Night for Day: from UV Flooding to IR Drought NIGHT: SHADOWS Night for Day: From UV Flooding to IR Drought

Cristina Jorge When we use the colour of landscape , we take into account INTRODUCTION values beyond the immediate perception of the cultural landscape and emphasize Day for night, also known as La Nuit what remains hidden in the direct capture. Américaine (American night), is the name Traditionally, thermal photography easily given to cinematographic techniques used to reveals humans and other warm-blooded simulate the night while filming in daylight. animals visible against cooler environment. But These production techniques include using landscape is not a cooler environment due to tungsten-balanced rather than daylight- its natural and artificial flows of movement, in balanced , special CTB filters, and as aquifers and subterranean rivers, or water films, or they involve under-exposing and power lines, respectively. shots by three stops. These techniques create While diurnism involves the the illusion of darkness or moonlight, and they cinematographic technique used to simulate are close to the effect of indirect . night during the day (day for night), Sunlight, or the radiation from the noctambulism—beyond the meaning of Sun, is a mixture of electromagnetic waves sleepwalking—involves artificially extending ranging from infrared (IR) to (UV) the day during the night (night for day). For rays. Daylight is the combination of all direct example, when we compare a colour positive and indirect sunlight during daytime. Artificial picture of the land and the sky of the port enables activities normally conducted in of Barcelona in relation to a colour negative daylight to be continued into the night. Most picture taken in the Concha beach of San of these open-air activities unfold on land, in Sebastián, both taken at night, the final visual such places as construction sites or playground appearance of these is the same. areas, whose appearances are transformed But the sea of both colour positive pictures into vague landscapes with an intense reddish remains the same at night, so we do not need hue through incandescent and mercury-vapour to make negative prints. lighting, which operates beyond the red visible The reason why both the positive and channel. the negative pictures of the sky and the In photography, a negative is an land in the coastal area look similar is the in which the lightest areas of the excess lighting in Barcelona. Surrounded by photographed landscape appear darkest and fluorescent , the sea remains practically The Concha beach of San Sebastián and the port of Barcelona. of port the and Sebastián San of beach Concha The the darkest areas appear lightest. unchangeable during the night, and does 94 SCAPEGOAT 10 95 Night for Day: from UV Flooding to IR Drought NIGHT: SHADOWS not seem to be affected by the endless of land and the tight control of water in the artificial day of the city, which offers a city, where it disappears from view through a permanent fireworks display. Light behaves myriad of water and sewage networks without very differently when it moves from air into the possibility of taking advantage of soil water, becoming polarized, which means its porosity and aquifer recuperation, is causing waves vibrate in only one direction, or plane. the opposite effect—desertification. When The main colour of the surface belongs to thinking of public investment in infrastructure, blue spectrum, while the deep sea regions it is important to note the close relationship approach the UV spectrum. However, there of electricity networks to water resources, are changes in the deep sea as recent ozone and consider the need for electricity for both changes allowing UV light to penetrate the the real and virtual worlds. As Brian Thomas upper 200 metres may be occurring too fast Carrol has noted, “cyberspace ceases to exist for marine organisms to adapt during daytime. without electricity.”1 The question is: how might we create These two possibilities—flooding a new version of the day-for-night state, one and drought—can be reversed or rendered that creates night during the day, in order to positive, depending on the balance which recover the benefits of the dark, to discover may be found between the land and the sea. beauty in the colours countless built-up layers Nowadays, for example, there are special of darkness. To do so would also avoid the agreements over coastal defenses, new excessive use of energy required for urban “energy islands” in Norway, and waterfronts lighting, as a hypothetical technique—night for with disinfection and desalinization plants day—would be used to simulate a day scene in Riyadh. Additionally, regarding energy while filming in night light. efficiency light emitting diodes as a form of Land changes appearance at night, light visible communication (OWC) instead with the colour and texture of its minerals of radio frequency waves converts the light Fig 1. World Map of Night Lighting (positive). Data courtesy Marc becoming more pronounced, and the built into digital information and is so far measure Imhoff of NASA GSFC and Christopher Elvidge of NOAA NGDC. Image by Craig Mayhew and Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC. environment fades to nothing. The Earth’s 10.000 times larger than radio waves. As well minerals become the main components of as a subset of optical wireless communication fireworks: sodium, barium, strontium, copper, technologies, Li-Fi networks and thermal Types of Electromagnetic Radiation: of black light, which is not absorbed by the and magnesium. The reason for using negative scanners in Estonia show how international Ultraviolet, x-ray and ozone layer. Special UV lamps known as Black process in today is to solidarity and collaboration might establish spectroscopy. Light tubes or bulbs can be divert attention away from landscapes as new dynamics of protection. used for