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March 1962 Daily Egyptian 1962

3-13-1962 The gE yptian, March 13, 1962 Egyptian Staff

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Recommended Citation Egyptian Staff, "The gE yptian, March 13, 1962" (1962). March 1962. Paper 2.

This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1962 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1962 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Ninth Women~s Day Program Tomorrow !I.IIIIIIIII Fashion Show Will Review Styles Of Last 100 Years THE EGYPTIAN A panoramic view of the last 100 years in the life of Southern lllinoiB women will be presented at the ninth annual Women's Day program, sponsored by theS[U Women's Club, Southern Illinois University in the University Center tomorrow. Highlighr of rhe program will be a luncheon ar which Mrs. Vol. 43 Carbondale, Illinois March 13, 1962 Ho . 4-4 Delyte W. MorriS, wifeofSIU's president, will be honored as Leader of the Year for her service (Q the area and university. Scores 1,397 A special musical program in honor of Mrs. Morris will be presented at the luncheon . AFROTC Rifle Team by Marjorie Lawrence, for­ mer Metropolitan Opera star and director of

Packing fo r a trip of any The Morrises will leave bondale [0 attend the wedding I l ength presents numerous Carbondale, March 19 on the of his daughter. who was an I problems for the prospective firs t leg of their trip. Mich­ SIU s tudent. travelers. Howe v e r, SIU ael, the Mo rrise s youngest son, will have completed his Southern ha s an elememar y Presidem Delyte W. Morris education team. headed by I has solved his problem by bachelor's degree require­ me nts by that time and the trip Willis Malone, dir ector of ad- I having his wife, Dorothy. pack miSSions , and a vocational for the trip and also handle will serve as his 21st birth­ day present from his parents. technical education team, the itinerary. headed by Keith HI!inble. di­ The Morrises will be going rector of the SIU Vocational to the Far East on March 19 T echnical Institute. for two and one-half months . For that length of time pack­ After StopS in Japan and Ing should be quite a problem. China. the Morrises move on But Mrs. Morris says, Hwe to Viet Nam where President will travel light with only Morris will oversee SIU's two sweaters and suits." teacher-training teams and The clothes problem is reIXJrt back to the U.S. State \ somewhat lessened Since the Department on the progress . Morrises will be in the Far of the teams . I East during the warm period In Vi et Nam, Morris pro­ of the year. In fact, they will bably will have to travel by enjoy the nice warm sunshine air because of the trouble ­ of the Far East while here ridden Asiatic country. In re­ at SIU it is hard telling what cent weeks . Viet Nam has type weather we will have. been in turmo il with Com­ Presidem Morris also has munis ts groups clashing With turned over the itinerary plan­ anti-Communists groups. ing to his wife. She has lined In Saigon, Viet Nam, Mor- I up stOps to numerous coun­ ris will spend approximately tries including Viet Nam {WO weeks overseeing South­ where President Morris will e rn' E stud y groups and then Mike Morris inspect two SIU teacher- train­ move on to Cambodia and ing projects in the 50Ulheast Angkor. Angkor is an old city Asian country. The projects Japan is the first stop for of ruins that has been hacked are sponsored by the U.S. the Mo rrises, who will spend out of the jungle. State Department. twO weeks there, where they Recently granted a sabba­ will visit Nebushige Ukai. PRESIDENT Delyte W. Morris, his wife, Dorothy, and their son, Other Stops the Morrises tical leave . Morris is anx­ president of Inte rnational plan to make are. Thailand. Michael, leave March 19 on 0 two-month trip to the Far East. iously awaiting his first trip Ch ristian University, Tokyo However, they will completely circumnavigate the globe by Burma. Iran and Iraq, Leb­ to the Far East, a trip which and Sus urni Nagai, a mic r o­ anon. India and Greece. airplane and ship before returning to Carbondale in time for combines business with plea­ biology professor at Oaska. graduation June 13. Mrs. Mo rris anx iously sure. His wife, Do rothy. and Both have been on the SIU awaits the trip to Japan and son, Michael. will accompany faculty. India 50 s.he can forget about him on the trip. her packing problems. In her WELCOME NEIGHBORS TO THE- In addition to stopping in In early April President own words , "we travel light Viet Narn, Morris is taking Morris and family will be going but coming back travel HICKORY LEAF TRAILER COURT some additional time to visi[ in Taipei, where they will will be heavy." She expects university colleagues a r ound mee t Chi Hung Liu and Mil- to piCK linle souvenirs on the world. He will visit me m­ ton Shieh, both former SIU the tr ip that s he didn't have STATE APPROVED PH. YU 5-4793 bers of the SIU faculty, who Visiting professors. and Mr. when she left Carbondale. ACROSS FROM vn: TEN MINUTES FROM are now teaching in the Far and Mrs. Charles C. Clay- Tbe Mo rrises will s pend East and Will also spend some ton, of Carbondale. Clayton. some time in Greece. drive CARBONDALE. MARION and HERRIN time with professors who have a professor in the SIU jour- along the French Rivera. to taught at Southern in the past. nalism depanrnent. is a visit- Nice and then to Cannes. Ing professor at Chengchi Uni- France whe re they board the SPECIAL versity this year. ship, 5.S. Independence and Fabulous FLEETWING The Morrises will also pay bead back to the U.S. and Seamless Clecierella the commander-In-chiefofthe Carbondale. They plan to be Portable by Remington Hose· •• $I.DO Chinese Nationalist Air back in time fo r the June 13 eox's LlHJ90CJe Store Force, Gen. Chia Shang Chen, commencement exercises. 300 S. III. a visit. Cben was in Car- ,___ =-=--::-:-,.=~-::-:-_--, Eosier to use, does more jobs THE EGYPT/AS than any other portable typewriter!

