t.!,:r!hi.l9E1 8,, lie o:ra; Stevens

A;l ':Err: r:r rh:! .,:ok ir. :es?n€d I.. pan of:he te]rlmay be r€prod,J.rJrr a:-v r.r:I:1r'r:h.u: r,ir:€: ;e;.,lssro. oarh€pubtishe.s, €x.epr or€: r!cr::ro.i L5.r i. :i.::e.rnn r,1h !€vre.rsrn magazines

:L5l:sneJB, lHE FOLiL!A:JOI" ''{ ]F FTs:,T.TL: OI A]\'CIXT AME.R]CA 2i2 S P?:dleroi: li;e:€.ceii.e t i:ssour 64N51 ',9?A FOREWORD

The inr.o.1Lr.roq' ofBook of Morfton Srudi€s 'Introductory Fages-ftese ar€ caled Feadings pages wefe originallywriten for thosewishing to mak€ a study of6e Book ofMormon

Since Studieswas llrsr printed there have been comm€nis ftom time rc trme r€ga:dingrhese Ini.odu.tory R€adings. wshing thar they could b€ maCe a,/ailableseparat€ from th€ origmaltext so thar rhei might be pres€nredio ihosewho lnow notllng about th€ Book oi lviormon lrhere and how it was wnilen, and ho!! it .ame mto our hancs Many usesfor this material hav€been soggested

In responseto th€se:€q,.rests ihe auLhorhas linedrhis ponion oi Book ofMormon Studi€sand rs presenqngit as a separalebook let, wilh lhe hof€ rhat Lhesel'acrs r,ay app€alto some readersand inquirersregardhg the Book oi Mormon

It shouldb€ nor€dthat all Brbircalrelerences a.e ro rhe Inspired Version of the (HeraiCPublshrng House), and the Do€rrine and CovenantspubLished by the Reorga.,zedChurch of Chrisloflait€! Day Sainrsis the one usedwh€. referenceis nad€ lo rhis book

An lntroduclionio lhe Book of Mormon is presentedwith a pray€rlhat rt rlll help guide you ro a greaterunderstanding ofthe centralwihess of lhe Book olMolmon thatJesusrs i,heChrjsl, the Saviorof all mankind


TIlr i' J le-r, sudt c{1.. usrs h' B'!'k 'f Momm .rr th. rerr. ql:h 8 ,t | .rt i'. : Strdte . . gude ro 'ne r.edrng ot th. rext, rJppoded by (hc lnst,re! \ crs,ol of rhe B,ble rrd (hc Doctrin€

AI biblical .eferencs throughout thc corrse ale to the IntPird

Stud.ntr ar. urSedto kep io miod th-e obs€ by th. tuthor rerddinq rhc cou6r - 'l'e -e!l Thitc'son, o a n.le r-e ,omesha' ro.g bu( srudcntwtl aDB.etiatethe comoilario. oi rcteroces. Il o.e reads thc lcssm ais';rn..nrs -d reidences the qudtions, h. qrll have.€ad "irh the-eDlire B@k ci Uordo. a.l mu.h otler Sr.iPluE by thc timc tbe coursers .omPleted. Then, repeat tb; cou'se ,i Jeiled Go,n8 ba.k ov.. the mat€' rial . stood time pill de€len lea.n,og r! a Sreate!degre. tt'rn speoding too much nme on each lsson Lr the orSrnel cover4e

Becaus€of the 'olure of matcrirl in the lessons,rt rs possiblc to.over ths course dmbers of t,m- uirhoui erer reP€ahn8r lessonin exa.tly the sane *ay Studc.ts are urq6l to keePthe goal !t the.hur.h of lartcr days- ZION uppelmon in all *ork on rhe couae, fot that hd been thc purposeIn rl\ rreprranonand Prerc.rero. i,tino*teagme1 rs grureru-' ' the rllvrn,e of th. folloqrnq pei.on. ch -crd he m.n-.(.,f and ofiercd helPful cnr,o,mi"ia qLgA--,ons.HLb(n Cr.e Al. e Ke.,ey.R v Hopkrn(. and c. w. Clark 5p6 ral rrat.(Lde.s exPr65edro M'5 walne (VerneI I Simon\. Mrr. trewirr \ld,np (rshr drd Cd' t $"ldon fr rhPrrJbh sug*no-s for -'\ .,^i( r 'h,r o' cl l Also r) lnccrc lhekl go to hJndredsot m-nbe-sqho ha\e rypress€,o Js. th,r text a! a Buide in thei! sfudt of thc S.ripiures.

v BaoAol ito/nr,, bid lot ag.! o,1 C',"oGJr'! londt hill, lYtittttl bt thara latu-si Vlan leho,ah taryht bi' ; Gl.n s. it, F.,'a! al 'b. so'P.1n't|. -H. S. Dill. .r\AI'TEI\ITE

lePr'-..' -cd. v - \'. ---- I TheSertrngoith€BookofMormon...... I Prepara{ionotameri.a . .. 2 Ofwhatlmpcnai.€ F-rleflca? ...... 3 ThePeoples of .Incient Aaei.a ...... 3 WhoWrol€ rhe Book oaM ...... 6 Ihe P€ oro! 6

Th" L"r.g. re o: .J.?Dool :V tn. . . l3 TheCompos rLon oiri€ F d €s l9 Theaom:iq ro:1. oa'h€:€-o:d, 22 T}leT a- .d'.o:o'''.e BooP '1\1 -ro- 23 T}IeUnm anCThumlr,rm 24 27

W||.1ese. 21 Th€ ManuscnF,:soithe Bock oll''1orno. 2a

Archaeologvof:he Bock oiMormcr 29 - 'Vo::. ' ThcCc = .r o'''." Bo 1 29 Booksof r-reBoci of l"'lormo. anClletr Arlhors 30 Classifi.atlonoith.€ Bcokof \1o:non 30

Oth€r t' 5, r.i! :ulh.r Boot Of

Dctin€ Ard Coe€nanrs Ch!rch Hisrory Srldres Dclrine And Covenanrs-ChulchHisiory Res€d.h Nores The Lighr Of Tle wond


The Putpose of the Book of l\Iormon Gods grcar lor. ior run-klnd hu reacheddo*n rhrough.ll rgcs, .vcr stlivinA to rcdecm man from hi5 fall.n siate. The PurPoseio briogingfonh tnc Bookoi l{ormor q". f!.mrr:l/ ro g,'e ro thi world anothericsrmony rh.r J-.: i. the cl.r:.ri acd rh'"ra ihn of srl'ation Pa3laid from the bepinii.p. On -he'... -JB r5". GoJ. t-qe;' * of }{or:oi '\rnr(en,frge t{i, pupos.;n rhe bcok rr gren rn tl,c.c qord( scrledup. and hid unto the LorC that thct lthc La,.oanit€s,who rrc a lcmna't of the houseof Israd and also th€ Tew and Gcniilel nisht not be d.:troted. lf sl-ewunro rhc renn:;i of-rhc hou

The Settirrg of the Book of Mormon Thc cvcotsrccordcd in $c Book of Mollnoo took DI3c€in an.ient America. A(heoloeisrs and bhtofians reaCilvagr:e th3r narionsrose to a h;gh Ceer€eof ciy;lizaiionand .ulture in Soutl, Ceotral.and Norh America. The Book of Mormoo lercrds tie foundins of tq/o ortions. known as thc Jareditcsand the Nepbitcs,their ri5. io hciShts,thcn ticir declincand fall.

Pr.n,F.i^r of AmPri.a

In th. story of cr.-atiod, the Bibl. reco!&r "1, God, s^id, Ilt the wrrerr undcr rhe herven b. Srrhclcd toSethcrunto one pb(c; .nd it vs o. And I, @, trd, Lf,r rherebc dry lsd. and it q.s to And L Cod...lled rhe drt hod dth: lnd 'hc grth.lin8 -o8.t-h€rof t-hc *{c.s clll.d I tnc re. -Gcn. r 12, ll, I v. (Th. wording io G...sis 1:9, 10, Authorizd V.Bioo, ir sinila!.) Tbus. w. sd the land wa all in onc pla.e and the watc. io mothcr, and so it remaned mtil aftcr ihc flaol, but in th. daysof P.lcg, a.. cording to thc biblical rftoid, rhe carth eeJ dilided (s€r map, P.41). Ther€ is a very simple staJe'rmt of this momentors.r.nt in G.o6is r0r16, I.V. (v€rs€ 2t, Autho.ired Vellion). StrMpc it is that this srat cfirnq. h th. .iith 5 contou. 3hould cru-redsuch smrll codoent. but?oubtlcs wc h:vc but r lragmcat of the reord. Readthe oroDis. iD D. and C. 108: t lh.t .t thc s.(ond mmiog of Ctuist thc eith $all b. as it pa! in tlc &y3 &forc it vas dividcd. Tbus, w. s.c God 3 bod at work ia th. p'.Fration of a lend ro ql,ilh h. wa to lc.J .oloLc) oI his p.opl. Eho hrd lo"c ror hiq in ordcr rhat rhcv diphr cs{aocdestrualoa and Diqht b. rilcn oppoF tunities ro srrve'lxm-ro righieousncs. Thc 6rst iuc} coiooy lcft t-hc rrca of thc grear towe. sornetim€during the third milleonium 8.C., -Drobablv about 2310 BC. Tbc Jareditd mar have been lntumced by thc &.iPnrr!, with ertrch tne] pere undrEbtedlr famlliar, which told of tus d.alinS with Ed(x od thc .6idue of rhe peopl. of God who wclt l.d to a d*elin8 placc d6c.;bed as a lad of promisc" (Gcn 5ilt). whm the brother of Jred , rShr rhc Lord re6rrding the1rd6tnt, Jared sugS6ted. Ar I ELo knoEelh bur rhe Lord llll crry us fonh i'to a land *l!ch r choice above all the clnh (Eiher I:11). Thci. ftth was ju5ti66i, for thc Lold, I wiil go bcforethcE into a land ehich is cboiceabove ail thc Iand of thc anh fEther 1:18). Jos-?h, Sre.t gra.dsm of Abraharn, also re(e,vcd a Pron-Iis. thar his poste.ity would a blcssedand F.6:ioos land. Hls blcising, thrmgh lls father i.dicatcd that his ldd war b../odd thc ser: ''J(xeph Jac.,b, rs a frultful bough. even a ffutful boqgh bt a welli whosc braoch€. ron orer the *all" (Gen. 49::). Thc anocnts rc8ndcd the sa as a wa]l (Nahun I8) This blessiig was to thc utrnoit b.unds of the e\endt ng h,ll. Gd 40 26) Wher tlh a,d his familv *cr. lal out of Jc.rralcm, the wo.d of thc Lord to them Fa.s. Ye shall DrosD...and shall ix lcd to a l.nd of Dromise: . . vea. a ladd Ehlah i5 choi.e ebove dl otlcr l.rdr' (t Nephi l:ta) Lehi sa5 r des.endaniof on whom thc ble,:inr h"lben pfon by J"cob In Lchr ud tus fqnily e pofl'on-.f rfe pr'phe.) q- r-.r lleo Th- ^ner r. "s. hreli;d, was reser\ed lor those pho qould iove and seryethc Lord.

