Sleep Medicine Reviews (2006) 10, 19–31

CLINICAL REVIEW : from anxiety symptom to disorder Victor I. Spoormakera,*, Michael Schredlb, Jan van den Bouta aDepartment of Clinical Psychology, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80.140, 3508 TC Utrecht, The Netherlands bSleep Laboratory, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany

KEYWORDS Summary The DSM-IV-TR definition of nightmares—extremely frightening Nightmares; from which the person wakes up directly—is unnecessarily narrow. Other emotions Definition; (anger, grief) have also been reported in nightmares, and direct awakening from a Assessment; bad seems to be unrelated to increased distress. In addition, assessment of Polysomnography; nightmares is problematic. Polysomnographic recordings have an ameliorating effect Etiology; on frequency, retrospective measurements tend to underestimate PTSD; nightmare frequency, and persons with frequent nightmares may feel reluctant to Treatment fill out (daily) prospective measurements. For studying nightmares, it is necessary to distinguish idiopathic nightmares from posttraumatic nightmares, which are part of a posttraumatic stress reaction or disorder that may result from experiencing a traumatic event. Both types of nightmares have been associated with an elevated level of periodic limb movements, although only posttraumatic nightmares seem to be related to more and longer nocturnal awakenings. Nightmares have also been repeatedly associated with the general level of psychopathology, or the so-called personality factor neuroticism. Nightmare distress, the impact on daily functioning caused by nightmares, may function as a mediating variable. Several studies in the last decades have shown that nightmares can be treated with several cognitive- behavioral techniques. The cognitive-restructuring technique imagery rehearsal therapy is the treatment of choice for nightmares, although a randomized controlled trial with an attention control-group has not yet been carried out. Nightmares are more than a symptom of a larger (anxiety) syndrome and need to be viewed from a perspective: nightmares are a highly prevalent and separate sleep disorder that can and should receive specific treatment. Q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Abbreviations DSM-IV-TR, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, edition IV, text revision; IRT, Imagery Introduction and definition(s) Rehearsal Therapy; LDT, Lucid Dreaming Treatment; NREM, Non Rapid Eye Movement; PTSD, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; REM, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Rapid Eye Movement. 1 * Corresponding author. Tel.: C31 30 253 1116; fax: C31 30 Disorders, edition IV-TR, defines a nightmare as an 253 4718. ‘extremely frightening dream’ from which a person E-mail address: [email protected] (V.I. Spoormaker). wakes up directly. After a nightmare orientation is

1087-0792/$ - see front matter Q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.smrv.2005.06.001 20 V.I. Spoormaker et al. fast and the nightmare leaves a detailed memory are confounded by the same negative emotional ‘usually involving threats to survival, security, or tone. Their study showed that the frequency of self-esteem’.1 dreams with a negative effect (bad dreams) is a better Nightmares are highly visual and have a compli- index of low well-being than nightmare frequency. cated plot. Nightmares differ from night terrors At this moment the inclusion of the criteria since the latter phenomenon is not accompanied by ‘extremely frightening dream’ and ‘direct awaken- visual images, and orientation after a ing’ from that dream in the DSM-IV-TR are may take several minutes, while there is often questionable. However, research on the definition amnesia for the night terror itself.1 Night terrors should not only focus on nightmare-associated occur during slow wave sleep, nightmares usually distress and well-being, but also on characteristics occur during REM sleep,2 although nightmares can (e.g. sleep correlates) of nightmares and bad also occur during NREM sleep.3,4 dreams. For example, what if researchers found In the literature, however, definitions of night- that nightmares and night terrors have similar mares have differed in the use of two criteria. The relationships with low well-being? This would not criterion ‘extremely frightening dream’ can be imply that these two disorders are the same broadened to include other negative emotions as phenomenon. The same may apply to bad dreams well, since other distressing negative emotions are and nightmares. Correlations of bad dreams and also present in nightmares;5,6 one systematic nightmares with well-being do not tell us whether content analysis found incidences of 61.6% for these are two different phenomena or two different fear/anxiety and 38.4% for other negative emotions types of the same phenomenon. Yet, rather than (e.g. anger, grief) in nightmares.7 Moreover, direct excluding bad dreams from the DSM-IV-TR, a code awakening from a nightmare is not always seen as a should be used to differentiate nightmares with or necessary criterion (see Table 1). without direct awakening, and researchers should Findings on this awakening criterion have been clearly distinguish bad dreams from nightmares. conflicting. One study found no relationship In accordance with Zadra and Donderi,9 we use between direct awakening from a frightening the following definitions of nightmares and bad dream and associated distress,8 whereas another dreams in this review: nightmares are very disturb- study found that bad dreams that awoke the sleeper ing dreams that awaken the sleeper; bad dreams were more strongly related to several psycho- are very disturbing dreams that do not awaken the pathology and well-being measures than negative sleeper. dreams that did not awaken the sleeper.9 Schreuder In addition, we will distinguish two types of et al.10 found that direct awakening from a bad nightmares: posttraumatic and idiopathic night- dream resulted in higher Symptom checklistÿ90 mares. Experiencing a traumatic event may result (SCLÿ90) total-scores (psychoneuroticism/general in a PTSD, and posttraumatic nightmares are part of psychopathology) and higher scores on several PTSD—see section Etiology/Associated features. posttraumatic complaints. Yet, most participants Moreover, posttraumatic nightmares can also in this study—posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occur as part of a posttraumatic stress reaction patients—had both types of very disturbing dreams, without complete PTSD. Idiopathic nightmares are - questioning whether direct awakening should be a nightmares unrelated to a traumatic event or PTSD. necessary criterion for the clinical diagnosis. Recently Blagrove et al.11 suggested that night- mares (bad dreams awakening the sleeper) may be more intense, but that bad dreams and nightmares Assessment

