

NKWS liV llltllCK. SF/I'TLI? UP. Cash Paid f«ii' Cream We will be at the cream station Special January sale at. Park- Tlie regular annual audit of our south of the court house to pay. El­ Thorburn's Grocery hursl's, books takes place on Jan. aOlh, and gin price for cream every Wednes­ Oranges, Suiikist, large .size, d(>z.24o It is exceedingly important that all day and Saturday, after April 25, lEVEREm Overshoes at cut prices at J. A. Crunherries, 10c ql:., :i for SRo past due accounts be settled before (,JU10STION TO HE SUIlMlT'l'IHi AT from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Elgin Cortright's. * tliat date, and we would therefore ap­ 33 cents. Beebe Bros. 0-tf m\h (Jrnnulatcd .Sugar )j(l.a5 Mmmmi^0^ Cash Grocorv preciate a prompt remittance. Thank­ .SI'IlliNO ELKC'I'IOX. Or!in|,'es, Navels, per doz 35c E. W. Kinnison has rented the K. Brown Sugar, per pound Re C. lluRsoll farm. ing you for your business during the Lard Caiiipound, per pound 13c Crackers, trytlieiii, none better, lb,]Oc past year and wishing you a prcs- /ACIf CIIANDIJKU CLUB IIAVQUET Jiacon, per lb 22c Big sale on clothing. See advt on perous and happy New Year, we re­ !i(> ^ - will be held in this city next Monday, blues. place of Henry Wellman, deceased. one or two speakers from this state liclter Hi! iiul'e 'i'liiiii Morry Business Cards. Last Friday and Saturday tlio city Battery A of Jjansing returned the On piolion Mr. Bowser was elected to will be on the program. treasurer collo.aoa ovur JIO.OOO, first of the week from Calumet, being serve as supervisor of Meridian. Although the tickets have not been A policy in the Michigan Mutual ATTOIINICV. the last of the state trooops to leave A committee composed of Super-, placed on sale a large number of re­ Cyclone, Windstorm and Tornado there now being less than ?i!,000 un­ Co. of Hastings, Mich., is good as paid. the scene of the miners' strike. visors Parker, Ounn, Rose, Christoph­ quests have been made for seals nnd er and Brownlee was appointed to the ofiicers of the club and members a bond autograplied by John Dee II. MOAKTIIUU, Attorney at Law, Ma­ Hohcrt W. Fay has sold his farm Don't forget the Apron and neck­ Rockiifeller. Call me by Citizens L. son, Mich. tie social Friday" evening, Jan. 16, at draft resolutions upon the death of of the various committees are confi­ just north of town to Homer Wilbur Henry Wellman, late suporyLsor of dent that the coming banquet will be phone. 17 L. H. Ives, Agent. A„ iiUorney at law, Ma- of Leslie. Aurollus hall. Something doing ev­ ery minute. Half a dollar will IJC Meridian. one of the most successful in the his­ I) son, Midi In the afternoon a petition was re­ tory of the club. BALING HAY-Any one Wiinting Special sale prices on all coats, given lo the person coming the far- to bale hay call on Niswongcr at furs and ready-to-wear dresses at Ihcsl and bringing a load. ceived from residents of Lansing Today President Herb, A. Thomp­ A. nHliOMAN, AMomey and Counselor township, asking that the question of Jidcn. Have a new baler. Sm.'ili . at Law, Mason, Midi. Parkhurst's January sale * son announced the following com­ balcv. Leslie phone O'iOl. 52-tt A Charles Clipper, father of 0. S. annexing a portion of the township mittees lo handle the banquet: fi­ Now is a good lime to buy under­ FOR SALI5-Michigan Director 7\ .'*. AVRUV, Alloriioy ill, Law. Hooms Clipper of this city, died Monday and East Lansing lo the City of Tjan- nance and arrangement, William T. 1J. 4!(l-r>-n, llolllslur lllk., lssorlo Dr. Hpiiuldlni,' and Dr. I.lnsloy. furniture store. x tively listened lo and greatly enjoy­ tee, who later reported them in reg­ Keuren, Clarence E. Bement, Charles I,awi'i!mx' lllocli. ed. His subject was "The Crisis and .al good men for driving team and Mrs. Watts' Sunday school class, ular form and sutficient in number of H. Davis, M. R. Carrier, 0. C. Howe general farm work—job to last from the Man," in which the speaker signatures. The matter was made K your riionuy dnos not not you llvu uer with their husbands, enjoyed a .sleigh and Charles F. Haighl, April 1st to Dec. 1st. Can also use ride and pot luck supper at Karl Ma- touched largely upon the life and a speciarorder for Tuesday otternoon Press—A. IJ. Rose, Ingham Coun­ I cum, sei! H. C. KKHKLANI), character of Lincoln. one man (a good caretaker of stock) goon's Monday night. and at that time the proper resolu­ ty News, Mason; Fred B. Perry, De­ with his wife for year's work. If tions for submitting the question l>IIVSIC;iAN»i. Cut prices on ladies' wool union Candy pails' at 5c at J, A, Cort- troit Evening News; H. N. Duff, I^an- interested, write me at once. Harry right's. were unanimously adopted. sing Press; Douglas D. Martin, The A. Lyon, Box 262, Idaho Falls, suits at Parkhurst's. * Tuesday afternoon Hon. Ijawton T. il. KltKF>liANl), M, D. Goiiural pnic- As Joseph Stevens was at work in State Journal; H. W. Morgan, Ptock- Idaho. O. llcii, with ,si)i!f.lal atloiillon toillsoasus Married, Jan. ;T, by Justice G. L. Hemans and others .addressed the brldge Brief; F, L. Saunders, Web­ iir woiiiL'U and clilldrun. Ullluu, South Main a M-foot cut in the Columbia street board regarding the county roads to struiil, urnnnd llnor. llonrs—S;00 to lliofl a. m, Peck, at his ofllco In this city, Frank drain, in the western part of the city, berville Index. INGHAM TAXPAYERS—I will be 1;00 10 ;i;00 iLiul 7:00 to anH) p. m. Ilotli phono*. E. VanVlorah and Miss N'?ttie Hay- be built in Aurelius township. It Charles W. Foster of Lansing has at the town hall, Dansville on Wed- last Friday, he was caught in a cave- .seems that a mile and one-half of nes, both of Onondaga. in, being buried to his chin. One been appointed chairman of the re-1 „esday and Friday during January K. C. S. llALlyAUIl, llomuopathlc I'liysl- road was contemplated south from ception committee, and the reftiaind- iflj,}, to receive taxes. Fred L. Mil- i# dan and SiirKoon. Dlsuiisus of lliii iJyu, Leo Briggs, while working on the arm was not covered. The other Columbia road through the swamp Kar, Nose and Tliroata specialty. Ulllco In workmen at once got busy, but it re­ er of this committee will be announ- ' jor, Township Treasurer. Near lllock. Hours S lo l) a. iii., y to ."i and 7 road between here and Dansville, had gardens. This was later changed to ced later. | ' , one leg broken Monday," by the caving quired an hour and a half to release the road running west and south to il p. 111. Stevens. The man was badly squeez­ The directors of Chandler Club are I poR SALE—^New milch Guern- of a dirt bank, near which he -was from the Kipp school house. With C. J. Van Halteran, I^ansing; A. L. gy heifer, DeLaval cream separator l\lt KltANK E. 'I'llOMAS, l'h,y«lf,»" "",'• working. ed and chilled with the cold,- but no this change made the map of pro­ D Sui'seoii oniceovur Webb vt Whitman's bones were broken. He was taken Rose, Mason; Arthur Richmond, ' with hand or power attachment, al- clothing store. Some small sizes in suits and over- posed roads was presented by the Stoekbridge; W. L. Price, Lansing; go low-down farm wagon. J. Carl to his home and attended by Dr. Dutt, good roads commissioners to the M, DIITT, M. I)., Successor to Dr. K. II. co.ats at $3.00, worth $10, during who reports him as doing well. Charles Clark, Ingham; Solon C, I Jewett. 2-2t , Alo.vander, Mason. Mich. OIUcu hours sale at Harry E. Neely's. "' board and was adopted at October Lane, Onondaga; George A. Williams GMO ;i and 7 to s p. m. itolh phones. session. Now comes a petition from Blanket .nnd comfort sale at Park­ Locke; IjUdwig Neu, Bunkerhill; J. WANTED—A driving horse this F. C, McEuen left Tuesday for hurst's January sale. '" about 200 residents of Aurelius, ask­ F. Krumbeck, Williamston; M. D. northern Michigan to purchase a ing that the road be constructed winter for its keeping. Dr Freeland, IfABMKKS' nHJTUAIi. A mishap which for a time ap- j Pickett, Meridian; Clyde Putnam, Le- Mason, 2-2t carload of seed beans. About one- peared to be serious, befell Miss Mar­ where first laid out. After consid­ roy; J. R. Thorburn, Holt; Stephen half the car load have already been guerite Griffln last Friday night; She erable discussion it seemed to be a Behm,.White Oak; Roy J. Robb, Ve­ contracted for, matter that the board of supervisors FOR SALE — Automobile. Dr. was with the sleighride party that vay; C. J. Clement, Lansing town­ Freeland, 2-2t flcooii'ad iio'Vr ofcourt house Miss Mary Ullrich, formerly prin­ drove to the home of Mr. and Mrs. had not the power to decide. ship; Thomas Gunson, East Lansing; cipal of the Mason schools, but for Scarlett, two miles from town, and A petition was presented, asking Judson Hill, Wheatfield; J. Walker, that the question, of raising $5,000 FOR SALE-Steam boiler, 20 h. p. several years a teacher in the Ann while attempting to alight from the Alaiedon; Ernest Sherman, Leslie; and engine 15 h, p. Dr. Freeland. 2t VKTIilllNAUV Arbor schools, died in that city last sleigh, tripped and fell, her head for the maintenance of the tubercu­ Fred Fansbn, Aurelius, losis sanitorium be submitted to a week, after a short illness. striking a plank. She was rendered FOR SALE—Northern grown seed K. G. II. GonnON, Volerlnary SurKOon. unconscious for a considerable time, vote of the people. The same was Special sale on ladies, handker­ Dull phone ^IS. (Jltlv.eiis HI. At the Central Michigan Poultry referred to a committee composed of beans, at rock bottom prices. F. C. D causing her friends some alarm, but chiefs at Parkhurst's, 10c grade for McEven, Mason Mich. 2-2t .show at Lansing last week Ezra was finally revived and returned with supervisors Clark, Reeves and Heish. 5c, 25c gr.ade for 10c, 50c grade for U.OKO. II. MOODY, VETEUINAKY Sur- Welch of this city won three second the others on the homeward trip. A committee consisting of Super­ 2 5c. Roon. Onico and resldoncu coniur .\ :ina prizes and one third prize in a class visors Christopher, Hall and Hale, to WANTED—To buy a farm of 30 DAsh streets, Mason, Mich. or 40 .acres on or near the electric of 61 Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds. Special discount on silos for a few confer with the county survey or re­ HOME TALENT. days. See A. A. Hewlett, Mason. garding his county records placed in line, good soil, small but comfortable, AIJ«!TIONKKUS See Hewlett for prices on silos. house, good barn and other outbuild­ Special discount for a few days. liJde Williams died at his home on the county clerk's ofllce, was appoint­ The delightful four-act comedy ed. ings. No frog ponds w.anted. Ad­ I.AItlf & HAKKNESS, general miiMlon- John W. Shipmiin's farm near Eden, drama, entitled, "The Jolly Widow," dress, giving price, terms and loca­ C ucrs. Loavu orders at this olll <.. Hell On ..account of his time being fully Tuesday morning about 9 o'clock, The. claims in contagious disease will be given at Rayner opera house phone lino a-4 r, DansvlUo, or Cltl/i'iis plione occupied in caring for the estate of cases are taking much of the atten­ tion, to W. N. Taylor, Mason, Mich., lino lUU, 81,2 8, Mason. from heart trouble, aged 60 years. on Thursday evening, January 22, R. F. D. 5. 3-2t the late Chas. J. Riiyner, Harry J. Deceased was born in Canandagna tion of the committee. under the auspices of the ladies of Bond will soon leave his position as The county was re-districted yester­ -rjn- A... MUKKA.,.„ Y export auctl'iTUHT, Sat- county, N. Y., July 6, 1854, and came the Rebekah Lodge 324, Mason. LOST—Saturday evening, .Tan. 10, Istactlon Kuariinlood. TOMUS roasoii- assistant cashier in the First State to Miclilgan when two years old. He»da| y afternoon. Lansing city comprises This play comes highly recom­ and Savings bank. He will continue a gentleman's open-faced gold watch, able. l'. 0, Webborvllle. Boll p..one. had lived in Mason about 20 years, the first representative district, tlie mended and is under direction of with light chain attached. Finder as one of the directors of the bank. moving to the farm where he died rest of tlie county the second district. Mrs. Hubert Labadie of the Labadie ENRY KDBl'Z, export Enirilsh and Gor­ will be rewarded. Notify News of­ man auctlonoer. Satlsfiietlon Kuariio- Mrs. Fred Hail, Jr., died last Fri­ last October. For some time he was Lyceum Bureau, who is a profession­ fice. 3-11 Hood Address LusUo Vark, LunsUiR, Ultlxens day at her home In Holt. She was a a mail carrier in this city. He leaves OFFICERS INSTALLED. al of some note, having appeared phone. faithful mother, though a patient a wife, one brother and three children here some years ago with the Labadie HAY WANTED—10 ton good sufferer, having been partially d'E>- Mrs. Geo. A. Foote of Lansing, Ed­ About seventy-five members of company. She promises the best clover or heavy mixed hay. Also a Notice of Annual Meeting. abled by paralysis several years ago. ward Williams of Holt and Mrs. F. Phil McKernan Post and W. R. C. home talent play ever given in Ma­ quantity of straw. C. E. Hill, Ma­ She leaves a husband and aevernl E. McBride of Jonesville. Funeral and their friends partook of the sup­ son. A clever local cast are busy son. ' 3 The annual mooting of the small children. Funeral services services will be held at the Baptist per served at G. A. R. hall last Fri­ rehearsing and the ladies are sell­ Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance were held on Monday, with burial at church in Mason Friday at 10 o'clock. day night, proceeding the installation ing tickets. The "Jolly Widow" is SALESMAN WANTED to look af­ Company of Ingham county will Holt. Vevay Lodge No. 93, I. O, 0. F. of officers, which was a joint cere­ one of those clever plays written to ter our interest in Ingham and adja­ bo held at the court house in the installed their officers Tuesday even­ mony. The retiring president of the please the masses, plenty of comedy cent counties. Salary or commission. city of Maaon on Monday, Jan. 19, Ladies' fl.25 fleeced dresses for W. R. C. Franc L. Adams, who had and heart interests, and with special­ Address The Harvey OIL Co., Cleve­ ?1.00 at Parkhurst's * ing January 13, 1914, at a special 1914 at 10 o'clock, a. m. An op­ meeting. Grand Master H. A. Thomp­ occupied the chair for ten years, act­ ties, making it a continuous perfor­ land, Ohio. portunity will be Riven to amend Now that the local option ques­ son of Williamston acted as installing ed as installing officer, while Ger­ mance. Prices are within the reach of the charter. F. H. Field, Sec tion is again before.us, the county is ofllcer, with Theodore Bortle as grand trude Blakely, senior vice president, all, 15c, 25c and 35c. Reserved PERSONAL—Wanted, the present tlooded with literature sent from marshal. The following ofilcers presided over the meeting. With seats on sale at Geo. M. Webb's shoe address of.Alberta Arnold, son of a distance by the opponents of tem­ store. y PARMKU'S INSTMIITE. were Installed: Noble Grand, George i Florence Lathrop as pianist the fol­ George L. and Eva Arnold; about 40 perance, tending to belittle the Turnbull; Vice Grand, James Mer­ lowing elected and appointed officers years old; removed by mother from cause. Don't be deceived. The liq­ were installed: President, Ida M. Farmers' Institutes will be hold rick; Recording Secretary, Bert Nell- Settle Up for. the New Year. Liverpool, O., when an Infant. Also uor element is out and doing every­ is; Financial Secretary, L. A. Gregg; Irish; S. V. Pres., Eliza Jewett; J. if deceased, when and where buried. in Ingham county this year as L'ol- thing possible to defeat. prohibition, V. Pres., Alice Chapman; Treas., Eva All notes and accounts due must Treasurer, John Spanier; Warden, be paid this month or left for collec­ O. B. Arnold, Valley City, Ohio. 3-3t lows: even to hiring some purported min­ Elmer Hulse; Conductor, L. M. Du- Haskell; Chap., Mary StiUman; Con. DansvlUe, January 15 and 16; isters to write circulars against it. Bois; Inside Guard, Robert Wing; Esther Carr; Guard, Mary Marshall; tion. Webb & Whitman, Clothiers. LOST—Have lost the crank to my Locke, January 20; Holt, January Local option may not be the ideal, Outside Guard, John Noxon; Right Secretary, Emllie A. Baraby; Pat. In., '76 automobile. Bring it back. , A. 21; AureliuB, January 22; Maaon, but it is far ahead of the open Supporter N. G., Fred Parker; Lett Minerva Sanders; Press Cor., Marie CARD OF THANKS. McDonald. January 23 and 24. saloon. Supporter N. G., W. 0. Gregg; Bight Lathrop; Musician, Florence Lathrop The state round-up institute will Supporter V. G., E. D. Nellis; Left Asst. Con., Gertrude Blakely; Asst. We desire in this manner to extend this year take the form of a "Ftirm- At a Joint installation of PhlLMc- AUCTION SALES. Kernan Post and W. R. C. following Supporter V. G., Leonard Robinson; Guard, Loretta, White; Color Bearers, our heartfelt, thanks to our friends ors' Week" or five-day course in ag­ Right Scene Supporter, Wm. J. Tun- Mary WlUetts,.Diana French, Martha and neighbors for their kindness and H. H. Bates, having sold his farm riculture and home economics. These a supper furnished by the latter or­ der, chiefly,: the officers elected and ningly; Left Scene Supporter, Lewie Ellsworth,/Laura Blakely. The corps sympathy in our sad bereavement, to and moved away, will sell his stock have been very successful In,other Aseltine; Chaplain, C. M, Rhods. A is in a prosperous condition, and to Dansville Lodge No. 160, F. & A. M., and farm tools at auction on Friday,. states, bringing lii several thousand appointed to conduct the affairs of the Post for the coming year were number of visitors were , present the faithful few who stood by It when to the minister for his comforting Jan. 16; at the premises, half mile farmers, farmers' 'wives, sons and installed by; Past Commander Free- among whom was Grand Secretary "F, everything pointed to Its dissolution, words, and for the beautiful floral east and three-fourths mile south; of daughters, land as follows: Commander, Theo. A. Rogers. After the meeting re­ the entirely new.staff of officers have tributes. , Etchell's corners. Free lunch at noon. Bortles; S.. V. C, 0. L. Lathrop;. J. freshments^ were served by, the com­ every reason to be grateful^ is.'wlth- Anna Patrick, .. - i , See full advt on page 8. y. C.,R. S. Covert; Surg., Harvey mittee. , " out the work of the members of those' Mrs. Jas.'Radford and family RESOVXl MISBIOIV MEETINGS. Acker; Q. M.; H. C. Freeland; Adjt., early days, their outlook would not William Patrick Owing to the death of B. D.