long-wave ultraviolet photography. merely cultural constructs and rather focus 1. Near UV (200–380 nm) Giving attention to the water purification on their strategic capability to secure survival. FROM DAY FOR NIGHT (COLD) UV Near-UV (NUV) is visible to some and biomass production, the addition of UVA For example, when we reverse the image CINEMATOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES insects, birds, and fish. The short wavelength radiation to photobioreactors, while retaining of NASA’s World Map of Night Lighting, allows for precise focusing and the generation cell visibility, can be successfully applied to we find that the dark areas match drought The Sun emits ultraviolet radiation at all of very fine structures; it is thus used in long-term carotenoid production processes áreas, which harsh conditions do not allow wavelengths, including that of extreme UV photolithography, which serves in the where plants and algae absorb light energy isolated settlements to develop electrical ultraviolet, where it becomes x-rays at 10 nm fabrication of microelectronic devices such as for use in photosyntesis.2 Curing involves infrastructure, using coal and wood for heating (nanometres). Extremely hot stars emit microprocessors and memory chips. The use of the cross-polymerization of a photosensitive and cooking, that results in deforestation and proportionally more UV radiation than the Sun. a Baader Venus filter allows for the detection material, which can be an ink, adhesive, or soil erosion. The quality and quantity of sunlight radiation of wavelengths between 300 and 400 nm; coating and when additives are activated by Maybe because the sea is often ignored thus depend on atmospheric conditions. the human eye has nearly no sensitivity in ultraviolet radiation, the process is called UV amidst the artificial daylight that dominates The following description of several types this range, but charge-coupled device (CCD) Cure as a way of hardening building materials the night, we forget its immense power. A of electromagnetic radiation introduces the sensors do. The filter completely blocks the in emergency situations. Connected with power that can lead to rise in sea level which, fact that each light radiation—ultraviolet, rest of the spectrum, from 200nm to 1500nm. these long-wave forms of black light, there even if small, are enough to cause thousands RGB canals and infrared—can be used in a is a technique that uses Baader-U filters, of coastal inhabitants to flee to safe havens, or different way to to help emergency situations. 1.1. Near-ultraviolet A (315–400 nm) – black light fluorescent, incandescent and ships to sink. Conversely, the overexploitation Luminescence. UVA is a long-wave form mercury lamps in order to darken the picture. 96 SCAPEGOAT 10 97 Night for Day: from UV Flooding to IR Drought NIGHT: SHADOWS Day for night cinematography. Some film La Nuit Américaine (1973) refers to this by tent structures, the latter consisting of When the shorter and higher ultraviolet techniques can create the illusion of darkness. process in its title and makes it a central part four main facilities with separate domes for wavelengths are absorbed, the UV light Historically, infrared film stock was used to of its plot. cabaret, movies, and theatre, as well as shops, loses some energy and is emitted as achieve a look equivalent to darkness in black- Several films give us days without nights. exhibits, and television studios. The Cabaret lower-energy visible wavelengths; a and-white film. Nowadays, with digital post- One of the first, Fehér éjszakák (White Nights, Dome recalled Claude-Nicolas Ledoux’s 1775 visible fluorescence is produced in a production techniques it is also common to 1916), was directed by Alexander Korda and design for the Théâtre de Besançon, while the suitable object. add or intensify glare and light shattering was an adaptation of Victorien Sardou’s play Automobile Spiral featured a suspended mast from sources that would otherwise be less Fedora, with Lili Berky in the title role. Luchino structure. In Nuclear Waste Encapsulation and Storage pronounced in daylight, such as car headlights, Visconti filmed Le Notte Bianche (White Facility (2008), Taryn Simon took a picture of windows showing indoor lighting, or outdoor Nights) (1957), an adaptation of a Dostoevsky 1.2. Near-ultraviolet B (280–315 nm UVB) — 1.936 stainless-steel nuclear-waste capsules artificial lamps. There are several techniques story, with Maria Schell and Marcello Leafty vegetable growth. UVB is medium- submerged in a pool of water at Hanford for making day-for-night in pre-production, Mastroianni as the principal actors. Finally, wave, and mostly absorbed by the ozone Site. She writes about the blue glow created production, and post-production phases. Taylor Hackford directed another film with layer. The application of UVB accelerates by the Cherenkov Effect, which designates the title White Night (1985), starring Mikhail the production of polyphenols in certain the electromagnetic radiation emitted when Baryshnikov and Gregory Hines. The term vegetables, such as red lettuce. It is also used a particle of spent fuel moves faster than 1. Pre-production 2. Production 3. Post-Production “White Night,” with its suggestion that the in curing inks, medical light therapy, forensic light through a transparent medium, giving () (lights) (computer) darkness of the night has been deleted, names analysis, and pharmaceuticals. off energy. Unlike fluorescence or emission other things as well: a night in which one lies Ultraviolet photography. This is the spectra, which have peaks, this radiation is Tungsten-balanced Artificial tungsten Dimming of images sleepless in bed, and the all-night art festival process of recording images using only light continuous. In fact, the Cherenkov effect is film stock lights (Nuit Blanche) held in many cities around the from the ultraviolet