Red Rooster is an Australian fast food chain founded in that specialises in roast chicken. Their product range includes whole roasts, half roasts.

In line with this, research has repeatedly focused on how healthy food options tend to be less available in neighborhoods home to residents with lower incomes. But the cheesy nugget item contains preservative sorbic acid, an artificial preservative linked with eczema and eye irritation, according to the Food Intolerance Network. An ACCC spokeswoman said the watchdog "did not comment on complaints or matters it may or may not be investigating". Red Rooster: Accused of deceiving customers. It also said its chicken nugget supplier had confirmed the product was preservative free. Advertisement Red Rooster screenshot shows its claims. However, when considering notions like food justice, the fact that certain goods and services are restricted to bubbles where wealthier classes reside smacks of their potential to perpetuate structural inequality. This line is perhaps more accurate than the Red Rooster line, which in itself is controversial for encompassing the airport and the Inner West suburb of Summer Hill. Adding protein extracts will always add glutamate but it is usually lower than using MSG itself," he said. Larger text size Very large text size Roast chicken chain Red Rooster has been accused of deceiving customers with claims its food is free of artificial ingredients and that nuggets are free of preservatives in its latest marketing drive. In response, Red Rooster said the line was accurate and "refuted any suggestion it isn't". Our Google Maps adventures also revealed some more trivial patterns: the locations of Gelato Messinas and Bailey Nelson stores, for example, almost perfectly overlap — each existing in concentration around the gentrified and hipster inner city, while also ticking boxes in key shopping districts like Parramatta and Miranda, to ensure their scope just extends to more suburban parts of . But Howard Dengate, food technologist and co-founder of the Food Intolerance Network, said an analysis of ingredients in popular menu items found many had artificial additives, including preservative sulphur dioxide, which can trigger asthma attacks. The claims they are making are designed to mislead you. Filed under:. The formula is simple: sketch the points of all the Red Roosters in Sydney and you get a surprisingly neat indication of the border of Western Sydney. The distribution of fast food outlets in cities is often cited as a typical indicator of socioeconomic class. Have a play on the map below. Its signature whole roast chicken contains hydrolysed vegetable protein and yeast extract - two products with similarly high levels of glutamates, that consumers may be seeking to avoid. Mr Dengate said he found synthetic antioxidants in the canola oil, which negated Red Rooster's claim it uses " per cent Australian canola oil". Carving the chicken If we take a look at the map below, we see that while the Red Rooster line divides Sydney clearly in two, other chicken outlets carve sections of Sydney off into more defined quarters. is at its furthest east in Bankstown, so offers a clearer geographical delineation.