Of V'hat Imponan!. America ? Aheri(a eas d6irned b! Gdl to b. a ldd oi fr..d@. L.hi pruphh,ed. Tler€ r*l - ,e c mc.n' -h,slrnd. sr!. rh.y shdl b. broJghr bI Le he. of rhe L -d And .i rt ro bc rhat they shJl sede him accordingto the co.ihardments wllch he hdh 8iv6, it shallbe a land of libern unto tlan (II Ncphi 1:10-12). Ler.r Nephi added, And rhis land shall bc a land of libcrq unto th. Ccntilci a.d thc.e rhall b< no kin85 upotr tlc I'nd, *lo rhs! rai3. up unto the Gcntiles' (II Nelhi 7:18) AI]l1a elro bleiscd thc hnd for the dghteous sake, but addcd this F...nlng: Curscd shall bc the land, yea, this la.d, unro €rcry dar;on,k;idred, ton8u€,lnd Fo- plc, unto d6rructjr,n. which do wickedly, ." (Almr 21:17). Moroni. th€ la( p.ophet. ccnim.d Almas statcrncrrt: "Aod noc, se can behold tha d(.ees of Gcd concmins this lard, rhar it n : hnd or p.^-,. r I sl'r's.,ecr nn,on shallpo!sels ,t. shtl s.rvc God. r rho )l'all b. sqeD o{ qh.n rhc oi hb wrrdr s}dl .ome upon (hem (Etner I l1) Then Morori warf,ed, And thit cometh lou. O Ic Ccntil6, th3l tc mat kno* th. dccrc.s of God, that ye mav repeni that ye hav not b.iDg down thc fullftst of tbe wrath of God upon rft. ar the inhabitantr of thc land hitheno done (Etr\er i: l1) Ame-k,rn.'rl-e hrghlycrur God.g,rer l,b€nv. b{r unlciswe tRrly seNe rhe r.5e o'C,h-r qc s.ll ccnc undcr I}. sameconde.nD.. ii.,n as those .ations sho previouslyiohabhcd this land of p.ornir..

Tbc Peopl6 of A-ocicnr A,@€rica

Thr J.iedites This ras rhe larSed of rhe thrcc colonieswhosc hntory k rcrord€d in the B@k of Monon Thrs g.oup, ied by Jared and his brothcr, ,,lled Jpon Cod fo'p-r"cron rnd drr.c,on *hcn the peopleserc confurded ,nd v,nered f-on rhe g-dr toeer' Havirg c.oss.d uoknoqn l.nd. rheyburlt e:gh'br-8e, a.d mbrrkcd upon thc v$t o(ean. Alter .erly a !e. at sa. th*-. aiiiv.d on thc shoc of their I.nd.f p-onq p. b"bl' he co$' of M6oamcnc," They "n?'; grcw in'o a 8?a and p *erfrl na ron. rerchinSa high stat! of civili' zation Tlel hed brought sa('ed rero.ds pith them and knowing cod. thev had iheir opFrdLlnih to sene hr.1 Thel were v;sited by m/1, pr,phc"..l_: ere- -" , P'm s,ckedrs. Pt$rrled rr nB thm, re.ul;s '. .'r I .\: h r- - .ed rh. rror . 1rn'umr. rh. "a: lan ti;p. *- fourJ b\ a Fa.r ol thc nlulck,tes a.d liv.d ninc --nr *ith them befo;ehLi dearh(Omni t:17). Th. hredire!loph€r, It}cr, se retlyob.ened the lrt bartlcof hit peopie.'wh,chhi rkorded on the Fintl-four Sold pl,te{. Vhet}'c. he d'ed or q3 trinlhsured s nl knoqi The Nephit 3 Thc secondcolony to b. lcd io Amclica came shortly b€fore lbc destruction of Jerusalem. The Book of Molmon b€8ins with thc hinory of thi, peo?le They gir€ rhe dareo' rhe:rdef.lture r' 600 BC. Lehi, a prophet,left h' home and po,sersions$hen *rrned jk.ns by God ro do vj. his Lm,lr dd d fes;the'r or' fiom Jerusl€m irito the wilCerness,s:herc th€t'built a ship in sbich they'sailed to Am€ric:, landing app.rendy .o'sidelablt sou$ of the Ja'editehnding. Thjs (olonycon.r.icd or!;nallt of Lehr and h:s q,fc, Srnahi his sons.t-a-rnan, icmue., Srm, Nephr'and rhc t*o sonsbom in rhc w;ld€r- ncss,Jrcob and Joxphr Zarai (t]rc s.ryaot of Lban7: rnd Ishmacl and bis familr. ;ho; d"Jghrefi bcc.lmet-he wircs of thc 50[5 of Lchi. The founh soD,Nephi, r skonq ladet, from wl'cocc c.Dc th. n ft N.rrn.t. fic Ncphitcs grcw inro a gre3r dnd low.rful narion.whorc hislorl rnd writ;nis cooinsr the n'ro' rc",on'ot rt . soo* of Mormon. Th€t brought with $e; s,]credr€(o!d;, bt the mcan! of rhey lctained "hich knowledse of God and $e S.r;Dtures Obedicocc to th. pord of God birought adlarccocnt mat.ri.lly ,nd rpir,ruellt. durng qh,ch pe,iols thet anlided r vert hiSh dcSrc€

Tbc hiSh 1i8htof all Boo! of MonDonhisto rry vas thc Persoml appcannceto1!e N€phitcsof JesusChd't. .^ficrAficr his crucifixioocrucidxioo &d tesude.tion and 6n.l iDB!3dces to thc krielitcs id and.rcudd Jerusalem,he shosedhinrstif to those*ho belieredrnd hrd prepar€d for hi: coming,ic.ordroq to his proroiset Followingjesus m:r's.ry in 'ic fleh. thc Ncph,tesrcach€d rhe peakof t}€r! culruraland sprirual de"elopmer', which lxt.d for r icriod!€riod of approx'rurctyapprox'rur.lyrso-hurdredr*o hurdredycr6. DuJ,ngDuJrngthis periodthct kcpr Lh. Zion:( Jc$s."nd i .--: Izek t-: 12,2); Isi t' ll. ll HelrmanI 15.1'). Mulek nas .aii3d the leaderof this thi:d colonl, thoughh. w.s very nor ..ore than ar r:rfart, at the tim. of their toun-s,:rc- trcba,\],,, I 1 ,.-z u. turhe- Z-:"1.,:. oe-:- ro re,8n ovcr leruslcm ehen r5.r, r$en:r one leiis or ase (II ChroD.3;: r1). It qas r. rle el.r..rl. re:r ci hls relEi rh:r N;bu.tjinez4. took hi;:r .etrye, shli.S all .i hl55onj 'rut Vulek (II Kin8s:rr 2, rr HclamaD I t6). The l{u;.k:r3s prob:-r],rs:rried in Cenr.aiAmerica, qhere thcy lr.e:ri,tl,r !i rheiinzl ,rlrle.f rh€Jaredile; Thet.trlled (l,ci: leri rlie la.l ai Z^tehem|4 ard qerc often cilled the Peoileoi Zfuh:nrltr (Oini I :6). fhe ]1 .,\.e.,: :r lo-. r..r.e,Lr: nrr:nr b:oulhtoo re.ord, -rec l jr :e , a.;i .:. :ro:.ei art "..-. ai.:. "^J d.n rr rheL e f (h,.r n, .'e :ai...":. Let qere dr.(c\e'edDy tlc L" \cr5,,e."bo---00 B'. "-q: h T" r-o .oo esunied,.ll be;ngkio*n N Nethires

