All mt r»l«oa. » IIMKK. Ilr V F. UWj, A I»»fti io,f A|*al of (l |)m IUilro»nMl. It llM Jotto mm •tan mora ite !»• U r—>11 Mi frwrMoniUafarlt Mr Muh**l Long, Jr with lU hlrw Co., CiacianaU, OLu, OALHk*. briljr* Litkofr*|>ht<' C. write*; "1 eulT»ra.l fur two j**r* w»tli p terrill* InkUf anJ Minf«l •«« mm my at Ia^w, TALK. abould would reault from aueh a own against all comers. Ao<-« a*Tknlt«r%] IRaliingt»een Dhfi break I to A. T M41IM, ImU I'aru. Ma. at an>tala tha baat raaalta waaboald through magnificent •Id, wr«fit!a. II# tl; Councilor Laic% lag. To I n»*TI*t *I». obi race* have bean woo thoaa 4**«U|io4 I 41U Vltn triK-K ARM, and tha inbred Hlackhawk of tbeee by « rr« >n lit* Mli« |»r for it* lw-u>«rr«i M. H for it. that will aot do. If those of blood. it Mvfilt, *•«! 8 «!'•• U» kMIMH cat and NNI for me. lleailea Artemua, the Barrett McKuaick'a aira, i» famoua for gat. Morgan |>r*a«-nl*J » •UMlkM Cowa for Buttar- jr., put, 1 tka }» N N ali i It »«• got tf Kowding tha Jampa out, back up and ba aura to com- We have not out a few race* K*«* l>«krj plow Brother* hare two other atalhona in meat ting and oouraga picked *>f»a ar« wtli an 1 If apaad, beauty lit* iliaraar unJ*T omtrol. Tko iurn It al', for It paya to it It | where won and aaki noth- M HUMI*. Hi t-mriBLP, 24, I MR. Stock WMtland,and Sir binad. Om of hia toni, Hloodmont, liambUtonians ant lh* I* Wall ltd l>a*lt) r. April the looaeaa up a atoae, throw It oat, Fair View Farm, l.ralod, Ul; plow the aa "Maurice" did I toTj — ona about others, *o*«4 Ite m4 q f'Jilor /Vt uKTiW and wbea done p'owlag, draw tbaa. off Juniu* Wrailand U ft handeome, dark owned in I'reaqua Ida, Maina, baing ing 1 kwow IIN. lift, .i/r'l but wa bate taken •or ik-tor ao ]{• ia • r*«ular at Law. Tbaa give the piece a (<»od harrowing tba Mai brown bora* with atar and on* white of tba tineat and faateat horaee in Maina, with hia Morgana, rkjairun, Counsellor St ft H for Ik* w *uuu of auociatad •am* I aa« a that occurrad at tha above-men- •nJ k»k; (>aa of tba advantage* way you plowad. eprlaa foot behind lit wm bred H C. having a record af JI aa a four-year-old. them all priwriUil Ktw. beat I by •» h* **w it kwl armfulft ftMrfcft+U. the better sad care tooth barrow aad Ilka It tba of any turned aa wa found them i* feeding Maine, aud waa waa Almont, aira of places publish- ub I' liat, and hia dam ed in Monthly. It MaiUU frar. Tiir h*in Brmric Co., aprlag tooth barrow will pull tba aod up, airtd by Col. W'Mt, by Kgbert, thirty.fojr Thompaon's most tucroaaful butter factories la tha Chief. McKu* that aome of our beat stallions and co!ta Lr*w*r .1. Atlanta Qt It will »oi If yoa break up properly, »>ui Hyadyk'a HarabUUttian. The dam of waa by a »on of Mambrino flf Lair, for informa. aad mellow. of blood alao a ,f//ornat aow I all manure wttb tba ureal portion tad lb* rea>Ur* of epraad my Black* but wa ara not to a bow that the at will gi»» your p*l*r mark aire of Col. Wea\ ia the aire of Kgmont, Cbildera Vermont trying aol iblratf n»ro claUh • ♦ | MITM epreatler aad barrow it la Thea Trotting by IlMwalBg the benefit of the <>f Morgan blood is a fail ire, but to show fc raplie*. the rowa tbraa and one balf feat aach way '2:23J, and three other* in 2:30 or better. hawk, tha dam Btfl'l Trotting itfiwi S that or other man From \V. I**ter, the *uccea*ful aa«l foar or Ova karaala of cora la waa Duroc, Cbildera waa alao Vermont Black* when "Maurice" any i»r *'•««•» Attorney at Late. drop Kgbert'a dam by M'aaenger by rrr* ah fu* ihipp*! tram »r m«n«^*r of the fac- aach hill. If I an* any ferttl'ier I aow It Weat. hawkand hia aau>nd dam ton of make* the statement that tbe I (ambit- UrwU <•(»• X/iliHvr >■» flla »ft»f Irti lt?i *>•»*, ■*.. w»if, MtM Troy, |Vnn*yl«ania, aire of thirteen in the *J:S0 hat by maab It la. iti* N«rr*lo«« f«rM Trn*llM |j linn>i|. : feed the ei- broadcaat before plaatlag wa toniana loaa all of thair • IIMMIINlb DaWhc tory "Tha through year, laad'a dam waa Kmt Oirl of Au> Vermont Bltckhawk. 11-re get apeed-producing tK»ttla Trm* In Tit r«*»« »aii1t lo#t son. ul «bo Attorney cob kerpa gr<»aad oua brood mare Oretcben dan of Net* and enduring road horee«. Tba dam compart- who |tf*« mf Ai r».«*r» oifkt, from w»*da. I aa« the b<»a to rat the t**f« «•- l» hlpla w<>aMnt om ao many of ttcm— I» fill Uba !• <4 la* IHI, iWx two hun- on caae. m»«l uaed." get about corn aalra* It la oa a blllalda, wbar* tbar* a aecond of waa a facta bearing tha •»*«%> >.'«■ or to Tbay natural trotter with good way of fring dam Olympua by grand- ifap nut*™. 4 Counsellor! it law, cfc-'i X|»WiW> la ■at. laitl h>«uii (» M Hill of butter a la daagrr of waahla* Wb*a tba corn 11*1 tbrff nrvrr bt*i lumictcn- dred and to trot both tbe New e>n of Sir be tba great any — •nty-fiv* pound* and ia entered in Arrby, by to wrll in tha world *»rwny, *!•!«#. 'UMt l«l le** d iboal right I rat It cloaa to the the 8t*U of Ilow gat il»t| cow, with a few atakea raca I tamed. From auch a no blood introduced into year per pound* aad foar la a and State of Maine colt bona, hir- a m»n with ao or drill to bora I • ground pat ahoat hllU baadla, Kagland u(*r ■ H lun* •\rtHUV •• -Al * fulMi Curl II ar* n<»t aa «ee we ahouid have had Bo Ne'.aon, from tW that Jersey. an t4> twelve huadlaa la a line e>ntaina foundation tbia get Main#, du Tor » hi rwM. alltui Ml h» m»I Omtlf. M Ik* lku4 l from tight Ilia blond ap«*d pMd«cis< thoroughbred MULT. the »« ft do NIHI M K TtaklifMJlH. 4 l» IW. From Charle* T. Kiab, manager of alack Wbta the etovrr la cared I aai gamine**. j thra* year old ; Ivan, I eaoagh •train* from Hambtetonian, Mambrino unflinching rouraf* po- jnj of tha •|>«:%r raaa-tf I Amheret, M**«achu*et'*, Oeamery draw It t<» tba bara aad baak It. I'ack tba (itneral in himaclf ia * m*rk»o a tlnnle Balaam ln»« Attorney "K»ep cut Knot; and tbeae together with «.jialitie* 2:4i{ { la A laia« II HMt. R* »lb««ar« a rat'< | cara bow abort It la IUm, ern«d the follow ing rule* for : ro»J«r*r and trotter —*11 aame ; bo Harebell, J i ftt ra UMa. t• «»• | ra# M fill IW i»>4 UiyllM |WI N»H« I| by patron* eat clean, bulla hented a entitle him to be a uniform gentleman* 'tj p»nalf a, planaant My cattle ap everything peed perfect nntt*fn< U »n • • • lU (IMI1I lilimM W» iliikliftfladkM muit not cotton *eed, *o two DO >>f AO'l glf** tinlvaranl *1.. 1'atron* fred any aad all. 1 haaa ao coraatalka about aire of trotter* and roadater*. tod labenting them from yaara old, Independence, 2:JIJ angle, N«|a I* iHf*» mil hmmiIwIt is lylag atrongly Uatim total Prlc* SI no 2 .23 tad A trial la tha Scat um OiNrt lwa**«r»l irliM it firn. Itol imi lin*eed or meal, oaioni, my barayard aor la tba manura pila, to the thifil ateWion, te a anceator* them, double; UUn«rmt j M * »tMI HI. glu'en turnip*, Mir Juniua, uniformity pooeoing 2:16$ caau aUt 10 cnu. mi »i a* fiitili I'ltri I* W kiM al Tar >a and tba fork wbaa we Trial j*. f»if or else tending to in* riotbar cllag to Jang colt, with with th* tin tii tr*n«mit tb*m, the faateet atallioa ia XftiM lfttt jfftf; | i• M Um Ikirl T««»lay mt Mat cabbage*, anything Home cora atnkingIjr hend*>me bright bey power f AMI*. HtlSI.. or cart tba maaara oat call a* • MlTk wit. ii I laiW ^wnn ia< «v a mih tbe or tUvor of the cream three and is the i* a oa th* of MeKuairk ao Dictator Chief, J..HJ four-year* A ad I tor ai?a, "llua'iaota ara jure quality worth a ton, aotoa lit white itocklnga guarantee part PltUhqrg " I a»T Utf Uf* »fc» ttl NM iMM M(Wll atover tight Mm atrip t t k»l "•"» M A»at wtraa tiiay ara B>>t. hM W||jMlH.Ja«f« oat* ar» m cared I aay atoaar pave for all labor, and henda *n«l will beoter 11. He »m bred for it ia a law of natur* a* ua> 1:2(4 { Oaor|« 0„ IiIU| Alri«**n iiini -U.COivm. *»|W«. progeny, laurect m aad lain on land, aad aad Tb* following i« from K C. Ilutcbin* of »aey W ilium Terbuah of W«l Plaina, changablea* th* lava of th* Medea and 2:2(1$; Tb<>raburirt 2.21 |, many i am ntoro w- tha cora for W. Whit- by Hoi- •TAT* of «*|SK • (JenrraJ N*w !lamp«hir« get aothlag.—CL that or otberaof merit, all of ebicb add ma- to «»r fron r»{Mrt*o<-a that II n, iWputjof la New York, end 1 >«Ud M *j 11th. 1 th* I'eraiaaa, lib# pr>«luc*« like, p*r»..nal !rrm Mar, ?l, Aabttaraham, Maaeacbaeetla, wMrb a>lfartlaaa*at will f* ami OXfOMft, »», l*nl«n lo»H, April a of Wilton an *nc**tor to Maine* for Bltur*, !*■ v* S-at* Ur»r.<» and patron aad Farmer. He he* • bead tad #wk lal to the the likenea* of thriftily reputation produc* ph«r Surijfott, A P l«k Mirror e«j •-*n Is tnotb«r nland. t« tb* b««t «pr1a( la »tten. • omit A *»U.» t>Mr«**«L a« n»r t'r*am*ry, New Hampahir*: M1b*y rtneet end ia well fjrmod The lUmblttoaiaa-M )rgtn iog to ba foao 1 It la o* «ct « I I MN.I » M N||» thoroughbred an I blood aadiclaa af ika >*al I Ml T *■*•»#• of court* we hate alao A N feed ft m on* to two p*r Jif feet end i« backel a fouaia ioa Of many youn* an >n««*t Arm wb o acora to Om U « * Ut. q'arti Poultry Yaril •II orer, with frod lim'M end up by th-tronghbred pr*p*r*d r»y h tin mif n aa >4 «»»i» 4a * imkti wheat bran, bora** tbftt have bo liarabletoaian bio *1 l*aa a«tlclo*a. bat li 'ir t ..I ik« hrtiK cotton a*ed men), two quarta •eid to be nice gaited. Hi« aire wu ia conaid»red am ng well informed bira*. aaa rh*»p an I worth •v»W.I (»■»■ la UN j*l«t •( trw> >>fni * I* l»« I T l«M pr»a>aia4 of oae of which ia J fti a «m tba boot that at >»*y ru '»ay. —K Iltor. i*»m« f >f mi' •• 4 ( Mali •( m«i<. r.«« ik* two aaan. TUI |lt«t »ub*titut*d fut tb* cotton Thr gr»au>*t ataiaka made la kr#piac en othere in 2.30 or better. The den of ha* thccombinatun every bj ar* wlaa •aoatfb to lat aona otbar p*nm« i»w» ■ m I iwtni. kt »mm«| i»rt af we ft of j ** ar* tb* b«aa t.i a «w I bun to f>« Whrn wu Kucklia, cjnuder • m u Tmw tb* tb»? ara m fr.1 that hut ■ ithln* *ad of benefit to the S ftte, Mi lit i»iM Ikawnt, f»mn4 m<«t autre a*ful in tb* eaatern part of tb#y Jacbaon'e ('loud, Vermont •peed i Aro th«« Ilimblfftontana Failures Knot, h«f Nri*. country. awa bKoo* wnrthlfM It la tba MUfk Hawk. I>em YT« >M|| »PII I T M, ••«* «M». »l« fiKkl.Urf Poo UflR Oil. Willi 11 *•1.1 T»l*. |» «M •• |M iwikiH Tl'Hi; mt Jnt Mit M M Ik* ftad aullima. Hit ia order On* of tb* m<«t aucc**aful dairymen b»o dem of in Mftino? K*araftu(ht tkmtl la tka I 1*4 *a^v raaaa. II aay May baay, lalaairloaa that laya rrgalarly, Kende, Artemua, jr. Fif TVumM'i ii I H"i$tmj Haktof !»••••«. the horte we want tbe Aim/ ». Nik R«H aai aaaa» Coun'f ii Wallac* >a e tlOM'Ilfrlmt | to »>a*», aga ita w* hate in Otf>rd an t k~p« b»r»alf la layiac cio.lltl Mp»ce will not permit full dcecrip* produce perfect I)r J Rmoxti'ii, M*« OriMii, it rill bill A WII.mi* : rao are too, u well t»i*. y»iiw«4 ||(H ford. II* wntea »wlag alwaya la mntloa Oar raadera mere* et We are aware that there certain Morgana and lUmbletoaiftaa K. niilaloQ la tb* 1 ir«t prtpara 411 tr— At Mat H C lutl* IbinKf Clark of K.*«t Hum tion of ell the bruod end olte "Mcott'a M iWi>» A C>*t— t them of tha i»l ■ tIK t ^Tf t< I* W |«»l a'«tle* tbla for tbiin**IVM I*« k"p blood that art fta the IMot ftad Mambriao tl in of tb* Ho i. In atr^tl tna |tTt< feed €»)•• that ar* til U»r» old and thia end we will not it, atraina of HambUtoaitn Clay, Jr., -U IB Ik* MM* my a of lal I »acb b«o at .1 ferm, attempt wa r»*4 v tW M l«r». rvcord tb» »gga by fta aome to I otbar waatlof dla*aa«a. aay f aa — a (««rt at W»U II meal to aom* of tb* beet atraina of Chief blood, aUo ftad lantfa ItJhilP kl rwk«l» on* of cotton a**d and.two tba oum'wr of but will mention e f«w of th*m Kirat ibfenor pftciarf la a > «'• i* m»a that >lo tb« Boat bio >d for thoroughbred •a ika tkvl T< • ••la* af AH- 4. t» I*" bran, night rgga from tba h»na •mong the brood mare* |a K»nde Morgan producing ape*d, ant farm. m t»» »•*!» quarta pre* parfoitly alagaol agraphia » | ■ •• «f Tlaa-»M H one-half aa«t 'ate Ttta and all of bu ilk would do CoaatelUtioa, «eho ha» him- Ml Will *•• r. Co»i under «ii v*" 1 haatlag hln<. L»«borra menti tned a* the den of Arte- "Maunc*" proved P»fM—t* My < lata af Ikaaaal. <*>aa» 1 kaa (•» aa *il*»aa«a aal »l iba tb* imjuat of cotton mua, end Mir Jnniue Thia m»r» ie epead, style, arr la»«-r« baraaa# ara jr, ooa wbo la boofca N>« ai lata af w>l M ini »»ra*i1a. (im»1 tU'j aad n nude of llarn* lo tba groan 1 an I diga feed about f >ur of mill ie non, I<*do, *ad color combined, up <»r4»r>4 TSai tka *a>-1 MiM*r mM* I pu 1 b»na. tbat large attund end apeejy end for btra an 1 tba Jwau * * limm. «t*a aiwaya baty TlM %Tf b«-a»y and IMot la tbftt tba formar dlga Ml lkl.*aat»| tkma, kf cow one* a week" • few more wbo atood ia Main* bletoaiaa, M »frfan, Mambrtoo, |M |«r>ii tatoea to *nch a«*« to ba alwaya haotry, ao l which Ml foel to Mberman, eon of (Jrneral prtvioue utur for lore, | »' ■" taa I a».«» a«a*aaaiaal* ;»«. ar« ar "I (1)0 know lulu*. aa«t Creamery quarta Lillian ie bey rture, get >..*%»»•> a hM l«*aiv aa Ikalk rxl |«a*4a« a< ■»? rallaat If maka to as*rcla« Wht» »ea bow—aoaatblog of meal fmir bran. lay*ra M irrill, and all of their llftmbletoaiaQ croaa f >r fttin* wbao, I doi.'t it % al • » • .<'1 Ik Ik* i»m» a. aa I iA»a aaaaa It aay cotton aeed and quart* eeid to be .Medium, aire Knot, Winthrop apeed Tw«i* htm b»na liav* fm rang*, aa I oat? coo* ap at high, by Happy Vftlua to a*. an I for tba rataro of .aa? katt ika war can the aa • rj I MH'IID'J 10* U Iraat acataat tb* information that 1 end oth* deerendanta, Hambl*toniaa family tM«U*y ft Imm l.Ky ar* aa a rata, gool of Mfttey Cobb, 2:I3|. thirty which I abftll ba traiy thaokfol, vtS a ruM to men I.»mSert »* 4 of " » r C. I II luna *»# •«•' beat auurc*a, I ha*e com* aboal I h« a e*en ia Maine, according Daniel tr«* nvf-aiiMt C g*t from tb* :a»» ra, ixl tba aam* ayaUm ap- •re in 2:30 or better. Her pmdu:e by whole, quote projf g > *J appatlba that food lib* to tboa* la coaHa*m#at. r»y gtvlag number* tad *r* not e •• Al a r..«n af ftakaia ka!4 al Uwm mturta!. WHmM • 2:21$, trot. »m air* of fto Ilka that of ft wolf, Otrnftl» and corn m*al abould be acraublag • t to other fur il*m bjr AbdalUb, Kradyk'a blood, appatlta l» a •» I I «at* al cotton a**d four montbe old for hmlred dollere any family producing r*»ta »lt» aa4 I ha ll|U4, fiXMl rr-im bma tbat ilo o >t acratrb aatll blood in all >>y takiog tbat pipa* ika ikira T**atar af A a' a » '•»- in order t«ra. Hambletontan, *nJ tbe M )fg*a rogalar dlgaatloa, a* fed only in hrait*d qjnntuie* lad oat that na«t w >rfc orMtfvi l,illun ie now in foal to Artemua, jr. 11 >»t « VMM iiaito l~>*f «N>«nmA>T i .a»4iaa af th*y tH»y ar an ! pacollar BadldM, r^i aa be aaid our that it* own inherent *tren*ih bu ae?er < • aa< be*t re«ulta. there tadan* for It pro- Malkf aa l Xalfta M It/< aal hair* af to get tb* aa<1 tbay will aooa Vgla to haat Itwe ia * bey mare, auteen hendt high, may by oppoaeata parti.a I want iwyMf to try III N *« * aire or of " WkatoM a l«>y%m\ » *| iMikak, II 4* an heat in at l It matUra f»ut lit- the number of atallion* of Hambletoaian duct hi* i»1 of trotter* all l)ua *er of unnatural tak» tlffd**. lay. a full enter to Artemua, bred to Nel* kj Hw ie It la aold by draggUta. «aaaI >a| u ltraa«a m all aal narat produciag b*aa jr., *«aaal tb* lit bow amall tba jar !a may b*. Ifth» descent ia Maine at thia time drieere. biiadrad d Man ooa dollar. Wtr «%Wiaai ka Craalt af miaK arr IJ«y thu*e of Je. of the m tb* of fctsf, mere or outaamber Murgan "Maurice" Morftna aaa*4 ia aaH animal, but will injur* quality a Volunteer, a 1 benda high e«jual apeak* laMlat. — fa* a aaaaMwlIM dMira to go farther than gooJ scratching bey t What la U ta- t aar a-4kra in* b* the can, but til an J to tbeir *e adltor yoa 0«Nl(l> T%at Ika h .| ft ftta tb* butter and will pry** a Uw* Volunteer, d*m PfeU. Mherwian. *cen», which may imp*rtin4 atyle beauty M»oa(lng aa akakraal plac*. by by nnine* h»r*—tba bottle oat of fa»b- ka a I a«r»«aa laiwMta'. kt vaaataf who** name* are found in the Maine if we were » bre*«l»r of L*mt>ert going aa 4m Ikanaa. H Ua •lead of a gam to tb* dairyman eon of ie a f«»t mere th'we Now, baa* It • f k»f yatuaa, afk Ika ovaa rciMNo. J.Ji-j. (^olumbue, loaf Krill ••lllor—V*«, air( 1 ap« ■ a la Ika OlfaH m «t mentioned f*«n of or Morrill. kakkakal lkr» »•»!