> Wil­ S. C. Paflier; • 0. Di, George Price; O. , ^ oJK oh all mackinaws and sweat­ have been so favorable as It is now. Mr. and-Mrs. Herman Bohhett liams on the Frank Childsfarni east Sunday at 2:80 a. m. 0., Thosi. Bush; S. M., O. L. Barna- ers during the sale at \Harry E, To Mary Hammond, .who was presi­ ' Daniel Patrick, and family. ' of Eden, John W. Shipman, owner, Wednesday at 7 p. m.v by; The Chaplain^ Fred Hines, Pat­ Neely's;, .• , •-•*>- ^ dent of the corps during Its most dis- has postponed his auction sale to ; A. L. Vandercook, Supt.' riotic Instructor,'TiMi'Saraw.vai^d couraginig period, the entire; corjps ;To the friends and neighbors vrho] Thursday;' January 22. ':> - Q. M. S.. Frank PerrlnV being absent, BANK ELEOTIONS. owes much.' With a determination so kindly assisted us by word and were, liBtt to ,be, Installed at a'later born of her f patriotism, when affairs deed'durlng the sickness and death of The household effects and house :'M.^B;:A;C!HIJRCH.; date, as the O. A. R.,'-do not ;in- At the meetlnig Of the Btockholders wereat their lowest ebb, she straight-, oui;: beloved wife, mother and sister^ and lot of the late> Louise Atwbod Btall by/prbzy. The meiBtingwaB ii of the Facmers' bank,.held Tuesday, ened heriielf and set hier lips hard as Mrs, Mary StaatB, tohim who has will be sold at auction at.the'lateiires- ••^OlM«•^neetllif^*:8,0.v.;!::v;•,-•.::;^^.:•v•%^•, Very; pleapant and BueceiBfulaltalr, the following were chosen /dlrecidrs;, she .said,."If every member deserts brought God'smessage to our.taearts, idence In Dansville^ Jan. \ 20. Clark ft: ; ;'Honitti•••erTiMv'lOtO'O;':-^iim>^:',:^ and it-li>hopedvthat;;tlie;:PoBtrwhoB9i J. Kv Elmer, Ai: J.lHaill, ^ Geo; M^ mel .will take that flag and march on and' to' those whoBO voices hwa been HarkneBBraubtloneerB;SiBe full,"advt.: jproipeirltyrtaM been BO marked^in ihe Hoyti A:' L. Rose, L: B; McArthur, A. Memorial day: behind our. "boyB'* lifted in sweet Bbng.ve desire to ex­ on:page;'6.' ;:<;:y:ii,''\;-'.'v,v,';'':.\'::,-..^;' ••-•':::••", Bpwortb'Learit mMta WTcrf Biu^j Dajiti>«> will cfltatUiue along; the; satiie I. Birber, C. W. Clark and A, McDbn^ alonei'^. . This proved to be the oriaiB, tend'bur heartfelt vthankB.-:; •''• . ;r .; .dftf-:eTiliWi:;fr6BtJ7-itdJJS';i'!:'^v--^ for the iebrpB.trom^that'ttme took on < Byrbn StaatB, Mr., and Mra. Chancy • :a'*l;' ; .Thb: Firat; State and'i'Saylngfl Bank new life, and-; prtiBpe'rlty ha* m'arkr Hunt,' Mn and Mri' Volney Palmeri: llBbed bid •tlme;rlllf•>ililuhu>ba|1bbm•• have^elebted; the'tbUowlng'dtriectora:: ed'ItBcburMtiroin,that day; V,; A! drill MrB.:Bmll]r'Parkham; Mra. Oattaerine 'pan]r^^r'Addreaa^'Ci;'J;v^;Bttmatti|;'81ft' : ^bati»:^4ttrtBr>i^'Ma«A);';at;^?;Ranrrir^B.' L; iiO. I Webbi^ f.; J).: Denunor*.! H. > l J. •tatt,';^ifUlfiboiii:ilM^:orfuitiedJ / under StebbtQh Eva J; OeManb, JoMpb^ J. CiM>ttM'Nat;r>Ban|i;^>ull4lBffi iit:^ DeMawS.'••""•••• '•••• Boad^ B.:0. BMAKH^VO.; |lal|tM4 't^•^dtrMtlonVo^OommulderrBortte;^ Boitle.V'^i DeMawli;:: ;•';;;;:.v, :.^ :>.;,,:,:, v^ il fi wmmmiM ii iiiil fh'U'A] mmmmmmmmimM INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, JANUARY 15, 19] 4 iiiiiiiMiiiiii|liiiMiiiiiMiiiii|i!i|mtttmmmmtiin>iiii|iiiiM Published at Mason every Thursday "THE HEART OF LANSING •» morning by Buckwheat A. L. ROSE. \.j~.^~^/'\^\y^t Since the now tarlft went into ef­ Season fect the iiiipoiM.s from Canada have THE ILLS STORE Increased from sn to 50 per cent. Is here and we are grinding:. Bring on your grain. Tl)c Appraiser of llio port of New York, says; "I liavo hoard runioris OUR GREAT that the forclt;ners intend to lake advantab'p. of ll\o Tariff reduction hy Leave Your Feed adding on llie difference to their sell­ ing prices," AT THE

It is reported tliat the Klnns among the copper mine strikers are holding January Clearance Sale out under tlie improsslon that the U. S. government will take over the Phoenix Mill mines In the spring. They arc avow­ Continues Its Successful Progress ed socialists and some of tlielr load­ ers are encouraging tlieir delusion. With everything previously advertised still to be had and many additional bargains which Will grind it cob or shelled, should not be overlooked. COME TOMORROW and share in its economies. while you wait. The blanks being sent out hy the government, regarding the income tax, are about as clear as mud to the average reader. Ijnder penalty of a fine the blanks must be (llled out and SUITS, COATS AND SKIRTS THAT ARE DIFFERENT! Mason Milling Co. returned hy Marcli 1st, and it will reciuire all that time prol)al)ly to ob­ tain an understanding of tliem. Ours is the only store in Lansing where you can buy the FAMOUS WOOLTEX GARMENTS of national repu­ tation and the garments guaranteed for two full seasons' wear. TarllV and Treasury. The WOOLTEX are always a bargain when sold at regi^lar prices. But we find we have a few of these splen- During tlie first two weeks of No­ vember the United States Treasury I did garments left from our large purchase. These we are going to close out at a Price Concession. Madam, do you IF YOU ARE A COFFEE LOVER got ?!),5!)3,fl;!8 through Tariff duties, realize what this means to you in the way of bigger and better bargains? Remember we are talking to you of the or about ii;2,'IOO,000 less than during CHASE & SANBORN'S the same period last year. The in­ WOOLTEX, not the ordinary kind of ready-to-wear, such as are advertised as bargains at this season of the year. HIGH GRADE ternal taxes, tlie corporation tax and Come to our store tomorrow—don't delay—and let us show you these famous WOOLTEX garments, and if we otlier sources of revenue were about have your size you will be glad of the opportunity to get such a well made and beautiful Suit or Coat at the prices COFFEES AND TEAS the same as l)ofore. All told, there wasn't enough to we are going to make to close out our winter stock. Again we say, this is the only store in Lansing where you meet expenses, and at the end of the can buy the WOOLTEX make. Will Win fortniglit the Treasury had paid out ?2,S3.|,'153 more than It had receiv­ ed. The fiscal year deficit on Novem­ Your Heart ber M thus rose to ?2:i,779,129 as Curtains, Curtain Materials, Women's Wool Union Suits, Your choice of any $45.00 compared with ?19,r)37,879 a year Selling at January Clearing Prices selling at $1.50 anfl 1.75 Suit now 22.50 SOLD ONLY BY ago. 15c and 25c quality Curtain Scrims, col­ Women's Fleeced Union Suits Special Suit and Coat OiTerings The effect of the new Tariff on the ored and figured centers, very "t ||_ selling at 75c and 85c Treasury is evident. But has the loss pretty designs, at yard, 5c and.. | Uv Women's Fleeced Union Suits, One lot of Coats, $10.00 to p. J. Greve to the Government meant a resultant Plain and Fancy Scrims, the quality that 50c quality, at $12.50 values, at .: 3.98 Mason, Mich. compensation to the consumer? Or 39c sells at 25c; a large assort­ Women's Separate Fleeced Gar­ One lot of Coats, values up don't cominodltles cost just a little ment to choose from, at yard. to $15.00, at more than tliey over did? 19c ments, 50c quality, at 5.98 "!' 50c Scrims, at 39c It is interesting to note in study­ Women's Separate Fleeced Gar­ One lot of Suits, $12.50 ing tlio Treasury statements that the yard 39c values, at word "disbursements," barred hy ments, 25c grade, at 19c 3.98 Call at the Secretary JIcAdoo, when he took of­ Curtain Net One lot of Suits up to $16.50 fice, has made its reappearance. Evi­ Men's Extra Heavy values, at ..: dently tlie reform didn't pan out any ipl.OO quality, at 5.98 Palace Meat Market better than his crop movement yard 79c Fleeced Lined Drawers and Reductions that show absolute disre­ scheme.—Milwaukee Free Press. Shirts, 50c grade, at gard for former prices on silk and wool Main Street 65c quality, at 39c dresses of various styles and materials. AX'I'l-SALOON LK.VfJUK. yard 49c Outing Rompei's for chil­ dren, at '. 29c Silk Dresses Preparations are In progress for a Silkolines Best Cuts of Meat State Convention of temperance for­ Eiderdown Yarn by the box, for- AC^ $25.00 Dresses now selling ces under the leadership of the Anti- One lot 12 i/oc quality, 7VS-^ mer price 90c, now box VwG at • Courteous Saloon League, which will convene In at yard f V White Aprons—Slightly soiled at liberal 18.75 the Central Methodist church of Lan- reductions. $20.00 Dresses now selling .sing on Wednesday, January 21st and One special lot of rug fringes at F. at Service continue thr.oughout Thursday, Jan­ 15.00 uary 22d. Mr. U. H. Scott, of Lan­ per yard wv Extra Specials in Winter Underwear $16.50 Dresses now selling sing, president of the Anti-Saloon One lot curtain lace edgings < |^ ft On at League of the State, is presiding ofll- One large table of Men's, Women's and 12.38 cer. selling at yard tv^ Ov Children's broken lots and sizes, each $15.00 Dresses now selling WM. ECKERT Wednesday night the convention One special lot of curtain rods, 10c4 A. good values at 50c, will be closed out at will have tlie privilege of hearing Dr. at the very low OQA 11.25 Both Phones J. A. Vance of Detroit. Dr. P. A. and 25c grade at, each 5c and... | UC $13.50 Dresses now selling Baker of Columhua and Dr, T. A. Table Linens at January Clearing price of garment LQv at Cairns the noted socialist of Newark, 10.12 N. J, There has been arranged a big Pure Linen DamaskSale Price, 65c san d 59c One lot of Children's Separate Garments $12.00 Dresses now selling program for Thursday, which in­ qualities, at yard 48c the 25c grade, to close 4 A^ at cludes the following: Hon. R. K. out at garment 19Q 9.00 FARMERS' BANK Warren of Three Oaks, Hon, J. B, $2.00 quality Double Damask Linen, $10.00 Dresses now selling beautiful designs, One lot of Ladies' Union Suits' values Ketcham of Hastings, Hon.W. S. Fos­ at Oldest State Bank ter of Lansing, Rev. R. E. Header of at yard 75c and 85c, to close CAA 7.50 1.25 in Ingham County ' Coldwater, Mrs. Mary Sturgls of Flint $4.50 Napkins, \ at, each •••OfPC Wool Dresses Judge Kelly S. Searl of Ithaca, Hon. Henry R. Patten gill of Lansing. Hon, at dozen 3.98 One lot of $1.00 A£- The $20.00 Dresses now sell­ CAPITAL, $50,000.00 . D. W. Grandon of Hillsdale, Mrs. E. $1.50 quality Pure Linen Da­ values at OwC ing at L. Calkins, state president of W. C. mask, at yard 15.00 L. R. McARTHUR President . T. U., Hon. F. E. Corbett of Lansing, 1.00 One lot Separate Garments, OAA The $16.50 Dresses now sell­ $4.00 Napkins, J. K, ELMER Vice President Mr. H. M. Leland, president of Cad­ 50c values, at each OvC ing at A. J. HALL Cashier illac Motor Car Co., Detroit, and Hon. at dozen 12.38 3.39 The $15.00 Dresses now sell­ L. R. WHITE "Assistant Cashier Frank Kulp of Battle Creek. The $1.25 quality Pure Irish Linen, Women's and Misses' Coats ing at convention will close Thursday even­ 72 in- 11.25 Three per cent, interest paid on ing with an address by the famous ches wide, Any Coat that formerly sold at $18.00 The $13.50 Dresses now sell­ San W. Small of Georgia, and. It is iat yard marked down to savings deposits. Money to hoped, by Ex-Goyernor Patterson of 85c ing at 10.12 loan. Call aiid see us. TennesBee. : $3.50 Napkins, only The $12.00 Dresses now sell­ at dozen 11.50 Direetors-J. K. Elmer. A. J. Hall. Word comes from the Antl-Saloon Coats that sold formerly at 4 A *!£ ing at ....:.'...... League that certain plans for , the $1.00 quality Half Bleached Pure2 Linen. , 9.Q0 Geo. M. Hoyt, A. L. Rose, L. B, State In connection with the move­ S[;20.00 you can buy now at.. | y• f y 'The $10.00 Dresses now sell­ McAfthur, A. I. fiarker and C. either Scotch or Ger- TEA ing at ...... W. Clark. ment for National Prohibition will be man, at yard .. | QC You may have your choice of any of bur 7.50 consumated. A program for the pol­ splendid $25.00 f A CA The $8.00 Dresses now sell­ itical activity of the temperance for­ 70x70-inch Square Cloths with round ing at ces in the State for the coming year designs^ the $3.00 quality, Coats at . i 19i9U 0.00 •will be outlthed, and arrangements for the large campaign of the: county .25 Any Coat that formerly sold iit $30;00 Children's Wool Dresses fights which will be held this spring now marked down 1IA 7C will be perfected. Word has been Pattern Cloths The $7.50 Dresses are selling received that there will be from four­ The $3.75 quality, to..:.;.;:;.:...... I9«I9 5.00 teen to sixteen counties In the cam­ at each , Our superior $35.00 Coats (and they The $5.00 Dresses are selling paign next spring, among them, some 2.75 were splendid values at that price) ;at...... : of the most impiortant counties of the 22x22-inch Napkins, 3.98 have been marked AA ^jB The $4.25 Dresses are selling States: Ingham, Lapoer,' Arenac, Oge­ $4.00value,at , 119 down to ....;.. Alllifv maw, Roscoli^mon, Chippeua, • Lake, 2, 21/2. 3 and 31/2 yard Pattern Cloths, at ...:.:... 3.39 PUla Benzie, Kalkaska, Wexford, Mecopta, Of tremendous importance to you is The $3.98 Dresses are selling What They Ayill Do tor Yoa Shlawasse, Allegan, Eaton, St. Jos­ either square or found designs; the the fact that the Wopltex guarantee of eph and Clare. ., $1.75 and $2.00 yard qual­ full two season's satisfactory iservice is at ...... :...... 289 They will cure your backache, , A large,amount of mall has been ities, will be sold at the 1 4C given with every Wooltex garment sold. forwarded, to the ministers and to rate of i... ^. ••.••li£v Some Special Silk Bargains Btrengthen your kidneys, c6r« other temperance leaders throughout The fact that you bought it at Clear- rect urinary irregulaHties, build the State, advising them, of the con­ $4.00 Napkins, $1.00 quality 27-inch wide Chif- fiA^ ance Sale pficie makes ho difference, the up the worn out tisBuei, and vention andPeeking large delegations !*• •' • -• '• I at dozen • • • • • I 3.29 guairahtee holds good just the same. An fon Taffeta, at yard...... QgQ from every, county. The leaders of early visit to our store will enable you to , eliminate' th e excels liirie' acid the movement jconfldently predict e,h< Cluiiy, Center Pieces: and Sets^ $1.00 quality 27-inch wide Fancy attendance of from five to seven'huh-, makiB a most desirable selection. Silks,atyard ..;.....;...... that causes rheumatianii Pre^ iNfineteein-piece Kahd niade Ciuiiy^ AA dred from without the city of Lan- Women's flind Misses' Suits One lot Fancy Silks to . vent Brighit's ^ Disease a'iid; 'Diiu- 1 sing-.-': ;, •;; . •, ;;:•':: :;.•';-.!;•;, ••••,, V. • •:• '•'•'li I'.: Sieti ^ipJdiOi valu^i a^ isieiraltyard .:;..:;.....::... bates, and restore liealth and •;;••:/:;•,How's :Tlil«7,..-/.;.'"-:' 72-inch Clunjr table Covers, A ||A Any Suit that sold at 36-inch Black Taffeta Silk strength. Refuse substitutsa. We offer One HundriBd DollarB Re­ ->.$13|ft:^eB;^areadh^ ...:..j9i^ •••••••••< ttv j^ttru ''t •••• •'# •«, • •» •'• • • •'• ft • ward for any case of CataiTli •that Aiiy S^uiij; '^hat sold at For gale by Longyear Bros, and oannot the: cured by IfaU's "^ GataFrh $6.75 Climy/ Center Piotios^ 25-iiicii Silk Poplins :" L. H; flarriaon. I,,.,. . . .,;., 101 ^: $20.00 no\^ 't '• • • • • • ••'•'•'< Gurei'i.i';?'^i"''/fy ;V;.' ,:;^'io;,;,!,;•'!.:tj. jft,!,,. :-'^''J? SeCoviS teach'^i^.'v'iJa^ft^wr taWe^i^^^^ Ypuir ;choi^^f any $25l00 ' B<; J. CHENBY & CO.i T


