Carrying the Message

the only message fit to print

"You can't keep it, if you don't give it away"


The Newsroom


Clark Kent: Super Marketer – BJ Maxey

Lois Lane: Wants to do it right, wants information – Rhonda Schmid

Jimmy Olson: Can't make a decision, asks lots of questions – Billy Martin

Verry Right: The boss, bossy, dominating – Kay Miles

Miss Informed: AIS volunteer gives wrong answers – Lisa Levey

Announcer – Debbe Pangburn

Off stage voices Announcer, two operators, and answering machine recording


Clark/SM suit jacket and glasses, SM logo over Public Outreach t-shirt

Jimmy news reporter appearance, with hat, camera, magnifying glass

Newsroom Phone book, phone

Lois Cell phone

Announcer: Faster than a speeding bullet ... more powerful than a locomotive ... able to leap tall buildings in a single bound....

Look, up in the sky It's a bird ... It's a plane ... It's SUPERMARKETER!

Yes, it's Super Marketer, strange visitor from another planet who came to earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal members...

Super Marketer, who can change the course of mighty rivers (you have heard of DENIAL), bend enablers with his bare hands, and who, disguised as , mild mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never ending battle for honesty, serenity, and the Al-Anon way.

We take you now to a meeting at the Daily Planet, where editor Verry Right is meeting with her staff: crackerjack reporter , dedicated photographer , and of course the mild mannered Clark Kent. Ms Verry Right: OK team, we've done a lot of coverage on alcoholism, and I want to try a new angle. We're going to do a special story on alcoholism and the family. I want us to cover every angle there is. Who's got an idea?

Lois: Isn't there a program for the families of alcoholics? Alkanon? Or Alnon? Or something like that?

Verry: That's great Lois, but isn't that for alcoholics? We want to address the needs of the family members....

Clark: You're thinking of Alcoholics Anonymous, . Right. There is a program called "Al-Anon Family Groups," Lois, for families and friends of alcoholics, with Alateen for younger members. It's a 12 step program similar to AA.

Lois: Oh you think you're so smart, Clark!

Jimmy: Uh, don't think we're supposed to know about those things. They're a sort of secret society.

Verry: We can't keep secrets from the public ... I want you three to pop this secret society out of its hiding hole if there's a story here I want it ... now get to work!!! Whatever it takes I want to get the story! Get out there, pound the pavements, get the scoop! Lois, Jimmy, Clark I want the best issue ever. (Verry stomps out)

Lois, Jimmy, Clark: Yes, boss.

Lois: Aw geez, Clark, look what you've gotten us into.... (pulls out phone book) there's no listing here....

Jimmy: Told you they were a secret!

Lois: I know we can find them ... let's call this local alcoholism hotline (dials phone)

Operator 1 (offstage): Hotline .... can I help you?

Lois: I'm trying to find help for families and friends of alcoholics ... do you have a number for AI- Anon?

Operator: try this number: 8888888

Lois: Thanks. (dials number)

Operator 2: AA Intergroup, don't drink and go to meetings can I help you?

Lois: I'm trying to find Al-Anon...

Operator 2: AI-Anon, Al-Anon ... hold on here ... they have a little office downtown, think it's off Main Street, and the number is 7777777.

Lois: Thanks (dials)

Recording (Ms. Informed): Thank you for calling the Greater Metropolis Information Service. Our office hours are 10 to 10:10 am, 11:30 to 11:35 am, 2:30 to 2:40 pm, and 4:55 to 5:05 p.m. Please call back during those hours. Lois: (slams down phone) How do they expect anyone to find them???? This organization needs some help!

Jimmy: Told you they were a secret.

Lois: Well, Mr. Smart Clark Kent, it looks like you aren't as good a reporter as you think...I say we go down to that office off Main Street at 10 am and see what it is. Come on you two.

(They walk slowly, scanning the audience as "Main Street'. Clark is agitated, looking for a phone booth)

Jimmy: Candy store, law office, bank, butcher, baker, candlestick maker...

Clark: Why is there never a phone booth anywhere when you need one?

Lois: Here Clark, use my cell phone (pulls out phone).

Clark: That's not really what I mean (shrugs and takes phone). I'll be right back. (to audience) This is a job for Super Marketer!

