Title of Book: Zathura

Author & Illustrator:

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company Copyright Year: 2002

Reading Level: Grade 4-6 Genre: Fantasy

SYNOPSIS OF STORY: Danny and Walter are in the backyard when they find a game in the grass. Zathura takes the boys to outer space for an out of this world adventure. The game comes to life each time they roll the dice. The brothers have to work together to get to the end of the game. This book is the sequel to that comes twenty years after the original story.

THEME: Sibling Rivalry, Space

ACTIVITY ONE: Origin: Original of my own Objective: • After reading Zathura, students will create a mobile of the solar system.

Have students create a mobile of the solar system. Use paper to cut out shapes of the planets, the sun, and comets. Attach them with string to a hanger or long sticks. These can be hung as a decoration from the ceiling.

ACTIVITY TWO: Origin: Original of my own Objectives: • Using Zathura’s idea, students will create a board game with a theme.

With a partner, design a board game with a theme; Zathura’s theme was space, so create a game with a different theme. Make a board with instructions and any needed game pieces.

ACTIVITY THREE: Origin: Original of my own Objective: • After reading Zathura, students will write a story about the planet they imagine.

What do you think the planet Zathura is like? Write a story about the people, the climate, the appearance, etc. Illustrate the story to show what you imagine.