Burrell Ward Leaflet 03.19.qxp_Layout 1 05/04/2019 15:46 Page 1

LOCAL ELECTIONS 2ND MAY 2019 Burrell Ward Labour Party Team FIGHTING FOR – ALL YEAR ROUND Dear Resident, We are writing to seek your support and vote for the Burrell Ward Labour team in the elections due to be held on Thursday 2nd May 2019. These elections are for Thetford Town Council and District Council. Burrell Ward residents can vote for TWO Labour candidates for Breckland Council and ALL THREE Labour candidates for Thetford Town Council. Let’s face it – politics seems to be in a bit of a mess at the moment. These local elections have been drowned out by Brexit and Westminster goings on - BUT – these elections are important and will decide which Councillors serve you locally for the next four years. Local Councillors have a crucial role in supporting our area and improving our community. Terry and Chris have already served as Councillors for some years. They repeatedly attend resident association meetings, put out regular newsletters and their attendance at Council Terry and Chris supporting Thetford Foodbank at a collection meetings has been excellent. We hope their record motivates you to vote for them again on Thursday Terry says: “Last time, I was elected as the only 2nd May. Labour Councillor from Thetford on Breckland Council. I am so pleased that Chris will be Vic Peters wants to join Terry and Chris on the Town standing for Breckland this time. He’s a hard Council – we urge you to use all your votes and vote worker, very much involved in his community for this team; 2 For Breckland and 3 for Thetford Town. and I know that he will speak up for Burrell Ward. Please use your TWO votes on your Best wishes, Breckland ballot paper and vote for myself AND Chris Harvey, thank-you”. Burrell Ward Labour Team The Conservative’s record in • Council Tax increased by 25% in Thetford during past 10 years • Norfolk Councillor allowances UP 10.5%, against independent advice • Norfolk & Mental Health Trust – FAILING • Priorsmead Care Home – CLOSED • 38 Children’s Centres – CLOSED and Treetops Nursery - CLOSED • Fly-tipping / Dog Fouling / Littering – Not a SINGLE fine or prosecution locally • DIY Waste Charges introduced at Waste Centres – Fly-tipping UP 7% • Thetford Schools - £1million LESS in funding • Police Officers – CUT. All reported crime – UP 9%! Burrell Ward Leaflet 03.19.qxp_Layout 1 05/04/2019 15:46 Page 2

CHRIS HARVEY Your Candidate for the Town Council AND Breckland Council “I was brought up locally and attended Road School then Thetford Secondary Modern. I am now retired after working at Frank Clarke’s, Nichol Beauty Products and Highland Manufacturing. I have always been a great fan of football and played, managed and refereed in the local game. I also enjoy walking and reading and spending time with my Grandchildren. I believe I should get your vote as I am a passionate believer in our town and have worked hard to improve the town in the last four years as a Town Councillor for Burrell Ward. The job isn’t done yet and I would like the opportunity to continue my fight. I live on Burrell Ward at Fulmerston Road and enjoy getting out and about and addressing local issues. Being elected as a councillor for Burrell Ward was one of the proudest moments in my life and I hope I have justified the faith of our voters. I am also standing for Breckland Council so I can take Thetford’s voice to the District Council”. Contact Chris on 01842 755476. TERRY JERMY Your Candidate for the Town Council AND Breckland Council “I was born on the Burrell Ward at Ash Close and went to both Queensway Schools and then Charles Burrell High School. I helped lead the campaign to save Charles Burrell Centre and continue to be very much involved with this and am so proud that as a community we managed to save this building. I am also the Editor of the About Thetford magazine. I have served as a Town, Breckland and Norfolk County Councillor for several years and make it a priority to stay in touch with the residents that I represent through social media and regular newsletters. I would be grateful for your support to continue to serve as your representative on the Town & District Councils”. Contact Terry on 07742157967. VIC PETERS Your Candidate for the Town Council “I moved to Thetford from in 2007 and have made Thetford my home. I live within the Burrell Ward at Fir Road and work locally for Royal Mail and many people would no doubt have seen me out and about delivering the post! I’ve previously undertaken numerous of voluntary roles including school governor, a variety of regeneration projects, sports coach and committees and scouts. I’m passionate about cricket and have been involved with Thetford Cricket Club. I have been a trade union representative for over 20 years with the Communication Workers Union and a member of the Labour Party for almost as many years. I am married with two grown up children. I am seeking election to the Burrell Ward of Thetford Town Council because I want to try to make a difference in the area that I live and work. I hope that my experience in voluntary work will help me to make that difference and I hope that I can count on your support at this election”.

Promoted by Terry Jermy on behalf of Chris Harvey, Terry Jermy and Vic Peters all C/o 21 Crecy Mews, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2ZB. Printed by www.leafletfrog.co.uk