J Epidemiol Community Health 2001;55:433–441 433 J Epidemiol Community Health: first published as 10.1136/jech.55.6.433 on 1 June 2001. Downloaded from A prospective health impact assessment of the international astronomy and space exploration centre

L Y Winters

Abstract health should be evaluated in terms of their Study objectives—Assess the potential impact on health inequalities, and should be health impacts of the proposed Inter- formulated in such a way that by favouring the national Astronomy and Space Explora- less well oV they will, wherever possible, reduce tion Centre on the population of New such inequalities.”7 Therefore recent UK gov- Wallasey. Contribute to the piloting of ernment documents support health impact health impact assessment methods. assessment emphasising the public health Design—Prospective health impact as- function of health authorities to evaluate “the sessment involving brainstorming ses- health impact of local plans and develop- sions and individual interviews with key ments.”8 Furthermore, the government has informants and a literature review. pledged to apply health impact assessments to Setting—New Wallasey Single Regenera- its own relevant key policies, so health tion Budget 4 area. consequences can be considered during their Participants—Key stakeholders including development and implementation.9 It is there- local residents’ groups selected through fore timely that health impact assessments be purposeful snowball sampling. undertaken prospectively, ideally at the plan- Main results—Recommendations are made ning stage of policies, developments and that cover issues around: transport and projects. traYc; civic design; security; public safety, This study is one of four, enabling the Liver- employment and training. pool Public Health Observatory to pilot its Conclusions—Health impact assessment methods for health impact assessment.10–13 The is a useful pragmatic tool for facilitating assessment focused on the three components wide consultation. In particular engaging of the proposed International Astronomy and the local population in the early planning Space Exploration Centre: Telescope Tech- stages of a proposed development, and nologies Limited, Astrophysics Research Insti- assisting in highlighting changes to max- tute and the Visitor’s Centre. This develop- imise the positive health influences on ment is incorporated in a revitalisation aVected communities. programme of the Dock Estate featured in the (J Epidemiol Community Health 2001;55:433–441) New Wallasey regeneration strategy supported http://jech.bmj.com/ by the Single Regeneration Budget 4. New Health impact assessment can be defined as Wallasey incorporates seven of the most “the estimation of the eVects of a specified deprived area on the Wirral peninsula, Mersey- action on the health of a defined population.”1 side, in the north west of . The Single Health should ideally be viewed holistically as Regeneration Budget 4 is the fourth round of not just the absence of disease, but a “complete bids for a UK government funded programme state of physical mental and social well-being.”2 providing support from a single budget for sus- More recently health has been described as tainable regeneration, economic development on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. “the optimum physical and mental functioning and industrial competitiveness. that a person is capable of achieving.”3 It is now Telescope Technologies is a joint initiative by generally understood that health can be John Moores University and the influenced by more than just the provision of Royal Greenwich Observatory to manufacture health care. The determinants of health are research standard astronomical telescopes. The very wide encompassing biological, psychologi- Astrophysics Research Institute would be cal, economic, sociological and environmental primarily concerned with furthering astro- issues. Furthermore, there is growing consen- nomical research and developing an inter- Liverpool Public sus and documented evidence45 that specific nationally recognised centre of excellence. John Health Observatory, Department of Public actions that grow out of public policy, can Moores University staV would contribute to Health, Whelan aVect these determinants so they influence wider educational and public understanding of Building, Quadrangle, health either positively or negatively. Where science work, cooperating daily with the Visitor University of geographical areas suVer relative deprivation of Centre. The Research Institute would also be Liverpool, Liverpool these important determinants, health indica- the command centre for the robotically oper- L69 3GB, UK tors consistently show relatively poorer health ated Liverpool Telescope sited in the Canary Correspondence to: of residents when compared with those living Islands. Visitors to the centre will have an Lyn Y Winters in more prosperous regions and this health opportunity to learn about the latest results ([email protected]) divide is growing.67 from programmes investigating the universe Accepted for publication Acheson recommends that: “all policies and be helped to understand the technologies 15 February 2001 likely to have a direct or indirect eVect on that go into the development and construction

