Dominate eBay Search! Getting your eBay listing found in eBay search for free!

Kathy Terrill I Love To Be Selling

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The secret to getting more eBay sales for free, is to create eBay listings that eBay and search LOVE!

I will show you how.

A great eBay listing starts with a great Title. Look at your item and write down all its key parts. Vital information for writing a great title includes the item's brand, color, distinctive marks, qualities, and size. With that information watch this YouTube video. ​ Learn how to use eBay search to write an awesome title using the words eBay shoppers use! If you list with the words and phrases that ​ eBay customers use when searching and shopping on eBay, your product(s) are more likely to show up in a customer's product search!

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According to Statcounter 90% of search queries in 2019 and ​ ​ 2020 were handled by Google. So, It’s very important for your ​ ​ ​ listing to rank well not just on eBay but also Google.

With great keywords in your title, eBay search, Google and your customer can find you.

You don’t have to guess about what are great keywords for your eBay listings.

Using the tips in the above YouTube, you harness the power of eBay search to write an awesome title that gets your listing sold. Writing effective listings that make you money, becomes fast and easy when you learn to use the words search engines and shoppers use.

If you list with the words and phrases that eBay customers use when searching and shopping on eBay, your product(s) are more likely to show up in a customer's product search! Better customer search ​ results on eBay and Google means more views for your listing(s). Increase views for your products and you bump up your sales.

Fill in the Product Identifier (UPC, ISBN, or EAN). ​

Do not leave this area blank. Select “Does not apply” if you do not have the information for your item.

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Fill out Item Specifics. ​

If eBay asks for the color of your item DO NOT get creative. Blue is ​ blue not navy blue. If the item is navy blue you can add that information to the title. The product description area is also an excellent area to more fully describe the color(s) and or pattern of your item. If the product has several colors choose "Multi Color" from the drop down menu.

In the listing's title and/or description indicate all the colors of your item. Making a color choice from eBay's drop down tab will help your ​ item's color to be properly indexed and found by eBay, Google, and Yahoo search.

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As of 2020 eBay has started to indicate which item specifics will be “Required Soon. “ Pay attention to these. Filling them in before they ​ ​ are required can give you extra eBay “search juice.“

If eBay will soon require information, it's an indication that this is important information for ranking in search. Why not give eBay this ​ information now? Take advantage of feeding eBay and Google this “in ​ demand” consumer data. Filling in this “Soon to Be Required” details, gives you an edge over listings that do not have this data filled in yet!

Great pictures help you sell! eBay encourages sellers to use a plain ​ ​ background when taking pictures. A great low cost way to achieve a ​ plain background is to use white Elmer's Display Board. You can purchase Elmer’s Display Board inexpensively at stores like Dollar Stores, BJ's, , and Staples.

Here is my YouTube showing you how to photograph your eBay items using this board.

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You can also create white backgrounds with various low cost and free phone apps, and desktop apps like Clipping Magic and Fotofuze.

Use Best Offer! ​

Best Offer brings you shoppers! If you list using the Fixed Price or the ​ Buy It Now Option you can check the box for Best Offer. I love Best Offer! Price your item 20-30% higher than you're willing to accept. Some customers love to haggle a bit. eBay offers you an auto accept auto decline feature so that you don't have to answer or counter low ball offers.

Consider using the auto accept, auto decline feature. Yes there are ​ times shoppers will offer you a very low price. Decide if it’s worth your time to counter. You might want to set auto decline for very low offers.

Test and see what works for you. Once you get an offer from a buyer, ​ You'll be able to go back and forth and potentially get a nice purchase price for your item. With a little conversation you get a sale! eBay has a happy shopper who saved a few dollars. You are a successful seller because your item sold to a satisfied customer!

When you get a Best Offer, the eBay search algorithm notes it as interest in your item. ​

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This can give your item a boost in eBay search. Many eBay sellers report their item selling at full asking price to a second buyer while they are negotiating with the first!

Best Offer is a win for sellers for sales and search!

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In closing, there are proven ways to have your eBay listing stand out to shoppers! 1. Write a great title. eBay search can help you! 2. Use item specifics to get found! 3. Pictures matter! 4. Best Offer gets you customer interest and sales!

Google helps you attract even more sales and shoppers! It’s important ​ for your eBay listings to rank in Google search. Want to learn what ​ ​ Google looks for in your eBay listing?

Click here for my 22-page ebook! ​

It's time for you to increase your eBay sales with listings that eBay and Google search love!

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