Quote of the Day

God www.outlookafghanistan.net ” ” facebook.com/The.Daily.Outlook.Afghanistan God never ends anything on a negative; Email: [email protected] God always ends on a positive. Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 Add: In front of Habibia High School, Edwin Louis Cole District 3, Kabul,

Volume No. 4450 Saturday October 10, 2020 Mizan 19, 1399 www.outlookafghanistan.net Price: 20/-Afs

ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AFGHANISTAN Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority Afghanistan Second skills Development Project.

NATIONAL COMPETITIVE PROCUREMENT Specific Procurement Notice Request for Bids For “Recording of 7,000 educational Videos, editing, writing in uploading these videos in the TVETA web-portal and YouTube”

RFB No: TVETA/RFB/NCS/2020/01 Dated: 10 October, 2020 Grant No.: IDA:H-8340-AF

1. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Afghanistan Second Skills Development Project (ASDPII), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for “Video recording of 7,000 of lectures, editing, writing and uploading these videos in the TVETA web-portal”. 2. The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVET-A) now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for “Video recording of 7,000 of lectures, editing, writing and uploading these videos in the TVETA web-portal” in the quantities listed in Section IV bidding form to be delivered at TVETA Web portal and YouTube 3. Bidders are required to meet the Qualification requirements listed briefly hereunder. [Bidders are advised to refer to the Bidding documents for complete details in this regard.]

NATO Says Allies Will Leave  The minimum required annual volume of Services, namely Video production in any of the last five years (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019) preceding the deadline for bid submission shall be: USD 455,000 Afghanistan Together WASHINGTON - NATO said Thursday that its Stoltenberg stated that NATO’s decisions would  The experience required to be demonstrated by the Bidder should include as a minimum that members would consult and decide on when be based on the conditions on the ground. it has executed during the last 5 years the following: to leave Afghanistan after US President Donald “Because we think it is extremely important to con-  Completed successfully at least one contract of value USD 364,000 at 2020 price level for 2015, Trump asserted to bring all American forces home tinue to be committed to the future of Afghanistan 2016, 2017,2018 and 2019. by Christmas. because it is in our interest to preserve the long- Trump, who is seeking re-election on November 3, term security of Afghanistan,” he noted.  TKeyhe minimumPersonnel amount of liquid assets and/or credit facilities net of other contractual said on Wednesday: “We should have the Stoltenberg highlighted that NATO is in Afghani- commitments of the successful Bidder shall be USD 113,500. small remaining number of our BRAVE Men and stan to prevent Afghanistan from once again be-  Key Personnel Women serving in Afghanistan home by Christ- coming a safe haven for international terrorists. mas!” “Hundreds of thousands of soldiers from Europe, Position of Key No of Relevant academic Minimum years SN Addressing a joint press conference with President from Canada have served shoulder-to-shoulder Professional positions qualifications of Experience of North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, NATO Secre- with US soldiers in Afghanistan to prevent terror- Position of Key No of Relevant academic Minimum years tary-General Jens Stoltenberg said: “We decided ists from once again controlling that country.” KeySN Personnel Professional positions qualifications of Experience to go into Afghanistan together, we will make de- “And we are committed to our mission in Afghani- 1 Project Director 1 MA 4 Years cisions on future adjustments together, and when stan because it is in our security interest to make Key Personnel the time is right, we will leave together.” sure that ...( More on P4)...(1) 2 Site Manager 1 BA 2 Years 1 Project Director 1 MA 4 Years 3 Senior / Head 1 Certificate course Production 3 Years 2 SiteEditors Manager 1 BA 2 Years 34 SeniorCameraman / Head 115 CertificateAssociate/Certificate course Production Degree in 33 Years Years No Single Group Will Impose Editors Video Production 45 CameramanQuality Control 154 Associate/CertificateAssociate Degree in Degreevideo quality in 34 Years Years Its Will on The Nation: Abdullah Officer VideoAssurance Production NEW DELHI - Addressing con- 5 Quality Control 4 Associate Degree in video quality 4 Years cerns about the Taliban taking  EssentialOfficer equipment Assurance advantage of foreign troops be- No. Equipment - Type & Type & Characteristics Minimum number ing withdrawn from Afghani-  EssentialCharacteristics equipment stan, Abdullah Abdullah, chair-

man of the national reconciliation No.1 EquipmentCamera - Type & TypePro ENG & Characteristics CAM 4k Minimum30 number council, said on Thursday this Characteristics 2 Computer Workstations For Editing Core i7, Minimum 16GB 20 could happen but it would only 1 Camera Pro ENG CAM 4k 30 be a temporary situation. of RAM, with Minimum He said the Taliban would ulti- 2 Computer Workstations For Editing Core4GB i7, of MinimumDedicated 16GBGraphic 20 mately not be able to take advan- ofCard RAM, with Minimum tage as “they will not be able to 3 LED Lights 4GB3500 of – Dedicated5500K Graphic For Minimum 15 studio impose their rule upon the peo- Card setup ple of Afghanistan by force.” (IDSA) in Delhi, Abdullah noted and minorities. LED Lights 3500 – 5500K For Minimum 15 studio “One group cannot impose its that the gains of the years of de- He also told guests attending the 34 Lavalier Horseshoe Wireless Senhiesser 15 Microphone setup own will upon the nation by us- mocracy will not be lost and Af- event that his job as the chair of ing force or violence,” he said. ghanistan will continue to strive the HCNR was to reconcile con- 45 LavalierDVD Duplicator Horseshoe Wireless SenhiesserMinimum 1x12 152 Microphone Addressing an event at the for a just and inclusive system tradictory positions and build 6 USD Duplicator Minimum 1x64 2 Manohar Parrikar Institute for ensuring freedoms and rights for mutual trust and understanding. 5 DVD Duplicator Minimum 1x12 2 Defense Studies and Analyses all Afghans, including women He ...( More on P4)...(2) Bidding6 willUSD be conducted Duplicator through national competitiveMinimum procurement 1x64 using a Request2 for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers August 2016 Revised November 2017 and August 2018 (“Procurement Regulations”) and is open to all eligible Bidders as Khalilzad, Miller Trump’s Troop Pullout Bidding will be conducted through national competitive procurement using a Request for Bids (RFB) as defined in the Procurement Regulations. Pledge Pre-Poll specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers August 2016 Revised Discuss Regional 5. NovemberInterested 2017eligible and Bidders August may 2018 obtain (“Procurement further information Regulations”) from TVET and is- Authority,open to all Mr.eligible Anwar Bidders Zamani, as Rhetoric: Kabulov definedContract in theManagement Procurement and Regulations. Monitoring Specialist [email protected] and inspect the bidding Security with Pakistan’s document during office hours inspect the bidding document during office hours 09:00 to 15:00 hours at KABUL - Russia on Thursday cynically responded 5. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from TVET-Authority, Mr. Anwar Zamani, Army Chief the address given below. to US President ’s statement on bring- Contract Management and Monitoring Specialist [email protected] and inspect the bidding ISLAMABAD - US Special Representative for Af- ing home all American troops from Afghanistan. 6. documentThe bidding during document office inhours English inspect may the be biddingobtained document by interested during Bidders office upon hours the 09:00 submission to 15:00 of hoursa writ tenat ghan Reconciliation Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad On Wednesday, Trump tweeted all US troops in Af- theapplication address given to the below. address below or can be downloaded from www.ageops.net and commander of NATO’s Resolute Support Mis- ghanistan should be brought “home by Christmas. 6.7. TheBids bidding must documentbe delivered in English to the addressmay be obtained below on by orinterested before 10:30Bidders am upon Kabul the submissiontime on 01 of Nov, a writ 2020ten . sion in Afghanistan General Scott Miller met with We should have the small remaining number of our applicationElectronic toBidding the address will notbelow be permittedor can be .downloaded Late Bids will from be www.ageops.netrejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the Pakistan’s Army Chief of Staff General Qamar Javed BRAVE Men and Women serving in Afghanistan.” presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address Bajwa Thursday to discuss peace and security in the With an eye on the election in November, the presi- below. region. dent has made ending what he calls “ridiculous end- According to Pakistan’s military media unit, Inter- less wars” the cornerstone of his foreign policy. 8. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of USD 10,000. Services Public Relations (ISPR), issues related to But Russia’s special presidential adviser Zamir mutual interest, peace and stability in the region; Kabulov dismissed Trump’s statement regarding 9. The address(es) referred to above is (are): Pakistan-Afghanistan border management; and cur- the troop pullout from Afghanistan as pre-election rent developments in the Afghan peace process were rhetoric. Afghanistan Second Skills Development Project – Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVET-A). discussed during the meeting held in Rawalpindi. Russian media outlet Sputnik quoted him as saying Mr. Anwar Zamani – Contract Management and Monitoring Specialist. “Special Representative for Afghanistan Ambassa- on Thursday. “Trump most likely wants to show TVET-Authority, Dah Bori, Sarai Ghazni, Kabul, Afghanistan dor Mohammad Sadiq was also present,” ISPR said. his voters that he fulfills the previous pre-election Phone Number: +93 788012169 Khalilzad is currently visiting government lead- promises.” Email: [email protected] ers from countries in the region as efforts are being The American military presence in Afghanistan was Copy to: [email protected] ramped up to get the Afghan talks team and the Tal- not contributing to the improvement of the situation Website:www.ageops.net,www.tvet.gov.af iban team to reach ...( More on P4)...(3) on the ground, ...( More on P4)...(4) 2 October 10, 2020 Main Page APL: De Abasin Sape Beats Taliban, Haqqani Network Behind Deadly Mawjhai Amu 3-1 Car Bombings in Nangarhar, Laghman NANGARHAR - Taliban and Haqqani network were behind two deadly bombings that were carried out recently in Nan- garhar and Laghman provinces of Afghanistan, a source told 1TV on Thursday. At least 26 people were killed while 65 others were wounded in the attacks which happened in Nangarhar’s Ghani Khel dis- trict and Laghman capital Me- htarlam. Saturday’s blast in Ghani Khel happened outside the govern- ment compound in the district, while that in Mehtarlam city targeted the convoy of provin- cial governor on Monday. KABUL - The tenth match of this Shaheen Asmayee, De Mai- The attacks happened amid on- year’s Afghan Premier League wand Atalan, Toofan Harirod, going peace talks between the (APL) on Thursday ended with Simorgh Alborz, Mawjhai Amu, Afghan government and the a 3-1 win for De Abasin Sape De Spinghar Bazan, De Abasin Taliban in Qatari capital Doha. against Mawjhai Amu. Sape, and Oqaban Hindukush No group claimed responsibil- The two teams stepped onto are the eight APL teams repre- ity for the attack. the field with high morale, but senting all 34 provinces in Af- Taliban have yet to make it was De Abasin Sape who ghanistan. comment on the report. (1TV turned the match to its favor. Last year, Toofan Harirod from NEWS) This comes a day after Shaheen the west zone won the league ti- Asmayee defeated its rival Si- tle. Toofan Harirod has won the morgh Alborz 3-1. title three times. BM1 Missiles, Some Hundreds of spectators flocked APL was launched eight years ASF Repulse Taliban to the stadium to see Thurs- ago and starts with regional se- Warheads Seized in day’s game. lection tournaments in various Attack in Faryab This is the first time that De areas of the country, and then Qarabagh District Abasin Sape defeated its power- ends with eighteen national ful rival. league ...( More on P4)...(8) Taliban Destroy Newly Constructed School in KANDAHAR CITY - The Tali- Kandwalo locality on Thursday ban have blown up a newly night. constructed school in the Zherai He blamed the Taliban for school district of southern Kandahar blast, adding that besides tar- province, an official said on Fri- geted attacks the Taliban started day. blowing up national infrastruc- Jamal Nasir Barakzai, spokes- ture. person for Kandahar police, said The Taliban have not spoken the school was blown up in the about the incident. (Pajhwok)