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Table 1 Key stakeholders Methods To facilitate the research process and agree on Key stakeholders constitute the following groups invited to participate in the HIA. terms of reference of the health impact assess- + Local residents eVected by the development. + People who may use the site such as local primary and secondary schools and ment a New Wallasey health impact assessment colleges in the area. group was formed. Membership included + Those involved with the development of the docklands’ site and the New Wallasey community representation, assistant director of area. This included relevant voluntary organisations and professionals such as planners, environmental health oYcers, public health professionals, members of the environmental health, public health and plan- special initiative team, public transport oYcials and community representatives ning professionals and the project manager from the Astrophysics Department, John of the world’s most sophisticated optical Moores University. instruments, while observing their assembly. It Detailed guidelines for carrying out a health aims to communicate aspects of modern impact assessment have been discussed in astronomy and space science, current research some detail elsewhere12 14 and are outlined in by the astrophysics group at John Moores Uni- figure 1 taken from the Guide- versity and picture data from the Liverpool lines.14 The methods described in the Mersey- Telescope. side Guidelines incorporate tested elements of Approximately 30 direct jobs on site and 30 various approaches to health impact assess- indirect jobs will be created or safeguarded in ment, such as those previously used in the the region. Each year approximately 150 Canadian province of British Columbia15 and teachers would attend training courses, 12 200 in Australia16. pupils would attend specialised activities and The main stages of the health impact assess- between 100 000 to 200 000 members of the ment to be reviewed in this paper are: general public would visit. Annual expenditure x Application of the screening criteria for for the Research Institute and the Visitor Cen- selection of policies/projects for health im- tre is estimated to be £150 000 for running pact assessment costs with fit-out and capital costs of x Profiling of potentially aVected areas and £890 000. The total cost over the first five communities years would be approximately £5.94 million. x Collection of qualitative data from key Telescope Technologies total set up and informants running costs would be in the region of £2 x Literature review million. x Selection of highest priority impact areas x Recommendations for management of prior- Procedures Methods ity impacts On applying the Observatory’s health impact assessment screening criteria14 this develop- Apply screening ment was chosen because it could be assessed criteria to select project or policy prospectively in the planning stage of its devel- opment. It was of suYcient size and cost; had Policy relevance to local decision making with a high Establish analysis frequency of potential impacts. In addition, it steering group (if appropriate) was not politically contentious, so its accept- ability to local businesses and communities http://jech.bmj.com/ would make it suitable to the development of Agree terms of Profiling of methods of health impact assessment. reference for communities Profiling of aVected communities took place assessment by firstly reading available literature17–21 as well as interviewing key informants from planning Interview Collect and public health during November and Select assessor stakeholders and evidence from December 1997. Members of the New Walla- key informants previous reports sey Partnership Board and the Docklands on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Steering Group were invited to participate. Conduct Members of the New Wallasey health impact assessment Identify health determinants assessment also contributed and put forward affected further participants that were contacted di- Appraise the rectly by the researcher. These informants were assessment chosen because they had knowledge of the area Assess through residence, professional/voluntary role evidence or because of their expertise in issues concern- Negotiate ing the development. Other key informants favoured were identified from asking interviewees for options further contacts. Indeed, the key informants Establish are synonymous with key stakeholders (table priority impacts Implement and 1), unless they were contacted specifically for monitor their expertise on a particular issue. An anonymised list of participants is given in table Recommend and 2. All potential informants were contacted by Evaluate and justify options letter and asked if they wished to participate document for action and given a brief résumé on the proposed Figure 1 Stages in the health impact assessment process. Source: Merseyside Guidelines for development, with an explanation of what Health Impact Assessment. would be expected of them. During January

