Seattle (Wash.) Public Library is anxious to ! obtain copies o£ the NEWS LETTE& for the issues of March, April, May, and June, 1940 in order to com­ plete its file. If you have any of these issues and will com­ IV municate with Mr. John S. Richards, Librarian, Seattle Public Library, Seattle, Washington, he will be 'glad to make arrangements for paying for these numbers so that the Library may have a complete file.

(Notes The Library is a regular subscriber to the NEWS LETTER. Let’s do all we can to help it preserve our records.) NEWS LETTER NEW MEMBERSHIP PAYMENTS

March first marks the beginning of the last half January-February, 1944 of our fiscal year which runs from September first to September first. NEWS LETTER EDITOR According to our By-Laws, Article V, Section 2, "Incoming members when applying for membership on or

Battle Thompson, 724 Worth 65rd after March 1 pay one-hall' dues of the total year, Street, Philadelphia, Penna. plus initiation fee of $1.00." In view of this ruling, kindly see that remit­ Deadline - 5th of Each Month tances accompanying membership applications after March 1, 1944, are for but $5.25 (Initiation fee of $1.00 and one-half year's dues, $2.25) instead of NINETY-NINES $5.50, which amount is for a full year, and thus INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS Affiliated with the National Aeronautic Aasoctation avoid the necessity of sending rebates.

io25 C o n n e c t i c u t A v e n u e W a s h i n g t o n , d . c . Thank you.

NATIONAL OFFICERS I A S P S Ethel A. Sheehy .... President c/o Director of Women Pilots The 99’ers extend a cordial welcome to all WASPS Pentagon Building who already belong or who wish to join the Ninety- Washington, D. C. Nines. Secure membership application blanks from Ninety- Jeannette Lempke . .V. President Nine Headquarters, 1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., 1 1 1 1 East Genesee Ave. Washington 6, D. C. Saginaw, Michigan Remember that you must have the signature of an active 99* er on your application blank. Belle Hetzel ...... Secretary 126 Drake Court Omaha, Nebraska

Alice H. Hammond . . . .Treasurer BACK THE ATTACK WITH WAR BONDS 70 Cambridge Road Grosse Points Farms, Mich. LETTER, is back living in Los Angeles after two years art work in Denver, City, Atlanta, and Seattle. SOUTHWESTERN She gets around at about the same speed with or without an airplane. In Seattle she acquired a handsome 49£

The All-Ohio Chapter has recently accepted two new 99'ers into its membership. They are Mary-nnae Hoyt of CAROLYN a S CHAPTER 621 Acorn Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio, and mildred T. Rudolph, c/o H. E. Gibbs, 2415 Edison Ave., Moraine, Dayton, By Bird Eaton, 1206 Johnston Bldg., Ohio. Miss Hoyt is now working towards her comiaercial Charlotte 2, N. C. license, while Miss Rudolph ha 170 solo hours and is working for her instructor's rating. Real news, Betty Dunlap, our Chapter Chair­ The Chapter has received a card from Marion Jack­ man, is expecting a blessed event in April. We are all son who is instructing in Colorado. Mary King post­ hoping it will be a future 99'er. That is one way of cards now from her winter home in Florida, and Peg building up our Chapter. Pierce from Arizona where she is visiting. Since Don McRae, Evelyn's 4Sp'er, had to be trans­ To our members scattered over the country - A ferred, we are so glad they came to N. C. What is happy and prosperous New Year, full of promise and ful­ Florida's loss is our gain. We will be happy to have fillment. Evelyn attend our meetings. The next one will be on (February) the third Sunday of January, in Charlotte. The All-Ohio Chapter of 99's held its quarterly Vernon, Dot's 492'er, is home on leave, after meeting at the home of Dawn Malson, secretary-treasurer, which he will leave for California. If Do>t decides to on Friday, January 21. She was assisted by Julia go with him, we will surely miss her. Strider who has been transferred to the Cleveland Air Louise Smith and Anne Cole had a wonderful trip Traffic Control Center from Columbus, Ohio. Since down South last December in Louise's Luscombe. They the December NEWSLETTER asked for her whereabouts, Judy stopped at several places on their way down to was transferred to the All-Ohio Chapter two years ago. and back, and had a thrilling time. Instead of Louise In the way of news gleaned from the meeting, being a golf widow, Herman is the aviation widower, Dawn's engagement has been announced to Leigh Reynolds, as Louise practically lives in her plane. 1 enjoyed while Peg Pierce was all excited about her trip west. visiting the new private airport at High Point recently, Grace Birge, unable to attend the meeting, was in which Louise was instrumental in getting for High Point. town from her base at Romulus, Michigan, on January 5, Betty Hamilton is on the Examining Board of the to be godmother to Robert Eric Schnittger, Florence Charlotte Squadron of the CAP, for examining the 16 and Boswell's infant grandson. 17 year old aviation cadets. She and yours truly have And that takes care of the All-Ohio news for Feb­ been assisting the army officers from Morris Field ruary. here, in giving the mental screening tests to the high school boys. I enjoyed hearing from Martha Hutcheson and Vir­ ginia Yates from down in Texas. Wish more of you girls' would write to us. MISSOURI VALLEY CHAPTER Ey Gwen Hess, Hotel Wellington, Omaha, Nebraska NORTH CENTRAL The Missouri Valley Chapter met December 12th at SECTION Omaha, Nebraska, for a Ninety-Nine meeting preceded by a breakfast. A new member in our Chapter is Ruth Halstead of ” Crete, Nebraska, who was present at our meeting, as was ST. LOUIS CHAPTER Ruth Johnson also of Crete. Our Sioux City members, Agnes De Haven and Ivah By Helen H. Thomure, 5008a Chippewa St., Maxfield, also were with us. St. Louis 16, Mo. Agnes De Haven, chairman, in addition to working at the CAP courier base at Sioux City has found time to Now I am piloting my plane around alone as my co­ take on the organization of the "Wing Scouts". She has pilot writer Marcel ine Price made a perfect take-off. received two service stripes for her-work in the Courier She is now soaring off in the fleecy white clouds un­ Service. mindful of air pockets. A cupid parachuted her way and Ivah Maxfield is occupying much of her time in the she dipped her wings in welcome. Marceline is now the organization of the Wing Scouts. happy bride of Jeff Jennifer. They were welded in mar­ Information of interest to us was the latest news riage on January 9, 1944. 