Stevie Armstrong, Editor-in-Chief

Tyler Talley, Managing Editor

Sarah Neese, Copy Editor

Rick Lemon, Sports Editor CONTENTS Aliki Dyer, Photo Editor Campus Quotes 4 Daltyn Moeckel, Graphic Designer Column 6 Editorial 7 Travel Feature 8 Crossword 12 Teddy Burch, Advisor Endeavor Games 13 Sports 14

ADVERTISE WITH THE VISTA The Vista is published semiweekly during the fall and spring semesters, and once weekly during the summer. In all issues, The Vista has opportunities for both classi- fied, online and print ads.

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NEWS 3 DeadCENTER Hosts Downtown Film Festival Brittney Taylor The $10 pass allows a person to view one multiple outdoor screenings of films and music for film, and each additional viewing is $10. Haywood the public to view for free at the Myriad Gardens. Contributing Writer says the $75 pass is a discounted price for stu- Some of the free events include live music from dents, but is normally $125. The $75 one-time over 22 musicians from Memphis, Tenn. and vari- charge is for an all-access pass that is good for ous film screenings. There are also events held for The public can attend a film viewing event each day of the event. People with an all-access kids that include face painting, a magic balloon at the annual film festival hosted by deadCEN- pass receive priority artist and snow cones. TER, the largest film festival in Oklahoma, from "Every year deadCENTER receives June 11-15 in downtown Oklahoma City to over one thousand film submissions, 1 ) support independent filmmakers from said Haywood. This year, no one around the world and the United from University of Central States. Oklahoma applied. The deadCENTER "Late August Film Festival has been held or early September for the past 13 years. The submissions will be types of films shown at accepted for next the festival are in various year's film festival," genres, including comedies, Haywood said. The horror, dramas, and docu- submission deadline is mentaries, among others. Kim normally sometime in the Haywood, the director of Film middle of February. Programming of the deadCENTER The festival events will be located Film Festival said, "18,000 people attended the in different areas downtown. For any ques- event last year, and 20,000 people are expected to seat- tions, contact deadCENTER by phone at 405-246- attend this year." ing to enter films 20 minutes before anyone else. 9233 or email at [email protected] . To sup- At the film festival, the public can view The pass also gives access to VIP events port deadCENTER's future education, film, and multiple independent films throughout the day. and cocktail parties for anyone over the age of 21. community events, donations can be made through To attend the film viewings, a pass will be needed According to Haywood, if you're planning to view the deadCENTER website. for entry. There are two ways to pay for the event. multiple films, the all-access pass would be the DeadCENTER is the largest film festival in Oklahoma. It People have the option to purchase a $10 or $75 better choice for your money. is located in downtown Oklahoma City from June 11-15. pass to attend the film events. Haywood states that this year there will be Photo by Aliki Dyer, The Vista.

New dorms coming to UCO have broken ground and construction continues throughout the summer. Photos by Aliki Dyer, The Vista.


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Café in Paseo Arts District Hosts Skeptic Society Forum

