Price. I Amount. Price. I Amount. Price. I Amount.

5o basin covers, g inches by r6 inches, $Bo oe $220 00 ...... $75 00 Mott pattern, 355 P..•••••. ••••....}...... I ¢z manhole covers, closed, .8 inches, Mott l ,g ...... pattern, 353 p ...... J zo 5z 8o ...... 29 20 on manhole covers, open, 24 inches ...... z8 y .---.. 64 00 ...... 30 00 rz sewer frames, r8 inches diameter ...... 32 .to 32 oo . • -- • • 144 00

Total ...... 564r 50 ...... $81a 25 ...... $763 00

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. For Iron Pipes as d Fittin qs, etc„ , 3orou4-h of M r,zhatlan.


Price. Present—Commissioners Clausen (President), Moebus, Brower. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. A representative of the Comptroller being present, and the meeting open to the public, the estimate-box was opened and all the estimates or proposals received, in pursuance of duly For General Use. published advertisements, were opened and read, as follows : 2,000 pounds, 20 bars of iron, 3 inch by YS inch, in r6 $50 00 $60 0a $3362 feet lengths...... per pound, ...... For Mason's Sujlplies—Borough of Manhattan. $003 no bars of iron, r% hitch by 3 inch, in 17 425 pounds, feet lengths...... II 00 per pound, £3 75 ...... oz to $003 JOHN EARLY'S SONS. THE U. S.'IRAUING CO. 340 pounds,) zo bars of iron, tY4 inch by inch, in 17 ITEMS. QUAN71TItS. 'A 9 02 per pound,l 1020 ...... to to feet lengths...... $0 03 Price. I Amount. Price. Amount. 68o pounds, 4o bars of iron, inch by $ inch, in t6 16 50 per pound,} 20 40 ...... 25 20 feet lengths ...... 5o 03 Portland cement...... 300 bbls. $675 co ...... $65o oo zo bars of iron, round, Y4 inch, in r5 feet 45o pounds, tt 50 per pound, 23 50 14 40 lengths...... North river hard brick...... ...... 25,000 $9 per r,000 225 00 ...... 250 00 $0 03 to bundles of round iron, Ys inch, in 12t (140 pounds, 29 co No. r fire brick...... 8o 00 ...... 3500 {( per pound, 4 20 ...... 3360 feet lengths...... I go of 75 pounds, Lump lime ...... to bbls. 12 50 ...... t8 00 to bundles of round iron, 34 inch, in 12 29 50 per pound, 2 25 ..... 33 60 feet lengths...... $o 03 Total ...... I 4 sheets of steel, 8 feet by z34 feet, % inch rSo pounds, ...... I ...... I $992 50 .....~.. $943 Co 14 00 perpound, 5 40 ...... 18 00 thick...... $003 z'e 305 pounds, 4 sheets of steel, 8 feet by 254 feet, inch t6 5o per pound, 9 15 ...... r8 00 For Plumbers' Sze1;plies, Borough of Manhattan. thick...... to 03 4 sheets of steel, 6 3,feet, la inch (354 pounds,) 6 00 { per pound,} ro 6z ...... 7 thick.... { zo ( $o 03 Fox & ENGEL. MANHATTAN SUPPLY F. N. Do Bors. COMPANY. 8 sheets of steel, 6 feet by 3 feet, ,' inch 360 pounds, 700 per pound, ,o 8o ...... I g 6o thick ...... go 03 e Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Piice. Amount. too feet, per a bundles of %-inch steam pipe...... 2z 00 foot, 7 50 23 o0 $o o7 roo feet, per I dozen hydrant cocks, 3;-inct, brass ...... $42 00 ...... $38 00 ...... $43 zc z bundles of 'A-inch steam pipe...... 16 00 foot, ro 00 r6 co dozen stop and waste cocks, Y-inch. ` J. ro z 19 eo ...... 14 co ...... tz gf brass, rough T handle ...... f t5o feet, per I dozen stop and waste cocks, 4a-inch, to lengths of r-inch steam pipe...... 14 00 foot, 22 50 no 00 brass, rough lever handle...... ( " " ^ " -' 8 go .... .. 7 00 ...... 5 a J. r5 so feet, per 3 dozen street washer checks ...... 5 00 ...... 7 20 ...... 4 32 ro lengths of zr/y-inch steam pipe...... 30 00 foot, 27 00 24 00 $0 18 3 dozen street washer rods, iron ...... 8 s5 ...... to 5o ...... 5 4c I (rSo feet, per dozen brass strews, a inch long, for lead 1 to lengths of ,'A-inch steam pipe...... 30 00 foot, 30 00 27 50 pipe ...... 7 75 ...... 15o ...... 9 oc fO zo 322 0ual'nusbing rim hopper bowls, Plate t t50 feet, per 649 R ...... . ...... .... .. ( ...... 6o oo ...... 50 40 ...... 63 Sc to lengths of a-inch steam pipe...... 33 00 foot, 45 00 36 00 $o 30 nails ...... s 63 ...... 4 on ...... 6 oc 5o pounds slater r dozen %-inch unions...... 50 2 00 85 e dozen sheets No. 9 zinc ...... 13 6o ...... r5 0o ...... 14 z8 t dozen 'A-inch unions ...... 50 3 00 I ro tz lengths of z-inch waste-pipe, lead ...... a8 8o ...... 67 00 ...... 25 37 r dozen %-inch elbows ...... I 50 2 40 27 rz lengths of t34-inch waste-pipe, lead ...... zt 6o ...... 23 52 57 CO I dozen z'A-inch elbows...... 50 5 co 70 coils of r%-inch waste-pipe, lead ...... 36 oo ...... 9 50 ...... 25 20 r dozen r%-inch elbows...... so 6 oo Si 50o Founds No. s refined solder ...... 76 00 ...... Ica 00 ...... 83 50 r dozen %-inch plugs...... 50 25 09 ...... zo 30 t bundle black iron pipe, ,-inch ...... rs oo ...... 9 15 r dozen 'A-inch plugs...... 50 36 10 e bundles black iron pipe, 4;-inch ...... ... 29 ro 16 00 ...... ro 50 I dozen t-inch plugs ...... So 48 24 t bundles black iron pipe, %-inch ...... 22 00 ...... 52 70 ...... z6 70 r dozen r'A-inch plugs...... 50 6o z4 : bundles black iron pipe. N-inch ...... 22 22 s9 40 ...... 10 00 t dozen }A inch by 'A inch bushings...... sot 48 so ...... II II i bundle black iron pipe, Y4-inch ...... 14 70 ...... sr 25 z dozen r4 inch by 'A inch bushings...... 50 48 zz t5 pounds tees, % inch by s inch ...... r 35 ...... 1 20 ...... t 35 r dozen 'A inch by Cinch bushings...... 5o 7z 27 to pounds cross tees, Y, inch by l( inch ...... go go ...... 1 00 1..... t dozen f inch by r% inch bushings...... 50 84 30 to pounds of sockets, % inch by )¢ inch ...... go ...... 1 00 go 1 dozen ry inch by tjs inch bushings...... 5o r ao 39 i pounds of sockets, ~¢ inch by X4 inch ...... 45 •• • ... So ...... 45 to pounds of elbows, % inch by )i inch ...... 90 ...... So 90 For Projtagatiny Houses. 15 pounds of elbows, %.inch ...... r 35 ...... I zo ...... r 35 1,2o0 feet r-inch pipe for steam heating, to pounds of elbows, M-inch ...... go ...... 1 00 ...... go same to be the best wrought-iron pipe, without cracks, flaws or other imper- 1 98001 09 1 108 00 1 ...... 1 117 00 15 pounds of caps, %-inch ...... 90 ...... r So ...... 1 35 fections ; in lengths of r5 feet, more or less...... 15 pounds of plugs, l{-inch ...... t 35 ...... 2 20 ...... r 6z z6 c%4-inch valves, Jenkins disc...... 09 20 r 50 24 00 ...... 22 40

to pounds of straps, Y4-inch ...... t 10 ...... 1 50 ...... 90 02 r-inch valves, Jenkins disc...... 1200 1 z5 0500 ...., 1200 to pounds of straps, %-irch ...... r ro ...... 1 50 ...... go 14 Jenkins automatic air valves...... 6 oo 60 540 ...... 70° to pounds of straps, l-inch ...... r 10 ...... I 5o ...... go z z %.inch globe valve...... 3 25 400 400 ..... 325

i pounds of straps, /a-inchr ...... 55 ...... 75 ...... 45 r z-inch check ...... n65 200 200 ...... 170 ;5 pounds of unions, Y4-inch ...... z 25 ...... 3 30 ...... 2 27 32 chain coil hangers...... 500 r8 5 76 ...... 24 00 :5 pounds of unions, %inch ...... z 25 ...... a to ...... 2 70 too I%-inch couplings ...... 500 8 Son .... 5 oo

Co pounds of unions, n.inch ...... ...... r 5" ...... 2 70 ...... 9 .8 t6 x%-inch tees ...... 260 53 248 ...... r 6o ;oo black slate, 7 inches by 24 in.:hes ...... r5 co ...... zo 00 16 a%.inch.ells ...... r 6o 50 8 00 ..... t z8 too green slate, 7 inches by 74 inches ...... ...... 6 00 ...... 8 ao is z3-inch tees ...... 1 zo 41 504 ...... 72 on red slate, 7 inches by 14 inches ...... 6 00 ...... 8 00 ..... 45 Co to ,'A-inch ells ...... 200 50 6 oo ..... ,o8 oo green state, flinches by t6 inches ...... 3 0 ..---- 4 00 ...... ...... I 556492 500 J Total...... I $497 50 I $527 56 I oo red slate, flinches by t6 inches ...... 3 00 ......


For Lumber, Borough of Manhattan.

THS EAST RIV!R MILL AND LumSHR COMPANY. CHURCH E. GATES & Co. - WILLIAM P. YOUNG & BROS. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. 1,000 feet, B. M., 54-inch white wcod, planed two sides ...... $40 00 $40 00 $40 0a $40 00 $32 oo $3z oa 2,000 feet, B. M., Yo-inch white wood, planed two sides ...... 44 00 88 no 45 00 go Co 37 o0 74 m The above to be clear, well seasoned, etc., rz to z4 inches wide and rz leet and upwards in length and to hold above thicknesses when finished. 3,000 feet, B. Al., merchantable N-inch white pine, planed both sides, xa inches and upwards in width and x3 feet and upwards in length and to hold above thicknesses when finished ...... 1 3 °O 96 On 45 00 135 00 35 00 ro5 a t,oeo feet, B. Al., >%-inch white pine, planed both sides ...... I...... 39 00 39 00 40 00 40 00 44 00 44 oe t.000 feet, B. Al., 4e-iuch white pine, planed both sides ...... ...... 4a o0 43 o0 43 50 42 50 52 00 52 oc 1,000 feet, B. M., ,.inch white pine, planed both sides ...... 6z 50 6a So 60 no 6o oo 67 5o 67 Sc i,000 feet, B. M., x?g-inch white pine, planed both sides ...... 65 00 65 00 6o no 6o no 67 5o 67 Sc t,000 feet, B. M., t -inch white pine, planed both sides ...... 65 oo 65 oo 60 no 6o co 67 So 67 5e 1,500 feet, B. Itl., zi8-inch white pine, planed both sides ...... 65 00 65 00 70 00 70 00 75 00 75 oc The above to be clear, well seasoned, etc., so to zo inches in width and 54 to x6 feet in length, and to hold above thicknesses when finished. 300 % inch by 4% inches by 13 feet narrow white pine ceiling boards, planed one side, tongued and grooved and beaded, and to be clear, well seasoned, etc ...... j 3o qo 0o z5 75 33 99 cc zoo % inch by 931 inches by 13 feet wide white pine fence hoards, planed both sides, tongued, grooved and beaded 32 32 00 38 38 co 35 35 oc zoo inch by 9% inches by x3 feet wide white pine floor planks, planed one side, tongued and grooved and beaded 30 30 00 35 35 00 32 32 00 The above to be of good merchantable material with no loose knots, no r y inches by 9 inches by z3 feet selected spruce plank, planed four sides. To hold above thicknesses when t finished ...... f 46 46 on 50 50 0o 55 55 a Also the following spruce, unplaned: no No. t quality 1331 inches by 9 inches by t3 feet spruce plank ...... 30 90 00 27 8t 00 30 qe oe no No., quality zinches by 9 inches by t3 feet spruce plank ...... 4z34 128 25 45 135 00 150 oc `3,900 ft., B. SoM., loo No. x quality 3 inches by 4 inches by 13 feet spruce joist ...... 3x 1-5 30 go 00 J) per x,000, 93 60 93 60 $2400 3,000 ft., B. M., too No. x quality 3 inches by 6 inches by zo feet spruce timber ...... 7z 72 00 73 72 oo . per 1,000, 3 72 oc $29 o0 z,aao ft., B. Al., 50 No. x quality 3 inches by 8 inches by 22 feet spruce timber ...... ...... 52 8o x o6 53 0o per r,000 52 8c x 05 3-5 . $2400) x,oco feet, B. Al., 4-inch North Carolina pine planed two sides ...... 30 00 30 00 25 00 25 00 33 00 33 oc zo,000 feet, B. Al., ?%-inch North Carolina pine, planed two sides ...... ...... 33 00 660 oo 30 00 600 00 33 00 66o oo The above to be clear, well seasoned, etc., 12 inches and upwards in width, t6 feet and upwards in length, and to hold above thicknesses when finished, 4,000 ft., B. M., comb grain, crossed out, 4,000 linear feet tie inches by 933 inches comb-grained yellow pine bridge flooring, planed four sides and edges Per r,000 lin. ft. Per 1,000 lin.ft. j clear step, milled as per detail furnished. All to be clear, well seasoned, etc., and in lengths of from zo feet upward... f $5o no 1O0 00 I $55 00 ) aso 0o plank quality 150 cc substituted, per t,000, $37 50 Total ...... I...... ...... $7,087 55 $2,071 50 $a,1o6 9

For Hardware, etc., Borough of Manhattan.

THE MANHATTAN JOHN EARLY'S SONS. Fox & ENGEL. SUPPLY COMPANY. 'fJ NR. MANHATTAN JOHN EARLV'S SONS. SUPPLY COMPANY. Fox & ENGEL. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. ) Price. Amount. Price. I Amount. Price. Amount, Price. Amount. $z to z bundles 134-inch hickory spokes...... $7 00 ...... . $r4 00 $7 00 3 gross 34.inch No. g bronze knob screws{ ilt SrossS } $o 35 $t 05 • • • • • • • • $ t 20 4 gross 34-inch No.8 round head brass l z bundles 234-inch oak spokes...... a98 $3 So 700 5 37 screws...... ( ...... r 60 47 x 88 ...... r 7! 4 gross z-inch No.8 round head brass} z bundles z34-inch oak spokes ...... 3 64 350 i 700 6 27 screws ...... J 2 54 2 x6 ...... 2 o4 6 eight and one-half inches by zz inches I . oak hubs, with 14 mortises...... x4 40 ...... 4 75 3 36 All of the above to be of the Amen. 6 ten inches by 13 inches oak hubs, with can Screw Company's make and of 14 mortises ...... 18 00 ...... 4 75 4 33 the best quality. 8 pair (z6 pieces) of z-inch by a ij-inch bent oak shafts, sample...... 1400 ...... x4 00 12 43 500 oval head carriage bolts, 34 inch by All of the above to be of the best z3 inch...... 4 00 75 Per xoo. 3 75 ..I...• 2 79 quality in the market. 15,000 oval head carriage bolts, 34 inch byt%inch ...... ( ,.,.... Iii 00 8n 12000 ...... 86 40 3,000 oval head carriage bolts, y inch ...... 2400 82 2460 ...... 17 8z 6 dozen striking hammer handles, like i by r% inch...... sample ...... 1 ...... 5 40 90 5 40 ...... 5 67 200 oval head carriage bolts, 34 inch by 6 dozen sledge hammer handles, like 3inches...... z 68 95 190 ...... I 37 sample ...... ...... J ...... 5 40 90 5 40 ...... 5 67 zoo oval head carriage bolts, xZ inch by '% inch...... t 8o zoo zco ...... 1 44 6 dozen axe handles, like sample ...... 720 120 120 ...... 6 97 ro,000 oval head carriage bolts, 4' inch 3 dozen Gardener's saw handles, like by t34 inch...... r ...... r8o oo I co 300 00 ...... 144 00 5 55 250 7 50 ...... 5 25 aoo oval head carriage bolts, I%pinch by I, 23.4 inches ...... I ...... 300 t xo 3 30 ...... 2 38 xo gross 34-inch No. 7 flat head iron screws ...... 150 16 z 60 ...... x z3 zoo oval head carriage bolts, 3¢ inch by l 3 inches ...... ` 330 155 3 i0 ...... 2 24 is gross 34-inch No. 8 flat bead iron Screw . x 6o x6 r 6o ...... I 32 zoo oval head carriage bolts, 4J inch by so gross 34-inch No. so flat head iron 4% inches ...... f 350 z6 330 ...... 2 70 screws...... ...... x 8o 19 290 ...... t 45 150 oval head carriage bolts, 3¢ inch by to gross 34•inch No. 13 flat head iron s inches...... 270 190 285 ...... 2 14 screws ...... ( ...... 200 23 230 ...... I 73 zoo oval head carriage bolts, % inch by 6 inches...... 195 zp " 320 ...... I 59 20 gross i-inch No.8 flat head iron screws ...... 380 18 360 ...... 2 94 ico oval head carnage bolts, 4 inch by L 7 inches ...... ( ...... 220 340 2 40 ...... I 75 zo gross i-inch No. to flat head iron screws...... 400 z8 360 ...... 3 45 xoo oval head carriage bolts, 3¢ inch by 8 inches ...... ) 250 a60 z 60 ...... 189 20 gross i-inch No. 12 flat head iron screws...... 4 60 25 5 60 ...... 3 75 coo oval head carriage bolts, jS inch by 1 5 inches ...... 3 25 330 3 30 ...... I 43 20 gross cinch No. r3 flat head iron screws ...... 500 15 5 00 ...... 4 ao All the above to be oval turned xo gross z-inch No. IS flat head iron screws...... 3 30 33 3 0 ...... 2 78 heads, Philadelphia Bolt Company's 20 gross x%-ioch No. to flat head iron make, no punched heads. Screws ...... 480 zc 4 00 ...... a 60 zo gross 334-inch No. xz flat head iron screws ...... ...... 500 27 54° ...... 4 — 70 85 .. zo gross x34-inch No. 23 flathead iron( zoo square head bolts, 34 inch by x31 inch ...... 85 ...... 68 Screws .... ...... 580 30 6 oo ...... 4 65 no gross z%-inch No. r5 flat head iron Soo square bead bolts, 3¢ inch by zy inch ...... 550 136 " 68o ...... 5 44 screws...... ...... •••••... 380 35 350 ...... 3 Co so gross s34-inch No. ro flat head iron zoo square head bolts, 9¢ inch by a54 inch...... 220 136 " 272 ••--••-- 228 screws...... ( ...... 480 24 480 ...... 390 ;8 .. ao gross n34-inch -No. za flat head iron See flat head stove bolts, 34 inch by s inch...... 190 t90 ...... 171 ...... 6 co 35 6 zo ...... 34 r % screws ...... ( 4 65 Soo flat head stove bolts, inch by .. 190 40 .. ro gross :54-inch No. 13 flat head iron inch ...... 1 200 ...... 163 screws ...... 320 33 330 ...... 2 55 zoo flat head stove bolts inch by s so inches...... 50 .. 50 ...... 42 no gross z%-inch No. t5 flat head iron ...... ...... screw!...... 400 41 420 ...... 3 30 zoo tire bolts, 34 to gross =34-inch No. 10 flat head iron inch by a34 inch ...... 50 120 340 ...... 8a screws ...... 400 30 3 00 ...... 2 35 zoo countersunk head bolts, 172 inch by zo gross 334-inch No. tz Hat head iron z% inches ...... ...,... 200 a of " Zoo ...... 184 screws ...... J ...... 320 30 3 00 ...... 2 55 soo countersunk head bolts, Ts inch by to gross 334-inch No. 23 flat head iron 4 inches...... ...... 440 235 " 4 70 ...... 423 screws ...... ...... 3 50 34 340 ...... 2 77 coo countersunk head bolts, 94 inch by ...... , 175 .. 367 zo gross x%-inch No.zS flat head iron 3% inches ...... - . f 167 ...... 150 ( .... . 4 40 43 4 30 ...... 3 55 zoo countersunk head bolts, 94 inch by screws...... 534 inches ...... J ...... 200 310 " a to ...... 187 5 gross 232-inch No. x5 flat head ironsJ ...... z 80 58 190 ...... a 27 screws...... The above also to be of Philadelphia 5 gross 3-inch No. is flat head iron screws, ...... 305 64 320 ...... z 55 Company's make.



Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount.

zoo lag screws, inch by 2 inches ...... $t go $I So per too. $3 00 .... •... $t 87 4 do,en 2-inch No. 2r polished front frame pulleys, with a-inch turned ...... $r xo $2 25 p9 00 ...... $a 0 roo lag screws, Jy inch by a- inches ...... z 05 1 fo " t 6o , ...... t o2 iron wheels...... 4 dozen porcelain poppy drop escutch- j •••••••• 40 r 25 5 no ...... a qi 9o lagg screws, Ss ~inch byY x ~ ~Inches...... So 2 no r oo •...... 7o eons, like sample ...... 4 dozen bronze plate escutcheons, like r 6o z s5 Pounds iron washers, for 1e-inch bolts ...... q5 12 60 .•...... 48 sample ...... ...... ) 5 " " " 3 3' 3 dozen pairs No. I32z porcelain door)' 5 pounds iron washers, for .inch bolts...... q0 to% 52 ...... 38 knobs, with plated mountings and } ...... 8 70 3 00 9 00 porc.•lain roses...... t5 pounds iron washers, for °a-inch boats .....•.. r ao 9r4 r 43 ...... r 03 2 dozen No. r japanned "gem" spiral 4 4o door and gate spring;...... x 50 5 00 ..•••••• 3 of to pounds iron washers, for )¢-inch bolts...... 120 8% t 70 ...... r 20 r dozen q% inches right-hand anti-fric- . tion tumbler mortise knob locks.... r4 °o .... r; co ...... 13 « •o pounds iron washers, for ?A-inch bolts •...... r no 71 r 50 ...... r 04 r dozen 4Y2 inches left-hand anti-friction ,•~ oa 00 tumbler mort ise knob locks ...... } 4 r 3 """" 13 of :5 pounds iron washers, Icr -inch bolts...... t So 7 z 87 ...... I t8 r dozen 5 inches right-hand anti-friction ( r tumbler mortise knob locks...... J s "" 2° °° ' •" • • • • r4 3! 15 pounds iron washers, for %-inch bolts...... go 7 r o5 .... I ... 67 r dozen 5 inches left-hand anti-friction ` tumbler mortise knob locks ...... J •""""" ~5 co "" no 00 ...... tq 3! The above to be as per sample at dozen 6 inches right-hand anti-friction l i8 30 Arsenal. tumbler mortise knob locks ...... t 15 00 ...... r8 2' dozen 6 inches left-hand anti-friction r8 ov 3o oo 15 oo r3 r tumbler mortise knob locks ...... g one-pound papers, r•inch, No• r6 steel l 'I'o be like samplesam le at Arsenal. finishing nails...... ( 40 8 40 ...... 366 papers. i4-inch, No. t6 L i one-pound • , , • , ... 40 8 steel wire finishing nails ...... 40 "'••'•• 34 io one-pound papers, r%-inch, No, 15, 8 4 dozen z!a inches brass hooks and 1 70 80 . ...... fx ...... steel wire finishing nails...... staples on plate, like sample ...... 8 nO x o0 8 co ...... 4 5 t kegs 6-penny finishing nails ...... 9 co 4 25 8 50 ...... 8 so 4 dozen 4 inches brass hooks and staples ( on plate, like sample...... J rz o0 3 0o ra 00 ...... 7 3 I kegs 8-penny finishing nails ...... 13 20 4 25 22 75 -• • • • • • • I r 85 r circular rip-saw, ii inches in diameter, No. r2 gauge. teeth r-inch long and ...... a 24 2 oo z oo ...... z 2' r kegs to-penny finishing nails ...... 8 8o 4 00 8 on ...... 7 70 i-inch mandril hole...... t circular ripsaw, to incites in diameter, r kegs na-penny finishing nails ...... 8 40 4 00 8 °o ...... 7 70 No. r5 gauge, teeth 5•y-inch long and } ...... r 70 z 50 r 50 ...... r 6: I inch mandril hole ...... 1 ' i kegs 8-penny cut nails ...... r6 oo 2 90 t4 50 •• • • • • • • 24 50 2 band saws, No. r8 gauge, 4 teeth to inch, %-inch wide, if feet 7 inches)} ...... 4 90 2 70 5 40 4 5 i kegs no-penny cut nails ...... r6 oa 3 no r5 no 4 25 loo •....•.. c I Elkin's saw filer and clamp, pipe 1-13 a So " " " '. 2 oc ;kegs rx•penny cut nails ...... , .6 oo 3 0o I 5 oo ...... i q a5 Sarggent's s~ Catalogue, g t899a...... 4 ':;:::': x °O " " 3 right-hand Sargent's cylinder mortise kegs zo penny cut nails ...... • ...... 16 co 3 25 r6 z5 ...... rq 00 night latches for I % inches and zJ4 6 co 2 5o 7 50 ...... 6 48 inches door ...... I kegs 3o-penny cut naills ...... 9 60 3 25 9 75 •• ••.. • • 8 4o 3 left-hind Sargent's cylinder mortise) night latches for r% incites and r% f1 ...... 6 2 50 7 50 ...... 6 4E keg 4o-penny cut nails ...... 3 20 3 25 3 25 ...... a Fo inches doors ...... I 1 dozen pars loose pin steel butts, 3t/ page 38, Sargent's Cata- ""•••' 3 3° 1 35 4 05 •••••••• 308 Io ue,;780P, loose pin steel butts, g 894' ; dozen pairs 4 r 60 8 ao ...... inches by 4 inches ...... •..... 6 75 9 43 I dozen pairs cast brass flap hinges, 1% ll .o 50 2 O0 6 on 7 552 inches by s inches ...... f " " " " For use at Conservatory_ r5 pounds best carpenter's glue ...... 6 no to 2 50 ...... 4 no 500 iz.inch flower pots ...... 725 00 20 uo 00 ...... u5 at i one-pint cans of Le Pa;e's liquid glue...... z r4 50 3 00 ...... r 83 500 re-inch flower pots ...... 70 00 15 75 00 ...... 54 a ream of No. z sandpaper ...... 2 an .... 2 no ...... z -so 500 8-inch flower pots ...... 35 00 a; 45 00 •••••••• z8 at ream of No. 2%z sandpaper ...... 2 40 .... 2 co ...... z 40 5~ 7-inch flower pets ...... 25 00 oS 30 Co ..... 25 « .5 hanks of No. 8 solid braided cotton r6 0 ! 75 lbs., 0 3 co .... .... ro 50 sash enrd..•...... I 5 t 9 P } S.~o z% inch flower pots ...... a3 50 a5 00 ...... r8 « gross 3% inches No. 262 coppered coat l z to r 5o r 50 ... .... r o8 and hat hooks ...... t ..•••... So rq-inch flower pots ...... 29 50 60 30 00 ...... 25 on ,000 pounds No. 23 gauge copper wire...... 220 00 23 230 00 ...... 190 co So IS-inch flower pots ...... qg oo r 20 Co no ...... 45 « t dozen No. 949 nickel plated steel key r co roe 2 «...... r ao anks...... ...... } .... . bl r,o~o cane stakes ...... • • • • • • • • 25 90 ,'0 7 CO ...... 6 qc I dozen No. 5049 nickel plated steel key ` blanks dozen to inches by rx inches japanned t r 95 .... 2 00 ...... r 6z iron brackets ...... 1 ...... Total...... $1,514 33 .... ..••••.. $i,570 86 ...... ,. $1,258 5, i dozen taper saw files, 4 inches ...... 3 3o 46 n76 ...... 2 64 — --- - dozen taper saw files, 4'/z inches...... 3 30 so 3 00 •• • • • • • • x S8 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. i dozen taper saw files,' 5 inches ...... . ... 3 to 55 3 30 •• • • • • • • 3 12 Commissioner Clausen offered the following : q c,g Resolved, That the proposals of the lowest formal bidders respectively, this day received, bt Boren taper saw fi'es, 6 inches...... q Bo 75 4 s forwarded to the Comptroller for his approval of the sureties thereon, and when so approved, tha dozen taper saw files, 8 inches ...... r 20 r r5 ■ is „• .... I s8 contracts for the supplies be executed by the Commissioners. Which was adopted by the following vote dozen taper saw files, ro inches ...... r So t 75 175 •• • • • • • • r 62 Ayes —Commiosioners Clausen, Moebus, Brower-3. i dozen Warding files, 4 inches ...... ...... 2 70 90 2 70 . •...... 2 40 Commissioner Brower offered the following : dozen Warding files, 6 inches...... 3 30 r 05 3 rs •• • . • • • • 2 9q Resolved, That this Board, deeming it to the interest of the Department so to do, herebj rejects all the bids or proposals received on 1st proximo for a steam road roller for parks in the do zen second cut 8-inch mill saw files, z square edges ...... I "" •' •' ' r as r us i 05 .. • • • • • • 98 Borough of Brooklyn. Which was adopted by the following vote: dozen second cut to-inch milt saw files, l r 65 r °5 •, ~5 - - • • • • r z8 2 square edges ...... J Ayes—Commissioners Clausen, Moebus, Brower-3. dozen No. D 430 Windsor Design, No. t ; oo r 75 7 0o q 4 r6 finish, bronze cupboard turns. ... ( """" ° On motion, at 11.25 A. M., the Board adjourned. WILLIS HOLLY, Secretary.



Present—Commissioners Moebus, Brower, In the absence of the President Commissioner Brower was called to the chair. A representative of the Comptroller being present, and the meeting open to the public, the estimate-box was opened, and all the estimates or proposals received, in pursuance of duly pub- lished advertisements, were opened and read, as follows:

For Furnishing Four hundred (400) Park Settees, Delivered at Claremont Park, Borough of The Bronx.


W. C. Hanna. Jr ...... ...... $2,992 00 John Early'sSons...... $9 98 $3,992 00 Trading Company...... $9 73 3,e9a GO

For Furnishing and Putting Up 2-Rail and 3-Rail Iron Pipe Fences on the Riverside Park, North of Ninety-sixth Street, Borough of Manhattan.


z a-rail pipe fence ...... r,600 linear feet...... $0 48 $768 00 $o 49 $784 00 $o 50 f800 00 $o 47 $752 00 .. z 3-rail. pipe fence ...... ~ ...... 68 612 °0 69g 621 00 6o 54000 69 621 co

Total ...... I...... $1,380 Co •...•... I $1,405 00 ...... $1,340 00 •...... $1,373 00 3592 THE CITY RECORD. TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1900.

For Painters' SuppJres for Parks in Manhattan.


Price. I Amount. Price. I Amount. Price. Amount. I Price. I Amount,

7,000 pounds best Atlantic white lead, in roo pound kegs ...... $437 So ...... $455 00 $455 00

i,000 pounds best chrome green, medium[ ground, in pure linseed oil ...... 112 50 ...... 95 On go 00 qoo rug 400 pounds best chrrme cellow, medium ground, in pure linseed oil ...... 5o on ...... 50 00 40 00 .6o oo 200 pounds best drop black, medium ground, in pure linseee oil ...... sa 5o ...... 21 00 20 OJ 4o 00 Soo pounds best yellow ochre, medium ground, in pure linseed oil .... ...... iS 69 ...... 17 25 18 00 t20 00

400 pounds best Indian red, medium ground, in pure linseed oil ...... 45 00 ...... 44 00 40 0) 16o to roo pounds best Venetian red, medium ground, in pure linseed oil ...... ...... 6 25 ...... 5 75 6 no 40 on

4co pounds Prince's metallic brown, medium ground, in pure linseed oil ...... z6 on ...... 20 OJ 12 00 160 no

200 pounds Valentine's Brewsters green, medium ground, in japan ...... 78 37 ...... I . 8o em 85 no 8o no r5o pounds Valentine's drop black, medium ground, in japan .. ...... ...... 47 02 ...... 34 50 38 no 30 00 200 pounds Valentine's chrome yellow, medium ground, in japan ...... .. ...... 78 37 ...... So 00 85 co 8o 00

50 p)unds Valentine's rough stuff, medium ground, in japan ...... 7 o6 ...... 900 900 6 co non pounds of best dry white lead ...... 6 25 ...... 700 9 30 ro - x2 tubs of best putty, ground in pure linseed oil ...... r9 20 ...... 22 20 9 30 60 00

I ream of best No. 2 sand paper ...... '...... a 30 ...... 1 8o 2 00 4 00

24 resins of best No. s3 sand paper ...... 5 as ...... 2 70 5 00 .o 00

I ream of best No, i sand paper ...... 2 op 1 8o 2 00 4 CO

4 barrels best turpentine ...... iaa no 122 00 120 00 120 00

3 barrels of best Calcutta raw linseed oil ...... ...... ro6 50 ...... 199 50 120 00 9) 00 2 barrels of best Calcutta boiled oil ...... 66 on ...... 68 on 8o no 6c o0 t5 gallons of best white japan drier ...... " x8 75 ...... 09 50 15 00 25 00 5 gallons of best white Damar varnish ...... 7 25 ...... 700 7 50 r7 50 20 gallons Valentine's No. r furniture varnish ...... 22 on ...... 23 00 32 00 22 00 20 gallons Valentine's elastic gear varnish ...... 89 oo ...... 85 on too 00 go 00 r5gallons Valentine's quick leveling varnish ...... ...... 53 25 .... ... 5x- 6o oo Co no 5 gallons Valentine's wearing body varnish ...... 26 75 ...... 25 50 30 00 30 CO

IC gallons best spirits of alcohol ...... a8 50 ...... 30 00 30 00 24 00 % dozen best 4-inch wall brushes, J. M. C. Martin's Sons ...... ...... 5 75 •• • • • ... 500 15 00 0 50

t dozen best 2%-inch flat blind brushes, J. DI. C. Martin's Sons ...... .... 5 55 •• • • • • • • 2 75 500 9 oo 6 dozen best i-inch flat fitches ...... 8 ro ...... 5 40 9 00 1500 6 dozen best i ss-inch flat filches ...... ...... 13 50 fo 50 22 00 ,Soo 6 dozen best No. to sash trols ...... 23 70 I ...... 04 40 15 00 24 00

2 dozen super extra black sable lettering pencils, metal tubes, No. 3...... 3 00 1...... to 4 00 x6 0o a dozen super extra black sable lettering pencils, metal tubes, No. ...... 5 20 ...... •• 4 40 6 00 r8 on t dozen painters dusters ...... ...... ro 26 ...... to 5o 12 00 27 00 dozen to-inch mixing knives ...... 3 75 1...... 3 50 x on 2 50 14 dozen 12-inch mixing knives ...... 6 on ...... 6 5o 2 0) 2 50 t dozen hacking knives, leather handles, heavy ...... ...... 3 50 3 00 5 00 18 00 x box double-thick American glass, on inches by 26 inches, plain ...... 3 75 ...... •• 5 25 5 70 2 boxes double-thick American glass, r2 inches by 14 inches, plain ...... 7 00 ...... 9 8o fo 70 t box double-thick American glass, 12 inches by t6 inches, plain ...... 3 50 ...... 4 90 5 35 a boxes double-thick American glass, 12 inches by tS inches, plain ...... ...... 7 00 ...... 9 8o 10 70 2 boxes double-thick American glass, no inches by 24 inches, plain ...... ...... ...... 7 50 ...... ro 50 13 00

2 boxes double-thick American glass, r2 inches by 26 in:hes, plain ...... 7 50 ...... to 50 12 co 1 hex double-thick American glass, x4 inches by 26 inches, plain ...... 3 75 ..... •• 5 25 rz 00 r box double-thick American glass, 55 inches by 24 inches, plain ...... 3 75 •••••.•. g6 co 5 75 700 r box double-thick American glass, x6 inches by 32 inches, plain ...... ...... 4 o9 ...... 5 75 8 00 r box double-thick American glass, 20 inches by 38 inches, plain ...... 4 8o ...... 6 75 8 0o

3 boxes double-thick American glass, 24 inches by 36 inches, plain ...... r4 qo ...... 6 75 27 00 r box double-thick American glass, 24 inches by 38 inches, plain ...... 5 42 ...... 7 25 900 Bids on 6 r box double-thick American ground glass, 8 inches by 8% inches ...... 4 00 .. incites by 6 00 8 co 8J inches. , box double-thick American ground glass, 14 inches by 15 inches ...... 4 50 ...... 6 oc 8 00 r box double-thick American ground glass, 24 inches by 36 inches ...... I...... 5 75 ...... •• 6 o0 8 00

Totals ...... 51,669 34 $1,741 55 61,7,2 35 $2,701 45

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. For Furnishing Ten Sets of Heavy Double-team Farness, as per .Sample, Borough of Commissioner Moebus offered the following : Manhattan. Resolved, That the proposal of the lowest respective bidders, this day received, excepting for settees for The Bronx, be forwarded to the Comptroller for his approval of the sureties thereon, and when so approved that contracts be executed by the Department. to SETS Which was adopted by the following vote NAME OF BIDDER. DOUnr.a HARNESS AMOUNT. Ayes—Commissioners Moebus, Brower-2. I AT Commissioner Moebus offered the following: Resolved, That all bids or proposals this day received for settees for parks in the Borough of C. M. Moseman & Hro...... • •...... • "-• •... • • • ...... J65 oo $650 oo The Bronx be and they hereby are rejected, it being deemed to the interest of the City so to do. Max Frank ...... ...... 53 00 S30 00 Which was adopted by the following vote Ayes—Commissioners Moebtts, Brower-2. Fuss, Doerr & Carroll Horse Company------59 50 595 on Commissioner Brower offered the following : Resolved, That, pursuant to the terms of the contract with Curtis & Blaisdell, dated January The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. 15, rgoo, for coal for parks in the Borough of Manhattan, the quantities of egg, broken and pea A communication was received from Cady, Berg and See, Architects of the enlargement, coal called for in said contrast be and the same hereby are increased, as may be required, not of exceeding 25 per cent. etc., the American Museum of Natural History, recommending an extension of time on the Which was adopted by the following vote : i contract with A. Kimbel & Son for constructing exhibition cases. Ayes—Commissioners Moebus, Brower—z. Referred to Commissioner Clausen. On motion, at 11.20 A.M., the Board adjourned. On motion, at 11.40 A. M., the Board adjourned. I WILLIS HOLLY, Secretary. WILLIS HOLLYHOLLY, Secretary.