FARYAB, Afghanistan – Afghan were killed and further one in- 12 Security Forces Killed Security Forces repulsed Taliban jured during clashes with Taliban attack Thursday night in Qesar in the area, Yourish added. KABUL - Security forces have the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in Kunduz Attack district of Faryab province, local The attack that lasted until mid- recovered BM1 missiles and said in a statement. KABUL - Twelve security per- The Taliban spokesperson Za- authorities confirmed. night Thursday was warded off some warheads in the Qarabagh Kabul Police also acknowledged sonnel have been killed in the bihullah Mujahid also claimed Abdul Karim Yourish, spokes- by Peoples Uprising and Afghan district of Kabul province, ac- recovering nine BM1 missles Aliabad district of northern Kun- attack on security forces check- man for the local police, said Security Forces, according to the cording to a statement on Fri- and 15 warheads. duz province, an official said on posts in the Aliabad district. at least 23 Taliban insurgents spokesman. day. This comes at a time when inci- Friday. He claimed 17 security forces have been killed and further 17 Taliban did not immediately com- The missiles were being trans- dents of insecurity and crimes The Taliban stormed security were killed in the attack, three wounded. ment on the incident. (KHAAMA ferred in a corolla type vehicle surged in Kabul recently. (Pajh- forces check-posts in the Jail tanks were destroyed and tens of Meanwhile, four Afghan forces PRESS) to Kabul for attack in the city, wok) Tapa locality on Thursday night. weapons recovered. (Pajhwok) Outlook Horoscope Aries (Mar. 22-Apr.20) Cancer (June 21-July 20) Libra (Sep 23-Oct. 22) Capricorn (Dec.21-Jan19) Oct 10, 2020 - Are things getting a little bit crazy, Aries? Too many tasks and too many Oct 10, 2020 - Is a new neighbor mov- Oct 10, 2020 - Vague aches and pains Oct 10, 2020 - An unexpected and perhaps people vying for your attention could have ing in nearby, Cancer? This person could could have you feeling a little under the not altogether welcome call could come your nerves stretched as taut as violin come from a very interesting locale, so weather, Libra. You may not be able to your way today, Capricorn. It could come strings. Try to get outside for a while. Treat you might want to get to know him or discern why you have these pains, since from someone you don’t particularly care yourself to a nice takeout lunch or do a little her. Don’t expect to be able to do this to- there’s no apparent reason. Don’t assume for or someone who has some disconcerting news to re- online shopping. Take a good long nap. Whatever seems day. This person may be in and out throughout the the worst. Your condition is probably just due to a little port. Whichever it is, you will probably just have to deal so urgent isn’t worth sacrificing your peace of mind. Try afternoon and too busy with settling in. Drop some intensified nerve strain and extra stress. Take it easy with it. However, you may feel about the caller or what to stay focused! cookies off some time over the next few days, how- and relax today. Go back to your usual routine tomor- he or she has to report, you will probably consider it im- ever. You will be glad you did. row. portant to have the conversation. Taurus (Apr.21-May 20) Scorpio (Oct.23-Nov.22) Leo (July 21-Aug. 21) Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb.18) Oct 10, 2020 - A rush of creative inspira- Oct 10, 2020 - Expect some delays, up- Oct 10, 2020 - Worries about money tion could take you temporarily away Oct 10, 2020 - Have you been spending too much lately, Leo? Today you could be feel- sets, and unexpected turns when it that may have preoccupied you for the from your social life today, Taurus. At comes to romance today, Scorpio. Jeal- past day or so could prove unfounded, some point you could be working as if ing the effects of it. You may have to wait to make a purchase that you’ve wanted for ousy may rear its ugly head, as you may Aquarius. This should come as a real re- there were no tomorrow, perhaps worry- at some point get the impression that lief to you, although it may be difficult ing that you will forget it if you don’t get a long time, and this could be frustrating. Don’t worry about it, though. You will get your beloved is noticing someone else. Bear in mind to grasp at first. Your mind is still getting in the way it all down now. It’s no use telling you to slow down. Be that there’s a strong chance that these impressions are of accepting it. Go over your correspondence and sure to keep sufficient snacks on hand and do take oc- through this unscathed, and the item will still be in the store when you have money again. Relax. illusory, and that the truth may be totally different bank records as many times as you want. The answer casional breaks. Work hard and good luck! from the way things seem. Take care to stay focused. should be the same - all is better than you thought. Reserve judgment until you know the facts. Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep 22 ) Pisces (Feb.19-Mar.20) Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (Nov.23-Dec.20) Oct 10, 2020 - A small impromptu party may Oct 10, 2020 - Your sweetheart may seem Oct 10, 2020 - A temporary separation from take place at your house today when some upset today and unlikely to want to talk Oct 10, 2020 - Changes may be taking place your romantic partner could have you agi- unexpected but welcome visitors turn up at about it, Virgo. This could prove frustrating on the home front, Sagittarius, perhaps un- tated, Pisces. Are you worried that your your door. Follow current protocol. Expect for you since you don’t like to be kept in the expected repairs or someone moving in or friend has forgotten you? This is probably the conversation to alternate between lots of dark. Take care to avoid giving in to the temptation to out. Your household could seem frenetic and disorgan- an overreaction, but your insecurities are getting the bet- laughs and discussion of some pretty seri- push. This won’t make your partner any more likely ized until the dust settles, which doesn’t sit well with your ter of you. Find a distraction. Have faith. Phone calls from ous subjects. The gathering could continue well into the to share, and it could drive a wedge between you. Just love of peace and quiet. Whatever needs to be done is best your friend should prove reassuring. Perhaps the only night if you let it, but don’t let it continue past the point of hang in there and let your friend talk when the time is accomplished one step at a time, with your mind focused way to get past this is to stay busy until your partner re- enjoyment. You can always do it again another time. right. on the results. It will help you stay sane! turns.

