Appendix 9.C Preliminary Assessment of Visual Effects

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Appendix 9.C Preliminary Assessment of Visual Effects Limekiln Wind Farm Section 36C Variation Appendix 9.C EIA Report Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Appendix 9.C: Preliminary Assessment of Effects on Views This Appendix relates generally to Chapter 9 LVIA of the EIA and specifically to Section 10: Assessment of Effects on Representative Viewpoints and Section 9.11: Assessment of Effects on Principal Visual Receptors. Effects on views are the changes to views that result from the introduction of the Revised Consented Development. The assessment of effects on views is carried out in two parts: • The assessment of effects on representative viewpoints that represent visibility of the Revised Consented Development from around the study area; and • The assessment of effects on principal visual receptors such as settlements, roads, and core paths. The first step in both parts of this assessment is a filtering process to ascertain which of the representative viewpoints and principal visual receptors have potential to be significantly affected by visibility of the Revised Consented Development, which comprises up to 21 turbines each with a maximum tip height of 149.9 m. Two tables that show this process, including a brief description of the assessment for each viewpoint and principal visual receptor, are presented below. The representative viewpoints and principal visual receptors that are considered to have potential to undergo a significant effect as a result of the Revised Consented Development are shown shaded in the tables and are assessed in full in Chapter 9 LVIA of the EIA Report at Section 10 Assessment of Effects on Representative Viewpoints and Section 9.11: Assessment of Effects on Principal Visual Receptors. Appendix 9.C - Table 1: Assessment of Effects on Representative Viewpoints Viewpoint Comments Further assessment required? 1. Drum The full extent of the Yes; there is potential for a significant effect due Hollistan Revised Consented to: Layby, A836 Development will be visible • Level of visibility and proximity of the Revised from this viewpoint at a Consented Development; minimum distance of • Orientation of the view towards the Revised 4.54 km. Consented Development. 2. Reay The Revised Consented Yes; there is potential for a significant effect due Footpath Development will be visible to: from a minimum distance of • Visibility of the Revised Consented 2.68 km and will be in the Development in the direct orientation of the direct line of view. view; • Close range of the proposed. Development and high level of visibility; • Sensitivity of local residents. 3. Reay The full Revised Consented Yes; there is potential for a significant effect due Church, A836 Development will be seen to: from a minimum distance of • Level of visibility and proximity of the Revised 2.93 km, mainly as full Consented Development; height turbines with some • Sensitivity of local residents. hubs and blades. 4. Shebster The full Revised Consented Yes; there is potential for a significant effect due Development will be seen to: from a minimum distance of • Level of visibility and proximity of the Revised 3.76 km, mainly as full Consented Development; height turbines with some • Existing close range visibility of Baillie Hill Wind hubs and blades. Farm. 5. Sandside The full Revised Consented Yes; there is potential for a significant effect due Bay Harbour Development will be seen to: from a minimum distance of • Level of visibility and proximity of the Revised 4.32 km, mainly as full Consented Development. June 2021 Page 1 Limekiln Wind Farm Section 36C Variation Appendix 9.C Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment EIA Report Viewpoint Comments Further assessment required? height turbines with some hubs and blades. 6. A836 / The full Revised Consented Yes; there is potential for a significant effect due Dounreay Development will be seen to: Road Junction from a minimum distance of • Level of visibility and proximity of the Revised 5.09 km, mainly as full Consented Development; height turbines with some • Orientation of view towards the Revised hubs and blades. Consented Development; • Existing close range visibility of Baillie Hill Wind Farm and Dounreay Nuclear Power Plant. 7. Strathy The full Revised Consented No; there may be some limited effect but this will Point Car Park Development will be seen not be significant due to: from a minimum distance of • Limited visibility of the Revised Consented 15.73 km, mainly as hubs Development; and blades. • Principal orientation of the view out across North Atlantic and not towards the Revised Consented Development; • Distance of the Revised Consented Development from the viewpoint, which ensures that the parts of turbines that are visible will be minor components in the view. 8. Angler’s Car The Revised Consented Yes; there is potential for a significant effect due Park, Loch Development will be visible to: Calder from this viewpoint at a • Level of visibility and proximity of the Revised minimum distance of Consented Development; 8.02 km. Full height • Sensitivity of this location as a visitor and turbines will be visible with recreational attraction. some hubs and blades. 