Rooms for Boys WANTED P .... I •• ~ ... ~ !+. ~ ~,..., ,,, ", , 01 Jo .. , ... I ...... ~ ... _ - ~do l, 'h"'~9 ,..~ ... hool , ..., uu·p. hol,cio,. ane with cooking privileves boys to rent trailer. ~ •• _~ a""" _ ~ .... br ~ ...... " III, ..... U... . e• •••r . C.,N""ol. , u r,,,... E...... c .... 4 dan .... " ... 3 bloch from campus. lOr 1ft.. (.,booodal .. P .., :)+4 .< .. ~ .. " ... riw ..,;! of .",do 516 S. Poplar Call: GL 7-4334 between J. 1179 4 & 6 p .m. Po lie.n .1 .... ;:: ~1"" ....f .. rlo. , ••_.,I" htyo' ...... 4" ... ~,o ... _.'",, w4h..... do ...' nrcn _ CaU : 7~60 ..... 1, , .. II .. e' ...... "' •. _ .I ... ""••• •• "., ...... , ",. .. _,.,th .. U ... • ...... ,

~, ,,,,u , ...... 0 G x;.-.o...... , .4,'.f. J_I H Ho_ ... d. SHlun ...... c;...,..", .. s. __.. , F' KO I .!lou •. H." .,,! R l ... , Ed i •• ".1 _clbuo_ ,"UI .11,on h.c.,.".ft 9 ... 1.. ... , T-48 "or".".1 4~" ...."h ...... COL 3_1619 !I...... · ofi. H ph ..... Cl l - U26

11" CorriQ~ ... does more jobs! SPECIAL TERMS FOR STUDENTS

oa low oa SLSO p_ we.k

oft., smoll down payment.

PATIERSON HARDWARE COMPANY . 207 W. Mai. r::.d. 13 1962 THE EGT1'TWI Activities . Woody Hall Names Coming Year's OHicers Jo Anne Zelinka of Aurora has been elected 1962-63 *** president of Woody Hall. She Kappa..4.1pha Pili Topa and seven otber Officers, who were elected Thursday, will F~mitiea .In GnuJa be Installed at a dinner the ( Kappa Alpha Psi frat~rnity, first week of the Spring quar­ With a grade average of 3.4068, ter. lead all fraternities In grades The Officers, In addition to for the fall term, according [0 Miss Zelinka, Include: Bar­ the Housing Office. . bara Hawkins, vice preSident; Earlier It was reported that Linda McFall, secretary; Alpha Phi Alpha, with a grade Varsity Theatre Carol COOra, treasurer; Linda average of 3.3050, lead the Fulks, social chairman; Linda fraternities in grades. CARBONDALE. ILL. Ham m ett, judicial bo a rd cliairman; and Joanne Magro, TODAY AND WED . information officer. David *Warshauer, *' a doc- These officers will serve toral degree candidate, has Distinguished Adulr Entut::ainmult from spring term ~62 to the been named winner of a state­ end of winter term ~ 63. wide student research com­ petition in psychology. He won the $100 graduate-division prize for his paper dealing with approach and avoidance Gerald Lawless , has been beha vier measurements. The named vice president of Pi contest was sponsored by the Delta Epsilon, college pub­ lllinois Psychological Associ­ lication honorary, to fill out ation. the unexpired term~ ofGretch­ en Schmitz who has complet­ BARRY Kauman hOI the dubious distinction of the uglie.t ed her studies at SIU. lIIan on campus. Well, not for real. It was all part of the annual Judy Hart has been elected Ugly Man conte.t and Barry won more vo.e. than ony of the other president of the Future Busi­ candidates. Money raised by the affair will b. used for charitable ness Leaders of . causes. Other officers elected dur­ Eighteec students have been ing the organization's recent selected for the play "The meeting at Southern Acres in­ House of Bernarda Alba" MorrU Villiu Chicago cludes Richard Starkey, vice­ which will be presented by Barbara Bird is the new To Addreu Rotary presid.ent; Carol Edwards, the Southern Players April president of Bowyer Hall. secretary-t rea s ur e r; and 13-21. They are: Marcia Orner officers for the 1962- Southern illinois University Vickie Nave and Marianne Swinney. Kit ty Anderson, 63 school year e lected at a President Delyte W. Morris Minder, reporters. Maurie Ayollon. Marjorie recent all- dorm election in­ will speak at the Rotary of Lerstrom, Sharon Hubbard, clude: Bev Sellinger, vice­ Chicago meeting today in the Kathy Whitelock, Micki Gold­ president; Shirley Roden, Morrison Hotel. Dr. Anna Carol* Fults , fether, Joanna Hogan, Louise treasurer; Barb Huber and Dr. Morris will discuss the chairman of tbe Home Eco­ Gordon, Louise Shadley, Dor­ Beeb ROSSi, social co-chair­ need for state-Wide master nomics Education De.part­ is Files, and Bonny Garner. men; Sue Caldwell, judicial planning in regard to educat­ mem, will be keynote speake r Others in the cast include: chairman; and Mignon Bishop. ion. His talk is titled, and discussion leader at a Elena Armlllas, Bettsy Glat­ sports chairman. "Ghost at the Table." meeting of the home econo.m­ han, . Dewina Golos, Carol Also . Jean Brown, ics section of a teachers' Mercer, Carol Morel and Thompson Point representa­ institute at Cape Girardeau, Kathy' Neumeyer. rive, and Pat Jones and Bev The Future** Farmers of Mo.. March 16. Mordecai Gorelik, research Sellinger. Spring Festival co­ America poultry and grain professor in the Theatre De­ chairmen. Judging contest will be held panment, will direct the play. at 9 a.m. Friday in the Agri­ BURGER KING culture Building. THE ORIGINAL Male Glee Club A IS- minute weekly farm Port~ for radio program, produced co­ All Electric Roz.on Begins Practice operatively by the Southern McNEILL'S Jumbo Burger illinois Universiry School of WHOLESALE JEWELRY The Male Glee Club, SIU's Agriculture and the SIU Next Door To U.D.·S newest addition to the Uni­ Broadcasting Service, is be- 214 S. Illinoi~ verslry Choirs, will begin re­ ing used by eight area radio ,:::======~ hearsing March 27th in pre­ 8t3tions. paration for its first perfor­ THE lEST mance at the All Campus Art Miss Rimmler Engaged Show on May 5th. APE 0 T F Z The group is composed of Mr. and Mrs. Otto H. •.~g WczabIIiq 58 men who were selected Rimmler of Marron Grove, • TUeo cmd Ikrtteri.. from 66 applicants. According 111. announce the engagement • TIre B-U FHTRL63DE to Roben Kingsbury, director of their daughter Anita Joan CO II for Pick up of the University ChOirs, this to William Charles Rigby, Jr .• JOHNSON'S STANDARD LNHOB267 group represents the highest the son of Mr. and Mrs. SERVICE ratio of acceptance of any of William Charles Rigby of E B D E 6 0 C E his auditions. Highland Park, Ill. Coo. DL cmd Elm The Glee Club, under the No date has been set for CL. ,.'In1 direction of Kingsbury, will the wedding. PROTECT YOUR EYES sing a variety of material '~::...::=::~ !:======~ including a Bach chorale, two f ______selections by Schubert, and -AT- an arrangeinent by Kingsbury from "'Kiss Me Kate" at the Serville an show. y... . WIth : Dr. Wood's Keen-Vu Optical C-... fOo, Sal.