Across Yesterday’s Solution 1. Blunts, 6. Skin irritation, 10. Defrost, 14. Bay window, 15. Man, 16. Chocolate cookie, 17. Fight with swords, 18. Scheme, 19. Exploded star, 20. Without a dad, 22. Utilized, 23. Menial laborers, 24. Manicurist’s board, 25. Vagabond, 29. Item, 31. Extra, 33. Another name for skunk, 37. An indigenous person, 38. Achieve, 39. Chic, 41. Feared, 42. Tem- porary, 44. Not more, 45. Flora, 48. Artist’s workstand, 50. Magma, 51. Make intelligible, 56. A Freudian stage, 57. Meal in a shell, 58. Type of eel, 59. A dog wags one, 60. Food thickener, 61. Fire, 62. Greasy , 63. Grasped, 64. Horse

access borrow brave Down control death despite 1. Remove, as a hat, 2. Urine component, 3. Fluff, 4. Pervert, 5. Slumber, 6. Beg, 7. Abil- early enable ensure ity, 8. Definitive, 9. Female chickens, 10. Significant, 11. Jagged, 12. Pry, 13. Sycophant, fester forward future 21. Chemical agent, 24. High society, 25. Sharpen, 26. Egg-shaped, 27. Mend (archaic), gather headlines hospi- 28. To begin with, 30. Ladies’ man, 32. ___-garde, 34. An abandoned calf, 35. Hastens tal largest later local loyal (archaic), 36. Concludes, 40. Adolescent, 41. Strife, 43. Mischievous one, 45. Ancient march month nerd party Athenian philosopher, 46. Hawaiian veranda, 47. Utilize, 49. Young sheep, 51. Salt racy ratio right round Lake state, 52. Exuviate, 53. Scottish hillside, 54. Bum around, 55. Gave the once-over serf signal skill success 3 Editorial and Opinions

In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind The Flawed Approach to Peace in Afghanistan

By: Sajjad Aasim Trump administration as a mean to achieve something tangible before election, not as a mean to move towards lasting peace in the country he president of the , Donald Trump, in his usual sur- and a better political system. Tprising manner, announced on Wednesday night that ‘the remaining In the light of the short-term US approach, it is difficult to see how the October 10, 2020 US troops in Afghanistan should be home by Christmas’ this year. The process will achieve peace in the region. Trump’s Afghanistan policy message clearly shows that President Trump wants the US troops back can be deemed to be based on the urgency for a withdrawal that can from Afghanistan as he had promised in his election campaign last time. prove that he is fulfilling his commitment to the people. Though it is More importantly, he has the coming US presidential election in mind ultimately important both for the US and the region that the US forces The Unmitigated and wants to give the impression that he can conclude the war in Af- must withdraw from Afghanistan, the guarantees that such a with- ghanistan. However, his choice of time is tricky, as he has chosen Christ- drawal will result in a lasting peace in the country cannot be ascer- Suffering mas as the return day for all the troops. This can help in gaining the tained. US’s withdrawal from Iraq resulted in a sectarian war in the sympathies of the military families who want their beloved members country that influenced the overall Middle East. While, the withdrawal “ refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound back with themselves. Nevertheless, it has never appeared that Trump of the Soviet Union from Afghanistan a few decades earlier also result- Ito the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright is interested to see the situation in Afghanistan through the Afghan lens. ed in a civil war. Therefore, there are possibilities that Afghanistan may daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a real- For Afghan people, in particular, the situation in Afghanistan has not be pushed to another civil war if, based on urgency, the situation in ity... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will reached to its conclusion. Two decades of war against terrorism has Afghanistan is left vulnerable. have the final word,” these words were spoken by the Nobel brought them nowhere. Though there have been some achievements as Unfortunately, US does not see intra-Afghan peace process as a com- Laureate Martin Luther King. far as the constitution of the country and the human rights, in particu- prehensive, long-term and an all-inclusive peace process that should Our nation seems to be deeply involved in political quagmire. lar, women rights are concerned, the peace, better government structure be able to make decisions based on the ground realities in Afghanistan One is saddened by the death of their loved one in a suicide and stable political system remain far-fetched. There is no surety about and bring all the stakeholders on the negotiation table and determine bombing, another suffers from mortal wounds inflicted by her the future course of action, neither of the political system that may guar- a future that can at least save them from war and instability. Trump spouse and the next one is abducted on the way to his home antee stability. State-building efforts in Afghanistan have faced failure, administration sees Afghanistan issue as a project for which they have after being forced by civil unrest to live a long period of time and the Afghan political system seems incapable of facing the serious appointed a Project Manager who has to conclude it within a strict time- outside his country. These incidents are not the films’ denoue- challenges that are being raised by the circumstances. Meanwhile, the frame (before election). Such an approach will definitely bring only a ments but our national news and the newspapers’ headlines. security situation is not satisfactory, and Afghan security forces face se- temporary solution to a complex situation in Afghanistan, but will not The terrorist victims leave a handful of hapless mourners be- rious challenges to ensure their hold on more than half of the districts. pave the way for lasting peace in the country and region. In fact, the hind – who either have lost their breadwinners or sweet chil- Taliban, along with the talks in Qatar, have continued their fight against situation in Afghanistan can stabilize only through state-building mea- dren. It is likely that Afghan nation is doomed to suffer mili- Afghan security forces. Above all, the much-awaited intra-Afghan peace sures that can ensure stability, inclusiveness, good governance and har- tancy and violence for the whole period of life. Our dream for talks that have started in Qatar faces a stalemate that seems difficult to mony. peace and prosperity never comes true. solve at the moment. Afghanistan’s neighboring countries also see the US policy with doubts. I feel a strong sense of nostalgia for our historical glories when Pakistan, Iran, Russia, and China all have their reservations on the US’s our patriotic nation fought for freedom and for protecting reli- The stalemate in intra-Afghan talks in Qatar is said to be on the basic gious values and moral norms. Each drop of their blood, used framework of the talks. As expected Taliban have continued insisting on Afghan policy. They may also concur with the US for the time being to save the humanity from decadence. In another item, they their version of Shariah as the starting point. They have even gone to the for a speedy withdrawal of the US forces from their immediate neigh- sacrificed themselves to ensure an honorable life for the next extent of excluding the Shia version altogether, neglecting the religious borhood, but for longer influence, they will have their own proxies generation and to break the chains of slavery. The devoted and the ethnic diversity that forms the fabric of Afghan society. Evident- within the Afghan society that is multi-ethnic in nature and has various Mujahedeen of Islam, who fought against colony and dictator- ly, they have faced opposition, and they might change their strict stance warlords who can have influence over the power dynamics within the ship, cultivated humanity and code of ethics in our history. In in this regard; however, such controversial issues will remain the part country. short, our glorious history is the product of our people’s blood and parcel of the whole process and will test nerves and temperaments. Thus, what appears evident at present scenario is a temporary taming and sacrifices. But their devotion and dedication are eroding Following the stalemate, there have been efforts to kick-start the talks; of a complex situation in Afghanistan. Though it can provide opportu- and our cultural and moral values are waning. particularly, from the US side. Zalamay Khalilzad, the US Special En- nities for betterment, it can never guarantee that such opportunities will Our historical glories are in a moribund state. Our megaloma- voy for Reconciliation in Afghanistan, is on the forefront of such efforts. be availed by all the stakeholders in the country and in the region that nia and voracious appetite for worldly pleasures force us to Definitely, he is the one who has to make some achievement for Trump seem to have contradicting and, sometimes, conflicting interests. discard the call of our conscience. Rather than dying for our administration before the US election; and an announcement of a cease- brethrens’ safety, we kill them to comfort our own life. We fire between Taliban and Afghan security forces will serve his purpose. Sajjad Aasim is a PhD Scholar in International Relations. He can be rape our sisters to satiate our carnal desires and humiliate one Unfortunately, the achievement of such a ceasefire is being seen by the reached at [email protected] on the basis of sex, color, race or belief to deem ourselves supe- rior. The schism between our past (glorious history) and pres- ent widens with each passing year. If this trend continues, we have to be on the alert for more horrible consequences. Martin Luther states, “We must develop and maintain the ca- pacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst Entrepreneurship Culture: Solution to of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.” Unemployment Problem in Afghanistan Murder on the grounds of discrimination and intolerance will lead to endless violence and bloodshed. The macabre story of death and aggression is highly toxic to our social norm. Our than 60 percent and in European countries between 90 to 99 percent. For children and youth will be affected psychologically by hearing By: Mohammad Zahir Akbari example, the single debt in European countries such as Switzerland, Italy, the hackneyed phrases of violence twenty-four/seven. Hungary and Austria is between 1.5 and 4 percent per annum, but in Af- To the unmitigated chagrin of our people, democracy, which ghanistan it is on average 18 percent per year. hen we turn on the local TV or open the media news, thousands of was a dream come true, was not a panacea for their wound- Pervasive corruption is the third major challenge for small and medium- issues such war, terrorism, unemployment, poverty, children mal- ed hearts. The human rights’ discourse, the equal rights and W sized enterprises in Afghanistan. Extortion by government officials and nourishment and so on irritate our ears and eyes. Although this country suffrage of man and woman, the binding law, etc. palliated Talibans, bribery, unnecessary harassment, abusing from legal positions the problems to some extent but there is much to be done. has a wide and flat geography, abundance of pristine mines, fertile lands, can be considered as such problems. Lack of fair and timely resolution of Nonetheless, one’s rights and dignity are trampled upon with abundant waters, young and energetic generation and dozens of other ad- commercial cases in the judiciary, problems in tax clearance and renewal impunity. Violence and violation of rights are the inveterate vantages, all of them have remained untouched and pristine. With all this of licenses and informal monopolies of certain industries can also be cited genre which continues relentlessly. To put it succinctly, the good advantages and rich nature, unfortunately it suffers from thousands as examples in this regard. to ensure transparency, a serious fight against escalation of terrorism, aggression and carnage is a matter of of troubles. According to experts, a large number of these troubles are corruption and impartial reforms are among the necessary proposals to great worry which has raised the public concerns. rooted in poverty and unemployment. The highest-ranking authorities be addressed. without serious intentions and actions against corrupt of- Whenever I imagine the pungent smell of a human’s burnt of the country recently admitted that 90% of the population are suffering ficials, bribe-takers and their supporters It is not possible to overcome the limbs in the bedlam of a suicide bombing, the painful sobs of from poverty. Many do not have a piece of dry bread to satiate their hun- chronic problem. Heavy fines and penalties, including imprisonment, dis- the injured, the bloody bodies of street vendors, the children’s ger. Unemployment and poverty have paralyzed all our people. Unem- qualification from civil service, and the payment of substantial fines, can beheaded corpses, the mothers who seek their kids tearfully ployment has compelled many human resources to seek refuge in other be considered as fundamental solutions in this regard. and the profound anguish of the victims’ families, I recoil with countries. Every day we see capital flight and brain drain from the coun- In addition, to the above mentioned solutions, the young entrepreneurs unmitigated disgust and wish I was not born so that I didn’t try. Now, what can be done to increase the level of hunger and poverty? and investors must be trained provide with technical consultations. As hear or see the lurid reports and poignant incidents going on Can entrepreneurship be a solution to get out of the current situation? entrepreneurship is a new phenomenon, we need to promote the culture in our surroundings. I feel ashamed of being called human – Given to the disappointment of people from public sectors, there is no of entrepreneurship through media and academic centers. Unfortunately, who is devoid of humanity and compassion. Are we really way other than encouraging people to seek personal solution with open- In Afghanistan neither there is the culture of entrepreneurship and nor bound to suffer violence and bloodshed for the whole life? ing new small and medium enterprises in the country. the small and me- the government and universities are enthusiastic to cultivate such culture Lawlessness adds insult to injury. The citizens’ equality in the dium enterprises can play effective role in job creation, capital production eye of law is only in written form, but practically the law is in the country. If Afghan people were aware of entrepreneurship advan- and economic growth on condition that supported by people and govern- strict only for the poor. Our people suffer from injustice and tages and government also supported it, now Afghanistan would not rank ment. In recent years, the mall and medium-sized businesses have increas- nepotism on a large scale. “Law and order exist for the pur- as one of the poorest countries in the world. many of the entrepreneurs ingly faced many challenges and problems including insecurity, limited pose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose are imitators or opportunists, not innovator as their talents have not been access to financial services, and widespread corruption. This article also they become the dangerously structured dams that block the nurtured in the educational centers. Unfortunately, the higher educational going to address three main issues and three basic solutions that include flow of social progress.” system in Afghanistan is only organized for educational activities, not cre- basic measures to ensure the security of entrepreneurs, facilitate access to We have to break the chains of egotism and megalomaniac ative programs and so they produce only job seekers, not job creators. As financial services and the necessary measures to reduce corruption. The feelings. We should believe that we are equal and the racial long as everything is based on merely traditional educational and training following are briefly and extensively related challenges and approaches: and linguistic differences matter not in the realm of humanity. courses, we should not expect any economic dynamism in the country. First, insecurities have serious negative effects on investment, motivation We are all human, born with certain and inalienable rights and In general, lack of security, lack of systematic supports, lack of entrepre- and willingness of investors to invest in Afghanistan. Persistent insecurity dignity. We will not gain peace and freedom unless we respect neurship culture and also administrative corruptions are the main chal- has led small and medium-sized business owners to face a variety of seri- the rights and dignity of our brothers and sisters, cherish re- lenges of entrepreneurship in the country. the government should also ous threats, including kidnapping, murder, extortion, and looting of their ligious tolerance, value the code of ethics and yield to the call monitor the damping policies not allowing to inflict their blows on new property and assets. They are forced to leave their business or move their of our conscience. “I believe that unarmed truth and uncon- and vulnerable enterprises in the country. The excessive imports of goods business to neighboring or foreign countries, which has a detrimental ef- ditional love will have the final word.” We are not “bound to at lower prices than domestic goods have led to fall of most handicrafts fect on capital flight, declining domestic investment, unemployment and the starless midnight of racism and war.” We are able to end and domestic products in recent years. On the other hand, our entrepre- poor economic conditions. So, there is need for urgent and serious fight this conflagration and cultivate the morale of brotherhood and neurs must realize that in today’s borderless world, quality, creativities against organized criminals, mafia gangs, ensuring transparency in the ju- sisterhood on the prolific land of our society. We can revitalize and overall customer centered-policies are extremely important. If we diciary with taking honest actions in order to ensure timely fights against our historical glories and cultural norms through acts of virtue look at definition of entrepreneurship, it directly links to creativity, creat- the criminals and mafia gangs and their supporters. and moral practices. ing new values with risk-taking. When choosing entrepreneurship as a ca- Second, lack of accessing to comprehensive financial services with suitable reer path, it is crystal clear that the only way to stay on top of the corporate conditions is another major challenge for small and medium enterprises in world is by coming up with brand new ideas. Therefore, Creativity is the Afghanistan. It is said that accessing to financial services in Afghanistan is key to success in entrepreneurship. around 9 percent while includes high- rate profits. Thus, there are some monetary services such as money transfers, bank guarantees and bank ac- Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Af- count. Whilst this rate and percentage in neighboring countries is more ghanistan. He can be reached at [email protected]

