Belgian Economic Mission to the Republic of Korea 09-15 May 2009

Organised by the regional institutions for Foreign Trade ( Export, Flanders Investment & Trade - FIT, the Wallonia Foreign Trade and Investment Agency - AWEX) and the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency His Royal Highness Prince PHILIPPE of 04

HRH Prince Philippe was born on 15 in Brussels, Belgium, Singapore (2008) and Mexico & Panama (2009). as first child of HM Albert II and HM Queen Paola. He is first in the On May 3, 2003, Prince Philippe was appointed Honorary Chairman of line of succession to the throne of Belgium and, as such, he bears the the Board of the Foreign Trade Agency, replacing the BFTB. title of Duke of Brabant. On June 21, 1994 he became a member of the . On December 4, 1999, the Prince married Miss Mathilde d’Udekem In addition to his various official duties, Prince Philippe concentrates on d’Acoz. gaining more in-depth knowledge of his country, its role and its image Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde have 4 children: Elisabeth (2001), in the world and in international relations. Gabriel (2003), Emmanuel (2005) and Eléonore (2008). The Prince is keenly interested in the situation of young people and At the end of secondary school, which he attended both in French their integration in the society of tomorrow. He therefore visits schools and in Dutch, the Prince continued his education at the Royal Military and universities, but also follows closely various social issues such as Academy from which he graduated in 1981. He then subsequently unemployment and the struggle against poverty and exclusion. qualified as fighter pilot (1982) and as a paratrooper- and commando In May 1997, Prince Philippe was appointed Honorary Chairman of the officer before assuming command over a paratrooper platoon. He now Belgian Federal Council for Sustainable Development, created after the holds the rank of Major-General in the Armed Forces (2001). Conference of Rio. Prince Philippe completed his academic training at Trinity College, In 1998 the Prince Philippe Fund was created, with the aim of (UK) and at the Graduate School of Stanford fostering exchanges between citizens or organisations from all three University (USA) where he took a “Master of Arts Degree” in political Communities of our country. science in 1985. In 2003, Prince Philippe became Honorary Chairman of BIO (Belgian The Prince holds an Honorary Doctorate of the Katholieke Universiteit Investment Company for Developing Countries). Leuven (conferred in 2002). Since 2004, Prince Philippe is also Honorary Chairman of the As a result of the increasing number of commitments, the “Household European Chapter of the Club of Rome and of the International Polar of Prince Philippe” was created in 1992. Foundation. On August 6, 1993, by Government decision, Prince Philippe was In May 2004, Prince Philippe obtained his licence as a civilian helicopter appointed Honorary Chairman of the Belgian Foreign Trade Board pilot. He spends his rare leisure moments at home with his family (BFTB). He succeeded to his father, who had been Honorary Chairman of and also likes to read, especially on subjects related to the problems the BFTB since 1962. In this capacity, Prince Philippe has headed more and challenges confronting men and women in today’s society. He than forty important economic missions, of which the most recent are practises sports regularly and is keen to maintain a healthy physical India, and Brazil (2005), South Africa, the Federation of Russia, condition. Canada and Bulgaria & Romania (2006), China and Bahrain & Qatar (2007), USA & Canada, Egypt, & Uruguay and Indonesia & HE Karel DE GUCHT Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs 06

Born in Overmere on January 27, 1954 Resident in Berlare, Oost-Vlaanderen Educational background Master in Law, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (1976) / Secondary school education: Latin-Mathematics, Royal Atheneum Aalst (1971) Mandates Lawyer Honourable / Professor European Law VUB / Member of Parliament / Minister of Foreign Affairs Political career Mayor of Berlare (2006- ) Minister of Foreign Affairs (2004- ) Member of Parliament (2003- ) Minister of State (2002- ) Member of the European Parliament (1980-1994) National President VLD (1999-2004 ) Member of the Flemish Parliament (1995-2003) Senator (1994-1995) Member of the local Council of Berlare (1989- ) National Vice-President PVV (1985-1988) Alderman of Finance in Lebbeke (1983-1988) National President Liberal Youth (1977-1979) Member of the party executive PVV/VLD (1977- ) President National Liberal Student Union (1975-1977) President Liberal Student Union Brussels (1974-1975)


Summary pages

Private & Public Organisations, Chambers of Commerce and Federations 10 Ports 20 Industrial & Service Companies 24 Public Sector 72


Private & Public Organisations, Chambers of Commerce and Federations 11 FEB - FEDERATION OF ENTERPRISES IN BELGIUM

Rue Ravensteinstraat 4 The Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB) is the only multisector employers’ organisation representing companies in B - 1000 Brussels Belgium. The FEB has 33 full members, all of which are professional sectoral federations - in addition to its applicant and Tel: +32 2 515 08 11 corresponding members. All in all, it represents more than 30,000 businesses, of which 25,000 are small and medium-sized Fax: +32 2 515 09 99 firms. In job terms, it represents some 1,500,000 workers. The main activities of the FEB in Belgium are: [email protected] • promoting and stimulating entrepreneurship; • defining common positions of Belgian employers; • ensuring representation in many national and international advisory and administrative committees and institutions; • acting as intermediary between employers and government, administration, trade unions, consumers,…; • providing a flow of information to its members and the general public.


The Federation of Chambers of Commerce of Belgium ( was created as a private organisation in 1875. Being the Avenue Louise 500 umbrella organisation for the Chambers of Commerce in Belgium and for the Belgian Chambers of Commerce abroad, it B - 1050 Brussels defends the interests of its members and represents the Belgian Chamber network at national, European and international Tel: +32 2 209 05 50 level. It coordinates Chamber activities throughout Belgium, and watches over the quality of the services offered by its Fax: +32 2 209 05 68 members through its accreditation programme. [email protected] The Federation is the driving force behind an ambitious digitization program of Chamber services. A recent achievement was the launch of the DigiChambers application ( for the online issuing of certificates of origin by Belgian Chambers of Commerce. The Federation is now actively pursuing talks with other Chambers worldwide to make use of the DigiChambers platform.

Johann J.L. LETEN Member of the Executive Board Managing Director of Voka-Limburg Chamber of Commerce & Industry Member of the Management Committee of Voka-Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce & Industry 13 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN - LEUVEN NANOCENTER

Celestijnenlaan 200 D The Leuven Nanocenter is a research centre of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and brings the research and development B - 3001 Leuven activities of the K.U. Leuven in the areas of Nanosciences and Nanotechnology together. The centre is formed by groups Tel: +32 16 32 72 90 from different departments and faculties and disposes of the broadest range of materials and tools for nanosciences and Fax: +32 16 32 79 83 nanotechnology available in Flanders. Our mission is to strengthen the interdisciplinary research and development activities by implementing around specific themes the complete innovation chain starting from fundamental knowledge and scientific [email protected] discoveries towards the implementation of practical solutions and complete systems. At this moment eight main research lines are pursued around: i) Nanomagnetism, ii) Nanoscale Superconductivity and Fluxonics, iii) Nanophotonics and Photophysics, iv) Nano-electronics and Semiconductors, v) Nano-catalysis and Nano- reactors, vi) NEMS and Precision Engineering, vii) Nano-scale materials and viii) Nano-biosystems.