Present—Commissioners Clausen (President), Moebus, Brower. Present—Commissioners Clausen (President), Moebus, Blower. A representative of the Comptroller being present and the meeting open to the public, the A representative of the Comptroller being prrsent, and the meeting open to the public, the estimate-box was opened and all the estimates or proposals received, in pursuance of duly estimate-box was opened and all the estimates or proposals received, in pursuance of duly pub- published advertisements, were opened and read, as follows: lished advertisements, were opened and read, as follows :


For Regulating and Grading Park in the Twelfth Ward, between One Hundred and Eleventh and One Hundred and Fourteenth Streets, First Avenue and the East River, Borough of Manhattan.

CUNCUNNINGH A M & PATRICK REDDY. DAVID CRIMMINS. K RA RNS. JOHN J. RENLDSR.YO, J JOHN SLATTERY. PATRICK J. KANE. ITEMS. QUANTITIES, - v- -"------"-- - Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount.

For excavation, etc ...... 3a,00r cubic yards. $0 78 $24,960 no So 65 $2o,800 on $0 45 $14,400 00 $0 75 $24,000 00 $0 95 $3',400 00 $o 75 $24,000 00 For filling, etc ...... ...... ...... 33,000 " 5 r,65o 00 II 3,530 00 40 13,200 CO 20 6,600 oa 55 18,150 on ao 6,600 no For board fence ...... 4,900 lin: ar feet. 55 a,E95 no 65 3,185 00 15 735 00 50 2.450 00 35 1,715 00 50 2,450 00

iotal ...... $29,305 00 ...... $a7,6r5 co ...... $-8,335 00 ..... ... $34,050 00 ...... $50,265 00 .:...... $33,050 00

For Preparing Plots for Tree Planting in Riverside Drive, between Ninety-sixth and One For Building a Greenhouse in Bronx Park, Borough of The Bronx. Hundred and Twenty-fourth Streets, Borough of Manhattan,

NAME OF BIDDER. AMIOUNT. JOHN J. REYNOLns, JR. JOHN SLATTFRY. "- - John R. Sheehan ...... _...... $rl,o5o no ITEMS. Qtt ~NrlTles. - Lord & Burnham Company ...... r8,roo 00 Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Hitchings & Co ...... r7,990 Co z

I Excavation of e.,rtb, etc ...... 3,800 cubic yards. $0 50 $r,yoo 00 $o 8o $3,040 0o For Furnishing and Delivering Park Settees for the Borough of the Bronx.

s Excavation of rock, etc ...... 1,000 " 2 50 2,500 00 2 25 2,250 00 NAME OF BIDDER. 400 SeTTYNS AT AMOUNT. 3 Furnishing mould ...... 4,7co " 1 25 5,875 00 95 4.165 co 4 Furnishing and laying sod...... 23,000 sgttace feet. oa 483 95 O2 573 00 John Early's Sons ...... $7 48 $2,992 00 Robert S. Bishop ...... I... 6 23 a,492 00 W. C. Hanna, Jr ...... 7 r8 2,872 00 Total ...... I ...... I $90,763 75 $10,530 00 I Harry Van Atla ...... 6 23 2,612 oa

For Building a Frame Milk House, near the Arsenal in Central Park-Borough of Manhattan, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Commissioner Moebus offered.the following : Resolved, That the proposals of the lowest respective bidders, this day received, be for- NAME OF BIDDER. AMOUNT. warded to the Comptroller for his approval of the sureties thereon, and when so approved that contracts for the several works and supplies be executed by the Commissioners. William Horne Company ...... $,,759 0o Which was adopted by the following vote : Dey & Somerville ...... Ayes-Commissioners Clausen, Moebus, Brower-3, 1,897 00 Commissioner Clausen offered the following : Elton E. Parry ...... 1,775 00 Resolved, That the contract for ten sets of heavy double-team, for which proposals were received on the 19th inst, be awarded to the Fiss, Doer & Carroll Horse Company, the lowest Ducker Company ...... ...... 1,937 C formal bidders in accordance with the requirements of the letting ; that their proposal be for- Richard H. Casey ...... 1,896 co warded to the Comptroller for his approval of the surerics thereon, and when so approved that a contract for the same be executed by the Commissioners. William Jones ...... 1.575 00 Which was adopted by the following vote : Ayes-Commissioners Clausen, Moebus, Brower-3. Commissioner Clausen offered the following : For Building a Frame Milk Rouse in Tompkins Square, Borough of Man/attan. Resolved, That the time fixed for the completion of the contract with A. Kimbel & Son, dated December 15, 1899, for cases for the American Museum of Natural History Building be and the same hereby is extended to September 15, 3900, in accordance with the recommendations of the NAME OF BIDDER. I AMOUNT, Architects. Which was adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Commissioners Clausen, Moebus, Brower-3. Dey & Somerville ...... $,,807 00 E. W. McCrea, representing the Buffalo Pitts Company, appeared and presented a communica- tion protesting against the award of contract for a steam road roller for parks in the Borough of DuckerCompany ...... x,937 00 Brooklyn to any other bidder, under the letting of March I, igoo. Richard H. Casey ...... 1,757 On He was advised that his bid had been rejected as informal under an opinion of the Corpora- tion Counsel. WilliamHome Company ...... z,E65 00 On motion, at 11.50 A.M., the Board adjourned. WILLIS HOLLY, Secretary.



Present-Commissioners Clausen (President), Moebus, Brower. A representative of the Comptroller being present, and the meeting open to the public, the estimate-box was opened and all the estimates or proposals received, in pursuance of duly published advertisements, were opened and read, as follows : For Regulating, Grading, Curbing, Guttering and Paving with Macadam Pavement, the Bay Ridge Parkway, from Fourth Avenue to the present Shore Road, Borough of Brooklyn.


Stripping and piling surface soil ...... 12,900 cubic yards. $o 24 $3,000 00 fo 24 $3,000 00 $a 20 $2,500 00 60 19 $2,375 00 $o 20 $u,5oo no $o r8 $2.250 00

Excavation...... 73,500 22 -5,950 on z8 20,300 00 25 18,225 00 19 13,775 00 20 14,500 00 18 r3,o5o no Embankment ...... , B,000 I Igo oo a 360 ou 5 900 00 5 900 00 r r8o 00 44 7,910 «`

Macadam pavement ...... r4,5oo square yards. 75 10,875 co 79 11,455 00 97 114,,65 00 74 I0,730 00 79 15,455 no 64 9,290 oo Dressed curb...... 1.300 linear feet. 70 910 00 90 1.170 00 coo 1,300 00 85 1,I03 00 70 910 00 65 845 Oa

Brick pavement in gutters ...... 1,400 square yards. 265 3,710 00 343 3,402 00 3 30 4,620 00 2 15 3,010 00 a 33 3,262 oo a 49 3,186 00

Brick pavement in roadway under arches ...... 900 a6 2,38500 343 2,187 00 3 30 9,970 00 a 15 1,935 00 a 33 2,097 On 2 43 2,187 00

Asphalt pavement in walks...... 4.450 1 95 8,67750 170 7,565 on 2 15 9,567 5o I 5o 6,675 00 1 70 7,565 00 1 70 7.565 00 75 on City inlet basins ...... 9 Bo no 2,520 00 95 00 x,805 co 30 00 570 00 loo 00 1,9o0 II) I:o 00 2,280 00 2,425 0.) Park inlet-basins, road type ...... 54 30 00 723 00 35 00 840 00 30 00 Tao o) 1900 43600 35 no 84o no 5o 00 0.100 co ~5 Park inlet-basins, walk type...... 3e. 00 450 00 15 oc 375 oc' 30 00 450 00 1700 255 CO 35 w 525 oa 30 00 450 00

Manholes...... 14 30 00 Ono 00 40 00 56o no 30 00 420 00 25 oo 350 00 3e. 00 448 00 30 00 420 00 00 1a6 co 9-inch egg-shaped cement pipe ...... 3,360.0 linear feet. 97 2,289 so 65 t,534 00 60 1.416 00 75 1,770 00 95 2,242 35 00 50 225 00 12-inch egg-shaped cement pipe...... 450.0 102 45900 80 36o oo I e.0 540 CO 90 405 00 98 442 IS-inch egg-shaped cement pipe ...... 1,025.0 „ 140 1,43500 120 1.230 00 I 50 1,537 50 r 25 1,281 25 1 40 1,435 00 85 871 25 tB-tech egg-shaped cement pipe ...... Boo.o " 165 0,32000 143 2,160 w 3 co r.Eoo 00 r 45 r,r6a 00 1 45 1,160 00 r to 88o no

a.6-inch egg-shaped cement pipe ...... 1,400,0 '• 2 35 3,290 00 3 00 4,200 00 190 a.66o 00 r 75 2,450 00 3 00 4,200 00 , 65 , 2,310 00

Totals...... ••• - 1 $57,590 70 $61,503 00 .... $63.961 00 ..., $50,533 25 .... I$56,040 00 I .... I $55,190 e.5 Alternative Bids. Cement curb instead of stone...... r,3co linear tcet. 90 I,r70 co 90 1,170 00 No bid. 85 1.105 00 No bid...... I No bid.

Total...... $37,850 70 .... $62,503 00 .... I ...... .,.. $50,530 35 I .... 6,675 no No bid. 130 85 00 Cement pavement in walks instead of asphalt...... 4,450 square yards. 1 77 7,876 50 t 6o 7,120 on I 26 $4,806 co r So $5,7

..... I Total ...... I...... $56,789 70 .... $61,058 00 $59,199 50 $50,532 25 .... 1 $53,410 e.5


For Construelrne Two Stone Archways. One Linder Second Avenue and One Under Third Avenue. Borou,Ph of Brooklyn.

MICHAEL J. DADY. THE EASTERN STONE COMPANY A. C. GILDERSLEEVE. THOMAS MONAHAN. d z ITEMS. Price. I Amount. Price. Amount. Price. I Amount. Price. Amount.

16,500 cubic yards excavation for both archways, etc...... $s oo I $33,000 00 1 $" as $3,630 oo I $I oo $16,500 ao 1 $0 33 1 $3,795 00 2i Second avenue archway, alternatives : ,st. With facades granite and arch brick ...... I 37,000 00 30,000 00 .... 34,9-4 00 ad. With facades granite and arch beton ...... 35,000 00 .... 30,000 00 .... 34,924 00 3d. With facades Ohio sandstone and arch brick...... 43,000 00 .... a6,000 00 I .... 40,000 00 .... 37,000 00 4th. With facades Ohio sandstone and arch beton ...... 4I'coo 00 .... 26,300 oa .... 40,000 00 .... 37,000 a. 31 Third avenue archway, alternatives : rst. With facades granite and arch brick ...... •... 39,000 co .... 30,000 00 .... 32,724 oD ad. With facades granite and arch beton ...... 36,000 00 .... 30,000 00 .... 32.724 00 3d. With facades Ohio sandstone and arch brick...... •..• 45,000 00 .... 24,800 00 .... 40,000 00 .... 34,724 00 4th. With facades Ohio sandstone and arch beton ...... •••• 43,030 00 .... 25,000 00 .... 40,000 00 .... 34,724 00

For Furnishing and Delivering 2,0oo cubic yards of Loam, to be delivered on Ocean Parkway, between Twenty-second Avenue and King's Highway, Borough of Brooklyn.


Thomas Monahan ...... $0 65 $1,300 no Murphy Bros...... $o go $1,800 Co Norton & Gorman ...... 98 I,g6o 00 John F,ilfaillie...... :...... 6a 1,240 00 William B. Lake ...... 75 I,Soo no Harris & McGuire...... 47 940 00

For Bunting, Flags, etc., for Parks, Borough of Manhattan.


American Flags, viz.:

8 by Iz feet...... 2 ...... $1300 ...... $22 00 6 by to feet...... to by 20 feet...... 6 8100 180 00

Ia by so feet, with 1776 on second white strip from bottom.' I ...... 1650 ...... 3500 ...... Lump sum...... Lumpt sum. to by 16 feet, lettered "Veterans of the War. r8r2," I I 1405 ...... 2200 onthe stripes...... Red Flags, 6 by 8 feet...... 4 ...... 21 56 ...... 3800 Red bunting, 36 inches wide ...... 25 yards...... 5 5o ...... 10 so White bunting, 36 inches wide ...... 25 550 10 00 Blue bunting, 36 inches wide ...... 25 550 ...... 10 00

Total...... $186 of ...... $387 00 ...... $225 00 ...... $aoo 48

All above of best quality American double warp wool bunting. All scams, stars and lettering on flags shall be hand sewed or lock stitched, with the edges turned under. Samples must be sub pitted with bid. Lettering on flags as per samples shown.

For Furnishing and Delivering 7,500 Cubic Yards of Shale Sand-stone Screenings, Borough of Manhattan.


JohnJ. Dorgan ...... $a 69 $ao,r75 On T. E. Crimmins ...... $a 54 $19.050 00

For Repairs to the Drainage of a Portion of the East Drive in Central Park, between Eighty-fifth and Ninety-seventh Streets, Borough of Manhattan.

CUNNINGHAM & MUTUAL CONTRACT. )BERT C. NICHOLSON. PETER HANDIBODE,JR. KEARNS. WILLIAM J. MOORE. WILLIAM J. PLANT. ING Co. ITEMS. QUANTITIES. o z Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price. Amount. Price, Amount. Price. Amount. I f I 6-inch vitrified salt-glazed stoneware drain pipe .furnished j 1 and laid, as speeded ...... J 570 linear feet. $I In $684 no $t 65 $94o So $1 zo $684 no $o 75 $427 50 $I 95 $1,211 50 $I 8o $1,026 on a 8-inch vitrified pipe, as specified ...... 460 s 35 80, no 1 65 75900 1 70 782 oo t ao 46000 191 878 6o r go 87400 3 Io-inch vitrified pipe, as specified ...... I,I20 I 50 ,,680 no 165 1,848 ao a ao 2,464 Oo 2 00 2,240 00 1 59 1,780 So 2 oo 2,240 00 4 ca•inch vitrified pipe, as specified ...... 9,080 I 95 4,056 00 165 3,432 00 2 25 4,680 00 2 50 5,000 00 177 3,681 6o 2 15 4.472 00 5 Rock excavated and removed...... zoa cubic yards. 3 00 600 00 50 too 00 3 no 600 ow . on 600 co or a Co 6 Road basins built complete ...... 4 45 00 ISO 00 45 00 180 oo 30 00 120 00 40 160 00 9 50 18 m 35 0o 140 co 7 Sod furnished and laid...... 10,500 square feet. oz34 262 5o 04 420 o0 04 420 00 03 315 00 03 315 0o c3 315 00 8 Gutters taken up and relaid ...... 35o square yards. a5 6z So 5o 125ce 30 9500 5o 1250o a5 6a So a5 6a 50

Total I .460 00 ...... $, 4 So...... 9, 5...... $ ,7 50..... $8 ,5 00 ...... $9,131 50

For Coal for Parks, Borough of Manhattan. For Furnishing Materials, Labor, etc., and Erecting Complete the Centre Pavilion of the Eastern Parkway Elevation, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Borough of Brooklyn.


Rutaa, Kenny & Henningham ...... $299,995 00 $3,622 no First quality egg coal ...... 350 tons ...... $1,505 00 $3 Sr $1,333 W.& T. Lamb ...... ...... 30:,500 00 3,500 00 First quality broken or furnace coal... ...... 325 ...... 1,332 50 3 61 1,173 1 Iohn Thatcher & Son ...... 298,500 co 302,400 00 First quality pea coal ...... ... ... 2,200 " 3,480 00 2 97 3,564 c Thomas Dwyer ...... 320,000 00 7,000 00

Total ...... $6,317 50 ...... $6,070 2 William H. Port ...... ...... 333,118 00 336,355 00 All white ash, well screened, etc., etc. P.J. Carlin & Co ...... 294,189 0o 1,96300 TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1900. THE CITY RECORD. 3595 I COLLBC• The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. JUNG-Ti NS AN1, WHAT FOR. COSTS. I TOTAL The following communications were received : MAY. M 8N'1 9. PBNAL- From the Clerk of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, forwarding copies of resolutions, Tins. as follows : 1st. Approving plans and authorizing the issue of bonds for planting and improving the It ...... Violation Corporation Ordinances ...... ...... Ya5 no $to W $35 co grounds around Grant's Tomb, inclpding that portion of Riverside Park between One 1-Iundred ra...... Violation of Corporation Ordinances ...... ....., to no ila 5 no r5 on and Twentieth and One Hundred and Twenty-seventh streets, embracing the steep embankments r4....., Violation Corporation Ordinances ...... ...... r8 0o 7 50 25 50 of the park west of the tomb. r4...... In the matter of 'l he Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Joseph Lawler and George F. Lawler.......... ...... 3 ,w ...... 3 00 2d. Authorizing an additional issue of bonds to the amount of $3,500 for the improvement of r4 ...... In the matter of 'the Commis.,ioners of Public Charities vs. Hamilton Fish Park. Isaac Cahn ...... ...... ao 00 ...... o 0o Filed. r5...... In the matter of The Commissii.ners of Public Charities vs. Abraham Goodstein and Max Kaufman ..... ...... ...... 5 ~ ..•.•• 5 00 From Cady, Berg & See, Architects, reporting upon the contract of T. Cockerill & Son for t6...... Violation Corporation Ordinances ...... ...... . to 00 5 00 r5 00 work on the enlargement of American Museum of Natural History Building, and recommending r8...... Violation Corporation Ordinances . ...... ...... 3 00 i 2 50 5 50 that all penalty for overtime thereon be remitted on account of delays not due to fault on the am...... Violation Corporation Ordinances ...... r7 01 5 00 22 00 part of the contractor. at...... In the matter of The Commi-sioners of Public Charities vs. David Mechanic and Edward Joyce ...... ...... 35 00 20 71 55 72 Commissioner Clausen offered the following: at...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Resolved, That in accordance with the recommendation of the Architects, Messrs. Cady, Nicole Irone and Michael Palamio ...... ...... 6 00 ...... 6 oo Berg & See, and for the reason set forth in their report, the time fixed for the completion of work st..... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Nicolo Irone and Michael Palamio ...... ••.... ...... 6 on .... 00 under the contract with T. Cockerill & Son for the lecture hall and other work of enlargement of at...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. the American Museum of Natutal History Building be and the same hereby is extended to the Joseph I:wler and George F. Lawler...... 3 tO 3 oa date of the completion of the same, and that all penalty for excess of the time stipulated in the sr...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. contract be and the same hereby is remitted. John D. Hinrichs and John Lally...... ...... 3a oo a 50 4 5o ar ...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Which was adopted by the following vote Pincus Bernstein and Herman Safer...... 40 00 . 40 00 Ayes—Commissioners Clausen, Moebus, Brower-3. a2...... Vitiation Corporation Ordinances...... 3 0o a 50 5 5o From the Engineer-in-Chief, Borough of The Bronx 22...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Joseph Winter, Simon Rohner and Max Fischlcr...... 23 00 ..•..• 23 00 ist. Reporting a time statement on the contract of V. L. Dunne for park settees, and 22...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. recommending that no penalty for overtime be charged against the contractor. Isaac Cahn ...... .....• so 00 ...... so 00 Commissioner Moebus offered the following : 22...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Resolved, That the report of the Engineer-in-Chief of the Borough of The Bronx, upon Richard Gerstenberger and John D. Faust ...... ...... to on z 5o 6a 5o 23 ...... In the matter of 1'he Commi=sinners of Public Charities vs. the application of V. L. Dunne, for the remission of the penalty for overtime on his contract for James Spaulding a.od Anthony McOwen ...... ... ...... 5o co .....• 5o co furnishing and delivering I'ark Settees in the New York Zoological Park, in Bronx Park, in z4...... In the matter of 'The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. The City of New York be approved, and that the penalty for overtime, one hundred and Selig Ziegel• Wolf Beller and Louis Leinan ...... ..... • a3 50 ..... • a3 50 24...... In the matter of The Commi'sioner of Jurors vs. Harry C. twenty and one-quarter days, be remitted as recommended, the delay being due to causes not Norton ...... ...... ro co ...... ro no the fault of the contractor. a5...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Which was adopted by the following vote Abraham Goodstein and Max Kaufman ...... ...... 5 •••• • • 5 no Ayes—Commissioners Clausen, Moebus, Brower-3. z8...... Violation Corporation Ordinances ...... ...... 5 on z 5o 7 50 a8...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. 2. Reporting a time statement on the contract of William J. Moore, for improving small Isaac Cahn ...... ...... ao 0o ...... ao 00 park on the west side of Fulton avenue, between One Hundred and Sixty-ninth and One Hundred s8...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs.l and Seventieth streets, and recommending that no penalty for overtime be charged against the Peter Avata and Dominica Saladino ...... ...... rz no .... W contractor. aS ...... In the matter of the Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Harris Rabinoxitz and Charles Malawista ...... ...... 44 on 50 46 50 Commissioner Moebus offered the following: s9...... Violation Corporation Ordinances...... 3 oo a oo 5 o0 Resolved, That the report of the Engineer-in-Chief of the Borough of The Bronx, upon the z9...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. application of William J. Moore for the remission of the penalty for overtime on his contract for David Goldenthauer and Isaac Rosenthal...... ro 00 .... ro - improving Small Park on the west side of Fulton avenue, between One Hundred and Sixty- 31...... Violation Corporation Ordinances. Rose ...... 3 0o a o0 5 oo 3r...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. ninth and One Hundred and Seventieth streets, in the Borough of The Bronx, of The City of New Joseph Lawler and George F. Lawler...... •.....3 00 ..•. •• 3 00 York be approved and that the penalty for overtime fifteen clays be remitted, as recommended, 3r...... In the matter of The Commissioner of Jurors vs. Arthur H. the delay being due to causes not the fault of the contractor. Clark...... :o co ro o0 Which was adopted by the following vote : Totalamount collected...... $1,314 72 Ayes—Commissioners Clausen, Moebus, Brower-3. Commissioner Clausen offered the following : Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. Tne Commissioners of Resolved, That the security deposit made with the bid of James Hughes, March 29, 1900, Public Charities vs. Abraham Goodstein and Max Kaufman ...... $ro co Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners of for furnishing and delivering one thousand cubic yards of sharp building sand where required for Public Charities vs. David Mechanic and Edward Joyce ...... 50 00 parks in the Borough of Manhattan, be and the same hereby is declared forfeited, said Hughes Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex eel. The Commissioners of having failed to provide sureties satisfactory to the Comptroller within the time required Public Charities vs. Peter J. Laughlin and Maria Laughlin ...... ...... 7 50 by law. Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rd .'[he Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Charles C.Schildwachter, rr ...... :a no Which was adopted by the following vote: Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners of Ayes—Commissioners Clausen, Moebus, Brower-3. Public Charities vs. Peter H. Wist ...... .. 150 00 Commissioner Brower offered the following : Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex eel. The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. William Wach ...... so on Resolved, That, pursuant to the terms of the contract with Ellwood Weeks, dated January Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the rase of The People ex eel. The Commissioners of 22, 1900, for bricks and cement for parks in the Borough of Brooklyn, the quantity of Lehigh Public Charities vs. James Weiner and Charles H. Proffen ...... ao 00 cement therein called for, be and hereby is authorized to be increased, as may be required, not Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners of exceeding twenty-five per cent. Pubic Charities vs. Joseph Lawler and George F. Lawler ...... 3 00 Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners of Which was adopted by the following vote: Public Charities vs. Otto A. Kuschel and Jacob Jung ...... .... ...... ...... 40 00 Ayes—Commissioners Clausen, Moebus, Brower-3. Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners of Commissioner Brower offered the following : Public Charities vs. Isaac Cahn ...... ...... .. uo 00 Resolved, That, pursuant to the terms of the contract with Nelson Brothers, dated January Amount paid over to Beard of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioner s of Public Charities vs. Peter Avata and Dominico Saladinu ...... ...... 8 no 30, 1900, for coal for parks in the Borough of Brooklyn, the quantity of furnace coal therein Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners of called for be and hereby is authorized to be increased as may be required, not exceeding twenty- Public Charities vs. Morris Thuriot, Rudolph W. Schwartz and Isaac Roth ...... .... 55 00 five per cent. Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Peter Avata and Dominico Saladino ...... 6 0o Which was adopted by the following vote: Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities in the case of The People ex eel. The Commissioners of Ayes—Commissioners Clausen, Moebus, Brower-3. Public Charities vs. Joseph Lawler and George F. Lawler ...... r ...... 3 00 Commissioner Brower offered the following : Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of T'he People ex rel. The Commissioners of Resolved, That the proposals of the lowest formal bidders for work and materials for which Public Charities vs. Isaac Cahn ...... 20 00 Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners o1 bids have been4his day received, excepting the improvement of Bay Ridge Parkway, be for- Public Charities vs. Abraham Goodstein and Max Kaufman ...... 5 00 warded to the Comptroller for his approval of the sureties thereon, and when so approved that Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners of contracts for the same be entered into for and on behalf of the department. Public Charities vs. David Mechanic and Edward Joyce...... ...... 35 00 Which was adopted by the following vote : Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in theicase of The People ex eel. The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Nicolo Irone and Michael Palamio ...... ... ...... 6 oo Ayes—Commissioners Clausen, Moebus, Brower-3. Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners of Commissioner Brower offered the following : Public Charities vs. Nicolo Irone and Michael Palamio.. 6 on Resolved, That this Board, deeming it to the interest of the City so to do, hereby rejects all Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex ml. The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. fossph Lawler and George F. Lawler ...... ...... 3 00 the bids or proposals this day received for the improvement of Bay Ridge Parkway, in the Bor- Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, to the case of The People ex rel.•T'he Commissioners of ough of Brooklyn. Public Charities vs. John D. Hinrichs and John Lally ...... .... ...... 3a 00 Which was adopted by the following vote Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners of Ayes—Commissioners Clausen, Moebus, Brower-3. Public Charities vs. Pincus Bernstein and Herman Safer ...... ...... 40 00 Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of the People ex ref. The Commissioners of On motion, at 12 o'clock M., the Board adjourned. Public Charities vs. Joseph Waiter, Simon Rehner and Max Fischler...... ...... a3 on WILLIS HOLLY, Secretary. Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The Peopleex ret.The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Isaac Cahn ...... zo co Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex ref. The Commis Toners of Public Charities vs. Richard Gerstcuberger and John D. Fatut ...... 6o oo LAW DEPARTMENT. Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. James Spaulding and Anthony McOwen ...... 5o co Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex ref. The Commissioners of BUREAU FOR THE RECOVERY OF PENALTIES. Public Charities vs. Selig Ziegcl, Wolf Boller and Louis Leinan ...... ...... a3 50 Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex ref. The Commissioners of S'atemenl and Return of Moneys received by ALIRLAN T. KIERNAN, Assistant Corporation Public Charities vs. Abraham Goodstein and Max Kaufman ...... I ...... 5 00 1900, Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners of Counsel, Bureau for the Recovery of Penalties, for the Maiztk of May, Public Charities vs. Isaac Cahn ...... so 00 rendered to the Comptroller, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 117, Article ff., Amount isaid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners o f Chapter IV of the Revised Ordinances of 1897, and of Sections 259 and 1550 of Chapter Public Charities vs. Peter Avata and Dominica Saladino ...... 1s 00 8 of the Laws of Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex eel. The Commissioners of 37 1897. Public Charities vs. Harris Rabinowitz and Charles Malawister ...... 44 00 Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners of COLLEC- ublic Charities vs. Joseph Lawler and George F. Lawler ...... 3 w JUDG- TIONS AND P MAY. WHAT FOR. CrSTS. TOTAL. Amount paid over to Board of Public Charities, in the case of The People ex rel. The Commissioners of MBNTS. Public Charities vs. David Goldenthauer and Isaac Rosenthal ...... ... 10 co TIES. Amount paid over to Commissioner of Jurors, penalties and costs collected in matter of delinquent rho co jurors ...... I...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. $962 on Abraham Goodstein and Max Kaufman ...... $to oo ...... =to oo r...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. David Mechanic and Edward Joyce ...... 5o 0o ...... 5o 00 Balance due The City of New York ...... 0352 72 r...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Peter J. Laughlin and Maria Laughlin...... 7 50 $2 50 to on r,..... In the matter of 'The Commissioner of Jurors vs. Henry Hoesli ...... too 0o to on xro oo ADRIAN T. KIERNAN, Assistant Corporation Counsel. a...... Violation Corporation Ordinances ...... 6 00 5 00 II 00 a...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Charles C. Schildwachter, Jr ...... ra no ..... 12 00 a...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. LOCAL BOARD. Peter H. Wist ...... r5o co .....• 150 00 r ...... 8 00 3...... Violation Corporation Ordinances ...... • 3 DO 5 00 TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT, BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. 3...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. William Wach ...... so 00 ...... ao 00 4...... Violation Corporation Ordinances ...... s8 0o 12 50 40 50 MINUTES. 4...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Pursuant to call by President Haffen, the members of the Local Board, Twenty-first District, James Weiner and Charles H. Proffen ...... ao 00 ...... 20 00 5...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. met at 2 P. M., June 7, 1900, at the office of the President of the Borough of The Bronx, Municipal Joseph Lawler and George F. Lawler ...... 3 co ••.••• 3 no Building, Crotona Park. 7...... Violation Corporation Ordinances ...... •.... a6 co ...... a6 oo Present—President Haffen, Councilman Murray and Aldermen Geiger and McGrath. 7...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Otto A. Kuschel and Jacob Jung ...... 40 00 ...... 40 00 Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. 7...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. and Grading Public Place Bounded by East One Hundred and Sixty-first Street, Isaac Cahn ...... ao 00 ...... so 00 Regulating 8...... Violation Corporation Ordinances ...... $4z 50 3 0o 2 50 47 ao East One Hundred and Sixty-second Street, Courtlandt Avenue and the New York 8...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. and Harlem Railroad. Peter Avata and Dominica Saladino ...... r8 Co 2 00 ao eo ger, it was g...... Violation Corporation Ordinances ...... 8 00 2 30 ro 50 Petition of H. Moritz and others was read, and, on motion of Alderman Gei an...... Violation Corporation Ordinances...... a6 on to co 36 00 Resolved, That the Local Board, Twenty-first District, hereby recommends to the Board no...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. of Public Improvements that the public place or square bounded by East One Hundred and Morris Thuriot, Rudolph W. Schwartz and Isaac Roth...... 55 00 ...... 55 so Sixty-first street, East One Hundred and Sixty-second street, Courtlandt avenue and the New to...... In the matter of The Commissioners of Public Charities vs. Peter Avata and Dominico Saladino ...... ~ 6 oo ...... 6 no York and Harlem Railroad, be regulated and graded, and that a copy of this resolution be trans- mitted forthwith to•tbe said Board of Public Improvements.