Thr t$o ei,l1r s.n!.i I.i, erre r.beltiou3rroubteeate.3 frcd th. ',ne 'r:- -1 t.eJ : 1 " e .1rt-o\..r."rc.I ri reu, aiP. rhef .id,.r.- .t:".. : i" d-,rr or Lrh: rr.e.r'r;r:-,\-efnr ind ,rro",.Loc I ^..--...:".o:r-,nt: or Coj oq::\J,jw Tn.. ,:.e)C.- I .n: o ors Tle rebc:or. LroL.r .r.d 'o e EL r ..e r reir:. ,ndoren-peoi".ie:.e.:i -.:r-r .. c. ,; .l c ""-.-:.'_;r:;1- .h.d lor'"r'.n r e, r -l:( .<.r. F.omr'm( " " -t-ersei... to ,'rr\-. e .. f.... .: ; r?or rhc.r nlne"r'..o-" ..i . ,:r:,.-.:l !.,.r,n..Dcrhe seedof him tbrt mixetl rllh rhe:rseed, io. tlcy shallbe curs€dwith rhc sre .!^.n9 -ll Ne. L i. )-. S,rc,cri.J,ennc:tcrr i,.t,",!.t,,..,"..a 5! C,lmbus and other e{l, 1: . I b \t :. , e _.:. 1r,) .on. cededbi- ru.J sru,rel:!:h,:..,i iiL -1ne.lcai t.d,bs tue so de- s(ended.bur L:r.l!u::e.l', 5,ire I rh3 L:r:el Sratesail S.url America are Jer.enCedar",n ::.el .: lneis and rhei: i,'tt,r$ers \trbowroie tle BookoI MorEoo? ThcBook of Mormon,like Lh. Bible, is a bookof books,"' libia" *.pos.a ifteer b,ro[s, *lrnen by t*enty four authus, who "f rcco'rded''lio.i hisrory co' -qaaboLr rqenlt tx cenruti€r ul'' histon ab iJ8cd bt Mo,mon . srat Md. Sood durrng lcedcr*ho "r scrvcdhis PtoPlcfiom e:'ly tou'h utrl h'r dcrl[ it'. *""a tlc 6o"i oict * oI rfc NePhrr', Hc llso drd somc .t;tinp of "rt';r oRn. Rh:rn hrs son Moioni conPletcdfollowint Morm-ons dcrth at d1ch.nds of rhc Lmanrtes Moronralso mrd' - of,.h.Jrr.d,tc hrstort and d d somebri€f wlitiiS .i t'""fi;ae.-,.,h", oJ" wb-ch clo*d lhc brtort and r.countof tl''s! mci'ot "tto,

The Recotds tr rde rc(ord,Eerc Lcptoy thc ancrcntAmericlni oo mctrllic Plat.s tor t srkc of pcrm"nir$ tl^ob 3 1 2) TL' u€ or mctal lot qifi iccords,t'o*+c,i d,d .ot o'iSinlc thcm. r' $c NcPhitcsrdl of brioqinAbrass plne( srth th.h lrom Jcru5rlcmuP€n wD'ch nao Uccncn-erNeo s-cred truths \;l:1 to thc r€ry cnsttnceol th€ nrtron i r',r..i.r'"r' HoEercr.thc Brble risllf !e(or& thc Pl|ctic! of io"--"r o" plare.of gold rExod 2s lr-]6: ,e: l-lo) Hcnce if oT."r'"g rnd cnSnvrnSoD Sold and orhermenb wr ro ut no.uc.a"rt tong b:fotc rh; NcPhre' caE. to this ho4 sdoubt dlt ''lrod tbc b.sinnior of frd.. necora..irc U,6,3t* fiom th€ ElsrcrnIo nemsphere dcr' witttcd be botl th. Jucd,t.s and LhcNcPtute! rod-nunt morc < ti* mrdc tnc,r hittorv io rh'3 land. M&t set! ot Pr'rcsano rccordi arc nroed in thc Book of Morno' Tbc Plates of B|!$

Sccrucdlrom Lban, b.ought flom J.rusalcE, tl th' comorld of d.-I Ncphi 1161,62.

''Noer to p€rishor bc dioncd bt trmc.-l NcPhi I I l70i Ald' l- la Th.(ipple. (o all P..'eson whrrhs{nPrurc,s wnttcn (^lrm 17:34).

Thc aencalogTof t}c forcfatltrs of lchi, of the hib' of JoscPh (I NcDhil:61, 154-167) "Thc 6vc book of Moscs, whic.\ 8"vc rn r.count of tltc cration of thc world."-l Nclhi li 1t9. "Thci r,... -l NcDhilrll8. ''A rcrord of tt. J.qs ]roh th. b.8in.in8, .ven down to th. commenc€m€ntof thc reign of Z.dckia.b,king ol Jud.h."-I NAhi l: 16l. ''Th. propheoe!of dre bolt prophlB, froo thc bc6inaiog cvco down to tlc of t-hc rcig! of ZdclorL -I N.phi 1r162. ''Ma-oy prophc(ies. . . . by . . ., jcr€mjr-h.'-I Ncphi r:r53. ''Maot tlin8s . . . , that tbct might know thc doio8sof lhc Lord rn (hellnd, alnonepcople of old -I Nephi 6: 2. 'The 'of ' Jostph, who wrs arned ioto E&rpL'-II Ncphi 3r l.J AU of thc Old Tcstde.t excep!E!., Nchcloirl, E*h.r, Ij@ot - tions. E?el.€l Drn,el, Obrdiab. Hig8r"i, Zcdrrii.b' md M.hchi; p.rhdprihct had pd of II Kings. II Cnrooid.s.Iellh rd tll. turt pa't or J..cdlah, 1(cording fo S. A. B!' (Saintr Hdda, r'lf 20, 1921).

U!.: Tbc brars platcs wcrc $cd $ s.ripiurc bt thc Ncphit !. (M6i|! l:1.8.)

Hid up bi,,{Emoronir th. HiI Shini,AD.3?0. (ry Ncphil: 17,58.) Taftcnup by Morhon, aboutA.D. 380 and hid. id thc Hill Cu- dronh, A.D. 38.{,along wirh mant other sacredr..ordr (Mormoo 2t2ti 3t6.4)

Tbc Record of Lehi

A rccord of L.hi s dramq visioff, .nd prophccicr(l Ncphi t: l t.16). A gcoelogy of bis fathcrs (I Ncphi2ir). DirPotition: .1.bid6d by Nephi (l Nephi 1r 17). K€pt witfr tlc otber !..ordr.

The targ€( (First) Plat6 of Nephi Mrdc of ore rt ihc corbiirtd of God, sboltlt aftcr colnint to thi3 llld (I Ncphi tt2r2,2r8).

The rftrrd of Leh and the gr*logi cf h,s nrefathers(l NePn, ): 22r) Tb€ civil hrtory of thc Nefhllesfiom ihe ti,'e ther left J€ru.alen uniilthe time of King Be'rjmio(I Nelhi ::9r, 9E). The sasedhbtory. afrer tle smlller plates*ere illed (fron about 160B.C. to A D- 320). f'- M'.nr'.,'- ". .. o. h: egr':.,n of heNepl re< AD. 120t! thetLn1e.ah:s denh.:Ee@ AD 185a..1 400 (Mor mon 1,,15.r..irer qli.h riDellirrnr :dJ€d: leq :hrngs,$ cnm- mandatbi- hrs irther (I{dm,rn .l 1.6)

Haodeddo*n from oneruler (o. Nephi) to a.other,urrll Mosiah j,n. qho lI; tbento Ald1,doln throughtle ?:oph€iic ro ,{r:ooron, deporitcdihem in rheHlli ShimAD l:0 (Mosirh13:1,2i W Nepbi 1: t7.t9). ialcn up by Mol:noi s he: he qas 2.1years of aqe,about A.D. lr4 (Mo.oon1r3, 1, 11). He madeaddr.ionaL engrayings upon them, .nd from tbe plrtes of N3!hi le Frore hls aL'ridgedhrstort (IIl Nep 2r92-91,9t). qith Mormonhid' th€ phi€s of Neili, 'sJetrl.og ll thc o'her plates, in thr Hill Cu-.cor3h,in A D. 1t.,1, ii q€re tiicsefew pl*es, whi.h I Save rnro frI s.n \{..oii ihls.r.lilgrFnt: his o$n record. or the plat€s of lloimoni ard pelhatr th€ f"enh four gol,i plates) -Molmoi I6-8

The SEaller (Se.ond) Plares of ^-ephi Madc at God's comnd a5ort 30 Iears ?fr€r ihev l€ft J€rusal.m (ll Ncphi 4:4,1-t0) - A wis. purposcin cod, not undersioodby Nephi (I Ncphi 2: 98-101). ro! Thatthe min;srlt anl p.oohe.,:rr 8h(be kepr tic;nsrtuction of r-heNrph,re\. rod for ornei"r* Durio.e.kro" n ro cod I r Ncphi 5t 22), 2i4).

Nell'.5". -r oi n€- ._.:e.r.. 1"qi." 1:. i,meof rh. p'^pne.., I Leh,r: I.r: . \e,h. .t \efr .1, An ".o.r' . rhe-:r.,.r^ ,$r rhet. fne 6, ,n( m^reDh,n anJpr6, L .,F oi rner J \e,h. r ,2lr Sacreds!r.rgs onl) rI NeDhrt 22). J.cob). t, 2./. Many ( r,?-uie.rd;- ftom rle p.,'e oi s,,ss ,lr Neohi l:27) fc.le..r(.4,1 rij-:n.. i:on rhe l(r-r:Lre t oo _c"*"ii- to rdo !.C. lomni 1,lli W;raj of }{ormo; 1r11,lt)

Hdded do,.n (l':oj"n rhe pr.cnll Jr oo b€rngthe first ro recerverlem rt er \er;r 'll Nephr') 2 1 J_.ob I :" 21 Theyqerc amor.r--l:.e)rdr:r'oo.- ol ^ff.oron ,. .he ,irll Snrm, in A D. 320(MepLi l: ,7.19). T.lcn rp 5t ]lo.;on E en ne s)s I.r le,rs of age (asou' A.D 3l4r rMorr6n I l,4. a.t, Hc -.eo.rcm jn i.s abridgmcnt, tlough.hcdrd nor abr:aF.rnen $c Sp,nroicod. rr'!..ted Lhe]! i. full s orC of l{o--on i t.l I ). _MorrDonhjdr rhe tl3tes of Nelhi (borh the sm::lierand ihc larS€r q:rh .r. u,:: platcs,r.o.8 d.l o-!c! IL:e,. :n Curlorenrn A D. Ita. drcp( for rle fcq h he reurned Ehi.h "h. :n:rl rr. dearh Rercgncn dreoto Moroni (tr{ormon3 6.8i 4 rl.

