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Organization of DNA Replication

Vadim O. Chagin1, Jeffrey H. Stear2, and M. Cristina Cardoso1

1Department of Biology, Technische Universita¨t Darmstadt, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany 2Institute for Biology, Humboldt University, 10115 Berlin, Germany Correspondence: [email protected]

The discovery of the DNA double helix structure half a century ago immediately suggested a mechanism for its duplication by semi-conservative copying of the nucleotide sequence into two DNA daughter strands. Shortly after, a second fundamental step toward the elucidation of the mechanism of DNA replication was taken with the isolation of the first enzyme able to polymerize DNA from a template. In the subsequent years, the basic mechanism of DNA replication and its enzymatic machinery components were elucidated, mostly through genetic approaches and in vitro biochemistry.Most recently,the spatial and temporal organization of the DNA replication process in vivo within the context of chromatin and inside the intact cell are finally beginning to be elucidated. On the one hand, recent advances in genome-wide high throughput techniques are providing a new wave of information on the progression of genome replication at high spatial resolution. On the other hand, novel super- resolution microscopy techniques are just starting to give us the first glimpses of how DNA replication is organized within the context of single intact cells with high spatial resolution. The integration of these data with time lapse microscopy analysis will give us the ability to film and dissect the replication of the genome in situ and in real time.

ollowing the elucidation of the DNA double bacteria to mammals. A comprehensive list of Fhelix structure by Watson and Crick (Watson that are involved in the process and their and Crick 1953) and the isolation of the first activities has been compiled, and it is now possi- DNA polymerase by Kornberg (Kornberg 1960), ble to provide a relatively detailed description a fundamental biological question has been how of the DNA replication machinery on a molecular genomes are duplicated prior to cell division. level (Fig. 1) (Perumal et al. 2009). However, In the 50 years since these seminal discoveries, genomic DNA in eukaryotic cells is hierarchically the basic mechanisms of DNA replication have packed within the nucleus and genome duplica- been established by a powerful combination of tion requires the concerted effort of many thou- genetics and in vitro biochemistry. From this sands of individual replication units. As such, body of work, it is clear that the fundamental an equally important question is how DNA repli- features and components of DNA replication cation is coordinated in space and time across the are well conserved throughout evolution from entire genome within the living cell.

Editors: David Spector and Tom Misteli Additional Perspectives on The Nucleus available at Copyright # 2010 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a000737 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010;2:a000737

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V.O. Chagin, J.H. Stear, and M.C. Cardoso

Clamp loader DNA Polymerase

Helicase Topoisomerase PCNA

DNA Ligase Primase

Endonucleases SSB proteins


Figure 1. Schematic outline of the DNA replication fork and molecular components and enzymatic activities of the replisome. PCNA, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (also termed DNA polymerase clamp or processivity factor). SSB, single strand DNA binding proteins.

DNA REPLICATION: THE BASICS and the “license” was removed as the DNA was replicated in S phase (Blow and Laskey 1988). Every cycling cell needs to duplicate its genome Detailed biochemical evidence is now available before it divides. This entails not only duplicat- and indicates that preventing rebinding of the ing precisely and completely its genetic infor- MCM complex to DNA is the key to avoid rere- mation, which is the focus of this article, but plication (Blow and Dutta 2005). also restoring its epigenetic information to build In bacteria and lower eukaryotes, replication up the differentiated chromatin structures. origins are defined by specific DNA sequences; After cells divide, the so-called prereplica- whereas in metazoans the defining characteristics tion complexes including the DNA helicase of these sites remain less clear (Robinson and Bell complex (MCM 2-7) assemble onto the DNA 2005; Aladjem 2007; Hamlin et al. 2008). At each throughout the G1 phase (Blow and Dutta origin, replication proteins are assembled, which 2005). At the end of G1, input from the cell cycle then duplicate one segment (replicon)ofthe machinery via the cell-cycle dependent kinases genome in a processive manner (Jacob and Bren- triggers initiation of DNA replication at discrete ner 1963; Jacob 1993). The active units of DNA sites, known as origins of replication, scattered replication, consisting of the replication machi- throughout the genome. Each origin fires once nery (also called replisome), the existing DNA per cell cycle and their spacing must ensure template, and the nascent DNA strand, are that the entire genome is replicated during the referred to as replication forks. Following initiation S phase. Early results from cell fusion experi- of DNA synthesis, replication forks proceed bidir- ments indicated that replicated DNA differed ectionally from the origin, unwinding the from unreplicated DNA because it was not per- genomic DNA as they traverse the missive for replication unless it passed through (Huberman and Riggs 1968). one mitotic division (Rao and Johnson 1970). At the molecular level, replication of a Subsequent experiments using cell-free replica- genomic DNA template involves at least two dif- tion assays further refined this idea and a model ferent DNA polymerases, a DNA primase, a DNA was proposed whereby replication origins were helicase, a single strand DNA binding (SSB) pro- “licensed” to replicate at late mitosis and G1, tein complex (replication A, RPA), DNA

