Calling the Roll of Sooner Classes
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Calling the Roll of Sooner Classes 1916 Mr . Gable, who is a practicing attorney in Tulsa, Dr. John O . Moseley, '16ma, dean of students at the University of Tennessee and former pres- is an outstanding golfer and has served as sec- ident of Central State College, Edmond, di- retary of the county bar association . rected the leadership school conducted by Sig- Leo K . Hughes, '26, who is employed by the ma Alpha Epsilon fraternity in connection with Pure Oil Company, has been transferred to the national convention of the fraternity held Tulsa . He had lived for the last seven years in August at Chicago . Dr. Moseley is former in Saginaw, Michigan . Mr . Hughes spent his national head of the fraternity . vacation this year at Toronto, Canada, Niagara 1919 Falls and other nearby points . J. B. Koch, '26eng, has been elected com- Richard H . Cloud, '19, '28law, and Mrs . mander of the Norman post of the American (Agnes Chase, '14), accompanied by Clovd . their daughter Dorothy, attended the national Legion convention of Phi Delta Phi, honorary legal Agnes McDanel, '26ex, formerly with the Kerr Dry Goods Company in Oklahoma City, fraternity, held at Mackinac Island . Mr. Cloyd has joined the staff of the Tieche-Goettinger is an attorney in Norman . Department Store at Dallas, Texas . 1920 Twenty-year Reunion in lone, 1940 1927 H. W . Houghton, '20, '38ms, formerly teach- Katherine E . DePuy, '27, office manager at er of mathematics and chemistry in Pawnee the University of Tulsa football ticket office, Junior College and High School, has been made a vacation trip to New York City in July . made head of the chemistry department of Dun- ALLEN-''ALLEY : Miss Lera Allen, '27ex, can High School and Junior College . Mr . and Dr . C . N . Talley, '23med, were married in Houghton had taught at Pawnee for five years, late August . Mrs. Talley has taught in the and before that taught for ten years at Pan- Marlow schools three years. Dr. Talley is head handle A . and M . College, Goodwell . of the Talley Hospital, Marlow, where the Joe Mathews, '20, writer and Usage tribal couple will live . leader whose home is at Pawhuska, has chosen 1928 Mexico City as the place to do a year's work Paul E . Jordan, '28, received a master of arts under sponsorship of the Guggenheim fellow- James D . Fellers, '361aw degree from the University this summer . He ship that was awarded him recently . Mr . Math- has been re-elected superintendent of the Pha- ews plans to write a history of the gradual James D . Fellers, '361aw, Oklahoma City at- roah schools in Okfuskee County . merger of European culture with that of the torney, was elected to the National Executive Stephen Mopope, '28ex, and James Auchiah, Indians in Oklahoma and the Ozark mountain Council of the Junior Bar Conference at the con- Kiowa Indian artists whose work has been spon- area . He is the author of Wah-Kon'Tah, a vention of the American Bar Association held sored by Oscar B . Jacobson, director of the Uni- University of Oklahoma Press hook that was a during the summer at San Francisco . versity School of Art, have been commissioned selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club . Mr . Fellers, who has been state chairman of to paint murals in the new Department of In- 1923 the junior Bar Conference for the last two years, terior Building at Washington, D . C. They Mrs. Joe Angellio (Frances Blackmer ' '23ex), will represent the Tenth Federal Court Circuit will paint native Indian murals on walls of died August 20 at her home in Eagle Rock, on the national council . the building's cafeteria . The work is to last a California . Mrs. Angellio worked in the cata- Ben Franklin, '371aw, of Oklahoma City, has year . log department of the University Library while been appointed state chairman for this year . Mr HALE-DARBY : Miss Juanita Hale, of Okla- Franklin served as vice-chairman of the organi- a student . After leaving the University she homa City, and Emmett A . Darby, '28bus, were zation last year, and was chairman of the special studied library science at Columbia University, married recently . Mr. Darby is a member of anti-usury legal aid committee . New York, and the American Library, Paris, Alpha Tau Omega . He is in business in Okla- At the state convention held at Tulsa June 17, homa City . France . She became state librarian of Oklaho- Kavanaugh Bush, of Tulsa, was elected state ma, but resigned four years ago to move to KLOOR-PAYNE : Miss Manie Kloor, Lake vice chairman, and Jack E . High, '36law, of . Angellio is a contractor . Charles, Louisiana, and Roy Payne, '28, were California, where Mr Oklahoma City was elected state secretary. The : Miss Velma Weaver, married in August at Lake Charles . Mr . Payne WEAVER-ROBINSON state chairman is appointed by the national con- is a geologist for the Gulf Oil Company and at '23ex, was married to Frank Robinson of Carls- ference chairman . bad, New Mexico, August 6 at Roswell . Mrs . present is stationed at Lake Charles . Mrs. Payne Robinson formerly was employed in the Mus- attended Southwestern Institute of Liberal and kogee City schools. ver where Mr . Bruce is associated with the Technical Learning, Lafayette, Louisiana . Denver Post . 