• -aaaata.ty H. D. laiait a Arte- 2 30 liat and of tho*e by •tork.or Ke*rnftU||bt of a ha faabloa >ar* al ia aa* I end abould goxi colt by oa tba authority Hag J DENTISTS. |aa««rai a aaaapa^ar p-ia:r4 fina. U a m«twr to which wa produce ao « ThU frr »oc- jr. > ka kv J al r»tl« *• ika Ik r4 Taa»lat Or«n* Fair were got before IHRO, and a great wrt • breedrr of Kn'l atock I would atT »r 1 to laparll our circulation ■ ». w. >4 All** Man MI4 iJMrf tk>a mere dem V r • — a at-iaa a*aaa*t Hi Ika Naiawa aa4 Hungarian rraafal Tha nam^r of Oleem, bey Conetelletion, Ml I poaltry kraplaf. by "• u mi I • *4 «k>n) f iM Ml4 | aki Ika i*aa ik >«I4 *u| J: 30 liat before IH7 not to«ieb on thi« for if th*re l< • a»aa. uy ikr; kkta. a In not »o« their h*oa. aol e tine of tb* aubjec'; » « irxu •»! M -at farmera make tnlatafce j»r» who nr«lact pr> Hudeon, abould meke brood part f»r t r. • .. | n M I" k«l i«ady I havahal catarrh tw»oty la craaiaj a atatiatica • branch of of hay. It 1*. tWI« bo food at lit faw.compared with We have collected few tbe H*ml>letoni*n f*mil) » w tl >a* r* *r f " Itl^r «,ll llMflMlMktaill •alM» A- WIL.MI*. Jal*a raialag Ma sf thia variety all, mtre end bee been bred to Al. ny and u» -1 % la t« of r^ai 1i »«r Dudley, • r* t * I Nl MM ««tI dealr* of *v«ry tt><»« who ot»r fa»d »o t emu th»ir h*na >u» to a* an t well I «W» 4 kii«al*|r-alital II C liitia.l'ftaiar, or at l*t*l »5 >qM b*. in* I 'J Km- •howing concl'iairely that nrevi lb*' will n>t aw**" atyliab liaf. Mr Maith.dnu. nil Nk a* eon of \Umbrtno DuJI-y, J nm • ill u> aa larg* crop* until trr fli f.»r I at tha m«r* Tba rf J m. |l A Y IS tti.» r of ibe get tb»y nothing the number of Hambletoaiaa *tal- fiouhfd »• the Knoi**, we never hare r*« <>mtn*o1rd Ky'a Cr*atn Bairn ClMUi •* I'wM'a k>'4 U m» n e roen me»e, fifteen end one.half InhO . •• -Ala laad without too much ktl It U not lo fw«l m >der- waa a ;«>*ar>ie from tb* only thnp*r were go rouree there are nice- t of tba flrat at. >a ma^ «itk • M ito («m1i •( diM.m liona that ha-1 atood ia Main* re*'! of tbem. Of appll l*an* tb* element* of lb* aoU; ant h«t alao fu »rr aa tha h*na bftnda l.vwiaton end ie in anl tb* ant I r •( «m a l» I'M impairtag •utjr. prufliaM#, higb, by H>y It tb* Infliaaatloa i«YM. iM t» 1 T»*»U| a* with th* numb«r of «nth tini«bed borae* in tb» alloyed • or conaecnllf* crop- will mjiv wh»a a »t too fat, m l w»» few aa 0 ball, *\ •« iM mt J«l||« IlikLoW l.«|f wbrn by u>o do*# lay »liM •( I.M ■ l"H|» U C WI i.. 1*4 Ukk u U r«n out, nothing will ao % tw i*«» llafola to iii*#M« —Mirror m that wer« atanding and Knot but it i« not Knox bloid tbat ping ibe aotl ftlao ft m»re Uenerel Knot, two Morgan ataliiona family, >a« Mlk baa 4 >aa a* ao aacb k1 Smith «V Machinist, kiani to.r* ..f ». Iirite t> ll»rV»« %i, m by llirto*. or •3r* It lb* Fubtr. a th»m ao. (Jen Knot him. • .1 »tf < t a 1 »•«» mildly »re had atood in Main* that comparison tb*' mftkra I am rooflm *4 iu oar parma r«r1«, I I ll»4 • llimil, Ktll*| *>11 1* mere« aboae being trecel, *#•*•!»• ««•»» nruM r»«i m(w MTb*a lb* pedigree la • aud IM imm to Mil m4 raining of gra*a cropa the twofamiliee to that time •elf wft* n)t this kin I of ft bora*, but Qf-nt enrr It xitblof, p>a«ant 9mry »!>!■ Ml nil two three* old thia between up *»'• ► ur»r 4f f—T%i MM* W l« H»*i M lit M Ik* rr«i-«|» ao lhal tb* graaa la light, end filliea, yeere an I I arc* .ta o«* Mft #«NlM «ibaaalr»>!»«" i»l mm »!»' mt 1.1*4 ka».|r*ll|»i"t> olb*r are rat*e? all auff;rara —Oao Tarry, '«•••■ •'••• ItH • ft aa# In hill apring, aa common aenae km of a »• lib* lb* crop the larg*r ih* j Hereford and breeda of cattle I >f, *»■>•»« >»i iir«a m Iktl (W It: I NlliM** (It* IdMi aa larger nra** mark T«i» It at oar* aa<1 pal«rrl*« It g*r Pumed end one to Mrartle Hamble. J*r*ey plain, practical, S V • in* faria*r to '*!••• ;■ ih <4 *li k rri m>. * l»i«'»*«*< kt *•••»!< M manar* thaa enabling 300 of the borae, with aounl feet and limb*, and noatril. r* KlA ►*'**• pile, an I all la Another ia by aelecting Bala lotoafteb iw mm |»4 l«< «T«IV «ik ikM w wiUf ia with of the manara If tha b**t cowa, them •►-•r*»inrf • • M «a > I p'|>lt( U»f»* •»•»•••■•*» U* b«r«la, thacoadltlon Vftn Cleef Artemua, Mbe ia a fiwding high, power impftrt f«klM«4 la enabled t Inert a** bla £ Kh and Kit by jr. the b««t of the»e trotting-tfait, enough M >k>4 lit*. oa« of mtaar* will end ia end speed j«»%. Ik* a*4 >k*« tuM oth«r mack to ; high bendaomvly etrongly It !a ttl mii M • ok'! la to D* weu Mipwu IVI ptriaof or road.trotter*. Hungarian •wait H«w la •«(!).- lent- action. two- (torn tw»|*« fifteen ordinary Jera«y* tirat«cla*a if k»»* «b; U* Hal ak««M MM to ba km too nach that It mede with fine trotting A "Tdaa a itbar waa rtibt." Wooltn Manufacturer! mmy Itoy ol tb# abort ftre a tbl* Cret us bccobbI oa feed from Horn* of tbe Hambletoni«n* III* • MUWU*, C*»n amM p«rp-j*«; moiat to hrat A tor Ven ia lull eiater to tod No doubt among Woat a >Ml f Kt> ifkU H » WIIMi* the ly fra«-raU promptly. lielle Cleef, poor •»' «.K A. J+lgm for It* allowing yeer-old, o a • r ««H>« rKK4 M> time r*l growth, warmr. Airmm *••»» -tiuat M. liAVII, lagiitot. or bun crop* frooi end ie her in T t TM« >fl M'l farmer w> rtiM two ar« midc Ba#. If thara la too Kit, fully e«juel etjle ai« ob all part* that would make twelft of ha*e • m ir* noble be*riog ftnd kindly m, year ofM," k«r*ki mum imi land la ob« aeaaoa aecoad Mbe atenda end found pound* llmiuifr, *li»i»i' Til K HMinM |ltM yiMlr the »»ma graat h«at, molaUn with waUr and kiwplt beeuty. up good bight Mm Mi t.» IM Hm Jul#* Ihlt CBB be rilMil butter a week than could 1m found among look tbftn it often foun«l am_mg ftninul* ato Ma a?i~>ui*4 BCCOBBt Of the (JBaBtlty to ba. Aftac e half-mile laa! f«ll, in her Ik* C*Mto«f Oito4 a*4 mm*»| iewi wh«ra it iMicht laying trotted yeer. at Pi»i«i* to accoaat of tb« tor ton And like our *>%«*»« DoD4 of thi* blood, and the « Hoi t.HTo.1, ■ •*.. •/ ito Hltit ml third. ob qiiltlf. « m wr»ka MM w<>rkt«* i»t»r aa»»ra. Mbe will be entered the llttU herd of Jeraeya. I ing J\. a* lr»H H kifriir u val- | in 1:17. CARD. \ lata af Bit«tor4. Hungarian ling yeer, j SASt } M IU'WI. tha will ba in condi- Hereford breeders would ttock a* f>unl to Maine don't afto ar* n.g fr»n» U>« *rr>faftJB4 even tlm«-a. romp>wl food Hrvedere' atekee to M -rgan friend*. Almont Tuall —4 w»l« <■»*mI k» |ifia( M*>4 aa IM Uw and bob* in the Otford County riru iiiii. *i*. la Be to a t.»n of Kogllah bay, a*. Im sard ■ t»-r»•...« **/!f ik« w* tion to a Tha quantity to will on this fact to the M*m to be in fini«b or' lb !i* f f Mlh. I fwi* ik« tk*f*l*n r» ,h'*ia al r*N>*i thie f«ll end will doubtleee aeite prove auperiority lacking ityle, M claim It U f»tur ttl »a uf actatl manura be trotted ft. | Will trol • r* IJ* 0±i* Trulir iat*to*4 to lb* mUMi! atll «»>»«a»< to Ml* ; on the prupr W«*..r BIMlbU'l. !in T'JtmUj tad of what cbb be done of the Hereford* a* nerte foice. i*4lk***ak« fca*a aa j Jim la Aa an lllu«tratloa J la tha NudtflalU rala can ba give e account of hereelf. Prince bu'.ter-producer*; Thi*cr**« At all Umm. ■MUtoHrani writer compoat gtnd we c*n •*« no n>*ivtiuur*rv«.rkuorinAboK GaIIj wiw»ml iaM »• • North*™ Ntat»«a. the in thecaaeof Ham- A* before mtim»ted, Ifclilll KHXtlllto tb It Ib oar ;»i I il.iwo .s-att-r u .»»ar a I* • run nrotner 10 but—aa Morgan*and • mi^u—ry la ft utft >•» ». >i «•••». • iplta apaca \rt*mu« r»n.*ir iu 4i«n.v*r*| by .» m- .a* IATUAM1M IIOWK of UiB BOWlng. jrarliru, two A»ii IT, U) lb* <2«tBllB than to It In a fair minded man of cora> *»n** in to the f*mi> 1 mum to lli* A MM Mr m Mr» 1» '■»! <>»|M Mr a»4 p O|WM give whan applying, ratbar drop *nJ lUlle Van ('i*ef and u a bletoniana—no iryiog *»|>*rate Inrlkk. arl» I • *»lt ♦J.lfXi tm a d«ld of Kit gamey 4** M»- • Mr Mr* J«M Pt«», M» kIMrftlll, etc of IIUBCfcrltB la uaaflaa loam ae« in r»»* **4 * «» If ao muck I m >n eenae who like* to fair Um of Hambletonian* and M >rgan* ; «uu t. iiu>, t>, ,vi* (Vf. • TH V nh »i»»« kmk« | ^kiMMitoUul oo« of hi* He play ii« m« M • 4 mi «. Mr* a AmI*. Mr ae*eofl OB tb' ftrtn of Way looking colt fur »*•«■. a» «»*4 k» alk.— | re«t • * Ik*? kit* ton Mir |»- tha way, auch tboee in the of the H> I'M II IM aa would any Maine from ala tolk* (i«Ml if (ittoKl all A lUkinfhtm, VermoBl. atanda fjurtwn and three-fourth* hand* accept proof. ■ M » '•••*. A1MM Mm 1 W- • t r»«>l Tbompaoo. Maloa Karmrr. m«. aw food of tba UrM*, » of We Had Volume I. of Stfttea, a« ar* Dalkloa waa ?*ry pi * • Mr. n»«4m l>«*l*flaHV'i*i(lk*MUIaflf fall to aawlBg, an beet conaulting Cnited they continually • • M r fc I Um, Wm> The pr«vio«a pl*c« I the by bark of bla II \ ■ T II U«M ulir«>« >*to af WmmW*4 up-beaded atyliab.haa ladlaa Wf bai l oo tba M M • tlaMli rx » **■•». Mr* Dr J. waa fefftM Maine. Bred Horn*" an l and of courae with Mi ■' toi-l M IM —g—I fcrtllttf a "Noted coming going, * m iMat*. .ia*»»a#4 ky «t»-a# Nf mtiof Roads- of and handle* th-m like trotter. Thompson'* othar ha »*• ( 1 U •. A *.« Mr ulM't l» ti IUm. UM of la B hoed Country limbs bra I Ttta *»*ala* >■ itot iMnfm rt<|Ml all »*»•** Bllll lb* laWBtloB pattlBf were an J aame fred ftnd Cftre certain form# of km, Bp, tbe race (hat to 1&73 there atandmg tbe an l waa |lf- nuto mt aaM Maaa*4 to MM Bat owiag to Me will be started io )e*rling up 00 a C aoactlcat Afrnaagirl wfckla to Ik* crop tb* foil»wiag aprlng. *am* reault* ikoa* aki kaw Ml'la had stood in Main* J7 i stallions of Mar* breeding will the bar a daal of cbarcb talk. *iii<«Hrk, It remained .bjbct. tbia fall if no accident befall* bim. Tbe produce lac cr*at mm to a delay la aprtag'a "w* ara au la imw a to a«MMi • in «no(ber •• Ml«a t'bariott*." b* *al<1. until the tba laat of Jaae, at waa Kan descent, 1HJ of which in cornered "Ab, |M O II iCHiiNkMH aatoachad dam of these three colta by Koi Kr*o tba KING'S IMPROVED HAY Iff IT, 1 of llambletonian descent with other form* of Hut if watcbail Ofar vary rar-fulty wblcbtlm* a bora* we do not know. Tbe while only breeding. INMMnMllBI atd It U a tittle '.hit th»re are Hunter, baira of oar baa>l ar* ouavrad." wkriltot r«* "urr' aiderable b*lgbt betwneB tba farrowa, aarprlalag were or had stood to that other of the anti«Ham> Till v* «bo latin ibil oar country and ahown •landing up "Maurice" orftn) Mr. Ilufaloa," ab* r*pll*d, with s# v«i |«v| ilnlv ifft ifttfd wrrr to •till firmfri *i«e, color, atyle epeed by "Y*a, tba farrow# Ihrmtelfre beglBBlag names of men m*i*t on the runli ir» b, or it m tu for the time. We find alao the many bletoniftn comparing eotbaala*a. "*iat aoaiof tba b*-k ^CARRIER »lth an I wreda. A itlac bar- good eaoug good tbeee three colta volumea ng the two familie* ft* bred in Maine order ooabara of «pp*ar Ut mt««lna |way, la a valuable ac- bad, they 4wp aucceaa of their aire aa a etock horse, two*year»old yoara iW «r» H—t'. m*«»4 h •••»%»» rot—■ «l fc< ■k 1.1 lUKLnv ,. to any farro«-r—w%« pat we aaw in Morgana •tp*rftt« the*,) •jalaltloa I<»a1 b>*re«e coold haul on a two very yearling* fc» im »liW' • 4 (Mill. ^ twice, the tbctr promising tbem on like u « % « w*4 Hm *»< M tb« lb* (obb over half-lapping but a few llambletonian them eomething pl*cr What lb* la ha- a stall. One waa a chestnut colt ?ice, only very compar* I ■« * • thor- amooth ear face. railroad box by 4- -Mi I. Mi U'» fr» 4nm« •• •*' tlto*. tbaa tT cticac a deep aad ft* hate been bred h r« <1 It tk« »«um (f Mt4 racb roa.l colta. consulting Volume II. of ul term* or they ae»1 wu then (•MB Stair• and coontlre. the good Albrino, and one a Ally by Stride t'poo e-j The bay 1 m *o ough pBlTcrlttUoB wnb Bab I aad II we find the #ince ftpd let th not **) I «• • ,k# > tow pa neighborhoods. were "Noted Maine.Bred oreee," IblO, mWi fc"~* **** ... ,,_ •<>wu al V rat# of aboat a baabel p*r eon of There alao ••••. »f,II %H-"" a* Vaj Pleetway. ftre DYSPEPSIA .<•*- • baa a moral the A|'». I". Ib wltb a amootblng A moo lb. har.l road-bed in tbe namea of 41 Morgan stallions not found much ftbout bow f«*t Morgan* acre. aad kMUMi several running %l< ln .« t<> !■# m:«#raM# htf*|*M, every good farmer w«ll aa a baalneea iofl -nee upon any com- two*year»olds * m >tt win* C*nw« iu after tbla aboat 1100 in Volume I. and th >ee of Hamb.eton* gaining unlee* they c«n ibow irrita- •k* tea m*1 (W fcata*? ■ barrow Immrdlat.'y a I* of blood that were act* »*•'! In BIikI, »»ry niltatofrwr '«*?**.?*. on tba It paaaea through Whea prop Knoi good f'mluM, iihI k- i., '•*»» Hlf Ik# llaa. •®*l* waa applied rnualty yard Volume to tbe number of colt* a 4iku« of pbuaphala at waa a ian atalliona not found io I., nere in l. tixl It U potBdi waa emerge from a aavage elate they atart colta. In tbia lot two.year* pnpor'tan te. Umnii «tr»*«y. <4 fw»i» Iw n»^itT whole Tba growth vlgoroaa ing can IUr If. It of «W "' place ahad 315 of and 10 of Ham* tbftn tbe Hftmblttoniftn* And the) • • I. I grt «•>(! M r*<|«lrrt M mM ml Ate tmr*K» waa fine and oace to bolM a road tbat open op old Mambrino Medium that making Morgan tikh Tooth Harrow, *«. U» .f an J BBlform Tba herbage Ally by UmI I rrtt*]? to Pry Sprin Hilt AM YOI Mar flaldi for trade or Aa the atalliona that have aired colta show more naming tboee in tbe r *trtul. tllrtllMI, *' * waa cooiwaced ob pltuurt- bleumian c«n't by prMUIritl ■ I «T 4»t •«*» >»■■*■*-1. fc» Ilarveatlag abowed a of going. The «THu1ni:«T la nMCmMT. atocky. and very good way thoee off il,«* (Mm aim] t>«f up U>« dist- ••• <«. >• *» • w».ka gala la tnl'lllgmce proaperllV to we know JO nor other liat, for til throw h(m » acrriHt '% ki law t» twwlw* r-ta»«u th» li h VKIHW) people of animate of the in Maine up IHMO. lieaiJee, J. list ftnj iWlr 4uti»« ^ llfWi tba roada whole number equine till • m.»T HtfruViaiWMilM hwn arvrrai tbe roada are bettered—In fact, were il*# ortMn lh*y |*il«ni - to tbla tber* ba«l of other atalliona that are not re- n»med "Maurice" tired before !»*• •lit l» tf? « prevloaa Into at thia farm ia Morgan by II"tUruparllU i'r»T»n iS.; bv wlBil; afUraacb lead Intelligence and prosperity any family twenty*nine,—the «illln«ty. y?n..iyr!s? a&ow-ra. accompanied referred to, but on- wben ftbout tbe Hambleton- n lturi • I ra»> «. lUllroad* have brnagbt tbe on farm in Ox- corded in the eolumea I MHO, only U«« n riw.| j w. aa flat m tb »agt> a rollar had eoamutiitj large*( number kept any JuM r^ul(r«l ;„■K.3SS* tba graaa lay ever etood in Maine were f »- perry I Weal within boara of tbe one llambletonian, Robert Bonner, Jr., ten* tbftt hftd " llnol'l IUIU|«ll!U I «1) oftr It. bat racb tlm* It atralght- tweaty-foar ford to our Meaar*. ly I lull ukrn paaeed aad County knowledge. rrd atood aa KaaU Tbla b«a revolalloalied trade, we him io ; but we have 315 ConatelUtioo, (Jen. Wither* »nd • l.l< li | Imii iiiSi t»»)rat». rBf«l aad wheacat, w*fl are live men well veraed ia and counted (Jideon, I»|-u. fr<4M SPRING HARROW w# **a«a!t op fully, Harrette ped- • Dour r»*«l TOOTH ••••■wn tbe for tbe farmer to keep np ll»r«l lltrt. I-Ul ) r. .|.|, r< miv m that tba only way at and added ftnd the Ifttt three hftd tnc4 null/ OtlM-l f ,r i^ MW-alJJL^I a* any graaa, BotwIlhataBdiog to eo conduct Morgan atalliona least, they Daniel Bjone, I ** " hi *U«r. Ml tbla la to and it if tbeir aim pfkaamg ****** oa a aid* aad tba with revolatlon Improve igree* •» Mtl«fa<-t»ry at ll-«t'» ES£~i7.;.£U*^ af piece waa altaated bill, 57 namea to Maine a list, while the 16 been in tbe atud three or four yenrt. UI'«.KU.. M *rrt*. Ute wtll-a*eded Al- bla own faclllttee. Wagona their butineaa careful breeding and by UllltJl Uecttl* Llflil Clk, ware large aad trasaporlallon by more tbr ThiiMU Coilk, ••>< OaWv te~a»arm «'!