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DNA Replication

topoisomerases, a clamp loading complex (repli- how DNA replication is regulated on a cellular cation factor C, RFC), and a DNA polymerase level. A cell must duplicate its entire genome clamp or processivity factor (proliferating cell once and only once every time it divides. There- nuclear antigen, PCNA). Furthermore, the inher- fore,inthe broadest sense, investigating theglobal ent polarity of the DNA synthesis reaction (50 to regulationofDNAreplicationcanbedistilledinto 30 direction) necessitates discontinuous duplica- the question of how the activityof individual rep- tion of the lagging strand in addition to the con- lication units is coordinated throughout a cell tinuous leading-strand synthesis. This process cycle.Thisratherdauntingproblemcanbebroken involves the synthesis of short (180–200 bp in down into more specific questions. How is repli- eukaryotic cells) DNA fragments known as Oka- cation propagated along the ? zaki fragments (Okazaki et al. 1968) that are sub- How does the cell ensure that the whole genome sequently processed and ligated together by a gets replicated? Where along the chromosome number of additional enzymes, including the doesreplicationbegin?Thesequestionswereorig- flap endonucleases (FEN-1) and DNA ligase I inally addressed in bacteria, where the replication (Hubscher and Seo 2001). To explain how the program proceeds in a rather straightforward synthesis of both strands is coordinated, an asym- fashion with genetically well defined replication metric dimer of DNA polymerases and associated origins, which fire once per cell cycle (Mott and factors has been proposed first for prokaryotic Berger 2007). DNA replication (McHenry 1988) and subse- However, the much larger size and complex- quently extended for eukaryotes (Tsurimoto ity of eukaryotic genomes impose additional and Stillman 1989). In order that the dimeric pol- difficulties on the organization of DNA replica- ymerases can extend the two antiparallel strands tion. Hence, eukaryotic DNA replication repre- atthesamerateandinthesamedirection,loop- sents a more complex situation that remains ing back of the lagging strand into the replisome poorly understood. The confusion centers (“trombone” model) has been postulated, with around two seemingly contradictory observa- recycling of the lagging-strand polymerase from tions. First, a number of studies have clearly the end of one Okazaki fragment to the next shown that DNA replication follows a defined, RNA primer forming a priming loop (Sinha temporal progression (Sparvoli et al. 1994; Car- et al. 1980; Pandey et al. 2009). This situation doso et al. 1997; Jackson and Pombo 1998; Ma suggests that the replication machinery at a given et al. 1998; Dimitrova and Gilbert 2000; Leon- replication fork likely consists of at least two func- hardt et al. 2000; Sadoni et al. 2004; Easwaran tional (sub)modules, one responsible for leading- et al. 2005). Actively transcribed, euchromatic strand synthesis, and the other for lagging-strand regions of the genome tend to be duplicated early synthesis (Fig. 1). Biochemical evidence points to in S phase, whereas heterochromatin, which is the existence of large preformed multiprotein more condensed and often transcriptionally replication complexes that contain all activities silent, replicates late in S phase (Fig. 2 and Movie (Noguchi et al. 1983; Tom et al. 1996). However, 1 online at evidence from live-cell microscopy analysis This phenomenon was originally described by points to short time interactions between the observing replication along Giemsa stained chro- individual components, suggesting highly mosomes and correlating DNA synthesis with dynamic complexes (Sporbert et al. 2002; Spor- banding patterns (Drouin et al. 1990). Second, bert et al. 2005; Schermelleh et al. 2007; Gorisch eukaryotic replication origins fire in a stochastic et al. 2008). fashion throughout S phase (Dijkwel et al. 2002; Patel et al. 2006). Therefore, the distribu- tion of active origins, and thus replication initia- DNA REPLICATION: IN VIVO tion, changes between each cell cycle. Given the Investigating how the distinct activities required random nature of replication origin firing, it is for DNA synthesis are organized within the cell hard to understand how a cell can maintain the nucleusrelatestothelargerissueofunderstanding temporal progression of replication. Reconciling