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Table 2 Key informants taped and transcribed. Interviews were con- ducted if preferred or where it was not feasible Numbers from Date Participating organisation organisation for participants to attend the brainstorming sessions. Opinions of experts on environmental Briefing and transport issues were sought via telephone 21/11/97 Special Initiatives Team 1 4/12/97 Public Health Facilitator 1 interviews. Interview/brainstorming sessions There was general agreement on what were 15/1/98 St. Lawrence RC Primary 2 23/1/98 SATRO, Teachers Resource Centre, Bromborough 1 the main priority areas. It was not part of the 26/1/98 Under 5s Centre, St. Paul’s Road 9 process of this health impact assessment to 26/1/98 Poulton Primary 1 send details of the literature to key informants. 29/1/98 Young parents group, Leasowe Women’s Centre 10 2/2/98 Pleasington High, Bebington 1 This was unnecessary for two reasons. The key 3/2/98 Peter Jost Enterprise Centre 1 influences on health are derived from extensive Public Health Locality Facilitator 2 research from a number of disciplines on what Neighbourhood Resource Centre 1 Councillor, MBW 1 are the main determinants of health. The Local Residents 2 literature complements the views expressed by Planning and EC Dev. Department 1 the key informants. Environmental Health 1 Public Health Medicine 1 Analysis of interview data for each category Seacombe/Poulton SRB 1 identified all potential health impacts and the Special Initiatives Team 1 population groups they were likely to aVect, Groundwork Trust 1 1 supported by a review of evidence for potential New Wallasey Board 2 health influences. Seven categories of influence 9/2/98 Public Health Medicine 1 were then selected, on the basis of those most 10/2/98 Weatherhead School 1 10/2/98 South Wallasey Neighbourhood college (Students and member 7 frequently chosen as the main priority and of teaching staV) therefore reflecting participants’ areas of con- 9/2/98 Public Health Professional 1 6/2/98 YMCA, Wallasey 1 cern; where the programme was considered to 11/2/98 Hamilton Quarter Project OYcers 2 have the most health impact, particularly a 13/2/98 CVS 1 precursor role to several other health impacts; and where changes could be incorporated. Table 3 Key areas influencing health Recommendations were made with the advice of the New Wallasey Health Impact Assess- Biological factors age, sex, genetic factors ment Group to maximise positive and reduce Personal / family circumstances and family structure and functioning, primary secondary / negative health impacts for the priority areas. lifestyle adult education, occupation, income, risk taking behaviour, diet, smoking, alcohol, substance misuse, exercise, recreation, means of transport (cycle / car Results ownership) Areas surrounding the site of the Twelve Quays Social environment culture, peer pressures, discrimination, social support are the most deprived in New Wallasey, which neighbourliness, social networks / isolation), community / have standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) cultural / spiritual participation higher than England and Wales. There were Physical environment air, water, housing conditions, working conditions, noise, smell, view, public safety, civic design, shops (location / raised SMRs for ischaemic heart disease and range / quality), communications (road rail), land use, lung cancer and high numbers of people with waste disposal, energy, local environmental features long term limiting illness.19 The area also Public services access to (location / disabled access) and quality of suVers from a maximum high unemployment http://jech.bmj.com/ primary / community / secondary health care, child care, rate of 21% among the working age population. social services, housing / leisure / employment social security services, public transport, policing, other health Seventy one per cent at age 19 have five general relevant public services, non-statutory agencies and certificates of secondary education/national services vocational qualifications level 2, but only 43% Public policy economic / social / environmental / health trends, local of workforce have national vocational qualifica- and national priorities, policies, programmes, projects tions level 3 or advanced general national voca- tional qualifications.17 and February 1998 four focus groups and 10 The locality contains Pathways areas se- on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. interviews were conducted. lected for economic regeneration from Euro- Group brainstorming or personal interviews pean Objective One funding. These Pathways were used to identify potential health impacts. areas have shared concerns over the level of At these sessions, informants were given a drug and alcohol abuse, unemployment, fear of checklist of main influences on health (table 3) crime, anti-social behaviour and the need for and a summary of the proposed development. environmental improvements.18–20 Health impact assessment is essentially a deductive qualitative method as informants PRIORITY IMPACT AREAS work through the list of categories of health Priorities are summarised in tables 4 and 5. influences to identify potential health impacts Impacts from transport and civic design could for each project stage and assess how probable be seen in either a negative or a positive light and measurable they are. Along with identify- depending on how they will be handled. In ing all possible health impacts, interviewees view of this a negative and positive scenario was given in the main report.13 were asked for their main priorities and encouraged to suggest recommendations. TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC Members of the brainstorming sessions were From a negative scenario during the construc- given the researcher’s contact number, if they tion and operational stages there will be an wished to discuss any sensitive issues regarding expected increase of 50% in peak hour traYc the development in private. Sessions were from construction lorries, staV and visitor

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Table 4 Priority health impacts during the development stage

Predicted health impacts (Quantifiability of impact: (Q) qualitative; (E) estimable; (C) calculable) Certainty of impact Definite (D); Probable (P); Category of influence Positive Negative Speculative (S)