/*. aoma claim It hard liberal N»» Yurklll;. imw wy«* though can b« baulrd than wae la tbe purchaaee than the Mor« failure* la Main* a»» IB poaalbla to that much larger Hambletonian* SOUTH 0«RIS «*0 PARIS Hill. MAINE. great din ally tiperleaced getting of tbeir itock equal proportion bem^ s waa w agoaa of thirty years ago Branding and quality cab three *talli >n* of sawisssr It fur tba mow Tba yield farm New gana until they produc« Headache sa'^ni ready oar farm borae*. found on any breeding in Sick sl two aad oae training bate Improved in aad woaid average vhilft eeveral of the deecent that bate atood Maiae * I have b**n .r~: -^CTrt,„m. heavy roa.l baa not t>e«a Kaalind. And principal Morgan T>* th« | t>i l»« yrxtt acre. Oa faedlBg tbla wlaUr Tbe ordinary Improved half toaa per stallions a liberal no than Daniel Boone, Con»tella- mik Mi"i» UiJmIki aixl k«*f cattle It to rorri ao tbat maoy neighbor- At we were ahown Mordtn enjoyed very longer affikrinl thk r'f .iy!Ll'S!ir It waa foaad that moat prefer apoadlaglr, Huekfield recently ll<»*l • KkUi* bv«-r For Milch eowa tt destroyed the atellion McKuaick patronage, Olympu* fU*r eROWN's herdagra** ra- elegant young lini" li'uwl gtr it r»ll*f. I aklll baa or more an4 •< "- * u»i which tavratlve prodaced by to tbe time Constellation and (Jen. more winner* than they rtlU, I* eirellent. an>] l« pw wur>ia« Hon. I). Btabee. Thia up *ir*d all." Miu. K. K. J^USTTUiTr the aad owned by George lulljr Irrofiiim » wbrtb«r ut«a or boraaa. Rom taiaiag roagb, matdy poorly-da- Withers *ere in sertice bad any that haw aold for higher price* They MM, roada which to an i> a baodaome witb black hardly Nr» llatra,(<«a Tbaeib*u. o<**.»«•* IU <>».r algned properly beloag colt bty poiota, AkkAM.*. teamatere aurif>uie aaparlority mare* at all. Gideon waa almoat entire- tell u* that Ulenarm, (Jen. Wither*, M**« .a >« destitute of tbe the railroad face and both bind feet white. iMwiih. i'*mt*Mr»{««t to Um tim xr of aeada age telegraph, •tar in Mm. Mary 5L5teSiS5t2i «.th»r hay large while Beacon died after etc., bar* no %i«* .«l or tba New Yorker. Hurna of get- lledwood, 1'reacott, got :• tuffrrrr fr>>w aid .Ti- (-••otalaed In the ht-ad, which, whm cot la telephone.—Ilaral He wu bred by Hoo. Robert ly ignored, w a il}*|«-|*la Relief sjsz&i or (Jen. Knot bad in beav*n'a name, « ai»i infent ten coin. trottera, but • I mr4|«il||ft math outrian-nt. Tbe »*• ting eight why, art.*. f»l —*• — lb* Wow contain Maine, end fueled " Il woald ofleo • farmer to cut down Kaatport, July kfcr *»rr limL ro>\ ^WA«T It la ralaeO, the rarller 11 pay over 100 maree to hia co»er for aeveral don't trot out their Knox and Mor* IoiumI II llw br»t rrmnl) "ITumTt farthrr mil a carta it bla own at- 1 »H5. lo McKuatc they "fit !?*!Sr woo 1.1 do wall to a hilt or atralghwa 11th, appearance maat baaowa. Farmera and fur the whole time he atood in rill atallion* of the aama age and abo«* * If ha could not (at the town or bla u Deer to the type of year*, .• -At » CHrtJ* tb* grata from torn* of their prnae approechee perfect Hood's Sarsaparilln *»• cat off early htm. la Main# be bad all be could do. (Jen. u* how trotter* hare got, in* Mj«U m *. »u**« *»4 •»» «v«»» and •<>« aelgbbore to h*lp There a!tog*tn- a borae aa any colt many they II; a'» !"■» |.v w aad plow th*m ap get.tleman'a driving k'! ly all druC**. imih^« r-«wu» ^ ll«bteat ar too much of tba biting off one'a boa* to waa a wonderful bora* and a •'fad of ua what wa* aired before * Oil., Una, Mm. or a light we ever aaw and bia action ia auch u to Knox great telling C. I. IIIMD wtib lluBK»r:*a.««ta( pboapbate face about ; M.:y bj a frrtlllier. Of eptta oBa'a policy Improve- and no ooe more realties tbe K»dwoud, I'raacott, Albrino, ooat o.' toe tnaaar- aa make it certain that be will not be •ire, fully (ilenarm, Ono Dollar. f"OR INTERNAL. ANID advlaable to take meata la roantry roada—Correepoodaoce pretty to tbe borse- Kin*« 100 Dooos %» It wou:J aot ba whan ia celled for. great benefit be baa been Meaae nger Wilkae, Dictator Chief, fi«ld of to Rural New Yorker. found wanting apeed Extisnal use trtu.'raiSai'sx'ssri coare* oa a a to at, wall-rooted tbe writer were ? thla fifteen end one-half brvedere of Maine than doee man. Inca, etc., foaled aa tba latUr doea aot ra- He now atanda Kngllah grot, of tbia but at tbe a*me time we We tb« but wt ■lii^&^StsssTSRsr: aacb to eoear* a handa will be fifteen end article; apppreciat* Morgan*, » to be aowa Planting 8ha OR qalra year Ua one to facta that can be u la tba caaa with Hangarlra. twothirda when matured He will will challenge any give any think tbey improved by clftaa lo ft W#*t»ra rn*>l« im uirut* i»»»*»»i. t« b* crop k- Bowrn of Woodatock. Tb« tfr*1afttlag on f'VTli rnk»u la ant bay baa to ba Dr. Oeorge to sbow that be more trotters, with the Hambletonian*, and farina wbaie graaa Ilgbt ri- from 1040 to 1100 Hie got any crouing leal collie* »« tdr!••*.! at tba la«t by tba BEZAST woald ba bat- CoDDeetlcut, Bona yeara ago begao wei|h pouoda. to wlatar tba atock It tbe true teet, in to to think *> unlet* we are s«f«r t<» l«* r ^ boagbt meata ta a email way In tba ia of medium clean end well by proportion •ball continue old profoaor - tbe oat for aacb perl plaatlog heed aixe, judged tel to>le»oU» moe*y paid nail** foraat traaa. the wbole number of colta sired him that tba H«mbletoni«n* are in* aoraaca, bat *1 way*. arbaa c»li«j, to gi«« ♦s-jeltsj?. r.->iST»—.... bom* to bbU aad aaada of oar cut et the throat. He ia wide be. by •bown j.% tcuQVCS •*"*44 *"*• ** an J the Una drawlaf It ralelag up of lb« clui a«tUad mmm wimo«. J-in Da? Ila laaraad tbat If a board ba placad Id than did Gideon for the aa are bred at •oo« traamaat On si NTARt, •'JTTa. tba tin* matt be tak an ia* while ia Maine, ferior to them they being OT all booth tween the eyee, with espreeeioo ft an 1 attar aoiae yr»r« ■ — lu»i». llungarlao. tba aeada IB VNUtri tows, <» arrc*> u *-• tba bottom of a treath la which 4 •,,».• work. II»y ralaed same of time. Since 1880 Gid- thi* time and for the laat few ra oat ofthe aammar'a will ba dicetive of both courage and lotelligeoce. length preeent the got ft pleta of r*>«a la bit •iHt i a to tba la ara tba would-be tap-root prnfeaaor u«*t in, farm aad carted I bara plaotad eon haa done coaaiderable business and ; and "Maurice" haa not ua tba oa tba from Ita downward coaraa ami Deck ia of I eod well year* given throftl lo thla •tot towa. ft-xl ro«n< TOOThaChI •- tbaa aa) tarard Hia goo length ". aamuer la better bay bought art but aome of them aa to ahow fftilnl Beery m-ma SO«C will become mora branchad and flbroaa, aet on abouldert Via colta young ; any evidence yet that goee doctor balBg called, by t^«oat "•-vSwS?'*5 throogb tba aoow of w!a- arched aod aufficienly drawa borne Sac- to entered '• bU to *ka obatractioa, OtPTMCUtA la maklag a better traa to traaapttat. for him to art thought well enough of be even ia the remoteet degree that auch i* power dlalodga teati1*"®* I****! —II. A. T.. kocklogbam, Vtraoat, a to make it aaay the old •MuiSCi- m wiu« ,[.,rw.i i«v «( ter ceaa Id a aioall encouraged more loping Bad tbea bavlag r*cogalt*d pro Bat* way a ia the coluetakw* of tbe New the fact. If he will read Wallace's win *»i Twim'W " Farmer. bia bead at all timee in KagUad aad blm wllb «r THC. ek,l1^2, m7.m*• New Kaglaod till bla llttla garden naraery baa carry aty- to tor. atrlppad btm rabbad 1>*M. •■ C—«j. planting Breeders" Asrxiatioa. for M*rch he will eee the thit become tba aoarca of aupply for eoualder- liah aod elegaot manner. Hia back, Monthly folly lard Tale ao ftBiftMtl the peofeaaor <»«I»UCU W oa arbor Since Constellation, Gea. Withers, of ever to auch aa im- cob Id sot rwtrala • hearty which CMMtW • M*r •* —Tba reatoratlva laflaaaca of plowlag abla pabllc traa plaatlBf daja. loia aod are of the moat aymetri* trying prove any ba laugh. hip aa<1 ha uk«l tb« doc- N0f\WAvYI<1EDICIfJEC0. raa down laad la aot whol- ara towaa la New Kaglaod Daniel Boone, IVecott, Kedwood. aad T. .Maxim, in dlalodgad tb« boae, la clover oa Tbara many cal aod Dot lackiag ia atreogth Hia poaaible thing.—A. NOaWAY. MAINC. food It faralebea to abada traaa la tba ahap t»r. la th« world did yoa graaaa ly dae to tbe plaat aotad for tba maay hia othera were brought iaU) the 8taU, Maine Hora*. Breeder*' Monthly. -Why •0« a baa<1 red or mora barrel ia long aod round, lega iAUB* *U. ot*n A Boot la Coo a try GeaUemaa. Haw log load Vwaar. W. H IIAW. l—»1 11 C- DaV" K*. *4. A «•• Dl>l (3TUIOJ4D t«»J. SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. Aa Italian acuaora gitedar «u utMtdi Ib Atc*«u for abootlsg it Mi»ri) prnum. Rubbers lit l« of iiDMiit mlo.l H. N. H. N. Bolster, will All Need ?hf Oxford |jrmorrat. M»j T*r». avilavtly Bolster, You Soon, ire WEEKLY car* and Boston* the Bett. Browa' laataat Rallaf will moat Dm Headquarters SO. PARIS. SO. PARIS, The WoontockeU V| tor Hoi. \V«| WIfcT ■«.!>», JhJj*. o^atlaau cam of cbollc wtthta aa boar i PARIS. MAIM*. M4T t, l*»« Aliut 8. AriTin, CUrk Tfcla la irm »tlb man or realty baaat,1 own A a ad aar valwbk lurtN aa«l rolia caa ha Still rontintiM to hi* Wo have them! taigu Stock. Ovai H. HlUkl, Coumty Attorney. y and Summer A Now Lino aav+d by I la tlmaly a a*. Spring • At tii«« hmhmi win bold AT WOOD A FORBES, M- WouiLi, Skmf i. ou Crwr. tho helm «t«inlr himatli, We hate Hun K. Ham Moan, Tfc« NfalallM a# Ratwaf Bditor* And Proprietor*. for iim WwiPitit Piuiirik, St»m**fr«fJi*T. U »>m taw Ml *• »«•)■! m i*«m NORWAY, FOB MEN IN dtcn\ Court enatowd it Pori* U«t TUM- Hmn t* I a* TVwl h4 I »ir Trul ftva. Ikwton llituM U> rmry a lin« of Mtn- HEAVY BOOTS -AU taaml »<« Mim Mr. aai Ml ail -o —o— o- Laafl* #1. V 4iatjM. | | | an*H Mill n Tl* of and Tirinitr Trade tbm *w but • iBtli Nom«y u tWn tn* aarh. tlMw* At tttutl, |iJi «»Mf< arc united a •kkk w* M*i> In mil and Spring H* inouil oI bwim At thi« i»rm, ini th« BORN innptrt >l»* kMl, KMMMl ar large an.I nioat complete stork of *f ha*e mi «'*tr* line of PURE GUM AND DULL !—r« Ontrt >ur»«d Shies FINISH, firntIf tdj TlunJtj. 40 Different 9 iial « Milliner? alt the I. AT KMT joa nnrrt** Dim *u « fair attan>laac* M U ( Mi>«, Apr* J ta, T» IW «ifcWJ W. Hi kaaU, including wfc mtj-tmi' H»wa>, a—. DK.MIRABLK HTYLEH in 1'attern «U fcla«le at Mala or tear? )"*» pn«l»mr Am | and • w ahm aitradaecr of taOa* w»» I, aa tW Wa A rrya. a in tlii« combination of aliAut abtBi wrongfully m. New GooiU tm ri, Union Kxlrti •*■! mnaUntly Iwitijf rfwiiwl, Siij* (wilMil la I'aria Jill. Mr* of hut year. ALSO A EULL LINE OF CITY HALL, PORTLANO, all ih'w uttlM r*c««T«*l price CHILD'S SIZES. William J aliar Jobnaon, alia* (inil Double Itailry. •oon m out Su/vra, H 1*. Harmon, about nghtrva jaara of TUESDAY, JURE 12, 1888, * '■***• iwin Cotton and Wool. on tb« rg*. au committed to Paria Jail "♦"••O iMtiiwrt All Trimmed Free BOSTON CO'S fcU&SffiSMr-f:Ui Utrn.a>../ >'■ AT It O'CLOCK A. M., aavaataantb of March laat, th# of Trimming •lfp«rtm«*nl in charge of Paper day Wf ran m<1I *t Fh«n»i larceny iliffrrrrit kin«U of Ibr unwmu*. M M Uw -»f DIED. A nmnlwr of to *tc from mm kar iiiWIw. mJ mt u(M Nit dollar* bank bill*. nlrar, ci|»*nenc«— M»«f» II & •Mi Itel W| fly «MM loatab ia A ado rminlwr ihm Sandals of *m I tbr Jaflliai HaiWy, M•« MhM M d J*U C. pUr* Boston ! Tta MM* mt m iiiim «ui 90 I* «•<-«. t. ft**) l", Prices Croquet, au at |»»> iMtHlT. IM».k»l|>lMUIt<« vliltol i»t Ih* yovB* maa captured Mkli«lMMtMf. »•» I M M*k la Iml i'um, if M. *«m«« K. IUImm, *c B. t GOSSAMER MUUol W> «m tM*nK and tab* i bo* MRS. A. CHASE, IN MEDIUM, LIGHT WEIGHTS *■ ik*»t» iWthal Sb*ntf W«-email V mn nit to fit t)i«> Paint! HEAVY, »«*mm mm ftM Ik* k»|—»»i.-** by An«l ha»o theni there Mixed M « J«k> It tmt i—mmrmat \m lto«. M •J.IiimmmI 4«4 for* Trial JuatM J U Htcb of that fa I.u. kfri tx MuUf. »r»1 ... Maine. of • nmin an«l m%« Imfore buyiOtf. SIM •vwtl M to furaub tbr bond br •»• r—| llw, m* ft im Hftil »l and failiag investigate th«« new w»r <>f tmiitfinir at IM IMtHIM, Imr IM M' \V* rrcofuturiitl S«»- IM aw>m commuted to At tbia tarta, young iM »fcl»mi».« mt i«k«»n jail lkMt1 1 ■ ■ 1 ■*. «ku Mw«« ■ P"h«, Hanw4MwlHUitt|IW fHM« rhfHi^t ii yolliMMl a for a IV\nul>or ooo, an.I riiKin* \V« li«Tr f■« IM K.xj pf**antrd petition »l»o lt«*r »t<»rk Urif* »up on SEAL'S HOTEL, NORWAY. In IM * *M«witifiU NEXT TO l«>«i | Mil MM «M MlMv* pnlvtlaf ■ Tit of hatwua Tbr •»• THOROUGHBRED JERSEY BULL. ■npmor. Imtinj? la •••«» li|M, co*ptu petition of ktlilM Ml iM l||»Nnrl Higw»0r>J la Ik* MkW »•»»' J»r*»» M-fJ |V».fc. - - ply when Kiainm* • h k Ik granted aad tbr writ taaued agaiort th« «urf<*v •iiplte>l. Block or Jam** L Parher. Uj JaiUr, for ua« ii A Urge li HopPlaster«HII to !*•« JlIEi L CHlSt lane Mm] la«afal datratioo JaiWr Parbrr pro- Pans, « w riMt Um m4 < «f VVim« >»■»>■«■ Straw •"H M-I wun w •»*» U.\ Kl* A I'M I. 1*1 tlMM UNtln * Ifefc. Mattings " »lik «iM m IM daced tbr ia court and aftr-r bmmmgi«i«a fr»» i> pi pn»>arf • :Mt N« Ml W.» M. Load, Oil, Painters' Sup-* of MlM to la >»,« mt >r— wtHy t»l mm I— aad E^jrs-?icfr5iSi5■t p«to AS!) ran tb« beatMEN! PMpM. fall hear tag ot tbr fartr 1*44 1«I| ft <** Itoatoo YOUNCW• t» Ml.tMt'kwVNH 4«V«H> MMm mt MltwM. »M IM >r«IIH iaapwtioa AM, Svbil7 MoV p»..yitow« ft** you mt tbat n\ n k t. w iMtw». See Uo» Mt IM hs*« IrtC. M-l IM [iwauw f tbr |r of tb« Jaa io* ia tbr To Advertisers! GEORGE H. CLIFFORD Boot MMIt|MWl •«# loHWH UlfMi^llxt. biadiag young A i.«* W M »' ♦• W4 iMta (Tlffl We invite attention to tbett n« an. I examine for yoarMlvM -mi am im your •arttauv ia«n«i 10 « i^vkiMM maa r— Congress SOl'TH la Ik* — Miiwi at d*»«g«tM •• ik 1* IwtM » Ml I PAKIH, whenever jon call to aae na. •n>l obli^n fof tbo U*«f mon#jr of «ny firm in OXFORD COUNTY, of (\mrt. T. * M>< • « W •• IM May Tiu— Mat* owatu** ffl M l«tM BoliM M IW l|\ a»J lM,t< kMit* W lUt T AUo lb* pr J ba Olaa.of I. taenia Plantation. pe- w-k. •* ,fc* «*>»<—" J II MttUt, I Mir*M •<«t ik«* im >«wn>i »i»m rf Mir »il»rt Itctil DyMMll*" ~i II. N\ II. N\ titi t»r *u admitted • *J l.tot fcKU r HUM » 1.1. •* urmoni of HOLSTER, BOLSTER, II vrnurt for naturalization, AID, Willi. «ik tit* r*- r**» k*« a cttiren AMWi Aran. M. i<* M Upw » »»(♦»!,>•« Ywt. Market South Paris. Market Square, South Paris, mattrr th* of Squaro, OlMl iMatf wmm mrm nUU*J M Ik* W la »br if petition Mary TUB H'wi* k>r»»T | Mt« Iku ktming iiafer mt lal^AU* K Prise*. for 1»*** to rntrr aa k* U« iMt 4«1| i>* ilM ll««. ivlf appeal •I rnMMW from a declaim of tbr Judge of Probata, FOR SALE CHEAP Um im*i *4 » imk » *f Ik* mt SWETT, UUI K Mi •« !• IM4. New KENNEY& d wallowing thr will of tba Uta CaNin )' •*«*< n in tv • •Mil .l»r»«.»4 NwtM lk« Something N. A l b%n«l pxfcl Inm), »f |Hh| H. Bolster, 13? MAIN STREET. NORWAY, MAINE. l>a*.a, tbr a au dl*m**ed aith ut .i.nni. it llwittei* ro|nwi «ii m •• pet.ti. t^xr an I newlt i*mfal In.i«»in< of wm»-I w» !»• m«»i« •< mM »«r »m» 1•« •*!« la (Yurt SO. PARIS. coata an J judgment of Probata J. L I'll ASK. 1*4 ll«ll «k« !-•«• IIJ The Patent |>(MI4I II III— U» ilkiM IM uw> Lingley Adjustable • ua'aiaod. Tbia ia a fragment ot tbr I'uui Mtiw. ||t II. |M Ai ruM'DllA* abxh Curtain cat* of Krermaa H. Pnnee. baa Hanger. Farmers. Attention! DO YOU KNOW I baecvtaa faa^>ua rreaatly ta Androac ggia TtwIlKST TIIINO KNOWN, fur TH AT AT t<> rrmrmlwr that w«» ha?r I IjM. four Curtain* Tbo tiitur** t County. han^inj; n \|,. an I «r ar« i «a Tbr car# >f Fuller « (rarmh. which and Curtain run Im» put up. or tak«n Itradlry I'hoaphat*. PIERCE'S, t fUalAUuM to "M'll it tlua »tnr loar-r titan au tbr in than «>n«< tuinuU* Tba »n I fr%»fcu«. tiiri at Kabraary term. reaultmg down 1<*m rie^nt In* of BERRY AND BUTTER known that it la joanuidnd CASTERS, DISHES, ir to «"*n •trr, ard »\«nl«>dy ♦ ia a aardict for tba lWfandant, br lady of the h«»Uur tarnta and » ir ntylea I ftifey. Tba b»oda of vara dtr- no or tbo w ><>| work pnova. t matrimony dm*. injuring ► •Itad in tbr following carta ; aU 'it Um win-l' •»! .»