11/6/2019 5:47:03 PM

Lee Henderson

[email protected]

401 S 1st St, Unit 518

More money for public safety is necessary!

11/6/2019 7:27:31 PM

Rene Leer [email protected]

328 3rd Ave. NE

Please do not raise the property tax. I am a senior citizen and can not afford the increase.

11/7/2019 9:09:32 AM

Nic Puzak

[email protected]

4335 E lake Harriet

Please consider an alternative property tax for multi family buildings built prior to... perhaps 1970? For older owners, the ten year convention for 4d classification is just too long. Why hold ownership to this 10 years, when giving various and multiple variances letting developers “flip” as they desire ?

Given that the last zoning change was enacted in 1963, this reduction in tax would increase affordability and capture the vast majority of our City’s apartments.

Thank you for your service!

11/7/2019 10:34:14 AM

Ruby Levine [email protected]

2919 14th Ave S, MN 55407

As a Minneapolis resident and a mental health professional serving the LGBTQ+ community and people living with HIV, I am concerned for the future of our city. Please invest in the trans equity counsel and invest in community safety, not new police officers. As a mental health professional and a social worker I know how important systemic recognition is for trans people’s mental health as well as their material condition. I am in support of the proposals of Reclaim the Block and ask that the council not fund more police officers. A budget is a moral document and I do not believe continuing the spiraling costs of policing aligns with our city’s morals.

11/7/2019 12:27:31 PM

Andi cheney

[email protected]

3915 Snelling ave

I want no new cops, support for the trans equity council, and investments in true community safety!!

11/7/2019 1:38:35 PM

Erin Bogle [email protected]

3347 15th Ave South

I live in Powderhorn and work in the Webber Camden neighborhood. I'm a librarian at the Webber Park Library with a focus of working with youth. In the neighborhood I live in and the neighborhood I work in, we need less police, not more. We need to shift funding towards resources like youth after-school programs, food programs, job assistance, and affordable housing. Police do not make us safer. When an adult is having a mental health crisis they need mental health support not police. When a youth makes mistakes and causes harm they need support, accountability, and learning not punishment and policing. People and communities are safer when we have the things we need, like housing, food, and community. Please, what we've been doing isn't working, we need to try something new. Please do not add additional funding to police. 11/7/2019 2:56:18 PM

Nat Begej [email protected]

3612 10th Ave S

Please invest in true community safety and not in cops. And support the excellent trans equity work that is already happening in Minneapolis so it can continue to grow. Thanks for all you do!

11/7/2019 5:58:06 PM

Ali’s Sands [email protected]

3724 Lyndale Ave S

I am concerned for the transgender and non binary communities in our city. Because we are privileged enough to have the Program in Human Sexuality at the U of MN in our city, we are increasing attracting more trans and non-binary people to Minneapolis. I believe it is important to show our support of this population by funding programs that will support their success. My partner is a transgender male, and well as a medical provider here in Minneapolis. He creates affordable, trans inclusive health care for the community. Without the support of our public officials, he will not feel safe to continue on in his work. There are so many layer seeds of intersectionality within and already marginalized community. Please consider funding programs for the transgender community, who are a large and welcome part of our city.

11/7/2019 7:58:34 PM

649 Fillmore St NE # 2 Minneapolis MN 55413

Please support trans equity work, especially the Trans Equity Council. Minneapolis should set an example for MN & the country in defending the rights of trans, nonbinary, and genderqueer individuals. Invest in and empower our community so we can do this work. Also, invest in community safety programs that build fellowship among neighbors. No new cops.

11/8/2019 9:11:02 AM

Trisha Salkas [email protected]

3241 18th Ave S

Please continue to enhance your commitment to trans equity and allocate dollars to fund this work that's crucial for our communities. Additionally, please help to strengthen our community safety through upstream solutions rather than more police! Thanks for all you do.

11/8/2019 2:50:22 PM

William Ball [email protected]

5504 13th Ave So

Chief Arodondo has called for way more new MPD officers than the Mayor requested in the proposed budget (14).

Most of the is showing a reluctance, if not outright opposition, to hiring more officers. This, despite that thousands of 911 calls--especially in the southern wards of Minneapolis--had horrid response times.

I urge Jeremy to support the Mayor's requests--your constituents have been extremely vocal on Next Door Neighbor in in one/one conversations with each other and you.

The police response to our ward is not acceptable--and the fault is lack of staff, not their performance.

While I'm on the topic, how about returning to single officer patrol cars where feasible as Tony Bouza and Don Fraser did decades ago?

11/8/2019 3:07:04 PM

Ellie Lynch [email protected]

3613 18th Ave S. Minneapolis MN 55407


I wholeheartedly send my support for funding full time employment of two coordinators for the Trans Equity Council. The city has made commitments to support the Transgender & Gender Non Conforming community which finds safe haven in this city. This is the moment to promote equity and inclusivity, and funding the coordinator roles is the best course of action to assure that the city succeeds in it's commitments.

Ellie Lynch

Minneapolis, MN

11/9/2019 3:44:58 PM

Barbara Jacobson

[email protected]

818 West 45th St

Crime is increasing all over the city and it’s because there just aren’t enough police officers! We need more police on the streets.

I almost wanna start a go fund me so we can afford Minneapolis police officers.

11/10/2019 5:37:54 PM

Brad Fletcher

[email protected]

121 Washington Avenue South #715

Please, please, please include funding for additional police officers. Thank you.

11/12/2019 8:02:57 PM

Dale Hulme

[email protected]

4230 Colfax Ave. N.

My understanding is that Police Chief Arradondo asked for 200 new police officers and the budget contains 14. From news reports, I also understand that there is an opinion among the majority of Council members that police cause community trouble and the more of them there are, the more trouble there will be. Violent crime has gone up, especially downtown. While diversion and prevention programs are money well spent, they are no substitute for curbing crime that is happening now. More officers are needed for that.

11/18/2019 11:51:29 AM

Alice Madden

[email protected]

3335 1st Av S Minneapolis MN 55408

Please support the following items:

-Restoration of the $600,000 taken from the sustainability/climate work in the City. This was a mistake/oversight/hamstringing done by the last budget made by Mayor Hodges (removing sustainability staff from the core city priorities and offloading them onto the franchise fee increase). On December 2nd the council will vote on whether or not the City will declare a climate emergency - how is it we are removing $600k from the efforts to address this? We are massively underfunding the problem already. Please restore this funding - we need to be funding resilience and adaptation that is equitable to the tune of closer to tens of millions of dollars. Every single department must be thinking about and embedding new climate realities into their work. We cannot afford to cut, only to expand this work.

- Funding for trans equity position to support trans community in Minneapolis, several friends and people I know have spoken highly of the impact this position

Lastly, I am concerned about the funding going to add more police officers. Though I understand that the new roles are meant to focus on community building, those dollars are better spent outside the police department on professionals whose work is mental health, housing, local economic development. We are funding the wrong messengers if the goal is community safety - please fund the ones who have earned that trust - expanding restorative justice programs, mental health outreach workers, small businesses who hire formerly incarcerated individuals, job training programs, cultural wellness programs, etc. The police will not earn that trust if their police union head is Bob Kroll or any other person who is that blatantly a white nationalist.

The ideas of the South Minneapolis Public Safety Coalition (SMPSC) are a great place to start on community safety in place of additional police officers, and can include climate justice work as well.

11/19/2019 3:53:34 PM

Ben Stanley [email protected]

3943 18th Ave South

Please support an increased number of MPD officers on the street and related services (e.g., dealing with the 911 backlog issue). The roughly 5% increase to the police is welcome but insufficient to deal with the crime in South Minneapolis. Thank you.

11/20/2019 8:46:02 PM

Sarah Combellick-Bidney [email protected]

4035 25th Ave. S.

Hello City Council members,

I am concerned about the reductions of the sustainability budget. This is a crucial area for our city right now and affects the most marginalized in our city. Sustainability helps everyone but helps the poorest and most oppressed people the most, because it helps us transition to practices that are workable in all conditions the changing climate may throw at us in all seasons. If we allow this area of the budget to be reduced back down to the inadequate amount we had before, we will see serious consequences in our neighborhoods. We need all city infrastructure and transit and services to be made more sustainable especially at this crucial time; please add the adequate sustainability funds back into the budget.


Sarah Combellick-Bidney

Associate Prof of Pol. Sci.

Augsburg University

11/22/2019 9:56:11 AM

Dan Thiede [email protected]

4717 5th Ave S

Hi, my name is Dan Thiede and I’m a constituent in the Field neighborhood.

I wanted to ask the Mayor and Councilmembers to restore full funding to the sustainability and climate work to fulfill the city’s commitment to climate action work that saves Minneapolis residents and businesses money and energy. I’ve recently become aware that there is $600,000 missing from this budget for 2020. In times of a climate emergency, we need this money restored and another million for funding a real inclusive financing program, workforce development priorities and the Green Cost Share program.

Two examples of why this has been successful: The Green Cost Share has impressive pollution reduction numbers as well as energy savings (http://www.minneapolismn.gov/environment/greencostshare) and the 0% financing for home energy improvements is successfully spurring more projects in Mpls homes. More money for these projects results directly in more savings. The City is not on target for its 2025 energy efficiency goals, so this funding for proven programs is important for meeting the targets that council unanimously supported in the Climate Action Plan.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to say that I support the asks of Reclaim the Block, the South Minneapolis Public Safety Coalition, and the ask for the Trans Equity position.

Thanks so much for your time and the great work you're doing!



11/22/2019 1:14:53 PM

Michelle Wenderlich [email protected]

3821 14th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407

As a Constituent of Ward 8, organizer with Community Power, and PhD Candidate looking into how public ownership and democratic control of energy and other necessary systems can carve a path for a sustainable and just future by changing the politics of what is possible, I wanted to ask the Council to restore full funding to the sustainability and climate work to fulfill the city’s commitment to climate action work that saves Minneapolis residents and businesses money and energy.

Investment Pays Off -

Two years ago, the city council voted to raise the franchise fee on electric and gas utility bills to fund equitable climate work. For example, the city's Green Cost Share program has leveraged $28 million in private spending to reduce energy bills of Minneapolis residents and businesses by a projected $40 million. That's a 10:1 savings compared to the less than $4 million in city funds spent over the past several years.

So Why Back Off in the Face of an Emergency?

The 2020 budget proposes cutting the climate fighting budget by nearly 20 percent, nearly $600,000, by shifting pre-2017 money for the Sustainability Office and other clean energy initiatives into the bucket funded by the franchise fee increase. It cuts funds for climate innovation by using them to pay for things the city was already funding.

A Climate Emergency Requires an Emergency Response––to Increase Funding to Fight Climate Change

We need to increase the climate budget to meet the emergency, by raising the funds to be designated by the Energy Vision Advisory Committee and the Sustainability Office by $1 million. Members of the Energy Vision Advisory Committee are recommending the city use these funds to boost the Green Cost Share program, test innovative energy efficiency programs that make it easy for low-income folks to cut energy bills (real inclusive financing without loans, credit checks or upfront cost, so that it is accessible to all), and build the clean energy workforce the city needs to face the climate challenge.

I also ask that the city be more transparent with its budget in general and that you take the work of EVAC and other commissions seriously by centering co-creation and participatory democracy, not commentary after the fact.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to say that I support the asks of Reclaim the Block, the South Minneapolis Public Safety Coalition, and the ask for the Trans Equity position, as well as continuing the food justice work the Sustainability Office is doing. Thanks so much for your time and work for this City.


Michelle Cole Wenderlich

Organizer + Policy Specialist, Community Power

PhD Candidate, Graduate School of Geography, Clark University

Pronouns: they/them/theirs

1/22/2019 7:27:50 PM


111 Marquette Ave

Vision Zero is great as a goal, but as today’s tragedy of another life lost to traffic violence illustrates, we must increase the rate of change towards safer streets. Please increase funding for bike lanes, safer pedestrian facilities, and road diets to ensure we reduce these tragedies.

11/27/2019 12:37:39 PM



146 Emerald St. SE Minneapolis MN 55414

I am against an increase in the police budget in 2020. I support the MPLS for a better police contract and believe that we need to have a police force that is held accountable, that is free from corruption, that does not abuse its power, and that is responsive to and responsible for the community. It is unbelievable and unacceptable that Bob Kroll is the head of the police union and spoke at the trump rally. When the police are actively in favor of one candidate, especially a figure as hateful and harmful as Trump, they cannot be trusted to protect and serve. I not only do not trust our police, I feel largely fearful of them. I say this as a white person, and cannot imagine what it must be like to be a Minneapolis resident of color.

Please do not increase funding for the police.

11/27/2019 3:25:56 PM

Carol Quinn LICSW

[email protected]

Davis Center, 1250 West Broadway, Minneapolis, Mn 55411

I am providing comments in support of the continuation of and funding for The Stable Homes Stable Schools program in collaboration with The City of Minneapolis, Minneapolis Public Schools, MPHA, Hennepin County and The YMCA. In my 29 years as a Minneapolis Public Schools Social Worker I have never encountered a program with such deep collaboration and practical support to families in need of housing, while keeping the children in their neighborhood school. How simple yet brilliant. This initiative is just getting started and needs to continue in order for more children in Minneapolis to be safe, secure, learning and building a future. To do this they need a home, a school where they can learn and build relationships year after year, where their ability to achieve academic success and develop secure relationships will grow. In my experience if a child is continually moving schools, are homeless or in shelter their school success is compromised. Everyone in Minneapolis deserves a home especially families with children so they do not miss out on learning and building a secure future as citizens of Minneapolis. Thank you for your consideration and service to our city. CQ

11/29/2019 2:26:26 PM

Fredric AR Kreider [email protected]

2832 28th ave s, #1

I want the Vision Zero fund to be increased to at least 5 million dollars. The money can be taken from road projects. If a road is deemed unsuitable for motor traffic, then put up barriers and close it to cars. potholes can be filled with asphalt or even just gravel and the roads would still be passable for people walking biking and rolling. Call it a Pilot and see what happens over the course of a year.

11/30/2019 2:08:14 AM

Cara Oelke [email protected]

2301 23rd Ave S, Minneapolis MN 55404

I am writing to let the Mayor and City Council members know that after almost 15 years of living in the Seward neighborhood that our family has decided to sell our house and move to the suburbs due to rising crime and the complete ineffectiveness of City Council to do anything meaningful with their budget allocations to try and reduce crime levels. Seward did not used to be crime infested, like it is now. We did not used to have routine home and garage break ins, car and bike thefts, open rampant drug use in public, dirty needles dropped all over, the list could go on. Rather than properly funding the police department and untying their hands so that they could actually arrest criminals and get them off the street, for some completely unknown reason, City Council has decided that what criminals who are wreaking havoc in our neighborhoods really need is more tax payer funded services. City Council is more concerned with the housing status of the person trying to kick down my back door than the fact that my back door is being kicked down. This is legitimate insanity! It sounds compassionate to say, "we aren't criminalizing addiction", when really what you are saying is, "we will let criminals rob you blind and endanger your safety so that we can feel better about ourselves and how open and tolerant our policies are". Your policies, along with the lenient sentences handed down by local judges in cohorts with city and county prosecutors, are making Minneapolis an unsafe and dirty place to raise a family. We have a choice who we pay our property tax dollars to, and I'm so glad to say that we are finally leaving Minneapolis and moving to the suburbs where hopefully they still believe in the rule of law.

11/30/2019 11:59:56 AM

Barbara Draper [email protected]

2212 19th Ave NE, Minneapolis MN 55418

I support, with a sense of terrible urgency, the 3 proposals you will be considering this week. Namely: the declaration of a climate emergency, adoption of a social cost of carbon in line with the PUC, and a sustainable building policy for the city.

I urge you also, to fill in the $600,000 shortfall from last year's budget for equitable climate work. You have required such things as energy assessments and establishing green energy sharing programs, which are terrific, but leaving them underfunded makes them empty words. Please back up the nice sounding ordinances with the means to make them happen.

Thank you

Barbara Draper

12/2/2019 10:38:53 AM

Naomi Jackson

[email protected]

4300 W River Parkway #313 Minneapolis MN 55406

It is so very important that the city council take strong action about climate change. This is no longer optional depending on available funding. It is an emergency and all of our resources need to be directed towards addressing it.

To that end, please support the three proposals the council is considering: the declaration of a climate emergency, adoption of a social cost of carbon in line with the PUC, and a sustainable building policy for the city.

I'm puzzled over how the city ended up with a $600,000 shortfall for something as critical as equitable climate work, but please address that also.

Thank you.

