1:07 ... 1:47 pm Th• Preaident played • boles of gotf wltll Mr. Clifford Rob•tt• Mr. .Tay Oould M1'. Frank WUlaJ'd. (Game wa• di•continued beeau•• of adver•• w.ath•r condltio11••

1:·57 pm

SU DAY, r ' ltUABY a. 1958

12:,a ,. Z:2S pm The Pre•idt'nt prac:ttced aolf wtth Mr. Cltffol'd .Robert• Mr. Barry Leithead

2:58 pm The Pf:'••ideni, accom.,anied by Mr. Thoma•.. Blt.tlei:, the ..Aup•ta ~attonal Ciolf Club and motored to Bu1h Field.

3:23 pm

3:3.2 pm The Pr•1ldent wa• ai'l'boro.• aboard *11• Columbble f qr Waahingtota, J>. C. The tollowtna were al•o ab•rd: Mr. Thoma• 8uUer M'%'. Henry A. Hear at Mi-. \VUU.atn D. Kerr Hon. and Mr•. Jame• Hagerty M1'. 8nc• Haaei-ty G•neral Howard M..cC. fnyd•r Ml•• Betty Allen Captain Olive Mar•h ai. John Moaney .Agent• Behn, Shield•, Roth, St.file, Dtxon. TayloJI and Flohr Ca.ptail\ Robert .Pattel'.•on

5:25 pm Departed MATS T£rmlna1 and motored to the Whiki HOtl••· arrivin1 th•r• at 5:3) pm. THE P .ESIDENT'S APPOINrMENTS MONDAY, FEB UABY .J. 1958

8:19 am The Pr' aldtent arrived in the office. accompanied by Hon. Janie Haaerty and Colollel .Robert L. Schulz.

Hon. Jan>e• Hagerty ri1. General .Andrew J. Qoodpaater

8:25 - 8:29 am Hon. Jamee }Jagerty

8:.fO - 8:41 •m Mr. Robert Gray 9:i1 - 9:28 am H n. Sbermari .Adams

9:5-4 - 9:S6 am Mr. l\obert Gray

10:03 • 10:11 am The Pre•ldent went to· the Col'iference Room to hear the .Augabura Coll•ae Choir of Minneapolia, Minne•ota. Thia appointment was arran1ed y Hon. Gabriel Hauge • .Alto attendina wore ffoi:i. Sherman Adam.s and Hon. Esra Taft Beaton.

10:11 .. 10:49 am Hon. Esra Taft B•~•en

10:11 - 10:49 ·~ H n. Jack Anclaraon (jebied Secretary B•uon)

10:49 - 10:56 am Hon. William P. Roger•

11:40 am Tb• Preaident departed the office and went to tb• Mana ion.

1:00 pm (LUNCH) THE PJlESIJ)J:NT'S .APPOINTMENTS T E SDA "'( , ,i;DR A Y 4, l 958

8:17 am The Pi-esident arrived in the office, · accompanied by Captain Date J . Crittenberaer. '

8:24 • 8:35 am

8:34 .. 9:00 am Hon. Sherrn•n Adams l-l n. '\o\r ilton _ • P ersons Hon. Bryce fial'lo:w Hon, t. JacK Ma1•tin Hon. Jack An erson

·9:00 - 11 :12 am LEGISL .A T VE L E DERS MEETING. The President Hen. .Richard M. Nixon Senator William F. Knowl•l1d Sen3t r Stylea2Bridges Senator Leve:rett S•iton1tall Senator EverettDirkaen Senat r F rank Carlson Congres .smap Jo•eph P. Mal't:in Congressman Char let Halle<:k Cor..gressman Leslie rerul Congr essman Leo .Allen Congreaaman Edward H. l\•ea . Hon. A rthu.r Sl:4mmerfteld .Mon. UUam P . lloaer• Ho • Per cival lhunda e Mr. R ober t ertiam Ho11 . aymond J. Saunier r. ercy Rappapot't, Bud~et Hem. "i>tf" eld • Chilson: Ml'. E l mer enn tt, Department of th• Interior Non. .Robt:rt Dechert, Oen•-ral Cou_ael, Departmeat of Defense lion. Ear a Taf.t Bene on I-Ion. n P a.rlberg Mr. Clyde h•el•J' Hon. berma.n dams Hati. Wilton B. P•r•ona JLcril. I. J'ack M_artin I , ' Hon. Earle C 4teuey ( e Qntlntied) TU DAY, EllRtJ.ARY 4 , 1958

9:00 - 11:12 am LEGI LA TlVE LE.ADER EETINO (continued): Hon. Homer G ruenther Hen. .c.. ard }. cCabe Brig. General Andre J. Qood1>4•t•r H n . Gabriel H uge Hon. ryco Haflow Hon. Jack An'1 e aon Mrs. Anne eaton Hon. J ames agerty Mr. Male lm o l r. oe er McPhee Hon. James • Killian, 1-r. Mr. A rthu.r M·nnich

11:12 .. 11:20 am Hon. James • Killian, Jr. Dr. Geor e B. · stiakow1ky Pr fes- r of Physlcal Cb.emittry, Harvard Vniv•r•lty and ember of the President'• Science Aclvbory Committ e Brig. Gener l Andrew J . Goodpa1ter Dr. Herb rt York Director of Liverm ore L;aboratory Univ r3ity of California

1Z:12 ~ 12:15 pm rs. Mary Jane cCafbee

12:15 - 12:17 pm Brig. General Andrew J. Goodpaster

12:33 pm The President departed the office and went to the Mane ion.