Jean-Pierre LOCQUET Jin Won (Maria) SEO Chairman Leuven Professor in Department Nanocenter of Metallurgy and Professor in Department Materials Engineering of Physics and Astronomy 14 KOREA BUSINESS CENTER - Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA)

KOTRA - (est. 1962) a South Korean non profit governmental agency responsible for the promotion of trade & investment WTC - Boulevard Albert activities between Korea and countries around the world. Services provided include: business matchmaking, trade missions, II-laan 30 - b. 14 local & foreign market research, and exhibitions. There are currently more than 100 Korea business centers in 72 countries B - 1000 Brussels with KOTRA Brussels serving Belgium and the Grand Duchy of . Tel: +32 2 203 21 42 INVEST KOREA - (est. 1998), is the investment promotion arm of KOTRA with the role of providing foreign investors/ Fax: +32 2 203 07 51 companies with one-stop service to operate their businesses successfully in Korea. Services provided include: consultation on [email protected] M&A, legal, accounting, tax matters and market research.

Christian COLSON Senior Manager 15 UNIZO

Spastraat 8 UNIZO, the organisation for independent entrepreneurs and SME’s” is a non-profit making and interprofessional employers’ B - 1000 Brussels organisation and social partner. Tel: +32 2 238 05 11 With over 100 cooperating professional sectorial organizations and over 85.000 members, UNIZO is the largest organisation Fax: +32 2 230 93 54 for entrepreneurs in Flanders. The main activities of UNIZO are: defending the interests of the entrepreneurs, providing information and advice and [email protected] stimulating networking. They are aimed at five specific categories: start-ups, young companies, growing companies, international active companies and business transfer. UNIZO-Internationaal is responsible for stimulating international trade of Flemish SME’s and cooperation in European and international projects. Unizo is a member of UEAPME, the European SME-organisation.

Hilde VAN DAMME Director Marketing & External Communication 16 VOKA - FLANDERS’ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY

There are eight Voka - Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) in Flanders. Zinnerstraat 1 Voka - Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry aims to stimulate economic activity and intends to create a framework B - 1000 Brussels for successful enterprise. We support the economic development of our region by lobbying, networking and offering specific Tel: +32 3 202 44 00 services to our businesses. Fax: +32 3 233 76 60 Voka - Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry unites more than 18.000 businesses from all sectors within the Flemish region. The size varies from start-ups or small companies to well-established multinationals with thousand employees. [email protected] We are politically independent. Every Voka - Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a private institution. Membership is not compulsory, but based on competitiveness, high value-added services, exclusive information and transparency. As the closest, most influential and professional network of entrepreneurs and the representative organisation for companies in Flanders, Voka - Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry wishes to create and optimum framework for successful enterprising.

Johann J. L. LETEN Member of the Management Committee Managing Director of Voka-Limburg Chamber of Commerce & Industry Member of the Executive Board of the FCCIB 17 VOKA - LIMBURG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY

Limburg’s Entrepreneur House Limburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry was incorporated on the 18th of April 1860. As a CCI, we are an employers’ Gouverneur Roppesingel 51 organization creating solutions and opportunities through our core services: Lobbying, networking, training, a whole array of B - 3500 Hasselt services and both national and international projects. Tel: +32 11 56 02 00 There are eight Voka - Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) in Flanders. Together, with the Voka - Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry, these eight Chambers form the Voka alliance, the largest Flemish network of enterprises. Fax: +32 11 56 02 09 Our mission: As the closest, most influential and most professional network of entrepreneurs and the representative [email protected] organisation for companies in Flanders, Voka wishes to create an optimal framework for successful free enterprise, and thus seeks to make a fundamental contribution to its region’s welfare and being. We are also a member of the Belgian Federation of CCI’s and are a part of a Euregional, European and global network.

Johann J.L. LETEN Managing Director Member of the Management Committee of Voka-Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce & Industry Member of the Executive Board of the FCCIB 18



Entrepotkaai 1 In 2008 the Port of Antwerp handled almost 190 million tons of international maritime goods. This makes Antwerp the fifth B - 2000 Antwerp largest port in the world, the second largest port in Europe and by far the largest in Belgium. Tel: +32 3 205 25 32 Besides containers, the emphasis in Antwerp is on general cargo, under which steel. Handling more than 10.5 million tons Fax: +32 3 205 20 28 of steel and nonferrous metal in 2008, and being European import/export hub for the big steel manufacturers, Antwerp is [email protected] by far market leader in this category. Antwerp also plays a prominent role in the worldwide shipment of both project and heavy cargo.

Frank GEERKENS Bruno VAN DEN BROECK Ambassador Representative Advisor External Relations 22 PORT AUTHORITY ZEEBRUGGE

Zeebrugge, on the Belgian North Sea Coast, is the global leader in car trade with more than 2 million units handled each Isabellalaan 1 year. All related services, both technical and logistic, are provided for. B - 8380 Zeebrugge The port also handles 2.2 million TEU and has container links with all continents. Zeebrugge’s deep water facilities can handle Tel: +32 50 54 32 11 the largest container carriers without any loss of time. Fax: +32 50 54 32 07 The port’s logistic links with the markets of continental Europe and the UK are manifold by rail, barge, road and feeder network. Therefore many companies serving the European markets are eager to set up distribution centres in the port. Fax: +32 50 54 32 70 10 fixed weekly container services offer a high frequency at the disposal of the Korean shipper. [email protected]

Joachim COENS Vincent DE SAEDELEER Chairman Vice President Managing Director


Industrial & Service Companies 25 2INGIS

Rue de Ransbeek 310 2ingis® has developed and marketed a unique concept that improves the implant of dental prosthesis and makes it safer. B - 1120 Brussels One person out of two is susceptible of loosing a tooth. It is crucial to replace lost teeth. This has become a matter of public Tel: +32 2 770 27 80 health. Moreover, it is hard for a patient to undergo a dental surgery. Fax: +32 2 770 37 50 Since each patient has a different jaw and needs a specific treatment, the outcome of a dental surgery cannot be guaranteed with the traditional method. [email protected] The concept developed by 2ingis® is safer (problems are reduced by 80%), quicker (60% less time), more accurate (+/- 50 microns) and is fully patented and tested. 2ingis® has developed a new concept along with surgical instruments (surgical guide), a specific guiding system training and highly-professional advice to implant manufacturers.

Philippe DE MOYER CEO 26 A&B Partners

A&B Partners is a consulting company specialised in strategic international business development. Since its inception in 1988, Warandestraat 10 A&B Partners has assisted hundreds of companies in their international business development into EU and Asia. B - 9810 Nazareth Services are: market research, search for joint venture partners, mergers & acquisitions. Tel: +32 9 385 71 21 A&B Partners has a team that assists Asian companies who want to merge or acquire a European company. [email protected] A&B Partners offers following services in international mergers & acquisitions: • search for partners • due diligence • valuation of companies • deal construction

A&B Partners cvba International Business Developers

Jean BLONDEEL Brenda DIERICKX Director Director 27 AHLERS

Noorderlaan 139 Ahlers is an international logistic and maritime service provider dedicated to your cargo, your people, your floating assets B - 2030 Antwerp and your information flows. Tel: +32 3 543 72 11 Today, Ahlers adds value to your operations from 4 complementary angles: Fax: +32 3 542 00 23 • AHLERS MARITIME focuses on crews, vessels and all your sea-related challenges. [email protected] • AHLERS AGENCIES is your trusted partner as liner and port agent. • AHLERS FORWARDING moves your cargo from door to door, wherever those doors may be. • AHLERS LOGISTICS creates value where supply chains meet: in and around warehouses.