1 have been informed that of our Chapter members now in various parts of the they are honeymooning in Kennebec. We sincerely hope in aviation work. all "their little troubles" will be "air-mided". Lois Boien, WASP, is stationed at the Sioux Falls Flash news for H.i. — If you are still inter­ Army Air Base, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, flying radio ested in the hideout of the missing flyer - Ruth Bar­ missions, working on her instrument card and Link, clay. Her home field hangar is St. Louis, Missouri. which, together with some test hopping, keeps her It is a trifle late to tell about our Christmas "fairly" busy, she reports. party, but after all, this is the first take-off since Mae Sharp is doing aircraft mechanic work at a Christmas. The party was held at Yours Truly's home. field in Houston, Texas. Dear old Santa was there. I fixed up an apple to look Helen Turner, WASP, is stationed at Love Field, like him, with marshmallows for hair and whiskers, nuts Dallas, Texas. for eyes, and a cheriy for the nose — never mind about Betty Clements, WASP is now in a B-17 transition the mouth — we furnished that by eating Santa. Yum, school at Lockburne, Ohio. you — . We had a grab bag — it was such fun, grabbing March 2. in Omaha, is the date and place of our for a present with your eyes shut. Naturally we en­ next meeting. joyed a lot of "hangar flying". Looks like this is about all for the time being. So longI and petticoats. Very few of us were able to get there on Saturday evening, but Sunday we enjoyed a delicious SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN CHAPTER brunch after having had a visit from a newspaper photog­ rapher. We had a nice write-up and picture in the In­ By Ruth Craine, 2445 N. 57th Street, dianapolis News. Milwaukee 10, Wia. Ruth Colwell, our new chairman, did some checking on our members and she had quite a few replies. Here's December Pound us engrossed in the second meeting the lowdown: devoted to the study of meteorology. Elsie was in Dot Scheidler is at Gulf Park College, Miss., charge of humidity and instruments of measurement. teaching horseback riding. Aline Franz is with her Margaret Bruns' letters still tell us that she is husband, a Captain in the Medical Corps. Lt. Edith more than happy to be at Camp Davis. A short time ago Graft is stationed at Sioux Falls, S. D. Maurine.Bry­ she and one of the lieutenants flew to Miami, where ant, Petersburg, has been ill in California, but she Margaret had had her initial flying. is now at home. Caroline Iverson, our LIFE line, has been sending Virginia Voyles is at Avenger Field. Patti Shea cards to us from all over the U.S.A., on her assign­ is still at Cincinnati and is now Acting Control Tower ments. Mrs. Seip told me that she has been receiving Chief at Lunken Airport. Margery Jan Smith is now in cards from Caroline at every stop she makes. We think Indianapolis, working at Allison’s Division of General that is mighty nice, Caroline, for Mrs. Seip really Motors. She is one of the charter members of the Indi­ appreciates them. ana Chapter and we welcome her back into our activities. Peg Fiebrantz returned from Cornell University Congratulations to Lillian White, Terre Haute. for the holidays. Cornell quite suits her. She plans, She has a future prospect for the Air Corps. Also we however, to join the WAAFTD in the summer. Poor Pegl send congratulations to Madge Rutherford and her new She is always having to wait for a birthday to make 49-2-'er. Lt. (j.g.) Sherman Minton. Madge has finished her eligible for what she wants. her WASP training and is stationed at Long Beach, Cal­ We all extend our sincerest sympathy to Caroline ifornia. We hear that Betty Scantland has also com­ Failing upon the sudden death of her father whom we had pleted her training at Avenger Field. How about drop­ all learned to enjoy so much whan the meetings were ping us a line, girls? held at the Felling home. We shall miss his keen in­ Betty Cull reports that she has finished her ground terest in the activities of the SB's. work and is concentrating on her flight training for an Since Dora Fritzke became a member, she has be­ Instructor's Rating. come our "flyingest" girl. Any flyable day one may Listen, you gals, we are keeping the' home fires see her at Mitchell Field, taking off on some flight burning and we are very much interested in your activ­ or other. The other day she took Elsie Peters and ities. Send us some news and help keep up our morale flew over Lake Geneva and Fox Lake and back. That and help us to 'keep in touch'. I have not met all evening proved a wonderful time for these two girls you Indiana girls, but here's ay address and let's of Squadron 621-1, for their leaders had arranged get acquainted now Dorotha Hendricks, 2020 Pearl trip through the weather bureau at the field ant? a con­ St., Anderson, Indiana. ducted tour through the tower. Later one of the of­ ficers who has a plane equipped for night flying and is quite generous in general, took each of these two fortunetes up, and then let them make some landings under his supervision. 1 spoke to Dora two days after MICHIGAN CHAPTER and she was still so excited she could hardly tell me all the details. We expect her soon to be ready to' By Ruth W. Thomas, 640 N. Brady, Apt. 207, take us up at night nowl Dearborn, Michigan.