I'l TMnUy FUU tor eon eloM out at V.. V.'%'T';H per ctnt teM' ••~"'^5A2^^^ iipwtitiwi INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, JANUABY IS, 1914 3

daughter visited Mr, and Mrs, Edd :v Walker the lirst of this week, Mr, and Mrs, Leo Warlle visited at F, Toachout's Friday, GORRESPONDENCE Emory Wordon, wife and daughter Boatrice visited in BunkorhiU Sun­ day, Items Gathered by NEWS Staff about the Couniy ' Rollln West visited In Leslie Sat­ urday and Sunday, Howard Simms Sundayed at Mr, ^: r Wyle's, B. J. Holland of Fitchbui'g attend­ I'KAV NKKillltOIUIOOl). (X)HJ>Ull,\ l!0.\l). ed the funeral of his cousin, Mr. Fat- HAVE YOU rick, at Dansville Friday. Mrs. .lay Ciirr iiiul son Leo are vis- H. T, IDlliott was in Toledo from Mrs. Tunningly of Mason visited il.iiig lior pareiits, iioar Kalon Uapids. Wednesday until Saturday as a dele­ CATARRH? *•' ''"'.'."i at E. U. Walker's the lirst of this Tlic Cileaiiei's gave an oyster sup­ gate for tlio Nortii Aurelius A. 0. O. week, per TiiOHiiay evening al'tcr installa­ 0. -•—•___ breathing Cliarles Webster of Bun kerb ill tion. Ml present had an enjoyable Otis Cornwell and wife, Herman impaired? Does your throat Center called on friends in this vici­ time. Bullen and wife, and Mrs, Walter Ah- get husky or clogged? nity the (Irst of last week. rens spent Thursday with Wesley Mrs. liiiln is in Lansing caring tor Modern science proves that The Gleaners of Etchells arbor will SliopboU and wife of Alaiedon. have installation of ofllcers and an lior niotiior. these symptoms result from run Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hull visited at Mrs, ,lohn Clark left for Illinois oyster supper at the home of Mr, and George Itodllold's Wednesday. Friday, where she will go from there down health. Snuffs and vapors Mrs. Ami Terrlll Friday evening, Jan, Mr. and Mrs, ,Tolin llannon and to Kansas to visit another sister and are irritating and useless. You Kith. ehiidren visited lier brother Clu'is, expects to be gone for some time. shouldbuildyourgeneral health Mr, and Mrs, H. Lee and family Stlells near Lansing Tuesday. Albert Ficster and wife and daugh­ with the oil-food in Scott's visited In Bunkerhill Thursday. ter si)oiit Thursdiiy with Mr. and Mrs. Emulsion~\[s nourishing NOKTIIKAST lilOSM Ira Nelson of Eden, liOUTI'i !L Mrs. .lohn Webb visited her sou In powers will enrich and enliven Jan. 12, TOM. Mr, and Mrs. Clark Carmen and Lansing from Friday until Monday. the blood, aid nutrition and as> Mrs. William Blanchard and children liavo returned to their homo George Mutton spent Sunday with siniilation and assist nature to daughter were In this vicinity Mon­ in Lansing after a week's visit with his cousin, Koble Smith, check the inflammation and day. relatives and friends, Hubert Builen went to Chicago last heal the sensitive membranes Beulah Parkhurst was home from Ix'o Howe is on the sick list, Tuesday night and returned Thurs­ Mason over Sunday. Wni, Heal and Chas. Kelly have day with 'n\ lambs. which are affected. Vern Cooper, George Potter and boon at the Portage lishlng. Forest Smith and wife spent Sun­ Scott's Emulsion Clifford Collar were In Mason Satur­ LUMET The L, A. S. of Housel noighhor- day with Ward DuUen and wife. will raise your day. hooil met with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde standard of health James Sevlne is home again. Woodlond, Thursday evening, .Ian, 8, A Difforeiice in Woikiiig Hoiir.s ING POWDER to correct catarrh. Goldia Vanhorn is on the sick list. for supper. A man's working day Is 8 hours. Frank Evans has been visiting at Mr, and Mrs, Clem Higdon spent His body organs must work perfect­ Shun alcoholic mixtures his daughter's Mrs. Charles Wil­ The cook is happy, the and insist on SCOTT'S Now Years at Dan Neu's, ly i\ hours to keep him fit for 8 liams. other members of the fiimily Vorn Standold .and family and hours work. Weak, sore, inactive Tlie Carpet Rag social, which -was Clark Carmen and family spent New kidneys can not do it. They must held at Sam McMann's, was well at­ are hn])py—ap]ictitcs slmriicn, tilings Years day at Win. Stanneld's near 1)0 sound and healthy, active all tended, there being about 75 present, bri;j;litciinp generally. And Calumet Hansvillo. the time. Foley Kidney Pills will MAI'lil'l fJOItXIOIlS. Alva Bygravcs was at his farm re­ Baking Powcler is responsible for it all. Harry Hayhoe, wife and daughter make them so. You cannot take cently. of near Nortli Adams visited tlieir them into your system without good The cliicken pie dinner, which was Mrs. George Vanhorn visited at H. For Culumet never fails. Its neplinw and nioco, Mr. and Mrs. V. results following. Sold by Longyear given last Tliursday at Mrs. Sherman Taylor's, near Alaiedon Center, re­ wonderful leavening qualities insure W. Slanlield I'eceniiy. rDo.s. and L, H, Harrison, Webster's by the Leroy L, A, S. was cently, pcrl'cctly shortened, faultlessly raised well attended by the people of this Mrs. Frank Vanhorn spent Monday b.'ikings. Wonderful Couj-h lUMiiedy, lODK.V. vicinity. Over seventeen dollars was at G, Vanhorn's in Mason, Dr. King's New Discovery Is known taken in, Cannot be compared with everywhere as the remedy which will Homer Perry and wife of Harbor Mr, and Mrs. James B. McGowan OoUl.s to be tiikon Sei:i(>iisly. other baking powders, which promise surely stop a cough or cold, D, P, Springs left last week for home after were in Kalamazoo, Thursday and Intelligent people realize that com­ without pcribrniiug. Lawson of Kdison, Tonn., writes: "Dr visiting relatives and friends here for Friday of last week. mon colds should be treated prompt­ King's Now Discovery Is the most (Ive weeks. Clare Raymond of White Oak was ly. If there Is a sneezing and chill­ Even a beginner in cooking wonderful cough, cold and throat and Mrs. Frank Darrow is on the sick at G. R. Traver's Sunday. iness with hoarseness, tickling gets delightful results vith this never- lung medicine 1 ever sold in my list. Miss Eliza Bennet of Mason spent throat and coughing begin promptly failing Calumet Baking Powder. Your Mrs, Hazel Mitchell of Leslie vis­ the week end at J, B, McGowan's, store. It can't ho heat. It sells the use of Foley's Honey and Tar grocer knows. Ask liim. wltliout any trouble at all. It needs ited her parents last Saturday. Ralph Harrington and Margaret Compound, It Is.effective, pleasant no guarantee," This is true, be­ A. B. Ingolls and wife and Homer Travcr attended a party at F, O, Van- to take, checks a cold, and stops the RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS cause Dr, King's Now Discovery will Wilbur and wife of North Leslie were gilder's of Belle Oak, last Friday ev­ cough which causes loss of sleep and World's Pure Food Exposition, Chicuiio, Ill« Puit EipouUon, France, March, 1912, relieve the most obstinate of coughs guests at Arthur Laxton's Sund.ay. ening given by the Seniors of Wil­ lowers the vital resistance. Sold by and colds. Lung trouble quickly • Will Frederic purchased a span of liamston High school, Longyear Bros, and L, H, Harrison, horses at Lansing last Saturday. Blanche McGowan Is entertaining Tn don't iBvc nnner wdtB yon buy cteip or lli-cin bililnii powder. Don't be milled. Buy Calnnel. helped by Its use. You should keep ^It'i nan ccoiiiimiHl—inort wboliHBe—iivei but reiulU, Cilumel ii (tr luperior lo loar milk and wdi. Mrs. Maud VanPatton of Chicago two of her cousins from New York a l)ottlG in the house at all times for FARMERS CLUB. ^ all the nieml)ers of the family, nOc visited at Wm. Laxton's last Tuesday state, and $1,00, Recommended by Long- and Wednesday. B, J, Eaton and family visited Mr, and Mrs, George Rix, Wednesday, The lirst meeting for 1914 was held year Bros., Mason, Mich. Mrs. Gertrude Disenroth and chil­ last Saturday at the nieiisant city Floyd Mixter of Lalngsburg was dren left last week for their home In hiimcuf Mr. and Mrs. J, 11, Sliiifcrand at his farm a few days of last week. THIRTEENTH ANNUAL IIAWIiKV. Lawrence, after spending the holiday was well intended, season with friends here. Prus, Ives called the meeting lo or­ STOCKIIItlDGK. M. C. Hodge is moving his farm Miss Flora Poynton of Detroit is a der promptly ut two o'clock and after tools to his farm he just bought. guest at Arthur Laxton's. a duct by Misses Dean and Sayre and Mrs, Alice Baxter is in Dr, Culver's Mrs, Edson Rolfe and Mrs, Lynn Will Nichols' children have the recitations by the little folks, Mrs. E. Detroit Automobile Show Rolfe and little daughter bave been whooping cough. hospital for treatment. P. Roweruad tlicslandinKcommittces tJliiltl' lb« lUipiilcii u( lli« nsti'ult Autamotiltc Dealeti Aiiociation Miss Mary Hawley spout Sunday visiting in Jackson, Mrs. F. Ellsworth Is suffering from for the year as follows; Program— witli her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ives, Mrs, B, Staats died at her home a broken collar bone, received some Mesdames Cheney and Taylor and • Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Howory of near last Saturday morning. Deceased weeks ago, Alfred Allen; location — Mesdames To Be Held Williamston spout Sunday with his was a great sufferer from dropsy, Many of the children are having Bemenl and Cliapin and Mr. Thor- parent's. Mrs, A. C, Sanders was in Leslie the whopping cough. burn; corn club—Messrs. Robb, Scarl, '^r In UM N«W and Mtgnlficwit Show P«Uce, Mrs, U, Howory and daughter Nina the tore part of the week, Mrs. VanBuren visited at Mrs. Beraent, Cliency and Lolt; domestic 'I'Ut: UKCONSTRUCTED were Thursday callers of J, Kohler, Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Hampton of Haviland's last week, science—Mesdames Douglas, YauKlin, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Parks of Mason Leslie visited at Wm. Laxton's one Mrs, Dr, Brown is improving much Diamond, Allen and Bobb; music— spent Sunday at M, C, Hodge's and day last week. since her operation, Mesdames Walls, McCormIck and Ford Branch Building family. Charles Lowe was in town last Miss Hawley; floral-Mesdames Has­ ACnOSS THE GAKOEX. week, kell, Call and Wilicll; memorial, a WOObWAnO AVENUE AND THE BOULEVARD, DETROIT, MICH. John Berry was In town last week. new committee—Messrs. Bristol, Mel­ ..SOUTH AUKKIJIIS AM> NOK'rif Friend .Williams Is repairing the ton and Webb, Mesdames Wilson and ONO.NDAOA. Ed, Curtice and Sassin Austin were in Lansing last week Tuesday, buildings on his farm. Ives. Opening January 17-~Closing January 24 .Miss Elsie Jesse of Stockbrldge was The Farmers' Institute is held on Atienr,ioi was called to a penny col­ The A. 0. 0. G. of Aurelius will the guest of Bernice Bateman from Tuesday and Wednesday of this week lection at each meelint; for the llower meet at Dr. Kvclln'a Saturday night Frldiiy until Sunday, at thotown hall. fund and Mesdames Haskell and Wil- to install the new officers. The mem­ E, J, Topliff and family returned A;temperance meeting is held at .son were appuintod to work it out. bers and their famlltos are requested ONE HUGE SHOW last Saturday from Louisiana, where the town hall Thursday afternoon Mrs. W. ti. Taylor irave a most ex­ to be present early. they have been visiting relatives. and evening. cellent paper, "Side lights of farm ALl. IN THE ONE GREAT BUILDING The M. E. h. A. S. will meet at W. C .and A, N. Magulre made an­ John Hubert goes soon to Eaton life," After comparing the work of the homo of Lewis and Frank Hop' other shipment of mule-foot hogs to Rjiplds. both city and country life, and she LMdIng OreliMtrM el Detroit—On* on Each Floor of the Three kins Jan. 21 for dinner. Everyone Is Vestaburg last Monday. Floyd Lowe's people have a little knows both from experience, and ti\v- invited. M.. O. Brown and Mrs. Chas. Bun­ daughter, born January 8. inu examples of how the city man ONE HUNDRED T J, A, Field and family of .Jackson, ker celebrated their birthdays last thinks it cusy work lo ride the farm C. W, Field and family of Eden vis­ t Sunday at the home of the former. , SOUTH INGHAM AND NOltTH HUN- Implements amid llic pleasant sur- ited their mother and family part of LEADING PLEASURE CARS, COMMERCIAL CARS . Frank Shopbell and J. E. Bateman KlilltHILL. routidln^s of nature and the farmer last week. were in Lansing last week Tuerday. thinks It equally easy for the city man CYCLECARS» ACCESSORIES Walter Aiken of Detroit visited at Mrs. M. 0. Brown and Mrs. H. M. Geo, Holland, of Bunkerhill called til sit perched on a IIIKII stool with B. H. Field's Thursday, columns of tlKures before him and an Brown were in Lansing last Saturday. on friends in this vicinity and Diins- electric fan to cool the atmosphere, LMdh:i Vocaliitt of Amwrira WUl B« Heard Each Evening Ellis Haynes and family spent Sun­ vllle Thursday and attended the fun­ but thai tlie best of all is lo agree lll'CCHRLLS COKiXEKS. eral of his nephew, Mr. Patrick, Fri­ day at Frank Scutt's. Willi one who says "I like ray job." THUIUDAY BVCNING-i^OClCTV NIGHT--A&M198ION «1.00 The chicken pie dinner for the ben­ day. Fred DeCamp and family She made a strong pica for the right spent efit of the Ladles' Aid socjety, held ' Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Walker visited A&MieatON 10 CENTS Sunday at S. J. Hanna's. of country housewives for more con­ the the Robblns' church last Friday, Prank Osborn and family in Vevay H. H. Bates of Ellake, Iosco coun­ veniences, A few feel of pipe will was well attended. About 170 plates Thursday. ty was at his former.homo jiere the bring water Into the kitchen and be a were sold. Mrs. Rollln West and daughter joy forever. Country homes can be past week.' Phlllis returned to their iionie in Les­ This community was' saddened to heated and lighted nearly as cheap as MARRIAGE LICENSES. For Frost Bites and Ctiappod Skin. lie Saturday after a few days visit at hear of the death of Mrs. Fred Hall, the city homes where one thinks il a For frost bitten ears, fingers and the home of her parents, Mr. and necessity, and the more of these con- Samuel J, Barrett, Onondaga 58 Jr., Friday night. She will be re­ Mrs. Wm. West. membered as Miss Maud Swan, and toes; chapped bands and lips, chil­ yeniences the more contentment. Belle Barrett, Onondaga 45 blains, cold sores,, red and rough Over 50 were present at the Bap­ The farmer can have his vacation If Harris H, Hammond, Okemos... .22 was well known here. She leaves a tist aid held at Mrs. Tom Dayton's in husbandi five children, father, moth- skins, there is nothing to equal Buck- he so plans il and one of bis best Ira O. Alfred, Webberville 21 len's,Arnica Salve, Stops the pain White Oak last Wednesday and a nice assets, and one valued the least, is the Dr. Lewis A. Wileden, Lansing.. .25 er^ two sisters and a brotlier. time was had by all. I Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Bartlott at once and heals quickly. In every beauty everywhere around him. That Carolyn D..Oorltz, Lansing...... 23 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Warlle recently spent Friday with their brother, L. home there should be a box handy all fleld of waving grain means more than Wilson E. Mann, Dansville 20 visited relatives in Webberville. Bartlett and family. the time. Best remedy for all skin so miiny days of hard, work; friiit trees Isia Corwln, Dansville 16 At Patrick McCann was a Dansville Mlp Bernice Whipple was a Sun­ diseaes, itching eczema, tetter, piles, in bloom form a picture (It to banK In Bert Fuller, Dallas, Tex. 33 HERE IS COMFORT FOR visitor Saturday. day guest of Misses Gda and Lena etc. 25c. Recommended by Long- memory's an gallery, the feathered Alcena McBride, Williamston... .27 SPECTACLE WEARERS Mr. andMrs.Wm. Sharland attend­ Kohler. .. year Bros., Mason, Mich. songsters form a choir arid give in Frank W. Aldrlch, Leslie 22 ed the Gleaner biennial meeting In We ivlli Gaarantce Miss Carrie Kohler of Mason was a the people in the country a longer Nina Hill, Leslie. 26 Toledo, Ohio, from Tuesday until lease of life. THAT THE week end guest at the home of her HOLT ITEMS. George Kelly, Lansing 43 Saturday of last week. brother, Joe Kohler and family. . 'it • ' The discussion was more, general Alice Nye, Lansing 44 Mrs. P. Teachout visited Mrs. Say- than usual and il would lake loo long Apex Temple Etchell A. 0. 