2/3/2019 2:55:35 PM

Charissa Verdoorn

[email protected]

2530 E 34th St #212

My name is Charissa and I live in South Minneapolis. I am very concerned about climate change and believe we must lead the state in taking bold action, since I'm happy to see that we recently declared a climate emergency. I'm concerned that the city's proposed 2020 budget cuts the city’s climate mitigation budget by $600,000. In the face of climate catastrophe, we are reducing our budget for stopping GHG emissions. We need to increase our climate budget so we can reach--and surpass--our goals of reducing GHG's by 80% by 2050. We can inspire and lead the state and the rest of the nation. Thank you.

12/3/2019 4:08:32 PM

Jennifer Harmening Thiede [email protected]

Move Minnesota

As you consider the City's 2020 budget, Move Minnesota submits the following public comments to Mayor Frey and all Minneapolis City Council Members for the official record. Because our organization's comments address both the budget and the draft Minneapolis Vision Zero Action Plan, Move Minnesota also submitted these public comments on 10-16-19 as a letter to Ethan Fawley, Vision Zero Program Coordinator with the City of Minneapolis Public Works Department. Thank you for considering this input now as you make important decisions about how to align the City's budget with its needs and vision for the future:

"We support the commitments the City of Minneapolis has made to reducing carbon emissions, creating welcoming and accessible neighborhoods, and designing a City where it is safe and enjoyable to walk, roll, bike, or use transit. We submit this letter in support of the Draft Vision Zero Action Plan’s efforts to improve infrastructure and lower speed limits, and urge the City to ensure this transformative work is fully funded in the City’s 2020-2024 Budget.

With 114 miles of roads on the high-injury network, we are excited to see the ambitiousness of the 3- year plan. As the plan acknowledges, people’s lives are at stake, and this is urgent work. Move Minnesota refers to a consensus of information around the critical importance of infrastructure in changing the way people driving interact with streets. We appreciate that the Vision Zero Action Plan proposes timely improvements to the streets where people walking, rolling, and biking are most likely to be severely injured or killed. To advance the goals of Vision Zero, we strongly encourage the City of Minneapolis to make improvements to street infrastructure a top priority.

Every person deserves to live in a community where they are safe to walk, roll, and bike. We urge the City to consider extremely carefully the impact of increases in enforcement, and look to lessons learned in other cities to ensure Vision Zero efforts do not amplify the City’s existing racial and income disparities. We urge the City to center the communities likely to be most impacted by the use of enforcement in the planning, feedback, and accountability processes for enforcement efforts.

Vision Zero has the potential to amplify the City’s commitments to Complete Streets and Climate Action, as well as advance the impending Transportation Action Plan. Together, these commitments can create a City that is welcoming for people of all ages and abilities to walk, roll, and bike.


Linnea House, Interim Executive Director, Move Minnesota"

12/4/2019 12:10:52 PM

Zoe Martinez

[email protected]

3419 E 40th St

With the growing population of the city, especially regarding all the new housing developments in the Third and Fifth Precincts, I strongly hope that the council members that represent these precincts support the need of police staffing so that 911 calls response times are significantly decreased and member's of our community can again depend on peace officers assistance when calling for help. I hear frequently from members of my community, especially Spanish speaking community members that they no longer call 911 when needing assistance because of unanswered calls. Please listen to these underrepresented members of the community that may have little trust in peace officers because of relations from countries they previously came from, so we can begin to mend these relationships and place trust and all are able to confide in out public peace officers.

2/4/2019 12:11:29 PM

Nora Poole

1108 Jefferson St NE

This budget does not adequately address the need to reduce the number of police in the city and invest in communities instead, nor does it adequately address the need for more deeply affordable housing in all parts of the city. We don’t need more luxury condo high rises pushing people out of their neighborhoods. Furthermore, transit spending is a joke. We needs to divest from auto infrastructure and heavily invest in public transit, and pedestrian and bike infrastructure. Minneapolis could lead the way in these areas, but instead Jacob Frey is content with tepid compromise at the expense of regular citizens’ wellbeing and safety.

12/4/2019 1:29:40 PM

Shor Salkas [email protected]

3241 18th Ave S

Greetings City Council Members,

I am writing to recommend that City of Minneapolis funding be spent on upstream prevention and social support needs for residents rather than for more police officers.

I want Minneapolis to invest in real safety solutions like violence prevention, housing, responses to mental health and opioid crises, and protections for workers instead of 14 more cops.

As members of the Minneapolis community, we need to prioritize access to housing, youth services, harm reduction, and protections for low-wage workers help keep our communities more safe and more stable. For too long, our city has not prioritized the safety of our most marginalized community members: Black, indigenous, and people of color; immigrants; and LGBTQ community members. Instead, the city has continued to invest in policing, a system making the problem worse.

Minneapolis has continued to increase its police budget each year, without putting even a fraction of those resources toward solutions that really work. We deserve a city that funds the ways we take care of each other.

Thank you, shor

12/4/2019 3:44:56 PM

Ellen Anderson-benge

1115 W Franklin Ave

I do not think there should be money in the 2020 budget for hiring additional police officers. I think that money would be better spent on meaningful police reform, as well as other social programs.



12/4/2019 4:55:28 PM

Sean Gosiewski [email protected]

3132 22nd Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407

Please maintain full funding for city climate programming by preserving our clean energy franchise fee enabled programs at 2.8 million dollars in the city’s 2020 Budget including including green cost share grants for businesses, low cost home energy audits and zero interest home weatherization loans green work force development and and an inclusive financing pilot project.


We need to maintain and increase funding for implementation steps to address the Climate Emergency our Council voted to declare on Dec 2.

Resident and business demand for city supported energy efficiency programs will greatly increase in 2020 city- wide as our new Truth in Sale of Housing ordinance begins requiring energy audits when you are selling your home. Staff expect energy audits city wide to jump from 500 in 2019 up to 5,000 in 2020.

Two years ago, the city council voted to raise the franchise fee on electric and gas utility bills to fund equitable climate work. For example, the city’s Green Cost Share program has leveraged $28 million in private spending to reduce energy bills of Minneapolis residents and businesses by a projected $40 million. That’s a 10:1 savings compared to the less than $4 million in city funds spent over the past several years.

What you can do:

12/4/2019 5:27:36 PM

Greg Marita - Deputy Director for the Minneapolis Office of Mid-Mnnesota Legal Aid. [email protected]

111 North 5th Street, Suite 100, minneapolis, MN 55403

I am submitting this comment with respect to Mayor Frey’s proposed $25,000 increase in immigration legal service funding for a total 2020 allocation of $100,000. Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid (MMLA) is one of several non-profit legal organizations who provide low-income Minneapolis residents with free advice and representation concerning their immigration situations and issues. The City of Minneapolis considers MMLA to be one of its community partners in addressing this critical need. While other non- profit legal organizations receive funding from the City to support their immigration work, the City currently does not allocate financial resources to MMLA to help us provide immigrants with legal assistance. MMLA requests that the Mayor's proposed $25,000 increase be used to help fund MMLA's provision of free immigration services to low income Minneapolis residents. Thank you for your consideration.

2/4/2019 5:32:50 PM

Kathy Moccio [email protected]

115 Valleyview Place, Minneapolis, MN 55419

I fully support Minneapolis' outreach to welcome immigrants to the community. Folks who are marginalized by fear and discrimination are vulnerable. The city's efforts to empower immigrants are important towards reducing racial and economic disparities in the community. I fully support the investment of funds into immigration services and the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs. That office has effectively reached out to the community and has begun to develop a bridge that is important to the future development and well being of our community. Please fully fund immigrant services - including the additional $25,000 proposed in the budget. Thank you for considering this request.

12/4/2019 8:58:21 PM

Jeffrey Strand [email protected] 5100 Thomas Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55430

Dear Mayor Frey and City Council President and Council Members:

I was unable to attend the December 4th Truth in Taxation budget hearing, however hope to personally testify at the final hearing. Compared to 2019, proposed tax increases from all taxing authorities is more manageable this year (+2.6% with a market value increase of $10,500 and taxable market value increase of $11,445). I am will to support the City tax increases when the city reciprocates to support strong neighborhoods with strong and inclusive neighborhood organizations!

I am expressing strong support as a Minneapolis 40-year resident and taxpayer/ratepayer for continued "full" funding for neighborhood organizations. The May 2019 Framework did not address the flaw that premises of residents' Work Group #1 were based on estimated $10M funding for expanded programming. There are other omissions and gaps that will be shown as groups complete the co- creation work with CURA. Preliminary work indicates that the City Council will have the option to make neighborhood organizations whole, to fund the "impact" enhanced engagement work and to fund the Community Based Organizations partnerships with a modest increase of $2.5 million over three years.

Second budget policy priority is to urge the City to develop participatory budgeting for a portion (e.g. $5M-$10M annually of the Capital Improvement Program that is approaching $1B whether it be a 5-year or 6-year program. Minneapolis is missing out on a great public participation, engagement and empowerment tool for its residents by not developing this tool for co-creation and co-investment.

Third budget priority is to continue reform and process improvements for Minneapolis Police Department. Neighborhood residents most heavily impacted by historic disinvestment, poverty and crime will NOT benefit by failure to invest in public safety including more sworn officers. Failure in the realm of public safety is something that taxpayers and voters will look for accountability in the elected public officials as you know.

A fourth budget priority is funding to complement citywide, equitable dispersion of the new housing investments that the City Council has recently approved, including innovative cluster housing opportunities and developments of triplex units. While presently it seems that some wards of the city go begging for housing reinvestment, with little to no private investment forthcoming, downtown is gridlocked with development after development of expensive rental housing. I would like to see a well- defined, equitable anti-displacement plan to preserve and protect BIPOC and other residents homeownership opportunities in Wards 4 and 5 BEFORE these Minneapolis working class and working poor neighborhoods are scammed by the gentrification speculators. Finally, I don't believe the extremely high-cost, perpetual high subsidy model for "affordable housing" will not be sustainable long- term, so City housing experts should be coming up with a better model for this strategic goal.

Jeffrey Strand

12/5/2019 12:13:04 AM

David Fisher [email protected]

5047 Gladstone Avenue South

My name is David Fisher, a resident of the City of Minneapolis and the Mayor’s appointee to the City’s Audit Committee. I teach at the University of Minnesota on risk assessment and management and previously served as Minnesota Commissioner of Administration responsible for information technology.

I am concerned the City does not now have adequate audit coverage in areas where we face high risk, and respectfully request reinstatement of one FTE – an Information Technology Audit Manager – to the budget for the City’s Internal Audit Department. I understand the 2020 budget impact of this FTE request is between $120,000 and $140,000.

Our Internal Audit Department drives value for the City by identifying and investigating risks that threaten key agency objectives, creating action plans to mitigate those risks, and by monitoring outcomes.

Why is this FTE request important? There are at least four reasons.

1. The City’s 2019 Risk-Based Integrated Audit Plan describes information technology disruptions and cyberattacks as areas with the greatest probability of occurrence and the potential impact to the City. IT is a core support function of the City, integrated into everything the City does, where adverse events could seriously disrupt City operations.

2. This last year alone, the cities of Baltimore, Atlanta, San Diego, and Newark, as well as 22 cities across the state of Texas, were hit with cyberattacks by hackers demanding ransom to free up city service websites. Adding infrastructure resources to the City’s IT budget itself is a good step, but protection against cyberattacks requires as well-targeted, professional investigation and identification. This is a core audit function.

3. One Information Technology Audit Manager can stay on top of all this much more readily and comprehensively than a consultant hired only for specific projects at twice the cost.

4. During 2019 our four-member Internal Audit Department conducted 12 full audits, 14 consultations to drive process improvements, and several full investigations into areas of suspected fraud, waste or abuse. Given this workload, areas of high risk to the City simply are not receiving the attention they deserve, particularly in the areas of IT and cybersecurity.

I don’t know that the City is in imminent danger, but this is also the point: we just don’t know without first putting adequate resources into investigating, assessing and mitigating risk.

For these reasons, I ask again for reconsideration of the Internal Audit Department’s request for the 2020 FTE hire of an Information Technology Audit Manager. 12/5/2019 7:53:29 AM

Melissa Kleinhuizen [email protected] 3400 Thomas Ave N

I have lived in Minneapolis as a home owner for 16 years. I have never experienced the level of lawlessness, fear for our personal safety or concern about our property as we currently do. The city of Mpls spent nearly a million dollars on a piece of art, hundreds of thousands of dollars on electric scooters and yet we hear that there is not enough money for funding the police dept.

If Minneapolis officials want to keep responsible citizens, homeowners, neighbors etc then the elected representatives must prioritize public safety. It is completely unreasonable that mothers are being killed driving home from work or school buses full of children are hit when under the influence drivers are speeding down city streets.

Please fund the police force, specifically the Traffic Enforcement Department, see that there is enough funding for all 5 precincts. 3 traffic officers is Not enough! Citizens need traffic laws enforced, existing substance laws enforced so that people aren’t driving impaired and under the influence. Please do not just add "traffic control measures" like the ones added on Penn Ave N which are meant to force traffic to slow down. All this has done is push speeding drivers into our residential neighborhoods and is not in any way effective. We don't want people running red lights/stop signs, speeding 50-80mph down our residential streets, destroying our parked vehicles, homes, landscaping and killing people.

Please fund the police so that we can be safe when we shop downtown, ride the light rail or wait for a bus! Find a way to stop the car thefts, home burglaries, gang violence, drug dealing, human trafficking, rapes and small business robberies. Art, parks, scooters don't matter if people are losing their lives or being traumatized.

If you are looking for a way to fund additional officers, I would like to present an idea. In addition to the budget increase requested by the mayor for police officers, replace 6 housing inspectors with police officers. Their salaries nearly offset one another. According to salary.com, an online compensation data analysis, an average Mpls police officer salary is $55,500-64,700/annually. A housing inspector ranges between $50,239-67,733/annually. According to the Regulatory Service Organizational chart on the City of Mpls website there are 10 housing inspectors in the North Field office and 14 housing inspectors in the South Field office.

This seems fitting to me as this idea matches the vision and core values of the regulatory department as posted on the city website. And that they should willingly make adjustments to their departmental budget and staff for the sake of the citizens of Mpls. I, for one, would much rather have my tax dollars used to actually fight crime than pay for someone to drive around in a city vehicle issuing "a nuisance complaint" for vegetation overgrowing a sidewalk.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Melissa Kleinhuizen

12/5/2019 9:08:27 AM

Clyde Reber

5846 Park Avenue

We NEED you to provide funding for additional police. Crime is increasing people don’t even want to go downtown anymore. You need to protect our citizens and visitors. We need a short term solution (more police protection) and longer term (social programs). You need to do what you were elected to do and protect this city.

12/5/2019 9:16:22 AM

Dylan Adams [email protected]

2500 Emerson Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55405

I am not in favor of increasing the size of the Minneapolis police force in this latest budget. I think it is not in our community's best interest to spend more money on a police force that has shown time and again that it does not respect civil and human rights. Additionally, that money could almost certainly be better spent an programs that help communities that struggle with crime and give people more options.

12/5/2019 10:03:08 PM

Veena Iyer [email protected]

Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota, 450 N. Syndicate, St. Paul, Minnesota

As the 2020 Mayor's Recommended Budget correctly points out, "the federal government is taking actions through changes in federal immigration policy that have the effect of radically destabilizing immigrant communities." (p. 329) The federal government's policies aimed at reducing all kinds of immigration and deporting as many immigrants as possible put many Minneapolis residents at risk. New Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memos now target people who may have committed a minor crime, but have not been charged or convicted.

Legal permanent residents who have lived here for decades, who have jobs and homes and families here, may be placed in removal proceedings. People with Temporary Protected Status or with DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) are at even greater risk of removal proceedings. Not only immigrants, but also their U.S. citizen children and family members suffer severe consequences from detention and removal proceedings.

Each step of the deportation process is frightening and most people are unaware of their rights or defenses. People facing deportation may be detained in local jails, often without eligibility for release while the case is pending. Unlike people facing criminal proceedings, there is no right to government- appointed attorneys in removal/deportation proceedings.

The number of immigrants in detention has risen dramatically over the past two years. These are our neighbors, our co-workers, the home health aides who care for our parents, the construction workers who build our homes, the parents of U.S. citizen children in our schools. Despite the increasing number of individuals ICE detained, fewer and fewer immigrants who had committed serious crimes were arrested and held in custody by the agency. Detained immigrants who had never been convicted of even a minor violation shot up 39 percent during the first 27 months of the Trump administration.

An immigrant who is represented by a lawyer has a far better chance of having a bond set that enables them to work and support their families while their cases are pending. They also have a far better chance of requesting and obtaining a favorable outcome. A 2016 study by the American Immigration Council found that detained immigrants who had legal representation were four times more likely to be released from detention and twice as likely to obtain immigration relief if they sought it, compared to unrepresented detainees.