(February) There are three girls in the office who are pros­ pective 99'ers. All are swell girls and very much liked Mary Elaine Calhoun had the last meeting of the b y the personnel. Each has written something about her­ 99's at her home. We can assure you that she is as self and her flying experiences which you might like to good a cook as she is a pilot. Isn't Bill the lucky publish in the NEWS LETTER. 49g' er? 1 hope ay letter beats the dead line and they are Dora Fritzke and Elsie Peters have both been accepted because with four members in the office, we checked out in the army planes which the CAP now has really have big plans for ourselves. for giving cadets their first rides. Dora has put in a few hours in the ships and is mighty proud of that Notes on Prospective Members. time logged. We were very proud to see her picture in the Sunday Journal as she was doing that very nice Helen McMaster of Galesburg, 111., is a product of duty recently. CPT - took her training the spring of 1941 at the Munic­ On his long awaited leave, a very eligible Phar­ ipal airport in Galesburg. After receiving her license macist Mate from Parris Island declared his great de­ in June, she worked as secretary to the CPT contractor sire to become a future 492'er and, in token thereof through the rest of the year. placed a lovely diamond on your Reporter's finger. A job with the army took her to Burlington, Iowa, She highly approves of him and his desire to become the next year, where she belonged to the CAP during 1942 a 49g'er. What is your pleasure in the matter, fellow and 1945. 99'ers? As a CPT graduate she received application to Airway Traffic Control training center in Chicago and started in the September class. After completion of the school INDIANA CHAPTER she was assigned to Detroit Airway Traffic Control Center and has been here ever since. By Dorotha Hendricks, 2020 Pearl Street, Helen says that nothing out of the ordinary happened Anderson, Indiana during her flight and ground school training in CPT ex­ cept, that wheu she soloed her coke bill was unusually We are sorry to learn of the illness of our Re­ high. porter, Bert Topping. I have been appointed to fill Her heart interest (outside of flying, "Natcherly") her shoes, so send me news, you 99'ers, and bear with is a Captain named Steve now attached to a bombardment me, pleaseltI squadron in England. On December 4 and 5 we were entertained at the lovely home of Virginia Read by the Indianapolis 99'ers Louise Magoon, Army Flight Control secretary here at. the Romulus Army Air Field, believes she had a slightly different introduction to flying. She took the CAA's MIDDLE EASTERN Civilian Pilot Training Program at the University of Michigan in 1941. At that time the U. of 11. mas conduct­ SECTION ing an experiment involving the Link Trainer. Each trainee was given 10 hours ob Link time before going out to the airport and receiving actual instruction. The Link was, of course, not "under the hood" but merely to demonstrate the controls and enable the "would-be EASTERu PENN CHAPTER pilots'* to practice coordination. The Link was equipped with a light on the front. In the last listing of Eastern Penn Chapter mem­ The problem was to make the light follow either the bers we are sorry that one of our members name was road, river or horizon painted on wall-sized charts, left out -- Mrs. Wilmer W. Hoopes, Jr., better known at the same time banking and coordinating properly and as "Peggy". Her address is "Winds Aloft", Rosemont, stopping at predesignated heading for a bit of "straight Penna. Congratulations to herl The Rapid Rabbit says and level". The final hour of this experimental pre­ she has just been made a Captain in CAP for her swell flight was landing practice with the Link, trying to im­ work at Philadelphia CAP Headquarters. She has been itate the landing of a plane as flashed on a screen by active there since CAP was a pup. ' a movie projector. She assures us it was much different Leona McElroy, one of our members now living in from the sensations of an actual landing but still a Dearborn, Mich., writes that she had a swell elegant liberal education to a beginner. time at a recent 99 meeting there. Her address, 550 Since it was a controlled experiment the trainees S. Denwood St., Dearborn. were requested to fill out a mimeogra.hed form at the Eliz. Hooker of is on Link maintenance completion of certain lessons, giving their reactions and production test