Tb€ Record of z.nifi

Thc histo.y of a pafi oI ihe N.p!i!es eho ue.r our ftom the la.d ol Zx^he.r.]]ain thi days of Mos-iah1I, goirg back to rhe tand of Ncphi under thc leadelship ot zerifr. ilrei rhey remaincd from $out 200 B.C ro r2- 8.C.,h:v,np as rl.e.rkrnr. 7en,8.No.h. and Lrm}|, Tlc recordte..i or rheibo'1ors€ ro'rne Leruniresithejr conversionthJough.$c -'nidstry of -Arruon. and their cscap rnd reunionwrth rhe orher\ephr-.s ar Zr"lrn h. Readbt MosiahlI (Mosith 1o: 17; 11rsl) and aPParentlyadded ,o tte ldl;€r rld'esof NePhi rs Lhrs!e.o:d .?terrs a' I,rr of rhc Book Mos, rr afrroeedbI llormor 'Se€ Tlc Lin8u!8e of "rr of th. Book of }{o!mod, ! 21.)

The Plates ol Moroon's Abridgment:

Fo. his abridsm.nt. I{ormon !!scd rhc platesof Nefhi-thc trrger Dlarerdoqn (o idne Berim.n s t!|ne.the; :nscnedali of thc rmrllcr ilatcs of Nephit thencon:n:ed s:'r ih'Iarger Phi's ron which hc iud addcddera:ls of rhc )-isroryof the N.Phrtcafrom AD r]4 ro thc timc of his deetb). (S.eWolds of Mormon 1: 1 tt.)

The histolt of the Nephitcs from rhc lime Lehi lcft Jcruralemuntil Morrnonl death,abour A D 4o0 bt Mo'on: rner nis fatis l dczth. Somcrddir, "r.r'ncs

Buriedr by Moroni in t}lc eaft! -lrobablt sood .ftcr th. ltst refercnrc he rnakesto ti. dat., . littlc morc tll1o 420 tcr$ pasedaway (Molmon 4: 4; Molooi 10: 1, 2)

Tle Plat6 oI Mordil ln addition to writinq ti. full account of .ll the Pi'k'dncsr lld rbom,nalons of rne iepn;'es on the lu8.r Phres of NePhi from A D l2o io A D a00.I{ormon allo mide somcother Pllt r on wnrcn heRrore i re ordof n.. o"n Th' .the B@i of Morboo{PP 687- 7rl) eithid thc Bookof MorDon (III NcPhi 2r 9J; Momon l: 4t)'

An c'.-esltness :..ount i .rre 3qiu1 .ondrtrons of the NePhitc between'AD l:0 anl A D itL'. 3r qhich trtn€Mormoo wa5 k'iled by the knrrs rn .rarde.sooeirie iolloqrng th€ greatbatllc of, ,n AD 181 Afte. Mornron s deth, his soo, Moroni, us.d thc small r.mtdioS spaceon the platesto wlite moreof th€ 6nals.cnes of the Nephitcs. r;d r ]jttl€ co;celning$c coningfoltl of ttrelecord (Mormon'4r 1).

Depositedbt tr{oro'i in the carth . rholtly aftcr A.D. {20 (Mormon414; tr{oronir0r 1, 2).

The Teerty.four Gold Plates -l.e wrirtenlt ProlheLhe Lrl,e!t:6r. \Doubtlcsr.bridScdbt Ftlr'. irnD rlrc m,nu J-rFlif. rtr...1( \ Fotnd b1: The serclirg part) of Limli (Mos;rh ,i 60,(l). TranthteJ bt: King ltfosi3h II (Mosiah 9: rlat r2t 16.22). Ab/iJg.e br Moroni (Ether lr 1, 2).

Th€ stoq,of tbe creatiooof LheFolld (fth.r l: 3). (Omittcd f.od the alridgment by Morrni ) Hisrory frod rhe cJertio. of Ada.n to thc Tower of Babcl (Ethcr 1:3). (Omrrredfrom the abridgmcntbt Mo!ooi.) Th! g:nerlor) of lrher (Ether l: 6, 7). Ao abridgcd histort oi thc jreines f:om ih. tiine th€t lcft lhe Towcl of BdbelJnu. rher EereCe{roled \{os:ib I2 22. EtberI: t; 6r t08). Mylterie. and of s(i€t comb;rations(Alnra 17: t2'64). MaoI F.ofheciesbI lLhei (rrne! 5: f.i). An abridgnent of ihe re.ord of tbc biorhe! wbo wrot ''iD of J{ed, . langla8€ thet rlrcy c:mot be red exccpt by thc ule ''t"o .-:r1", of th. rtonis. r:-8r.s9 This le.ord co;tai;cd; A rccord of all rhe inhabiranh oi the qbich had been and ehicl *ould be . . . unto the enCsof the earth-Ether 1:90, el,icl, te.ori *!i i,ot ro coorcf!,(h lo il,c *orld until aft.( thc cominSof Ch;st in rhe Sesh(Etler I | 86). ''A1t thngs . 8rca.erthings made mznifc't tho ttrat Fhjc| s3.s made mrnifest lhe broth€r of J ed' (Ethcr r:91-98). "Things . . . *hjch are mishry ere. as thou a!1, to the ov.r- poweringoi nr. ro rerJ tjen (Erhert:2t) This portion of Irforonis abridgmentof the lecord of the biother pas of J €d sealed$ith th. ioterpletationaod the int€.prctcr!,.od easnot kardated by joscph Snith. (Ethcr t:97.101.)

Sea:.J ,l-(m rF. ., h !h< 'nrerprc:at:on&d thc intc!prctcR wirh rhcD. lthei h€ d,d them hc dors Dot strtc (Ithe! l:9'). "i'-h

Thc Phres of lloroaj's Ab.idgmeat

(nc golo ,n,eF The abndFnerroi rucnryfour fh.. "ir\,ev'rrl Porrt,on!by Moronr.

Buried. in th. earth"along qith theo(h3! Flaies in theposscssioo of Moronislo.rll aftcrA.D. 120 (Mormon4 4i Moloni10i1, :l).

Somcof tlrcd.tails of Christ3 minista,and some of thepliociplcs of th.8o5F1 (Moroni,chapters 2.6). Sonc of thc Rritingsof bis fath.r to thc brethrca (Motori 7) Two lettersof Mormonio }{oroni (; 8, 9). SomeadmonitioDs to the Lamanit.s Fhct yc shall r6:eivethcsc d ngs, ard hn farewell(Ltoroni 10r 4.31).

Sealedrnd buriedr"in th. earrh shoril),aft€r AD.420 (Mormoo 4:4; Moroni10r 1, 2). Oth.r Re.o.d,t Many otherrecords *e!c kept by thc an.ientAmelkats, somcof whicnlhey brought*itl tlem'and oihen of Ehich th.t midc hc!e,

The recardrE1ri.h Lhe Jaredrtesb!ou8ht Rith them, rhe record whichou! farhersbr,r!8ht acJoss the Sreat ceep (Ether3:80). Many rccords bt miny of ths peolle $hi.h arc la.ti.ular .nd v.rr lar8c . . . -:oI b6ls and tun,r lccorCaof cr.ry Lind . .

.Nor. rl. di5{.ic in da.i.s L\d roE. Flatd *.r. hid" in r dh hill, philc 0l!.6 vd. buidi or bid id tlr. ai-h. lcpt diefl/ bI rle Neplites. ItunI of ihcsc {lo Firh 'then had i!' con. eercc- shippinS. . . buiidinSof shii! . . t€ftples synagoSu.s. . . sanchraries;otlrers with $3!s anc .o.r€ntionr' iitb $. Ii@itca; othcG Eith !rca.l,ir8 ard !rop!,e.i.s (H€i.nan 2: t2.14). Copieswc.c oadc ol someof thes! .c.oils, and scni folth th.ou6h- out ail tlc l.and (Alma 3or r5). Many other r€corJsare nention€d, too numerousto lirt.

The R€colds v'bich Jos€phSmirh Had It apF€arstn2t the only lecards qhi.h Joleih Smith hrd ln his

The plarcsrl lfrrn,'n j abri.lg:n.r( trhr:h ln.iuled rll .f rhc snnler rlrt- Neth, Theie rhc ii'sr:.]] pagesoi thc "f in!L{ei Bok ri ]I!.-;n iScc pusc r: l Inr FLJTF I ]\'r r. n The pla:es .,i I{,'!'1s 35.,Jgrenr Aft€r Molmons deatn,I{oroni conFl.icd rh. uili.ished le.ord qouid of hjs fathcr and sa;dle have stitter nore, bui tle 1lrtes u:rc full md he l,adno orc (Moihon .i 1, 61. He n!j: h ifound ore late. and made plates,loi he a5rilr€d rhe! ao d rtares rfte! tnat Aftcr co;ptetj.g tle abrid;iert, le w.c,rea riora 6i l,s o*n

Tbe ApF€"laoce of tie Plates (whi.h JosetsS6itn Had) -0-/ . Jos.ff rn, h \:1 tta.! ..d sej rir. \ 0. 3 p 6 : n,.e ,rc1!abor' ihe I res qh:-h 'ere . h 5 r$ - on Tbey had the ap;r"rrn:e ol 6oJ1 Thel eereaooj. .'r t'; rr: r".oe \o. :re ,! _: ! rh,k They qere a litll€ rhin.e. tha. o.dinan tin T\")"ereheld roferne:l-keaboo\ r\.:::er.n!..:' - ..c

Thei q€.€ skilliuill elsrav€C$irh lerv 5nall chra.r.s, oi b.rh sidesof the flat€s. Prlt of them qrs s€ateC.

