Greg Heffley, from “I'll be famous one day, but for now I'm stuck in middle school with a bunch of morons." <

Greg Heffley Greg would have this picture on his Instagram because he is always too lazy to cleanup anything, and in the beginning of the book, he actually starts to clean out his closet. A quote that represents this is on page two when Greg says “I spent the whole morning going through my closet, and it’s crazy how much was packed in there” (2). By Greg posting this picture, we learn that he is very lazy and does not do anything unless he is told to. <

Greg Heffley Greg would has this image on his Instagram because he is very self-centered. He always think that he is going to be very rich and famous one day but does not put in the work to achieve this. He also thinks that people are going to make his home into a historical site after he dies. One quote that represents this is on page twenty-nine when Greg says, “ One day, they’ll probably make my childhood home into one of those places schools visit on field trips” (29). <

Greg Heffley Greg would post this picture on his Instagram because throughout the whole series, he is always being bullied by his brother Rodrick. Rodrick bullies him in a lot of ways such as teaching something to him that is not true, calling him names, etc. A quote that supports this is when Rodrick says “You and your group of nerds fall into a pit and it's full of dynamite and you blow up. The End” (pg). This picture could helps us learn that Greg hates his brother for doing all the thing that he does. <

Greg Heffley Greg would post this picture on his Instagram because he has a wonderful imagination. and he is very creative, but he is also kind of paranoid. When he hears something that he does not know and sounds scary, he will make himself believe that it is something really scary. One quote that proves this is on page seventy-five when Greg says, “Since I’d never SEEN the Grout, I figured it must hide in the pipes whenever I walked into the bathroom” (75). This helps us understand that he does not ask about the things he does not know, and he is very creative. <

Greg Heffley This picture would be on Greg’s Instagram because in the whole series of the book, whenever he comes close to getting in trouble or getting bullied by the other kids in school, he always tells someone and makes sure to get the person in trouble. One quote that proves this is on page seventy-eight when he says “As soon as Mr Ray’s back was turned, I slapped my hands together to make it seem like Leon had hit me” (78). Greg says this when he was at detention and wanted the kid behind him called Leon to stop hitting him on the year. <

Greg Heffley Greg would have this picture on his Instagram because when he actually likes something and puts his heart to something, he can really do it perfectly, but when he does not do the things he likes, then he does not put his heart into it and will not do a good job. One quote that helps explain this is on page eighty-nine when Greg says, “...I spent a lot of time making an awesome card for this girl named Natasha who I kind of liked” (89). When he made the card, he actually wanted to make it so it was really good. <

Greg Heffley This picture would be on Greg Instagram because he always wants to stay in bed or to sit on the couch. He is also very lazy that’s why he always wants to stay in bed. One quote that represents this is on page six when Greg says “Then I lay on the heater vent. And when the furnace was blowing, the experience was even BETTER than being in bed” (6). <

Greg Heffley Greg would have this on his Instagram because when his report card gets to his mom, she always gets really really mad. Sometimes when his mom is already in a bad mood before getting the report card, then after she gets the report card, she gets really upset and mad at Greg. One quote that supports this is on page 155 when Greg says “So mom was ALREADY in a bad mood when my test results came in the mail, and they didn’t cheer her up any” (155). <

Greg Heffley This picture would be on Greg’s Instagram because in the book his family had extremely bad luck. Their house extension had to be taken down because their neighbor complained about the noise. One quote that supports this is on page 154 when Greg says “...And the town told Mom and Dad the whole structure was gonna have to come DOWN. And that’s exactly what happened” (154).