Kellye Tallent

Contributing Writer

OKLAHOMA CITY- Picasso Café hosted Oklahoma Skeptic Society's monthly Ske-p- tics in the Pub open forum Monday, June 9 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The free session fea- tured guest speaker Dr. Caleb Lack. Lack is an assistant professor of psychology and a counseling practicum coordinator in the Department of Psychology at the University of Central Oklahoma. He is also the founding advisor of the UCO Skeptics. The session was titled "Sharpening and Leveling- How Good Communication Leads You Away From the Truth." "The better communicator you are, it tends to happen that you communicate less and less accurately," Lack said. "Communication in general should be justified. One way to justify communication is to do what we call sharpen- ing and leveling. To sharpen [your message], Piscasso Cafe hosted Oklahoma Skeptic Society's monthly Skeptics 'in the Pub open forum Monday. The free you draw out the most salient points and the session featured guest speaker Dr. Caleb Lack. Photo by Kellye Tallent, The Vista. things that you really want someone to know. And when you level, what you do is drop out cinating, using homeopathy for cancer, the Garrison built up OKSS with a blog. It then less important details or things that they don't New World Order or Illuminati, etc." developed through a Facebook group and need to know. What I'm going to focus on is "OKSS is more or less the result of my being eventually expanded to group meetings and a how that happens, how you can detect that, frustrated by people being swindled or hurt by website. and then what sort of distortions tend to hap- following pseudoscientific beliefs," Garrison "I took a lot from the discussion," said R.N. pen as a result of that." said. "After I started writing a blog, I began Melissa Knight. "I think this knowledge will Lack explained four steps to help detect dis- looking for a skeptical activism group here in give me better communication and also help tortions in communication. First, consider the Oklahoma, and pretty much came up empty." me with asking my patients better questions source. Next, trust the facts and distrust pre- The closest thing Garrison found to a group and can help me keep answers about medical dictions. Then, be on the lookout for sharp- that mirrored his own beliefs was the Oklaho- history more precise." ening and leveling. And finally, be wary of ma Atheists. According to Garrison, after trying sev- testimonials. "I feel that even though they may sometimes eral other venues, "Picasso Café, so far, has "Finding the truth isn't always about work towards a common goal, skepticism and seemed like the best fit, so we are using it as de-bunking; sometimes it is about gaining in- atheism is not the same thing, though many our primary meeting place." formation," said Oklahoma Skeptic Society people lump the two together," said Garrison. Meeting schedules can be found at oklaho- (OKSS) Founder James Garrison. "I view skepticism as the junction between . OKSS seeks to inform its members about science education and consumer protection." "possibly dangerous beliefs, such as not vac- COLU MN Sincerely, The Way the World Works Jim happened to be headed to where you to meet," Jim said. He gently handed the the dog needed to go. So, he got up and young boy the warm, small ball of fur. offered to do the couple the favor of taking The boy's breathing began to slow the dog home. Jim had never met this couple down and his body relaxed. He caressed the before, nor did the couple have any idea who dog until they landed, getting him through this strange man was. the rest of the flight panic free. With shock and curiosity, the couple The world works in crazy ways. One had no other choice. Jim and the couple sat event leads to another, which leads to another down. As the woman practically interviewed and another. Something that seems unfortu- Jim, she sat her dog in his lap to test wheth- nate can end up helping someone else. er it felt comfortable with him. It fell right This couple's plans of traveling with to sleep in his arms, while the woman gave their dog didn't seem to be working out. But Stevie precise instructions on when, where and to because it didn't, the young boy was able to whom the dog would get passed on to. get through his panic attack. As they maneuvered through the busy She kissed her precious white ball of So many times I get discouraged by Dallas airport, their hearts beat with exciting fur, grabbed her husband's hand, and went to the things that don't seem to work out. But anticipation for what their Hawaiian vacation board their Hawaiian flight. really, when things don't work out, some- would bring. The woman, her husband and Jim was a successful physician, enjoy- thing else is working out in the long run. their little fur ball of a dog looked like travel- ing his first-class seat. The dog was wrapped When a tornado threatened the only ing experts. underneath his jacket to where only its little family I have, I felt helpless. I'm used to "I can't take my dog?" the woman head popped out of the collar. trying to fix things, but there was nothing I boasted at the service desk before boarding After take-off, a flight attendant came could do. When they were the few left un- the plane. over the intercom. touched, I realized how important family is "Ma'am, you can take her, but in Ha- "If there are any medical personnel on and make sure I see them often, never taking waii, all pets are required to spend 10 days in board, please push your call button," said the them for granted. quarantine. No exceptions," said the airline flight attendant. Growing up with a single mother lady working the desk. Jim pressed his button. He handed included many challenges that other kids "We're not even going to be in Hawaii the dog to the lady sitting next to him, as the my age didn't seem to have to face. But I've for 10 days!" the woman said. flight attendant quickly rushed him to the grown up to be independent and appreciate The couple scooped up their puppy back of the plane. what I have and who I have around me. and anxiously brainstormed on what to do. He found a young boy having a panic Events will always happen in life that They could either send their baby back home attack. Jim was able to calm the boy down we wish wouldn't, but considering the pos- on a separate flight or they would have to and headed back to his seat. But not too itive within the negative changes your per- forfeit the paradise that awaited them. much later, the boy began to panic again. spective. Jim, a man a couple gates over, heard Jim tried calming him down once more, but Instead of seeing what's going wrong, the rambunctiousness of the scene. Without nothing seemed to work. He hurried back to focus on what could go right. having to eavesdrop, he could tell what was his seat, took the dog from the lady and went going on. back to the boy. Sincerely, Stevie "Here Son, I have a friend I'd like


