DLP: Stay Alert!
Established October 1895 ‘Swim for Life’ programme has tremendous potential Page 2 Tuesday August 11, 2020 $1 VAT Inclusive DLP: NO Stay alert! IN a public service announce- ment to the public yesterday,the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) urged those persons who have NEED been laid off due to the impact of COVID-19, to be aware of the Health officials seek time frame for the filing of sev- to reassure public erance claims. President of the DLP, Verla after confirming one DePeiza was speaking specifi- case of malaria cally to persons who were laid off between March 1st and May 30th, 2020, including those TO dates. DePeiza alerted them that the amendment to the Severance Payment Act had ex- pired on July 31st and stated that they needed to be aware of two important points. "One, they have 22 weeks in order to claim and two, they Deputy Chief Environmental Health Officer Ronald Chapman. have four weeks from the end of PANIC that 22-week period in order to ACCORDING to the top- make that claim," explained brass of medical practition- DePeiza. ers and public health and The amendment of the act, safety officials in Barbados, mainly targeted tourism sector there is no need for panic employees in the hotel and hos- after the discovery of one pitality industry, and allowed confirmed case of malaria employers who had laid-off staff on the island. during the March 1st and May This was revealed yesterday 30th time span due to the pan- in an emergency press confer- demic, to have a 22-week cush- ence that was called by Chief ion before the employees were Medical Officer (Ag.), Dr legally able to apply for sever- Kenneth George, Infectious ance payments.
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