Foreign Rights List — 2019

Diogenesest• 1952 Rote Kreuze Rote Filipenko Sasha Sasha Filipenko red crosses

Roman · Diogenes Daniela Krien Love in Case of Emergency

»The polyphony and »This is the one book »This is a book which More than 100’000 copies of the German edition sold so far the way in which every that I would like to hand engages with twenty-first single voice is being to everyone who wants century debates around # 1 on the Spiegel Bestseller List for three weeks led midway between to know something about notions of femininity and 25 weeks in the Top Ten of the Spiegel Bestseller List the protagonist and the contemporary German feminism, empathising Shortlisted for the ›German Independent Booksellers’ Prize‹ 2019 narrator constitute literature, the country and with an array of perspec- the special quality of its people.« tives on the subject.« this book.« Denis Scheck / WDR, Cologne New Books in German, London Burkhard Müller / Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich

»Few intelligently enter- »Love in Case of »Whatever choices women taining German novels Emergency leaves an make, whichever option don’t ooze relevance yet impression by giving they decide for or against – are not afraid of existen- an account of women none of them can avoid tial seriousness. who are looking for new feeling guilty.« Daniela Krien Fortunately, Krien has ways to be happy after Ursula März / Die Liebe im Ernstfall Liebe Die Krien Daniela Die Liebe written one.« classic relationship Die Zeit, Hamburg Rights sold: im Ernstfall Rainer Moritz / NZZ, Zurich models have failed.« Catalan (Bromera) Roman · Diogenes # 1 Bestseller Carsten Otte / Chinese/CN Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin (Beijing October Literature & Art)

Danish (Arvids) Love in Case of Emergency Dutch (Ambo/Anthos) Novel, 288 pages, 2019 English/UK (MacLehose) »With a simple style »A novel that shows »This is a touching and English/US (HarperVia) World rights are handled by Diogenes. that develops its own how much power there moving read, without French (Albin Michel) Film rights are available. poetry, Krien guides is in the female gender. ideological furore, but Hebrew (Keter) the reader through the And that is a reason with an incredibly exact Italian (Garzanti) English sample translation available. twists and turns of these to be optimistic again.« stance on everyday ex- Lithuanian (Gelmes) women’s biographies.« Katja Kraft / Münchner Merkur periences.« Norwegian (Forlaget Press) Melanie Mühl / Julia Schröder / Romanian (Humanitas) Frankfurter Allgemeine Woche Deutschlandfunk, Berlin Slovenian (Mladinska Knjiga) Spanish (Grijalbo)

Daniela Krien’s books have been published in 21 languages. FICTION Someday We’ll Tell Each Daniela Krien Other Everything Muldental

There are things that can be told straight By the writer of the Spiegel bestseller away, others have their own time for telling, Love in Case of Emergency: 3 weeks at and some are untellable. Cover # 1 with over 100’000 copies sold. The debut novel by bestselling author Bestselling author Daniela Krien’s short Daniela Krien. story collection, including a previously Coming unpublished story and a foreword by Summer 1990 and the border between East and the writer. West Germany has all but disappeared. Maria Soon will soon be seventeen. She lives with Johannes A country collapsed – what happens to the on his parents’ farm, in the ›spider rooms‹ in the people who once lived there? attic. She is fragile and dreamy, preferring to curl Every radical change has its victims, even a up with The Brothers Karamazov than go to peaceful revolution. Daniela Krien bears witness Daniela Krien Muldental Krien Daniela school. to the fate of a generation by telling stories of Forty-year-old Henner lives on the neighbouring people whose lives lost their equilibrium at a farm, alone. The people from the village are wary historical turning point. She writes about deep of him; he is surrounded by an air of tragedy despair and loss of orientation. Yet these to do with his past and yet he is a man whose miniature novels go beyond individual fates; Daniela Krien charismatic aura causes jealousy. One day a they sketch out a portrait of the people of today. Muldental coincidental glance, the next an unintentional A book about keeping one’s head above water touch, and Maria begins to feel a powerful and despite it all, about going on despite it all, about unfamiliar yearning that drives her into Henner’s surviving and coping. Diogenes house and into his arms. Diogenes

First published by Graf Verlag, Munich in 2011 »It’s down to the beauty and First published by Graf Verlag, Munich in 2014 Rights currently sold: Novel clarity of Krien’s language that she Stories 240 pages, 2021 has created something in which 240 pages, March 2020 English (MacLehose) many people recognize themselves.« French (Flammarion) World rights are handled by Diogenes. Maren Keller / Der Spiegel, Hamburg World rights are handled by Diogenes. Portuguese/BRA (Record) Film rights are available. Film adaptation in preparation, directed »This short prose packs a punch.« by Emily Atef (3 Days in Quiberon). Alexander Kosenina / Daniela Krien’s books Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung have been published in 21 languages.

daniela krien, born in Neu-Kaliß, East Germany, in 1975, studied communication, media, and cultural studies in . Since 2010 she has been a freelance writer. Her debut novel Someday We’ll Tell Each Other Everything has been translated into 15 languages. In 2015 she was awarded with the ›Nicolaus Born Debut Prize‹. Her novel Love in Case of Emergency was # 1 on the Spiegel bestseller list for three weeks.

Daniela Krien lives in Leipzig with her two daughters. Verlag © Diogenes / Maurice Haas Photo: FICTION Sasha Filipenko

»I’d like to tell you an incredible story. Not a Red Crosses story actually, more a biography of fear. I’d like to tell you how horror grabs a person out of One fights against forgetting, the other would the blue and changes their whole life.« like nothing more than that.

»Very impressive, but perhaps some other time?« A great Russian novel in only 280 pages – »Don’t you believe me? Alright . . . You know, from Stalin’s terror to the present day. about a year ago I was standing right where you’re She is suffering from Alzheimer’s, losing more and more memories. But once you meet this standing now. On 31 December. It was snowing, old lady, you’ll never forget her. and the 20th century was coming to an end. Per- Alexander is a young man whose life has been fectly normal, no unusual events, only a few more brutally torn in two. Tatiana Alexeyevna is hours to go. I expected nothing at all of the end over ninety and getting more forgetful by the of the century, when suddenly there was a ring at day. The old lady tells her new neighbour her life story, encompassing the entire Russian 20th the door. It was the postman! Imagine that! century and all its horrors. And she tells him: Kreuze Rote Filipenko Sasha A real-life postman! On 31 December! And he »God is afraid of me. There are too many Sasha brought me the letter I’d been waiting for, the uncomfortable questions coming His way.« Filipenko Bit by bit, the two recognize their own broken Rote Kreuze entire second half of my life . . . « hearts in each other and forge an unlikely friendship, a pact against forgetting. Roman · Diogenes