1:00 pm (LUNCH)

Z:27pm The resident returned to the office.

2:29 - 2:33 pm Hon. Sherman Ad~m•

2:35 .. Z:40 pm r. oember cPhe•

3:00 - 3: 12 pm Beil. ilton B . Person•

4:03 pm ThePl:'esident departed the e>fficc and went to tbe Mana ion. TU DAY, FD UA Y 4, 19

ts:OO pm henho ar &&v• •dinner for Milhat'y he ollcwi attended:

H n . r ·l . rue er S•cretary of t e Army E on. a:i '"' ate , Jr • ... ecretary of the avy

Chie Gen ral an ... ~. T oma D. hite Chief o Staff - .Air Force Hon. and l rs. il iam J.CC. Martin, Jr. Chairman, ... cderal eaerve B oard on. and :ra. E l voocl R . Queeada Specia A lstant to tne Pre11i d eut Hon. and. .. r • amea .R. Killian, Jr. Special .Aaaiataat t o th• Pre•ideat General andmi.rat and rs. Harry D. Felt Vice Chi• 1 aval pe.rati'111& General and Mr•. Le n W. Johna on U. ep., 'litary C•mniittee of NATO General and Mrs. Alfred M. G1'Uenther P resj.dent, .Americao Red Croa Lt. General and :ra. Jame• H. Doolittle Chairman, Nation.ill .Advf.lory Committee for Aerouutic• Hon. and Mrs. Alan T. Waterman h · ctor, National Science Fouudati n Dr. and r•. R a•r Adam• Chemhtry, Univ•r•tty of llllaob

( contlni.ed) TUESDAY, Fll AURY 4. 19§8 Page 4

8:00 pm Dt.nn•r for Military and ·dent fie O!fi.cials (ccmtlnued): Dr. and r • George W. eadle iolo y, California Institute of •c nolOIY Dr. A fred lalock Surgery, Johns Hopkins University chool of Medtcine rs. William a tler, Ur. Blalock's daughter Dr. and Mrs. Detlev ·• Bronk iopbyeica, ockefeUeti- Inatitute lo~ Medical Seteace• Dr. and rs. alph E. Cleland Botany, Unive.rnty of Indiana Dr. an ra. arrlngton ani•la Chemistry, Univ•r•ity of hcOJt.•in Dr. and rs. L ee • Dubtidge Phy1ics, California ln•tltv.t• of T•chnolOIY Dr. and l"S. John F. Enders Medicine and Virology, Harvard University Dr. and rs. J amee • Fhk .Physics, B ell Telephone Laboratories, New York City Dr. and Mr•. Je>hn P. agen U. aval Res arch Laboratory llr.. and Mr•. George B. Kbtiakowsky Chemittry, Harvard University r. and rs. William :M. Holaday ··· Director f Guided Mis•il•• Dr. and rs. -dwin H. Land Phy ic• • PQtaroid CorpQJratio11 l>r. and M:ra. Robert f'. Loeb Medicine, Columbia Univer•ity Dr. and rs. Maraton Moi-•• Mathematic•, Prlncet~n Ullivershy lne~tut• few Advanced Study Ur. and rs. · • Albert Noyes, Jr. Chemiatry, University of B.oche•t•r Dr. and Mr•. · illiam H. Pielterlng Jet Prop•bion Laboratory, Cattfornta hi•titute ol Technolo1 Dr. and Mre. Edward M. Purcell Phy1ic•, Harvard Untv•r•ity Dr. and rs. Isidor I. abi Phyaic1a, Columbia Univer•ity D:r:. and Mrs. oger Revelle ceano1raphy, Univer•tty of California Dr. and r ~ • ,Alfred ~ . ltichard• Pharmacology, Univera\ty of Pennaylvania (continued) TUESD.AY. FDRUA Y 4, 195

8:00 pm Din ' Uta y a n cientifi (continued): Mb• Anna u•5 U D r. a d 4: r s . T. h mbtry, Univ. 0£ Ca l . Dr. P•ychology, -.rvard U'nivor•ity r. -.nd J. t • , MIT D l". a nd



Dr. rs. , .l..iiv r more L a o atQr-y , Livermore, Cal. THE PRESIDENT'S .APPOINTMENTS EDNESD.A T, FE8Jt tJ.AB. T S. 1958

8:21 am The Pre•ident arrived in the office, accompasded by Captain Dale J. Crittenberger.