Chairman / Editor-in-Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Vice Chairman / Exec. Editor: Moh. Sakhi Rezaie Email: [email protected] Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 www.outlookafghanistan.net

The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authers and do not reflect the views or opinions of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. December 19, 2019 4 October 10, 2020

(1) NATO Says… programme for the next four years for doses of a vaccine by the end of 2021, Petronin was released alongside Italian provide other material and logistical Afghanistan. Donor will announce the although it remains unknown whether hostages the Rev. Pierluigi Maccalli support; or for those not willing, take Afghanistan does not once again become timing of their commitments at the the successful vaccine will require one or and Nicola Chiacchio, and Cisse, a charge of deporting people whose a platform where terrorists can plan, conference. two doses. (AP) prominent Malian politician. There was applications are refused. Mandatory organize and conduct terrorist attacks on Both sides exchanged views on the (12)Exclusive: Pakistan… no immediate information about the five refugee quotas have been abandoned. our own countries,” NATO Chief added. participation of Afghan delegations, other foreign hostages that the Islamic (AP) to the short-form video app over explicit Stoltenberg one again reiterated NATO’s different countries and donor militants from JNIM are believed to still (20)Brexit deal… support for the Afghan peace process. organisations in the Geneva Conference. content posted on the platform. hold. (AP) TikTok, owned by China-based said some progress had been made but “And as part of the peace effort, we have They also conferred on the impact of (16)Dutch court… reduced our presence in Afghanistan. the peace talks on the event and related ByteDance, has been caught in a the two sides did not yet see eye to eye Not so long ago we had more than technical preparations, considering the firestorm globally due to security and operative was able to infiltrate the gang on all matters. a hundred thousand troops in the COVID19- challenge. (Pajhwok) privacy concerns. It has already been and ultimately thwart their preparations “We’ve had useful discussions this big combat operation. And now we blocked in India and it faces scrutiny in before any attack took place. The week and progress has been made in have roughly 12,000 NATO troops in (7) Baghlan Gathering… countries from Australia to the United suspects were arrested by heavily armed some areas. However, there still remain Afghanistan, and they support, they Similar gatherings have been organized States. police in September 2018. differences on some important issues,” train, assist and advise the African in other parts of the country to urge TikTok was not immediately reachable The ring leader, a man of Iraqi descent, the spokesman said. security forces.” the Taliban and the government to for comment on the matter. was sentenced to 17 years. The names of Johnson has set a deadline of the Oct. 15 This comes the US-brokered peace talks stop violence and declare ceasefire, but The decision was taken after Prime the defendants weren’t released in line EU summit for a deal, and while his top have been stalled about a week ago after the violence has intensified instead. Minister Imran Khan took a keen interest with Dutch privacy rules. Brexit advisers say that additional work the Afghan government and the Taliban (Pajhwok) in the issue, said a second official in The gang “wanted to hit the civilian on a text would have to follow, they have delegations failed to reach an agreement (8) APL: De Abasin… Pakistan, adding that Khan has directed population and the police in the warned the EU that they will not do a over two sticking points. the telecom authorities to make all Netherlands with a bloody attack with deal at any price. According to the reports, the Taliban matches in Kabul. efforts to block vulgar content in the a large number of innocent victims,” As he grapples with a swiftly accelerating This year the league matches will demand recognition of the US-Taliban conservative Islamic republic. (Reuters) the court statement said. “Thanks to the second wave of the novel coronavirus continue until October 16. (TOLO deal as the base of the negotiations and timely intervention of Dutch government outbreak, Johnson will ultimately have NEWS) (13)Russia tries… Hanafi jurisprudence as the sole religious services, they were not able to carry out to make the final call on whether to legal guidelines for the talks. (ATN) Armenia since the end of a separatist their plans.” (AP) (9)World Food… war in 1994. accept a narrow trade deal or go for a (2) No Single Group… award like this, but all the men and The Kremlin said Putin proposed calling (17)Kyrgyzstan president… more tumultuous no-deal that could be blamed on the EU. was optimistic that with the goodwill women around the world in the World a cease-fire to exchange prisoners and Friday, and won the backing of He has repeatedly said that his preference and help of well-meaning friends like Food Program and our partners who put collect the bodies of dead soldiers, Jeenbekov’s predecessor as president, India, he would accomplish his task. their lives on the line every day,” David adding that the top Azerbaijani and Almazbek Atambayev. But their is for a deal but that Britain could make He also said Afghanistan will not and Beasley told The by Armenian diplomats were invited to followers and followers of other groups a success of a no-deal scenario, which should not be a country that harbors phone from Niger, where he was visiting Moscow for consultations. held rival rallies, which politicians said would throw 900$ billion in annual terrorists that threaten countries in the Friday. The Russian Foreign Ministry said they posed a danger of violence. bilateral trade into uncertainty and region. The organization has long been headed confirmed their attendance Friday, but Russia has described the situation in could snarl the border, turning the When asked about his visit to Islamabad by an American, and U.S. President there was no immediate comment from Kyrgyzstan, which borders China and southeastern county of Kent into a vast last week and whether India-Pakistan Donald Trump nominated the former Armenia or Azerbaijan to the Russian hosts a Russian military base, as “a mess truck park. (Reuters) tensions would affect his mission for Republican governor of South Carolina initiative. and chaos”. (21)Protests against… “regional consensus” for the intra- for the post in 2017. Azerbaijani officials and Nagorno- The crisis tests the Kremlin’s power to security minister Mohammad Mahfud Afghan negotiations, he said that WFP staffers in Niger greeted Beasley Karabakh separatist authorities said shape politics in its former Soviet sphere told a televised news conference late Afghans would pursue their own with cheers and applause as he heavy shelling continued overnight. of influence, at a time when fighting “national interest”. emerged to address a crowd after the Fighting with heavy artillery, has erupted between Armenia and Thursday the government would not “We need better relations with all announcement. “Two things,” he told warplanes and drones has engulfed Azerbaijan, and Belarus is also engulfed tolerate any action of damaging public countries. It is not our policy to decide them. “I can’t believe I’m in Niger when Nagorno-Karabakh despite numerous in protests. facilities and physical attacks on police the policies that other countries pursue we got the award, and No. 2, I didn’t win international calls for a cease-fire. The opposition is divided between 11 and community members. towards each other, but we believe that it, you won it.” Both sides have accused each other of parties which represent clan interests Flanked by the military chief and other peace in Afghanistan is in everyone’s The Nobel Committee said that the targeting residential areas and civilian in a country that has already seen two top leaders, Mahfud said that those acts interest,” he said, adding that India’s problem of hunger has again become infrastructure. presidents toppled by popular revolts are insensitive to the conditions suffered Prime Minister Narendra Modi had more acute in recent years, not least On Thursday, a historic cathedral in the since 2005. by people who are struggling against assured him earlier in the day that because the pandemic has added to the town of Shusha in Nagorno-Karabakh Rival candidates for the premiership COVID19- and financial difficulties. his country would support any peace hardship already faced by millions of came under shelling, a shell piercing its Omurbek Babanov and Tilek “For this reason, for the sake of order and agreement that was agreeable to the people around the world. (AP) dome and damaging the interior. No one Toktogaziyev joined forces on Friday, security, the government will take a firm people of Afghanistan. (10)Trump ready to… was hurt in the attack, but hours later with Toktogaziyev agreeing to serve as stand against anarchist actions aimed at Abdullah said mistakes had been made more shelling wounded two Russian Babanov’s deputy. They were backed creating chaos and fear in society,” he in the past, even by Afghanistan’s Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful journalists inspecting the damage. The by four parties, local news website 24.kz said, “The government to carry out legal international partners but that there Democrat in Washington, said she Azerbaijani military denied targeting the reported. (Reuters) proceedings against all perpetrators and planned to introduce legislation on were lessons to be learned through this. cathedral. (18)Lebanon’s Sunni… actors who ride on these anarchist and He also stated that he hopes there has Friday to establish a commission to According to the Nagorno-Karabakh criminal actions.” been a change in the Taliban’s attitude assess Mr Trump’s fitness for office. military, 350 of its servicemen have been posts, with Iran-backed Hezbollah and Similar clashes occurred in large cities all A statement announcing the move said and said he was optimistic about this but killed since Sept. 27. Azerbaijan hasn’t its ally Amal demanding they name the over the country, including Yogyakarta, the commission would be set up under added that only time will tell as to who is provided details on its military losses. finance minister. Hariri and Hezbollah