»An important, necessary »Sasha Filipenko is one of book. Both for Russia, those young writers who which suffers from historic immediately gained a re- Original edition published 2017 by amnesia, and Europe putation for being a serious »A tour de force. A book full of Vremya, Moscow, under the title Krasny Krest which is also running the risk author. If you want to get sound and fury, but also greatness Novel of losing its historic memory.« inside the head of modern, and gentleness.« 288 pages, March 2020 Dmitry Glukhovsky (Russian author) young Russia, read Filipenko.« Astrid de Larminat / Le Figaro littéraire, Paris Svetlana Alexievich (›Nobel prize‹ winner 2015) Rights sold: World rights are handled by Diogenes. Croatian (Bozicevic) Film rights are available. Czech (Pistorius) Dutch (Meridiaan) Sasha Filipenko’s books sasha filipenko, born in Minsk in 1984, is a Belorussian author English/world (Europa Editions) have been published in 10 languages. who writes in Russian. After abandoning his classical music training French (Syrtes) he studied literature in St. Petersburg and worked as a journalist, Hungarian (Európa) screenwriter and author for a satire show. Red Crosses is the first to Italian (Edizioni E/O) be published in German. Sasha Filipenko is a passionate football Polish (Agora)

fan and lives with his family in St. Petersburg. Verlag © Diogenes Lienhard Lukas Photo: FICTION

»Simone Lappert is a stroke of luck for literature.« Simone Lappert Dagmar Kaindl / Buchkultur, Vienna Shadows Cast

The debut novel by the author of the best- selling novel Jump is an unusual love story Shortlisted for the that proudly stands up to fear. 24525 ›Swiss Book Prize‹ 2019 Featured in Ada is a talented young actress but her life is

Der Sprung Der Lappert Simone New Books in German ruled by anxieties. So much so that she can Simone only find peace through complex rituals and Lappert Der Sprung barely leaves her flat. Roman · Diogenes Owing months of rent, her landlord springs Bestseller his grandson Juri on her as a flatmate. For Ada, the young man is an imposition, an Jump Novel, 2019 invasion – or is he perhaps the best thing that could happen to her? Simone Lappert »In this dance of the wounded, Lappert »Jump stands out for its richly is in keeping with the times and evocative writing, its gentle, Wurfschatten gets up close and personal with current sensuous style and its unusually social developments.« gripping storyline.« »A small literary sensation. Simone Lappert writes with Carsten Schrader / Kulturnews, Hamburg New Books in German, London unparalleled sensuality.«

»Lappert creates scenes in which »Simone Lappert is a gifted narrator: Annette König / Swiss radio SRF 1, Zurich Roman · Diogenes the dialogue gives rise to subtly there is no question about it.« humorous situational comedy, Rainer Moritz / NZZ, Zurich »A very enjoyable debut. Simone Lappert has something giving these rather tragic figures First published by Metrolit Verlag, Berlin in 2014 a hint of levity.« »A carefully constructed plot, she absolutely has to say, Novel BuchMarkt, Meerbusch told with verve.« and she can say it in such a way that 256 pages, April 2020 it grabs you and holds you tight.« Anne-Sophie Scholl / Die Zeit, Hamburg Martin Ebel / Tages-Anzeiger, Zurich

Shortlisted for the 2014 ›aspekte Prize‹ World rights are handled by Diogenes. Film rights are available.

simone lappert, born in Aarau, Switzerland, in 1985, studied at the Swiss Literature Institute in Biel. Her debut novel Shadows Cast made it onto the shortlist for the ›aspekte Prize‹. She was awarded the ›Wartholz Prize‹ as best newcomer and she is the president of the Application for assistance with International Poetry Festival, as well as the Swiss curator for the poetry project Babelsprech.International. She lives and works in translation costs possible. Basel and Zurich. Her most recent novel Jump is on the shortlist for

the ›Swiss Book Prize‹ 2019. © Diogenes Verlag / Yavas Ayse Photo: FICTION

»Martina Borger portrays emotional confusion with lightness of touch, which doesn’t rule out psychological insights.« Martina Borger Claudia von Dehn / Hessische Allgemeine, Kassel We’ll Catch up on It Later

The new novel by best-selling author Martina Borger.

When happiness, and catastrophe come Martina Borger dangerously close. Lieber Luca A child and a job – lots of love, not much time. A novel drawn straight from real life. Roman · Diogenes

Dear Luca A job, a life, and a young son – single mother Novel, 2007 Sina has been juggling for years, but now her new partner Torsten is supporting her in the act. Plus, they have Ellen, an environmental campaigner in her late sixties who has exactly Borger & Straub Borger & Straub Sommer what Sina’s son Elvis wants so much: time, Martina Borger Im Gehege mit Emma Borger & Straub Borger & Straub patience – and a dog. But then something bad Wir holen Katzen- Kleine zungen Schwester Bestseller Bestseller happens to the sensitive boy. He keeps his alles nach Roman · Diogenes Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Rom an · Diogenes

secret bottled up and a fatal web of rumours nach alles holen Wir Borger Martina Cats’ Tongues Little Sister In the Ring Summer with Emma spreads around the patchwork family. Novel, 2001 Novel, 2002 Novel, 2004 Novel, 2009 TV Adaptation TV Adaptation Roman · Diogenes

Praise for Dear Luca:

»Dear Luca is a touching, »A sensitively drawn Novel well-rounded, tender scenario of love and disappointed 304 pages, April 2020 and unbelievably expectations.« captivating book.« Nordkurier, Neubrandenburg AP – Associated Press GmbH, Frankfurt World rights are handled by Diogenes. Film rights are available.

Martina Borger’s books have been published in 4 languages. martina borger, born in Bavaria in 1956, worked as a journalist, script editor and film critic, before turning to screenwriting. She has worked as a storyliner and head writer on several tv series. In collaboration with Maria Elisabeth Straub she published her first novel, Cats’ Tongues, in 2001, followed by Little Sister (2002), In the Ring (2004) and Summer with Emma (2009). She is the sole

author of her 2007 novel Dear Luca. Martina Borger lives in Munich. Verlag © Diogenes / Maurice Haas Photo: FICTION

»The fragile elegance of his style is unmatched in contemporary literature.« Hartmut Lange Werner Fuld / Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung The Courtyard

On existential states of mind, in uniquely

Die Waldsteinsonate Die Hartmut Lange condensed form. Der Wanderer Hartmut Lange Hartmut Hartmut Lange Lange DieWaldstein- Der

Hartmut Lange Lange Hartmut sonate LeptisMagna One of the last great masters of the novella Fünf Novellen Zwei Novellen Therapeut Drei Novellen

Diogenes Diogenes Novelle · Diogenes Diogenes writes about the magical power of gathering shadows. The ›Waldstein‹ Leptis Magna The Wanderer The Therapist Sonata Two Novellas, 2003 Novella, 2005 Three Novellas, 2007 With an autobiographical text on deeply Five Novellas, 1984 formative childhood experiences.

»Love is not an opportunity for freedom; it happens out of necessity,« thinks a woman

Hartmut Lange who realizes her husband has left her. An der Prorer Wiek Hartmut und anderswo Hartmut Lange Lange Hartmut Darkly luminous yet crystal clear sentences DerAbgrund Im Museum Lange Das Haus in der und anderswo Wiek Prorer An der Lange Hartmut des Endlichen like this one have made Hartmut Lange’s Lichthof Der Lange Hartmut Drei Novellen Dorotheenstraße Novellen · Diogenes Diogenes Diogenes Novellen ⋅ Diogenes prose famous. Hartmut The Abyss In the Museum The House on On the Prorer Wiek Lange of the Finite Weird Episodes, 2011 Dorothea Street and Elsewhere Three Novellas, 2009 Five Novellas, 2013 Novellas, 2018 Four novellas, complemented by an autobio- graphical piece, with which Hartmut Lange Der Lichthof tells us about the formative experiences for »A minimalist with »Hartmut Lange has a talent his life and his writing: Christmas 1944 in Diogenes far-reaching effect.« for inventing characters in Naßwerder, the horrors of forced evacuation, Hans-Christian Kosler / brief sketches, building atmosphere the death of his father and later his brother. Neue Zürcher Zeitung and tension and suggesting a hidden secret beneath what is told.« Novellas 96 pages, March 2020 »One feels reminded of Michael Lentz (German author) the plays by Maeterlinck »It was an inkling of how our lives and Wedekind.« would lack presuppositions, »The master of linguistic stringency.« once we could no longer cite the Alain Bosquet / Le Figaro, Paris Kristina Maidt-Zinke / protective hand above us.« Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich World rights are handled by Diogenes. Hartmut Lange Film rights are available.