9:02 • 9:05 am Hon. Wilton B. Peraou

9:05 - 9:07 am Holl. l&lll•• Haaerty

9:07 - 9:26 ain Conar•••man A. s. J. Car11ahan. Mia•oarl Congrea•man Cheater E. Merrow. New Hampahh•e (Tb• above have been. t011ri111 the country •• a team on behalf of the Mutual Security P1'ogram. They have j\ut completed the ftrat half of thl• tour.}

9:38 - 9:•U am Hon. Wilton B. Pera on• Hon. Jame• Haaerty

9:•s - 10:28 am Hon. Wilton B. Per•on• Hon. lame• Hagerty Hon. Jame• Haae:rty 9:45 - 10:28 am Hon. Jame• B.. Ulian, Jr. Hon. Bryce Harlow Hon. Gabriel Hauge Hon. I. Jack Martin Mr• • .Anne Wheaton

9:55 am Brig. General .Andrew J. Goodpaater (J of.ned the above m••tin&)

10:00 .. 10:28 am Hon. Sherman .Adam• (Joined the above meetin1)

10:30 .. 11:00 am PRESS CONJ'Ell.ENCE

11:04-- 11:09 am Hon. Jame• Haaerty

11:09 .. 11:38 am (Mr • .Rol>ert IH11er1) OJ'F THE RJ:COllD

11:38 - 11:40 am Mr. WUliam J. Hopkin•

The Preaident depal'ted the office and went to the Mana ion.

1:00 pm (LUNCH) W~NESD_AY, FEBRUARY S. 1958 Paa• z

2:01 pm The Pre•ident returned to the office.

2:25 - 2:28 pm Brig. General A dre J. Goodpaater

?·32 • 3:3 pm Hon.. J ohn Fo t er Dulles Hon. Llewellyn .E. T homp•on, lr. U. S. A bas aador to the Union of Soviet Soci•li•t Republic

3:38 - 4 :20 pm Hon. John Fod er Dulle•

4:08 ... 4: 10 pm Brig. Oenera t .Andr ew J. Goodpast

4:1• - •:16 pm Brig. General Andrew J. Goodpa.ter

4:ZO - 4: 34 pm rig. Oeneral Andrew J . Goodpaetet Mr. ~ obert Gr~y

5:13 pm The P resident departed th• office and w ent to the Mana i on. THE PRESIDENT'S .APPOINTMENTS THUllSD..AY, FEJUl.U.Alt"r 6, 1958

8:16 am The Preaident arrived in the otfice, accom~nted by Captain D•le J. Crittenberger.

s:is • 8:55 am

9:00 • 10:39 am NA1'lONAL SECURITY COTJNClL The P:re1ideni Hon. Riehal'd M. Nf,xon Hon. .fohn Foeter Dulle• Hon. Neil H. Mc:.Elroy Hon. Goi-don Bray Hon. 1'obert 8. Andet1on Hon. William P. Jloaer1 Hon. Percival Brund•&• Hon. Lewi.I L. Str•u• • Hon. Donald A. Qv.arl•• General Thoma• D. White Hon. Allen W. Dulle• Hon. Wilton 1'. Per1on1 Hon. Qeorae v . .All•n i!on. Jame1 H. Smith, Ir. Hon. ci..rence B. Randall Hon. A:rthu:t Lar•on Ho11. Robert Cutler Hon. Jam•• ll. Killian, 1t. Hon. l"r•d•rtck M. l:>earbort\ J:-. Hon. Bryce Harlow Brig. Andr4w J. Oood~•t•t" lion. Gerard C. Smith Hon. Jam•• S. Lay, Jr. Hon. S. Everett Gleaeon

1Q:4(> ... 11:04 am Hon. Richard :M. Nix.on

11:04 .. ll:OS &D;l Hon. Sherman .Adams

11:06 - 11:29 am (Hon. Paul Hoffman) OFF THE RECORD

11:-tO am The President departad the ot!ice and w•ni to the Man•ion.

l:OO pm (LUNCH) FJtl'UUJA RT 6, l 9S

4:48 pm The Pre•ident returned to th• office.

.Mr • .Jloemer McPhee

5:00 - S: 18 pm The fottowlng group repre•entlng the American College of Surgeon• pi-e•ented a cap· and gown to th• Preaident tn conn•ction with the Honoi-ary FeUow•bip conferred upon him at he Convocation taet Fall: Dr. Frank Jl.erry Aasbtant Secretary of D•l•n•• for H•alth and Medieal Affair• Dr. & !Hade• Cleo,-ge Wa•hington Untveteity ffctpUat, aahingtcn, D. C. MaJoio .Leonard I>. Heaton ~ Commanding Oeneral Walter lht.C: .Artny Medical Center Dr. 1 ohn H. Lyon•, Emer1e•cy lfo•pttal, Waehington, D. G. Dr. I. s. Ravdin, PJ"ofea•or of Suraery, Ro•pital of th• Univer•ity of Penn•ylvanla, Philadelphia, Pa. Gen.e?"al .f{oward McC. Snyc;ler Hon. Robert C\·

5:18 .. S:21 pm H n • .Robert Cutler

5:21 pm The Pl"e•ld~nt departed the oflke and went to the Mane ion. ; ' .. il J . • • " a .... "' :-11 . • J. ,. ., ,.. ••

I • 91 54 A

l :S •

l t05 • l e • · • lh ... I 9 a

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llsll .


ls • lit - II

11 F 19S9

(T • •• in hit offic~).

