An Introduction
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AN INTRODUCTION TO T]IE BOOKOF MORMON t.!,:r!hi.l9E1 8,, lie o:ra; Stevens A;l ':Err: r:r rh:! .,:ok ir. :es?n€d I.. pan of:he te]rlmay be r€prod,J.rJrr a:-v r.r:I:1r'r:h.u: r,ir:€: ;e;.,lssro. oarh€pubtishe.s, €x.epr or€: r!cr::ro.i L5.r i. :i.::e.rnn r,1h !€vre.rsrn magazines :L5l:sneJB, lHE FOLiL!A:JOI" ''{ ]F FTs:,T.TL: OI A]\'CIXT AME.R]CA 2i2 S P?:dleroi: li;e:€.ceii.e t i:ssour 64N51 ',9?A FOREWORD The inr.o.1Lr.roq' ofBook of Morfton Srudi€s 'Introductory Fages-ftese ar€ caled Feadings pages wefe originallywriten for thosewishing to mak€ a study of6e Book ofMormon Since Book of Mormon Studieswas llrsr printed there have been comm€nis ftom time rc trme r€ga:dingrhese Ini.odu.tory R€adings. wshing thar they could b€ maCe a,/ailableseparat€ from th€ origmaltext so thar rhei might be pres€nredio ihosewho lnow notllng about th€ Book oi lviormon lrhere and how it was wnilen, and ho!! it .ame mto our hancs Many usesfor this material hav€been soggested In responseto th€se:€q,.rests ihe auLhorhas linedrhis ponion oi Book ofMormon Studi€sand rs presenqngit as a separalebook let, wilh lhe hof€ rhat Lhesel'acrs r,ay app€alto some readersand inquirersregardhg the Book oi Mormon It shouldb€ nor€dthat all Brbircalrelerences a.e ro rhe Inspired Version of the Bible (HeraiCPublshrng House), and the Do€rrine and CovenantspubLished by the Reorga.,zedChurch of Jesus Chrisloflait€! Day Sainrsis the one usedwh€. referenceis nad€ lo rhis book An lntroduclionio lhe Book of Mormon is presentedwith a pray€rlhat rt rlll help guide you ro a greaterunderstanding ofthe centralwihess of lhe Book olMolmon thatJesusrs i,heChrjsl, the Saviorof all mankind II] AUTHOR'SPREFACE TIlr i' J le-r, sudt c{1.. usrs h' B'!'k 'f Momm .rr th. rerr. ql:h 8 ,t | .rt i'. : Strdte . gude ro 'ne r.edrng ot th. rext, rJppoded by (hc lnst,re! \ crs,ol of rhe B,ble rrd (hc Doctrin€ AI biblical .eferencs throughout thc corrse ale to the IntPird Stud.ntr ar. urSedto kep io miod th-e obs€ by th. tuthor rerddinq rhc cou6r - 'l'e -e!l Thitc'son, o a n.le r-e ,omesha' ro.g bu( srudcntwtl aDB.etiatethe comoilario. oi rcteroces. Il o.e reads thc lcssm ais';rn..nrs -d reidences the qudtions, h. qrll have.€ad "irh the-eDlire B@k ci Uordo. a.l mu.h otler Sr.iPluE by thc timc tbe coursers .omPleted. Then, repeat tb; cou'se ,i Jeiled Go,n8 ba.k ov.. the mat€' rial . stood time pill de€len lea.n,og r! a Sreate!degre. tt'rn speoding too much nme on each lsson Lr the orSrnel cover4e Becaus€of the 'olure of matcrirl in the lessons,rt rs possiblc to.over ths course dmbers of t,m- uirhoui erer reP€ahn8r lessonin exa.tly the sane *ay Studc.ts are urq6l to keePthe goal !t the.hur.h of lartcr days- ZION uppelmon in all *ork on rhe couae, fot that hd been thc purposeIn rl\ rreprranonand Prerc.rero. i,tino*teagme1 rs grureru-' ' the rllvrn,e of th. folloqrnq pei.on. ch -crd he m.n-.(.,f and ofiercd helPful cnr,o,mi"ia qLgA--,ons.HLb(n Cr.e Al. e Ke.,ey.R v Hopkrn(. and c. w. Clark 5p6 ral rrat.(Lde.s exPr65edro M'5 walne (VerneI I Simon\. Mrr. trewirr \ld,np (rshr drd Cd' t $"ldon fr rhPrrJbh sug*no-s for -'\ .,^i( r 'h,r o' cl l Also r) lnccrc lhekl go to hJndredsot m-nbe-sqho ha\e rypress€,o Js. th,r text a! a Buide in thei! sfudt of thc S.ripiures. v BaoAol ito/nr,, bid lot ag.! o,1 C',"oGJr'! londt hill, lYtittttl bt thara latu-si Vlan leho,ah taryht bi' ; Gl.n s. it, F.,'a! al 'b. so'P.1n't|. -H. S. Dill. .r\AI'TEI\ITE lePr'-..' -cd. v - \'. ---- I TheSertrngoith€BookofMormon..... .. ... I Prepara{ionotameri.a . .. 2 Ofwhatlmpcnai.€ F-rleflca? . .. ...... .... 3 ThePeoples of .Incient Aaei.a . .. .. 3 WhoWrol€ rhe Book oaM ... ........6 Ihe P€ oro! 6 Th" L"r.g. re o: .J.?Dool :V tn. l3 TheCompos rLon oiri€ F d €s l9 Theaom:iq ro:1. oa'h€:€-o:d, 22 T}leT a- .d'.o:o'''.e BooP '1\1 -ro- 23 T}IeUnm anCThumlr,rm 24 27 W||.1ese. 21 Th€ ManuscnF,:soithe Bock oll''1orno. 2a Archaeologvof:he Bock oiMormcr 29 - 'Vo::. ' ThcCc = .r o'''." Bo 1 29 Booksof r-reBoci of l"'lormo. anClletr Arlhors 30 Classifi.atlonoith.