»His novellas are master narratives Hartmut Lange’s books about the magical force of shadows have been published in 9 languages. hartmut lange, born in Berlin in 1937, studied theatrical production. creeping up unnoticed.« In 1960, he became the theatre producer at the Deutsches Theater Hans-Dieter Schütt (German journalist) in East Berlin. After a trip to former Yugoslavia eh did not return to the former German Democratic Republic. He settled in West Berlin where he worked as theatre producer and director at renowned stages. Hartmut Lange has been honoured with several awards for his plays,

essays and prose. He lives and writes in Berlin. © Hans-Christian Plambeck/laifPhoto: FICTION

»Ingrid Noll is one of the best German storytellers.« Ingrid Noll Angela Gatterburg / Der Spiegel With Love, Karl 23151 22575 22726 22930 23023

These unforgettable stories grant insights into an impressive life, a writer’s work and Ingrid Noll Ingrid Noll Ingrid Noll Die Häupter Ingrid Noll Kalt ist der Ingrid Noll aging, showing a very personal side of the Der Hahn meiner Die Abendhauch Röslein ist tot Lieben Apothekerin rot Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes ›Grande Dame‹ of German crime fiction – funny, affectionate, wicked. Hell Hath Head Count The Pharmacist Cold is the Red Rose No Fury Novel, 1993 Novel, 1994 Evening's Breeze Novel, 1998 Novel, 1991 Movie Adaptation Movie Adaptation Novel, 1996 The entire Ingrid Noll gamut in short-story TV Adaptation Movie Adaptation form: her criminal wit, her warm-hearted life 23341 24012 23596 experience, her down-to-earth gift of obser- vation. In this book, there’s a cherry on top: Ingrid Noll In Liebe Noll Ingrid autobiographical writing, resonant and Ingrid Noll Rabenbrüder Ingrid Noll Ladylike Ingrid Noll impressive. A letter to her deceased mother, Ingrid Noll Ingrid Noll Kuckucks- Selige Falsche kind Witwen Zungen the role of her father. How she fell in love Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes with her first grandchild. The first years of Ingrid Noll her life in China. How she would like her Blissfully Rabenbrüder False Tongues Ladylike Cuckoo’s Child In Liebe Widowed Novel, 2003 Stories, 2004 Novel, 2006 Novel, 2008 last 24 hours to play out. What annoys her Novel, 2001 TV Adaptation about getting old. Dein Karl 24311 24259 24095 Diogenes Ingrid NollIngrid Halali

Ingrid Noll Goldschatz Noll Ingrid »I am made of two different dreams.« Ingrid Noll Ehrenwort Ingrid Noll Ingrid Noll Der Ingrid Noll Ingrid Noll Ingrid Noll Ingrid Noll Halali Goldschatz Hab und Gier Mittagstisch Über Bord Stories Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes 320 pages, February 2020

Word of Honour Overboard Till Greed Lunchtime Tally-Ho Good as Gold Novel, 2010 Novel, 2012 Do Us Part Novel, 2015 Novel, 2017 Novel, 2019 Novel, 2014 World rights are handled by Diogenes. All titles on Spiegel Bestseller List Film rights are available.

Ingrid Noll’s books have been published in 28 languages.

ingrid noll, born in Shanghai in 1935, studied German philology and art history in Bonn. She has three children and four grandchildren. After her children left home, she began writing crime stories, which all became instant bestsellers. In 1994 she received the ›Glauser Prize‹ for

Head Count and in 2005 the ›Glauser Prize of Honour‹ for her oeuvre. Verlag © Diogenes / Barth Renate Photo: FICTION Luca Ventura In the Middle of August

The Circumvesuviana was already on the station platform. She got into the last carriage and sat down Murder on the most beautiful island in in the back, by the window. The departure signal the world. sounded; the train pulled out. The Gulf of Naples is a test laboratory in times of climate change – and the setting She looked out into the dusk, saw lights flickering of this highly topical crime novel. on, streetlamps and car headlights creeping alongside Tense thrills in front of a beautiful the train. She leaned her head against the glass. backdrop: young policeman Enrico Rizzi She saw his face. She could see him on the other side investigates in the new Capri series. of the window. He had his hair in a bun and there Enrico Rizzi, a policeman on the island of was a graze on his stubbly chin as though he’d been Capri, usually deals with minor crimes. His Ventura Mitten im August Ventura fighting. He looked at her earnestly. quiet job means he can help his father in his

»Jack,« she whispered. »What happened?« fruit and vegetable garden above the Gulf Luca of Naples. Until, in the middle of August, a Luca Ventura He didn’t answer. He didn’t smile. He looked at her rowing boat washes up on the rocky beach, Mitten as if to say: You know what happened. And he was containing a dead man – Jack Milani, an im August right. She did know what had happened. oceanography student and the son of a major Der Capri-Krimi industrialist family. It’s the first murder case »Why didn’t you say anything?« she whispered, laying for Rizzi, a case where the very future of the Roman · Diogenes her hand on the glass at the place where his cheek was. seven seas is at stake. »I’m sorry. I wish I could have protected you.« She lowered her eyes to halt her tears, and by the time A Capri Crime Novel she could look again, all she saw was reflections on 336 pages, April 2020 the pane and passing lights.

World rights are handled by Diogenes. Film rights are available.

English excerpt is available.

luca ventura prefers to remain anonymous. The writer spends a large part of the year on the Gulf of Naples, where he is currently working on the second case in the Capri series about the islander Enrico Rizzi and his north Italian colleague Antonia Cirillo. FICTION

»Brunetti's humane police work is disarming, and his ambles through the city are a delight.« Donna Leon New York Times Book Review Trace Elements

›Lifetime Achievement An elderly woman’s cryptic dying words in Award‹ 2019 by a Venetian hospital lead Guido Brunetti The Strand Magazine to uncover a threat to the entire Veneto in Donna Leon’s splendid twenty-ninth novel On the shortlist of the Uns ist ein Sohn gegeben Uns ein Sohn ist of the world famous Brunetti series. British Crime Writers’ Donna Leon Association’s Ein Sohn Why did the water distribution technician Donna Leon ist uns gegeben ›Gold Dagger Award‹ 2019 Commissario Brunettis achtundzwanzigster Fall Vittorio Fadalto die? Was it an accident or Roman · Diogenes Bestseller did he know too much?