T e Vice Prealdeut, D. J Foster Hon. Fr C. crill er ec~eta.-y Oft e T~ D. ell c Hon. Dooald lioa. UUam oa. A S'thu h1nrn Hon. Hatflel , De rt t the ri~ Hoa. Slaclalr Ho Hoa. Bea. Hon. a oa. on. 0 on. Hoa. a. Hoa.

Hon. Jr. on. Mr. Mr. n.


8:•1 am The Preddent arrived in the office, accompanied by Captain Dale j. Crittenberger.

8:57 .. 9:27 am Brig. General Andrew J. Ooodpaater

9:28 - 10:00 am Hon. 1Uehard M. Nixon Hon. William P. Roger•

10:02 .. 10:08 am Hon. Sherman

10:20 .. 10:32. am lion. Jame• f{agerty

11:43 &'Dl The Preaident departed the office and went to the Mansion. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1958


8:07 am Th• ;reeident arrived in the office, acconipaniecl by Captain Dale J. Crittenber1er.

8:29 - 8:30 am r. obert Gray

8:30 - 8:15 &Ill Hon. Jame• ffa1erty

8:58 - 9:03 am Hb Exc•lleucy Luc i'ouche ewly appointed Amlta••ador of Haiti Hon.. Wiley T. Buchanan

9:32 - 9:36 am Hon. Jame• Haaerty

10:03 - 10:32 am Hon. John. Fo•ter Dulle•

10:32 - 11:28 am The following met with the Pre•ident to pl'e•ent the Baker Beport: (Hoa. John i'oater Dullea) OFF THE RECORD (Hon. Doulci A. Ouarle•) (Hon. .Allen. Dulles-) (Dr. Jame• lt. Killian, Jr.) (Ho-n. Robert Cutler) (Dr. William O. Baker} (Bell Laboratorie•., Muz-ray Rill, N • .t.) (Hou. Robert Murphy) (Hoa. Jame• Lay) (Mr. Patrick J. Coyue) {Dr • .A . W. Oleaaon., Harvard Untveraity) (Dr. Ollvez G. Selfrtdae, MIT) (Dr. H. • Bode, Bell Laboratori••) (Cie11eral John A. S.nford, NS.A, .Fort Meade) (General Grave• B. Eraldne, Defen•e) (Mr. Huntlnaton Sheldo.n, CIA) (J!hia. General Andrew J. Ooodpa•ter)

11:28 - 11:33 am Hia Excelleocy Nadim Dlmechlde Newly at.ppolnted .Amba1 aador of Lebanou Hon. Wiley Buchanan

12:12 pm_ The Preeident departed the office and went to the Mana ion. MONDAY• FEBRUARY 10, 1958 Pa.g~ 2

1:00 pm (LUNCH)

2 :25 pm The President returned to ttie office.

3:00 • 3:03 pm Brlg. General Andrew J . Goodpaster

3:03 - 3 :06 pm Hon. Parker T . Hart U. S . Ambassador to Jordan

3:06 • 3:08 pm r . William J . Hopkins

3:28 - 3:54 pm Hon . Arthur Larson

4:04 pm The President departed the office and went to the ans ion.

5:00 pm The following met wltb, the President at the Mansion: Hon. Robert B . Ander son Hnn . Wllllam McC. artin Hon. Gabrlel Hauge Hou. Raymond J. Saulnler

8 :00 pm The President and Mra. Eisenhower gave a Dinner for the flrat half of the Diplomatic Corps. The following attended: H . E . The Ambassador of Nicaragua and Senora de Sevllla- Sacasa H . E. The Ambassador of El Salvador and Senora de Castro H . E . The Ambassador of Sweden and Madame Boheman H . E . The Ambassador of Korea. and Madame Yang H. E . The Ambassador of Bollvla and Senora de Andrade H . E . The Ambassador of India (Mebta) H . E . The Amba•sador of Iraq and Madame Shabandar H . E. The Ambassador of Ceylon and rs. G"1newardene Madame Tran van Cbuoll.g (Vlet Nam) H . E . Th• Ambassador of Greece and Madame Mela& H . E . The Ambassador of Italy and Signora Brosio H . E. The Ambassador of the Polish People' s Republic a.nd Mrs. Spasowskl H. E . The Ambassador of Saudl Arabia (Al- Khayyal} H . E . The Ambassador of Pakistan and Begum All H. E . The Ambassador of Iceland and Mrs. Thors



8:00 am The Presldent had breakfast wlth. the fo.ltowtng in the White Hon$e Mess: Hon. R le bard _ • Nixon Hon. inclat:r eeks Hon. James P. itchell Hon. Arthur Summerfield Hon. Maurice Stan& Hon. Gabriel Hattge Hon. James Hagerty Hon. Wilton B. Per-sons Ii.on. Raymond J. Sa11lnier

9: 11 - 9:Z4 am Hon. Arthur Summerfield Hon. Slnclair eeks

9:30 am The President went to the Broadcast RQom to make tape recording for Bed CrQ$S.