Rachel KELLETT Sales & Account Manager 28 AMOS

AMOS is specialised in designing and manufacturing high accuracy optical and mechanical systems. For space industry Rue des Chasseurs ardennais we are producing equipment to test satellites and payloads on ground as well as mirrors and mechanisms to fly on board B - 4031 Angleur spacecraft. Tel: +32 4 361 40 40 We are also delivering tailor-made equipment to professional astronomy from focal plane instruments to complete Fax: +32 4 367 20 07 telescopes. [email protected]

Jean-Pierre CHISOGNE Commercial Manager 29 ANSEM

Esperantolaan 9 AnSem is a fables IC design house founded in 1998. AnSem develops the most advanced customer defined analog and B - 3001 Heverlee mixed-signal integrated circuits for RF CMOS, high-speed data communication, data acquisition and ultra low-power & Tel: +32 16 38 65 00 low-voltage applications. AnSem provides cost-effective turnkey solutions using the latest technology with emphasis on Fax: +32 16 38 65 65 best time to market. The company is headquartered in Leuven, Belgium, home to Europe’s DSP Valley technology network organisation. [email protected] AnSem’s customers are leading companies active in the medical, industrial and wireless semiconductor market place. Our customers include Kawasaki Microelectronics, National Semiconductor, NXP, Phonak, Tyco Electronics and many others.


Aquafin was founded in 1990 by the government of Flanders. Dijkstraat 8 Its mission is to design, finance, build and operate all supramunicipal infrastructure needed to treat domestic wastewater and B - 2630 Aartselaar to optimise all main sewers and wastewater treatment plants taken over from the Flemish Environmental Agency. At the end Tel: +32 3 450 45 72 of 2007, Aquafin was responsible for the operation of 220 wastewater treatment plants, 958 pumping stations and 4,275 km Fax: +32 3 460 46 64 of pipes. The company has built 116 new wastewater treatment plants and renovated 61 existing installations. To transport the wastewater to the treatment plants, Aquafin has built 738 pumping stations and has laid 3,095km of pipes. The Flemish [email protected] Environmental Holding is the sole shareholder in Aquafin. Besides its extensive supramunicipal task, Aquafin also offers its services to the Flemish municipalities, the industry in Flanders and abroad.

Luc BOSSYNS Managing Director 31 BO-VISION

Guyotdreef 72 Bo-Vision operates as external export manager for smaller Belgian Breweries. We cover the Korean, Japanese, Hong Kong B - 2930 Brasschaat and Taiwanese markets. Tel: +32 496 50 50 51 This gives our Asian partners the opportunity to start-up with relatively small quantities per brewery and offer a taste pallet Fax: +32 3 633 00 03 completely covering the Belgian beer market. [email protected] The breweries we currently represent are: De Koninck (ale beers), De Troch (lambic and fruit beers), Strubbe (red beer and organic fruit beer), De Landtsheer (Champagne beers and heavy beer), Van Eecke (wheat beer, abbey beer, strong hopped beer). Bo-Vision is consolidator for those breweries. Shipments can be sent LCL or FCL. Doing so reduces the shipping, handling and import charges.


SPRL Buster & Cie is a Brussels company promoting and exporting Belgian traditional food. Boulevard Lambermont 384 Buster & Cie is a sourcing company offering a large range of services to foreign companies interested in our traditional food. B - 1030 Brussels Buster & Cie manages commercial, quality and logistic services. Tel: +32 2 215 15 50 Fax: +32 2 248 02 40 [email protected]

Philippe SMITS Iris RENNO-UNGEMACH General Manager Export Manager 33 CHÂTEAU D’ANTHEE

Château de la Forge 1 Our company is specialised in prospecting and developing innovative concepts, markets, products and brands for introduction B - 5520 Onhaye on the Asian and European markets. Tel: +32 82 68 83 33 With our knowledge and experience in the pharmaceutical, medicinal herbal industry and traditional medicine sector, we [email protected] focus particularly to develop new and innovative formulations and product technology for this sector, especially for the composition and fabrication of herbal teas and drinks. Furthermore, our company can provide a full spectrum of support and services in business & real estate brokerage, project and business development and management services.


Over the past 25 years, Clavis Publishing has grown into the largest publisher of children’s books in Flanders and the Vooruitzichtstraat 42 . B - 3500 Hasselt With an annual production of 180 new titles and translations flying off the shelves in over 35 countries, Clavis Publishing has Tel: +32 11 28 68 68 developed into a widely-respected international publisher of high-quality children’s and teen books, covering an age Fax: +32 11 28 68 69 range from 0-18 years. Books by Clavis are perfectly tailored to children’s expectations: well-written, gloriously illustrated and produced to an [email protected] unprecedented level of perfection and therefore invariably things of beauty, adding just that tiny bit more to the story told. Educational, certainly, but in a fun way, never compromising the pleasure of reading. At Clavis Publishing, we believe that children’s books can make a difference in bringing about a brighter future for them. After all, tomorrow’s world will end up looking the way it is dreamt up by today’s children.

Philippe WERCK Ritva LUKKARINEN-WERCK Managing Director Company Secretary 35 DE KRINGWINKEL ZUIDERKEMPEN

Noordstraat 25 - b. 1 Collecting reusable items (furniture, clothing, household items, bicycles, ..) in a region called Zuiderkempen. After cleaning B - 2220 Heist-op-den-Berg and repairing, to give them a second life, these goods are resold in one of our seven re-use shops. Tel: +32 15 23 73 93 Organised as a social profit company, all people working in our company have reduced chances on the labour market. Fax: +32 15 23 73 99 All items that cannot be sold on our local market are exported to the USA, , Georgia, India, ... [email protected]

Rik OPLICHTENBERGH Paul MACKEN Delegated Director Member of the Board 36 DEME

DEME can look back on nearly 150 years of experience in worldwide contracting. Throughout the years a number of specialised Haven 1025 - Scheldedijk 30 activities have been developed in support of the core business, dredging and land reclamation. B - 2070 Zwijndrecht They are all related to hydraulic engineering, offshore and environmental works. Our clients appreciate the synergies Tel: +32 3 250 52 11 between these versatile activities. Total solutions for complex projects are an added value for project developers. Every item Fax: +32 3 250 56 50 is there to create and mould proper foundations and landscapes for future generations.