spectrum. This type of in the ultraviolet spectrum, and it is only with world. In addition, Mohsen Mostafavi’s edited signal gets spread amongst the RGB channels accelerated changes that it even becomes Infrared film Mercury-vapor Digital infrared volume Ecological Urbanism contains an article due to the Bayer filter array, whose blue visible, because the sensitivity of the human lamps effect called “Old Dark” (2010), about a man named channel is where most of this signal ends eye peaks at green and is very low at the violet Joe Stilgoe who claims to have switched off up. UV radiation is present in sunlight, and portion of the spectrum. Camera’s white Tanning bulbs effect the lights and lives solely in the dark.3 produced by electric arcs and specialized balance set to In Cenotaph for Newton (1784), in a lights such as electronic flashes with aluminum 1.3. Near-ultraviolet C (200–280 nm). Air/ tungsten scenography of this day-for-night technique, reflectors, mercury vapor lamps, tanning lamps, Water sterilization and surface disinfection. Étienne-Louis Boullée imagined a spherical black lights, and UV LEDs. There are two ways UVC is short-wave, germicidal, and completely Under-exposed Black lights The blending of interior world that inverts exterior lighting to use UV radiation to take : absorbed by the ozone layer and atmosphere. light by one to (fluorescent, channels, red and conditions. During the day, a black starlit night In the UV-C light spectrum (200-280 nm), three-stops incandescent and potentially green blanketed the interior with points of light that 1. Reflected ultraviolet photography. The the wavelength around 254 nm has been mercury lamps) penetrated the thick shell through narrow subject is illuminated directly by UV- proven to be the most efficient wavelength punctures whose arrangement corresponded emitting lamps or strong sunlight, and for rendering microorganisms inactive by Blue cover lens Blue gel CTB to the locations of planets and constellations. a UV transmitting filter is placed on the damaging nucleic acids, this disrupting an During the night, light radiated from an lens, which allows the ultraviolet channel organism’s ability to replicate. UV Germicidal Baader-U Venus or Baader-U oversize luminaire suspended at the centre to pass and which blocks all visible and Irradiation can be used to disinfect air with Precision-U filter filter point of the sphere, resulting in a vaguely infrared light (the Baader-U filter and prolonged .4 celestial form whose light spilled through the the Precision-U filter on the lens). For Hitech or Hoya R72 Polarizing long entry tunnels. UV photography it is necessary to use 2. Far UV (190-220 nm) / Vacuum UV (40- infrared filter filter In Night World (1979), Bernard Goldberg specially developed lenses containing 190 nm V-UV) - Odour removal. The far proposed a night city for a large-scale fantasy elements made from quartz and . ultraviolet (FUV) lies between the near and In 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Stanley playground in central Florida, near the Walt extreme ultraviolet regions, and is the least Kubrick filmed the ghostly night scenes in the Disney World Resort, involving a circular 2. Ultraviolet-induced fluorescent explored of the UV radiation types. Vacuum “Dawn of Man” sequence using basically the design in an artificial lake. The main focus of photography. The light goes directly UV (V-UV) is produced between 100 and 200 same techniques that are routinely employed the proposal was a nighttime entertainment to the object from UV-emitting lamps nm, and propagates only through a vacuum for shooting day-for-night exteriors in the true centre and alternate venue for people who or sunlight, and a UV absorbing filter since it is otherwise readily absorbed by the outdoors. He under-exposed the film by one visited Disney World during the daytime. The is placed on the lens, which blocks air. Generated naturally by short-wave solar or two stops and printed it through a light blue water area was laid out as a vast circle defined all ultraviolet and infrared light and ultraviolet radiation, Ozone appears in our filter. And François Truffaut’s well-known 1973 by curving lines and fluid spaces punctuated permits only the visible radiation to pass. upper atmosphere ozonosphere in a form of a 98 SCAPEGOAT 10 99 Night for Day: from UV Flooding to IR Drought NIGHT: SHADOWS

Fig. 2. Ripon: Summer Cumuli. From Charles Piazzi Smyth, Fig. 3. Plates from Anne Atkins, British Algae: The 1890s Clouds Albums (1892-1895). Impressions, 1843 gas and also may be produced naturally passing Electromagnetic Radiation: Visible the peak luminance sensitivity of the human array (CFA) for arranging RGB filters an electrical discharge—such as lighting— Spectroscopy eye to shift toward the blue end of the colour on a square grid of photo sensors. This filter through oxygen molecules. Ozone readily spectrum under low illumination conditions. uses twice as many green elements as red or combines with other molecules and is thus : This uses the gelatin In The 1890s Clouds Photograph Albums blue to mimic the physiology of the human used to oxidize molecules and remove odours. process, with light falling upon photographic (1892-1895), Charles Piazzi Smyth visualized eye; during daylight vision, the luminance emulsions containing silver halides, recorded scientific information by taking sequential perception of the human retina uses M and L 3. Extreme UV (1–31 nm / EUV or XUV) - as a latent (negative) image. After this latent shots of clouds. Each image was accompanied cone cells combined, which are most sensitive Compact lasers. Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) image is subjected to by precise details about the photograph, to green light. is the ultraviolet light closest to X-rays, and it is turned into a visible (positive) image. as well as weather information and other In Photographs of British Algae: is the most energetic of the UV radiation Photographic processing first starts with the observations of thermodynamic parameters. Cyanotype Impressions (1843), Anne Atkins, an types. There are some applications, for exposure process involving photographic Smyth was an astronomer, surveyor, English botanist and photographer, recorded extreme ultraviolet wavelengths (5 to 50 nm), film inside the camera. Second, a chemical meteorologist, pioneer, artist, traveler, and plant specimens for a scientific reference such as compact lasers that can focus onto process involves subsequent treatments using photographer. In the 1870s he designed and book, placing them directly on top of microscopic areas. These offer new potential a developer, , and fixer. In addition to constructed a camera with a lens of 1.7’ in sensitized paper. This was one of the first uses for the imaging, patterning, and manipulating its use as a developer, silver salt is the most diameter and a 14’ to produce of light-sensitive materials to illustrate a book. of objects, due to their short wavelengths and common chemical used for cloud seeding in images on small glass plates. He proposed She learnt the cyanotype printing process from energetic photons. order to disperse a substance into the air that the use of photography as a serious tool for its inventor, astronomer and scientist Sir John may serve in the formation of clouds or ice his meteorological research into a number of Herschel. THROUGH DAY FOR DAY PHOTOGRAPHIC nuclei. conditions, such as low barometric pressure, TECHNIQUES (RGB) low temperature, heavy-spectrum rain-bands, 3. Red (600-630—680-690 nm / R) – Soil & 1. Blue (450—515-520 nm / B) - Atmosphere various wind directions, abundant atmospheric Low Deep Water (9m) Visible light is usually defined as having & Deep Water (50m) electricity, and strong winds.5 Visible red light has a wavelength of wavelengths in the range of 400–700 nm, Visible blue light has a wavelength about 650 nm, and is used for imaging man- between the infrared with longer wavelengths of about 475 nm, is used for atmospheric 2. Green (515-520—590-600 nm / G) - made objects, in water up to 30 feet (9 m) and the ultraviolet with shorter wavelengths. and deep water imaging, and can reach Vegetation & Medium Deep Water (30m). deep, soil, and vegetation. At sunrise and Visible Light Communication (VLC) is a depths up to 150 feet (50 m) in clear water. Green is used for imaging vegetation sunset, red or orange colours are present medium that uses visible light between 450- Blue wavelengths are shorter in the visible and deep-water structures up to 90 feet because the wavelengths associated with 800 nm, and is a subset of optical wireless spectrum, so they are scattered more (30 m) in clear water. Visible green light has these colours are less efficiently scattered by communication technologies. This technology efficiently by molecules in the atmosphere and a wavelength of about 510 nm. Vegetation the atmosphere than the shorter wavelengths uses fluorescent lamps to transmit signals at for that reason the sky appears blue. Although appears green because all of the colours in of blue and purple. The insensitivity of rods to 10 kbits/s or uses light emitting diodes, LEDs, moonlight is not actually blue, it appears bluish the visible part of the spectrum are absorbed long-wavelength light has led to the use of red lamps for up to 500 mbits/s. to the human eye due to the Purkinie effect, into leaves except green, which is reflected lights under certain special circumstances—for or dark adaptation, which is the tendency for back. The Bayer filter mosaic is a colour filter example, in the control rooms of submarines, 100 SCAPEGOAT 10 101 Night for Day: from UV Flooding to IR Drought NIGHT: SHADOWS

Fig. 4. Solar effect in the clouds and ocean. Gustave Le Gray, Sea and Sky Photographs (1856-1857). research laboratories, aircraft, and during hotter. Blues and greens require much naked-eye astronomy. higher temperatures and so cannot be In Sea and Sky: Photographs (1856- formed using these methods. 1857), Gustave Le Gray took photos when the sun was down and clouds casted dark 2. UV Luminescence (the light is shadows on other clouds; his dark seascapes produced using energy sources other were often mistaken for moonlight. The than heat). The coloured flame is difficulty of taking photos of the sea and a result of electrodes in sodium ions clouds at the same time is due to high light absorbing energy and moving up to intensity. In “The Great Wave, Sète” (1857), higher energy levels and then falling he photographed the Mediterranean coast back to their ground state, emitting near Montpellier; at the horizon the clouds specific amounts of energy, photons are cut off where these clouds meet the which determine their wavelengths Fig 5. World Map of Night Lighting (negative). Data courtesy Marc Imhoff of NASA GSFC and Christopher Elvidge of NOAA NGDC. sea, due to the need to splice two negatives and ultraviolet colour. Examples of Image by Craig Mayhew and Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC. together, the union of which allowed him to luminescence include fluorescence, achieve tonal balance between the sea and phosphorescence, and bioluminescence. scattered and absorbed in such a manner that near-infrared (700–900 nm) to distinguish the sky. Le Gray’s glass negatives were the approximately 1000 W/m2 reaches the earth. it from far-infrared, which is the domain of same size as his photographs, about 32 x The compounds required to produce specific thermal imaging. 