I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Dave Potter at 10:10 am.

II. ROLL CALL AND INTRODUCTIONS Roll call and introductions were made. Agency attendees: Alec Arago for Congressman Sam Farr, Nicole Charles for State Senator Bill Monning, Supervisor Dave Potter, Jeff Kwasny (USFS), Sarah Von Schwind (Caltrans), Karen Grimmer (NOAA), Mat Fuzie (State Parks), John Ford (Monterey County Resource Management Agency), Rob Carver (CPOA), Dick Ravich (Resident of Big Sur), Kate Novoa (Resident of Big Sur) and Kirk Gafill (Big Sur Chamber of Commerce).

PROCEEDINGS III. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of October 31, 2014, were approved with a minor change by Dick Ravich.

IV. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items: • Bill Nye – Commented that the Coastal Trail should originate at Odello Ranch and proceed through USFS land with lateral trails to the ocean, avoiding private property and Highway 1. Commented on the lack of guardrail options for the Rocky Creek Viaduct, would like more options for Brazil Ranch project. • Pam Silkwood – Commented that the Coastal Commission is trying to force small segments of the Coastal Trail through along North Coast Ridge Road without fully engaging in the public process and would like to see a full public hearing. Supervisor Potter responded that a letter will be sent to the Coastal Commission requesting full participation at the MAAC meetings. Dick Ravich wants Coastal Commission to also participate in Big Sur LUP process. Arden Handshy commented that he would like the County of Monterey and the Coastal Commission to work together on Big Sur planning issues.

V. Old Business: None

VI. New Business: 1. Update on fuel management concerns for Big Sur area – Mike Caplin provided a detailed update on the challenges surrounding management of wildfire fuel in Big Sur and Los Padres National Forest. Vegetation has run amok and there is too much fuel which could increase fire strength, leading to more damage. Currently there are a number of ordinances and rules that prohibit the effective management of wildfire fuel. CalFire threat maps outline that Big Sur is an extremely high risk area; the highest risk category in the United States.

The issue with fuel management has been acknowledged at the federal level for over ten years and poses catastrophic problems that should be dealt with by federal, state and local agencies. A number of environmental factors are affecting how fuel is managed including HFRA and NEPA. Five key federal laws block solutions. The use of machines to construct firebreaks has been a federal environmental issue and to date only very few projects have been approved. The use of hand-crews to construct firebreaks can cause safety issues during firefighting activities and during the Basin Fire this led to the fire jumping the line. The federal government needs to remove the wilderness designation to allow effective management of fuel breaks. Congress needs to enact legislation to allow local jurisdiction to manage fuel. The State Coastal Act protects the highly protected maritime BSMAAC January 16, 2015 Minutes

chaparral but unfortunately the state cannot come to an agreement on where those areas are. The Big Sur LUP and County staff do not require a CDP for vegetation removal but due to conflicts with California ESHA designation the state has not been in favor of issuing permits. The solution would be to amend the Coastal Act to not apply to fuel break/fuel load problems.

Supervisor Potter stated that he objected strongly to the chaparral designation, that the County could engage Senator Monning and Congressman Farr in discussions regarding state and federal legislation and that taking fuel breaks out of wilderness area would be helpful. Alec Arago stated that it is the promise of wilderness versus fire protection, a number of changes have been made to existing legislation between 1968-2002, we could possibly revisit HR4040 to provide clearer information about wilderness areas and fuel management. Nicole Charles stated that she will share the information with Senator Monning and that they look forward to achieving meaningful changes. Pam Silkwood stated that the discussion should focus on practical CWPP projects moving forward. Barbara Woyt asked if it reasonable to maintain fuel breaks with hand crews? Mat Fuzie commented that it is a challenging issue and that there has not been a rewind in wilderness designation. Bill Nye commented that there needs to be clear expectations in the LUP on protection of critical viewshed and fuel break management.

VII. Reports from Member Agencies:

Kathleen Novoa (Resident of Big Sur) • Commented that there were twenty minute delays during the netting work at Alder Creek. Questioned the use of mastication by the USFS as regular vegetation removal program stating that the vegetation grows back thicker.

Dick Ravich (Resident of Big Sur) • Commented that the last year was warmest on record for 135 years, rain is needed. Thanks USFS for Pfeiffer Fire information release. Big Sur Volunteer Fire Brigade training is coming up; 306 calls in 2014 which was more than any other year. LUP updates are Mondays at 9:30am at MAF, public is welcome; pleased that County is taking part, hopes Coastal Commission joins as well.

Rob Carver (CPOA) • Asked Caltrans to remove the pampas grass half a mile south of Mal Paso. Commented that perhaps crews could remove single stands more easily. Public commented that there are also stands near Tan Oak Trail on State Parks property. Mat Fuzie stated that State Parks will address the issue.

John Ford (Resource Management Agency) • Henry Miller Library will be going to Planning Commission on January 28th for a ruling on their special events. • Events and vacation rentals has been assigned to Melanie Beretti.

Dave Potter, District 5, Monterey County Board of Supervisors • Commented that Judge John Phillips is the newly elected District 2 Supervisor for the County of Monterey. • Continue to work on Parks Department issues.