The Languageof the Book of trIormon*

Tle lar$agc of tle N.!tite!, the tr€at rrdjo.itl. of the ieoirles

'{Rrsea,rhsrudhd rtil xFir.:.;.. ad ixrile ddl,.! rLrh :ii. 1116u€e.a rheAq* oa }1on.'o 6f P.5.J-, ls::(l .\ s.r:f si:h rp-rel:n ".tetr - rhe 5,14, Herl. \a rb:r Fft Fe5r!.:r :4. Gr ler I tr: I I L ri r91: )

1l who inhabit€danci€nt America, qas the Hebree language'Bhich was r.hclaoprrce cf le'rsr cm ..t rhe r:ae ho h the N"P\rre\ r.d rl'. luulelori. left tr'ere. Yer. Hehre" qas no' rfc Ingua3c of the qh:.h cnSrrlin8s an the Flates from lo5€Ph Smith t.aodatcd ihe Book ol llormo.. Mo'oni. rhe li f of rhe }-ef|. e, 'o handled1e Pldtes in referting Inchir,t(e!5, uftln rot}e l,-!I:ce u eC r1 . "ei'\"er.t1:. rre .:lled'an"onrq-' the. lo'rcl !3x;-.n. berngh:.ded doqn rnd alre.edb. u.. r: -'r'oi .1ee.h He er?hjni th"t .h.yd r'_ qr'" - F "q lor _ies ke ol bre,:r).ard ''b,;t thc Hebre" hat! alre.ed 5Y us also . and declares 'ooneoh":(eo :..: qe qrrrrne.e'.Ltediheut - -.s;' ot rh€Lr:n .rT..-,:r i Volron zl oSlo0r "'oi NeDhi, ln the 'er bea;.ninaof th€ Book of Mo.mon, made a stateni:nta5orl the l!r3u:3e ol his re.olls He saiChe Pas wliting ''n, tlr L.pu:r. oi nv farier. $hi.h (on5issof the lerrningof tbe andr:e:r." ol : FS]ft"1 l\efn. r:1i- Not(c' Jews 8e ' h€does nor..- .. .-.- Ic\J .r. i t '" .rrr!j;e ,'e tqlPuda' Thc rlter.::o. i:. d :.: ' e\" o?ej \I -rh u.lie hlorsholt the

Nelhi wa! ierrerdei irorr,tne lorp.\ *ho.Ras sold itrtoEcyPt' whosefamilr *e:t tlere rr irineol lamrne,Rnere, eccororng to thc '".Sicled, prophe.yol ,Ao'rlam,rher sere to be rnd .e^c 'hem four i,"'ia,eayars tcrn lt 1-. I v I [xod. l2 40. Gal l: lrr. Ther. they dereloped inro the Breit oltiod of Isfaclites who werc l€d to rhe l.nd ol . .n.-n b! ]lo e. D r-,19 h-.r ,! our. In Egypr,rhe k,,eli,e\ h,d a.9-ir.d kno":edA"of \c lrrf.1"- of ,l'e E8yp,iins, but the Hebrrs llntaate .onrirL€d to be their narionallanSugc until it Savewrt to the Gr€ek laiguase slorrly before the New Testameot

The d*e of -le e'or .. r:or Fllpr hr. 5e€n,r-Ied rs 14 'l B.C. ,i.d the da,eo, ,he de -,,--e ole \ep * f-om le:lulem wa5 600 BC. He.ce, thar tie N€lhites used a form of the ESyptiln hn8ua8€, g.:du3lly alrered b1 [en usage,i.dietes thlr for-;;arlt ^00 ye... b"lo-e"e, en le "n. rnd lor a,'o,,marey 1.000 years pas more aiter'' thel came io rhis land, the Eglptiln lanSuage a! a bitua8-",zmonS a .enaindrs of lsra.lit.3, ^ )anrvle ttrC).d br .ert:in indiriduals far c€rrainFulposes. Nor all Fereallo"ed ro ErireuPo. the reco.ds Tlis privilegeand dufv fell uDon a dinin.t chs qho keot the r

!CYPIJAi TIERTIc. Ll lllll X 3 2 8 = 1z-" e. -. f f B00xcl rnntof? ljlJJl!-tt*\ | Za * d,a > -.t f

upon the platesin the Erlliiro of his fathers,a.d theo handed thcm to his son,Enos, for hi! aliillons. Thc three t.inces, Ifosi:h. Heloium, an,i Hehnrd, the sons of

t.-: K;n8 Benjo;n, Re.e8ileo stecialturolage in tirs (rll:ural' Ian8ur8e, too, for lhe re.ordst:rt€\, Ard he caus€dthat thst shoLrldbe taught in all the langlaFeof his farh€rs. - . that thet mighi know cotl' .€rnin8the Frofhe.iesEhr.h hrd becns?oken bv the nouthsof lhcir fa'h.B . . .\'I l_crl o Lu6l' \em .o .ci.,nr :hc,..1!d $hnh qc'e entk\en on |n€?l,.es of br.s. . . . -]J .:,, I J. L Thc qh,ch q L ".*,c. or.rr*e \eph:.e, rhey!loke ,r.hjs sPeflar""Y,I tea.h,ng qr5 HeD,eq Th. Old Testamentof tne JeEs today s in Hebrew, and only thore Jess slo a,e ku5",,o readr.C q!, e rie Hebf,q tnsr"lc rlr rblc qrs to readrf.e S.,f rres So,r ",rh rheb.".s pres Tn.y *ete s.:de. .n rheL$tr -n ldnd-"Seand on:y ri e I."d | . .J Lr.l "ho trining could red therD. Lehi did hale inn knDqledge, *hich he wasabic to on to his ch,ld!'n (Mosiah 1: t, 6). F3ss 'tauSht Z-€nifi fad beer in all the largu,tge ol tbe t;€!hite!," brt he dcs not (rI he hrd ,D rhe.r,d,rd. at a)) lrte,t" Hencc hn,fl. r: ord ray b

The Ilncuse of de lredite' "reforned Tlre l1nEr.;eo''he J,,ed,-esq,, ror Eg11tr,r. but presmably the l;rgr:ge ai Adan. 1t Genes* 6 t, 6, L V , the.c is a d€scriptrooof rle langurgeof Adrm, and of thoseeho .hor to wise than that thr l:xs,qe cc.linued utrtil th€ qi.ked ieoplcsrt ':.€ 'o...r' ' ;re .' ...; a r . . r-. J. u d.d Sincethe,breJiles €s.aFd h:!io8 their langrlge confounded,tleirs Fns, Iogi.?lle,the Adimic Iars$se, irnd it pas f.oc the;r rlrlngs iD this la.8uge,.h.n, that Moroni abridgedrhe recordto fo.m the Book of [rl€r. irans]iting th€i! srltidgs bt the ule of the Ufim add Thumim (Erh:r I: t9). Hcoce,thc recordof the Jaredrtesthat cameinro rhe hrnds of Jos€phSmith e,asin "reformed Eglptian also.

Tte Laoguge of tbe Brdss Plltes V,Iten tre l::ellee :a:r€ 10A:n.r.a a:.n tle qreat tolr'€f . lhey hr.,,tli, rirh tLer.fe r..jttires qhi.h undorhteilyEere the con- plete,.titlr) S{ri:j:es irom Adrrr5 lime to theirs for Genesis6: t irdicalesthrt prenousrecorCirgs eere maCein a book of remem- b.trnce"r!e:sc, t:lls rhrt th€y kett 3 grnealoSyof the clildren of God. Aid rhis thc book of thc generacio.sof Adam, qritten "rs a(o'r'.9-o rfe I.r'('n E.r"' J5 D! rl.e5n6r' of Gol: andi' n in our o*n lansuaBe(ve6e4r)tand Erher3:80 tellsthat ih€y brought dn.,e.t r...:ds \Lrh th3r a.d the .rture of tlc refere..cshows that rh ! 'e o-: .o -a:r"r{'oc:-d;e lrom-hcb"3.rr,rg. from the drtr ol cln r.oi:r;L.oRrore a bmk (D ail C 101:29), qhich in all qirh fn.\ab Li:rrhe.lrreCit€s brortht themtirh lheir sacrcdrecords, rin.e tlref l:lt .rrifa[ii!r]J soon after Eno

Recoldeft Were Highty Educated Records*crc Lept bI kaelires of high ranl (lI Sam.8: 16, 17; I KingsI 3: IiK:ng\ l8 18.l-: II Chron 3a 8./ Nor jdstanyone h.d thc righr ro make o6- .1 re.o-d ng, on rre s,:credrecords. Thc

i7 privilcgc oI s.rving &3 r recordcr and s(!ib. s€ans to b"ve belongcd to thc priesb, es shown b), numcrous Biblc lef€rences (I Chron. t6:4; Isa.8: 2i Deut. 17: 18i Num. tr 2l), aDdcvidently war kePt vithin ccrtain famiiies. NeDhi's stat€m€ntsubstantht€s thir: "l3bao wls r dc.cndrnt of wherefore hc and his fathc.s kept thc '-I Josephi records. N€phj 1: 168. Lehi, alsoa d€srcndantof Jos€ph(I Ncphi 1:15t), h.d this !i8ht, too.