42 cm, and he placed the negative directly fireworks are: Electromagnetic radiation: Near infrared, The Wood Effect is caused by foliage on the top of the photographic paper and Blue - Copper and Chloride microwave and radio-wave spectroscopy such as tree leaves and grass strongly printed in sunlight. The prints were toned in Green - Barium and Chloride Near infrared (750-900 nm) - reflecting in the same way visible light a solution of gold chloride in hydrochloric Red - Strontium salt and Lithium salt Vegetation reflexion, transmission and is reflected from snow. There is a small acid, resulting in violets and purples. Yellow - Sodium absorption contribution from chlorophyll fluorescence, Fireworks: These need a source of White - Magnesium or Aluminum Near-infrared light is used primarily but this is minimal and not the main cause of combustible material for energy, such as for imaging vegetation. For example, NASA the brightness seen in infrared photographs. black powder (charcoal, sulfur, and potassium ... TO NIGHT-FOR-DAY (HOT) REMOTE- satellite data can help farmers pinpoint where In the Nächte project (1992–1996), nitrate) or smokeless powder, such as cellulose SENSING TECHNIQUES (IR) crops are infested, stressed, or healthy. Rather Thomas Ruff produced a series of infrared nitrate. Colour production in fireworks involves than studying an object’s emission of infrared, photos shot at night using a camera with the two main mechanisms: Sunlight (the electro-magnetic radiation scientists can study how objects reflect, ability to amplify available light, resulting in from the Sun) hitting the Earth’s atmosphere transmit, and absorb the Sun’s near-infrared images of stars, city suburbs, and domestic 1. IR Incandescence (the light is is composed of about 50% infrared light, radiation to observe the health of vegetation still life, providing a political and social produced from heat). This initially results 40% visible light, and 10% ultraviolet light, and soil composition. perspective on the status of images. This type in the emission of infrared light, and for a total intensity of about 1400 W/m2 in : In this type of is associated with the then red, orange, yellow and white light, vacuum. This value means the energy that of photography, the film, filter, or image use of multirobots or drones. Thanks to GPS- as the substance (charcoal, aluminum, reaches the fringe of our atmosphere. Coming sensor used is sensitive to infrared light. The Position-Hold technology, blur-free images magnesium, titanium) grows increasingly through the earth’s atmosphere, it is reflected, part of the spectrum used is referred to as can be achieved, even in strong winds. 102 SCAPEGOAT 10 103 Night for Day: from UV Flooding to IR Drought NIGHT: SHADOWS 2. Mid-infrared Reflexion any light at all, and instead almost everything and altimeters provide information on ocean and their locations to be acquired. When we see is generated by the dust clouds waves, ocean winds, sea surface height, and combined with communication systems, it 2.1. Mid-infrared 1 (1550-1750 nm) - Soil themselves, which are cooler than the coldest coastal currents, all of which strongly influence allows for the quick transmission of data in moisture. Mid-infrared 1 is used for imaging Arctic night, though still warm enough to emit coastal ecosystems. the form of an image, text description, or vegetation, soil moisture content, and some thermal infrared or far-infrared radiation. Nuclear energy. There is a connection navigation information in real time. Each light forest fires. In The Last Pictures (2012), Trevor between nuclear energy and astronomy. spectrum can be used in a different ways to Paglen sent a photography exhibition into outer One type of nuclear energy is fusion, which help in emergency situations, such as floods 2.2. Mid-Infrared 2 (2080-2350 nm). space, where it is expected to run for a few is how stars make energy, the combination or droughts. Even the use of mono-frequency Geological features. Mid-infrared 2 is used for billion years. Commissioned and presented by of light elements to make heavy elements. lamps can transform the visual field around imaging soil, moisture, geological features, the public-art organization Creative Time, it is The other is fission, the way we produce the sun into a duotone landscape. These silicates, clays, and fires. a project that places a record of our historical nuclear energy today, which consists of taking lamps emit light at such a narrow frequency In La Vie secréte des plantes (2001), and cultural moment on a spacecraft. For heavier elements and breaking them apart, that colours other than yellow and black are Anselm Kiefer made a huge photobook nearly five years, Paglen interviewed scientists, thereby releasing energy. Both of those are invisible. The wavelengths may be separated (sculpture, lead, oil, chalk, pigment) 195cm artists, anthropologists, and philosophers to astronomical. Fusion relies on events that took by filters or by the use of instruments by 300cm and weighing 700kg, with twelve determine what such a cultural record should place in the big bang, and fission relies on sensitive to particular wavelengths, including harsh lead paper with sharp ragged edges. The be. As artist-in-residence at MIT, Paglen supernovas, the process that makes neutron light from frequencies beyond the visible light main stars in the Cassiopeia constellation are worked with materials scientists to develop an stars.7 range such as infrared or ultraviolet. Spectral labeled, and the names of five neighbouring archival disc of images capable of lasting in In an ongoing project named Black imaging, which was originally developed constellations, including Auriga and Perseus, space for billions of years. Paglen’s research Square (2006–), Taryn Simon collects objects, for space-based imaging, can allow for the are written in chalk.6 The title, also written in experimental geography led to powerful documents, and individuals within a black field extraction of additional information that the in chalk, refers to Peter Tompkins and insights into the photographic calibration that had precisely the same measurements as human eye fails to capture with its receptors Christopher Bird’s book, The Secret Life