat out for a late night stroll.

God doesn’t want us to fear anything, real or imagined. God is greater than any challenge or any foe we will ever face. If we stand with God, there is nothing that can defeat us. Whether it’s a giant, a bully at school who mocks your faith, or just the black of night, God will give us the courage to stand strong and win the day.

Do not be afraid. Stand with God, and God will give you victory!



ITEMS NEEDED: Plastic spoons Frozen peas A bucket

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose two players for this game. Station the players 10 feet away from the bucket, and give each one a plastic spoon. The kids will take turns shooting peas at the bucket. Shoot 10 peas each, and the player who gets the most in the bucket wins. In case of a tie - or if no one hits the bucket - go to sudden death, where the first pea wins.

VARIATION: You can create a Goliath target to shoot at instead of the bucket.

WHAT’S THE POINT? Just as David stood with God against Goliath, we can stand with God against any foe.


BOTTOM LINE: When we stand with God, no one can defeat us.

OBJECTIVE: Kids will pray for strength with a tough situation they are facing.

KEY PASSAGE: 1 Samuel 17:32-49, David and Goliath

INTRO: Do you know the one thing that makes a great super movie? I’ll tell you what doesn’t make a great super hero movie - the hero. The hero, their costume, the in their personal life, the super powers they wields, the gadgets they use - as cool as these things are, they aren’t the key to making a great super hero movie.

Special effects and music are nice, too, but as much as they can enhance a movie, they’re not the key to a great super hero flick. You may think I’m crazy here, but if you want a great hero movie, you have to have… a great super-villain!

Great movies are ones with big action, big drama, and big challenges for the hero. Great movies have villains you remember long after the movie is done. Thanos was a great villain in the Avengers. We saw early on how powerful and how dangerous he was. And how about the Joker? Is there a more frightening and dangerous villain in all the DC Universe than Batman’s archenemy?

A great super-villain is what really makes a great hero great. The fact that Batman can outthink, outlast, and outwit a criminal genius like the Joker makes him a great hero. It’s not the gadgets, or the Batmobile, or the cool outfit. It’s the victory that makes a hero great.

Some villains seem so big and dangerous, it would take a miracle to defeat them. Such was the case with a villain in the Bible named Goliath. Goliath was a Philistine, a sworn enemy of Israel. He was also literally a giant, bigger and stronger than any single man on the battlefield. When he called on Israel to send just one man to fight him, no one dared answer. No one except a young shepherd who believed in God.

READ 1 SAMUEL 17:32-49


MAIN POINT: Goliath was as big and great a villain as you could imagine. He towered over the battlefield, and no man stood a chance against him in hand-to-hand combat. David was smaller than even the smallest of Saul’s men. He was just a boy! What chance did Da- vid have against a giant the size of Goliath?

Goliath underestimated David. He didn’t realize that as a shepherd, defending his father’s flock, David had killed wild animals the same way he would kill Goliath. But that’s not all David had in his favor. David had something Goliath did not. He had God. David believed the Lord would give him victory over the Philistine, and God was faithful to David.

David shows us that you don’t need size or strength to be a hero. You need the courage that comes from knowing God is on your side. If you stand with God as David did, nothing can defeat you. The giant will fall, and God will give you victory.

DRIVE IT HOME: Now just so we’re clear here, the story of David and Goliath doesn’t mean we should go around picking fights with people bigger than us. Far from it! What it means is that when we are faced with a big enemy, or just a big challenge, we don’t have to run and hide. If God is for us, if facing that enemy is in God’s plan, we will be victorious. If we take a stand, God will help us to win.

The story of David and Goliath isn’t remarkable because it happened only that one time. It’s remarkable because it continues to happen. Churches stand for God, and people are saved. Christians stand for the hungry and the homeless, and lives are saved. Kids stand up to gossip, to peer pressure, to bullies who are picking on smaller kids. Kids can make a difference in their schools if they stand with God and claim the victory.

Fighting for God doesn’t mean using a sling or even a fist. It means doing the right thing. It can mean walking away from temptation. It can mean standing up and saying to your classmates, “Stop what you’re doing! This is not right!” It can mean standing up and speaking out for Jesus in class, in the halls, or in your neighborhood when someone challenges your beliefs.