flying at Grumman's on Long Island. to how and if the "Link" training seemed beneficial. Helen Jones, of Lancaster, is now living at 106 The instructors were also consulted and opinions tabu­ State St., Harrisburgh, Penna. , c/o. Mrs. Creamer. lates. Miss Magoon and a number of other students were She's still on WTS at Carlisle, Penna. sure this preflight training was beneficial to them. Their instructors did not agree wholeheartedly — at least not to their students. She is still curious to know what conclusions were reached from this experi­ NORTHWEST PENN CHAPTER ment. (Louise is better known as "Flame" Magoon, of Lil One member of N.W. Penn finally broke down and Abner's little red shoes and stockings fame, around ATC wrote to us. Flowers to her, and scallions and shal­ Army Flight Control Offices.) lots to you gals who won't give us a break. We want to hear from you. Mrs. Herbert Julian Levin, otherwise /mown as Mar­ garet Matuschak Levin, sent us a card saying that she has been grounded for the duration because (1) 49g'er Sybil Berlian, Assistant Airway Traffic Control­ is a Captain in the Medical Corps in Australia, and ler, Detroit Center, Romulus, Mich., writes: (2) 24|'ers Carol, aged two, and Ruth, three months, 1 had heard of flying and airplanes but they still require attention (to say the least! U), (5) An "A" weren't very real to me until the Dean of Men popped book. into the auditorium one morning in a y second year of She tells us that Florence Shutey left for Avenger college and informed the audience that they were plan­ Field, Texas, to start training. ning a CPT course at the airport and it was open to And last but not least she says our recent fat is­ nine boys and one girl. About three girls said they'd sue of the NEWS LETTER "was like a resurrection and like to take it, before I even opened my ears to what signs of new life. Hope it keeps up." the Dean had said. Suddenly 1 decided flying could be Gals, gals, news is only rationed ty you all. If for me, tool you don't send it, we can't print it. Help us keep all 1 rushed to the clinic and heard the doctor say our issues fat. 1 had passed the physical — even if my heart was palpi­ Xe Ed. tating vigorously. My instructor turned out to be a huge, handsome, unmarried brute, so naturally I couldn't let him know 1 # § § # # had never been near enough to a plane to touch one be­ AIRPORT FENCE fore my first lesson. 1 am sure 1 must have had about four dual hours before 1 got used to the fact that it was really me Michigan 99'er Marion "Babe" Weyant is now teach­ looking down on those little houses, trains, and people. ing Link at Parkersburg, West Virginia. Address: 1811 Things were going beautifully until 1 tangled with Murdock, Parkersburg, West Virginia. one of ay teachers who had an idea that if you were go­ ing to be a teacher, you were going to be a teacher — and nothing elsell After getting ourselves untangled, 1 found 1 was to be sent to the school farthest from Cora McDonald saw Dorothy Broadfield (99'er Schol­ town-for my student teaching. Luck again was with me arship winner) recently. They were roommates when they for 1 somehow managed to get a teaching partner who were trying to be instructors in Mississippi. Dorothy had a car. We drove in eveiy week end so 1 was able to is back in Omaha, and ferried a ship through Tulsa only keep up with the fellows even tho 1 did miss an amount a few weeks ago. of ground instruction. Most of our flying was done with skis as the snow was from three to five feet deep that winter. St. Cloud, you know, is quite a ways north, and Minnesota is noted for its snowy winters. Leona McElroy's 49£'er is now a Captain, ty the way. We completed our course by the end of December and He was up flying the day his promotion came through, so, I'm sure that little rabbit that frightened me so on to pass the information to him, the} called the tower and ny first solo landing was totally unaware of the fact had them radio his ship, telling Captain McElroy to call that my heart was in ly throat for fear I'd hit him. the instrument school immediately on landing. Lieutenant