Table 1 Different definitions of very disturbing Polysomnography dreams Polysomnographic recordings in the sleep labora- Emotion criterion Fear/Anxiety All negative tory yield a serious problem: nightmares tend to 2 (DSM-IV-TR) emotions occur less often in this setting. As noted by Woodward et al.,12 several studies have found a Direct awakening criterion low incidence of posttraumatic nightmares in the No direct frightening/ bad dream 3,4,13–17 awakening anxiety dream sleep laboratory—about 1–10% per night. The Direct awakening Nightmare nightmare artificial setting of the sleep laboratory may (DSM-IV-TR) influence the contents of dreams, as two studies found that dreams recalled in the sleep laboratory Nightmares 21 are less charged with affect than dreams recalled nightmare frequency was high (rZ0.92). The at home.18,19 major limitation of this study was that the A recent study20 tested whether the frequency of questionnaire was filled out after 7 consecutive posttraumatic nightmares would also decrease days of keeping a log—the fact that participants when polysomnography was recorded with an did not forget their nightmares could have been ambulant method. The twelve participants of the due to their log and not to the short-term study—inpatients of a psychiatric clinic for the duration of the questionnaire. These findings treatment of organized violence—stayed in the need to be further investigated. clinic during the 2!24 h polysomnographic record- One advantage of self-report measurements is ings. The nightmare incidence in these participants, that they can distinguish nightmare frequency from as measured with daily logs that were filled out for nightmare distress. Nightmare frequency and night- seven consecutive days, was 34.5%. The nightmare mare distress are two related but independent incidence during the recordings was only 8%, which constructs.24 Why this distinction is relevant will be was significantly lower. The findings of this pilot- discussed in the section Etiology/Associated study suggest that polysomnographic recordings features. outside the sleep laboratory, but within the psychiatric clinic also decrease nightmare Prevalence frequency. The best way(s) to adequately measure night- Prevalence estimates of nightmares in the mares with polysomnographic recordings could be general population vary. Nielsen and Zadra25 to conduct polysomnography for a longer period so estimated that 4–8% of the general population participants can adjust to the artificial setting has a ‘current problem’ with nightmares. The and/or to conduct polysomnographic recordings International Classification of Sleep Disorders26 with an ambulant method in the home estimates a prevalence of ‘perhaps 1%’. Bixler environment. et al.27 found a prevalence of 5.3% for night- mares (defined as bad dreams) whereas Klink and Self-report Quan28 found a prevalence of 8.1% with the same definition and questions. It is unclear, however, Retrospective questionnaires and prospective logs whether these nightmares occurred frequently are the most common instruments for assessing (e.g. several times a week or month) or various nightmare characteristics. Both have occasionally. Two more recent studies found a serious limitations. Questionnaires lead to a lower nightmare-prevalence of around 3–4%,29,30 reported frequency of both bad dreams21 and although one study did not clearly define night- nightmares9 than logs, most probably due to an mares but rather asked participants whether they underestimation of nightmare frequency via ques- had ‘nightmares’.29 tionnaires. This underestimation is thought to occur Different criteria or thresholds can be helpful in by forgetting over time—a daily log causes more understanding the varying prevalence-estimates for attention to be focused on nightmares.22 The nightmares. For example, Hublin et al.30 found that questionnaires used in the above studies had a 3% had nightmares weekly, and around 10% had relatively long retrospective duration: one month nightmares monthly. These findings were confirmed and/or one year.9,21 by a recent study (Spoormaker et al., submitted Although logs seem to be the method of choice manuscript) where 2.2% of the general Dutch for assessing nightmare characteristics (in particu- population suffered ‘much’ or ‘very much’ from lar nightmare frequency), one study found that nightmares, whereas 7% suffered ‘a little’ from persons with frequent nightmares were reluctant to nightmares. keep a log.23. Moreover, logs seem to increase More women than men report to have night- dream recall in general by an increased focus on mares;31; the DSM-IV describes the ratio dreams—it is possible that logs may also increase within 2–4:1.32 However, women have a higher nightmare frequency via the same mechanism.22 dream recall as well,29,33 which inevitably leads One study20 compared a short-term retro- to a higher recall of nightmares. In addition, spective questionnaire (past seven days) with a Klink and Quan28 found an equal prevalence of log and did not find an underestimation of nightmares in elderly men and women. As night- nightmare frequency when measured with this mares had the highest prevalence in young adult short-term questionnaire. Moreover, the corre- females, this cross-sectional study indicated that lation between prospective and retrospective nightmares may decline with age in women. 22 V.I. Spoormaker et al.