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V.O. Chagin, J.H. Stear, and M.C. Cardoso


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Figure 2. Temporal progression of genome replication. Snapshots of a time-lapse confocal microscopy movie of DNA replication throughout the cell cycle in human HeLa cells stably expressing GFP-tagged PCNA. Times are indicated in hours:minutes and cell cycle phases as G1/SE (S early)/SM (S mid)/SL (S late)/G2/M. Scale bar, 5 mm. During early S phase, small foci distributed throughout the nucleus and mostly corresponding to euchromatic genomic regions are duplicated. Subsequently, the DNA replication machinery loads at perinuclear and perinucleolar heterochromatin regions followed at later times by large constitutive heterochromatic chromosomal regions. This temporal replication program is recapitulated at each cell cycle. See also Movie 1 online at

these data acquired at very different spatial reso- is perhaps misleading to generalize conclusions lution levels (from hundreds of base pairs in obtained with this system when contemplating stretched DNA fibers and by two-dimensional eukaryotic DNA replication timing. Therefore, gel electrophoresis analysis to megabase chroma- this article focuses on how DNA replication is tin domains in whole cells in situ) presents a sig- regulated within the nucleus of metazoan nificant hurdle to our understanding of how systems. replication proceeds in eukaryotic cells. It should be noted that the budding yeast Sac- GENOMIC APPROACHES TO STUDYING charomyces cerevisiae represents an exception to REPLICATION TIMING the standard eukaryotic strategy for genome duplication. Similar to bacteria, S. cerevisiae pos- The recent development of genomic assays has sess well-defined replication origin sequences for the first time permitted a genome-wide that can fire at a very efficient rate during S examination of replication timing in popula- phase, leading to a very homogenous pattern of tions of eukaryotic cells. For example, microar- DNA replication (Fangman and Brewer 1991; ray analysis has been successfully used in a Gilbert 2001). Furthermore, genome-wide anal- variety of systems to generate genome-wide ysis of replication initiation indicates no bias for profiles of replication timing. First performed sites of active transcription and no observable in S. cerevisiae, and more recently in S. pombe, delay for any distinct regions of the genome Drosophila melanogaster, and Homo sapien cells (Raghuraman et al. 2001). For these reasons, it (Raghuraman et al. 2001; Schubeler et al. 2002;

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DNA Replication

Watanabe et al. 2002; White et al. 2004; Wood- GC content and contained actively transcribed fine et al. 2004; Jeon et al. 2005; Eshaghi et al. . In fact, a high-resolution 2007; Hiratani et al. 2008; Watanabe et al. analysis revealed that boundaries between 2008), this technique usually requires the syn- regions with different GC content (the so-called chronization of a population of cells at the isochores) correlated with borders between G1/S boundary or their flow cytometric sorting DNA replication timing zones (Costantini and based on increasing DNA content through S Bernardi 2008). In addition, recent studies also phase. Following release into S phase, the accu- showed that a substantial portion of the genome mulation of newly synthesized DNA over time is (approx. 60%) does not replicate until much measured by hybridization to DNA arrays. later in S phase (Eshaghi et al. 2007). Alternatively, isolated nascent DNA can be The dynamics of origin firing has also been directly sequenced using novel high-through- examined by genome-wide analysis. Consistent put deep sequencing techniques. A summary with earlier reports, this process was found to of these studies is compiled in Table 1. be stochastic, leading to a random distribution DNA combing is another technique that has of replication initiation sites across the chromo- recently been used to systematically investigate somes (Patel et al. 2006). It was also shown that replication initiation and elongation at the level early S phase origins are quite inefficient at ini- of single DNA fibers. Long, individual DNA tiating replication. In contrast, the relative firing molecules are stripped of proteins, uniformly efficiency of late S phase origins, although still stretched across a glass surface, and examined occurring in a random manner, was significantly by standard fluorescence microscopy (Bensi- higher (Eshaghi et al. 2007). This could reflect mon et al. 1994). By pulse-labeling cells with the fact that less DNA is “licensed” to replicate nucleotides prior to this treatment, it is possible at later S phase stages leading to a seemingly to directly examine sites of DNA synthesis higher firing efficiency. Alternatively, assuming (Pasero et al. 2002; Anglana et al. 2003). Origi- recycling of a factor limiting replication initia- nally used with radioactively labeled nucleotides tion—firing propensity redistribution—has also to accurately measure the rate of replication fork allowed reasonable modeling of S phase based progression (Huberman and Riggs 1968), more on stochastic firing of individual origins (Lygeros recent studies have used this approach to com- et al. 2008). Cyclin-dependent kinases were sug- pare the efficiency of origin firing between early gested as factors limiting initiation. These factors and late replicating regions (Patel et al. 2006). are recycled to late-firing origins, thus increasing The application of these methods has,for the the probability of their activation. first time, permitted the examination of how Together, these results have led to the “in- DNA replication proceeds at the genomic level. creasing efficiency model,” which has the The availability of several complete genome potential to explain many of the questions sur- sequenceshasfurtherallowedinsilicoevaluation rounding the regulation of DNA replication. of the correlation of DNA replication with struc- The idea centers around the hypothesis that as tural and functional genomic features. For a cell progresses through S phase, the overall effi- example, whereas a relationship between tran- ciency with which the remaining fraction of scriptional activity and replication timing had available origins initiates replication increases been suggested by earlier reports analyzing (Lucas et al. 2000; Hyrien et al. 2003). An appeal- single genes (Gilbert 2002), microarray studies ing aspect of this model is that it accounts for investigating the timing of DNA replication how cells can avoid the problem of gaps in alongD.melanogasterandhumanchromosomes DNA replication. Furthermore, by assuming convincingly linked these processes on a that different regions of the genome possess var- genome-widelevel(Schubeleretal.2002;Wood- iable efficiencies of origin firing, it can also fine et al. 2004; Jeon et al. 2005). Specifically, explain how a cell could maintain stochastic fir- earlyreplicatingregionsdisplayedastrongcorre- ing of replication origins and still replicate its lation with rich areas that possessed a high DNA in an ordered fashion (Rhind 2006).