Education/training Stimulate training in mathematics/science for jobs in TTL/Centre (C) D Economic 1. Construction jobs (C) D 2. Attract more inward investment to area (C) P Land use Revitalise dock estate on derelict land (C) D TraYc— road traYc accident risk Increase during construction (C) D air and noise pollution Pollution reduced if cleaner freight vehicles used (Q) S Transport Stimulate development of public transport (C) D

Table 5 Priority health impacts during the operational stage

Predicted health impacts (Quantifiability of impact: (Q) qualitative; (E) estimable; (C) calculable) Certainty of impact Definite (D); Category of Probable (P); influence Positive Negative Speculative (S)

Education Opportunities for adult education Accident risk More traYc travelling to site (C) D Civic design Good design— 1 Pleasing; aesthetic value, up-lifting (Q) P 2 Enhance perceptions of safety (Q) P 3 Discourage criminal activity (Q) P 4 Safety around walkways (Q) P Disabled access 5 Opportunity to participate for disabled (Q) P Economic 1 Attracting visitors to area (C) D 2 Encourage inward investment (C) P 3 Direct jobs on site (C) D 4 Indirect jobs in support industries (E) D 5 Maybe increase in car ownership through monetary P resources if employed (Q) 6 If not aVordable will not be used by disadvantaged P groups (Q) Exercise Encouraged 1 Walking to site (Q) S 2 Cycling if cycleway (Q) P Lifestyle If employed at centre maybe able to aVord a better lifestyle S (Q) Pollution Noise and air from traYc(C) D Petrol station on site would avoid driving into residential P areas (Q) Clean high technology industry further enhanced if energy D eYcient building (C) Public safety Risk of crime, isolated location at night (Q) P Risk of youths swimming in land locked water (Q) P

transport.22 Pressure for extensive secure park- population are at risk of suVering adverse reac- http://jech.bmj.com/ ing is forecast, particularly in the winter tions from exposure to air pollution.26 TraYc months when the use of dry, warm private noise has been associated with harmful health family transport will be preferred. The site eVects, in particular sleep disturbance, mental oVers incentives to use private transport with health problems and significant eVects on con- easy access to main roads, the motorway centration, stress levels, raising blood pressure, system and the Mersey tunnels. This particular increasing likelihood of aggressive behaviour28 area of the docklands is currently poorly served and health worries.28

by public transport in an isolated location. From a positive scenario the expected on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Increase in traYc volume will lead to a more increase in traYc to the site could have positive hostile urban living environment for children.23 benefits by encouraging aVordable, clean alter- The understandable parental restrictions on natives to private cars and road freight. This their children’s physical activity could exact a would be particularly beneficial if “environ- considerable price in terms of future health mentally friendly” vehicles were used such as problems,24 particularly cardiovascular.25 In- trams or battery charged buses. Vehicles taking creasing traYc flows also heighten personal separate routes from houses could be encour- fears for safety that reduce participation in aged by having a petrol station situated at or cycling and walking with a subsequent loss of next to the Twelve Quays site. If an attractive health benefits from these activities. Indeed, cycleway and a walkway were developed this walkers and cyclists are exposed in traYcto would encourage people to take exercise, accidental injury, noise pollution and stress.25 particularly if the development was located on Although in a remote spot from residential a pleasant landscaped site. There is a general housing, expanded traYc will increase pollu- consensus, based on a large body of research, tion from both air and noise while heightening on the benefits in health status from physical the risk of road traYc accidents. A growing activity. The main benefit being a reduction in body of research has proved a link between the risk of coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, transport pollution and respiratory illness and a positive eVect on psychological well being29 30 other health problems such as cancer to reduction in obesity and improved overall vulnerable people.26 Approximately 38% of a fitness.31