9. Ben Dorrery The Revised Consented Yes; there is potential for a significant effect due Development will be visible to: from a minimum distance of • Level of visibility and proximity of the Revised 8.62 km, mainly as full Consented Development; height turbines with some • Elevated view afforded over surrounding area hubs and blades. 10. Minor The Revised Consented Yes; there is potential for a significant effect due Road Development will be seen at to: Lythmore a minimum distance of • Visibility of the Revised Consented Junction 7.99 km, mainly as full Development; height turbines with some • Existing close range visibility of Baillie Hill Wind hubs and blades. Farm 11. The Revised Consented No; there may be some limited effect but this will Georgemas Development will be seen at not be significant due to: Junction a minimum distance of • Lack of sensitivity of roadside view; Station 16.20 km, mostly as hubs • Lack of specific orientation of the view; and blades. • Distance of the Revised Consented Development from the viewpoint, which ensures that the parts of turbines that are visible will be minor components in the view. 12. A9 north The Revised Consented No; there may be some limited effect but this will of Spittal Development will be visible not be significant due to: from this viewpoint at a • Distance of the Revised Consented minimum distance of Development from the viewpoint, which 17.99 km. ensures that the parts of turbines that are visible will be minor components in the view; • Lack of sensitivity of roadside view; • Lack of specific orientation of the view. 13. Dunnet The Revised Consented No; there may be some limited effect but this will Head Development will be visible not be significant due to: from this elevated viewpoint • Limited visibility of the Revised Consented at a minimum distance of Development; Page 2 June 2021 Limekiln Wind Farm Section 36C Variation Appendix 9.C EIA Report Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Viewpoint Comments Further assessment required? 26.24 km, partly • Principal orientation of the view out across backclothed by landform. North Atlantic and not towards Revised Consented Development; • Distance of the Revised Consented Development from the viewpoint, which ensures that the parts of turbines that are visible will be minor components in the view. 14. Borlum The Revised Consented Yes; there is potential for a significant effect due Hill Development will be visible to: from 1.56 km, all turbines • The very close proximity of the Revised will be visible at full height Consented Development and high level of and in close proximity from visibility; this elevated location. • Contrast with the setting. 15. Beinn The Revised Consented Yes; there is potential for a significant effect due Ratha Development will be visible to: from a minimum distance of • The very close proximity of the Revised 1.54 km. All turbines will be Consented Development and high level of visible at full height and in visibility; close proximity from an • Contrast with the setting. elevated location. Blade tips will be visible above the skyline. 16. Shurrery Hubs and some upper Yes; there is potential for a significant effect due towers are visible above the to: skyline, from 5.94 km away. • Visibility of the Revised Consented Development • Existing visibility of Baillie Hill Wind Farm 17. A836, Hill Blades, Hubs and some Yes; there is potential for a significant effect due of Forss upper towers are visible to: above the skyline, from • Visibility of the Revised Consented 10.34 km away. The Development Revised Consented • The orientation of the view towards the Development is viewed Revised Consented Development behind and largely within the visual envelope of Baillie Hill. 18. Broubster While a small number of No; there may be some limited effect but this will Forest Core blades are theoretically not be significant due to: Path visible, these will be • Limited visibility of the Revised Consented screened by the intervening Development; forestry along the ridge. • Screening effect of intervening forestry; • Existing visibility of Baillie Hill Wind Farm. Appendix 9.C - Table 2: Assessment of Effects on Principal Visual Receptors Principal Visual Comments Further assessment required? Receptor Settlements Achreamie The ZTV indicates that there No; there may be some limited effect but this will is visibility from a distance not be significant due to: of 5.5 km. • The intervening landform of the Hill of Shebster; • The existing and close range influence of Baillie Hill Wind Farm and Forss Wind Farm. Armadale The ZTV indicates that there No, due to lack of visibility. is no visibility of the Revised Consented Development from this settlement. June 2021 Page 3 Limekiln Wind Farm Section 36C Variation Appendix 9.C Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment EIA Report Principal Visual Comments Further assessment required? Receptor Bettyhill The ZTV indicates that there No, due to lack of visibility.
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