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V.O. Chagin, J.H. Stear, and M.C. Cardoso

Table 1. Genomic studies of DNA replication. Genome duplication Genome segment characteristic Species investigated Reference Timing of replication

Chromosome bands/ isochores; Human (White et al. 2004) GC/AT content Human MN1/PITPNB region of (Schmegner et al. 2007) Chromosome 22 Human Whole genome (at 1 Mbp (Woodfine et al. 2004; Woodfine resolution), et al. 2005) Chromosomes 22q and 6 Mouse Whole genome (Farkash-Amar et al. 2008) Human ENCODE regions (Karnani et al. 2007) Human Chromosomes 21q, 11q and 6 (Costantini and Bernardi 2008)

Alu/LINE repeats content Human Whole genome (at 1 Mbp (Woodfine et al. 2004; Woodfine resolution), et al. 2005) Chromosomes 22q and 6

Transcription activity; Human Chromosome 22 (White et al. 2004) Coding sequences Human Whole genome (at 1 Mbp (Woodfine et al. 2004; Woodfine resolution), et al. 2005) Chromosomes 22q and 6 Human 1,589 genes in Chromosomes 21 (Jeon et al. 2005) and 22 Human ENCODE regions (Karnani et al. 2007) Mouse Whole genome (Hiratani et al. 2008) embryonic

House keeping/Tissue specific Mouse Whole genome (Farkash-Amar et al. 2008) genes

H3K4 and H3K9 methylation; Human ENCODE regions (Karnani et al. 2007) H3K9 and H3K14 acetylation; Human MYC, LMNB2, HBB genes, (Lucas et al. 2007) H3K4 and H3K36 trimethylation FRAXA region, 1075 kbp of Chromosome 22 Mouse Whole genome (Hiratani et al. 2008) embryonic Human ENCODE regions (Cadoret et al. 2008; Necsulea et al. 2009) Mode of replication

Asynchronous replication of Human 1,589 genes in Chromosomes (Jeon et al. 2005) 9–60% of the sequences 21 and 22 throughout S-phase Human ENCODE regions (Karnani et al. 2007) Mouse Whole genome (Farkash-Amar et al. 2008)

Acute transition between Human ENCODE regions (Karnani et al. 2007) individual replication timing Human MN1/PITPNB region of (Schmegner et al. 2007) zones Chromosome 22

Gradient transition between Human Chromosomes11q and 21q (Watanabe et al. 2008; Watanabe individual replication timing et al. 2009) zones with large replicons Mouse Whole genome (Hiratani et al. 2008) locating at the boundaries of embryonic replication timing zones


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DNA Replication

Table 1. Continued Genome duplication Genome segment characteristic Species investigated Reference Ori/Replicon distribution

X inactivation independent Mouse X chromosome (Gomez and Brockdorff 2004) CpG-associated Ori activity

Correlation of Ori activity with Mouse 10 Mbp on chromosome X and 3 (Sequeira-Mendes et al. 2009) promoter regions and gene embryonic density