Unto Us a Son Is Given The 28th Case, 2019 »They killed him . . . Bad money,« are the sibylline words the patient Benedetta Tosi # 1 Spiegel Bestseller List manages to tell her visitors about her recently # 4 Spanish Bestseller List deceased husband. Although the dying #12 New York Times Bestseller List woman probably can’t hear him, Brunetti promises to look into her cryptic accusation. What starts as a private tragedy develops into a larger case. Brunetti does not rest until he Rights sold: and his colleagues unravel the profound and perilous meaning of the dying woman’s Catalan (Grup 62) »The real focus is on the words. Dutch (De Bezige Bij) intricate social realities and English/ UK (William Heinemann) old rich families of Leon’s Leon gives us a rare insight into the human English/ USA (Grove / Atlantic) beautiful, mysterious and Commissario Brunetti’s 29th Case heart, and together with her endearing French (Calmann-Lévy) labyrinthine Venice.« 336 pages, June 2020 characters uncovers new and unforgettable Polish (Noir sur Blanc) Providence Journal, Rhode Island Spanish (Seix Barral) facets of the human condition.

World rights are handled by Diogenes.

Donna Leon’s books Rights sold: have been published in 35 languages. Catalan (Grup 62) English/ UK (William Heinemann) donna leon, born in New Jersey in 1942, has worked as a travel guide English/ USA (Grove / Atlantic) in Rome and as a copywriter in London. She taught literature in uni- versities in Iran, China and Saudi Arabia. Commissario Brunetti made her books world-famous. Donna Leon lived in Italy for many years,

and although she now lives in Switzerland, she often visits Venice. Verlag Diogenes / Mosimann © Regine Photo: FICTION

»One of the 10 best modern European crime writers.« Petros Markaris Brian Oliver /The Observer, London Times of Hypocrisy

# 4 on the Foreign Fiction Bestseller List Petros of Corriere della Sera. Markaris Petros Hellas Petros Markaris Channel Markaris Der Groß- Ein Fall für Kostas Charitos Petros Live! aktionär The grand master of Mediterranean crime Markaris Ein Fall für Ein Fall für Kostas Charitos Nachtfalter Kostas Charitos Ein Fall für Kostas Charitos Bestseller writing, Petros Markaris, brings the skeletons Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes out of Greek closets.

Deadline Zone Defence Live! The Major in Athens Novel, 2001 Novel, 2004 Shareholder Novel, 2000 Novel, 2007 The owner of a hotel chain is found dead in a spa resort near Athens. An anonymous

24041 letter claims responsibility and accuses him of hypocrisy. Signed: ›The Army of National Idiots‹. Petros Petros Petros Petros Markaris It is the first murder in a grotesque series. Markaris Markaris Markaris Abrechnung Ein Fall für Faule Kredite Zahltag Kostas Charitos Die Kinderfrau Ein Fall für Ein Fall für Ein Fall für Kostas Charitos Kostas Charitos Kostas Charitos The accusation is always the same but the Bestseller Bestseller Bestseller Petros Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes victims could hardly be more different. Costas Haritos – a brand new proud grand- Markaris The Nanny Bad Credit Payday Reckoning Novel, 2009 Novel, 2011 Novel, 2012 Novel, 2013 father – tries to track down the obscure Zeiten fanatics. Petros Heuchelei der Markaris Zeiten der Heuchelei Ein Fall für Kostas Charitos Offshore Roman · Diogenes Petros Markaris »Markaris’ great qualities include his Petros Petros Markaris Drei Grazien Markaris Ein Fall für Kostas Charitos Zurück Petros well-constructed plots and his original auf Start Markaris Ein Fall für Offshore Petros Markaris Ferienbekanntschaft Kostas Charitos Bestseller Ein Fall für Kostas Charitos Bestseller Bestseller endings – here once again.« Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Giancarlo De Cataldo / La Repubblica, Rome A Case for Costas Haritos Original Greek title: I Epochi tis Ipokrisias Back to the Start Offshore Three Graces 400 pages, 2020 Novel, 2015 Novel, 2017 Novel, 2018 Awards 2019:

›Premi a la trajectòria literària‹ (Spain) ›Premio Contea di Bormio‹ (Italy) ›Premi Cubelles Noir‹ (Spain) World rights are handled by Diogenes except Greek. Rights sold: Film rights are available. petros markaris, born in Istanbul in 1937, is a playwright, who Catalan (Tusquets) worked as an author with Theo Angelopoulos (director of Eternity Petros Markaris’ books Italian (La nave di Teseo) and a Day, Ulysses’ Gaze etc.), and translated the works of German have been published in 17 languages. dramatists like Brecht and Goethe. He began writing crime novels Spanish/world (Tusquets) late in life, in the mid-1990s, and became an international success. His accolades include the ›Pepe Carvalho Prize‹, the ›Goethe Medal‹ and an honorary doctorate from the University of Thessaloniki.

Petros Markaris lives in Athens. Verlag Diogenes / Mosimann © Regine Photo: FICTION

»Hansjörg Schneider pours his experiences into simple sentences that are perfectly clear, yet always slyly poetic.« Hansjörg Schneider Sibylle Birrer / NZZ, Zurich Hunkeler in the Wilderness

›Friedrich- Glauser Prize‹ 2005 The long wait is over – Detective Hunkeler 24001 is back on the job. Albeit very reluctantly.

The tenth case in the best-selling Hansjörg Hansjörg Hansjörg Hansjörg Hansjörg Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Hunkeler series. Silberkiesel

• Schneider Flattermann Das Paar Tod Hunkeler Silberkiesel Hunkelers zweiter Fall im Kahn einerÄrztin macht Sachen Hunkelers erster Fall Hunkelers dritter Fall Hunkelers vierter Fall Der fünfte Fall

Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Hansjörg Schneider Hansjörg A peaceful sunny morning in Basel’s Kannen- feld Park. A sudden scream disturbs Peter Silver Pebbles The Fluttering The Couple Death of a Doctor Hunkeler Novel, 1993 Man on the Barge Novel, 2001 Messes around Hunkeler’s first coffee of the day: someone TV Adaptation Novel, 1995 Novel, 1999 TV Adaptation Novel, 2004 TV Adaptation TV Adaptation has found a dead body behind the bushes. He may be in retirement, but a policeman is always a policeman, at least for other people. So Hunkeler has to take a look. And he realizes he knows the dead man: a well-known journalist and art critic. Hansjörg Hansjörg Hansjörg Hansjörg Hansjörg Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Hunkeler Hunkeler Hunkeler und Hunkelers und der Fall und die die Augen Geheimnis Der neunte Fall Hunkeler Livius goldene Hand des Ödipus Der sechste Fall Der siebte Fall Bestseller Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes in der Wildnis

Hunkeler in der Wildnis in der Hunkeler Schneider Hansjörg Der zehnte Fall Hunkeler and Hunkeler and Hunkeler and Hunkeler’s Secret »Hansjörg Schneider has created the Livius Case the ›Golden Hand‹ the Eyes of Oedipus Novel, 2015 a wonderful protagonist: rugged, Roman · Diogenes Novel, 2007 Novel, 2008 Novel, 2010 TV Adaptation TV Adaptation TV Adaptation awkward and likeable.« Volker Albers / Hamburger Abendblatt

»Hansjörg Schneider picks up current themes, The Tenth Case 208 pages, April 2020 yet also elegantly connects historical events with the present age. Hunkeler’s Secret is of subtle suspense with solid humour and social critique that is spot on: a delight!« World rights are handled by Diogenes. Martin Walker / Buchmedia Magazin, Zurich Film rights are available.