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Reducing traYc to the area would help in working environment, public safety; a visitor’s reducing pollution and road traYc accidents. enjoyment providing an advantage point to Furthermore, it would also reduce noise and appreciate the famous Liverpool skyline. Good the stress of driving in heavy traYc. Public design has a spiritual quality that can be very transport that enabled easy access for disabled psychologically uplifting. It should have easy and pram users would encourage such visitors access for disabled people and enable them by ensuring stress free travel. equal participation. The use of trees and “Where public transport provides an aVord- mounds to camouflage areas that are not part able and reliable alternative to the car, the of the tourist theme would enhance the health impact of travel on communities has appearance of the site for visitors. Superior been shown to be less harmful, as bus travel is lighting of the site will eliminate otherwise one of the safest forms of travel.”25 Therefore, dark, vulnerable areas and protect against acci- strategies that reduce the need for car travel or dents while increasing the public’s perceptions substitute car travel with safer forms of of and actual safety. transport could substantially reduce popula- tion death rates. Increasing the number of SECURITY AND PUBLIC SAFETY restricted 20 mph zones would also help to The land was previously docklands but the reduce casualty rates, levels of pollution and inland waterways have silted up. This raised improve quality of life.24 strong concerns from the local community, The safety of those with a disability needs to about the possible contamination of the land be considered as they have more accidents and water, which attracts the young for while travelling on public transport or walking swimming during the summer. As the water is than sighted people. Measures such as tactile landlocked, there is no natural current to stop surfaces to warn of steps and curbs would help stagnation. Once the silt is disturbed, bad to reduce accidents. According to the Wirral smells may arise. Ongoing decontamination or Metropolitan Borough Engineers, a traYc oxygenation through a flow of water into the safety audit should be completed at the waterways has been suggested as essential. The preliminary and detailed design stage of the Twelve Quays is exposed to high winds and International Astronomy and Space Explora- high tides. Walkways need protection from the tion Centre and maintained once in place. sea and waterways and on site life saving equipment, a first aid post and qualified rescue CIVIC DESIGN AND SAFETY staV. Civic design in this context refers to the impli- During construction, valuable materials will cations of the design of the site and the centre. need securing by sectioning oV the site from A negative scenario reflects on how poor design public access and a night watchman employed. neglects any theme for the site, to enhance its After the construction building debris will need aesthetic value, tourism and public safety. The to be taken away. proposed site is in a very isolated spot away High technology on the site will possibly from any established residential areas or pleas- attract burglars. Centralised closed circuit ant shopping facilities, served by a lonely dock television could be linked to the nearby Hamil- road. The proposed centre is separated from a ton Quarter network. A well lit car park planned roll on roll oV ferry by landlocked controlled by visible security staV will encour- http://jech.bmj.com/ stagnant water. On its other side, a road age people to visit. Vandalism from local youths separates it from, what have been described as could be reduced if there was genuine engage- “cheap” industrial warehouses. The develop- ment and involvement of them, particularly if ment will be disconnected from other develop- they could learn transferable skills. Facilities at ments near the waterfront by another section of the centre could be hired out to local commu- landlocked water. nity groups. The spatial design, lacking no night time The site of the whole Twelve Quays would tourist attractions, could result in no-go public benefit from an environmental task force and on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. areas after sunset. These dark, dangerous, vul- site management team, particularly for central- nerable areas and blind spots could facilitate, ised waste disposal. Childcare provision is nefarious activities, from vandalism, gang another facility that could be organised on a meeting places, petty crime, burglary, drug shared basis, as this can be very expensive to pushing, prostitution and so forth. All this run. Certain environmental cues are associated around the foul, stagnant water that has with fear of crime that can lead the public to collected the waste litter from the day’s visitors. avoid such places, particularly in the absence of A reactive response to criminal activity would capable others to act as guardians.33 The envi- be to have a fortress with barbed wire covering ronmental conditions include reduced visibility high walls, prominent security, guard dogs and from inadequate lighting32; places of conceal- closed circuit television cameras. The Twelve ment for an oVender (trees, shrubs and walls)33; Quays could deteriorate into “a third rate blocked escape for the passer by33; perceptions industrial estate”. A hotchpotch design of of deterioration (litter on streets, vandalism, tourism, leisure and industrial estates has run down buildings) and uncivil behaviour by emerged elsewhere on the Wirral, creating a youths.34 Criminals will use these features in nightmare for night time security. the environment to reduce their risks of being From a positive scenario, an attractive, caught and to increase their payoVs.35 An sustainable, energy eYcient, clean building attractive building and well maintained envi- could be situated on a well maintained and ronment will be aesthetically pleasing, will managed thematic site. This will enhance its encourage people to visit, while reducing fear

