System Hacking

Gabriel Avramescu [email protected] Vulnerabilities exploitation Passwords Authentication


2 Vulnerabilities exploitation  Special “program” written to exploit vulnerabilities found on computers, having as target to compromise their security ◦ Obtaining access, privilege escalation, blocking its functionality, etc.  Remote vs. local exploits  Public vs. private exploits  Underground world   Exploit development requires advanced programming knowledge:  C/C++, perl, python

Security Exploits

4  Exploit=Vulnerability + Payload  Payload=the code to be executed after the vulnerability is activated  Written as Assembly Language (ASM)  Is platform dependent  special exploits for Windows, others for  Different types of payloads:  Exec – executes a command or program on remote system  Download_exec – Download a file from a URL and execute  Upload_exec – Upload a local file and execute  Adduser – Add user to system accounts  Shell – provide an interactive shell ◦ Bind shell ◦ Reverse shell  Example: Microsoft Windows Server Service RPC Handling Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2008-4250)

Security Exploits

5  Security Focus (  Exploit Database (http://www.exploit-  Milw0rm ( – Closed! Now  Packet Storm (  (metasploit)

Web sites containing exploits

6 SecurityFocus

7  Metasploit Framework (  LibExploit (  Inguma (  Attack Tool Kit (

 Core Impact (  Immunity CANVAS (  SAINT (

 Application Specific: ◦ Orasploit (Oracle) ◦ BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework) ◦ W3af (Web Application Exploit Framework)

Exploit frameworks

8  Open Source Project  Project’s objectives  Platform for developing, testing and exploit usage  Used for penetration testing and vulnerabilities research  Developed by HD Moore in 2003 using Perl  Rewritten in Ruby  Available on Linux and Windows (Cygwin)  Bought by Rapid7 in 2009 (  Commercial versions Metasploit Express and Metasploit Pro  Modular and extendable  Permits exploit development  More about it ne future chapters

Metasploit Framework

9  Metasploit Command Line Interface (MSFCLI)  Metasploit Console (MSFCONSOLE)  Metasploit Web Interface (MSFWEB)  Phases  Select the exploit to be used (after vulnerability scanning)  Specific options (target IP, port, etc.)  Select the payload (exec, adduser, shell, etc.)  Lunch the exploit

Metasploit framework (cont.)

10 Metasploit Console (MSFCONSOLE)

11  Automatic vulnerability explotation  A database for information storage is required:  MySQL, SQLite, Postgres  Data can be imported from other programs  Nessus NBE files, nmap XML  nmap can run within Metasploit and store the results in its database  Lunches exploits based on scanning results (ports, services, vulnerabilities)

Metasploit Framework - Autopwn

12  Meterpreter (Meta-Interpreter)  It creates modules that can be uploaded on compromised systems  Client-server configuration  PassiveX  Load ActiveX in the target process   Win32 UploadExec  Win32 DLL Injection  VNC Server DLL Injeciton

Metasploit Framework – Auxiliary Module

13  Very powerful tool (and very expensive too  ~ $35 000)  Very stable  High number of exploits for  Systems  Users  Web applications  wireless


14 CORE IMPACT (cont.)

15 Passwords  The passwords are the most used in the authentication mechanism  Usually the passwords compromise means access to a system  The passwords are vulnerable to some types of attacks  Identity theft represents momentary the “computer crime” with the highest rate of growth

Password Security

17  Usually, passwords are not stored in clear systems but encoded in the form of hash values  The use of one-way functions for encrypting (DES, MD5, SHA, etc.)

 When a user inserts a password, it’s hash is computed and compared with the one stored in the database  If those two values are the same, the user is then authenticated

Password Representation

18  Salting – the insertion of a random value in hashes’ computing process  The salt value is stored together with the hash value in the database  If two users have the same passwords, those will represented as different encrypted values in the database (due to the different salt)  It considerable increases the security level

Password Representation (cont.)

19  Online attacks  Brute force  Easy to be detected  Offline attacks  Implies gaining the hash values stored locally or transmitted trough the network  Requires system access  Network sniffing  This kind of attack can’t be detected

Types of Passwords’ Attacks

20  Dictionary attack ◦ All the words in a text file (dictionary) are tested ◦ Very fast (depends on the number of words from the file)  Brute Force ◦ All the combinations are tested ◦ It require time and computing power  Hybrid ◦ Words from the dictionary and number and special characters combination ◦ Ex: P@ssw0rd, password12, password$%  Raibow tables ◦ Lookup tables ◦ Pre-computed hash values ◦ It requires a lot of storage  Keyloggers, phishing, social engineering

Types of Passwords’ Attacks (cont.)