- » «*w Mm* Mi k- Haatiaga Son. fount Up', WATCH ES L. iuM kb« f». y In- *k> k--~4 it* »i>w Wilt m«*M iW Ihvorta dactttj niai for the riuar of ami for tlm m it thirty day* will itaMkl • M»l W N««« Wvl iMt M aa.f H>*« — who » "trr« ami to all . Columbus. Etc. A m t«a<4 ■« »• >m • ••«• I vr adultery running «w*y Rockford, Elgin, Waltham, — il. • v. t f ■ ■<■« *■» k mw»» It • tln-m ami no l^i V. *a John A Packard. rail for •pirwtioni « *««• .m K«la Packard may * S1'K(TA< LK* *n I KYK'»I«\SiK> f I »' M»wm. • W> mv* Hr II »» fan*. *•>* H. N. Bolster's, II* full lta« of «ir to »»•« it* k<« MM COST •ukrd, Im4im Swaaej only |>ay, Hi* hn«» of »n I tWt ««ra i« tUnn r T«*•* r>.«« « »»>»« failing jrwclrr Ur^f lh»orc* decreed oiat for caure of advil* Market So. Paris. Wiu Iomi Mm, to* tm « Wl in"* OF Squire, A now «upply of will l»« fciM u tlx LDWK8T(!1811 PBM I «4 tftuxli •f I to »^Wi Itr* 1 Hi«« p»l«»n trry I to~(* M *4 *»«•» 1*1 1 to i| ■ DIFFIODLT WORK SOLICITED. ( Mr» \#« Mtlif* *»l \ to** M*ta A'tbar H. Barker ta. ASbir K. Marker Hoe;. Garden Rakes, Ster- Ik* <•« W Ik *i > 4*m«« to* to* tot i* >•* Um4- New York Me. •k4*». **4 *.«• mi I to m tol Ihurrce darrvad Biai fur crurl and ol;, Manure Forks, &c. J. Pierce, 4 Odd Fellows' Block, So. Paris, — • of Tartar « » «*m »«*■■! t Cream tot' A f» «■*•■• Styles p Hi «f«/i mmc abuatae trvatmrat Mn«m tot Itol Iltrfc4 B:nnots, Ribtoas, Feath- from It -t«>n i *11 and --«< * Jimt rrrri*tsl ■m ■■ .*•* — —rto nr k* * * Wedaeaday momiag. on motion of |i»* ••«•»«, *Wk toft* *»i Jam—r*. to* to»* por Bnrrol of Flour. Ul hat» rHHlfMl 1* wxl 4 I Hon. Cirorga 0 Bwbaa, Joba .N Harlow ers, Flowers L Laces. {•t pnr«« jliat -I s»m \ a*k of I'o It Mil TV \m>** rwk H*ll S. of M-frral hundred traabela You miss it if don't * •>*♦ aad Krank Harlow I>imfWld, aad W to— •-»'.! |« Alt «t« M r«*turor<| from llo*U>n I ••ttrenw northern you luting tat*-* from th« to* • Ik* k W a «*tft — I to i*to 4* of aarr f*Ui lM*g* K. l'a».a. Knar Kalla. to *••*»•! * * (■» l< *• u takr ir announnnj; tl*i» for aard. Farmera. to in of pleftAtir* of Canada CAI^L JSST * imh*4( Mwt .Sim » *»« m t •<*•» *1 admitted law all tbr Courts the usual part pm'icr I'sinu' jmt pound !adu « of |'an« and Tinnitv that I ttn **» (|u»ntity and Mean *rV* '«. tot Ik* »'«)««* to* tat *wia*l t of tbta Mtata chant?* 7lf >'| m tot op^ninif •Utlr atork a of and don t m Bi»* * tin* to** ttto •*• 4* » • Mr. Jjbn S Harlow ia * fc>n of tb* two < iron mi of tfuoil rrop |M>tatM*** *4 *•* a# tto to*k* *|<*»4 Tjmtjmt teaspoonfuls fool rhan<*«« ••r r li of I>«m- tiulliiiHry away your hy planting In ***%—■» tot "hi*t to I.OMNI H | | r»vl<* Hirloo, tto in nrw H»r U«*aiiM> it ia a little » IU.U>n» all tb* nhinunrhnf* •malt, at«»ck r>*Hk lit i— ***»iw > **■■ «••** to**i Tto 6*Id lit «u Minrtlfd lh»6*ld to one a Imrrol p Mrf k*r*ta* to* *■ ill f I I HI *»|I UMt tto L>* tartar soda, Inn* at low No. for will Ami Una "Sarins * toaspoouful rirvrtLnfIj pn<*va. you t * Kui* tb. to *k«l t»*> WI*< Acad'tav and Maim S-miaary cheaper *41 I«t*il W*al#yan at tlw» **«i«i mm yf m 0 SaUn Kit>bon I .Via |*r y«t at th* anil lowing bang jNpMiflfc—IhX^. la April 1**6 b* w*at to Mmn^apoli*. : Mpir>t ROOM PAPERS AND BORDERS. of Hour will hole tYc ftlm> hate a larga a took of ■ —m ntNfNatlaMMtmnwiiM Minn. »L*rr b* comm*acrd bi* i»gr*l require In all tfnfcUM, frotu the llr»>wn to tb« lw»t llr n I ■ >>■« ■'» m»1l rbm|M»t ItMfMM Ut» «tlti tb* law tirtn of Hratoa Ac els & Hats lintwt linn MM H« IW >4 k" «•* A < k««f^ Bonn of *»i V».*V ir» » •» ww k«< •' K (>«!• r*mmaif»< with tb*m ualiS J*n- 8 I lis. Cream of Tartar, Qm« M Hr tm, ■ W M Mm »4 or untrimrnod Children* uar* of tb* »ear wb*a b* ad- Tnmm<«l Potates! CEILINGr DECORATIONS ml» v Canada Wt»4 (to jr*a*nt m <» .'tnfc»nl M >—>». S<*!i x>l lUt*. Oitru'li fMMI TW Ml—I—»tf« mitted to tb* har u * n< cts. ll>. IMi Upt 9\rr out«i b« tb« W »<«M practic attorn*} 45 $3.00 than displayed nty. ■4 Mil k«* (MM 4 Ik* costing per ••ndlr»* I.arra, wiling and F•• Im! W * ia Miaa**ota after hi* ad- variety. Mm* »(• «4 Immediately Miun» < ill and k'» t aotne >•»«» Mt**' • ~«n« w*\ »» IW |M>tato«*M ll*«4| ■*»*•.< >n ia Hat Stat* h* r*turn»d to flowfT*. — Mut "riiw % f%< 4 I lluk **4 h»i»i Mi Mm <» aitwortnirnt 'if Fan* in ml try tii«'in. WIN1)0 IV SUA DES «t FIAT 'ItES. w> •< rat I A lartfr »TW Maia* and ha* up to tb* t.n* of hi* a.i- lbs. Soda, costing Wo ar»» w*ll to meet thn » f* >1 'U I « H lr*«tv •* ••• • t* ■ fnia "rfV-u to 91 50. Oradu pr«>|«*red iArK'rr nt4»rk tban mr bsfom, in all V\min t- m m n to tb# Otford H*r b**a r*adi»* pncoa of all of «>ur ruatoinera, ami ------ation Fans a want* the Our farilitiM arw fur an I la* ia tft*o(!vc* of Jam** S .2-4 niwialtjr yar»L nn«urj»wNu>,| fitting Wntfbt, cts. 11). an of M* ADVBKTUUCUKJIT^ per. filled and natiiifar having had axporiMice twenty- wbich w«> will (to at nlu>rt noltr«% and in our o»atl • «rkm*r at I'arn Order* promptly « —m ml I rata W 1V» Kk|., in merchantlian we tWa yi'ar handling •till ran our • *badn «* fwt thn** (• A* Lw *f M'« • >V—«» tkl Ikw. brack I1. Mat .$ a *>n of tb* LEADER, lontf, b>|«« low alao torilj. in TnmIm feel juatified guarantMing quality Rt«r uprinu tiiturw and ntrk««l f«>r IVfc- •' ir -!•- » >vri» lit* Moa. K li. Mario* and brutbrr of pall, only in.I ami aipure dealing to all ercr mco Iwfov* in Otfonl ifld JjU > «bo «u admitted at tb* •»■«» Total cost barrel Mrs. J. R. Bennett, price*, Coauty. This It not talk: como HmA|««mn W »l Maax M*. i—rf. per who faror u* with their ♦,t|* ■ may patron for yourtolf. Curtain l'olaa, Krin^t«. T*«»rl«. U.uK"«. •■«•». t.rnt. M* obtained bia *ducatu>a at iKa* Mo. we South Piiris, for which will Iw thank — I w ------age duly v of I A >iif. !>ij Mebroa and BABY CARRIAGES laif* Um Um t Acad*my, Acad*mjr, of $3.84 ful and rrmain to n« rrt>, ^ Hour, Truly youra at lower pnr«* than Iwforw. Al»o I hildmn » Wa^* •C »r'- PRIZE OFFER. Cobura l'.iMwa! lattitut*. Comm'Bf- Dull Carriaff**, Hum> Italia, lUta, rtr *»* Tick'* *d tb* »tj«Jf of la« m lWc*«b*r I **'*'» ia S H. N. II>op«», Fishing ounce YOUR MONEY REFUNDED IF "BROWN HOLSTEK, Alao Srbool Hooka, Blank Ikioka and I>n I t A Wnt»r Frw! tb* ffi * of I S. li An flovcn Stationery Tjrp# 1>jI Attorn*? rxl. pack- •** INSTANT RCLICf FOR PAIN'* FAILS TO nm*. Toilet Article*, at. I all article* t 11 ia 1' rtlaoJ la April 18H6 h* r*mo«*d Market Squaro, South Paris. Perfumery, uaually krj To Um waJ.a* ua tb» Store bottoms a prrauo to Minneapolis wb*r* b* rrad law »rb age of llorsfonl's Kreari BENEFIT YOU WHEN USED STRICTLY AC- Drug Pnweription ajM-rialtY suatwrof n*» ftdvftre* sabacnb- Idmlnlilrnmr'* pftjiag WJlum Kdward Mai*. I.mj uatil b* CORDING TO DIRECTIONS ON THE IN- »m to th* Oiford I Wmucrtl to lt*l AVI la a I »•••* ik« II"* af i*r*ruju» • | >' Jm4f u a !m.:t*d to tb« Bar in Mina**ota, will raise '2~> SIDE WRAPPER. TRY IT. I hi Mi. k»f IW IH>»nl. I »kall Mil M S. L. CROCKETT. l#t. MM. m will World Preparation •« Ik* I «f Im» Mil *1 It* July ia (••Ma-*a t*«, Sa 4»f Jaauarj la*t. • v ft Ithfttftl coaait< a'l k> k ia tk* •Amax, «a 4 Apothecary, Of Mr. K I)«rn, of K*t*r lbs. of Hour. «•>«< Njlk«* Itlk »1W lk» I •( Wmf\k •kd u« »*cb m» •ubwribvr. l#t la til af iwkl, Ml* t»l immmi w- bar* not tb* information at |>*l Kali*, ■ ikk IU*««il H iMkia, W* af P»ra. ia Hkl Otfrr to OXrOKH •• -41 • (MM ft Ui« b»'4 al op»a owybody to m r* tbaa that b* baa r*c*at* ni*1> ■»* «a*"l. ka-l to »a«4 f»»a«,>. a« •< nf *(Ww All Kinds of Office* band aay rail* «M'iU4 'M C*H» •< Oll«4,M Job done at the Oxford Democrat ATWuul) & Ft BlltMBlft ri» f * »«!*t •» 4 N I1UTI ftn Otfjfd h«ftX fJf Got- ka*a lk«il W#tn a*-1 a» ( u, Wiif m» uJmM ka>f Itoatt 4#« MMl bttiaf fcli a/c*M and tbat b* on* of tb* fia#*t «i> 8 at •■( H *1 fww, •*. I k| lW W«l to "*M klkll>4 •reof—Hub. 8 £ MftrtW. f<*a**d require »r»4M a *1 lb«a»Uka*l »• ! packages a* • l«4 acm awif* ka*," kw k l**<' I* r*«ne4 aminatu>n* ti«r an for fli# alI ■«»»»• r«<» 4 I <>aiaaai> mal tb# till A.laM'r «t«« a-Miaa - - wli aal »t Ik* Mi < rtfala »/•*.! 4* • *•*■!, adm.a*ion to tb* Oif>)rd H*r. 25 cts. MWII Ia»a#»«u4 a "I Ibl# lMl*JU( to $2.00 lo all fc? aaaalaf •i cbouaee the Poet- ika r*t*r*>-« ml Ik* ka'i k.w*r kr Ik* NubwaV I la lb# IH#»*ia. v la k« »aaa»aal?»l» tb* candidal** ar* m*n and p«*ltafc#4 -Wto* •* I Smile All la>awl, rkarp* Bros. lead coaeeatkoa laatructed to youn< al farta. ibai llwi ■«) |<«i«**la4lk- support OiliH liHMtNlyrlaiM ..t »lma<*a*iJ K Maatiaff* baa iwi|«*d Saving !k«r ha«# why lk« UM». A. « Jat<# —*, ••. At • "• I'mSM* viamiaa- — llXfiiHM, k*M il »)umld ttt from tb* H*r Committ* for tb* !»•» klUtl II.C- !•*» la K»»l». f. Portland Preve, vicbantfe A rapf, I'm I* (Mil u4 h(lk(lMlltV01i«i4ul lion f r admi**Kn and flour Ik Tu.a.|»f of * It la* OuberaaU*ial tm*t foe a yellow i d end of candidal** by usin«£ Hors- Ik* »4 A|m W baa ol) • HI * Nt*Al a aafl al rrabala ktlj at HRVjAMil UkHMII.U AtBlalal'aliw SPRING kill tbe Addiaon K H*mch. K*q of H*lb*l, GLOVES rf IU dof. I'arU •ilklkai4lMlk« UHklf afOiM.n «• LM mUK Lf i^'ttoa. liu af brea to la toil 4>r*a**4 appotntvd by Cbirf Juttic* l'*t*i* ford's Breaaljr, uilu Preparation, $1.84 k.« II. Alauiiinwf «• lb* |rra**l#>l ki« kfl*>aat «C a4aiauctw>a of Ik* a* now LllAKI at th» fill tb* Tb* committ** ta ••ui* •!!«••• in the Tmi biiti of repreeentatwa vacancy. ttiiu ot awaa Mii«-b«Ht laU al HiKkl'll, ormM 4«nmI M and Shades. oiuiim Tkti Ik* wi4 A'lar. Stylos kla aa Hi* ivk* to Spring Ooftnor Coaveatioa «ul U thi mbi* mad* up eooaiata of O*or<* I) ak-l Cattalf. «Ma« u two jf»n i|u Otfuti Lu Hi*b**, of Hockfivld, Alfr*d Kimball, xiit11 I.if alfca ■lint •fla* ia ka |»ak4i*k»>4 Ikia* «<•!• ea#r»t. table el»e- rway, K a Ik*? at? ai|( wart al ka ka 14 ninety-oae delec»te* per adM lo all i »ra»a# laltiatlal, by 'aai.t| at |*«r Pmtiata, la Tb« term* of court • i»»4#f la U> ibrav waafc* M TarM. la m4 Ca«aly,oa ika tklr* af •Urt la th.a paper. originally appointed afraf ikta patll«al; laikt Oifar>l l%atu*ral. prtau> I at Mar a*it, al iM* uVtoa* la ika forta**, u4 for tba «iam.n*u>a of ctadklatoa for ad> ( •kaw rta*a. If aav ik*v kin. ika uai fark*. Ikal lk#r ■>< ai i—t a* a Trataia .*rt «kr af •koa.4 aot ka alte«*4 ibmwr, "fN Much toil la k* ktM al l*a»>a, <-a Ik# lAlnl Tartar Mar Btkui M Small, of Weet Vptrtnkj«r UBO A. liq., Mil, ai alaa • alaa* la ika Mmta, a»l atom, WllJtOft, Jo.l«a John Ib« Chirf Jaattc* ku nom de«itfaat«d U« atat akouVI mi Aim* M|>i>AUMl II t l>|VK. • Sumn*r, who read lav witb Han. aaaaa, if aaf U#f ba*a, *»r Hfiww. hosiery < «u Vlir and *tob»r m th# Irrmt of admit. ba aJ'ot»#4 ls P 8»u»y. end hlaittal to the ()*• Gto A.WItJkOH in New and Tl»*s MO« IB th» C. Desirable Goods. ford Bar at tbe la»t February Term, ha* Count j. A Uv aa|>y-«lkaH II IUVI1, K*t Goods you. Preeident leet week to bitfb oftce. Tbe u many daiefatcs at tnty hut b«tn Dominated for Chief Ju**e Melfilk W Buy Furnishing dtiaiaf. at the Reliable Fuller of Chicago. Hi 11 a native of Ix*TtrcT dtltgat** to a j Auffuata. and a graduate of Howdoia your support fmhful ttrvant—Gov. Marblt. now a public Collefe, cla«e of *51. He ie prom- & Furnishing House, and Democrat* Clothing laeat lawyer politician, 8TATE NEWS. , aad ia very highly apokea of by all who know h.m. to a flr» of FaJlt i* baft bud Ail Line Ltrtrmor* & Wakefield's Bins ragtM uJ a iuuia FUR CAPS, nperience prtatad to owner u article* all make a nice Ckritt- mry of a watch ? tarpratad tba aaaa Baaaatt. Tba Pivul-UJ Advartlaar. for all age*, from 3 rear* to 100. Theae rery food Wo aubmit it to jroor r»* tba can for vritar of thia vbo mada maa All of tbeae be foaml very CHEAP CASH • 11 VJ* paragraph, preheat IT U all wotk, fact or *> a Naaaa tar llUia "Now, pot aatiafactioo foarutaaJ ebarft aaaaaaary oorractioaa oa tba proof, baa (to boy). KENNEY &. If ba aad to of which ia aot aauaily ■aaato. poa'U good go tiaap, atyla chirograph? oaa of a lea PLUMBER'S, ataat'U git* poa Dr. Apart fot bat which warhabla illegibility, aagar-coaaMl CaUarUa Puia, aait um» poa Mwuaaa, a* la tb*a aaaa, ia ao< clear aaad aadKlaa." Baaala, •aUlag iw*atiy, WEBB & WAKEFIELD'S, - - - - at SOUTH ME. Me- vff to aaca. PARIS, 8. ■w|> la pmt mirtaiat. dxoppad *4ap Richards, Jr., So. Paris, Ocmoccnt. Haat Sumner. South Buckfleld. Bitbil, Oxford. NORWAY. <7>*tord Mr. Ooo f wm rilWUi jb* WlUlaai H <*arortB. of 0**»rI* Lrt K K «• hu Ml twotboa»an«l clooa Mr*. Sarah J AShott of Batb*l *u bar H*f T-«ki)«fT WfiJi it gfc« Ulad la Mu« lu ilU»l ib« fan- This I* tb* huoii for Mtf'iuit'i tlalUag K 9««nr A« » tu- iku «i>f >a<. 1-1 at It 4 ro for-1 W*rl1 More HILL." rn* r rf ware tba wlft of bla »od. ItfV. A. Arbor not ON THS mUMt Maiaa«r u I Culm ha U ll-BFf Sbiw'iUi boiUm old w* hfcl Nprlogvala HoD.lif an-l her rvmtlaa. •rtl of Ocorga May rally wu»a»1 mJ atornoon- Hha la tbl« to ao Tb- m*Hh*r wm aot f«vor PiuiTtmr. highly rrtpwM. IU h%* « • luwr of ihtri-«a pita. | I roujjhl to B*tb»l Moaday TrwfciSary. wall n| — nm ttwt .1aU.I March 1TT0 70 i«t 10 tloabtfal Th<- M«y Urn of tb* N »rwar MaaMpal Wo liave rm (mm fliS. Mr. Umm.rx* bailiwick *b t at«ta »ollclta patroa»a« for Qllbtrt Ctipinu, i|H fwri mn«l m* md*n u*r raco?»ry just placed nUi. wm tbf In Nio#- miIm tiM Mrtlrrd fete «U« dlad at hla bom* In B«tbfl Taara- wara for- <\»art bel t Tu^lay » ■ fuaWy, is>l al- kit ataliloa. Black NithiD Black N*tb»n tnoatba, Rat. X M DatTin'i gnoOi W «••• N*lUMS w**a •«trl«i on tb* dockal for the t#rm. |t*. N Uo«|k w««wb»» faabk la body, hie m«n U an hanlwo* foar-yaaroWl ■lay foraaooa. lit bad ap«nt lb« wlaur In w»r<1^d to lows, Min.laj. lino of dress includ- n.'-M* !»•» •iraadligly f«rt that th# Ja i|. goods, Mm til aw Aa«*U, NtM Ul facalUaa ar» with a hopin# to mi Owlnc to tb* 8apr#m* large spring M» o rwHk. qalta good. •Itllloa (oi Itoaa Tba Ma*a«rhaa»tu daacbUr, Th« ac*»7ola M l, « II *. ■. hy B b«a«flt bla baalib, nn.lai ihf tuition of Mr. Ilasacoa, V dupal*. and », «l U llivtard la I wo wa.ka lay th* ttuoiUar* at lb* Maolcipal Cuart J K—H Mml I »»In, wry low villi (owaapUoa warraat. II. Lowvll a»1 C J- Kaaaall for aoina year*. bat rrtaraad JnrUn an-1 MUi lloagMoa ing fancy suiting*, II ***— • plain rv * II 'M*. vtlh liul* a<> »*«• fl " • aol u larg* M aaual • pfu»p*ft of rwinrrf ba?» aacb col la Ibla aulltoa, •co, b««la« rarrival p-rratnant J II MaMork, «>r Wtlcbtlll*. bMcl( ibair of lat*. Frank a kind. father atul a N. of for tb« b#a»flt la Norway l»lo« Oror* CataaUrry Corpora to ura la Portland mint, at 1 .10 o'clock. 0»n*ral baala*** Mi KVi»m ul k*r itu|b Til* ma«! wa« otetfl iwnl aad Inpaaalbla naa aon anl tir»a daaghWa to moara bla K K IIoIom* ha« h>M|hl a lUratbfd an<1 election of offlrara fOr th# Sateens, Ur r«tura^1 froai a • »«m h»r1 tblrtaaa Tb* ma I la drytac op la tb* fillaga an 1 (jaabar. Ilia larca ball. Aaaaraaea 31, y*ar. Ut FrVlif. W L of Bowdola Collaca, a mem- HC llnM'i civ* Is Um Ju«*I f»;U>ry in dollar* per toa. Ktf • ara twaiva ctala. ba*lnt«a la aaaamlnc lu n«aal actl»lty, whea kllla«J aa<*«a«*1 for ba»f walgka^ % cat ted ber of tb* Kr**ba poaada, aa a for bar »oa laat tbla for tba aala of ncalUnt work Gold Kk*»l cIumI of Green II.*1 ob r placa Mr I'. I h%% a Die* •••arher «y pair paata ahrlnkaga " Seals, M>.if of hams, aatltlol "III Men Tr*aaar*a Mr. K *a hlBkB kw (lv«B good aallafaclloB u IB Cyril Waak. Mra. tlojraloa la vUltlag bar aoa al 80 takra tbla method to pay bla coll*f« et c»rutafy «nk Tb« vote* kikWtottktr Blccik. William Wood ud Ik* rallar occupy Framlngbam, Mm {ipriM p»#wi II* la a yoaag man of coaaUWr- I* kHf«l la U« 1a*J. th» l-)f• hO«a*. Roxbury. Monday aflaraooa Oao KUla aaau>n daltfartag Oa* wr*fc baa boagbt a woad«rfal llarary »urt#<1 with tbalr gaaa an.I traj* ability. monthi C llMkall wUl Iwun b»r« am a lo about maakrala. Tba H»m* two ago II. *ot Seersuckers, A II Tha iiBBir ura of IB* A cade aaraary aWk cbaaga In atna.l boat Seals, 0 |>« ay op«a- • cat la Otf.irJ, i»ma foar mil** from "faw.* *d Tu»*l»». t lUoala K»o» hu l«Mt a talua'ila cow. Wb»a lb* Ita raaa tba tbarmom»tar ap VtM via hi«b an I raaalag awlftly, lb# Mi? bla »un tauw maat a bla plac* la tbla villa*' II* hroacbt W«vlM*tlf «u IB* Ulltl of Tha writer ha* ton* utca pig a for aala, to 104 Jt|r«w la U>* tba forward part of th- b^ial alrark log I'.xamiMi <#«r» m«tt BMllBI prlaa boa* la a hag ao«l*r tba alatgb a*at tb# Oa«»? 