c~ ipeed-Gooohic - . -Tlle ·.fiMII . U4.I.JWnais, CarIIIadaIe F~ l c"o . 2 ..• Eyes Examlned by Dr. Wood--$3.5O .-.-. •. . • ,.._CamiKtl n :$125 _ ·.;.,e ~_Joop 0 .$5.50 ...- ~. ::. + R.. jnedgr .1hp'''''''':aJIiIe~ .. Lenses as low as $4 Replaced in 2 hours (1IlOIIt correctious) tN..- ·~ ·" ~L ';' ...... • Comp!ete:Gl.asses.uJaw u $9.50 ~ --:. ..;.. ..No til ~ __ts ·· "'· ·~ · ; .-. ~'. ·ft. ·... -'. -HOVRS- SOUTHERN DORM liS H.ILLINOIS - 421 L MAIN 8 to 5:36 Mond.y - SatunItIy CARIOND~IUUNO~ l07W. Mott_ Open Mondoy. 'tiU 8:30 p.m.. 'I _- TilE EG1'PTllOI - -.1013,1.2 1 . ~

A Librarian's Larnent- Old Jokes, Lost Cards, and Books Tucked In The Belt

"What? You say you want friends •..• . .. . Why does everybody wait (Ed Ito"'. note: Student worbr. a receipt? But sir, I told ••.• 1'11 just sit here and try until five minutes before class \ behind the circulation d ••k ••• you last week we don't give to get some reading done .•.. before they leave._.Some­ world a Iitti. dlff.,.ntly thon times I think they're organ­ the people who complain In froot of receipts for ... .Sir, do you "Sure, that's It. You put the d ••k. He,., for ••ompl., i. one realize that if we gave a re­ your name where it says ized •.•. They come rushing at work."'. description of two hours' ceipt for every book returned 'name' and then you put your you and all you can think: about won.. ) we'd be here the whole night •... address where it says ' ad­ is the Ox Bow incident• ... AW, come on, please Stop dress.' Fine. What? Ab, "Hey !ella, would you please .. , .Let' s see, two bours kicking the desk. I can't give yes. That's the author of the refrain from swearing at me times 85 cents an hour equals you a receipt." book and you put it there. so loud? BeSides, books are nearly $1.70. Tbis is my •. . . Will you look at that C all number goes there. Yes, friends, and all that. Thanks." lucky day. that's all it cost doll .•. . Workin' here isn't so now you're catching on. [)an't "Sure, 1 know you're hones t. me for a taxi and breakfast bad after all . ... forget to circle 'senior: .. It's Just that you forgot to "May I help yoU?" check out that book tucked in at the University Center .•.. Oh, how origlnal .... He Just Haven't broken even in a long "Looks like you're having your belt.·· a little trouble finding your said that he has the whole .. .. Here comes old pro­ time ....Gona start getting up library in his pocl:et .... I'1l card, aren't you? Well, good, fessor Smyth trying to steal earlier. bet that's the millionth time .... The scbedule says I'm there it Is. Here, I'll help those chemistry a b s t rae t s you shove everything back into I' ve heard that one .... Oh well, again .... 1 almost bate to stop supposed to he at the check­ his girl laugbed at it. That's your purse. Quite a load him. he tries so hard ....Ju st OUt desk one hour and to check what counts, I guess .... wasn't It? Heh, heh. five more minutes and it will the people leaVing with books "Hey buddy. where's the for rhe ••.• Look.out, here comes .... Well. at least that hour be all over for the day .... fire? Would you please get "Oh professor Smyth, trouble. Thls guy gives me went fast .... Now to check the In line with the rest of the the same workout every people leaving with books .... think you forgot somethlng-. people, sir. Sure. I know again." week ••.• It's a great way to make you·re in a hurry:' "Can I belp you? Oh, you're just returning books."

Nevi Jadaon Street Dormitory Foreign Students To Visit American Homes

Many of SIU's foreign stu­ their areas. The St. Louis said, the WomensClubofHer ForGirU dents will get the opportunity program is from March 17 rln is Invitlngforeign student. to see what American hospi­ to 20. The Chlcago invUanon of SIU as their guests fOJ tality is really like during is for three or four days and either Saturday, Sunday OJ 219 W. Jaclaon Street spring vacation. the particular period may he hoth days. deCided upon by the student. This extension of hospitality Now ready for occupancy, newly remodeled, decorot.d The St. Louis Council of Churchwomen and the Interna ­ Fill Out Questionnaires is not new at Southern. Last and fumi5hed. Operated und.r Uni., .... sity Rules by Mary Wakeland, assistant year 40 of SIU's foreign stu­ approved couple. All applicants must be penonally tional Hospitality Center In Chicago recently told the SIU fo~eign student adviser, said dents were Invited to Sprlng­ intet'Yiewed by Mrs. Joe F. Van Hatto, at 300 S. Uni ­ tbat the students will fill out field as guests of the Rotarv versity Ave. All rentals to be paid in advance per quarter. foreign student office that they questionnaires that will show Club and stayed with the mem­ each wish to accommodate their Interests. This lnforma- her's famUies during sprin~ 20 SIU foreigo students as coll457-4139 for inte~ tlon will help the two orga- vacation. guests of various families in nizations decide In whlch home Local Good Will the students will visit. The most recent enensioJ The hosts will plan various of good will wa s by two loca activities and tours for their churches. The first Baptis guests in accordance with church enrenained 20 foreigt their interests. students ar a Buffet dinneJ "HOUR nFTER-SHnUE LOTiOn, SIR" On the first weekend of Feb. 11. On the same week­ -" spring term, Mrs. Wakeland end an interacial day was hel( ··Jason, you dolt ! You know I use only " I've told you that Skin Bracer at the New Zion church when Mennen Skm Bracer after,shave lollon," cools rather than burns. 'FOR RENT SIU's foreign students were Because It'S made""WJh Menthol·lce,·· invited to a reception. "Of course. 51( . And this ..... 2-Bedroom Trailer at ·'Quite, Sir. And this . .. " Mrs. Wakeland said that all Hickory leaf Trailer foreign students interested in " Besld es, that crisp. long· lasting Bracer Court. Carterville. staying in either St. Louis or aroma has a lantastic effect on girls." Ph_ YU 5-4793 Chicago as guests of the pro­ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====;;;;;~ . gram, must sign up at the For- e ign student Office where they may fill out the question­ YELLOW naires. The famUles involved in the program will then send CAB personal invitations to thE foreign students.