Bowe Bergdahl's Story of Freedom and Justice by J. Preston Drake, The Vista

The release of any American from sacrificed six soldiers to save one Leaving Bergdahl to his fate be- foreign imprisonment is always deserter. cause of possible misconduct is not something to celebrate, but the Bergdahl is currently undergoing a just reaction. To do so would have Obama administration has drawn medical treatment and will not be been an arbitrary, cruel and petty criticism due to accounts that por- able to give his own account for decision. tray the rescued Sgt. Bowe Berg- some time, but the heated inter- He is now in American custody dahl as a deserter who left his post. views conducted with members of and will be reunited with his fami- At this time, it really does not his unit are strong evidence against ly. Although it may be cruel to his matter in the slightest if Bergdahl him. The anger in their voices is family if Bergdahl, after years in was a crisp, upstanding soldier or clear when they speak of Bergdahl; captivity, is soon thereafter taken to a deserter. The Taliban is not well at the very least, he left a bad im- a military prison for desertion, but known for its humanity, and to pression on his squad mates before it would have been crueler to allow abandon any American to that sort his capture. him to die in Taliban hands. of treatment would be inhumane in If he really is guilty of desertion, Some people may be upset that, and of itself. a military court will deal with him on top of losing six men in the Bergdahl claimed in a video appropriately. The American gov- search, the U.S. traded five pris- released by the Taliban that he had ernment exists to protect and serve oners for one. These folks need to lagged behind his patrol and was American citizens from harm, and remember that people are not com- captured. His comrades, however, the Taliban ranks pretty low on the modities; this is not the same as insist that Bergdahl left his equip- list of things that are positive for exchanging five tomatoes for one.

ment by his bed and ventured into personal health As a free nation, America , is moral- the Afghan terrain alone, abandon- If six soldiers died in the line of ly obliged to do anything short of ing his station at an observation duty because of Bergdahl's actions, resurrecting Osama bin Laden to post. he must and will be held account- rescue its citizens. During later search efforts, these able. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Deserter or not, Bergdahl is an critics say at least six other soldiers of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey has American citizen and soldier and died in the line of duty. Even as made that very clear. he had to be rescued. So welcome many celebrated the exchange, oth- However, the priority in the ex- home, Sarge, and enjoy experience ers are upset at the possibility that change was to rescue an American of freedom... and the military jus- America gave up five prisoners and serviceman from militant clutches. tice system.


Tyler Talley buses and a subway. They provide There and Back Again: a welcome alternative to traveling Managing Editor by car. The first few subway rides can be overwhelming for someone England is a country that has like me, who is accustomed An English Odyessy fascinated me for a significant to finding his destinations by portion of my life. As an English simply driving to them. Cliché as major, English literature has it sounds, growing up in small- always been a healthy part of my town Oklahoma did not exactly academic studies. It was because prepare me for subway systems. of this that I was awarded the After becoming familiar with the opportunity to travel to England various lines and stops, however, as part of a study tour through the navigating the subway became University of Central Oklahoma easier with each ride. (UCO) in May. I have traveled Concerning the cuisine, I internationally once before, to attempted to be as adventurous France, but I am far from what as my wallet would allow. anyone would consider a seasoned Traditional English food, I traveler. As a college student sampled the expected fish and who works primarily to pay for chips along with meat pies and rent and nourishment, I cannot a variety of teas with biscuits. afford to travel very often. When While in London, I saw the I saw that a cultural study tour typical tourist sites, such as to England was being offered British Parliament, accompanied through the UCO English and by Big Ben, as well as the iconic . Theatre departments, led by London Eye, which is situated Timothy Petete and Kato Buss, right across the river Thames. I did my best to save up in order Other sites included Westminster to attend, and my efforts were Abbey and Buckingham Palace. ultimately successful. I also visited the London For the study tour, we stayed Museum, the British Museum primarily in London but also and the London Natural History traveled to the outlaying cities of Museum, which are free and open Stratford-upon-Avon and Oxford. to the public. These museums Whereas London provided the provided excellent escapes to get countless activities that come with lost in the past, without having to any major city, both Stratford dive too deep into my funds. and Oxford allowed the group After group excursions were to experience a calmer and more finished, we were allowed to rustic environment the country take in the city and have our own The photo above shows Warwick Castle in Warwickshire, England. The structure was originally built also offers. As an American, individual adventures. Some as a fortress in 1068 by William the Conquer. Photo by Tyler Talley, The Vista. the most striking element about of my extracurricular activities traveling in England, to me, included visiting the London is its history. You cannot go a Aquarium, taking a stroll through without stumbling across Hyde Park and seeing a few something - whether it be a shows on the West End. building, artifact or monument We left London for the small - that holds some historical town of Stratford-upon-Avon, significance. I tried to keep which is known internationally this in mind as I found myself as the hometown and final resting overwhelmed by the calamity place of William Shakespeare, that was the first couple of days perhaps the most well-known our group spent in London. As writer in history. While it was with many major metropolitan full of tourists, Stratford was areas, London is home to a public nowhere near the level of energy The Palace of Westminster is the meeting place of the houses of Parliment. Elizabeth Tower located transport system that includes required to traverse through on the right is famously known as"Big Ben." Photo by Tyler Talley, The Vista. FEATURE