J L i W f McElroy, then, came back with, "There is no Captain McEl­ roy aboard. Do you mean Lieutenant McElroy?" Tower, of course, was unaware of the joke and insisted they asked 1943 - 1944 for Captain McElroy. He reported to instrument school, any way, and was handed his papers. HEW (*) and REHEWAL MEMBERS Jeanne Hope Ada**, 7 Mountainview Dr., Westfield, H.J. *Mre. Lucille H. Adams, 905 Onion St., Brunswick, Ga. Irene Adamson, 5648 Briggs St., Omaha 6, Hebr. Ruth Ingalls Castendyk writes: "Am still member Mrs. Mabel Haley Adelmann, 303 Morris Bldg., Joliet,111. of Hew England Section, although address at present is Miss Amy A. Ahrens, Rockland Heights Rd., Monsey, H.Y, University of Missouri, where 1 am teaching Air Corps Mrs. Marian C. Albright, 5510 W. Fulton, Chicago, 111. classes. Miss Lillian Anderson, Arroyo Sanitorium,Livermore,Calif. "Best wishes to every 99'er." Amy Andrews, 135 East 65th St., Hew York, H.Y. Miss Rachael L.Andrus,2055 Delaware Ave.,Buffalo 16,H.Y. ■"Miss Virginia Arnold, 307 Chicago St., Buchanan, Mich. ■"Miss Jane Ginn Bailey, 117 Ramsey Ave., Syracuse, H.I. *Mrs. Louise 0. Bailly, 28 Carolina Ave.,Orangeburg,S.C. WASP and WASP Trainee Motes. Betty Baker, 2200 Beverly Drive, Charlotte, H.C. Mrs. Gail R.W.Baker, 2905 Samford Ave..Shreveport 19,La. WASP Pauline Markle. Camp Hill (near Harrisburg), Pa., *Mrs. Evelyn C. Banta, 167 Pratt St., East Aurora, H.I. 99'er of Eastern Penn Chapter, is now Mrs. Jeannette 0. Barber, $ David Onderdonk, Clinton stationed at Coffeyville, Kansas. She Heights, Rensselaer, N.I. took the Sweetwater Training last March; Mrs. Alberta H. Barringer, P.O.Box 897, Colorado Springs, finished in September, and later went Colo. to B-26 school at Dodge City. Received Miss Charlotte Bassett, 1437 Rhode Island Ave., B.W., her CAA commercial in December. How Apt. 701, Washington 5, D. C. has over 500 hours. Mrs. Arlene J.P.Bateman, 50 W. Genesee St., Baldwins- She asks us to send her regards to Dot Leh, charter 99'er, at Allentown, ville.H.Y. Pa. Miss Ann C. Baumgartner, WASP, Army Air Base, Camp She also says (Attention, you WASPS): Davis, H.C. "Think we need something like the 99 Mrs. Dorothy P. Baxter, 138 Fair Oaks Lane, Menlo Park, HEWS LETTER among WASPS so we can keep Calif. track of our friends. Suggest it to Mrs. Elizabeth F. Bayliss, 209 Forest Ave.,Marietta,Ga. Mrs. Sheehy." Mrs. Melba Gorty Beard, 1330 S. Ross,Santa Ana,Calif. Miss Betty J. Bechtold, 29 Highland Dr.,Willoughby,Ohio Mrs. Hell Foster Behr, 234 Valencia Rd.,W.Palm Beach,Fla. Mrs. Helene Thomas Bennett, P.O.Box 650, Yuma, Ariz. Well, WASPS, here's your own column. So send us Miss Mary C. Bennett, 4404 Holly, Kansas City, Mo. your whereabouts and news. Mrs. Maxine Dunlap Bennett, 212 Slater Ave..Providence, Ed. Rhode Island. Mrs. Mary Foley Benson, WAC Det., AAF, Gunter Field, Montgomery, Ala. 2nd Lt. ANC Dorothy Berendsen, AAFSAE, Bowman Field, WASP Trainee Betty Williams. 99'er of Eastern Penn Louisville, Ky. Chapter, of Class 44-W-6, sent us Mrs. Margaret Swendsen Bernhard, 410 Evergreen Ave., three applications — from Dixie Apt. 4-H, Chicago 10, 111. Dolly Bemson, Fox Ridge Farm, Lincoln, Mass. Gentry, Anne B. Williams, and Virginia D. Wulff. Adele F. Beyer, Al, Class 44-W-l, 318th AAFFTD, Sweet­ water, Texas. Welcome, girls, and don't get im­ Miss Irene Blasdel, 1728 Pine St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. patient, for it takes time to put ap­ Mrs. Olive A. Bledsoe, 1611 Financial Center Bldg., plications through. Oakland, Calif. Miss Lois V. Boien, Doane College, Crete, Hebr. Mrs. Marie C. Boshears, 335 Broad St., Apt. C-22, , Augusta, Ga. WASP Trainee Ruth Shaffer■ of.Eastern Penn Chapter: Mrs. Florence H. Boswell, 1334 Inglewood Dr., Cleveland Wly don't you look up Betty Williams? Heights, Ohio She'll know a lot of girls you do. Mrs. Kathleen Mountz Botts, 434 Eshleman St.,Highspire,Pa. * Miss Marian Jackson Bradley, 110 Woodside Ave., West Lawn, Pa. Mrs. Elaine McA. Brest, 128 East 61st St., Hew York,H.Y. WASP Trainee Eileen Evans of Los Angeles Chapter:’ Many Mrs. Alma Ward Bristol, 16 Manor Road, 0ouglaston,L.l., thanks for keeping us posted with those H.Y. copies of "The Avenger". Mrs. Mabel Barbour Britton, 408 W.Forest Ave., Ypsilanti, Mich. Mrs. Pearl Fancher Brock, 1827 Laurel Ave., Knoxville, Tenn. WEAR THOSE 99 P1MS Mrs. Gertrude C. Brown, WASP, Arny Air Field, Camp Davis, H.C. 99'ersl How do you expect to be recognized as Miss Maurine Brunsvold, 601st Sqdn., 5th Ferrying Group, a 99'er if you don't sport that pin? If you have Dallas, Texas. one, get it out and wear it. If you don't, bujr one Mrs. Sylvia Marie Brunton, 504 Arter, Topeka, Kans. quick. Gold pin $1.10, at Headquarters, 1025 Con­ Mrs. Dorothy Evans Bryant,.812 South 8th,Pocatello,Ida. necticut Ave., Washington 