0. G. will bold in­ . ,:' Jan. 13, 1914. Herbert L. Enyart, Lansing 23 les and Mrs, Hoard Tuesday last. to tell what each one said. Mesdames WILL NOT cut OR stallation at the home of Ami Terrlll, The Presbyterian S. S. will have a Agnes Carpenter, Lansing 25 Mr. { and Mrs, Geo. Dayton and Ives, Haskelli Robb, Wilson; Mellon, CHAFE THE EARS Friday evening, Jan. 16. The fol­ box social at the home of J. B. Thor- burn next Friday evening, Jan. 16th,; Cbapin; Cheney, Gardner and Messrs. They can be applied lowing ofllcers will be,Installed; chief Heavy, impure blood makes a mud­ Everyone is cordially Invited; Ladles Ives^ Melton, Call—H. 0, and C, E. to your lenses while you wait gleaner, Alice Cavendar; vice^ chief dy, pimply complexion, headaches, please bring boxes of "eats," and Revs, Newberry and Ellett each gleaner, Roy' Hunt; secretary and had Bomethlpg tnteresllng and some nausea, indigestion. Thin blood LET US SHOW YOU Mrs. Chris. Parker was in .Lansing SEVERE BRQNGHIiil G0U6II treasurer, Jas,,Cavendar; lecturer, of the best pictures of nature were makes you weak, pale and sickly. last Friday; Bernice Whipple; chaplain, Mary the beautiful sunsets, though a few Burdock ,Blood Bitters makes the Hanna; ^conductoT.—Arthur Neuman; Mrs. Fred Hall died at her home admitted seeing the sunrise. blood rich, red, pure—restores per­ conductress, lAUce" Taylor;, outier last week. Ffineral services were It was easy to do things after.a habit fect health. * guard, Roy Garrison and liiner guard held at thehouse^nbhday. The fam­ IDbctdrs Feuvcl. IfUh^ Trouble^ was formed and It would be wise to Wnv, Sharland., A picnic supper and, ily has the sympathy of the commun- kestored to Healih by VinoU acquire the habitof seeing things, of oysters will lie served. resting and being happy. Many will 0. S. BUSH, Optometrist. Forest DeGrof t' spent Sunday with ^ -S.. J. DlUlbn^and family of Ban­ pay good mooey for travel to see for­ All work guaranteed or no pay. Joel Kohler and, family, , croft visited at G. H. Pryor's part of: ' ^tt medical prbfeBBibu dbra not .Iter eign.sights and overlook, the beauties While working on the state road, 'iBst'-week.''^'-: .•••••w-: '•,.,' ileve thitt lung troubles arft Inherits, right at our door. One can be happy Open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday westotDansviUe Monday; Leo Brlggs The third'division) .of the Ladies biit i, perBon miiy inkerit a weakhesB anywhere If It is only in him, a kindly Over Neeley's Clothing store. bad'lthe misfortune'tbiget buried-be­ Society of the Presbyterian church or:teiidenb7-to,..thlMJi/-'' ,;^;.':';,r'.. soul makes friends and neighbors and neath sonie dirty caused • by Its caving; .will^entertain>at the;home of Mrs. G; , :Mn. Kate,;Heokmia, SptUgfleld, we find peoble.wlid would go 600 inlles onto hlni. When released'from his Suratb; Jaii. 23. All are invited to bkioi, Myai: "• iteiryean ago I was to make a oullar rather than 50 rods to position heVvaB found to be'Bufter: ,be;preBerit.V^;,.":;;;;'v'~v "•,>;•: ;^'/-,i-' makea friend. • > .:::MrB,.;Lilljr , Frbediert: iehtertained In a Tery. bad rua>dowa condition, and ink ifroni k ;broken' >leg and other the phydqian tpld:nu»:I:bad coaBuini»>, Rev, Ourbettbf East Lansing was . smaller,'lnjuries..i'V,s;i':v'; •..>.:'.;'.t^:.::i';;ov the Reading Circle fat her home last present and called attention to^ tlie ;Mrs.^Ira..He^es ..isjitt the Tuesday afternoon. ', ,' v, ] tlon. I tried.aabtheripbyalolan, and petition presented to'the supervisors Eastern Star coidveiitlbh held at W11-- - ::Mr^ aiid Mrsi Aaa 'Prybrfvisited, Ws be told mel kadi uleenoa my right for an election oh the questtori of,pro­ liamstdnt.thiBi'iweek;'^ -'•, vi-•,^-' '^^-^;.:>';-''>i'''V '• P brother in Lainslng last Saturday, and Inng.^ 1 auit: tbb phjvlbiiu^ and hibition at the.time of the;'Spring :i:tMr.'VandjMrB.'?FrAnk BrlggSiWere; 8un[day;f.;v>f:';;^s..'>!y'.^."''!in;5:.fy-'^!'';c itarted - in! ^•yiiibt' vfTJWaf electlon;l,352 more lianaiea'than oec--| •nd Me the big men In biitlneM. At one Suuday;gueBtB of'Mobris 'Hunt'land rO^Sahdjr'Liiig'btLiinBing visited his pertictiy 'bealtby, and rt&at il :iiriiy I 'cssary iQ'callifor an eleollon had'been time they were all begliniin in « emell "wife.;?'! ^k: >>«v;'-:.: :parehtB..:laBt;Sunday;;:-->.;v.• :,v ?r;':{ti•'•:•,f 'Ncoinmenid,' ^^I(1B?|V5 •,5;:,VM.V?'''f;-i'.;,^ ';•; presented and itiwas aBtoDlahiog -how wey> Nlaety*iilMperMnttoiolcaiewt Geol H6Ulih'd%lfe'^^itlt•ll''Judci• \:•':".:<•{;•;• °:l"'""'• -•'^«''^'-' ^••"-•'^ ''• ,-;;ii.7.;•.•;^/. ;s;v VIndd; MMthlM ^an^i'l^^ 'tho. iBlliinif'iea^ y It 'na8;tb Jget tbe',< Dances. •' Many BHIIMU Geurie and then btgan' to tlon ;wero gueitiTbt: their: nephew,'. B ^%>iliIr:i(lMl^ yfiauM>i;M^i^^ that voted iwet'tWo years ^ ago wanted •row. Thbiiiand* have attended the De« .•d-''i!aim(^r/u;d; i^i.i 0» a^obugbi,. tosee the coantjlidry affiln.;v ;•. i i troH Bnilntii.Unlvenlfyri Mhebl to« •Hblti';lridiwlf4i;ThUMd»jrii'Bi>i'i5i.;^ ^^v;i:^Wii6^-WMti-'^itl^ yiiMliaMtit/an'^appattt»i>ati9n^ day with no luperlort Why not get In* l«)r;^bili'{#Uelatili|rf^l|flf6thp^ ;VA;fter;iiniioBtrunieotaTduet by MiiB> to line for a good atart>,M Winter Term tkftit'x{r>W|!i Mlittal^in^ .li«i;<)4bt THE COUNEIIS. and made of fine all wool materials. Homer Growl, wife and daughter, Ed Miller was in- WebbervtUe one It would be impossible to describe them all here but spent Sunday at Fred Gallup's, day last week. Vern Blood visited in Lansing from Fred Mierndorf and family and C, women are coming from all over Central Michigan to buy here. Friday until Monday. M, and family visited their brother, And why shouldn't they when you stop to consider the sub­ Harry Evans was a caller at M, A. Ed M. and family last Wednesday ev­ Blood's Sunday. ening; stantial sum that can be saved on anything that they select. Wert Evry and family spent Sun­ O. D. Miller of Conway is visiting day with their parents, Willard Upton his brother, E. Miller, for a tew days, WOMEN'S SUITS and wife. Mrs. J. Nelson Is quite poorly at Mrs. Ida Darker visited Vina Blood this writing. $15.00 Values at $7.50 Sunday. Leone Blood spent Saturday with WEST WHITE OAK. $18.00 Values at $10.00 Vivian Gallup. $22.50 Values at $15.00 Bert Hall and family of Leslie, vis­ Glenn Wainright, wife and son ited at H. H. CISDWI'S and M. A, Donald visited her parents, H. Wemp- Blood's last Friday. le and wife, for tlie past few days. WOMEN'S COATS Cliarles Williams and wife spent Arthur Hedglen took a sleigh load WE DO IT I Sunday in Mason, to the revival meetings at the Stlllson $15.00 Values at., .$3.45 church a couple of nights la.st week. ,$5.00 NOKTIIMAST AU15iCLIUS. Elza Turnbull Is now working for $18.00 Values at. ilarmou Wcmple. $22.50 Values at., .$7.50 Mrs. Carlisle Miller and little Mis.scs Bessie, Pearl and Iva Galley daugliter ot Willlamston were week visited at their uncles' Chan Nelson DO WHAT? end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. L.an d family Saturday, This Coupon Good For 35c Rolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Seutt of Di- FOKi;ST M'AVS. moiidale are visiting relatives in this This coupon and 90c will entitle the holder to 1 piece vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scutt Miss Gortude Bennett Is visiting of fine English '^V.25 Long cloth Ten yards in piece are keeping house for tlieni wlille relatives at Silvorwood, Tuscola coun­ Tire and Tube Vulcanizing. All Work Guaranteed. Full they arc hero. ty. Get it by presenting coupon at the store or it will i\lr. and Mrs. .1. C, Mclntyre visited Mrs. J, I, Shaw and daughter Nor­ line of Auto Tires and Supplies at Reasonable be sent by mail all charges prepaid. This offer holds Mrs. Loren Sweet last Friday. ma visited Mrs. Clias. Oliver of Lan­ Mrs. Nancy Scutt entertained Sun­ sing Tuesday. Prices. good for a limited timeonly. day Jlr. and Mrs. Tommy Scutt, Mr. Mr. Diet/., who has been staying and Mrs. Will Scutt, Howard Hop­ with his cousin, Mrs, E. D. Costigan, kins, Mrs, Amy .lardon and Mrs. Hat- returned to his home in Buffalo, N. tie Howe. v., Monday. Mrs. Ida Eckhart and Mrs, Hattie Mr. Buck has gone to Mantou to Davis attended the Rebekah Coterie visit his daughter, Order by Q All Charges at Mrs. Burt Doolittle's In Alaiedon airs. Eliza Bennett and son Willie Lansing: Auto Supply Co. Tuesday, of Alaiedon visited at H, L, Bennett's Mail Prepaid Sunday, v 310 Washington Ave. North CKNIIW.,^nCll.Ur.MAlWX S'l'OUl! XOllTIIIOAS'l' LKSLIi:. Mrs. Shonetz and Mr, Delancy are LMf-'s/rja , MICH; on the sick list. Mr, and Mrs. Clem Higdon have Mrs. I. Haag of Maple Grove visit­ been spending a few days visiting the ed Mrs. A. 11. Grinnell Wednesday. ESTABLISHED 1891 latter's parents, II, Cady and wife of The parents and scholars ot No. 8 Wolf lake. school accompanied by their teacher. Miss Miller, enjoyed a sleigh ride NOW Spencer Callaway is on the sick list at this writing. Wednesday evening to the home of E. ,1. Howe and family ot Dansville Mr. Powell near Okenios. IS THE TIME iG. BISHOP spent Sunday in this neighborhood. C. H. BEARDSLEY CO. John Vaughn spent Saturday at MUMTH, Mason. TO GF/r YOUR Vern Stanfield and f.amily spent Aubray McCiinn ot Bunkerhill vis­ French We are now nicely located at last Sunday at Stockbridge. ited last week at the home of his Vern Howe and family of Leslie aunt, Mrs. Mary Densmore. spent Sunday at his brother Claude's, Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Walker .and son Dry Cleaners 211 Washington Avenue S. Melbourn of Dansville were guests Wednesday and Thursday at L, U. WHIl'PLK COnXKKS. Llbey's. Dyers and Tailors Miss Phoebe Hayes of Borgess hos­ Photographs A FINE LINE OF Mr. and Mrs, H. Mann visited at R, pital, Kalamazoo has been here the Harkness' Sa turday and Sunday. past week visiting relatives and Mr, and Mrs, H. Osborne entertain­ friends. Suitable Gifts for Weddings ed the following company last Tues­ Mrs, Floyd Carmer of Hives visited Come in and see our latest When in want of First-class READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION day: Ford Whipple, Frank Coleman at the home of her parents, Mr. and worl<, note the advantage of our and wives, and Mr. and Mrs, Davis of Mrs. Isaac Leece on Friday. • styles. : Thej' will surely Aurelius, Mrs. Ella Coin and Mrs. C. R. Pix- please you. long experience. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hulliberger at­ ley were in Jackson on Friday, tended the funeral of Mrs. Fred Hall Mrs, Traver Hoy has been very sick at Holt Monday. with tonsilitis the past week. Osmond Hayhoe Is spending a few Mrs. Warren Ford, Avho underwent OHice and Works days with his grandparents, Mr. and an operation at the Jackson city hos­ Mrs. A. Bravender. pital a couple of weeks .igo. Is still NEWMAN STUDIO 114-116 Washtenaw St. W. EYE GLASSES We hear our neighbor Albert Asel- very low with no change for the bet­ tlne and Mrs. Hubbard were Tuarrled ter. last Wednesday. There will be no January meeting 216-218^ Wash. Ave. S. Bell Phone 580. Citizens 2286 Fitted and Delivered Frank Mann has delivered about ot the Henrietta Farmers' club on ac­ $900 worth of lambs and hogs in the count of the Institute this week past few weeks. Thursday. The Same Day The missionary meeting at Mr. The Neighborhood Pedro club met Warner's was well attended last Wed­ last week with Mr. and Mrs. Philip What Changed $1.50 a Day Only One Trip to Lansing nesday, also the Baptist Aid dinner at Fleming. The club was entertained Mrs. T. Dayton's In White Oak, Necessary. this week at Fred Plxley's. Grover Sltts has been spending a The January meeting of the Hen­ To $75,000 a Year— few days with Harper Thomas. rietta Helping Hand society was held You Qet tlie Benefit of Thursday at the home of Mrs. George NORTHWE.ST INGHAM. Saekett. The next meeting will bo Muscle is the cheapest commodity on the market— MANY YEARS* EXPERIENCE Mrs. Finney of Williams, Arizona, February 12 with Mrs. Ida Adams. $1.50 a day, BRAINS the most expensive—$75,000 a SMOOTHES AWAY has been a recent guest at M. D. Rob­ year, the salary paid to the president of the Rock inson's. BILLWOOD CORNERS. Island R.R. THE DRUDGERY By a Specialist when Mr. and Mrs. Claude King and you go to * daughter Ruth of Mason spent Sun­ Emri Harris was in Toledo, Ohio, President Loree once worked for $1,50 a day, but he that's what electricity does. Har­ day at Geo. A. Ward's. last week attending the blennal meet­ made up his mind to put brains on the market instead nessed In Its manifold forms, It makes Blanche Powell spent Sunday af­ ing of the Gleaners. a most benlficent agent for the ternoon with Muriel Paddock. Oscar Sanders and son returned of muscle. HE COULD GET SO MUCK MORE. housewife. For Ironing, cooking, Joe Nichols and family and John Tuesday from a visit with friends in heating, lighting and propelling fans, Ai H. Towie Wavle'and family, and Miss Ledah Ohio. Young man, young woman, what are YOU. sellings electricity has assumed the burdens Robinson and Mrs; Finney spent one Miss Charlotte Fry entertained a your brains or your muscle? most economically and efhciently. OPTOMETRIST evening last week with Mr. and Mrs, number of young ladles tram Dlmon- , OF LANSING Clayton Collar in Wheatfleld. dale Thursday evening, Jan. 8. The old, reliable L. B. U. can train your brain so its Robert Swan and family were call­ Mrs. Henry Strobel attended the product will be turned into DOLLARS. There is a A. P. AUSTIN Wliere the Eyes are always Mov- ed to Holt by. the sickness and death funeral of her cousin, Henry Well- demand for your services, if you are competent. of their daughter and sister, Mrs. F, man at Okemos Saturday. .ing in the Window. 105 W. Waihtenaw St., LANSINQ Hall. . Ben Fry Is attending the Holsteln ENTER NOW!' , Mrs. Jack Davidson attended the Breeder's meeting at the M. A. C. this funeral ot her niece, Mrs. Fred Hall, at Holt Monday afternoon. The Weist, .Windsor Ladies' Aid Miss Ledah Robinson was in Ma­Union meets at Mrs. Byroii Dlckerson LANSING BUSINESS UNIVERSITY son a few daj^s recently. • •Thursday,'Jan. 15. Cor. Wathinglon Ave. and Waihlenaw Sireet. Mrs. J. A. Wavle was at William The Jolly Bunch was very pleasant­ OppoilU Qownty H*uu / . Rae's Sunday. ly entertained at the home of Hugh Robert Almond of Wheatfleld call­ Horan, Jan. 8. Prizes was won by ed on old neighbors here last week. Gordon Wai;ren,and Mrs. Benjamin. The^Buncn was Invited to enjoy a AIILLVIIiLE. Mrs. Ella King and daughter Mlna STOCKBRIDGE TOWNIilNE. sleigh ride to thie home of Fred Strob­ of Howell visited vMrB..T. Kelley and daughter, Hazeljast Sunday. ; Born to ll!lr. and Mrs. Floyd Loyre el and wife at Grovenburg, Thursday Mr. and Mrs. P. Lowe are the evening, Jan. IB. • '"• '•• ' proud parents of a little daughter, C. Paxon is suffering with rheu;^ a little daughter, Jan. 8. Her moth­ matism.' V •, .' ,•>•••,• • '•'''• '. '•>; er, Mrs, Wirt Hastings, la caring for born Jan. 8. Mrs. Lowe's mother, Mrs. Hastings, ot Stockbridge is car> Douglas Parrish has left school oh hen • . . LANSING ROAD. account of his eyes. -,y. , • Mrs. O. M. 'Burden called on Mrs. lng';'for'her;-' ". •',',,/'• John Dutcher and Mrs. Howard Her- The Ladle's Aid Society of V the Mrs, A, J. Stevens visited Mrs. H. rick last Wednesday. - Grace church will: meet with. Chaa. Bravender last Wednesday.. for a mild, easy action of the bdw- Mra. Bert Oakley and Mrs. Chas. Whippahd' wife in' .Eaton Rapida Quarterly meeting at N. W; Stock- l.els, a single dose of Doan's Reguletci Hayner; visited Mr. and Mra. J. H. Wednesday, Jan. 21. Everyone Is bridge Jan. 17, , Prayer meeting is enough. AThetireatmjent ciiresbab* Hayner on() day last week. - > ! cordially invited. >iM! ; Thursday evening, W, Carl, leader. ; itual cohstipatioh, ' 2Gc a box,:' Ask •/if.n, Dell Warfle ot'Stockbridge la Mrs. Chas. Wilbur Is slowly oh the Mr. Roosaiand family of Dart's cor­ your; druggist' for them, ; i > ; ^ • >) working for Mrs. Floyd Lowe^ galni•'':y•^^'*••^'.;;^v;.rv;.v•':^:,^ ners attended services at MlllviUelast Not' a! very large crbwd attended Ben Keeler nad .^Ife .were In;Lan- Sunday.', ^vv^^...:.: •.: :lji::;:,:,: ::.:.:• . the toe social at the hallr Friday night Blhr1a8tweiek-TueBday;:-:w'-:i>^;-.j;.''./v:i^V . :.Me8da,meBH. Bravender and Bessie A'little over; 14 being taken'In. ]; I'TheriB were. iihout>8,6 who'attehded; Bravender,Tlatted.MrB.: A.'J, and Mrs, /MriiivBeirtha^Bravender'icalled oh the yAld; sbcietyi. at; PV K.: Brbmbllngis Il.i..SteyenivliA8t:'Fridiiy. ••.:.••/••.'•; - ••'^••,. Mrs. ,'J. ;D.'Dutbher'«nd^Mri. H. S. last Wednesday;: seveM'Comlhg from Mr. and Mrs; BlllioU; ofi rParkerfs; ••iiiiiiattif^ipiiiii Herrlck last Thursday, 'ris^^;' Dimondile.'-r;:.,.Vtf ;r;•^:•,^•.;;:l^••'^;5v?'•'^;-t• Gomera attended Mrylceir at MlUviUe x!.!Bd Behhett,froih>thehbriheni;tPart ;>':It' stojgis litching' Ihstahtly. of the itate is'visltlnc, friend'sJh'this •'W:::Cliark;ahd^lfe weire 'Biindajr pilai/ ebiema; silt rheunii'^tiBtter; ttbh, helfhbprtibod;^';;,fe';?v:''?.l/:/i:5c^^ vitltori at J;;Wilooj('i;;hear Danaville, fatresr:h«rpM^< ibabies; iDoan'i loOihtf '! :MiihTOrMa^BiileiitohThMvbeen oh The News 11.00 P«r TMr. the'ileki liit< tbe/PMt'Mir vjltTi' JliiiiiiiiiiiiiMi^iil^ite^ -m lUGHAM COUXTY STEWS, JANUAEY 15, 1914