Hansjörg Schneider’s books have been published in 8 languages.

hansjörg schneider, born in Aarau, Switzerland, in 1938, worked as a teacher, and journalist. For a long time, he was one of the most per- formed playwrights in the German language and his Hunkeler crime novels are regularly on the Swiss Bestseller list. Hansjörg Schneider has received numerous awards, among them the ›Friedrich Glauser Prize‹ Application for assistance with

in 2005. He lives and writes in Basel. Verlag © Diogenes / Philipp Keel Photo: translation costs possible. NARRATIVE NON-FICTION Yorn / Jean-Jacques Sempé A Happy Guest

Yves Saint Laurent, Madame Grès, Le Sorelle Fontana and Christian Dior – the German fashion designer Yorn knew them all.

A book about moments of happiness – a book that makes you happy.

With new drawings by Sempé.

The streets of Paris are paved with happiness. Exhilarating encounters and inspiring memo- IM GLÜCK GAST ries from a connoisseur of life itself.

The fashion designer Yorn has experienced many magical moments in his life. Be it as a young man in Paris, where he was hired on GAST IM GLÜCK Photo: © Private Yorn © Private Photo: the spot as an assistant by Christian Dior, or Mit Zeichnungen von Sempé Yorn, how he was named by Christian Dior, alongside a mannequin a daring wager with Yves Saint Laurent; be on a balcony in front of the Arc de Triomphe. it while founding his own fashion label on

the Champs-Elysees or while acting on the DIOGENES idea of bringing Parisian chic to Germany – happiness has always smiled down on him. yorn was born Jürgen Michaelsen in Bremen in 1935 and signed up as an And the more he shares his happiness with assistant to Christian Dior in Paris at a tender age. It was Dior who gave others, the greater it gets. With Illustrations by Sempé him the name Yorn, much easier for French people to pronounce, and he Narrative non-fiction has worked under this ›nom de plume‹ ever since. After his early years with 160 pages, Mai 2020 Christian Dior and Madame Grès, he soon founded his own label, with a studio directly on the Champs-Élysées. His designs quickly conquered German hearts. These days, Yorn divides his time between Paris, Provence and Monte Carlo. World rights are handled by Diogenes.

Jean-Jacques Sempé’s books have been published in 17 languages. jean-jacques sempé, born in Bordeaux in 1932, lives in Paris. His caricatures in Paris Match, Punch, Marie-Claire, and L’Express were merely the first steps towards his pinnacle at the New Yorker, for which he worked from 1978 on. Sempé’s name is inevitably mentioned in conjunction with writers such as René Goscinny, Patrick Modiano, and Patrick Süskind. Without him, characters such as Le Petit Nicolas, Catherine Certitude, and

Mr. Sommer would be unthinkable. Opale / © Lian Hong Photo: Verlag © Diogenes Photo: Verlag © Diogenes / Sempé Jean-Jacques Illustration: BIOGRAPHY FICTION Jörg Fauser Jörg Fauser Marlon Brando Everything Must Be Completely Different

Another genre in which Fauser revolutionized Short stories from 1975–79, including two everything that went before. With an after- pieces not yet published in book form. word by German writer and DJ Franz Dobler. With an afterword by German journalist and writer Peter Henning. »I always saw Brando as a rebel – a naive way of looking at it, for sure; what is a The first volume of short stories, including rebel anyway? In a world crawling with the now almost classic All Will Be Well, in revolutionaries, the rebel is a man of the past, which Johnny Tristano (what better name for a conservative. That may be. For so many a Fauser character) gives himself the advice: people of today, the earth seems like a thing »If you have to prop yourself up, prop your- of the past, and like Brando, when in doubt self on walls, not people!« I’ll stick with the earth.« Once again, reading Fauser teaches us what

Fauser and Brando – two ruptured souls Brando Marlon Fauser Jörg it means to sink deep but never go under, and united by more than just their ability to how to retain wit and melancholy alongside getting back up when knocked down. Jörg Fauser a lust for life and a nice cold beer. Jörg Fauser Marlon Brando Alles muss »This is a book about the shadow Der versilberte Rebell Jörg Fauser in short form – an overflowing joy. ganz anders werden Alles muss ganz anders werden anders ganz muss Alles Fauser Jörg between idea and reality.« Eine Biographie Erzählungen 1975 – 79 Jörg Fauser »My intoxication doesn’t cut me Diogenes off from reality, just from those Diogenes who are constantly claiming reality »A legendary biography with for themselves.« which Fauser exorcized his longing Jörg Fauser and admiration for heroes.« The Silver-Plated Rebel Stories and 1975 – 79 Biography 240 pages, June 2020 Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin 256 pages, June 2020 »Reckless, unpretentious »Fauser’s book about storytelling – precisely accelerated, Brando is unmatched.« World rights are handled by Diogenes. with not a gram of fat.« World rights are handled by Diogenes. Berliner Zeitung Film rights are available. Peter Henning / Die Zeit, Hamburg Film rights are available.

»Furry, dazed, drunk prose. Jörg Fauser’s books Wet. Brash. Omnipotent. Paranoid. have been published in 9 languages. jörg fauser (1944 – 1987) was born near Frankfurt am Main. After Lubricated. Sexy. Majestic.« dropping out of university, he spent some years living in Istanbul and Helmut Krausser (German author) London, making a living in office jobs, as an airport worker and night watchman, among other things. In 1974, he switched to writing. His novels, poems, newspaper articles and short stories occupy an excep- tional position in German literature. Jörg Fauser died in an accident on

a motorway near Munich on the night after his birthday. Archiv © Fauser Photo: ART »A virtuoso of provocation and an expert in the field of fear.« Tomi Ungerer Thomas Ribi / Neue Zürcher Zeitung The Underground Sketchbook

Tomi Ungerer’s famous and infamous graphic Tomi Ungerer masterpiece. The Party A visual satirical critique of society. Diogenes Tomi Ungerer is at the apex of his graphic art UNDERGROUND SKETCHBOOK UNDERGROUND The Party Babylon Far Out isn’t in these pages. His deceptively simple sketches, SKETCHBOOK UNDERGROUND 128 pages, 22.5 × 30 cm 172 pages, 22.5 × 27 cm Far Enough 1969 1979 176 pages, some of them done only in black ink, are an 18.5 × 25 cm 1983 abyss of human desires. Satirically exaggerated TOMI UNGERER to the point of agony, full of vicious wit and TOMI UNGERER absurd ideas, they hit the reader hard with DIOGENESDIOGENES their intelligence and clear-sightedness.