€ Bcokof \1o:non 30 Oth€r t' 5, r.i! :ulh.r Boot Of Mormon Studies Dctin€ Ard Coe€nanrs Ch!rch Hisrory Srldres Dclrine And Covenanrs-ChulchHisiory Res€d.h Nores The Lighr Of Tle wond \'l INTRODUCTORYREADINGS The Putpose of the Book of l\Iormon Gods grcar lor. ior run-klnd hu reacheddo*n rhrough.ll rgcs, .vcr stlivinA to rcdecm man from hi5 fall.n siate. The PurPoseio briogingfonh tnc Bookoi l{ormor q". f!.mrr:l/ ro g,'e ro thi world anothericsrmony rh.r J-.: i. the cl.r:.ri acd rh'"ra ihn of srl'ation Pa3laid from the bepinii.p. On -he'... -JB r5". GoJ. t-qe;' * of }{or:oi '\rnr(en,frge t{i, pupos.;n rhe bcok rr gren rn tl,c.c qord( scrledup. and hid unto the LorC that thct lthc La,.oanit€s,who rrc a lcmna't of the houseof Israd and also th€ Tew and Gcniilel nisht not be d.:troted. lf sl-ewunro rhc renn:;i of-rhc hou<e of ls.acl what glcat things the Lord hath done for their fathcrsi that thc' Dt l(no* ile.oven3nrs of thi Lord, that thet .Jc not cart 06 fo.eve.; ard al5oto thc.onvincing of thc Jcw ard Ceirilc that Jcaus i5 the Chr;sl, tl,e Eienrl God, m3rifesijnr himself Mto all Dltions." To cslabljsh inr trurl, witness€sarc ncccssary. Wit.esrs s;gn lcgal domc.ts; qitnessessuSsraniiirle r stolt; pitnessca.ppearin ,our,'r b_ u -*-s -.1.- :.J ' ,- Iarcr ?rr 'oo -ian. srron8r- Is .: mr h ro a,k rh, (|e SrerrcLim m:de by Ch that the Son of God .ec to carth. lived, died, and wrs rcsuaccted that man]<indmight bc savcd should harc norc than onc witnessl PaDIsaidr ln the mouih of rso or lhree *irnessesshall cverv wold be.r(abl,shed- ll Cof lr:l D€utcronomyI' o.od Joh; 8i l- ^lso6.^t;on tle i.c*s,ry for tqo o! thre. qiin.$.t to csrablirhrhe truth. Nethis: Kro* !e not thrt th€ tsilmont ci f"o dationsis a w;tne5suilo tou rhatI an God, that I remembero.e nrtiod like unto another? !i'he..foie, I sp€akihe !3m€ worCs one nation Iike unto another. j]ld q.hen the iso rations shlll run tasether.the .h:l rxr ror?tle! at.o iI Nephj ji:16-19 12:1961)-Ihe S!bst3n(:reki 29:r126 and-Ezek Br:ok of lLlo:t: s :e tesrr:noJ:f li.n trl€ il.Jeste:r nen$phere supporringthe dlim of the Bibie that Jesusis t$e Cirisf, thc Savjor The Settirrg of the Book of Mormon Thc cvcotsrccordcd in $c Book of Mollnoo took DI3c€in an.ient America. A(heoloeisrs and bhtofians reaCilvagr:e th3r narionsrose to a h;gh Ceer€eof ciy;lizaiionand .ulture in Soutl, Ceotral.and Norh America. The Book of Mormoo lercrds tie foundins of tq/o ortions. known as thc Jareditcsand the Nepbitcs,their ri5. io hciShts,thcn ticir declincand fall. Pr.n,F.i^r of AmPri.a In th. story of cr.-atiod, the Bibl. reco!&r "1, God, s^id, Ilt the wrrerr undcr rhe herven b. Srrhclcd toSethcrunto one pb(c; .nd it vs o. And I, @, trd, Lf,r rherebc dry lsd. and it q.s to And L Cod...lled rhe drt hod dth: lnd 'hc grth.lin8 -o8.t-h€rof t-hc *{c.s clll.d I tnc re. -Gcn. r 12, ll, I v. (Th. wording io G...sis 1:9, 10, Authorizd V.Bioo, ir sinila!.) Tbus. w. sd the land wa all in onc pla.e and the watc. io mothcr, and so it remaned mtil aftcr ihc flaol, but in th. daysof P.lcg, a.. cording to thc biblical rftoid, rhe carth eeJ dilided (s€r map, P.41). Ther€ is a very simple staJe'rmt of this momentors.r.nt in G.o6is r0r16, I.V. (v€rs€ 2t, Autho.ired Vellion). StrMpc it is that this srat cfirnq. h th. .iith 5 contou. 3hould cru-redsuch smrll codoent. but?oubtlcs wc h:vc but r lragmcat of the reord. Readthe oroDis. iD D. and C. 108: t lh.t .t thc s.(ond mmiog of Ctuist thc eith $all b. as it pa! in tlc &y3 &forc it vas dividcd. Tbus, w. s.c God 3 bod at work ia th. p'.Fration of a lend ro ql,ilh h. wa to lc.J .oloLc) oI his p.opl. Eho hrd lo"c ror hiq in ordcr rhat rhcv diphr cs{aocdestrualoa and Diqht b.