London and provided a welcome tour when the arms of my glasses change of pace from the hustle snapped off. I am near-sighted and bustle of the big city. Some so seeing things from a distance of the sights in Stratford pertain became rather tricky without closely to Shakespeare, such as them. After seeing my armless a reconstruction of his childhood lenses, Buss, one of the professors home, the Holy Trinity church, the leading the tour, fashioned me an house of his wife Anne Hathaway, impromptu solution to my broken and the Royal Shakespeare spectacles by tying tooth floss to Company, a world-renowned the remaining frames so I could theater company. The group was hang them around my neck. This only there for a day, but the city ensured that I could at least rest of Oxford was my favorite stop the lenses on the bridge of my of the entire tour. It offers all of nose and if they fell off I would the comforts and amusements not have to worry about them one would expect of a college plummeting to the ground. town with the added bonus of the Despite the setbacks, the countless amounts of history that positives greatly outweighed comes with housing one of the the negatives in the end. One world's oldest universities. moment in particular comes to Walking down the streets mind when I attempt to wrap my authors such as J.R.R. Tolkien, head around the experience as C.S. Lewis and Lewis Carroll did a whole. I was walking around were some of the most exiting King's Cross Station listening to moments of the entire journey. my iPod, which was set to shuffle, The layout of the city was also when a piece from John Williams' more open than that of London's. score from the Harry Potter films It did not hurt that while came on. It was in this instant we were in Oxford we were that it finally struck me: I was in accommodated in a five-star hotel, England. I finally made it. It was the MacDonald Rindolph Hotel. no longer just some distant idea Forgive the hyperbole, but it_was that only seemed real in books here that I experienced one of the or movies. King's Cross is now best nights of my life thus far. a place that I have been to. This After returning from a successful small„ seemingly insignificant night at a local pub, I enjoyed a moment is what ultimately Westminster Abbey in -London, England serves as a place for comation and burial. Figures ranging bath along with a complementary defined the trip for me.I do not from Charles Darwin to Queen Elizabeth I are buried here. Photo by Tyler Talley, The Vista. bathrobe in my single room. The have the means to travel a lot, night finished with a viewing but I consider myself fortunate of the last Harry Potter film, that I have been able to go some followed by the warm embrace of the places I have and actually of sleep. My trip was not without experience the world outside of its hiccups, however. For me, the my doorstep. In an attempt to worst part of traveling is feeling summarize this tour I say this: like a tourist. I perpetually feel while it did not allow me the like I am in the way of the citizens opportunity to settle down in an of whatever place I happen to area in the way a study abroad be visiting. I never like to feel experience would, it was still one like an outsider, and every time I of the most rewarding experiences travel I am struck with a sense of of my life. It was messy at times isolation for at least a day. As far but wonderful all the same. Like as practical setbacks, my traveling any good trip, it was a series of bag ripped and I was no longer beautiful paradoxes. I can't wait able to carry all of the necessities to go back one day. I needed such as my water bottle. The real kicker came later in the The main hall of the Natural History Museum in London, England. The dinosuar featured in the center is a dilodocus, affectionally called "Dippy" by the musem staff Photo by Tyler Talley, The Vista. • G • • • • • I • • • • • It • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • •• •• ••• • • ...... • • ...... • 11% ••••••••••••• • * • •