Medan, Makassar, Manado and the 25th Amendment, which outlines committed to the peace process. Scores of civilians on both sides also have blamed each other for the deadlock. Bandung. how a sitting president can be stripped Abdullah said he had been “energized have been killed. President Michel Aoun will hold The government reported Thursday of power if they are deemed unable to and re-energized” by India’s support to Stepanakert, the capital of Nagorno- consultations with lawmakers next week that Indonesia’s total coronavirus cases conduct the duties of the office. the people of Afghanistan “achieving Karabakh, has been under intense to pick a new prime minister, in a bid to have risen to 320,564, including 11,580 Ms Pelosi told reporters on Thursday reach a breakthrough on naming a new a dignified durable and sustainable shelling. Residents are staying in shelters, deaths, which is the highest death toll that serious questions concerning Mr government. peace” and expressed gratitude for the some of which are in the basements of in Southeast Asia. Cases in Jakarta alone Trump’s health were still unanswered, Hariri added that he would only return 3$ billion aid India has disbursed for apartment buildings. stood at 83,372 with 1,834 deaths. and described the president as being in as prime minister - a post he has already projects across Afghanistan since 2001. Facing international calls for a cease- Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest an “altered state”. held three times - if there was agreement Earlier Thursday, Abdullah met with fire, Azerbaijan made its acceptance economy, is eagerly courting foreign Any serious consideration of the measure by Lebanon’s fractious parties on Modi and briefed him on the peace talks conditional on Armenia’s withdrawal investors as key drivers of economic is unlikely, but it will serve as a political securing an International Monetary process currently underway in Doha. from the region. growth in a nation where nearly half tool to raise questions about Mr Trump’s Armenian officials allege that Turkey Fund deal. In a statement issued by India’s the population of 270 million is younger health. is involved in the conflict and is Hariri warned that he feared civil Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) than 30. (AP) after the meeting, Modi’s office said: Mr Trump called Ms Pelosi “crazy” and sending Syrian mercenaries to fight on strife as the crisis spirals. It has fuelled “Prime Minister Modi reiterated India’s said she was “the one who should be Azerbaijan’s side. Turkey has publicly unrest in a country where divisions run (22)North Korea… under observation”. (BBC) commitment towards sustainable backed Azerbaijan in the conflict but has deep since the war, which was fought Wook told lawmakers Wednesday along sectarian lines by factions still peace and prosperity in Afghanistan (11)China joins… denied sending fighters to the region. that North Korea is expected to unveil dominating Lebanese politics. and welcomed efforts towards a (AP) unspecified “strategic weapons” during terms of the agreement and how China “What is happening in terms of carrying comprehensive and permanent ceasefire a military parade marking the Oct. 10 will contribute are not yet clear. Chinese (14)Germany neglecting… arms and what we are seeing in terms of in Afghanistan.” (ATN) anniversary. leader Xi Jinping previously said the and Germany as “the same old story” military displays in the street...means the North Korea typically celebrates major (3) Khalilzad, Miller… country would make the vaccine a global and noted that Russia called for showing collapse of the state,” he said. (Reuters) public good. state anniversaries with big military consensus and move forward in the respect for international law in this The World Health Organization, which (19)EU states… parades during years that end in zero peace talks process. situation. also leads COVAX, welcomed the and five. But it has sometimes made The talks stalled about a week ago “Unfortunately, Germany has been time the proposals have been discussed announcement, saying in a statement those parades less provocative when when the two sides were unable to neglecting its obligations deriving from by the 27 EU member countries. that “the number of countries joining the reach consensus on two points – that international law,” Lavrov said, adding Seehofer said the plan “addresses the key it was seeking better relations with the COVAX facility grows every day, and of jurisprudence and secondly on the that Russia had submitted four enquiries points for a possible future migration outside world. we are pleased to see China formally Afghan team agreeing to use the Doha to Berlin. pact,” but he conceded that it wasn’t During a parade marking the 70th join.” deal between the US and Taliban, signed Instead of necessary cooperation, welcomed with entirely open arms, birthday of its socialist government in The alliance is designed so that richer in February, as the cornerstone to talks. Moscow is hearing excuses and saying “obviously, there are differing September 2018, Kim didn’t speak and countries agree to buy into potential (ATN) “completely absurd statements that perspectives, differing views.” avoided displaying any of his long- vaccines and help finance access for Russia should investigate the crime on The plan must be endorsed by all member range missiles, as the event came three poorer ones, but critical questions (4) Trump’s Troop… its own,” Lavrov said. nations and the European Parliament. months after he held his first summit remain about how its goal will be carried the diplomat believed. “We cannot investigate this case because Seehofer, whose country holds the EU’s with President Donald Trump in out. An early problem the alliance Kabulov remarked: “Does their presence we do not have any facts,” he said. rotating presidency until Dec. 31, said he Singapore on the future of his nuclear faced was that many richer countries make any sense? Has the situation (Interfax) hoped a political deal would be sealed arsenal. In celebrations marking his late on the ground improved? It has only directly negotiated their own deals with before then but that the pact was only grandfather’s birthday in 2012 and 2017, pharmaceutical companies and some (15)French hostage… degraded.” (Pajhwok) likely to be finalized next year. Kim still paraded his intercontinental declined to join. not speak to the press. Time is of the essence for Europe’s ballistic missiles in a display of military (5) Afghan Negotiating… The United States, the world’s largest Macron expressed joy and relief at her politicians — not just because people might as he raised the stakes in the economy, declined to join under question regarding ongoing peace talks release, thanked the Malian authorities are languishing at sea in rickety boats standoff with the United States. President Donald Trump, saying the and the delegation members responded and promised that the French military or in squalid migrant camps — but Kim met Trump two more times, but alliance was “influenced by the corrupt on them. would continue its fight against terrorism because the colder weather means that their nuclear diplomacy has been stalled Delegation member Ghulam Farooq WHO and China.” China has the second- fewer people are likely to attempt the in the West African region. for more than a year because of disputes Majroh said that different stake holders largest economy in the world. Petronin was released with three other dangerous Mediterranean Sea crossing. over exchanging sanctions relief and of the society would be consulted on China could be trying to ensure that the hostages from Mali and Italy this week. Italian Interior Minister Luciana disarmament steps. peace talks in different stages. vaccines it is developing find a global Bells pealed in the Italian hometown of a Lamorgese was encouraged that the Kim entered 2020 declaring his intent Answering to a question on republic, platform. “For China it could be across priest also released. proposals mark a change in policy to strengthen his nuclear deterrent Majroh said that the international the spectrum. To have their vaccines Petronin said she had been treated but, she said, “we are at the beginning and achieve a “frontal breakthrough” community announced its support from participate in the provision of vaccines relatively well during captivity. Her of a long process and a very complex against U.S.-led economic pressure. republic during the inauguration event (to other countries), and for access to account contrasted with that of fellow negotiation” that must ensure that the But the North’s broken economy was of peace talks and stressed over the vaccines,” said Kang, who is also a ex-hostage Soumaila Cisse, a prominent countries where most migrants enter continuation of this support. microbiologist at the Christian Medical Malian politician who recounted don’t carry the burden alone. further ravaged by border closures Naderi said that civil society was an College in the Indian city of Vellore. months of arduous conditions before a Under the proposals, migrants arriving amid the coronavirus pandemic, which important pillar of the republic system Chinese pharmaceutical company precarious trip to their extraction point, at Europe’s outside borders without significantly reduced its trade with and the first consultative meeting was Sinovac, for example, recently said arriving in Mali’s capital 48 hours after permission would be screened within China, its major ally and economic held with them. (Pajhwok) it wants to provide its vaccine to the first being released. five days. They would then enter an lifeline. The heavy floods and strong world, including the U.S. and countries “I hung on — I prayed a lot because I had asylum procedure or be deported, both typhoons that battered the North’s (6) Atmar, Taalas… in Europe with stringent regulations a lot of time,” Petronin told reporters within 12 weeks. People could be held in major farming regions this summer will deliberations on financial assistance. that have prevented previous Chinese at the French Embassy in Bamako. “I detention throughout. certainly worsen the country’s chronic Conference organisers have been vaccines from being sold. transformed detention ... into a spiritual EU countries would then face two food shortages, outside observers say. working on a financial assistance The alliance plans to buy 2 billion retreat, if one can say that.” choices: take in some of the refugees or (AP) 5 October 10, 2020 International