3 male stucients desire 1 roonrnole in furnished cot· lage. GL 7-8121 S25 per month

"Indeed so, SIr. And . . .. · ··But sir. thiS i,! Skin Bracer. They've " Tonight I need Skin Bracer. I 'm going to just changed the bottle. the Prom. So take that stuH Shall I open it now, sir?" awa y and get me some Skin Bracer!" *


Dr. M. P. Kuis at Comad Optical ".C1V4UY. YOU DOIoi'T MaO" 'AUT TO U'fI"IIIl.CU,T[ MlIIMlII u.ut...... :ULAU. YOU III"" as.fAC&1 OPTOMETRIST PH . GL 7-4919 411 S_ ILLINOIS Pag. Fi .... Groups Must Register C of C Adopts New Policy On Fund Drive Soliciting

Carbondale's Chamber of According to Geuther, the Commerce has adopted a new ne w IX>licy was adopted to poUcy which will reqUire any "protect" the merchants fro m organization wishing to solic it sol icitation by unworthy o r funds from its members to fraudulent organizations. obtain clearance from the Cham ber's soliCitation com­ All organizations will be m ittee first. r e quired to fill out a two­ There were indications tbat page, 23- ques tion form which the new policy. announced last will be verified befo r e the night. would be followed up authorization card is issued. b y a city ordinance requiring the licensing of all solicitors by the city. Moore Book Reviewe d The city attoTney reporte dl y is working o n just such an ordinance and the matter is The recently published rwo­ tentatively slated to be dis­ volume "CoHected Lene r s of llfE RAUSOf !o"'ly h., • I-I,efvl . f , tuclenb . R.bon R. ... SlU', ~ ..t Woodrow Wil .... schol ar. en. c ussed at the city council's D. H. Lawrence. " edited hy ship winner and (left to ri ~ t) his sister, Katf,ryn, his mott,., Mrs . CleO Rausch, and his wife, Carole, Dr. Harry T. Moore, research all are SlU , tudenb. meeting next Monday night. Presumably the o rdinance professor of English a[ SIU, would cover all or ganiza­ is gi ven a full page review tions--church, veteran and in the c urre n( issue of Sat­ Scholarship Runs in Rausch Family civic. urday Review. Russell L . Geuther, exec­ utive director of the Chamber, Ic Record Sale Robert Rausch Is SIU's First Winner said all [he Chamber ' s me m­ Buy ,98 stereo .. 1" MODO.. bers are being notified of the Get Secoad -..s 10< 1c Of Woodrow Wilson Fellowship ne w policy and a r e being urged to cooperate. WIUIAMS STOU 212 S. W iaoia CL 7._ Under the ne w set up, any Scholarship seems to run he would specialize in modern school in the eighth grade to o rganization or group ~ e.­ in Robert Rausch's family. European history. to go work and entering college questing permission to SOIIC1[ Rausch. his wife. Carole, HI don' t know about Yale WANTED after a successful bUSiness funds o r gifts for any pur­ his mQ[her, Cleo, and his sis­ though." he said. explaining SU1U.TARY car eer:' she laughed. She IX>se will be fully investigat d. ter, Kathr yn, are all students the deadline for applying was 7 skipped high school in the If it is found to be representlng here. But they are proudest this week. process. a worthy cause, it will be right now of the 24-year-old He is married to the former Besides Boh and Kathryn. given an authorizatio n card Bob. Carole Durham of Chicago, who studied here last quaner The senior history major to show Chamber members who is a part-time student but who is returning to nurs­ from Chicago became S[U's when seeking contr ibutions. in English here. Carole also ing jn Chicago, Mrs. Rausch first r ecipient of a Woodrow Members are urged not to works in the personnel office. has an eight-year-old son, Wilson graduate fellowship contribute to any fund drive His mother, Cleo, a former Gregory. last week. Bob, who particu­ unless the solicitor has an market researcher who de­ Bob is president of the SIU larly likes German history, authorization card, Geuther cided the advertising business History Club and last year was among the 1.000 students said. wasn't satisfying, is a soph­ receIved the Bare-J enkins granted the fellowships f OT omore majo ring in psychology. Memorial Award. He is a Looki ng for girl who next year. Th e PL ... YBOY P enthoun She plans to work toward a me mber of Phi Eta Sigma. wanh to ' earn to b. a He plans to use the $2,000 secrwhlry and to school doctorate. freshman honorary. Phi Kappa go grant e ither a[ Yale or [he .... Hew a. ' 6 2. Uhra­ ponti. . . At ciown hurn "I reversed the normal ed­ Phi and [he L. A. and S. University of where uca[ional pattern by leaving modem faciliti es for men. office. hono r society. just 3 min ute. from campus O penin g Spri n g term. Spring Break Hours Start March 18 Subscri be To The Egyptian Contact Mu rphy.boro 6(, WRITE BOX 359 For Y our P ar en ts Uni versity service facil- through Friday. excluding [he ities will operate on a cur- game room and bowling alleys. Try Oar New. Modem [ailed schedule during spring from 8 a .m. to 4 p.m. T hi s SPR IN G TERM vacation, March 18 to 24. includes the cafeteria. the RENTAL OWNERSHIP PLAN Uni versity offic ials s aid bookstore. and the offices. dormitories will close down Regular Unlversiry offi ces. Three gi rls need a fou r1'h THE ONLY for "spring clean- up." Stu - including the Office of SWdent to 5hare 60' by 10' trailer . dents wishing to remain in Affairs, will be open their Ph . 9-1663 ELECTRIC Carbondale will have [Q make ru::s::u::a::l..:h::o..:u:.:.r.:s ~. __~-:- __., ~======;;;::====~ arrangements for off-campus Room for on. boy In PORTABLE TYPEWRITER housiog for [he va cation per- F um lah.d Aportm.,t How to spend a w ..k end ~ -~~~- in Chicago for $15 Mo rris library will remain Rent S25 month THE NEWEST IN open Monday through Satur- App ly Aportnlent Ho . 7 SICTH.coRONA day from 8 a.m . to 5 p.m., 31 1 W. Walnut 1>.00 •.- U.. . . Gro... ,II_. O. y IT IS AS SIMPLE Marchbut will 25. be I[closed also Sunday,will be L::======~r Scr, ...... closed every even1ng during _OI'Ic-, ro~ ASABC Got Chic...,o·. Spring break. and all day Sun­ TMCA HOI . I onel TO BECOME day. March 18. _ioraweet... d I... SU .OO The UniversHy Center "Irlnl" • ...... , haw THE OWNER l.tiel" .·· building will be open Monday your compul Fri. P. M . Dinner elf YMCA HoI.,1 $1.15 HERE'S ALL YOU DOl ROOM FOR RENT ··Sound 01 MUl i,'· 2.3:1 florist 1. Select from our stock the type. style and color you Coli;. .10 wish. Cooki ng P ri vilegn, $85 a toolll 01 Y HOlel 2.11 2. Sign a rental agreement and pay the flIst month·s Term 601 S. Wa s hing ton S<:.I . A. M. a.eoUoil of Y Hot.,1 •>6 rent. If you continue to rent until rental paId equal • 607 S. iii. Gl 7-6660 LI 9- 1547 Arlln il" "'e Tau. ,- purchase price plus small service fee . . . honeh a' He ... id 'i 1.45 WE GIVE YOU THE TYPEWRITER! Sat. P. M. Nol. Hill, MUleulII Tour ,- Dinner 01 Y Holer 1.15 JUST LIFT THE PHONE AND CALL US Sal. nile don, • • Y Hot.1 .10 FREE ••• Cohdelfe ." 100. 01 Y Hol.1 lIe HERE ARE THE ADVAlfTAGES: 1 Small Cheese Every $2.25 Size Sun A. M . "'_Uoll 01 Y Holel .56 1. No obligation to buy.. . Wo~hip 01 C.nlrol Church 2. Service without charge dunng the rental pen od. PIZZA WITH PIZZA lllneh 01 Y Holel 1.J5 3. A new PORTABLE typewriter in your home WIthout SII", P, M. tad 10 eo,,",pu. upsetting your budget TOl o l $14,9 3 w. deli". r FREE from 4-12 p.m. Daily. Delivery SOUTREBN ILLINOIS an tft i5 s pecial Wed . & Thurs . 7-12 p.m. Only . Men • WOlllen • fa.,li •• OmCE EQUIPMENT CO. Slay 0 1 Chi(ogo·1 YM CA Ho l",1 826 S. Wobalh • at the edge of Ihe loop HourI BA.M.·4P.x. TONY'S PIZZERIA • O((O" ..... odolionl 'or 2,000 ··We Sell the Best cmd Service the Rest"· ..y o ... ·ve tfi.d the rest _ no w try the Best" • ruhH $2.70 o .. d up For InformcrtioD aD this DeW modem plan 403 S. IlIin.i, GL 7- 87 47 Wrile fo, re • .,,,,olio ... or (aU WA 1·311J just CIIIll LI 9-1320 THE EGYPTIAN w-do 13, 19112 The Next Step On ROTC