Etiology/Associated features consists of three clusters: (a) intrusion: re-experi- encing the traumatic event in nightmares or flash- Genetic factors and persistence backs; (b) avoidance of stimuli that could be reminders of the traumatic event; and (c) hyperar- The only published study examining the genetic ousal (e.g. insomnia, increased tension during 1 aspects of nightmares, a nationwide twin-cohort the day). Posttraumatic nightmares are part of study in Finland, has found a genetic influence on the re-experiencing cluster, and are one of the 10,39,40 nightmares.30 For childhood nightmares genetic major complaints of persons who have PTSD. effects accounted for an estimated proportion of A prevalence of around 60% for nightmares was 41 0.45, whereas this proportion was around 0.37 in found in PTSD patients. Another study found a adult nightmares. prevalence of 56% for nightmares in PTSD patients Interestingly, this study also found that about 80– who had experienced their (war-related) trauma 10 90% of adults who had had nightmares in childhood more than 40 years earlier indicating that, if not reported still having nightmares ‘at least some- treated, posttraumatic nightmares are a life-long times’. Although this finding could have been complaint as well. affected by a recall bias, because nightmares in childhood were measured retrospectively, two Sleep correlates other studies are also indicative of a childhood onset of nightmares. In a study with thirty Nightmares disrupt sleep34,42 and have been associ- participants with frequent nightmares, a childhood ated with other sleep disorders such as night or adolescence onset of nightmares was reported to 43 44 34 terrors, chronic insomnia, and sleep-disordered be ‘usual’. Another study found that about half of 45 breathing, although the latter finding applied to all children did not report any change in nightmare posttraumatic nightmares only. In the general frequency in a three-year-period (from age thirteen population, nightmares have been associated with to sixteen), whereas it increased (and decreased) breathing problems (asthma)28 and increased snor- for about a quarter.35 In general, nightmare ing.29 Gross and Lavie46 showed that dreams after frequency increased in girls and decreased in an apneic event were more negatively toned than boys. Moreover, anxiety at age thirteen could other dreams in apnea patients. An apneic event (or predict nightmare frequency at age sixteen. How- rather its associated distress) might induce nega- ever, of the six items measuring ‘anxiety’ only two tive emotions in dreams and increase the frequency items were specific anxiety/fear items, so it is of nightmares. probable that this ‘anxiety’ actually reflects Very few polysomnographic studies have emotional disturbances in general (general psycho- focused on sleep correlates of idiopathic night- pathology or neuroticism, see section Associated mares.2,4,47,48 Almost all studies focused exclu- mental complaints and personality factors). sively on persons with posttraumatic nightmares, These findings suggest that nightmares may i.e. PTSD patients. As PTSD is a mental disorder persist over a longer time, although the frequency characterized by a highly disrupted sleep,49 findings may change. Future studies should use a longitudi- from persons with posttraumatic nightmares may nal design to investigate this childhood onset; it differ from persons with idiopathic nightmares. would be interesting to address maintenance Sleep correlates of PTSD are not a focus of this factors as well. For example, several cognitive review, rather we address the sleep correlates of and behavioral responses have been reported to be nightmares, and in particular similarities or differ- associated with the persistence of nightmares as a ences between posttraumatic and idiopathic sleep disorder: cognitive avoidance (avoiding to nightmares. think about the nightmare since ‘it was only a Hartmann described one major difference: post- dream’36), sleep unhygienic behaviors (e.g. irregu- traumatic nightmares seem to occur earlier in the lar sleep schedules37) or conditioned responses night than idiopathic nightmares.50 Four out of (e.g. fear of going to sleep or returning to sleep fifteen recorded posttraumatic nightmares after a nightmare38). occurred in the first 3 h of sleep, and none occurred in the last hours of sleep. In contrast, four out of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) eight idiopathic nightmares occurred in the last hours of sleep, when REM periods are longer. Experiencing a traumatic event may result in Moreover, posttraumatic nightmares were associ- posttraumatic nightmares that are part of a ated with more limb movements than idiopathic posttraumatic stress reaction or PTSD. PTSD nightmares. Nightmares 23

This latter finding, however, was not replicated affecting GABA and acetylcholine (cholinergic by a recent study48 that compared these two types antagonists) were mostly rated as possible. More of nightmares and included a healthy control group research is needed to examine the relationships as well. The three groups did not differ on any of between pharmacological agents and nightmares these measures: total sleeping time, sleep-onset and the underlying biochemical mechanisms. latency, REM latency, REM efficiency, REM density, REM percentage, SWS percentage, and the number Associated mental complaints and personal- of micro-arousals. Yet, both types of nightmares were associated with an elevated number of ity factors periodic limb movements. Persons with posttrau- matic nightmares experienced more and longer Nightmares have been associated with anxiety and depressive disorders in insomniacs44 and with nocturnal awakenings—and thus a lower sleep 56 efficiency—than persons with idiopathic nightmares affective complaints in PTSD patients, although and the control group. Insomnia seems to be related the relationship between depression and night- to posttraumatic nightmares in particular, and mares was inverse (i.e. PTSD patients with post- might (partly) be a function of a process caused traumatic nightmares had lower levels of by posttraumatic stress. It has often been suggested depression than PTSD patients without posttrau- that a lowered arousal threshold characterizes matic nightmares). sleep in PTSD,13,40,48 although other studies have In other populations (e.g. samples with stu- found an increased arousal threshold.51,52 dents, healthy adults, or persons with frequent nightmares), small relationships have also been Due to the strict inclusion criteria, however, this 9,35,38,57–59 study had relatively small sample sizes and a limited found