Dimitry DUTILLEUX Area Manager North East Asia 37 DETRY

Route de Merckhof 110 Since 1963, and as part of its continuing policy to achieve ever-higher quality standards, the Detry company has been B - 4880 Aubel pouring investments into the Aubel site in a bid to enhance both the human resources and the material infrastructure. Tel: +32 87 68 06 00 Detry is growing itself by developing even more effective systems in slaughtering, fresh meat cutting, production of Fax: +32 87 68 06 10 delicatessen and sliced products. [email protected] • Standards: HACCP – CEE – BRC – IFS • Product range: all kind of fresh and frozen pork meat - Delicatessen • Abattoir: 9000 pigs slaughtered/week • Cutting department: 8000 pigs slaughtered/week • Cooked pork meat department: 24 tonnes produced a week

Markus MEYER Sales Manager Export Meat Department 38 DSP VALLEY

DSP Valley is a technology networking organization, focusing on the design of micro/nano-electronics hardware and Gaston Geenslaan 9 embedded software technology for signal processing systems and system-on-a-chip, targeting applications in consumer B - 3001 Leuven electronics, automotive electronics, medical devices, high tech machine construction, communication networks etc. DSP Tel: +32 16 24 14 40 Valley groups over 60 members: universities, research institutes and businesses (from small start-ups to multi-national Fax: +32 16 24 14 49 groups, including organizations such as IMEC, Philips, NXP, and many others). DSP Valley’s mission is to stimulate new partnerships. DSP Valley has offices in Leuven, Belgium and Eindhoven, the Netherlands. [email protected]

Peter SIMKENS Managing Director 39 EXCENTIS

Gildestraat 8 Providing excellence in telecom and ICT services”: that is the core of Excentis’ business. headquartered in Ghent, Belgium. B - 9000 Ghent Excentis is a leading and solid provider of highly specialized testing, consultancy and training services for access network Tel: +32 9 269 22 91 technologies (cable, xDSL, wireless, etc) and related services (e.g. VoIP and iDTV). Fax: +32 9 329 31 74 Excentis acts as the independent, neutral and only certification testing lab on behalf of European cable operators. Born out of this testing and consultancy expertise, the company has developed a unique highly flexible and cost-effective testing [email protected] product: the ByteBlower® TCP/IP traffic generator/analyzer. Its customers are international telecommunication companies such as Alcatel and Motorola. More information can be found on

Luc MARTENS CEO 40 E-XSTREAM ENGINEERING e-Xstream engineering develops and commercializes DIGIMAT suite of software, a state-of-the-art multi-scale material Rue du Bosquet 7 modeling technology that fastens the development of optimal composite materials and parts for material suppliers and end B - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve users in the automotive, aerospace, consumer goods and industrial equipments industries. Tel: +32 10 86 64 25 Our solutions are used by CAE engineers, materials scientists, chemists, specialists in manufacturing processes of composite Fax: +32 10 84 07 67 materials to accurately predict the nonlinear micromechanical behavior of complex multi-phase composites materials and [email protected] structures (PMC, RMC, MMC …). Our material modeling solution, DIGIMAT: the nonlinear multi-scale materials & structures modeling platform, is an efficient predictive tool that helps our customers designing and manufacturing innovative and optimal composite materials and parts time and costs efficiently.


Building 721 Together with European sub-agents and overseas partners, our offices in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Brussels, Antwerpen, Liege, B - 1931 Zaventem Frankfurt, Hamburg, Nigeria and Shanghai, can offer you a global service in all aspects of transport logistics. Tel: +32 2 753 21 91 Our airfreight offices in Amsterdam (HQ), Brussels, Frankfurt and Liege focus mainly on general airfreight and projects Fax: +32 2 753 21 90 cargoes. [email protected] From our offices in Rotterdam, Hamburg and Antwerpen we provide a wide range of shipping and forwarding services for containerized, consolidated, breakbulk, project and bulk cargoes. Working with Fast Forward Freight offers you all the benefits developed by a highly motivated team to keep her clients and partners competitive in a global market.


GreenPeak is a fabless semiconductor company and is a leader in battery-free communication technology for wireless sense Lindestraat 19 and control applications. This revolutionary technology, based on the IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee wireless networking standard, B - 9240 Zele utilizes energy harvesting to facilitate battery-free operation in a totally wireless environment, without the need for either Tel: +32 52 45 87 20 communications or power connectivity. Fax: +32 52 45 87 29 GreenPeak provides the first ultra low power RF4CE compliant software stack and set of reference designs for Radio Frequency (RF) based remote control devices based on its Emerald GP500C chip. [email protected] GreenPeak was selected by the World Economic Forum as 2009 Technology Pioneer for its accomplishments as innovator of the highest caliber, involved in the development of life-changing technology innovation and with the potential for a long- term impact on business and society. GreenPeak has offices in Belgium, the Netherlands, Korea, Japan and USA.

Cees LINKS Frans FRIELINK CEO VP Business Development 43 IMEC

Kapeldreef 75 IMEC is a world-leading independent research center in nanoelectronics and nanotechnology. IMEC vzw is headquartered in B - 3001 Leuven Leuven, Belgium, has a sister company in the Netherlands, IMEC-NL, offices in the US, China and Taiwan, and representatives Tel: +32 16 28 12 11 in Japan. Its staff of more than 1750 people includes about 600 industrial residents and guest researchers. In 2008, its Fax: +32 16 22 94 00 revenue (P&L) was estimated to EUR 264 million. IMEC’s More Moore research aims at semiconductor scaling towards sub- 32nm nodes. With its More than Moore research, IMEC looks into technologies for nomadic embedded systems, wireless [email protected] autonomous transducer solutions, biomedical electronics, photovoltaics, organic electronics and GaN power electronics. IMEC’s research bridges the gap between fundamental research at universities and technology development in industry.

Gilbert DECLERCK President & CEO 44 ING BELGIUM

ING is an international financial services company with a staff of 130,000 offering products and services to its 85 million Marnixlaan 24 customers in over 50 countries in the areas of banking, investments, life insurance and retirement services through the B - 1000 Brussels distribution channels chosen by customers. Tel: +32 2 547 62 81 In Europe ING Bank has a dedicated Asian Corporate Clients Dept. that offers a wide range of services to Korean corporate Fax: +32 2 547 28 67 clients across the continent. ING Belgium’s retail services operate according to the «click, call, face» principle and a personal face-to-face service through [email protected] a network of 786 branches and 230 independent agents. For Korean and other foreign investors, ING Bank is active in Korea via a wholesale banking branch office in Seoul and a strategic shareholding partnership with Kookmin Bank. The insurance part of the group is present through ING LIfe Korea and KB Life. ING Real Estate and Investment Management also run local operations.

Erik VERSAVEL Managing Director ING Wholesale Banking Head of Asian Clients - Europe 45 IP TRADE

Rue des Chasseurs ardennais 4 IP Trade develops a telephone designed for the specific needs of traders and brokers. This type of equipment is often referred B - 4031 Angleur to as Dealerboard or Turret in the industry. Tel: +32 4 364 04 69 The IP Trade turret is controlled by the trader through a touchscreen as long as an ergonomic and customizable GUI (graphical Fax: +32 4 239 71 08 user interface). Unlike it’s the product of its competitors, the IP Trade turrets connect directly to the enterprise IP-PBX (Cisco, Avaya, Alcatel and Broadsoft). This results in greater efficiency, easier administration, better user experience and more [email protected] attractive TCO (total cost of ownership). IP Trade serves customers in most of Europe and USA financial places (New York, London, Chicago, Frankfurt, Luxembourg and Paris). The Asia-Pacific market represents a tremendous growth opportunity for us. We are launching our activities in Seoul, Hong Kong and Singapore in partnership with Datacraft, one of Asia’s largest voice, video and data systems integrator.