1&# UiaUh ala-> im«i pouum. run down, wblcb It did. aart»«ir r*(i;ir I'rvt. J f. »Uh haiuv* la tha of Thorn Tba rltar la blgb wltb malUd aaow tba log which waa awaylag la tba waUr Etc. Moody ap«al iWmocracy Etc. (TtaftUy Haaday coot*ot*d wltb Ita a*w aorroaad »« U a for oa tba oaabaa MdMf Prints, hi* ® >ih*r J*ff«raoa an l la th* of baa fo**a for It good tblag with oaa aad caaght Tbalr M Owi«r km r*. R-paMlcaalam days. A mI **• T al»l. Aftar an boar nga «q.| bom* whea It «1laapp*ar*-1. Mr L 1 Ban (mi a Su iptal i f*w Ja?a «lli Atifabaai LI I col a; hat arc aoo^tlnaa tba dr1t*ra crlaa for help brought ft >a r.v»rv U. arrivta* SiuMi; f*w alara wblla flatting la Oilbfd u'-^J h.a falAar. forcad to uk I* tha l)»a »cr*cy of Tba tlmtor la going oat of tba rl**r at a and a half of waiting lb*? wrr» broagbt to ilaya them over. Vlr. II wm marb to fla — K l>*ali*ai la la lo*a ihla w«*B. Th'MBM *»f atova rat wm aot car- 1 >a*a loat bla rat by tb* Tba W» art aou? to aaoaac* IB« daalh of aa-1 lia*ptra*>>* Mr. lt«cord'a big drlva la w*K anlarway L Fallar aa.l J >hn J K» • l!w •»! Mt? IHibui bwa day "hoyi at l/i *TP o»ra or t It public«n c«arq« N'>rw«f Oprr« aira «at aa war* llaMa Ut malt. had nrr.l a it ««t with mt pa wry Ml IBoaght to tM racoaar- thay aUmp'da prin wm .'«th a rail* llotiaa Thuraltr Mar 91. Wfeo |u bMl Sft* >ra» Ilka a drova of That remark Tba drat wagon bar* tb* IV. oa tba Wbliaay I* »a 1 a'»oat 8 H*f! W, tag atowlf. latra * Tar* ahrap" paaa-l H. H Jokl Ira of f»»M la arroHaaca with lb* rail. •» w U Aiior»»» Wri(fct la thia la* an 1 Boo*. Mat h »woaght to mf mind aa *agag*n>aiit dur- So ona rt aow f.»r tba plaaaura It: from tba plara, bat b»lag anari|«alat*d r«J >< «r«Urday •?*•• MUarna w%m M.l.rat.r of tt« tb- a ar» awful lb« w n of tba chtneal aad r»a »lKl«J |) 1I1U. paihy u Ml fi>r bar haaiaed aad UlUa buy ing tha war la which aa Ohio raglnrat road Jnat with lmg* ti w«.kwrfiire*lh) ft borar aj.rtln*. K V Nmltb. flrcrvur? <)a la tMr grvat vrta*»B»»l wrot liui act I >• along alda of oar reft* II II Boynioa In canaaaalng for WilteM by tba darkn*aa wrra gr-'un.lrd motlot of 0*o dm. I. Rtal Iba turnt <> bar fork Wltb aarraaa oa thr rl of lan 1 >Mtwr«n lha followlrg s rtot' k«>a* frv« B ivJoii TBa aaow t» *ad IB* llaa Thi* )|o regiment auff-ra.1 great- good Iga g lunltu a«*rly goa* By r»*»laM»a waa tb« nidi Prince a oa tbla ilnpUil hf S. It tlm* for tba ralr«a. Tba with lanWna S. la aorrr B."Z. of er oara aad « •»»! tor am tcommt U« Ikta la la priat IBar* will proWUy **• aoa* caaaaltlva I baa did paaalag IttllM MllfelVI 116 Main St Norway. 1 arroa* TMt Marbla'a iikymi r«rfe*r • UImw*. to Ba H*a tMrw. I* otrr tha of tha afU>r rlfar drlvar* want all tba tailh abora wrra •«-»n by th»m an 1 hallad »*•wt ?.'«*• T»a graaa coalag up aBgagrmfnt ftal a4*lal*traii<«« •>( ta-aiat-« a> tha wm w« I bat aotlca lha watar Afl»r hard arramhllng through gr*»« ao t iBa ntada faai dry tag ap. *» U flght ovar coal l)H b'w loth* r«i»|ihMtbi) J ?%*'■ good t«BV*4Ueg« [it thai torn o' la thalr taota—>choul amoag Nn«>w drlfU »r«" •)«»•!j rn«illn« »»*f, raarbad boa* lata at algbl A '•M'Utf iIxhiI'I l)«>itM.Ul hi*, tif mm i»i|iic Tt»t« spurt boya boya— ibay Maitivitor wnal*« of Tar««r. ad1«1 to tba dlac >mf m «M«m Mmw«l k« I* M tlrf tha aiala It wta a e*1 for tha WtllUm I. H >no*T. Kt-i tbaadar ahower •» OMf M»C« VI *<• lUlKUf* Ilrvant'a Pond. day r*«»l**>| ha I M liva>1, barabf luirad Ohio Nif* who had ao braa«ly foacht wm l» tb* pi»f M >nhly yat day H *ta K*q rw«*«li-' M»f I. ll la iprrUd ibit tl»a naat tiovwnot ol Mala* of Otford f»ar Ibr tha m >thara of tha Oilo boya •r«l fur thU •?»<>) North Fryeburtf. tw »«l pM»p»fwi« K-* L. I. !'«*•• will comm*>wra> bla la(*»ra » to 1 M itn Kth»l *c1 Th- w.racboa»n to «wit um inn i«*i Wf.tiM.iif thaa ki'lad aad barlad la a Virglata B (' Knm hu Im| vftlatbU cow. hf lira K H Oagood following gau« c\mii« witb l|* m> WI| lb* Aral of Jaaa. Nuu Cobv*bUob to tx •wan • •train chmJ Arlioc ar* vlalttag Mr* T J Hal tba U-pa'illran > l> Witiiua bu aoT UmI t cn« bf hart hal.J at Porllaa I. Jin* 12th Vtur o*«r (Viti'i alar*. plaatad K»ffc «7 »n.1 liM U«n |. Boat. J. A :** m *•» v •»» by pu«wr». «. II M lUtrM, I>r J f. Diik of ft. p*rU »u la town RotwrU, A f Aa-lraaa, Ju iga t f. Whitman irf MMl t9stm kit iUV«,—two II. 4 Coaaat haa a«Wfu «pp»tm^1 far oM KrjeSar* •« qaalataac#, Walur John- j»r*M Ma'-al |Vrb»m viQ bat* chare* of lb* plaatrd aarly Th» Iowa OomuHUa far tba tow rtrnlBg Will b«V» l»» fw «pp >lBl» 1 of th.* |Vrob*co| Kicbantr, U«piMlf»n •toi*ta«r *rb»ol la lb* Sat* diatrlct. >pr1«>tor of « two riitiilac vara roaalaU i» '»»r».>f IVrkM prwi l*J it IS# .1 I. K-«o* hu b»Bj >, b«t oa* of th* i»rr»t hnuii la llaagnr. Kor k 1 (tcbnol c1r»« f Nit ao Ooabt a (Mi N C. I wktfBB *■. I H II I >a> y m- tba mi •"» II* ftaiiy in o« Tb« rl»ar cInt an t it»f boat* all la tail of tb« ■irlBgs. gmlal hoapUallty, mn»in«i>.t pro- Tdrt iM«luU»<)W «l».) kttf kbl lb* ,.r it h ul trv l'»o i>Mrot K H Wa:;».r, b^ur. N. II, l»» »«« &<••• fhHB WMbltftoo ^tt«lDr«a t»0»> • llVclf. prietor ofik« tuhiif*. &*o*8tof Ml«* r*H>mp*oa'a la*trcUoa. maa« %rr Ut> r««» )a*t bow Oar DlxfUld. il^Ul South At lb* aaaaal roavntt mi of Iba H WsHwett, at b»»* herr tbt* llnthnl. OrownwooU. NMffMMdtlMiJ Tba rltara wry high dranl Wr-lB*«1a?, at O®«of lk« oklMt ft»! >, comm*ac»l lu Mtaoale I.>U«. 3i't I1-*' M. v»rti»«* a .-•*? m»t IS. at I % • hi «a*Y>at at tba Wrn>» Th* p' »ath ha* aga'n if »r ! S of N fit !-»• |J Mo«lk Put*. Tbta l* Ar*s»r I>• jr; bat if it coatlaoaa to w<>rk mrr <>t th* farmer* || 1> Hlhf »rway ■ «l MprfUO o'cI.m k ||« bu a lot aa4 aaaaoa'* *.t largo tvtr^lwdv lliver hridft WtiltMultf. au ua* of Iba • coll raia. a* It baa to lb* pr**«at Uaia, II •nil in l«r th« hh» National Mink, cboa*n 1: !*•'» ~ff%» »»r? pi«uMt ap wtll fla4 MSdUti (hit xs*y ««it, u ar# partial)? REVOLUTION i.a «t ilirti 4'(kx k 90. *• Irir tb*r* •III b* ao Um draa.l NUwirli. 1 N :** Ti» J« 1<* >• » »a t hitr t&a an t a ived It B« It arr gathering la th*lr aaj> bach > \h*y I9fli agaloat pr »pria- lag to U«hi lltltnan baa IVopl* J mrna • r»UiM f» • %r ! a>»r *a a;»p.* *n»t. aMMa ha« b**a a Ac» inline tn tha L«wlaton «««-< I. «> l»iu>r • iImi to aik« room ( >r Mr ru Th* *a«ar pwr ■ ||m 1»ot lha total >»l«Kl 1 I* »o« attcb Ta*r* n»ai to tw * a • w«.rtr» rn«a an 1 baa I>nr to a. I* Norway c-trr»«;v»o Itfmtk -frW* f. C W Kimball hu got a a#w two Johnilni'i H* itur* oa« *at little •• < • ■ of lb» tn Nirwar U •'»«• IIS,**) f UU IBM w 1 la » Nit tba th'a A r lllak* cat hla | '.ai;» laat *Nl property •®4"V« J &*•'#« r»a>l cirv It «1ataj; Kr• qk Stanley roinmeur «d framing thai •Cxi ill* ilw, *« will to Ini thta foe U« pir III*. IN alalia auBttblli try kr %i tb* c>>ra#r thtaa• bta «H.l will an l la lai I ap la coa*"|aea<~* of It. gig vwk I >n« la ha»# Borders, vaiutloo Wall aalf ;t « ,j% .» i*urr«*lli( It *IU ba arr to lha f.lloWlB* fr>tu< h»*t hy an ov»r«h*lailBg tn«) irll?. Tb« river •« fall of !•»<# Huaday oc- Tbe H*wla< C rc!* p'aaalai palat MOL'TH PARIS • a» a tha l>o»M f »r 1**4 Papers, ttit *»a* llm* »<-t prn«Rt MMi'oml («<« of a ma 1 »t»anw oa Of buoB ll tbr f. mftrfi frnre tbia k Tb* circle by .•* bat o«r Ta«ralatai« | aula* rMl itr.| the hr*»klR| lb* a m»m Ms •« ti urn 12M bill* o' avaaral b«lrlooma ao I hj Th# r»r "»7 U gt*»a at by J«arrt^ioa l«*p- nv»r i*i ma 'wiwtwn Itamford I'oiat a»«l to pr»p<»* to v>«jr tar palat aa>l uk the tar a m*i the m ' Mwlfl H'ear. uf AND »'« u >1ry aa-1 all a*; *f la< iitra a oar *« did aot at- h«r of lb* r*»ar*r Diokrili Worti, %.r* ftr* al»ffli»al aa-1 fftUMal a* n to tk« ol 1 (tiM ilar* to nil* room hoaH fir |m< |4 0rNj Oarwi it prrattl ■* *111 oaSa* uaraa.v** to»a* tb* travrllag la bad baalaeaa t>y lb* prM*«i v*» la Altboagb ra M'* f C Merrill, wb» 5%» a t for lb* Bew Halldlag. |*> 000, artlcl*, wb.cb pu>l»t *x>l tad oac* North*'Wn( Norway. la g<**1 Klccirk l.'cbt Compter •»?, Umiril KlapMf Mr. Skm Wblte la having hla boaae N i'wh Tinn-r? <'>-np«ny |k-rb«ftUk hal«t(»tl l>i o«f (rMilfalbat, MIhi* th» J. 0 to throagb 4M*d $f.000| Decorations m;ku g»t Ltlltaa t*4*r«.»a ku got taampa Wfmaa I V. u bam It 1* ma.t« of raw atl*. and pilitotl then h* nr. Ill.UW. rwlar* 93.000; 11 Hk»ia- alwp Mr« J >ba*>a bu baaa alck •awing Mrch In ow mora we»fc, Ceiling1 ra «**:■ ftt lb* Virgil 'jail* Kraak hu tb« allla an 1 Aral r. *u» a a* lb# p«M«f <>f ao coaatrvlloa, ibat laaUad of Su«!»» got o*y A Co r»lar*| 14.000 pacaliar Nit ta *wtt»r koa baa a larga aoaoaat of board* aad ahtaglaa 'ft W Mc irdl* i*n '*-»r 1%M. boos to a«« the rram* ibJ Idf| barat. ft «l*a r it. w* will tall tb* gtr.* bow to Kipact to iaa Tb« N-w Mbo« Factory Company. '•*, lag D'snta »b" »«• a wo-tbf • *b*r« oa» 0*i>rg* avrj •• * i • aft kiM a m »n»»wt* tMiibtr a«ct lib* It I'rucar* •P »■ r-1. • Fttri U' Dm* vary an.t rttu*a of N «'••» for over C. J. Tracy ralae-l a bus Tbaraday V bbi •»# fMpKU*) Had wub oat thla aide of Metlco • tV •« M(4M1* * of pap*r. ]tit f >rt»i m> Ml Ka..a. »r, tbMt LATEST. pirc* atroog wrappia* larga tbirt? »• bat novml w» K %«t WaurfoN aft»nm. t!» Sa»« ►*•« f»ta. Styles, atra • r«**'t * to cat oai aa 064 ata* M4|» * br*»1 mar* r*1ar«*J 913,000. a*>«(a >ag ^itra, •*H«at tbrwa »r*r» ago. dl<*1 at tba booae of <##»rg*«> lla«tM ataalanl W 8 -a• * am k< U*tol>« Marbla* We»>Ye river hu bMl very high tba CharUa who lut 0<-to'»«r wa* la y hf atgbt**a la«b*a j aa) from um «-«»Ur of Waur a MM Tu»a 'a* night that *Ua 1* Oit'i, StM fti-t IWtur I'ngrM la Towa. "«l i1ropp*q lo I'arla WEST. W •»• Mi ftt tfttlbw p«..*T >«* *ad forai * nr fit* lacb- p*at •llt#»1 lha lirao.l J jry, lo*]ga«t LA) toaga*, strap, lat II* WU hrodtM to North 3 ft. 3 la b'gb. alr*«) hy Dicfctal*. hy Prices, • r»nf. Maf of the ta ftt !<• a'ciari ibftt »•*•.•< Tb* *l l«. Ba»*l tb* Htap'.e* h«« taken advantage Jail an.I laUr rawl* hla wItb hi* p» r* ti *agtb. a»1 aa lacb Wrat an.l hart«t >>v tba al>1a of Frank Child ba* traced bla atan I fur a NMfl lb* u t la Norway "»i»r an 1 hie drive «»U alarUd Cl W Ilrowa of thla »»• s« »a «s.« Jli fnrf»ct!f iw c >ra*r« at lb* *al aal lb**. part I* hl*h get partner ooa illltgr, bta m t» an 1 tlaofbtar. May J I cow. 1 <>ra*r* of It la r» tbat George Xldder la go who la now ••r»lo* a urm la tha INform LARGEST. n't comp<*t* N tt, from tb* foar bar# aall- portal M II Waabbara la at Ira Stock, ara I Mr Tharto* paaa*l tbroagb M»••*. hu«»t'.a fUltlag Tb« • '|r v « u ib« f». u>fT groan cat aa tbr** Hrb<»»l, «u Uk*c at HrM«too Saturday y»*r p*p»r obloag a-^aar* a fork. S I Wleg'a • rf I » lag pauat pla May roade are aetlled | « 1 W U »»fti aal foar la aa l tt tb*a The river getting ff »r A 1'. BumU auJ Mala I lacb** d**p >egib. t\»ra Hr»wu to taacb acboo! t)j <»r «u nparU of the hill roada ar« >• *f >r* aiaca Cart* Muf Ci) a* a rra iforai Sow fald It while part lapaaaable la Parla J*il tab ttap* ap at w 4 Canton, »J b%»• tMN •» a««mi wtib aid* tb*a from am* drlfta L I' Bartlati, Jr., of tha firm of II f )f|u vb«y '■jr h*Dd ag la tb* two fiapa first, haa heca at M*- Th* high waur of tba laat f«» .!»»• la Ollvar %t-rrt.: flailing loo I a col.J an t ha^b war 1 waa IN HiNft ao I tb* oa* Kverylhlag Nplaney A Co la town r»c»nt!y tb* battoa in*, :*«t.j> cbaolc Kalia. ling w:tb .ut any arrlooa limip K Mann <>f Wft.tbftia. Mmi »»• >rta f»u*tnr«« A coataiatag tb* strap Oi tb* bacl Part of th« wa'l qnW t'i« n« m l rap proap**** (oo»>U of hn wifa'a Brownflald. G#o. U lluwi mlbrlJ* ba?a r»tara»«1 rft ar* twa ant* cat a-V>*l aa lacb Denmark. Ibrairtf own«-i fey I n Kailar fa»» way Viar. Mr (*at;<»ft#, of B«ib«l. Mr whicb The enow la leavtag slowly, loth to da- from their wnMing trip to N#w York. apart. fonaiag a loop tbroatb W»at« irtb baa hi* to (lorbaa to Sin.lay alght l>»rnt(f light a f»» » bia Llll g aa.l Waahlagtoa. Martial* •;»*«!.at Ml tba atrap a la**rt*«l to buU It to(*Ucr ptrt (In II la hating tack •«» IM>Ua la'.phla Uarh arbool road to lha from lb* ('eater HtapU* goo) CommltU*. C F fb»ar. J II Martta of ibl* till*** * • a at* a Tbe depot Tb» Putrid Ora-tlat pap* (>. Mav I U far Is I iwn hi* I >ga DRUG • tt rrfaa*! * f »r Cbab lleary ta very o »t dualy however. WbltmtB. U*» M an I l»r Oao STORE, a» 1 far almii* of tb* guo>l. a an 1 Ang*ll poct*t-v»>b. orlgiaaJ, ||# ba« roallavil to bla M II >a-U ar* Improving In una p!a<-»a • jrara baa t>e«a to an 1 retarne-1 har>1 at work aiamla> M at tba QM for ba* of ail la Krlab I'arls INfiloa baft Iimi partbaawl B*ag.» aal tt tt« altamag* tolog a Kan*ral Wa*l- gr >w'.ng W»rM la uthrra qalU Hiavr ol ?»-*ra Into bar saw thla wa-k Maine. ao tbar* ar* ao ailtcbaa to Mra. Martin baa moved la< to I gradlag tba achoola oa* p**c*. aa»lav attroi- I l( v Mr llattaaa of Tb* aarlj aprtof I* laJtflnaUlj poat- Norway, • tf boaaa law atu Uat at ll-arc* }' hftl I J arraof polaloaa w*ar oat aor a**ma u> rip l>r. Car*? J«■•••• Warr»a, Hoatb Mrs 'gtm f poMll. tha aboa far uwo Cndat a ^BlU B nuia'wr of chlldrea IB Iba lllaga »n I fiwtina, bM «oo« lato ua»' v> mat* oat graadfatbar p*aal>a H 0 l»avta as 1 I). P. LnM ar» la I I! Falser la on lb* *tr*at again. «t tv (triad (' »«iain irry of Kaiu tb* di*U>r bad are tick. tor?. IN ran* a b#*ltag mac hi a*. a,«rra and >aa day aft*r attra 1 tba Oraal of M m A (V Dlckoall baa gi»o« to tt ttloB Portlaa-I ag L>lg« D!aka hu lha lla la .t >o baa two '>y th* *'• a' .*al v«l l>f. > John got oampa ■ J II lift*- *ngM»l T»«; PtiftaiJ, .*f\ tb* b ja» tb* old g*aU*nta h*ld fur B« w liMVi at* aWcUd Maaoaa at the (Vatra! II mim go Com ao I will go L'ata M Fa t. of Balb. Ibat to tlta, wltb tb* r* Norway M<>llclo« ;> toy BABY porb*t-t>uiti ap Cbarl** o l'*a l#tU>r ta at aalllag DEAN, Mtawr Mr Pa'.lar au a Graj I.aald loo** tbta aaciioa. flawing C. K VlhUvia colatural at Gtlr*d. *•»* aakla «W.u. »«al~l * *.. • >ia< »r* w'.tb Mra Kaai'iia. W W Wbltmarah baa Wn rngagr.] la llmwa »ttk *«*4 •»«• la Ur», Mt a*-' Hlitf fib!a a<» Aitboagb ; I coakla t draw aay a l.«r miw J—' 'V'•"• ywlil boot. H B*ao, la with bin actlag baa cum* at laal all a llttlf b»^l tm I '*• *"*•1 **"' o«* ■ (fcorg* a*o .Spring bough at k- / »r FtHa M*»t. lit hull h #«i t*l !•»■ tW* fcy aaa baa % larga aa-1 la of >e w*ll r*a*a*wr woad*f lay. a r-»%-1 matur prartte* ;»aa I lag »• uf run- la tba ei- tar 1? an I wb**U laka* lb* p>ac< Mra Jtrkaoo (*lark tt» tuaaia* »n>na »f ibi* Jialrtcl at tb* wbat toat oU coald Mr T UMy agala drlflag M >n lay moraiag Um*. tblag Kirbar)*<>& la ua tba n*r* f«»r raaav M' maklag r.palra waa tak'o tick, raua*«l U I* iC 1 MiJL >*M K i| baa* ta do aboat ba! phM. •1aa«vr»ualy g*ttlag p*aaiuM. Brackatt lloaar 1 ir>q rw»r ir« th« •now .a |M dlaappfar ih« of a t»l >>l immI ?aara ftcliaa ai*"M la I'm Lr Wa«kaof I' trtlaallB Mm ta i!'»hW tb« Ortid L*1(a it coita.a*>l ratbar tbaa tt* artlcl* Norway Lake. pap*r* Hiram. J \n Wl*bt la aawlng out hla Mrcb. Dra. ■•al J >>r.! k a« «aa ta«Wct*l mm of baa a of I'arle Samuel I'artrt 1*e la aaala to be r.>n*a'taMl'>«ry Tbia poctti-hook blatorj ». II Warrra of n »alb II.ran. tbla »»«k M Natlte II* will g*t o«arl» through b«r Tartar. Th« chance of r« VJ»- iiraaJ ^tfairJ* of Ua QruJ L«l|« wbicb w* baow aotblag. Nat b*tla«a It u» aaeo drlviB* the Uam for J L I'irlrllge t|*lt*>l • i.. opea a ab<>(> f *r •IrvM ntliaf oa May Kanator an I Mr* OlCwrt an 1 *ob bat* aha la C Ni :• tb»t Charles hmlth an 1 lira 1'»ary Bra cowry art alight altl-Migh vary 'a aa old aa tb* Kavolatloa; graad- ?U. la lb* faaii1«aca of Wllllaa B. Plfca, I'blllp b*«B at 0*«» llaraham'* Tb* praAvttf >'"* •• M a**»aa. M « r.'t' !krr tu r*iir*ei m>o» war ownere a whlcb flatting MMikk I. !. •U>»r earn*.! It tbat aal tbe of blr« aall hoat they vtu Wi»w •« »r »«a',u, Hi M'H V.a»r iar*»agb tiba will alao !