of between the visible and the invisible, such as Kazimir Malevich’s 1915 suprematist work of for red, green, and blue. Plants (1973), which is about the physical and views of the installation of American military the same name. In Black Square XVII (2015–), emotional relations between plants, humans both on the ground and in the air. In different Simon constructed a permanent space within 1. Ultraviolet Flooding Luminiscence (cold) and the universe, and in which the authors ways, artists like Jill Magid have spoken about the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art Luminescence: This refers to the claim the plant as the universe’s guard and systems of secrecy, withholding, obfuscation in Moscow as a concrete wall with a cut- emission of light by a substance, not resulting healer—and the bearer of its secrets. and opacity, but these were not abstract out relief showing where a new piece of the from heat, and a form of cold-body radiation. terms; they were physics. Paglen named project will reside in the future, alongside Bioluminescence is the natural production of 3. Far Infrared / Thermal infrared (10400- indirect ways of seeing and showing secrets a wall text that describes the process and light by chemical reactions within an organism, 12500 nm) - Astronomy, water currents and in the same way that astronomers had found facilities. At the same time, in an active whereas biofluorescence is the absorption and fire emissions ways to see and show dark matter. nuclear plant somewhere on the outskirts of reemission of light from the environment. Infrared telescopes. Thermal infrared Moscow, there is a piece of material which uses emitted instead of reflected radiation 4. Radar - Landscape and emissions imaging is processing radioactive properties and will 1. Fluorescence. As molecules may drop to image geological structures, thermal Radar and related technologies are useful do so for the next 1,000 years. Through the down into any of several vibrational differences in water currents, and fires. These for mapping terrain and for detecting various vitrification process, Simon has worked to levels in the ground state, the emitted observations require the use of specially objects, as electromagnetic wavelengths are repurpose nuclear waste to create a compound photons will have different energies, cooled detectors containing crystals made longer than infrared light. Radio waves have that suitable and safe for disposal. The end and thus frequencies. Bio fluorescent of substances like germanium, which are frequencies ranging from 300 GHz to as low result will be a glassy black square which light can only be produced and seen very sensitive to heat. Infrared radiation, with as 3 kHz, and corresponding wavelengths will not be exposed to open air until 3015. by humans while the organism is being wavelengths that are much longer than visible ranging from 1 mm to 100 km. The traditional illuminated by an external source, such light, can pass through the dusty regions of application of radar is to display the position CONCLUSION as a white or ultraviolet light bulb (UV). space without being scattered. and motion of typically highly reflective objects Only since the early 1980s has NASA such as airplanes and ships by sending out By night, when the light spectrum is divided 2. Phosphorescence. This is a process in been able to send infrared telescopes into a radio-wave signal, and then detecting the into many bands, it is multispectral rather which energy in a substance is released orbit around the Earth, above the atmosphere direction and delay of the reflected signal. than panchromatic, which records only relatively slowly in the form of light. As that hides most of the Universe’s light from us. Imaging radar forms images of a landscape by the total intensity of radiation falling on the energy-state transitions occur very Such devices can detect the very bright stars, furthermore registering the intensity of the each . This process can be used in slowly in certain materials, absorbed and near-infrared light traces the smaller, reflected signal to determine the amount of multispectral video systems, which enables radiation may be re-emitted at a lower cooler ones. Far-infrared stars hardly emit light scattering. Radar images, scatterometers, precise information about the objects intensity for up to several hours after 104 SCAPEGOAT 10 105 Night for Day: from UV Flooding to IR Drought NIGHT: SHADOWS the original excitation. The study of 4. Waste treatment. The use of the transmission of yellow to our brains is technology as a way to deliver wireless phosphorescent materials led to the ultraviolet light in sewage treatment is particularly good. In fact, our sight is best with communications, data, and entertainment discovery of radioactivity in 1896. replacing chlorination due to chlorine’s yellow lighting and worst with blue lighting. on board, as current Wi-Fi technology can toxicity. For example, some large-scale Similarly, in The Weather Project (2003), potentially interfere with communications 3. Bioluminiscence (UV-A). Some living urban UV wastewater treatments are Eliasson created a lighting installation for the and security. Submarines could also use their things can light up dark places without currently underway in cities such as fourth annual Unilever Series of commissions headlamps to communicate with each other, help from the Sun, using a chemical Edmonton, Alberta. for the Turbine Hall, taking the transmission processing data autonomously and referring reaction to glow at night, in caves or, of yellow (related to the Sun) as the basis periodically back to the surface, since Li- most frequently, in the black depths 5. Odour removal. Vacuum V-UV for exploring ideas about atmospheric Fi can be used under the water without of the ocean. About 80 percent of propagates only through a vacuum and experience, mediation, and representation. interference