The fu[ure-- whether unchanged, modified As far as the Defense Department and the or revlsed--of Southern's ROTC program Air Force is concerned, the type of program rests for me time being at least with the offered is up to the university concerned. MUirary Policies Committee. Tbat commit­ The official point of view is that wbile the tee will study the broad educational aspects some 177 AFROTC detacbments are the and contributions of the present program to greatest single BOurce of Air Force officers, the tOtal University program and make re­ a mandatory program is not necessary. A­ commendations to University President bout 50 per cent of the present AFROTC Delyte W, Morris. President Morris aslced units are compulsory. and many of the com­ the com'mlttee to study the ROTC question pulsory units are located at schools where following a request from the Student Coun­ ROTC is reqUired, not necessarily AFROTC. cil that appropriate councils at sru make a stUdy of the ROTC program ... to determine Southern's contract with tbe Air Force sti­ the advisability of replacing the present pulates that the program can be terminated program with a voluntary one. Cenainly by either party. The Air Force considers the srudent body, acting in good fa ith and itseH as a son of guest of a univerSity, and with mature judgment chrough their legal agrees (Q provide services in accordance representatives, the Student CounCil, has with the de sires of tbe univers ity. The every right to request s uch a change. Pre­ cost of maintaining compulsory programs is sident Morris, in due course received that f(l.r grealer than that r equired to maintain request, and has asked the Military Pol­ voluntary ones. For example, the Air Force icies Committee for recommendations. The pays SIU $25 per year for each ba s ic cadet committee, chaired by l Clark Davis, dir­ e nrolled. The Univer sity then uses this ector of student affairs, is now in the pro­ mone y to purchase uniforms (at about $100 cess of mapping OUt a courst: of study. per ) for s tudents e nrolled in ba Sic ROTC . This s um would be lessened considerably in Memhers are Dean. T, W. Abhot; Col. a voluntary program, as would the cost of George H. Blase. USAF; Prof. Howard R. the regular Air Force staff of 12 officer s and 8y po ... iuion of tno CHICAGO DAilY HEWS Long; Prof. Robert A. McGrath. registrar; seven enlisted men assigned to the SIU de ­ Prof.. Harves 'C, Rabe; Mr. J ohn 5, Rendle­ tachment. And with defense dollars ha rder man, executive director of bUsiness affairs; and harder to come by. the cost factor to Prof. Edward J . Sbea; and Prof. Walter the Air Force certainly cannot be discounted. A Caunler-Counler Reply J. Wills. In addition, two members of the On the other hand, a compulsory program Student Council. Charles Novalc and Dick e xposes the Air Force to more promising Editor: Moore. are serving--at the request of Presi­ young men, and vice ve rsa.. One can easily At the o utset I want to say nO( as a mere ly expedient, dent Morris-- as non-voting members. a s k if the m oney sa ved, r ega rdless of how that I am writing (his in the manipulative function, who of­ muc h, is worth the possibility of lOSing one hope that I might be permitte d fer any hope to society for the non- compulsory. Similarly, groups at the John Glenn. Incidemly, the many highly an opportunity to e xpress my­ regulation of the havoc which University of Illinois. in view of a possible appreciate d ROTC flextras" --Angel Flight, self on some ideas 1 "en­ a mino rity of ethically rud ­ chance to change the U of I's program, are rifle team, Singing Squadron, etc.~-co uld tertained," as Mr. Smith puts derles s scientists have dea lt watching with inte rest the ROTC siruation work unde r any.program , according lO we ll il, in my o riginal reply, and to ou r c ivilization. here. In reviewing the various pros and informed sources. nOt as he mis interpreted them Al s o, I would like to a s k cons, it seems fair to approach the s ubject in a categorical assertion in Mr. Smith by what kind of Tangible advantages and dis adva ntages (Q in terms of value to the University, to the his counter- r e pl y. the individual have already been touc hed upon. logic does he arrive at (he Defense Department of the United States, The biggesl obvious advantage-- that a little First, I would like to make conc lu s ion that the s c ie ntist speCifi call y, the Air For ce, and to the in­ c lea r that I did not. by im­ exposure to military science and a little mil­ de lights in each discovery tha t dividual s tude nt. ita ry disc ipline might make anyone just a bit plica tion or o therwise, s ug­ brings him furthe r awa y from gest any direct causal r ela ­ security and r eality? Sure ly, From the University's point of view, if the bener pre pa re d, and a little more aware of o ne's responsibilities a s an American-­ tionship between s cience per the ba s ic motivation behind ROTC program does serve an educ ational se, and war. What I did sug­ scientific research is a de ­ func tion, it must be looked at in the long de pends on the attitude of the individual, much like learning to recognize a noun or gest wa s that recent history sire for greater security and rim. Mandator y units are possibly more has demonstrated that a scie n­ how to apply physics. predictability. not less. It has liKely to be maintained in a defense funds tific education bereft of any been an unintentional by-pro­ cut-back. This is imponam in terms of moral commitment, which at duct of science that man is keeping a unit on the campus. The required the present stage of human Tbese are the things which the Military now more spiritually inse­ program does open up an opporrunlry for the culture mus t necessaril y be cure, but this is not a situa­ Policy Committee will be studying and upon young .man unexposed to military life to serve. derived from a discernment tion to reve l in. Finally, the University must recognize that which they will base a recommendation to of the bumanities, has resulted in the present day and age military matters President Morris. They will no doubt take in a dehumanization as was As for ""the poets of liberal cannot be tossed aside. Whatever inform­ 1oto consideration the Edwardsville campus experienced in Nazi Germany ans moaning sounds of illu­ to acion a potential leader has, the more en­ and decide whether extend the present and today in Soviet Russia. sion to mask the insecurity of lightened publiC there will be. On the other program there or perhaps make both cam­ It would be toward the be- reality," I can only say that hand, howeve r, a voluntary program would puses voluntary. Then again, they may decide. bavioral s c iences that