First published in 1964 Tomi Ungerer Art Book Es war einmal mein Vater 160 pages, 21.5 × 17.5 cm, June 2020

Diogenes Rights currently sold: A Childhood Posters From Father to Son Under the Nazis 128 pages, 18.5 × 25 cm 114 pages, 18.5 × 25 cm English/world (Fantagraphics) 144 pages, 18.5 × 25 cm 1994 Tomi Ungerer2003 World rights are handled by Diogenes. 1993 French (Cahiers Dessinés) Film rights are available. TOMI UNGERER TOMI UNGERER TOMI Tomi Ungerer’s books

24211 UNGERER have been published in 43 languages. AMERICA AMERICA

Tomi Ungerer Tomi Ungerer AMERICA

Die Hölle ist das Paradies des Teufels ist das Paradies Die Hölle Die Hölle Besser nie

• ist das Paradies als spät des Teufels Neue Gedanken und Notizen Gedanken und Notizen DIOGENES DIOGENES Diogenes Diogenes Ungerer Tomi Illustration: Tomi Ungerer Tomi Illustration:

76 Useless Thoughts I Useless Thoughts II America 160 pages, 12.5 × 18 cm 160 pages, 12.5 × 18 cm 400 pages, 28 × 36.5 cm 2008 2015 2020

tomi ungerer (1931 – 2019) was born in Strasbourg (Alsace). He failed his school exams but hitchhiked all around Europe and published his first drawings in the legendary Simplicissimus magazine. He began his unstoppable career as an illustrator, children’s book author and artist in New York. His children’s books are modern classics. He received the ›Hans Christian Andersen Award‹ in 1998 and was promoted

›Commandeur de la Legion d’Honneur‹ in 2017. Bally/KEYSTONE © Gaëtan Photo: Verlag © Diogenes / Ungerer Tomi Illustration: CHILDREN’S BOOK Timon Meyer / Julian Meyer Bear & Hippo on Holiday Not Today

Start of the picture book series about the TIMON MEYER JULIANJULIAN MEYER MEYER The launch title of the new children’s book TIMONTIMON MEYERMEYER JULIANJULIAN MEYER MEYER TIMON MEYER animal friends Bear and Hippo. TIMON MEYER series is a genuine favourite. Once read TIMONJULIAN MEYER MEYER JULIAN MEYER H aloud it may never leave your brain, exposing Handy cardboard format for the smallest Bär && HHiipppo Bärmachen & Urlaub po parents to the risk of countless repeat readers. B machenmachen Urlaub Urlaub



BÄR & HIPPO URLAUB MACHEN • Bear and Hippo are the very best of friends. • Unforgettable rhymes and compelling illustrations. They’re ready for any adventure together. All the better if they make new friends along the way! This time they’re going on holiday, The pool is closed when it’s time for a paddle, BÄR & HIPPO MACHEN URLAUB TIMON MEYER / JULIAN MEYER • BÄR & HIPPO MACHEN


DIOGENESDIOGENESDIOGENES The newt is in a grumpy mood DIOGENESDIOGENES TIMON MEYER / JULIAN MEYER · HEUTE NICHT The shortest read-aloud story in the world and the crocodile forgets to smile. TIMON MEYER / JULIAN MEYER · HEUTE NICHT tells what they are up to. All the animals are blue today, Children’s Book full of sadness and sorrow. 14 pages, 18 × 15 cm, April 2020 Will it get better? Not today, Witty. Rhyming. Genius. maybe tomorrow! Before there’s too much drama with the lama,

DIOGENES World rights are handled by Diogenes. the next adventure for the little panda’s DIOGENES Film rights are available. animal gang is waiting around the corner. A hilarious and wonderfully illustrated read- Children’s Book aloud book. 32 pages, 19 × 25 cm, April 2020

World rights are handled by Diogenes. Film rights are available.

timon meyer, born near in 1977, is an artist and writer. He and his family live in Queens, New York. He usually works with a number of especially beautiful words, which he rearranges until they rhyme and make his brother Julian Meyer laugh. Once Julian has got himself back under control, he draws even funnier pictures to go with his brother’s words. julian meyer, born 1983, tried out various jobs before studying illustration in Münster. He lives in Hamburg with his family and

works as a freelance illustrator. Wielopolski © Kaya Photo: Urban © Nikolaus Photo: Julian Meyer © Illustration: Gems from our backlist

Andrej Kurkow Picknick Bernhard Dürrenmatt Patricia auf dem Eis Donna Leon Schlink DerRichter Highsmith Venezianisches DerVorleser und Der talentierte Finale sein Henker Mr. Ripley CommissarioBrunettis erster Fall Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes

Friedrich Dürrenmatt Patricia Highsmith Andrej Kurkow Donna Leon Bernhard Schlink Patrick Süskind The Judge and The Talented Death and Death at La Fenice The Reader Perfume His Hangman Mr. Ripley the Penguin Novel Novel Novel Novel Novel Novel 352 pages, 1993 208 pages, 1995 320 pages, 1985 192 pages, 1986 432 pages, 1971 288 pages, 1999 TV Adaptation Movie Adaptation Movie Adaptation Bestseller Bestseller Movie Adaptation Movie Adaptation Death and the Penguin Death at La Fenice Award winner Award winner The Judge and His Hangman Award winner has been published has been published in 33 languages. has been published The Talented Mr. Ripley in 36 languages. The Reader Perfume in 24 languages. has been published has been published has been published in 37 languages. in 54 languages. in 55 languages.

Luis Murschetz Der Maulwurf Grabowski Diogenes

Andrzej Benedict Szczypiorski Wells Martin Suter Die schöne Vom Ende Frau der Einsamkeit Small World Seidenman Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes Roman · Diogenes

Martin Suter Andrzej Szczypiorski Benedict Wells Small World The Beautiful The End Tomi Ungerer Luis Murschetz Novel Mrs Seidenman of Loneliness The Three Robbers Mister Mole 336 pages, 1997 Novel Novel Movie Adaptation 272 pages, 1988 368 pages, 2016 Children‘s book Children‘s book Bestseller Award winner Bestseller 40 pages, 207 × 288 mm, 1963 32 pages, 220 × 275 mm, 1972 Award winner Movie Adaptation The Beautiful Mrs Seidenman Award winner Mister Mole Small World has been published The End of Loneliness The Three Robbers has been published in 16 languages. has been published in 24 languages. has been published has been published in 33 languages. in 23 languages. in 35 languages. Recently sold Recently sold

Andrej Kurkow NON STOP Tomi Ungerer TOMI UNGERER · Grey Bees »It is highly impressive how Non Stop »Now his last picture book

Andrej Kurkow manages UNGERER TOMI NON STOP has been published

Rights sold: to create a melancholic mood DIOGENES Rights sold: and once more gives us the Andrej in his tale of the happiness opportunity to admire his Kurkow Danish (Mr. East) Graue Bienen Graue Kurkow Andrej Catalan (Kalandraka) Graue Bienen seeker Sergej without creativity and his wisdom.« English/world (Quercus) Chinese/CN (Feel (Tianjin)) descending into pathos.« French (Liana Levi) English/world (Phaidon) Kulturfalter, Halle Roman · Diogenes Italian (Keller) Terrance Albrecht / WDR 5, Cologne French (L'Ecole des Loisirs) Persian (Ofoq) Italian (Orecchio Acerbo) Ukrainian (Folio) Spanish/world (Kalandraka) Russian (Folio)

Ingrid Noll Good as Gold »With great precision Ingrid Noll depicts how Patrick Süskind Rights sold: noble ideals slowly turn into »Patrick Süskind is a Ingrid Noll Goldschatz Noll Ingrid A Battle Spanish/world (Circe) envy, arguments and lies.« master of the deceptively Ingrid Noll Goldschatz Jessica Stiegelmayer / Rights sold: simple tale.« Augsburger Allgemeine Bestseller Kampf Ein Süskind Patrick Patrick Arabic (Al Mada) Alison Roberts / The Times, London Roman · Diogenes Süskind Ein Kampf Illustriert von Sempé Catalan (Ara Llibres) Italian (Longanesi) Diogenes Korean (The Open Books) Russian (Azbooka-Atticus) Chris Kraus Spanish/world (Seix Barral) »One oscillates between Cold Blood Turkish (Can) Das kalte BlutDas literary admiration Rights sold: and historical numbness.« Chris Kraus Chris Kraus Chris Kraus L'Express, Paris Das kalte Blut English/world (Picador) French (Belfond)

