Evidence from the Film Industry
Expected Returns on Real Investments: Evidence from the Film Industry Thomas Y. Powers∗ October 21, 2015 Abstract Using a proprietary, project-level dataset on the film industry, I study a cross-section of expected returns on real investments. Expected returns are in- creasing and concave in the idiosyncratic dollar variance of a film’s payoff, unlike in markets where such risk can be diversified. Expected returns are approxi- mately linear in dollar volatility. A $1 MM increase in volatility raises expected return by at least 43 basis points. I discuss theories from corporate finance that can rationalize the pricing of idiosyncratic risk, and I build a matching model between studios and films in which costly external finance can explain the facts. JEL Codes: G12, G32, L22. Keywords: Cross-sectional asset pricing, pricing real investments, project choice, managerial risk aversion, risk management ∗Harvard University, tpowers@hbs.edu. I am very grateful to John Campbell, Robin Greenwood, Victoria Ivashina, Diane Kahng, Steve Kovacs, Ari Levinson, Jean-Marie Meier, Filippo Mezzanotti, Vijay Narasiman, Jonathan Rhinesmith, David Scharfstein, Neil Shephard, Manpreet Singh, Erik Stafford, Luis Viceira, John Zhou, Eric Zwick, and the participants at the Harvard Finance Workshop and at the LBS Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Conference for their helpful comments. Additionally, I would like to thank Bruce Nash and OpusData for generously providing data and for feedback on my project. Introduction Businesses expect different returns on different projects, and these differences deter- mine which innovations are developed, which jobs are created, and which investments are available to savers. Nevertheless, despite its relevance, we know relatively little about which factors drive the cross-sectional variation in expected returns for real projects.
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