The Ulster Journal of Archaeology 1938-2013/2014
A CONTENTS LIST OF THE THIRD SERIES OF THE ULSTER JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY 1938-2013/2014 Compiled by Ruairí Ó Baoill on behalf of the Ulster Archaeological Society © Ulster Archaeological Society First published December 2017 Ulster Archaeological Society c/o Centre for Archaeological Fieldwork, Archaeology and Palaeoecology, School of Natural and Built Environment, The Queen’s University of Belfast Belfast BT7 1NN Ulster Journal of Archaeology Vol. 72, 2013/2014 Table of Contents Page The Excavation of a Bronze Age Settlement at Skilganaban, County Antrim 1-54 Jonathan Barkley The Armagh 'Pagan' Statues: a check-list, a summary of their known history 55-69 and possible evidence of their original location Richard B Warner The Excavation of two Early Medieval Ditches at Tullykevin, County Down 70-88 Brian Sloan The Excavation of a Cashel at Ballyaghagan, County Antrim 89-111 Henry Welsh The Excavation of a Multi-Period Ecclesiastical Site at Aghavea, County 112-141 Fermanagh Ruairí Ó Baoill The Early Ecclesiastical Complexes of Carrowmore and Clonca and their 142-160 landscape context in Inishowen, County Donegal Colm O'Brien, Max Adams, Deb Haycock, Don O'Meara and Jack Pennie An Excavation at the Battlements of the Great Tower, Carrickfergus Castle, 161-172 County Antrim Henry Welsh An Excavation at the Inner Ward, Carrickfergus Castle, County Antrim 173-183 Henry Welsh The Cockpit of Ulster: War along the River Blackwater 1593-1603 184-199 James O'Neill Excavations at Tully Castle, County Fermanagh 200-219 Naomi Carver and Peter Bowen Lead Cloth Seals from Carrickfergus, County Antrim, and a London Seal in 220-226 the National Museum of Ireland Brian G Scott Field Surveys undertaken by the Ulster Archaeological Society in 2011 227-236 Grace McAlister Reviews Archaeology and Celtic Myth, An Exploration by John Waddell 237-241 Review by: Christopher J Lynn High Island (Ardoileán), Co.
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