10 NEWS ACM@UCO Hosts Rock the Boat Festival

Terra Rhodes one. The pop-up shops featured local retailers, we had live music from local bands and the Bricktown restaurants had food and drink specials all day Contributing Writer during the event. It truly was a celebration of all things local!" said Elizabeth Newton, marketing and events coordinator for Downtown OKC, Inc., who The Academy of Contemporary Music at the University of Central organized the event. Oklahoma (ACM@UCO) hosted the second Rock the Boat Festival Sat_irday This year's festival drew in more than 3 times as many people as last in Downtown Oklahoma City on the Bricktown Canal. year's inaugural event. It's estimated that 5,000 people were there during the The event, which was free and open to the public, started at noon with daytime with an additional 2,500 more guests showing up for the evening family-friendly events including more than 20 pop-up shops, live music, face portion, according to Newton. painting, a bounce house for kids, free water taxi tickets and food trucks. "My son and I came dovvn to Harkin's to watch a movie and every- Later in the evening, the festival continued the live music at three thing was blocked off so we decided'to walk around and see what was going venues along the Bricktown Canal: The Chevy Team Dealers Stage at Captain on. Well, we had such a good time listening to bands and eating good food Norm's Dockside Bar, the Oklahoma Gazette Stage at RedPin Restaurant and we decided to skip the movie all together!" said David Hunter, who attended Bowling Lounge and the ACM@UCO Stage. the festival. A variety of bands performed including Sugar Free Allstars, Jane Newton explained thatDowntown OKC, Inc.'s mission is to activate Mays, Mini Elvis, Lisa of Chasing James, KALO, Gregory Jerome, Sam downtown by bringing people to Bricktown that might not normally visit the Kahre and many more. Featured AMC@UCO student bands included Polar district by organizing events for families, young professionals, hipsters, and Pattern, Ash Bros, Jessi Herring, Allyson Bold and the Italics and The Argots. adults alike. For more information on upcoming downtown events visit www. "This year's Rock the Boat event had a little of something for every-

The photo above features Rock the Boat Festival partisipants riding up and down the Bricktown Canal. Photo provided.

News 1 1 New construction improves campus roads this summer

Photos of the new road construction on campus. The re-paving of Ayers road helps the flow of traffic through campus for both students and the community. Campus officials were adamant that the construction be done during intersession, so as to keep inconvenience at a minimum. Photos by Quang Pho, The Vista.


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SPORTS 13 Endeavor Games make a splash in OKC Rick Lemon was not adequate to host the events. from fans, competitors, and orga- Endeavor Games are only a stop With the opening of the new YMCA nizers, it is safe to say that Endeavor on the way to a higher goal. As a Sports Editor Aquatic facility at Mitch Park how- Games competitions on the Oklaho- Wheelchair and Ambulatory Sports, The Annual UCO Endeavor games ever, the Competition Committee ma River might have become a new USA (WASUSA) level-3 sanctioned were held this last weekend with decided to make swimming a wel- cornerstone of the event. event, all Athletes aged 7-21 are al- huge success. Dozens of Paralympic come re-addition to the Endeavor This year marked the 15th year of lowed to use the results that they re- athletes competed in competitions Games. the games being held. The organizers ceive at this event to attempt to qual- held all over the city including bas- Canoeing is a newcomer to the En- are pleased with the steady growth ify for the National Junior Disability ketball, swimming, weightlifting, deavor Games but comes as a nat- of the number of athletes as well as Championship. volleyball, and other classic Olym- ural fit for these Paralympics. With the level of competition. When the The National Junior Disability pic competitions. the new construction being complet- games were first held in 200 about Championship is a WASUSA sanc- The competitions took on a more ed on the Oklahoma River, to make 120 athletes competed in the events. tioned event that is touted as the aquatic theme this year with the ad- it into a facility of the caliber for Compare that with last year, when premier event for junior Paralympic dition of canoeing and swimming training for the National Olympic 280 competitors came from across athletes in the nation. Every year events. Swimming had been held be- teams, it only made sense to utilize 36 states and two continents, includ- hundreds of competitors participate fore at the UCO swimming facility this new attraction in the city for the ing athletes from Hawaii, Alaska, in the largest multi-sport, multi-dis- but had been removed last year with Endeavor Games Competition. And and the United Kingdom. ability event for juniors in the Unit- the determination that the facility considering the favorable response For many athletes, however, these ed States.