(Clark runs off stage)

Lois: That Clark, you can never count on him always running off. Mr. Fraidy Cat! It's up to you and me, Jimmy. Insurance, donuts, movies, dentist, 5 & 10 ... but no Al-Anon office! We've been up and down Main Street, looking in every building no Al-Anon OR Alateen.

Jimmy: I told you they were a secret, like an underground cult. There has to be a way to get in touch with these people! We need help here.

Jimmy: Lookup in the sky! It's a bird ... it's a plane ... no, it's Super Marketer!!!

Lois: Super Marketer! Boy can we use your help (primps her hair)

SM/Clark: I understand you're looking for the Al-Anon information service. Let me use my X-ray vision to locate it. (scans imaginary buildings) No, no, no, no ... wait ... I see a book on a shelf called How Al-Anon Works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics that must be it 4~

Lois: Let's go!!!

(They knock on an imaginary door with very small unreadable sign, "'Information Service)

Miss Informed: Coming... (comes out to them) Hello ... Are you the relative or friend of an alcoholic? Are you angry, in despair, frustrated, sick and tired? Wait aren't you...

Lois! Yes, yes, he's Super Marketer. I'm Lois Lane, and this is Jimmy Olson. The Daily Planet wants to do an article on AI-Anon. Your office is very hard to find.

Miss Informed: Well, we have to protect our anonymity. I'm here to help you, though I can't tell you my name. You can call me Miss Informed I'm an anonymous, amateur, part time, nonprofessional volunteer. What do you want to know? We want to know how anyone finds you! Why aren't you in the phone book?

Miss Informed: We can't do that we're anonymous. Super Marketer: Not only are your members anonymous, but so is your office! I have x-ray vision, but no one else does. How will families and friends of alcoholics who need your services find you?

Miss Informed (indignantly): They will find us when they are ready the program is for those who want it, not those who need it. And we have a sign on the door.

(Jimmy inspects small sign with magnifying glass)

Super Marketer: But it just says Information Service What kind of information? Are you the chamber of commerce? The visitors' bureau?

Miss Informed: Like I said, we have to protect our anonymity. And we have Traditions that say we can't talk to anyone outside our fellowship, especially reporters. I'm sorry.

Lois: Well this is a dead end.

Jimmy: Told you it was a secret.

Super Marketer: Lois and Jimmy, would you give me a moment alone with this lady? I think can help her.

Lois: Anything for you, Super Marketer... Come on Jimmy. (they leave)

Miss Informed: What's this all about, Super Marketer? We certainly don't do any marketing in AI- Anon! That would be promotional.

Super Marketer: That's where you are wrong, Miss Informed. I'm going to share with you my OTHER identity ... I am an Al-Anon member myself, and not only that ... I am your area Public Outreach coordinator!!!

(rips open SM to reveal PO shirt)

Miss Informed: My goodness!! the Public???? Here in Metropolis??? Hey, wait a minute, our Public Outreach coordinator is Clark K.

Super Marketer: Can you keep a confidence, Miss Informed.? (she nods) We can reveal our full names and our secret identities within the fellowship.

Miss Informed: Your secret is safe with me! And my first name is Well. But, we can't do any marketing in our outreach to the public!

Super Marketer: That's where you are misinformed, Miss Informed! I'm going to share with you some of the ways we reach out to carry the message, without violating the Traditions or our anonymity....

(People come on stage carrying these poster Ideas)

1. We can put posters in public places with our AIS number (POSTERS)

2. We can put The Forum in doctor's offices (THE FORUM)

3. We can develop a district, AIS, or area Web site, putting our name where anyone can find it (WEB SITE) 4. We can cooperate with professional organizations (COOPERATE)

5.We can have a booth at a health fair (EXHIBIT BOOTH)

6. We can donate Al-Anon and Alateen books to the library (CAL)

7. We can hold open meetings and invite professionals (OPEN MEETINGS)

8. We can take PSAs to TV and radio stations (PSAs)

9. We can send press releases to our newspaper (PRESS RELEASES)

10. We can get our information service listed in the phone book (AL-ANON PHONE NO.)

11.We can distribute meeting lists to professionals (MEETING LISTS)

Super Marketer/PO: All of these actions are carrying the message via attraction and cooperation. They are a means of "marketing" our program to the public. Al-Anon cannot reach these potential newcomers and grow without attraction and cooperation. To avoid promotion, we simply give information about Al-Anon's purpose, what we do, and how to contact us. We can cooperate without affiliating with professional, media, and other organizations. We use our Traditions as a guide and always maintain our personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, TV, and films. We can attract and cooperate without being invisible. It's right here in our Service Manual on page ??. (hands Manual to Miss Informed).