1924 1929 1925 Charles B . Hickok, '24law, Shawnee, was Herschell Emery, '29ed .m, formerly director elected alternate National Committeeman of the Fifteen-year Reunion in June, 1940 of physical education for Oklahoma City schools, Oklahoma Department of the American Legion Mrs . D . E . Hodges (Puilla Hill, '25), province is now an insurance agent in Oklahoma City . dIrector of Gamma Phi Beta sorority, went to at the annual state convention held at Shawnee H. B . Stolzer and Mrs . Stolzer (Margaret in September . Los Angeles in August to confer with the na- Skelton, '29), of Tulsa, announce the arrival tional ehairman of iDSpection for the sorority . A picture of Wesley Robertson, '24, Choctaw of a son July 13 . Indian singer whose tribal name is Ish-ti-opi, She planned later to attend rush activities at SHARP-BROWN : The wedding of Miss Mar- has been sent to King George and Queen Eliza- the University of Oklahoma, at Southern Meth- garet Lucille Sharp, of Tulsa, and Merritt Henry odist University, Dallas, and the University of beth of England in response to a request made Brown, '29, of Tulsa, was to take place in late by the British rulers when Mr . Robertson sang Texas, Austin . September . Mr. Brown is a member of Sigma ECKEL-HADWIGER : Miss Alice C . Eckel before them at the White House . The picture No fraternity . and Robert L . Hadwiger, '25law, were married was decorated by Acee Blue Eagle, former Uni- 1930 . in August . Mrs. Hadwiger is a graduate of the versity student nationally known as an artist Ten-year Reunion in June, 1940 Annie Laurie Von Tungeln, '24, '31ma, has University of Kansas and has a graduate de- Albert G . Kulp, '30, '34law, Oklahoma City resigned her position in Bartlesville High School, gree from the University of Nebraska . For attorney, and Mrs . Kulp (Virginia Kramer, '31), where she has taught Spanish and English for several years she has been director of the com- mercial department of Northwestern State Col- made a vacation trip to Bermuda and through thirteen years, to take a position in Tulsa Cen- the eastern part of the United States into Can- tral High School . lege, Alva . Mr . Hadwiger is a member of the law firm Hadwiger & Hadwiger, Alva . ada . Don Whisder, '24ex, of Norman, has been S. Zimerman, '30ex, has moved from May- 1926 re-elected chief of the Sac and Fox Indian tribe ville, Missouri, to Aberdeen, Mississippi . for another two-year term . G . Ellis Gable, '261aw, was elected by the WRIGHT-BRUCE : Miss Dellyse Wright, '24, Tulsa Count, Bar Association to serve as coun- 1931 and Joe W . Bruce, were married August 26 at ty judge pro tem at Tulsa during the summer Thelma Brooks, '31, formerly a teacher at Vinita . Mrs. Bruce is a member of Delta Gam- vacation of judge James P . Melone . The Tulsa Dewar has been appointed teacher in Edison ma sorority . Mr . Bruce is a graduate of Colo- Tribune commented on the fact that the last school at Drumright. rado College where he was a member of Phi two men who served as county judge pro tern John R. Rackley, '31, '35ma, formerly teacher Gamma Delta . The couple will live in Den- were later elected to regular terms on the bench . of English in Central High School at Oklahoma 1 8 THE SOONER MAGAZINE City, has joined the staff of Tulsa Central High school in a similar capacity . GARMAN-KERR : Miss Genevieve Garman The University of Oklahoma Association and Dr . Walter Kerr, '31, '33med, of Picher, Independent Organization of Alumni and Former Students married in August . Mrs. Kerr attended were EXECUTIVE OFFICFRS-Hicks Epton, Wcwoka, president; Mrs. Kitty Shanklin Rountree, Okla- Northeastern Junior College at Miami and North- homa City, first vice president; W. L. Eagleton, Tulsa, second vice president; J. C. Karcher, Dallas, State College at Tahlequah . 1)r. Kcrr eastern Texas, honorary vice president for Texas; Elaine Boylan, Dallas, honorary secretary for Texas; Ted physician at Picher, where they will live . is a Beaird, Norman, executive secretary. Madill ; 1932 EXECUTIVE BOARD-Members-at-large : Frank Cleckler, Muskogee ; Norman Brillhart, L. S. Halley, Tulsa ; Cy Ellinger, Purccll ; Elmer Fraker, Man- Blue Eagle, '32cx, went to New York Graham Johnson, Norman ; Harry Aece representatives : John R. Pearson, Pawhuska, First; September to study portrait painting with gum ; Charles B. Memminger, Atoka; District in Okmulgee, Second; O. Fisher Muldrow, Ardmore, Third; Hicks Epton, We- Wenold Riew, and to be on hand at the Blanche W.