Benoît DEWONCK Oliver JONES Managing Director Presales Engineer EMEA 46 JAMO SOLUTIONS

The success of a wireless service and a mobile phone depends on its functionality, ease of use, reliability and integration Houtemstraat 157 to other platforms like IT applications or public Web2.0 sites. The management and measurement of the mobile end-user B - 3300 Tienen experience is critical to the ultimate success of the wireless service. Tel: +32 475 94 81 47 Jamo Solutions provides an automated software-only based solution that measures the end-user experience directly from Fax: +32 16 78 27 02 the mobile device. This new approach is unique in that it is the only solution that delivers the real actual data regarding the [email protected] end-user experience with instant return on investment. Target customers are mobile manufacturers, mobile operators, mobile content providers and companies that use mobile devices for executing parts of their business processes.

Jacques WOUTERS Gustaaf WOUTERS CEO Chairman of the Board 47 JAN DE NUL

Tragel 60 Jan De Nul Group, operating worldwide, is specialized in dredging and land reclamation, rock placing, trenching, rock B - 9308 Aalst dumping for oil and gas related offshore pipeline projects, quay walls, marine related projects, civil engineering and large- Tel: +32 53 73 17 11 scale environmental remediation projects, with a good reputation in turnkey projects. Fax: +32 53 78 17 60 With a yearly turnover of 1.8 billion Euro, the company ranks amongst the international top of dredging contractors and the top of marine engineering contractors. [email protected]


The Business Unit Port Operations of Katoen Natie offers stevedoring and terminal services for containers, break-bulk cargo, Haandorpweg 1 - Kaai 1227 rolling stock and forest products. Our aim is to enhance our customers’ supply chain management by effectively managing B - 9130 Kallo - Beveren their cargo. Therefore, we constantly invest in terminal infrastructures, logistics facilities and people, working closely with Tel: +32 3 570 77 33 customers and business partners to provide quality services today and tomorrow. Operational activities run parallel with the Fax: +32 3 570 76 70 administrative activities such as customs formalities, inventory management, transport planning, and ISPS registration. Katoen Natie Port Operations is part of the group Katoen Natie, a logistics service provider operating in 24 countries, that can [email protected] fall back on many years of experience in logistics for the petrochemicals, retail and automotive industry.

Patrick MERLEVEDE Commercial Director 49 LOCKS

Skaldenstraat 112 Since its founding in 1984, Locks NV has build a strong reputation in the international meat industry. The foundation for B - 9042 Ghent this success is trying to achieve the highest possible standards in the industry through specialisation on a specific range of Tel: +32 9 251 73 53 products. Fax: +32 9 251 74 50 The company is specialised in de-boning and upgrading of pork loin and pork bellies. Locks products and services must meet the highest safety and quality standards in order to safeguard human and animal health. Its traceability system [email protected] and its compliance with the strictest HACCP standards has been the basis of its A-level BRC certification. The firm also prioritises ecological production. A highly developed automation and its sense of quality service, guarantees customers exceptional product processing. This is one of the reasons why the company enjoys the confidence of both large domestic and international customers. The company is renowned in both Europe and Asia. Locks stands for Loyal, On-time, Custom- made, Know-how and Safe.

Philippe VAN DAMME Managing Director 50 LOTUS BAKERIES

Lotus Bakeries focuses on authentic specialities from the biscuit and cake world: caramelized biscuits (speculoos), Gentstraat 32 gingerbread, cake specialties, waffles and pepparkakor biscuits. Lotus Bakeries, with headquarters in Belgium, is a dynamic, B - 9971 Lembeke internationally oriented company with production facilities in Belgium, the Netherlands, , and Canada, own Tel: +32 9 376 26 11 sales organizations in 9 European countries and in the United States of America/Canada. With 1228 employees, Lotus Fax: +32 9 376 26 83 Bakeries produces and sells high-quality, tasty products under the Lotus, Peijnenburg and Annas brand names. By maintaining a health balance between tradition and innovation, Lotus Bakeries indulges consumers with a unique range of products. In [email protected] 2008 the Group achieved a turnover of EUR 256,7 million. Lotus Bakeries is active in South Korea since 1988 and sells predominantly single packed original caramelised biscuits as the ideal companion with a good cup of coffee. Also Anna’s pepparkakor products are for sale in selected retailers.

Bart BAUWENS Director Export New Markets 51 MAGERMANS

Bois Notre-Dame 1 Our core business is transport from one end to the other: haulage, warehousing, goods conditioning, delivery and even B - 6900 Marche-en-Famenne invoicing on behalf of our customers. We are making removal business as well, private, companies, diplomatic all over the Tel: +32 84 31 17 90 World. Therefore we are members of the American Household Goods Forwarders Association. Fax: +32 84 31 65 69 Though we are a medium size enterprise we intend to stay among the best: smiling and silently. [email protected]


With its headquarters in Leuven, Belgium and branches all over the world, the Materialise Group is best known for its Technologielaan 15 activities in the field of rapid industrial and medical prototyping. Apart from having the largest capacity of rapid prototyping B - 3001 Leuven equipment in Europe, Materialise enjoys a worldwide reputation as provider of innovative software solutions. As such, Tel: +32 16 39 67 25 Materialise has acquired the position of market leader for 3D printing and Digital CAD software. Fax: +32 16 39 66 06 The customer base includes large companies in the automotive, consumer electronics and consumables sectors. Samsung Electronics is our valuable customer and the Product Design Team and the Mobile Communication Division in Samsung are [email protected] using Materialise software (Magics RP). Materialise’s mission is to innovate product development resulting in a better and healthier world through its software and hardware infrastructure and in-depth knowledge of rapid prototyping, tooling and manufacturing.

Alex op de WEEGH Emma KWON General Manager for Business Coordinator for Asia-Pacific Korean market 53 MILCAMPS

Rue de Lusambo 77 SA Milcamps is a factory created in 1932, producing traditional Belgian waffles. Milcamps is located in Brussels, capital of B - 1090 Brussels Belgium, capital of Europe where we pursuit the production of our premium and delicious bakery waffles. We offer several Tel: +32 2 332 15 32 kinds of waffles, plain, with butter, with cinnamon, chocolate coated, filled with fruits, organic…. Fax: +32 2 332 18 27 Milcamps distributes its waffles in supermarkets as well as in the food service and exports its range of waffles all over the [email protected] world. Milcamps waffles fresh bakery products may be shipped frozen. They are packed in bulk or in retail packs, already labeled, so that the customer just has to defrost them and put on the shelves the prepared pack. Milcamps is BRC and IFS certified as well as FDA registered.

Jean-Marie RENNO Geneviève ROBERTI-LINTERMANS General Manager Export Manager 54 MOSTforWATER

MOSTforWATER NV was founded on 2006 as a spin-off company of HEMMIS together with Ghent University, Baekeland Koning Leopold III laan 2 Fund II (the seed and early stage fund of Ghent University), Flanders Innovation Fund “VINNOF” (initiated by the Flanders B - 8500 Kortrijk Government) and some employees. Tel: +32 56 35 43 90 MOST (acronym of Model Optimisation Services & Technology) for WATER offers model building services to the software in Fax: +32 56 36 02 30 order to have the most efficient use of the world-leading technology in relation to water quality modelling, helping to reduce investment and operational costs of water infrastructure by 10 to 40%. [email protected] WEST® software (with all rights to MOSTforWATER) offers a user-friendly IT environment for the modelling and simulation of wastewater treatment plants but also for integrated process design (including sewers and rivers, water re-use, …). HEMMIS established and expands a worldwide network of “Scientific support centres for modelling and simulation” including EU-countries, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, China…and Korea.


