Name: Alexander Davis ​ Location: , BC ​ Summary of Qualifications: Davis is a professional engineer and a longstanding competitive ​ player residing in Vancouver. He is committed to expanding the presence and scope of BC Ultimate, with ambitions to improve its services and support to member organizations, juniors development, university development, and intra­provincial competition. With valuable experience in the governance of sport societies (8 years of serving Ultimate , 4 years as a Director of the VUL, and 2 years as a Director of BC Ultimate), he is well equipped to assist BC Ultimate transition into a broader organization. He has also competed and coached locally, nationally and internationally for such teams as Furious George, the Nighthawks, the Riptide, and Team Canada.

Name: Bridget Gilbride ​ ​ Location: Vancouver, BC ​ Summary of Qualifications: I started playing ultimate over 15 years ago when I moved ​ to Vancouver ­ and it is not an exaggeration to say the sport and the community have been the most influential force in my life ever since. I've played and continue to play on league teams, and, in the past, I've played college, club (both mixed and women's), and I've coached or captained women's, college, and juniors teams. My last foray in competitive frisbee was my involvement in getting the women's masters division off the ground in 2011 and 2012. When I was playing competitively, I organized clinics and tournaments, including a stint teaching at a day camp for 8 to 10 year olds run through the Vancouver Parks Board. I also played in South Africa for six months (in 2008), and got a taste of how a burgeoning ultimate community organizes itself. In my other life, I am a lawyer and lately, I've taken to playing a number of other recreational sports (rather badly but quite happily).

Frisbee has taught me and given me a lot over the years and I would like to take this opportunity to give back, if you'll have me. I feel strongly that strength in recreational programs can complement and support strong competitive programs, and vice­versa. Assisting in those efforts would be a privilege. This goes double for juniors, where I'd like to do what I can to support ­ potentially enhance ­ what is already a very strong juniors program.

Name: Jennifer Kwok ​ ​ Location: Vancouver, BC ​ Summary of Qualifications: My crazy love and passion for ultimate began over 18 years ago ​ in Edmonton when there was barely enough players for a co­ed team, and we sometimes practised in the snow. Eleven years ago, I specifically moved to Vancouver so that I could play Frisbee every day, all year round. Over the years, I have competed nationally and internationally for Team Canada and various co­ed and women’s club teams, but it has always been extremely important to me to give back to the community in any way that I can. I am committed to increasing overall awareness of the sport, improving access to the game at every level of play, and continuing to support and mentor young players, particularly at the juniors and university levels. I would love the opportunity to use my experience as a lawyer and a life­long ultimate player and coach as a member of the BCU Board. Some of my playing and coaching experience includes: ∙ Member of Traffic, Women’s Club team since its inception in 2007 ∙ Member of Team Canada in 2004, 2008, 2012 at WUGC ∙ Member of the World Games Team, Taiwan, 2009 ∙ Member of Masters Women’s USAU Championship team, 2011 ∙ Assistant Coach of UBC Thunderbirds, 2013­2015 ∙ Assistant Coach of U­23 Women’s Team, London, 2015 ∙ Volunteer coaching at various ultimate clinics in Edmonton and Vancouver ultimate leagues

Name: Kat Lee ​ ​ Location: Vancouver, BC ​ Summary of Qualifications: Kat first started playing organized ultimate with the Vancouver ​ Ultimate League in 2006, and began playing women’s ultimate with the Simon Fraser University ultimate club in 2007. She currently competes with Zephyr and has served as one of the team's captains for the past two years. She has also volunteered her time as a coach and mentor at the junior, university and VUL level.

Kat is a digital communications and marketing professional outside of ultimate, and has contributed that expertise to BC Ultimate for the past two years as the Society's Secretary and now Communications Officer. During her tenure she has worked to expand the Society's communications channels and public profile with its members. If re­elected to the Board, she will continue to publicize the Society's programs, events and services to its members. She will also use her Board experience to help BC Ultimate shape its programs and services to better fulfill its mandate as the PSO in .

Name: Jennifer Nicholls ​ Location: Burnaby, BC ​ Summary of Qualifications: I’ve been a long time player and coach, and would like to continue ​ being involved in the ultimate community by helping provide others with the same great experience I feel others provided for me. During my time playing, I’ve watched the juniors ultimate scene grow across and talked to secondary school coaches in BC, AB and MB about the development of juniors programs; I’ve been part of the women’s masters’ scene developing, and am thrilled to see more people having more avenues through which they can continue playing ultimate. Although I would be new to the BCUS Board, I bring qualities that will contribute to the BCUS values of growth, spirit, competition and community. My playing experience is summed up here: ● 20 years’ experience as a competitive touring player ● played my first CUC in 1995 and have continued playing most CUCs through to 2015 ● played WUCC in 1997, 2002, 2010, 2014 ● played WUGC in 1998, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 ● over 15 years volunteer coaching with , Edmonton and Vancouver ultimate leagues (and as a guest coach in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan for a women’s ultimate workshop ● introduced ultimate to a small group from a small town in Russia (who have since gone on to play WUGC), and played competitively in Melbourne, Australia.