*••«.oa la •loca- a<-a*Vor return*! borna Mm lay hut Mra an uotiita lUif iin* mUiiIm • i»r» ta r*| glva |)i«lrlri N 1 bnlt*»lwUI B -a. atalllai bail it la bi* at at tb* **iga of To'b hava nam*] TroaMa Sj antloaa pock tion la wbicb »i»« bM «oa aa «a? labia r»j- rightly aon will % f«w .lara «n SSurt that 0 an.J atop longer. ral'i-d Kr»n< hm%n f>r echool ifnt. Vt H4«ntuwn Ii a r*ai caJa* I* ataat tbat of a are tbay for tba lea to leave tba labe a! atatloa whirling to htgla wltb, so an *1*111 aeen Ib tba Vary g'Hfcl other m»« tlng will he rallnl 1 Am-rl hZ• aiMiu* || ilaftif la < aoc*ll*«l ;*tt*r bat It* torn aal they may ba at almoet aay boar atamp; Mr* fraacla II Tlb^wtu uMi mI llina aom* drlfU bat ar* •. To Warrant. though 1 lo la^iruil Terms, $50 Itffon him to tb« wriwr ta ralb»r lo to vialt a alck Jay po«B>llBc away baa (oa* tiarv-arrappa »aa;:j Ir't.n Otwf * »11 • t rburcb W ■-» A«n>i l« ¥•**« tn>m » .lia- >am i'ir it/M two oa* h*ar> that eoinre ban H J Corey it Um Mais la n— »»v, If atf> [*"»•« m »«•!. *»•** Ottorrt tbat It coatama dtada, BBytblac 1y Sat* »a*'«, Mr>M» «• u*m. bruilttr. t<» will » n»h Ukw. HiWa W «.U W hiWM a^wi v 'M <*r Grand oata* wra 1«»J. 1 baa baea ub tbe Mabbath prior Memorial l>»y M 4rr-j U ai rtwMlM run, M • pa>liff»a Amj lb* daU of I* »1, aa 1 tb* otbar la with I" ltral>ary receally giving tag Aaroa XcLacaa rUi vermin liarry lluet *i r»BM••» a •Alius L t» bla '•BlIillBga a new coat of paint Kryoburg. lb* will etteBd tbe e«rvlcee at • > !• U* fhlUt pboUl#aympU>ma ) haa aieo tw*a lain of tb* v«-rn*l warhlere •oet, 0. A H la Unreal llob'w havlBg Tb*flrat Creech Krai* Iferbf of I'ortlaaJ, vlaltlag 43. 4 m i"*iUnia bM ia! hla Bona inal le palntlBg doaa. tb* frag*. were hur l ob haturiay, April lb* u«ual boar, Id Robinson Dean, Eaat Brownfleld. la lllrarn with a eerloua uccl* V* art • *aa m ua>tnl Wr la to Ib 7 lb with Mlaa Mrs Joel Kr >«t met O baa lato an] School hag May Mil. • *d • tb« t, Jo*«pb Lalra goa# camp •ftcrfl H>n While iUlt *b*« tl! IbOM A Mi Ml lt«M "/Ml? Kal« llobba aa teacher. Mre Hirker went to II mIob ob MoBday im StturUy paaelac nuokflild. Me., M«* rch 24,1888. tba»0«r ifcuw will rr*ni»» wuik oa bla miaa. ib« •w imwd iW «».t oo ib« fbUawtac ^iicAl? ib« !>ri»y far allltl »b*I from the to Ibt etable eU-pp*d Mm r>>aa twratv-two lac baa Moa« aprlag good* •» Saco Kivar * e In tbe rt wr fell an 1 broke nrv 'i* mi uj «iu u« Bukti fv*«i •r ••' M I Upton. Mr* Fife r*tara*d from S. V. ob Hilar* iBto bad pin h«r day aigbt. » will b* Ml** A.1.11* A':*r»l hu roBB«ac«d her at th* tinf time •atiaiog Md Walb !• a?*rj r<»rm. to Varaoa Sargent, osly flva yeara old. dav l»i. Mkf llirtm U b M jatton la to balld aa addltloa M ItfM * trWlT 1««1 M tU fortH M {WB ich<*»l it K.wt weatoBt la tba wo<»le a faw lava ago bb 1 Tb* aew in*lI *ervlc*. giving Lov*ll two Hhou lajarlea. AT THE M I lid Bla bar a Ila baa cat BBcleBt Bcbool WM B «ue- CALL M Wnto«adtj cat a strrh alt aa«] one half lachaa mail* t»gan oa Tur*day, Mm let Mim lltwklaa . *a-l to« two f*rt la dlam«Ur. throagh dally, • .>« Hbo l«ft * !arf» orariy boaa* *u crowded. M • ■»»•»* WiifrNrr «u r»l!»t to u HttaMay at tba batl bb 1 fllaca or twaety feet loag Col Kaocb Farrlagtoa bu t>eea Ib tows crM The Wt a<-f rr »aw lb« aaow m> x* ■* tb« m Ml of ifcvia ?try disappear on the mill dam t oa kiiI of l!w N»»n fin. 7 ofc&: i*va. Alva('oola«l*e haa a of alca thi* week. A l»rg" er*w worked Store of Siklif la tb« aoaablaa tbaa oa 17, boaght pair ClottLlng- ■ rapidly April in • tbe atrurtur* «• a»r Mr. Joba Caat*. boraaa of K'aa L«aa. Mr* M»rr Bake It vlalting her coaala. | irmgtheniaf tMM, an ) gray lay «• coiIUbm fa*bl«. :• TJ oi l Joba F A Ilea boot end ihoe IW ««r« lit ttaa'.aa tba C»• Iim of V r« K. trry AaaKruat baa boagbt a boraa of Ktaa Mm D t'aritoa. The ll B 't Tbaadar abowar oa tb« catalog of April lllock U Map>« • f J If II S Bolataf. Mr* Kitilol, i!m^ f»:olo(. L*na Mim I la Brown. tb* ttocalioBlat. hu •tore la llttbtwtjr twin* repair- Wiii.r ti« th« MUWr SO. lb* A neW hfcTd WO hi fl Mr bu t)MI 1m t > a ?r bM twl via Use ]»••• (MMcbi We hail a thanlai abower laat arrved tad will fetch la tbe academy ed put CO, a heavy & Inat n*v>f• l&«r*. William t Limbard flafvr by F. mwi the etor* J. bb<1 HUNTINGTON ill will of tbe fern. Jowb greatly Improved. ta»ada s»r» plftc* A Saco alcht, April 30 remainder bu Into om of Mr abarkllac cara oa tba Hrldgtoa tba our road »ar?ey- a AMortmcnt of T'i» C"f* h* lb* rt*a Mr Oupaun aovrj To-<1ay wearebtvlaga good ralB atorm Mr Btraarl Kly baa roove«1 !aio J A. BoUter, popular Where Von will Kind I-Artfe K »»r Kallroad bM turaed into bar* of ia» LaJW f1rrla Thtra Ut biiWM. an 1 tba aaow la laavlna faat tenement ufrr Mr« lUrker* at.ire. or Ib the villa** recently Matbo> f la a m')v»iafBt oa foot to hu to (IlllpM to II Tb« procara tiaa t>e»n tbe tr» 1200 of highway nua«)f col- 4« »»»t i| *m bald I* Graari Armf lla I Uirv fUM Til ifeNl flfUra ao l alchtaen Mr Wallace Tarboi atfeadlaf *«ury Wris- firm. a for th» I'alcraallat cbarrb ft him Tbe Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Nock Ties, U' "MM • at la OMiktBC >'B tt»« Cml? pastor a a few tba at Portland tba Iect*d and uaei(vBadl- itlftoiu » •«(»•••>) «»f Vr*ra#. IfMl 0 mm i.u>i Week. atreete kept Collars and Cuffs, tlalt to Blow aol raaumad b*r baalaaaa aa •fa hU ters, Gloves, Cardigans, • (*» i «nt faratatod ma ■«rrt«*1 ift# :«•& of April. j Mf* M F. Brad lay weal to I'ortlaad o« tlon We ek»* ll III i»|H T&a rutiiji IImoq. Tboraday lo rne-t bar brother, Dr IIo*e Company and prwMid »t of •#<)* la 2. two Underclothing a»rt it I> amirfc. II, c<»n>ua.| la almoat bar*. Tea bydraat. Porlmr. Mf Whitman Hi lo atreet, • !H ma to lb* rtli'UliSMt Taa la dr? aa* *t < M •• lUtit* Uicb profwl lb»t Ea*t Watorford Arrbl* lloUhto* »o ha* to work Ob* awallow aeen, bat, applied •&•>« n it It baa eoga«*l waUr one mil- • MCtloa aid the Uft lly >e* make a aammer B atream of lajaat • » -i' '(lltolltt TV tumtt-r bcboola la u.« <>p*o f 1 B"t p'.aylBg to co)<1er «'«ib«r again Hi u> and one aeconda OF FUR CAPS AND LOW PRICES. H«a « ar<>«a I oar aaw •Ma. M llcf. tfichf* H ibis cbaag-d at Waterford. Th* whit* rohla baa appeared twmty LARGE STOCK (...1 M»f 7. Kiia 0'tea>1. Arthur work* partly at UilJ (>««lpre rltrr la high haunt* of laat The High School mtertalnmrflt given (mo. Ho^rttm, of Aatarw. Ui ta to**, fe». K P «BB#r la T«iap;« K J. MtitaU up tMa way for ilkv again la bla year. at the loweet p Mark fuolbroth'e boom brokeoa Nun- llouee Friday tri-alBg to a Cimtoiu work made to order in the latent itjrlee and pnoea. r • lui r r icmcrc k. of April J?i» district: M«r«ar*t A. lUferr of Nor«»y d*»a He bu a fl Kk of lam'**. Norway Opera th« g> (lawn the fifty the eta lente, wae • <1«r night. letting l»ga attendaBcr, by t»f% i?>« f,, on i| lotkt •itb r»f»r ta tb« Y»aitf tutrtci 1 A Il»«n hu been la town aloe* la*t lar*e o. i*. boom la at Andover. one of tbe beet acbool en « • fur tb« flr»t tin* rlter. Tba Siaep KaJla, : i t ? W b«««*r 4 Tm» L >«'• Bru*i« u » hf« w«»k repairing hla Bill Mr Wltham la wttboat^ueattoa Maidlak Tboma*. of I'ploa, killed a b«ar tertalameata Norway bee wltn*-aa»d f >r a %* Carlfia la tb« Y««c*r district la Norway. runnlcg It for bin thia aprlng. II* bw Hilary Karm*r'a will ha late la g»ttlog In their Brar 11 >g Brook la*t Saturday. Karh waa well adapted to tbe part *• A M M »rn:u of Soatb S»wbarf. Mrs w || K'«a la much lams«r u u«aal yeara of than bat* town tb rl Ira oat la plaaaaot weather, Huntington to l)r. Merruw of Kr«a>ion. N-w of their hotel. upon hie part. Wblte 11 "Ml Tr. a n>it u ai>.l K »r» aaJ »!.'• h»»» goo* A«(«itti M-rrlll btf a that Ing • A «b*r* bava cbarg* of llampabir*. bu a of lam*>a llervey fa»i } jail. »ad. tb#y Hard welg ba 170 Ih*. Hb« pair Me. la oa b? I)r. L >«*«•« of Krwiloa, u atb I'aria. sow ova TkonM Bilk ftrn Tb«lr aoa IM>rfa birwl Her two lara^a laat year whea fonr moatha Block, aad D arborn of l'tr«'tw(l*M A lao Dra. The work I* la cbarg* of J. W. Clark. merited tbe hlgbeat commeadatloa Norway u ! Mr M »rrtll bM aga.a Mil bi* lb# ||b« p||ff itl.l dra«»d 100 lb*. ao 1 tb« «h«*p abaarwl Mllla WwJgawuutl of Coralab uj Topllff of Gor A K. Bryant I* to feacb tb* village Tbe club eserclae* cai!el fortb tbe Mr* to uwm |*iub«i to brwd bar to Cllav a Hcr1ba#r of BolaUr't 11 I'm. of wool Wbo apaaka o«xtf Don't aaa bain hare bran t-» aaa him acb ml tb* coming term. of tbe au Hence. Tbla la tb« oae k ■ r •. a W T mil ?uBB< b* baabfnl. approval Alala Nualay'a bmea an I ataxia baa The roada are gettiag paaaahle agalB. lacking la tbe acboola of to day H** B II Goodwii Ji*»l M >e lav mors- UvaaoMof U.cb of OUadald for Mr thing bf bees treated u> a aaar coat of palat. Mattbew Killott la moving to bla farm More athletic, alaewy dleclpllne la da- M *<• '■ »*ara F«a*rai oa W*.laaa- Bach Nwwry, Parker baa taoved back from oa the eaat aide. man J*d which wbea aupplled by aome bf O N Abbott wrtit to Brockt>>a, April Algle .. mow Uft ua wiih * wbca It u a Tb* raah aacb drill aa Iba dab exerclaee will l a a wo Sad- dally at this t of Vlr VMto of office. «jalt* IMi atarfed laat Kinds term acbool commeocaa neii conatltn All »u Hammer of Friday, revive the weak and atrengthleee • laatltau at th# Flat Grafton. Printing Tbayar'a Sbattack are Dot bat MmMlf EM Tt» Nolllo <> teacher. Mra. Tb* fialda y*t wholly bar*, aow ao often met with la tbe m x. W« Moa.lay, li*tloa, tloaa High «» m a* m a aoul. Brat. prtdlct Tbe advent of tbe flrat mora I off Is May opm«l M«jr the fall Vera of tba wa to to work on lb* laad la a K*dlon taaght paat hop* get a abower of Hcbooi room. '« i Vi» r>ad uJ wb»« Mr. Tba?ar a fall !»<>••• Umt iioBir aoatba *u with bearj tlarlag • aatlafectloB. faw «1aya. accompanied • Oao. »n1 (ate perfect la i r. m a* raa u* «r lb* L. Il.ltua ta r||( for rain and h«e*jr tbaodcr >a« way. Orvf|» baylBjr tad wife are at boma from A man by tba nam* of Hpeac*r, a rlv«r *«rjr Charts Croaa VV and man- Fire a' Lovell •Wlbttlif bla M«r tba toapla. A. Cot* of Norvif. driver, wa* drowned la breaking a Jan Kiwjrn LovrJ ij, preeldent bu rarov* Lowell, Maeeachiiaetta. and Ltke Trana Luvux, Mi? 4, 1M* THE Mr* L M ftu l«rana a*arly lut on K!v*r. II* belong ager of tba Aodroecoggin Saaday Monday of Oraftoo afternoon a boo I I o'clock, frus bar acckWat ao portatlon Co., la at tbe foot Oa Thnr*-1»r Pills" THE BEAR BRIOADK. afad Mexico. rd la tb* raat*ra part of tba 8t*t*, 1 M wltb a eteamfi >•', en roote for tbe tba dwelling biraw aol atabla of K I win "Try Ayer's uJ John Ke*d all on Watand ami Gout UTK Staplaa. Rfconk, were '>urnr.1 For llttrumAtiniu. Neur»l{U, North Part*- Lak» a. Nit ran lot get al >o* on arcoant of llui. tuna, at Lnrell filiate, ha?e large loU of lambar to ran out of Mr* J K HearU dlad at bar r**ldanc* l4H>ih|(, «'( Yunkrr*. N. V, hit cblmn-je euow the r«»ad Tba Co. are tlao tba baroeM of Joaepb Baaaatt bi'i'ltrii w u Cbllda Hm had this aol Ibe lo going abop " Mwlft H t*r aprlag. Hlaplea la thta town, Wedoe*day morning. the atora *a>«: Itw-noilurlHlml M a rurr for doaa ioJ to rnn a coacb trom MM to tbe It wm with great il.dloaltf that Tooth Harrow! ballt aad part of bla platUrlac Kacorda ba»ea'rv*dy conaitcrj to drive. The rnomp* b*f* b**a prevailing la tb* dally IMU hav# Spring «r« have N K Marrow in the ap a r»rc« or m«« waa two tboaaaad dol fruui f*uw(. KnrrpiiliM Spring Tooth A buom nrar Kred A. I'or- BUI at Tavern Tue*dat K I. Drown bu Iarge Ilutcblna' property haalth May Day Poplar »•** would Itirx* «*ora iim aplt« niln«\ IfMliI l«*iii*l* from ib«* laml la tkla diatrlct lay. «u wall fill* learn oo that drl*:ng la practicable. btfore jou bur and ftcbooi brglaa for awhile U»« Aadroaco||la drlfu and mad, ao I from parti** vutJi ftuukl Im Uutxr Too mm lo the town of L'ptoo Thb Art amatrch —Far Mar coatalaa TLcm —'Try A)it'i May J. M aa Lucy Aadrawa, rd with Hwifi River laaber It waa hoped youog get your mon« BuckfMd. bwa prraeat wheo discover- a colored atalf of a PlIU.'m Mr* Jokm wao ku wy Mra. H. H Wldb*r and b*r aoa Willi* wrre uat prxxpectlag, they atrlfeloK portrait A t a *>••!- Yoaa| coald ba b«M. aad " worth. W»rr»n jk lota* |alla UliW ed • track where brala bftd beea. They "teaching M »q," tbra^qaarwra alia, |ljf lit* MM of Ayrr'n PlIU kloM, I ry'« s*** •Irk !• impruviaf. ha# a front aad a rear drive. bav* b**a to Varmoat oa a vlalt lately. It »«at#r» (irr of Staplra commenced «nd after orar a doien f rhfun» A bu ioM bla fl *k »b«vp uoler Law" tte other Immediately parealt, H a '« Bwrftt LltUabala Tba laat Oliver, of >hi

  • l Inxililrtl mo wtrrtl Mh] ki« rW)J lb« Wara ihtl Mr Lit- Bight tbejr did Dot camp loclu tlc* a claaalral flr • «>( PARIS, ,f craam fur iba battar Wltb a few warn day a ihey will aeod the aix ill bla |«UI*II|nlll<' lurl|.|rul **>1 art m ra." ha* rfcaac<*l fcla «(Set. amouat Albany cbarch motitba tiding flftdlac hlmaelf a deelga (hlrda an.I B«aaoa la maklaf a larga faat a« It la cat tato abort Andover. Tbe hear, hotly (cBtlana), pla.|ie ** • tow WaWroa't Cyproa lumbar aloof labora with North WaUrf.ird ibJ Albany. a of m raiaa all da *aWd .»«r H. W. climbed ft tree, ftod the eaergetle dear), ptga >aof (Q). Rheumatism. P.I#* are of tma for U« factory. Kiuaball bu to Bar Harbor p«reaed, Th« Awful. atura loga. Oaorga goaa were la cloee aad for dolllaa, aol aeferal f »r wood I h*4 »«.0»<«.| f f IS «aa a fall y»ung buotera parealt algae No tuwIUIa* r»«iM litii- irttnl m# la K N»w S H Dow lajured receatly by to work for tba muob. are arti- t'tri W.I r«r*4 S, Prim aa t alf», of wlib revolver flred »t blm, tbe ball pm carving. Tbera aaefal practical ••' « < li'« Pwru. bare, three rlba. not MtM k, t'or—t, • I • 4 I •ft. arrtvwO too la bla br-ahlag Gntrge Clark fladlag bla hrallb quit* or ill) charcoal draw- KmIIj, «4 f FrVlaf, a*) wtU ap»o«l >a« to Maaaatha- tbroogb bla liver. II* fell cle* oa laadacape palatini, I'wuk, U. K tn»r Bur««aa baa g Il >a#a B Whitman la working for II. Work bu lag AtVJtllrt AWFUL! ••llaftlfia* ••••ar t»r» aafikUnt for carpmUr rngagad where h» aooi died aad aad wool carelag, and lavalaabla hln'a I for Storer. dowa to a limb, lac C. F. NV«a«la t'ltr. writ#* : r 11* «v Hf«K lilikM Moir* -r l.lfc w a«tu to work W Park. Tboa. Oldbaa B«r). u aa'raman la a clotblag atora la Cobb. aad awdle Ilopkinn. C Bpootttag, of OtrtoM* hta bla bot boaaa Pell to tbe ftaow. lie weighed ft boat threo to art Uach»ra, cblaa palatera "I htt* iim-iI I1II» li>r iltlrfD • «r* | llir«l«Milpry JJIJN• aboat coapiatrd raady Ptatrlct. at bona. I •III toll _tm fcftw I (Miimi1 Itl'K mm4 '«* too •ataaw. boardlag B K Farrar, who cat bla foot ao bftd 17 decoration and furaltura la coatlau>d In th« wotM. \V» lirrp a l«>t of (Kern aa Una will •PEKDY RKURr. Jam*a f »M la ply piaata aprla* Enat Bethel. Miaa Lottla Aadrawa, of fttow*, la wa I, ;licenu M mtagar Mtrke, ti- In th« Iiixim- all ll»# llm#. Thry lnr« of AoSor*. baa klrad oat wltk M the flret of lft«t moath, fftfttgvttlog Prlr# jo-lla r. A Cm IIM.UwMm, Ms. "'•t Oirw Wyau a Uacb la tb« Clark DlaUlcV Miaa AI mar rttrnl nwulikk Itrnln hriiMl neuralgia. Ut «.f| A tbaadar abower April 90th and good able to hang op hla cratcboa aod to er, 13 Ualoa Hqiare, New York- f >r f ur »a*« belag Hiim-* 1 Lata Li* a D uJ of Ha 4tb J ibaaoa la tba Towa II DlaUlct wit hoot than. taking A)N'l IMU, H'a.1%arf. Jr wlfW, to North Bar- crnat wftlk aboat well « OXfOKD. M:—41 I (Xrt to Ml Kkiar Vvatrtw la aotta| May Kcrnald qalU caaavd an acid la tba ItN from tlira* tu|>laiata." r>«M*, al tr« at waa not obarrved la tble ?!