A bond hearing is the first level of representation. Securing a client’s release from ICE custody increases economic stability, especially when the detainee is a primary breadwinner, and mitigates emotional trauma that family members, particularly children, experience when a parent or loved one is detained. Release on bond enables clients to participate fully in their defense by helping to gather evidence to support their cases. Even if the case ultimately results in the client’s deportation, a release on bond allows the client time to put his/her affairs in order prior to leaving the country.

In a recent case, ILCM represented a Minneapolis resident who was finally granted relief after spending over eight months in immigration detention. With ILCM representation, he was able to obtain a favorable ruling from the immigration judge, release on bond, and a favorable ruling from the Board of Immigration Appeals when DHS appealed. This success enables the client to live and work in the United States.

Like more than two dozen other communities across the country, Minneapolis supports legal representation for immigrant residents. The current administration seeks to detain and deport long- standing members of our community who have historically not been the target of deportation. Now more than ever, funding removal defense of detainees is key to supporting immigrant families in our community.

Respectfully submitted,

Veena Iyer, Executive Director

Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota

12/6/2019 11:02:19 AM

Elisa Gustafson [email protected]

3500 Oliver Ave N

Hi, my name is Elisa Gustafson and I’m a constituent in the Folwell neighborhood.

I wanted to ask Councilmember Phillipe Cunningham to restore full funding to the sustainability and climate work to fulfill the city’s commitment to climate action work that saves Minneapolis residents and businesses money and energy.

Thank you!

12/7/2019 5:56:51 PM

Michael Boe [email protected]

1700 James Ave N

I really think it's a mistake to not have law and order on our streets. From no traffic enforcement to crime numbers not seen in a generation, it's time for you guys to stop with plastic bag bans and climate change proclamations....and get to the bottom of the crime problem that has gotten worse on your watch. Please devote more funds to police officer headcount. We have way too many 911 calls to address before we start looking at all your fringe, pet projects.

12/9/2019 3:16:27 PM

Jeremy Hanson Willis [email protected]

2840 Bryant Avenue S, #302

I’m writing to urge your support for $50,000 in the Mayor’s proposed 2020 Budget to implement the City’s Fast Track Plan to End AIDS. We have the tools to end HIV today and we need Minneapolis to be part of the solution.

In March 2018, the City signed onto the Fast Track Cities Declaration to End the AIDS Epidemic, knowing that we can stop all new HIV infections and avert AIDS-related deaths. The Declaration acknowledged that every person in our city must have access to life-saving HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support.

While the rate of new HIV infections has remained unchanged in Minnesota over the past decade with roughly 300 new infections each year, HIV diagnoses are not evenly distributed.

In Minneapolis alone, 92 people have been diagnosed with HIV in the past year for a total of 3,134 people living with HIV/AIDS in the city of Minneapolis, accounting for 37% of all people living with HIV in the state. We also know that HIV disproportionately affects gay/bisexual men and people of color and is exacerbated by social determinants of health such as homelessness, unemployment, chemical dependency, and mental health.

The Fast Track goals are:

• 90% of people living with HIV/AIDS will be aware of their status

• 90% of those diagnosed with HIV get on anti-retroviral therapy

• 90% of people on HIV medication achieve viral suppression

• Zero HIV stigma and discrimination in our city.

The coordination of resources, data and action to address HIV is crucial to ending the epidemic and Minneapolis has long been at the forefront of responding to the AIDS epidemic. For the past year, community-based organizations, including JustUs Health, have worked with the City’s Health Department staff to implement the Fast Track plan in Minneapolis. The $50,000 proposed in the Mayor’s budget would allow this important work to move forward.


Jeremy Hanson Willis, JustUs Health CEO

12/10/2019 5:45:27 AM


5846 Park Ave

I think it deplorable when you are taking money away fro the police department for social programs and yet giving the council assistants a 9,000.00 a year increase in salary, not to mention the 700,000.00 art work. You really are proving you cannot be trusted with our tax dollars.

12/10/2019 11:18:08 AM

Stephen Eisenmenger [email protected]

5928 Park Av

I'm in favor of staff council aid raises. We need the best and brightest in this crucial position.

12/10/2019 11:44:06 AM

Craig Hafferman [email protected]

3821 47th Ave S

I would ask the members of the Council and Mayor to allocate /include funding in the 2020 Budget to bring the water sanitation and quality up to standard best practice for the dead end water main on the 3800 block of 47th Ave S at Dowling St. This matter has been a problem for a number of years, specifically the 21 years that We have lived on this block. Addressing this issue would be a great relief the the residents who live on the 3800 block of 47th Ave S.

12/11/2019 11:04:43 AM

Megan Gramlow

[email protected]

2941 Oakland Ave

I will send my letter in two or three parts, as it is too long for this comment box. (Part 1)

Dear Council Members, I am Megan Gramlow, a resident of West Phillips neighborhood, where I reside on the block of 29th and Oakland Avenue. I am writing to request that you reconsider the importance of funding additional positions for beat cops, specifically in our neighborhood or at the very least, the third precinct. I watched the video that was submitted from my neighborhood by Somali TV, which I thought was well done;however, I noticed that my community members did not illustrate specific examples of the reasons they were afraid, or the specific types of abuses that occur in our neighborhood, all of which are either prevented or minimized when police are near and able to respond. I would like to take the opportunity to do that for you. I will preface this description of life in our neighborhood, by telling you that I bought my house in West Phillips 1.5 years ago. All the events that have taken place on my block that I will recount in this letter have all occurred in the last year and a half. There are several groups of people that sell drugs on our block, particularly in front of my house all day and all night, every day of the week. There have been three people who live on my block that used to feel comfortable enough to ask people not stand in front of our homes and businesses selling drugs, not to sit on our steps selling and using drugs, and also asked these same people to quiet down, particularly when we are all trying to sleep at night. I am one of these three people. When I first bought my house, and started realizing just how bad things were, I did not call the police for a long time. I was not a police advocate, and I was afraid to call them due to the history of police violence. However, after reaching out to every organization that I could think of, such as MAD Dads, and never hearing back from anyone, I finally started stepping outside my home and asking people who were selling and using drugs, people who urinate and defecate on my property and my neighbor’s property, and people who throw copious amounts of garbage, needles and crack pipes on our street and property to respectfully stop. I started getting somewhat positive responses from the people engaging in these activities, and they thanked me for asking them rather than calling the police.However congenial this approach was, it did not really have an impact except for relationship building with people who are drug dealers, drug users, and drug sales lookouts. I started to realized that my asking did not really help because people that I asked to leave, would just come back 15 minutes later and the cycle would repeat. I then became known as a safe person who doesn’t call the police, a.k.a a safe place to sell drugs, which is not the outcome I was going for. It seems that every month the people buying and selling changes a bit, and this last year proved to be more dangerous. When I asked people to leave they started to respond more negatively, yelling at me, and a few people threatened me with gun violence when I asked them to lower their voices or leave. DuringSeptember, one man threatened to shoot me/kill me in a sexualized manner while I was standing on my front porch, after asking if his group could please move along. I found out later that this man had pending felonies for his home being raided during which he was found with several assault rifles and a large amount of cocaine. This man was arrested on the spot for threatening to kill me – he was booked and released a couple hours later with charges dropped. He continued to spend time standing in front of my house for a couple months after being released, which was particularly traumatizing. Earlier this same day, I witnessed my neighbor being physically assaulted by a man after asking the man to leave, during which I was able to call 911.

12/11/2019 11:06:29 AM

Megan Gramlow [email protected]

2941 Oakland Ave

(Part 2)

The perpetrator ran away before the police arrived, and was never charged. Unfortunately, my neighbor was physically impacted to the degree that he had to decrease his work hours for a while. A different neighbor across the street was assaulted last year for asking a man to turn down the music he was playing in his car, parked on the street in the middle of the night. Now these three people (including myself) who advocated for safety and peace on the block (without police intervention) have been physically assaulted and threatened to be killed. None of us ask anyone to leave anymore because we have all in our own way come to understand how dangerous it is, and it is safe to say that none of us wants to die or be physically harmed. Since this time, I call the police every day. When I want a group of people selling drugs to leave the front of my home, I call the police so that they can come ask them to leave. I should note that no one that lives on the block is in any way associated with the drug activity. These are people that come in from suburbs and all different areas of town, spanning from wealthy to homeless to buy and sell drugs on our block in particular. I am not sure exactly why our block is so targeted, though I have several hypotheses about this, but I am coming to understand that many blocks on 29th along the lake street corridor are similar. I am going to try to avoid getting into my frustration with the lack of upholding the laws regarding drug sales and how our block has turned into the “Wild West,” as some drug dealer described to me that people can do anything and sell anything on our street because police can no longer arrest them. I will stop this tangent now before I get too passionate. The thing I want you to take away from this paragraph is that the health of our block currently depends on officers driving by daily and nightly and engaging with drug dealers and users. All of our physical assaults and threats of death on this block could have been prevented if we had called the police instead of asking people dealing drugs to leave. Let’s remember that people dealing drugs profit off of intimidating and silencing neighborhoods, and this is exactly what has occurred.

Other notable abuses that have occurred during the last year and a half – I along with two of my friends have been sexually assaulted in front of my home by two different people all on separate occasions. Additionally, I have seen people having sex in my drive way (sex work) and in a drive way across the street (sex work), I also often see women standing on our corner waiting for someone to solicit sex from them (sex work). I don’t have kids yet, but can you even imagine raising girls in this environment? I can’t, so I’ve had to start asking myself if I need to sell my home. As a woman, I cannot garden and do landscape work in front of my home without being sexually harassed. It happens literally (no hyperbole) every time I step into my front yard for more than 5 minutes. Can you even imagine living in this place? As a female, I cannot walk to midtown global market or simply down Lake street without being solicited for sex. I never anticipated how useful it would be to have a dog - if I have my dog attached to me while walking, no one mistakes me for a sex worker. This summer I witnessed a man running after a terrified woman down my block screaming that he was going to murder her and bash her skull in. I cannot even describe to you how that impacted my own body. I will never forget the look on that woman’s face. With all the drug users and sellers parked along the street in their cars, using drugs, one can assume that there are several people driving down our block under the influence of drugs and alcohol. During the last 1.5 years, several of my neighbors have endured property destruction due to people under the influence of drugs destroying fences and retaining walls, and breaking windows.

/11/2019 11:08:22 AM

Megan Gramlow [email protected]

2941 Oakland Ave

(Part 3)

There are crack rocks littered all over the sidewalk in front of my house. I know this because there a few people that make it their job to tirelessly search for them in order to get a hit for free. There are broken liquor bottles, broken glass crack pipes, and needles that litter our boulevards and sidewalks. This is a tax that residents of our block absorb. Who picks this trash and feces up, who spends money landscaping, who spends sleepless hours at night due to people yelling while they are selling drugs outside, who endures and witnesses unimaginable abuses. We do. The residents of this block. It seems the more engaged one is, the more abuses one witnesses and endures.

The only time our block is safe and peaceful is when police (beat cops) come and station themselves on our block. Cops have started coming to the block, stationing themselves here for short periods of time while completing paperwork, just to be present. There are not even words to describe how impactful this has been. Neighbors have actually come out of their homes to introduce themselves during these times. They ask the cops what they can do because they have been paralyzed and don’t know how to deal with all the crime. It has been the best intervention yet. But there is not enough of them. Our block is not the only one that needs attention. I agree that funds should be balanced and violence prevention, addressing homelessness, chemical dependency programming and youth programming will be a big part of that; however, Police are relevant. I am a psychotherapist who works with men that have committed sex crimes, who are often also chemically dependent, so I am fully capable of understanding the importance of multi-pronged approaches; however, this letter is specifically written from my perspective as a resident, not as a therapist.

Our neighborhood needs help. We need help. In my observations as a resident, Police have seemed to make the biggest difference in terms of safety.

Please reach out if you have questions.


From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:26 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 8:27 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President ,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Julia Adams 3614 Logan Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55412‐1950 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 9:44 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Schroeder Amendment

Please add this communication to the public record on the 2020 budget.

Karlee Weinmann Policy Aide Council Member Jeremy Schroeder, Ward 11

City of Minneapolis – City Council 350 S. Fifth St. ‐‐ Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: (612) 673‐2211 Cell: (612) 240‐2129 [email protected] she/her/hers

Subscribe to the Ward 11 email newsletter here.

From: Gilbert Ahlstrand [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2019 5:03 PM To: Gilbert Ahlstrand Subject: Schroeder Amendment

Dear Minneapolis City Council Member,

Please vote for the SCHROEDER AMENDMENT!

This amendment will increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services including the 3 Mpls block nurse programs.

This funding will ensure that over 1,500 frail, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes.

Thank you for supporting our seniors!


Gilbert Ahlstrand 50 Barton Ave SE Minneapoilis, MN 55414

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:41 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:54 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Taylor Ashton 2833 Lyndale Ave S Apt 421 Minneapolis, MN 55408‐4192 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:36 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 10:34 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Angie Balius 3845 42nd Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406‐3503 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:27 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 7:32 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

As a member of the LGBTQ community and person working in the areas of HIV and STD infections, trans people have some of the highest rates and risks related to HIV, which are due to huge stigma and unhealthy high risk behaviors. Also, one of the groups that are less likely to remain in treatment are trans people. This is due to issues with provider and health care system trust and problems with obtaining and maintaining health care coverage. People living with HIV need to stay in care for the rest of their lives. 34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator. The position is needed to work with programs in public health, public schools, and other areas that work with members of the trans community. The position is necessary to educate others that provide services about how best to work together to address the trans community unique needs.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Cheryl Barber 3231 Longfellow Ave Minneapolis, MN 55407‐3804 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 11:20 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: MPD budget

From: Ari Baum‐Hommes [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 10:25 AM To: Cano, Alondra Cc: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: MPD budget

I support Councilmember Gordon, Ellison, and Bender's amendment to move $500,000 out of the MPD budget to fund responses to the opioid crisis, youth services and street outreach, and domestic violence programming. ‐‐ Ari Baum‐Hommes (she/her pronouns) 413.320.7027

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From: Patterson, Undrea J Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:07 PM To: Council Comment Subject: Budget Comment - MPD Funding

Rachel Bean of the McKinley neighborhood in ward 4 (612‐840‐8431) would like the council to fund community programs, affordable housing and tactics to fight the opioid crisis – not the police

Best, Undrea Patterson Council Office Associate Pronouns: she/her/hers

City of Minneapolis – Ward 4 Office of Council Member Phillipe Cunningham 350 S. Fifth St. – Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: 612‐673‐2204 Cell: 612‐269‐7142 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:13 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 5:17 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Laura Blue 3229 31st Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406‐2045 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 4:24 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:06 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Mina Blyly‐Strauss 3425 Blaisdell Ave Minneapolis, MN 55408‐4316 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:12 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 10:48 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

I am a longtime out lesbian senior. I mentor young LGBTQ+ adults. All are non binary and one is Trans. ALL of them come from abusive and/or nonsupportive family situations. ALL have struggled with suicidality. ALL are working poor, but pay disproportionate taxes. ALO face daily danger of homophobic hate and Trump’s direct targeting with cutbacks and decimation of Trans rights.

Trans people are the official designated ‘safe target’ of extremist evangelical homophobic organizations and individual haters.

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator AT THE VERY LEAST.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Alice Bowron 2212 Bryant Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55405‐2850 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 4:24 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:07 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator. It would be a travesty to eliminate this position.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Anita Bradshaw 4225 24th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406‐3027 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:42 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:43 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Regina Browne 4822 33rd Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55417‐1412 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 9:47 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Minneapolis Budget

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Genevieve Caldwell [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 9:34 AM To: Schroeder, Jeremy Cc: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Cano, Alondra ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: Minneapolis Budget

Hello, I am a resident in ward 11 and I support the amendment to move $500,000 out of the the MPD budget to fund the city’s response to the opioid crisis, youth services and street outreach, and domestic violence programming. The city has an opportunity to impact members of our community in a positive and preventative way before law enforcement gets involved. Thank you for listening to your fellow residents of Minneapolis on this matter.