HASLKTT. NEWS OF THE STATE The Ladies Aid society were enter­ OHUilCH AND SOCIETV. tained at the home of Rev, and Mrs. ^^ Try a Package of Old New Trial for Milton Dally. Bowser last Thursday. Mrs, Price of LANSING, MICH, —Another good ; Lansing gave a talk In the afternoon. The Woman's Missionary society of chapter was added to the famous bind Mrs, Starr Hammond spent a few the Presbyterian church will be en­ "• i1 Settler, it will make the s er twine case at .Inckson prison when days this week with her sister at Al­ tertained by Mrs. Bement and Mrs. the supreme court reversed the con­ bion. Frazelle at the home of the former, Mrs, Eunlna Foster of Battle Creek Friday afternoon, Jan. 16. Program; T viction of Milton Daily of Chicago, spent a few days last week with "The Extension of Home Missions," blackest rainwater clear WILt CLIikR THe who was indicted by a grand jury and friends here. Mrs. Barnby, Study, "China's New convicted in the circuit court of Jack- , E. D. McCIure and family are mov­ Day;" Music, Miss Mildred Hunter; BLACKEST E son county for alleged bribery of ex- Roll call; New Year Resolutions, ing to their farm near Mason. Rafn^wffeT as crystal. Old Settler Warden Armstrong in conection with Mrs, Wagner, who has been ill the Bring your mite boxes, IN * ntW HOURt, 0 the sale of machinery. past two weeks, is improving. Jan, 15, ]!)14, is a day of fa.sting Daily, who fought extradition Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Babbitt are and prayer for victory in the prohi­ lOc a package, 3 for 25c, through the courts of Illinois and the spending the week in Detroit. bition campaign. All those like- minded are asked to join in the obser­ P supreme court of the United States Mrs, H. H. Hammond will enter­ vance of the day. before he was finally brought In tain the Woman's Literary Club at her home Thursday afternoon. The special meetings at the Baptist A good Standard Tomato .... lOc A i\llchigan to face the charges, will be Mrs, Holtz and son O. C, of Oko- church are full of interest. Come given u new trial. mos spent Sunday with her father, G. and help with the singing. Rev. G. This Week Only: A full 3-Ib. can Solid Pack To­ B. Vanatta, E. Goodrich of Albion will preach ev­ ery evening except Saturday evening, mato iSc T Elopers Hiking For Coast. Hev. H. H. Bowser Is assisting with r bars Rub-No-More Soap or revival meetings at Perry this week. The usual services Sunday. Rev. Canned Com 8c, 4 for 25c ST. ,IOSEPH, MICH. — They had Goodrich will preach at both morning Soap Powder 25c made up their minds to get married Mrs. John Rathburn of Grand H Rapids is visiting her parents, Mr. and evening services, t boxes Snow Boy 2Sc A good can of Peas lOc and they had the Panama exposition and Mrs. E. S, Green. There will be a shadow social and fever, so Tilly Howard, a (Ifteen-year- pot luck supper at I. O. 0. F. hall 1 pkg. Grandma Borax I2c Best Red Alaska' Salmon i5c old school girl, and Frank ,lohns, nine­ Friday (tomorrow) evening. 1 can Michigan Apples iOc A system of healing discovered in teen years old, of this city, eloped and niVKR KOAI). The Ladles' Home Missionary so­ 6 boxes Matches 20c IH't, and hero to stiiv buuauKO It luis started to work their way to San ciety of the M. E. church meets with 1 can Swift's Pride Cleanser. 8c Large can Baking Powder ... 5c liroiiKlit rnllef iiiul euro wlioro OUICPK Floyd Ranner, and bis father, Ned Mrs. A. A. Hewlett Friday afternoon. liavu (alliid, Francisco. Ranner, went to Beilvlew this week They told their friends that they Monday to bring home two span of DR. C. H. GRIFFIN didn't expect to end their honeymoon big horses. SCHOOL NOT lis. HOTEL HAWLEV journey before the opening of the ex­ Mrs, Robert Keeler accompanied Tuesday and Friday Mornings position. Sheriff Fred Franz Is after her mother to Indiana for a three The Webster Literary Society held SPECIAL RATES to ihoaa who come In them. weeks' vi.slt. its first debate,at the school building, C- A.- R.IES bolora JANUARY 27, One of Wm. Turner's big horses last Tuesday evening. drove a big sliver into her abdomen, Third Holland Claimant, The subject was, "Are Wo Enlarg­ last Wednesday and is in a very bad ing Upon the Monroe Doctrine?" The GRAND RAPinS, .MICH. — Hul- shape. I biirt ,1. Weblier appeared as the third members were—Affirmative, Louis Mrs. Chas. Waggoner liad the mis­ Grettenbarger, Henry Adams, Artie I claimant for a portion of the $20,000,- fortune to scald her foo^ with boil­ Jowett. Negative, Charles Hemans, 000 nslatp, of "Wp.libnr, tlie merchant ing water last week. Porter Field, and Harris Hemans. BUICK and STUDEBAKER if^liiVOUS? I prince of the Netherlands," Webber Wni. Gillott, wlio was sent to the The judges were. Miss Wiiitmer, Miss says he is a direct descendant of the Detroit house of correction last fall, All run down ? Ayiir's Snrsaparilla Moslier and i\liss Smith. Critic, Miss dead millionaire and has a geneaiogi- along with four otiiers, is expected Whitmer. Current events by Harold is a ;Uro,v4 nt'rvc liinic. No alcohol. cal sketch to provn liis assertions. homo shortly, Wilson. Sold li>r GO yccirs Clyde Fitcli has returned from San The second high football team had ; A'i!( Yoiif Diic.'fir. J. (!. AyorCn,. The sketch was oompilofl in East SaR- Francisco, California, after a six inaw liy 1J. S, Lang and purports to their pictures taken last Tuesday. Automobiles weeks' visit with his mother and give a list of the descendants of Web­ Tlie semester examination begins grandparents. Tuesday afternoon. ber down to the yoar of iS78. V- •••••••.••••••••••.•••••.•••••••••••.•.•••.••.-•••.-.•.•••«••#... Mrs. S. B. Fitch was called to Lan­ Five dollars was made by the sing to bring her sister home, Mrs. E. high school union, from tlie enter­ i rKU,SOXAIi>IKNTION. J Rewards City for Nursing, A. Reed, trained nurse, who was sev­ tainment held by Mr. Wilbur at the SAGINAW, MICH.—Just two years erely burned while caring for lier liigh school last Wednesday. uncle, John Bradman, ago last rail a traveling man whoso The study of physiology by the H. Reeves goes to Toledo Wednes­ tenth grade lias boon completed and D, L. Holmes was in Detroit on liomn is in Chicago was stricken with day to visit his niece, Mrs. C. E. Low- smallpox during the opidemlo here. tliey are now taking up physiograpliy. business Mondiiy. don, also S. B. Fitcli, his brother. A sleigh ride party spent an en­ jMiss Rcna Briidford was in Lan­ The sainsman was removed to the de­ joyable time at Gertrude Scar­ tention hospital wlierc he recovered. sing last Wednesday. WIILIAMSTON, lett's last Friday evening, City Controllnr Georgn C. Warren 'i'ho eigth grade Is taking up civics. C, A. Parklnirst was in Detroit has just roROived a $2ij check from Miss Viola Hatch died at her home Tlnirsday and Friday. him. In his letter hn thanked the last 'Phursday. The funeral was held HKHKKAH INSTALLATIO.V, Hev, and Mrs. Newberry were in city for tho. rare, nnd expressed re­ Saturday at 2 o'clock at her homo Lansing last Wednesday. gret that hn was unable to reimburse and l)urial at Dansvllle. Mason Rebokah Lodge No. 32-1, i\Irs. Carrie Miiicr spent .several the city before this. . Mrs. Jeff Rouse, who has gone to­ held its installation of ofiicers Wed­ days in Ijansing last week. tally insane, was taken to Kalamazoo nesday evening, January 7. Sister asylum last Friday by Lewis Rouse THE MASON GARAGE CO. Wants Share In $20,000,000, Pearl Parker, District Deputy Presi­ Jlrs. C. J. Whitney returned last and Mr. and Mrs. J. McGowan. dent, with tho following Past Noble vcok from a visit at Eaton Uaplds. GRAND RAPIDS, .MICH. —Since Have taken the agency for the celebrated Buick and the declaration of Airs, Horace War- Nelson Baker of Detroit spent Sat­ Grands, Nellie Merrick, Jennie Strope Mr. and Mrs. Gienn Barnaby and urday and Sunday with relatives at Ethel Moore, Lulu Whipple, Edith Studebaker cars, the two best cars on the market for ion, of this city, that she was a mem­ this place. He was accompanied by family of Lansing spent Friday at G. ber of the Kieratead family,^ which Dayton, and Florence Lang assisting. L, J3arnaby's. his niece. Miss Blanche Eberly, who The following ollicers were installed the money. Call and see them before deciding upon the may inherit portions of a ?20,000,000 has been at Harper hospital for the Jlrs. Gertrude Blakely and Mrs. Noble Grand—Ella Miers. car you'll buy. estate left by Webber, the merchant past two weeks', Vice Grand—Edna Doolittle. Martha Ellsworth were in Lansing prince of the Netherlands, Adam Roy Hagerman of Howell spent last Wednesday, Past Noble Grand—Olive Bell. Remember you have Garage Service if you Buy of Us. Thomas and family, of North Dorr, Sunday with friends at this place. Rec. Sec.—Blanche Nellis. :Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henderson and will start proceedings for a share of The 0. E. S. County Convention Fin. Sec.—Helen DuBois. PRICES GIVEN UPON APPLICATION Mrs. David Sanders were in Lansing the estate, .Mrs. Thomas Is a Kier- was held at this place Tuesday. A Treas.—Clara Taylor. last Wednesday, stead. good many from all parts of the coun­ Warden—Saddle Crlppen. ty were in attendance. A six o'clock W. B. Dean is attending the con­ Conductor—Mary Hoyt. biinquet was given at the Congrega­ Chaplain—Libbie Fowler, vention of bean dealers and growers Charge Jackson Man Is Perjurer, tional church by the ladies of the ill Detroit this week, R. S. N, G,—Edith Dayton, JACKSON, MICH,—The prosecuting Helping Hand, Covers were laid tor L. S, N. G.—Jennie Strope. Mrs, Anna Quirk of Akron, Ohio, Attorney Rossman issued a warrent 150. R. S. V. G.—Lulu Whipple. - visited her parents, Mr. and iAIrs. L for Herbert Sawdey, a well known William E. Glaser and Miss Maybel L. S. V. G.—Ida Irish. .T. Kellogg the past week. Leoni township farmer, on a charge Barritt were married at the St. Mary's Inside Guard—Florence Lang. church* by Fr. Sharpe, Thursday Pitt Kllsworth spent several days of perjury. The case is the outgrowth •Outside Guard—Anna Tunningly, morning at five o'clock. They left Pianist—Minnie Nellis. last week at Lake O'dessa with an of a suit in circuit court by .Tames immediately for a wedding trip to the uncle who is 83 years old. Garred, an aged farmer, against Saw­ Captain—Theodore Bortles. PUBLIC SALE southern part of the state. dey for damages for assault and bat­ Potluck supper was served after­ Mrs. Lee Stall of Boldlng left for Mr. and Mrs, Roy Smith entertain­ ward, her home Monday, after a jveek's tery. The jury returned a judgment ed the 500 club at their home last The undersigned will sell at public auction at visit at the home of A. ,T, Torrance, in favor of Garred. Tuesday night. , 01UTUAI5V. the residence of the late IVlrs. Louisa Atwood in Mr, and Mrs, Fred Hlnes returned Dies on Steps of Home. llAl'TIST CHURCH. Saturday from a visit with their On Sept, 17, 1851, Mary A, De- the Village of Dansville, on daughter and family at Winnsboro, LANSING, MICH. — Fred Smith, The Baptist church Invites you to Marsh was born at LetargeviUe, N. Y. La, sixty-five years old, one of the oldest and departed this life .Tan. 10, 1914, and best known comnierlclal travelers the following services: Mrs. H. M. Gardner, Mrs. Arthur 10:00 a. m. — Morning worship. Months of suffering had dimmed her in the state, dropi)ed iVea(T' on the vigor, but left a spirit undaunted. Hewlett, Mrs. E. B. Langley and Mrs. steps of his home, three miles from Subject: "The Value of a Life." Robbins Rayner were in Lansing last A little more than forty years ago Lansing, just after he had returned 11:30 a. m„ Bible school, Wednesday, 6,00 p, m„ B, Y, P. U, she was united In marriage with By­ from the. state capitol where he had ron Staats. To them five children Tuesday, Jan. 20th Mrs, Ira Eldred of Onondaga and Evening subject—"The value of notified friends of tlie death of an old bringing a life to Christ." were born of whom but two survive, Mrs. Don Standish of Leslie spent comrade, George T. Ballard, formerly Mrs, Chancy Hunt and Mrs. Volney BEGINNING AT 1 P. M. SHARP, ALL THE Sunday with Mrs. Hattie Preeland Services every night next week. of Lansing, Rev. A, G, Newberry, Pastor, Palmer, both residents of this county, and Miss Hattie Eldred. which has been the home of their par­ Frank Ives of Stockbrldgo and Mrs ents during all the years of their mar­ Judge Will Quote Bible. ried life, Bernard Parker of Lansing were KALAMAZOO, JlICH, — Because guests of their sister, Mrs. D. E, A faithful wife, a loving mother, Watts, one day last week. he believes the bible contains higher kind and helpful In all the relations authority for the dispensation of iuT of life, may sweet rest come to her HOUSEHOLD GOODS W. D, Holmes, who had charge of tlce than any man made law book who so long and so earnestly strlved the receiving station of A, M, Smith Judge N, H, Stewart, has had a copy CASTOR IA on the upward way. CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING: & Co. in this city, has concluded his of the Bible placed in the Kalamazoo For In&nti and Childxeo. Aside from the hU8j)and, children work here and returned to his home county circuit court, and he will read and grandchildren, there survive, an at Vernon, , froni Its pages, the fundamental prin­ The Kind You Have Always Bought aged father, one brother, Joseph J, Walnut Bedroom Suite, Office Desks, Book­ Mrs. Hattie Dunsha spent Friday ciples upon which he will mete out Bears the DeMarsh, of Enid, Oklahoma, and cases, Wardrobe, Extension and other Tables, at her brother's, Chas. Burroughs, justice. three sisters, Mrs. Emily Parkham, of and attended the installation of Phil Signature of Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. Catherine Steb- Marble-Top Center Table, Rockers, Office Chairs, McKernan Post and W, R,,.C, in the blns, of Chicago, 111,, and Miss Eva J, the evening. Lotea In Race With Death, DeMarsh, of Jackson, Mich. Dining Chairs, Couch, Cupboards, Bedsteads, PRTOSKBY,. MICH. — Because a o Mrs, I, J. Kellogg, Mr, and Mrs. northbound Grand Rapids and Indiana Large Mirror, 2 Small M irrors, 2 Heating Stoves, Claude Post, Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Freshou'r attended the county con­ train was a few minutes late, Samuel Cook Stove, Gasoline Stove, Kitchen Utensils, vention of Eastern Stars at WiUlam- McClurg ,of Mancelona, lost, a race Granite and Tin Ware, Dishes, 2 Washbowls and ston Tuesday, as delegates from Ma­ with death, and his son, George nine­ son Chapter, teen years old, was dead when the Pitchers, Copper Boiler, Galvanized Washtub, father reached the Petoskey hospital. SLAUGHTER SALE Mrs, W. J. Adams was In Lansing Wringer, 150 quarts Canned Fruit, 2 Feather Tuesday afternoon to attend a meet­ The boy was clubbed and robbed at ing of the Lansing Woman's Press Mancelona Dec. 23 In an alley, . OF Beds, Pillows and Bedding, Lace Curtains and club. Selections from the writings of Pearl White McCowan of this city Favors Municipal Bar. „ Poles, about 15p yds. Ingrain and Rag Carpet- were read as a iiart of the program. PETOSKEY, MICH, — In discussing some hew, Rugs, etc., about 100 cords Wood in George Wing of PetoBkey called on Xtbe saloon question and the care- shed, Large Hanging Lamp, Side Lamp and oth­ his old comrade, W, J, Adams on tlessness which' be declares permits Thursday. They were both members many violations of the liquor law Householil Goods er Lamps, Lav7 Library in good condition. Clock, of Co. C„ Forty-fourth N. Y. Inf., here Mayor Reycraft advocates either and lived in adjoining Bchool dis­ a munlcipar saloon or an ordinance Lounge;,/>•;•;';,•••'' .°. • • tricts when boys. TKey had not met against any person purchasing more before. In fourteen years. Mr. Wing than a quart of whisky at a time. Stoves/Tables is at present visiting his son in Lan­ sing. Gats Small Fortune—Steals 24 £ggi. Chairs, Bedsteads, Carpets The House and Lot will Also be Sold. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. — "Eggs f Settle Up for, the New Year. ^ is eggs,"'iiccording to the decision of \ All notes and accounts due must a robber who broke into the Johea be paid this month or left for collec­ And a general assortment of goods,usually found in the bakery here'early in the morning and ,,.-, / TERAIS tion. Webb f, Whitman, Clothiers. robbed the place of two donn per< home will be offered at private sale at the residence of fectly good .eggs. He did not attempt the late Amanda Huntington^ Buzzell street, Mason, on All sums of $5.00 and under, cash; on all PROBATB NEWS. ^ to open the safe, but contended him* self with the eggs, .' . sums over $5.00 six months time will be given I Hearings for Jan. 16: Estate Wm. Lay—appointing ad> Thursday,Friilay,Satunlay,Jan.15-16-17 with bankable notes at 6^ per cent, interest. miniatrator. -J Polle* Women for Bay City. Bitate Clara Osbond—probate, of ,BAY CITY, MICH, — The local Mrs. D. W. Finney, who |i8 authorized to dispose of these Juvenile Protective league will name will; •-', ' • w - I ' troodst will be present froni 9 a. m. to 12 m. and from 1 p. m> to ^BiUte 0.> W. HalttMd—appoint­ live apeoial-women police offlcera to i ing admlnlitrator., ,•>•' '\ i'.^'^ " look after dance halla and inovinv 5 p.m., and make prices sure to sell them, F. CONVERSE BitaUFfMMi-L; JfUUi^ ,,.', :v;....:v.,;,S|ioolar Admlnltlra^ m ;;-r;i(Se.» m iNGHAM COUNTY NEWS, JANUABY 15, 1914