between nightmares and anxiety, nightmares and depression,58,59 and nightmares statistical power for testing the differences among 34,57 the three groups. Further, research is necessary; and psychotic characteristics. Not all studies have found relationships between mental com- future studies should also focus on differences in 60 21,24 the frequency of apneic events in persons with plaints and nightmares or bad dreams. Two posttraumatic and idiopathic nightmares. More- studies have reported that nightmares were predictors of suicide in adults59 and of suicidal over, sleep correlates of idiopathic nightmares 61 need to be studied with both objective and behavior in adolescents when controlled for subjective sleep measurements. The relationship other possible confounding factors. One limitation between periodic limb movements and (posttrau- of both studies was that they did not control for PTSD, although PTSD has been associated with matic) nightmares needs to get more theoretical 62,63 attention. suicidal behavior and suicide attempts. Moreover, nightmares have been related to psychiatric disorders (the higher the frequency of Drug-induced nightmares nightmares, the higher the likelihood of a co-morbid psychiatric disorder)30 and to the general level of Nightmares can also be drug-induced. In a review on mental complaints (general psychopathology).64 drug-induced nightmares, Thompson and Pierce53 This can be understood by the personality-factor noted that beta-blockers and alpha-agonists neuroticism—neuroticism and general psychopathol- account for 34% of the clinical trials with reported ogy are similar concepts (e.g. Zadra and Donderi9 nightmares as an adverse effect, a finding sup- found a correlation of 0.66 between these two ported by a recent review54 where beta-blockers variables). There is mounting evidence that neur- affecting norepinephrine receptors were found to oticism is associated with nightmares,9,11,34,64–66 most likely lead to nightmare complaints. although not all studies have found this relation- One limitation for both studies was that causality ship.67,68 There are, however, limits to the general- could not be determined. With the Naranjo izability of these findings: the studies mostly algorithm55 that describes causality as definite, consisted either of small clinical samples of persons probable, possible, or doubtful, almost all included with frequent nightmares or of undergraduate pharmacological agents were described as probably student samples. or possibly inducing nightmares. The only agent The type of measurement may also be relevant, described as a definite/significant nightmare-indu- because most retrospective studies have found a cer was a selective serotonine reuptake inhibitor relationship between nightmares and neuroticism. (SSRI-paroxetine). Other SSRIs—and dopamine-ago- It has been suggested that persons who score high nists—were mostly rated as probable nightmare on neuroticism are more likely to remember and inducers. Associations of nightmares with agents report their nightmares with retrospective 24 V.I. Spoormaker et al. measurements.21 For example, Bernstein and neither retrospective nor prospective nightmare Belicki69 found that the level of negative emotions frequency was related to any mental complaints or in dreams correlated with neuroticism when personality factors any more. Well-being measure- measured retrospectively but not when measured ments were more strongly related to nightmare prospectively. Yet, three prospective studies have distress than to nightmare frequency. The authors also found a correlation between nightmares and suggested that ‘there may be attributional or 9,11,66 neuroticism, so a recall bias for persons who confounding effects of nightmare distress on night- score high on neuroticism via a retrospective mare frequency and its correlations’. method of measurement can only partly explain However, when nightmare distress was con- the heterogeneous findings considering the night- trolled for, the frequency of bad dreams remained mares-neuroticism relationship. weakly but significantly related to anxiety, 66 Recently, Schredl has shown that the association depression, and neuroticism—showing that the between neuroticism and nightmares is mediated by distinction between nightmares and bad dreams is state anxiety. As opposed to the trait-like variable a useful one. neuroticism, state anxiety is an indication of the One limitation of this study considered the current level of anxiety/stress. Stress increases the assessment of nightmare distress with the (most frequency of negative emotions in dreams70,71 and frequently used) Nightmare Distress Scale by the frequency of bad dreams and nightmares.72 One Belicki.24 The response-format of this scale is hypothesis states that persons who score high on based upon frequencies. For example, responses neuroticism experience more stress and therefore to an item like ‘Do your nightmares affect your well- more nightmares,66 although the nature of this process remains unclear and needs more theoretical being’ can be ‘never, rarely, sometimes, often, always’. An answer on such a format is likely to be and empirical attention. 74 In addition to the method of measurement and confounded by nightmare frequency. The corre- mediating stress, another variable has been lation of nightmare frequency with nightmare shown11 to be of major importance: nightmare distress may thus be too high, and indeed, another distress. nightmare distress scale using an intensity-scale had a lower correlation with nightmare fre- 74 Nightmare distress quency. At least partly, nightmare frequency and Belicki’s nightmare distress seem to be tapping Nightmare distress21,24 denotes the impact of night- into the same variance. It is not surprising that mares (e.g. on daily functioning). Nightmare distress controlling for nightmare distress decreases the is weakly related to nightmare frequency24 and seems correlation of nightmare frequency with to be an almost trait-like variable with correlations to neuroticism. trait but not state anxiety73 and neuroticism.72 At this moment, causal interpretations cannot Nightmare distress has also been associated with yet be made due to the cross-sectional design of physical complaints72 and with stress-related symp- these studies—experimental studies are necessary toms.9 Blagrove et al.11 have shown that nightmare (Table 2). The concept of nightmare distress needs distress is a mediating variable for the relationships of to be evaluated as well: is it a mental complaint or nightmare frequency with various mental com- a personality trait? Is it measured correctly? And can plaints. When controlled for nightmare distress, nightmare distress be affected by treatment?