$120 00 Acquiring Title to Buchanan Place, from Aqueduct Avenue, East, to 7erome Avenue. May 26, 1900. Conley, Sarah, Hospital Helper ...... • ...... , 120 00 Petition of Paul Boltmann and others was read, and, on motion of Councilman Murray, it 29, Dunn, Margaret, Hospital Helper ...... • • 29, " Finn, Kate, Hospital Helper ...... I20 00 N'as 31, " Seeley, Delia, Hospital Helper .. ...... 120 00 Resolved, That the Local Board, Twenty-first Disttict, hereby recommends to the Hoard of ,' 31, " Henness', Eliza, Hospital Helper ...... 120 00 Public Improvements that proceedings be initiated for acquiring title to Buchanan place, from I20 00 Aqueduct avenue, East, to Jerome avenue, and that a copy of this resolution be transmitted June I, " Baker, Caroline, Hospital Helper ...... ...... forthwith to the said Hoard of Public Improvements. Salary Increased. Concord Avenue, Regulating and Grading, from One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street to One May 26, tgoo. Hollinshed, W. C., Pupil Nurse, from $r2o to ...... $144 00 Hundred and b'jheth Street. 6, " Mothersell, Walter H., Pupil Nurse, from $120 to ...... .. ...... 144 00 ,, Petition of Henry Kothe and others ordered returned with the suggestion that it be amended 20, " McCracken, E.J. Pupil Nurse, film $120 to ...... 144 00 to read Concord avenue, between East One Hundred and Forty-first street and Kelly street. " 6, " Stephens, Henry B., Pupil Nurse, from $120 to ...... 144 00 Sewer-East One Hundred and Sixty-second Street, Between Jerome Avenue and Gerard Dropped from Roll. Avenue. May 6, tgoo. Cusick, D. A., Pupil Nurse (course finished)...... $144 00 Petition of George H. Huber was read, and, on motion of Alderman McGrath, it was .. 144 00 Resolved, That the Local Board, Twenty-first District, hereby recommends to the Board of 6, " Eesley, George, Pupil Nurse (course finished) ...... 6, ... 1 Public Improvements that a sewer and appurtenances be constructed in East One Hundred and "• " Faulk, Mallery, Pupil Nurse (course finished)...... 44 00 12, " Simmonds, Arthur S., Pupil Nurse (course finished) ...... 144 00 Sixty-second street, from Jerome avenue to Gerard avenue, and that a copy of this resolution be 150 00 transmitted forthwith tote said Board of Public Improvements. " 30, " Faatz, George, Hospital Helper (deceased) ...... Regulating and Grading East One Hundred and Sixty-second Street, from Jerome Avenue to Dismissals. the Approach of the Grand Boulevard and Concourse at Walton Avenue. May 27, 19CO. Martin, Catharine, Hospital Helper (absence without leave) ...... $120 00 Petition of George II. Huber was read, and, on motion of Councilman Murray, it wvs '. z6, ' Furrey, Kate, Hospital Helper (absence without leave)...... 120 00 Resolved, That the Local Board, Twenty-first District, hereby recommends to the Board of " 25, " Rooney, Annie, Hospital Helper (absence without leave) ...... 120 00 Public Improvements that East One Hundred and Sixty-second street be regulated and graded, 24, " Little, Maggie, Hospital Helper (absence without leave)...... 120 00 curbstones set and sidewalks flagged a space four feet wide through thecentre thereof, crosswalks 26, " Smith, Mary, Hospital Helper (absence without leave)...... 120 00 laid, approaches built and fences erected where necessary, between Jerome avenue and the ap- " 26, " Downing, Mary, Hospital Helper (absence without leave)...... 120 00 proach of the Grand Boulevard and Concourse at Walton avenue, and that a copy of this resolu- .' 29, " Devlin, Mary, Hospital Helper (absence without leave) ...... 120 00 tion be transmitted forthwith to the said Board of Public Improvements. 30, " Monahan, Maggie, Hospital Helper (absence without leave) ...... 120 00 30, McGuire, Mary, Hospital Helper (absence without leave)...... 120 00 Paving East One Hundred and Sixty-second Street, from Jerome Avenue to the Approach of the " " 31, " Magner, Hannah, Hospital Helper (absence without leave) ... .... 120 00 Grand Boulevard and Concourse at Walton A venue. •' 30, " Pierce, Nellie, Hospital Helper (absence without leave)...... 120 00 Petition of George H. Huber was read, and, on motion of Alderman McGrath, was laid over. June I, " Archibald, Nellie, Hospital Helper (absence without leave)...... a20 00 Fencing East One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Street, at No. 874 and Na. 876. On motion of Alderman McGrath the following was adopted : CITY HOSPITAL. Resolved, That, on report of the Department of Health, dated May 23, 1900, transmitted to Appointments. the Local Board June I by the Secretary of the Board of Public Improvements, the Local Board, June I, 1900. Long, William, Hospital Helper ...... $144 00 Twenty-first District, hereby recommends to the Board of Public Improvements that the vacant ,. I, " McKenzie, Daniel, Hospital Helper ...... ...... I20 00 lots at No. 894 and No. 876 East One Hundred and Thirty-seventh street be fenced in accordance with section 403 of the Greater New York Charter, and that a copy of this resolution be trans- Salary Increased. mitted forthwith to the said Board of Public Improvements. June I, 1900. Badger, William, Hospital Helper, from $120 to ...... $144 00 Widening LVestchester Avenue, from Third Avenue to Brook Avenue. Dismissal. Laid over for one week. May 31, 1900. Morgan, Charles J., Hospital Helper (insubordination)...... $144 00 Bathgate Avenue, Elton and Brook Avenues, Telegraph Poles. The Secretary was directed to ascertain by what authority the poles in question were erected. Resignation. 00 Assessment for Public Place or Square at East One Hundred and Sixty-feftlr Street and May 31, 1900. Martin, Peter, hospital Helper ...... ...... $144 I/all Place. FORDHAM HOSPITAL. Petition of John Miller and others, asking that all proceedings in the above matter be stopped, was read. President Haffen explained that this could not be done for the reason that Resignation. the City had acquired title to it some years ago. He also said that the public place in question had April30, 1900. Healy, Bessie, Hospital Helper ...... ..... $144 00 been placed upon the final maps by the first Commissioner of Street Improvements (the late Com- missioner Louis J. Heintz), and he thought that in a locality such as the one in question where GOUVERNEUR HOSPITAL. assessment for public improvements were so heavy that the City should bear the cost of acquiring Appointment. title to this public place and particularly for the reason that the owners had not petitioned for it. 00 It was the unanimous opinion of the Board that this public place should be paid for by the May 26, igoo. Oates, Tessie, Hospital Helper ... ...... ...... $144 city at large, and, on motion of Alderman Gieger, it was Resolved, That the Local Board, Twenty-first District, after a hearing had, hereby recom- HARLEM HOSPITAL. mends to the Board of Public Improvements that the entire cost and expense of acquiring title, Appointment. laying out and improving the public place or square at Hall place and East One Hundred and May 29, 1900. Jones, George, Hospital Helper...... ...... ...... $144 00 Sixty-fifth street, be borne by The City of New York, and that a copy of this resolution be transmitted forthwith to the said Board of Public Improvements. Dismissal. Fencing X,. 838 Elton Avenue, about fifty feet north of East One Hundred and Fifty-ninth May 28, 1900. Boehum, Julius, Hospital Helper ...... ...... $144 00 . Street. On motion of Alderman Geiger it was METROPOLITAN HOSPITAL. Resolved, That the Local Board, Twenty-first District, hereby recommends to the Board of Appointments. Public Improvements that the vacant lots adjacent to No. 838 Elton avenue, about fifty feet June i, Igoo. Quinn, Julia, Hospital Helper ...... ...... $150 00 north of East One Hundred and Fifty-ninth street, running northerly about fifty feet, be fenced in Stanhope, Hannah, Waitress ...... ...... 240 00 accordance with section 403 of the Greater New York Charter, and that a copy of this resolution I, " Albert, Charles, Hospital Helper ...... 15O 00 be transmitted forthwith to the said Board of Public Improvements. I, Kerrigan, John, Hospital Helper ...... ...... 150 00 Brook Avenue, South of East One Hundred and Thirty-second Street. Campbell, Joseph, Hospital Helper ..... ...... ...... 150 00 I, " Benisch, Louis, Hospital Helper ...... 150 00 Councilman Murray stated that he had investigated the condition of Brook avenue, south of r5o 00 One Hundred and Thirty-second street, and found access to the bulkhead-line of the Harlem I, Moore, Peter, Hospital Helper ...... ..... ...... river shut off by a fence of the New York and Harlem Railroad Company. He stated further, that he believed that assessments were levied and paid for paving, etc., Brook avenue, and that Salary Increased. it appeared that the pavement and flagging had been removed. June I, 1900. McCorriston, Blanche, Pupil Nurse, from $126 to ...... $180 00 After further discussion President Haffen appointed the Board a committee to investigate the matter. Resignation. $150 00 Brook Avenue Paving, between One Hundred and Fifty-sixth and One Hundred and Fifty. June I, 1900. McCutchen, Agnes, Hospital Helper ...... ...... seventh Streets, and between One Hundred and Fifty-ninth Street and Third Avenue. Leave of Absence. Petition of R. Hoffmann and others was read. Brown, Daisy, Nurse (for two weeks without pay) ...... $180 Oo Councilman Murray suggested that the block between One Hundred and Fifty-sixth and June I, 19oo. One Hundred and Fifty-seventh streets also be paved, and, on his motion, it was RANDALL'S ISLAND ASYLUMS AND SCHOOLS. Resolved, That the Local Board, Twenty-first District, hereby recommends to the Board of Public Improvements that Brook avenue be paved, between One Hundred and Fifty-sixth and Resignation. One I-Iundred and Fifty-seventh streets, and between One Hundred and Fifty-ninth street and May 17, too. Peterson, Adolph, Assistant Cook ...... $480 00 Third avenue, and that a copy of this resolution be transmitted forthwith to the said Board of Public Improvements. Leave of Absence. Adjournment. June 2, 1900. Hynes, Rose, Seamstress (for one month without pay) ...... $192 00 JOSEPH P. HENNESSY, Secretary. INFANTS' HOSPITAL. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES. Reinstatement. June I, 1900. Green, Mary A., Nurse (certified by Civil Service August It, 1899 appointed August 29, 1899 ; resigned November 18, 1899)..... $240 00 BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. STEAMBOATS. SYNOPSIS OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR WEEK ENDING JUNE 2, 1900. Resignation. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES, June t, 1900. Kirby, John F., Stoker ...... $400 00 BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX-SECRETARY'S OFFICE, FOOT OF EAST TWENTY-SIXTH STREET, The following proposals of May 21 are accepted, awarded May 28, Igoo NEW YORK, June 4, 1900. Peters & Heins, for Repairs to ambulance and transfer wagon ...... $319 00 From Heads of Institutions-Reporting meats, milk, fish, etc., received during the week Adolph Levy, for ending June 2, 190o, of good quality and up to the standard. On file. Repairs to t lot surgical instruments ...... 123 50 Central Office-Appointments, resignations, dismissals, etc., as per list attached. Proposals Wappler Electrical Controller Company, for accepted, as per list attached. Repairs to I lot medical batteries ...... 39 50 CENTRAL OFFICE. Kny-Scheerer Company, for Suspension. Repairs to I lot Operating Room furniture ...... ...... 36 30 Repairs to I lot sterilizers ...... 153 75 May 29, 1900. Stanfield, Ernest, Clerk (without pay, pending • investigation for $800 00 Hull, Grippen & Co., for disobedience of orders) ...... Repairs to I lot iron cans ...... ... 20 00 Repairs to I lot awnings ...... 23 00 Restored to Pay-roll. Repairs to r table ...... 7 00 June I, I90o. Stanfield, Ernest, Clerk (after a hearing) ...... $800 00 L. Gray, for Lumber, etc., for shelves ...... ..... ...... 325 00 ALMSHOUSE. Charles B. Flugge, for Suspension. 3 Shades for steamer "Fidelity." put up, lot ...... 2 55 Corcoran, John, Stoker (without pay, pending an investigation Tenny & Dixon, for May 24, 1900. t 25 for absence without leave) ...... $360 oo 50 dozen straw hats, boys', per dozen ...... 50 dozen straw hats, girls', per dozen ...... 150 BELLEVUE HOSPITAL. 56 dozen straw hats, men's, per dozen ...... t 00 46 dozen straw hats, women's, per dozen ...... 120 Afsftoiutmmw. Charles B. Flugge, for May 28, tgoo. Beach, Mary, Hospital Helper...... $r20 00 3 Shades put up at No. 66 Third avenue, lot ...... 3 75 " 26, " Edwards, Minnie, Hospital Helper ...... Robert C. Ogden, for- " 25, " White, Annie, Hospital Helper ...... 220 00 I Step ladder, 12 ft.. .... .. ...... ...... 3 16 TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1900. THE CITY RECORD. 3597 T. H. Lowrey, for- BOARD OF ASSESSORS. 3odozen Straw Hats, men's, per doz ...... $I 16% 33 dozen Straw Hats, women's, per doz...... 127 15b pairs Suspenders, e:tclt ...... ...... t.i% OFFICE BOARD OF ASSESSORS, No. 320 BROADWAY, Schieffelin & Co., for- NEW YORK, June 9, 1900. 5 pounds Ammonium Iodide, i-lb. h., per lb ...... 3 85 Meeting of the Board of Assessors, held the 5th day of June, 1900, at ii A. M. 50 pounds Ammonium Sulphate, C. P., per I-lb cart...... 16 Present-Assessors Edward McCue (President), Edward Cahill, Thomas A. Wilson and John 20 pounds Benzoinal, 5-lb. orig. b., per lb ...... ...... B. Meyenborg. So ounces Citrophen, i-oz. orig. p., per oz. . .. god Minutes of meeting of May 29, 1900, were read and approved. io pounds H. 1 xtract Cimicifuga, per I-lb. prig. b ...... 55 The following communications were received and placed on file co pounds F!. Extract Digitalis, per t-lb. orig. b ...... 50 I6ounces Ingluvin, I-oz. ong. b., per oz .. From the Department of Highways, dated May 29, 1900-Replying to communication ...... in re regulating, etc., Eagle avenue, Borough of The Bronx. 300 pounds Potassium Iodide, i-lb. b., per lb ...... 2 373z lo pounds Sodium Iodide, i-lb. b., per lb ...... 3 20 From the Department of Highways, dated May 28, 190o-Replying to objections of John C. 16 ounces Strontium Iodide, 1-oz. v., per oz ...... 30 Shaw, attorney, to the assessment for paving Dyckman street, Borough of Manhattan. 5 pounds Strontium Salicylate, I-lb. c., per lb ...... r 20 From the Department of Finance, dated May 31, 1900-Returning assessment-lists with 16 ounces Suprarenal Gland, desicc., Armour, per oz ...... ...... r 80 in terest certificates. 16 ounces Thyroid Gland, desicc., Armour, per oz ...... 90 From the Department of Sewers, dated May 31, 1900-Returning assessment-list for sewers 4 grains each Boxes, Paper, Sliding, like sample- in The Crescent, Borough of Queens, with corrections. No. 156 (zX4 in. x 1r4 in. xi in.), gross ...... i to From the City Record, dated June I, 1900-Calling attention to the amendment of the No. 158 (3 in. x 2 in. x I5 in.), gross ... .... ... ...... r 30 Charter in relation to the publication of list of employees in the CITY RECORD. 2 dozen Brushes, Paste, Adams, " All Gray, No. 3," per doz ...... 4 8o From the Corporation Counsel, dated June 4, igoo-Advising the Board that all 4 dozen Brushes, Plate, Adams (I194), No. 141, per doz ...... ...... 2 70 improvements under the Eighth Ward Improvement Act must be levied in installments, as pro- 10-100 Filters, White, Prat-Dumas, "33," per I /too ...... 39 vided in the original act. Io-IOO Filters, White, Prat-Dumas, "40," per I/IOO ...... 49 The assessment-lists, hereinafter named, having been duly advertised and no objections 2 cases (to box each) Fly-paper, Tanglefoot, per case ...... 3 20 received, were, on motion, declared confirmed, and ordered transmitted to the Comptroller for 3 Jars, stone, with Lids, like sample, 30 gall. each ...... 7 00 entry and collection : 2 Pill Machines, Cooper's, complete, each ...... 10 50 4 sets Weights, metric, W. T. & Co.'s cat., page 192 (19oo), too Gm. to o.or Borough of Manhattan. Gm.,set ...... 2 40 Sewer in Sixty-third street, between East river and Avenue A, with overflow at Avenue A. Eimer & Amend, for- Borough of The Bronx. 6 Casseroles, E. & A., 5923, 4-inch, each ...... 42 Sewers and appurtenances in Prospect avenue, between East One Hundred and Sixty.ninth 6 Casseroles, E. & A., 5923, 6-inch, each...... ...... ...... 88 and East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh streets ; in Home street, between Prospect and Tinton 6 Dishes, evaporating, E. & A., 6172, 63/2-inch, each ...... 42 avenues ; in Union avenue, between East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street and Home street, 6 Dishes, evaporating, E. & A., 8-inch, each ...... ...... 52 and in East One Hundred and Sixty eighth street, between Prospect and Tinton avenues. 6 Dishes, evaporating, E. & A., 6173, 8-oz., each ...... 35 Sewer and appurtenances in East One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street, from the existing 6 Dishes, evaporating, E. & A., i-pint, each ...... ...... 5o sewer in Intervale avenue to Prospect avenue. 2 dozen Jars, museum, W. T. & Co., 2600, 3% x 6 inches, each...... ... 50 24 dozen Test-tubes, nested, 4 sizes, 3 to 6 inches, I doz. nests in box, per doe. Regulating, etc., in Crotona Park, north from Arthur avenue to East One Hundred and nests... ...... 40 Seventy-fifth street. 4 dozen Test-tubes, o>4 x 13-16 inches, like sample, per doz ...... 75 Regulating, etc., in Lind avenue, from Wolf street to Aqueduct avenue. 40 pounds Tubing, I. R. yule., E. & A., 8013, any size, strictly like sample, Sewer and appurtenances in Rogers place, between Westchester avenue and East One Hun- ...... ...... ...... dred and Sixty-fifth street. perlb 120 Sewer and appurtenances in Barretto street, from the existing sewer in Intervale avenue to United States Trading Company, for- summit south of East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street. I lot Agate Ware, L. & G.'s, agate nickel-steel, not Peerless, covers to be re- H. H. Sherman, attorney, asking permission to file objections to assessment for sewer, etc., tinned, when there is a choice, as follows : 2 Acme Teapots, 1015 ; I ditto, in Prospect avenue, which had just been confirmed. The action of the Board in confirming said 1012 ; 2 Coffee Boilers, No. 6o ; 2 Teakettles, 308, Bottom io inches ; 2 list was reconsidered and Mr. Sherman permitted to file objections. The Secretary was then Climax Saucepans, 803 ; 3 ditto, 8o8 ; 2 Royal Saucepans, 305 ; 2 Convex directed to transmit the objections of Mr. Sherman to the Department of Sewers for a report. Saucepans, 102 ; 2 ditto, io8 ; I Oval Tureen, 120 ; 12 Pie Plates, io ; 12 In the matter of the assessment for sewer in East One Hundred and Seventy-fourth street, Jelly Cake Pans, loo ; I Milk-boiler, 20 ; I ditto, 16 ; i Corn-boiler, No. I. 18 go between Webster avenue and Park avenue, etc., objections were filed by C. V. Gabriel. The objections were overruled and the list ordered transmitted to the Board of Revision of Assessments Hull, Grippen & Co., for- for confirmation. 4 Alarm Clocks, "New Haven Sprite," each ...... 125 An adjournment of the hearing of objections filed to the assessment for paving Dyckman street 6 Bolts, flush, brass, like sample, each ...... 175 was granted until June 8, 1900, at I I A. Si. 12 Cuspidors, loaded, like sample, each...... 60 In the matter of the claims for damages caused by the change of grade of Tremont avenue, 3 dozen Files, best, half-round, 8 inches, each ...... 25 Borough of The Bronx, Gumbleton & Hottenroth, attorneys, stated that they would rest the cases I dozen Hammers, Maydole's adze eye, Iy lbs., each ...... ...... 55 on the claims as filed. I Meat Chopper, Enterprise, No. 22, each ...... ...... .... 3 50 4 Nail Pullers, Giant, t8 inches, each ...... 125 Hearing of the claims for damages caused by the change of grade of Cooper street, Borough 2 Percolators, tin, iron-bound, like samples, each ...... ...... 27 50 of Manhattan, was adjourned until June 12, 1900, at II A. M. Pliers, best, side-cutting, 7 inches, each Claims were filed for damages ca::sed by the change of grade of East One Hundred and 4 ...... 65 Seventieth street. 4 Pliers, end-cutting, 7 inches, each ...... 65 2 Signs, jap. tin, lettered like sample, each ...... ..... ...... 2 00 In the matter of the assessment for the improvement to Flatbush avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, 2 Stepladders, best Udell's, 6 feet, each ...... I 90 the President reported progress. 2 Stepladders, best Udell's, 8 feet, each ...... ...... 2 25 Gumbleton & Hottenroth, attorneys, filed a brief and map in the matter of the change of I Stepladder, best Udell's, io feet, each ...... 2 75 grade of One Hundred and Thirty-seventh street, Borough of The Bronx, but as said brief was 6 dozen papers tinned Tacks, 4 Oz., like sample, per doz. papers ...... 35 incomplete, it was ordered returned. 12 Tin Pans, 13 X 20 inches, like sample, each with wood box, each...... I 00 A number of awards for damages caused by the change of grade of Fulton avenue, Borough 400 square feet Wire Gauze, 8-mesh, 48 inches wide, like sample, per square ft. o24 of The Bronx, was allowed, and the list ordered apportioned and advertised accordingly. The assessment-list for grading andaving Snediker avenue, from Liberty avenue to Dumont Gladstone Pure Oxygen Company, for- avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, confirmed by the Board of Assessors of the former City of Brooklyn 20 charges Nitrous Oxide Gas in too-gallon cylinders, S. S. White Dental Com- upon an estimated cost, was revised to conform to the actual cost, and ordered transmitted to the pany, each ...... ...... 3 00 Corn ptroiler for entry and collection. 4 Nitrous Oxide Seamless Steel Cylinders, Ioo gal., S. S. White Dental Com- The opinion of the Corporation Counsel in the matter of the Eighth Ward Improvements pany, each ...... 5 00 was referred to Assessor Meyenborg for examination. John Reynders & Co., for- Adjourned. 3 Forceps, Bullet's, Special (see sample), each ...... 175 W. H. JASPER, Secretary. Stohlmann, Pfarre & Co., for- Bougies, Oesophagal, flexible, cylind., each...... 12 75 BOARD OF ASSESSORS. 2 Electrodes, Gastric, Einhorn-Lockwood, each ...... 3 00 I Forceps, Placenta, Wylie's, large, each ...... 2 45 I Needle Holder " Combination," each ...... ...... 4 90 I Needle Holder Coe's, each .. ...... 3 50 OFFICE BOARD OF ASSESSORS, No. 320 BROADWAY, I Speculum, Cervical, Polk's, each ...... 2 io NEW YORK, June 9, 1900. j I dozen Stethoscope Bells, h. r., each ...... 25 Meeting of the Board of Assessors, held Tune 8, 1900, at I I A. Si. 2 dozen Stethoscope Ear Tips, h. r., each ...... ...... to Minutes of meeting of June 5, igoo, read and approved. 2 Uterine Dress Fcps, Coe's special, each ...... 2 so I dozen Mouse-t. Fcps, Coe's, each ...... ..... 70 The following communications were received and placed on file From the Department of Highways, dated June I, 19oo-Transmitting assessment-list for The Kny-Scheerer Company., for- grading and paving Sackman street, Borough of Brooklyn. 4 Basins, Glass, like sample, each ...... 6o From the Department of Highways, dated June 4, i oo-Transmitting assessment-list for I dozen Catheters, each ...... 124 grading and paving Fifty-seventh street, Borough of Brooklyn. 2 Catheters, return flow, each ...... 40 i Depressor, tongue, each ...... 75 From the Corporation Counsel, dated June 6, igoo-Advising the Board to proceed with the 2 Forceps, Noyes, each ...... 75 assessment for improvement of Neptune avenue, Borough of Brooklyn. 4 Retractors, each ...... 20 On motion, the assessment-list for paving Dyckman street, from Kin sbridge road to the i set Sounds. each ...... 4 50 Speedway, Borough of Manhattan, was ordered transmitted to the Board of Revision of Assess- 4 Syringes, Hypo., each.. ...... ... t 50 ments for confirmation, the objections filed by John C. Shaw, attorney, Mulqueen & Mulqueen and 2 Trocars and Canuelas, each ...... 75 C. C. Ferris, attorneys, being overruled. 2 sets Trocars, each ...... I go Gumbleton & Hottenroth, attorneys, filed a corrected brief in the matter of the change of grade 2 sets Drills, set ...... 2 of One Hundred and Thirty-seventh street, Borough of The Bronx, and the Secretary was directed i Forceps, Bone-cutt, each ...... 15o to submit a copy of said brief to the Department of Highways for a report. Lincoln & Luchesi, for- On motion, the Secretary was directed to proceed with the assessment for the improvement 2 dozen Bougies, each ...... 90 of Neptune avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, in accordance with the opinion of the Corporation I Dilator, each ...... Counsel. 2 Needle Holders, each...... Adjourned. 2 Syringes, each ...... ...... 6o W. H. JASPER, Secretary. Adolph Levy, for- I Clamp, Scrotal, each ...... ...... ...... 75 DEPARTMENT OR DOCKS AND I hereby is fixed at the rate of 33 cents per hour 6 Curettes, each ...... FERRIES. i while employed, to take effect immediately. 6 dozen Forceps, per doz ...... 6 2g Yours respectfully, 2 Forceps, Hoemorrhoidal, each ...... 2 00 WM. H. BURKE, 2 Forceps, Hysterectomy, each ...... 96 THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Secretary. 2 Knives, Cataract, each...... 6o DEPARTMENT CF DOCKS AND FERRIES, Scissors, each...... 75 PIER "A," N. R., BATTERY PLACE, 2 NEW YORK, June 8, spec. THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Fred. Haslam & Co., for- Supervisor of the City Record. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES, 6 Curettes, each ...... ...... 40 PIER "A," N. R., BATTERY PLACE, .... SIR-I beg to advise that at a meeting of the NEW YORK, June 8, I900. 4 Knives, Canaliculus, each ...... 65 Board of Docks held on the 4th instant, the Supervisor of the City Record: M.F.Conway, for- following resolution was adopted : SIR-I beg to advise that, at a meeting of r lot (54) Rubber Hand Stamps, cushioned, sizes and 1 ettering like sample, per Resolved, That the compensation of William the Board of Docks held June 4, the following lot .. ...... ...... ... . ...... .. ...... 35 00 McGuinness, Bernard Kelly, William Burkitt, actions were taken in regard to employees : 2 Electros for printing Druggists' Labels, like sample, for lot ...... I2 00 Robert E. Murphy, William C. Beneke, Michael The compensation of Charles A. Manly, J. McKEE BORDEN, Secretary. Redican and John Regan, Laborers, be and Assistant Dock Superintendent, was fixed at the 3598 THE CITY RECORD. TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1000.

rate of $2,300 per annum ; that of Frederick HUROJGH PRESIDENTS. HENRY P. MORRISON, Deputy Commissioner and DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES. Chief Engineer of Sewers, Borough of Richmond. Office Pier "A; N. R., Battery place. Lange, Stationery Custodian and Messenger, at Borough of Manhattan. ., Richmond Building," corner Richmond Terrace and $1,200 per annum ; that of Romeo T. Belts, Office of the President of the Borough of Manhattan York avenue. New Brighton, S. I, J. SERGEANT CRAM, President ; CHARLES F. MuapHY Assistant Engineer, at gf,Soo per annum ; and Nos. to, It and is City Hall. 9 A. M. to P. N.; Satus Treasurer; PETER F. MEYER, Commissioners. 4 WILLIAM H. SURER, Secretary. that of John V. Sheridan, Chainman, at $IS days, 9 A. M. to Is M. OfgorcrNfnt of Bridgfs. JAMES J. COOGAN. President. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P.M.. ; Saturdays, rs M. per week. IRA EDGAE RLDar, Secretary. Nos. 13 to ai Park Row, 9 A. M. t0 4 P. M. ; Saturdays Peter Woolley was appointed Dockmaster, 9 A. M. to 12 M. with compensation at the rate of $1,500 per Borough of The Bronx. JOHN L. SHRA, Commissioner. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Office of the President of the Borough of The Brnna THOMAS H. YORK, Deputy. annum. SAMUEL R. PROBASCO, Chief Engineer. Southwest corner of Fitty-fifth street and Sixth ave. corner Third avenue and One Hundred and Seventy nUe. y A. M. tO 4 P. M. Addison Kavanagh was appointed Steno- seventh street. p M M. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, 9 A. M U MATTHEW H. Moose, Deputy for Bronx. grapher and Typewriter, with compensation at 12 M. HARRY BRAst, Deputy for Brooklyn. Burial Permit and Contagious Disease Offices always JOHN E. BACKUS, Deputy for Queens. Opel. - the rate of $900 per annum. Louts F. HAPPEN. President. MICHARL C. MURPHY, President, and WILLIAM T. Charles S. Hill and Thomas Hardy were Borough of Brooklyn. DtDartmeut of Water Supply, JENKINS, M. D., JOHN B. CosBY, M. D., THE PRESI- DENTOFTHRPOLICE BOARD, appointed Dockbuilders, with compensation at Nos. 13 to s1 Park Row. Office hours. 9 A. M. to et-ofeio,aod the HEALTH President's Office, No. Ir Borough Hall. o A. M. to OFFICER Of THE PORT, ex-otfc(o, Commissioners the rate of 37% cents per hour while employed. N.; Saturdays, p A. M. to =a M. P. M. CASPAR GOI.DERMAN, Secretary pro tem. Thomas Harrigan was appointed Laborer EDWARD M, GROUT, President. WILLIAM DALTON, Commissioner of Water Sooviv, CHARLES F. ROBERTS. M. D.. Sanitary Superinten- with compensation at the rate of 25 cents per JAMES H. HASLIN, Deputy Commissioner, Borough dent. Borough of Queens. Of Manhattan. FREDERICK H. DILLINGHAM, M.D., Assist'nt Sani- hour while employed. GEORGE W. BIRDSALL, Chief Engineer. tary Suuerinlendent, Bor}ugh of Manhattan. ' Edward Cunningham, was appointed Rigger, FREDERICK BOWLRY, President. W. G. BYRNE, Water Registrar. EUGENE MONAHAN, M. D., Assistant Sanitary with compensation at the rate of $15 per week Office, City. 9 A. M. until 4 P. M,; Satur JAMES MOFFETT, Deputy Commissioner, Borough of Sonerintendeat, Borough of The Bronx, days, from A. M. Until rs M. Brooklyn, Municipal Building, Brooklyn. while employed. 0 ROBERT A. BLACK, M. D., Assistant Sanitary , Super. LAWRENCE GReosE't, Deputy Commissioner, Borough tendent, Borough of Brooklyn. Inez Klett, Henry Corteau, John Cotter, Borough of Richmond. of Queens, Long Island City, OBRD L. LusK, M. D., Assistant Sanitary Superb. James Cody and fames Feeney were appointed THOMAS J MULLIGAN, Deputy Commissioner, GEORGE CROMWELL, President. Borough of The Bronx, Crotona Park Building. tendent, Borough of Queens. Recreation Pier Cleaners, with compensation at Office of the President, First National Bank Building JOHN I.. FERNY, M.D., Assistant Sanitary Superlu. HENRY P. MORRISON, Dei,uty Commissioner, Borough tendent, Borough of Richmond. the rate of $50 per month while employed. New Brighton ; 9 A. M. tO 4 p.m.; Saturdays, g A. M. to of Richmond. Office, "Richmond Building," cornet Kate Murphy, Elenora Rell, Jennie L. W\'eise, Ia M. Richmond Terrace ami York avenue, New Brighton, S. 1. Lary A. Lross, Margaret Daly and Annie Foley DEPARTMENT OP PARKS. were appointed Recreation Pier Cleaners, with COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. Department of Street GTeauislg, Nos. 13 tO 01 Park Row, o A. H. to 4 P. r, GEORGE C. CLAUSEN, President, Park Board, Corn. compensation at the rate of $.}j per month while Rooms 114 and I25 Stewart Building, 9 A. Be. to 4 P. s misxioner in Manhattan and Richmond. JolN C. HsRTLle and EDWARD OwRN, Commissioner PERCIVAL E. NA':LE, Commissioner. employed. F, J1. GinsoN, Deputy Commissioner for Borough of WILLIS HOLLY, Secretary, Park Board. William Capels, Thomas P. Culkins, James Manhattan. Offices, Arsena,, Central Parts. PATRICK H. QUINN, Deputy " Commissioner for GeoRn,R V. BROWER, Commissioner in Brooklyn and Daly, William Fox, Richard Fullam, Victor PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. Queens. Heimberger, Patrick Hennessy, P. W. Ileyer, Borough of Brooklyn, Room 37 Municipal B,3ilding. No. sip Nassau street, y A,M to 4 P. M. JOSEPH 1. 'BP.R rZ, Deputy Commissioner for Borough Offices, City Hall, Brooklyn, and Litchfield %Iansioo, Edwin F. Kennedy, John W. Morgan, John WLLLwAM M. Hoax, Public Administrator. of The Bronx, No. 6r5 East One Hundred and Fifty. Prospect Park. Poer, John R. Powers, George Riggs, John J. second street. AUGUST Alumnus, Commissioner in Borough of The J IsEs F. O'E:IES, Deputy Commissioner for Bor- i1ronY- Scanlon, James G. Shand, Maurice Stack, Offices, Zhrowski Mansion, Claremont Park. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, KINGS COUNTY. ough of Queens, No. 4S Jackson avenue, Long Island William J. Tobin, John J. White and John C. City. Office hours, y A. M. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdays, is M. \Vilcox, Dock Masters, were discharged. No. ISp Montague street, Brooklyn, 9 A. at, to 5 P. r•., Yours respectfully, except Saturdays in June, July and August, 9 A. M. to Ds6arimea