It’s not easy to step onto the battlefield with a giant, but God is faithful to be there if we stand up for him. Are you ready to stand for Jesus? Are you ready to stand for your faith? Are you ready to stand up for the needy, the lost, the hurting, and the sick? God is already standing, and when you stand with him against these things, he will give you victory.

Stand tall and fight strong. Know that the Lord is on your side!



Stand by our side, and give us victory!

In Jesus’ name, Amen


ICEBREAKER: Who is the tallest person you know?

MEMORY VERSE ACTIVITY: Psalm 62:7 Give each kid one word of the memory verse. They have to remember their word and then they all have to stand up and line up in order, so that when they say their word from left to right they will have said the memory verse.

SMALL GROUP GAME/ACTIVITY: Lay a hula hoop on the floor. Have each kid step into the circle and become a villain - one from a movie, a book, a TV show, or their own imagination. Who has the best villain persona?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Read 1 Samuel 17:32-49

Who was Goliath?

What did David ask Saul?

What did Saul say to David?

Why did David defeat Saul?

Will God give us victory if we stand up for Him?


Give us the strength to face our own Goliaths so we can claim victory for you.

In Jesus’ name, Amen


ICEBREAKER: Who is the tallest person you know?

MEMORY VERSE ACTIVITY: Psalm 62:7 Give each kid one word of the memory verse. They have to remember their word and then they all have to stand up and line up in order, so that when they say their word from left to right they will have said the memory verse.

SMALL GROUP GAME/ACTIVITY: Lay a hula hoop on the floor. Have each kid step into the circle and become a villain - one from a movie, a book, a TV show, or their own imagination. Who has the best evil villain persona?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Read 1 Samuel 17:32-49

What did Saul say to David when he asked to fight Goliath?

Why did David go to fight Goliath with only a sling and some rocks?

Why did David defeat Saul?

How do we know God will give us victory if we stand up for Him?

What are some ways you can stand for God in your school?


Give us the strength to face our own Goliaths so we can claim victory for you.

In Jesus’ name, Amen



1. David’s archenemy in this story was ______. A. Saul B. Goliath* C. The Joker

2. Saul didn’t want David to fight Goliath because ______. A. he didn’t want David to get credit for the victory B. Saul was planning to send in Spider-Man C. Saul thought David would die*

3. David didn’t fight alone; he went into battle with ______. A. God* B. Saul C. the Green Lantern

4. David ______. A. killed Goliath with his sling B. ran away scared C. did a Fortnite dance after he won

5. We will be victorious if we stand with ______. A. David B. God* C. the Incredibles

SUPERHERO FAITH: ARCH VILLIAN 5 Simple Ways You Can Make This Lesson Stick With your Kids Superhero Faith Lesson 5


IN THE CAR: Ask your child what they learned about this week on the drive home: Superheroes usually have a nemesis who tries to stop them. When we stand with God, there is no enemy that can stand against us. 1 Samuel 17:32-49, David and Goliath

HANGING OUT: Make this week’s lesson real: Talk with your kids about some favorite movies and favorite movie villains. Who were they? What do they add to the movies you love? Ask your kids if there’s any villain they can’t face with God’s help?

AT DINNER: Here are some great discussion starters: - How did David defeat Goliath? - Why does God want us to stand up for him? - Is there a battle you need to fight with God’s help?

AT BEDTIME: Quiz your child on this week’s memory verse: “I depend on God to save me and to honor me. He is my mighty rock and my place of safety.” Psalm 62:7 (NIrV)

PARENT TIME: What you need to know: God want us to be bold, not timid. He wants us to stand up for God, for our faith, and for those in need. Ask God to make your kids heroes who stand with God and fight for their faith.

SUPERHERO FAITH: ARCH VILLIAN “I depend on God to save me and to honor “I depend on God to save me and to honor me. He is my mighty rock and my place of me. He is my mighty rock and my place of safety.” safety.” - Psalm 62:7 (NIrV) - Psalm 62:7 (NIrV)

“I depend on God to save me and to honor “I depend on God to save me and to honor me. He is my mighty rock and my place of me. He is my mighty rock and my place of safety.” safety.” - Psalm 62:7 (NIrV) - Psalm 62:7 (NIrV)


Have the kids cut draw their own depiction of how David prepared to fight Goliath.