Roman · Diogenes Charles Lewinsky The Stutterer »Rare linguistic splendour and striking narrative Lukas Hartmann Rights sold: virtuosity.« »This is an exemplary piece The Singer Arabic (Al Arabi) Andreas Isenschmid /

of genre fiction, which records Stotterer Der Lewinsky CHarles Charles NZZ am Sonntag, Zurich Lewinsky Chinese/CN (Archipel) a tragic life dispassionately Der Stotterer Rights sold: Dutch (Meridiaan) and without intrusive moral Roman · Diogenes Italian (Ugo Guanda) Lukas judgement.« Hartmann # 1 Bestseller Der Sänger New Books in German, London Roman · Diogenes # 1 Bestseller Theatre Awards Anniversaries Doris Dörrie The Physicists Out at Sea Chris Kraus Happy Münchner Volkstheater, National Center for His novel Cold Blood is Teatro Neptuno, Munich Contemporary Art, Minsk among the 25 titles nominated for the ›Prix Femina‹, one of Mar Del Plata Juozas Miltinis Drama Tango Theatre, Panevezys the most important French Těšínské Divadlo, Friedrich Dürrenmatt Pécsi Nemzeti Színház, literary awards. Český Těšín The Visit Pécs Cold Blood is also nominated for ›Le Prix du Meilleur Livre Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921 – 1990) Based on the play by Fried- Patricia Highsmith Hugo Loetscher (1929 – 2009) rich Dürrenmatt, National Patrick Süskind Etranger‹ 2019. 90th Birthday 22. 12. 2019 100th Birthday 5.1.2021 Small g – Theatre, London. Adapted The Double Bass Also # 3 on the French a Summer idyll Tatjana Hauptmann Patricia Highsmith (1921 – 1995) by Tony Kushner. Director: A Lagarto Amarelo Associ- ›Booksellers’ Hitlist‹ (foreign Théâtre populaire romand 70th Birthday 1. 2. 2020 100th Birthday 19.1.2021 Jeremy Herrin. Producer: ação Cultural, Charneca fiction) by Livres Hebdo, and La Chaux-de-Fonds, David Binder. Premiere de Caparica among the ten books listed Sławomir Mrożek (1930 – 2013) Photos: Hugo Loetscher: © Sabine Dreher; Tatjana Comédie de Genève, Hauptmann: © Andrea Diglas; Sławomir Mrożek: on 31 January 2020. Fundacja Sceny im. for ›La rentrée littéraire‹ 2019 90th Birthday 29. 6. 2020 © Horst Tappe / Fondation Horst Tappe; Friedrich Equilibre-Nuithonie Dürrenmatt: © Edouard Rieben; Patricia Highsmith: St. Wyspiańskiego, Kraków by France Culture and L’Obs. © keystone / Picture-Alliance / Photoshot Villars-sur-Glâne, Slovenské Komorné Divadlo, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne Martin Estonian Drama Theatre, Tomi Ungerer Tallinn The Three Robbers TV Théâtre de la vallée, Écouen Sławomir Mrożek Patricia Highsmith Annett Renneberg, Michael ›Academy Awards‹. A Turnus Puppentheater Magdeburg Emigrants American tv series based on Degen, Julia Jäger and Her- Film production in conjunc- Cie Les Muettes Bavardes, ›Nikola Vaptsarov‹ Drama Patricia Highsmith’s Ripley mann Beyer. tion with dcm Pictures and Paris Theatre, Blagoevgrad books (on Showtime). Director: Sigi Rothemund. srf Schweizer Radio und Compagnie Succursale 101, Artentato Teatro, Bologna With Andrew Scott. Screenplay: Stefan Holtz and Fernsehen. Reims sc ›naud Theatre n. a. Filming starts 2020. Florian Iwersen. Production:

Photo copyright © David Stewart 2019 2019 © David Stewart copyright Photo Schleswig-Holsteinisches Maria Zankovetska‹, Lviv Director and screenplay: Ufa Fiction, commissioned Landestheater und Sinfonie- Lesley Manville as Teatrul National Radu Steve Zaillian. Production: by ard Degeto for Das Erste. Patricia Highsmith Claire Zachanassian at the orchester, Rendsburg National Theatre, London Stanca Sibiu Entertainment 360, Endemol Shooting of Deep Water with Moon Man Shine North America. Ben Affleck and Ana de Love on Crimea National Kaunas Drama Städtische Theater Executive Producers: Steve Armas begins in November Estonian Drama Theatre, Movie Theatre, Kaunas Chemnitz Zaillian, Garrett Basch, 2019. Director: Adrian Lyne. Tallinn National Academic Drama tjg. theater junge generation, Guymon Casady, Sharon Thomas Meyer Script: Zack Helm and Sam Theatre named after Dresden Levy, Ben Forkner, and The movie adaptation of his Levinson. Production: M. Gorkij, Minsk Philipp Keel for Diogenes bestseller Wolkenbruch’s Entertainment 360, New Cie Les Têtes de Bois, Entertainment. Weird and Wonderful Journey Regency Pictures. Executive Montpellier into the Arms of a Shiksa Producers: Steve Zaillian, 23047 23000 Divadlo na Vinohradech, Donna Leon (over 150’000 copies sold), is Garrett Basch, Guymon Prague Television premiere for the official Swiss entry for Casady, Ben Forkner, Patricia Donna Leon’s 26th case an Oscar™ nomination in the Anthony Katagas, Arnon Highsmith Patrick ›Small g‹–

Süskind Die Physiker eine Der Sławomir Mrożek • Earthly Remains. Starring ›Best International Feature Milchan, and Philipp Keel for Der Kontrabaß Sommeridylle Auf hoher See Friedrich • Kontrabaß Striptease Dürrenmatt Diogenes Entertainment. Zwei Einakter Die Physiker Uwe Kockisch, Karl Fischer, Film‹ category for the 92nd Komödie