NIAMEY- The World Food (committee) wishes to turn Program won the Nobel the eyes of the world to the Peace Prize on Friday for millions of people who suf- EU states accept plan as a its efforts to combat hunger fer from or face the threat basis to revamp in regions facing conflict of hunger,” said Berit Reiss- and hardship and at a time Andersen, the chair of the asylum policy when the coronavirus pan- Norwegian Nobel Commit- BRUSSELS- European port people who aren’t demic has driven millions tee, announcing the award Union interior ministers permitted to stay. more people to the brink of in Oslo. “The World Food agreed Thursday that The plan is aimed at starvation. Program plays a key role in sweeping new propos- ending years of chaos at The Rome-based United Na- multilateral cooperation on als to revamp the bloc’s Europe’s borders and a tions agency has long spe- making food security an in- failed asylum system political crisis sparked cialized in getting assistance strument of peace.” should form the basis for by migrant arrivals that to some of the world’s most In honoring the U.N. food negotiations on building has seen some EU coun- dangerous and precarious program, the Nobel peace a fresh policy for man- tries turn their backs on places, from air-dropping committee was highlighting aging the arrival of un- Greece, Italy, Malta and food in South Sudan and the need for global solidar- authorized migrants in Spain, where most peo- Syria to creating an emer- ity and multilateralism at a Europe. ple seeking better lives gency delivery service that time of increasing polariza- However, the minis- enter. kept aid flowing even as an- tion and go-it-alone nation- ters sought clarification “There is a great deal of tivirus restrictions ground- alism. about many aspects of willingness to continue ed commercial flights. The head of the organiza- the proposals — brought to work based on the World Food Program wins Nobel It provided assistance to al- tion said his entire team de- forward by the Euro- commission proposal,” most 100 million people in served the award. pean Commission in German Interior Minis- Peace Prize as hunger surges 88 countries last year. “I know I’m not deserving a package dubbed the ter Horst Seehofer told “With this year’s award, the of an ...(More on P4)...(9) New Pact for Migration reporters, after chairing and Asylum — particu- the meeting, the first larly on new plans to de- ...(More on P4)...(19) Trump ready to return to pub- China joins COVAX coronavirus vaccine lic events, says doctor Brexit deal close but EU seeks WASHINGTON- US weekend. alliance President Donald The president ear- TAIPEI- China, which has more before starting final talks Trump has completed lier pulled out of next at least four coronavirus LONDON- European they are inching towards his course of treatment Thursday’s TV debate vaccine candidates in the Union chief Brexit ne- a deal, though they have for Covid-19 and can with Democratic rival last stage of clinical trials, gotiator Michel Barnier underscored that impor- return to public en- . said Friday it is joining the wants a few more con- tant gaps remain on fish- gagements this week- He said he was “not go- COVID-19 vaccine alliance cessions from Britain ing, level playing field end, his physician has ing to waste my time on known as COVAX. before entering the last issues and governance. said. a virtual debate” after The country signed an intense phase of negotia- Both sides have no-deal Dr Sean Conley said organisers said it would agreement with Gavi, the tions on a trade deal, an plans. the president had re- have to take place re- co-leader of the alliance, on EU diplomat said on Fri- Barnier, who left London sponded “extremely motely because Mr Thursday, China’s foreign day, as an Oct. 15 dead- on Friday just 12 hours well” to medication Trump had tested posi- ministry said. Initially, Chi- line looms. after arriving, wants a and had “remained tive for coronavirus. na did not agree to join the The United Kingdom few more concessions stable”. The move sparked a alliance, missing the dead- formally left the EU on from Britain before en- Mr Trump later said he row about how and line to join in September. Jan. 31, but more than tering the so called “tun- would probably take when further debates “We are taking this concrete countries, and hope more Hua Chunying said in vaccine companies ex- fours years since vot- nel” - the final stretch of another Covid test on would take place. step to ensure equitable capable countries will also a statement. She added pressed a willingness to ing 52%-48% for Brexit highly secretive, make- Friday and hoped to Meanwhile, House Speak- distribution of vaccines, join and support COVAX,” later at a daily news brief- join the partnership. The in a 2016 referendum, or-break negotiations. hold a rally over the er ...(More on P4)...(10) especially to developing ministry spokeswoman ing that many Chinese ...(More on P4)...(11) the two sides are hag- “We need to get a little gling over a trade deal bit more from the UK that would kick in when side before he (Barnier) Exclusive: Pakistan to block social media app Russia tries to sponsor Nago- informal membership … is ready to enter the rno-Karabakh cease-fire talks ends on Dec. 31. tunnel,” said a senior EU TikTok for “immoral” content – sources The two chief nego- diplomat.Prime Minister MOSCOW- Russia tiative followed a series tiators, Barnier and Brit- Boris Johnson’s spokes- ISLAMABAD- Pakistan moved to stop the worst of calls with Armenian ain’s David Frost, say man ...(More on P4)...(20) has decided to block social escalation of fighting Prime Minister Nikol media App TikTok for fail- in the separatist region Pashinian and Azer- ing to filter out “immoral” of Nagorno-Karabakh baijani President Ilham Protests against new labor law content, three top govern- in more than a quarter- Aliyev. turn violent across Indonesia ment officials said on Fri- century by offering to The latest outburst of day. host cease-fire talks on fighting between Azer- A formal announcement Friday. baijani and Armenian to this effect will be made Late Thursday, Russian forces began Sept. 27 in a few hours, the officials President Vladimir Pu- and marked the big- said. tin issued a statement gest escalation of the “We have been asking calling for a break in the decades-old conflict them repeatedly to put in fighting between the Ar- over Nagorno-Kara- place an effective mecha- menian and Azerbaijani bakh. The region lies in nism for blocking immoral told Reuters. ties. The decision has In July, Pakistan’s tele- forces that have raged Azerbaijan but has been and indecent content,” one “The platform, however, been taken to block Tik- communications regula- for nearly two weeks under control of ethnic JAKARTA- Protests in Police fired tear gas at of the top officials directly hasn’t been able to fully Tok for accessing in Paki- tor issued a “final warn- over the region. The Armenian forces backed many Indonesian cities the protesters from sev- involved in the decision satisfy Pakistani authori- stan,” he said. ing”...(More on P4)...(12) Kremlin said Putin’s ini- by ...(More on P4)...(13) turned violent Thursday eral high schools and