Kxtracts from files of llie News 20 j'oarK iiiio tills wuok; Alboi'l lioyl. Ims .sold Ills brick ros- idoncc lo 'Isaac JfJoJils, B. 1J. Uosocranco Is again at Ills posLlii Uiu roglslar'K odlco. JJorn, lo Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Long- year, Mils nioi'iiliig, ,Iaii. ;1S, a daugh­ ter. Boni, .January :17, lo Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Ivcrns of this oily, a promis­ ing son. Horn, .laiuiary :M, lo i\Ir. nad Mrs. 500 Men Wanted! Arthur W. .Tewott of .lackson', a ton pound son. Born, .fanuary in, to Mr. and Mrs. James Haynor of North Aurellus, a daughter. That Can Wear Any of the Following Size Suits: 34, 35, 36 Mr. .laeob Mutton and Miss Anna Faulkner are tlie teachers in our business college. We have about that many that formerly sold for $10 to $20, but the sizes are small and the lots Dr. .r. F. Campbell of Lansing has lieen elected physician for the school are broken, so we shall sell them during our Quarter Off Sale for each S5.00 for the blind. Lansing has made up her mind she never liked the state fair anyway. It Now when you read this just size yourself up and see if you can use one of them. goes to Detroit. Cliff V. Taylor has purcha.sed a If you can you will be able to laundry at Grand Lodge and will have possession soon. licv. Chas. I^egal of Victor, N. Y., Is the now pastor of the Lansing Un- Ivcrsalisl cliurch. Buy a Suit Absolutely All Wool at % Off Instead of 1/4 Off Last Sunday was the SOth anni­ versary of tlie wedding of Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. Dakor of Leslio. ALL MCE PATTER\S AND LATE STYLES Miss Nina Krlsto.I read a very in­ teresting paper before the Erosop- liian society this week on •'Univer­ J sity life." Neely & Muntington are (Ittlng up their evaporator building I'or the jiianufacture of the liaglo fanning inill. Tlui aged fatlier of Dr. II. \Z. Brown of Stockbridge to.: tell others, about them.V •a.BOG.Oooi:;--,:"':.:.-, :,•••.,•:;':.:>-•'•.•.v•:^^i.• three^yiearsbld-andiover^llTS.lS. V 10, and three years old and over For sale by all dealers. Prices 60c. »ncin»Aiir CROP B , Sixty-two mills, elevators andgraln Milch COWS: were worth 160.34 per '144.76.', ••;.;, ,,; ••-•, ...;^-:.',.; v,.r MASON MAN'S LUCKY EIND. Fbster-Mllburn . Co., , Buffalo, New diaalers report-no wheat marketed in head. Cattle'other than milch cows, Sheep . under one year old |3.76 York, sole agents for the United i ;Lansing, Mich., Jan.,v7l,1914. ,; 'December.;; '-v .;•.;.:'i-;; •'"•^••'\;vV:, ;•'•'•;"; \ under oneiyeari old, (17..7.7;;betweeh and one year old and .over . |4'30. .Will Interest Readers. of the News. states..' - ••'•• ••::•''.-'::•' .• -'' '•. .'^'-f .• •;_ :Wheat--^In answer ,t6irtlie% ques­ :. This a:verage condition otillTe stock; one ,and twb'.years; old; |3i)^14; be-, Hogshpt fattened ,16120 per cwt. ;' • Remember the name -—Doan's^ tion, ;''Hafl,wheat diirlngt)eM^ in the'State Is^riaported::: as i follows;; tweeh'two and;three ywrs old |46;09! : < Oh Jahtiaqr lst,C;19;04,;;'the leverage ,r.Tho8e,having .the- misfortune .I to a,nd take;no other. : ' ^ v - • BUffiered 'Injury; from! any. cauBe",;^129 compacison .being made; with')stock; and three.years old and over. |S8;10. price of wheat.was 80 cents; shelled suiter from, backache, urinary,; dl^- ioSrrcJspondents' in :ttie4^8Caie *ftniim^ In ..gbodi !,healtbyc4ndijthHt.ty'condl-: V! Sheep ;under aak year old |;4.07' 'cbrn-47 cehta'ttnd.bats^35;cehtB per bjders,,, graiyel,: dropsical swellings, , ';, REAL;ESTATB'l«ANSFEIlS.;v^;'^ I'yes'/waniia 9 7'-f!no,"^ aiid1ii:;ani|wer,to tibnr^KoraM and, sheepiV 9.6; cattle,! and bae; year old'and over |4i79., ; bushel;'hay. 18.36 per ton: fat cattle rheumatic pains, .or other kidney,and ih^':qtteBtion>! VHii(B ihi'jprddiid ;liM^ '9'7,;'ati:dvBwiiM;rS'6v -*':v'H->''v'«^V;-'iH•:'i, - \ ; r'HogB;ja'6t fattened.|6.74;per cwt.. ^ $3.41; .;(at• hogs ,|4.19 and dressed' bladder disorders, will read :;,wlth .George Benjamin and wife^i^^ -: weir :'coTered^ir)tli ,',aii6i^.i:''4urlqtc:^e^i .''I! ,AThe'v ATlnie,'.9i;iQeB' January Mi'M. "f Tbb iilrkes^givew! are. tor ittib; Statfi pork viii6)6,3;per :'ovfti<'.i:Hbi^8eB under gratification. this encouraging state­ Miller and .wlfe«,;.pt se^'>t sec. ,11. I 'comber/''all cbrreBBiondentB'tlir6ug&> some of the prtabipal (arhi producte; :;ThevpHoebt;wliciat^iiiv5^ceBit8 low­ bhe'year bid-|33.24; between'bhe and ment, by a Masbhniain.. • i , er than one year algb;.rye.^he same; two yearB old'; 152.7 6; 1 between two : T. iCbok, butcher^ Buzzeiv& sixth 'Whitp';oaii;;.;|7«o^''S; .i^: ^ r''^.v^-«i^'"o;: ••; ^• V,/."nw »T,ar^e- pricut of wheat per •helIed;itforn'.13^icehtB;VoatB' 6' cents; andvthree.yeftrB^oM 178.0.6, and three: StB,; MMbtti-Mich., says: .".There were ; Paul J. Ullrich etaltp; ^.; Si RijB^ wh«at'marfe««BA.ibr f|m«rii.^ tnj^ bttik«iwMTj-c«it«;i'ry«v,ea eento* iiinid;ltayf:;68' ofthti: l}tiliier.rt. fp.:iy:ii,-.u^; ye«r8;.6ld;;And^t'er;'/HV8i29;;s; ;c ':-iy.i'.aeyere : ipalnii.through .vmybaekaiiid sellyand wifi^,; lots ;2;2i andi 23;; Les^ % v'/.Thbiaverage.price of ,)ic{rJieB;ietoii : H'loli cbWB'tere .wUrth''f34'i32 ijer ikldneyBiiand<.vwhbn;,l got.uprln .>the; lie ^ Parti;.!;lAhBinig; V18 69;; ?^'y .;'"X%'1V'.. .•. ^^. .*Pt y.'2*"!^' i."w bne;^ea;r 'liigo:WAB^M (oUdira:'Unider liead;: Xiiittlb iilUcb iowii. mo^ingi ;^j( ;iii:aB; rtiff-fa|i d •lB.tnf)s.>.>oTbb >i I .-LJ •;.F;;jBrelienyiBcherfgnid v wj|W5;t&',' ;: :'diriowi;Hiis8^'^'i^^«tM^!^t^|^^ Qai,x:ti£nil!lA68l52j between bn^ under ^bhe'yM#'bld,|10i26;;bbtw«!eh kldnb^t^flaoretibnB cblitaiiibd Mdiment M. B;'JobiiBbh;MdcWl(e;,Mt;.b^l6itBiitl liiTb: rad*tiroy79Rri''otd^'fl7;1f:'ii be^ ;and .siiH9d 'tpb,4(reaaeiiU7<' .^1,: cbiitd ;and^;42^^GljwrrBjjyid,;4«iuidaf^^^^ tmM4<(liW»^W»riif 14426^9', tibtstraW^j^;up'fKft8r;«tbbPli>^^^14'. : {v/Ji; J.rVauthn;,and irUe^to'ifttb^ijM ttN«()«MB^m}udr'oyto tbrM'yMriMV;!ttM|tfTbr 8 Kid send^B; Bttb; :LanBlnf ;<:,|8|90lO,^\V7^ :{>^oii INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, JANFABY 15, 1914

gbuK-e upward occasionally. Lady Pi- Again there was a Jovial light in the CHAPTER II. Order «l I'libllealluii. ana lhoii);lit of what bur liraiidfalliei stranger's smile. "Would you put It Stulo of MIclilKan—The Circuit Court for tho right for me'/" The Woman and the Car, had told her when she Wi!s a child O'I'n the girl and the man look­ tJountyof hiKhaiii, iaUhaiiuury. It was shortly after (be duatli In liic Lady Diana caiiglit the liridle uf lier Kllnabeth Phiuli, horse and strode toward tlie stabUw. ed np and saw in the road n Complainant, service uf her faliicr, and the death "I motorcar wilb a eiiaull'eur and vs. Ills <'onirMdo, Koliei't, the ICarl of l?raii "Come along, then." she said Imper­ Samuel Wehsler l''liicli, sonally, "and we'll see what we can a woman stepping out from it. Oeri'Mdaiu., castor, ill tlio saiue Indian cii;;ai;umeiil h'or tile briefest s|)iice the two woiiiun Suit pendliiL' In the Circuit Coiii'l. for the Ilcr fatliur and iiraiica.slor, sire of I lie do." Coniii.v of tnKliaiii. In Chancery, on the 7Hi In tile level bit of ground IHM'OIV tbe measured glances. I.ady Diana saw a day of Novenilier, A. I). Illlll. present Itrancastur. bad planned thai tall, rather dark and foreign appearing It satLsfaelorlly appuarliiK hy iillldavlt, the little i.ady Diana and the .voiiiiv stables she was greeted kimliy and at- on Hie herein, i.lnit the above niinied delend- young woman of an nncertalii age. antdoos not reside In the state cf .MIchlKan, Hubert siioiild unite the I'ortniius and foctkiiiMtely liy iiuri'ylng stabloineii. whoso black balr and sharp fealiires Inn. that ho resides In the cit.v of I'lttshufK, lands of the two almost prliiccl.v "Take my hor.se. one of yon, will III tho State of I'oniisylvaiihi, 011 the mo­ gave ber, in tlio estimation of any one tion of tleoi'Ko li, lleLdc.'eomphilnaiit's solle- houses. ,But her father bad lieou Uili- you'r And tvnno one bring out Dido." llor, It is ordered that he cause his ap- cd and his fatiier too. she ordered in a tone (iiat seemed gi'a- seeing her for the Urst time, a certain peariinue to lie entered herein within four clous eiioiigli to the I'iiiglisli );rooins aspect of power. inonths from the dale of tills order, and In Tlio ymiiiK earl, wltiioiit tbo rein-e.sf. ease of appearance tliiit he cause lil.s an­ about lier, but which would have ,|ar- swer to complnlnniil.'s bill of i;onipli.i|iit to ho int; aiitliorlty of a parent, bad lic};iin A nionieiit inter she was walking red upon even an American waiter. llled and aeoiiy thercor to he served on said life as a boy with too much mone.v toward tiieni. solicitor within twenty days after service on A kennel man carried out the bound him (if a copy of said liill and a notice of this and no sense of responsibility 111.- The artist was not pleased at this in­ order, and that In default therein' said bill ho in Ills arms and depositiMl lier near trusion, and Diana saw that upon bis tiilieii as cimressed by him. uiotlier bad died soon after lie was It Is further ordered that within twenty born. Ho bad not been a bad iiatiircd face was (bat tragic mask slie had days after dale hereof, said iaini|ibiliiaiit noted when tlioy saw one anotlier for cause a copy of this order to he published lad, but as a little boy be bad been pre­ III the IiiKham Ciinnty News, a newspaper cocious. What, under proper training. the (Irst lime, not so many minutes printed and eirciiliiiliiK In siild countv. ago. and that said piilillcatloii he conMiiiierl would have been clean, clear, pure theridn at least once each week for sl.\ sportsmanship as tliorou^h as that <>( "So (bis is where yon como to sketcb weeks In siieeesslon, or thai, she cause a copy so often," wont on tbe woman from of tills order to be persbiially served on said Lady Diana herself became in him a defendant at least twenty days befiire the mere Kiimlni,' spirit Ho Kiimbled willi the motorcar. "Doligbtfui place! Pray, time preseriliod fiirsiild appeiiriinee, Introduce me." CIIAUl.liS II. COl/I.INGWOOll. nice observance of etiquette find ol Cdunterslu'nedi Circuit .liidiie. honor, but still he defied chance. As The artist interposed biniself be­ WM. 11. (illAIIAM, lleputy Keclster. tween the two women, almost as OKOHOB K. llKCK, Complaliiiiiil.'s .Solicitor. a result he got into .'the hands of tlie lluslncss address, :.'10 S. WnshliiHloii Ave., money lenders, and what wasn't en though he feared harm to the younger LansliiK. Mich. (1HW7) tailed was inortRaged. of the two. l>roliato<>l'\VIII. iflllier-.liiii. It! There were women, too. In this N.i.'.> "I'm only a stranger here," be said, State of .MIchlKiin. 'Phe Probate Court for while Lady Diana, with perfect and theCmiiity of liiKhnni. youus man's life, but of those l.ady At a session of siild Court held at the Diana know notbliiK. But. tiimi^ili cold breeding, Ignored a situation that I'robiite Ulllce, In I he City of .Miison. In said to one of another nationality niiglit county, on the ;Mth day of neeember, A. 1). tlioy came and wont, tlioy never seem­ llli;i. ed to have penetrated to the core id have been a trifle embarrassing. Present, lion, lleury Jl. finrdiier, ,lud|;euf I'robute. r^^apjIIIRsit^ftiifl '••," '% the youiiK Hubert to Infect lilm wltli The intruder again swept Lady Di­ warn ^^ ^ s ^ ^ss'*'^ •H In the matter of the estate of I'raiices [.,. tlio virus of diseased imagination. 'I'iie ana witli her eyes. -Miller, deceased. V;" ^' ^^•^''. ( ^ ^. "Indeed." she said, a subtle menace Kloyd 1J. Miller having llled lu said court ',(•- > •^^ * «'«/ boy Kc'onicd asleep and too good na- his petition prayliiK that a certain histriimont ^ ^^ < turod to put bis lionso in order. Ills in her tones. "Well. It's lucky I found III wrltliiK, puriiortlni; to be the lastwllland - < lestnniciitof siild deceased now on Hie In said ^'- ,; friends predicted tliat if he ever riial you. If we are going for our usual court, be admitted to probate, iiiid timt tho ly aronscd blmsolf he would rid bim- spin together Francois wants to tell admlnlstnitli'Mi of said estaie be granted 1^ -:^:„„' . ' .. '.^.1.....^: -1 r* V \ ^ ' - -.-iJL iMartIn .1. Uenieiit or to some other sultahio self of llinm ell'ectivcly, cleanly and you something about the car—the brake perseiK I (inall.v. doesn't act properly." It Is ordered, That the llUliiluy ol .Inn., A. 1). V.lH, at ten o'clock In the fore­ * DlsmlssiuK the supposedly dlssoliUe Lady Diana was not pleased wltb ber noon, at said probato olllce, bo and Is heroliy younj; earl from her tliounbts. I.ady scrutiny of tbo other woman. She was appointed for licarinKsald petition. It Is further ordered, tliiit public notice Diana came to the last fence wblcli too young to have esteemed the other thereof bo Klvon by publication of 11 copy of separated lier from the ploii in wliiili Under the Royal Oak Sat an Artist fast, but there was a certain some­ this order, for three successive weeks pre­ Novelized From the Exciting Play of the Same Name Sketching, vious to said day nf liearlni;. In the INOIUM tho Falcoiilinrat kennels and stabl(!s thing about the tall and dark intruder COUNTY NEWS, a newspaper printed and cir­ stood. li'roin the level plateau immedi­ Lady Diana. With the sketchbook on that repelled this young Englishwo­ culated In said county. By BERTRAND BABCOCK A true copy. llENUY M. flAIlDNRU ately above the glen tliero floated her knee she indicated with her ridiiiL: man. So she coiit,lnue{l, though tlie C. A. Ciii.vro.N, ,ludKe of I'robato. CopyrlSlit, 1912, by Cecil llalclgh and H nmllton by nrranRomcnt with the Drury down to her the shouts of the lads crop Dido. other talked at her. to seclude herself Probate Kenlster. ri'.iw+ Lane Company of America and Arthur Collins, ninnaBlng director of the Drury on the backs of the prides of the mar­ "Can you manage to hold her'/" she In her British reserve. Lane theater of London. Api>t. Atliiir llulMleii«l-.lnii, It! quis' stables. Beverley had held the nskcd. The situation appeared to tho artist State of Michigan, the Probate Court for for the mmnent jockeys in stern re­ Tho stranger, taking the hound, seal­ to need relieving very much. So to the County of IiiKham. •-**'vvC* :«o; Zo^flGro:; At a .session of said court, lield at the pro- • -W= pression, but the stimulating air, the ed himself on the corner of tbe stone create a diversion ho walked toward bate olllco In tlio City of Mason, in said coun­ vast tonic of nervous horseflesh be­ bridge that spanned a little stream tho road whore the car and chauffeur ty, on the IMlli day of Oecemher, A. 1), llllil. Present, lion. Henry M. Gardner, .fudKOOf "But thu little (lily's growing np, or. neath their knees and the thrill of and was a link In the highway that •were waiting. I'loliate. PROLOGUE. rntlicr. in.v Kninildaiigliter Laily Diiuiii mad motion could not keep the hicls ran by the stables. In tho matter of the estate of Oliver W, "We'll lake it clown to tho village llalstead, deceased. W/icn a sinistcrly dosignin" Is-gi'owlii^' lip," tlio mar(|iils lind sniil entirely silent. "How's tliat'/" bo asked. and look for n blnck'smlth." he volun­ Kllzabelli W. Ilalstoad liavlnj,' llled in said nobleman and a clever, unscru­ nioi'o tlmn niieo. "imd ii (illy Lsn't a cdli In revolt at the tilings that she dimly "Just a little more round," she re­ teered. courtlier petition praying that tho ai.'inlnls- turned. "So. that's capital!" then tratloii of said estate he K'raiited to llorbort pulous adventuress ,match their any more, riidiur a yoiiiiR woiniin oi sensed as governors of her whole after But tho woman who had come for 0. llalstead or to some other sultablo person; position iind niiil; Isn't a Rirl. and slic life Lady Diana set her mount at liM> busied herself with her pencil. him in tbe motor didn't move. She It Is ordered, that the lOlli day of.Ian,, wits against three thoroughbreds A. •>., 1)M.