I would it has been acknowledged by be less costly, although mostly in terms of based upon their thorough study, to not look for evidence that science~ more authoritative pe r son s class r oom s pace taken up. The voluntary change the present program, or perhaps to of itself, promotes a distaste than myseH that the poets have program would leave more of a choice to modify it, for example requiring cenain for wars. It is my belief that persis tently torn away the s tudents and would save countless hours. amounts of military orientation but not two it is only those practitio ners mas ks of iJius ion rather than years of training. The students, through their of anthropology, sociology a nd contriburing to any furthe r Much has been said and wr itte n concern­ Student Council, and based on mature judge­ psycho logy who approach their veiling of r eality. ing the ROTC program here at Southe rn. ment we hope and not because someone is work as a hea ling agency and Ron Bowman Universities across the nation are experienc­ mad at a little military exposure, have asked ing comment concerning possible changes in tor consideration. President Morris has their programs. The University of Con­ recognized their request and asked the Com­ necticut has changed its compulsory program mittee for r ecommendations. The next move Ft. Lauderdale Bound? to a voluntary one. The Unive rsity of Ken­ is up to the ge ntlemen of the Military Policy rucky has recently revamped its compulsory Committee. COME IN FOR SNEAK I'EEJ( OF program. and The Kentucky Kerne~ the SUNLAND fASHIONS AT WAUH'S campus newspaper there, has suggested that D, G, S. LAUDERDALE SHOP the time is ripe to malee the program from • SWill Our Decaying Generation _S -- ~~;aDdAzroW Editor: at these so-called ujokes.·· This is the first time I Is this the ,.,.".. of enter- So far. aboUt morali;.Itnow • HIt . ba f I need -''- only that _ is moral is By Jantzen and Arrow ve e t the to write tD tainmeOJ: our .educated people what JOU 'feel1!OOd about'after the ~ After last Frl- want today? I. for one, do Dot ' and _ is' immoral .", what day night s Theta XI Variety feel this is theYypefarCOlJe&e ._. feel bad' ~ after.-- . • 1IIIIl':1LIEVE · T· SHI Sho.... I feel the need to ex- ~- .By IIrrow press my .opinion. .stwieru:.o.. I _ rI>iB is .just EDltIBI: H-..,way .PIrst d aU, l .dId enJOy -one-more'1!dDgpoilllblgmme. -' · ~~ s _.,;af:1toe_ .... y com'- .mow decayofourgelEratlon. 1\"1\' plaint·, i8 ' ~ tile .ICMOX 'Woody Lee .. ~ anoouncer who .filled ... tweeD ' acts. HIs pu:rpi>se for bllS Bode hell1g there·was ·to.entertain Hapes ,e.veryone IwI ani"" (aad.mnae) · tbe . ~iIe. - _DIe -~~ """~~~ _ .....acadon aad ~ tweenllct8. _.t!TMr:1far- is· _ '''''''*'IIer _ Iidd ___e '.~ ,:...... ' ~ ._ .. .. , ' " ~. Hr.'" 'Wi~1.' __ _ .. eIy""'''' ., .. .dds-by' 1elJ1ng··...... _~~~'4eioiI- ·'for-l_8..., ' ':'. ,. . ~ _ -....H1IlLAIl .l off-color and vulgar stories. bave much; it Is whether we the editor. ~ provide enough for those who ~... S To use theahove-mentioned have tDO little. Says be's glad they finally WALKRS U ....· ...... S stories was in JXX>T caste. but Franklin Delano Roosevelt put a name On Woody Hall-- 100 W . Jack.on _ even worse was the fact that he hasn't been able to find his W... a Little Fwttoe. for tile .... lot Style _II 9..oty [.~e. ,peop;e cont~4~d to laup;h girl for three years. , March 13. 1962 THE EGYPTI,," Salukis Seek NCAA Division Basketball Title . By Tom McNamara Tbe Salul:1 basketball squad was a tremendous (e am ef­ Aces. Furthermore, Bigbam bencb to turn in spartltng Once again, Spila. the ex­ gets a crack at tbe NCAA fan." with only 1:27 remaining and reserve performances. Lin­ Marine from Chicago, turned division championship tbis uWhar about the job Henson SlU leading 84-81 sanlc both der played tbe entire second in his usual fine scoring and weelc after wrapping up tbe (Dave) did on Briley (Buster), free throws on a one-and- one half because Gualdoni picked rebounding game, Spila fin ­ sectional title by defeating despite playing on twO wesk basis to put the game on ice up four fouls midway in the ished with 19 points and 12 Evensville 88-83, ankles," Gallatin continued. for the Salulds. first half, Linder pumped in rebounds. ,Big Ed hit o n I I The first game of tbe divi­ ., And let's not forget the tre­ Gallatin used only seven 13 points in his reserve role of 12 charity attempts. mendous Job that Lentfer players witb Harold Hood and sion playoff T h u r s day in while Hood flni~hed one be- Spila. along with Lender, (Frank) and Bigham (Ed) Rod Linder off Evansville will feature the caused Evansville more trou­ SalukJs against the winner of turned in," Lender rurned in the best ble than they wanted. On nu­ the Northeast regional title. me r ous occasions Spila and Coach H a r r y G a 11 a tin game of his collegiate career scoring 16 points and hauling Lenrter blocked E van 5 vi iI e credited last Friday night's shors which might have rurned win over Evansville to "de­ down 10 rebounds. Lender, 6-8 pivot man from Riverdale, a win inco a setback. fense and rebounding--rwQ of Fridav night' s contest be­ the most neglected phases of scored 10 of his 16 marke:-s in the first half when SIU tween SIU and Evansville was basketball." the fir s [ since 1953 when And SIU captain, Jim Gual­ took a narrow 43-40 ha1fti me lead. Evansville dropped the Salu­ doni, summed up the teams ns from its schedule. How­ feelings in the dressing room Lender was named to the all-tourney team With team­ ever. in the all-time series after the Evansville gam e between the schools. Southern when he said: "We're going mate Ed Spila, North Caro­ lina A and T's Hugb Evans leads 18-11. all the way. now. " He was nO[ Gallatin described Friday alone In his feelings for in and Henry Marsball and Bus­ ter Briley of Evansville. night's game as "our best of the background you could here the season," He said it shows Messrs , Spila, Bigham, Lent­ Ed Bigham, 5-10 sophomore "what a lot o f determination fer, Hood, Henson and the g u a r d from Pinckneyville, and desir e will do for a club." rest of the squad hollering played wbat Gallatin called But he also reminded his their approval. "his best game in his entire team that it couldn't rest on Gallatin qUite narurall y was career." Bigham in the clos­ its lurels because it would pleased with his team's show­ ing four minutes of the game be facing tough competition ing and praised his en t Ire sank: four of five free throws in the division championships Ed Spila Dave Hen~n team, Said Gallatin, mopping which pulled Southern out of this week. perspiration off his brow, Hit reach of Evansville's Purple Ann Strawn Will Compete In National Bowling Meet

