USOORE44967E (19) (12) Reissued Patent (10) Patent Number: US RE44,967 E Flinn et al. (45) Date of Reissued Patent: *Jun. 24, 2014

(54) ADAPTIVE SOCIALAND PROCESS 5,132,915 A 7/1992 Goodman NETWORK SYSTEMS 5,206,951 A 4/1993 Khoyi 5,375,244 A 12/1994 McNair . . 5,499,366 A 3/1996 Rosenber (75) Inventors: Steven Dennis Flinn, Sugar Land, TX 5,600,835 A 2/1997 Garland e? 31‘ (US); NaomlFellna Moneypenny, 5,706,497 A 1/1998 Takahashietal. HOUSIOII, TX (US) 5,754,939 A 5/1998 HerZ et a1. (73) Assrgnee:_ World Assets Consulting_ AG, LLC, (Continued) Wllmlngwn, DE (Us) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (*) Notice: This patent is subject to a terminal dis- EP 1311980 5/2003 claimer. EP 1397252 5/2005 (Continued) (21) Appl.No.: 13/284,339 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (22) Filed: Oct. 28, 2011 Maria Barra, et a1. “‘Common’ Web Paths in a Group Adaptive _ Related U's' patent Documents System,” 2003 Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Conference on Relssue Of: Hypertext and Hypermedia (2003). (64) Patent No.: 7,526,459 Issued: Apr. 28, 2009 (Continued) Appl. No.: 11/419,563 Filed: May 22, 2006 Primary Examiner * Michael B Holmes U.S. Applications: (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirijtolowitZ Ford Cowger (63) Continuation of application No. PCT/US2004/ LLP 037176, ?led on Nov. 4, 2004. (57) ABSTRACT (60) Provisional application No. 60/525,120, ?led on Nov. 28, 2003. An adaptive system applied to and process network applications is disclosed. These adaptive social net (51) Int. Cl. working and tagging systems, and adaptive process network G06F 15/18 (2006.01) systems, apply algorithms for monitoring user usage behav (52) US. Cl. iors across a plurality of usage behavior categories associated USPC ...... 706/12 with a computer-based system, and generating recommenda (58) Field of Classi?cation Search tions based on inferences on user preferences and interests USPC ...... 706/ 12 based, at least in part, on usage behaviors. Additional func See application ?le for complete search history. tions for effectively and e?iciently managing social and pro cess networks, such as social network measurement and (56) References Cited analysis features, community tagging functions, and process U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS network recombination functions are also described.

5,099,426 A 3/ 1992 Carlgren et a1. 40 Claims, 45 Drawing Sheets

_' ''''''' "" user(s) (200)

adaptive system (100)

," structural oonbent aspect '1' ’7' aspect (210) (230) "K

I' 'l auinma?c or . \‘i ' I . . automatic or i ‘,\\ i‘1‘ semi-automaticupdating of usage 55PM sergdaaggngfhc._ . ‘1'I ‘, structure (220) content ,I ‘1‘ \\ 245 1 ,1'

x ------adaptive recommendations function ---- "r > ‘~~ 146 K \“7 adaptive recommendations 255 (250) h\zes

non-user (260) US RE44,967 E Page 2

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Figure 1

' ''''''' ' '* user(s) (200)

’/ adaptive system ’; (100) I I” ,' structural content aspect I '7' aspect (210) (230) “t II; I I, \ I I ‘

.I ,' . ‘i l‘ : automatic or_ automatic or ‘i ‘\ ‘i Sem'glaupomapc usage aspect semi-automatic lII \\ \\ up atingo 22 updating of i x \ structure ( 0) content " \\ \\ 24s I"

\\ ‘ ~~~~~ ?- adaptive recommendations function ---"' 5 \ (240) 246 ( “"~— adaptive recommendations 255 (250) ; ‘265 l I I non-user (260) US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 2 or 45 US RE44,967 E

Figure 2

user(s) (200)

adaptive system 100)

structural content aspect aspect (210) (230)

\ \ \ \ i l automatic or automatic or i semi—automatic _ _ l I updating of usage aspect semi-automatic l l structure (220) updating of I content '1

245 I ' r I adaptive recommendations function ---*"' > (240) 246 ( “‘“ adaptive recommendations 255 (250) 265 l non-user (260) US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 3 0f 45 US RE44,967 E Figure 3A

structural aspect (210) objects (212) relationships information (232) _am°n9 ODJECtS (214) Figure 38

content aspect (230)