Roman · Diogenes Diogenes Diogenes

Patrick Süskind Patrick Diogenes Dürrenmatt Friedrich Diogenes handles the World Rights of the following authors: Contact Fiction Non Fiction Graphic Art Allen, Woody McCarten, Anthony Amann, Jürg Deix, Manfred Susanne Bauknecht Claudia Reinert Andrej Ruesch (European rights only) Meienberg, Niklaus Arnold, Heinz Ludwig Flora, Paul Rights Director Brazil, The Netherlands, Africa, Far East Andersch, Alfred Meyer, Thomas Böhmer, Otto A. Lane, John France, Italy, Portugal, Eastern Europe, China, (excl. China, Japan, Taiwan), Arjouni, Jakob Morweiser, Fanny Dalai Lama Loriot Spanish world, uk, us Taiwan, Japan Greece, Israel, Middle East, Aykol, Esmahan Mrożek, Sławomir David, Thomas Lustig, Valentin +41 44 254 85 54 +41 44 254 85 64 Scandinavia, Turkey (excl. Turkish language) Mulot, Sibylle Häsler, Alfred A. Niemann, Christoph [email protected] [email protected] +41 44 254 85 04 Bergmann, Emanuel Nabb, Magdalen Howald, Stefan Topor, Roland [email protected] Bielefeld, Claus-Ulrich Noll, Ingrid (Ambler Biographer) Traxler, Hans Borger, Martina Palmen, Connie Keel, Philipp Ungerer, Tomi Brambach, Rainer (excl. Dutch language) Koellreuter, Isabel Waechter, F. K. Dankowtsewa, Anna Pisani, Liaty (Brambach Biographer) Dobelli, Rolf Popp, Walter Lamberti Zanardi, F. Agents Dönhoff, Friedrich Poschenrieder, Lempp, Reinhart Children’s Books Dörrie, Doris Christoph Leonhart, Dorothea Bracharz, Kurt Dürrenmatt, Friedrich Reinecke, Anne (Mozart Biographer) Dörrie, Doris France Israel Korea La Nouvelle Agence The Deborah Harris Agency Shinwon Agency Co. Eilert, Bernd Rosenfeld, Astrid Marcuse, Ludwig Hartmann, Lukas Ms Michèle Kanonidis Ms Efrat Lev Ms Kim, Tae-Eun Fauser, Jörg Schlink, Bernhard Mertens, Fritz Hauptmann, Tatjana 7, rue Corneille 9 Yael Street, Baka, 47, Jandari-ro, Mapo-gu Fellini, Federico Schneider, Hansjörg Muschg, Walter Heine, Helme 75006 Paris Jerusalem 9350216 Seoul 04043 Filipenko, Sasha Schünemann, Christian Nigg, Walter Kaergel, Julia T: + 33 / 143 25 85 60 T: + 972 / 2 56 33 237 T: + 82 / 2 3142 11 62 Gilbert, Marianne Sinowjew, Alexander Padrutt, Hanspeter Kernke, Gabriele F: + 33 / 143 25 47 98 F: + 972 / 2 56 18 711 F: + 82 / 2 3142 11 52 Goebel, Joey Spreckelsen, Tilman Pianaro, Roberta Krause, Ute [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Hackl, Erich Sterchi, Beat Reinhardt, Stephan Lewinsky, Charles Hartlieb, Petra Straub, Maria Elisabeth (Andersch Biographer) Meyer, Julian Hartmann, Lukas Strittmatter, Thomas Rüedi, Peter Meyer, Thomas Heinrich, Walter Süskind, Patrick (Dürrenmatt Meyer, Timon Greece Italy Spain / Portugal Highsmith, Patricia Suter, Martin Biographer) Murschetz, Luis Agence Iris Berla & Griffini Rights Agency Casanovas & Lynch Jägersberg, Otto Szczypiorski, Andrzej Schisa, Brunella Nabb, Magdalen Ms Catherine Fragou-Rassinier Ms Barbara Griffini Ms María Lynch Jeissing, Ivana (excl. Polish language) Schönborn, Felizitas von Schaad, Hans P. 18, Komotinis Str. Via Stampa 4 Balmes 209, 6 – 2 Kara, Yadé Székely, János Schürch, Franziska Sommerhalder, 13676 Thrakomakedones 20123 Milano 08006 Barcelona Kettenbach, Taylor, Amanda (Brambach Biographer) Benjamin T: + 30 / 210 243 24 73 T: + 39 / 02 805 04179 T: + 34 / 93 212 47 91 Hans Werner Tokarjewa, Viktorija Sepeda, Toni Steger, H. U. F: + 30 / 210 243 50 42 F: + 39 / 02 890 10646 F: + 34 / 93 417 90 37 Kraus, Chris (excl. Russian language) Urban, Peter Traxler, Hans [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Krien, Daniela Ventura, Luca (Chekhov Biographer) Ungerer, Tomi Krohn, Tim Vermeulen, John Vollenweider, Alice Waechter, F. K. Kurkow, Andrej (excl. Dutch language) Willms, Johannes Zimnik, Reiner (excl. Russian and Volić, Jelena (Balzac Biographer) Hungary Japan Turkey Kátai & Bolza Ms Meike Marx Kalem Agency Ukrainian language) Waechter, F. K. Yorn Literary Agents 2-6-5 Otoe-cho Ms Kardelen Genç Lange, Hartmut Weck, Laura de Ms Orsi Mészáros Fukagawa Caferaga Mah. Moda Cad. Lappert, Simone Wells, Benedict Szerb u. 17 – 19 Hokkaido 074-1273 Erengul Leon, Donna Widmer, Urs 1056 Budapest T: + 81 / 164 251 466 Apt. no.110 K:1 D:1 Lewinsky, Charles Winter, Leon de »One of the most T: + 36 / 1 456 03 13 F: + 81 / 164 263 833 34710 Kadiköy, Istanbul Limacher, Roland (excl. Dutch language) prestigious literary F: + 36 / 1 456 03 14 [email protected] T: + 90 / 212 245 44 06 Loetscher, Hugo Winter, Solomonica de publishers of the [email protected] [email protected] Markaris, Petros Zehrer, Klaus Cäsar (excl. Greek language) German language.« Matussek, Matthias Le Monde, Paris Diogenes Irgendwann wird es gut wird Irgendwann Goebel Joey Joey Goebel Irgendwann wird es gut Lukas Diogenes Hartmann Daniela Krien Der Sänger

Die Liebe im Ernstfall Liebe Die Krien Daniela Die Liebe Roman · Diogenes im Ernstfall # 1 Bestseller »Unmistakable, Roman · Diogenes # 1 Bestseller brilliantly narrated »It’s practically and deeply humane.« impossible not »Whoever wants Dagmar Kaindl, to draw parallels to know something buchkultur, Vienna with today.« about the life of Der Stotterer Der Lewinsky CHarles Charles Lewinsky today’s women in a Torsten Kohlschein / Freie Presse, Chemnitz Der Stotterer hundred years, will Roman · Diogenes # 1 Bestseller learn it from Daniela Krien’s novel.« Karin Grossmann / »An exhilarating Sächsische Zeitung, read: intelligent, Dresden sophisticated – what else do you want?« Denis Scheck / ARD, Munich Das kalte BlutDas Der Sprung Der Lappert Simone Simone Lappert Thomas Meyer

Chris Kraus Chris Kraus Wolkenbruchs Der Sprung waghalsiges Verlag © Diogenes side: front Illustration Chris Kraus Spionin der mit Stelldichein waghalsiges Wolkenbruchs Meyer Das kalte Blut Roman · Diogenes Stelldichein mit Bestseller der Spionin Roman · Diogenes # 1 Bestseller »Densely packed Roman · Diogenes literature.« »A pleasure to read.« NZZ am Sonntag, Martina Läubli / »A great novel. Zurich NZZ am Sonntag, Zurich Andrej Brilliant!« Kurkow Graue Bienen Graue Kurkow Andrej Graue Bienen Radio Europe 1, Paris

Roman · Diogenes

»At the same time poetic and poignant.« Gala, Hamburg

Diogenes Verlag AG Sprecherstrasse 8 8032 Zürich Switzerland t +41 44 254 85 11