Replicon clusters with interorigin Mouse 10 Mbp on chromosome X and 3 (Sequeira-Mendes et al. 2009) distance 100 kbp embryonic Human MYC, LMNB2, HBB genes, (Lucas et al. 2007) FRAXA region, 1075 kbp of Chromosome 22 Human Chromosomes 21q, 11q and 6 (Costantini and Bernardi 2008)

Single large replicons Human MYC, LMNB2, HBB genes, (Lucas et al. 2007) (300 kbp) FRAXA region, 1075 kbp of Chromosome 22 Human ENCODE regions (Cadoret et al. 2008) Mouse Whole genome (Farkash-Amar et al. 2008) Human Chromosomes 21q, 11q and 6 (Costantini and Bernardi 2008) Human Chromosomes11q and 21q (Watanabe et al. 2008; Watanabe et al. 2009) ENCODE – ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements represent regions covering 1% (30Mb) of human genome.

In general, this proposal provides a satisfac- This discussion is most often framed by the cor- tory explanation for how replication timing is relation between the open chromatin structure modulated in eukaryotic nuclei. However, two present at transcriptionally active regions and very important questions remain. First, how the fact that these sites are often replicated early does the firing efficiency of replication origins in S phase. In the simplest view, a relaxed chro- increase over the course of S phase? Second, matin structure results in more accessible what determines the inherent replication effi- genomic DNA, which leads to more efficient ciency of a given genomic region? Regarding binding by both transcription and replication the first question, one model centers on the con- factors. There has been some discussion as to cept of polymerase recycling, whereby a fixed whether replication or transcription plays a number of DNA polymerase complexes are causal role in this relationship (i.e., whether available to the cell. At the onset of S phase, early replicating sites “define” regions of tran- only the most efficient and/or accessible origins scription or vice versa) but no conclusive results have a chance of initiating replication. As the have been obtained. One shortcoming of the genome becomes duplicated, the number of genomic methods described earlier is that potential origins decreases, thereby increasing whereas replication timing profiles certainly the probability that they will fire. The answer reflect the influence of chromatin structure, it to the second question remains less clear, but is difficult to backtrack and directly examine alterations in chromatin structure are likely to the nature of this chromatin. This is due in play a central role. part to the ensemble/pooled nature of genomic The likelihood of a connection between analysis, as well as the fact that neither assay per- chromatin structure and replication timing mits a particularly detailed examination of has been well established (Donaldson 2005). nuclear structure.

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V.O. Chagin, J.H. Stear, and M.C. Cardoso

CELLULAR ORGANIZATION OF of very large foci. In addition to reflecting REPLICATION the stage of S phase progression, the pattern of replication foci also correlates with the nature Chromosomes and chromosomal domains andtopologyofthechromatinthatisbeingrepli- are nonrandomly organized within eukaryotic cated. For example, early replication patterns nuclei and their topology is thought to have represent actively transcribed euchromatin, functional significance (Cremer and Cremer whereas late replication patterns are associated 2001; Kumaran et al. 2008; Takizawa et al. with heterochromatic regions. Thus, this type 2008). Microscopic inspection of nuclei is a of microscopic analysis permits the simultane- powerful approach to investigate the spatio- ous visualization of both replication dynamics temporal organization of replication within the and chromatin structure in a single cell basis. context of nuclear architecture. Ongoing DNA The role of chromatin modifications and synthesis provides a way to directly detect the structural rearrangements in replication organ- nuclear sites of DNA replication after introduc- ization is yet to be established. Some experi- ing labeled nucleotides into the cells. Initially, mental evidence suggests a role of chromatin radioactive thymidine was used (Milner 1969) remodeling and assembly factors in facilitating and later, with the development of antibodies replication through heterochromatin domains specifically detecting halogenated thymidine (Collins et al. 2002; Quivy et al. 2008). However, analogs (Gratzner 1982; Aten et al. 1992), im- the impact of histone modifications is less clear. munofluorescence analysis of nuclear replica- For example, disruption of histone H3 lysine 9 tion structures became reality (Nakamura et al. trimethylation, the typical epigenetic mark for 1986; Nakayasu and Berezney 1989; O’Keefe heterochromatin, does not significantly affect et al. 1992). More recently, live-cell microscopy the late replication of mouse chromocenters analysis of replication progression was made (Wu et al. 2006). Other histone modifications, possible by introducing fluorescently conju- such as phosphorylation of the linker histone gated nucleotides (Schermelleh et al. 2001) or H1 by Cdk2, have been proposed to play a role by expression of fluorescent replication factors in the large-scale decondensation of chromatin (Cardoso et al. 1997; Leonhardt et al. 2000). associated with replication (Alexandrow and With these approaches, DNA replicationwas Hamlin 2005). found to occur at subnuclear sites called replica- Examining the dynamics of the replication tion foci, which accumulate numerous DNA machinery during S phase has in addition pro- replication factors and cell cycle proteins (Car- vided a detailed view of how DNA replication doso et al. 1993; Cardoso et al. 1997). These proceeds on a cellular level. The combination foci show distinct patterns of localization over of time-lapse microscopy with fluorescence the course of S phase; as such, studying their photobleaching/activation indicated that the composition and dynamics enables an examina- processivity of the replication machinery is built tion of how DNA replication is regulated on a on transient interactions of various replication cellular level. Time-lapse microscopy of living enzymeswithastablecoreconsistingoftheproc- mammalian cells over the course of an entire essivity factor PCNA (Sporbert et al. 2002; Spor- cell cycle (Fig. 2 and Movie 1 online at http:// bert et al. 2005; Schermelleh et al. 2007; Gorisch et al. 2008). The latter stayed associated with the in S phase, immediately following the onset of DNA and upon photobleaching no recovery was DNA replication, a multitude of small replica- measured for periods of over 10 minutes. When tion foci are distributed throughout the nucleus. assembly of PCNA was measured, it was found During mid S phase, the replication foci are uni- to occur at sites adjacent to the ones previously formly larger, and are distributed around the labeled. This indicated that once replication is periphery of the nucleoli and nuclear envelope. completed at a given site, a new replication focus Finally, at the end of S phase, the sites of replica- assembles de novo at a neighboring site (Sporbert tion have been consolidated into a small number etal.2002;Sadonietal.2004).Consistentdatahas