9:45 am The Pre$ldent r~turued to the offlce.

9:45 - 9t49 am Hon. James Hagerty

10:00 - 10:36 am H . E. Mlkball ... enshikov Ambassador of the Uni.on of Soviet Socia.list Republics - came to present credentials Hon. Wlley Buchanan

10:35 ... 10:36 am Mr • .Robert Gray

10~36 .. 10:58 am Hon. Gel.'a.ld Morgan. Brig. Genel"al Andrew J. Goodpaster

10:4-0 - 10:45 am Hou. James Hagerty

10:59 - 11:15 am The Honorable Willy Brandt Governing Mayor of Berlin and President of the West German Bundea't'at (tipper Hoi.ise of the German Federal Pal'liament). Hon. Albrecht von Kessel, Charge d•Affaires -.d Interim, The German Embassy Mr. Raymond E. Lisle, Acting Direc:tor, Office of German Affairs Mr. Robert Gray TUF.sDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1958 Page Z

11:15 .. 11:17 am Mr. Robert Gray

11:32. - 11:41 am Hon. Jamee W. Riddleberger U. s . .Amba11sador to Greece (Called on the President before p?'oceeding to his new post)

11:41 - 11:44 am Brig. General Andrew J. GoodpasteJ'

12:04 pm The President departed the office and went to the Mau.sio •

1:0'0 pm (LUNCH)

8:00 pm The President and Mrs. Eisenho-WeX' gave a Dinner for the e;econd half of the Diplomatic Corps. H. i:;. The ..Ambassador of Belgium and Baroness Si1vercruy1 H. E. The .Ambassador of Denmark and :rs. de Kauffmann H. • The Ambassador of Peru and Senora de Berckemcyer H. E. The ..Am'ba sadoli of ortugal and Senhora de s-teves Fernandes H. • The Ambassador oi lera:el and rs. Eban H. • The Ar.nbaesado:r of Cambodia (Klrnny) H. E. The Ambassador of the Czechoslovak Repu.bHc and adame Petr~; elka H. E. The Ambassador of Mexico a.nd Senor.,. de Tello H. E. '!h Amha.s ·ado~ oi the Republic of Indonesia and Madame Notowidlgdo H. E . Th~ Ambasl"a.dor of the Federal People's R.epubllc o f Yugoslavia and Madame Mates H. E. The Ambas$ador of Spain (Count o! Motrieo) H. E. The Ambassador of lfinl;s:nd and Madame Nykbpp ¥. • The Ambass.,dor of Cuba (Campa) H. E. The Amba~sador of Laos and Madame Souvannavong H. E . T he A m baasador of Luxembourg and Ma.dame Le Gallaia H. E. The Ambassador of the Philippines and Mrs. Romulo (continued) .. J.'t:. B at Ab - . tb'-bi•

· ~~ .. -tq- -~­

l#b • •ne atai


.MUh&wet' pY6 a e•t~at• to .... t; 1VlJ o ·

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on. r Cutt r n. L y ( 3:37 pm)

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7:39 am The Preeident arrived in the office, accompanied by Captain Dale J. Crittenberger.

8:2.0 - 8:34 am rig. General Andrew J. Goodpa•ter Evan P. Aurand r. ltoemer Mc:Pbee

8: 34 - 8:42 am rig. General Andrew J. Ooodpa•ter

8:42 - 8:45 am Mr. William J. Hopkins

8:50 - 9:00 am (Hon. Christian fferter) (Hon .Allen Dullea) Oi'F THE RECORD (}Ion. Robert Cutler)

9:00 - 9:03 am Hon. James R. Killian

(National Security Council met at 9:00 a. m. , but the Pre•ident did not attend)

9:03 - 9:09 am Hon. Neil cElroy

9:09 - 9: 10 am Mr. llobert Ciray

9: 15 am The Preddent departed the office and went to the Mf.n•ion.

11:00 am The Pre•ident and Mr1. Ebenhower departed the White Houte and qiotored to MATS Terminal fer flight to Oeorgia.

11:22 am The Columbine wa• airborne for Tboma1ville, Georgia.

2:10 pm Landed at Spence .Air Foree Ba1e, Moultrie, G•orgia.

2:25 pm The P-re8ident and hil party departed Spence Air Force Ba•• and motored to Mile•tone Plantation, Thoma•ville, Georgia, owned by Hon. Oeor1e M. Humphrey.

3: 11 pm Arrived at Mileatone Plantation. Here the P'l'e•ident and Mr•. Ehenhower were greeted by Mr. William Robina on..



The President stayed indool.'t all day due to inclement weather.

Other gue•t• at the Plantation were Mr. William Robin3on Mr. and r•. Ellh Slatel'

SATVRDA Y, FEB U.. .\ll l 15, 1958

o preeid ntial activity this date. Mr. William Robin•on r. Ellh Slata:r ami r. Robert Woodruff were gueda at the Plantation.