6, D. C. Mrs. Maurine Fain Bryany, E. Main St.,Petersburg,Ind. Also obtainable 99 decals in blue and gold, Mrs. Helen Williamson Budwash, 14306 Hormal Ave., River- for suit cases, etc, from Headquarters. Two for dale Sta., Chicago, 111. fifteen (15) cents. *Mrs. Leona Kathleen Bump, 709 Sheridan, Hewberg, Ore. Mrs. Jessie W. Bundy, 839 Carson St., Apt. 5, Long Beach, Calif. Mrs. Jessie W. Burack, 245 Beechmont Drive, New Rochelle, Dora Jean Dougherty, A/P, A m y Air Base,Camp Davis,N.C. N. Y. Mrs. Josephine H. Douglas, 104 Mill St., Newport, S.l. Johanna Bussee, 5100 Wisconsin Ave.,N.W.,Washington,D.C. Mrs. Fern E. Drapela, % Airport, Grand Junction, Colo. Mrs. Mary Atwood Calhoun, 1214 N. Astor St., Milwaukee 2, Miss Lyda M. Dunham, Sunnylea Apts., 155 Upland Road, Wis. Quincy, Mass. Mrs. Helen B. Calhoun, WASP, 6th Ferrying Group, Long Mrs. Betty Sides Dunlap, Box 447, Rock Hill, S.C. Beach Army Air Base, Long Beach, Calif. *Mrs. Velma M. Dunlap, 4915 Troostwood Rd., Kansas Mrs. Viola Gentry Cameron, 406 Gotham Apts., 2718 Lin- City, Mo. wood, Kansas City 6, Mo. Mrs. Bird Covey Eaton, 1206 Johnston Bldg., Charlotte Mrs. Camilla Canfield, P.O.Box 1172, Carmel, Calif. 2, N.C. Mrs. Mildred Castle Carney, 5011 Lake Shore Drive, Dorothy Ellen Ebersach, Marana Army Air Field,Tucson, Shreveport, La. Ariz. Louise Carson, Maryville College, Maryville, Tenn. Miss Frances J. Ehlers, Dennis Ave.,Silver Spring,Md. Mrs. Ruth Ingalls Castendyk, 23 Anderson Ave., Columbia, *Marjorle Kllfeldt, 4746 Roanoke Parkway, Kansas City,Mo. Missouri. Mrs. Loreen W. Elliott, 3425 Valley Drive, Parkfairfax, Florence E. Cates, 156 Laurel St., Melrose, Mass. Alexandria, Va. Mrs. Gladys Shockley Cavender, Library Plaza, 1637 Or- Miss Mary Estill, Post Operations (Hangar) Scott Field, rington St., Evanston, 111. Illinois. Mrs. Dorothy C. Chamberlin, 1808 Pacific Ave., San *Mrs. Dorothy Evans, 510 Woodland Ave., Hinsdale, 111. Francisco 9, Calif. Miss Eileen B. Evans, 44-W-3, 318th a AFFTD, Avenger *Miss Mary E. Chance, 1560 wewport, Denver, Colo. Field, Sweetwater, Texas. Miss Sarah Chandler, 3137 Cambridge St., Toledo,Ohio (Permanent address: 5844 So. La Brea, Los Angelos Mrs. Dorothy F. Christenson, 2574 South Shore Drive, 43, Calif.) Milwaukee, Wis. *Miss Lois Fairbanks, 6258 Saunders St,.,Rego Park, Long *Mrs. Margaret Clayton, 4511 Avondale, Bethesda,Md. Island, N.Y. *Miss Co^ye Gwendolyn ClinKscales,Saluda Rd.,Roek Hill, Mrs. Marjorie Hook Fauth, 1406 - 14th Ave., San Fran­ South Carolina. cisco, Calif. Mrs. Greenwood 0. Cocanougher, 161 Chenault'Ave., Lex­ ^Caroline Olga Feiling, 534 Crescent Court, Wauwatosa, ington, ky. Wisconsin. *Dorrthy R. Colburn, 1354 S W 18th St., Miami, Fla. Miss Joan Melicent Fenderson, 23 Plymouth Rd., West Miss Anne Cole, 515 Woodlawn, Greensboro, S.C. Hartford, Conn. Miss Edith 1. Cole, 285 Sterling PI., Brooklyn 17,to.Y. Miss Christine Fernald, 123 Charles St., Boston,Mass. Mrs. Sarah Todd Connell, 40 Bay St., Manchester, N.H. Mrs. Edith Campbell Finholt, 5356 - 36th Ave., So., Mrs. Jean Adams Cook, 5 Concord Ave.,Cambridge,Mass. Minneapolis, Minn. Harrietts Rhoads Cooper,. 214 East 15 th, Minneapolis,Minn. Mrs. Jean B. Fischer, 324 E. Main, DuQuoin, 111. -"-Miss Nancy Anne Corrigan, 843 W. Marion, Tulsa, Okla. *Miss Monica Lambard Flaherty, Keene Airport, Keene, Miss Regina V. Cosgrove, 275 Maple Ave.,Welch, W. Va. New Hampshire. Mrs. Sara Lawton Coston, 6405 Garden Ave., W.Palm Beach, Marion Florsheim, 240 Central Park So., New York IS,N.Y. Florida Miss Loretta E. Foellinger, 4415 Old Mill Road, Fort Miss Marcia Ellen Courtney, WASP, 3rd Tow Target Sqdn., Wayne, Indiana. Army Air Base, Camp Davis, N.C. Mrs. Elizabeth Schubert Folsom, 2443 Parkwood, Ann Miss Ruth Babette Craine, 2445 N. 37th St., Milwaukee Arbor, Michigan. 10, Wis. Mrs. Jean La Rene Foote, Lou Foote A irport (Dallas) *Mrs. Edith M. Cragin, 318th.AAFFTD, Avenger Field, Box 368, Lancaster, Texas. Sweetwater, Texas. *Mrs. Dorothy M. Forkel, 101 Chadwel Rd,.Rochester.N.Y. Miss Marjory Virginia Cramp, 1623 St.Paul, Denver 6,Col. Betty Virginia Frey, 1000 Osceola Ave.,Des Moines,Iowa. Mrs. Jean Blood Cridlebaugh, 3011 N.W. 31st St., Miami Miss Doris Friedman, 748 Mynster, Council Bluffs,Iowa 37, Florida *Miss Dora M. Fritzke, 5111 N. Idlewild Ave., Milwau­ Mrs. Miriam Blagden Crocker, 153 E.64th, New York,N.I. kee 11, Wis. Betty M. Cull, Jennings St., North Vernon, Ind. Mrs. Paulette d'Avril Frontenac, 3880 Rodman St., N.W., Carolyn Lenore Cullen, Ferry Command, Avenger Field, F-216, McLean Gardens, Washington, D.C. Sweetwater, Texas. Mrs. Alice Shutts Fuchs, % Lt. Wm. R. Fuchs, Fort Mrs. Marian E. Cummings, Round Hill, Greenwich,Conn. Worth AAF, Ft. Worth, Texas. Helen G. Curtiss, % Mrs. C.L.Curtiss, R.D. #1, Kent,0. Mrs. Margaret L. Fulton, 718 W. Parsons, Norman, 0kla.