Ann Strawn, winner of the "I just hope I don't clutch Intercollegiate Women's up when I get to Phoenix," Bo w 1 i n g tournament at the she said. uI ' m proud to be University Center, will com­ representing SIU and I'll brag pete in the national champion­ about the school every chance Ships next month in Phoenix, I get." Ariz, As for her chances of bring­ She was picked to compete ing home the na tiona I cha m ­ with other top college bowlers plonshlp. she added: on tbe basis of her three "If I can bit my average. series total of 1,510 pins, there might be a chance to Miss St rawn w1ll fly from get up near the cop. r hope St. LOjlis to Phoenix for tbe there Is a girl from the Uni­ tournament April 28 through versity of Illinois out there 30, The Pboenlx competition. and I beat her. " sponsored by the Association of College Unions, Is a follow­ Send n.. Egyptian up to the' SIU Tournament Ho.e To Your Parents Week program last month. A sophomore recreadon "-""" Urioot ~: major from Carbondale, Miss THE UNDEN MANOa...,.. Strawn just started bowling Applications .r. last summer. She said she bowls every day to keep in Now being taleen for Spring Quarter. s~.r~e had some good in­ Cooleing privileges, structors," she said modest­ Separate Study Are • . ly. Cal GL 7-4115 RECOIfDmOIfED TYPEWRITERS WORLD'S FINEST S25 ON UP ''We Semce All Wakes" COUEGE 1.19-1320 CLASS RINGS that holds the unsurpassed sa tisfactions that come with se rvice to country. CAREER OPPORTUNITY How would As a college student, bow can you Hotlonol Flnanc. Organiza_ become an Air Force Officer'! tion I•••• king a DIan for Its you forecast locol offlc.. This position If you have not completed Air Force ROTC, offers a car •• r opPOrtvnlty through _ planned odvClnce_ your next Officer Training School provides an opportu­ m .... t to more r_pOfulbl. nity to qual ify for a variety of vitally needed jobs po.ltlon • . in the Aerospace Age. A graduate of this three­ ColI.g. tTa lnlng Is d •• lrabl • . Gooel starting salary plus few yearsP month course earns a commission as a second Ilb.ral corporot. employ_ • Preference of lieutenant . Also open to college men is th e ben.flts. Today, the young man pl anning his life realizes weight, stones, Navigator Tmining program. styles .nd precious as never before that in today's world his o wn metals. UNIVERSAL future is lied inevitably to America's future. FO.r full information - includi ng the chance to • Heat treat.d finish How can he serve both? obtain graduate degrees at Air Force expense _ for permanance. see the Air Force Selection Team when it visits c.1.T. Many coJlege graduates, both men and women, your college. Or write : Officer Career Informa­ • 3rd dimensional are finding a rewarding answer on the Aero­ Greek Letter ' ion. Depl.SC23, Box 805, New York I, N. Y. encrusting. space:: Team - as officers in the U.S. Air Force. 912 W. Main • Fastest delivery in Here is a career that is compelling in its chal­ the industry. , , lenge and opportunity. And it is a way of life Ph . 457-8181 3.5 weeles. u. S. Air Force Phon. for appointment, ask for Mr . Ashby . . If writing, gl .... ag., . ducatlon, anel Don's Jewelry FOR AMERICA 'S FUTURE AND YOUR OWN ." JOIN THE AEROSPACE TEAM, If&~ up.dene, . . AII inqulrl •.• ".Id 1025. II. confidential . GL ·7·5221 Pogo Ei,ht Matmen Win NCAA College Championship Saluki wrestlers scored 100 points and won eight OUt of ten individual titles to sweep-the NCAA college diviSion wres­ tling championship. They more than doubled the score of their closest oppo­ nent, Wheaton. w hie h scored 46, tn the match at Green­ castle, Ind., Saturday. The victory m eans the mac­ men will compete In the NCAA THIS IS an arti st's conception of what the It.. Newman Center, at Washington and Grand, will university championships at look like when completed. Construction of the first building •• on the left in the sketch •. will Plate Lunch. Oklahoma State March 29-31. get underway immediatly at 715 S. Wash ington. It will contain Q meeting holl, li brary, lounge, Ken Houston was the runner­ officn, snack bar and kitchen. Pies. Pit l\arB-Q up in the 191- pound competi­ 415 S. IlliIIois Aft. tion in the nationals last year . Winners of the individual weight titles Saturday were: Newman Club Construction To Start MEW Izzy Ramos-- llS. Frank Conigllo--123. Construction of the fir s t The $275,000 structure will "Thi s additional propeny Pat Coniglio--147. building