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of crime and actual risk of crime. Certain ADULT EDUCATION police schemes such as “secure by design” as Many local people felt that they would not wish well as health and safety regulations attempt to to visit. “That it would appear to be only for reduce environmental cues.36 boYns”. To encourage adults, the centre could stage a number of general interest introductory courses for local people. Accredited courses EMPLOYMENT could be oVered that would encourage an awe Most interviewees were concerned that every of science while giving practical hands on eVort should be made to encourage local peo- experience. Attendance at adult evening classes ple to be employed during construction and the would ensure that the site would be busy, which operation of the development. There would be could have security and safety implications as a range of service and security work that would outlined above under security and public be available as well as employment for local safety. science graduates. If local further education There is a strong association between good colleges were made aware of the employment educational achievement and employment, opportunities, they could ensure that local decent wages, good health and living in aZuent people had the relevant skills and training. Part areas.43 National and international evidence time work would also be useful for parents of shows wide variations in health between social young children. groups who have a high educational level and It was also thought that local people might those who have a poor educational achieve- 44 be encouraged to set up their own business for ment. The outlook for someone with a poor instance, centralised site cleaning and crèche educational level appears to be bleak as they are facilities. The development of the Twelve more likely to be unemployed or have a low paid job, with consequent poorer health, Quays site would also act as a catalyst for 45 inward economic investment from other major unhealthy lifestyles and premature mortality. employees. This development of clustering This is not considered to be a reflection of innate ability but the uneven availability of activity will “help to boost the local economy educational opportunities to social groups.46 and attract further investment into the area. Education has been shown to be a good ...Firms will benefit from being near to similar predictor of women’s self assessed health.47 firms since this high concentration . . .will Knowledge and skills are prized in mature attract suppliers and skilled labour into the industrial societies whereas unskilled jobs in area. ...the costs of training [such as] the fund- traditional industries move to emerging coun- 37 ing of courses at local colleges can be shared.” tries or are replaced by technology. The development would bring advanced The participation in a learning experience technology work into the Merseyside region has a positive psychological eVect on health. and endeavour to sub-contract to local compa- Concentration and mental eVort required nies to manufacture parts. Jobs in new local could detract from worries and problems. The hotels, retail outlets on the waterfront could learning of a new skill would raise self esteem also be stimulated from visitors to the centre and confidence. A sense of time being struc- and from the roll on and roll oV ferry. tured in purposeful activity has been shown to Employment would greatly boost self esteem have a positive impact on mental health.47 Even http://jech.bmj.com/ for those previously unable to secure employ- among unemployed people the more active ment. Consequential higher income enables a they are the better their psychological health.48 better lifestyle in terms of diet, exercise and Participation in a group activity would bring more social contacts. There is substantial positive reinforcement from social interaction. evidence, particularly from prospective studies of a negative relation between unemployment Recommendations

and psychological and physical ill health, such on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. as significantly higher rates of psychiatric As far as possible, the main concerns and sug- disorder,38 heart disease and mortality.39 Fur- gestions of the key informants have been thermore, unemployment is the single most formulated into recommendations, which are important cause of poverty in the UK.40 Pover- listed in table 6. In many cases further investi- gations will have to be carried out before ty’s strong associations to health status have specific recommendations can be made. For been described as “one of the most pervasive instance, recommendations have not been and enduring observations in public health”.41 made around issues of aVordability (which was “Financial hardship and economic deprivation raised as an important priority) as this was set limits to the extent to which the unem- investigated by a feasibility study. Further- ployed person can fulfil needs and values and more, progress has already been made on the 42 move towards important future goals”. planning of adult education, so there is no Long term unemployed have been shown to necessity for further action. The adjacent path- adapt overtime to their circumstances by ways areas were keen that screening of vulner- lowering their employment commitment, able people such as asthmatic persons and oth- which can set up a vicious circle where they are ers prone to respiratory illness, take place less likely to become employed. Indeed on the because of risks from traYc pollution. Recom- Wirral this problem has been reported “...with mendations have been made which aim to such high unemployment, people eVectively reduce air pollution arising from the develop- withdraw from the labour force and see no ment. Screening of people is not appropriate, point in training or retraining themselves.”37 as the population monitoring of prevalence