Athletes compete in the adult wheelchair An athlete competes in the bench press competition A competitor carries his canoe to the starting line on competition during the 2014 UCO Endeavor Games. during the powerlifting segment of the 2014 UCO the Oklahoma river for the para-canoeing competi- Photo by Quang Pho, The Vista. Endeavor Games. Photo by Quang Pho, The Vista. tion during the 2014 UCO Endeavor Games. Photo by Quang Pho, The Vista. • •• • • •• • • • • •

14 SPORTS Brazil isn't ready, but here comes the World Cup

Bradley Brooks haunting 1950 Cup loss in Maracana? that the event would unveil a newly Will Lionel Messi finally lead Argenti- powerful Brazil on the global stage. Associated Press na to glory on its archrival's home turf? Even a popular poll giving the "tem- Or will an underdog team emerge to perature reading," of how Brazilians RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — It's a tale captivate the world's imagination? feel about the Cup indicates mixed sen- of the two World Cups — one on a field But on the Cup's eve and with great timents, with about 40 percent telling and one playing out on this country's hopes that Brazil's team will win its the Ibope polling group they were on streets. sixth world title, surely attention will the cold-to-frozen end of the spectrum, As Brazilians raise the curtain this focus on the soccer and not on the 30 percent on the warm-to-boiling side, week on what's arguably the world's street? and the rest in the lukewarm middle. most popular sporting event, the coun- "There is certainly a mood of 'we've President Dilma Rousseff, whose ty's fervent love of soccer is butting already paid for the party so we might popularity in polls continues to slip up against public anger over charges of as well enjoy it,"' said Juca Kfouri, one ahead of an October presidential elec- wasteful spending, corruption, traffic of Brazil's best-known sports commen- tion, has repeatedly invoked the warm jams, strikes and a litany of other com- tators. "But there is also the feeling that nature of the Brazilian people as being plaints. a lot of people are ashamed. They're the country's saving grace. After enduring a year of anti-gov- ashamed to wear the Brazil jersey or put Kindness and smiles will make up for ernment protests that tied up roads and a Brazilian flag in their window because incomplete airport renovations, pub- strikes that paralyzed public transport, of the protests, because they don't want lic transportation works that never got Brazil's national soccer team player Os- car controls the ball during a training schools, and other services, many ex- to be associated with the exorbitant off the ground and worries of logistical hausted Brazilians finally are preparing session at the Granja Comary training spending on the Cup." struggles for the hundreds of thousands center in Teresopolis, Brazil, Sunday, to cheer on their beloved team, though Brazilians question whether the ex- of fans as they move around a conti- June 8, 2014. Brazil plays in group A of in what may be the flattest pre-Cup cli- pense of hosting the Cup will prove to nent-sized nation with already seriously the 2014 soccer World Cup. (AP Photo/ mate they've yet seen. have been worth it, considering their strained infrastructure. Andre Penner) On a dark, rain-soaked street in Rio's constant pain of having one of the "We're prepared to offer the world a Copacabana neighborhood, Francisco world's heaviest tax burdens yet still marvelous spectacle, made richer with Nascimento climbed a rickety wooden enduring dilapidated hospitals, roads, the happiness, respect and kindness ladder to hang plastic streamers in the security and other poor public services. that is characteristic of the Brazilian colors of Brazil's national flag. With Many demand that Brazil build schools people," Rousseff said last week when only a few days to go before the Cup's as spectacular as the new stadiums. presenting the World Cup Trophy for opening match, Nascimento was run- Recent polling shows half the popu- public viewing in Brasilia. ning out of time to repeat the ritual he's lation disapproves of Brazil hosting the But Kfouri and other observers say completed for every World Cup since event at all, a position once unthink- leaders are overestimating their constit- 1982. able for the nation that embodies soccer uents' good will. "I started putting the decorations up like no other. Three-fourths polled are "Authorities are confident that Bra- really late this year, I can't say why. convinced corruption has tinged World zil's 'Carnival spirit' will overcome all Normally I would have done this a Cup works which have cost the country the problems," Kfouri said. "But I think month earlier," Nascimento said. "Still, $11.5 billion. the mood of the Cup will greatly de- I feel a responsibility to show the world The struggles with the Cup have be- pend upon what Brazil's national team our pride, even if it's just these little come emblematic of Brazil's larger ills, does on the field. streamers. of citizens' feelings that they're forev- "If Brazil is knocked out in the Round "Brazil's struggles, our frustration er hamstrung by politicians on the take of 16 and we've got two weeks of a with politicians, have dampened ex- and their anger at dealing daily with a World Cup in Brazil and no Brazilian citement, and that anger won't go away. broken, frustrating system. national team playing, well, then, even Brazilian Army soldiers attend a last day of training in Brasilia, Brazil, Sunday, But I don't know anybody who isn't Brazilians are split on whether their if just for diversion, people will take to praying for our team to show its grit, to June 8, 2014. More than 2500 members country's international reputation will the streets to make a mess, to protest of the Brazilian armed forces take part show our swagger, and win this Cup." be helped or hindered by the event, ac- against the fact that we can't even win in the security operation for the 2014 Anticipation is building over the cording to a recent Pew Research Cen- in soccer." World Cup, which starts on June 12. (AP tournaments' expected drama: Will boy ter report, despite leaders' grand hopes Photo/Eraldo Peres) wonder Neymar help Brazil avenge its

