MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 11th October 2016 at 8.00 pm in Village Hall.

PRESENT: Councillor James Bushell in the Chair Councillors: Richard Abbott, Mike Duckworth, Paul Lord, Philippa Pennington, David Priestner

In attendance: The Clerk: Steve Harrold Trafford: Sean Anstee, Michael Hyman, National Trust: Stuart Robinson

There were 6 electors present.

1 Apologies for absence: Kate Burke Trafford: Karen Barclay

2 Minutes: The minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council 13th September 2016 were approved as a correct record, and signed by the Chairman.

3 Matters arising: (a) Broadband Survey Responses have been received from 80 addresses. Councillors will visit the remaining addresses, aiming to get the response rate above 75%. ALL

4 To receive questions and observations from Dunham Massey Local Government electors The school bus stop on Woodhouse Lane (near the big tree) has moved to Smithy Lane. A request was made for the erection of “children crossing” signs at this SH location.

Information on the status of Brackendene was requested. The Council is unaware if

the property has been sold or not.

The slow progress of the installation of fencing near the Millennium Garden was commented on.

The pavement near the church lychgate has dropped. AMEY will be notified. SH

Comments were made about “unsightly” advertisements on the sides of the telephone boxes. The Council has no power to act on these as BT have “deemed consent” to display these provided they meet certain conditions. They must: (a) be kept clean and tidy

(b) be kept in a safe condition

(c) have the permission of the owner of the site on which they are displayed (d) not obscure, or hinder the interpretation of, official road, rail, waterway or aircraft signs, or otherwise make hazardous the use of these types of transport (e) be removed carefully where so required by the planning authority

Cars parked on Charcoal Road have caused problems in accessing driveways for some residents. AMEY will be asked to convert the H-bar markings into double yellow SH lines.

5 To receive a report on a meeting with Trafford Estate Management concerning the Gateway.

The Cheshire Gateway comprises two sites: an East site which is proposed for a Science Park, and a West site for a logistics/distribution centre. The East site was previously “safeguarded” for employment use in the Council (CEC) Local Plan, however after review CEC is now recommending removal of the safeguarded status – ie it will revert back to Green Belt. The West site has always been part of the Green Belt.

On 18th October there will be a Public Examination ( Town Hall) of the Cheshire East Local Plan strategy. TEM will be making representations to have the safeguarded status retained so they can apply for planning approval for the Science Park. If the enquiry identifies that the Local Plan has omitted to study potential employment land, then TEM hope it will be possible to discuss the logistics site. TEM believe the case for this is stronger than for the Science Park, but the enquiry will only consider this if omissions are identified in the Local Plan.

The Parish Council agreed that it is opposed to the scheme. It believes that there are other brown field sites that could be used and that it sets a highly undesirable precedent to permit development on Green Belt land. The Clerk will write to TEM and the Clerk for SH Little to express this view.

6 To receive a report from the Village Hall Committee. Two iPads have been purchased using a community grant. rd th The Thespians are rehearsing for a production of “The Thrill of Love”, on 23 to 26 November. A “beer and skittles” night will be held on 11th November. The Produce Show went well. A “Bread and Home Brew” show has been proposed for 2017.

7 To consider recent planning applications: Application 89350/FUL/16 (Forest Edge, Charcoal Road). Proposed demolition of existing dwelling and redevelopment to provide replacement dwelling with new three car garage element.

There were no objections or adverse comments.

8 To receive the mid-year statement of accounts. The council accepted the statement.

9 AOB. (a) Bank account signatories Councillor personal details were requested so that an application to open a bank account with NatWest can be made. (b) Printing costs The Council agreed to reimburse the Clerk for printing costs. (c) Trail camera It was agreed that a small group would be appointed to consider locations for the camera. (d) Website The Clerk reminded the Council that the Minutes and Accounts are published on the internet to comply with the Local Government Transparency Code. These can be viewed at www.traffordparishes.gov.uk