21  2 types of hash values ◦ LM hash (LAN Manager hash)  Used for LAN Manager authentication protocol  Windows 95, 98, Me ◦ NT hash (NTLM hash)  Used in NTLMv1, NTLMv2 and Kerberos authentication protocols  Hash values are stored in Security Accounts Manager (SAM) or databases  SAM database is stored in Windows\system32\config directory  It cannot be copied when the OS is running  Solutions:  Boot with a Live CD and copy the file (implies physical access to the PC)  Use the backup copy from Windows\repair. This copy is made when the administrator used the RDISK utility  SUSKEY – SAM encryption

Windows passwords

22  Hash value computing algorithm: Define LMOWFv1(Passwd, User, UserDom) as ConcatenationOf(DES(UpperCase(Passwd)[0..6],"KGS!@#$%"), DES(UpperCase(Passwd)[7..13],"KGS!@#$%")) EndDefine  LM hash is relatively easy to be hacked for short passwords  Example:  For the passwords: 123456abcdef  The lower cases are converted to upper cases and blanks are inserted until the passwords have 14 characters: 123456ABCDEF__  The result breaks in two parts and they are separately encrypted using DES algorithm:  123456A = 6BF11E04AFAB197F  BCDEF__= F1E9FFDCC75575B15  The hash value is 6BF11E04AFAB197FF1E9FFDCC75575B15  Using L0pthCrack, the first part can be hacked in up to 24 hours and the second part in up to 60 seconds  If the passwords contain less then 7 chars, then the second value of the hash will be the same  NT 3.1 to Windows XP SP2 supports LM hashes in order to be back-compatible and this functionality is activated by default ◦ It is highly recommended to disabled this functionality!

LM hash

23  It supports passwords longer than 14 chars  Doesn’t convert the passwords in upper cases and it doesn’t break it in two piaces  NTLMv1 (used before Windows NT SP2)  Hash value computing algorithm: Define NTOWFv1(Passwd, User, UserDom) as MD4(UNICODE(Passwd)) EndDefine  Due to a weakness, the use of it is not recomennded!  NTLMv2 (used starting with Windows NT SP3)  Hash value computing algorithm: Define NTOWFv2(Passwd, User, UserDom) as HMAC_MD5(MD4(UNICODE(Passwd)), UNICODE(ConcatenationOf(Uppercase(User), UserDom))) EndDefine

NT Hash

24  Samdump2   Linux Tool (Kali Linux) #mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/XXX #samdump2 /mnt/XXX/WINDOWS/system32/config/system /mnt/XXX/WINDOWS/system32/config/sam > hash.txt  Pwdump (1-7)   Windows tool c:\>pwdump7 > hash.txt  Fgdump   Windows tool ◦ C:\>fgdump -v

Extracting hashes from SAM file

25  When a user loges in a domain, it’s password is stored in registry to be used for offline logon  Creddump   Linux tool  Cachedump   Windows tool

Hash extraction from cache (registry)

26  Fgdump  C:\>fgdump -v -h hostname -u Username -p Password  pwdump6  C:\>pwdump6 -u Username -p Password hostname  Ettercap   Cain & Abel   L0phtCrack   KerbCrack   kerbsniff, kerbcrack  SMBRelay / SMBRelay2  MITM attacks 

Hash extraction from the network

27  John the Ripper ◦ ◦ Brute-force, knownforce, dictionary attacks ◦ Linux/Windows tool #/usr/local/john/john hash.txt (LM hash) #/usr/local/john/john --format:NT hash.txt (NT hash) #/usr/local/john/john --format:mscash hash.txt (cached cred)  Cain&Abel ◦ ◦ Brute-force, dictionary attacks, cryptanalysis  L0pthCrach ◦ ◦ Brute force, dictionary, hybrid, rainbow tables attacks ◦ Commercial product

Hacking Windows passwords

28  Ophcrack ◦ ◦ NTLM rainbow tables trebuie cumpărate:  • ◦ 1 – 6 characters long:  0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;&<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ (space included) ◦ 7 character long:  0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ ◦ 8 character long:  0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz  RainbowCrack ◦ ◦ rainbow tables

Cracking Windows passwords (cont.)

29  Local Windows Password  ERD Commander  Chntpw (Kali/Rescue CD)  Ntpassword (  Active Directory  Resseting a Windows domain account   Directory Restore Service Mode  SRVANU.EXE, INSTSRC.EXE (Resource Kit)

Password Reset

30  Passwords are encrypted stored in /etc/passwd (accessible for any user) and /etc/shadow (accessible only by root)  The encryption algorithm is DES  The Salt is on 12 bits (4096 variants)  /etc/passwd username:passwd:UID:GID:full_name:directory:shell username:Npge08pfz4wuk:503:100:Full Name:/home/username:/bin/sh username:x:503:100:Full Name:/home/username:/bin/sh  /etc/shadow username:passwd:last:may:must:warn:expire:disable:reserved username:Npge08pfz4wuk:9479:0:10000::::

Unix passwords

31  John the Ripper #unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow >saltedpasswords #john saltedpasswords

Cracking Unix Password

32  Hydra / XHydra   parallel computing support  Samba, FTP, POP3, IMAP, Telnet, HTTP Auth, LDAP, NNTP, MySQL,  VNC, ICQ, Socks5, PCNFS, Cisco  SSL Support #hydra -l john -P passwords.txt -v ftp #hydra -l john -P passwords.txt -v pop3 #hydra -P passwords.txt -v snmp  Medusa   modular design, parallel computing support  SMB, HTTP, POP3, MS-SQL, SSHv2, etc #medusa –d #medusa -h -M ssh -U users.txt –P passwords.txt