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DNA Replication

been reported using double nucleotide pulse- polymerization is sufficient to induce such chase-pulse experiments, whereby sequentially changes. This propagating chromatin fiber replicated DNA is labeled by two consecutive decondensation can be visualized as analogous pulses of modified nucleotides (Manders et al. to pulling on a shoelace. 1996; Jackson and Pombo 1998). Thus, repli- On a genome-wide scale, this model, which cation of a specific genomic region facilitates we refer to as the domino model, leads to a sim- subsequent loading of new replication factors at ple, self-propagating mode by which the entire neighboring sites. One interpretation of this chromosomes become fully duplicated by sim- result is that the act of replication induces local ply spreading the replication process using the changes in chromatin condensation, which in “nearest neighbor” principle (Fig. 3). This turn promotes the access/recruitment of replica- hypothesis also dovetails nicely with the increas- tion factors and the initiation of additional repli- ingefficiency model,inthatitprovidesaphysical cation cycles. Replication would begin at sites basis for why origin efficiency would increase with an “open” chromatin conformation, similar over the course of S phase. The increased effi- to what has previously been proposed. As a result ciency of late origins is not because of polymer- of these initial replication events, the chromatin ase recycling; rather it can be accounted for by at adjacent regions, which normally would not the fact that as a cell progresses through S phase, support replication initiation, would begin to it becomes more and more likely that any given decondense, leading to an increased probability region of the genome is proximal to a site of that origins present at these sites would fire. It DNA replication. Therefore, even origins con- is tempting to suggest that the activity of replica- tained in hyper-condensed, late replicating tion helicases such as the MCM proteins would regions such as the heterochromatin become promote local chromatin decondensation. How- accessible as more and more of the surrounding ever, it is equally feasible that the mere act of DNA chromatin undergoes replication.


Early S

Mid S

Late S


Figure 3. Model for the progression of genome replication—domino model. (A) One replicon cluster (red) initiates replication at early S phase and DNA synthesis proceeds bidirectionally (replication bubbles). This activates initiation of neighboring replicon clusters (blue), which in turn activate replication at later replicon clusters (green) until the whole chromosome (see scheme below) is fully duplicated in G2 phase. (B) Mouse primary fibroblast cell was pulse labeled for 30 minutes with the nucleotide analogue IdU (early S, red) followed by 3 hours chase, another 30 minutes pulse labeling with CldU (mid S, blue) and 3 hours chase, fixation and detection of replication sites with an antibody to DNA ligase I (late S, green). The micrograph represents a mid optical section of the late S phase fibroblast cell depicting the overlay of the three sequential replication labels and the spatiotemporal progression of genome replication.