SUNDAY, F ltUARY lb, 1958

No activity thie date. WEE PRES 'S APPOINTMENTS M OND Y , FE5 UARY 17, 1958


10:44 am The Pr\;sident and Mrs. Eisenhower departed Milestone Plantation and motored t o lchauway Plantation. owned by Mr. llobert Woodruff. T hi • plantatio h l ocated outtide Ncnrton, Georgia, a nd ifJ 71 mlles from Mile•tone P lantation. The f ollowina a cc om p nied th e P r esident: General H oward McC. Snyder Mr. and Mi-a. George M. H~mphrey ~ r . and Mr • El ti• Slater r . Willi am Robinson

12:02 pm A rriv d at lchauway Plantation where the above remained for lunch as u e s t s of Mr. Robe rt Woodruff.

2:5'9 pm Depai-ted lchauway Plantation a nd m otored to Blue Sprin s Plantation, owned by . .A lton Jone•. Tbb plantation h located lO mile• bom lchauway lantation.

Departed Blue S prin1• Plan~tlon and motored to Mile•tono Plantation.

6;01 pm .Arrived at Mile•tone Plantation. THE ES1DE T 15 .AP TU~ AY, FEB U


No activity this date.

"WEDNESDAY, F EBR U.AR Y 19, 1958 2:06 pm The President and r. Oeoi-ge Humphrey motored around ileatone Plantation to Holly Hill J'arm. l:45 pm Arrived at Holly Hill Farm. Other• accoJDpanying were: G n ral Howard Mee. Snyder r. William Robin•on Mr. Ellis D. Slater

No further activity tbb date.

THURSDAY, F U.A Y 20. 1958

The Pre•ident went hunting with Mr. Georae Humphrey. The dog handl er• were The driver• were: Rufua Davitl Albert Joiner ufus Sloan lohn Henry loan

4:53 pm Returned to Mileatone Plantation after the President ahot 4 bird• and r. Humphrey 3,

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1958 lOtOO am The Pre1ident went bunting and got 6. bird•. Other• accompanying were Mr. Oeor1e Humphrey Mr. Elli• Slater Mr. William Robin. on General Howard cC. Snyder

(Pictures were taken ju1t prior to the bunting)

2:25 pm Returned to the main hou•• on the Plantation. •




7:00 a.rn The President had breakfast wltb Mr. George Humphrey and Mr. Ullam Roblnson.

7:50 am The Presld nt and Mrs. Eisenhower departed Mi.testofie Plantation a1'd motored to Spence A\r Force Base.

8:.55 am Tb.e President and Mrs. isenhowey: and pat'ty were ah·borne for Phoentx.:, ArizQna. Those aecQmpa.ny\ng: Mrs. Ellis D. Stat,er Mr • Gordon Moore Dr . Howard McC. Snyder Hon. Jaroea Hagerty .. lsa Rose Wood Sgt. and Mrs. John Moaney


3:ZO pm The Columbine landed at Sky Harbor Airport, Phoenix, Arizona. The President and Mrs. EiEJenhower were greeted by the following: Mayor and Mrs. Jack, of Pb.oenlx Mr. Ellgene C. P11Uiam Owner and Publisher of the Arizona .Republic and Oa.zette papers Mrs. Bobert W. Woodfu££ General Frank E. Fraser Adjutant General Qf Arizona 'f Mr. James C. Wood .Rep1.1blican National Committeeman for Arlzona

The President entered one car and Mrs. Eisenhower and Mrs. Gordon Moore entered another. Ml's. E\serthower proceeded to the Ellza~eth Arden while the Pr sident drove to Paradise Valley Country Club.

3:50 pm Arrived at Paradise Valley Country Club.

4:15 ... 7:09 pm The President played 18 holes of golf wltb. Mr. Eld?"ed Zimmerman, Pro of th• Cl'1b Mr. Eugene P' Hon. Jame Hagerty (The Preslde'tlt1 s caddy was Donald Brehm of Phoenix). SUN AY, FEBRUARY 23, 1958 Page 2


7:37 pm The r esident, General Howard McC. Snyder, and Hon. James Hagerty departed the P aradise Valley C::oqntry Club and motor d to the Elizabeth Arden Ra nch rhere the Presi.d·ent remained until 10t56 pm.

10:56 pm The resident and Mrs. Elaenhower departed the HMain Chance" Ranch and motored to Sky Harbor _<\1.-rpor t. Tlley were accompanied by: General Hvward MeC. Snyder Hon. James Hagerty Sgt. and Mr • John Moaney

11:35 pm Th P r st.dent, aboard tbe Columbine, departed !or £light to Washington, D. C . Mr$. Eiset1.hower Jtemained in Phoanix for a vaeatton. 7• ., •• •

u l J· - 1 .i •

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• OND.AY. FEBRU.A Y 24, 195 Page Z

1:00 pm (LUNCH)

1:55 pm The President returned to the office.