|, at ten o'clock in the fore­ really can't ride with tlio lads of niv stiflly railed fence before her. As the "Do you e.xblbit'/" she asked, tiirnin.i; was still in hope that Lady Diana noon, at said probate olllce, ho and Is hereby —a wan, a woman and a horse— stable." pack, scenting tho food waiting in tlie upon him for a second an ()bli(|ne a|ipoliite IVollce. WIIIIN accident of chance, upon the la­ of her chlldliood. kennels and mushroomed stables that I've done more for my reputation." hi' the horses, The car may frighten them State of MlclilKiiii, the probato court for said a trille awkwardly and in some the County of liiKlia , Hence this (Inoly strnnR. perhaii.s or he gave no attention to the, hounds lf_5:e leave it in,th[s noighhorhoodj' tent possibilities that lie in the concern. In tho matter of the estate of William dinnrlly too (Miiotlonloss. .vounp; Km;- and apparently was not conscious of (Continued next week) WllllB, deceasod. ever variable unknown guantiiv "Oh. as you like!" she said. Then, Having been appointed commissioners to Ilahwoman tool: the lilRbest and roiifili- tho approach hurtling through the air receive, examine and ad.lust all claims and that exists in human affairs est of the obstaole.s in her conr.sc iis —of the lady on her palfrey. holding out the sketch toward him. she demands of all persons aKalnstsald deceased, went on. "There, look; how's that'/" we do hereby Klve notice that four months 'And so it is with The Whip, o she followoil In the wake of the Bov Tho original impetus of Lady Diana's from tiio lath day of Pecoinbor, A. I), llllil, erley hounds, for tlio hounds were leap would liave carried woman and "By Jove, it's splendid! What magic DR. E. L. WILKINSON were allowed by siild court for creditors to great race horse, about whose you can work with Just a touch or pre.senl their ulainis to us for exaniiiiation \history are woven romance, trag- not the ftiatiiros of a hunt, but moruly horses squarely into the person of the and adjustineiit.,and that we will inecCattho out on one of tlioir exerclsinjj expcdi artist. But tho moment the girl bad two." he exclaimed. SPECIIILIST JacliMn, Midi. late residence of said deceased in Aurolius \cdy and comedy in equal meas- township. In said county, on the .'ilh day«r tlons. when to "keep their scent in' seen him a parnly/ing Inhibition bad She made him a little bow. with Vobrnary, A. II. IPI4, and on the llithday iirc and who in the end becomes they weri' ponnittwl to rnn;,'o for trails stayed tho force of horse and girl al­ something not hostile in it. and began Treats all Chronic Diseases and ol .4|iril, A. II. 1014. at ton o'clock In tho Ailments of Men and Women. forenoon of each of said days, for the purpose the deciding factor in the war under the jUddance of whips. most in tlie air, and both lost tlieir ^quickly to tiirn the pages of the book of e.xamlnlii); and iid.lustliiKsald claims, One of the ob.staclos which Lady DI- carrying power, making a very bung­ "Oh. you paint landscapes, too." she ACTUMA~'^'"''^""'^'''^"'''^"'' '" cvory Dated December l-J, A, D. llli:i. of wits around her. said, "and they're very good too **^ • niWI#* ,.||so pill, on treiitinnnt. DAVID STHONCi, nnn took that inorninR was a stone ling finale of what had been originallv All money rijfuiulcd In ciiso of fiilhiru tociire, K0STI3II WIII'PR fence that separated tlic lands of l''al a very lino movement. That's a delicioiis little bit. and that's ft'-wt Commissioners, CHAPTER I. the spinny where we killed last fall OAM/*PD-Ciirud Ijy X-ltay, VIoiel conhurst from tbc property of the But, as it was. the easel, made on the ^i^ANVBiR Uiiy, iind other aietlinds. and I got the brush. And, oh. the 'dd Probaluoi %Vill. Altvood—Jan, !t;{ Lady Diana Follows the Pack. Earl of Hrancastcr, in the midst of moment by the artist out of twigs and lliivo liiid anyeiu's' o.\|ierl()nee In llic efre of half fortress—half tower sort of place catiuurs. State of MlclilKun, 'I'lio Probate Court for o Lady Diiinit Sni'torls, "tin.' which stood tlio old stone tower. Rio- dead branehos, had been shattered by the county of liiKliaui. It looks as though It might be"— At a se.sslon of said Court, held at tho I'ro­ cleiincst sportswoniJii) lu JIII a movement of one of tbo hunter's NERVOUS WRECKS-yo,[ bato Olllce In tbo City of Masini, In said EiiRliuul"—tlio orator.s of tlic sleek logs. and. worse, an iron shod She was looking toward 'the seat ol are dusiioiuleiit, dcprasssed, (lyspoptlc, weak County, on the illst day of Deeemhor, A. D. the last Earl of Brancaster in tlio ills or worried, soo mo for a cure. 1111:1. luint bi'eiiUl'nsts of the I5evui'- hoof had made an ugly mark npon tbc Present, Hon. Henry M. Gardner, ,Tud«o of ley houiuls would liavo it so—a feiitv artist's left wrist, which had laid at tance, dimly visible up the glen. Probate. m "The rtievers!" the stranger finished BLOOD POISON i;;;l,!T,lts In tho matter of tho estate of Ijoiilsa ,1, WHS moi'ol.v iin obstacle. And so aftei rest on the moss while His right band Atwood, deceased, this morning with the Beverley pad; sketched. her sehtence. "It is. Haven't you ever trualud hv liilost method', Oures Kuiiraaleed, li'rank Converse, hiivhiL' llled In said court been there?" Ids petition praylni; that a certain Instru­ Lady "Di" ou her return to the ken In a trembling hurry Lady Diana DISEASES OF MEN;,„r ment in writing, puipiirthiK to bo the last nels of her grandfatlier, the Marouls swung from the saddle. Her mount, "Nobody al»out here goes." returned tlon free and contUleatliil, My method for will and testament of said deceased, now on Lady Dinnn. "You see. It belongs to curhiK all my own. and cures Kuarantocd. (lie in said court, bo.iidmitted to probato.and of Beverley, found a defiant pleasuii' disregarded.' was allowed to amble that tho udniinistrutlon of said estate bo In putting her hunter over every such away and browsed without restraint. Lord Brancaster. and he hardly ever Krantcd to Idm.sclf or to some other sultablo visits it. though I've heard he's here DISEASES OF WOMEN porson; obstacle. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Pray, tell me that now. Did he give you permission to All wonih and nnrvoiis a'lments, ovarian 11 Is ordered, that tlio 3:td day ot°January, Though the day was one of thost- you're not hurt—severely!" she said and other tumors cured without^ the u.se of A, I). HIM, at ten o'clock in tho forenoon, sketch It?" knife. at said I'robato olllco, be and Is hereby ap- perfect Yorkshire days, when rural and raised her eyes to the stranger's Write For information. pointod for hoiirlni; said polltlon. England seems made for the sports­ face. ,^ The stranger nodded. It Is further ordered, that public notice "I shovjidn't have thought he would X'Ray Examinations $a.oo to $3.00 thereof bo Klvcn by publication of a copy of man, Lady Diana's gallop at the heels She saw clean cut features, black this order, for ihroe siiccesslvo wouks prevl- of the pack bad not been altogether of eyes with just a shade of amusempiil have had much sympathy with artists Hour.s-iotb 13. 2 to*. Wednesday and Sat­ outi to said day of lioarlnK. In tho InKbam or art" sh.^ said- ' " . urday Evenings, 7 to 8. County NowN, a nowspapor printed and cir­ pleasure. of whim. In them, though there must culated in said county, "Why not?" lie asked, his glance for (A triiBCopy), HENBY M. GARDNER, To begin with, her grandfather, the have been pain In that wrist and C. A. OtfiNTON. ' ., Judge of Probate. pompous and morally bombastic Mar wavy, black balr. The man was in tbe moment falling: Heirtnjc CUIms Gould—Miy 8th. vHls tastes are rather—er—notori­ 'state of Michigan. The Probate Court for I'robiite Keviiitcr. Iwf quis of BeTcrley, hnd tleen In no gouii rough tweeds, and a cloth bat of ills the County of Ingham. humor. ' Although Falcohburst, the suit's pattern" lay a little way off. ous. I'm afraid he's rather a by word- In the Matter Q{. the Estate of William H. Final Accouul Taney - Jani 33 most'secluded and retired of/the sev about here. Even the country people Gould, Deceaied.' • State ot 'MichlKiiii, Tho Probato Court for "Not a'tilt," he returned carelessly. call hlra'the wicked earl.'" Notice ii hereby given that four months the County of Ingham. erril; country'seota of the'family, wns "It was really very stupid of nbe'not from the 8th .day of January, A. D. 1914, At a session of said Court, held at the I'ro­ filled wlthUhe members, of a house "And because'n lot of yokels give n have been allowed for creditors to present biite Olflco.'ln the city of Mason, In Nnid coun­ to have noticed a pack lii full cry for mail an odious nickname," he said their claims against said deceased to said ty, on the 31st day of December. A. D. 1013. party for Lo^y Diana Sartorls, Bever Presint. lion, Henry M, Qiirdncr, .ludgeot Its kennel feeding and so Inspiring 'm\ tersely, "yoii jiidge taiiiiunheard . Wbn i court for examination and adjustment, and ley had carefully' warned them awa.v object as their" WlstreBS.'? that all credltors.of said deceased are required Piobato. do you know of him?" to'present their claims to said coiirt, at'the In thn- matter of tho estate of Dridgot '^ from the Downs, and Indeed bad sunt He had covered bis hurt wltb his probate oftlce, in the ctt,y of. Mason, in said Taney, deceased. ••••'. nil of them otter bunting with Captain "Nothing, thanks," said Lady Diana county, on or before the 8th day of May, A. liridgel 8yl>-es having filed in said court handkerchief and 'knotted and' twisted "Isn't It a bit rough on him to he D. 1914, and that aaid claims will be heard by her linnl adnilnlstriition account, and her po- Greville Sartorls, Lady Diana's cousiii It before the girl could offer to minis­ said court ..on the 8th day of May, A, 0. t.ilion prayingfortheallowanco thereof, and lleve^on mere hearstiy?" asked the 1914, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. for tho assignment and dlistrlbulion ot tho "And otter hunting of ail sports in ter to him. "Such absorption can only artist roalduo of said estate: the world!" Lady Diana had breathed be exciised In a very great artist, and Dated January 8th. A. D., 1914. It Is ordered, that tlio !t3d day ot Jan , "I don't.,but my grandfather, who HENRY M, GARDNER. A, D. 1(114 at ten o'clock in tho forenoon, ut Barcastieally to her maid. "One might such 1 assure you I can scarcely hope has a kliid word for every one, says 3-4t .Judge of Probate, said probate olllco, be and Is hereby appointed quite OS .well iiunt a bally mouse as aii to "be."-•'•'•' •••" • ;•'•'-••..•''•' for examining and allowing said account and that bis grandfather was a soldier, his Hearing of Claims Russell-^May S hearing said petition; otter, yoii itnow." • RIR deprecating motion brought his father a soldier and a gentleman. Init State of Michigan, The Probato Court for It is further ordered, that public notice The reason Lad.v Diana knew of open.sltetch book nearer the girl and the County of Ingham. thereof bo given by publication of a copy of he hopes the! son will never darken bis In'the .Matter of. the Estate of Edwin C. this order for throe snccossivo weeks previ­ course. The Whip, the newest racer hereyes'fell upon its pages. .' \ ' doors. And nil the world says he frit­ Russell, Deceased. ous to said day ot hearing In the Ingham ' In the great stabica of Beverley, wuj* "Why, there's- the kennels!" she ex­ ters away his life and is flinging away Notice Is hereby given that four months County News, a newspaper printed and cir­ from the 3rd day of January, A. D.'1914. culated In said county. being exercised 'on the' Downs that "Tht little filly's growing up." claimed. "Oh, 1 mustn't'think of yoiir bis fortune." ' , (A truecopy.) IIENBY M. GARDNER, have been allowed for creditors to prejient 0, A. Gi.iNi'ON. Judge ot Probato, morning, and although this expeeted; vers. As her hunter cleared.well with sketches, but your htort! I am pro The stranger smiled with a sense of their claims against said deceased td.aaild successor to the^Newtnarket winners. fbundly sorry. If I'.could do any­ court, for 'examination and' adjustment and Probato Register. . Iw4 all fotirs the fencing and for a tnoment pain reflected In his faca that 'all''crodltora;ot' said deceased are .requir­ Sliver Cloud, Falconhurst and Beyer- trespassed upon the lands of one re­ thing"- i - ' ;V\^hat ithe world' says Is often nm.l- ed to present.their claims to said court, at'the License to Sell. ^ « Ptiest—Feb. « ley's Hope, bad not bad her trial and .'-'"A little thing that I can attend to Ice,*' he said, going to the. rescue of probate'ofHee, In the'eity'ot M^soui In'said State of Michigan. The Probate Court for was not likely to ,bdve for some tinie, garded-by the'simple folk'of Yorkshire county, on or before the Sth dayiof May, A-. the'County of Ingham.' , as 'the wicked earl," the girl Iboketl easily after a bit," he said. Then, in Lord Brancaster, "but I'm sorry, to D. 1914, and that Mid claims will be heard by At a aession ofisaid Court, held at the Pro- . the : racing i'lnarquiH] wasr; determined courteous anxiety to turn the current hear wbat Lord Beverley said.'' No­ Mid court.on "the Ifth day of Hfiy, A. D.' 1914, bate Ofiice., in ;the: city of Mason, ,in said that no strange eyes!sbpuld ieorniany- toward tl)e rocky I belgbiisi^ •t tenlo'clock in the'forenooh. ^^ -' 'i County,''oil the 9th day of January, I'A. vD. bf.ber thoughts;'be went'on :"It realiy body's all bad. Perhaps It'a because ItU. •• :-^' ••••• : 'S'^ .. • •••'•• .,'..• tbiiig of' tbe' sf^d^pet''of hlB' (iec'lliiliiK by ;ih^ feudal; tojve;riContlDU^^^ to the- iglvea ail)Idea' of 'tbem; 'doesntti'it'? Dated Jonuanr'Srdi A.,D. 1914. eyes the long ascent .of stone upwatfd. Lord ;Beverle.v' doesn't' kiiow hlro 'that, .', r: HENRY M. .GARDNER, iPreaent: Hon. Henry M. Gardner, Judge of' years.'•'';•;;•• , ' '•'.].'. ';',;;t Seerhere are some of "the doga.!^. . : he thinks s(> 111 of bim. Perhaps if yoii • 8-4t • ''. ' Judge ot 'Probate. 'Probata, r • ,-,- ,,„, .,•,, , ,..,„. To lier'mdbd'oY'tb'e' moment, 'while In the girl's' baiid now' waa' 'tiie book ,-Iri' tho Matter ot the Estate of Oscar' W. Stable secret!' had been leakinig of Rieversapiiuaredlemi. barren and mor,«< knew bim'ybii might' flnd-Hidi)ae''llttie Appti Admn Obble-Jani' 30 Priosti'deceased* .•^'•'•'"•.••'!'•' .•'•'• •."•••;.'.•' ' late In regard to some of tha'otUen ibi 'Tyenotice'd you about aketcblng for •good"-'.::' .••;.-,;; I,•;.;,,, •;:;r."'.:(:'-'ii Sttto of Michigan. The Prbhkte Court for V'GooiW..,Bristol having Died. In mid Court tfia abode bfa''huihanb^lni{,'8Ull'tbcrV tbe pasjt four roomings," ahe confesM-. the County of Ingham.i • ;'• his.^pttltlon.'ipra]ttn;(\for .lice.nse> tOt.Mll;tho the string, but,none should reipectlnif ^as the talnlster atmosphere of a place , "Pm sufe I ho|ie so,!' said Lady pi-; '.-At arHesfiop qtgsid Court, held nt the Pro­ iiiteriit '6( laid estatt'.iii certain real.'estate M turning the pages. I :',t^Ahd,ab: Sett.' ana.-''-:''-"'"^:'.: ••'rfv:''.0'>'.. .•^•T/'iv^^i'; ';; bate Offlc.e in the City of Magon; hi said coun- therein,daiortbed. •':.^:-'^'-K> /• -y^'-'.'* ; • '!lt(iitoinlor«d,>:/rhat the ItK day ofFobmary, ! O^bta: problbltipn; hbd :^extended ^ by an open iWlndbw nndr thelbe of the;,c^ ;' vrm glad It'a good enough to recog- _In tHii'inatter of ihe eitatie of Hibbard Ji •T'for hearing Mii" Mtltion.^aiid'thaFaU ; through hwtber*: was d^$ij^ n the indrif)modern part'oir^^^^^^ pl(|iyeis;:tia|b(!',^itb^ tita ^ ,,Dobte,ceci)aied. ,.,,'..> v''- .••• •'•..-•••..•.I'l •• •• MMoni interested in uld'ifitat*; apMDr, be> betting Hng getting; adTaae*'inA>t«lR nlM.'^i;-^,^,^V"•••'••'••:•!•'"r^"'^ I'l'T. repent hiBfbll.r>l^,Per!bap•^in^ft^^ V'idaL::Do1il%^bKvlh|c filed in aaid^'court her petlttonpraylngtliat'tliB: admlnUitNtipn Uoh, butvtbr^bipof^.gtrl vl^^^^i^^^ al ^rdraw^a: little myself; you :^ :tif .v'ntiior;;': bii'd r/a':' cb'ainiib~p^riit|lt,:, it qw,pau||«iwb)r, a,,lie«nN ,to,«H thilntiNit ^f Bv»!n-.with tbb'eyldencea .of ;a home, pf i.»M . ertafe'be, grawH* to,,,herieU ,OT fti) S^ 'MW ; eitatf :lii fSSi nai'^titatt IkontFiiot ,^e&t<;ohitb|;g(i;ili H*9d'^W •omeotherlUtUble^penoni v wr'n?... This Tl^lp; vconld^ noti^^^;^jtMM)'jwltii itiribotit .iSe'tawerabl^ii i^^t^i- •rt'rttber^my strbng:point"" ,'-'••• •• -M] Wl>l''b'etll': .1; ltl4t iordereflitthat thefaotb dajr.oflani«< r It;(ii .ITatthtr OrdfWd. That, pufetle /notlM, the promMng Oily tiiii^iit (footinipb' ttoti the piae»'WoaM1nrt wofijHa^air t^jaiatfimiiiiip^mull^ fflivftp: miner tiinii'':ont' 111" irtjiiSf'ii(m:,';;'il^^rii W^iio: nlo. pMMte oQloei.wand^f I neHbyappoInt^ * rarttt^'ifltliratftMtnBiiniiioiiiitlit'l^ of tallen tragedy, ito.ieemin'g:appear* 'f^Wj^t^''-y'i"''-K--r^' :i^-'.'vi')'i Qmi:'-;f::f M|or,hjf»fjng'i»ldjpeMfloiH:'B)N.C"/• J-Kir 1 r •"•" ;9f;^a'.^cinUr:-wlil«ttng''^'^ tho atrapger uld, amMamtnt to bin iira«*2*3 "•wipMMr-yimn(tdi:ito*,:ilk««l«ti<. in ei«ot;& B>jaWii$lidiMb^^ ~iid''Ooniitr.':';, y-.. •jiji'.ii'.;,>.*-.•• jrH-y'i,:-'>.; ^mm^^t^ki$mmm^^«4''tinl;^l>^''i^i>it.IHtiM.fjBfi(rtiil|bnnMft?(>i^ltli' iki/^mliiraet' Siiaito.irtijtbtJfif"'^ * '""Im! diTiM INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, JANUAEY 15, 1914