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V.O. Chagin, J.H. Stear, and M.C. Cardoso

FUTURE DIRECTIONS e.g., many DNA replication factors are shared with DNA repair pathways (the same is also Despite significant advances in the charac- the case between repair and transcription fac- terization of the process of DNA replication, tors) is far more economic for the cellwhen deal- several basic questions remain unanswered. ing with similar tasks. On the other hand, this For example, it is still not fully evident how can be a dangerous strategy as mutations on sin- propagation of DNA replication over chromatin gle factors will have pleiotropic effects and fac- is coordinated with other nuclear processes. In tors can get exhausted and become rate limiting. other words, how is duplication of the (epi)ge- Finally, understanding the DNA replication nome once and only once per cell cycle achieved process will require the ability to connect data with high precision in a highly variable environ- from genomic studies with data from single cells ment including parallel transcription, repair, in a unified coherent model. Closing this (tem- and other DNA metabolic activities, and on poral and spatial) gap is becoming reality with such a differentiated template as chromatin? the advent of novel super-resolution nanoscopy How are chromatin epistates maintained at techniques. In fact, recent analysis of DNA rep- every cell cycle? Is transcriptional activity or lication in intact cells provided much increased chromatin structure determining replication resolution and consequently much higher timing or are they rather determined by the numbers of replication foci throughout S phase time they are replicated during S phase? (Baddeley et al. 2009). In the near future, a Interdependency of all these nuclear proc- major goal of the field will be to visualize and esses is also influenced by the fact that multiple to characterize in full detail single replicons in molecular components acting on DNA metabo- intact cells, which were previously only identi- lism are shared. On the one hand, the fact that, fied in stretched DNA fibers (Fig. 4). The


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(See facing page for legend)

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DNA Replication

integration of these datawith time lapse analysis spatial and temporal analysis of cell proliferation and will give us the ability to film and dissect the DNA replication. Histochem J 24: 251–259. Baddeley D, Chagin VO, Schermelleh L, Martin S, Pombo A, replication of the genome in situ and in real Carlton PM, Gahl A, Domaing P, Birk U, Leonhardt H, time. et al. 2009. Measurement of replication structures at the nanometer scale using super-resolution light micro- scopy. Nucleic Acids Res doi: 10.1093/nar/gkp901. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Bensimon A, Simon A, Chiffaudel A, Croquette V,Heslot F, Bensimon D. 1994. Alignment and sensitive detection of We are indebted to Robert M. Martin for the DNA by a moving interface. Science 265: 2096–2098. artwork in Figure 1 and to Corella Casas Deluc- Blow JJ, Dutta A. 2005. Preventing re-replication of chromo- somal DNA. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 6: 476–486. chi for the DNA fibers in Figure 4. Wealso thank Blow JJ, Laskey RA. 1988. A role for the nuclear envelope in all the past and present members of our labora- controlling DNA replication within the cell cycle. Nature tory for their many contributions along the 332: 546–548. years. Last but not least, we thank our many col- Cadoret JC, Meisch F, Hassan-Zadeh V, Luyten I, Guillet C, laborators, which have made our work possible Duret L, Quesneville H, Prioleau MN. 2008. Genome- wide studies highlight indirect links between human and enjoyable. Our research has been supported replication origins and gene regulation. Proc Natl Acad by grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- Sci 105: 15837–15842. schaft and the Volkswagen foundation. We Cardoso MC, Joseph C, Rahn HP, Reusch R, Nadal-Ginard regret that because of space constraints, we B, Leonhardt H. 1997. Mapping and use of a sequence that targets DNA ligase I to sites of DNA replication in had to eliminate many important and relevant vivo. J Cell Biol 139: 579–587. citations. Cardoso MC, Leonhardt H, Nadal-Ginard B. 1993. Reversal of terminal differentiation and control of DNA replica- tion: Cyclin A and Cdk2 specifically localize at subnuclear sites of DNA replication. Cell 74: 979–992. REFERENCES Collins N, Poot RA, Kukimoto I, Garcia-Jimenez C, Dellaire Aladjem MI. 2007. Replication in context: Dynamic show- G, Varga-Weisz PD. 2002. An ACF1-ISWI chromatin- nion of DNA replication patterns in metazoans. Nat remodeling complex is required for DNA replication Rev Genet 8: 588–600. through heterochromatin. Nat Genet 32: 627–632. Alexandrow MG, Hamlin JL. 2005. Chromatin decondensa- Costantini M, Bernardi G. 2008. Replication timing, chro- tion in S-phase involves recruitment of Cdk2 by Cdc45 mosomal bands, and isochores. Proc Natl Acad Sci 105: and histone H1 phosphorylation. J Cell Biol 168: 3433–3437. 875–886. Cremer T, Cremer C. 2001. Chromosome territories, Anglana M, Apiou F, Bensimon A, Debatisse M. 2003. nuclear architecture and gene regulation in mammalian Dynamics of DNA replication in mammalian somatic cells. Nat Rev Genet 2: 292–301. cells: Nucleotide pool modulates origin choice and inter- Dijkwel PA, Wang S, Hamlin JL. 2002. Initiation sites are dis- origin spacing. Cell 114: 385–394. tributed at frequent intervals in the Chinese hamster dihy- Aten JA, Bakker PJ, Stap J, Boschman GA, Veenhof CH. drofolate reductase origin of replication but are used with 1992. DNA double labelling with IdUrd and CldUrd for very different efficiencies. MolCellBiol22: 3053–3065.