2.:04 - Z:06 pm H • Sher n rlam

Z:06 - Z:09 pm Hon. lter illiams

Z: 10 - Z: 18 pm he Pre ident w nt to the Conference Room to join the meeti of the President's Committee on Fund-Raising within the Feder 1 ervice. (T is meeting began at 2 pm) T e following were present: Ho. • h rm n A ams Hon. alt r Williams Hon. H rris Ellsworth Hon. urice H . te.n• "illlam oward Francie. Jr. General alt r Bedell Smith Lt. r E . Sapp, US.AF ang Dr. Leroy • Bu!'ney r. aux Owen Mr. Ram ne ""' • Eaton J:. Lowell T. Cogae•hall r. John S . Hayes r. Harold S. Miner Bri • G neral F. '\ • Col an, ttl r. Jo eph Vin.slaw r. ·111iam H. Coul on r. Oilbe-rt .A • .Robinaon Lt. Colonel oger • Sapp r. ilbur H. Zie l r. v r tt L . Butler r. lliott Nefflen r . Paul .. cDon& d r. illiam P . cCahUl 1'•. Camille Heda•• rs. Leona enthall Miss Mary Selby

2:20 - 2:26 pm on. rm n .Adame

Z:50 - 2:55 pm Bria. General Andrew J. Goodpaster MOND.AY, FEB l}.A llY 2'4, , 1953 P a ge 3

2:55 - 2:S6 pm r. Robert Gray

l: ' 0 - 3t25 pm Colonel RoLert L . Schulz

3:25 - 4: 18 pm Ho • Joh Foste u _les

4: 18 ... 4125 pm rig. G n r 1 ndrew 1. O oodpa•ter

4? 26 - 4: 33 pm Dr. ~ ilton .Eis e mo -r

4: 33 pm The P re i ent and r . d.iltg E is..,..nhow r went t o th ... outh Ground a where the Pre ident pJ"actlced golf.

5dl pm etur ed to tl o{Cice.

5:12 - 5:30 pm B r ig. G~neral ndr w J. Cioodpa ster Captain v n P • .Aurand

5: 33 pm T e re ident d parted th office and w ent to the Mansion. THE PRESIDENT' S APPOINTMENTS

TUESDAY1 F ..... BRUARY is, 1958

8:00 atP The President gave a breakfast in honor of the Pr e sidont~elect of Guatemala, General Miguel Ydlgoras Fuentes~ The followlttg attended: H,. E . Th Pi-esident-Eleet of Guatemala, Genera1 ignel Ydlgoras Fuente-s The Hon. The Chal'ge de'A:ffalres, a . i . o! Guatemala. Senor Jul.lo AnsentJiQ-Wun.derluch Senor Carlos\ Bauer Dr. _ ariano Lopez Herrarte Hon. John Foster D11Ues Hon. Net.I McElroy Hon. George Allen Hon.. Roy lh1bottom, Jr. Hon. Ed ard Spraks Amoas sador to Guat Hon. Samuel C. ugh Pr-esi.deut an Chairman, Expol"t-lmport Bank of Washington Dr. Milton .h.lsenhower

9:0Z - 9:Z5 am The President al'rlved in the o!fi.ce, accompanied by Ho'!l . Ni!il Mc lroy

9:.23 • 9;30 am Hon. Wilton B. Persons Hon. Fred Seaton Hon. l . Jack artirt

9: 3Z - ll :al am LEGISLATIVE LEADE.RS MEETING The Pres\dent Hon. Blehard • Nixon ------·- Sen. :WUllam F . Knowland V Se n . Styles Brtdges Sett. Leverett Saltonstall Sen. :E;ve-rett Dli-k11en Charles Halleck Cong. Jose ph P . artln Cong. Leslie At>ends Hon. Charlstlan Herter Hon. aymond J . Saulnier Mr. Robert Merriam Hon. Mau.rice Stans Hon. Sherm Adams Hon. \lton B . Person (cont \nue d) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY ZS, 1958 Page Z

9:32 - 11 :23 am LEGISLATIVE LEADERS ME~TING ("Contln11ed) Hon. Gerald Morg•n Hon. James Hagerty B?'lg. General Andrew J. Goodpa ter Hon. Roemer McPhee Hon. I. Jack artin Hon. Jack Anderson Hon. Edwar-d McCabe Mrs. Anne Wheaton Hon. Homer Oraenthet Hon. Earle Chesney Hon. Fred Seaton Hon. Arthur S~mmedield

11 :i3 - 11 :i4 am Mr. Robert Gray

1l:Z4 - 11:57 -.m (Hon. Lewls L. Strauss) (Hon. Donald Quarles) (Dr. James Killian) {04!ueral Herbert Loper) OF~ THE .a ·· coao {Hon. Maurice Stans) (Brlg. General Andrew J. Goodpastel.") (Hon. llton B . Persons) (Dr. Bobert, embel" of the Sc:lence Advisory Commlttee repreaentatlvo to Congl'ess on Nucleat­ powered aircraft)

11:58 - 11:22 pm Hon. Lewis L . Strauss Dr. James Klllian Brig. GeneYal Andrew J. Goodpaster

12:43 pm The President departed the office and weut to the Man ion.

