BSNLEU/102 (Circular No.03/2021) 11th June, 2021


The Circle Secretaries, Central office-bearers and District Secretaries.

Dear Comrades,

Decisions of the Central Secretariat meeting.

The online Central Secretariat meeting of BSNLEU was held enthusiastically on 09.06.2021. The meeting started exactly at 10:00 am. All the 25 central office bearers of BSNLEU attended this meeting. Com.Animesh Mitra, President, presided over the meeting and delivered the presidential address. Com.Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, moved the condolence resolution. All the comrades stood in silence for a minute and paid their respectful homage to the departed comrades.

Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, presented a 11 page note for discussion in the meeting. In his address, the General Secretary explained how the Modi government has miserably failed in saving the country from the furious second wave of COVID-19. He also explained about the anti-worker and anti-Public Sector steps being taken by the government. The functioning of the CHQ, during this second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic was also explained by the General Secretary.

Thereafter, deliberations by the Central Office bearers started. All the comrades seriously participated in the discussion. The speakers bitterly criticised the government for creating road- block in the launching of BSNL’s 4G service, the decision of the government to monetise BSNL’s mobile towers and optic fibre, non-payment of salary on time, non-settlement of the HR issues, including the holding of the LICEs, etc. The massive surrendering of landline and broadband connections, due to deterioration in the quality of service, came in for severe criticism by most of the office bearers. The following decisions are taken after detailed discussions:-

(1) The Central Trade Unions (CTUs) and the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) are jointly giving calls for agitational programmes against the pro-corporate and anti-worker /anti-kisan policies of the government. It is decided that, BSNLEU should actively participate in all these agitational programmes. (2) The AUAB should be reactivated and united struggles should be organised on the issues like BSNL’s 4G launching, stopping monetisation of the BSNL towers and optic fibre, vaccinating all BSNL employees immediately by treating them as frontline workers, payment of salary on time, etc. (3) The meeting decided that, keeping the pandemic situation into account, the All Centre should give call for agitational programmes on the issues of the Non-Executives. (4) The CHQ should make a study about the surrendering of landline and broadband connections, after the implementation of the SLA system. To ensure this, all the circle unions should send data to the CHQ regarding the number of landline and broadband connections surrendered after the implementation of the SLA system.

(5) The meeting expressed it’s deep concern over the stalemate that has been created in the functioning of the National Council. The meeting decided that, the CHQ should take necessary steps to remove this stalemate. (6) The meeting decided that the circle and district unions of BSNLEU, together with the BSNL CCWF, should take steps for reactivating the BSNL CCWF circle unions in , Kolkata, , , , Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Punjab. (7) All the Circle Executive Committee meetings should be organised online and their functioning should be geared up. (8) A meeting of the Central Executive Committee of BSNLEU should be organised physically or online, in the last week of July or in the first week of August, 2021.. (9) The meeting appreciated the CHQ for maintaining a lively functioning, despite the raging second wave of the COVID-19. Especially, the meeting appreciated the CHQ for taking steps to mitigate the sufferings of the employees and their families, created by the second wave of the COVID-19.

The circle and district unions are requested to ensure that, all the above stated decisions of the Central Secretariat meeting are implemented successfully.

Thanking you,

Yours fraternally,

[P. Abhimanyu] General Secretary