border-style: solid/double min-height, max-height, height CSS3 border-color width: 1000% loat, clear cornerstone border-width (create arrow) text-align (left, justify, right) 5 parts border-image overlow, overlow-x, overlow-y 1. Page layout border-radius (circle, eclipse, prove) visible, hidden, scroll, auto 2. Element styles Page layout 3. Element position Examples of block, inline, inline-block overlow for loat child cornerstone loat, inline-block cornerstone 4. Responsive design elements column-count, column-gap 5. Animation box-shadow display cornerstone CSS selectors 3 ways to include CSS inline, inline-block, block, none list-style Syntax examples: Inline / Embedded / External border-collapse (for table) *, tag, #id, .class default width/height for each type background image s1, s2 (select all s1 and all s2) set width/height for each type background-image: url(…) s1 s2, s1>s2, s1+s1, s1~s2 CSS rule visibility background-image: url(…), url(…) [att], [attr=”val”] Selector, Property, Value :active, :focus, :hover, box-sizing cornerstone background-repeat:no-repeat ::after, ::before Color model background-repeat:no-repeat, repeat :required, color How margin and padding work for background-position :irst-child, :last-child, background-color: linear-gradient(to inline, inline-block and block elements top, right, bottom, left :nth-child(n), :nth-last-child(n) bottom right, red, blue) center ::irst-letter, ::irst-line, :root rgb,rgba,hex,hsl,name How margin works when set width :not(selector) background-size opacity margin: collapse, negative auto, cover, contain CSS speciicity Element styles background-attachment 1. !important > inline style > id Font scroll, local, ixed selector > pseudo class > class or font-family (5 basic fonts, typography) cursor attribute selector > tag font-size (px, %, em, rem) outline 2. long path>short path user-select background-clip font-style, font-weight padding-box, content-box 3. The last rule overrides the previous letter-spacing, word-spacing rule text-transform background: linear-gradient(to right, white 20%, black 20%, white, black) --background-clip:text text-shadow color: transparent Insert HTML element line-height cornerstone background: linear-gradient(…), Content cornerstone text-indent (negative value) url(image) ilter: grayscale(100%) … text-decoration Element position Responsive design font-variant radial-gradient(circle 100px at 100px small-caps linebox cornerstone Syntax example 100px, white, black) vertical-align cornerstone @media all and (min-width:768px) :irst-line, :irst-letter { … } cornerstone repeating-linear-gradient position cornerstone repeating-radial-gradient static, relative, absolute, ixed Web fonts, Web icons, SVG CSS box model top, left, right, bottom google fonts box model: content, padding, border, width: 100%, auto, 0 font awesome margin cornerstone applied on block and inline element z-index (for non static) SVG Centering (vertical, horizontal) By Teens Programming border min-width, max-width, width cornerstone backface-visibility:hidden;

More properties

Front-end framework all: initial|inherit content: attr(data) Bootstrap/Foundation animation @keyframes move { background:url(…), url(…) from { Animation background-blend-mode: overlay|… More selectors translateX(100px); transition: p1 1s, p2 3s linear; background-origin: padding-box | [attr~=’val’] (space list), [attr*=’val’] } transition: 1s border-box | conent-box [attr|=’val’] (dash list), [attr^=’val’] to { [attr$=’val’] translateX(200px) transition-property mix-blend-mode:overlay | … ::selection, :target, :visited, :link, } :checked, :disabled, :enabled, :in- transition-duration transition-timing-function object-it range, :out-of-range, :invalid, :optional, animation-name ( object-position :read-only, :read-write, animation-duration :valid transition-delay (can be negative) caret-color :empty animation-timing-function: ease-in, user-select: none :only-of-type, :only-child, transform for 2D (has order) ease-out, ease-in-out, hyphens:auto :irst-of-type, :last-of-type, translateX(100px), step-start, step-end, word-break: break-all|keep-all :nth-of-type(n), :nth-last-of-type(n) translateY(200px), steps(2), steps(2,start) translate(100px, 200px) clip-path: url(#mysvgpath) | More layouts scaleX(2) animation-iteration-count:ininite circle(40% at 100% 50%) | scaleY(1) animation-delay:1s eclipse(200px 100px) | polygon(50% lex box scale(2,1) For container: animation-direction: normal/reverse/ 0, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0 50%) | alternate inset(4% 24% 23% 22%) display: lex rotate(90deg), rotate(10turn) lex-direction: row, column, row- reverse, column-reverse animation-ill-mode: forwards/ count-increment: mycounter 100 transform-origin: x-axis y-axis z-axis backwards/both content: count(mycount) lex-wrap: wrap top left right bottom/10px 10px/% display: contents justify-content: lex-end, space- skewX(20deg) animate spritesheet display: list-item around, space-between, center skewY(20deg) align-items matrix(…) Extra position: sticky align-content transform for 3D animate. library perspective property lex-low YouTube channel outline perspective function perspective-origin resize: both For lex item: By order overlow: auto translateZ(200px)==scaleZ(2) lex translateZ(100px) caption-side:bottom lex-basis (0 and auto, compare with table-layout: auto translate3d(x,y,z) width) lex-grow appearance rotateX(2turn) lex-shrink rotateY(45deg) CSS functions align-self :root { rotateZ(45deg) rotate3d(…) —bg-color: lime Grid } transform-style: preserve-3d/lat color: var(—bg-color)