Miss Informed: (reads) 'Al-Anon is attracting when it tells people why we are, what we are, what we do and how: we let them know that we are available if and when help is needed. We state the facts, which are communicated via the press, radio, TV, and films, always stressing anonymity at the public level.

"Al-Anon is cooperating when it works with others, rather than alone. In working with others, our scope and contacts are broadened and we reach many more of those in need." Wow!!! Thank you, Public Outreach coordinator! With your help, we'll do more Al-Anon outreach work here in Metropolis! I'm beginning to understand that "marketing" means carrying the message of hope and help to families and friends of alcoholics, and that it does not violate our Traditions to reach out to the potential newcomer.

SM/PO: Then my work here is done. I'm just one of the many dedicated Public Outreach coordinators who work to help to carry the message of Al-Anon to those who still suffer. Time for me to move on to another district/group/AlS that needs my help... (flies out)

Narrator: It's been just another day for our friend Super Marketer. Lois and Jimmy talked to Miss Well Informed and got the story on Al-Anon. Back in the newsroom....

Clark: Did you get what you needed for that article, Lois?

Lois: No thanks to you, Clark!

Verry Right: Great job, Lois! Let's go to press, JImmy: It's no secret anymore!

Narrator: Miss Well Informed has learned that anonymity does not mean invisibility... and the citizens of Metropolis will learn what Al-Anon is, and that it is there to provide hope and help for the families and friends of alcoholics in the community. Just another job well done by a trusted and treasured Public Outreach coordinator, and his alter ego, SUPERMARKETER!


Break into groups and discuss and list:

What public outreach service can I perform as an individual?

 Share my story  Take flyers to professionals  Literature “lost” at Doctors offices  Health Fairs  Information to Sheriff and Police departments  Information to Pastors  Recovery Radio Network (ITunes)  Conversations 1 on 1 concerning Tradition 5  Speaking at Rehabs, treatment centers, hospitals, community centers, health fairs, mental health facilities, schools, counselors, city agencies and therapists  Letters to doctors, schools, church leaders  Provide 1-800 number and website  Distribute website information and AFA in the community

What public outreach service can a group perform?

 Create a flyer  Visit prisons  Visit treatment centers  Flyers to professionals  Take PSA’s to local radio and TV  Donate CAL to local libraries  Start a new meeting and support  Cooperate with AA events  Provide shelters and prisons with books  Have an open meeting and invite counselors, doctors, clergy  Phone book  Distribute Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism to community  Donate pamphlets to school, colleges, universities  Post flyer on bulletin boards  Meetings on local newspaper  Submit press releases to local paper  Stuff teacher boxes with letter to teachers  Hold workshops  Purchase literature to donate  Participate and develop outreach projects  Deliver literature to bail bond agencies  Literature to fire departments  Meeting lists in all newcomer packets  Pass out water bottles with the local group information  Banner or sign outside your meeting location  Ask your church to display “Al-Anon Spoken Here” on the marquee  Al-Anon ad in local paper

What public outreach service can a district perform?

 Health Fairs  CAL to courts  Encourage serving at AIS  Meetings to treatment center  Meetings to Hospitals  Websites  Visit nursing schools  Announcements on the radio  Have an HR campaign – reachout with information  Make business cards with meeting information for distribution by police officers and EMTS  Have an article in a community or county magazine

What public outreach service can an area perform?

 Encourage outreach to treatment centers o Prisons o Pastors o Police o Treatment Centers  Education of new GR about Public Outreach  Public Service Announcements  Websites  Aid groups and districts  PSA’s in theatres  Providing more literature like pamphlets, information available in different languages  PO Coordinator working closely with districts  Information on buses