‐Genevieve Caldwell

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:11 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

From: Caren Martin Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 4:53 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Re: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Thanks Andrea! Caren

On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 1:23 PM Jenkins, Andrea wrote: Hi Caren, Thank you for this message. I will forward your comments t the public record. I am working to identify resources to fulfill this request. Best, Andrea

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 12:32 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

I strongly encourage you to reconsider eliminating the Trans Equity Coordinator position for the city of Minneapolis. I have always been proud of our city's leaders to LEAD‐‐often advocating for critical issues that eventually others follow in a delayed manner. Evidence indicates that 34% of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide‐‐as a former college professor I have had several trans students in my class and I see the struggle that they encounter. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Caren Martin 5308 Abbott Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55410‐2127 [email protected]

‐‐ Caren S. Martin, PhD

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:11 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 7:43 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator. I want my city to be a place where all people can thrive and it’s going to take dedicated people to get us there. Elimination of this position is a step in the wrong direction.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Julia Carlis 4350 45th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406‐4063 [email protected]

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From: Murphy, Suzanne Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:31 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Schroeder Amendment

From: Caspersen Millie Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2019 11:06 AM To: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Cano, Alondra ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: Schroeder Amendment

Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to support Aging Support Services. Again, please

Millie Caspersen [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:38 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 10:17 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator. Trans folks like me NEED this kind of representation.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, JayCee Cooper 4531 Camden Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55412‐1430 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:51 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:19 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Kieran Cuddy 1600 Grand Ave Saint Paul, MN 55105‐1801 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:34 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 6:17 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Joanna Daggett 3214 Polk St NE Minneapolis, MN 55418‐2131 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:10 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, December 7, 2019 12:23 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Tammy Danielson 3231 35th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406‐2115 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:15 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 3:20 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe

Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Amber Davis 4531 Camden Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55412‐1430 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:21 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 9:54 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

Please know that 34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a terrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people living in our state. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, Minneapolis must continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator. It is upon your city leadership to provide adequate support to under‐served members of our community, of which they do indeed deserve. I urge you to reflect upon how trans‐specific equity positions enhance the safety and quality of life for so many of our city residents.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Jazzy DiMeglio 2000 Grand Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55405‐3445 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:23 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:03 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

Because of the disproportionate experiences of poverty, violence and bullying, deaths by suicide, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator. Minneapolis can continue to be a leader in trans equity and quality of life.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Susannah Dolance 3419 Polk St NE Minneapolis, MN 55418‐1346 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:13 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 1:50 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Margaret Dukes 35 River Terrace Ct Minneapolis, MN 55414‐3702 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:21 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 10:26 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Shawn Dunn 2427 Clinton Ave # 1 Minneapolis, MN 55404‐3608 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:35 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 1:16 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Jaysen Durda 3645 40th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406‐2846 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:09 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, December 7, 2019 6:34 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator. If you can find the money to fund holiday activities and displays and the Aquatennial, why can't you continue funding the Trans Equity Coordinator who provides a vital social service?

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Lucy Duroche 3542 4th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55408‐4511 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 12:45 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Vote to increase funding for Aging Support Services

Please add this comment to the public record on the 2020 budget. Thank you!

Karlee Weinmann Policy Aide Council Member Jeremy Schroeder, Ward 11

City of Minneapolis – City Council 350 S. Fifth St. ‐‐ Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: (612) 673‐2211 Cell: (612) 240‐2129 [email protected] she/her/hers

Subscribe to the Ward 11 email newsletter here.

From: Sharon Emery [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2019 9:27 PM To: Gordon, Cam A. ; Reich, Kevin A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Cano, Alondra ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: Vote to increase funding for Aging Support Services

Dear Council Member, Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services including the 3 Mpls block nurse programs. This funding will ensure that over 1,500 frail, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes. Thank you for supporting our seniors. Thank you. Sharon Emery 194 Malcolm Avenue SE. Minneapolis, MN 55414

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:41 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 10:02 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Jessica Finney 4514 Cedar Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407‐3630 [email protected]

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From: Sirdar, Deebaa Sent: Friday, December 06, 2019 9:58 AM To: [email protected] Cc: Bourgerie, Zoe J; Jenkins, Andrea; Council Comment Subject: RE: Ward 8 Feedback Form

Dear David,

Thank you for your message. Council VP Jenkins has reviewed your comments and we are forwarding here for the public record.

Best regards,

Deebaa Sirdar she/her Office of Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins Ward 8 Senior Policy Aide 612-673-2208 [email protected] www.minneapolismn.gov/ward8/ www.facebook.com/EighthWardMpls

From: no‐[email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 1:36 PM To: Bourgerie, Zoe J ; Sirdar, Deebaa ; Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Ward 8 Feedback Form

City of Minneapolis

Name * David Fisher

Email * [email protected] Phone (612) 749‐2389

Phone Type Address 5047 Gadstone Ave So City Minneapolis State MN Zip 55419 Question/Comment * Good afternoon, Council Member Jenkins. My name is David Fisher, a resident of the City of Minneapolis and the Mayor’s appointee to the City’s Audit Committee. I teach at the University of Minnesota on risk assessment and management and previously served as Minnesota Commissioner of Administration responsible for information technology. I am concerned the

1 City does not now have adequate audit coverage in areas where we face high risk, and respectfully request reinstatement of one FTE – an Information Technology Audit Manager – to the budget for the City’s Internal Audit Department. I understand the 2020 budget impact of this FTE request is between $120,000 and $140,000. Our Internal Audit Department drives value for the City by identifying and investigating risks that threaten key agency objectives, creating action plans to mitigate those risks, and by monitoring outcomes. Why is this FTE request important? There are at least four reasons. 1. The City’s 2019 Risk‐Based Integrated Audit Plan describes information technology disruptions and cyberattacks as areas with the greatest probability of occurrence and the potential impact to the City. IT is a core support function of the City, integrated into everything the City does, where adverse events could seriously disrupt City operations. 2. This last year alone, the cities of Baltimore, Atlanta, San Diego, and Newark, as well as 22 cities across the state of Texas, were hit with cyberattacks by hackers demanding ransom to free up city service websites. Adding infrastructure resources to the City’s IT budget itself is a good step, but protection against cyberattacks requires as well‐ targeted, professional investigation and identification. This is a core audit function. 3. One Information Technology Audit Manager can stay on top of all this much more readily and comprehensively than a consultant hired only for specific projects at twice the cost. 4. During 2019 our four‐member Internal Audit Department conducted 12 full audits, 14 consultations to drive process improvements, and several full investigations into areas of suspected fraud, waste or abuse. Given this workload, areas of high risk to the City simply are not receiving the attention they deserve, particularly in the areas of IT and cybersecurity. I don’t know that the City is in imminent danger, but this is also the point: we just don’t know without first putting adequate resources into investigating, assessing and mitigating risk. For these reasons, I ask again for reconsideration of the Internal Audit Department’s request for the 2020 FTE hire of an Information Technology Audit Manager.

This is an email generated from the City of Minneapolis website. * Required fields are indicated with an asterisk.

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:35 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 1:52 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

Please do not eliminate the position of trans equity coordinator. It's important to stand with trans people in times like these, when the Trump administration and Republican lawmakers are doing everything in their power to roll back protections for us. Please do not be part of the regressive tide sweeping the county.

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Heidi Foster 3101 Tyler St NE Minneapolis, MN 55418‐2100 [email protected]

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From: Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 1:34 PM To: Cobs Foucault; Sirdar, Deebaa Cc: Bourgerie, Zoe J; Sirdar, Deebaa; Council Comment Subject: RE: Funding Solutions to the Opioid Crisis: Southside Harm Reduction Follow Up

Hello Cobs, Thank you for this message. We are weighing all of the options that folks are suggesting. I will forward these comments for the public record. Best, Andrea

From: Cobs Foucault Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 11:45 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea ; Sirdar, Deebaa Subject: Funding Solutions to the Opioid Crisis: Southside Harm Reduction Follow Up

Dear Council member Jenkins,

My name Cobs from Southside Harm Reduction Services. I am writing to thank you on behalf of myself, Southside Harm Reduction, and many other community members for the opportunity to speak at the public comment hearing last night and for your attention.

Last night we heard a clear message from a wide‐ranging and diverse group of residents urging the City Council to amend the proposed 2020 budget to fund solutions to issues of public safety, rather than funding more police.

We argued that the City is planning to spend a hugely disproportionate amount of money ($8.4 million) on strategies that we already know are not going to work ‐ more police. We know that additional police are not only an inadequate and ineffective way to respond to these issues, they are actually harmful. This was demonstrated clearly by speaker after speaker last night with evidence, and personal stories that show the experiences of City residents.

Working every day with people who use and sell drugs, who live outside or do sex‐work, or have mental health conditions ‐ we never hear people say that what they need is more police. It's just the opposite. Policing and the justice system are continually disrupting community‐based efforts to support people healing.

Minneapolis has the worst racial disparities in the nation for opioid overdose deaths ‐ Indigenous people in Minnesota die from an overdose at rates higher than West Virginia, which is the state with the highest death rate in the nation. This is an outrage, and an urgent crisis. Indigenous communities are resilient and doing incredible work to put in solutions. What's missing is resources ‐ not more police.

We listed various suggestions of evidence‐based and innovative strategies, that communities are calling for, that the city could choose to fund instead. They would clearly be a wiser way to allocate those resources.

As you prepare amendments to the budget today we urge you to be the councilmember that takes a step to shift the paradigm of the City's response to the opioid crisis, and other public safety issues. We urge you to follow the demands of Reclaim the Block, the South Minneapolis Public Safety Coalition, increase funding for deeply affordable housing, and make serious, long‐term funding available for street‐level outreach and community‐based harm reduction services.

1 Additionally, we would ask that the City plan to provide sustained funding to support a Harm Reduction Working Group that would guide city policy and budgeting around public safety, housing, the opioid crisis and other issues of substance use and mental health. This would keep the spirit of the Mayor's opioid task force meetings that influenced the budget this year alive going forward. These issues are not going away in 2020. We need sustained programming that has adequate funding and resources and community leadership to really address them.

We're asking that you show leadership today and going forward to the budget approval process, and be the council member on the right side of history as we are working to address the largest public health crisis of our time. We do not need to continue more of the same policing and Drug War strategies that have failed for decades.

We would be happy to provide any additional information or answer any questions that would be helpful for you to do this.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Cobs Foucault Southside Harm Reduction Services (612)508‐4310 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:23 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:06 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

As a resident of Minneapolis parenting a trans child, and a community member allied with LGBTQ folks, I am calling on elected officials to commit to funding the Trans Equity Coordinator position.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Alissa Fountain 3427 19th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407‐2450 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 9:41 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Support for Seniors

Please include this communication in the public record on the 2020 budget.

Karlee Weinmann Policy Aide Council Member Jeremy Schroeder, Ward 11

City of Minneapolis – City Council 350 S. Fifth St. ‐‐ Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: (612) 673‐2211 Cell: (612) 240‐2129 [email protected] she/her/hers

Subscribe to the Ward 11 email newsletter here.

From: Katie and Rick FOURNIER [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, December 06, 2019 2:22 PM To: Katie and Rick FOURNIER Subject: Support for Seniors

Dear Council Members:

Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services including the 3 Mpls block nurse programs. This funding will ensure that over 1,500 frail, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes. Thank you

Katie and Rick Fournier 912 18th Avenue SE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 612/331-5615 [email protected]

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From: Murphy, Suzanne Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:30 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding.

From: tom frank Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2019 11:11 AM To: Johnson, Andrew Subject: Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding.

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:30 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services

For the public record

From: Katie Garrett Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2019 4:18 PM To: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Cano, Alondra ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services

Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services including the three Minneapolis block nurse programs. This funding will ensure that over 1,500 vulnerable, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes. Thank you for supporting our seniors.

‐‐ Katie Garrett [email protected] 612.886.4812

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From: Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 1:25 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Bourgerie, Zoe J; Sirdar, Deebaa; Council Comment Subject: RE: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Hi Courtney, Thank you for this message. I will forward your comments to the public record. I am working to identify resources to fulfill this request. Best, Andrea

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 12:25 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator. The sustained work of building bridges between government and its citizens is essential in supporting our most vulnerable and making change.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Courtney Gerber 6017 Elliot Ave Minneapolis, MN 55417‐3153 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 4:24 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:16 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Michelle Gould 2726 Girard Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55408‐1166 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:34 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 6:54 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Irene Greene 2430 35th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406‐1429 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:41 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:56 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

As a trans, gender nonbinary, genderqueer person living in Minneapolis, it is incredibly important to me that trans inclusion and intersectional justice work be prioritized by my city government. I am thrilled that our city employs a Trans Equity Coordinator, and I feel that it's essential that the position be continued. If anything we need to increase resources to meet the huge need, not decrease them!

OutFront Minnesota has offered these statistics: 34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Max Gries 1818 Chestnut Ave Minneapolis, MN 55405‐1743 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:35 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 12:06 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Nicolette Gullickson 4335 Minnehaha Ave Minneapolis, MN 55406‐3908 [email protected]

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From: Patterson, Undrea J Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:15 PM To: Council Comment Cc: Salami, Adedotun Y Subject: Budget Comment - Senior programs

Donald Hammond of ward 11 called 3 ward offices (11, 9, 4) to urge the council to fund senior programs to help them stay in their homes

Best, Undrea Patterson Council Office Associate Pronouns: she/her/hers

City of Minneapolis – Ward 4 Office of Council Member Phillipe Cunningham 350 S. Fifth St. – Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: 612‐673‐2204 Cell: 612‐269‐7142 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 9:47 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Communities, Not Cops

From: Hayes, Adam [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 9:36 AM To: Johnson, Andrew Cc: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Cano, Alondra ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: Fund Communities, Not Cops

Councilmember Andrew Johnson,

I am a ward 12 resident at 5353 45th Ave S. I am writing in support of councilmembers , , and 's amendment to move $500,000 out of the MPD budget to fund responses to the opioid crisis, youth services and street outreach, and domestic violence programming.

Law enforcement is an important component in combating the problems listed above, but it should not be the primary tool we use. As they say, when you have a hammer, every problem becomes a nail.

Thanks for your consideration. ‐‐ Adam Hayes East Ridge High School Instructional Coach Student Achievement Specialist 651‐425‐2311

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:24 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 9:06 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Evelyn Hayhurst 2321 Aldrich Ave S Apt 225 Minneapolis, MN 55405‐2817 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 4:24 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:12 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Britt Heinz‐Amborn 3941 11th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407‐2640 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 4:25 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW:

Please add this comment to the public record for the 2020 budget. Thank you!

Karlee Weinmann Policy Aide Council Member Jeremy Schroeder, Ward 11

City of Minneapolis – City Council 350 S. Fifth St. ‐‐ Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: (612) 673‐2211 Cell: (612) 240‐2129 [email protected] she/her/hers

Subscribe to the Ward 11 email newsletter here.

From: Ann Helm [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:38 PM To: Schroeder, Jeremy Subject:

Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services including the three Minneapolis block nurse programs. This funding will ensure that over 1,500 frail, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes. Thank you for supporting our seniors!

thank you

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:24 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 8:16 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Michelle Hesterberg 2309 Irving Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55405‐2563 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:36 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 10:32 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Marissa Higgins 110 E 18th St Apt 123 Minneapolis, MN 55403‐4005 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:14 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 7:14 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, julia Hinderlie 4313 4th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55409‐2115 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:27 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 7:54 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

It is important that this vulnerable group continues to have representation.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Lawanna Holmes 1929 Hennepin Ave # 4 Minneapolis, MN 55403‐3170 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:24 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:00 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Nancy Homdrom 4123 France Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55416‐5016 [email protected]

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From: Sirdar, Deebaa Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 1:04 PM To: Council Comment Cc: Jenkins, Andrea; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: Gretchen Honnold call - divest funding from MPD

Hello ‐ please add to the public record this call from Gretchen Honnold, 4119 Cedar Ave S:

12/9/19: Gretchen called to urge CM Jenkins to divest from MPD, instead, invest in violence prevention, opioid response, Southside Harm Reduction


Deebaa Sirdar she/her Office of Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins Ward 8 Senior Policy Aide 612-673-2208 [email protected] www.minneapolismn.gov/ward8/ www.facebook.com/EighthWardMpls

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:43 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:41 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

Protecting our most marginalized groups uplifts all communities to safety. Supporting trans folks fulfills gaps in resources for our underserved populations.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Lynn Hu 3412 Bloomington Ave Apt 5 Minneapolis, MN 55407‐2254 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 4:24 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:17 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people.

In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Alex Iantaffi 3011 17th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407‐1818 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 3:54 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Taxes

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Mary Ann [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, December 06, 2019 12:06 PM To: Council Members Subject: Taxes

My home is on East Minnehaha Parkway. I have lived here 40 plus years and raised my daughters here. My husband died here and this is my only retirement home. I am so upset to see my taxes go up and up while the traffic goes faster and faster. I am no where near West parkway, my house is a simple house with limited improvements, my taxes go up. We were never rich. My husband worked for the county, I was an RN at HCMC. Did the new refrigerator I bought to replace my 30 yr. old one cause the increase?

I ask what are you doing for retired folk like myself who inherited no money, supported my parents and managed to put our kids through college?

I feel the Mayor and Counsel do not see people like myself, yet we built this city.

Sincerely, Mary Ann Jagodzinski 1514 E. Minnehaha Parkway

Sent from my iPad

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 9:44 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: James R. Thorpe Foundation Urges Support for Increased Funding for Senior Services

Please add this communication to the public record on the 2020 budget.

Karlee Weinmann Policy Aide Council Member Jeremy Schroeder, Ward 11

City of Minneapolis – City Council 350 S. Fifth St. ‐‐ Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: (612) 673‐2211 Cell: (612) 240‐2129 [email protected] she/her/hers

Subscribe to the Ward 11 email newsletter here.