• Katdla Bran Ib tba DlaUlct Khaamatlam la by I'uU. viilla m4 tor il« « ttaf.iag l»r. C 0 Brtdr>«ry't- tkla year. Arbor bay ** ON«ir Oifiil, wick wbara ba will prracb ta Ib external treatmut a/ I Ikt* ilttl I vaa U. "v n y ovar aad mak- Crookrd Rlvar to ml I at North forda ao relief. To allmtaau >r»r» IIKNKT laowil, Oa«rtto« «( UK V C C. Kimball la balldlag Kalgbt'a u« parmaneat that ilMlM u4 Umim Eaat Peru. A Id th« weather glvea prom* car* of ukrn ao III with rh#»iii.att»ii» I waa H. 4. Him, «ImtMiM'm T*« "a oa bla bara. WaUrford. chftage the aid raake a tboroagh p afco.J~ a«lM of roilocliac tha wlfa of lug Improvmebta drat lima tb« Iftat polaoo unaM* to an> »< ik I took threa ullMlnrf Ulif* 4. Brava, lito •( IkIMI, 30, to oat lb* l*e of for tha ao t aa ***•• • too Bora, April baa river Mm ar« ahovcllag mow drifU of aprtog tba dla*aae, aotblog elaa la Octant IB M* Mltr. ►fT*»aU'i hM M'XlM Of fatlltf lo 0* on of thltff of Kageaa Baas goaa driving. Blrda ar- alaclog I»in of Ajer'a lllla aixl «u mllrtlj Mail l>*fboa. a Jauabur 31 Tbara la much thr*a daya of April. Ql»* It a trial. i'f mMI ■■»<» tor atto«a*M: P*t»lt Backfl.kl N»« l#t Um mum of laat waak Flora K. Bartlett baa ralaraad froai Bar- road* tb* of May. yat Ajer'a Maraaparlila cur ad. Hln<« that iiotr I am mt»i f—iii- tbraa warm daya ftDd tha aaow U meltlag fut Tba rlvar tutox. tkU 14* mi4 « w«Hi ""•torto* a»««ral >1>partia*aU bm a fraahat pltcb acbool at Mtddla latervala May the I4MHM m*- at r* a ma to alaoat Aboat Arty drivers b»ve goaa ap put The HiMla*MH< U4r la tforway ia IM aa-1 w»wa will ap U* well baa bla oa thla SI laat. oaly 30 la tha morning. Oatort P—1fc »ri*t*l al it. iiaarf* of to* oat of KM I'orur Par moved family over a hondrvd Ob Ab- ** • water waahad part a*?*ral of hla week, mftklng RiawM U a Ikwai Ike atWr Ur Iku eke kaew run. u*' i4a? ■*; in«*r to ri» »«tar of wtlct all cUu-m wtU Tka klfb bla farm. A. O. Bran U b«lplag Cathartic food to bott Brook Horace Froet baa entire cba g» tUlwa he IU mJ |,ni« •« • «a Ayer't Pills, I tto (.•■>la to to MM to Km. m to UN Tmi- * W>»| Howard'a tarn towa lo "•htaa" tad Kwf'i A recent caaaoa la the of Betbel B- .' Kaary Cox aad tax r»— Im h*i ai 'IWl *k«uier. Ha l§ mm. »4 ik»« m I MV itoy b*«a, Uto j»U»wta< iW rfatoa v*ra aWctod to to work abowa oaa bnndrad aeveaty-elght palBtiag. of crew*. uO*f roach C. A mkf aad baa to Aabara a ftod Lvflld, each bftve charge of Ma aae Or. J. Apr Co., LowaN. Matt. Mm 14 Ml 4a Oirfkaa goaa Daalal Clark has a Job to ramodal pr«t» ikli m4 (wrton fN a»rtn, 4nt#- w ^''''tllll Haiardav oftoraooo able doge. aad li A. have lw4U« bee. Mae aU Pialm to Miitrtai, u*° A «W tkla aaaaoa M or rail of Ua aorth- Joha Oleoo Htroag goaa will elr* yaea e»*yte Larfa Ml ky 0*o d Blab#*. Horn. C H Prtooo, tka Mlaa Oaa la Holt It bow atopplag at Mid* boaaa for Thomaa Atmww—HH4: II. C> Da a rat tkaadar ahowar of to Part*. jwi "'iffWSE a Al»ood. Sot laatracWd b«l tU Tha latarvaia. waat part of Uw Iowa. ly Id. die ***»*• to Mortoto. waa oa April for Tk« OHM liMMMnl. OUR PUZZLE CORN BR. HOMBMAKBRS' COLUMN. Ascent of Mount Vaauviua. »!'h Oh fU* morning !• F*hraary I, ECLIPSE Uirmynxlwin »w» pnrllMl t<>pw-#, ra«lt| OH! MY HEAD. Mi out to ICaaaantotUoM tor Ula ab<>al4 nitmitral!«>••• pain lb* MCtOl of MjSII Vm*?IM. Cure. u» Jimw Khmmalttm U Best M« nf *ubarba mt. I for ikli Kditt* ItiHMmUiri f"i»l*nl«>o ON'T Um baaUlkg (riitnu CoughIIm • I r*«i, Ma. imKUlinr Th.^^irvl. l Allow your Clothing CoiuB.n. I'uii, th# clljr h«( th» CuUllo km rrwr li U w ulr, wj t* rur**| Itv n^ll^h Mif. or of S§p*rt, Lnav*. ipmjy, i|«kkl)r I'aint, Woodwork, wind* th« fOHt for !.► r»« d»l ('armtn* and *J»ag rrtlkl | M A rhwrj IVlMtl I word Alh f.h<« vlll tin f>r wa Winding the May Pule anil Other vnhcd in the old that ptrt of oar drif* At liwily imiik la*. 0»»f tba im« wm gally (o. «HWi tlul II «Im1 t>* lb* all**. Diflig alniwt of oc<-*p«tl»a *" With of Frolioa. ■Mtfall mw t»»ry | Ikl Atrt'% IV. WaJ Ml chlial** n»*rry ball*. May Day rubbing, twitting* ml <»q lb* tint; us la tit* doorway* s» Aa.l tb«m p*<>pl« wrecking way. Join to taliortag. Wlla. Mm •••«« M4tntN »'»«4ww|. aldvw*ita, froa iniihiM MkI alliat «•( lU mJ Which of laaorvat pltuin of "Hmii Ki|lii m iml I ImIIi tairi >4 ti^W that army of w« ci«kl |llap«H — for* tb« dawa lo • la tba wmxla *wki4«le I «.*e4 large OcrMloaallf iMgi." M. H lUkUll, M %jr, til In frvailad go may lag Ahe» u*wg » h -bm. Th» iS'X* glaa who of caiud • to aoaa-1 of awic kid blow* btoWMMiMlAMWMhvM- economical dark labrlort piir^ •«« X V. I ll<) lb* rtagiag •eniible, people, w»r» Corn Planter and Fertilizer Distributor. Alhmrny. At tba frol cao»* tight toaad; wb*n lha abattu* of Iooom iwlog " of bote* lK«i I **ll llIM Ito ■» that MT]k I !*»• Iianl IVloril (• ir fall of BMlt> Ud *l». lag from have learned '••J. 1 Ajt'l CWirj hirwi, m experience swift* lurn#d by uakrapt. (IMPROVE!)) Kirat tbay bunud tb* May boagbve, tb« l-»mnnn tad lot W<«rkJIU MkI Hun o»*r tba road «life a hoaad. i^trmi R R»pmti used aa aa>» ■ HI m ImmI) m4 on earh uvea chiMrra troaad tha door* limn* or Heet to Ha cold, apirtt*d garlaaded wtib flowar* tb»a forming directed package, •I«1m. tfnS Cum, IVm. See,!, Lung Diseases, M ataUtti |MM wmtktkm Macraroal wu ••• til ?v<0 l>rn» hard oa lha fr« ll I hrtttfT* I* •«» It* Ik* bit} pror»*atoa, trlarupti pbw nMmm m4 UMm !••«« time, labor, and »• » SN\Vv*V ilnlla or rberk*. Jrutiwira are worn out more u l hav* a«j fit. wb»r« awtin* or maMaaa bad la Your Clothca li>iia«»i ajpieil ilretril'Utintf » «•■»!. N *' atovpy ally mk • IW nifnl to U« \ " la to ItraiBK lit* r<»*>l dl*«rgM mrrrud A»b»«. wet lost »b« prrcti>»« ta iratBi h<>«ra • MoirWl Nalkn than wearing. It Krua Fertilizer*. elr, wife k*l • tlU'rMltf rotflt, II* too h*aty la lb# load Iu«*. by wa»hing tal r -I* TMtATHl jrNOHOSCO. 112 Wall St * to I'earline. *« «lnr. with abeolute • Ilk |«IM in ll Mkl IwrMt, M'rn To rl«1* up yu»J«r bill, jrour advantage try oar !■ iiwat oa* hoar •arly «*tl forlh oa Mif day m»ralar. d*llglied «jIi>ii * 9m mm mm fml. Il k* Bin tb* aamm*r aao woald a par* from ua or JAMBS ofartoo* aad dMtroyad (Vifl |V »< *] wklib tM rlfrj EXHAUSTED VITALITY 6olr>«M lnuk- a a« i 1 tluai lk* U*••«d t!.f mm ul • I iViUwtJ. I icicNol «mJ »■ «m Ayn nrjr A «1 ■ A ad wa fonnk tat»tba aaoar. Tbr M»J pul« •Vtt'1 «p»Q tb« flllt|« lava. «( —»W I 1W MtdM iwt liMiUlhia la wnwili of a fW «H» k>i« W ail IM a iWMi gr**a jr»r ym*r aapUd 4m| Iklt anil a* Itolvrl llmhit, Fut*- WhatahrUha of laagbtar, and aqaac'a ! ( arDaallol, *M «Ol M m laatitatioa bloaglag to tba pirltb m MR*, hi—mi D» WUODUIB *UU. n>« F*tam< Mi. J«l* MC »«•* aua Ark of f*ar L 7 mm II ■*» 14* IfrnMifkt. Mantlliaa, Ik* cborrb Itatlf aa a«rr«a'>l* on, f«r ha#w RWklwdrlM 1 II >at oa tba air ? lo TVM«rMWt«W>lk V»vi • » 1 IV. >rtl < nr*«l av« Th*n wlatry wltb t>y which tta w»ra IW IrilfW hmir Mkl f»r X, |lmnlil«i ramM y.trrf M«y time It «t< ora«mial#1 KNOW THYSELF.. wir^rop* railway o «a Tba «b*a hi* braath ha boW «• -%vw.,. *»i «t»«l as Ml • lU ■kt' h ha^l iriiW Ml I '»■>! I UM mj '* wiaalb* *d« tk» IVlnral krlf* calaly—"I • lb* w»»tb»r tba r«»iicfc m i iwtjli (W, mlj ahoaid frt | wtim a* ra f» •»* 'Uf MrdklM tlw tj h*( IkM wrol on ■■III Ik* »>• • bleb luulnl U) li loo iMflf |wfp»*lltl- II •» atf (Nil it* "fcttpii* •« N; i»— rnitM* aa 1 lI>- lark. LWit/, •ba>low« cVmot! lb« fwtlfltlra *0.1 tb« Jliam i*wM Uto MtlM to lir. Wa pii«* #H WwOirn^- iX tin m«rm» I iu.t.r ». I WlKml.* I* (?«!*•* H-.n •- ll •*». of UtUra tbacloMoftb* l?tb oath* II r»alaaraal »*ar »h* Iaf lk u*«k, U A >ii >»» Co«p ftOwfa i la a bin! irat of tb« «•*! l» >ia to- vto> mi to mi» mI n< imuBt uAm, M'k • ulfb »• 10 Bl) via bamir»d My It. t, 10. M«», pul«bM ) Pl'UKLY VCCETABLK A. Ulf*ii A fn ( -'■» fat » w —i Mi !■> n» il !■. (MmH ItoaMlrf Vltk. Vir KlU III r. *U, SI «,» lo a Hid u-i g*tb«r fur «h#lr a*»»r*l M«jiog« lyMtMr. tha latrl of Iba >rl IK) t««ik Ayef's Cherry Pectoral, My Cat lilt* Ml. ■MtmiNtliMii*. AKO (iTfclCTLY HCLIAOLE. raartaan 11 l« 14 ■•»«! MtbwJ tb*lr with tba ci/, lookad at lha amail ropra by My ■, 7*, T, fomarly rb'jr May h/ car la draw* ap, M« f»n«WHti A ntW B. Walker McKeen, Of J. C * Co.. Iowa*. Mm oa thair UtHkiii II mrt. groat* of morrlr* pltyrr* »»I t oiaKcrtvand r*onrr« m»aaa of wl.w tt iba Agent, Thejra« to mi »«r- uirNltM ratb«r aawiilia* • rmmjuG it. >w4 >j 11 l»n|tm hx fi, waiM. My l», II. l€, so. It, I U to "tars over art bar* aa«l »p>at tb» lit# loag . la Mm »t»aii| tb*y I. MASON & HAMLIN "tool upward". *!••,» »' • '< r^torinft'io on»ti|utr«| organs rr than w t wlabad. wa IMI « ''••• S. U. II, « »r« foa*l la th# boaflrva la lb* atre»ta *ai bepl op U»»lr »li to A rut waltlai loiif 1««M My II, AH/> I HIO T*« r«M»4wt» are a •• to lirilth> ami bar aad big b*r, ■nik finir« aa l frolic* aatll ml.lnlgbl. IIKI,AN\ >«<■ * activity, b^K*o Ui aa*»ad, r »ir< big *•»* »•« •• » Mv ufc rure own to ECLAIR! 4, I?, *S ■ U t< wr!co«# with Joy. la ion* fi«<« lb* Mo H* "M 1,1 b« UnUn lOi'1"11 |K-r( till a» mil bat* mmmI i apart elys My povtirrand wfco w* Catarrh My 14. I*, lo. 73 U U* 4o«« of nuf cat aa<1 >lr»wa b «me. M lato tb* Hwttl for Con*ti|uii >n. bvrr Com* lh.»aa teiiiw. rt»ai waa a Urna Will M..<§ the Season of 1888, laa.$mZ$imT la !*• atHhtoN MAM ami'H. w»at, racb ra*tk faria*r rirltUg i afltaaa laiinitali. cr«»aaad iba brtdga twfora wa raachad it, iA fcaay tb*y -••• II-*mI.h r# IMiotn- Bill *H »iHiXii aa* •«( toil t aa i»rr»Ma »» hh» «1 it«*« m •# m T6# »l»oia la 1 ClmnM* tha Ni » Hi«m A lliaiii a* .Itamimiw a# ik* frti'H ^ iliwirilrtnl condi* In m«l< «>ar lo If im tb»y aooo llM II I alx. *!'»< car aad war» rniB'<1 tba ilia'* a»«|a%i<*l tion of t'tc and Stomach. rfttrf, wfilrb fr«»m tan A'- wblla »«>arf it • I •« 'H' «*»ai H • k I..vcr Uka h<|«lrn| *n — ra*crio«« Km B• Ma*,M Ut« i\un I In k* ill ••aal aqm »r of galdaa. P*4i«>*« If Km* (>•*• •mcotbly *a |M| • NM» Vrrtb as I K«| ■ »'•« h-M It rm II>M> r«M k«l M rut! l>a« tb»a. «»f bacfc «h»a», Ita tlataat toaar* |>i»»a«.i. crylag oat, "A rbalr tl>« S»r«». R» which lhay U» • lab, Ola iMri «f rya—Thaaaall will show ni I IIAA I lltmlt^aaMtMl haw >!■<»< rMM, >*f >•» WW oi»a Tb«a tba malitaaa tU«l a<>##gaya t" titotoauxM «nrto4li- HARMLESS. MatUoir? • chair!" Th»*» gali*a ■torm lb* • »at Kl A IMI IX «• PurfMtly A lhai food to • my C. W KIMBALL. grala tb« bora* of tb* oi«a, *n t baag g*r:ao la »*••• r**"i iba tiut of atarilag ill u i vary «ja»ck I iMilv/Of' .r VEGETABLE. of Tut* tn.i Ouo _ in >r Tv PUflELY ...... iktl I bay .apart to til / ota al oara ftuffl.-a • I o« tbflr yolaa. Grind 4 IfflritM para ao aa lo wrary it TRY THEM. at I Uta Smell. Whra lb' Mif ;■»!# wu nada traly aaJ alMi I to, i* Ita tift iiMltora KMMh I Haft ih« dMlr ibay tla*a4 M altar aa i»« Mkm la Ita *»« -t |• ta I » M «n h'«. T" iv —• wtariftMi* tow*. tb« Imi |*fl«aai 1U» I ■ « 4.«« dill flaiai tap* Uf tar I • ••» .*« •"11tK.ri« f<>«r m*hf If foa * w -AT- al*«rtaa !.»»• to fla1 j forty fifty palra drawtag by A M Ml' •»' — u| ka »»• W I to Nimk k lliaui ni>H *rtla.» » lo M •<• M IIj" wr*ry Irftftkri far thU II. »a1r»<1 o»»a. aoatt f r.n ka<>w o*a la laniard l*aa forward,— M1W«>» M>wli a« ->f, ll'kl Ita B*a at at 't U wwM ita IfMl'H ■ il I.I II Ml fM (■ «l»il I" • m»u >1.1 I i,«. kin otUa •K.I cblldrra f.Jlowlag afwr. I tar Ur4*rKf»-i.%t»iK« "Hack, Matlani, bark loDtfalordni plMd! laaito p«>Nr aa.| wl«aa«tl ml toaa. • | m 4«» — • Mt *•# T*» nrt mim Ifytf • a aa Ik, Tba* it wu rata*! with ah.taia •lit .M>a**uirw«f tor davit** a Nil via not of laailag a t^aippnl •«)« »i» mm in 4i«umi. my C. H. PORTER S. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAID & PACIFIC R'T N ta a Jafactlva aaiaa flil, of a*4 altar yu«*U aa«l *ad b«a lk*r- lata. Maparlaai wli|tl«4M. M «tr* aouo f»uad mra^'f at aa angla ha Mia !<«• imM> CHICAGO ut*rry alaglag UaghWr, rirtw«i«>* frn, itlrMiil tara, for I f»mMtr fttatloa; Anr • aiaUl Ml IMI a<«i*J« rtatk ktraa m*m M>'»U «OUU BttCH ULAVD tUVl* cblafa aa«l fr>»m lu me* k*t Main,a«M, fl»a with Iba un | fi«ga airvaoiiag top tikln< am titii at I ia»ar«, of forty d*gr**a (*•»!«« South Mo. V»V at rare* W» aay, it la all for a ptt«A**ai taa', IIM. Paris, roar db* mci*b& oorwcn. »i vrrm m> rlfht *w ■ !--Hvk If Tbaa tbr gruaad all aruaad It atr«wa i>'l»t «iu ta*#'i^i •• rtiatogn*. to tar tpfli bleb I wa* bora*—-"Back Attention Farmers! aniK uiuj cm. rr /auric Lur procaaclatloa. with fl >wrr« •o l artr la < aaaL wurd «»f » i tarnation r»« ap» l my i-a wwomu by, a*ay aay atviiku csrum a>r:r«. I'na*! tai ifjin tik| I r rut aa rwf par F«*.l roar *W»ck *•!! \i. I t y* m« ala<> •aaairr U>w»ra. ac I Mfl w.iold rry at, "C»arag», M« lam* w ATXJLLOO HiHHtAroUt, «4 ft fACU Arfa'a, tha maaaat of 1«A yoa r>>«>tba, IrtlW ■Ml*. ttorvaM 'b«y 40 Different Kinds, ti®r* V* k»a wa rrar .lay*. tad dahag ('•xirag* you "if to m4 tk« *>»- *■ O «*v aaJ off*altv 1 Mason & Hamlin & P aoo might ha tbaaammlt. I foaad ay Thoagh It ica{v»aalM#. yoa'll May Co., tb'.ofht * a W» to P» — fu1 )i»n« of Fla* CK? Organ I>i«l know tint i. iM bt» From 30c. to Pound. ataa I. tl«• w. aul *« aalf la a tl-iaJ <»f »ru l». lh»r«» j'Hi $1.00 CW kM CW% rvn for to fc»j>t ai» Botton. Ni»w York. aaftloprd M|Ml IIMa Chicago. wa« I. ■ % >al- «.f f If '■-fr a<»i wi«b lo fari.w I la Ml ItMim l*J M»ll» CkMfK H U K U, Mf'f May | ittd |i ymir mi >;« w.II aho« a rl»»r V»»a, Greatest ■ The l»« Tha -AUO- U>|4. AlaSMM I cttr Bi lull tM« la oat door t«» ii) *.|»ai rm «»f tb# parly r>m <>a my gai I CImi C«n «mu to Mm af anali, fair, * r>~. l>i»u«» thoagh #tr»#«1lag |tilti|Ull, parbapa, II MiBI of wral, aaylag, Mo«cb >lr a *<»kr* tv>ar b#, FLOUR, MEAL, FERTI- tm.Mib.lM Jtad ar» lh« oaatft >»• ma by tb« SAMPLES BY MAIL. l«» CORN, The Best Assortment of atay i\» H t !.• aa t .H ii« b«ro of lb* far W»at- Moacboir a »o»rr h»-af h«- I prrfrrr»d Kansas A Nrttrttka R th«ra W. K»»» tS# >(.< | Chicago. y d««U'n in htawa tlfiil Dr* and rcnr* raibrr tnaa pal my h*B.ta«rrbUf lo *,w* *'* Ht 4» •lop LIZERS, AC.. 14O'Ml Rort Rotft*." »m good* Tk* bargie* of May '>aak»ta abl'b Tonic. my m >aib ami go I karw not wblth«r UMaia W..I (Ml l«llMl IlMW (*» > it the «>t» of tb» of a wbra I "J'al Ar- at %. »> j«i4 w m*ru« wi.1.1- m»rry totting* Mayday Spring y. •icUlmnt, p*ar, Birgiln. One Price Business. t. a nfu r ruu uiuiran;« wicnriA. T— l»l»UO*t>. qaaiwr of a raatary ig<> to N#» KiiIiihI, Strictly raUi. Arral'i ibry pai tu# tluwa r Ml**- M W ElO. k*4 *1) tt X* k «M > M ». « M, M k>. •» w4l »a- Ht'Tx CAU »>«•«• 1. A la halag rattvmJ, ar>.1 a ?»rj pr»tty lJ*a It |> At tin* »*ur>rt of th» ytr am wblrk arra Iwali | »r« kn«M b Cltk f ««•» Crist In Oxford County. :«».»> h>* IMlilMlta l«»f tt» baigirg Rrady and |a«i Tbat part of Old Mill, I T»» cirt|. nn» a •••n««tion p<»ra aalpbarow* «M t»t ■■ t fctm imxwn —>«■'» ■»"■< «f Ik* of s of May t>>u*t.« la "M«rtl* l.igat»»!« I r.!!■■■ toMvltofer* Ait Mkt| rupp^i VERY LOWEST MARKET PRICES. a or tao as I of ilfim w»ra from FVAJTLJVIISriS. pl«Mi m4 »j >■■ ■ i»i»i »a 4. S-ior ale* (Um lit* cook for ■id la to§a« culify ago. |f» nrnl l*Mitu«l* ami which, rk rialai IH. fill Ik# f !•••<. In r*.H «■ IK • l.««| debility, u»vaa lb* i** Ik raral yoaa« p*opt« i>r»pir« • •• JfUl fit I—■ mm• wJ Mt mt km • k» «*•*» c •!• Th« Famous Albert lea Routo MM >f W If (Ml Mr XOrW Ml if rrtalli in » l<»w, ?itute M »•■•' h**". *M ■■»■ rko*t* Bart !■)» 1 5. pr»tty, faanfal t>a*k«la If Ma)fl>« •». yl»M. Mf'W to •«, «■•<•« «k«l w I Mil op •• • w r—•» »•* • mi. •»! •• • i.i n> l »«* t»f t ? 4I tit at wo-1 '•• ir*u AMmm. I Cttr m4 »ia —»«■'» «4 n « TM till* of lb* of r» ar» la tb#y gaU>«r tb*m lb* wi»ylx kf condition tin' forira, orally to th# fomroll. Mil m ib» «M r>v*r«or At§»•«. • * of Ciwt m «• r. !. 1 it a I ■ '■> MikH <« wk All K»o«a<»■ lidt Iwiima t*a 0i i«i Jar bafor» tb» fry* r*w» toward u« •• roalJ But l«*»h ** T. A coB»ttML M*yl»g tli.* kuffrivr th« Mowing OA BT OtLT follow* throughout m«MUT 4H9 LiiTta Mat. Karly oa May moraia*. bafor* tJ»»da»a, •1 >wti lot.i tbr crii»f from that aMr, lh*r» promptly /If rlfcim I •»» InUnaam lliaiia Mk4 RAISINS! RAISINS! 8:1 lb« SaafeaU a lb or floaara. We Guarantee All Our Goods •umiitrr, itxl terminate* in ( ifr Wr mlkril ir«ll>l Ul ID* other ||.t« (MtCaaM to W«laH«»^ SwtoW I a» ib«y gifts luualljr |. • Iki *#<•■! FLOUR A SPECIALTY ■ alMM i*u«*iiU boUi) i»ltU *Mym «•»•!» »•!>«• b| mm^Im, ami ni»r» tk Mi ■!«? <4lM *WMM4 Btrry »>mr form «« mJ KMtaAaa afcn forth »ilb aarifl a from lUfW'kv. •I Itui It M i" ao l *' *"l at go a|i«»d:Bg tap* l( M. U« V** Ik* l .Milt l«|a(tt* I fc»»r W*f», k"»*f U boil* Vo tbalr a 11 fr»« r If, r. th« patient liu i««t oa it* rim wf U>« cnur Tb« m»i » bti< gar•••>!« 4» IMI ||»|1>^ — IW*. ... |t. bri«( to app»r Pie Meat 3 to 7 cents iK-A OwtMau So t<> N « Uft«] «fM. J. P. LITTLSHiLS 4 lb. J Knf »» per r«* Tk>i>> Vat« t la'« at nj»l nhfW buUU MM. M ixtl *»(. M MMli M M >M, th« kind tli* wi^lom to tA.i *>m« reliable roarlag *0'1 lb* »log thrown togvtbrr. NNM North Pnrls. rtn%l r*nl M> I • »' • »» .