Rue de l’Essor 4 Nanocyl is a company founded in 2002. With a manpower force of more than 45 people, 14 inventions declined in 46 patent B - 5060 Auvelais requests and 8 patents and a production capacity in constant growth, Nanocyl is a state-of-the-art company in Wallonia and Tel: +32 71 75 03 80 can be proud to count among the three world main actors in the field of CNT. Fax: +32 71 75 03 90 In addition to its CNT NC7000, Nanocyl developed a range of products with high added value which are marketed under the [email protected] names PlastiCyl, EpoCyl, AquaCyl, BioCyl and Thermocyl.

Francis MASSIN Olivier DECROLY Managing Director Business Development Director 56 OLDENDORFF EXPRESS LINES - OXL

Oldendorff Express Lines specializes in ocean transport for heavy lift, project, break bulk, oversized and military cargoes and Vismijnstraat 23B control a fleet of 15 heavy lift and RORO/ LOLO ships, ranging from 5,000 to 20,000 tons DWAT with lifting capacity up to B - 8380 Zeebrugge 650mt. Competitiveness, flexibility, first class fleet, professional experience and dedication allow OXL to be involved with the Tel: +32 50 54 20 54 heavy industries, construction, mining, oil and gas and others. Fax: +32 50 54 70 69 Flamar, with more than 30 years of shipping experience and unique know-how to its name, acts as general agent for the [email protected] line. OXL is part of the Oldendorff Group. Oldendorff Carriers is one of the leading and biggest dry bulk owner/operator. Each year they carry more then 110 million tons of bulk and unitised cargo across the seven seas. On average, Oldendorff Carriers controls around 300 vessels at any one time with an annual turn over of ca USD 3.3 billion.

Thomas DAENENS Chartering Director 57 RAINCODE

Rue de l’Autonomie 1 RainCode is specialized in source code analysis and transformation, mainly applied to two domains: B - 1070 Brussels • Legacy modernization, with unique offerings to migrate CA-DATACOM and Progress systems to open platforms. Tel: +32 2 522 06 63 These offerings cover the full scope of such migration projects, including data migrations, code rehosting and Fax: +32 2 522 09 30 integration services. [email protected] • Coding guidelines enforcement, to guarantee a consistent coding style across a company’s software systems and statically detect a number of possible flaws and defects.

Darius BLASBAND Laurent FERIER Philippe FRAYSSE CEO Product Line Manager VP Sales 58 ROAM CHEMIE

Roam Chemie is manufacturer/distributor of water treatment chemicals, disinfectants based on the Huwa-San Technology Industrieterrein Centrum- and a fertilizer based on silicium named Silamol. Zuid 2053 Huwa-San Technology - Ecological disinfectant products based on hydrogen peroxide with bactericidal, fungicidal, sporicidal B - 3530 Houthalen and viricidal properties. All products are fully biodegradable, odour- and colourless and provide solutions in various application Tel: +32 11 60 29 78 area’s like agriculture, cosmetic industry, food and beverage industry, public health sector, swimming pools,… Fax: +32 11 60 29 79 Silamol - Silamol is a fertilizer based on bio-available silicon. It improves the natural resistance to biotic and a-biotic stress [email protected] by enhanced resistance to fungal and insect attacks.

Jos ROEBBEN Filip SMAERS CEO Product and Quality Manager 59 SAMTECH

Rue des Chasseurs ardennais 8 SAMTECH, the leading European provider of simulation software for finite element analysis and optimization, offers expertise B - 4031 Angleur in computer aided engineering. SAMTECH is a software editor and a CAE services provider. The group employs 240 staffs in Tel: +32 4 361 69 69 11 countries. Our company is certified to the ISO9001:2000 quality standard. Fax: +32 4 361 69 80 Key products include SAMCEF for generic FEA simulation, BOSS quattro for multidisciplinary optimization and task management, [email protected] the professional solutions for wind turbines (S4WT), for rotor dynamics (S4R) and for machining simulation (S4M), and the open architecture framework CAESAM for CAE integration. Key services include simulation methodology and best practice, specific software development and maintenance, CATIA integration (SAMTECH is a CAA partner of Dassault Systems).

Bernard VOSS Presales Engineer 60 SBE

SBE is a dynamic civil study, engineering and drawing office, located close to the port of Antwerp - Belgium, specialized in Slachthuisstraat 71 harbour construction, geotechnical problems, steel constructions and foundation engineering. B - 9100 Sint-Niklaas Boasting ready knowledge and over 30 years of experience in different domains of building construction, a young and Tel: +32 3 777 95 19 dynamic team vigorously tackles various assignments, keeping an eye on the quality, feasibility and the financial and Fax: +32 3 777 98 79 economic aspects, using, deploying and constantly updating the most sophisticated software tools. Structural analysis, geotechnical modeling and hydro geological modeling (2d & 3d), are our trump cards. [email protected] Being multi-linguistically (English, French, Dutch, German,… ) and through our strategic location in the hart of Europe, S.B.E., can profile their civil engineering know-how on the international market with references in Europe, Ukraine, Korea, Nigeria, Ghana, Panama, Uruguay, India…


Donghwa bldg 5th - Floor 58/7 Solvay is an international chemical and pharmaceutical Group with headquarters in Brussels. Founded in 1863 by Ernest 100-736 Seosomum Dong Solvay, it employs some 28,000 people over 50 countries worldwide. In 2007, its consolidated sales amounted to € 9.6 Chung Ku (Korea) billion, generated by its three sectors of activity: chemicals, plastics, pharmaceuticals. Solvay is listed on NYSE Euronext- Tel: +82 2 756 03 55 Brussels. Fax: +82 2 756 03 54 [email protected]

André NOTHOMB Representative Director 62 STUDIO PIETER STOCKMANS

Our main activities: Dennenstraat 5 • Designing elements for tables settings with special attention to china ware. This studio collection is being B - 3600 Genk manufactured in our workshop in small series and distributed in shops in the , , Germany, France Tel: +32 89 38 23 62 and in the United States of America. Certain products are also sold as promotional gifts. Fax: +32 89 38 54 89 • We also design crockery and porcelain jewels for external customers in Belgium, in the Netherlands and in [email protected] Germany. • Our third activity concerns wall and floor installations to be integrated both in public buildings and private homes. • We design custom-made tableware for top restaurants (for example ***Michelin).



Liege Scientific Park STX’s know-how and activity Rue des Chasseurs ardennais 4 STX-Med’s specific expertise lies in rationalising and simplifying sophisticated medical technologies to create simple systems B - 4031 Angleur and devices that are available to a wider public. Its creative team uses the results of research carried out in medical Tel: +32 4 367 67 22 laboratories to design electronic devices intended for medical, sport or aesthetic applications. Fax: +32 4 367 67 02 STX-Med’s professional objective is to create unparalleled products. On each project, STX-Med creates a completely new [email protected] product concept that enables it to secure numerous patent applications and also benefit from the staunch protection of its intellectual property. The STX-Med team is made up of doctors, engineers, electronics engineers and industrial designers and is led by Dr. Pierre Rigaux, an expert in ultrasonic therapy and neuromuscular physiology.