REGISTER'S OFFICE. CHANGE OF GRADE DAMAGh COMMISSION, COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTY. opens daily (Sundays and legal holidays exreptedl from East side City Hall P..rk. Office hours from Q A. M. TWENTY-THIRD AND TWENTY. County Court-house, Brooklyn, Rooms to, 22, s1 and q A. M, tO 4 P. SI, Trial of causes are Tuesday and to 4 P. M.: Saturdays, Q A. M. to 12 sl. During the FOURTH WARDS. 27. Court opens to As?., daily, and sits until business Friday of each week. Room 58, Schermerhorn Building, No.96 Broadway. is completed, Part I., Room No. 23, Part II., Room WII LIAM W. PENFIELD, Justice, JOAN N. STEWART, months of July and August the hours are from y A. M. Clerk. to R 1. M. Meetings, Mondays, Weduesdays and Fridays, at 3 No. to, Court house. Clerk's Olfce, Rooms 22 and 27, ISAAC FROMMB, Register; Joift Voss GLAHF, P. M. open daily from q A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays, us Si. Second District-Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Deputy Register. WILLIAM E. STILLINGS, Chairman ; CHARLES A. JOSEPH ASPINALL AND WM. B. HURD. JR., County Wards, Court-room, corner of Third avenue and One JACKSON, OSCAR S. BAILEY, Commissioners. Juottes. Hundred and Fifty-eighth street. Office hours from g REGISTER, KINGS COUNTY. LAMONT MCLOUGHLIN, Clerk. CHARLES V. VAN DOREN, Chief Clark. 4. M. t0 4 P. M. Court opens at ro A. M. Hall of Records. Office hours, g A.M. tO 4 P. M„ cx. JOHN M. TIERNEY, Justice. HOWARD SPEAR, Clerk :epting months of July and August, then from g A. M. SURROGATES' COURT. QUEENS COUN'T'Y COURT. Borough of Brooklyn. to T P. M., provided for by statute. New County Court-house. Court open from 9 County Court-house, Long Island City. ►AMas R. Howe, Register. A. M. to 4 P. M., except Saturdays, when it closes at Ia M. County Court opeus at 9.30 A. in ; adjourns at 5 P. M First District-Comprising First, Second, Third, W ARREN C. TREDWRLL, Deputy Register. FRANK T. F117GrRALD, AnNER C. THOMAS, Jm County Jud;ge's o111ce always open at Flushing, N.Y. Fourth, Fifth. Sixth, Tenth and Twelfth Wards of the rcgates; WILLIAM V. LEARY, Chief Clerk, HARRISON S. MOORR. County fudge. Borough of Brooklyn. Court-house. northwest corner COMMISSIONER OF JURORS State and Court streets. JOHN J. WALSH, Justice. EDWARD MORAN, Clerk. Room rah Stewart Building, Chambers street and CITY MAGISTRATES' COURTS. CITY COURT OF THE CITY OF N EW YORK. Clerk's office open from Q A. M. to 4 P, M. Broadway, Q~ A. M. to 4 P.M. Courts open from A. M. until 4 P. M. No. as Chambers street, brown-stone Building, City 9 Second District-Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh, CHARLES W KLDd, Commissioner; JAMES X. CONNER. City MIZgtStrrtez-HENRY A. BRANH, ROBERT C. Hall Park, from in A-M,tO 4 P,M- Deputy Commissioner. CORNELL, LEROY B. CRANE, JOSEPH M. DRUEL, CHARLES General'lerm. Twentieth, Twenty-first. Twenty-second and Twenty. A. FLAMMER, LORENZ ZELLF.R, CLARENCE W. MEADS, Trial Term, Part 1. third Wards. Court-room located at No. 7q4 Broad- SPECIAL COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. JOHN O. MOTT, JOSEPH POOL, JOHN B. MAYO, F.o. Part 1I. Way. Brooklyn. GEIRARD B. VAN WART, Justice. WILLIAM H.ALLaN, No. III Fifth avenue. 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. WARD HOGAN, WILLARD H. OLMSTED. Part III PHILIP BLOCH. Secretary. Part IV, Clerk. H. W. GRAY, Commissioner, Clerk's office open from g M M. to 4 P.M. FREDERICK P.SII,IpsoN, Assistant Commissioner. First District-Criminal Court Building. Special Term Chambers will be held no A, M. to 4 Second District-Jefferson Market. P.M, Third District-Includes the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Third District-No. 69 Essex street. Clerk's. Office, from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Fourth District-Fifty-seventh street, near Lexington JAMES M. FITZSIFIONS, Chief Justice : JOHN H. Nineteenth Wards. Court-house, Nos. 6 and 8 Lee ave. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, KINGS COUNTY. avenue. MCCARTHY, Lewis J. CONI.AN, JOHN P. SCHUCHMAN, sue. Brooklyn. Court-house. Fifth District-One Hundred and Twenty-first street EDWARD F. O'DWYRR and 'THEODORE F. HASCALL, WILLIAM J. LYNCH, Justice. JOHN W. CARPENTER, WILLIAM A. FURRY, Commissioner. southeastern corner of Sylvan place. J,istces. THOMAS F, SMITH, Clerk Clerk. Sixth District-One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street Clerk's office open from q M M. until 4 P. M. Court and Third avenue. opens at no o'clock. SPECIAL COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, Seventh District-Fifty-fourth street, west of Eighth COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. avenue. Fourth District - Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, KINGS COUNTY SECOND DIVISION. Held In the building for Criminal Courts, Centre Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth Elm, White and Franklin streets. Court opens at half- No. 37 Fulton street. Borough of Brooklyn. Wards. Court-room, No.14 Howard avenue. EDWARD J. DOOLEY, Coy missfoner. past ro o'clock. THOMAS H. WII.L,AvI'u, Justice. HFRSIAN GOHLING- First District-No.318 Adams street. JACOB BRAN. RUFUS B. COWING, City Judge; JOHN W. Go,,, Re- ERR, Magistrate. HORST Clerk ; JAMES P. SINNOTT, Assistant Clerk. corder; JOSEPH E. NF.WBURG115, MARTIN T. MCMAR,ON Clerk's office open fron, Q A.M. to 4 P.M. Second District-Court and Butler streets. HENRY and WARREN W. FOSTER, Judges of the Court of COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, QUEENS BRISTOW, Magistrate. COUNTY. General Sessions. EDWARD R. CARROLL, Clerk. Fifth District-Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth, Thirty-first Third District-Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues. Clerk's office open tram 9 A. M. to 4 F. M. and Thirty-second Wards. Court-room on Bath ave. Office hours, In A. M. to 4 P.M. ; Saturdays, Io A. M. to CHARLES E. - I'EALE, Magistrate. sue and Bay Twenty-second street, Bath Beach. Ia M. Fourth District-Nos.6 and 8 Lee avenue. WILLIAM CORNEI.IUS FURGUnSON, Justice. JHREMIAH J. KRAMER. Magistrate. EDWARD J. KNAUER. Commissioner. COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS, O'LEARY, Clerk. H. HOMER MOORE, Assistant Commissioner. Fifth District-Ewen and Powers streets. ANDREW Clerk's office open from o A.M. to 4 P. M LesioN. Ma,;istrete. Building for Criminal Courts, Centre street, between Sixth District-Gates and Reid avenues. LEWIS R. Franklin and White streets, Borough of Manhattan, Borough of Queens. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, RICHMOND WORTH, Magistrate. Court opens at 10 A. M. COUNTY. Seventh District-No, 3r Grant street, Flatbush 7ustsur, First Division - ELtzuR B. HINSDALE, First District-First Ward (all of Long Island City, formerly comocsing five Wards). Court-roon•, Queens CHARLES J. KULLMAN, Commissioner. ALPRPD E. STF,FRS, Magistrate. WV,LIAMM TRAVORS JEROME, EPHRAIM A. JACOB, JOHN - -ALBERT VAN BRUNT B, McKFA t, WILLIAM C. HOLBROOK. WILLIAM NI. County Court-house (located temporarily). WILLIAM J. DOWLING, Deputy Commissioner. Eighth District Coney Island 'THOMAS C. KADIEN, Justice. THOMAS F, KENNEDY, Magistrate. . FULLER, Clerk ; JOS SPH H. JONES, Deputy Clerk. Office open from 9 A. II. until P. in. ; Saturdays, from VOORNRES, Jr., Clerk. 9 A.M. to IS M. Clerk's office open from g A, 4 P. M. Borough of Queens. Second Division-Trial days-Borough Hall, Brook- Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. each week day. Court held each day, ex, ept SnrurIlay. First District-Nos, ar and :g Jackson avenue, lyn, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at no o'clock; NEW YORK COUNTY JAIL. Long Island City. MATTHEW J. SMITH, Magistrate. Town Hall, Jamaica, Borough of Queens, Tuesdays, at Second District-Second and "Third W.Irds, which No. 7o Ludlow street, 6 k. M. to to P. M., daily. Second District-Flushing, Long Island. LUKE J, to o'clock ; Town Hall, New Brighton, Borough of Includes the territory of the late Towns of Newtown WILLIAM F. GRELL, Sheriff. C')N'"ORTON, Magistrate. Richmond, Thursdays, at to o'clock. And Flushing. Court-room in Court-house of late Town if Newtown, corner of Broadway and Court street, PATRICK H. PICKETT. Warden. Far Rockaway, Long Island. Er. 7uotices JOHN COUR"rsRY, HOWARD J. FORKER, Third District- Elmhurst, New York. P.O. address, Elmhurst, New MUND J. HEALY, Magistrate. PAIRIZK F.ADV, JOHN FIRMING, THOMAS W. York. I'I'I ZGRRAI D, JOSEPH L, KERRIGAN, Clerk; CHARLES KINGS COUNTY JAIL, Borough of Richmond. F. \Vol.z, Deputy Clerk. WILLIAM RASQQUIN, Jr., Justice. HENRY WALTER, Raymond street, between Willoughby street and Clerk's office, Borough Hall, Borough of Brooklyn, fr., Clerk. First District-New Brighton, Staten Island. JOHN Clerk's office open from q A.M. to 4 P. ,s. DeKalb avenue, Brooklyn, New York. CROAK, Maglstr:tte. open from 9 A, M. to 4 P. M. WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff; RICHARD BERGIN, Second District-Stapleton,Staten Island. NATHANIEL Third District-JAMBS F. hlcI.AQGNLIN, Justice; Warden. MARSh, Magistrate. GEORGE W.Dacbs, Clerk. Secretary to the Board, JARED J. CHAMERRS, Myrtle MUNICIPAL COURTS Court-house, Town Hall. Jamaica. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. and Vanderbilt avenues, Borough of Brooklyn. Clerk,s office open from q A. +1. to 4 P. 51. Court held Borough of Manhattan. Nos. 8, g, ro and rt New County Court-house, g on Mondays, Wednesdaysand Fridays, at ro A. +1, A, M. to 4 P. M. KINGS COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT. First District-Third, Fifth and Eighth Wards, ano WILLIAM SOHMER, County Cleric. all that part of the First Ward lying west of Broadway Borough of Richmond. GEORGE H. FAHRBACII, Deputy. Hall of Records, Brooklyn. and Whitehall street, including Governor's Island, GEORGE B. ABBOTT, Surrogate. Bedloe's Island, Ellis Island and the Oyster Islands, First District-First and Third Wards (Towns o MICIIARL F. McGoLDRICK, Chief Clerk. New Court-house, No. m8 Prince street, corner of Castleton and Northfield). Court-room, former Village KINGS COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. Court opens 10 A.M. Office hours, g A. M, to 4 P. M. Wooster street. Hall, Lafayette avenue and Second street, New Brighton. Hall of Records, Brooklyn, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. DANIEL E. FINN, Justice. FRANK L. BACON, Clerk, I JOHN J. KENNEY, Justice. FRANCIS F'. LRMAN, Clerk. Clerk's office open from Q A. M. to 4 P.M. PETER P. Huastety, County Clerk. COUNTY JUDGE AND SURROGATE. Court office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Court held County Office Building, Richmond, S. I. Second District-Second, Fourth, Sixth and Four. each day, except Saturday, from 10 A. M. teenth Wards, and all that portion of the First Ward QUEENS COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE. STEPHEN D. STEVENS, County Jude. Second District-Second, Fourth and Fifth Wards lying south and east of Broadway and Whitehall street. (Towns of Middletown, Southfield and Westfield). Jamaica, N. Y., Fourth Ward, Borough of Queens. Court-room, corner of Gr'nd and Centre streets. Office hours, April 1 to October r, 8 A. M. to 5 P. Ia.; HERMANN BIILTE, Justice. FRANCIS MARGIN, Clerk. Court-room, former Edgewater Village Hall, Stapleton, KINGS COUNTY TREASUR%F. GEORGE W. STAKE, Justice. PETER TIERNAN, Clerk. October I to April I, 9 A. H. to 5 P. M ; Saturdays, to Clerk's office open from q A. M. to 4 P. M. Court office open from q A. SI. to 5 P. M. Court held 12 M. Court-house, Room 14. Court opens daily at 10 A. in., and remains open until each day from 10 A, M., and continues until close of County and Supreme Court held at the Queens JOHN W, KIMBALL, TIeasurer ; THOMAS F. FARRELL, daily calendar is disposed of and close of the daily business. County Court-house, Long Island City, Court opens Deputy Treasurer, business, except an Sundays and legal holidays. ..30 A AI., to adjourn 5 P. M. Third District-Ninth and Fifteenth Wards. Court. JOHN H. SUTPHIN, County Clerk. THE COMMISSIONER OF RECORDS, KINGS room, southwest corner Sixth avenue and West 'Tenth CHARLES DOWNING, Deputy County,Clerk. COUNTY. street. Court open daily (Sundays and legal holidays CHANCE OF GRADE DAMAGE Room I, Hall of Records. Office hours, g A. M, to excepted) from 9 A.M, to 4 P. M. COMMISSION, TWENTY-THIRD RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. 4 P. SI. Wsi. F, MOORE, Justice. DANIEL WILLIAMS, Clerk. AND TWENTY-FOURTH WARDS. County Office Building, Richmond, S. L. g A. M. to 4 GEORGE E. WALDO, Commissioner. Fourth District-Tenth and Seventeenth Wards, P.M. FRANK M. THORPDRN, Deputy Commissioner. Court-room, No. 30 First street, corner Second avenue. URSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAP- EDWARD M. MULLER, County Clerk. THOMAS D. MOSScRO P, Superintendent. Court opens 9 A. M. daily, and remains open to close of ter 537 of the Laws of 1893, entitled "An act CROWELL M.CONNER, Deputy County Clerk. JOSEPH H. GRENELLE, Secretary. business. I,P providing for ascertaining and paying the amount of GEORGE F, RosscH, Justice. JOHN E. LYNCH, Clerk. "damages to lands and buildings suffered by reason of Fifth District-Seventh, Eleventh and Thirteenth "changes of grade of streets or avenues, made pursuant NEW EAST RIVER BRIDGE COMMISSION. EXAMINING BOARD OF PLUMBERS. Wards. Court-room, No. 154 Clinton street. "to chapter 721 of the Laws of 1887, providing for the Commissioners' Office, No. a58 Broadway, Borough BENJAMIN HOFFMAN, Justice. THOAIAS FITZPATRICK, ,, depression of railroad tracks in the 'Twenty-third and • Rooms 14, is and 16 Nos. 149 to 151 Church street. I, Twenty-fourth Wards, in The City of New York, or of Manhattan, New York, g A. in. to 4 P. M President, JOHN RRNEHAN; Secretary, JAMES k. Clerk. LEwis Ntx ON, President; JAMES W. BOYLE, Vice- McGovERN • Treasurer, EDWARD HALEY, HORACE Sixth District-Eighteenth and Twenty-first Wards. "otherwise, and the acts amendatory thereof and President; JAMES D. BELL, Secretary; JULIAN D Court-room, northwest corner Twenty-third street and supplemental thereto, nonce is hereby given that LooMIS, P. J. ANDREWS, fY-0fCiO. public meetings of the Commissioners appointed pur. FAIRCHILD, Treasurer; JOHN W. WEBER, SMITH E. Office open during business hours every day in the Second avenue. Court opens g A. M. daily, and continues suant to said sots, will be held at Room 58, Schermer. LANs and The MAYOR, Commissioners. year, exc Ipt legal holidays. Examinations are held on open to close of business. Chief Engineer's Office, No. 84 Broadway, Brooklyn. Monday, Wednesday and Friday after I P. M. DANIEL F. MARTIN, Justice. ABRAM BERNARD, Clerk. horn Building, No.96 Broadway, in The City of New L. D., y A. M, to 5 P. M. York, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each Seventh District-Nineteenth Ward. Court-room, week, at s o'clock P. M„ until further notice. No. rst East Fifty-seventh street. Court opens every DISTRICT ATTORNEY. morning at 9 o clock (except Sundays and legal holi. Dated New YORK, January 3, 1900. SUPREME COURT. WILLIAM E. STILLINGS, New Criminal Court Building, Centre street, 9 A. M. days). and continues open to close of business. County Court-house, 10.30 A. M. to 4 P.M. HERMAN JOSEPH, Justice. PATRICK MCDAVrrr, CHARLES A. JACKSON, 4P,M. Special Term, Part I., Room No. 16. OSCAR S. BAILEY, ASA BIRD GARDINER, District Attorney; Wtt.LIAJ J. Clerk's Office, Part I., Room No. I5. Clerk. MCKENNA. Chief Law Clerk. Commissioners. Special'cerm, Part II., Room No, r3, Eighth District-Sixteenth and Twentieth Wards. LAMONT MCLOUGHLIN, Clerk's Office, Part II., Room No.12. Court-room, northwest corner of Twenty-third street KINGS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Special Term, Part IIl., Room No, 18. and Eighth avenue. Court opens at 10 A. M. and con. Clerk's Office, Part III., Room No, IS. tinues open to close of business. Office, County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn. Special Term Part IV., Room Clerk's office open from g M M. to 4 P.M. each Court BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Hours, 9 A. M. tO 5 P.M. Special term, Part V., Room No.33. day. JOHN F. CLARKE, District Attorney. .. Special Term Part VI., Room No. 31. Trial days and Return days, each Court day. Special Term, Part VII., Room No.39. JOSEPH H. STINER, Justice, THOMAS COSTIOAN, HAVE RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING PE'I'I- QUEENS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Trial Term, Part I I., Room No. 34. Clerk. I tions, which are now on file in my office for inspec- tion, and will submit them to the Local Boari's of the Office, Queens County Court-house, Long Island Clerk s Office Room No. 23. NinthDistrict-Twelfth Ward, except that portion TrialI'erm, Part III., Room No.22, thereof which lies west of the centre line of Lenox or Sixth and Eighth Districts at a joint meeting, o be held City, 9 A. M. tO 4 P. M. Trial Term, Part IV., Room No.21, on Fl iday, June zz, tyo:1, at 4 30 P. .5I., in the office of the JOHN B. MERRILL, District Attorney. Sixth avenue, and of the Harlem river north of the Trial Term, Part V., Room No. s4. terminus of Lenox avenue. Court-room, No. 170 East President of the Borough. Room rt, Borough Hull: CLARENCE A, DREW, Chief Clerk. trial Term, Part VI., Room No. 35. One Hundred and Twenty-first street, southeast corner Prospcer avenue-Opening Prospect avenue, between Trial Term, Part VII., Room No.36. Flevenlh avenue and Terrace place at the point where of Sylvan place Court opens every morning at q the lines of said avenue have been altered, in order to RICHMOND COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Trial Term, Part VIII., Room No, z7, oclock (except Sundays and legal holidays), and con. Trial Term, Part IX., Room No.zq. tinues open to close of business. make the avenue conI,nunu=. - Port Richmond, S. I. Trial Term, Part X., Room No, a8. President street-Opening President street, between EDWARD S. RAWSON. District Attorney. JOSEPH P. FALLOW, Justice. WILLIAM J. KENNEDY, Wa'hin_t.n avenue and East New York avenue. Trial Term, Part X1., Room No.37. Clerk. Trial Term, Part XI I., Room No, z6. Clerk's office open gaily from g A. M. to 4 P. M. Franklin aven,e-C'snstruciion of sells rill Franklin avenue, between Union and Mont omery streets, and CORONERS. Appellate Term, Room wenty.second Ward and all that Clerk's Office, Appellate Term, Room No.3o, Tenth District-1- outlet sewers iu Montgomery street, trom Frankln ave- Borough of Manhattan. Naturalization Bureau. Room No, 38, portion of the Twelfth Ward which is hounded on the nue to Bedford avenue, and in Bechord avenue, fry. in north by the centre line of One Hundred and 'rent', Montgomery street to Marlene sires. Office, New Criminal Court Building. Open at all Assignment Bureau. Room No.32. street, on the south by the centre line of Eighty-sixth times of day nd night. 7MItiCes-GEORGE C. BARRETT, ABRAHAM R. LAW. EDWARD M. GROUT, street, on the east by the centre line of Sixth avenue, President, Borough of Brooklyn. EDWARD T. FITZPATRICK, JACOB E. BAUSCH, EDWARD RENCE, CHARLES H. I'RUAX. CHARLES F. MACLEAN, and on the west by the North rivet. Court-room, No. W. HART. ANTONIO ZUCCA. FREDERICK SMYTY, JAMES FITZGERALD, MILES BEACH, DAVID LEYR`eTRTTI, LEONARD A. GEIGERICH, HENRY 314 West Fifty-fourth street. Court opens daily Borough of The Bronx. (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from g A. M. to 4 HAVE RECEIVED THE FOL.LOWING PETI- BISCHOFF, Jr., JOHN J. FREEDMAN, GEORGE P. tions, which are now on file in my office for inspec- No. 761 East One Hundred and Sixty-sixth street. P. M. I ANDREWS, P. HENRY DUGRO, DAVID MCADAM, HENRY THOMAS F. MURRAY, Justice. HUGH GRANT, Clerk. tion, and will submit them to the Local B( and of the Open ram 8 A. M. to Ix, midnight. R. BEEKMAN, HENRY A. GILDERSLEEVE, FRANCIS M. Sixth District on Friday, Julie 22, Igoo, ill 4.30 P. M-, rrt'HONY McOWIN, THOMAS M. Lvwc= SCOTT, JAMES A.O'GORMAN. WILLIAM SoNMER, Clerk. Eleventh District-That portion of the Twelfth Ward • which lies north of the centre line of West One Hun. in the office of the President of the Borough, Room tr, Borough of Brooklyn. dred and Tenth street and west of the centre line of Borough Hall: , Garfield plcce-Grad'ng vacant lots on the south side Office, Room t7, Borough Hall. Open all times of CRIMINAL DIVISION, SUPREME COURT. Lenox or Sixth avenue, and of the Harlem river north of Garfield place, between Eighth avence and Prospect day and night, except between the hours of is M. and of the terminus of Lenox or Sixth avenue. Court. New Criminal Court Building, Centre street. Court Park, West, known as Lots Nos. r8 and Iq, Block 66, g P. M., on Sundays and holidays. room, corner of One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street Twenty-second Ward Map. ANTHONY J. BURGER, GEORGE W. DerAR. opens at 10,30 o'clock A. H. and Columbus avenue. Court opens daily (Sundays EDWARD R. CARROLL, Clerk. Hours from to A. M. tc and legal holidays excepted) from to A. M. to 4 P.M. Waverly avenue-Flagging sidewalk on the west side Borough of Queens. of %Vaverly avenue, Letween l'ark acd Flushing 4 P. M. FRANCIS Jr. WORCESTER, Justice. ADOLPH N. DUMA- avenues, in front of Lots N. s.7 to IC, inthbtvg, and Lot Office, Borough Hall, Fulton street, Jamaica. L.1. HAUT, Clerk. No. r, Block 8, Twentieth Ward Map. PHILIP T. CRONIN, LEONARD ROUFP, Jr., and SAMUEL APPELLATE DIVISION, SUPREME COURT. Borough of The Bronx. Waverly venue-Flagging ,ieeu'alk on the east side S. Guy, Jr. First District-All that part of the Twenty-fourth of Waverly atenue, between Park and Flushing CHARLES J. SCHNELLCR, Clerk. Court-house, Madison avenue, corner Twenty-fifth street. Court opens at I P. M. Ward which was lately annexed to the City and County avenues, in Irons of lots N..s. r_c, i6, 17, 33. 34 and 35, Borough of Richmond. CHARLES H. VAN BRUNT, Presiding Justice; CHESTER of New York by chapter s034 of the Laws of 1895, com- Block 9, Twentieth W.,rd Map. B. MCLAUGHLIN, EDWARD PATTERSON, MORGAN J. prising all of the late Town of Westchester and part of Prospect place-Flagging sidewalk on the =nwh side No.64 New York avenue, Rosebank. the Towns of Eastchester and Pelham, including the of Prospect pace, between Grand and Washington Open for the transaction of business all hours of the O'BRIRN, GEORGE L. INGRAHAM, WILLIAM RUMSEY, EDWARD W. HATCH, Justices. ALFRED WAGSTAPP, Villages of Wakefield and Williarnsoridge. Court-room, avenues, in front of Lots Nos. I and z, Block 24, Ninth da and night. Town Hall, Main street, Westchester Village. Court Ward Map. JOHN SRAvsa, Gsoaog C. TEAwTRR. Clerk; WtusAM LAMB, Jr., Deputy Clerk.


Flushing avenue- Fl.zgging sidewalk en the south ski DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, Lions and contract approved as to form by the Corpora. of Flushing avutuc, between North Oxford street an will be returned to the persons making the same Lion Counsel, and further information in regard to the Cumberland street, in ft ant of Lots Nos. z and 5, Block CHARITIES. within three days after the contract is awarded. If the work aforesaid can also be obtained at the office of the Twentieth Ward Map. successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five, Commissioner of Public Charities for the Boroughs of Ninth street-Flagging sidewalk on the south side a DRt'ARTMENT "P Pt'm IC CHARITIES OP THE 1 days after notice that the contract has been awarded Brooklyn and Queens, Nos, za6 and xvs Livingston street, Ninth street, betwe-n Eighth avenue and Prospec Cri% oP Ness YORK, to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit Brooklyn, or at the office of the Architect, Louis H. Park, West, in front of Lot Nc. 77, Block r6z, Twenty BrROt'oHS OF' BROOKLYN AND QUERSS, made by him shall be forfeited to and be retained by The Voss, No. 6; DeKalb avenue, Brooklyn, who will give second Ward Map. NOS. t26 .nNll ra8 LIYINcsrt'N SlREET, City of New York as liquidated damages for such all necessary information in regard to the work. Plaza are-t-Flagging si iewalk on the west side o BROOKLYN, NEw' YORK. neglect or refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract !. JOHN W. KELLER, Plaza street, between St. John's place and Lincoln place within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit A. SIhfIS,Jr., in front of Lots No'. I, 15. 14, 13 and o, Block zz8 will be returned to him. JAMES FE - NY, Ninth Ward Map. TO CONTRACTORS. Blank forms of bids or estimates, the proper envelopes Commissioners of Public Charit es, New York. Grand avenue-Flagging sidewalk on the cast side o in which to inclose the same, and of proposed specifica- NEW YORK, June 6, rgno. Grand avenue, between St. Mark's avenue and Pro•pec place, in front of Lots Nos. t to r3, inclusive, Block 39 Ninth Ward Map. PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES. Prospect avenue-Flagging sidewalk at the northeas DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. c rrner of Prospect avenue and Fourth avenue, in from t of Lot No. 36, Block 93, 'Cwenty-second Ward Map, SEALED ESTIMATES FOR THE ERECTION OF PROPOSALS FOR $3.135,000 OF THREE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. COR. Twelfth street-Flagging and reflagging sidewalk on south side of Twelfth street, between Third an d (z) One Nurses' Home, PORATE STOCK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Fourth avenues, in front of Lot No. 6z, Block 97 I2)) One Idiot Pavilion, Twent y-sec and Ward Map. (i Two Additions (Toilets) to Main Hospital, Twelfth street-Flagging sidewalk on the south sid e (4) One Addition to Infants' Hospital, of Twelfth street, between Fourth and Fttth avenues, inn (5) One Addition to Consumptives' Building, of Lots Nos. 42 and 43, Block too, Twenty-second (6) One Alteration to Bakery, PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. Map. (7) One Pumping Plant, Sixth street-Fencing vacant lots on the south side of( (8) One Heating Plant, street, between Fourth and Fifth avenues, and ona (9) One Crematory for Garbage, north side of Seventh street, between Fourth andd (to) New Plumbing t-r Almshouses, avenues, known as Lots Nos. v7, toad 57, Blockk (ti) New Roofing for Main Hospital, EXEMPT FROM ALL TAXA7/OA- IA' THE STATE OF h EW YORK, EXCEFT FOR STATE Twenty-s,cond Ward Slap. will be received at the Office of the Department Third street-Fencing vacant lots on the south sid e of Public Charities, foot of East Twenty-sixth street, PURPOSES, of Third street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues Borough of Manhattan, unt'l za o'clock H. of and on the north side of Fourth street, between Sixth Seventh avenues, known as Lots Nos. 4r, 39, 40, zo MONDAY, THE 18th DAY OF JUNE, 1900. 52 and St, Blcck 39, Twenty-second Ward Map. The person or persons making the estimate shall EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, GUARDIANS AND OTHERS HOLDING TRUST FUNDS ARE Sixteenth street-Fencing vacant lots on the northh furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed AUTHORIZED, BY SECTION 9, OF' ARTICLE it OF CHAPTER 417 OF THE LAWS OF 1897, TO of Sixteenth street, between Prospect Park, West " Estimate for the Erection of Buildings, etc.," and with and Tenth avenue, known as Lots Nos. 64, 65, and 63 his or their name or names and the date of presentation INVEST IN THIS STOCK. Block 178, Twenty-second Ward Map. to the head of said Department, at the said office, on Second street--Fencing vacant lots on the south sidee or before the day and hour above named, at which time Second street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues , and place the estimates received will be publicly opened EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CITY OF NEW and on the north sire of Third street, between Sixthh by the head of said Department, or his representative, Seventh avenues, known as Lots Nos. ax to 26, and read. S York, at his office, No. a8o Broadway, in The City of New York, until inclusive, and No. too, Block 40, Twenty-second Ward Map. Bidders must submit separatebidson each of theafore- MONDAY, THE ASth DAY OF JUNE, 1900, said buildings and works and alterations according to Fourteenth street-Fencing vacant lot on the south at 2 o'clock P. M„ when they will be publicly opened in the presence of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, or the plans .,,d specifications; they must also submit such of them as shall attend, as provided by law, for the whole or a part of the following-described Registered side of Fourteenth street, between Second and Third separate bids for heating plant, as called for in speci- avenues, known as Lot 34, Block 77, Twenty-second Stock of The City of New York, bearing interest at the rate of three and one-half per cent. per annum, from and Ward Map, fications. including the date of payment therefor, to wit: EDWARD M. GROUT, Permission will not be given for the withdrawal of President, Borough of Brooklyn. any bid or estimate, and the tight is expressly reserved by the said Department to reject all bids should it be INTERPST deemed to the public interests so to do. PRINCIPAL PAYABLE AMOUNT. I . TITLE. Au t HoRITY CORPORATION No estimates will be accepted from or a contract PAYABLE. SEStI-ANNL!ALLY NOTICE. awarded to any person wbo is in arrears to the Cor. ON poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, UBLIC NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the P on the t th day of July, 19co, the Board of Corporation. Assessors of City of Newew York will meet at the Chapters 5q and 791 of the laws of' The personPe o or Pperso ns t0o whomom each one of the con. 1897 ; sections 169 and r7o of office of said Board, No, 3z~ Broadway, New York, for tracts may be awarded will be required to give security the purpose of apportioning or assessing the first annual chapter 378 of the Laws of installment, or one-fortieth part of the assessment for for the performance of such contract by his or their t897 ; resolution of the Board of grading, constructing and improving Neptune avenue, bond, with two sufficient sureties, each in the following $5,r o o0n 00 CorporatCo orat e Stock of The Estimate and Apportionment of from West Fifteenth street to the west line of old Lot amounts, viz.: Catty of New York, for( The City of New York, adopted No.47, former Town of Gravesend, Borough of Brook- !r) Contract for Nurses' Home, in the a New Hall of Records February 3, .859, and resolution lyn, as confirmed by the Supreme Court April r3, t893. sum of...... et4,000 00 of the Municipal Assembly, ad- All persons interested in the lands to le affected by 2' Idiot Pavilion...... a, too on opted by the Board of Aldermen, such apportionment or assessment are hereby notified (3; " Additions 'lode s) to - August 2, x899, and by the Council, to appear before the said Board at the time and place Main Hospital..... 27,000 CO August 9, 1899...... Nov. s, t930 I May t and Nov it aforesaid, when they will be entitled to be heard upon (4) ,. Addition to Infants' Hos. the questions of such apportionment or assessment. pital ...... 7,o- _ o co The fallowing is the area included in the above assess- (5) Addition to Comsum. ment: Both sides of Neptune avenue, from West tive.,' Building..... S,000 oc, Fifteenth street to the west line of old Lot No.47, and (61 " Alteration to Bakery... 2500 00 Chapter t47 of the Laws of 1S (7) bumping Plant...... to the extent of three hundred and fifty feet north and 2,500 0) I. I sections 169 and 170 of chat south from Neptune avenue. (8) " Heating Plant . .... xa,goa 00 500,000 00 Corporate Sock of The 378 of the Law; of 7897; res EDWARD McCUE, (9? Garb-ge Crematory.... o,soo on City of New York, for tion of the Posed of Estimate EDWARD CAHILL, (to) " Plumbing, Almshouses. 5,00) 00 consiructin; a bridge Apportionment of The City THOS. A. WILSON, It, " Roofing for Main Hos- over the Harlem river New York, adopted June 7, 1 PATRICK M. HAVERTY, pital ...... 2,500 00 ' at Willis avenue...... and resolution of the Munic JOHN B. MEYENBORG, Assembly approved by the Ma Board of Assessors For particulars as to the quantity and quality of the l July 26, .898 ...... Nov. r, 1930 May t and Nov. r WILLIAM H. JASPER, supplies, or the nature and extent of the work requ'red, Secretary, or of materials to be furnished, will be found in the No. 320 Broadway. specifications and contract for the said work. CITY OF New YORK, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, I The buildings, works and alterations are to be coori- 1 June z2, 1900. ' pIeted and delivered within the time stipulated in each 300,000 cc Chapter 406 of the Lows of 11896; Corporate Sock ofThe sections coq and 170 of chapter 378 specification for each job, after the execution of the City of New York, contract. of the Law's of 1897 ; resolution of UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE for the Erection of an the Board of Estimate and Appor- owner or owners of all houses and lots, improved lie damages to be paid by the contractor for each Addition to the Build- P day • that the contract mayy be unfu1 filled ofi er the time tionment of the City of New York, or unimproved lands affected thereby, that the follow- ing for the Museum of adopted September 115, 1899, and log proposed assessments have been completed and specified for the completion thereof shall have expired, Arts and Sciences, are fixed and liquidated at Fifty (5o; Dollars. resolution of the Municipal As

NOTICE TO PROPERTY-OWNERS. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR OPEN- the United States Pierhead-line in the East river ; A certified check or certificate of deposit must ac- thence southwesterly and northwesterly along said company each proposal, an required by the By-Laws of ING STREETS AND PARKS. United States Pierhead-line to the point or place of said Board, to be disposed of as the By-Laws provide, beginning. and surety niust be furnished as required by said TN PURSUANCE OF SECTION ror8 OF TIIF. N PURSUANCE OF SF:CIION 1005 OF THE The above-entitled assessment was entered on the By-Laws. 1 Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of '1'hc I " Greater New York Charter," the Comptroller of date hereinabove given in the Record of Titles of Fire By-Laws maybe examined at the office of the City of New York hereby gives public notice to all The City of New York hereby gives public notice of Assessments Confirmed, kept in the " Bureau for the Secretary. persons, owners of property, affected by the following the confirmation by the Supreme Court, and the entering Collection of Assessments and Arrears." Unless the The Committee reserves the right to reject any or assessment for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and amount assessed for benefit on any person or property all proposals submitted. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX: Arrears, of the as,assm,nt for OPENING AND shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, May 2,, 1900. ACQUIRING T'l'1'LE to the following-named street entry of the assessment, interest will be collected RICHARD H. ADAMS, TWENTY-THIRD WARD, SECTION so. in the BOROUGH OF THE BRONX: thereon, as provided in section Ioo6 of the ° Greater CHARLES E. ROBERTSON, New York Charter." AIIRAHAM STERN, BARRETTO STREET—SEWER, from the existing TWENTY-THIRD WARD, SECTION ro. Said section provides that, "If any such assessmr~nt WILLIAM J. COLE, sewer in Intervale avenue to the street summit south of HUNT'S PuINT ROAD—OPENING, from the shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after MILES M. t)'BRIEN, East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street. Area of the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of PATRICK J. WHITE, assessment: Both sides of Barretto street, between Southern Boulevard to the East river. Confirmed March ao, rgoo. Entered May a8, rcyo. Area of As- Assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer author- JOHN R. THOMPSON, Intervale avenue and the street summit south of East izcd to collect and receive the amount of such assess- Committee on Buildings. One Hundred and StxIy seventh street; north side of sescment: includes all those lands, tenements and hered- itaments and premises situate, lying and being in the ment to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at Home street, hetween Barretto and Fox streets ; east the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calcu- Borough of The Bronx, in The City of New York, which, TO CONTRACTORS. side of Intervale avenue, between Barretto and Freeman taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.: lated from the date of such entry to the date of pay- streets, and Lot No. 48 of Block No. 2974• Beginning at the intersection of the United States Pier- ment." EAST ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY.FIFTH head-line with the prolongation southerly of the easterly PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES. STREET—SEWER, from the existing sewer in Inter- The above assessment is payable to the Collector line of Bryant street, and running thence northerly along of Assessments and Arrears, ar the Bureau for vale avenue to Prospect avenue. Area of assessment: the said prolongation and said easterly line of Bryant Both sides of East One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street, the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of 'Taxes KALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED street to the prolongation easterly of the middle line and Asses'meats and of Water Rents, at Crotona between Intervale and Prospect avenues, and Fast side of the block between Edgewater road and Ryawa ave- S by the Committee on Buildings of the Board of of Rogers place, between Hall place and Interval, Park Building, corner of One Hundred and Seventy- Education of The City of New York, at the Hall of the nue ; thence westerly along the said prolongation seventh street and Third avenue, Borough of The avenue. easterly and said middle line of the block between Board, southwest corner of Park avenue and Fifty-ninth Bronx, between the hours of 9 A. it. and 2 P. ii.; and street, Borough of Manhattan, until 4 o'clock P.M.. on ROGERS PI ACE—SEWER, between Westchester Edgewater road and Ryawa avenue to the middle line of the blocks between Byrant street and Fade on Saturdays from 9 A. M. to is m., and all pay. avenue and East One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street. meats made thereon on or b, fore July a7, .900, will MONDAY, JUNE 1B, 1900, street ; thence nor.herly along the said middle line Area of assessment: Both sides of Rogers place, be- be exempt from interest, as above provided, and after for completing the work if Erecting New Public Schools tween \h estch ester avenue and East One Hundred and of the blocks between Byr.tnt street and Faile that date will be subject to a charge of interest at the street to a line drawn parallel to Viele avenue and 42. 43 and 44, Borough of Queens. Sixty-fifth street; north side of Westchester avenue, rate of seven per cent, per annum from the date of No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract between Rogers place and Stebbins avenue, and the in- distant ,-o feet southerly from the southerly side entry in the Record of Titles of Assessments in said owarced to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- terior lots numbered 36, 37 and go, of Block No. 2698. thereof; thence westerly along the said line drawn Bureau to the date of payment. par:dlel to Viele avenue and d stant too feet southerly poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter. as BIRD S. COLER, surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- TWENTY-THIRD ANI) TWENTY-FOURTH front the southerly side thereof to the middle line of the Comptroller. WARDS, SECTION g. blocks between Faile street and Coster street ; thence poratioo, northerly along the said middle line of the blocks CITY OF New YORK—DEPARTItENT or FINANCE, The award of the contract will be made as soon as LIND AVENUE.—REGULATING, GRADING, between Faile street and Coster street to a line CoSIr'TttOLt ER'S OFFICE, May 2S, I900. practicable after the opening of the bids, CURBING, FLAGGING AND LAYING CROSS- drawn parallel to East Bay avenue and distant Any bidder for this contract must be known to be en- WALKS, between Wolf street and Aqueduct avenue. too feet southerly from the southerly side thereof; gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must Area of assessment: Both sides of Lind aver.ue, be- NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS IN THE FIRST, thence westerly along the said line drawn parallel to have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the tween One Hundred and Sixty-seventh (Wolf, street SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded East Bay avenue and distant too feet southerly fiom WARDS, BOROUGH OF QUEENS, FOR- and Aqueduct avenue, and to the extent of half the the southerly side thereof to the middle line of the will he required to give security for the performance of blocks on the intersecting streets. Mh:RLY KNOWN AS LONG ISLAND) CITY, the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient blocks between Coster street and Manida street ; TOWNS OF NEWTOIVN, FI-USHING, thence northerly a'ong the said middle line of the sureties, each in the amount of Four Thousand Dollars TWENTY-FOURIH WARD, SECTION t,. JAMAICA, AND PART OF THE TOWN OF for Public School 42, Nine Thousand Dollars for Public blocks between Coster street and Manida street to a HEMPSTEAD, RESPECI'IVELY. CROTONA PARK, NORTH—REGULATING, line drawn parallel to the Eastern Boulevard and dis- School 43, Twenty Thousand Dollars for Public GRADING, CURBING, FLAGGING AND LAY- laut Ico feet southerly from the:owherly side thereof; School 44. ING CROSSWALKS, between Arthur avenue and Eat thence westerly along the said line drawn parallel to Each and or estimate shall contain and state the name One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street. Area of assess- the Eastern Boulevard and distant too feet southerly DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, and place of residence or place of busines- of each of the ment : Both sides of Crotona Park, North, between from the southerly side thereof to time middle line of BurmAO FOR THE CI,LLOC1ION OF As5E5nSlrNIS persons making the same, the names of all persons inter- Arthur avenue and East One Hundred and Seventy- the blocks between Manila and Barretto street ANta ARtE gilts, estcd with him or them therein, and if no other person fifth street, and to the extent of half the blocks on the thence north' rly along the said middle line of the blocks CTt v OF Now Yuxte MayMa 9, r )co. be -o interested it shall di,tinctly state that fact ; also intervening avenues. between Manila street and Barrette, street to a bite NDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER that it is made wutitout any connection with —that the same were confirmed by the Board of Assess- parallel to Randall avenue aid distant zoo feet any other person making, an estimate For the same drawn U E,I, Laws of Igoo, public rotten is hereby given is ors on June 5, 'goo, and entered on same date in southerly from the southerly side thereof; thence west- that, "Any tax heretofore, and before the first purpose, and in all respects fair and without eallu- the Record of Titles of Assessments Confirmed, kept erly along the said line drawn parallel to Randall avenue day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, siou or fraud, and that no member of the Municipal in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and and distant too feet southerly from the southerly side levied for ward, city, town, county or state pur- Assembly, head of a department, chief of a bureau, Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, thereof to the middle line of the block. between l;arretto poses, and all water rates or rents in arrears at deputy thereof, or clerk therein or other officer of the and starless the amount assessed for decent on anylierson street and Casanova street ; thence northerly along the the time of the passage of this act, in that part of Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or property shall be Laid wrlhin sixty days after the date said middle line of the blocks between Barrette s:rcet The City of New York which heretofore and before or in the work to which it relates, or in any portion ojraid entry of the assessment, interest will be collected and Casanova street to the middle lino of the block the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety. of the profits thereof. The bid or e,timate must be thereon, as provided in section tong of said Greater New betwr en Randall avenue and Spofford avenue ; thence eight, formed and constituted the city of Long Island verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties York Charter. Said section provides that "if any such westerly a:ong said middle line of the block b_twcen City, and the towns of Newtown, 1,lushing, Jamaica, making the estimate, that the several matters stated assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty Randall avenue and Spofford avenue to the middle line and that part of thelown of Hempstead now within the therein are in all respects true. Where more than one days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of the block between Casanova street and Tiffmy boundaries of The City of New York, in the County person is interested it is requisite that the VERtC,CATiON of Titles of Assessments, it shall be the duty of the sneer ; thence northerly al ,ng the said middle line of of Queens, may be paid and discharged of record at any be made and subscribed by all the parties interested. Each bid or estimate shall he accompanied by the officer authorized to collect and receive the amount of the block between Casanova street and Tiffany street time before the thirtieth (3oth) day of September, nine- such assessment, to charge, collect and receive interest to the southerly side of Spofford avenue; thence teen hundred, with Interest i hereon at the rate of two consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders, Cr of a guaranty or surety company duly authorized thereon at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, to northwesterly on a su- night line to the intersection of (a) per centum per annum." be calculated from the date of such entry to the date of the westerly of T 11any street with the north- Also that " Any lot, piece or parcel of land within the by law to act as surety in l'he City of New York, pavmetrt." erly side of Spofford avenue ; thence northwesterly boundaries of that part of The City of New York consti- with their respective places of business or residence, to the effect that if the contract be awarded to The above assessments are payable to the Collector of along a line drawn parallel to Burnet place to it, inter- luting the city of Long Island City, and the towns of section with is line drawn parallel to the westerly side Newtown, Flushing, Jamaica and that part of the the person making the estimate, they will, on its Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collec- being so awarded, become hound as his sureties fgr tion of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and A ssess- of I ifany street and distant tco feet westerly there- Town of Hempstead now within the boundaries from; thence northerly along the said line drawn of The City of New York, in the County of Queens, its faithful performance, and that if he shall omit ments and of Water Rents, at Crotona Park Building, or refuse to execute the same, they shall pay to the corner of One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street and parallel to Tiffany street and distant zoo feet westerly prior to the first day of January, eighteen hundred from the westerly side thereof to a line drawn parallel and ninety-eight, which has been heretofore Corporation tiny difference between the sum to which Third avenue, Borough of The Bronx, between the hours he would be entitl-d on its completion and that of 9 A, x. and a P. M.. and on Saturdays from 9 A. M. to to Westchester avenue and Cistant too fret m,rth- sold for unpaid taxes, water rates or rents, westerly from the northwesterly side thereof ; thence for ward, city, town, county or State purposes, where which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the Is M., and all payments made thereon on or be- person or persons to wham the contract may lie award- fore August 4, 1goo, will be exempt from interest as northeasterly along the said line drawn parallel to the same was bid in in the name- of said city of Long Westchester avenue and distant too feet north- Island City, Town of Newtown, Tosvn if Flushing, ed at any subsequent letting. The consent above men- above provided, and after that dale will be sub- tioned shall lie accompanied by the oath or affirmation, ject to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per we;terly from the northwesterly side thereof to 'gown of Jamaica, or Town of Hempstead, and where its intersection with a line drawn parallel to West the certificates of sale have not been assigned at the in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that cent, per annum from the date of entry in the Record he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New Farms road and distant Poo feet northwesterly from date of the passage of this act, may be redeemed of Titles of Assessments in said Bureau to the date York, and is worth the amount of the security required of payment. the northwesterly side thereof; thence northeasterly from such sale and sales on or before the thirty- along the said line drawn parallel to West Farms road first (31st) day of December, nineteen hundred, for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his BIRD S. COLER, and distant rco fret northwesterly from the northwesterly by the payment of the face of the tax or taxes and water Comptroller. side thereof to the northerly side of Home street; rates or rents for which the same were sold, with interest liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise. and that he has thence southerly along a straight line to the intersec- thereon at two (2) per cen:um per annum, and such offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the in- CITY OF New YORE—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, tention to execute the bind required by the Revised COaPTEOLLHR's OFFICE, June 6, too. tion of the southeasterly side of West Farms road taxes and water rates or rents shall be thereby satisfied with the middle line of the blocks between Bryant street and discharged of record ; provided such payment be Ordinances of The City of New York, if the contract and Longfellow street; thence southerly along said made on or prior to the date last aforesaid." shall be awarded to the person or persons for whom he middle line of the blocks between Bryant street and On and after Monday, May 14, rgco, payments may consents to become surety. NOTICE TO PROPERTY-OWNERS, Longfellow street to a line drawn parallel to Seneca ave- be made under the provisions of this act, to the under- No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom- nue and distant too feet northerly from the northerly side signed, at his office, in the Borough of Queens, Hackett panted by either a certified check upon one of the therect; thence easterly along the said line drawn p.,rallel , corner of Jackson avenue and Fifth street, National or State Banks of The City of New York, Btrilding drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the N PURSUANCE OF SECTION Ioz8 OF THE to Seneca avenue and distant roe feet northerly from First Ward (formerly Long Island City), between the amount of joie per cent um of the amount of the security I Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of The the northerly side thereof to the middle line of the hours of 9 A. iii. and 2 P. at. : Saturdays, g to r2 M. requlred for the faithful performance of the contract. blocks between Longfellow street and Whittier street ; EDWARD GILON, City of New York hereby gives public notice to all Such check or money must NOT be inclosed in the persons, owners of property, affected by the following thence southerly along the said middle line of the Collector of Assessments and Arrears blocks between Longfellow street and Whittier street to of The City of New York. sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must assessment for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the be handed to the officer or clerk of the Depart- BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN; a line drawn parallel to Lafayette avenue and distant ment who has charge of the estimate box, and no You feet northerly from the northerly side thereof ; estimate can be deposited in said box until such check NINETEENTH WARD, SECTION 5. thence easterly along the said line drawn parallel to La- INTEREST ON BONDS AND STOCK OF THE fa)•ette avenue and distant You feet northerly from the CITY OF NEW YORK. or money has been examined by said officer or clerk SIXTY-THIRD STREET—SEWER, between Fast northerly side thereof to the middle line of the blocks and found to be correct. All such deposits, except river and Avenue " A," with OVERFLOW at Avenue between Whittier street and Drake street ; thence that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the "A." Area of assessment : East side of Third southerly along the said midede line of the HE INTEREST DUE JULY I, 'goo, ON persons making the same within three days after the avenue, from Sixty-fourth to Sixty-ninth street blocks between Whittier street and Drake street T the Registered Bonds and Stock of the former contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse west side of Second avenue, from Sixtieth to to a line drawn parallel to Spofford avenue City of New York, of the late City of Brooklyn, of the or negl.ct within five days after notice that the contract Sixty-eighth street ; east side of Second avenue, and distant too feet northerly from the northerly side County of Kings, and of Corporations in Queens and has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the from Sixty-first to Sixty-ninth street; both sides thereof; thence easterly along the said line drawn Richmond counties, now included in The City of New amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to of First avenue, from Sixty-second to Sixty-ninth parallel to Spofford avenue and dismnt zoo feet north- York, will be paid out that day by the Comptroller, at and retained by The City of New York as liquidated street ; east side of First avenue, truss Sixty-ninth to erly from the northerly side thereof to the middle line his of ice, Room 27, Stewart Building, corner of Broad- damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall Seventieth street ; both sides of Avenue A, front Sixty- of the blocks between Drake street and Halleck street; way and Chambers street. execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the third to Seventy-first street; both sides of Sixty-third thence southerly along the said middle line of the blocks The Transfer Books thereof will be closed from amount of his deposit will be returned to him. street, from Third avenue to East river; both sides of between Drake street and Halleck street to the middle May 3' to July r, 'goo. Should the person or persons to whom the contract Sixty-foorth street? from Third avenue to Avenue A ; line of the block between Spofford avenue and Randall The interest due July I, Igco, on the Coupon may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract both sides of Sixty-fitth, Sixty-sixth and Sixty-seventh avenue ; thence easterly along the said middle line of Bonds and Stock of the former City of New York will within five days after written notice that the same has streets, from Third avenue to East river; south side of the block between Spofford avenue and Randall avenue be paid on that day by the Knickerbocker Trust Com- been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or Sixty eighth street, from Second to Third avenue ; both y they accept but do not execute the contract and give the to the middle line of the blocks between Halle.k pan , No. 66 Broadway. g sides of Sixty-eighth street, from Second avenue to Fast street and Payne street ; thence southerly along I lie interest due July r, rgoo, on the Coupon Bonds of security, he or they will be considered as havin river : south side of Sixty-ninth street, from First to the said middle line of the blocks between Halleck the late City of Brooklyn will be paid on that day by abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation, and Second avenue ; both sides of Sixty-ninth street, from street and Payne street to a line drawn parallel to the Nassau National Bank of Brooklyn, No. a6 Court the contract will be readverused and relet as provided First avenue to East river ; and both sides of Seven- Randall avenue and distant too feet northerly from the street. by law. tteth street, from First avenue to Avenue A. northerly side thereof; thence easterly along thes.lid line The interest due July I, rgso, on the Coupon Bonds For particulars as to the quantity and quality of the supplies or the nature and extent of the work —that the same was confirmed by the Board of drawn parallel to Randall avenue and distant too feet of Corporations in Queens and Richmond counties will Assessors on June 5, rgco, and entered on the same northerly from the northerly side thereof to the middle be received on that day for payment by the Comp- required or of the materials to be furnished, bidders are referred to the printed speccatious and the date in the Record of Titles of Assessments Con- line of the blocks between Bacon street and Sacrahong troller, at his office, Room 17, Stewart Building, corner of Broadway and Chambers street. plans. Such work and materials must conform in firmed, kept in the Bureau for the Collection of street ; thence southerly along the said middle line of every respect to printed stfecificatious and plans. Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments the blocks between Bacon street and Sacrahong street BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller. Bidders are cautioned to examine the sfecilications and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed to a line drawn parallel to the Eastern Boulevard and for Particulars of the articles, etc., required, before distant too feet northerly from the northerly side Jos &suit on any person or property shall be paid THE CITY OF NEW YORK—DEPART5tHNT OF FINANCE, making their estimates. within sixty days after the date of said entry of the thereof ; thence easterly along the said ltne drawn par- COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, May r4, t900. Plans and specifications may be seen and blank pro- allel to the Eastern Boulevard and distant rco feet assessnterts, interest will be collected thereon, as posals obtained at the estimating room, eighth floor, provided in section rota of said Greater New York northerly from the northerly side thereof to the middle line of the block between Farragut street and Falconer Hall of the Board of Education, corner of Park avenue Charter. Said section provides that, " If any such THE CITY RECORD. and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Manhattan. Plans assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty street ; thence southerly along the said middle line of the blocks between Farragut street and Falconer street and specifications may also be seen at the office of the days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Deputy Superintendent of School Buildings for the Titles of Assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer to a line drawn parallel to Eat Bay avenue and distant HE CITY RECORD IS PUBLISHED DAILY, too feet northerly from the northerly side thereof ; thence Sundays and legal holidays excepted, at No. s Borough of Queens, No. 69 Broadway, Flushing, at the authorized to collect and receive the amount of such T office of Morrell Smith, Architect, Bank Building, Far assessment to charge, collect and receive interest there- easterly along the said line drawn parallel to East Bay City Hall, . Annual subscription, $g.3ot avenue and distant too feet northerly from the northerly postagepreplid. Rockaway, and on the premises. on at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, to be calcu. The By-Laws may be examined at the office of the frons e dolt of such entry to the date of pay. side thereof to the miadle line of the blocks between Fal- WILLIAM A BUTLER, the Secretary. Inttnt. coner street and Preble street ; thence southerly along Supervisor. the said middle line of the blocks between Falconer street The Committee reserves the right to reject all pro- The above assessment is payable to the Collector of and Preble street to a line drawn parallel to Viele posals submitted if deemed for the best interests of the Assessments and Arrears at the office of the Bureau avenue and distant too feet northerly from the northerly DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. City so to do. for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of side thereof; thence easterly along the said line drawn Dated BOROUGH of MANHATTAN, June 7, 'goo. Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, No. 28o parallel to Viele avenue and distant into feet northerly RICHARD H. ADAMS, Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, between the EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY CHARLES E. ROBERTSON, and on Saturdays from 9 from the northerly aide thereof to the middle line hours of 9 A. M. and 2 P. M„ of the blocks between Preble street and Kane S the Committee on Buildings of the Board of Educa- ABRAHAM STERN, A. M. to za M., and all payments made thereon on or street; thence southerly along the said middle tion of The City of New York, at the Hall of the Board, WILLIAM J. COLE, before August 4, Igoe, will be exempt from interest, line of the blocks between Preble street and Kane southwest corner of Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, PATRICK J. WHITE, as above provided, and after that date will be subject Borough of Manhattan, until 4 o'clock P. M., on JOHN R. THOMPSON, to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per street to a line drawn parallel to Ryawa avenue and distant loo feet northerly from the northerly side Committee on Buildings. cent. per annum from the date of entry in the Record MONDAY, JUNE 1S, 1900, thereof; thence easterly along the said line of Titles of Assessments in said Bureau to the date drawn parallel to Ryawa avenue distant loo for Installing Electric-lighting Plant in Public School of payment. No. 32, Borough of Manhattan. EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED feet northerly from the northerly side thereof by the Committee on Buildings of the Board of BIRD S. COLER, to the middle line of the blocks between Kane street and Plains and specifications may he seen and blank pro- S Comptroller. Porter street ; thence southerly and southeasterly along posals obtained at the Estimating Room, eighth floor, Education of The City of New York, at the Hall of the the said middle line of the blocks between Kane street Hall of the Board of Education, comer of Park avenue Board, southwest corner of Park avenue and Fifty-ninth CITY OF NEW Yotut—Dorwhrotent or FINANCE,1 street, Borough of Manhattan, until 4 o'clock P. it., on Cor41reoLLF.n's OFFICE. June 6,19on. J and Porter street and its prolongation southeasterly to and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Manhattan. 3602 THE CITY RECORD, TUESDAY, JUNE I2 1900.

