Appendix B Cultural Resources Assessment
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Appendix B Cultural Resources Assessment CULTURAL RESOURCES STUDY Santa Teresa/First Street Residential Project Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California August 2014 CULTURAL RESOURCES STUDY Santa Teresa/First Street Residential Project Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California Submitted to: Rita Garcia RBF Consulting 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 Prepared by: LSA Associates, Inc. 1998 Santa Barbara Street Suite 120 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805.782.0745 Project No. RBF1402 August 2014 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. CULTURAL RESOURCES STUDY AUGUST 2014 SANTA TERESA/FIRST STREET RESIDENTIAL PROJECT GILROY, SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 1 PROJECT SETTING ............................................................................................................................. 6 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION ........................................................................... 6 CULTURAL SETTING ............................................................................................................... 6 Ethnography ...................................................................................................................... 6 Prehistoric .......................................................................................................................... 7 History ............................................................................................................................... 8 LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY CONTEXTS ......................................................................... 10 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) .............................................. 10 California Register of Historical Resources (California Register) .................................. 11 CITY OF GILROY GENERAL PLAN ...................................................................................... 12 Policy 5.01 Historic Preservation .................................................................................... 12 Policy 5.03 Historic Character ......................................................................................... 12 Policy 5.07 Archeological Resources .............................................................................. 12 CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE (HSC) §7050.5 ............................................ 12 METHODS ........................................................................................................................................... 13 RECORDS SEARCHES ............................................................................................................ 13 Northwest Information Center (NWIC)........................................................................... 13 Native American Consultation ........................................................................................ 13 LITERATURE AND MAP REVIEW ........................................................................................ 14 FIELD SURVEYS ...................................................................................................................... 14 STUDY RESULTS .............................................................................................................................. 15 RECORD SEARCHES ............................................................................................................... 15 Northwest Information Center (NWIC)........................................................................... 15 LITERATURE AND MAP REVIEW ........................................................................................ 16 FIELD SURVEYS ...................................................................................................................... 16 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................... 17 RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 18 Accidental Discovery ...................................................................................................... 18 Human Remains .............................................................................................................. 19 REFERENCES CONSULTED ............................................................................................................ 20 FIGURES Figure 1: Regional Location and Vicinity Map ..................................................................................... 3 Figure 2: Project Area Map ................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 3: Aerial Photograph of the Project Area ................................................................................... 5 APPENDICES Appendix A: Records Search Results Appendix B: California Department of Parks and Recreation 523 Series Forms i LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. CULTURAL RESOURCES STUDY AUGUST 2014 SANTA TERESA/FIRST STREET RESIDENTIAL PROJECT GILROY, SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION This report documents the results of a cultural resources study (study) conducted by LSA Associates, Inc. (LSA), for the Santa Teresa/First Street Project (project) in Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California (Figures 1 and 2). The proposed project area (APN: 808-01-021; 1380, 1410, and 1440 First Street) comprises 10.83 acres at the southeast intersection of SR 152 and Santa Teresa Boulevard in the western portion of the city of Gilroy (Figure 3). The proposed project involves development of 217 townhomes and associated parking, common space, and landscaping on 10.83 acres at the southeast corner of the Santa Teresa Boulevard and First Street (Hecker Pass Highway) intersection. To accommodate the development, the applicant proposes to demolish the three single-family residences, associated ancillary buildings, and landscape elements. Approximately 3.0 acres of open space would be provided with paseos and courtyards located throughout the proposed project area, with a pool area in the southeastern portion of the site. The individual townhome units would range in size from 1,253 to 2,100 habitable square feet, plus a garage unit. Site access would be provided along both Santa Teresa Boulevard and First Street (Hecker Pass Highway). Onsite parking would consist of 20 tandem spaces with 394 side-by-side spaces for site residents, and 46 parallel with 16 perpendicular spaces available for public parking. This technical report documents the records searches, literature and map review, and field surveys conducted by LSA for this study. It addresses the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and policies regarding the treatment of cultural resources in the Gilroy General Plan and Section 27 of the Gilroy Zoning Ordinance. The purpose of this study is to (1) identify cultural resources that may meet the CEQA definition of a historical resource or unique archaeological resource and that may be impacted by project activities; and (2) recommend mitigation for avoiding or minimizing such impacts, should they occur. P-43-000844, a previously identified complex of historic-period residences and ancillary structures, was identified within the proposed project area during the records search. LSA reclassified the buildings and landscape elements formerly documented by Terhorst and Krase in 1989 as the Benassi Property District (District), because they comprise a concentration of buildings, structures, and landscape features that illustrate the transformation and growth of a small assemblage of rural farm residences into a cohesive landholding owned and managed by the Benassi family. The District is associated with the agricultural development of Gilroy and their collective ownership by the Benassi family over 58 years. Terhorst and Krase (1989) previously concluded that the residences do not appear eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (National Register) due to a lack of significance. LSA concurs with the Terhorst and Krase (1989) conclusion; further, the District also does not appear eligible for inclusion in the California Register of Historical Resources (California Register) due to the same lack of significant associations. No archaeological deposits were identified in the proposed project area. The proposed project area is considered to have low sensitivity for the presence of buried archaeological deposits. 1 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. CULTURAL RESOURCES STUDY AUGUST 2014 SANTA TERESA/FIRST STREET RESIDENTIAL PROJECT GILROY, SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA The results of the study indicate that no cultural resources that meet the CEQA definition of historical or unique archaeological resources were identified in or adjacent to the proposed project area. Because project-related impacts to such resources are not anticipated, further study for cultural resources is not recommended at this time. Please see the Recommendations section for information regarding procedures that should be followed in the event of an accidental discovery of cultural resources (e.g., a buried archeological deposit) or human remains during project activities. 2 580 238 ¨¦§ Ã92 à San Alameda Joaquin San Ã99 County Mateo County County Ã262 Ã114 ¨¦§680 Ã237 280 Stanislaus ¨¦§ ¨¦§880 130 à County 33 Ã87 à Ã82 Ã84 Ã17 Ã35 Ã140 ¨¦§5 Ã85 Santa Clara County