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Google proposes way for Fuchsia OS to run Android and Linux programs ?natively?

By Roy Schestowitz Created 13/02/2021 - 12:51am Submitted by Roy Schestowitz on Saturday 13th of February 2021 12:51:19 AM Filed under OS [1] Google [2]

One of the bigger issues with making a new , particularly one that?s being built from scratch like Fuchsia, is that people will rightfully want to be able to run their favorite apps on that OS. In the case of Fuchsia, which could theoretically serve as the successor to both Chrome OS and Android, people would likely expect to be able to run both Android apps and Linux apps, along with native Fuchsia apps.

Up to now, the expectation was that Fuchsia could accomplish this in the same way that Chrome OS is currently able to run Linux apps, by running a full instance of Linux in a virtual machine. Chrome OS is even set to use this same strategy for its ability to run Android apps, thanks to a project called arcvm. However, there are some downsides to the virtual machine approach. For one, managing between the ?host? (Fuchsia, for example) and the ?guest? (Android) can be tricky or cumbersome. Additionally, Fuchsia puts an emphasis on security, attempting to keep programs isolated from one another wherever possible. To maintain that level of isolation with Linux apps, Fuchsia would need to run more than one virtual machine, which could bog down performance.


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