From: James R. Thorpe Foundation [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2019 5:57 PM To: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Cano, Alondra ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: James R. Thorpe Foundation Urges Support for Increased Funding for Senior Services

Dear Minneapolis City Council: I am writing in support of the Schroeder amendment that would increase support for community based services for seniors in Minneapolis, including Longfellow‐Healthy Seniors, Nokomis Healthy Seniors, and SE Seniors. These neighborhood‐based organizations provide a range of services which allow seniors to remain in the home of their choice, reducing the need for emergency visits, out‐of‐home placement in skilled nursing facilities, and other costly interventions. These cost‐effective organizations mobilize a base of 300 volunteers who provide nearly 10,000 hours of service each year, utilizing a true “neighbor helping neighbor” model which is both cost‐effective and strengthens the fabric of our community.

The James R. Thorpe Foundation is a small, family foundation committed to ensuring the healthy development of youth and the vital aging of seniors in the Greater Minneapolis area by supporting community‐based organizations. We have been supporting the block nurse system in Minneapolis for more than ten years. The strength of our community’s ability to meet the needs of our rapidly growing senior population is the partnership between government; private institutional philanthropy; community‐based giving from individuals, local businesses and faith communities; and volunteerism. None of us can address the needs of our seniors alone.

1 Private institutional philanthropy’s commitment to aging services in the metro area is declining. The Greater Twin Cities United Way defunded aging services because of its financial challenges leaving a $1.5 M gap in aging service funding for community‐based programs. The Thorpe Foundation and other private foundations are seeing increasing demands for our philanthropic resources. The Living‐At‐Home block nurse program have a real need for increasedl public investment from the City of Minneapolis

We urge the City of Minneapolis to continue to invest in the needs of seniors in our community by funding vital senior services provided by Longfellow‐Seward Healthy Seniors; Nokomis Healthy Seniors; and Southeast Seniors.


Tim D. Thorpe



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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:11 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 1:45 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Jill Jasperson MSPAS PA‐C 4531 34th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406‐3834 [email protected]

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From: Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 4:32 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Bourgerie, Zoe J; Sirdar, Deebaa; Council Comment Subject: RE: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Thank you Jocelyn, I have included this request in the amended budget. Best, Andrea

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 11:39 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Jocelyn Nelson 1153 Kings Ln Anoka, MN 55303‐2847 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:51 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:29 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Jessie Johnson 625 E Franklin Ave Apt 204 Minneapolis, MN 55404‐2824 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:26 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 8:30 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

You created a position to address these issues and are already looking at eliminating it? It is not enough to make a gesture of support to the serious issues facing this community. You need to allow a chance for growth and development. Please demonstrate your commitment by following through with the work you started.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Amanda Kudalis 3512 Emerson Ave S Apt 10 Minneapolis, MN 55408‐3950 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:27 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 7:51 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

Please do not eliminate the staff position focusing on trans equity in Minneapolis! 34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Hannah Kuether 2530 E 34th St Minneapolis, MN 55406‐4517 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:51 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:19 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Jason Kuhafkan 1115 4th St NE Minneapolis, MN 55413‐1201 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:14 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 4:25 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

I'm writing as a member of the Twin Cities LGBTQ community to urge you to continue funding the Trans Equity Coordinator position.

Minneapolis and Saint Paul are home to a unique LGBTQ culture, and we have plenty of success stories when it comes to increasing equality, including the Minneapolis Trans Equity Summit. But trans community members are still the most vulnerable and need continued, direct support from local government in order to really thrive. Thirty‐four percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty, and LGBTQ youth are still five times more likely to attempt suicide. Maintaining a city staff member focused solely on supporting the needs and rights of trans people is an investment that can save lives.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Mary Lanham 1257 Juliet Ave Saint Paul, MN 55105‐2904 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 9:46 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Support for Bender-Ellison-Gordon Amendment

From: Ruby Levine [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 9:17 AM To: Cano, Alondra ; Kesti, Dylan ; Faulkner, Graham R Cc: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: Support for Bender‐Ellison‐Gordon Amendment

Hi Alondra,

Nice to see you last Tuesday! Maybe we'll see you again tomorrow.

I wanted to write to you today first to thank you for your support of the Trans Equity full time staff member. This is really important work and I'm thrilled to see the City Council supporting it.

I want to ask you to support the amendment to the budget put forward by Councilmembers Bender, Ellison, and Gordon to move $500,000 from the MPD budget order to fund responses to the opioid crisis, youth services and street outreach, and domestic violence programming. Living right in the heart of Ward 9, I experience every day the devastation that happens when our community safety isn't prioritized and the only answers offered are more police. I would love to have more resources to call on when I see my neighbors who have to live outside, who are drug using, and who are in active crisis besides the police, who I do not and cannot trust to keep them safe. As a student at the University of Minnesota's School of Social Work, I am learning every day about the importance of systemic solutions to poverty, drug use, and mental health. We need a harm reduction approach, and the police are not capable of this type of intervention.

Thank you for your time and for your representation of our ward,

Sincerely, Ruby Levine Ward 9

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:23 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:01 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Aaron Lichtov 2925 40th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406‐1854 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:51 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:18 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Anna Lifson 2907 E 25th St Minneapolis, MN 55406‐1325 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:35 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 5:02 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator. I love this City. I feel fortunate to live here and call it home. I appreciate the open and inclusive culture that the council helps to support and maintain. The Trans community should enjoy these same liberties but unique barriers exist for them. Please be mindful this in your deliberations.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Eric Lindberg 3439 19th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407‐2450 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 4:26 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Available to connect today: Southside Harm Reduction/Opioid Response follow-up

Please add this comment to the public record for the 2020 budget. Thank you!

Karlee Weinmann Policy Aide Council Member Jeremy Schroeder, Ward 11

City of Minneapolis – City Council 350 S. Fifth St. ‐‐ Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: (612) 673‐2211 Cell: (612) 240‐2129 [email protected] she/her/hers

Subscribe to the Ward 11 email newsletter here.

From: Jack Loftus [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 12:07 PM To: Schroeder, Jeremy Subject: Available to connect today: Southside Harm Reduction/Opioid Response follow‐up

Dear Councilmember Schroeder,

Hello this is Jack Loftus from Southside Harm Reduction Services. I am writing to thank you on behalf of myself, Southside Harm Reduction, and many other community members for the opportunity to speak at the public comment hearing last night and for your attention.

Last night we heard a clear message from a wide‐ranging and diverse group of residents urging the City Council to amend the proposed 2020 budget to fund solutions to issues of public safety, rather than funding more police.

We argued that the City is planning to spend a hugely disproportionate amount of money ($8.4 million) on strategies that we already know are not going to work ‐ more police. We know that additional police are not only an inadequate and ineffective way to respond to these issues, they are actually harmful. This was demonstrated clearly by speaker after speaker last night with evidence, and personal stories that show the experiences of City residents.

Working every day with people who use and sell drugs, who live outside or do sex‐work, or have mental health conditions ‐ we never hear people say that what they need is more police. It's just the opposite. Policing and the justice system are continually disrupting community‐based efforts to support people healing.

Minneapolis has the worst racial disparities in the nation for opioid overdose deaths ‐ Indigenous people in Minnesota die from an overdose at rates higher than West Virginia, which is the state with the highest death rate in the nation. This is an outrage, and an urgent crisis. Indigenous communities are resilient and doing incredible work to put in solutions. What's missing is resources ‐ not more police.

1 We listed various suggestions of evidence‐based and innovative strategies, that communities are calling for, that the city could choose to fund instead. They would clearly be a wiser way to allocate those resources.

As you prepare amendments to the budget today we urge you to be the councilmember that takes a step to shift the paradigm of the City's response to the opioid crisis, and other public safety issues. We urge you to follow the demands of Reclaim the Block, the South Minneapolis Public Safety Coalition, increase funding for deeply affordable housing, and make serious, long‐term funding available for street‐level outreach and community‐based harm reduction services.

Additionally, we would ask that the City plan to provide sustained funding to support a Harm Reduction Working Group that would guide city policy and budgeting around public safety, housing, the opioid crisis and other issues of substance use and mental health. This would keep the spirit of the Mayor's opioid task force meetings that influenced the budget this year alive going forward. These issues are not going away in 2020. We need sustained programming that has adequate funding and resources and community leadership to really address them.

We're asking that you show leadership today and going forward to the budget approval process, and be the councilmember on the right side of history as we are working to address the largest public health crisis of our time. We do not need to continue more of the same policing and Drug War strategies that have failed for decades.

We would be happy to provide any additional information or answer any questions that would be helpful for you to do this, if you'd like to connect by phone or email today.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Jack Loftus Southside Harm Reduction Services Program Director 952‐217‐7199 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:35 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 5:45 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

As an educator, I see the direct impact from what our state values on our children. Valuing the dignity and worth of all persons is imperative for us to attend to the mental, social and emotional well‐being of our young people. Show our kids that we, here in MN, love ALL our children, no matter how you identify.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Wendy Lorenz‐Walraven 3701 E 43rd St Minneapolis, MN 55406‐3951 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:23 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:04 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator. The symbolic importance of this position alone sends a message that equity for trans people is an important issue for our city; please don't turn your backs on that.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Catherine Lundoff 3816 13th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407‐2734 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:41 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:51 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

You're going to get a lot of these messages saying "34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator."

I want to add that as an instructor at Hamline (I know it's St. Paul but a lot of these students live in Mpls) I have learned that about 30% of our last graduating class identified as something other than male/female ‐ aka they identify as nonbinary, which includes trans+. These young people need to feel our community is welcoming and offers equity and inclusion if we are to keep this talent here and thriving.

When you fund this one position, the work the staff member does affects far more than trans equity issues. Addressing trans equity affects equity for everyone. Discrimination or disenfranchisement of any population affects far more populations than you realize. There is so much overlap. And being a city that makes a statement via funding a single staff member whose focus is on trans equity speaks volumes from a put your money where your mouth is on equity and inclusion.

Thank you for all the work you do on behalf of our community. Please keep doing that work for ALL your constituents!

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Bev Lutz DUPONT Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55411 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:50 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:33 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Theresa Madaus 2308 E 36 1/2 St Minneapolis, MN 55406‐2550 [email protected]

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From: Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 1:23 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Bourgerie, Zoe J; Sirdar, Deebaa; Council Comment Subject: RE: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Hi Caren, Thank you for this message. I will forward your comments t the public record. I am working to identify resources to fulfill this request. Best, Andrea

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 12:32 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

I strongly encourage you to reconsider eliminating the Trans Equity Coordinator position for the city of Minneapolis. I have always been proud of our city's leaders to LEAD‐‐often advocating for critical issues that eventually others follow in a delayed manner. Evidence indicates that 34% of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide‐‐as a former college professor I have had several trans students in my class and I see the struggle that they encounter. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Caren Martin 5308 Abbott Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55410‐2127 [email protected]

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From: Sirdar, Deebaa Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:00 AM To: Noelle Martinez Cc: Jenkins, Andrea; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Minneapolis Budget Priorties

Dear Noelle,

Thank you for your message. Council VP Jenkins is copied here and we will ensure she reviews your comments, which are also submitted here for the public record.

Best regards,

Deebaa Sirdar she/her Office of Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins Ward 8 Senior Policy Aide 612-673-2208 [email protected] www.minneapolismn.gov/ward8/ www.facebook.com/EighthWardMpls

From: Noelle Martinez Sent: Monday, December 9, 2019 9:14 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea ; Sirdar, Deebaa ; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; [email protected]; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Cano, Alondra ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: [EXTERNAL] Minneapolis Budget Priorties

Dear Andrea and the Minneapolis City Council Members,

I live on 36th and Portland Avenue in the Central neighborhood and I'm writing to you today to urge you to support Councilmember Gordon, Ellison and Bender's amendment to move $500,000 out of MPD's budget to fund real community safety solutions including youth services and street outreach, domestic violence programming, and responses to the opioid crisis.

I am certain that funding these initiatives will do more to ensure community safety than funding MPD will. I along with over 60 of my neighbors showed up last Wednesday to voice our deep commitment to sustainable, long‐term violence prevention approaches that we know Minneapolis needs to move forward and thrive. Police cannot solve the crises we face. Many have testified and shared with you the precise solutions our community deserves, I'm asking you to listen deeply and respond with bold action challenging the status quo.

1 I want to be clear, though the amendment proposed by Councilmembers Gordon, Ellison and Bender went to a vote on Friday and did not pass‐ I am hopeful that it, or another amendment with significant investment in community‐led solutions, will be proposed and passed on Wednesday.


Noelle Martinez

[EXTERNAL] This email originated from outside of the City of Minneapolis. Please exercise caution when opening links or attachments.

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From: Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 1:26 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Bourgerie, Zoe J; Sirdar, Deebaa; Council Comment Subject: RE: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Hi Christopher, Thank you for this message. I will forward your comments t the public record. I am working to identify resources to fulfill this request. Best, Andrea

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 11:48 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Christopher Massey 118 Elmwood Pl E Minneapolis, MN 55419‐2610 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:34 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Funding for Senior programs

For the public record

From: Lydia McAnerney Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2019 12:50 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Funding for Senior programs

Dear Council Member Jenkins,

People 65 and older want to remain in their homes for as long as possible, and it is less expensive to help them stay there. Some of those folks need extra supports, provided by the three existing block nurse programs. Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services including the three Minneapolis block nurse programs. This funding will ensure that over 1,500 frail, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes.

Thank you for supporting our seniors.

Lydia McAnerney Melbourne Ave. SE

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:24 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 8:58 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Jane McBride 3738 Colfax Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55412‐2049 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:51 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:25 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Elizabeth McCambridge 2300 33rd Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406‐1464 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:51 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:18 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Rick McCormick 71 Melbourne Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414‐3513 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:42 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:46 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Maureen McCullough 625 E 18th St Apt 103 Minneapolis, MN 55404‐1911 [email protected]

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From: Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 1:24 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Sirdar, Deebaa Subject: RE: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Hi Kevin, Thank you for this message. I will forward your comments t the public record. I am working to identify resources to fulfill this request. Best, Andrea

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 12:30 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Kevin Miller 116 W 27th St Minneapolis, MN 55408‐1501 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 12:45 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Budget and policing

Please add this comment to the public record on the 2020 budget. Thank you!

Karlee Weinmann Policy Aide Council Member Jeremy Schroeder, Ward 11

City of Minneapolis – City Council 350 S. Fifth St. ‐‐ Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: (612) 673‐2211 Cell: (612) 240‐2129 [email protected] she/her/hers

Subscribe to the Ward 11 email newsletter here.

From: Bryan Milliard [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 8:48 AM To: Schroeder, Jeremy Subject: Budget and policing

Mr. Schroeder,

My name is Bryan Milliard and I live in your ward at 4404 15th Ave S.

I'm writing to you about the current 2020 budget that is being discussed and debated. I just want to strongly encourage and plead with you to not distribute an additional 8 million dollars for more police officers in the city.

Minneapolis was recently labeled the 4th worst city in the United States for African Americans to live. This discrepency is both very alarming and disappointing. The city and it's citizens have a lot of work to do to help level the playing field for all people. I believe that spending an additional 8 million dollars on police officers not only takes funding away from community building and equality initiatives, but it also in a lot of ways perpetuates and escalates problems in both the poor communities and communities of color (which tend to go hand in hand).

My wife has been directly involved with the communitie's work in editing the police federation contract with the city. If the police department is short staffed in certain areas, it sounds like increasing staffing flexibility within the department would help solve this problem. I find that a much more reasonable solution than adding more police officers.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I am grateful for what you have done for your ward and city up to this point.

Happy Holidays

‐Bryan Milliard

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From: Patterson, Undrea J Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:05 PM To: Council Comment Cc: Salami, Adedotun Y Subject: Budget Comment - MPD Funding

Spencer of ward 4 (612‐807‐4771) would like to the council to fund community programs and other creative solutions, not the police.

Best, Undrea Patterson Council Office Associate Pronouns: she/her/hers

City of Minneapolis – Ward 4 Office of Council Member Phillipe Cunningham 350 S. Fifth St. – Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: 612‐673‐2204 Cell: 612‐269‐7142 [email protected]

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From: Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Friday, December 06, 2019 10:47 AM To: Jan & Rich Myers Cc: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: RE: Increase Funding for Aging Support Services

Thank you for this message, I support CM Schroeder's amendment. I will forward these comments to be added to the public record. Best, Andrea

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Jan & Rich Myers Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 10:14 AM To: Frey, Jacob Cc: Reich, Kevin A. ; Bender, Lisa ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea ; Cano, Alondra ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Warsame, Abdi ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Fletcher, Steve ; Gordon, Cam A. Subject: Increase Funding for Aging Support Services

Dear Mayor Frey,

We are volunteers and donors for Nokomis Healthy Seniors, a neighborhood block nurse program. Over many years we've watched how well these programs help older adults stay active and able to stay at home. The programs have recently seen a decrease in county funding. In order to continue operating at a reasonable level, they need to obtain increased funding from other government and private sources.

Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding for Aging Support Services including the 3 Minneapolis block nurse programs. This funding will ensure that over 1,500 frail, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes. Thank you for supporting our seniors.

Thank you for your service to Minneapolis!

Janet and Richard Myers

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:25 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 8:48 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Cassie Nelson 289 5th St E Saint Paul, MN 55101‐1995 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:25 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Schroeder Amendment

For the public record

From: Joanne Netland Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 10:38 AM To: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Cano, Alondra ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: Schroeder Amendment

Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services including the 3 Mpls block nurse programs. This funding will ensure that over 1,500 frail, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes. Thank you for supporting our seniors. Joanne Netland

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:13 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 11:38 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Dirk Nicholson 118 Elmwood Pl E Minneapolis, MN 55419‐2610 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:18 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 11:20 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Ian O'Dowd 2700 Humboldt Ave S Apt 104 Minneapolis, MN 55408‐1028 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:25 PM To: Bourgerie, Zoe J; Sirdar, Deebaa Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 8:56 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

We need to fight for the rights of all of our citizens, especially those who are not starting out on a level playing field. 34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Michele O'Kane 4447 Dupont Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419‐4738 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:26 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 8:08 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator. Please don't slide backward!

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Nancy Okerlund 3912 11th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407‐2641 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:11 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 7:54 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Heather Penzel 2731 17th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407‐1207 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:06 AM To: Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Monday, December 9, 2019 8:48 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator. As a nonbinary person, I'm lucky to work at a company where my pronouns are respected, but this shouldn't take luck; it should be the norm. Minneapolis has come a long way with regards to trans rights, but the fight isn't over.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Linnea Peterson 2012 Aldrich Ave S Apt 307 Minneapolis, MN 55405‐3035 [email protected]

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From: Patterson, Undrea J Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:03 PM To: Council Comment Cc: Salami, Adedotun Y Subject: Budget Comment - MPD Funding

Britney Wirth Petrik (651‐335‐0598) of south Minneapolis would like to see the council fund community resources not police.

Best, Undrea Patterson Council Office Associate Pronouns: she/her/hers

City of Minneapolis – Ward 4 Office of Council Member Phillipe Cunningham 350 S. Fifth St. – Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: 612‐673‐2204 Cell: 612‐269‐7142 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 4:24 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:07 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator. In times like this in our country, now is not the time to back down on such important aspects. Please preserve this important position.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Brant Peuser 129 N 2nd St Minneapolis, MN 55401‐1402 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:51 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:31 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Chelsea Piekarski 5133 13th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55417‐1838 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:34 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 7:01 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Allie Pikala 4421 Dupont Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419‐4738 [email protected]

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From: Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 4:30 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Bourgerie, Zoe J; Sirdar, Deebaa; Council Comment Subject: RE: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Thank you Michael, I have included this request in the amended budget. Best, Andrea

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 11:39 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Michael Prideaux 616 Lincoln Ave Saint Paul, MN 55102‐4700 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Friday, December 06, 2019 10:28 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment

Please include this communication in the public record on the 2020 budget.

Karlee Weinmann Policy Aide Council Member Jeremy Schroeder, Ward 11

City of Minneapolis – City Council 350 S. Fifth St. ‐‐ Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: (612) 673‐2211 Cell: (612) 240‐2129 [email protected] she/her/hers

Subscribe to the Ward 11 email newsletter here.

From: Emilie Quast [mailto:e‐[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 8:07 PM Subject: Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment

My "second mother", Lois Bargen lived in her home, 625 8th Ave SE until about two weeks before she went into hospice. This is the huge pile of yellow brick also known as the "Colonel Lane" house.

With the help of SE Seniors, her house was neat, her laundry was done, the grass was mowed and the sidewalks shoveled. It's a triplex and her tenants were all happy to live there because things were taken care of so well.

Lois spent the last 12 years of her life fighting oral cancer, dealing with the aftermath of a car accident (someone ran a red light, totalled her car and broke her hip), and making annual trips with her adult children to England. Only the hip kept her off the plane but she only missed one trip.

I can't think how much of that help just wouldn't have happened without SE Seniors. I think she would have been unhappy right up to her early death. As things went, with the help of SE Seniors, she made that trip to the Little Hospice at age 99.

Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services including the 3 Mpls block nurse programs. This funding will ensure that over 1,500 frail, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes. Thank you for supporting our seniors.

‐‐ Emilie Quast 1819 Talmage Ave SE Minneapolis MN 55414 e‐[email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:14 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 4:13 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In addition to this statistics, and we certainly need to provide basic services like housing and adequate mental health services for folx, AND, those things are immediate concerns, but they are not "the problem." The problem is patriarchy (which fundamentally assumes a binary orientation to the world), and the discrimination and VIOLENCE that it begets. We need to work towards a world where people have what they need to survive and THRIVE so that they can live into the fullness of their humanity. It is further violence to trans people to tell them that we care (as a city by establishing the TEC and the Summit for example), but by not backing that care with MATERIAL support‐otherwise it is just performative. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, Minneapolis should heed the recommendations of the Trans Equity Council and hire two full‐time staff positions supporting trans equity in Minneapolis. Thank you for reading this and considering it's importance. Katie Querna, PhD, MSSW

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Katherine Querna 4016 21st Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407‐3072 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 9:41 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Thanks for voting yes on the Schroeder Amendment!

From: Peggy Rejto [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 4:22 PM To: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea ; Cano, Alondra Subject: Thanks for voting yes on the Schroeder Amendment!

All of us in the Prospect Park area are so grateful for your voting to increase Mpls block nurse programs, especially for Southeast Seniors. They're the best!

Peggy Rejto 1539 E. River Terrace

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:25 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 8:54 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

As a parent of a non‐binary teen, and a person who works with LGBTQ2 youth and adults, I appreciate how well Minneapolis does in supporting our community. There is still a lot of work to be done however around LGBTQ2 equity, and especially in trans equity.

Thirtyfour percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ/two spirit youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ2 people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Heather Reynolds 2729 Columbus Ave Minneapolis, MN 55407‐3734 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:23 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:01 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

After spending 77.7% of my adult life in every corner of zip code 55408, I moved St Paul 11 months ago, and regret it deeply. The fact that there is a trans Equity Council in the City of Minneapolis has made me want to move back more than anything else. According to research published in 2014, Every time you see a trans person remind yourself there's a 41% chance that the person you are looking at has attempted one or more suicide attempts. I'm one of them. 34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Molly Ritchie 1329 Grand Ave Apt 3 Saint Paul, MN 55105‐2623 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:40 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 10:15 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Thomas Rolseth 2837 Dupont Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55408‐3288 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:26 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 7:55 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

This is so important! Please keep this position and expand to other marginalized groups. These voices need to be in the room!

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Cassandra Rose 6122 Wentworth Ave Minneapolis, MN 55419‐2338 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:50 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:38 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Luci Russell 3509 Snelling Ave Minneapolis, MN 55406‐2631 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:43 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:42 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Courtney Sarkin 22 27th Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414‐4233 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:19 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 10:50 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Jim Sauder 2708 41st Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406‐1810 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:20 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 10:29 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Kenny Scheneman 5405 44th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55417‐2203 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:21 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 10:05 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Tom Schierholz 3317 Harriet Ave Minneapolis, MN 55408‐3729 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Friday, December 06, 2019 9:29 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 9:03 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Xavier Schmitz 5316 48th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55417‐2316 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 9:40 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Southeast Seniors Needs City Funding! Please Fund!

Please include this communication in the public record on the 2020 budget.

Karlee Weinmann Policy Aide Council Member Jeremy Schroeder, Ward 11

City of Minneapolis – City Council 350 S. Fifth St. ‐‐ Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: (612) 673‐2211 Cell: (612) 240‐2129 [email protected] she/her/hers

Subscribe to the Ward 11 email newsletter here.

From: Robert Davis [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, December 06, 2019 2:01 PM To: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Cano, Alondra ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: Southeast Seniors Needs City Funding! Please Fund!

Dear Council Members:

Hennepin County has restored half its funding for the 3 block nurse programs: Southeast Seniors , Longfellow/Seward Healthy Seniors and Nokomis Healthy Seniors! We now need the City of Minneapolis to increase their funding above Mayor Frey’s proposed budget to make us whole.

Please email the Mpls City Council with this message: Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services including the 3 Mpls block nurse programs. This funding will ensure that over 1,500 frail, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes. Thank you for supporting our seniors.

As a resident of SW Mpls. East Isles neighborhood, the only places I found of help to me in the City of Minneapolis (given my contacts in SE & NE Mpls) were Southeast Seniors (very informative), East Side Neighborhood Services its caregiver support group, and Catholic Eldercare (CEC) day programs for seniors (private pay) ! Of course, I generally had to drive my car (with my disabled husband in it) to access these services, across the River from us, as they are located some distance from our E. 1 Isles home -- but at least they 'existed' to help us! And, only after CEC successfully got him signed up for Metro Mobility was he able to occasionally take the Metro Mobility van to his then adult day program.

When my husband (in his late 70s-early 80s), was disabled by a neurological disorder and other health issues, during the time we still attempted to have him living 'at home' in East Isles, we found ourselves (both of us, him with his disabilities, me as his caregiver) in immediate need of help from senior advocates, senior programming, etc. but discovered there was ZERO available nearby from the city/county to help us (neither of us eligible for Medicaid). We found that within the boundaries of Minneapolis for its southwest neighborhoods, it's a "desert" for senior services, support, or entertainment for seniors especially for those who continue to attempt to live at home, and/or have disabilities. This situation worsened after the Volunteers of America site on Bryant Ave. So. , near Uptown, closed down which itself had limited hours.

Once my husband moved into assisted living-institutional care (1st in Bloomington, 2nd in Golden Valley) I found VASTLY more support SUBURBAN CITY support for Seniors in those two suburbs and also in St. Louis Park through City- sponsored programs, City community ed programming/classes, specific senior adult 'recreational centers' , regular senior entertainment of good quality with a lot of senior audience participants, etc. !!!

Finally my Lutheran-raised husband entered Catholic Eldercare Nursing home in NE Mpls., given his increased needs and decline, and we obtained services there, for him, as private payees at that facility.

I urge City Council members to fund the 3 "block nurse programs" operating in Minneapolis, given today's seniors' needs, and anticipated increasing needs in the future.

Thank You!

Linda Schutz, many decades Mpls. resident of assorted Mpls. neighborhoods since my college-years at the Univ. of MN, and since the mid-1980s residing at 1523 W. 22 Street, Minneapolis, MN 55405

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:41 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: 2020 City Budget Items

For the public record

From: Allison Sharkey Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2019 10:00 AM To: Gordon, Cam A. ; Cano, Alondra ; Warsame, Abdi ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Bender, Lisa ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: 2020 City Budget Items

Lake Street Area Council Members,

Thank you for all your work on the 2020 City of Minneapolis budget.

I am writing with support for several items that are proposed in the 2020 budget, and also wish to express concern for one item that has been significantly reduced from previous years. We have discussed budgetary priorities with many community members in south Minneapolis wards, including small business owners, major employers, residents, and nonprofit leaders.

We support these items that are currently part of the budget proposal:

1. Street Lighting/Litter Pick‐Up ‐ Cultural Districts (Public Works) ‐ $550,000. We continue to request that Lake Street be bumped up in the queue for replacement LED lights, so this item is really welcome. Additional litter pickup is also supported by the South Minneapolis Public Safety Coalition and is needed. 2. Cultural Districts Art Fund (CPED) ‐ $100,000. While this is a pretty limited amount, this is a good way to support implementation of creative placemaking programming, similar to the City of St. Paul's Cultural STAR program. 3. Cultural Districts: Expand Great Streets Facade Program (CPED) ‐ $200,000. We also support that the match requirement may be relaxed. 4. Cultural Districts: Commercial Property Development Fund (CPED) ‐ $2,500,000. This helps fill a needed niche in gap financing, and we are prepared to help entrepreneurs and small developers access this fund. 5. Increase in MPD funding to hire additional officers. Our communities are suffering a large increase over the last four or five years in visible drug dealing, drug abuse in public, and sexual commercial exploitation. Our communities are calling out for more officers present in the community as well as a significant decrease in 911 response times.

Additional items we would like to comment on:

6. Events Program ‐ Meet Minneapolis ‐ We support the proposed $150,000 to expand marketing of non‐downtown attractions and assets. However, we would also encourage increased funding for community‐based groups with a track record of producing marketing campaigns for their communities (like the Lake Street Council). This could be accomplished by increasing funding for the Great Streets Business District Support Program, as well as lifting the $50,000 cap on BDS contracts for organizations that cover a large service area like Lake Street. 7. Funding for the Green Business Cost Share program is reduced by $600,000 next year in the current budget proposal. We would restore the funding for this program. It is an important tool for the city's ETAP (Environmental Technical

1 Assistance Program) clients to finance energy efficiency improvements. It can also help pay for improved exterior lighting, which is not an eligible expense of the Facade Improvement Program if it isn't attached to the building. 8. Community safety and social services: While I don't have specific budget items at hand, we encourage continued and increased investment in upstream solutions for violence prevention, social services intervention, drug addiction programs, and homeless resources, in addition to increased MPD funding for community policing and the reduction in police response times.

Thank you, Allison Sharkey

Allison Sharkey Executive Director Lake Street Council | 919 E. Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN 55407 612.824.7420 [email protected] visitlakestreet.com | lakestreetcouncil.org | Facebook

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From: Patterson, Undrea J Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:10 PM To: Council Comment Cc: Salami, Adedotun Y Subject: Budget Comment - MPD Funding

Matt Sherburne, 3835 Thomas Ave N (218‐256‐5002) would like the council to fund creative violence prevention tactics, resources to fight the opioid crisis, youth programs and affordable housing – not the police

Best, Undrea Patterson Council Office Associate Pronouns: she/her/hers

City of Minneapolis – Ward 4 Office of Council Member Phillipe Cunningham 350 S. Fifth St. – Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: 612‐673‐2204 Cell: 612‐269‐7142 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:39 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 10:17 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Taylor Shevey 3728 15th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407‐4338 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:12 PM To: Bourgerie, Zoe J; Sirdar, Deebaa Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 2:19 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

Please continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator. Representation and advocacy is so important. Our city needs to continue to be a leader for underrepresented people and communities.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Greta Shomper 4541 1st Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55419‐5001 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 4:23 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:17 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator!

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Rosemary Shuda 1905 Stevens Ave Apt 105 Minneapolis, MN 55403‐3840 [email protected]

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From: Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Friday, December 06, 2019 11:02 AM To: Marjaan Sirdar; Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: RE: Budget approval

Hello Marjaan‐ Thank you for this message, my colleagues and I have amended the Mayors proposal, and instead offered more support for community based recommendations, including investments in Domestic Violence Prevention, because misogyny, sexism, transphobia and homophobia is literally killing us. Andrea

From: Marjaan Sirdar Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 11:47 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea ; Sirdar, Deebaa ; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: Budget approval

Dear CM Jenkins,

I am writing you in hopes that you will not support the mayor's budget and you will support Reclaim the Block's programs, in lieu of increased policing, such as more funding for mental health crisis, youth programs, conflict mediation, restorative justice, leadership development in funding neighborhoods, just to name a few.

The $180 million annual funding that goes to law enforcement could completely eradicate poverty in our city which is the root cause of nearly all crime in Minneapolis. Instead we continue to fund a job‐program‐for‐white‐men who do not even live in our city. We need a mass divestment in law enforcement because the system itself is corrupt to its core.

We are having amazing conversations at the neighborhood level about our role in creating equitable communities for all. With adequate funding we could do what law enforcement has failed to do: keep everyone safe. And we are becoming a movement.

I hope you will use the budget to fight against racism and corruption and vote with your values.


Marjaan Sirdar Bryant Neighborhood Organization [email protected]

“Washing ones hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral. “ ‐Paulo Freire

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:50 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:33 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

Hello City Council! My name is Nikki I am a trans parent of a trans son. I make a decent living as a facilities manager for 8 locally owned (Minneapolis) restaurants. My son attends Fair school downtown and maintains a 4.0 GPA.

I see the city of Minneapolis as a safe little bubble in this state, and in my opinion removing this position at a time when our president is firing up the nation with fear and lies about who trans people are it is imperative that our city remains mindful of the trans folks who live and work here in Minneapolis.