as thousands of enraged universities as they tried Germany neglect- students and workers to approach the palace French hostage freed criticized a new law they compound, turning ing its obligations New U.S. sanctions on Iran an effort to in Mali arrives home in say will cripple labor roads into a smoke-filled under int’l law in stop meds, food purchases – Rouhani rights and harm the en- battleground. The pro- Navalny case – France to hugs vironment. testers hurled rocks and Lavrov TEHRAN- Iranian Presi- Thursday slapped fresh do business with them. BAMAKO- A 75-year-old French aid worker Clashes between rock- bottles. dent Hassan Rouhani on sanctions on Iran’s fi- This means foreign held hostage for four years by Islamic extrem- throwing demonstrators As night fell, some pro- MOSCOW- Germany has Friday called new U.S. nancial sector, targeting banks risk losing ac- ists in Mali arrived Friday in France -- and says and riot police broke out testers set fire to a sub- been rejecting Russia’s calls for sanctions on Iran’s banks 18 banks in an effort to cess to the U.S. market she wants to return to her aid work with mal- near Jakarta’s presiden- way shelter in down- investigating the case of oppo- an attempt to prevent further choke off Iranian and financial system. nourished children in Africa despite the ordeal. tial palace as police tried town Jakarta, causing sition activist Alexei Navalny purchases of medicine revenues as Washing- The Treasury Depart- Relatives enveloped Sophie Petronin in a huge to disperse the protest- the area to turn an eerie together, Russian Foreign and food, state broad- ton ramps up pressure ment said in a statement embrace after she descended from the plane at ers, including workers orange color. Demon- Minister Sergei Lavrov said at caster IRIB reported. on Tehran weeks ahead the prohibitions did the Villacoublay military airport southwest of and high school and uni- strators also burned road a press conference in Moscow “The President called of the U.S. election. The not apply to transac- Paris, where she was greeted by French Presi- versity students. barriers, several cars, a on Friday. the U.S. effort to cre- move freezes any U.S. tions to sell agricultural dent Emmanuel Macron. President Joko Widodo cinema and damaged “Our stance is open and hon- ate serious obstacles for assets of those black- commodities, food, Wearing a white veil and a trench coat, Petro- is visiting Central Ka- several government of- est. [...] They demand that we fund transfers for the listed and generally bars medicine or medical nin appeared very moved as she held her limantan province and fices. Indonesia’s top hold an investigation. How- supply of medicine and Americans from deal- devices to Iran, say- grandsons in her arms. was not in the palace. ...(More on P4)...(21) ever, not even Germany pro- food cruel, terrorist and ing with them, while ing it understood the “The French and I are glad to see you back at vides us with facts, saying this inhumane,” IRIB said. extending secondary need for humanitar- last, dear Sophie Petronin,” Macron tweeted. is not a bilateral case, but an The United States on sanctions to those who ian goods. (Reuters) “Welcome home.” North Korea may show new mis- international affair,” Lavrov Petronin met with Macron for about an hour at siles at weekend military parade said. the airport. They did ...(More on P4)...(15) He described the behavior of Kyrgyzstan president declares state SEOUL- For months, economy is in trouble ... the Organization for the Pro- North Korea has been so Kim Jong Un would hibition of Chemical Weapons of emergency Lebanon’s Sunni leader relatively uncomba- want to mobilize his (OPCW) ...(More on P4)...(14) BISHKEK- Kyrgyz Presi- Hariri urges revival of tive, as leader Kim Jong people and stress a self- dent Sooronbai Jeen- Un grapples with the reliant policy to quell Dutch court bekov declared a state French plan coronavirus pandemic, their complaints and convicts 6 men of of emergency in the BEIRUT- Lebanon’s leading Sunni Muslim poli- natural disasters and draw their loyalty,” plotting massive capital Bishkek on Fri- tician, former Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, the deepening econom- Nam Sung-wook, a pro- jihadi attack day and ordered troops called for the restoration of a French plan to lift ic pain under years of fessor at Korea Univer- to deploy, as supporters the nation out of its worst financial crisis since its tough U.S.-led sanctions. sity in South Korea. “To THE HAGUE- A Dutch court of rival political groups 1975-1990 civil war. But ahead of the 75th do so, he would need convicted six men Thursday of took to the streets after Former colonial power France, which has led founding anniversary new weapons, power- plotting a large-scale jihadi at- days of unrest following foreign aid efforts, has tried to rally Lebanese of his ruling party this ful weapons that would tack on a public event and sen- an overturned election. leaders to launch reforms to tackle the crisis. But weekend, speculation send a message to the tenced them to prison terms A Reuters journalist in the tight security restric- cabinet was appointed. they have failed to agree a new government - the has risen that Kim may entire world.” ranging from 10 to 17 years. capital heard gunshots tions, would be in effect The country has seen a first step in the French roadmap - and drawn a hold a massive mili- Recent satellite images Rotterdam District Court said and saw demonstrators from 8 pm on Friday power vacuum, with op- rebuke from French President Emmanuel Ma- tary parade and unveil showed thousands of in a statement that the men from rival groups throw- until 8 am on Oct. 21. position groups quarrel- cron. newly developed, pow- troops assembling in for- were planning to open fire ing rocks and bottles at His order did not say ling among themselves Lebanon urgently needs foreign cash to get out erful missiles. The goal, mation along with ve- with AK-47 assault rifles at a each other and scuffling. how many troops would since seizing govern- of a financial meltdown which has slashed the experts say, would be hicles in an apparent re- festival and to detonate a car One of the groups scat- be deployed but they ment buildings and forc- value of the currency since last year. to bolster internal unity hearsal at an airfield on bomb in late 2018. They also tered, averting further were instructed to use ing the cancellation of “I call on political parties to think well so as not and draw U.S. attention the outskirts of Pyong- wanted to wear explosive violence, and there ap- military vehicles, set results from Sunday’s to waste this chance...French President Macron’s amid deadlocked nucle- yang, where the North vests and detonate them when peared to be no fatalities. up checkpoints, and parliamentary election. initiative still stands and we can still enact it,” ar diplomacy between Koreans have practiced police arrived. Jeenbekov’s office said prevent armed clashes. Two leading opposition Hariri said in a TV interview late on Thursday. the countries. past parades. South Ko- However, intelligence agen- in a statement the state Earlier the president figures reached an agree- “If we let it fail, it would be a crime.” “His people are consid- rean Defense Minister cies tipped off police and an un- of emergency, which had said he was ready ment to join forces on Talks on a new cabinet hit a logjam as politicians erably wearied and his Suh ...(More on P4)...(22) dercover ...(More on P4)...(16) includes a curfew and to resign once a new ...(More on P4)...(17) wrangled over ministerial ...(More on P4)...(18) www.outlookafghanistan.net www.thedailyafghanistan.com facebook.com/The.Daily.Outlook.Afghanistan facebook.com/The.Daily.Afghanistan Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 Add: In front of Habibia High School, Add: In front of Habibia High School, District 3, Kabul, Afghanistan District 3, Kabul, Afghanistan Back Page Saturday October 10, 2020