“ Abigail A. Cutler, Bks A — LITIS, Naval Air Station, Bettymay Furman, 1405 Union St., Schenectady, N.Y. ~ Atlanta, Ga. Jean Kllnck Fyfe, 3612 Morningslde Ave., Tampa, Fla. Mrs. Virginia Dillon Cutter, Box 274, West Mesa Airport, Mrs. Gay Hayden Gahagan, 480 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Hellon Gandy, Route 4, Temple, Texas. Mrs. Helen B. Daniels, 2751 College Ave., Terre Haute, Mrs. Edna M. Gardner, 2521 Honeysuckle,Ft.Worth,Texas. Ind. Mrs. Margaret C. Gerhardt, % Alvin R. Campbell Co., MMe. Lucia Davidova, 11 E. 77th St., New York, h.Y. Front & Jackson Sts., San Francisco 11, Calif. Mrs. A. Arlene Davis, 13410 Lake Ave.,Cleveland,Ohio Miss Ellen Harriet Gery, WAFS, 6th Fe'rry Group, Long Mrs. Lavon Davis, 4830 Holly, Kansas City, Mo. Beach, Calif. Miss Marjorie B. Davis, 25 Deaconess Rd.,Boston,Mass. Mrs. Blanche L. Gibbs, 230 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. Mrs. Helen Ramsdell deBustamanto, Paseo 452 Vedado, Mrs. Elizabeth Louise Glaser, 132 So. Spalding Dr., Bev­ Havana, Cuba. erly Hills, Calif. Mrs. Agnes J. De Haven, 3320 Jackson St.,Sioux City,Iowa Mrs. Ruth Hartman Gouthey, 1321 Logan, Denver 5, Colo. June De Nio, 427 Denslow, Los Angeles 24, Calif. Mrs. Frances C. Grant, 657 - 16th Ave.,San Francisco, Mrs. Elizabeth F. DeVore, R F D 7, Meadville, Penna. California Mrs. Alice Adamec De Witt, 420 N. Ninth Ave., Ponca Marjorie M. Gray, WASP, N.C.A.A.B., Wilmington 95,Del. City, Okla. Mrs. Elizabeth Baer Green, 502-1428 Peachtree St., N.E., Miss Dorothy Alice Dick, 224 S. Sublette,Pocatello,Idaho Atlanta, Ga. Miss Helen Dick, 1003 N. 5th, Boise, Idaho Miss Evelyn Greenblatt, 601st Sqdn., 5th Ferrying Group, *Miss Mary H. Dickqy, 2521 Honeysuckle,Ft. Worth,Texas. Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Miss Carolyn Jean Dingman,1611 E Genesee St., Syracuse Miss Aleta M. Grill, 716 South West Ave.,Jackson,Mich. 10, h.Y. Mrs. Florence F. Grismore, 35 College Ave., Upper Mont­ Mrs. Margaret Fuller Dorst, Fair Oaks Lane, Menlo Park, clair, N.J. Calif. Eleanor E. Groh, 415 Cumberland St., Lebanon, Penna. Mrs. Ruth Tolley Gwinn, 720 Highland Ave.,Princeton,W.Va. Mrs. Ruth Eleanor Johnson, 1013 Boswell Ave.,Crete,Nebr. Mrs. Clara Schneider Hahn, 709 First Ave., S.E., LaMars, Helen Jones, 819 Ocean Ave., Lancaster, Pa. Iowa. *Miss Jessie Elinor Jones, 819 Ocean Ave., Lancaster,Pa. Ruth Hallstead, Crete, Nebraska Suzette Margaret Jones, 1945 E. 75th St.,Cleveland,Ohio. Mrs. L. Louise Hall, Box 1027, Beckley, W. Va. Miss Annabelle Ruth Kekic, WASP, 3rd Ferrying Group, Cecile Hamilton, 704 Bonlfant St., Silver Springs, Md. Romulus, Mich. Mrs. Elizabeth Browne Hamilton, 224 Hillside Ave., Char­ Mrs. Helen A. Kelton, Rt. 4, Box 145, Chico, Calif. lotte, N. C. Mrs. Cecil W. Kenyon, Cherry Lane, Huntington,N.I. Mrs. Alice H. Hammond, 70 Cambridge Rd., Grosse Pointe Mrs. Ruth Kilgour, 429 E Street, San Bernardino, Calif. Farms 30, Mich. Mrs. Nancy Kinsley, 2623 San Domingo, Coral Gables,Fla. Mrs. Wilhelmina Hanzlik, 33-05 37th Ave., Long Island Dorothy M. Kinsman, 12th Tow Target, Callan Field, City, N. X. San Diego, Calif. Mrs. Dorothy McBirney Hardy, Box 1313,Yakima, Wash. Mrs. Faye Davies Kirk, 14940 Westwood Ave.,Detroit,Mich. Mrs. Violet Harlow, 1625 Garfield Ave., Terre Haute,Ind. Mrs. Kathryn Kniesche, Box 196, Coconut Grove, Miami 33, Mrs. Hortense K. Harris, 405 W. First St.,S.Boston,Mass. Fla. (Permanent address: 15 Larchmont Road, Mr6. Margaret Kimball Harsh, 1921 Prospect, Omaha, Nebr. Asheville, N.C.) Mrs. Rita Gerry Hart, 2110 Santa Clara ave., Alameda, Miss Helen M. Koethen, 540 College Ave., Niagara Falls, Calif. N.Y. Mrs. Alma Hendricks Harwood, Stratford Rd.,Harrison,N.Y. Mrs. Jimmie Hudson Kolp, Box 591, Electra, Texas Mrs. Frances R. Hasbrouck, P.O.Box 67, Stone Ridge, N.Y. Mrs. Olive Brown Kuster, 6633 Field Ave.,Detroit 13,Mich. Mrs. Irene Ballard Haworth, 418 N.E. 12th Avenue, Fort Miss Jane Marie Lawler, 107 E. 51st Terrace,Kansas City, Lauderdale, F la. Missouri. Elizabeth Hayward, R. R. 1, Box 78, Camarillo, Calif. Esther McCollum Lawson, P.O.Box 261, Suisun, Calif. *Miss Gloria Whitton Heath, 405 Park