Th.3pdrl k/,r,n8for r .."b..otr c p'ob:blyrbour th..gc of .hinm. Tlc bo, -l_o *r dF .n.d bv hr p:rcn" ro th. oll..r or r rnb. r.ntlo r.tusal.nrnd r.clied lc, dhn:i.. ..; $. erool of son. fdou rabbi. Afta.;"6.n.i Frloi ot ilairins, pr.b3btyri Inc ra. of tnnq, rhc pr.b:- tion r w{ sldnle id-ircd ro hb o6c. -SEi$ 3 all. Di'tiaaet, Tach.ft

While th. abovequotation Drobablerefers to the t!.i'inq .cquircd of scribesafter the re,'urnof tl;c Jews'from captiyi.y, it is didcni that spccifc trainiog was rcquired of all who madc cngravingsupon th€ 'the Lchi, a relativeof Laban.was eduated in lea.nins of thc Jeps andtbe languaSeof the E8]ltians (l Ncphi 1, liMosi; 116),'rnd thuscould read the brassplat€s (i Nephi 1: 1J8;Mosid r:4). Hc thcn pto(c€d.d to nakc a ricord of his;*n (I N€phi 1r lr, 16; 2: 1), whi

A Dificut lff8ug. That thc rcformed Fg?riar srs e rorc d 6c\lft lengurg. thrn tht of thc, rs jnd:catedby }loroni s sutement, Behold, ihou hr3t Dot mad€ lI5 mightt in Friting likc u'to thc brothcr of . . .' 'awl?aJdncss J.rcd aod hc mentions. too. th. of our hsdr. -Ether 5:24. 2t. Sejf..ons.iousrcssboro of writ;ng a langulge lealn.d with difrculty is iDdicatediD l{orodis words, whenweqlite. qe brholdour wcak-,nd stumblebe.,u.e of rhc pla rnr of our and fear lc* - "crd<; rhe Genhlc5sha.l ho,k a! our ';rds E!he! t :6. The pLcinS or rfe r $orCr in ,hc a e,ed tg7priin cv,Jenrly w15difierenr lhD,r qrs ,n Hebr€" drC€ rhen sclt-ons.ious bccauscrhet kneq rr nor done coffe.rly"hi.h Th4t they hrd laps€d "- into the qord arr.nSeorenrof rhe Heb!e. Lngrageis sug8estedin JosephSm,rhs s4'.tre.r .on.err.n6rl,c ld.r l€df of the fla,cr *h'ch iF kerlarci lle tulc. irdcd.nt con.e'n:rt Lhc( paE. fSc( ''The " qholc Tirlc P,:€. ! 3a, 'rd re'...,o 'hc l?nA!,g. of rhc asr:j H.brew Rr ung .n pene.J. lsec Hi ory ol th. Cbrth, Val. 1, p ;1.) Hebr.e, of .ours., Nns from !i8ht to

18 left. Mohoa bimi.lf chimed $. usc of ooly the Egyptiancha.actc.s (Mormoa a:98). Thus, it rhel mat a.tualjy halc been usi'g rhe Eg,ptirn tnz,a. c. . bu Hcbrc1 fld.ea{tt of wo'ds. rs p"rt of thc che.r-esqh .h 'he Fgjrtian LrA!rqe u' ihrouthou(the €crturies, esFcillly b)' those eho mldc their 6n!l en&ies u|on thc - lt would hlve been much easicrio! ther:r io havc writtcn in their ipokenlrrer jr. (1.€ al .r€d Het'ew. ,n q'. ch Vo'oni s.)5. Yc wouldha!€ hrl no,m-erf".:ois:norr rc(ord (Mornon4:99), but ue-e qere the,rflates .' o' h-i. c.orgh. .id ifey evidcnrltrcrinS in obedredie to (Jod s ro!trd.|lods

Tlre En8tish of rhe Book of Mormoo Th. srnpl:.,'yor'fe EJok of ){o'nor lanooa5-,sit is tEnd.tcd ,nrotngl,ih n,\ L'ol!\r rorr . -md( bI sore b:c/Jrcof thc hck of beau(ythat rsIounC rn Urbjr.alelrirrgs, bui thegrert hllmility.nd simpli.ig of rhehnSule is a Jor to rherveragc student of tt. booh who fed€nt:t tla.ks CoJ fo. hs pladni.8, dtrectii8, and protcctinS of $ere recordsso Frejnarr q ith truths for the salration of rasnl

L9 reiSiedf rlie r:J:. .i rhe s:r.::rh.e:,ru:r rC .:triC..pi$ .f lnrme05e numbers.i ii,:rr..,r: L,bd.e ,o t!e.iun.,r r. & htrd. ior hF Iibnry at \i:er:l: (ne ci rhse $r.:iots Cio.s fro.i n:o:_ hund(.1 eirl,!r Th!t ..rir:.j:: a-):i:, .i r:L::.r. lrtrrJrj;r:r!tnr,., l1w. draAi., r.d 8r.Jn,-f T::._:i.s llL!:l:..!lo:\. F€.:.. hLi:lsof nie d1y. i.n.ibe!|. nl,,lir rr j jitr ,ir:. silh q€.!.shrp.l (.r:eairn) .herkis, a,LLlrl_ct:J:,.1 r::11:: .: ll t f, -....,.qi:- J r:,r,1! T1,.5.lLr rrslc! arc.i r !L:5 ir":: :1 ,r:l: rJ -:. rlitrr: :'rr: l:'E r.,l lhe hlsemr of Eurot. r.d A-.rn ..{ I iej ar.! o: rf::r a.r ;:. i.n Aru5a.ipal s l,bri" !.i :.i{ F r.i I\:trr::,._i :: .::l 1.. :q :rrril .r sLtl rh. r.!ult (lrrrc,e$ \rr::f.. a i:i!!..lli : i. l::r.r(;!l \:.1\.. -Tn. On. l'.lra. 3 t;e a:.-...:t). r::.1 :r J R D!.j,!*. o. r: T1,:,trr:... {\.i. ,:, I .r L,!l.s .i .:tr! a.r i.l:e.ii.ns for hls 1,5'J1 :.r rlie Lr:i J.:i.r:J i:li i:!il. r. L,:. :bt raore du bl. subsnn..s i-.: r:,c....r1\ io i. ::ie frc.,ot5 j. "r.:::.. m€trls Clj! i.ljLil! x._rl.l qr,131ii:!:trfl::.r: Fri\::c l,b.rf!, but for the pr::ic:s s:rii:rr.i. i. lj r:.1.::::n,i:51: iirrt Goi qould 2enand an4 Lt: f,irlr :i:J,, r:1: r.:f r.,.ll 5e on the of rhe i,.r::r I .l : :: :cr 5 :i :rjl, '.:: ..i.1 io, the ttrne. .acle,th3 3rk .a rl..r'::,.: :ri :le rf:: :nd .:e ncrll €rfect recordske!r it Gnl \ :., ,.:ii.i :r :. i,L:,,,:c .:r :i:.: n3r:lr Thenr ri.... b .. , 4.,. 9, 47, but iire:e is nr f.:r,!n o! i.,e.i::: 11 !n ei,.h l[ei. bool of r.memb!3..e a.1 !.,:e:loe" . ci rhe .l)ilJrer oi Ad:m' sa5 k.ft, !!; d. (1,. l:,:.1,r!r ,J,,.: tlte ii:C !i mr':.!tr1 on q.hi.h - the record $as m3Je \vhi.h.hel broufht:.r.jj the trtrt dceF. Ether l:80 Tlis r(oil, ho*e'er, ers u.l.r:t:lh the,',?;rdr te.ord of tne S.r;f:ures,$hi.h fr.L\rbiI ;iilul.i rlie Book of, (D. aad C. l0.i 2!;alro;ec;. :l). r.l ri..e rlc! l-.:o!Shrrt $,rh them to .{meri.1, it r'ri nor dril:ble ro rle Iii.:ires Th:..for€, the Lord !e!e:led to }lcses the lrlan.ji of rli3 (e:::.i oi.he and all thinss frorr l:re 5.q1..i.i, $]ll.h h,..fjtri:.: hrm ro \r,,:e (Ger. 1r1), h!t \1o5esCc3r |1or !:rf3 oi shi f3 qrc:e, nor th€ l-n8Jrgen ql. h I Rr e 'r-.. l. .\ r- - :obbl! by way of connrndnelrt. the bre,ifi oI ihis l::::r:: ,Jrubtiessbeing one icrson (See Th€ LrngLrle .i -he 6..;: o: ]{.f:1.n, p 21 ) The Tei Conmind,reits ne:e e:;n,ed o. ,rbli5 of sio.:, but obviorsh, for fr:.t;.rl rersons.s.o.. coLld .or lrrre sreD u5:C lor all the copioui*rjrines ci lloiis Ix.ars lt r'a sho*s rh:r rhe makingoametal Flatei3.J en.!r:airs\!r.o. rll.r \rj rn arr F:.. t;.ed Cu.ingtire Crrs cl l{o:e:. an.l s;:::e:lrorr rle ]sraclirei:5ere ierc a:,i!3ii ir net:1. :.du!,rS bi:.5 (I Ii.rr _r r.1J ir is easiI 5e€nlroq lios..ouid irle us3l tiri! cr.r:l icr l!. s.lting of hi! comflete testjnon]. Gol comra.detl lloi€s: in the .rk thou shilt Fut tle tesnmonttlrr I s\ril gire rlre..' ExoJ. 2t:21