Pierre RIGAUX Amale REFLA Managing Director Assistant 64 TARGET COMPILER TECHNOLOGIES

Target Compiler Technologies is the leading provider of retargetable software tools for the design, programming and Technologielaan 11 - 0002 verification of application-specific processor cores (ASIPs). ASIPs are key building blocks of both single-core and multi-core B - 3001 Leuven systems-on-chip (SoCs) that power today’s electronic systems. Tel: +32 16 38 10 30 The tools are used by customers across the globe in diverse application domains, including 2G/3G/4G handsets, VoIP, audio/ Fax: +32 16 38 10 49 video/image codec/processing, automotive, xDSL modems, DSL access multiplexers, wireless LAN, hearing instruments [email protected] and personal healthcare applications. Customers include companies such as Atmel, Freescale, NXP, Nokia, Olympus, Sanyo, Silicon Labs, SiTel, Sound Design, STMicroelectronics and Texas Instruments.

Gert GOOSSENS Jeroen DE LILLE CEO VP Sales and Marketing 65 TRICOLAST

Kortrijkstraat 52 Tricolast is a manufacturing company since 1948 that specialises in made to measure knitting and silicone coating. With our B - 9800 Deinze 2 brands - Caroskin and Scarban - we specialise in the treatment/prevention of heavily scar formations caused by heavy Tel: +32 9 386 15 11 trauma, surgery, burn accident… Fax: +32 9 386 16 09 [email protected]

Bernard HOSTE Vice President - Export and Business Development 66 UCB PHARMA

UCB, Brussels, Belgium ( is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the research, development and Allée de la Recherche 60 commercialization of innovative medicines with a focus on the fields of central nervous system and immunology disorders. B - 1070 Brussels Employing more than 10,000 people in over 40 countries, UCB produced revenue of € 3.6 billion in 2008. UCB is listed on Tel: +32 2 559 94 00 Euronext Brussels (symbol: UCB). Tel: +82 10 88 79 75 90 Fax: +32 2 559 90 67 [email protected] [email protected]

Luc VERMEESCH Kihwan PARK Vice President & Head of Representative International Major Markets 67 ULYS

Avenue de la Couronne 224 Ulys is a specialised, fully integrated and independent law firm. Our scope of expertise includes: B - 1050 Brussels • New technologies Tel: +32 2 340 88 10 • Intellectual property Fax: +32 2 345 35 80 • Media, gaming & entertainment [email protected] • Commercial, company and competition law applied to the sectors here above Ulys has offices in Brussels and Paris and is certified ISO 9001. Ulys motto is: “A modern and human law firm, dedicated to Innovation”. The Ulys touch is a mix of four fundamental values: specialisation, innovation, commitment and partnership. Ulys has recently won several awards, including Belgian TMT Firm of the Year (Legal Awards 2006) and French rising IT Firm 2007.

Etienne WERY Administrator-Lawyer 68 UMICORE

Umicore is an international group active in materials technology. Its activities are focused on four business areas: Advanced Broekstraat 31 Materials, Precious Metals Products and Catalysts, Precious Metals Services and Zinc Specialties. B - 1000 Brussels Umicore generates approximately 50% of its revenue and spends about 80% of its R&D budget in the area of clean Tel: +32 2 227 70 85 technology, such as emission control catalysts, materials for rechargeable batteries and photovoltaic, fuel cells, and precious Fax: +32 2 227 79 04 metals recycling. Umicore’s overriding goal of sustainable value creation is based on this ambition to develop, produce and [email protected] recycle materials in a way that fulfils its mission: materials for a better life. The Umicore Group operates on all continents and serves a global customer base; it generated a turnover of € 9.2 billion (€ 2,1 billion excluding metals) in 2008 and currently employs some 15,500 people.


Klein Mechelen 73 At Vermeiren Princeps, the biscuit dough is still slowly kneaded and formed, with specially developed equipment that B - 2880 Bornem imitates the manual work of earlier times. Tel: +32 3 897 15 40 Then the dough is allowed to rest for 24 hours. Afterwards it is baked extra slowly and at an extra high temperature so the Fax: +32 3 897 15 49 discerning consumers of today get the authentic flavour of the past without compromise. [email protected] According to the type of caramelised biscuit, real brown sugar, raw cane sugar or pure bee honey is used as sweetener. Absolutely no syrups, refined sugars, preservatives, artificial colouring, animal fats or artificial flavourings are added. The biscuits are available under our own brand or under private label. Our delicacies have also found their way outside of Europe to the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia and the Middle-East.


Bij Sint-Jacobs 15 B - 9000 Ghent Tel: +32 9 225 20 12 Fax: +32 9 223 90 94 [email protected]




737-10 Hannan 2-dong Yongsan-ku Seoul 140-893 Tel: +82 2 749 03 81 Fax: +82 2 797 16 88 [email protected] Pierre DUBUISSON, Ambassador 74 BELGIAN FOREIGN TRADE AGENCY

The Belgian Foreign Trade Agency is a public body with a legal status. It was set up through the Co-operation Agreement Rue Montoyer 3 concluded between the Belgian federal government and the three Belgian regional governments on May 24th, 2002. B - 1000 Brussels The Agency is run by a Board of Directors and its Honorary President is His Royal Highness Prince Philippe of Belgium. The Tel: +32 2 206 35 11 Agency’s main tasks are: Fax: +32 2 203 18 12 • organisation of joint economic missions [email protected] • collecting, organising and circulating information, studies and documentation on external markets on behalf of the regional export promotion organisations The regional export organisations are the single contact point for Belgian companies.

The entire version of this brochure is also available on the website of the Belgian Foreign Trade Agency, on the following address: missions-sar/2009/korea/homepage.html


Avenue Louise 500/4 The Foreign Trade Department of the Brussels-Capital Region is a public body, which aims to enhance and improve the B – 1050 Brussels export capacity of Brussels based companies. To develop the export potential of Brussels based companies, the Foreign Tel: +32 2 800 40 00 Trade Department: Fax: +32 2 800 40 01 • provides information about foreign markets to Brussels based companies, through its network of economic and [email protected] trade attachés • organizes trade missions and group stands of international exhibitions • supports the prospecting initiatives of Brussels based companies through financial incentives The Foreign Department of the Brussels-Capital Region guides and helps foreign companies interested in Brussels products, services and techniques, to make the right contacts meeting their needs and to find business partners in the Brussels Region.


Within the Federal Public Service FINANCE a team of experts informs and assists foreign investors and investors already Rue de la Loi 24 established in Belgium on tax matters. B - 1000 Brussels The Fiscal Department for Foreign Investments was created in 1997 and it operates under the direct authority of the Tel: +32 2 579 38 67 Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Belgian Federal Public Service Finance. Fax: +32 2 579 51 12 This service of the FPS FINANCE guides and informs the foreign investor on tax matters, and assists him in his contacts with the tax authorities. This public service works: [email protected] [email protected] • free on charge on a flexible, non-bureaucratic and investor oriented basis • everything disclosed to its officials remains strictly confidential, as they are subject to a legal and strict obligation of professional secrecy • for tax information with regard to foreign investments in Belgium, please get in touch with us (address below).