Table 2 Etiology of nightmares. Genetics Genetic influences accounted for 37% of the variance in adult nightmares in a large-scale twin-study.30 Trauma Experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event may result in posttraumatic nightmares.1,10,39–41 Drugs Drugs affecting the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonine, and dopamine are most likely to induce nightmares.53,54 Stress/state anxiety Stress increases the frequency of nightmares.66,70–72 Personality factors Neuroticism is associated with nightmares, but this relationship is mediated by state anxiety and nightmare distress.11,66 Maintenance factors Nightmares tend to persist through cognitive avoidance and sleep unhygienic behaviors.36–38 Nightmares 25

Interventions Cognitive restructuring techniques provide mastery and exposure by instructing ways to alter the Pharmacological interventions storyline of the nightmare—the nightmare-script. One technique is called imagery rehearsal therapy The last review on nightmares (1993)75 concluded (IRT) [23,85,86]. that cognitive-behavioral treatment is the treat- In Krakow et al.’s most recent effect-study [87], ment of choice for nightmares. This conclusion is participants (sexual assault survivors with PTSD and supported by studies into the pharmacotherapeutic posttraumatic nightmares) received two 3-h ses- treatment of posttraumatic nightmares, which have sions (one week interval) and a 1-h follow-up session shown a poor response to treatment.76 3 weeks later. In the first session, the participants In recent years, however, several studies77–80 were instructed to think about nightmares and to have indicated that Prazosin seems to reduce explore (and discuss) the possibility that although posttraumatic nightmare frequency. Prazosin, an nightmares ‘may be trauma-induced, they may also alpha-1 adrenergic antagonist, has been used for be habit-sustained’. Imagery skills were discussed treating hypertension. It may work through inhibit- and practiced: pleasant imagery exercises and ing the elevated noradrenergic levels reported in cognitive-behavioral tools for dealing with unplea- PTSD [81]. Most studies supporting Prazosin were sant images that might emerge. In the second pilot-studies with promising results; one was a session, participants were instructed to write down placebo-controlled study. In this study [80] Prazosin a self-selected nightmare that was not too intense significantly reduced nightmares, sleep disturb- (preventing too much exposure)—and to change the ances, and PTSD-severity (no changes in the nightmare anyway they wished. The participants placebo-group). In addition, Prazosin was tolerated could choose any alteration of the nightmare, and very well. It is worth noting that nightmares were told to write it down as well as rehearse it in returned when Prazosin was discontinued. In session. They had to keep rehearsing the new addition, these promising findings should be inter- nightmare ‘mentally’ at home and should not work preted with caution, since the sample size was very on more than two different nightmares a week. small (only ten war-veterans participated), and a IRT has shown good results in randomized con- larger study with more statistical power is necess- trolled trials, with effect sizes (standardized mean ary to determine the effects of Prazosin. differences) larger than one for nightmare frequency reduction after one to three group sessions [37,86, 87]. Accordingly, IRT improved the subjective sleep Cognitive-behavioral interventions quality and decreased PTSD-symptom-severity. Two studies with a longer follow-up (18 and 30 months) Targeting anxiety showed that the effects of IRT were maintained over a Several cognitive-behavioral techniques are effec- longer period [88,89]. tive in decreasing nightmare frequency. Monitoring One limitation of IRT considered the dropout nightmares, relaxation therapy, and exposure rates, which ranged from 25 to 40%. In one study, exercises decreased nightmare frequency and the the dropout rate was almost significantly higher in nightmare induced fear [23,82,83], although the treatment-group than in the control-group [87]. exposure has shown the best outcomes [84].In Moreover, the control-group of most studies con- the latter study, a self-help manual was mailed that sisted of a waiting-list group that received no instructed participants to write down the nightmare treatment at all: professional attention could after awakening and to re-experience it in imagin- have decreased nightmare frequency as well. ation. Exposure reduced nightmare frequency more Instead of a waiting-list, one study on IRT used a than relaxation-therapy (no reduction in the wait- control-group that recorded their nightmares. ing-list group). However, the high number of Although they received no treatment or pro- dropouts (almost sixty percent in the self-exposure fessional attention at all, even this recording group) was very problematic and indicates a group reported a significantly lower nightmare reluctance of persons with frequent nightmares to frequency at follow-up [8]. Although this reduction work with their nightmare-images just to relieve in nightmare frequency was smaller than the the anxiety. reduction by IRT (47% versus 72%), the difference was insignificant. One other study did not find any Restructuring the nightmare significant differences between IRT and combined Imagery Rehearsal. According to Marks [85],a exposure and relaxation in the reduction of night- cognitive-behavioral treatment for nightmares mare frequency, but this could have been due to should work on exposure, abreaction, and mastery. the small sample size (23 participants completed 26 V.I. Spoormaker et al. follow-up measurements). Moreover, it has yet to Randomized controlled trials are necessary to be determined whether IRT shows effects on evaluate LDT in larger samples and to evaluate its objective sleep parameters. A pilot-study with therapeutic factor(s). twelve nightmare patients did not find any changes The theoretical fundament of cognitive-restruc- on polysomnographic parameters after IRT [90], but turing treatment needs to be expanded, and the larger samples are necessary to replicate these finding that IRT decreases PTSD-symptom severity findings. At this moment, only one (uncontrolled) and improves sleep quality needs to be concep- study on imagery rehearsal has been conducted by tually evaluated. At this moment, IRT is the an independent group [91], although it showed treatment of choice for nightmares. similar (long-term) effects [91,92].