1:00 pm (LUNCH)

2:25 pm Tb.e Preslden.t returned to the office. 2:34 • a140 pm Hon. Julian Baird, Under Sec;r:etary of the Treasury r. Cha'f'lea Goble, JT •• incoming Assistant to the Seer tary of the ",J.'r~asuiiy r. PalJ.l ren~ outgoing .Assietant to the Secretary of the Treasury TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Z5, 1958 Page. 3

2~40 - 2:42 ptn Mr. Robert Gray

3:20 - 3:2.5 pm Hon. Sh _rman Adams

3;36-4;15pm Dr. .1.Uton Ei enhower

3:50 - 4: 11 pm Hon. J me Hagerty

4; lS - 4:56 pm The Presi.denf went to the South Gt"o-g:nds to practice golL

4;56 pm Returned tot e ·Office.

Th~ Presi ent departed the office and went to the nsion..

7:35 pro The President departed the White Ho'!l&e -nd moto:red to the Statler Hctel to attend the dinller and address the Confer-enc o the Foreisn Aspects of Nationa Security.

7:40 pm The President arrived. at th_e Stat1et' 1-iotei, and was gt< .et d by the following: • and ~-. rs. Eric Johnston rs. J. Ramsey Ha,rris

r. Earle Cooke 1 Jr. The above escorted the President to ihe. CQntinenta11'oom. I

8:00 pm Departed the Continental Room and proceeded to the PresideI) Roon .

Program for the evenir.g:

8:00 pm Invocation by Cardinal StrUch

8:03 ... 9: 15 pm Dlnner

9: 5 - 9:30 pm r. Eric Johnsto introduced the he~d table guests, then introduced P.1" sidf.Jnt.


10:00 pm Benediction. by Bishop Henry nox 5herdtl.

10: 10 pm The President returned to the White Hou•e• THE PRUilDENT 1S APPOINT ENTS EDNESDA Y, FEBRUARY Z6, 1958

8: 17 am The President ar:rived in the office, accompanied by Colonel o ert L. S<::hu z.

8:35 - 8;36 m r. Robert Gray

8;l7 - 8:50 am Brig. General Andrew J. Goodpaster

8:3 7 - 3:44 am Hon. J mes Uager y

8:40 • 8:45 am Hon. Sh~rman .Adams

8:44 - 8:50 am Hon. ilton B. Persone

8:50 - 8: :>? am Ho!l. Gerald Morgan

8:5Z - 8:54 am Hon. Sherman Adams

S:SZ - 8:S8 atn Hon. "\' -il on B. Per ons

9:06 ~ 9:26 am (_ rs. Jacquellne Cochran) OFF THE RECORD

9:26 .. 9:48 am Hon. aymond J. Saulnier Hon. Gabriel Hauge

9:48 ... 10:30 am Hon. Wilton B. Pe- sons Hon. Sb.ertnan .Adams Hon. James Hage;rty Hon. Gerald organ Hon. Gabriel Haug Hon. I. Jack artin Hon. Jame R. KiUi n on. Jack Anderson B.rig. G~neral .Andrew .J. Goodpas te:t rs. Anne Wheahm

10:30 •m - 118 0 PRE~S CONFERENCE

11:03 - 11:08 an'l Hon. James Hagerty

11 :08 - ll:Z2 a:m (H n. Arthur Flemming) Oi'F THE RECO.RD ll:Z.2 - 11:25 ~m Brig. General Andrew J . Goodpaster

11:25 - l 1:49 am (Hon. Thom~a E . Dewey) OFF T}ij; RECORD ll:5Q - lZ:ZO pm Senator .Arthur V. Watkins Senator Frank A. Barrett Hon. ilton B . er~;ions Hon. Jack Ander;on ..

L t

1 1 "' f am ... l

12:2~ ...

lt at 211 ... ;20 p • L • 9S .. t 1' \l

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Hoa...... Gen14,., ,...... •P•. ' .. ,...... O•n. Jotlald.Jeloa l'lUD.AY. FEBRUARY 28, 1958 Page 2

9:50 - 10:00 am Brig. General Andrew J. Cioodpa•t•J'

9:56 .. 9:58 am Mr. Uliam J. Hopkin•

10:03 am The Preatdent, accompanied by General S11yder, Hon. Jame• Hagerty, and Mr. llowley, departed the White Hou•• and motored to Walter Jleed Hoapltal for dental •ur1•"' and <;omplete neurological examination.

10:24 am Arrived at Walter llead Hoapttal whei'"e Major General Leoqiod Heaton met the Preslden.t and ••.corted him to the Surgery Roome.

10:27 - 10:40 am The Pre1ident had an kpper left molar extracted.

10:52 am The Preaident arrived. in hil •ui.te oo Ward .8, wheze he went to bed and read •nd re•tecl.

The followtq attended th• re1ident durtna hi8 tooth extractl on: Colonel Shire Colonel Fairchild Lt. Col. Stehmeyer Majoi- T oum•n• Mr•. M•yer•, Jle1i•tere Hur••

5:14 - 5:17 pm General Leonard Heaton brouaht in hh dau1hter, Sarah Ma• on, to meet the Pre•ident.

8:24 - 8:26 pi:n The Pre•ldent went to Qenetal Wltlard S. Paul'• r om for a abort Vl•it.