with radio interference where bioluminescent organisms, such as is readily absorbed by the air. Ozone Eliasson claimed that mono-frequency Wi-Fi fails. Power plants need fast, inter- bacteria, and marine vertebrates and readily combines with other molecules lamps emit light at such a narrow frequency connected data systems to monitor things like invertebrates, live in the deep sea, while and is thus used to oxidize molecules that they transform the visual field around demand, grid integrity, and core temperature. others are terrestrial invertebrates like and remove odors. the Sun into a vast duotone landscape. In the case of hurricanes or earthquakes, if fireflies. They are able to emit light, In his Diurnism project at the Airs de there is light in subway stations and tunnels showing how it is possible to generate 6. Algae to clean wastewater. UV-A Paris exhibition in Paris (2007), Phillipe Rahm people can remain online. light without consuming electricity. Bio- promotes an increase in carotenoid explored about how to create night during light from luminescent bacteria that production by which plants and the day by attempting to reinvent a new form 3. Infrared Drought Incandescence (hot) have been fed on methane and organic algae absorb light energy for use in of night in the continuous artificial day of Thermal Infrared scanners. These compost are currently being studied by photosyntesis and protect chlorophyll modernity. He used an bright, orange-yellow devices can map sea surface temperatures industrial designers. from photodamage. Algae consume light whose wavelengths are higher than accurately, chart coastal currents, and pathogens in the water even as they the 570 nm perceived by the body through quickly identify potentially moist areas by Disinfection: The safe purification of water, can be used to produce biofuel. As melatonin rhythms as a true night. showing temperature variations on various air, and surfaces using UV-C light requires well, there have been some advances Li-Fi (Light Fidelity). There are 1.4 surfaces. Advanced Spaceborne Thermal very little contact time for disinfection, in in photobioreactor disinfection using million cellular radio base stations in the world, Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) comparison to other processes, does not germicidal UV light. which consume massive amounts of energy, data are used to create detailed maps of affect the smell or taste of treated water, and not for transmission but for cooling down land surface temperature, reflectance, can be simultaneously combined with a variety 2. Visible Light_Yellow (570 nm / Y) the data stations. The visible light spectrum elevation and response to change, as well of other disinfection and treatment processes. Mono-frequency yellow lamps. The between 780nm and 375nm is 10,000 times as predicting trends in climate, weather, global cost of lighting is $230 billion per year, larger than radio waves. Light-emitting diodes and natural hazards. ASTER collects data in 1. Air purifiers. Ultraviolet germicidal but modernizing wasteful technology could are a form of optical wireless communications infrared, red, and green wavelengths of light, irradiation (UVGI) is a disinfection save around 60%, reports Ecofys (Energy (OWC) rather than radio frequency waves and which are then combined to make false- method that uses short-wavelength saving lighting. WWF & AMO). Besides the are around 100 times faster than some Wi- colour images: dark blue for water, red for ultraviolet light (UV-C). RGB channels, yellow is used in low-pressure Fi networks, reaching speeds of 224 Gb per vegetation, yellow for dry land, white for sodium lamps, like those used in some parking second. Visible light communications (VLC) buildings, and grey for roads. The four most 2. Water purifiers. Purification of water lots, which emit a yellow light (wavelength 589 works by switching LED light bulbs off (0) common false-colour band combinations are: where UV-C radiation disinfection nm).8 and on (1) at a very high rate, a form of data destroys bacteria, algae, and viruses In Room for One Color, Take Your transmission using binary code, too quick to 1. Vegetation. Near infrared (red), green can change the chemistry, morphology, Time (1997), Olafur Eliasson suggested that be noticed by the human eye, with information (blue), red (green). This is a traditional and physiology of plants. The UV-Tube these yellow mono-frequency lamps are a recorded in pulses. The tiny bulbs allow band combination useful in seeing Project is part of the Renewable and very efficient means of lighting, requiring streams of light to be beamed in parallel, just changes in plant health. Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL) at minimal amounts of electricity. They are used as a shower head separates water. Because the University of California at Berkeley. for lighting highway tunnels or emergency the light waves cannot penetrate walls, they 2. Floods. Shortwave infrared (red), near lights on ferries. The lamps beam light of are more secure from hacking or data leaking, infrared (green), and green (blue). This 3. Surface disinfection. UV-C an almost single frequency; the UV range is and from electromagnetic interference; as is often used to show floods or newly disinfection works instantly and very narrow and all other colours but yellow well, there is almost no capacity limitations, as burned land. continuously to sterilize surface areas, are removed in the mono-frequency lighting compared to Wi-Fi. without them being subjected to high from these lamps. The number of yellow Airlines, submarines, hospitals, and 3. Atmosphere. Blue (red), two different temperatures or strong chemicals. receptors in the retinas is large, which is why nuclear power stations are looking at this shortwave infrared bands (green and 106 SCAPEGOAT 10 107 Night for Day: from UV Flooding to IR Drought NIGHT: SHADOWS blue). We use this to differentiate NOTES 1 Brian Thomas Carrol, between snow, ice, and clouds. “Seeing Cyberspace: The Electrical Infrastructure is 4. Drought. Thermal infrared, usually Architecture,” Architecture and Energy 18 (Barcelona: Gustavo The Biopolitics of shown in tones of gray to illustrate Gili, 2001): 128–143. 