MONDAY, JUNE IN, 1010, BUILD AND COMPLETE THE NEW contract is awarded, If the successful bidder shall re- a householder or freeholder in The City of New STATION - HOUSE, PRISON AND fuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the York and is worth the amount of the security required for Alterations in and Erecting Additions to Public S'I'AtII,F: ON THE GROUND ANI) contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, for the completion of this contract and herein stated, School ,,o, Borough of Brooklyn. PRE\IISIS IN THE CI'1Y OF NEW the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeit- over and above all his debts of every nature, and over Plans and specifications m:ry be seen and blank pro. YORK, LIICATED ON SF:DGWICK ed to and he retained by The City of New York as liqui. and above his liabilities as bail, surety and otherwise, posals obtained at the estimating room, eighth floor, AVENUE, NORTH OF EASTONh: H IN- dated damages for such neglect or refusal; but if he and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith Hall of the Board of Eaucation, corner of Park avenue DEED ANDSIXTY-SFVFNTH S'1'14IS1'.1', shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the and with the intention to execute the bond required by and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Manhattan. IN THE BOROUGH OF THE BR(1NX. amount of his deposit will be returned to him. law. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security A certified check or certificate of deposit most accom- No estimate for a sum in excess of Ninety 'Thousand offered will be subject to approval by the Comptroller The person or persons making an estimate shall City of New York after the award is made and pany each proposal, as required by the By-Laws of furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed Dollars can be considered. of The said Board, to be disposed of as the By-Laws provide, Plans may be examined and specifications and blank prior to the signing of the contract. and surety must be furnished as required by said By- "Estimate for Building aStation-house, Prison and Should the person or persons to whom the contract St,ble on Sedgwick avenue," with his or their estimates may be obtained by app'ication 'to the under- Laws. may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract name or names, and the date of presentation, to signed at his office in the Central Department. The By-Laws may be examined at the office of the the head of said Department, at the said office, on or By order of the Board. within five days after written notice that the same has Secretary. been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, and that before the date and hour above named, at which time WILLIAM H. KIPP, The Committee reserves the right to reject any or all and place the estimates received will be publicly Chief Clerk. the adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered proposals submitted. has been approved by the Comptroller, or if he or opened by the head of said Department and read. NEw YORK, June 9, igoo. June 5, 1900. they accept but do not execute the contract and give Dated BOROUGH OF MAYH,srTAN, She Architects' schedule of the quantity and quality the proper security, he or they shall be considered as RICHARD H. ADAMS, of supplies and materials to be furnished and the nature having abandoned it and as in default to the Corpora- CHARLES E. ROBERTSON, and extent of work to be done. upon which the bids POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF New YORK, -No. 300 MULBERRY STREET. tion, and the contract will be readvertised and relet, as ABRAHAM STERN, are to be based, is set set forth and stated in the speci. provided by law. WILLIAM J. COLE, fications. No estimate will be received or considered unless PATRICK I. WHT'fE, Bidders must satisfy themselves, by personal exami- TO CONTRACTORS. accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the JOHN R. THOMPSON, nation of the site, its present condition and nature, as State or National banks of The City of New York, Committee on Buildings. to the sufficiency of the Architects' schedule and PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES. drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to plans, and shall not, at any time after the submis- the amount of Svc per centune of the amount of the sion of their bids, dispute or complain of such sched••le EAI-F.D PROPOSALS WILI, BE RECEIVED security required for the faithful performance of the and plans, or the specifications and directions explain- EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE RF.- contract. Such check or money must not be inclosed S by the Committee on Buildings of the Board of in0 or interpreting them, nor assert that there is any Education of The City of New York at the Hall of S ceived l,y the Police Department of The City of in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, bu it misunderstanding in regard to the location, extent, New York, at its office, No. ;oo 1f ulberry street, Bor- must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Depart- the Board, southwest corner of Park avenue and Fifty- nature or amount of work to be done. ninth street, Borough of Manhat'au, until 4 o'clock ough of Manhattan, until z o'clock P. at. of ment who has charge of the estimate box, and no Bidders must particularly examine into the depth at estimate can be deposited in said box until such P. M. on which -olid bottom is found. FRIDAY, THE 22d DAY OF JUNE, 1900, MONDAY, JUNE 1S, 1900, check or money has been examined by said officer or Bidders will be required to complete the entire work FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except for A!ieration-', Repairs, etc., at I'uh,lic Schoo'.s 14, r5, within one hundred and eighty calendar days from the FURNISHING ANT) ERECTING ALL that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the A. 19, 27, 36, 49 ,ofd :aa, B ,rou h of Manhattan. date of the contract, to the satisfaction of the Board of THE MATERIALS NECESSARY TO persons making the same within three days after the Plans and specifications may he seen and blank pro- Police and the Architects appointed by them, .end in BUILD AND COSIPLICTE THE NEW contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall re- posals obtained at the estimating room, eighth floor, accordance with the drawings and directions given, or STATION - IIOU'iE, PRISON AND fuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the Hall of the Board of Education, corner of Park avenue which may be given by the Architects, and in conform- STABLE ON '1'HE GROUND AND contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Manhattan. ity with the specifications hereunto annexed. PREMISES, IN THE CITY OF NEW the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited A certified check or certificate of deposit must accom- No extra compensation, beyond the amount payable YORK, AT JUNCTION OF LIBERTY to and be retained by The City of New York as liqui- pany each proposal, as required by the By-Laws of for the several classes of work contemplated. and win-h ANU F.A,T NEW YORK AVENUES, dated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he said Board, to be disposed of as the By-Laws provide, shall be actually performed at the price therefor to be BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the and surety must be furnished as required by said By specified by the accepted bidder, shall be due or payable; The person or persons making an estimate shall amount of his deposit will be returned to him. Laws, and no allowance will be made nor anything paid for No estimate for a sum in excess of Eighty 1 housand The By-Laws may be examined at the office of the blasting or excavating, nor for carrying masonry to furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed "Estimate for Building a Station-house, Prison and Dollars can be considered. Secretary. solid bottom, nor for any filling or ramming of trenches, Plans may be examined and specifications and blank The Committee reserves the right to reject any or all nor for any bailing or pumping rendered necessary in Stable at Junction of Liberty and East New York Avenues, Borough of Brooklyn," with his or estimates may be obtained by application to the under- proposals submitted. prosecuting the work, nor for any sheet-piling, shoring signed at his office in the Central Department. Dated BOROUGH OF M.NHATTAN, May 31, 1900. or other timbering, nor for any underpinning or other their name or names, and the date of presentation, to precautions necessary to protect adjoining buildings or the head of said T)epartment, at the said office, on or be- By order of the Board. RICHARD H. ADAMS, fore the date and hour above named, at which time and WILLIAM H. KIPP, CHARLES E. ROBERTSON, grounds or the work in progress, nor for any scaffold- Chief Clerk. mg or centres required in prosecuting the work. place the estimates received will be publicly opened by ABRAHAM STERN, the head of said Department and read. NEW YORK, June 9, 19o0. WILLIAM J. COLE, Bidders will be required to prepare for all pumping and bailing which may be found necessary in the The Architects' schedule of the quantity and quality MILE-c'.11. O'BRIEN, of the materials to be furnished and the nature and PATRICK WHITE, prosecution of the work. POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, J. 1:1idders will state in writing, and also in fi ores, extent of work to be done, upon which the lids are to PROPERTY CLERI:'s OFFICE, ROOM 9, JOHN R. THOMPSON, be based, is set forth and stited in the specifications. Committee on Buildings. upon blanks which will be furnished on apt lication, a New YORK, June 6, igoo. price for the work complete. 'I he l:rice is to cover the Bidders must satisfy themselves, by personal exami- furnishing of all materials and labor and the perform- nation of the site, its present condition and nature, as UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT EALED PROPOSALS WILL BBE RE.:EIVED ance of all the w-orb called for by the specifications, to the sufficiency of the Architects' schedule and P the Forty-fifth Auction Sale of Police and S by the Committee on Buildings of the Board of plans, drawings and form of agreement. Permission plans. and shall not, at any time after the submis- unclaimed property will be held at Police Headquarters, Education of The City- of New Park, at the Hall of the will not be given for the withdrawal of any bid or sion of their bids, dispute or complain of such schedule No. 300 Mulberry street, on and plans, or the specifications and directions explain. Board, southwest corner of Park avenue and Fifty- estimate, and the right is expressly reserved by the WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1000, ninth street, Borough of Manhattan, merit 4 o'clock Board of Police to reject all bids should it be deemed ing or interpreting them, nor assert that there is any P.M. on to the public interests to do so. misunderstanding in regard to the location, extent, at 10.30 A. M., cocsisting of the following property: MONDAY, JUNE IS, 1900, nature Cr amount of work to be done. Revolvers, Hats, Tar, Druggists' Supplies, etc., etc. Bidders, in submitting their bid, are required to Bidders must particularly examine into the depth at For particulars, see catalogue on day of sale. for Erecting Ne,v f;uilding for Girls' High School in the write the names of all sub-contractors in their proposals. which solid bottom is found. Respectfully, Borough of Manhattan. All persons estimating are requested to enter their Bidders will be r,-quired to complete the entire work ANDREW J. LALOR, Award !:•f a ntract to be mad- to the lowest responsi- names and addresses in a book provided for this pur- within one hundred and eighty calendar days from the Property Clerk. ble bidder, as provided by the By-Laws of the Board of pose, in the estimating room in the Architects' office. date of the contract, to the satisfaction of the Board of Education, and subject to the approval of the Board of L'efore submitting estimates contractors must consult Police and the Architects appointed by them, and in POtaio8 DEPARTMENT-CITY OF I'IEW YORK, Itf99. Education and of tEe Beard of Esiim::te and Apporion- Contractor's Bulletin Board," and compare the office accordance with the drawings and directions given, or ment. copy of specifications with the set to be submitted rvith which max, be given by the Architects, and in conform- WNERS WANTED BY THE PROPER'L'Y Plans and specifications may be seen and bank pro- their proposal, and such proposal shall be read as in ity soith the specifications hereunto annexed. O Clerk of the Police Department of The City of posals obtained at the estinatirg room, eighth floor. conformity with said office copies of specifications. In No extra compensation, beyond the amount payable New York, No.'tem Mulberry street, Room No. 9, for the Hall of the Board of Education, corner of Park avenue case of any discrepancy, they are to report to the Chief for the several classes of work contemplated, and which following property, now in his custody, without claim. and Fifty-ninth street, Borcueh of Slanhattan. Clerk of the Police L)epartment, and their specification shall be actually performed at the price therefor to be ants : Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and female clothing, A certified check or certificate of deposit must accom- will be corrected to conform with the office copy. specified by the accepted bidder, shall be due or pay- boots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, pany each prop-il, as required by the Be-Laws of No estimates will he accepted from, or a contract able ; and no allowance will be made nor anything paid liquors, etc.; also small amount money taken from said Board, to be dispo,ed of as the By. Laws provide, awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- for blasting or excavating. nor for carrying masonry to prisoners and found by Patrolmen of this Depart- and surety must be furnished as required by said By- poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, solid bottom, nor for any filling or ramming of trenches, merit. Laws. as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the nor for any bailing Cr pumping rendered necessary in The By-Laws may be examined at the office of the Corporation. ANDREW J. LALOR, prosecuting the work, nor for any sheet-piling, shoring Peoperty Clerk. Secretary. The person or persons to whom the contract may or other timbering, nor for any underpinning or other The Committee reserves the right to reject any or all be awarded will be required to give security for the precautions necessary to protect adjoining buildings or proposals submitted. performance of the contract in the manner prescribed grounds or the work in progress, nor for any scaffold- POLIca DRPART\IENT-CITY of NEW YORK, Dated L'oROt'GH OF MANtt VtTat, tune e, 1900. by law in the suns of Forty-five Thousand Dollars. ing or centres required in prosecuting the work. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Each estimate shall contain and state the name WNERS WANTED BY THE DEPUTY PROP- RICHARD H. AIIA\l , and place of residence of each of the persons making Bidders will be required to prepare for all pumping O erty Clerk of the Police Department of The City CHARLI S E. RI O- FIETS')N, the same, the names of all persons interested with and bailing which may be found necessary in the pros. of New York-Office, Municipal Building, Borough of ABRAHAM STERN, him or them therein, and if no other person, other ecution of the work. Brooklyn-for the following property now in his custody VWILLIAM J. CI lI E, than sub-contractors, be so interested, it shall distinctly Bidders will state in writing, and also in figures, without claim..nts : Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and MILES M, O'L'RIFN, state that fact. upon blanks which will be furni•hed on application, a female clothing, boots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds PATRICK J. W HI I E. The estimate shall contain the names of all sub- price for the work comvlete. the price is to cover the canned goods, liquors, etc. ; also small amount money JOHN R, I tiOMt'SON, contractors ; also that it is made without any connec- furnishing of all material- and labor and the perform- taken from prisoners and found by Patrolmen of this Committee on Buildings. tion with any other person matting an estimate for the ance of all the work called for by the specifications, Department. same ,purpose and is in all respects fair and without plans, drawings and form of agreement. Permission CHARLES D. BLATCHFORD, EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED collusion or fraud, and that no member of the Municipal will not be given for the withdrawal of any bid or Deputy Property Clerk S by the Committee on Buildings of the Board cf Assembly, head of a department, chief of a bureau, estimate, and the right is expressly reserved by the Education of The City of New York, at the Hall of deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer Board of Police to reject all bids should it be deemed the Board, southwest comer of Park avenue and Fifty- of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested to the public interests to do so. DEPARTMENT OF WATER ninth street, l:orough of Manhattan, until 4 o'clock therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, Bidders, in submitting their bid, are required to P. M. on or in any portion of the profits thereof. The esti- write the names of all sub-contractors in their pro- SUPPLY. p050-Is. MONDAY. JUNE 18, 1600, mate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the DEPARTMENT OP WATER SUPPLY, s est a a for Alterations, Repairs, etc., at Public Schools to, 2, party or making the estimate, that the several All personns est imma ting re re uested to enter their COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, names and addresses inga book provided for this pur- r ;, ' o, 87. os, 103, and , ie : also for matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where No. zr PARK Row, 54, 57, 72, 7~. rat, more than one person is interested, it is requisite that pose. in the estimating room in the Architects' office. Improving Sanitary Condition of Public Schools ma, NEW YORK, MMaa y z 9, 19:9 00. rr8 and rf ; also for Additions and Repairs to Heating the verification be made and subscribed to by all the Before submitting estimates contractors must consult Apparatus at Public Schools 6, zl, 82, 91 and rro ; also parties interested. "Contractor's Bulletin hoard," and compare the office for New Furniture for Old School I uildings and Furni- Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by copy of specifications with the set to be submitted with TO CONTRACTORS. ture for New Public Schools tog, 172 and 179, Boroughs the consent, in writing, of two (z) surety companies, their proposal, and such proposal shall be read as in of Manhattan and The Bronx. householders or freeholders in The City ofP New conformity with said office copies of specifications. In Also for Alterations, Repairs, etc., at Public Schools York, with their respective places of business or ca'e of any discrepancy, they are to report to the Chief IDS OR ESTIMATES, INCLOSED IN A 3o and III ; also for Furniture, Items 4 and 5, New residence, to the effect that if the contract Clerk of the Police Department, and their specification B sealed envelope, with the title of the work and th- Public School 133 ; also for New Furniture for Old be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will be corrected to conform with the office copy. name of the bidder indorsed thereon, also the number School Buildings, Borough of Brooklyn. will, upon its being so awarded, become bound as his No estimates will be accepted from or a contract of the work as in the advertisement, will be received Also for Alterations, Repairs, etc., at Public School sureties for its taithful performance, and that if he shall awarded to any person who is in arrears to the Cor- at No. 21 Park Row, in Room No. 1536, until z o'clock omit or refuse to execute the same, they will pay to poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as P.M., on 68, Borough of Queens, surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpo- Also for Alterations and Repairs to Heating Appa- the Corporation any difference between the sum to THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1900. ratus at Pubic School 03, Borough of Richmond. which he would be entitled upon its completion and that ration. Plans and specifications may be seen and blank pro- which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the per- The person or persons to whom the contract may be The bids will be publicly opened by the head of the posals obtained at the estimating room, eighth floor, son or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at awarded will be required to give security for the per- Department at the hour above mentioned. formance of the contract, in the manner prescribed by Hall of the Board of Education, corner of Park avenue any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Manhattan. calculated upon the estimated amount of the work law, in the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars. A certified check or certificate of depos't roust accom- by which the bids are tested. The consent above Each estimate shall contain and state the name and No. r. FOR FURNISHING STOP.COCICS, HY- pany each proposal, as r, quired by the By-Laws of said mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirma- place of residence of each of the persons making the DRANTS, WOODEN HYDRANT Board, to be disposed of as the By-Laws provide, and tion, in writing, of each of the persons or surety same, the names of all persons interested with him or BOXES AND CAST'-IRON STOP BOXES surety must be furnished a required by said By-Laws. companies signing the same, that he is a house- them therein, and if no other person other than sub- AND COVERS. The By-Laws may be examined at the office of the holder or freeholder in The City of New contractors be so interested, it shall distinctly state No. a. FOR FURNISHING THE DEPARTMENT Secretary. York, and is worth the amount of the security that fact. OF WATER SUPPLY WITH STOP. The Committee reserves the right to reject any or all required for the completion of this contract, and herein The estimate shall contain the names of all sub- COCKS, HYDRANTS, CAST-IRON proposals submitted. stated, over and above all his debts of every nature, and contractors ; also that it is made without any con- STOP-COCK BOXES AND COVERS Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, June 7, r9oo over and above his liabilities as bail, surety and other- nection with any other person making an estimate AND MANHOLE HEADS AND wise, and that he has offered himself as a surety in good for thesame purpose, and is in all respects COVERS. RICHARD H. ADAMS, faith, and with the intention to execute the bond re- fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no member Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the CHARLES E. R(OBERTSC)N, of the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief ABRAHAM STERN, quired by law. The adequacy and sufficiency of the name and place of residence of each of the persons security offered will be subject to approval by the of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other making the same, the names of all persons inter- WILLIAM J. COLE, officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly in- PATRICK J. WHITE, Comptroller of The City of New York after the award ested with him therein, and if no other person be is made and prior to the signing of the contract. terested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it so interested it shall distinctly state that fact ; that JOHN R.'lHOMPSON, Should the person or persons to whom the contract (elates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The it is made without any connection with any other per- Committee on Buildings. may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of son making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in within five days after written notice that the same the party or parties making the estimate, that the all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, several matters stated therein are in all respects true. no member of the Municipal Assembly, head of a depart- POLICE DEPARTMENT. and that the adequacy and sufficiency of the security Where more than one person is interested it is ment, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, offered has been approved by the Comptroller, or requisite that the verification be made and subscribed or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Ir if he or they accept but do not execute the contract to by all the patties interested. indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or in No. 300 MULBERRY STREET. ) and give the proper security, he or they shall be con- Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the the work to which it relates, or in any portion of the sidered as having abandoned it and as in default to the consent, in writing of two ) surety companies, house- profits thereof. Corporation, and the contract will be reads ertised and holders or freeholders in The City of New York, with Each estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, relet, as provided by law, their respective places of business or residence, to the of the party making the same, that the several matters TO CONTRACTORS. No estimate will be received or considered unless ac- effect that if the contract be awarded to the person therein stated are true, and must be accompanied by the companied by either a certified check upon one of the making the estimate, they will, upon its being so consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders State or National banks of The City of New York, awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faith- in The City of New York, to the effect that if the contract PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES. drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money ful performance, and that if he shall omit is awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, to the amount of five per centum of the amount of or refuse to execute the same, they will pay upon its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties the security required for the faithful perform- to the Corporation any difference between the sum to for its faithful performance, and that if he shall refuse EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE RE- ance of the contract. Such check or money must not which he would beentitled upon its completion and that or neglect to execute the same, they will pay to the Cor- S ceived by the Police Department of The City of be inciosed in the sealed envelope containing the esti- which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the per- poration any difference between the sum to which be New York, at its office, No. 300 Mulberry street, P,or- mate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the son or persons to whom the contract may be awarded would be entitled upon its completion and that which ough of Manhattan, until a o'clock P.M. of Department who has charge of the estimate box, and at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person to no estimate can be deposited in said box until such be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by whom the contract shall be awarded at any subsequent FRIDAY, THE AAd DAY OF JUNE, 1900, check or money has been examined by said officer or which the bids are tested. The consent above men- letting, the amount to be calculated upon the estimated FOR FURNISHING AI,I. THE LABOR AND clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except tioned shall be accompanied by the oath or afrma- amount of the work by which the bids are tested. FURNISHING AND ERECTING ALL that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the tion, in writing, of each of the persons or The consent last above mentioned must be accom- THE MATERIALS NECESSARY TO persons making the same within three days after the surety companies signing the same, that he is panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1900. THE CITY RECORD. 3603

thersons signing the same that he is a householder No, 13, FOR REPAVING 'WITH ASPHACI', ON CITY OF NEW YORK, No bid or estimate will be received Or considered or freeho lder in The City of New York, and is worth PRESENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, unless accompanied by either a certified check upon the amount of the security required for the completion FOUNDATION, '1'H f. ROADWAY OF COMMISSI11NRR'S OFFICE—NOS. 13 TO ar PARK Row, one of the State or National banks of 1•he City of of the contract, over and above all his debts of every 'I'HIR'l'Y-THIRD SIRF;ET, from Fourth BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, May 03, 1900, New fork, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or nature and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety to Madison avenue. money to the amount of Three "Phousand (3,moj Dollars, or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as surety No. 14. FOR REPAVING WT1'H ASPHALT, ON being five per centrtzn of the amount et the security re- in good faith, with the intention to execute the bond PRESENT PAVEMENT REI,AID AS NOTICE OF SALE AT PUBLIC AUCCION. quired for the faithful performance of the contract. Such required by law. FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY OF check or money mini NOT be inclosed in the No estimate will be considered unless accom- 'I'HIR'I'EEN'IH STREET, from 'Third to N FRIDAY, JUNE t5, n900, AT ix O'CLOCK sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must panied by either a certified check upon one of the State Second avenue. O A. At., the Department of 1-iighways will sell at be handed to the officer or clerk of the Depart- or National banks of The City of New York, drawn to No.t5. FOR REPAVING WILD ASPHALT, ON public auction, by Philip A. Smyth. Auctioneer, the fol- ment who has charge of the estimate box, and no the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount PRESENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS lowing buildings and parts of buildings within the lines estimate can be deposited in said box until such check of five per centum of the amount of the security re- FOUNDATION. THE ROADWAY OF of Morgan avenue, between Stagg street and Meeker or money has been examined by said officer or clerk quired for the faithful performance of the contract. WEST' SEVENTY-NINTH SI'RP.EI, from avenue, Borough of Brooklyn : and found to be correct. All such deposits, except Such check or money must NOT be inclosed in a the Boulevard to Amsterdam avenue. Block between M.i speth and Orient avenues—One that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be Borough of Brooklyn. frame shed and one hydrant house. persons making the same within three days after the handed to the officer or clerk of the Department Southerly side of Orient avenue—One hydrant house contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse who has charge of the estimate box, and no estimate No. 17. FOR REPAVING WITFI ASPHALT, ON and one hose house, both small frame buildings. or neglect within five days after notice that the contract can be deposited in said box until such check or money CONCRETE FOUNDATION, DEAN North of Metropolitan avenue—Tltree frame sheds has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be STREET, from Flatbush avenue to Franklin and part of one two-story franie building. amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to correct. All such deposits, except that of the success- avenue. Southerly side of Metropolitan avenue—Four frame and retained by The City of New York as liquidated ful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the No.18. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT, sheds. parts of two frame sheds, part of two-story brick damages for such neglect or refusal; but if he shall same within three days after the contract is awarded. PARTLY ON PRESENT STONE PAVE- factory, with small portion of one-story brick extension. execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within MENT AND PAR'IF.V ON CONCRETE and part of two-story and basement frame and brick amount of his deposit will be returned to him. Should the person or persons to whom the contract five days after notice that the contract has been FOUNDATION, ST. MARK'S AVENUE, building. awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the Albany to Ralph avenue. Southerly side of Grand street—Part of one-story may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained brick factory, part of two-story brick building, with one within five days after written notice that the same has No. 59. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT', ON been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or by The City of New York as liquidated damages for CONCRETE. FOUNDATION, WIL- and a half-story franc extension such neglect or refusal, but if he shall execute the Between Filaujer and Ten Eyck streets—One-story they accept but do not execute the contract and give the LOUGHBY AVEN UE, Bedford to Nostrand proper security, he or they will be considered as havinr contract within the time aforesaid the amount of the avenue. frame building and one-story frame stable, with the deposit will be returned to him. greater parts of a one-story frame building, a frame abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation, and No. so. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT, ON the contract will be roadvertised and relet as provided THE COMMISSIONER OF WATER SUPPLY shed, one-story and loft barn and stable, with part of a PRESENT PAVEMENT REL\ID AS by law. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ALL BIDS FOUNDATION, PRESIDENT STREET, one-story frame ropewalk, which crosses the street. Within the lines of Ten Eyck street—Parts of three- For bbarticulars as to the quantity and quality of RECEIVED FOR ANY PARTICULAR WORK IF from Sixth to Seventh avenue. the srepb/ics or the nature and extent of the ovork HE DEEMS IT FOR THE BEST INTERESTS OF story brick twine factory and of two-story brick rope No. ax. FOR REPAVING WIL'H ASPHALT, ON factory and one-story brick rope factory. required or of the materials to be furnti,bed, bidders THE CITY. CONCRETE FOUNDATION, MACON are referred to the printed s eci/cations and the Blank forms of bid or estimate, the proper envelopes Between Ten Eyck and Meadow streets—One-story S"IREET, from Tompkins to throop avenue. flans. Such toork and materials must conforrn in in which to inclose the same, the specifications and frame building, part of one-story frame .Ind sheet-iron No. a,. FOR RNPAVING WITH ASPHALT. ON building, with one-story brick engine-room extension, etie y res/ect to Printed sjtecifcations anti /,tans. agreements, and any further information desired, can -amine the specijrcations - CONCRETE FOUNDATION, PACIFIC south of Meadow street. Bidders are cautioned to ea. be obtained in Room No. nat. for oarticul its of the articles, etc., required, before WILLIAM DALTON, STREET, Nostrand to Brooklyn avenue. The sale will begin with the parcel first named. Commissioner of Water Supply. No.s3. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHAI.'f, ON A plan and description of these buildings and parts tanking their estimates. CONCRETE FOUNDATION, SUYDAM of buildings may be seen at the office of the Deputy Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates in Sl'REE1', from Myrtle to Knickerbocker Commissioner of Highways, Municipal Building, Bor addition to inserting the same in figures. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, avenue. ough of Brooklyn. Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp. COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, Nos. 13 TO Pr PARK Row, troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract. CITY OF NEW YORK, May 5, 19co• No. z4. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT, ON 'I'ERMS OF SALE. The form of the contract, including specifications, and CONCRETE FOUNDATION, GREENE Cash payment in bankable funds at the time and ptans, and showing the manner of payment, will UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL AVENUE, Clinton avenue to St. Janes be furnished at the office of the Department, No. 148 whom it may concern that, pursuant to the pro. place of sale, and the entire removal of the buildings P place, and Grand to Classon avenues. or parts of buildings by the purchaser or purchasers East Twentieth street, and by Horgan be Slattery, visions of the several laws of this State relative to the archit cts, No. r Madison avenue, Borough of Manhat- collection of taxes, water assessments, rents and extra No.z9. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT, ON within thirty days from the date of sale. If tire pur- CONCRETE FOUNDATION, GREENE chaser or purchasers fails or fail to remove the tan, New York City, and bidders are cautioned to rates, the said assessments, rents and rates levied and examine each and all of its provisions carefully, as the assessed in the First Ward of the Borough of Queens AVENUE, from Stuyvesant to Bushwick buildings or parts of buildings within the time speci- (formerly Long Island City), for the year beginning avenue. fied, lie or they shall forfeit his Sr their purchase Commissioner of Correction will insist upon its absolute No. A. FOR REPAVING WITH GRANITE, ON money and the ownership of the buildings or parts of enforcement in every particular. May I, r8g9, and ending , 1950, will become due FRANCIS J. LANTRY, and payable on and after May r6, r9co, and must be CONCRETE FOUNDATION, HARRI- buildings purchased. SON S'T'REET, from Bulkhead to Columbia JAMES P. KEATING, Commissioner. paid to the Deputy Commi=sinner of Water Supply at Commissioner of Highways. his office in the Hackett Building on Jackson avenue, street. DEFARrsIENT nF CORRECTION, First Ward (former Long Island City), Borough of No. 27. FOR REPAVING WITH GRANITE, ON NO. 148 EAST TWENTIETH STREET, Queens: that the same may be paid without fee or CONCREI'E FOUNDATION, PEARL NEW Yogic CITY, interest charge within the period beginning May r6 and STREET, Sand street to John street. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. ending June 55, 19oo; that on all bills remaining unpaid NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. after June r5, ani for thirty but days next following, Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons DBPAR'IMENT OF CORRECTt ea, interest will be added at the rate of two-thirds of one No. 148 EAST TwENIIEimo STREFI, PROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS AND WI)RK per cent., and that all such assessments, water rents and making the same, the names of all persons inter. ested with him therein, and if no other person be NEw Yoric, REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW rates which are not paid within sixty (6o) days from and so interested It shall distinctly state that fact ; that SI'FAM HEATING PASSENGER ELEVATOR after May a6, rgoo, will be levied and collected in the AND FEECTRIC LIGH'l'1\13, IN THE PEN- manner provided by law, together with interest thereon, it is made without any connection with any other per. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. son making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in 1TENTIARY BLOCK, BLACKWELL'S at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, from said date, ISLAND, BOROUGH OF 3IANHAT1'AN, NEW May r6, rgoo. all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of the Municival Assembly, head of a depart. PROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS AND WORK YORK Cl IV. The office hours for receiving money are from 9 A. M. ment, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk REQUIRED FOR ERFC'1'INC AND COM- to z P. M., and on Saturdays until Iz noon. EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR MATE- Taxpayers will please bring their la-t tax receipts or therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly PLE1ING A BUILDING TO BE KNOWN ar indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or AS THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, S rials and work required for installing a new steam- exact descriptions of their respective lots, in order to AT THE PENITENTIARY, BLACKWELL'S heating passenger elevator and electric lighting in the avoid delays or the payment of rates on the wrong in the work to which it relates or In any portion of the profits thereof. ISLAND. BOROUGH OF MANHAT'1_AN, Penitentiary Block, Blackwell's Island, Borough of property. Each estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, NEW YORK CITY Manhattan, New \ork City, in conformity with specifi- (Signed) WILLIAM DALTON, cations, will be received at the office of the Department Commissioner of Water Supply. of the party making the same, that the several matters therein stated are true, and must be accompanied by the EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR MA- of Correction, No. 148 East Twentieth street, in '1 he City consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders terials and work required for erecting and com- of New York, until as nt. of In The City of New York, to the effect that if the contract S ptctirg a building to be known as the Administration THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1900. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. Is awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, Building, at the Penitentiary, Blackwell's Island• in upon its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties coafonnity with specifications, will be received at the The person or persons making any bid or estimate DEPARTMENT OF H IGHwAYS, for its faithful performance, and that if lie shall refuse office of the Department of Correction. No 148 East shall furnish the s«me in a sealed envelope, indorsed COYMusSIONER'S OFFICE, Nos. 13 TO as PARK Row, or neglect to execute the same, they will pay to the Cor. Twentieth street, in The City of New York, until no •' hid or estimate for Installation of New Steam Heating Passenger Elevator and Electric Lighting in NEW YORI, June z, I9oo. potation any difference between the sum to which he nr. of would be entitled upon its completion, and that whit It the Penitentiary Bh,ck, Blackwell's Island," with his the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person to THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1900. or their name or names, and the date of presentation, to whom the contract shall be awarded at any subsequent The person or persons making any bid or estimate the head of said Department, at the said office, on or TO CONTRACTORS. letting, the amount to be calculated upon the estimated shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed before the day and hour above named, at which time amount of the work by which the bids are tested. ,, Bid or Estimate for Erecting and Completing Building and place the bids or estimates received will be publicly The consent last above mentioned must be accom- to be known as the Administration Building, at the opened by the Commissioner, or his duly authorized IDS OR ESTIMATES, INCLOSED IN A panied by the oath or affirmation, In writing, of each of Penitentiary, Blackwell's island;' with his or their name agent of said Depot tment, and read. B sealed envelope, with the title of the work and the the persons signing the same that he is a householder or or names, and the date of presentation, to the head of said THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DEI'ARTSIENT OF COR- name of the bidder indorsed thereon, also the number of freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the Department, at the said office, on or before the day and RhCTION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT' ALL BIDS OR the work as in the advertisement, will be received amount of the security required for the completion of hour above named, at which time and place the bids ESTIMATES IF DEEMED TO BE FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST. at Nos. 13 to at Park row, to Room No. I6ox, until as the contract, over and above all his debts of every or estimates received will be publicly opened by the No bid or estimate will he accepted from, or contract o'clock A. M., nature and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety, Commissioner, or his duly authorized agent of said De- awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor. FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1900. or otherwise. and that he has offered himself as surety partment, and read. poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter as in good faith, with the intention to execute tIe bond THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COR- surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- The bids will be publicly opened by the head of the required by law, RECTION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ALL BIDS OR poration. Department, in Room 1,619, Nos. 13 to aI Park row, No estimate will be considered unless accom. ESTIMATES IF DEEMED TO BE FOR TILE PUBLIC INTEREST. The award of the contract will be made as soon as at the hour above-mentioned. panted by either a certified check upon one of the State No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract practicable after the opening of the bids. Borough of Manhattan. or National banks of The City of New York, drawn to awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor. Any bidder for this contract must be known to be the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as engaged in and well prepared for the business, and No.r. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT PAVE- five per centum of the amount of the security re. surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and MENT, ON PRESENT PAVEMENT qwired for the faithful performance of the contract. poration. the person or persons to whom the contract may be RELAID AS FOUNDATION, "IHE Such check or money must NOT be inclosed in a The award of the contract will be made as soon as awarded will be required to give security for the per- ROADWAY OF BROADWAY, from Four- sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be practicable after the opening of the bids. formance of the contract, by his or their bond, with two teenth to Forty-second street, including the handed to the officer or clerk of the Department Any bidder for this contract must be known to be en. sufficient sureties, each in the amount of FIFTEEN space around Union Square. who has charge of the estimate box, and no estimate gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must THOUSAND (t5.coo) DOLLARS. No.a. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT', ON can be deposited in said box until such check or money have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name PRESENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded and place of residence or place of business of FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY OF correct. All such deposits, except that of the success. will be required to give security for the performance of each of the persons making the same, the names EAST ONE HUNDRED AND IWENIY- ful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient of all persons interested with him or them there- FIF ID STREET, from Third to Eighth same within three days after the contract is awarded. sureties, each in the amount of SIXTY THOU- in, and it no other person be so interested it avenue. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within SAND (6o,000) DOLLARS. ,hall distinctly state that fact; also, that it is made without No. 3. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT, ON five days alter notice that the contract has been Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name any connection with any other person making an esti. PRESENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the and place of residence or place of business of each of the mate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY OF deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained persons making the same, the names of all persons inter- without collusion or fraud, and that no member of the ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTH by The City of New York as liquidated damages for ested with him or them therein, and if r-o other person be Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of a STREET, from Broadway to Riverside Drive such neglect or refusal; but it he shall execute the so interested it shall distinctly state that fact ; also bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer No. 4. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT, ON contract within the time aforesaid the amount of the that it is made without any connection with any of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested PRESENT PAVEMENt' RELAID AS deposit will be returned to him. other person making an estimate for the same therein, or in the work to which it relates, or in any FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY OF THE COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS RE- purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collu- portion of the profits thereof. The bid or esti. FIFTY-FIFTH STREET, from Sixth to SERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ALL BIDS sion or fraud, and that no member of the Municipal mate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the Seventh avenue. RECEIVED FOR ANY PARTICULAR WORK IF Assembly, head of a department, chief of a bureau, party or parties making the estimste, that the several No. 5. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT, ON HE DEEMS IT FOR THE BEST INTERESTS OF deputy thereof, or clerk therein or other officer of the platters stated therein are in all respects true. Where PRESE'Nt PAVEMENL' REI.AID AS TILE CITY. Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, more than one person is interested it is requisite that FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY OF Blank forms of bid or estimate, the proper envelopes or In the work to which it relates, or in any por- the V ERH [CATION be made and subscribed by all the FIFTY-FIFTH STREET, from Eighth to in which to inclose the same, the specifications and tion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate parties interested. Ninth avenue. agreements, and any further information desired, can be must be verified by the oath. in writing, of the Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the No. 6. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT', ON obtained In Room No. 1636, Nos, 1310 an Park row. party or parties making the estimate, that the several consent, in writing, of two householders or freehold. PRESENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS JAMES P. KEATING, matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where ers, trust, bond or security companies in The City FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY OF Commissioner of Highways. more than one person is interested it is requisite that of New York, with their repective places of busi. TWELFTH STREET, from Fourth to Filth the VERIFICATION be made and subscribed by all the mires or residence, to the effect that if the contract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they avenue. CITY OF NEW YORK, parties interested. No.7. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT, ON DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, yt Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his PRESENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS COMMIssIONER'S OFFICE, Nos, 17 TO 2I PARK Row, consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders, sureties for its faithful performance ; and that it he shall FOUN , ATION, THE ROADWAY OF BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, May 3', 1900• trust, bond or security companies in The City of New omit or refuse to execute the same, they will pay to TWENTY-SEVENTH STREET', from York, with their respective places of business or the Corporation any difference between the sum to Madison to Fifth avenue. residence, to the effect that if the contract be which he would be entitled on its completion and that NOTICE OF SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the per. No.8. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT, ON awarded to the person making the estimate, they PREiENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his son or persons to whom the contract may be awarded FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY OF sureties for its faithful performance, and that if he at any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be N MONDAY, JUNE r8, tyoo, A'T n O'CLOCK calculated upon. the estimated amount of the supplies 'TWELFTH STREET, from Third to O A. M., the Department of Highways will sell at shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they shall pay Fourth avenue. to the Corporation any difference between the sum to by which the bids are tested. The consent above public auction by Philip A. Smyth, auctioneer, the mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirma. No.q. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT ON following which he would be entitled on its completion and that PRESENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the Lion, in writing, of each of the persons signingthe same, a horses, 4 light carriages, 3 two-wheeled gigs, I No. 3 that he is a householder or freeholder in The City of FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY OF Blake stone-crushing machine, I patent road machine, person or persons to whom the contract may be award. EIGHTH STREET, from Broadway to ed at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to New York, and is worth the amount of the security re- I blacksmith's bellows, about 70 feet Iron railing, 6 to 7 quired for the completion of this contract, over and above Macdougal street. tons scrap iron and steel, quantities of scrap brass, old be calculated upon the estimated amount of the supplies No. ,o. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT, ON by which the bids are tested. The consent above men- all his debts of every nature, and over and above his Iia- files, wheelbarrows, old rope and other miscellaneous brtittes as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has PRESENL' PAVEMENT' RELAID AS articles. tioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY OF in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that offered himself as a surety in good faith, and with the The sale will take place at the Department yard, One intention to execute the bond required by the Revised '1'W ENTY-EIGHTH STREET', from Eighth Hundred and Forty-fourth street and College avenue. he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New to Ninth avenue. York, and is worth the amount of the security required Ordinances of The City of New York, if the contract No. It. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPHALT, ON TERMS OF SALE. for the completion of this contract, over and above shall be awarded to the person or persons for whom he PRESENT PAVEMENT RELAID AS Cash payment in bankable funds at the time and place all his debts of every nature, and over and above his consents to become surety. The adequacy and suffi- FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY OF of sale, and the removal by purchasers of the horses liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has cieucy of the security offered is to be approved by the SEVENTIETH STREET, from Columbus and articles purchased by them within three days from offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the in- Comptroller of The City of New York. avenue to the Hudson river. the time of sale, otherwise they will forfeit ownership of tention to execute the bond required by the Revised No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom- No. in. FOR REeAVING WITH ASPHALT. ON the said horses and articles, and the money paid therefor, Ordinances of The City of New York, if the contract panied by either a certified check upon one of the PRESENT PAVEMENT REI.AID AS and the said horses and articles will be resold for the shall be awarded to the person or persons for whom he State or National Banks of The City of New York, FOUNDATION, THE ROADWAY OF benefit of the City. consents to become surety. The adequacy and suffi- drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money TWENTY-FIFTH STREET, from Fourth JAMES P. KEATING, ciency of the security offered is to be approved by the to the amount of seven hundred and fifty (75o) to Madison avenue. Commissioner of Highways. Comptroller of The City of New York. dollars, being five per centum of the amount of the TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1900. 3604 THE CITY RECORD.

contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall re. the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be cessful bidder, will be returned to the persons mak- security required for the faithful performance of the ing the same within three days after the contract 4 contract. Such check or money must Nu T be in- fuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the returuted to him. contract has been awarded to him. to execute the same, Should the person or persons in whom the contract awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or closed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, neglect, within five days after notice that the contract but must be handed to the ofil er or clerk of the the amount of the deposit made by hitn shall Ise forfeited ma y be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract Department who has charge of the estimate-box ; and to and retained by'IPhe City of New York as liquidated within five days after written notice that the same has has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he %hall been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to no estimate can be deposited in said box Until such and be retained by The City of New York as liquidated check or money has been examined by said officer or execute the contract within the time aforesaid the they accept but do not execute the contract and give the amount of his deposit will be returned to him. proper security, he or they shall he considered as having damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall ex. clerk and brand to he correct. All such deposits, except ectrte the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the per- Should the person or persons to whom the contract abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation, and may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contrccI the contract will he readvertised and relet, as provided of his deposit will be returned to him. sons making the same within three days after the con- Should the person or persons to whom the contract tract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse within five days after written notice that the same has by law. been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or For parl:culars as to quantify and quality of sup. may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract within five days alter written notice that the same has has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the they accept but do not execute the contract and give 4iies, or the nature and e.rtc nt of the work required, the proper security, he or they shall be considered ai been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or amount o(the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to bidders are referred to the Printed specifieat/oxs. they accept but do not execute the contract and give the and retained by The City of New York as liquidated having abandoned it and as in default to the Corpon- The quality of the articles, supelies. goods, wares tion, and the contract will be readvertised and relet as proper security, he or they shall be considered as having damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall and merchandise most conform in every rtspe, l to abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation and provided by law. ffice execute the contract within the time aforesaid the the samples of the same on exhibition at tile o the contract will be readvertised and relet, as provided amount of his deposit will be returned to him. For pa•t/culars as to the quantity and quality of of tie said Detiartnrent, or, in the absence of by law. Sho,tld the person or persons to whom the contract the supplies or the nature and extent of the stork samples, fir the printed specifications. Bidders may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract required or of the materials to be furnish'd bidders are cautioned to exam/tat the specifications for The quality of the articles, sr)ftlies. goods, warts within five days after written notice that the same has are referred to the printed sbecrfrcatioxs and the fl/ass. particulars of the articles, etc., required before and merchandise must conform in every rape,[ to been awarded to his or their bid or proposil, or if he or Tise arrork and materials must conform in evey making their estimates, and are tautionsd against the samples of the same on exhibition at the office of they accept but so not execute the contract:,nd give the rt.,,4eet to suds printed s/4ci/ieatioas and plans. Bid- r,j rring to any sampis or s/}eci/ications other than the said Dcflartmrnt, or, in the absence of samples, proper security, he or they shall be considered as h.tvicg rters are cautioned to examine the specifications for tkose furnis/zed by the Dejarin,ent. Such references to the printed specification:. Bidders are cautioned abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation, and particulars of the articles, etc., required before are cause for reject'ng bids whereon they are written, to examine the rp:civaateans for flartieulars of eke ar- the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided making their estimates. and swill in no case govern the action of the Drtfart- ticles, etc., required before making their estimates, by law. Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates in mext 01,1, ers in passing upon tenders. and are cautionedagainst referring to any samples For particulars as to tie quantity and quality of addition to inserting the same in figures. or sjteei/fcations other than those furnishrd by the De- Bidders roust state the price of each article fier artxrent. Such references are cause for rejecting the sa/phi,s or the nature and extent of the work Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp. t*nl:'ort, yard, etc., by which the bids will troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract. pound, dosen, ; ids whereon they are written, and will in no case required or of site niatcriuls to be furnish d, b,d- be (ested. The extensions nowt be made and footed b ders are referred to the printed stecifcations and The form of the contract, including specifications and govern the action of rim Department off ,era inpassing uf, as the bids toitl be react fs ax the footings atpon tenders. the plans. The stork and materials must conform plans, and showing the manner of payment, will be and awards made to the lowest binder on each itcun furnished at the office of the Department, No. 148 East in every respect to such printed specifications and or class. Bidders must state the price of each article per flans. Bidders are cautioned to examine the specifi- Twentieth street, and Horgan & Slattery, architects, No All estimates not cllnforns/ng to these requirements Jn,und, doz'n, gallon, yard, etc., by which the bids will the arti.les, etc., required r Madison avenue, Borough of Manhattan, New York cations for particulars of 2)555 be considered as informal. be tester. The extensions must be ntade and footed u/ before making their esti,nates. City, and bidders are cautioned to examine each and all Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates in as the bids will be read from the totalfooling and of its provisions carefully, as the Commissioner of Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates addition to inserting the same in figures. awards made to the lowest bidder on each item, in addition to inserting the same in figures. Correction will insist upon its absolute enforcement in Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp- All estimates not conforming to these requirements Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp- every particular. troller• in accordance with the terms of the contract, or may be considered as informal. troller, in accordance with tie terms of the contract. FRANCIS J. LANTRY, from time to time, as the Commissioner may determine. Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate The form of the contract, including specifications and Commissioner. Blank forms of bid or estimate, the proper envelopes plans, and showing the manner of payment, will be in addition to inserting the same in figures. in which to inclose the same, the specifications and Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp- furnished at the office of the Department, No. 148 East agreement approved as to form by the Corporation Twentieth street, and Horgan & Slattery, architects, DEPARTMENT OF CoanecrION, troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract, or No. i48 EAST TWESTOETH STRERT, C: umel, and any further information desired can be from time to time, as the Commissioner may deter- No. r Madison avenue, Borough of Manhattan, New obtained at the office of the General Bookkeeper and York City, and bidders are cautioned to examine each CITY OF New YORK, Jnne , ,gos. mine. and all of its provisions carefully, as the Commissioner Auditor. Blank forms of bid or estimate, the proper envelopes FRANCIS J. LAN TRY, in which to inclose the same, the specifications and of Correction will insist upon its absolute enforcement NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Commissioner. in every particular. agreement approved as to form by the Corporation FRANCIS J. LANTRY, PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR Counsel, and any further information desired can be Commissioner. MMIIS:;FLLANEOUS ARTICLES CONSI.S"ITN(] PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ES'1'I MATE, FOR obtained at the office of the General Bookkeeper and MAINLY OF HARDWARE, LUMBER, MISCELLANFOUs ARTICLES CONSISTING Auditor. DEPARTMENT OF CIRRECTION, 1'AIN1'S, OILS, GLASS, IRON AND STEEL, MAINLY OF HARDWARE, LUMBER, FRANCIS J. LANTRY, No. 148 EAST TWENTIETH StREET, ETC.. GOODS TO BE DELIVERED WITHIN PAIN"IS, OILS, Gl.•ASS, IRON AND STEEL, Commissioner. New YORK CITY. to DAYS AFTER NOTICE TO DELIVER. BROO)M CORN,EPISILES, EIC.. FOR PlAN- UF.ACTURING PURPOSES, GOODS 'TO BE DFI'ARTMI(NT OF CORRECTION, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. DELIVERED WITHIN to DAYS AFTER No 148 EAST TWENTIETH STREET, NOTICE TO DELI1'ER TO THE KINGS NHw YORK CITY. PROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS AND WORK EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR FUR- COUNTY PENITENTIARY. REQUIRED FOR MAKING THE ALfERA- S ni..hing the above-mentioned Supplies, in con- '1'IONS TO WINDOWS AND OTHER F:XTE formity with specifications, will be received at the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 148 East Twentieth RIOR PORTIONS OF THE PENI I ENTIARV, office of this Department, No. BOROUGH OF BcoOeLvs. BLACKWELLs.'S ISLAND, BOROUGH OF street, New York Ctty. Until a A. Al., MANHATTAN, NEW Y!)RK CITY PROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS AND WORK THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1900, REQUIRED FOR PLUMBING AND GAS- EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR MATFRI- No empty packages are to be returned to bidders or EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR FUR- JOTTING IN THE NEW ADMINIST'RA- S als and work required for makin, the alterations contractors except as herein specified, and none will be S nishing the above-mentioned Supplies, in con- T'ION BUILDING, IiLACKWEI.L'S ISLAND, to window, and other exterior portions of the Pcniten- paid for by the Department. formity with specifications, will he received at I he office BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK tiary, Blackwell's Island, New York City, in conformity The person or persons making any bid or estimate of this Department, No. r(8 East Twentieth street, CITY. with specifications, will be received at the office of the shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope indorsed New York City, until it A. M., Department of Correction. No. 148 East Twentieth 11 Bid or Estimate for Miscellaneous Sup 1 lies," with TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1900. street, in The City of New York, until rz ct. of his or their name or names and tf,e date of presentation, EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR MATERI. to the head of said Department, at the said office, on or No empty packages are to be returned to bidders or S als and work required for plumbing and gas-fitting THURSDAY, JUNE tdl, 1900. before the date and hour above named, at which time contractors except as herein specified, and none will be in the New Administration Building, Blackwell's Is- The person or persons making any bid or estirpate and place the bids or estimates received will be pub- paid for by the Department. land, New York City, in conformity with specifications, shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed licly opened by Commissioner of said Department, or The person or persons making any bid or estimate will be received at the office of the Department of ., Bid or Estimate for making the Alterations to W,ndolrs his duly authorized agent, and read. shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed Correction, No, 148 East Twentieth street, in The City and other portions of the Penitentiary, Itlackwell's THE COMMISSIONER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJF.CT " Bid or Estimate for Miscellaneous Supplies," with his of New York, until in M. of or their name or names, and the date of presentation, Island," with his or their name or names, and the date ALL BIDS OR ESTIMATES IF DEEMED To HE FOR THE THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1900, of presentation, to the head of said Department, at the PUBLIC INTEREST. to the head of said Department, at the said office, on said office, on or before the day and hour above named, No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract or before the day and hour above named, at which The person or persons making any bid or estimate at which time and place the bids or estimates receiv' d awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- time and place the bids or estimates received will be shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed will be publicly opened by the Commissioner, or his poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, publicly opened by Commissioner of said Depart. Bid or Estimate for Plumbing and Gas Fitting in New duly authorized agent of said Department, and read. as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- rent and read. Administration Building, B. I ," with his or their name THE COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CDR- poration. THE C')NRtISSlONER RESERVES TNT! RIGHT TO RHJECT or names, and the date of presentation, to the head of RECTION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ALL BID5 OR The award of the contract will be made as soon as ALL BIDS OR ESTIMATES IF DEEMED ro BH FOR THE said Department. at the said office, on or before the ESTIMATES IF DEEMED TO BE FOR THE 1•1:BLIC INTEREST. practicable after the opening of the bids. PUBLIC INTEREST. day and hourabove named, at which time and place No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract Delivery will be required to be made from time to No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract the bids or estimates received will be publicly opened awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor. time and in such quantities as may be directed by the awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- by the Commissioner, or his dttly authorized agent, of poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as said Commissioner. poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, said Department and read. surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora. Any bidder for this contract must be known to be as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- THE COctMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COR- RECTION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT AI.L BIDS OR tion. engaged in and well prepared for the business, and must poration. The award of the contract will be made as soon as have patisfactory testimonials to that effect : and the The award of the contract will be made as soon as ESTIMATES IF DEEMED TO BE FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST. practicable after the opening of the bids. person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded practicable after the opening of the bids. No bid or estimate will be accepted front, or contract Any bidder for this contract must be known to be en. will be required to give security for the performance of Delivery will be required to be made from time to awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor. gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must the contract, by his or their bond, with two sufficient time and in such quantities as may be directed by the poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter. as have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the sureties, each in the amount of fifty (5o) per cent. said Commissioner. surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora. person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded of the bid for each article. Any bidder for this contract must be known to be tion. will be required to give se•:urity for the performance Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name engaged in and well prepared for the business, and must The award of the contract will be made as soon as of the contract, by his or their bond, with two sufficient and place of residence of each of the persons making the have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the practicable after the opening of the bids. sureties, each in the amount of TEN THOUSAND same, the names of all persons interested with hint or person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded Any bidder for this contract must be known to be en. (io,000) DOLLARS. them therein, and if no other person be so interested it will be required to give security for the performance of gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made without the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the and place of residence or place of business of each any connection with any other person making an esti- srtreties, each in the amount of fifty (5o) per cent. of the person or persnr s to whom the contract may be awarded of the persons making the same, the names of all mate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair bid for each article. will be required to give security for the performance of persons interested with him or them therein, and and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name the contract, by his or their bond. with two sufficient if no other person be so interested, it shall distinctly the Municipal Assembly, head ofa department, chief of and place of residence of each of the persons making the sureties,each in the amount of t'WELVE THOUSAND state that fact ; also that it is made without any a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer same, the names of all persons interested with him or fiasco) DOLLARS. connection with any other person making an esti. of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested them therein, and if no other person be so interested it Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the mate for the same purpose and is in all respects therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made without name and place of residence or place of busi- fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate any connection with any other person making an esti- ness of each of the persons making the same, member of the Municipal Assembly, head of a depart. must be verified by the oath, in writing. of the party or mate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fait the names of all persons interested with him or ment, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, parties making the estimate that the several matters them therein, and if no other person be so interested and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of it shall distinctly state that fact; also that it is made or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indi- stated therein are in all respects true. Where more the Municipal Assembly, head ofa department, chief of a rectly interested therein or in the work to which than one person is interested it is requisite that the buteau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer without any connection with any other person making it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. vERtFIC.ATsoN be made and subscribed by all the parties of the Corporation. is directly or Indirectly interested an estimate for the same purpose and is in all respects The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in interested. fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no member therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or of the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief writing, of the party or parties making the estimate Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or esti- that the several matters stated therein are in all consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders, mate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other respects true. Where more than one person is inter. in The City of New York, with their respective places of party or parties making the estimate that the several officer of the Corporation is directly or indirectly ested it is requisite that the VERIFICATION be made and business or residence, to the effect that if the contract be interested therein, or in the work to which it matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where p subscribed by all the parties interested. awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on more than one person is interested, it is requisite th.-t relates or in any portion of the rofits thereof. Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for the VERIFICATION be made and subscribed by all the The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders, its faithful performance, and that if he shall omit or parties interested. trust, bond or security companies in The City of refuse to execute the same they will pay to the Corpo- that the several matters stated therein are in all respects New York, with their respective places of business or ration any difference between the stem to which he would Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the con. true. Where more than one person is interested, it is residence, to the effect that it the contract be awarded to be entitled on its completion and that which the Corpo- sent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders, in requisite that the VERIFICATION be made and subscribed the person making the estimate, they will, on its being so ration may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to The City of New York, with their respective places cf by a-1 the parties interested. awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faith- whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent business or residence, to the effect that if the contract be Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the con- ful performance, and that if he shall omit or refuse letting ; the amount in each case to be calculated awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on sent, in writing. of two householders or freeholders, to execute the same, they shall pay to the Corporation upon the estimated amount of the work by which its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its trust or security companies in The City of New any difference between the sum to which he would be the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned faithful performance, and that if he shall omit or refuse York, with their respective places of business or shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, to execute the same, they will pay to the Corporation residence, to the effect that if the contract be entitled on its completion and that which the Corpora- any difference between the sum to which he would tion may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to in writing, of each cf the persons signing the awarded to the person making the estimate they will, whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent same that he is a householder or freeholder in be entitled on its completion and that which the Corpo. on its being no awarded, become bound as his The City of New York, and is worth the amount of ration may be obliged to pay to the pe rson or persons to sureties for its faithful performance, and that if he letting; the amount in each case to be calculated upon y subsequent the estimated amount of the supplies by which the bids the security required for the completion of this contract whom the contract may be awarded at an shall omit or refuse to execute the same they shall pay are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be ac- over and above all his debts of every nature, and letting ; the amount in each case to be calculated upon to the Corporation any difference between the sum to companied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or other- the estimated amount of the work by which the bids which he would be entitled on its completion and that of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder wise, and that he has offered himself as a surety in are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accom. which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the per. good faith and with the intention to execute the bond parried by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each son or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at or freeholder in The City of New York and is worth the same that he is a householder the amount of the security required for the completion required by the Revised Ordinances, if the contract shall of the persons signing any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be of this contract, over and above all his debts of every be awarded to the person or persons for whom he con- or freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the calculated upon the estimated amount of the supplies nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, sents to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency amount of the security required for the completion of this by which the bids are tested. The consent above men. offered to be approved by the Comp- contract over and above all his debts of every nature tinned shall be accompanied by the oath or atHrma- surety or otherwise, and that he has offered him- of the security and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or self as a surety in good faith and with the intention to troller of The City of New York. tion, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same execute the bond required by the Revised Ordinances of No bid or estimate will be considered unless otherwise, and that he has offered himself as a surety that he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond York and is worth the amount o f the security required The City of New York, if the contract shall be awarded required by the Revised Ordiaances if the con- to the person or persons for whom he consents to become National or State banks of The City of New York, drawn for the completion of this contract, over and above all to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount tract shall be awarded to the person or persons his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabili- surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security for whom he consents to become surery. The adequacy offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of The City of five per centuat of the amount of the security required ties as bail, surety or otherwise and that he has offered for the faithful performance of the contract. Such and sufficiency of the security offered to be approved himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention of New York. by the Comptroller of The City of New York. No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom- check or .money must NOT be inclosed in the sealed to execute the bond required by the Revised Ordinances panied by either a certified check upon one of the State envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom. of The City of New York, if the contract shall be or National banks of The City of New York, drawn to to the officer or clerk of the Department who has panied by either a certified check upon one of the awarded to the person or persons for whom he consents the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be National or State banks of The City of New York, to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the five hundred (Soo) dollars, being five per centum of the deposited in said box until such check or money has drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the security offered to be approved by the Comptroller of amount of the security required for the faithful perform- been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be amount of flu's per centum of the amount of the The City of New York. ance of the contract. Such check or money must NOT be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful security required for the faithful performance of No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom- inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same the contract. Such check or money must NOT be panied by either a certified check upon one of the State or within three days after the contract is awarded, lithe inclosed to the sealed envelope containing the esti. National banks of The City of New York, drawn to the but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of Department who has charge of the estimate box, and successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days mate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk Six Hundred (tion) dollars, being Ave per centum of the no estimate can be deposited in said box until such alter notice that the contract has been awarded to of the Department who has charge of the esii. him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit mate-box and no estimate can be deposited in said amount of the security required for the faithful per. check or money has been examined by said officer or formance of the contract, Such check or money must clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except made by him shall be forfeited to and be retained by The box until such check or money has been exam. City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect ined by said officer or clerk and found to be NOT be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of persons making the same within three days after the or refusal; but if he shall execute the contract within correct. All such deposits, except that of the suc- TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1900. THE CITY RECORD. 3605