Lucid dreaming. An alternative cognitive-restruc- turing technique is called lucid dreaming treatment Implications (LDT). Lucid dreaming means realizing that one is dreaming in the dream itself. Lucid dreaming has A sleep medicine perspective on nightmares been verified by volitional eye-movements during REM sleep [93] and is a learned cognitive skill [94,95]. As Krakow et al. [37] noted, it is still a prevailing Especially, because nightmares can spontaneously view in the (mental) health care that nightmares ‘trigger’ lucidity in nightmares [96], lucid dreaming are secondary to another disorder (e.g. PTSD or may be an appropriate technique for treating another anxiety disorder). In this psychiatric view, nightmares. nightmares are a symptom of a larger syndrome: a With LDT, participants are taught to become nightly symptom of anxiety. This means that lucid in their nightmare through various daily nightmares need not be treated (and diagnosed) exercises. Nightmares often have a recurrent specifically. For example, Kaplan and Sadock [99] theme or situation (our own unpublished data state in their Synopsis of Psychiatry: ‘No specific indicate that almost all of the 135 participating treatment is usually required for nightmares.’ In undergraduate students with nightmares reported addition, the DSM-IV-TR has a separate diagnosis for that at least some of their nightmares had a nightmares but nightmares can only be diagnosed repetitive thematic content; on average 60% of the nightmares had a repetitive theme). Partici- when they ‘do not occur exclusively during the pants with nightmares are instructed to intend course of another mental disorder’ [1]. before falling asleep that the next time they will This excludes posttraumatic nightmares from a be in this recurrent situation, they are going to separate diagnosis and, as a consequence, from remember that they are only dreaming (a related clinical attention. This is a missed opportunity exercise is imagining the recurrent situation since an efficient treatment for nightmares has while thinking that it is only a dream). With been documented very well: IRT. IRT does not these exercises, lucidity should be induced in the only reduce nightmare frequency but also PTSD- nightmare. Once participants realize that they symptom-severity, while it improves the subjec- are only dreaming in their nightmare, the anxiety tive sleep quality. These broad effects of a may decrease. Moreover, they can perform specific nightmare therapy suggest that night- actions in the nightmare itself that alter the mares are a key-element of PTSD and may, storyline of the nightmare. As a consequence, together with other (REM) sleep disturbances, persons will experience fewer nightmares and very well be the hallmark of PTSD, as suggested less fear of nightmares. by Ross et al. [39].Itseems,therefore, Evidence for LDT is scant; only some series of warranted to diagnose posttraumatic nightmares cases have been conducted. Yet, they have shown and to include IRT in PTSD-treatment. promising results [97,98], although one series of Additionally, idiopathic nightmares rarely cases with systematic measurements did not find receive specific treatment in the general or any changes in sleep quality and anxiety measure- mental health care, although nightmares are ments at follow-up, just a reduction in nightmare highly prevalent and very persistent in the frequency (after one individual LDT session) [98].A general population. Around 3–4% have nightmares recurring—odd—finding was that for some partici- often, and about 10% occasionally. The percen- pants, nightmares changed and became less fre- tage reporting to never have nightmares was quent without obtaining lucidity. It is probable that around 30% in the large-scale Finnish twin-study mastery of nightmares and nightmare self-efficacy [30]. Although nightmares may be viewed as the are even more important than already thought. result of emotional problems, relationships Nightmares 27 between nightmares and mental complaints have why, for example, posttraumatic nightmares are been small or absent in the general population. often a replay of the original traumatic event. One Moreover, strong relationships and high co- neutral (visual) stimulus during REM sleep may morbidities with other mental disorders would not activate the nightmare-script—thus starting a night- mean that nightmares are not a separate sleep mare. The finding that