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• Discussions continuing on water issues surrounding Water Right Permit #11043 and groundwater legislation. The County will fight state efforts to adjudicate water basin. • The County is continuing to work on for funding for an Interlake tunnel between Nacimiento and San Antonio lakes. • The County is working closely with state elected officials to move quickly on the water issues.

Sarah von Schwind (Caltrans): • Introduced herself as the Interim Director of Maintenance and Operations for District 5 and that she is very familiar with the coast as she grew up in Monterey. • Elephant Trunk project near the Monterey and San Luis Obispo County line will begin within a few months. • Alder Creek project will be completed in February. • Rob Carver and Aengus Jeffers asked question regarding encroachment permits; referred to Carla Moreno at Caltrans. • Cow Cliffs project will go before California Transportation Commission in a week; hoping to start project in a few months. • Kate Novoa commented on parking issues at Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park along Highway 1. Parks replied that they have increased their patrols and are trying to add parking lot capacity. Martha Karstens noted that the Brigade has a lot of calls stemming from that location. • Supervisor Potter commented that Highway 1 traffic has taken a huge jump. Kirk Gafill commented that traffic has been very heavy and provided some explanation; no snow but normal winter will reduce traffic, Euro is dropping, Big Sur is a growing international destination and Asian based travel has increased. Bill Perlstein commented that during peak travel times CHP has increased enforcement, he also provided statistics for texting and driving and stated that his primary objective is to get a resident officer back in Big Sur. Kirk Gafill appreciated the update on the CHP resident deputy and stated that the Chamber wholeheartedly supports a year round CHP presence. • A question was asked regarding coordination of lights at Rio Road, Carmel Valley Road and Carpenter Street to increase North/South traffic flow. Caltrans will evaluate.

Kirk Gafill (Big Sur Chamber of Commerce) • Thank Bill Perlstein for the update on the CHP resident deputy and stated that the Chamber wholeheartedly supports a year round CHP presence. Business levels in Big Sur are currently very high, low water levels around the state may increase business. Volume does bring sales tax.

Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District • Absent

Karen Grimmer (Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary) • Management plan being updated, out of 28 action plans, one deals with Big Sur. Currently it is in the internal review process and will go to Sanctuary Advisory Council in April to start the public process. • Stated that a research expedition to the Davidson Seamount will take place in May. • Announced the annual Sanctuary Currents Symposium “The Rise of Citizen Science” at CSUMB on April 25th, public is welcome.

Mike Watson (California Coastal Commission) • Absent

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Mat Fuzie and Brian Robertson (State Parks) • Big Sur campground damaged by water runoff, campers were evacuated, 35% open. Andrew Molera faired well. • Some local projects being funded. • General Plan scoping meeting was well attended, requested that MAAC members participate. Goal is to have a 30 year viable plan. Public meeting will be announced shortly. • Announced Carmel Area State Parks website page pertaining to General Plan. Point Lobos visitation is very high. • Stated that the Sobranes coastal bridge ran out of funds, trying to find $80,000. Re-route of ridge trail still needing $3-4 million. Major erosion issues present. • Pfeiffer State Park amphitheater will be the same size with no additional capacity and will be used for State Parks campfire program, low cost weddings, open to ideas. Attempting to get temporary bridge permanent. Working on park wide program improvements in spring. • Martha Karstens stated that she was thankful Brian was very proactive and also inquired about the new plastic signs. Mat Fuzie replied that the new signs were mandated by state, he fought for local control but lost. Martha feels that they do not comply with LUP.

Jeff Kwansy (USFS) • Announced the Pine Ridge Trail has been washed out, USFS is having difficulty keeping people off the trail, hope to have re-route completed in a few weeks. • USFS supports protecting communities through the use of fuel breaks. Three grants are available that could help fund local agency efforts for fuel break management on private land. Community firebreak will be started in January, USFS will review comments and will soon release the EIS. • Mike Caplin thanked USFS for funding fuel breaks outside forest. Minimum impact analysis. Would like USFS to look areas outside wilderness, eliminates redundancy • Dick Ravich thanked Jeff for communicating with CERT during the Sycamore Canyon Road mudslides. Also stated that Pfeiffer Beach is being overused, 300 cars turned away when busy. We are reaching a carrying capacity. • Kate Novoa stated that the back country is seeing more traffic as well. • Barbara Woyt- CCC lost sight of quality of visitor service.

Luis Alejo, 30th District, State Assembly • Absent

Nicole Charles for Bill Monning, 17th District, State Senate • Announced that Senator Monning is now the Senate Majority Leader which is great for the Central Coast, legislative proposals are coming forth with much focused on climate change, Coast Trail funding still an effort.

Alec Arago for Congressman Sam Farr (United States Congress) • Annnounced that USFS has reimbursement process for the costs of fighting the Pfeiffer Fire and they are working with CPOA, USFS and THE water company, bill must be sent, price can be negotiated. • Working on project proposal with Aileen Loe on visual impact of utility wires. Dick Ravich asked for fiberoptic rather than copper. • LBJ Foundation would like to restore a plaque at Caltrans Bixby.

VIII. Reports from Other Agencies: None

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IX. The next meeting is scheduled for April 17th, 2015. Other 2015 meeting dates are June 19th and October 16th.

X. The meeting was adjourned at 1:46 pm.

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