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you feel I can answer.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Nikki Soule 1367 Willow St Apt 518 Minneapolis, MN 55403‐2595 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:25 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 9:02 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Wallace Swan 15 S 1st St Unit A‐420 Minneapolis, MN 55401‐1800 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:10 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, December 7, 2019 4:15 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Johanna Taylor 3946 Stevens Ave Minneapolis, MN 55409‐1661 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:09 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: vote for the Schroeder Amendment

For the public record

From: Tricia Theurer Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2019 2:44 PM To: Frey, Jacob Cc: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Cano, Alondra ; Bender, Lisa ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea ; Gloria Everson Subject: vote for the Schroeder Amendment

Hello: Mayor Frey and council members:

Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding for Aging Support Services including the 3 Minneapolis block nurse programs. This funding will ensure that over 1,500 frail, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes. Thank you for supporting our seniors.

I live in Minneapolis and have worked with Nokomis Healthy Seniors very several years and have seen the huge difference this program makes in the lives of vulnerable older adults.

Thank you!

Tricia Theurer, M.A. [email protected] | (612) 578-9329 http://www.linkedin.com/in/triciatheurer

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From: Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 1:26 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Bourgerie, Zoe J; Sirdar, Deebaa; Council Comment Subject: RE: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Hi Michelle, Thank you for this message. I will forward your comments t the public record. I am working to identify resources to fulfill this request. Best, Andrea

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 11:56 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Michelle Thomas 3100 Ohenry Rd Minneapolis, MN 55429‐2223 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:19 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 10:52 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Kathleen Todd 3660 35th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406‐2745 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 9:45 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Please for the for Schroeder Amendment and support seniors

Please add this communication to the public record on the 2020 budget.

Karlee Weinmann Policy Aide Council Member Jeremy Schroeder, Ward 11

City of Minneapolis – City Council 350 S. Fifth St. ‐‐ Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: (612) 673‐2211 Cell: (612) 240‐2129 [email protected] she/her/hers

Subscribe to the Ward 11 email newsletter here.

From: Katharine Tondra [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2019 10:10 PM To: Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Cano, Alondra ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Palmisano, Linea ; Johnson, Andrew Subject: Please for the for Schroeder Amendment and support seniors

Dear Minneapolis City Council members:

Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services including the 3 Minneapolis Living at Home Network programs: Nokomis Healthy Seniors, Southeast Seniors and Longfellow/Seward Healthy Seniors. This funding will ensure that over 1,500 frail, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes. Thank you for supporting our seniors.

Sincerely, Katharine Tondra 1712 Brook Ave SE Minneapolis

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:27 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 7:55 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Tracy Townsend 3345 Fremont Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55408‐3544 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:24 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:00 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Ryanne Underhill 4017 Portland Ave Minneapolis, MN 55407‐3102 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Friday, December 06, 2019 9:30 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 8:19 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Holly VerHage 2643 Pillsbury Ave S # 2 Minneapolis, MN 55408‐1542 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:50 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:36 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Toni Virta 4936 36th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55417‐1515 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:08 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2019 3:30 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

As a newer Minneapolis resident (originally from Omaha, NE), the efforts made toward transgender protection, inclusion, and equity in Minneapolis are nothing short of amazing. Minneapolis is a beacon for the state and for the Midwest in general. I think my gender transition would have been much harder if I had stayed in my home town.

That being said, as OutFront has noted, 34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. The disparities are even worse for trans people of color. And over the last few years, the efforts of the Trump administration to roll back dozens of protections for LGBTQ people, combined with increasingly hostile rhetoric, have made it a lot harder to get by in terms of health, employment, and public safety.

In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Erika von Kampen 4519 Bryant Ave S Apt 2 Minneapolis, MN 55419‐4751 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:50 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:36 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. I am a school counselor in Minneapolis and work with trans students, these students work towards academic success but are often dealing with mental health issues on top of academics. I rely on outside organizations, and positions like the Trans Equity Coordinator to support my work with trans students. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Jeanette Vyhanek 301 Penn Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55405‐1160 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 12:44 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Schroeder Amendment for Senior Funding

Please add this comment to the public record on the 2020 budget. Thank you!

Karlee Weinmann Policy Aide Council Member Jeremy Schroeder, Ward 11

City of Minneapolis – City Council 350 S. Fifth St. ‐‐ Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: (612) 673‐2211 Cell: (612) 240‐2129 [email protected] she/her/hers

Subscribe to the Ward 11 email newsletter here.

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Tom Weist [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 9:39 AM To: Gordon, Cam A. ; Reich, Kevin A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Cano, Alondra ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: Schroeder Amendment for Senior Funding

Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services including the 3 Minneapolis block nurse programs. This funding helps insure that over 1500 frail older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes. Thank you for supporting seniors.

Tom Weist 895 19th Avenue SE Minneapolis 55414

Sent from my iPad

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 9:44 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Mpls budget - supporting Bender, Gordon, Ellison amendment

Please add this communication to the public record on the 2020 budget.

Karlee Weinmann Policy Aide Council Member Jeremy Schroeder, Ward 11

City of Minneapolis – City Council 350 S. Fifth St. ‐‐ Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: (612) 673‐2211 Cell: (612) 240‐2129 [email protected] she/her/hers

Subscribe to the Ward 11 email newsletter here.

From: Eleonore Wesserle [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2019 9:49 AM To: Bender, Lisa Cc: Reich, Kevin A. ; McDonough, Shannon ; Brock, Lisa A ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Garwood, Robin D. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Zaffrann, David ; Chowdhury, Aurin ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ward 4 ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Hans, Dani ; Sharif‐Abdinassir, Maryan ; Warsame, Abdi ; SanCartier, Ryan J ; Arab, Yusra A ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Sherin, Judy L ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Sirdar, Deebaa ; Bourgerie, Zoe J ; Cano, Alondra ; Faulkner, Graham R ; Kesti, Dylan ; Pennington, D'Ana M. ; Erazmus, Kristina ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Murphy, Suzanne ; Nelson, Kate R. ; Palmisano, Linea ; Freude, John ; Vautrin, Josie B ; Frey, Jacob Subject: Mpls budget ‐ supporting Bender, Gordon, Ellison amendment

Dear Council Member Bender (and cc'd Council Members, City staff and Mayor):

I'm writing to express my strong support of the budget amendment you recently co‐proposed with Council Member Ellison and Council Member Gordon, to thank the three of you for doing so, and to strongly encourage the rest of the Council to vote to pass it.


Whether sitting down to a holiday meal with family, digging into a potluck with friends, or allocating shared resources across community needs, there's a basic principle that most of us agree as fair to live by:

No one gets seconds until everyone has had firsts.

As successful as any individual public servant may be in living this maxim at the dinner table, it would serve all of us living in Minneapolis better if you governed via this principle, as well. But for too long, City governance has allowed the Minneapolis Police Department to be the bloated, greedy uncle at the holidays, plundering sustenance from the plates of the children, the elders, the folks who haven't had a good meal in weeks, the folks who haven't had a roof over their head in too long, all the while justifying this hoarding because he owns the most guns out of everyone.

The MPD and its supporters excuse this plunder with claims that this budgetary hoarding keeps people safe. We all know that this simply isn't true.

Ask countless black, brown, indigenous, or immigrant people of color who've experienced police intimidation and violence. Ask any person who's struggled with not having a place to call home. Ask the families of people who have been gunned down by the police, since it's not possible to ask the victims themselves. There are countless of voices who show up to City Hall to speak on these very experiences ‐ listen to them. These are not my personal stories, but count me among the many voices who speak in support of them.

And as a Whittier resident who cares about the present and future of this home we all share, I find it particularly egregious that as Mayor Frey rightfully declares climate emergency in this city, he sets budgets to enrich an institution that creates barriers to the changes we need in that same arena.

Police divestment is a climate issue. Ask people who walk in this city. Ask people who bike. Ask people who fight for a livable future for this place we call home. When a driver struck and killed a neighbor crossing at Lyndale Ave and 25th street, the MPD response was that this neighbor should have walked a long Whittier block out of his way to 24th or 26th. The same institution recently stated that "it's a bad idea" for people to get around via bike in the winter. And it is the institution of policing that defends the corporations who profit from the degradation of our climate, with an all‐too‐ local example in our former Hennepin County sheriff sending deputies to fight for the pipeline builders at Standing Rock.

All of this leads me to commend you, Council Member Ellison, and Council Member Gordon in proposing a budget amendment in an effort to reclaim some food from the greedy uncle's hoard and more strongly support true community safety. Moving $500,000 from MPD to fund responses to the opioid crisis, youth services and street outreach, and domestic violence programming is a necessary beginning. While I just expounded on police divestment as a climate change issue, my priority here is to make progress toward proper allocation of community resources to community needs, which your amendment does.

People who live in Minneapolis care about each other, which is why we're raising our voices to support this amendment. We live in a city where there's plenty to go around, if we make sure that everyone gets the firsts they need, first. This amendment is a start. Please do all you can to make sure it passes.

Thank you and all the best, Eleonore Wesserle 651‐785‐7636 (cell) 2012 Grand Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55405

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:36 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J; Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 10:58 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Robert Wetzler 3221 47th Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406‐2334 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:14 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 10:55 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

As a non‐binary person, I chose to stay in Minneapolis because I felt that this city was a safe haven for me and people of my community. The elimination of this position is a dangerous decision that will impact our community's visibility, political power, and access in Minneapolis. We have to positions that are dedicated to prioritizing our needs and lives. I urge you to keep the Trans Equity Coordinator position so that myself and people just like me are able to continue thriving in this incredible city.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Troy Wildenberg 416 Broadway St NE Unit 2 Minneapolis, MN 55413‐2009 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Friday, December 06, 2019 9:30 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 9:30 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Jeremy Hanson Willis 2840 Bryant Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55408‐2187 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:24 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 9:00 PM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Alexander Wolf 2409 Lyndale Ave S Apt 201 Minneapolis, MN 55405‐3357 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 12:46 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding for Aging Support Services.

Please add this comment to the public record on the 2020 budget. Thank you!

Karlee Weinmann Policy Aide Council Member Jeremy Schroeder, Ward 11

City of Minneapolis – City Council 350 S. Fifth St. ‐‐ Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: (612) 673‐2211 Cell: (612) 240‐2129 [email protected] she/her/hers

Subscribe to the Ward 11 email newsletter here.

From: Pam Wollum [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2019 8:14 PM To: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Cano, Alondra ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding for Aging Support Services.


I've lived in Minneapolis all of my adult life, and now I'm old.

Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services. It includes the three Mpls block nurse programs, including the Southeast block nurse.

This funding will ensure that over 1,500 frail, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes. Thank you for supporting our seniors.

Pam Wollum Minneapois, MN

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 3:20 PM To: Sirdar, Deebaa; Bourgerie, Zoe J Cc: Council Comment Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 10:43 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, maret banks 2233 University Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414‐3056 [email protected]

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From: Bourgerie, Zoe J on behalf of Jenkins, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:16 AM To: Council Comment; Bourgerie, Zoe J Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

For the public record

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2019 11:20 AM To: Jenkins, Andrea Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Ian O'Dowd 2700 Humboldt Ave S Apt 104 Minneapolis, MN 55408‐1028 [email protected]

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From: Alya Bohr Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 5:05 PM To: Council Comment Subject: [EXTERNAL] Thoughts on the revised budget

Dear City Council Members,

I live in Ward 7, and I'm writing to ask that you prioritize funding community programs over giving $8.2 million to the MPD (whether in the form of new officers or a cadet class). Grassroots organizations are doing the vital work of healing and building our communities, and you have the opportunity to fund these vital programs.

As a white person, I’ve been taught to equate cops with safety. I'm the type of person (a white, cis, able‐bodied citizen) that cops are supposed to protect. The problem here is that the imagined perpetrators—those who the cops are allegedly protecting me from—are actually the most marginalized and most vulnerable community members: poor, undocumented, mentally ill, disabled people of color. This means that police are enacting state‐sanctioned violence against those who are already beaten down by our societal institutions.

Relying on cops to solve all our problems is not how communities grow and thrive. Communities will always know best what they need and how to care for their people. Increased criminalization and police violence will only further harm and endanger those who need the most support. I urge you to listen to our community members, who have long been the source of visionary paths toward justice, rather than to police officers, who are external to our communities and who represent violent manifestations of power and privilege.

Thank you for taking the time to hear the public's comments, and I hope that you will prioritize the safety of our marginalized communities and fund creative new solutions to our city's struggles.

Best, Alya Bohr [EXTERNAL] This email originated from outside of the City of Minneapolis. Please exercise caution when opening links or attachments.

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 11:59 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Funding for Minneapolis senior services

From: Larry Crawford [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 10:44 AM To: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Cunningham, Phillipe M ; Ellison, Jeremiah ; Warsame, Abdi ; Goodman, Lisa R. ; Jenkins, Andrea ; Cano, Alondra ; Bender, Lisa ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Palmisano, Linea Subject: Funding for Minneapolis senior services

Minneapolis City Council Members:

Seniors are a key part of Minneapolis residents. Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services including the 3 Mpls block nurse programs. This funding will ensure that over 1,500 frail, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy and safe in their homes. Thank you for supporting our seniors.

Larry & Claudia Crawford SE Minneapolis

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 10:40 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Opposition to salary increases for city council aids

From: Rebecca Gerber [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 3:00 PM To: Schroeder, Jeremy Subject: Opposition to salary increases for city council aids

Good afternoon, I was recently made aware of an increase for city council aids of $9,000 per employee (for a total of $250k for the 26 positions in 13 council offices). I wanted to share my view that I strongly oppose this increase and feel we should be looking for as many ways as possible to REDUCE taxes in our incredibly high tax state and city. Minneapolis taxes are way too high in my opinion and it makes me seriously consider moving away from the area.

Rebecca Gerber (Minneapolis resident‐‐ lives on 53rd and Bloomington Ave)

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From: Patterson, Undrea J Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 6:14 PM To: Council Comment Cc: Sharif-Abdinassir, Maryan Subject: Budget Comment

Judy Grady, 2318 Sheridan Ave N, 612‐8886‐3368, would like to council to fund more senior programs that help them stay in their homes longer

Undrea Patterson Council Office Associate Pronouns: she/her/hers

City of Minneapolis – Ward 4 Office of Council Member Phillipe Cunningham 350 S. Fifth St. – Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: 612‐673‐2204 Cell: 612‐269‐7142 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 11:59 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: 2020 Budget Proposal Request from West Phillips Neighborhood

From: Megan Gramlow [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 10:57 AM To: Council Members Subject: 2020 Budget Proposal Request from West Phillips Neighborhood

Dear Council Members,

I am Megan Gramlow, a resident of West Phillips neighborhood, where I reside on the block of 29th and Oakland Avenue. I am writing to request that you reconsider the importance of funding additional positions for beat cops, specifically in our neighborhood or at the very least, the third precinct. I watched the video that was submitted from my neighborhood by Somali TV, which I thought was well done; however, I noticed that my community members did not illustrate specific examples of the reasons they were afraid, or the specific types of abuses that occur in our neighborhood, all of which are either prevented or minimized when police are near and able to respond. I would like to take the opportunity to do that for you.

I will preface this description of life in our neighborhood, by telling you that I bought my house in West Phillips 1.5 years ago. All the events that have taken place on my block that I will recount in this letter have all occurred in the last year and a half. There are several groups of people that sell drugs on our block, particularly in front of my house all day and all night, every day of the week. There have been three people who live on my block that used to feel comfortable enough to ask people not stand in front of our homes and businesses selling drugs, not to sit on our steps selling and using drugs, and also asked these same people to quiet down, particularly when we are all trying to sleep at night. I am one of these three people. When I first bought my house, and started realizing just how bad things were, I did not call the police for a long time. I was not a police advocate, and I was afraid to call them due to the history of police violence. However, after reaching out to every organization that I could think of, such as MAD Dads, and never hearing back from anyone, I finally started stepping outside my home and asking people who were selling and using drugs, people who urinate and defecate on my property and my neighbor’s property, and people who throw copious amounts of garbage, needles and crack pipes on our street and property to respectfully stop. I started getting somewhat positive responses from the people engaging in these activities, and they thanked me for asking them rather than calling the police. However congenial this approach was, it did not really have an impact except for relationship building with people who are drug dealers, drug users, and drug sales lookouts. I started to realized that my asking did not really help because people that I asked to leave, would just come back 15 minutes later and the cycle would repeat. I then became known as a safe person who doesn’t call the police, a.k.a a safe place to sell drugs, which is not the outcome I was going for. It seems that every month the people buying and selling changes a bit, and this last year proved to be more dangerous. When I asked people to leave they started to respond more negatively, yelling at me, and a few people threatened me with gun violence when I asked them to lower their voices or leave. During September, one man threatened to shoot me/kill me in a sexualized manner while I was standing on my front porch, after asking if his group could please move along. I found out later that this man had pending felonies for his home being raided during which he was found with several assault rifles and a large amount of cocaine. This man was arrested on the

1 spot for threatening to kill me – he was booked and released a couple hours later with charges dropped. He continued to spend time standing in front of my house for a couple months after being released, which was particularly traumatizing. Earlier this same day, I witnessed my neighbor being physically assaulted by a man after asking the man to leave, during which I was able to call 911. The perpetrator ran away before the police arrived, and was never charged. Unfortunately, my neighbor was physically impacted to the degree that he had to decrease his work hours for a while. A different neighbor across the street was assaulted last year for asking a man to turn down the music he was playing in his car, parked on the street in the middle of the night. Now these three people (including myself) who advocated for safety and peace on the block (without police intervention) have been physically assaulted and threatened to be killed. None of us ask anyone to leave anymore because we have all in our own way come to understand how dangerous it is, and it is safe to say that none of us wants to die or be physically harmed. Since this time, I call the police every day. When I want a group of people selling drugs to leave the front of my home, I call the police so that they can come ask them to leave. I should note that no one that lives on the block is in any way associated with the drug activity. These are people that come in from suburbs and all different areas of town, spanning from wealthy to homeless to buy and sell drugs on our block in particular. I am not sure exactly why our block is so targeted, though I have several hypotheses about this, but I am coming to understand that many blocks on 29th along the lake street corridor are similar. I am going to try to avoid getting into my frustration with the lack of upholding the laws regarding drug sales and how our block has turned into the “Wild West,” as some drug dealer described to me that people can do anything and sell anything on our street because police can no longer arrest them. I will stop this tangent now before I get too passionate. The thing I want you to take away from this paragraph is that the health of our block currently depends on officers driving by daily and nightly and engaging with drug dealers and users. All of our physical assaults and threats of death on this block could have been prevented if we had called the police instead of asking people dealing drugs to leave. Let’s remember that people dealing drugs profit off of intimidating and silencing neighborhoods, and this is exactly what has occurred.