EGMONT I The Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation manages Belgium’s foreign relations. Rue des Petits Carmes 15 Belgium’s Foreign Affairs network comprises 130 embassies, consulates and representations both at home and abroad. B - 1000 Brussels As an organisation with solid and long-standing experience in foreign relations, the FPS channels its expertise into actions Tel: +32 2 501 81 11 geared towards attaining the following objectives: Defending Belgian interest abroad, promoting a stable, fair, thriving world community based on solidarity and combating poverty around the world by building up high-quality development Fax: +32 2 501 81 70 cooperation. [email protected]


The Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Karel De Gucht, develops the policy making and strategy in order to defend Rue des Petits Carmes 15 the Belgian interests abroad. The Minister is also competent for foreign trade and attaches a particular importance to the B-1000 Brussels economic diplomacy within the Belgian foreign policy. The Belgian diplomatic network is in this respect at the disposal of Tel: +32 2 501 82 11 the regional entities and the economic actors. Fax: +32 2 511 63 85 [email protected]


Gaucheretstraat 90 The Flanders Investment & Trade agency promotes sustainable international business, in the interest of both Flanders-based B - 1030 Brussels companies and overseas enterprises. Tel: +32 2 504 87 11 Whatever sector you are involved in, Flanders Investment & Trade will help you establish contact with the Flemish companies Fax: +32 2 504 88 95 you are looking for. This includes not only products or services you may be sourcing, but also various types of business relationships, from joint ventures to technology transfers. [email protected] At another level Flanders Investment & Trade enhances Flanders’ position as the gateway to Europe for inward investors. The agency identifies, informs, advises and supports overseas enterprises by establishing production and research facilities, contact centers, headquarters, logistics operations and the like in Flanders, the northern region of Belgium. Do visit our website and discover our worldwide network.

Claire TILLEKAERTS Bart VAN den BOSSCHE Johny VERZEELE Myriam BLYAU General Manager Areamanager Pacific Director Business Assistant Areamanager Development Inward Pacific Investment Department 80 WALLOON REGION WALLONIA FOREIGN TRADE AND INVESTMENT AGENCY- AWEX

The Wallonia Foreign Trade and Investment Agency (AWEX) is the Wallonia Region of Belgium’s government agency in Headquarters charge of foreign trade promotion and foreign investment attraction. The agency has a worldwide network of 105 Economic Place Sainctelette 2 and Trade Attachés. AWEX is ISO 9001 certified since April 2002. B - 1080 Brussels As a foreign trade agency, AWEX carries out a mission of promotion and information for the benefit of both Wallonia and the foreign business community. AWEX assists buyers, decision-makers, importers and foreign prospects by providing information Tel: +32 2 421 82 11 on Wallonia’s export potential. As an export partner for Wallonia-based companies, Awex offers a wide range of export- Fax: +32 2 421 87 75 oriented services and activities (market surveys, organization of trade missions, trade show pavilions, export incentives, [email protected] etc.). As a foreign investment agency, AWEX has an overall responsibility for the attraction of foreign investment in Wallonia. This includes seeking out and providing information to potential foreign investors. The Agency also offers a pro-active follow-up service to investors already established in Wallonia. Foreign Investment Division Namur Office Park , , / . ! ) ! Avenue des Dessus de Lives 6 7 B - 5101 Namur-Loyers Tel: +32 81 33 28 50 Fax: +32 81 33 28 69 % 8 4 0 . [email protected] / % 2 - 4 4  ) . 6 % 3

Philippe SUINEN Laurent PAQUET CEO Project Manager Asia-Pacific 81 For further details concerning Belgian products, services and techniques, please get in touch with:

Baudouin de HEMPTINNE Head of Trade & Investment Wallonia - Brussels Economic and Commercial Representation in Seoul c/o Embassy of Belgium 737-10, Hannam 2-dong Yongsan-ku KR - Seoul 140-839 Tel: +82 2 790 50 61 - +82 2 79051 79 Fax: +82 2 790 21 32 [email protected]

Marc DEVRIENDT Investment and Trade Counselor for the Flemish Region c/o Embassy of Belgium 737-10, Hannam 2-dong Yongsan-ku KR - Seoul 140-839 Tel: +82 2 790 24 80 Fax: +82 2 790 24 83 [email protected] 82 CARLSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL - CWT

Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT) is the Belgian and global leader in travel retailing and travel management. CWT is present in Boulevard de la Woluwe 34 all segments of the travel industry (business travel, leisure travel, meeting & incentives and wholesaling). Present in more B - 1200 Brussels than 150 countries, CWT is the global leading travel management company and serves companies of all sizes, as well as Tel: +32 2 258 10 05 government institutions and non-governmental organizations. Fax: +32 2 258 13 08 By leveraging both the expertise of its people and leading-edge technology, CWT helps clients derive the greatest value from their travel program in terms of savings, service and security, and provides best-in-class service and assistance to travelers. info@carlsonwagonlitbe CWT is the first Belgian independent network of Travel Agencies and proposes to its clients quality products as well as trusted partners. CWT meetings & Events is one the largest agency specialising in the organisation of trade missions, meetings, incentives, congresses and events.

Catherine BLANC Ann NOEL Inge MEKKE Manager Account Manager Travel Counsellor 83 HOTEL OF THE MISSION

Grand Hyatt Seoul 747 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-ku SEOUL 140-738 Tel: +82 2 797 12 34 Fax: +82 2 798 69 53 [email protected] 84 ECONOMIC PROFILE OF BELGIUM, THE HEART OF EUROPE

Belgium is a federal Kingdom, with three Regions (the Flemish region, the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region) and three communities (the Flemish, the French and the German Community). Belgium has a population of 10,6 million inhabitants (2008) and is one of the most densely populated states in Europe. Brussels is the capital of Europe, with the headquarters of the European Commission, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. Other major international organisations, such as NATO, are also located in Brussels. As a result, Brussels is the number two city in the world (after Washington) in terms of number of accredited journalists, and fourth in terms of the number of international meetings and seminars. With a surface of 30.500 km2, Belgium is one of the smallest member states of the . Nevertheless, it is a significant player in the world economy. GDP reached 432 billion US $ in 2007, making Belgium the 18th economy in the world. Belgium is a high income country, with a Gross National Income (GNI) per capita of 40.710 US $ in 2007 (World Bank data). According to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Belgium was, in 2007, the 9th exporter of merchandise goods and the 13th exporter of commercial services. In 2007, Belgium’s share in world merchandise exports was 3,1% and 2,2% in commercial services, while its share in world imports was respectively 2,9% and 2,2%. Belgium is the world leader in terms of export per capita. According to the UNCTAD World Investment Report 2008, Belgium was the 11th recipient of FDI (foreign direct investment flows) in the world in 2007 with 41 billion US $. The continued presence in Belgium of TNC (coordination centres), as well as the new tax incentives that entered into force in January 2006 (notional interest deduction) play an important role. Belgium’s FDI outflows amounted to 50 billion US $ in 2007, making the country the 14th largest source of FDI outflows worldwide. 85 Trade relations with Korea

Belgian exports to Korea 2007 12 months 1,011.7 million EUR 2008 12 months 1,254.1 million EUR Belgian imports from Korea 2007 12 months 2,374.7 million EUR 2008 12 months 2,384.6 million EUR

Belgium is indeed your ideal partner because of its strategic location in the heart of Europe, its flourishing economy with stable growth and the unwavering confidence of consumers and investors. 86