the Department who has charge of the estimate box, of The City of New York, payable to the order of the For tine following work in the correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful and no estimate can be deposited In said box Comptroller of said city, for one hundred and fifty Borough of Manhattan. bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same until such check or money has been ex- dollars ($ISO), or by money to that amount. On the within three days after the contract is awarded, If the amined by said officer or clerk and found to he acrcplance of any bid, the checks or money No. r. SEWER IN RIBUIV-hOIJRI'll STREET, successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful of the unaccepted bidders will be returned to them ; betwcon East Fall ;rvcnue and East river. days after notice that the contract has been awarded to bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same and upon the execution of the contract, the check or Borough of Brooklyn. him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit within three days after the contract is awarded. If the money of the accepted bidder will be returned to him, made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by 'rhe successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five All bids most be made with reference to the form of No.2. SEWERS IN HURON STREET, from Fast City of New York as liquidated damages for such neg. clays after notice that the contract has been awarded to contract and the requirements thereof on file at the river to Provost street ; in PRf)VOST led or refusal; but if he shall execute the contract him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit Departmcnt of Street t; lcming, or titcy will be rejected. Sl l(ER'f, between Hur.m street and Green- within the time aforesaid the amount of the deposit will made by him shall be forfeited to and retained b The farm of the agreement (with specifications), show- p-lot avenue; in GREENPOINT AVE- be returned to him, The City of New York as liquidated damages for such ing the manner of payment for the article', may he stun NUE, hctwr'en Provost street ,nl Jewell street; in JEWEL STIREEI, hetwer•n THE COMMISSIONER OF SEWERS RESERVES neglect or refusal, hut if he shall execute the contract and forms ofpropo;als may be obtained at the mainnEcc THE RIGHT '10 REJECT ALI, BIDS RECEIVED, within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit wil, of the Deplrt utcnt. f;rgenpoint venue and Normon avenue ; in Nl1R MAN AVENUE, b twernJewell -troet IF IIE DEEMS IT FOR TfIE BEST INTERESTS be returned to hint. F. M. GIBSON, OF THE CI'T'Y. Deputy Commissioner of Street Cleaning, Borough of and ton Peer ea,t of Hnml olds street; and in Should the person or persons to whom the contract MEsEROLE AVENUE, hehvicen Jewell Blank forms of bids or estimates, the proper envelopes may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract Manhattan, designated with full powers of Commis- in which to inclose the same, and any further infor- sioner. strict and Diamond street, wi, h c nnecuons. within five days after written notice that the same has Each hid or estimate shall contain and state the mation desired, can be obtained at the office of the been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or Dated NEW Yor.K, June 6, 190o. and place of residence of each of the persons making Deputy Commissioner of Sewers, Hackett Building, they accept but do not execute the contract and give the Long Island City, b'ornugh of QQueens. DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANItNG, the same. the names of all persons interested with him proper security, he or they shall be considered as having therein, and if no other person be so interested it shall JAb. KANE1 abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation, and MAIN OFFICF., Nuns. 13 Ti) 2I PARK Row, Commissioner of Sewers. BGROUGH OF MANHATTAN. distinctly state that act ; that it is made withont any the contract will be readvertised and rclet, as provided connection with any other person making an estimate by law. CONTRACT FOR FURNISHING FORAGE FOR for the same purpose, and is to all respects fair and For )4articulars as to the quantity and qualitt of 'I'll It USE t)F THE 1)EPAR'l'MEN'P OF without collusion or fraud, and that no member of the SUPREME COURT. the eupfrlies or toe mature and extent of the work Municipal Assembly, head of a department. chief of a S'l'REEI CLEANING, FOR THE BOROUGHS SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. required or of the materials to be furnirked, bidders OF MANHAl'IAN AND THE BRONX. bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer are referred to the jirinted sptujiatiaos and the of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested In the natter of the application and petition of Michael plans. The work and materials ,oust conform in every PUBLIC NOTICE. therein, or in the supplies or in the work to which it resfrct to such printed steci/icrtions and rtans. Bid- relates or in any portion of the profits thereof. 'F. Daly, as ('ommissioner of Public Works of The City ders are can//cord to examine the spece/ications for Each estimate most he verified by the oath, in writing, of New York, under and in pursuance of chapter r8p STIMATES INCLOSED IN SEALED ENVEL- of the Laws of 1893, and the laws amendatory jiasutulars of the articles, etc., required before mak- E opes and indorsed with the name and address of of the party making the same, that the several matters therein stated are trite, and must be accompanied by the thereof, on behalf of the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- ing their estimates, the person or persons making the same, and the date of monalty of The City of New York, for the appointment Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate in presentation, and a statement of the work and supplies to consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders y of Commissioners of Appraisal under said acts. addition to inserting the same in figures. which they relate, will be received at the office of the in The Cit of New York, to the effect that if the contract Payment will be made by a requisition on the Comp. Department of Street Cleaning, in The City of New York, is awarded to the person making the estimate they will, open its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties THIRD SEPARATE REPuRT—I3nmuusTEIt FIRCT SUl'PLE- troller, in accordance with the terms of the contract. until r2 o'clock M. of MENTAL PROCEEDING, 'the form of the contract, including specifications and for its faithful performance, and that if he shall reline plans, and showing the manner of payment, will be FRIDAY, TILE A'd DAY OF JUNE, 1900, or neglect to execute the same they will pay to the Cor. poration any difference between the sum to which he UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Furnished at the office of the Department, No. 148 East at which time and place the estimates will be publicly P the Third Separate Report of Edward Wright, Twentieth street, and Horgan & Slattery, architects, would be entitled upon its completion and that which opened and lead for the Furnishing and Delivery of the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person to Elbert T. Baily and John L Walsh, Commissioners of No. I Madison avenue, Borough of Manhattan, New Forage, as follows: Appraisal in the above-entitled matter, was filed in the York City, and bidders are cautioned to examine each whom the contract shall be awarded at any subsequent r,og8,000 pounds Hay, of the quality and standard telling, the amount to be calculated upon the estinnvted office of the County Clerk of the County of Westches- and all of its provisions carefully, as the Commissioner known as Prime Hay. ter, at White Plains, on the 27th day of April, 1900, of Correction will insist upon its absolute enforcement amount of the work by which the bid-, are tested. 251,000 pounds good, clean, long Rye Straw. 'Ihe consent last above-mentioned most be accom- and a certified copy thereof was filed in the Clerk's in every particular. 1,857,000 pounds clean No. 2 White Clipped Oats, to office of the County of Putnam, at Carmel, in said FRANCIS J. LANTRY, panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of be bright, sound, well cleaned, and reason- the persons signing the same that lie is a householder or County, on the e8th day of April, tgeo. Commissioner. ably free from other grain, weighing not less freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the Notice is further given that the said report includes than 36 pounds to the measured bushel. amount of the security required for the completion of and affects the parcels designated as Parcels Nos. 149, 85,700 pounds first quality Bran. the contract, over and above all his debts of every 150, and damages to contiguous property. OFFICIAL PAPERS. 6,000 pounds first quality Coarse Salt. nature, and over arid above his liabilities as bail, surety, Notice is further given that an application will be 7,500 pounds first quality Rock Salt. or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as surety made at a Special Terns of the Supreme Court of the ORNING-11MORNING JOURNAL," "TRLE. 2/ens pounds first quality Oat Meal, in good faith, with the intention to execute the bond State of New York, to be held in and for the Second Judicial District, in the Court-house, in the Village of M graph." The person or persons to whom the contract may be reuuired by law. Evening—" Daily News," "Commercial Advertiser. awarded will be required to execute such contract No estimate will be considered unless accom- White Plains, Westchester County, New York, on the r6th day of June, ,goo, at to o'clock in the forenoon Weekly—" Weekly Union." within live days from receipt of a notice to that effect, panied by either a certified check upon one of the and in case of failure or neglect so to do, he or they will State or National banks of The City of New York, of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be Semi-weekly—" Harlem Local Reporter." heard, for an order confirming said report, and for German—" Morgen Journal." be considered as having abandoned such contract and drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to such other relief as may be just. WILLIAM A. BUTLER, as in default to the Corporation, whereupon the Com- the amount of five per centunr of the amotmt of the missioner of Street Cleaning will readvertise and relet security required for the faithful performance of the Dated the 7th day of Mnv, rgao. Supervisor, City Record. JOHN WHALEN, SR.FTEMBER 6, Iege. the work, and so on till the contract be accepted and contract. Such check or money most Nor be inclosed executed. in a sealed envelope containing the estimate, but Corporation Counsel, Bidders are required to state in their estimate, most be handed to the officer or clerk of the Depart. City of New York. tinder oath, their names and places of residence, the meat who has charge of the estimate box, and no esti. Office and Post Office address, DEPARTMENT OF STREET names of all persons interested with them therein, mate can be deposited in said box until such check or No. 2 'Tryon Row. CLEANINC. and if no other person be so interested they money has been examined by said officer or clerk and shall distinctly state that fact ; also, that it is made found to be correct. All such deposits, escept that of FIRST DEPARTMENT. without any connection with any other person malt. DEPARTMENT OF STREET Ct-eAsIMG the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons ing any bid or estimate for the above work or sup- making the same within three days after the contract is MAIN OFFICE, Nos. 13 TO 21 PARK Row, plies, and that it is in all respects fair and without awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- collusion or fraud : and also that no member of the within five days after notice that the contract has been men and Commonalty of I he City of New York, Municipal Assembly, head ofa department, chief ofa bu. awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not CONTRACT FOR FURNISHING FORAGE FOR reau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and THE USE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF the Corporation is directly or indirectly interested by The City of New York as liquidated damages for such hereditaments required for the purpose of opening STREET CLEANING FOR THE BOROUGH therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, neglect or refusal ; but if he sha!1 execute the contract EASI' fINF, 11UNORl':D -sND SEVI'.N'fY- OF BROOKLYN. or in any portion of the profits thereof. Where more within the time aforesaid the amount of the deposit will SECOND i-TREE'L' (although not yet named by than one person is interested, it is requisite that the be returned to him. proper authority), from Jerome avenue to Morris verification be made and subscribed by all the parties T'HE COMMISSIONER OF SEWERS RESERVES avenue, as the same has been heretofore laid out and PUBLIC NOTICE. interested. Each estimate shall also be accom- THE RIGHT'1'O REJECT ALL BIDS RECEIVED designated as a first-class street or road, in the panied by the consent, in writing, of two householders IF HE DEEMS IT FOR THE BEST INEERES'rs Twenty-fourth Ward of The City of New York. ESTIMATES INCLOSED IN SEALED ENVEL- or freeholders of The City of New York, wit/c their re- OF THE CITY. opes and indorsed with the name and address of s/ective places of business or residence, or of two (2) Blank forms of bids or estimates, the proper envelopes the person or person, making the same, and the date of guarantee or surety companies, duly authorized by law in which to inclose the same, and any further mfor- OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE presentation, and a statement of the work and supplies to act as surety, incorporatedunder the Laws of the matton desired, can be obtained, as to the Borough of N bill of costs, charges and expenses in- to which they relate, will be received at the office of the State of New York, as shall be satisfactory to the Comp- Manhattan, at the office of the Commissioner of Bost ern, curred by reason of the proceedings in the ahove- Department of Street Cleaning, in The City of New troller, to the effect that it the contract be awarded to Nos. 13 to 2t Park row, Borough of Mantattan, and as to entitled matter, up to and including the 3oth day of York, until t2 o'clock st. of the person or persons making the estimate, they the Borough of Brooklyn, at the office of the Deputy April, rgoc•, will be presented for taxation to one will on its being so awarded become bound as his or their Comlmssioner of Sewers, Municipal Building, Borough of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State FRIDAY, THE 22d DAY OF JUNE, 1900, sureties for its faithful performance in the amount of of Brooklyn. of New York, First Department, at a Special Term at which time and place the estimates will be publicly Ten Thousand (to,000) Dollars, and that if he or they JAS, KANE, thereof, Part I., to be held at the County Court-house, opened and read for the furnishing and delivery of shall omit or refuse to execute the same they will pay Commissioner of Sewers, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New forage, as follows to The City of New York any difference between the sum York, on the 21st day of June, r900, at 10.30 o'clock 200,000 pounds Hay, of the uuality and standard to which he or they would be entitled on its completion DEPARTMENT OF SRWERS—CO\tMISSIONRR's OFFICE, in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as known as prime hay. and that which The City of New York may be obliged counsel can be heard thereon; and that the said bill e Straw. to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract Nos. 13 TO 21 PARK Row, 1( 200,000 pounds Good, Clean, Long Ry New YORK, June I, Igoo. of costs, charges and expenses has been deposited in the 5m,mo pounds Clean No. z White Clipped Oats, to may be subsequently awarded. The consent above men- office of the Clerk of the County of New York, there to be bright, sound, well cleaned, and tioned shall be accompanied by the oath or allirtna. remain for and during the space of ten days, as required rea onably free from other grain, weigh- tine, in writing, of each of the persons signing the TO CONTRACTORS. by the provisions of section 999 of title 4 of chapter ing not less than 36 pounds to the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in The City 17 of chapter 378 of the Laws of 1897. measured bushel. of New York, and is worth the amount of the security Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, N Ew YORK, May 25, required for the completion of the contract, over and OR ESTIMATES, INCLOSED IN A rgoo. The person or persons to whom the contract may be above all his debts of every nature and over and above awarded will be required to execute such contract with- B sealed envelope, with the title of the work and HORACE BARNARD, Jr., his liabilities as bail, stet uy ar.d otherwise ; that he has the name of the bidder indorsed thereon, will be JANI S R. FLY, in five days from receipt of a notice to that effect ; and, offered himself as a surety in good faith, and with • n in case of failure or neglect so to do, he or they will be received at this office until JAMES A. Hot tl'ER, intention to execute the bond required by law. The Commissioners. considered as having abandoned such contract, and as adequacy and sufficiency of the sureties offered shall be WEDNESDAY. JUNE 13, 1900, in default to the Corporation, whereupon the Commis. Jonv P. DUNN, approved by the Comptroller. at r2 o'clock M., at which hour they will he publicly Clerk. sioner of Street Cleaning will readverusc and retell the The price in the bid or estimate must he written, and work, and so on till the contract be accepted and exe- opened by the head of the Department and read. also stated in figures. Permission will not he given for For the following work in the FIRST DEPARTMENT. cuted. the withdrawal of any bid or estimate, and the right is Bidders are required to state in their estimate, under expressly reserved by the Commissioner of Street Clean- Borough of Queens. oath, their names and places of residence, the names of ing to reject all the bids, if, in his judgment, it he deemed "SEWER IN DEBEVOISE AVENUE, from Woel,ey In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- all persr ns interested with them therein, and, if no other best for the interest of the City. No bid will be accepted men and Commonalty of the City of New York, person be so interested, they shall state that avenue to the crown, 25o feet north of Potter from or contract awarded to any person who is in avenue, First Ward, Borough of Queens." relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has fact : also, that it is made without any connection with arrears to the Corporation upon debt or contract, or who not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements any other person making any bid or estimate for the Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obltga- and hereditaments required for the purpose of above work or supplies ; and that it is in all respects name and place of residence of each of the persons tion to the Corporation. making the same, the names of all persons interested opening Bu)cTI IN ROAD (although not yet fair and without collusion or fraud ; and also, that no Each bid or proposal must be accompanied by a certi. named by proper authority), from Tremont avenue to member of the Municipal Assembly, head of a depart- with hum therein, and if no other person be so interested fled check on one of the State or National banks of The the P,tonx Park, as the same has been heretofore ment, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein it shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is made without City of New York, payable to the order of the Comp- any connection with any other person making an esti. laid out and designated as a first-class street or or other officer of the corporation, is directly or indi. troller of said city, for Five Hundred Dollars (gtoo), or road in the Twenty-fourth Ward of'1'he City of New rectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to mate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair by money to that amount. On the acceptance of any York. which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of bid, the checks or money of the unaccepted bidders will the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of Where more than one person isinterested, it is requisite be returned to them, and u pon the execution of the con- that the vcr~fication be made and subscribed by all the a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE. SUP- tract the check or money of the accepted bidder will be officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter- plrmental and additional bill of costs, charges parties interested. Each estimate shall also be accom- returned to him. N panicd by the consent, in writing, of two hou-eholders or ested therein, or in the supplies or in the work to and expenses incurred by rea,nn of the proceedings All bids must be made with reference to the form of which it relates or in any portion of the profits thereof. in the above-entitled matter will Inc presented for taxa- freeholders of The City of New York, with their respect- contract and the requirements thereof on file at the ive places of business or residence, or of two (a) guaran- Each estimate must he verified by the oat,, is tion to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Department of Street Cleaning, or they will be rejected, writing, of the party making the same, that the several the State of New York, First Department, at a tee or surety companies, duly authorized by haw to act as The form of the agreement with specifications), show. surety, incorporated tinder the laws of the State of New matters therein stated are true, and must be accompa. Special Terns thereof, Part 1., to be held at the ing the manner of payment for the articles, may be seen, nied by the consent in writing, of two householders or County Court-house, in the Borough of Manhattan, York, as sh:,ll he satisfactory to the Comptroller, to the and forms of proposals may be obtained at the main effect that, if the contract be awarded to the person or freeholders in The City of New York, to the effect that in The City of New York, on the oust day of office of the Department. if the contract is awarded to the person making the June, tgoo, at to.3o o'clock in the forenoon of that persons making the estimate, they will, on its being so P. E. NAGLE, awarded, become bound as his or their sureties for its estimate, they will, upon its being so awarded, become day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can he heard Commissioner of Street Cleaning. bound as his sureties for its faithful performance, and thereon, and that the said bill of costs, charges and faithful performance in the amount of three thousand Dated New YORK, June 4, 1900. (g3,000) dol'ars ; and that, if he or they shall omit or that if he shall refuse or neglect to execute the same expenses has been deposited in the office of the Clerk refuse to execute the same, they will pay to The City of they will pay to the Corporation any difference between of the County of New York, there to remain for and ERSONS HAVING BULKHEADS TO FILL, IN the sttm to which he would be entitled upon its coop le. during the space of ten days, as required by the pro. New York any difference between the sum to which he the vicinity of New York Bay, can procure mate- or they would be entitled on its cor.~pletion and that P tion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to visions of section 999 of title 4 of chapter 17, of chapter rial for that purpose—ashes, street sweepings, etc., such pay to the person to whom the contract shall be awarded 378 of the Laws of 1897. which 'flue City of New York may be obliged to pay to as Is collected by the Department of Street Cleaning— the person or persons to whom the contract may be sub- at any subsequent letting ; the amount to be calculated Dated BOROUGH of M:sNHAITAN, NEW YORK, June free of charge, by applying to the Commissioner of upon the estimated amount of the work by which the I, rgoo. sequently awarded. The consent above men Toned shall Street Clean[ng, Nos, 13 to an Park row Borough of be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, bids are tested. AMES R. ELY, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a Manhattan. The, consent last above mentioned must he accom- J AM1.. 13. PAUL, PERCIVAL E. NAGLE, panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of WML G. ROSS, householder or freeholder in The City of New York, Commissioner of Street Cleaning. and is worth the amount of the security required for the persons sigoing the same, that he is a householder Commissioners. the con- pletion of the contract, over and above all his or freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth JOHN P. Dusty, debts of every nature, arid over and above his liabilities the amount of the security required for the completion of Clerk. as bail, surety and otherwise ; that he has offered him. DEPARTMENT OF SEWERS. the contract, over and above all his debts of every na- ture, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety, SECOND DEPAR'T'MENT. self as a surety in good faith, and with an intention to DEPARTMENT OF SERVERS—CIMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, execute the bond required by law. The adequacy and or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as surety Nos, 13 TO at PARK Row, in good faith, with the intention to execute the bond In the matter of the application ofThe City of New York, sufficiency of the sureties offered shall be approved by NEW YORK, June 8, Igoo. the Comptroller. required by law. relative to arquinrg title to the lands, tenements and The price in the bid or estimate must be written, and No estimate will be considered unless accompanied hercditaments required for the purpose of opening also stated in figures. Permission will not be given for TO CONTRACTORS. by either a certified check upon one of the State or SEVENTY-THIRD STREET, from Sixth avenue to the withdrawal of any bid or estimate, and the right is National banks of The City of New York, drawn to Seventh avenue, in the thirtieth Ward, Borough of expressly reserved by the Commissioner of Street Clean- the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount Brooklyn, The City of New York. ing to reject all the bids, if, in his judgment, it he IDS OR ESTIMATES, INCLOSED IN A of five per cenetlm of the amount of the security deemed best for the interest of the City, No bid will be B sealed envelope, with the title of the work and required for the faithful performance of the contract. NtiTICE IS HEREBY G[VEN THAT \VE, THE accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who the name of the bidder indorsed thereon, will he Such check or money must NOT be inclosed in a undersigned, were appointed by an order of the is in arrears to the Corporation upon debt or contract, received at this office until sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be Supreme Court, bearing date the 16th day of or who is a deLtulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who September, 1199, and duly entered in the office of the obligation to the Corporation. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1000, has charge of the estimate box, and no estimate can be Clerk of the County of Kings, at his office in the Bor- Each bid or proposal must be accompanied by a at Is o'clock se., at which hour they will be publlcly deposited in said box until such check or money has ough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the certified check on one of the State or National banks opened by the head of the Department and read. been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be 16th day of September, 1899, a copy of which order was 3606 THE CITY RECORD. TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1900.

duly filed in the office of the Register of the County of City ',f Netc York, and also in the notice of the applica- desrribed as follows, viz.: Beinning at the corner hear parties so objecting, anti for that purpose will be Kings, and indexed in the Index rd Convey- tion for the said order thereto attached, filed herein f- rmed by the intersection of the westerly side of in attendance at our said office on the 15th day of ances, Commissioners of Estimate and Assess- in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on Park avenue (Vanderbilt avenue, West) with the tune, tgoo, at to o'clock A. M. ment, for the purpose of making a just and the 18th day of September, 1999. and a just and equitable northerly side of Fast One Hundred and Seventy- Second—That the abstract of our said estimate and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss estimate and asse,-tnent of the value of the benefit aud niuth street : running thence westerly along the assessment, together with our damage and benefit and damage, it any, (Sr of the benefit and advantage, if advantage of said street or avenue so to be opened or northerly side of Fast One Hundred and Seventy- maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and any, as the case may be, to the respective owners, lessees, laid out and formed, to the respective owners, lessees, ninth street to the easterly side of Valentine avenue; other docttments used by us in making our report, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or intet- parties and persons respectively entitled to or interested thence southwesterly to the northeasterly side of Burn- have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings ested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments and in the said respective lands, tenements. hereditaments side avenue; thence northwesterly along the northea>t- in the Law Department of The City of New York, Nos. premises required for the purpose by and in conse- and premises not required for the purpose of opening, eily side of Butnside avenue to the middle line of the 90 and ga West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, quence of opening the, above-mentioned street or ave- laying out and forming the same, but benefited thereby, block between Morris avenue and Creston avenue; in said city, there to remain until the a5th day of June nue, the same being particularly set torth and described and of ascertaining and defining the extent and bound- thence nmthensterfy along the middle line of the block t900. in the petition of The City of New York, and also ones of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be between Morris avenue and Creston avenue to the Third—That the limits of our assessment for benefit in the notice of the application fur the said order taken or to be assessed therefor, and of performing the romherly side of East One Hundred and Eighty-first include all those lands, tenements and hereditaments thereto attached, filed bruin in the office of the trusts and duties required of its by chapter :7, title 4, of street ; the nce e; steely along the southerly side of East and premises situate, lying and being in the Borough Clerk of the County of Fins on the 16th day of the Greater New York Charter. and the acts or parts One Htmered and Nighty-first street anti its prolonga- of The Bronx, in The City of New York, which, taken September, 1899; and ajust and equitable estimate and of arts supplr-roeotary thereto or amendatory thereof. tion cast wardly to the wester ly side of Park avenue together, are bounded and described as follows, viz. assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of All parties and persons interested in the real estate fVande.btlt avcnu c, West); thence southerly along Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the said street or avenue so to be opened or laid out and taken or to be taken for the Purpose of opening the said the westerly side of Park avenue (Vanderbilt ave- middle line of the block between East One Hundred formed, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and street or avenue, or affected thereby, and having any nue, West) to the point or Place of heeinning ; and Seventy-fifth street and East One Hundred and persons respectively entitled to or interested in the claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby required as such street are shown upon the Final Maps and Pro- Seventy-sixth street, with the prolongation southerly of said respective lands, tenements, hereditaments and to present the same, duly verified, to us, the under. files of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of a line drawn parallel to the westerly side of Belmont premises not required for the purpose of opening, signed Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment, at The City of New York, excepting front said area all avenue and distant too feet westerly therefrom ; thence laying out and forming the same, but benefited thereby, our office in the suffice of the Law Department, Room so, streets, avenues and roads or portions thereof hereto- northerly along said prolongation and parallel line to and of ascertaining and defining the extent and hound. Ilorough Hall. Borough of Brooklyn, in 1'he City of New fore Ic-gully opened as such area is shown upon our bene- its intersection with a line drawn parallel to the south- aries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be York, with such afhda%its or other proofs as the said fit maps deposited as aforesaid. erly side of East One hundred and Seventy-seventh taken or to he assessed therefor. and of performing the owner or claimants may desire, within twenty days Fbnrth—I'liat cur last partial and separate report street or Tremont avenue and distant too feet trusts and duties required of its by chapter 17, title q. after the date of this notice. herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the southerly therefrom ; thence westerly along said of the Greater New York Charter, and the acts or And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attendance State of New York, First Department, at a Special parallel line to its intersection with the pro- parts of acts supplementary thereto or amendatory at our said office on the 3oth day of June, 0900, at to Term thereof, Part l., to he held in the County Court- longation southerly of the middle line of the blocks between Hughes avenue and Arthur avenue; thence thereof. o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the said house, III the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New All parties and persons interested in the real parties and persons in relation thereto, and at such York, on the 17th day of July, too, at the opening northerly along said prolongation and middle line of estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of open- time and place, and at such further or other time and of the Court on that day, and thal then and there, or as the blocks to its intersection with a line drawn parallel ing the said street or avenue, or affected thereby, placc as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a to the northerly site of East One Hundred and Eighty- and having any claim or demand on account tebrtwn thereto and examine the proofs of such claimant motion will be made that the said report he confirmed. second street or Kingsbridge road and distant too feet thereof, are hereby required to present the same, or claim:mus, or such additional proofs:md allegations as Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, New YORK CITY, northerly therefrom ; thence easterly along said parallel duly verified, to us the undersigned Commissioners of may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of '1'he May a, )900. line to its intersection with a line drawn parallel to the Estimate and Assessment, at our office in the office Cite of New York. CHARLES K. LEXOW, westerly side of Hughes avenue and distant zoo feet of the Law Department, Room zo, Borough Hall, Dated BOROUGH of Blcot,RI.vN,'lime CtTV nr• Now Chairman, westerly therefrom ; thence northerly along said parallel Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, YORK, June 7, 19Cc. EDWARD J. SCHEVCIK, line to its intersection with a line drawn parallel to the with such affidavits or other proofs as the said owner WM. U. MORI-1ISEY, GEORGE C. AUSTIN, southerly side of Crescent avenue and distant too feet or claimants may desire, within twenty days after the ruts IRIS B SFar.JIAN, Commissioners. southerly therefrom ; thence westerly along said parallel date of this notice. JA)IES I'. FARREI.I., J pus P. Du;NN, liue to the easterly side of Adams place ; thence northerly And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attend- Comiii Fmers. Clerk. along said easterly side of Adams place to the southerly ance at our said office on the day of June, logo, Al. E. FINNIGAN, side of Crescent avenue ; thence on a straight line to a at IT o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear Clerk. point formed by the intersection ofa line drawn parallel the said parties and persons in relation thereto. And FIRST DEPARTMENT. to the westerly side of Hughes avenue and distant too at such time and place, and at such further or other feet westerly therefrom with the northerly side of FIRST DEI'AR'INF.NT. In the matter of the application of The Mayor. Alder- Crescent avenue ; thence northerly along said line drawn time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such men and Commonalty of the City of New York, rel- owners in relation thereto and examine the proofs of parallel to the westerly nude of Hughes avenue and In the matter of the application of Robert A. Van ative to acquiring. title, wherever the same has not distant too feet westerly therefrom and said parallel such claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and and allegations as niay then be offered by such owner, Wyck, Mayor of The City of New York. Lewis Nixon, line produced northerly to its intersection with a line Smith F. Lane, James W. Boyle, Julian D. Fairchild, fucrecivatcros required for the purpose of opening drawn parallel to the sout'westerly boundary line of or on behalf of The City of New York. a PUBLIC PLACE', bounded by Tremont avenue, I fated fOROc GH OF IlROOK l.I'x, '1'fi,: CITY OF New John W. \Veber and James b. Eel!, constitutin. the the lands of St. John's College and distant about 300 feet Commission created and existing under chapter 7~9 Burnside avenue, Webster avenue and R5 Cr avenue, YORE, June 7, 1900. northeasterly therefrom; thence southeasterly along said JOSE F. PIDGEON, of the laws of 1695, entitled "An Act to authorize in the Twenty-fourth Ward of 'lire City of New York. parallel line to its intersection with the prolongation OATH J. 9lUkPHY, the construction of a bridge over the Fast river, be- northerly of a line drawn parallel to the easterly side of tween th, cities of New York and Brooklyn," and all '?'7E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS ffu hes avenue and distant too feet easterly therefrom; JAMES MULCAHY, other acts amendatory th, reof and supplementary V of Estimate and Assessment in the above- Commissioners. thence southerly along said prolongation and parallel thereto, by the Corl.arat,on Counsel us I'he City of entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons line to its intersection with the southerly side of Will. M. E. FINNIGAN. New York. relative to acquiring title by The City of interested in this proceeding, and to the owner or Clerk. iam street ; thence easterly along said southerly side New York to certain lands in and on DFLANCEY owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and of William street to the westerly side of Belmont ave. improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and SECOND DEPARTMENT. SLIP, Ttl)IPKINS AND EAST STRFE I S, in the cue ; thence southerly along said westerly side of Bel- Thirteenth Word of the Borough of Nlanhaitan. in to all others whom it may concern, to wit : mont avenue to the northerly side of Crescent avenue; First—That we have completed our estimate of as- In the matter of the application of The City of New York The City of New York, duly selected according to thence on a straight line to a point formed by the inter. law with other lands as a site for the construction sessmcnt for her efit, and that all persons interested in relative to acquiring title to the lands, tenements and section of a line drawn parallel to the easterly side and permanent location of a suspension bridge over this proceeding, or iu any of the lands, tenements and hereditaments required for the purpose of opening of Hughes avenue and distant too feet easterly the Fast river. between the cities of New York and hereditaments and premises affected thereby and having therefrom with the southerly side of Crescent avenue ; CHURCH AVENUE, from Flnthush avenue to objections thereto, do present their said objections in trot klyn avenue, in the Twenty-ninth Ward, Bor- Brooklyn (now the boroughs of Manhattan and thence southerly along said parallel line to its intersec. Brooklyn, in The City of New York), authorized to writing, duly verified, to its at our office, Nos. go and ga ough of Brooklyn, The City of New York. tion with a line drawn parallel to the northeasterly side be constructed by said chapter 769 of the Laws of West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, to '1'I re of East One Hundred and Eighty-second street or 1899, and all other acts amendatory thereof and sup- City of New York, on or before the zoth day of June, Kingsbridge road and distant too feet northeasterly NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE tgoo, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear undersigned, were appointed by an order of the plementary thereto. therefrom ; thence southeasterly along said parallel line parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in to its intersection with the westerly side of Belmont Supreme Court, bearing date the 16th day of Sep- attendance at our said office on the arst day of June, tember, 1899, and duly emceed in the office of the E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS avenue; thence southerly along the westerly side of W of Estimate, heretofore duly appointed in the t000, at 4 o'clock r, M. Belmont avenue to its intersection with the northerly Clerk of the County sf Kings, at his office in the Bor- Second—That the abstract of our said assessment, ough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York. on the above entitled proceeding, hereby give notice to the side of East One Hundred and Eighty-second street or owner or owners, lessee or lessees, parties and persons together with our benefit maps, and also all the affi- loth day of September, 1899. a copy of which order Kingsbridge road ; thence on a straight line to the corner respectively entitled to or interested in the lands, tene- davits, estimates, proofs and other documents used by formed by the intersection of the southerly side of East was duly filed in the office of the Register of the ments, hereditaments and premises, title to which is its in making our report. have been deposited in the County of Rig- gs, and indexed in the Index of Con- One Hundred and Eighty-second street or Kingsbridge sought to be acquired in this proceeding, and to all Bureau of Street Openings of the Law Department of road with the westerly side of Belmont avenue ; thence veyances, Commissioners c-f Estimate and Assessment The City of New York, Nos. go and 92 West Broadway, for the purpose of makinz o just and equitable esti- others whom it mnv concern, to wit: southerly along the westerly side of Belmont avenue to First—That we have completed our estimate of the in the Borough of Manhattan, in said city, there to nlate and assessment of the loss and damage, it the northerly side of Tremont avenue or East One Hun- loss and damage to the respective owners, le-sees, remain until the 2d day of July, tgoo. shred and Seventy-seventh street ; thence southerly to a any, or of the benefit and advantage, if any, as the Third—That pursuint to the notice heretofore given case may be, to the respective owners, lessees, pn"ties and persons re=pectively entitled to or interested point formed by the intersect on of a line drawn parallel in the lards or premises affected by this proceeding, or when we filed our estimate of damage and to the pro- parties and persons respectively entitled unto or in- to the easterly side of Belmont avenue and distant zoe, having any intcrest therein, and have filed a true report visions of chapter 403 of the Laws of 1897, we have feet easterly therefrom with the southerly side of 'Tre- terested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments and assessed to the extent of fifty per centum only of the premises required for the purpose by and in conse- or transcript of such estimate, together with our damage mont avenue or East One Hundred and Seventy-seventh map, in the mice of the New East River Bridge Com- total awards, costs and evpcnses of the acqui'ilion of any street ; thence southerly along said line drawn parallel quence of opening the above-mentioned street or land, property, rights, rents, casements and privileges avenue, the same being particularly set forth and de- mission No.258 Broadway, in the llotough of Manhat- to the easterl y side of Belmont avenue and distant too feet tan, for the inspection of whomsoever it may concerti. not the property )f '1 he City of New York, required scribed in the petition of The City of New York, and easterly therefrom and said parallel line produced accond—That all parties or persons whose lands for such public place, all those land,, tenements and southerly to its intersection with the middle line of the also in the notice of the application for the said order hereditaments and premises situate. lying and thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk may be affected by the said eotinrate, and who may object block between East One Hundred and Seventy-fifth and to the same. or any part thereof may, within ten days being in the Borough of The Bronx, in The Fast One Hundred and Seventy-sixth streets ; thence of the County of KIn's on the 16th day of Septem- after the first publication of this notice, June z, City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded ber, x899: and a just and equitable estimate and westerly along said middle line of the block between rgoo, file their objections to such estimate, in writing, and iir'srribeci as lolloirt, viz.: On the north by the Fast One Hundred and Seventy'-fifth street and East assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of southerly sided East One Hundred and Eighty-third said street or avenue so to be opened or laid out and with us, at our office, Room No. a, on the fourth floor One Hundred and Seventy-sixth street to the point or of the Bunts-Zeitung lialidtng, No. 2 Tryon row, in street, from Morris avenue to Park avenue, and place of beginning, as such streets are shown upon the brined, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and The City of New York, Borough of Manhatman, as pro- by the southerly side of East One Hundred and Eight- persons respectively entitled to or interested in the said Final Maps and Profiles of the Twenty-third and ieth street, from Park avenue to Third avenue; on the south respective lands, tenements, hereditaments and prem- vided by law, and that we, the said Commissioners, will Twenty-fourth Words of The City of New Yoork, except- hear parties so objecting at our said office, on the 15th by the northerly side of East One Hundred and ing from said area all streets, avenues and roads or ises not required for the purpose of opening, laying out Sevemy-fifth street, frorn'fhlyd avenue to Park avenue, and forming the same, but benefited thereby, and of day of June, igoo, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon, :md portions thereof heretofore legally opened. as such area upon such subsequent clays as may be found necessary. and by the northerly side of East One Hundred and ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries of is shown upon our benefit maps deposited as aforesaid. Seventy-fourth street,from Park avenue to Morris avenue; the respective tracts or parcels of land to he taken or to 'Third—That our report herein will be presented to bourth—That our report nerein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a on the east by Park avenue, from East One Hundred be assessed therefor, and of performing the trusts and the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First and Eighty-third street to East One Hundred and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4, of the Special Term thereof, to be held in Part III. thereof. Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part III., to New York, Eightieth street, and from East One Httnured and Sev- Greater New York l - barter, and the acts or parts of in the County Court-house, iu The City of be held in the County Court-house, in the Borough of Borough of Manhattan. on the zoth day of June, tgoo, enty-fifth to Fast One Hundred and Sevcu,ty-fourth acts supplementary thereto or amendatory thereof. Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the a8th day at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then street, and by the easterly side of 'Third avenue, from of June, rgoo, at the opening of the Court on that day, All parties and persons interested in the real Fast One Hundred and Eightieth street to East One estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as thereon, :r motion will be made that the said report be Hundred and Seventy fifth street ; on the west by counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made opening the said street or avenue, or affected the easterly side of Morris avenue, as such streets thereby, and having any claim or demand on account confirmed. that the said report be confirmed. Dated New YORlc, Juices, 1902. are shown upon the Final Maps and Profiles of Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, Nxw YORK .ITV, thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of The verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Esti- CHARLES DONOHUIE, April z6, tgoo, mate and Assessment, at our office in the office of the BERNARD F. MARTIN, City of New York ; excepting from said area all streets, JAMES W. HAWFS, Chairman, Law Department, Room ax, Borough Hall, Borough of J. ROMAINE BROWN, avenues and roads, or portions thereof, heretofore JOHN DE \VITT WARNER, Commissioners. legally opened, as such area is shown upon our benefit WM. F. HULL, Brooklyn. in The City of New York, with such affi- maps deposited as aforesaid. davits or other proofs as the said owner or claimants J(,SerA M. Sc1IENcK, Commissioners. Clerk. Fourth -)'hat our last partial and separate report JOHN P. DuNN, may desire, within twenty days after the date of this herein will he presented to the Supreme Court of notice. Clerk. And we, the said Commissioners, will he in attend- FIRST DEPARTMENT. the State of New York, First Department, at a ance at our said office on the loth day of June, 19w,, Special Term thereof. Part I., to be held in the SECOND DEPARTMENT. at in. so o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- County Court-hoe=e, in the Borough of Manhattan, the said parties and persons in relation thereto ; and men and Commonalty of the City of New York, rela- in The City of New York, on the 17th day of at such time and place, and at such further and other tive to acquiring title, wherever the same has not July, tgoo, at the opening of the Court on that day, In matter of the application of The City of New been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenen.ents and and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as coun- York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the rame time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and owners in relation thereto and examine the proofs of hereditaments required for the purpose of opening sel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed. premises required for the opening and extending such claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs EAST' ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTIETH STR FE 1' although not yet earned by proper author- Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, New YORK CIiV, of " CRESCENT " (although not yet named by proper and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, authority), from Hunter avenue to Winthrop avenue, or on behalf of The City of New York. ity), from Creston avenue to Webster avenue, as the May 25, tgoo. same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a GEORGE H. VAN HOESEN, in the First Ward, Borough of Queens, of'I'he City of Dated BOROUGH OF BAOO1,L)N, THE CITY OF New first-class street or road, in the Twenty-fourth Ward Chairman, New York, YORK, Junc 7, Igoe. LAWRENCE: I. CUNNINGHAM, of the City of New York. PETER A. WALSH, Commissioners. JOSEPH F. (TWt-NS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE [7[ 7E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS JOHN P. DONN, undersigned, were appointed by an order GUSTAVUS DARLINGTON, Clerk. Commissioners. V V of Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled of the Supreme Court, Second Department, bearing At. E. FrxNiGAN, matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested FIRST DEPARTMENT. date the 3oth day of March, igoo, and duly Clerk. in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant entered in the office of the clerk of the or occupants, of all houses and lots and improved and In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder. County of Queens, at his office in Jamaica, in the SECOND DEPARTMENT. cnimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others Borough of Queens, City of New York, on the 18th day whom it may concern, to wit: men and Commonalty of the City of New York, of April, igoo, a copy of which order was duly filed for First—That we have completed our estimate of assess- relative to acquiring title, wherever the some has not indexing in the office of the Clerk of the County of In the matter of the application of The City of New been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements York, relative to acquiring title to the lands, tenements ment for benefit, and that all persons interested in this Queens, Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and here. and hereditaments required for the purpose of opening for the purpose of making a just and e and hereditament, required for the purpose of opening and extending HUGHES AVENUE (although not quitable SIXTY-FOURTH STRE::7, from Fourth avenue ditameuts and premises affected tuereby, and having estimate and assessment of the loss and damage, ofjections thereto, do present their said objections in yet named by proper authority), from Fremont avenue to Sixth avenue, in the Thirtieth Ward, Borough of to the land of the St. John's College, as the some has if any, or of the benefit and advantage, if Brooklyn, The City o New York. writing, duly verified, to us at our office, Nos. go and 92 any, as the case may be, to the respective owners, West BroaJssay, in the Borough of Manhattan, in been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto The City of New York, on or btfore the 21st day of or interested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments

OTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE June. tgoo, and that we, the said Commissioners, will of New York. and premises required for the purpose by and in con- N undersigned, were appointed 67 an order of the near parties so objecting. and for that. purpose will sequence of opening the above-mentioned street or Supreme Curt bearing date the ,8th day of September, be to attendance at our said office on the azd day of June, E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS avenue, the same being particularly set forth and de- l89, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the rgoo, at z o'clock r. xt. W of Estimate and Assessment in the above. sctibed in the petition of The City of New York, County of Kings. at his office in the B ,rough of Brooklyn, Second—That the abstract of our said assessment, entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- and also in the notice of the application for the said in'1'he City of New York, on the i8th day of September, together with our benefit maps, and also all ested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the 1899, a copy of which order was duly filed in the office the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and im. Clerk of the County of Queens on the t8th day of the Register of the County of Kings, and indexed in used by us in making our report, have been deposited proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to of April, 1900, and a just and equitable estimate and the Index of Conveyances, Commissioners of Estimate and in the Bureau of Street Openings of the Law Depart- all others whom it may concern, to wit: assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage Assessment for the purpose of making a just and equit- ment of The City of New York, Nos. go and gz West first—That we have completed our estimate and of said street or avenue no to be opened or laid out able estimate and assessment of the loss and damage, if Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said city, assessment, and that all persons interested in this and formed, to the respective owners, lessees, parties any, or of the benefit and advantage, it any, as the case there to remain until the ad day of July, ,goo. preceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and and persons respectively entitled to or interested in may be, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and Third—That, pursuant to the notice heretofore hereditaments and premises affected thereby, and hav- the said respective lands, tenements, hereditaments persons respectively entitled unto or interested in the given when we filed our estimate of damage, the ing objections thereto, do present their said objections, and premises not required for the purpose of opening, lands, tenement=, hereditaments and premises required limits of our assessment for benefit include all those in writing, duly verified, to us, at our office, Nos. go laying out and forming the same, but benefited thereby for the purpose by and in consequence of opentng the lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises situate, and gs West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, and of ascertaining and defining the extent and above-mentioned street or avenue, the same being par- lying and being in the Borough of The Bronx, in The City in The City of New York, on or before the t4th da y boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land ticularly set forth and described in the petition of The of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and of June, tgoo, and that we, the said Commissioners, will to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perform- TUESDAY, JUNE, 12, 1900. THE CITY RECORD. 3607