f»»M«..t..«..t*4»»>**»a)t4 •«»*M«M«»CMtHfH m»ini»i»ii«iMiii«inii»ii»»iii»i»»i»iffl»»i»m»iinMmuwmmmimmmmtitmtiiiMMi»iii»iiM»»t»ii»nmtn 'f T nANSVIIililO JiKWS, DICTAGRAPH USED Rich Hair Long, thick, heavy hair. Want this kind? Mr. iuul Mrs, Tom Acker and chil­ Aijer's Hair Vigor promotes growth. dren from near Webborvlllo wore Operators Had Instrument In Does not color the hair. guests at J. Coinrow'H Sunday, Ask Your Doctor. tw^r^. 'Clias, Cameron liivs been visiting Rooms of Federation. Clearance Sale his sialor near Wcbbcrvilic the past weelc. lilOSlillO Tlic remains oC Tlioiuas Palrlcl: ===== of Menses Boys* and Children's - wlioso death notice was noted in the Albert Rhodes of Lansing visited Items I'roiu this place last week ar­ mum SECRETS OF UNION his sister Mrs. Carter, a tow days last rived here Thursday. li'uneral ser­ week. vices were held Friday at the resi­ Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter went to De­ troit Saturday to spend the remaind­ dence of I. W. Moo, Rov. Morrison of Records Contain Doings of Federation WiUte Oak proaclilng a very impres­ er of Hie winter with their son Clyde. Suits and Overcoats sive sermon. The F. and A. M. had of Miners' Leaders for Five Weeks Lyman Runisey has bought a stock cliarge of the funeral. Burial at in Summer—Reveal Much, It is Said, ot furniture and undertaking at Free- Falrview. port, Mich., and will soon move his on Which Indictments Will Be family there. Leslie people regret to 'HE warm weather throughout the early part of the season has Mrs. 0. W, Miller lias returned to' Based. lose him. her liomc in Chicago. Mrs. Alvin Dowllng has returned to left us with an enormous stock of Suits and Overcoats on hand HOUGHTON, MICH. — The die- T Mrs, Mary Coger Gregory is visit­ work in the bank. ing relatives in While Oak. tngrapli, the little InstrMmnnl which Mrs. Garry Sanders Is visiting Mrs. and we must clear them out at some price, and will give Anotlier brother of Mrs. Edwin has played a foremost part in the big B. .1. Rice In .Tackson. Dwiglit is her guest for a time. exposures of recent years, will proba­ Mesdames Freeman and Walker Mrs. Ada Uanncy of .Tackson, a bly he the greatest informer in the entertained their friends on two af­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,1. \<). Cur­ settlement of the Michigan copper ternoons last week. 25 to 50 Per Cent Off on Every tis of this village had the misfor­ "country strike troubles. The E. O. T. C. club will meet with tune to break lior leg one day last The Burns Detective agency is now Mrs. Lacy Tuesday afternoon. The week. olllcers of the federation will be en­ In the strike district, and lias been tertained to dinner. Suit and Overcoat in tlie HoMse The condition of Miss Rota Doane .since a short time after the strike Mrs. Hahn will leave for Spring Ar­ wlioso left side was paralized Is re- declaration. It became known that a bor Wednesday for an extended visit (Except Fur Coats) liorted on the gain. dictagraph was In the law headquar­ with relatives. George Griggs is reported quite ters of Hie Western Federation ot Mrs. Lucy Carter has been ill for a .seriously 111. Miners for live weeks last summer, week past and is still confined to her Suits Overcoats We hear lliat David Carl will rent when the seat ot the trouble was ('ulu- bed. a house and move to town. mct. The G. A. R. and W. R. C. held a Choice of any $24.00 Suit for .. . .$ 1 8.00 $24.00 Overcoats at $ I 8.00 Noillo Busli of Mason spent Sun­ Dictagraph Got Secrets. joint installation last Wednesday Choice of any S22.00 Suit for 1 6.50 $22.00 Overcoats at I 6.50 day in tlie village. Angus W. l\err, one of the lawyers which was a pleasant occasion. I\ir. Miss Duhuc of Mason now a train­ and Mrs. Stone ot .Tackson were pres­ Choice of any S20.00 Suit for .... 1 5,00 S20.00 Overcoats at 1 5.00 ed nurse visited in town the lirst of for the Western Federation of Miners; ent. Lunch was served at the close. Choice of any SIS.OO Suit for 1 3.50 $18.00 Overcoats at I 3.50 tiie week. Edward F. Legendrc, another of the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Longyear loft Choice of any $16.00 Suit for 1 2.00 $16.00 Overcoats at 1 2.00 S. G. Towsley wiio has been quite attorneys; Yanko Tcrzlch, a member Thursday tor Biloxi, Miss., for the re­ sick is able to l)e out again. of tlic executive council of Hie West­ mainder ot the winter. Choice of any S14.00 Suit for .... 1 0.50 S14.00 Overcoats at '. 1 0.50 Ueineniber the Farmers' institute ern Federation of Jlincrs; Charles H The third number on the lecture Choice of any $12.00 Suit for 9.00 $12.00 Overcoats at 9.00 in this village tills week 'I'hursday Moyer, president Western Federation course was given Monday evening by Choice of any $10.00 Suit for 7.50 $10.00 Overcoats at 7.50 and Friday afternoon and evening. of Miners, and Charles E. Mahonoy, Mr. Winters who proved himself a $ S.OO Overcoats at 6,00 Mrs. Fred Hall a sister of Mrs. E. vice president Western Federation of royal entertainer. .1. Blakoly of this place, Is dead. Miners, held practically all their im­ The fourth number of the Lecture portant conferences at the beginning Children's Suits course will bo a play rendered by the of the strike in the very nllicc in Kcliolars and takes place next month. wliich the dlctaisraph is said to have J.C.FINGERLE S8.00 Suits at $6.00 The h. A. S. of the M. E. church been secreted and a complete report S7.50 Suits at 5.63 met with Mrs. S. A. Warner last week S7,00 Suits at 5.25 25% Off Wednesday. ot what transpired is believed to have Plumbers and Tinners Fifty-seven sat down to the dinner been secured by tlie Burns opnratnrs. S6.00 Suits at 4.50 given by the b. A. S. of the Baptist A second dictagraph, It is said, was S5.S0 Suits at 4.13 ON ALL churcli at Mrs. Thos. Dayton's last in the Hancock headriiiartors of the Supply House i{;5.00 Suits at 3.75 week Wednesday. Western Federation of .Miners in Hie $4.50 Suits at 3.38 Claud Corwin of Stockbrldge was Scott hotel wlien President Moyer Bath Tubs, LavatoricR, Sinks (all S4.00 Suits at 3.00 Mackinaws, Sweaters in town last Thursday. ' and tlio otlier ollicials named held The dance last Friday night )vas an their legal conferences with .ludgo 0. kinds), Water Closets, Water S3.00 Suits at 2.25 Improvement over the one a' week N. Hilton, chief counsel for tlie federa­ Heaters, Ranges, Boilers, Bath Fur-Lined Gloves and Mittens ago, so far as attendance was con­ tion. cerned and another one will be held Room Sundries, Wrought and Children's Overcoats ne.xt week Friday night. If this one The Burns men were originally Steel Water Pipe and Fittina^s S8.00 Overcoats at $6.00 pays out tliey will be continued, if brought into the strike district by the Fur Caps otherwise they will be discontinued. mine operators. Their reports are (all .sizes and kinds). $7.00 Overcoats at 5.25 Miss Viola Hatch, a fornier resi­ said to have been turned over to S6.00 Overcoats at 4.50 dent of this township for a good TINNERS SUPPLIES S5.00 Overcoats at 3.75 Short lots all through the stock to be many years, died at her home In Wil- Special Prosecutor George Nichols, who has charge of the grand jury, S4.00 Overcoat.s at 3.00 closed at about half price. llamston Thursday, Jan. 8. Slie was Roofinff, Eavc Troughing, Gal­ laid to rest In the ceinolery In this whlcti is investigating both the deport­ village Saturday. ation of President Moyer and the vanized and Black Sheet Iron, ISliss Fforence Whipple was home charge of conspiracy that has been Sheet Tin, Sheet Copper, Sheet over Sunday. laid at the foot of the labor cliiofs. Zinc, Sheet Iron Stove and Fur­ Frank Otis of Lansing was in town It is common rumor throughout over Sunday. Houghton and the entire striiic dis­ nace Pipe and Elbows (all sixes). Dwiglil Miller who has been homo HARRY E.NEELY trict that this information represents X XZXXXuZSXZZX2ZXXZtXXXX2£ 1 litltltllltllliltlllliltlllllliXI IIIIIIIHIIIIIlntlnll 2Z2XXXX22XS for some time has left again to work the greater part ot the stale evidence at liis trade. See My Display of Furnaces Hazel Woods was away last week on the conspiracy charge. on a visit. That the dictagraph record is known They are right. to the labor men was evidenced when Owing to circumstances over which Let me figure with you on your he had no control Mr. and Mrs. C. the newspapermen in the strike -/.one A. Diehl have concluded not to take made ^an independent poll of labor wants ' (.heir California trip this winter as leaders. Not one of Ihom would talk contemplated. They may go late the tor publication, but each one inter­ \A/est Ash Street coming sunniier or early next fall. viewed admitted having knowledge ot Fdmund Young was home over the dictagraph operator's activity. J. C. FINGERLE Sunday from Mason, To Attack Any Indictments. Mondt^y Loo Briggs while working The planned move ot the labor on the state road between here and Mason was quite badly hurt by a counsel to attack any indictments ot labor leaders returned by the grand Auction Sale! bank of gravel caving in and falling Announcement of on him. His ankle w'as broken and jury, on the ground that the presence Having sold his farm and nnoved away, the subscriber will sell at pub­ a hip hurt. of Attorney General Grant Fellowi Increased Dividends Geo. Mitchell was somewhat worse and Governor Woodbridge N. Ferris lic auction at the farm, half mile east and three-fourths mile south of before that body violated the constitu­ Tho nirector.s havo volod to Increase last Saturday but is better again. tlio dividend uii I'ropaid .stoul< from m Etchell's Corners, 7 miles southeast of Mason, 3 miles southwest of 0. Hodges has sold his house and tional section of the grand jury, is Iier CLMit to r> per cent dutiiiK from .Taiiu- lot to W. E. Updyke. He will move thought to be an anUcipated step to iiry 1,11)14. The now rate ui)plle.s to Pre- Dansville, on iiiid stouk now In force us well as to tliat near Leslie next mouth, forestall the weight ot the dictagraph fHsuod after tills date. Ed Stevens of Eden was in town records. It KIVCS US much pleiisuro to make this Tuesday. announcement and to conRratulatn pres­ ent Investors on conditions which KIVO Chas. Walker of Lansing is visiting added value to tholr stock. ' in this visinity. MEETS HORRIBLE ACCIDENT This stock is unsurpassed us an Invest­ Ozelta Gilbert of Battle Creek vis­ ment, coinblnlni; safety, convonlenco, ac­ cessibility and a good rate ot dividends ited her parents this week. which are paid In cash each six months. Nina Carl, who has beep working Cadillac Man Is Wound Around Shaft' Our :i4th year, assets (flOO.voo. for Mrs. 0. M. Young, has quit and ing but Lives. As a New Years suKKcstion there la no better time than this to Increase tho pres­ Friday, Jan. 16th, 1914 will work at dressmaking. CADILLAC, Mrcir, —One of the ent Investment or to make a now one. worst accidents that ever happened Wo shall be Klad to give full particulars, BEGINNING AT 10 O'CLOCK A, M., THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY: Do you begin to cough at night, in a Cadillac mill befell Oliver Ster­ CAPITOL just when you hope to sleep? Do ling, thirty years old, in the plant ot you have a tickling throat that keeps the Cadillac Plandle company, when SAVINQS & LOAN ASSN. you awake? Just take Foley's Hon­ WANSINQ; MICH. ey and Tar Compound. It will check he was caught in-a shaft and wound LIVE STOCK sensation at once. Does not upset around It. His upper right arm was broken the stomach, is best for children and Liceiine to Sell Aldrtcb-Feb. 0 I Horse 15 years old, weight 1300; 1 Mare in foal, weight 1300; Roan grown persons. Sold by Longyear twice and the flesh terribly mangled. Btfttu of MlchlftHn. Tho Probate Court for Cow, 8 years old, fresh in April; Roan Cow, 5 years old, fresh Jan. 14; Bros, and L. ,H. Harrison. The bones of the lower arm were also the County of InRham, At II session of said uburt, held at the Pro­ Spotted Cow, 5 years old, fresh-in March; Heifer, 2 years old, coming in broken. His ear was torn off, the bate Ofllco In the city of Mason, In said coun­ nUNKERHILL CENTER. eighth and ninth ribs were broken ty, on tho 14th day of ilanuary, A, 0.1014, soon; Roan Steer, 2 years old, 2 Calves 8 mos. old, Sow and 8 Pigs 2 Present, Hon, llenrV U. tiurdner, .ludKe of and Beveral internal Injuries were in­ Probate. rnos. old. Sow and 6 Pigs 3 weeks old, Improved Chester White Boar, 18 Our blacksmith shod 7 span, of flicted. The man may die. In tho matter of the ostute of Almond 1). horses Monday and it was not a good Aidrlch, deceased. Ewes and 1 Buck. time for shoeing either, as he had to Jason £. Nichols having filed In said court his petition, uraylnR for license to sell the fit quite a few shoes. THE MARKETS Interest or said estate In certain real estate A man by the name of Jones has therein described; moved into the Murry Williams ten­ It Is ordfirod. That tho Olli d»y of Febi, Chicaso Live Stock. A, I), IHH, at ton o'clock In the forenoon, MACHINERY AND TOOLS ant house and will work for Mr. Wil­ Hogs—Receipts 48,000. Quotations ut said Probate Oftice, be and is hereby au- liams this season. pdlnted for hearlnit said petition, iind tliat McCormick Binder, McCormick Mower, McCormick Hay Rake, Sterling The house of James Eganton, ranged at [email protected] light shippers, all persons Interested in said estate appear |[email protected] heavy shippers, |8.15®8.20 before said court, at said time luid place, to Hay Loader,: Osborne Tedder, 2 two-horse Cultivators, 2 one-horse Cul­ about 30 rods west of the Catholic show cause why a license to sell the interest church, last week Tuesday, with all heavy packing, and [email protected] good of BUld estate ID said real estate should not tivators, 2 Wagons, Stock Rack, Single Buggy, Spring Wagfon, pair Bob­ to fancy pigs. beKfanted. ot its contents, was totally destroyed It iB further ordered, that public notice sleighs, 3 Log Chains, Corn Sheller, Cauldron Kettle, Blacksmith\'s Forge, by (ire. We have been unable to Cattle—Receipts 29,000. Quotations thereof be given by publication of u copy of learn how the fire originated. this order, for throe successive weeks pre­ Flat Scraper, 150 ft. Hay Rope and Pulleys, Double Harness, about 200 ranged at $8.60(g)9.O0 prime yearling vious to said day ot. hekflng. In the INQHAM Our mail carrier, Frank Aldrich Bteers, [email protected] prime to choice beet OocNTY NEWS, U n^nspuper printed and cir­ feet mixed Lumber, DeLaval Cream Separator, Forks, Hoes, Shovels, etc. has taken, unto himself a wife. We cows, |[email protected] good to choice fed culated in said county. . .wish hini'much joy. (A true copy)' HElNRY M. OABDNBR, heifers, and fll.SO®12i0O good .to best U A. CLINTON, Judge ot Probate, iWe attended the funeral.of T. F. Teal calves, Probate Register. 3wi . Patricks at the residence of I, W. HAY AND GRAIN Moo of Dansvllle, last Friday. Mr. Sheep-^RecetptB 43,000. Quotations Appti Admri ^ Sweet-jMn« 30 ranged at |[email protected] good to prime state of Michigan. The Probate Court for Patrick was a son of C. F. Patrick, tbeOounty ot Ingham. About 15 tons mixed Hay, 10 tons Tiniothy Hay, about 7 acres shred­ late of White Oakland who went west native lambs, f6.75®7.16 good i to , At a session ot said court, held at the pro­ about 9 years ago. His .death oc- choice handy yearllngB, |6.<)0®6.25 bate ofllco In'the city ot Mason. In said coun­ ded Stalks, stack of mixed Stravv, about 80 bushels Oats, about 300 ty, on the etb day ot January,- A. D. 1BI4.' , . cumd Dec. 30, 1913, at Wallace hoB- good, to choice wethers, and 15.00® Present, Bon. Benry M. Gardner, Judge of bushels Corn, 3 acres Corn Fodder in shock. : pltal, Dakota,\and the remains was 5;40 good to choice.handy.ewes.' Probate, In the matter ot the estate ot Edgar A, shipped to Dansvllle and interred in ^V'";//i'::V':;./'Buttep.^ v.'•y'..' ':.-';•••;: Bweet, deceased.' ; y. 7 Many articles hot here mentioned. » •\:'Fairvlew^;C(Bnjeteiy;,;'•.,•••:.'„', 'r ,'• ;••:•„ > Creamery, extrar 32o per lb.; extra . Iioren B. Sweet having filed In said : V 0/iPi Bailey isiqulte,a little.better. court his petition praying that the adminis­ flrstBi 28lSi29c; flrBts, 26®2Sc; dairies, tration ot said; estate ne • granted. to himself Free Lunoh served. In oase offut';b&ljf^'<; a, inliiidnMerchantsVBaBV Buffalo; N.Yvi It la further, ordered,. that public notice r tew,"ftB iie«;riy? Jrit hav^: pa^^ ttaeriMt be (Ivan by publication of a oopyot iludte : ai^ fbllbmi; \- Cattie-rRebeiptt thliorder.torthraeancctHlva weeks previ­ r, We Apeaktinl^flbwltig^tems^'btv^^^^tt^^^ 160i^r5inarkety8tead3r;.V:'Hb|;s4Rei' ous, to. laid day of healing, In tlMlROBAM All sums of $5.00 and under, cash; ori all sun|iS6y8r^^^^^^$^^ OoomT Niwa. a nevapaper'prlntM Bndolr- ^^^, 1^ btiptt 140 cats: market steady; heavy, 'oulated'lnaaldcoupjy.S---;;;;,;-.'.,/'v.-••:'"' ^ime will bd given bnb 9:i)lUii^llle, ;jii»pjj>le^-; q and Tork«n,;|l.469l,se; pigs, 18.360 (A truacopyi) V ; i.BsiiiiT^M; OASDJIIB, /i hoM^aaya^MDaiiflnrllleiaiidthaf pli^^ A.:OUll«OIIj;.yi •;.),,••; Jodie b( Probatj^^ 1.4(1; Bkaapr-IUoelpti,,70 cirsj mar. I, /FrotMteBMliUr.. .:;'"l»?ll;IUmiW;:W;iuir-(^l;-.^^ ket.steMyJjtoP »•»*•. ••.«ei.40j ^to::«aitoa^;»»WdiS^iS;!t;':;f43j^^^ jMarli^l H^i|

u 't^, 1^ e;l|||^ m^MM h.k