SPORTS 15 Derek Fisher rumored to make move to Knicks' spot Associated Press der when Jackson told New York reporters that Fisher was "on my list of guys that could be very good candidates" to replace on NEW YORK (AP) The the Knicks' sideline. have scheduled a news conference for Tuesday Fisher surely could still play. He has just sus- morning, amid reports that Derek Fisher has pected for a while that his time has come to do agreed to become the team's new coach. something else. The Kniks- did not confirm the reports, oth- "Coaching allows for you to positively impact er than saying:- ey were. planning , a "major an- other people's lives," Fisher told reporters during :riouncement" his exit interview after Oklahoma City's season Several ined4.-M.T_ $.'''cited - unnamed sources ended. "To help a group of people find success, saying the ion: itte: guard agreed to terms whether they have or haven't before, you're all with the eal that was still being working together for a common goal." finalized: Fisher's hiring means that next season, both The 39-yearZOld Fisher just completed his 18th teams in New York will have former guards Above: guard Derek Fisher (6) season, finishing his career with the Oklahoma defends between guard Manu Ginobili barely removed from playing days at the helms. (20) and Tiago Splitter during the first half of Game 6 of City Thunder. He played under Knicks President It worked for the , who made the the Western Conference finals NBA basketball playoff se- with the , and Eastern Conference semifinals this season with ries ,in Oklahoma City, Saturday, May 31, 2014. (AP Photo/ helped that franchise win five NBA titles. Sue Ogrocki) first-year coach , and now the Knicks Below: In this Nov. 1, 2008 file photo, Los Angeles Lakers Fisher would have been an unrestricted free will hope that Fisher can have the same success. coach Phil Jackson talks with Derek Fisher during the sec- agent this summer, though it was widely known His hiring is the first significant step in what's ond half of an NBA basketball game. Fisher has agreed that this season would be his last as a player. And to become the next coach of the New York Knicks and expected to be a broad makeover of the team by will be introduced at a news conference Tuesday morning, once the Knicks failed to close a deal with Steve Jackson, who was hired late in the regular season June 10, 2014, a person familiar with the situation told The Kerr — who wound. up accepting an offer from to turn around the fortunes of a franchise that has Associated Press. The Knicks did not confirm the hiring, Golden State Fisher was believed to be the other than saying they were planning a "major announce- won just one playoff series in the last 14 years. ment. Jackson is now the Knicks president. (AP Photo/ next target on Jackson's list. Over that 14-year span, the Knicks have won Jack Dempsey, File) Jackson was fined $25,000 for the league last a mere 10 playoff games. Fisher played in 134 week for a tampering violation involving Fish- playoff wins during that stretch. er. He was still under contract with the Thun-

Left: In this March 7, 2013 file photo, Okla- homa City Thunder guard Derek Fisher waits to be stretched before facing the Denver Nuggets in the first quarter of an NBA basketball game in Denver. Fish- er has agreed to become the next coach of the New York Knicks and will be in- troduced at a news conference Tuesday morning, June 10, 2014, a person famil- iar with the situation told The Associated Press. The Knicks did not confirm the hir- ing, other than saying they were planning 1.41111.1111110mo nso medillroo.--000-1- a "major announcement. (AP Photo/Da- vid Zalubowski) . • ,

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