cognitive-restructuring disorder. Co-morbidities with other mental dis- techniques show better effects in reducing night- orders are high for depressive disorders, anxiety mares than other cognitive-behavioral techniques disorders, and psychophysiological insomnia. These (e.g. relaxation, exposure) supports this view, are also separate disorders warranting specific especially since one study showed that changing treatment. Since nightmares seem to be persistent elements of the nightmare seemed to be the and since nightmares can be treated efficiently, it is effective factor of IRT [101]. even more valuable for professionals to diagnose Both approaches can be helpful in better under- and treat nightmares. standing the nature, origin, and persistence of It is therefore necessary to adopt a sleep nightmares. At this time, both of these developing medicine perspective on nightmares. Nightmares theories on nightmares should get more attention. disrupt sleep, cause distress, and impair daily functioning. Without treatment, nightmares persist in disrupting sleep via several conditioned responses or sleep unhygienic behaviors. Night- Conclusion mares should be viewed as a distinctive sleep disorder that can and should be addressed with In summary, many findings on nightmares are specific treatment. The DSM-IV-TR already has a preliminary and this developing field of sleep separate diagnosis for (idiopathic) nightmares; we medicine needs to be further investigated. The suggest professionals use it more frequently. DSM-IV-TR definition of nightmares needs to be refined since two criteria seem unnecessarily Theoretical implications: nightmares and the narrow; nightmares are not restricted to fear or cognitive-behavioral framework anxiety alone and direct awakening is not related to increased waking distress. Bad dreams that do not Surprisingly, studies focusing on the development of awaken the person should be included in the psychological (and physiological) theories for night- definition, preferably with an extra code for the mares have been scant. Some treatment studies have presence of direct awakening. introduced several interesting concepts that need to Polysomnographic recordings of nightmares get further theoretical attention. decrease nightmare frequency, but a longer adap- The behavioral view holds that nightmares are a tation period or an ambulant method may solve this learned behavior [37]. The best support comes from limitation. Retrospective questionnaires with a the results of cognitive-behavioral treatment studies relatively long duration (past month or more) lead showing that nightmares can be unlearned. More- to underestimations of nightmare frequency, over, the finding that nightmares are less frequent in whereas retrospective questionnaires with a an artificial setting like the sleep laboratory suggests shorter duration (e.g. past 7 days) and prospective that persons may have more control over their logs may not. It has therefore been difficult to nightmares than perceived. Of course, as nightmares assesstheprevalenceofnightmaresandthe are not accompanied by any overt behavior, night- prevalence of nightmare sufferers,butthree mares are a learned cognitive behavior. studies found a percentage of 3–4%. Nightmares Another somewhat more cognitive view focuses can be posttraumatic as part of posttraumatic more on the representation of recurrent nightmares stress reaction, idiopathic, or drug induced. Post- [97,98,100]. Recurrent nightmares are thought to traumatic nightmares are associated with more and be represented in a particular storyline, a script. longer nocturnal awakenings, and both posttrau- This script consists of a series of expectations. The matic and idiopathic nightmares seem to be storyline of the nightmare has been experienced so associated with periodic limb movements—a finding often that the person knows exactly what to expect that needs further attention. Findings on relation- next in the nightmare (e.g. in the same unpublished ships with other mental complaints have been study on nightmares as mentioned previously, conflicting, but there is mounting evidence that having nightmares with a recurrent theme was nightmares are related to specific mental com- associated with stronger expectations and predic- plaints and to the general level of mental tions about the storyline of the nightmare). That is complaints/the personality-factor neuroticism. 28 V.I. Spoormaker et al.

