236/R236231.Pdf, PDF Format 687Kb
_____________________________________________________________________ An Bord Pleanála Inspector’s Report Ref.: PL06S. 236231 Development: 973 No. residential units, commercial space, retail space, creche, community building, management suite, new road, 1,493 No. car parking spaces, pedestrian crossing. PLANNING APPLICATION Planning Authority: South Dublin County Council Planning Authority Ref.: SD09A/0149 Applicant: Shelbourne Developments Ltd. Type of Application: Permission Planning Authority Decision: Grant subject to conditions APPEAL Type of Appeal: First Party V. Conditions Third Party V. Decision Appellants (Third Party): Chartridge Developments Ltd. Electricity Supply Board Councillor William Lavelle & Senator Frances Fitzgerald Councillor Derek Keating on behalf of Cllrs. Catriona Jones, Derek Keating, William Lavelle, Guss O’Connell & Eamon Tuffy Siobhan Donnelly and Others (Combined Griffeen Planning Action Group) Observers: None. INSPECTOR: Robert Speer Date of Site Inspection : 30 August, 2010 PL06S. 236231 An Bord Pleanala Page 1 of 93 _____________________________________________________________________ 1.0 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 1.1 The proposed development site is located in the townland of Kishoge, South County Dublin, and is positioned between the existing established urban centres of Lucan to the north-west; Clondalkin to the south; the developing town centre of Liffey Valley to the north and the new community of Adamstown to the west. The site itself is bounded to the north and west by established low-density two-storey housing, to the south by the Dublin-Kildare railway line and to the east by the Outer Ring Road (ORR). It has a stated site area of 19.5 hectares, is irregularly shaped and is bisected by the Adamstown Link Road (ALR) which travels through the site in a northeast- southwest alignment.
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