2a Wheo Mos€s6Mllf complctedhis wlitings (which scemsto haa€ nearthe tin. of his d€ath), he commandcdihat thcy b. kcpt in thc 1.k of thc covcnani(D€ui. ilr24.29), in whichwerc kcpt alsorhc t-o,-bl!. of ifc.o'eDrnr. (h. Soldcnpot of o.nna!;d Arons rod \Heb o a). Ho"e\e t the r:merhe alk of the .ove- oart wrs tak€n bt the Philisiines, the lecolCs q€rc oid€ntly prot.cted. (Nelhi dedalesth:t God Fres€lvcdthem, I Ncphi l: 166.) Tb. ark oi the cor€oant blought *oes to the Philistiner, rnd tley 8ladly refurneCitro Lracl, after which it waskeft by L€vitical frmiljcs (I Sam.71 1, 2i II Sam.6r l, ll; I Chron.11 I). 14; r).24-26) ut,l In. r.'1cof D!' J qlo p-efereda rcn(for :t.I Chlon. 16: l). !0nen Solomors rcn,ple+rr ded..,:ed.the rrk crr phced th.rc (II Chron lt:l; I Kints 8rl, 9), but at thar time onlt thc tablcs of stonc wefe in ir; ttre book oi rhe law $as not there. W-hy thc iaw wasno longerk€pr in the Ik of the cove.ant rs oot stat€d.Pcrhap5 lt qr5 pafl of God, oi ma*rng r por.ble for ".y r-hcNcphitcs ro se!urethca. qr.un8s. for they qer:,. rhc reasuryoi Llben, thc custodianof thc t€nple le.ords (I Neihi 1r 124.129). I-abanw!3 a greedt. mulC$ous man,'*ho shared tne qickcdness of the Jcws ebo hclped brinS about the destructionof Jerusalcm. Thcrcfore, thc Lord decrcedthrr hc sl-ould prflsh beaJse of hr5 !.8 rl N.phi t: 8?. 88. I14. llt'. Hdd he bee; rhe figheourprcst tlrt hrsodcc crllcd fo., he no doubt $ould bave talen the records edd joincd lthi ' jn f.milt thex fli8ht from Jelusilem Thc Ncphit.s dcnib.d thc recordrqhich thcy s€ored a! th. platesof brasr. (S.c Thc PLi.s of B ss. D. 1.1for a lrt of thei. conrcnrs) Thc ricords wde obtain.d by Cod s jbred.otion. Doubtls th.rc sould have becn 8!eat di6c!l+ in Setting thcm from thc .ik of thc pis, ,ove^rnrin rhetemple *irl.oJr dere.r,n bt thc Js5. As it the Je$s had soughrihc l,fe ol L€h,.c\en b€forerh€ brll' plrte' wcrc taken,bur qrth tlc dc.rh of l2ban arl rhc rcrordsgone. it h ersily unde.rtood whr God did not D€rmit the NeDhitesmuch 6rc in the pildcrrc5s(I i\'ephi 1:20, 2l; )r7)), obviouslyeodd have bccnr deans of their €nemi€slo.ating tnem. For thi3 reason,thc lord sw..teDedthcir food thar it did Dot need cookinS (I Ncphi t:r7). onc can readily se€ that the oriSi'ul *ritings of Moseswould b€ valued hiShlr $ thc cmpl€ edition oa lh. S!.iptur€s. No doubt it pa.s. Da.t of God's direction that cori- b! badc fo! us. arnonAth. lsraclit-esand clcotuallt for th€ ehole Rorld after thc originali had bc€ntakeo be the N€plites. i.Jo doubt. too, this accou.tsfo. thc fa.t that nonc of the originrl manus.riptsoi rhese.arlt writings wcrc cvcr

What bccam. of tbe preciouswritires of Moses, no one fus at.

2l tcmDtcdto say. Wcfc ther on thc platesof brassT It i3 coasistcnt witli fu ! prrposesrhat somclhinq of suchlaluc rhouldbc preteN.d and broushifo;h rn h:s ocn time and qlr for an rdd.d tln,mony. If thesewr'tin8s of Moseswere oo platesof brass,we know that th€y arc bcios prcrcrcd tct b) God. for hc lromjied that tlle pldtcr of bras $ould ne'cr perbh.nerther should rhet bc dirnmedrny morc bv time.'-I NeDhi11 170.

The Coming Forth of the Recotds

Thc SrcatpJrpo.e( of God in ru.rn5 rnc many recordfo bc kcpt demandedrh.r someon€b€ In.rrumel.l :n hrr hrndj to brjnp them fortl and gne then to the qo.ld Such a one ofe.ed his;€rices to God for this pueosc io the lery daf and time in thc qorld s history when God had foreroldlhrr this Rihe$ ol th. Bible shouldcome forth In t€lling of his 6rst €rperieoces,Joseph S'nith s3id, I qas informed tbat I was choscnto be ao instrment in the hrnds of God to brina- aboutsome of his pJrrosesIn rh,. Aloflou' C..ranq ron. This vounp man'otlird hidself ;hen hc *int on bended kocc to God, s..k;8 truth aDd light aDd di.€.t;oo to 6nd *h€re and how Cod waotcdhim ro In his '.n6-cn(..nd rfor hc "o6hi!. touth B,ai but foune.n )e"!r of d8e qhen he 6rr rhu, soughtGod) he had supposcdCod.eorld dr€c| h m to on. of tle mrny church$ of his drv. but to hrj surD'jj. he qls rold of thc m,r'elour recordrhiddcn by'the aocjsnt ,rniericans ana what sas .xFecied of hiro bt God rircc h. h3d comc s€€kingand thus ofierios hims€lf in scrvic!. A heavenlymessenge! alpeared to loseph sm,rh, S.prcmbcr 21, 182r. ar his ho-re:i Palrnr , New York. .rd procl,rmedhrns.lf to be an ang€l of Gol ,cnr to rh. toyful hd,;g.. rhat th. rovenant phich God had made e;ih adcicnt k.ael pas at hand to bc fulfillcd, that the pr€P3rato$ eork for thc se.ord coming of thc Mcssiahpes sD€€dih to commcnce"* He w3 inform.d about th. r..o.ds aDd ;hc.e ttrercere aeao.rred Thc anpclqho pa'c h,m rhrsirformrtion introducc;himse f i. Moroar.oe leo[tc ;ho hrd h5r handtedind buricd thc Dlates. HoF 6itins that th; one Fho hid them shouldshow JoscphSmith wlrere $cy $eie| The rmlrinr .l"ih of loleph Sm:rh dut rn anrcl apDcu.d to hdn and instruacd h.m ehre io iic rLe 'ao.dr rnd ;hrr b do witn thd is sc.iPtu.auysouod, for Bislic:l account!ar€ numcrousof heavcnly mcsrengers,o! angels, ql)l.h apFared to God.feeriDg individuds

-07, '2', 'Ti^a -l Sh'o.!, vol. ). pp. 728 748, 749

22 throughoutthc agei. fhc Biblc tclls thc eI..t e.nncr of th. aooint fonh of this. tlear and manclour" work (1r.. 29, I. V. prcfcrrcd) roq nuov othc! rcleftnacs. The Translationof the Book of Motaon Wb.n jorcph Smith w$ 3hosr r}| plet l h. Ioond *ith tb.o th. Urim and Tliwmin, rn innru.'not i:.cocdin thc Biblc 'l wdl at in th. Book of Mormor for the purpo5. of rc..ivioc divisc inlti,rrioo in t|an(I,'inr untnownlindBp.s CouDIeJwirhfridl Dny.r. end riShrcourLving: rhe s.r,rnr o-f6d into ;ho!c h|od! thi UiiE rod Thumm;ft wa! 8ivcn, Fa! €o:bl.d to ttrlddc wbrt oth.rwi!. eould hrvc rcmeincdI sca.lcdLer8lrS.. Jor.pb Soilh d.rtcd hio.s.lf rclordiot-tu to th. |lauircd.otr. |sd trmst.icd tlc slcrcd clgnvcd rrordiop. hc rad iloud, rcrircooc rctinS 4 tcrib. wrotc for hirD. Ohvcr Coed.ry rrt tb. priociFl i.rib., thouSh Ernrn Smitl (Jos.pb 3 eifc) rod alcn rlso- rsrirLd

On. of Jos.pb Smrd 3 r$i5u-ol!, Ir*tr'o Hrnr+ obnio.d . coF of chrrracrs from rhc pletcs rnd tooL rl.m o Proferor Aatb6i of NeN' Yorl Gry, sho i,ronounccd ttrc clrJlftlr! 8ouia. Hc rlid tbct pcr€ E&/ptirn, CbrlaLi<, A5syriac,eod Anbic,-but rid b. coqld oot rad r "lcrlcd bo.L." Mrrti.o tb.D wcat to Dr, Mitcbcll who epportcd Dr. Aotbo!'s strtco€or!. (Hilto.t ol th., Vol. r, P.r9.) Whco Jo!.ph Sojti hzd tralilrtcd I 15 folJap '.X;D.e!r of th Book of Mo@;o, l'{a.rin Hs'ir Dio.i.l.d uDo! bi6 do bi6 to t .}c thcD to rlDw ro bjs fr.Eily, ihourb this-pa3 (0061!r ro rl|. iatru.tioo -Uencc,rrvcD to los.Dh. Tbc oicc.-hir *Ar ldrt rld could oo{ bc ncovcrcd. J6xpir Sm,U lo'n gift to uu5htc for r tiE -fmm JuE, 1828,to S.ptcrdbc?of lhc !a.m. rlu r. God aplejncd (D. rnd C a: l) to los.oh bi! r€alon for thu! di!.iptinjni hie alg. fr crpleiaid thi woikiocs of rbc Dowct of cvi!'rcvcrlior to hi[o thir Ddroor upoD if,F|Itior &i! rrcrt wo* hrd chiocd ooc of thc *ordr. Tfu Lord tol{ hiro iI b. trusirtcd tlc ramc ponion rraja tlF wdrld cocnclortf rnd &isr h. b.d coDtndidrd Li!1!rlf, ;d tbul ;odd crus p.oplc to rcicc it .! ultruc. For thi reGo4 bc pr ia't'uccd aof to !lir!L6 tb.t Flt r8riD, but w|l rold tbc 106{portroo brd b.rr Sivco norc io dctil oo th. phtc! of N.pbi, !o thet in rc.litt rhc world *rs oo. lo6ioa tb. Lnowlcdsc cod iorcnded slould b. gv.n. Thui, rc rc tlc grert wisdom of God iD Droyiditrr for tbii vcry 3itutlioa rt tbc ti6a thc cngnvingr wcrc madc. Tloi obcdicntscr-ua of God providcd this

23 duplicat;onof infornation,thouth they krcw not sht (D. rnd C. 3:6-10t!0ords of trformon1: 10). Ioselh Smithrrcetred rh. rlatesand thc Ulim andThummi,'n f.oo thi arlel liroronic. Sept3;be.21,1827, and in Decembcrof thc sameyear be8"n the sork of trandrtion. The &anslationwts com. pletedabout JMe 1, 1s29. Tlc title pagcwas cnteled *ith thc clerk of thc Uoited StatesDistrict Coult in Feste.nNee York, Junc lr, 1829. Printing *as beguoin Au8!st, 1829,by E. B. Grasdin rt Palnyr!, \-ew York, and comllctcdMalch 26, 1830. The Urim and Thummim Thc Urim and Thumim wh;ch JosephSnitl uscdin thc translrtion rhe Book l{orr on fojnd q:Lhrhc pLres,alonp w,th somc of "f "ere orher e.Jed rr:.r.e. {D. rd C l':i./. They pe!. ur.d bt the ancient Am€ric?.s, as js recordcd in th€ Book of Mormon, but th.y did Dot onSioatc wirh th€m, as thc Biblc .lso rcco.ds th.n e.