in the trusts and duties required of its by chapter r7, !'IRS'I' DEPARTMENT And we, the said Cumntissioners, will be in atteud- other time and place as we may appei ut, we will bear title 4 of the Greater New York Charter, and the acts ance at our said office on the ryth day of June, 19o', such owners in relation thereto and examine the proofs or parts of acts supplementary thereto or amendatory In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- at a o'clock in the afternoon of that clay, to hear the of such claimutam,t or clainmuts, or such additional thereof. said parties and persons in relation thereto. And at proofs and allegations as may then he offered by such All parties and persons interested in the real men and Commonalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has such time and place, and at such further or otbcr time owner, or on behalf of 1'he City of New York. estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners Dated 11[%REAI UIr S'II2ni-' I' IIu'nnNINu:s, Law' I1RI'ARl'- opening the said street or avenue, or affected not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, teneuIents and hereditaments required for the purpose of op err- in relation thereto and examine the proofs of such mvwr, lin,euuot t,F unsm,m1-rAN, Ntiw YORK CITY, thereby, and having any claim or demand on account claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs and May r3, rgoo. thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly ing FORDIIAM ROAD (although not yet name by proper authority), from Harlem river to Jerome ave- allegations as may then Inc offered by such owner, or l'A l'iICK MrARULE, verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Esti- on behalf of'1'he City of New York. JOSEPH MAHINhN, nue, as the same has been heretofore laid out and mate and Assessment, at our office, ninth floor, Non.go Dated BuRE.AU nil STRFr:T Orr•.NINcs, LAW Dltl'ART- NICHOLAS GROSKINSKY, and 92 West Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, in 1' he designated as a first-class street or road, in the Twenty-lourth Ward of the City of New York. MEN'r, l31lHth:u:H Oil M, ssoAhAN, NEW YrFK CITY, Commissioners, City of New York, with such affidavits or other proofs May all [goo. Jolts P. Bess, as the said owners or claimants may desire, within 'l'ERENCI•: F, SMITfr, Clerk. twenty days after the date of this notice. E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS MARTIN Fl.l'ISCHER, And we, the said Conunissioners, will be in attend- HENRY J. GO@'1"f'I., W of Estimate and Assessment in the above-enti- FIRST DEPARTMENT'. ance at our said office on the zth day of June, roc, tied matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested Coutnlissioners. at rt o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the in ttlis proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant JOHN P. DUNK. said parties and persons in relation thereto. And at or occupants, of all houses and lots and improved and Clerk, such time and place, and at such further or other time unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others In matter of the application of The Lily of Ncw Ynnrk and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners whom it may concern, to wit : SECOND DEPARTMENT relative to arquiriug title, wherever the same h:,s not in relation thereto and examine the proofs of such First-That we have completed our estimate of assess- been heretofore acquired, to EAST' ONE HUFi- claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs and ment for benefit, and that all persons interested in this DREI) AND El(H l'Y-NIN 1 If STREISC (oItlyr1gl allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and here- In the matter of the application of The City of New not yet tnmted by proper :,utboritv), from 'Third behalf of The City of New York. ditaments and premises affected thereby, and having avenue to thus Southern lioulcva rd, in the Tweuty- Dated IIUREAU OF STREET OPnNINi;s, LAW DEPART- York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same objections thereto, du present their said objections in hums not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and fuurth W:tcd, Ilorcugh of the Bronx, City of New MENr, BOROUGH OF MANHATtAN, New YORK CITY, writing, duly verified, to us at our office, Nos. go and 955 premises required for the opening and extending of York. May 25, rgoo. West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The DEBEVOISE AVENUE (although not yet named JAMES INGRAM, City of New York, on or before the rsth day of June, by proper authority), front Jackson avenue to Dtt- HARRY T. WEEKS OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'rhlA'1' WE, THE 1900, and that we. the said Commissioners, will hear mars avenue, in the First Ward, Borough of Queens, tmdersigned were appointed I-y an order of the GEORGE J. RYAN, parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in N Conrtms'tuuers. of 'I'Ite City of New York. Supreme Court, bearing date the r5lh day of Seplem- attendance at our said office on the r3th day of June, ber, r8y8, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of JOHN P. DUNN, xgoo, at to o'clock A.M. Clerk. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, the County of New York, at his office in the I3oroughol Second-That the abstract of our said assessment, M mhatt:ut, in The City of New York, on tle Nth day of together with our benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, N the undersigned, were • ppointed by an order of FIRST DEPARTMENT, the Supreme Court, Second Department, bearing date May, .899, a enpv of which order was duly filed in the estimates, proofs and other documents used by its in cffce of the R,ister of thr. County of New York, and making our report, have been deposited in the Bureau the 3cth day of March, ,9ue, and duly entered in the In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, at his indexed in the Index of Conveyances, Block Nos. 3033, of Street Openings in the law Department of The City 5 men and Commonalty of the City of New York, of New York, Nos. go and 92 West Broadway, in the office in Jatnaica, in the Borough of Queens, City of 3n455, 3053, 3059, 306 ', 3067, 407 , io76, 3077. 3078. 9oq"S relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not New York, on the [8th day of April, r9oo, Si copy of 3-91, 3104, 3ra°, 3115, and 31r6, Commissioners of Esti- Borough of Manhattan, in said city, there to remain mate and Assessment for the purpose of making ajust been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and until the aad day of June, rgoo. which order was duly filed for indexing in the office hereditaments required for the purpose of opening of the Clerk of the County of Queens, Commissioners and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and Third-That, pursuant to the notice heretofore given damage, it any, orof the benefit and advantage, if:my, as F.ASt' ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-NINTH when we filed our estimate of damage, the limits of our of Estimate and Assessment, for the purpose of making STREET (although not yet named by proper author- a just and equitable estimate and assessment of time loss the case may be, to the respective owners, lessees, assessment for benefit include all those lands, tene- parties and perons respectively erntnthed unto or in- ity), from Webster avenue to Third avenue (under ments and hereditaments and premises situate, lying and damage, if any, or of the benefit and advantage, if chapter art of the Laws of [897), as the saute has any, as the case may be, to the respective owners, tcre,ted in the land-, tenements, h- reditaments and and being in the Borough of l'he Bronx, in The City of premise, required for the purpose by and in consequence been heretofore laid out and designated as a first- New York, which, taken together, are bounded and lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled onto class street or road in the Twenty-lourth Ward of the or interested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments of opening the al muse street or ay.•nue, the described as follows, viz. : Heginning at a point formed saute being particularly set forth and described in the City of New York. and premises required for the purpose by and in conse- by the intersection of the United States pier and pctitirn1 of The City of New York, and also in the notice quence of opening the above-mentioned street or avenue, bulkhe'td-line of the Harlem river with the south- of the application for I he said order thereto attached, filed "LATE, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS erly side of East One Hundred and Ninety-second the same being particularly set forth and described in of Estimate and Assessment in the above. the petition of The City of New York, and also herein in the office of the Clerk of the Cmmty of New street, and running thence easterly along said York on the 8th day of May-, 0899, and a ju-t and equit- entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- southerly side of East ( two Hundred and Nutety- in the notice of the application for the said order ested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the uble estimate and assessment of the value of the benefit second street and its prolongation cast to the and advantage of said street or avenue sn to be opened occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and im- Clerk of the County of Queens on the 18th day westerly side of Sedgwick avenue: thence northeasterly or laid out and formed, to the respective owners, Icssces, proved and unimproved lands affected ther:by, and to of April, tgoo; and a just and equitable estimate and along said westerly side of Sedgwick avenue to its parties and persons respectively entitled to or interested all others from it may concern, to wit : interuection with the westerly prolongation of the curve assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage First-'That we have completed our estimate and as- to the said respective lands, tenement,, hereditaments forming tliesuutherly side of Kiugsbrtdge road, between of said street or avenue so to be opened or laid out and and premises not required for the purpose of opening, sessment, and that all persons iutere.ted in this proceed- Sedgwick avenue and Aqueduct avenue; them- east- formed, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and ing, or in any of the lands, tenements and hereditaments persons respectively entitled to or interested in the said laying out :and brining the same, but benefited thereby, erly along said prolongation of and southerly side of and if ascertaining and detinia., the extent and hound- and premises affected thereby, and having objections Kingsbridge road to its intersection with a line dr.twn respective lands, tenements, hereditaments and prem- thereto, do present their said objections in writing duly ises not required for the purpose of opening, laying out tries of the re'pective tracts or parcels of la- d to be parallel to Jerotne avenue and distant too feet eas'erly taken or to be assessed therefor, and of perfonuiog the verified, to us, at our office, Nov. 90 and qa We,t 13road- from the easterly side thereof ; thence sinothcr[y and forming the same, but benefited thereby, and of way, in the Borough of M:m,thacaan, in The City of New ascertaining and defining tIle extent and boundaries of trusts and duties required of its by chapter 17, title 4 of along said line to a line drawn Ittrahgil to the Greater New York Charter, and the arts or p arts of York, on or before the 13th day of June, rgoo; and Fast One Hundred and Ninety-second street and dis- the respective tracts or parcels c f land to be taken or that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties so to be assessed therefor, and of performing the trusts and acts supplem<-ntary thereto or amendatory thereof. umt too feet northerly front the northerly side thereof; All parties and person s interested in the real estate objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance at duties required of us by chapter r7, title of the I hence easterly along said line to the middle lice of the 4 taken nr to be taken for the purpose of opening our said office on the ,4th day of June, 19co, at 3 blocks between Creston avenue and the Grand Bottle- Greater New York Charter, and the acts or parts of the said street or avenue, or affected thereby, o'clock r nr. yard and Concourse ; thence southerly along said line acts supplementary thereto or amendatory thereof. and having any claim or demand on account Second=l'hat the abstract of our said estimate and All parties and persons interested in the real to it line drawn parallel to East One Hundred kind thereof, are hereby required to present the stint', assessment, together with our dama:e and benefit estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of open- Eighty-fourth street and disttmt too feet soot Ire "ly from duly vecficd, to us, the under-igned Commissroners maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates proofs and ing the said street or avenue, or affected thereby, the southerly side thereof; thence westerly along said of Estimate and Assessment, at our office, ninth floor, other documents used by us in making our report have line to a line drawn parallel to Jerome avenue and dis- and having any claim or demand on account been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings of the thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly Nos. 90 anti 92 West L'rnadway, fiorough Apt Manhattan, tant too feet easterly from the easterly side thereof ; iu The City of New York, with suck affidavits or other Law Department of The City of New York, Nos. go verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Esti- thence southerly along sand lure to a line drawn parallel proofs as the said owners or claimants may desire, and g2 West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, to Cast One Hundred and Eighty-hest street and dis- mate and Assessment, at our office, ninth floor, Nos. go and 955 West Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, in The within twenty days after the (late of this not ire. in said city, there to remain until the 29th day of June, voit too feet southerly from the souther Is- side thereof; And we, the sad Coruoiss.uucrs, will Inc it. row. thence westerly along said line parallel to East One City of New York, with such affidavits or outer proofs "Third-That the limits of our a'sessment for benefit as the said owners or claimants may desire, within attendance cat our said office out if a 25th day of June, Hundred and Eighty-first street and its 1 rnlongation goo, at it o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to twenty days after the date of this notice. include all these lands, tenements and hereditaments westwardly to its intersection with the United States hear the sud parties and persons in relation thereto. and premises situ,te, lying and being in the Borough of pier and bulkhead-line of the Haricot river; thence And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attend- ance at our said office on the 15th day of June, rgco, And at such time and place, and at such further or The Kroux, in The City of New York, which, taken northerly along said pier and bulkhead-line of the Har- other time :utd place :,s we may appoint, we will hear at r o'clock in the afternoon of that day, to hear together, are bounded and described as follows, viz. lem river to the point or place of beginning, as such such owners lit relat'uu thereto and examine the proofs Brgimting at a point formed by the intersection of the so nuts are shown upon the final reaps kind profiles of the said parties and persons in relation thereto. And at such time and place, and at such further or other of sum, h claimant or claimants, or such eddittonal proofs middle line of the block between Eastl)ne Hundred and the 'Twenty-third and 'Twenty-fourth Ward, of The and allegations as may tl.en Inc offered by such owner, Eighty-fourth street and Fordham road with the south- tittle and place as we musty appoint, we will hear such City of New York, excepting from said area all s reet-, or on behalf of The City of New York. easterly side of Jerome avenue ; running thence north- avenues and roads or portions thereof heretofore owners in relation thereto and examine the proofs of Dated BOROUGH OF MANtlAT'l'AN, NEW Yc•RK CI'ry, easterly along said southeasterly side of Jerome avenue such claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs legally opened as such area is shown upon our benefit May 3t, a9co. to its intersection with a line drawn p.traliel to the maps deposited as aforesaid. and allegations as may then lie offered by such owner, or on behalf of'1'he City of New York. ALEXANDER ROSENTHAL, northeasterly side of East One Hundred and Ninetieth Fourth-T'hat our last partial and separate report BERNARD F. MARTIN, street, and distant Too feet northeasterly therefrom; herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the Dated BoRrao air STRIeF.T OPENINGS, Lnw DErAttT- MENT, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, New YORK CITY, Commis,iuuer. thence southeasterly along said parallel line and its pro- State of New York, First Department, at a Special JOHN P. DUnN, longatiou southea'twardly to its intersection with the Term thereof, Part IIT., to be held in the County May r8, 1900. Clerk. westerly prolongation of a line drawn parallel to the Court-house, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The PATRICK J. MARA, northerly side of Fordham road, and distant roi feet City of New York, on the 26th day of June, rgoo, at 'I'HEO. I)IESTET., northerly therefrom; thence easterly along said westerly the opening of the Court on that day, and that then W. A. WYNN, SECOND JUDICIAL DIS'1'RIC'1'. prolongation and parallel line to the southwesterly side and there, or as soon as counsel can be heard Commissioners. of Kingsbridge road ; thence southeasterly and easterly JOHN P. DUNN, thereon, a motion will be made that the said report In the matter of the petit inn of Thomas I'. Gilroy, Com- along said southeasterly and southerly sides of Kings- he confirmed. Clerk. bridge road to its intersection with northwesterly pro- missioner of Public Works of the City of New Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY, York, tinder and in pursuance of chapter 490 of the longatlon of the middle line of the lIlock between East April a7, x900. SECOND UEPAR MENT One Hundred and Eighty -ninth street and Pelham J. E. EUSI'IS, Chairman, I,aws of 1883 and the laws amendatory thereof, on avenue, lying eastward from Third avenue; thence behalfo1 the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of GEORGE KARS,CH, The City of New York, for the appointment of Com- southeasterly along said northwesterly prolongation and Commissioners. In the matter of the application of The City of New missioners of Appraisal under said acts. middle line of the block to the westerly side of Crntona JOHN P. DUNN, Murk relative to acquiring title, whelevcr the same avenue ; thence southerly along said westerly side of Clerk has nut been bcretofore acquired, to the lands and Crototta avenue to its intersection with a line premises required for the opening and extending of EIGHTH CORNRLL DAht. drawn parallel to the southerly side of East One SECOND DEPARTMENT. PO\IF:ROY s1'REE'1' (Eighth avenue) (although not Hundred and Eighty-ninth street and distant too feet yet named by properauthority), from Jackson avenue southerly therefrom ; thence westerly along said to Riker avenue, to the First Ward, Borough of UBLIC NO'1'TCE IS HEREBY GIVEN AS parallel line to its intersection with a line drawn parallel In the matter of the application of The City of New York (Jueens, of The City of New York. P required by chapter 450 of the Laws of ,E8; and to the southeasterly side of Beaumont avenue and dis- relative to acquiring title, wherever the saute has not the :,cts cuucnd story thereof, that we, Daniel O'Connell tant too feet southeasterly therefrom ; thence south- been heretofore acquired, to the lands and Premises and Willi:mt Murray, the remaining two Cummissinners westerly along said parallel line to its intersection with required for the opening and extending of PUBLIC N f)TICF. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE in the above-entitled matter, appointed herein by an a line drawn parallel to the southwesterly side of East PARK (although not yet named by proper author- undersigned. were appointed by an order of the order of the Supreme Court, foearimig date the rgth day One Hundred and Eighty.-eveuth street and distant too ity), bounded by Jackson avenue, Van Alst avenue Supreme Court, Second Department, bearing date the of December, :8q6, and filed in the office of the County leet southwesterly therefrom ; thence northwesterly and Ninth street, in the First Ward, Borough of 3oth day of March,r oo, and duly entered in the Clerk of Westclze-ster County on the 2zd day of Dt- along said parallel line to the easterly side of Third Queens, of The City of New York. office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, at cember, t896, will apply to the Supreme Court of avenue; thence northerly along said easterly side of his office in Jamaica in the Borough of Queens, the State of New York for the S:cond Judicial Third avenue to its intersection with the routh- City of New York, on the 18th day of April, rg-, Di.tricl, at a special term thereof to Inc held at the Court easterly prolongation of a line drawn parallel to O'I'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE a copy of which order was duly filed for indexing House in White Plains on Saturday the sixteenth the southwesterly side of East One Hundred N undersigned, were appointed by an order of the in the office of the Clerk of the County of day of Jttne., rgoo, at to o'clock in the forenoon of that and Eighty-seventh street and distant too feet Supreme Court, Second Department, hearing date the Queens, Commissioners of Estimate and Assess- day for the appointment of aComntissiuner of Appraisal southwesterly therefrom; thence northwesterly 30th day of March, rgoo, and duly entered in the office ment, for the purpose of making a just and herein in the place and stead of George Caulfield, who along said southeasterly prolongation and parallel line of the Clerk of the County of Queens, at his office in equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and dam- was appointed one of the Connnissioners herein by the and its prolongation north westwardly to its intersection Jamaica, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, age, if any, or of the benefit and advantage, if any, as above-named order and who departed this life on the with a line drawn parallel to the southeasterly side of on the 18th day of April, rgoo, a copy of which order the case may be, to the respective owners, lessees, par- aulh day cat April, moo,, and at the same time and place Marion avenue and distant too feel southeasterly there- was duly filed for indexing in the office of the Clerk ties and persons respectively entitled unto or interested a motion will Inc made for such other and further relief Irom ; thence northeasterly along said parallel line to of the County of Queens, Commissioners of Estimate in the lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises as to tIle Court may seem proper. its intersection with a line drawn parallel to the south- and Assessment, for the purpose of making a just and required for the purpose by and in consequence of open. Dated JUNK 4, 9no. westerly side of East One Hundred and Eighty-seventh equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and ing the above-mentioned street or avenue, the same DANIEL O'CONNELL, street and distant too feet southwesterly therefrom; damage, if any, or of the benefit and advantage, it any, as belug particularly set forth and described in the WILLIAM MURRAY, thence northwesterly along said parallel line and its the case may be, to the respective owners, lessees, parties petittun of The City of New York, and also in the Commissioners of Appraisal. prolongation northwestwardly to the northwesterly side and persons respectively entitled unto or interested notice of the application for the said order thereto Office and post-office address for the purposes of this of the Grand Boulevard and Concourse; thence north- in the lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk application, office of Daniel O'Connell, No. ago Broad- easterly along said northwesterly side of the Grand required for the purpose by and in consequence of the County of Queens, on the 18th day way, Borough of Manhattan, New York. Boulevard and Concourse to its intersection with the of opening the above-mentioned public park, the of Aplfl, x900; and a just and equitable estimate and middle line of the block between East One Hundred and same being particularly set forth and described in assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of Eighty-fourth street and East One Hundred and the petition of The City of New York, and also in the said street or avenue so to be opened or laid out and SECOND DEPARTMENT. Eighty-ninth street; thence northwesterly along said notice of the application for the said order thereto formed, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and middle line of the block between East One Hundred'.. attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk persons respectively entitled to or interested in the said and Eight -fourth street on the southwest and East of the County of Queens on the rath day of April, respective lands, tenements, hereditaments and prem- In the matter of the application of The City of New One Hundred and Eighty-ninth street and Fordham rgoo; and a just and equitable estimate and assess- ises not required for the purpose of opening, lay- York relative to acquiring title, wherever the same road on the northeast to the point or place of beginning; ment of the value of the benefit and advantage of ing out and forming the same, but benefited thereby, has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and as such streets are shown upon the final maps and pro- said public park so to be opened or laid out and and of ascertaining and defining the extent and premises required for the opening and extending of files of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards of formed. to the respective owners, lessees, parties and boundaries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to PO [TER AVENUE (although not yet named by The City of New York; excepting from said area all persons respectively entitled to or interested in the be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of performing proper authority), from East river to Chauncey streets, avenues and roads or portions thereof hereto- said respective lands, tenements, hereditaments and the trusts and duties required of its by chapter 17, title street, and frntn Rapelje avenue to Flushing avenue, fore legally opened as such area is shown upon our premises not required for the purpose of opening, 4 of the Greater New York Charter, and the acts or in the First Ward, Borough of Queens, of The City benefit map deposited as aforesaid. laying out and forming the same, but benefited thereby, part of acts supplementary thereto or amendatory of New York. Fourth-That our report herein will be presented to and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boun- thereof. the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First daries of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be All parties and persons interested in the real Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part III., to be taken or to be assessed therefor, and of performing the estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE held in the County Curt-house, in the Borough of Man- trusts and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of Opening the said street or avenue, or affected undersigned, were appointed by an order of the hattan, in The City of New York, on the a8th day of the Greater New York Charter, and the acts or parts thereby, and having any claim or demand oft account Supreme Court, Second Department, bearing date the June, rgoo, at the opening of the Court on that day, and of acts supplementary thereto or amendatory thereof. thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly Both day of March, 1900, and duly entered in the office that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can All parties and persons interested in the real verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Esti- of the Clerk of the County of Queens, at his office in be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of mate and Assessment, at our office, ninth floor, Nos. go Jamaica in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, re rt be confirmed. opening the said public park, or affected there- and qa West Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, in The on the ,nth day of April, rgoo, a copy of which order Dated, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NBw YORK CITY, by, and having any claim or demand on account City of New York, with such affidavits or other proofs was duly filed for indexing in the office of the Clerk of May, rgoo. thereof, are hereby required to present the same duly as the said owners or claimants may desire, within the County of Queens, Commissioners of Estimate FRANCIS V. S. OLIVER, Chairman, verified, to us, the undersigned, Commissioners oft Esti- twenty days after the date of this notice. . and Assessment, for the purpose of making a just and mate and Assessment, at our office, ninth floor, Non. 90 And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attend- equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and EMANUEL BLUMENSTIEL, damage, if any, or of the benefit and advantage, if SYLVESTER J. O'SULLIVAN, and g2 West Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, in the ance at our said office on the ,5th day of June, [goo, Commissioners. City of New York, with such affidavits or ether proofs at it o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear any, as the case may be, to the respective owners, JOHN P. DUNN, as the said owners or claimants may desire, within the said parties and persons in relation thereto. And lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto Clerk. twenty days after the date of this notice. at such time and place, and at such further or or interested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments and 3608 THE CITY RECORD. TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1900.

premises required for the purpose by and in conse. the County of Queens on the r8th day of April, rgoo; SECONI)DEPARTMENT erly side of Grand. averne ; running thence north- quence of opening the above-mentioned street or ave. and a just and equitable estimate and assessment of erly along said easterly side of Grand avenue to its the value of the benefit and advantage of said street or In the matter of the application of The City of New York intersection with a line drawn parallel to the northerly unit, the same being particularly set forth and de- side of Buchanan place and di,iant too feet northerly scribed in the petition of The City of New York, and avenue so to be opened or laid out and formed, to relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not also in the notice of the application for the said order the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises therefrom ; thence easterly along said parallel line to thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk respectively entitled to or interested in the said re- required for the opening and extending of ACADEMY the middle line of the block between Davidson avenue of the County of Queens, on the r°th day. of spective lands, tenements, hereditaments and prem- STREET (although not yet named by proper author- and Jerome avenue ; thence northerly along said middle April, roc ; and aust and equitable estimate and ises not required for the purpose of opening, laying itv), from Hunter avenue to Grand avenue, in the line of the block to its intcr'ection with the westerly pro- assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of out and forming the same, but benefited thereby, and First Ward, Borough of Queens, of 1 he City of New longation of the southerly side of East One l-Itmdred and said street or avenue so to be opened or laid out and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries York. Eighty-third street; thence easterly along said west- formed, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or erly prolongation and southerly side of East One Hun- persons respectively entitled to or interested in the said to be assessed therefor, and of performing the trusts and NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE dred and Eighty-third street and its prolongation east- respective lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises duties required of us by chapter t;, title 4 of the Greater undersigned, were appointed by an order of the wardly to its intersection with a line drawn p:,rallel to the easterly side of Tiebuut avenue, and distant too feet not required for the purpose of opening, laying out and New York Charter, and the acts or parts of acts sup- Snpreme Court, Second Department, bearing date the forming the same, but benefited thereby, and of ascer. plementary thereto or amendatory thereof. 3oth day of March, rgx, and duly entered in the office of easterly therefrom ; thence southerly along said paral- taining and detining the extent and boundaries of the All parties and persons interested in the real the Clerk of the County of Queens, at his office in lel line to the northwesterly side of Fast One Hundred respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or to be estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of Jamaica, in the Borough of Queens, City of New and liighty-first street ; thence southwesterly along said assessed therefor, and of performing the trusts and opening the said street or avenue, or affected thereby, York, on the r8th day of April, upon, a copy of northwesterly side of East One Hundred and Eighty- efuties required of us by chapter r7, title 4 of the and having any claim or demand on account which order was duly filed for indexing in the office first street to its intersection with the line joining said G.eater New York Charter, and the acts or parts of thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly of the ( lerk of the County of Queens, Contntissioners northwesterly side of East One Hundred and Eighty. acts supplementary thereto or amendatory thereof. verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Esti- of Estimate and Assessment, for the purpose of making first sire•st with the easterly side of 1'iehout avenue ; All parties and persons interested in the real rrtate and Assessment, at our office, ninth floor, Nos. no a just and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss thence southwesterly to the intersection of the westerly side of Tiebout avenue with the northerly side of East Quo estate taken or to he taken for the purpose of and ,o West Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, in The and damage, if any, or of the benefit and advantage, if opening the said street or avenue, or affected there- lity of New York, with such affidavits or other proofs an)', as the case may be, to the respective nu tiers, Hundred and Eighty-first street ; thence westerly along by, and having any claim or demand on account as the said o- vners or claimants may desire, within lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled Onto said northerly side of East One Hundred and Eighty. thereof, are hereby required to present the sane, duly twenty days after the date of this notice. or interested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments first street to the middle line of the block between Jerome And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attend- avenue and Davidson avenue ; thence northerly a'oug verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of F.sti- and premises required for the purpose by and in conse- said middle line of the block to its intersection with a ntate and Assessment, at our office, ninth floor, Nos. ance at our said office non the 141h day of June, loon, quence of opening the above-mentioned street or ave- line drawn parallel to the southerly side of East I Inc no and gz West Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, in at it o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the nue, the same being particularly set forth and described The City of New York, with such affidavits or other said parties and persons in relation thereto. And at in the petition of The City of New Y. rl:, and also in Hundred and Eighty-second street and di-tant too feet southerly thereliom ; thence westerly along said par- proofs as the said owners or claimants may dce:re, such time and place, and at such further or other time the notice of the application for tire said order within twenty days after the elate of this notice. and place as we may appoint, the will hear such owners thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the allul line to the point or place of beginning ; as such in rehdion thereto and examine the proofs of such streets are shown upon the final maps of the'Twe:uy- And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attend- Clerk of the County of Queens, on the 18th day third and Twenty-loath Wards of the City of New ance at our said office on the [4th day of J Line, [goo, at cl.rimant or claimants, or such additional proofs and of April, igoo; and a Lust and equitable estimate and it o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear allegations as may then be offered by such owner or on assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of York ; excepting from said area all streets, avenues and the said parties and persons in relation thereto. And behalf of The t ity of New York. said street or avenue so to be opened or laid out and roads or portions thereof heretofore legally opened as Dated BuRFAU nF Srtgtatr OPENINGS, LAW DErARr- such area is shown upon our benefit maps deposited as at such time and place, and at such further or other time formed, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and aforesaid. and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners +1FNT, BOROUGH OF 'MANHATTAN, New YORK CITY, persons respectively entitled to or interested in the said in relation thereto and examine the proofs of such May 17, tg.:o. Fourth—That our last partial and separate report respective lands, tenements, hereditaments and prem- herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the claiu,ant or claimants, or such additional proofs and CEO. H SMITH, ises not required for the purpose of opening, laying out allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on P. J. HANNIGAN, and forming the same, but benefited thereby, and of State of New York, First Department, at a Special'I'erm behalf of The City of New York. W. L. WOOI)ILL, thereof, Part I., to be held in the County Court-house, ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries of in the Borough of Manhattan, in the City of New Dated, BUREAU OF STREET 01 ENtNGS, LAW DEPART- Commissioners. the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken or York, on the 24th day of July, igoo, at the opening of ntE`rr, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY, JOHN P. DUNN, to be assessed therefor, and of performing the trusts Clerk. the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as May r7, 1900. and duties required of us by chapter t7, title 4 of the soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a W. FOSTER, Greater New York Charter, and the acts or parts of J. motion will be trade that the said report be confirmed. WM. SMITH, acts supplementary thereto or amendatory thereof. WILLIAM E. STEWART, SECOND DEPARTMENT All parties and persons interested in the real estate Dated, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEw YORK, May Commissioners. taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening 15, 1900. JOHN P. DrNN, JOSEPH IILUkIEFTHAI.,Chairman, In the matter of the application of The City of New York the said street or avenue, or affected thereby, CHARLES BRANDY. JR., Clerk. rclatice to acquiring title, wherever the saute has and having any claim or demand on account t hereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly J. ASP'INWALL HODGE, JR, not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and Commissioners. premises required for the opening and extending of verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Esti- SECOND DEPARTMENT mate and Assessment, at our office, ninth floor, Nos, go (oHN P. DUNN, 11LACKWELL STREET (although not yet panted Clerk. by proper authority), from Broadway to Woolsey and q2 West Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, in The avenue, in the First Ward, Borough of Queens, of City of New York, with such affidavits or other proofs In the matter of the application of The City of New "1 he City of New York. as the said owners or claimants may desire, within FIRST DEPARTMENT. York rel,-five to acquiring title, tvherever the same twenty days after the date of this notice. has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands and And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attend- premises required for the opening and extending of OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE ance at our said office on the [4th day of June, tgoe, at In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder. IAMAf.'A AVENUE (although not yet named N undersigned, were appointed by an order of the it o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear men and Commonalty of The City of New York, by proper authority), from Old Bowery Bay road to Supreme Court, Second Department, bearing date the said parties and persons iu relation thereto. And relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not East river. in the F' rst \Yard, borough of Queen-, the ;oth day of March, loon, and duly entered at such time and place, and at such further or other time been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and ,,I 1'he City of Now York. in the office of the Clerk of the County of and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners hereditaments required for the purpose of opering Queens, at his office in Jamaica. in the Bor- in relation thereto, and examine the proofs of such EAST ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGH'I'll ough of Queens. City of New York on the ,Hth day f claimmot or claimants, or such additional proofs and STREE t (although not yet named by proper Nl)TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE April, noon, a copy of which order was duly filed tllcgations as may then be offered by such owner, or on authority), from Boston road to Prospect avenue, undersigned, were appointed by an Order of the for indexing in the office of the Clerk of the behalf of The City of New York. as the same has been heretofore laid out and Supreme Court, Second Department, bearing date the County of Queens, Commissioners of Estimate and Dated BeuE to OF STNL•ET Omm-nixGS, LAW DEPART- designated as a first-class street or road, in the acth day of March, rgoo, and duly entered in the office Assessment, for the purpose of making aust 11t.NT, BOROUGH OF MANHA1TAN, NEW YORK CITY, Twenty-third Ward of The City of New York. of the Clerk of the County of Queens, at his office in and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss May 17, 1900. Jamaica, iu the Borough of Queens, City of New York, and damage, if any, or of the benefit and advantage, if WALTER C. FOS1 F.R, WILLIAM E. STEWART, E, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSION- on the i8th day of April, ng_x, a copy of which order any, as the case may be, to the respective owners, ers of Estimate and Assessment in the above- was duly filed for indexing in the office of the Clerk lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto W. L. WOODII.L, W Commissioners. entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons in- of the County of Queens, Commissioners of Esti- or interested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments terested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, Orate and Assessment, for the purpose of making a just and premises required for the purpose by and in con- JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk. occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and im- and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss sequence of opening the above-mentioned street or proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to and damage, if any, or of the benefit and advantage, if avenue. the same being particr:Ltrly set forth and FIRST DEPARTMENT. all others whom it may concern, to wit : any, as the case may be, to the respective owners, les- described in the petition of lire City of New York, and First—That we have completed our estimate and sees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or also in the notice of the application for the said assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro- interested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments and order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of ceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and hered. the Clerk of the County of Queens, on the t - th day of In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Aldermen premises required for the purpose by and in conse- and Cmnmonalty of 'I he City of New York, relative to itaments and premises affected thereby, and having quence of opening the above-mentioned street or April, uwo; and a just and equitable estimate and objections thereto, do present their said objections in avenue, the same being particularly set forth and assessment of the value of the benefit and advanta;e of acquiring title to certain pieces Or parcels of land for a PUBLIC PARK at the foot of East Seventy-ssixth writing, duly verified, to us at our office, Nos. go and described in the petition of The r its of New York, said street or avenue so to be opened or laid out and gz West Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in and also in the notice of the application for the said firmed, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and street, East river, in the Nineteenth Ward r.f'llre City of New York, as selected, located and laid out by the The City of New York, on or before the 18th day of order thereto attached, filed herein in the office of the persons respectively entitled to or interested in the June, 1900, and that we, the said Commissioners, Clerk of the County f Queens, on the 18th day said respective lands, tenements, hereditaments and Coard of Street Opening and Improvement, under and in pursuance of chapter 320 of the Laws of 1887. will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose of April, rgco t and a Jost and equitable estimate and premises not required for the purpose of opening, lay- will be in attendance at our said office on the rgth assessment of the value of the benefit and advantage of tug out and forming the same, but benefited thereby, and said street or avenue so to be opened or laid out and of ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE day of June, [goo, at 4 o'clock P. x. formed, to the respective owners, lessees, parties and of the respective tracts or parcels of land to be taken N bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by Second—That the abstract of our said estimate and persons respectively entitled to or interested in the said or to be assessed therefor, and of performing the trusts reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, respective lands, tenements, hereditaments and prem- and duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the up to and including the 3oth day of April, Igx, will be and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other ises not required for the purpose of opening, laying out Greater New York Charter, and the acts or parts of presented for taxation to one of the Justices documents used by us in making our report, have been and forming the same, but benefited thereby, and of acts supplementary thereto or amendatory thereof. of the Supreme Court of the State of New deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in the Law ascertaining and defining the extent and boundaries of All parties and persons interested in the real York, First Department, at a Special Term thereof, Department of The City of New York, Nos.go and 4z the respective tracts or parcels of laud Lobe taken or to estate taken or to be taken for the purpose of open- Part I., to be held at the County Court-house, in the West Broadway, in the Borough be Manhattan, in said be assessed therefor, and of performing the trusts and ing the said street or avenue, or affected there- Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, or, city. there to remain until the a7th day of June, [goo. duties required of us by chapter 17, title 4 of the Greater by, and having any claim or demand on account the ,9th day of June, xgoo, at to.30 o'clock in the I-bird—That thp. limits of our +ssessment for benefit New York ( hurler, and the acts or parts of acts supple- thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel include all those lands, tenements and hereditaments mentary thereto or amendatory thereof. verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of Esti- can be heard thereon, and that the said bill of costs, and premises situate, lying and being in the Borough of All parties and persons interested in the real mate and Assessment, at our office, ninth floor, Nos. charges and expenses, has been deposited in the office The Bronx, in The City of New York, which, taken estate taxen or to be taken for the purpose of go and qa W' st Broadway, Borough of Manhattan. in of the Clerk of the County of New York, there to re- together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.: opening the said street or avenue, or affected there. the City of New York, with such affidavits or other main for and during the space of ten days, as required Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the by, and having any claim or demand on account proofs as the said owners or claimants may desire, by law. middle line of the block between East One Hundred thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly within twenty days after the date of this notice. Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. NEW YORK, June and -'sixty-eighth street and East One Hundred and verified, to us, the undersigned Commissioners of And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attend I, 1goo. Sixty-ninth street, with the middle line of the block Estimate and Assessment, at our office, ninth floor, once at our said office on the Path day of June, :go,, PIERRE VAN BUREN HOES, between Fulton avenue and Franklin avenue ; thence Nos. go and Gu West Broadway, Borough of ,%Ianhat- at it o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear JAMES OWENS, easterly along said middle line of the blocks between tan, in The City of New York, with such affidavits or the said parties and persons in relation thereto. And GEO. T. DAVIDSON, Fast One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street and East other proofs as the said owners or claimants may at such time and place, and at such further or other Commissioners. One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street to its intersection desire, within twenty days after the date of this notice. time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such JOHN P. DUNN, with the middle line of the block between Tinton avenue And we, the said Commissioners, will be in attend- owners in relation thereto and examine the proofs of Clerk. and Union avenue ; thence northerly along said middle ance at our said office on the r,th day of June, such claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs. line of the block between Tinton avenue and Union loon, at fir o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, FIRST DEPARTMENT avenue to its intersection with a line drawn parallel to the said parties and persons in relation thereto. And or on beJtalf of The CD; of New York. the northerly side of East One Hundred and Sixty-ninth at such time and place, and at such further or other Dated BUREAU OF STrLET OPnsinm;S, LAW DEr'ART- In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder- street and distant too feet northerly therefrom ; time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such NILNT, BOROUGH OF bI.ANiIArTA't, NEW YORK CITY, men and Commonalty of '1-he City of New York, thence easterly along said p rallel line to its owners in relation thereto and examine the proofs of May 17, rgoo. relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not intersection with a line drawn parallel to the easterly such claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs WALTER C. FOSTER, been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements side of Stebbins avenue and distant rot, feet easterly and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, ULIUS BLI'CKWENN, and hr•reditaments required for the puroose of open- therefrom; thence southerly along said parallel line to or on behalf of The City of New York. ICHARD COOK, ing EAST ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT'V- its intersection with a line dram n parallel to the south- Dated, BUREAU ew *TNEEr OPENINGS, LAW DEPARr- Commissioners. SECOND SI'REET (although not yet named by erly side of Home street and distant ins feet southerly MENT, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY, Jotl.N P. DUNN, proper authority), from Jerome avenue to Valentine therefrom, thence westerly along said parallel line to its May 17, rgoc. Clerk. avenue, as the same has been heretofore laid out intersection with the middle line of the block between WILLIAM F. STEWART, and designated as a first-class street or road, in the Tinton avenue and Union avenue, thence northerly JAMES WHITE, FIRST DEPARTMENT Twenty fourth Ward of The City of New York. along said middle line of the block between Tinton ave. H. W. SIHARKEY, rue and Union avenue to its intersection with the mid. Commissioners. SATE, THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS dle line of the blocks between Home street and East fOHN P. DUNN, In the matter of the application of The Mayor. Alder- of Estimate and Assessment in th- above- One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street ; thence westerly Clerk. men a d Commonalty o1'lhe City of New Ycrk, eels entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons along said middle line of the blocks between Home five to acquiring tidy, w•herec er the same has not teen interested in this proceeding, and to the owner or street and East Ot;c Hundred and Sixty-eighth street heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenement; and owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and said riddle line produced westerly to its inter- SECOND DEPARTMENT hered,taments required for the purpose of opening and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, section with the westerly side of Boston road, WEST TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY- and to all others whom it may concern, to wit : thence southerly along said westerly side of Boston SECONI) pTREET (alttiorgh not yet named by In the matter of the application of The City of New York First—That we have completed our estimate road to its intersection with the middle line of the block proper authority), from Riverdale avenue to Broad- of assessment for benefit, and that all persons between East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh street relative to acquiring title, wherever the saute has not way, as the same has been heretofore laid out been heretofore acquired, to the lands and premises interested in this proceeding, or in any of and East One Hundred and Sixty.eighth street ; thence and desienated as a first-c'a's street or road in the the lands, tenements and hereditaments and westerly along said middle line of the block between required for the opening and extending of W F BSTES. Twenty-fourth Ward of The City of New York. AV EN UE (although not yet named by proper author- premises affected thereby, and having objections East One Hundred and Sixiy-seventh street and East ity, from the East river to Jackson avenue, in the thereto, do present their said objections in writing, duly One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street and said middle First Ward, Borough of Queens, of the City of New verified, to us at our office, No,. go and, a West Broad. line produced westerly to its intersection with the middle York. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE way, in the Borough of Manhattan, in he City cf New line of the blocks between Fulton avenue and Franklin N bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by York, on or before the xUth day of June, igoo, and avenue; thence northerly along said middle line of the reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties so blocks between Fulton avenue and Franklin avenue to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE up to and Including the 3oth day of April, [goo, objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance at the point or place of beginning; excepting front said undersigned, were appointed by an order of the will be presented for taxation to one of the our said office on the a7th day of June, [goo,. at a area all streets, avenues and roads or portions thereof Supreme Court, Second Department, bearing date the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of o'clock r. m. heretofore legally opened as such area is shown upon 3oth day of March, ,go;, and duly entered in the office New York, First Department, at a Special Term Secmtd—That the abstract of our said assessment, to- our benefit maps deposited as aforesaid : of the Clerk of the County of Queens, at his office in thereof, Part I., to be held at the County Court. gether with our benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, Fourth—That our report herein will be presented Jamaica, in the Borough ofYQueens, City of NewYork, on house, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of estimates, proofs and other documents used by us in to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First the [8th day of April, rgoo, a copy of which order was New York, on the rgih day of June, rgoo, at 10.30 mak ng our report, have been deposited in the Bureau Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part IIl., to duly filed for indexing to the office of the Clerk of the o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon there- of Street Openings in the Law Department of The City be held in the County Court-house, in the Borough County of Queens, Commissioners of Estimate and As- after as counsel can be heard thereon, and that the of New York, Nos. go and ga West Broadway, in the of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the a8th sessment, for the purpose ofmaking a just and equitable said bill of costs, charges and expenses has been de- Borough of Manhattan in said city, there to remain day of June, rgoo, at the opening of the Court on that estimate and assessment of the loss and damage, if posited in the office of the Clerk of the County of New until the 6th day ofJuly, rgon. day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as any, or of the benefit and advantage, if any, as the York, there to remain for and during the space of ten Third-l'hat pursuant to the notice heretofore given counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made case may be, to the respective owners, lessees, parties days, as required by the provisions of section 99q of when we filed our estimate of damage the limits of our that the said report be confirmed. and persons respectively entitled unto or interested title 4 of chapter 17 of chapter 378 of the Laws of t897. rise-sment for benefit include all those lands, tene. Dated BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, in the lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises Dated 5 BOROUGH OF MANHATTAS, NEW YORK, ment'. and hereditaments and premises situate, lying April z6, rgoo. required for the purpose by and in consequence of May ag, rgoo. and being in the Borough of The Bronx, in The City DANIEL O'CONNELL, Chairman opening the above-mentioned street or avenue, the GEORGE CHAPPELL, of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and HENRY ALLEN, same being particularly set forth and described in the SAMUEL L. BERRIAN, descr,bed as follows, viz.: Beginning at a point formed C. F. ULRICH, petition of The City of New York, and also in the Commissioners. by the intersection ofa line drawn parallel to the south- Commissioners. notice of the application for the said order thereto JOHN P DUNN. erly side of East One Hundred and Eighty-second street JOHN P. DUNN attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of Clerk. and distant too feet southerly therefrom with the east- Clerk.