Ave., New York,N.Y. Miss Kittie Louise Learning, WASP, 6th Ferrying Group, Mary-Lincoln Heckman, 44-W-2, 318th AAFFTD, Sweetwater, ATC, Army Air Field, Long Beach, Calif. Texas. Mary Jane Leasman, Hector, Minn. Ruth A. Heller, Lt., OSNR, 8 East 10th St., New York,N.I. Emma Edwards Leavenworth, 2202 - 2nd Ave., W.,Seattle Mrs. Dorotha Elrod Hendricks, 2020 Pearl, Anderson, Ind. 99, Wash.' *Mrs. Helen H. P. Henry, 3958 Haddon Rd., Denver, Colo. Mrs. Dorothea B. Leh, 1318 Linden St., Allentown, Pa. Miss Grace L. Hess, 2002 P St., N.W., Apt. 71, Wash­ Miss Jeannette Lempke, 1111 East Genesee a v e ., apt. 4, ington 6, D. C. Saginaw, Mich. Miss Gwendolyn Hess, Hotel Wellington, Omaha, Nebr. Mrs. F a m y M. Lecnpacher, P.O.Box 432, Lafayette, La. Belle Hetzel, 126 Drake Court, Omaha, Nebr. Mrs. Margaret C, Matuschak Levin, R.D.l,Belle Vernon, Mrs. Catherine Hickey, MPT C , Fairfax Field, Kansas Penna. City, Kans. mrs. Dorothy Riley Levy, 253 Lincoln Ave.,Amherst,Mass, Miss Leah Ann Higgins, 898 Lawrence, Detroit 2, Mich. Mrs. Grace Koehler Liebman, 242 E.’ 68th St.,New York,N.Y. Mrs. Jane Dulaney Hilbert, Tri-City Airport, Box 676, Mrs. Douglas Lindsey, jo a. V. Peters, Lacassine, La. Johnson City, Tenn. Mrs. Thelma C. Lindzay, 1213 N. Michigan Ave., Saginaw, Mrs. Gladys M. Hill, 713 Darlin Buena Park,Calif. Mich. Leah Hing, 1612 S.E. 11th Ave., oland, Ore. Miss Lavinia B. Lippincott, £336 E. 13th St., Des Miss Marie Luise Hinrichs, 160 U— Jmbfa Heights, Moines 16, Iowa. Brooklyn, N. I. Clara Livingston, Sundorph Hangar, Municipal irport, Mrs. Marion Vail Hinson, 31944 Woodbrook Drive, Cleveland, Ohio. R F D 3, % H.J.Patters, Wayne, Mich. *Mrs. Katherine Smith Loft, % Mrs. H. Kopplin, 23 Hibis­ Mrs. Elberta Foster Hoffmire, 136 Pine St., Tampa cus Island, Miami Beach 39, Fla. 6, Florida mrs. nancy Harkness Love, 309 Vine St.,Cincinnati, Ohio. Lois Hollingsworth, 4th Tow Target Sqdn., Liberty ’Miss Lancye Lowe, 3331 Avenue J, Fort Worth, Texas. Field, Camp Stewart, Ga. Capt. Katherine D. Lynch, W.R., B0Q #2, MCAS, Cheriy Miss Jessie Irene Hook, Elen College, Elon College, Foint, N. C. N. C. Mrs. Joan Diehl McCauley, % Mrs. Diehl, 280 Park ave., Elizabeth Houghton Hooker, % Grumman Aircraft Engi­ new York 17, u . Y. neering Corp., Bethpage, L.I., n.Y. Miss Jill ucCormick, 2nd Ferrying Group, new Castle AAB, Mrs. Maxine Schoen Howard, 110 north Flores, Los Wilmington, Dela. Angeles, Calif. .Mrs. Leona Henley McElroy, 330 S. Denwood St., Dearborn, Miss Anna Scott Hoye, 1430 Franklin St., Fredericks­ rwich. burg, Va. Mrs. Evelyn C. McRae, 338 Vanderbilt Road, Biltmore *Miss Maiy-Anne Hoyt, 621 Acorn Dr., Dayton 9, Ohio Forest, asheville, U. C. "-Miss Marguerite Huff, 11790 Corbett, Detroit 13,Mich. Miss Jeanne Lloyd McSheehy, 44-W-5, Bay 1-5, 318th AAF «Mrs. Janet Hambright Humphries, 2009^ Broadway, Box FIS, avenger Field,Sweetwater,Texas. 906, Lubbock, Texas. *Miss Marie U. MacGuire, 1855 Columbus Ave., Boston,Mass. *iiiss Martha Hutcheson, Sam Houston Airport, Houston, Beatrice J. Mack, 223G St., Omaha 6, Nebr. Texas. Isabelle M. Maffette, Port Royal, Penna. Mrs. Fonda Cunningham Ejyatt, P.O.Box 829, Pinehurst,N.C. Mrs. Maisie Gertrude Mahaffey, Box 408, Lancaster, S.C. Beatrice Sylvia Hymen, 945 Humboldt Parkway,Buffalo,n.Y. Mrs. Florence B. Mall Traverse Lane, Flossmoor, 111. Gladys Ingenhuett, Comfort, Texas. ^Pauline Powers Markle, 104 N 25th St.,Camp Hill, Penna. Miss Caroline E. Iverson, Life Magazine Editorial, lime Miss Hester Surua Martin, 4519 N 13th St.,Philadelphia, & Life Bldg.,Rockefeller Center, t\ew York 20, A.i. Penna. tors. Elise Bryant, Litchfield, Conn. Mrs. Jean M. Massicot, Homosassa, Florida Marion A. Jackson, 15515 Rd., East Cleveland 12, Mrs. Veda Willis Mauk, Municipal airport, Blackwell,Okla. Ohio Mrs. Ivah C. Maxfield, 2212 West 4th St., Sioux City,Iowa> Mrs. George Sargent Janes, Rensselaer Rd.,Essex Fells,n.J. *Miss Beatrice Medes, 319th AAFFTD 43-W-3, avenger Field, Hilda P. Jarmuth, 103 S.Edgemont St.,Los Angeles 4,Calif. Sweetwater, Texas. Mrs. Ann Reed Johnson, 5th Ferrying Group, Love Field, Mrs. Ethel Reiners Meibauer, 381 Flagg Place, Dongan Dallas, Texas. Hill, Staten Island, N.Y. Ens. ftnna M. Johnson, GSNANS, Rm. 222 Hollywood Beach Mrs. Mary Jane S. Meikle, 220 University ave., San An­ Hotel, Hollywood, Fla. tonio 1, Texas. Mrs. Leah Zeigler Johnson, 6337 Locke Ave, Fort Worth, Texas. (Will be continued in next NEWS LETTER) Mrs. Qlyve Eckler Johnson, Pittsford, N. Y.