State anxiety and nightmare distress may function as mediating variables. Research agenda Nightmares can be treated with several cogni- tive-behavioral techniques; one type of these 1. The current clinical definition for night- techniques target anxiety (e.g. relaxation and mares is unsatisfactory. Studies should address desensitization techniques) and another type whether bad dreams and nightmares are focus on changing the repetitive storyline of night- different phenomena or different types of the mares (cognitive-restructuring techniques). The same phenomenon. Not only related con- cognitive-restructuring technique IRT is the treat- structs, but also polysomnographic correlates ment of choice for nightmares, with very promising would be valuable. (long-term) effects in just one to three sessions. 2. The ameliorating effect of polysomno- The mechanisms of this technique need to be graphic recordings on nightmare frequency further developed into a cognitive-behavioral should be investigated with an ambulant theory. In addition, the promising effects of the method of measurement preferably in the pharmacological agent Prazosin need to be eval- home environment. uated in larger placebo-controlled trials. 3. The associations of both posttraumatic and Nightmares deserve to be viewed from a sleep idiopathic nightmares with periodic limb medicine perspective; they are not merely a nightly movements and sleep apneic events need to be examined more closely, and these relation- symptom of anxiety, but a separate sleep disorder ships need theoretical attention. Other sleep that can and should receive specific treatment. complaints associated with nightmares need to be addressed as well. 4. More research is needed on the causality of drug-induced nightmares. The effects of Pra- zosin need to be evaluated in a larger placebo- Practice points controlled trial, and its pharmacological mechanism needs to be addressed as well. 1. Emotions in nightmares are not limited to 5. Randomized controlled trials with an atten- fear or anxiety alone: anger and grief are also tion control-group and a longer follow-up are frequently reported emotions. When studying necessary to evaluate cognitive-restructuring nightmares, bad dreams (very disturbing techniques such as IRT. LDT still needs to be dreams that do not awaken the sleeper) should studied with a randomized controlled trial; a be distinguished from nightmares (very dis- comparison between LDT and IRT should be turbing dreams that awaken the sleeper). helpful in examining whether lucidity during 2. Nightmares are difficult to assess. For nightmares increases the effectiveness of recording nightmares with polysomnography cognitive-restructuring treatment. The effects in the sleep laboratory it may be helpful to of IRT on objective sleep parameters need to have an adaptation period of several days. be investigated as well. 3. Both idiopathic and posttraumatic night- 6. A conceptual framework for nightmares mares seem to be associated with an elevated needs to be developed. level of periodic limb movements, whereas only posttraumatic nightmares seem to be associated with more and longer nocturnal awakenings. 4. The association of nightmares with neuroti- References cism is probably mediated by the current level of stress (state anxiety) and by nightmare 1. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statisti- distress. cal Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed. Washington: 5. Nightmares can be effectively treated with American Psychiatric Press; 2000 text revision. *2. Fisher C, Byrne J, Edwards A, et al. A psychophysiological IRT. study of nightmares. J Am Psychoanal Assoc 1970;18: 6. A sleep medicine perspective on nightmares 747–82. provides a better view than a psychiatric 3. Hefez A, Metz L, Lavie P. Long-term effects of extreme perspective. Nightmares should be viewed as a situational stress on sleep and dreaming. Am J Psychiatry distinct sleep disorder that can and should be 1987;144:344–7. addressed with specific treatment. *The most important references are denoted by an asterisk. Nightmares 29

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