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Table 6 Recommendations

Health determinant Recommendation

Transport and traYc + Ensure that good quality public transport is available to the Twelve Quays from both Birkenhead and Wallasey. When planning permission is being sought, it is recommended that environmental and traYc impact assessments bear in mind the proposals in this health inpact assessment. They should take into consideration measures to reduce and monitor accidents, air and noise pollution. + Heavy goods vehicles should use routes away from residential areas. This would be encouraged by having a petrol station situated at or next to the Twelve Quays site so lorries and tourist traYc would not need to go into residential areas for fuel. + Encourage exercise through walking and cycling by the investment of clearly signed, safe and attractive routes to the site. + Continue to monitor asthma prevalence rates and hospital admissions with asthma. Civic design + Local children could make suggestions as to what they would like to see at the centre. Senior design students could design a particular area (such as a crèche) if it was considered feasible. + As far as possible, building design should take into consideration sustainable development through the prudent use of natural resources in an energy eYcient building. + An expert access audit on development plans should be commissioned. The audit will take into consideration the varied needs of people with diVerent disabilities. This will save money in the long run from having expensive alterations completed later and will ensure that the disabled will not be discriminated against in employment or participation. Detailed cost of implementing the recommendations is outside the scope of this study. Advice and information from quantity surveyors and suppliers of specialist equipment would have to be sought. Security and public safety + As far as possible local people, particularly the young, should be involved in the design of publicity. “Ownership” of the development will not only encourage participation, but may also protect against vandalism from a small minority who may feel excluded. + Dangerous areas, which might be vulnerable to criminal activity and accidents, should be eliminated. Community safety advice should be sought by the developers of the site from the Health and Safety Executive and the police architectural liaison oYcer. + A traYc safety audit should be completed at the preliminary and detailed design stage of the development and maintained once in place. Employment and training + The feasibility study should investigate the provision of aVordable access to local people, particularly the unemployed and others on a low income. + The centre should work closely with the training agencies so that local people will have the right skills for employment and enable them to use their skills in publicity.

rates of asthma and admissions to hospital is strives to improve the quality of life of local already carried out and should continue. communities it is impossible to meaningfully The Docklands programme steering group quantify outcomes as they are of a qualitative received and discussed the report. They nature. There will also be cumulative eVects recommended that it should be made available from this project and adjacent developments. to all developers on the site. Prospective devel- Developing a quantitative model of health opers on the site have been given a copy of the impact assessment for environmental factors is executive summary of the full health impact very complex and only in its early stages assessment, so they can be alerted to potential (McCarthy M, 3rd UK health impact assess- http://jech.bmj.com/ health impacts and conform to relevant recom- ment conference, Liverpool, 2000). mendations in their plans. The implementation Bias can also influence a health impact of the recommendations will be overseen by the assessment, as it is necessary to consult experts New Wallasey Single Regeneration Budget that may have a vested interest in the success of Dockland Programme Steering Group and will a policy, project or development. They can be included in appropriate action plans. make claims for health gains that are diYcult to substantiate or disprove through lack of Discussion evidence. To support a potential health gain it on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. This study has been one of the first to use these is diYcult to draw conclusions from studies methods of health impact assessment. They are that have been carried out on diVerent popula- based on a holistic definition of health where tions in other contexts. The specific social fab- quality of life can be influenced by many ric of one society may enhance the eVectiveness factors including employment, education, of development projects, but these same housing, pollution, safety and inequality of projects may not be eVective in a diVerent access to services. Substantial evidence social milieu or political context. suggests that these broad key areas of influence Health impact assessment may also be found can have an impact on a population’s health. wanting by qualitative researchers who prefer However, health impacts cannot always be to use a more inductive approach, which are measured in quantifiable terms to make not based on a priori categories (see table 1). accurate predictions for instance numbers of These categories cover a very broad spectrum asthma suVerers, new cases of cancer, episodes of influence, which by necessity make the of mental illness and so forth, which is beyond health impact assessment lack in depth analysis the scope of these methods, as too is a into a specific area of influence, which is the cost-benefit analysis. The main aim of this hallmark of qualitative techniques. study was to pilot the methods for health Health impact assessment methods are in impact assessment not to look at issues of their infancy, and have not been widely used in opportunity cost. In a health impact assess- the UK, but they oVer the means of engaging ment that involves a regeneration project that those directly aVected by developments in a

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