Figure 4. Connecting replicon analysis on DNA fibers to whole cell in situ replication foci. Human HeLa cells expressing GFP-tagged PCNA were imaged using either conventional confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) or super-resolution 3D-structured illumination microscopy (3D-SIM). Shown are maximal intensity projections of the full 3D image stacks illustrating the spatial organization of replication foci in late S phase. The inset shows a twofold magnification of the areas containing replicating heterochromatic regions marked by an asterisk in the image. Scale bar, 2 mm. Even in these condensed heterochromatin domains, the much larger number of individual replicating sites revealed by the increased resolution of the 3D-SIM technique is apparent. Below the cell images, combed DNA fibers are shown with a cartoon representation of nucleotide labeled replicon units overlayed in green. The same replicons are shown underneath with the vertical arrows indicating the origin of replication of each replicon. Several of the replicons are closed together in clusters (underlined by green lines), which initiate replication coordinately. By comparing labeling of replicons in combed DNA fibers and the numbers of replication foci counted by conventional light microscopy, it was concluded that one replication focus corresponds to a spatially organized cluster of replicons, as indicated by the dashed lines. Using 3D-SIM and other super-resolution nanoscopy techniques, much higher numbers of replication foci are resolved. This will soon allow us to measure in detail the characteristics of individual replicons that were formerly visualized only on stretched DNA fibers.

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V.O. Chagin, J.H. Stear, and M.C. Cardoso

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DNA Replication

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Organization of DNA Replication

Vadim O. Chagin, Jeffrey H. Stear and M. Cristina Cardoso

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a000737

Subject Collection The Nucleus

The Stochastic Genome and Its Role in Gene Mechanisms of Chromosome Folding and Nuclear Expression Organization: Their Interplay and Open Questions Christopher H. Bohrer and Daniel R. Larson Leonid Mirny and Job Dekker The Diverse Cellular Functions of Inner Nuclear Nuclear Compartments: An Incomplete Primer to Membrane Proteins Nuclear Compartments, Bodies, and Genome Sumit Pawar and Ulrike Kutay Organization Relative to Nuclear Architecture Andrew S. Belmont The Nuclear Lamina Essential Roles for RNA in Shaping Nuclear Xianrong Wong, Ashley J. Melendez-Perez and Organization Karen L. Reddy Sofia A. Quinodoz and Mitchell Guttman Uncovering the Principles of Genome Folding by Epigenetic Reprogramming in Early Animal 3D Chromatin Modeling Development Asli Yildirim, Lorenzo Boninsegna, Yuxiang Zhan, Zhenhai Du, Ke Zhang and Wei Xie et al. Viruses in the Nucleus Structure, Maintenance, and Regulation of Bojana Lucic, Ines J. de Castro and Marina Lusic Nuclear Pore Complexes: The Gatekeepers of the Eukaryotic Genome Marcela Raices and Maximiliano A. D'Angelo The Molecular and Nuclear Dynamics of 3D or Not 3D: Shaping the Genome during X-Chromosome Inactivation Development François Dossin and Edith Heard Juliane Glaser and Stefan Mundlos The Impact of Space and Time on the Functional Mammalian DNA Replication Timing Output of the Genome Athanasios E. Vouzas and David M. Gilbert Marcelo Nollmann, Isma Bennabi, Markus Götz, et al. Chromatin Mechanisms Driving Cancer Mechanical Forces in Nuclear Organization Berkley Gryder, Peter C. Scacheri, Thomas Ried, et Yekaterina A. Miroshnikova and Sara A. Wickström al.

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