In the new Newman be located at 71S S. Wa sbing­ extending to the corner of Cities Services Eddie Lewis- 157. C en t e r at washington and ton. It will contain a meeting Washington and Grand, adja­ • WcuhiDg [)on Millard-- 167. Gr and will get underway im­ hall wbich also will serve as cent to the University campus, Larry Meyer--I77. mediately, according to Rev. a temporary chapel for 800, has been most beneficial to • Grecuip9 Ken Houston- -19i. our building plans as to loca­ Clecus HentBchell, director of a library, a lounge, offices, • Tune Ops Roger Plapp--heavyweight. the Catholic Srudent Founda­ snack: bar and kitchen. tion and appearance," he tion. Folding wo09 partitions will added. • BrakeworIt 18-Hole Faculty Golf Tournament allow division of the large open Plans for the center were • WbMI BaIaDc:mg room into smaller room s. made public Sunday at a • Front EDd Aligaml!llt Set May 10 At Crab Orchard Club Sliding glass doors on the east breakfast honoring the Most wall of the bUilding wlll open Rev. Albert R. Zuroweste, to a patio at the rear. An I 8-hole faculty golf tour­ Five trophies will be award­ Roman Cat ho lie Bishop of KELLER'S Belleville. Bishop Zuroweste nament has been scheduled for ed to men and women medal­ Subsequent construction in Sunday, May 10. at the Crab the Center will include a large made his annual visit to SIU ists (low gross) and runners­ Sunday. Cities Service Orchard Golf Club. up and [0 the winner of the permanent chapel, class­ sm s. Il1iDois low-net competition (Calloway rooms and priests' quaners. Shop With Egyptian A.dvertisers Handicap System). Hellmuth, Obata & Kassa­ Three SIU Students baum, St. Louis arChitects, The tournament will be open designed the center. W. E. SPRINGTIME to all full-time faculty mem­ Snyder Construction Co. of SIZZLER SALE Will Compete In Herrin will build the first bers and graduate assistants March lS - 2~ inclu s ive from all SIU campuses and building in the complex. Ping Pong Playoff their wives or husbands. Father Hentschell said that SPECIAL the acquisition of additional REDUCED PRICES Southern scude nts Charles Entries must be submitted land "necessitated consider­ Huang, Jam e s Newcomb, to Jean Stehr, Women's Gym­ able revision of the original Mower - Garden ing Richard Chu. and Jimmy Lee naSium, by April 30 accom­ plan." Automotive - Household Items will pa nicipate in the Region panied by an entry fee. Bikes and s upplie s Six face-to-face table tennis Pairings, tee times and tournament March 23-24, at prize list will be announced TUXEDO RENTAL Weatem Auto AuoCiale Store Eastern IllinOis University in by May Ii . Rainout day is 415 So . Illinois Charleston. Sunday, June 3. Clvailable at The tournament is sponsor­ Entry fee is $5. It includes Frank's ed by the Association of Col­ the cost of using the club Men', and Boy', We-a r lege Unions of which Southern facilities as well as lunch. is member. The Region S lx ~»~~[fom~;~~~;~ members who will participate Subs cribe To The Egyptian Rooms lor Girls in this tournament represent For Your Parents . universities in Illinois, Ind­ with cooking privilete. iana, and . ,IF you're a junior, Home-Made Each university will send a 502 S. Un iy.... ity two-man singles team and a 'Ohe 3amous Call: 7-6860 two-man doubles team. hal newl for you . Pork Sausage 3 Ibs. s.69 . Competing in the singles The new Bobbie Brookl matches for Southern will be s pring fashion collection James Newcomb and Charles hal ju st arrived . Huang. winner of the com- THE FAMOUS opon Mon. N R 0u petition last year. Tbe two ni th .. E V S Ground Beef 2 Ibs. ~98 men playing in the doubles 312 S. Illinoi s fill 9 p.m. will be Jimmy Lee and Rich- ':•• Ii;;iiiiiiii;ii~r:; ard Cbu. r WORRIED The winners in the Region DISTRAUGHT Jonathan Radishes Six competition will advance Apples to the national competition. ? The four men panicipating 4 .... 49c 2 bags1Sc in the Region Six tourney are TAKE A BREAK the winners of Southern's Enioya Delicious Tournament Week: table tennis competition. Oar -co Burger A.G. Root B.. r FOUND . COFFEE Delicious Chees.burgers 19c French Fries .. S9c Lady's Wolch in bldg. T-42 . Hot Tasty French FriH . l Oc Unusuol desi gn . Own!' Triple Thick Shak ... . . 200 only 60. may cI oi m by identifying and paying lor od. MURDALE SurFresh " We observe Quiet Hour," Ed. Admin . Office T-42 Shopping Center SALTINES .. 23c

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