Other notable abuses that have occurred during the last year and a half – I along with two of my friends have been sexually assaulted in front of my home by two different people all on separate occasions. Additionally, I have seen people having sex in my drive way (sex work) and in a drive way across the street (sex work), I also often see women standing on our corner waiting for someone to solicit sex from them (sex work). I don’t have kids yet, but can you even imagine raising girls in this environment? I can’t, so I’ve had to start asking myself if I need to sell my home. As a woman, I cannot garden and do landscape work in front of my home without being sexually harassed. It happens literally (no hyperbole) every time I step into my front yard for more than 5 minutes. Can you even imagine living in this place? As a female, I cannot walk to midtown global market or simply down Lake street without being solicited for sex. I never anticipated how useful it would be to have a dog ‐ if I have my dog attached to me while walking, no one mistakes me for a sex worker. This summer I witnessed a man running after a terrified woman down my block screaming that he was going to murder her and bash her skull in. I cannot even describe to you how that impacted my own body. I will never forget the look on that woman’s face. With all the drug users and sellers parked along the street in their cars, using drugs, one can assume that there are several people driving down our block under the influence of drugs and alcohol. During the last 1.5 years, several of my neighbors have endured property destruction due to people under the influence of drugs destroying fences and retaining walls, and breaking windows. These are people that perhaps cannot afford such costs. There are crack rocks littered all over the sidewalk in front of my house. I know this because there a few people that make it their job to tirelessly search for them in order to get a hit for free. There are broken liquor bottles, broken glass crack pipes, and needles that litter our boulevards and sidewalks. This is a tax that residents of our block absorb. Who picks this trash and feces up, who spends money landscaping, who spends sleepless hours at night due to people yelling while they are selling drugs outside, who endures and witnesses unimaginable abuses. We do. The residents of this block. It seems the more engaged one is, the more abuses one witnesses and endures.


The only time our block is safe and peaceful is when police (beat cops) come and station themselves on our block. Cops have started coming to the block, stationing themselves here for short periods of time while completing paperwork, just to be present. There are not even words to describe how impactful this has been. Neighbors have actually come out of their homes to introduce themselves during these times. They ask the cops what they can do because they have been paralyzed and don’t know how to deal with all the crime. It has been the best intervention yet. But there is not enough of them. Our block is not the only one that needs attention.

I agree that funds should be balanced and violence prevention, addressing homelessness, chemical dependency programming and youth programming will be a big part of that; however, Police are relevant. I am a psychotherapist who works with men that have committed sex crimes, who are often also chemically dependent, so I am fully capable of understanding the importance of multi‐pronged approaches; however, this letter is specifically written from my perspective as a resident, not as a therapist.

Our neighborhood needs help. We need help. In my observations as a resident, Police have seemed to make the biggest difference in terms of safety.

Please reach out if you have questions. ‐‐ Megan M. Gramlow [email protected] 701.238.4355

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From: Nelson, Kate R. Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 11:02 AM To: [email protected] Subject: FW: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Hi Nina,

Thanks for reaching out to our office.

Last Friday at the Budget Committee Council Vice President Jenkins and Councilman Cunningham put forward a budget amendment to include ongoing funding for the Trans Equity Coordinator position (1 FTE). Council Member Johnson supported the amendment and it passed unanimously and will be included in the 2020 Budget. The Budget Committee action was referred to the next City Council Meeting (12/13/19) for final adoption.

Have a great day! Kate

Kate Nelson Policy Aide gender pronouns: she/her/hers

Office of Council Member Andrew Johnson 350 S. Fifth St. – Room #307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: 612‐673‐2212 [email protected]

Sign up for the 12th Ward Newsletter. Follow CM Johnson on Facebook, Twitter, or his blog.

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 5:51 AM To: Johnson, Andrew Subject: Fund Trans Equity Work in the Minneapolis Budget

Dear City Councilor Andrew Johnson,

34 percent of trans people in Minnesota live in poverty and LGBTQ youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide. These numbers reflect a horrifying daily reality for many LGBTQ people. In order to work towards equity for all Minnesotans, I believe Minneapolis should continue to fund the position of the Trans Equity Coordinator.

I hope you consider making a step towards equity for the transgender community by continuing to fund the Trans Equity Coordinator position. Thank you.

Sincerely, Nina Jonson 4201 Beard Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55422‐1454 [email protected]


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From: Maggie Kennedy Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 4:23 PM To: Council Comment Subject: [EXTERNAL] 2020 Budget Comment


My name is Maggie Kennedy, I live in Ward 10 at 2540 Harriet Ave.

I am reaching out, as I imagine many of us are, because I want ‐‐to live in a Minneapolis that works to make us all safe.

I am reaching out because I believe ‐‐that safety is only possible when everyone is safe, ‐‐that “safety” cannot exist, and its rhetoric should not be employed, when black, indigenous, poc, queer, trans, disabled, and working‐class people are being profiled, targeted, surveilled and incarcerated so that a white, able‐bodied, wealthy, cis‐male, straight “we” can feel safe, —that safety does not, and cannot, mean the police, because they have both nationally and locally shown to historically do exactly this —that safety cannot be promised, and must be worked towards. that that means learning from mistakes, from our investments in what does harm, and listening to the stories, statistics, and studies that demand we divest from the MPD and offer that offer paths towards harm‐reduction and a safer Minneapolis. —that safety has to be community‐led. That communities know best how to avoid, address, and work through the harm and violence they encounter, and that many of these community‐led safety strategies already exist in Minneapolis today. Right now what the community is asking for is pretty straight‐forward: a budget that divests more from the MPD and invests more in community‐supported solutions such as the Office of Violence Prevention.

I am reaching out because I know ‐‐it’s possible for this Minneapolis to exist, and that what stands in the way of this Minneapolis is the current distribution of money that invests in forces, like the MPD, that have time and again proven not to make us all safe, and doesn’t invest enough in community‐supported safety solutions, like the Office of Violence Prevention.

And, finally, I am reaching out because I want to believe ‐‐that the people who can make this a reality—you all, who choose how this money is distributed‐‐will use your power to work towards this safer Minneapolis.

Thank you, and I hope you use your collective responsibility and power to make a budget that works to make us all safe!

Warmly, Maggie Kennedy [EXTERNAL] This email originated from outside of the City of Minneapolis. Please exercise caution when opening links or attachments.

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 4:56 PM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Property tax increase

From: Par Ljungstrom [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 3:43 PM To: Reich, Kevin A. ; Gordon, Cam A. ; Fletcher, Steve ; Sherin, Judy L ; Faulkner, Graham R ; Schroeder, Jeremy ; Johnson, Andrew ; Frey, Jacob Subject: Property tax increase

Sorry ‐ fixed subject line.

Sent from Outlook

From: Par Ljungstrom Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 3:35 PM To: [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; Johnson, Andrew ; Frey, Jacob Subject: Re: Homeless Shelters in Minneapolis

Hello MPLS leadership team,

I’m writing this to ask you to please vote no on the property tax increase. The property tax is a regressive tax that hits homeowners regardless of income and it’s making Minneapolis un‐affordable. This is ironic given the goal to create more affordable housing which is part of what is driving the increase. My family is currently paying property tax of approximately 10K/year. Both me and my wife have good jobs so this only represents about 5% of our income. However, should one of us lose their jobs, that goes up to 10%. 10% that is added on the federal and state taxes we already pay. It’s a lot. When we retire and need our savings the most, this will go up even more as a share of our income.

In general, I don’t believe hyperlocal solutions for issues like lack of affordable housing will work. If we create local affordable housing by using money from other local tax payers, we are then creating an incentive for less affluent folks from outside the local area to move in. This in turn increases the demand for more affordable housing which requires 1 more tax increases to create more housing and so on. We get caught in a cycle where the housing for those that are subsidizing the affordable housing gets so expensive that the system will eventually collapse. The same thing would happen if you were to offer Medicare for all in Minneapolis. We have to push these solutions on a national or at least state level!

Thanks Par Ljungstrom

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From: Samantha PS Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 12:56 PM To: Council Comment Subject: [EXTERNAL] Budget hearing comments for submission

Dear Councilmembers, I want to take a moment to address the Northside ecosystem funding. This is not a matter of what happens if we fund it, it is a matter of the repercussions if we do not fund it. It was intentional acts that led to the current day inequities and lack of infrastructure to support business, entrepreneurship, education, and pathways to true homeownership. So, it’s going to take intentional funding and resources to change the course. As we fund cultural districts and other culturally specific necessities, it’s critical to tell our own narrative. Black IS a culture. And as a culture, we suffer from several of the worst disparities in the state and more specifically in the twin cities. From our elders, women, children, men, refugees, immigrants, and our veterans. There is no sect of the diaspora that has not been left behind, ignored, and erased. This erasure is unacceptable. It’s also key to remember that we are consistently expected to do more with less. These community development projects are urgent. And let’s talk about urgency. 400 years and counting. While it’s not going to take that long to correct for this, it does mean that access to capital needs to be streamlined, it needs to be patient as these projects from concept to engagement, planning, implementation and execution take 5 to 7 years depending on the size of the project. Resources to ensure success need to be readily available. It is not just the funding but the systems in which this funding is accessible, equitably disbursed, and the support to make sure that organizations and projects are supported with technical assistance from CPED small business and other partner organizations. I would like to call your attention to state funding that is doing just this with Propel being the administrator of the funding and technical support. A grant that my organization was one of 11 of 150 that received this critical infrastructure building support. The ownership isn’t just on government, but you have a role to play and are accountable for ignoring these truths and working with us to prevent them from happening again and intervene. These specific funds should remain in the budget and open RFP’s be provided to the community in every budget cycle specifically for the Northside ecosystem. I don’t want to hear excuses about other priorities. We have been more than patient and always have to “fly standby”. We demand priority boarding. But the plane cannot leave the tarmac without an airport. Infrastructure development is key to generational sustainability. Hiding behind the scarcity mindset isn’t going to work anymore. We are

1 a priority and we need to be seen, heard, valued, and yes- funded. You may not be able to change the past, but you can do your collective part to change the future. With revolutionary urgency, Samantha Pree-Stinson

Samantha Pree‐Stinson OA Strategic Solutions, LLC, Owner City Of Minneapolis RECAC Appointee, Ward 10 [EXTERNAL] This email originated from outside of the City of Minneapolis. Please exercise caution when opening links or attachments.

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From: Patterson, Undrea J Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 6:12 PM To: Council Comment Cc: Salami, Adedotun Y Subject: Budget Comment

Nancy Rimpler, 3614 Vincent Ave N, 612‐521‐3517, would like to council to fund more senior programs that help them stay in their homes longer.

Undrea Patterson Council Office Associate Pronouns: she/her/hers

City of Minneapolis – Ward 4 Office of Council Member Phillipe Cunningham 350 S. Fifth St. – Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: 612‐673‐2204 Cell: 612‐269‐7142 [email protected]

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From: Weinmann, Karlee Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 10:40 AM To: Council Comment Subject: FW: Schroeder Amendment

From: S J THORNBY [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 4:27 PM To: Council Members Subject: Schroeder Amendment

Please vote for the Schroeder Amendment to increase funding by $110,000 for Aging Support Services including the three Minneapolis block nurse programs. This funding will ensure that over 1,500 frail, older adults and their caregivers continue to remain independent, healthy, and safe in their homes.

I grew up in the house on 46th Avenue in Minneapolis that my parents purchased in 1946. My mom lived there, after my dad died, until 2007. In her later years, my mom was able to benefit greatly from the services that were offered by Longfellow Healthy Seniors. Also, for a number of years, I was on the board of Longfellow Healthy Seniors, so I know how important their resources are to the senior community at large, particularly the block nurse programs.

Please, support our seniors by increasing the funding above Mayor Frey's proposed budget.

Thank you.

Sincerely, Sandra Thornby, 13016 Welcome Lane, Burnsville, MN 55337

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From: Patterson, Undrea J Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 6:10 PM To: Council Comment Cc: Salami, Adedotun Y Subject: Budget Comment

Renee Zappa, 4042 Xerxes Ave N, 612‐522‐1747, would like to council to vote yes for more funding for senior services

Undrea Patterson Council Office Associate Pronouns: she/her/hers

City of Minneapolis – Ward 4 Office of Council Member Phillipe Cunningham 350 S. Fifth St. – Room 307 Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office: 612‐673‐2204 Cell: 612‐269‐7142 [email protected]


December 11, 2019

Submitted via email The Honorable Jacob Frey The Honorable Lisa Bender Minneapolis City Council 350 South 5th Street Minneapolis, MN 55415

Re: Minneapolis 2020 Budget: Affordable Housing Investments

Dear Mayor Frey, Council President Bender, and Members of the Minneapolis City Council:

I write on behalf of the Minnesota Housing Partnership regarding the need for increased local investments in affordable housing, including predictable ongoing funding for affordable homes, in the 2020 Budget.

MHP is non-profit housing organization that works to improve conditions of home and community. We provide capacity building and direct technical assistance to rural communities and Native communities across the United States, we produce original research, and we advocate at the state, federal and local levels for policies that advance affordable housing and strengthen communities.

MHP is a member of the Make Homes Happen Minneapolis coalition, which advocates for $50 million in dedicated annual funding for affordable homes. Along with our partners in Make Homes Happen, we thank the Mayor and City Council for the significant financial and policy investments you have made over the past two years in affordable homes but urge you to do more.

Our research confirms what is repeated by residents throughout the City of Minneapolis; working families can’t pay the rent or mortgage without sacrificing essentials like food, educational supports, and healthcare. The harm caused by a lack of affordable homes falls most acutely on people of color, many of whom pay half or more of their income on housing. If families are forced to move, including by eviction, they have little to no options for safe housing. Rents continue to increase while incomes remain stagnant or decreasing. And the top in-demand jobs for the area, like retail sales, personal care aide, and food preparation, don’t come close to paying the rent on modest two- bedroom apartment. See https://www.mhponline.org/images/stories/images/research/coprofs/2019/Hennep in.pdf and https://www.mhponline.org/images/stories/docs/research/NOAH-MPLS- final.pdf.

Please increase your commitment to affordable homes and identify permanent sources of ongoing funding for affordable housing in Minneapolis. In the 2020 Mayor’s Recommended Budget, the funds projected for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund over the next five years decrease from $9,764 in 2020 to $3,014 in 2024. This is a concerning

MHP is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

trend and we urge you to reverse it. The City of Minneapolis should be increasing, not decreasing, its commitment to affordable homes over the next five years.

The City of Minneapolis is a leader on policy and investments in affordable housing for our state and beyond. Your actions have been noted by the national press and such respected organizations as the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC). We urge you to go beyond the significant one-time investments that have been made to date in affordable housing and showcase a long-term deep commitment to ensuring affordable housing needs are addressed in Minneapolis with permanent on-going funding.


Elizabeth Glidden Director of Policy and Strategic Initiatives


Council Member Kevin Reich Council Member Cam Gordon Council Member Steve Fletcher Council Member Philippe Cunningham Council Member Jeremiah Ellison Council Member Abdi Warsame Council Member Lisa Goodman Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins Council Member Council Member Jeremy Schroeder Council Member