Jalalabad Mostly Ghazni Mostly Kandahar Sunny Mazar Partly Herat Partly Bamiyan Chance Kabul Sunny Daily Outlook sunny sunny cloudy cloudy of Rain Weather Forcast 33°C 23°C 28°C 17°C 17°C 16°C 26°C

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Afghan Negotiating Team, Civil China Delivers $1 Million Worth Medical Aid to Afghanistan Society Discuss Ongoing Peace Talks KABUL - A plane carrying medi- cal aid worth one million US dol- lars from China landed in Afghan capital Kabul on Thursday. The aid is expected to be used in com- bating the coronavirus. The aid package includes nearly 40,000 testing kits, 20,000 protec- tive clothes, two PCR machines and two RNA extraction ma- chines. Thanking China for delivering the assistance, Afghan Second Vice President Sarwar Danish, said at the Kabul airport that Danish said that coronavirus sible second wave of coronavirus. China was on the frontline of the deaths in Afghanistan are much Chinese Ambassador Wang Yu fight against coronavirus and it lower than the other countries. said that coronavirus crisis has successfully got past the crisis. Meanwhile, Afghan Acting hurt Afghanistan’s economy, He said that China has been de- Health Minister Ahmad Javad adding China has delivered med- livering medical assistance to Af- Osmani said that serious meas- ical and food assistance to Af- ghanistan since they very begin- ures are in place in all health cent- ghanistan to help tackle it. (1TV ning of coronavirus crisis. ers in Afghanistan to combat pos- NEWS)

KABUL - Afghan government sour Naderi and other members available opportunity for peace 77 New Cases, 2 Deaths negotiating team has assured to Maulvi Attaullah Lodin, Fatema needed coordination in different defend public and government Gilani, Abdul Matin Baig, Mo- stages. Reported in Afghanistan values during talks with the Tali- hammad Natiqi, Ghulam Farooq Maulvi Attaullah Lodin said that 24 hours. ban. Majroh, officials of the peace ongoing peace talks needed pa- So far, 113,839 samples have The negotiating team members ministry and civil society mem- tience and tolerance and through been tested in government cent- made commitment during vid- bers participated in the meeting. this method public wishes and ers and there are 5,163 known ac- eo conference with civil society Delegation member Abdul Ma- aspiration would be reflected in tive COVID-19 cases in the coun- members on Friday night. tin Baig said that civil society talks. try, according to data from the State Minister for Peace Affairs, was an important organ of the Civil society members raised Ministry of Public Health. delegation members Syed Man- government and added that some ...( More on P4)...(5) The cumulative number of total cases is now 39,639, the number of total reported deaths is 1,472, Specific Procurement Notice and the total number of recover- ies is 33,058. The new cases were reported in Request for Bids Herat (60), Kabul (9), Takhar (5) Goods KABUL - The Ministry of Pub- of 270 samples tested on Wednes- and Kunduz (1), Baghlan (1) and lic Health on Friday reported 77 day and Thursday. The first case Logar (1) provinces. (One-Envelope Bidding Process) new positive cases of COVID-19 of COVID-19 in Afghanistan was The number of deaths from

out of 447 samples tested in the reported in Herat in February. COVID-19 globally is more than Country: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan last 24 hours. This is the first time the local of- 1,062,624 and the number of Project: Afghanistan Second Skills Development Project (ASDPII) Meanwhile in the western prov- ficials are reporting high number known global coronavirus cases Purchaser: Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVET-A). ince of Herat, the Directorate of of cases in a day. is 36,561,936, according to Johns Contract title: Procurement of IT equipment for ALP staff. Public Health reported 120 new The ministry also reported two Hopkins University. (TOLO Grant No.: IDA:H-8340-AF positive cases of COVID-19 out death from COVID-19 in the last NEWS) RFB No: TVETA/RFB/2020/G/04 Issued on: 8 October, 2020 Atmar, Taalas Talk Baghlan Gathering 1. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Afghanistan Second Skills Development Project (ASDPII, and intends to apply part of the Peace, Geneva Moot Asks Govt, Taliban to proceeds toward payments under the contract for “Procurement of IT equipment”. For this Contract the Borrower shall process the payments using the Direct Payment disbursement method, as defined in Embrace Truce the World Bank’s Disbursement Guidelines for Investment Project Financing, except for those payments, which the contract provides to be made through letter of credit.

2. The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVET-A) now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for “Procurement of IT equipment for ALP staff” in the quantities listed in Section III schedule of requirement to be delivered at Dahbori, Sarai Ghazni Kabul-Afghanistan.

3. Bidding will be conducted through international competitive procurement using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” August 2016 Revised November 2017 and August 2018 (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.

4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Afghanistan Second Skills Development Project– ASDPII, Mr. Anwar Zamani, [email protected] and inspect the bidding document during office hours 09:00 to 15:00 hours at the address given below.

5. The bidding document in English may be obtained by interested Bidders, free of charge, upon the KABUL - Acting Foreign Minister Haneef Atmar submission of a written application to the address below or can be downloaded from www.ageops.net on Thursday met Finland’s Special Representative for the Geneva Conference on Afghanistan Ambas- PUL-I-KHUMRI - Religious scholars and civil so- 6. Bids must be delivered to the address below on 25 October, 2020 at 1:30 Pm Kabul Local Time. sador Janne Taalas. ciety activists in northern Baghlan province on Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoF) said Atmar Thursday urged the government and the Taliban the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address commended the Finnish government for organis- to declare ceasefire for reaching lasting peace in the below on the mentioned date and time. ing the Geneva Conference and supporting the Af- country. ghan Peace Process. Holding a gathering here, the scholars said they 7. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of: Atmar also discussed the recent state visit by Presi- were ready to extend every possible cooperation dent Ashraf Ghani and senior Afghan government for bringing about peace to the country. Lots Amount USD officials to Doha. Addressing the gathering, Baghlan Haj and Auqaf The objective behind the visit was to strengthen the director Mualvi Naqibullah Sajjad said the Afghans Lot- One 10,000.00 Afghan peace process and boost bilateral relations wanted peace more than anything else. between Afghanistan and Qatar, he added. “The government and the Taliban should do what- Lot- Two 500.00 To promote the peace process, according to the ever they can including declaration of ceasefire in minister, the Ashraf Ghani administration is pur- order to achieve peace,” he said.

8. Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose information on suing three main objectives. Speaking on the occasion, civil society activist Navid Shakorzada said only Afghans were killed the successful bidder’s beneficial ownership, as part of the Contract Award Notice, using the Beneficial The aims are overcoming hurdles to rules for and maimed in the conflict. Ownership Disclosure Form as included in the bidding document. kick-starting talks on the peace agenda including a ceasefire, establishing a mechanism to reduce “If the Taliban really want peace so it is the time to 9. The address referred to above is: violence and laying the groundwork for a com- declare truce and show their affection towards the prehensive agreement leading to lasting peace in nation and this way they may reach power.” Afghanistan Second Skills Development Project – Technical and Vocational Education and Training Afghanistan. A student of the Baghlan university, Ghulam Raza Authority. Finland’s special envoy affirmed support for the Safdari, said the ongoing peace talks in Qatar could Mr. Anwar Zamani – Contract Management and Monitoring Specialist peace process and achievements of the last 19 years succeed if ceasefire was announced. 3. Dahbori, Sarai Ghazni Kabul-Afghanistan. in Afghanistan, He said the Taliban stopped targeting American Phone Number: +93 788 012 69 The diplomat voiced Finland’s readiness to organ- forces under their agreement with the US but inno- Email: [email protected] ise the Geneva Conference ‪on November 23 and 24.‬ cent Afghans were still being killed on a daily ba- Copy to: [email protected] Taalas added he had contacted all donor countries, sis. He believed the Doha talks were the last chance Website: www.ageops.net , www.tveta.gov.af and they were ready to attend the conference fol- for the government and the Taliban, which they lowing ...( More on P4)...(6) should not miss. ...( More on P4)...(7)