- - _ - _ _ - - p - - n n - n - -1

Figure 3C

usage aspect (220) captured usage information (202) l usage behaviors (270)

usage behavior pre—processing (204) usage behaviors categories (246) usage behavior clusters (247) usage behavioral patterns (248) US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 4 0f 45 US RE44,967 E

Figure 4

structural aspect (210)

adaptive recommendations function (240)

V V structural subset (280A) structural subset (2808)

V structural subset (280C)

—— 284l

282 \\ adaptive recommendations (250) US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 5 0f 45 US RE44,967 E

Figure 5

adaptive recommendations function (240)

preference inferencing (242) recommendations explicit preferences (252) Optimization (244) inferred preferences (253) inferred interests (254) US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 6 0f 45 US RE44,967 E

Figure 6

262 /‘ i invoke adaptive recommendations function time n, time n+2, V time n+4, 264 update structural aspect

V , 266 time n+ 1, time n+3, < capture system use time n+5, US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 7 0f 45 US RE44,967 E

Figure 7 Public Information Framework 1100


v 247

individualbehaviors usage 1120 1130 “- private n.0n- M) prlvate 1152 privacy control --/

1140 1/ social information 111525 /

cues 1150 1160 signals (unintentional _/ \ _ (intentional information or information or communication) communication) privacy control

253 254 \? inferred inferred / 253a preferences interests / \\-l reputations I US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 8 0f 45 US RE44,967 E

Figure 8 1000

Usage Framework US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 9 0f 45 US RE44,967 E

Figure 9

Organization A Organization B US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 10 0f 45 US RE44,967 E


Figure 10 begin 283 determine the usage behavioral patterns speci?c to the relevant af?nity groups of the user

284 infer affinities among structural subsets, objects, and af?nity groups


Q: adapdve system update only?


determine adaptive determine adaptive recommendations withi recommendations for updating the context of current structural aspect or content use aspect 287 289 / deliver adaptive deliver recommended recommendations to structural aspect or content recommendation aspect modi?cations recipients

v I done I US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 11 0f 45 US RE44,967 E

Figure 11

adaptive system (1005)

structural content aspect ‘ aspect (2105) (2305)

automatic or automatic or ‘, semieautomatic usage aspect semi- : updating of automatic ' structure updating of 1 t content; / adaptive recommendations function (24GB)

adaptive recommendations

non- user

adaptive system (100A) 201 203 a structural 205 content aspect I I, aspect (210A) (230A) F \ "-- I \ iI au to ma tic or - ‘i ‘ semi-automatic aUtomapc or ' \ _ usage aspect semr- | \\ updatmg of (220A) automatic ' \ St'u‘lture 4‘ updating of I \ \~ content’ ’ \\ “ " ' ’ adaptive recommendations function (240A) ‘ ' ' r 9 \ ~ 246

adaptive recommendations 255 (250A) I US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 12 or 45 US RE44,967 E

Figure 12

adaptive system (100B)

structural content aspect ‘ aspect (210B) (2308)

automatic or automatic or semi-automatic usage aspect semi updating of automatic structure \ll updating of I content, / adaptive recommendations function (2408) -...


adaptive system I 201 203 (10%) \ a I 1207 7 structu ram 205 content aspect I aspect (2101» J \I' \

l automatic or automatic or ‘ \\ a semi-automatic usage aspect semi- : \ \ updating of (220A) automatic " \ \ \ structure updating‘ of I \ \\ £5 4! content’ ' ‘\\ ~ ‘ " - ’ adaptive recommendations function (240A) " ' ' i I) ~ ~ ~ 246 \ ~ ~ + ( ~ ‘ " - adaptive recommendations 255 ( 2 5.0 A )

I- 265 non-user (260) US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 13 0f 45 US RE44,967 E

Figure 13A (prior art)

Figure 13B (prior art) US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 14 or 45 US RE44,967 E

Figure 14A (prior art)

Figure 148 (prior art) f 330


336 US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 15 or 45 US RE44,967 E

Figure 15A (prior art)

Figure 155 (prior art) f 350 US. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 16 or 45 US RE44,967 E Figure 16A (prior art)

Figure 168 (prior art) f 370