(!• act* on Iiwftt M M itfMau 1*»n» u t. ST. l.A Tt>»y fcfel ftftOMCt ft ii 1 Om > TU * Naa A«\ !>ai l*m Tin** «•» p*k: totaa of r»<->ciltloa a ball t>« g.v.a aai! no M «r Ml. I MM k IX mmm»y. • it to oar •*•>, *o a fur p**rlag «}•>«» iMCAOU, tU. 1| fcf i *rr, n*blui£ apeeddj i«»ag ■ (••It Mcr*U iIIkumiI huH iHi nt < Mmiiii* m«i • ilk tbr<>agb lb* Haul* aa« rarrjr impurities, of ib« lurid light, w. puifil along h«tw**o EASTMAN BROS. £ All il»« I bi <»• -4 • »« rra4«f»'«* «b*r* U« May pole alaoU BANCROFT, Mtii* t.ii.»- t!:«* in ia »itali/ed and l«urr«Urn»i1 mi*l«u«r »if aroaad U* atf South 1. tjati 1 < Paris. Maine. 1*1 A 4*1 •' PiHU*4, M«. Wm »|irk«lii|lb !*««•( I'w — *>rl«bl vllh rl'iboaa ao I el/ee1 & Steamers. T«tr H T»t fiMT Cum triiiiu <4 um i« ** W » * (» P K X vj mi, *kl, if tli«« rv»w't a roi.<|ition of vi|fua ir»Bt'i<« la lb* car of lb* «lrt ri»p* 4*». Ik* f>!. 4«f W Af» A PARKeRTj m at «» ib« off to lb* vootl* la W» th« Bt | ir> »>mii>h| PKNt) itar la ffae, tUy go « is iii* rillntf. forgot itlt|»r ■ Miv^tnnniui txii r»i>t4-»! HAIR 0AL8AM It 411 li Tli ilt «ri*hljr II W<»Ulftt KT.i OlO RELIABLE LINE •tarrb of 0 iwtra aa I btldlr* th* orti-q* rwfor* a*. • •I tkM .>kr«r* W «• |k • • » i« U* I BHDS gr**aa. j«ira hi aallfal, Hat the I >Mk4aa about Tb* of tiuiirt] u««r ■Itk » |Ma ml Ik* » •« irkiM ■ I >.»« • a*4 I «nf I k«rf. «*'•»(. 3 So*i aiy p brought l>jf B»y NiplM, P l. ll*(l«. • ••»» >%«■ uw c »r • H*.*r I •>!• t« .. i. • : i»—1»^ — a a at ••«.* a aat tbe Ot| ,... » I a* k Ml MM 4 Brftt. rtl qiMa craaai Ma «. I"' k »l l)>i (t MtkM; « «*W| M t tm KaM la M»i» fm iH VmHM riiM, Ap' v'tkak, WHta| aaUoa laaat oc*ar oat aai«rt!li *»a Mla< i»*»tr ull tb«* f«Uv rMiiinl tb* «•*« ■( Wgi It m m kf ito b«, k* it* R> t k ifcft 9 Mtili — I lltlMlH t mm i.—CMrttf. Zl R. C. FLOWER S SCIENTIFIC « rw >«*« »»»■ trrra Hi t«a>t«r (in an I in of "Tb« fl >al — » k •» Ik* lumti ■«!. M W JL 1* k«* • II. I IM. A.— Loagfvllow'a palaUd ablpa STATE OF MAINE. M I « 1 ».•••• um an 1. vilb >lui r»f«m >at«* ID for lb* •'» BB.I CltlB'l aff'Ct m■** I «i • mi T5.m Ci'tD* thf ■III Wrllbtf, tuBf lUtt together, blgb Blr", I fc»*» lkWM(ti«u baa la. aaJ form a Mac. mer- | •, <■>« M Lifer sod stomach Sanative. w»r» la tb* nr. Th* •>»? *a- j r. uboimb. W* I mr I n !» oth*r bu*»«cr it aligiag ablpa aalltng • iw mi I laMrtkam. Ii • » g%* «— mim by I 'k* k Ut'is ,« r » *M aa daara aroaa I Ibiir bnn> U«HnthH)k> V. elrcUd Urbla. |>m ry aoigi ib»y by ('•{»», Madlaa, '• w«* Ika i* «*m ■!■» I MMkH. )U klVf >W («• to k*< e»er Capri, mm* iiikl* w ►» ui>i I m It is tl Tonic • ■ t^iaes. greatest Spring Niplw,,Taff» <1*1 Gr«cu, Aaaaaila. tar HMtlf U •••»• HU. J* !• *» MM' I • happy May m W t« ar« w »»-n r ir in* vi> to th* world. U, CiUl-» M«r« altb hast Ay*»looaib* I Cmsimi W xto MWk*! ikM »u. k» af ■» r» j !*•*■ £i»en •! Hw» I— iti t»Act u«ir uir«r. MARVELOUS I. ft waaa ac-ae wblcb u>* ink 4*» !»>'«, ii»f (ii hHtiii lovaly bop* * k Ii «i»« >mn tot u *i *1 ik* COT a l«ott!e For sale I —yy. I'M'"', bJ ••Mta to W« r**cb*d ib« OrutJ Frf*tar| A(*to«v uml. tag* ftb-l aingiag (i; aoaga fur|iL N « »kmm* h linn k( » m ikl CLAIM M lav I*imui k i»f A I. totto*. »»fl> '• a1 boatman rt>- Mi? f•; all lloUl at N»i> « *<1 ta tbr of it. pkitc faab- Flower Mtdical Botton. MuUCt V»»B*lBB ■ B f. MAO Joia apraattiag 3. C. Co., I »«!•» « Mrpi««. each tba labia A. J. JOHNSON & CO., X tua, garlaaOa upon Mo « IU»«- «7 »• lb* Pruo A«»rJ. hbarp app«ti ai» But waiitag aa«l What A Miatako. «t I tirM u «i "guodlaa" ara But loag la a«pp*«rlsg !*«t»*1 of off«r*l goods to A raraftll MaalaallOB « >«UI c>Bvla«a • 11 Great Joies St., New York. or DISCOVERY. n\/rinn mw_tqm»p !: • lb* lflr|l.»ll C>)«>« Uk« »|1pt«l) « » • M • II ;?Bl IkM M • any oh Ibll l*ii tblMa of all tba • *. tub > ■ It ttk'Q J |M Wholl) Hllib •rtifldtl }•!»*«• IIVu ilyij'-iotiNouu(■'>"• «a"l p»»p!a » a M -• A C l»r»r, ShU P*rU. Haw lt filf graou ll I I I m 1 1 » « I. book l*«Pfi*d nt on* 1 w«f «W*i* •»! K""< In H*n Kaflaad ba»a b»»B or *r» a >w af- :■ Ut M«f &«* a r**ly r*«a *«t If la Any r««dmg Iv I 1m I I l>f*4 • ». MY *i- r *i»i ■«•■ t« «■»<»— !, Mt. A K. TutJO. HiclltlJ. j*>la r*«lr t<« «Nf ► ml Crt^il with catarrb of lb* n.« tot it Un or < M •< IU t» I •» J -iti it itiMii] o it b# m »r» trttn |0I7 100) lMf.4, • » • «* » <- W»t- Tr ««••• * riw*. J. il. ikm » i ..... 1114 »< *«. »<• ma throat »' «m I I. l**lva f»t tail la low4/da lb* W In I in. mi kllrrw fU4*lf H »« II I. MtlU. par lag top I • I. «U I I. ir ifJ fu «4 IU> 4. Mr* 0. IUrt»y, •I >1 <4»h« Lm • NnJotM mr* m riot la Um blood it ttto I I Itw llM hut »o, with tb« trroaouaa tbat Mr at tba kr A• lie Pk'T»t, > Uv i*. r>*« omhom TV i»bWvi«t»«f liklilNII •««•>« II »1 • Htrttpirllll rip«ll tfrrf .«•« w, II H tt t«r>>a. Ji I' Has f?.y.cui.rwj.v catarrh u • c<>oatltatloaal *4. I*-» »1 l-w*«l n1 vIUIiim aal •aricbM tfc* (coloraJ #•■1*. Uuna, II»>«i, Dl«l h« 0«t uf lb# blood lap«ritf ! > N I .. MAlMR. (>ur(r.t Blaaaly oftIMM l* bcttar u it ta mora l"i » fi. \ "•<» rm.«l >(>, A 1 ><|tl *'*1.'ABi»prT UYKIlOl'lItU CmlHl • •»» a I • <• fr «• *V«fc n» Wh* a graaur mlatak* WW o«*.r n»ad«-' mfimli aim*, h ila* p«>«r rail Itai < via ia tb# h*ld tim#. piiabla) aboail b* at kut ihrt* f«t l<>«g »r fcp iwtn; nf■ •4ft | t*«ry •j fH • *f ft4«Mr »" t for ft iQi>n«ftt an 1 tblak ur ut ttaa taa pola, ai»l color*, acar>«t, ril"| lJitnKTTK.0? r.Hfc At* N«« Tad. Hlop aoy 4jr«tlk« Hidi 4* • T*. fwm • r»r» » rntii cuaigoi ♦ >y tea* NMlMt* imh4 •€ A » rrpuubU pbvaldaa cftUrrb •ufUJlMK MlatkMli* WAnnANTBD accofaptk*hio«at—l'r*p*rtag or tag. ». gr*«a, at> t Jalcy «i«tk la. ao<1 what caaaaa 11 aod lb* »t»a»»r » futiarl la ragalar oitltr. twoof **4 a ftrat.rlaM h» oaty tbia It la »D irrtiftUoa or 1b> i|>ua uppntlU* iUt« of tbi lop, ao ILal Ktitfil NERVOUS DEBILITY W# h«»* • i Wwvaa • B»l«*h af Wut» !Umtn«ll r-.i»w Ittff t4 aw W■ «t I. »« uppotlii WAN TED Boa« ftft'l tbroftt, < «u»r«l 1* ('Hum f»r tutor y«ar*. Njlhlo* SALESMEN U w.ada. il< Mli gitta p*rf*ct ni Liniwr that can Will «r>ag* la It SCS PAIO«Uo Umi InvMn r »o1 c»l«lt III li I' •< Im l»(iMu(1« wblcb I* p^laoBoa* to f» 4 tiki • 1' « I J.UO't aboakl b* cb«a»a to carry U.*rlbboa*. i»1»ili«< UmrnUmg i>
  • frJviacotl cui of roaixaptloa otbara. t«l iha SiU» M>1 •« Ml Um MMMlkui>w«r.) p» iBlag tortara to (muff will da h«cb ob« abtaUl IWilM * SMALLER 4 Fall H »*r, M im tMM* \l4M, Mow* »«>rUift*. loM »0'1 bu BO «tTft SIZE Co tk color of bia or l»»r rlMwi-Ut U'llnv lipilUtll U,UQ >J 1 boy# HMIIIIM. MIVTIK, W. f. /VflC JM/V. utb*ra" Tba r«-«*>o for tbia U foasd la a t»»m fltBBcl bioaar* atd alocklega of i At* MW 1 >'-» rf t f<>r tbi« ('*!! — waamg It l< • U'«r«> /v-'-t, m4 la HOT ISiMt •priaf INDIAN Tt*« boat itrvlcb A ot ibr i].ff«r< at atraciara of tba oaur ilia aap tb« col«»r aa lb* rltboa cboaaa. lb» M«4jt if. him aMrf k« »•»», V«t A • aad — \t*m bafjfv MM FARM FOR S \LE. aul IU bay id*. • coaaUrpart whlcb llora *11 iba la hm Vn IM k« MW loaag* I paaaaal bair iu>boaa aad It to it | a-J » >i»i»it| Wnl.; M IKS I)- -I-LAll* ba*« -1 band# an 1 cbi tialaa mow tu wiau tai bit roLa IT kiWI iU Wtmi.a la V»»M*rk »t IW iu«M r~» t, cbtpp aa inr fuulf, la Dr. Ktufutaaa'* book oa It wottUI In inti**alb • to giva dlrtclloria laitft fhxi Hriwi'i I'o Tto BEST NERVE TONICS South Paru. "il, l***. from KiCNEY TROUBLES, TVrt tn M r»« mi r»-l <•> f 14* I T«» *|rv|. p ca ar atraciara of ib« akla of >1.(7.r*at April 'li******, Qj»;» tlto«ir*ui pl»u* la fall for tbta aaaal frolic. A faw tug- < ...«!,»» M' The Groat Cure for p.« 1*4 to t * 1*7 k:««» i|*< k f # IfM | »«)«rr« TV U .!.•(« tn 4 r»l ladiililiilt m4 llM lf« b* n c«f* • llf* Jua't tiu your- (•atUb> will git* tbr b*< taaary atart, tba |*rv« |1m Tom (iltbai* iW H)>n mikImim*. Ui'i )• tin > '< > all Throat and > m TH«raf.»r« atop d Mlag |i la n it Lung Mlf S'« I tbr»* J erai iltnpi for p »«u<» Mtf aaat p!aa lb* r«at No, Mi par fl«ra j»»a w»ol. bat c>»1 Difficulties. to A. 1' OMw»f A Co., H mUjb, Miu It la w»u to flrat «lr«ciibr a clrcl* aroaad DISEASE. »*oro« BRIGHTS (iNkl, iba » toj r«c«tf« a c trv. f« ar or flat plato*rtb« »tt*r,tbau Iwp il (K>l U< tHta M IfrlUI U »pf tba t»aa* uf lb* |*»lr, prtbap* f« «»■«/ /•« ■»«, /**»?<»». /»' f«y, »)•)«, f. • l fto I warm, »or tbia » ItMW umImN* dry y bead tool an 1 • tor Mir gnwHnn M fr+t frutn tba caatar or ataff lhalda •ki «•/!»/ iKim, It Mil fml bowrla aa aa« an A iWbiw— A for tb# print (I. ( .«| / » >■ « lit V op*B, 1 riwrnal lU MfU iMhn Trifcn. J»lat qi»rr«l iBto twalva a*j«al dlalaot ••cllota. marhlag Potatoes for Seed. appllca cat of tba fowl JV*U/.* W<. tl io. (J »bna..n'a Liniment i« aatta for tba color of vacb rtb'jua kacb y>|WfM«4. TU »tfl*rn>*» liM Ik* (> Iidtf » mf Asodyaa th- tl*«ll«. «• Urfall rilrf, JUr. r" Q»H «Uk k* ulrltto Mil !• beat know) to alley tba lafl mi aallos. Effective and Safe, prraua uiuat ba traa to bla or bar color, >iMUII| Diroin»M ni thi Habit F<*- CO.. cleaaa* lb* »«rfare, b*il tba a an.I UviL'oa for oa tbla drp«b>la ai(b of lite MM of MEXICAN PULQUI »r*a, tm l»«*. rMllni >• im*4um (I'.lk loarfi tlflwij Jnt»j lltj, !<. i, yoar calarrb will lift* •» IflVBLT frilti NT A l>VIHI« I BKI >M tba dtaapp~ar raiglc It nl la Im UM 4mV If II •«« — l*M. wladlag BURBANK SEEDLING. EARLY OHIO, Wm do B'it ?> >w aay #»»*r to r«!grn, twaaaa lto»wl L«M Tm i»h. • l)a. 11*1 km' GoLt>a.« hracxric. TO* D*il mtitrr li.UilK It many ruu MAI.K NT A I.I. liaitMilNT*. SNOW Fl yoa may c*ra a a*»«r« col t ai l in !«• t**i trr ii • U ••• • «K»«r fnc*. 3J and i»] bow aiif km <>r Mill ir« r»- EARLY SUNRISE, AKE, ibr«« WALL & (Up* ut PAPERS a >nlb*. ral-'b SO Il eta ba In <>f eoff^ or Ua another ao Ctoti g.»r« cap <4 a wad fur going <4«»rur. half, or aatlraly A rAMOl't IK1Ik* EARLY ROSE. BEAUTY OF «<|«ally bad, without tit* kn of lb« tak- wlllb Mlvrt Bad broa < iwledga p«raoa tfoii't the tol In lb«i «iur an I r i«ii«i• •• i »t.»f Rr 100 Dote* for 50 Cents. May p>4« \»* inm taurn it, la b»ruj'r«« to l will *(■ •» STATE OF p may nrla^ ll oa a^ala W« |r»- K ill I Iwi i inlt .till mi In M »U*r ing abaolataly MM. Another tblag matt alwaya tM ft D K I »r.» 1 Mark MTniil^ri'l HEBRON, m l whether •• mora from th* aroia t fret a permanent •ixw.lf earn, Bo tad: wbatrfrr m ifrmrBt* tr« pltnnal w».r«i% Kii.i.r.N*. MAINE & VICTORY. wrapptr a b»ttla of a ► Wfetrh »rr ■ |l llr I I >a*»«iral to Hit J Ml m«1lrlii« d#««rvea Uiii* w ik JolB in. la their coff«w with- III AHTKI labmlM^l aaiaaraal ramrtl* 1*4 *iil»ik»t»n tik« wall ka« Ibla n-llclaa CARRIAGES! iruaiJ pl U Bolster's, own will. Cllai to (I'WI It will to a^u I Wi »r» lii%ft| Dayton thrv <|alt a 4 I h*»e a vert Ur^o a»«>rtraent of •pooling return, or-lar to brlag •hnultol «• «(|rtiM, k; U Hi imU IT NKVUfFAlLS The oa:a la *e *1 It kaa 011 Biatia. Miaa fir ft SOUTH PARIS. •ytUm ri'»'»oB t>ack to Ita placa. k *»IUl .1 I t rr-•»! •'»I ItoilM, BUY THE p*m;il>t fr»«, with tha 0; it becojiea kk t-i l»ara bo« to aa« Fine Camares, embracing Sulkies, pregaatrd Sjh< A faw of tba aimpla anvemvota are Ja«t tba l|alia*at too- alter m for tb» A • All kTfelM. frun* ity llqa»r appetltn tb*M 1— Dinlctlly UaapMBful property aa#l ■ UMI^ NtrvMiffM* Road Carts, to nut for fall addreaa will ofua do ta ira ro >1 • '« Ni ,•( | « h»'» Top Buggies, Open Bug- partlcalara, I, 1'iaca rtbSoa above the bead. tarn Id O. K. buj a naif botlla B 1 aa Beach OOLDKN SPECIFIC CO., 1^ U»ca St, to tba t a >a>« p»op|» oaa It gies, etc., place nght at«|M right. K*pa u4 11 at lover pncee tban It. luro toward* WfU TURKEY to Steal Coulter Harrow. W» •* •• 1. Buya bold rl!>boa blgb. glrla right Sprini kf can be obtain* I eleenwbore m Maine. A whea ha geta dowa to baal- PRICES VERY LOW ! a* vera! uara aiouad pola. lUturo. Oiria in the s*«4 tm W*4 aaaa haa tha loal la track. Best Market for the i'i "* bold rlbboaa tb* earn* Money. Pixt |i *•»., ^ 44 Remember 3. To tba "barber'a pola" tab* rib- RED DYE AT KEDUOED WILLS MCMKOSO* A CO hW** ao to so It, AN » \I'LANATI»»N la all IjIb PRIOE9, bon rlgbt band, hand*, go —op— fttJiri iNr.trN VT I will' not be undersold What la tale "a*reoaa troabU" with aroaad tba pole bbMI tba fall laBgtb of lb* FOR COTTON. per cent LK>> than Us: M«*on. by Will Wtiwt* to man in this State. which ao aaay eeem low to b« ifflictadf (MM la wo«bd. Uetarn. any k la South I'm*. Mat !. 10. If yoa will r*nrm*Mr f-w yaara ago la* 4, Tb* flaal trtidimj of tba May pola F. C. word Mklkrlk wia comparatively on tba moat d.lbcuit l«at aod la tba aaaal MERRILL, s * kaowa.—lo-dtv It la aa c(MM m any final* of tba frollca. It la PERFECTION DYES South Maine. We Have Received May Day almplj Parit, \ •*>_ A. F. ANDREWS, •oil »< M '»•«• • |>* N MM Iff f word la tha r. y*ki(f. Cftfluul of *try nic* word aa«d by oar forafktherk la tlaaa dm paaaea andr r, blgb eaoagb ao tba bead ► » w i« ml Hiwo WARRANTED NOT TO FADE OR WASH OUT. ni A UTA pkat Ho II la with aervoak dlacaaea, aa nay aot toacb tb«m Tbla roatlaaoue PLANTS ihey aD.l Mtiarla ara I a Waded to roaad aboakl ba ofua brokaa by laterpo- DYES feT,M.#r IFREE llbb Bll- will aot affict tba PERFECTION |i*wf Imim fm i.l.n, ■»!■< coeer what oar graadfathera callad laudebaagta, wbkb A PACKAGE. a ...on UaUftMOBTWut.CAYTO!.ll«. aa.l all ara caaaed troaMaa bat will aUa It Bacb TEN CENTS ltoaeaaae. by braldtag, brighter -1 PATENTS, HARMLESS. It* imbm aa4 that arlaa from a dla*aaed coadltloa of tha and prattlar. Wbaa tba braldlag baa &**» BRILLIANT, PERMANENT UwM, Tr%.\* Mwt• u4 Rose I* tfca 1(4 la 1U tba la cotarad l»*al«r* Hear which performing fakctloaa. p«rfact May pola amootbly ••14 bp all Tff »l>k«*,,'"T»'kff k*t«n tfc« Oo«rt« »•< M i>i FOR INTERNAL r*«»r«n. «§• f»T t/»C Uroagh taa ordinary chaaaal la compelled aa tb«ir kagtb will admit, and tba work MmI* br W lliklaa 4fc C« l> hi tnHH •< m*4«I m ikiitk «f Inn. — ANO — IV>i I Mill <«r«tai a4«iaa m ta to it off throagh tha wlllba a* a moot h and *v«a aa tboagb It p«aa kyaua, caaalag & t>I it* rr*t«rek*r|i. /.arjCSi /t*i) Malaria, Biiloaa Fever, waa tba work of oaa of baada. Tbla DOOLITTLE SMITH, NiiIIKNITK t(4 aw n. aarroai troailra. pair MIIm 4|t«U. r**« I waka RO gp ate. Yoa who ara Buffering can wall ap- faat wall doa« alwaya calla for roaada of BOSTON MASS f H«M«IK riLNM PATUT !• SKCVR* 24-2* TRCMONT ST.. •CD lilMBMtM, i4flMit4 „-He EXTERNAL USE. a cara Wa rtcoaatkd Oreea'a and tba aeceeaary for If«wl Wmwi M H fiI r«4TflM'»»• r> preciate applaaaa, practice •*•1 nm apvifalwa. Flower Ita caraa ara mkrveloaa. dolag It wall, la aaply rawardad by tba ra- POTATOES Aagaat J. R. aalt. LITTELL, Washington, D. C. from C*aadt. F"R JOHNSON'S w. STOPPED OffMiitU • r«kNi« \ _>y*i Who Didn't Last. Tba glvlag of tba t>oab >aa aad dlatrlba- LADIES! ■ fcfii* wt »»ry Papaa if become a of •< Willi tloa of 'un may wall part !*• fair a■ r. n Tim, T •fcl»« |'«l IkiM IV An aaUkaUfi 4 debug* tella Us« fol- SfiaTA^fi tba day'B fretlvlilea. | •'T^f lowing: An • •Usabla lad) of tb« Weal U>« IkM k*i»k. D1NTUT, Hi.W hu h*) lt>« fortaa* of thru Lo«- — Oai cora mail, no# PEERLESS DYES. tl< lk«ta •!* WtrrLM Uacup U at tka Nice WUI Pn4 I rat aa4 to orir to tb« ma *U1 ffwitMy, TWf in mU tti^tWn Nirtai'i tktrt Cook hu M. •Mil milw • wMmm imi bm*j mm dugkkr. Oaa «lay lady ib« nm ihm U« lltlte aafc*d: "Mamma baa Jack a girl »«ry but Or*. ■itricmc judicial court. AH Work Warranted I TMl papa la H»amf "Tn, darllag, haab!" •iruu mt»H. Seed. om- raammv a la Ladt FiKuaaa.-Oaa cap aagar, r«U. M* M*rrk H.»»«. ArfoMiaaat* wit kj a 01 ky Splendid I papa Ur(t'iO*«, rtplM MmUn W Mr. O**. Hvavof* "Yrt, darllag( baabP r*p»ated bilf cap b«tur. oie fixirtb cap silt* oi« Naur* to k#r»fcj ftVM M tk* cr'fta t 1 »«»>•. •< k'— I* BnraaTa Pm4. m roll tl **4 •« U». FAMILY REMEDY doat laat loag, do tWy, aaaaaf fiailla. Cat la lltUa atripo, aaf»r, £- a* m inarwr CmwUm - *!*<■*• ftad btki la ft orm. ALIIIt •. Al'fTlir, CUH. KMBUiCNilCi 8outti - acrvv r I VIA MlOWH. LINIMENT Emo iaawaf U mordad. quick Ptrii, Main#.