Online password attacks

33  CeWL (Custom Word List)  #cewl.rb –w wordlist.txt  WYD  –o output.txt

Custom Dictionaries

34  Some devices and application uses default password during installation  Default passwords should be changed as soon as possible  Phenolit List ◦  CIRT ◦ 437 vendors, 1842 passwords ◦

Default passwords

35  Use complex passwords  Use two-factor authentication  Block the account for a certain timeframe or ask for a CAPCHA after a few unsuccessful attempts  Log login attempts


36 Authentication  What a user knows (password, PIN)

 What a user have (Certificate, Token)

 What a user is (fingerprint, voice, retina)

A secure authentication requires two or more factors!

Authentication Mechanism

38  Generate one-use passwords  Digital certificates  Biometric systems

Authentication Solutions

39  Passwords are vulnerable to some attacks  They might be intercepted  They might be guessed after repeated attempts  Solution: one-use passwords  RDS SecurID (  Vasco (  Cryptocard (  ActivIdentity (  Secure Computing (

One-Use Password Generators

40 RDS SecurID

41  Authentication devices ◦ Key Fob ◦ Card ◦ PIN Pad ◦ Software + Smart Card ◦ Smartphone, PDA

RDS SecurID (cont.)

42 RDS SecurID (cont.)

43  Uniform solution for user’s secure authentication  Network – System – Application  Simple and secure method  Easy to use and manage  Increased security level

RDS SecurID (cont.)

44  Phishing  Server authentication (SSL Certificate)  PwdHash (  Man-in-the-middle (MITM)  Server authentication (SSL Certificate)


45  Cryptography using public keys ◦ Each user have a key pair: a private and a public one ◦ Data encryption: the encryption is made using public key of the receiver – decryption can be made only by using private key ◦ Digital signatures – the sender uses it’s private key to sign the message. The signature can be verified using sender’s public key

 How public keys are distributed?  PKI – Public Key Infrastructure ◦ Certificate Authorities – trusted 3rd party that guarantee to whom a public key belongs to ◦ Digital certificate public keys

Digital Certificates

46 PKI – Public Key Infrastructure

47 X.509 v3 Digital Certificate

48  Subject X.500 Name ◦ C = RO, O = MTA, CN = Ion Bica, E = [email protected]  Subject Alternative Name ◦ e-mail (rfc822Name) ◦ Windows username (UPN)  Key Usage ◦ digitalSignature (short term signatures) ◦ nonRepudiation (long term signatures) ◦ keyEncipherment ◦ keyAgreement  Extended Key Usage ◦ serverAuthentication ◦ clientAuthentication ◦ codeSigning ◦ emailProtection  CRL Distribution Points

X.509 v3 Digital Certificate (cont.)

49  Authentication is possible for users having the private key pair of the public one from the server’s public certificate  Digital signing of random data  Digital certificate by itself is not an authentication factor  Certificate is used only for validating data signed by the entity to be authenticated  Applications that can use digital certificate as authentication mechanism: ◦ VPN (Virtual Private Network) ◦ Web Application (SSL/TLS) ◦ Kerberos (Windows Smart Card Logon)  Cryptographic Smart Cards are used for insure key protection – the keys are generated and stored on the card, and the operations with those keys are executed only on the card

Digital certificate authentication

50 Kerberos

51  Publish Certificate Authority as trusted in Active Directory  Deploy certificates  Install drivers for smart card on workstations  Issue certificates for the users  Enhanced Key Usage (Smart Card Logon)  Subject Alternative Name (User Principal Name)

Windows Smart Card Logon configuration

52  CA Compromise ◦ DigiNotar (July 2011)  Man-in-the-browser (MITB) ◦ Vulnerability exploitation within web browser in order to change transactions content, insert additional transactions – very difficult or impossible to be detected by an user ◦ Out-of-band verification (SMS) ◦ Hardened browser (portable application, private browsing)  Man-in-the-middle (MITM) ◦ Defeating-SSL.pdf


53  Fingerprint  Voice  Iris  Face geometry  Hand geometry  Retina scan  Thermal imprint of the face  AND  Handwritten signature

Biometric methods

54 Biometric methods (cont.)

55 Biometric system

56  False Acceptance Rate (FAR) ◦ Represents the percent of impostors accepted by mistake  False Rejection Rate (FRR) ◦ Represents the percent of real users rejected by mistake  Threshold ◦ Is the value to be configured in order to control error rate

Biometric system performance

57  Casts after fingerprint ◦ Edible gelatin (has capacitance close to a human finger)

 Fake iris ◦ High resolutions images

 Compromised database containing biometric templates


58 Example: when the same username is used in local network and VPN in the same time – someone else might use it’s credentials Multiple identities

59 Single Sign ON (SSO)