2 Wladyslaw Kowalski, temperature. Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation Handbook: Uvgi for Microwave radiometers (Water). This device Air and Surface Disinfection (Berlin: Springer, 2014). Melanopic can measure ocean salinity, soil moisture, and 3 Joe Stilgoe, “Old Dark,” in Ecological Urbanism other hydrological parameters. An Advance (Cambridge: Lars Muller Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) Publishers, 2010): 526–527. observes atmospheric and oceanic water- 4 B. Monedas, A. Salguero, C. Casal, and C. Vílchez, Illuminance vapour profiles to determine precipitation, “UV-A Promotes Long-term Carotenoid Production of water-vapour distribution, cloud water, sea Dunaliella in Photobioreactors surface temperature, sea ice, and wind speed. with Retention of Cell Viability,” in Current Research As water surfaces can easily be distinguished and Educational Topics and from other land types in the near infrared Trends in Applied Microbiology, Magnus Eriksson and Geraldine Juárez forced to work at night and sleep in daylight, A. Méndez-Vilas Badajoz, ed. domain, this spectral extension of the camera (Formatex, 2007): 348–355. increase alertness in classrooms, and reduce system will be utilized to develop methods and 5 “La naturaleza y el THE NEW TECHNOSCIENCE OF LIGHT stress in the evenings. There is thus a relation cuerpo humano,” in El mundo processors for automatic water extraction. descrito. Imagen, ciencia, between quality of light and quality of life, Consequently, monitoring drought documento (Madrid: Fundación Recent neurophysiological research has which means that there is money to be made ICO, 2008), 172-211. conditions and surface moisture status using 6 “Esa oscura claridad que revealed the non-visual biological responses and saved, not only from decreased energy satellites is of great interest for drought cae de las estrellas...” Anselm of different forms of photosensory input consumption, but increased productivity and Kiefer (Milan: Skira, 2007): disaster management and for the sustainable 293–295. located in the eye’s “melanopsin-containing lower healthcare costs. Indeed, the EU has development of eco-environments. Water 7 Franz. H. Shu, The intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion invested heavily in the new sciences and Physics of Astrophysics, shortage is one of the most important factors Volume 1: Radiation (Berkeley: cells,“ which regulate the body’s hormonal and technologies of light, hoping for a revitalization limiting crop production worldwide due to the University of California Press, behavioral responses to light.1 These responses of the old European lighting industry, 1991). geographically limited availability of irrigation 8 WWF, Ecofys, OMA affect sleeping patterns, blood pressure, producing high-end, sustainable, and high- water or the occurrence of drought mainly / AMO. The Energy Report. and stress levels, and this discovery has led quality light in Europe, as opposed to the 100% Renewable Energy by caused by reduced rainfall. On the other hand, 2050. While the Office for to proposals to adopt a new photometric cheap-light manufacturing industry in Asia. millions of street lamps could be converted Metropolitan Architecture measure of light based in non-image forming Up until recently, the drive has been towards (OMA) remains dedicated to to Li-Fi lamps to transfer data, and used in the realization of buildings and biological responses rather than light intensity increased light intensity per monetary input, airplanes, submarines, petroleum or chemical master plans, AMO operates perceived by the eye, measured in “lux.”2 We disregarding the quality of the light itself. in áreas beyond the boundaries plants where other modes of transmission of architecture and urbanism are now entering the melanopsin age. The new lighting technology is based or frequencies could be hazardous. Finally, such as media, politics, Since melanopsin was discovered in on scientific experimental results in laboratory cosiology, technology, energy, clean water is a basic necessity of life, above fashion, publishing and graphic mice and frogs in the early 2000s and later settings—labs that have now moved out in all in floods, and disinfection plants are design. found to be present also in humans,3 this “the real world” and involve “real people.” But useful in such cases, but also for improving research has enabled a better understanding the scientific advancements themselves are water quality for people in developing areas of the health effects of exposing humans also dependent on advancements in lighting where other water treatment methods are to natural light, including its role in synching technologies to be able to set up experiments not applied consistently because of their the internal biological clock of hormone using tightly controlled and variable light cost, inconvenience, complexity, or energy responses with the solar day. This under- sources in order to measure their impact on requirements. standing is now being applied by the lighting various biological indicators. This forms the industry, where a revolution is taking place, kind of “private-public partnerships” between driven by this new science and augmented academia and industry—between science, by EU regulations phasing out traditional light technology, and markets—that the European bulbs to save energy. Union has invested so heavily in. Regulating light can, for example, These efforts showcase the European prevent “chronodisruption” for shift workers approach to user-centred design, where 108 SCAPEGOAT 10 109