RATHNAVEL SUBRAMANIAM COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE (Autonomous) Sulur, Coimbatore - 641 402 AFFILIATED TO BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE Reaccredited with B + + Grade by NAAC AN ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Institution ANNUAL QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT (AQAR) (2010- 2011) Submitted to NAAC by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) 242, B, Trichy Road, Sulur, Coimbatore – 641 402 Phone No.: 0422- 2687421, 2687603, Fax No: 0422-2687604 Web: www.rvscas.ac.in E.mail:
[email protected] 1 ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTED AS PER ACTION PLAN 2010-2011 A well designed plan of action for this academic journey pertaining to the academic year 2010-2011 was drafted by the IQAC based on the goals and objectives of the institution and keen focus was given to the execution process, all along the year. Meticulous thrusts were given to the infrastructure, academic developments and Research departments. The plan of action chalked out for 2010 – 2011 mainly concentrated on the following aspects. 1. Modification and upgradation of Curriculum. 2. Innovations in teaching learning processes. 3. Encouragement of Research, Consultancy and Extension activities. 4. Expansion of students support activities. 5. Strengthening qualities of Organization, Leadership and Governance. 6. Strengthening Infrastructure development 7. MOUs with various establishments. 8. Promotion of Total Quality Management 9. Improving English Communication Skills. 10. Library upliftment and 11. Inauguration of cricket academy and additional court for Tennis OUTCOME OF THE PLAN: 1. Modification and upgradation of Curriculum: Revamping of syllabus was done thoroughly in the disciplines of MBA, MCA, Tamil and subjects of Hindi, Malayalam and French. Other disciplines resorted to minor changes in their syllabi meanwhile planning for comprehensive revamping during the ensuring academic year.