In the Bible, c^lled the U,in ant Tbrnnin (Ercd. 28:30; Iiv. 8:8). In thc Book of Mormon,catl,d t'talt.t./! (MosiahtrTl). JoscphSojtb c211cdthcm t\e U n a"l Th'nnin (Hittory ol tb. Ch'tch, Vd. L, p. r)). Des(riptioo: The Ufl.m and Tlulrmrm consisiedof f*'o transparentstones, srl in riE! of a silv.r boq. Ther resemblcdspectacles. .loseph Smith, th. s€er,3aid of th€m, Also that theie were t*o stonesin sillcr bows, ,nd thcs€ fasrenedto a brastplate constitutedehat is call€d thc Urim and Thuunim -Hnhlt of'tte CL*tr, \at. r. p. rt. proptct tuo'ner.Li r e Lrrm md Thummm fie - r " tbs: l'. . . folnd rr cor,ssr€d of l9o lmooth Urec*ornered dirmond3 l€t in glass, a'rd the ghssesq€re sei in silvcr bows, which wcrc connededpith €actrotler in mu.h tnc samesay as old fashioncd spe.laclcs.-BiagtzPb;.al sLa,h.t al Jotelh Snith the Ptofbet, a"d Hjr Ptupe"itat!. Editioo of 18E0, p 107. The Eook of lforrron des.ribes-themas hlo stanesqh;ch wc.c fastenedinto tle teo !;Ei of a bow (Mosiah12: 18). Priesisof tt. Aafonic older, instifubd in the tim€ of Moses,wo.e distinctiye rob€s. Ooc of thc yenm€nts Far the ephod, a Sarment covering the breait and back, fastenedto the shoulde.s. Atitrched to the epboC *as a breast;latc of lincr, which s€ned .s solt of a pockct nr whrch *ere caried the feo sacr€dstones. Origir: ''Nos $esc 'hings werefr€prrcd fron 'he b€8inning,rod w.r. llandcddo*n trom Scncraftonro tencrarion.-Mos;rh 12:19. For tbe Use ol Seers: (Not all secrsncccssarilt used tlc Urlm and TluluDjrh, rnd sorn€, Jos.phSmrth, mry srrrtedthcrr qark bJ ri. u5. of the stoncs, burcoorinu.d! qnhou,L\em lorerl-Smrrh used rhe Urim rnd Thumminfo. the translstioiof the B;k of Mormon.rnd throulb it re(eiredfoufie.n refe.a,.o.s-Sec ons 2.1. .n rn€D. andC. tS.. Iouaa! ol H; a. \'ol. lr. pap. J8J I He d,d no( us€th. Urim rnd Thummjm qork.) ''ADd ror hisl:rer *hoso€vcrhas thesethings n ciljed se€r,afrcr ttc rnrnr€r of old lires -tr{os;3h ''And l?: 21 whosoeveris..nd:nddd to look ir them,t$c soc is celicd scer.. . . And thek:rs,r,d, rh.r a s€crrs preare! $,rn a DroDh€t. Aod Arnnrola,C.rr.: . i*- rsa rc,elror.ani a prophartsi; a'ndr 8'ft whjch ir 8'ea' .o rrun hi\e. . . . Brlt j sccrcen know of rhjngsqhih hirc p-,. r.d alsoof 'n:n8sq h,cnare to comci And rlso thrn8ssul bc mldc knoen br rhc6, Ehrchorhcrqisc (outd no( b< Iro*n. Tl.ur coJ lj t.olidcd Eenr dur ()M, rhouSh fanh,mi8ht sork -]{oj:ah" . -4.8r. ''. m,!hq m:L:le. . . rnd !o man canlook ;n them,exc€pt hc bc co'Dmandcd, lcst hc ahouldlook fo! that he ouShtnot, add-hcshould !€risb."- Mosi.h J: 73.

"A 8ift Iron God . . *hcrcwith tlat hc c:r look,a.od &rnslrtc all rc(ordsthrt arc of ancientdat€. -Mosi$ tr72. . No!. thcs._'-hr.8s serc pr€pu.d froh rhc b

25 ''The irt.rpietcrs w.rc doubtlessprcparcd for thc pu'poscof uo' Ioldinr...' mystcricsto th. childr;nof mcn.-M;siah t:8i. To;e(civcspc€;;l instruct;on from God (Num 27: 21; I Sao.28:6) Used in Bible TiE6: (Approximatedates) 2912B.C En{xhis nffied esleer (G.n. 6:18.40) Alnta17: tt aad D. and C rl:2 indrcatethat he had the us. of th€ Urim ed Thu,ft m. 1491BC.Tlcy sclc i,r rhc posr€5sronof thc I5rrclitca.sPrd of tbcr;sacrcd \esrman6 (Erod. 28:30r Lev. 8:8r Num 27:21;Deut. 33:8). lot6 B.C. Proubly in thc pors.srionof Slmucl. KinS $ul sought lighrof hm rr Sre. 9. 18. r9i 28:6). 972B. C. P;bably by lddo. lhe \eer,who kept th. S.n.rlogic! (lI Chroo.l2r 1,).

Thc Uri; md Thummimwcrc not le.ordedin thc Old Tcstlmcnt .s hrving b.en uscd afrer thc .aprivirt. Thc (hrm of somcto b. mcmbcrrof the Dricsthoodcould not b. cstdlhh.d bccruscno on. hadthc Urim ani Thumim (Ezrl 2i 62, 63; N.h. 7:64, 6t).

N"w Testam€ntTih€s: whcn Jcsusc-rlled Pct.!, hc said, thou 3haltbc t:llcd GPh.s," mcarioS a scc!,or a ,tone" (John I | 42). Plter M, h^veh^d rhc Uriro and Thurnmim.

Us€d i. M of Mormoo Tim€. I 2lt0 B.C. Th€ u$d them, in th. Ea5te.oHcmi- sphcre(Ether 1 10-12,87'99i D. a.d C lrrl). 6ooB.C. Hended do*n from 8€ncrationto gcoc.rtiot from thc ti'nc Lhi lcft Jeiuelem."-Mosiah 13r2. l2l B.C In the Pc,ssessto.of MosiahII (t:72i l2 l4'21) AD. 120 In the pGsesiooof !{oro.' iEthe. t,99). DitPothion: wlienth. brothc!of Jarcd.o.nlleted his Eo.k, hc *&s commrnded lo 3al uD th. tio (Ether l:93). Morosi;thc lastof rlc N;phitesto ui thc Urim and Thummid- er intcfprctcrs-sealedthcm up pith h;s qritings (Ether 1r 99). AftJ Smiih had t.:nslatcdthc pla[3 by the us. of thc

26 Uriin rnd Thunrmimlhcsaid, By the wisdomof God thcyrcmeiocd safcin my hand:unril I hadrccomplshed by t-hcmwhat wis rcquircd rt 6y hrnd, qhcn accordinSto.rrrnSemcnls rh. mess.ngerqllcd for them,I d€livercdthcm up ro hirq and h. h $cm rn his chzrrt until thi5dry. be,n8rhe se(ond day of Mry. onerhou":nd erght hundrid rnd thtrrt ;,8hr. -Hn,,.t al tl. Chu;.h,Vol. I, p. rs: The Title Page of the Book of Monnor Th€ importrn(cof thc titlc pap. (p. iii) of th. Bookof Mormon i3 ofr.n o;e.lool.d l.t asurl r;d;rs r;d c.en bt srud.dtgof th. bool. Dircctlr undc! thc titlc. thereis this in!.riDtioo: ..AN ACCOTINT VR]TTEN BY THE HAND OF MORMON UPON PLATESTAKEN FROM THE PLATESOF NEPHT' Therc thcn follos t*o paragraphJufittcn by Mormon,rnd nor by th. t.anslrtor, Smrth. This facrwar ancr(.dto be loscDhSmith nT'd4 dd S.";a1).vul 3. pp 92s.9J1,9a),md'qioi.l in lhc Hinol ol tb. Cbfi.h,Vol. pp.71,7t. ''I l, H.sFl wish to mentionhcrc that the tirlc Fascof the Bookof Mo.mon is . litenl tr.oslation,takcn frob the l-f, on thc lcfr h.|d sidc of thc collcctionor book of platcs,";ihstwhich coorzincdthc r(ord ehichhar bccn.rrns.a:.o; 'he hnqrDAc of tle shotcrunainc th.3rmc rs.ll Hcbr.q rrir:rg rn generull$d rhrr 3aidhrtc paF-$ not bt anymons a modernompo.rron c,rle! of mrncor of any-orhcrmenjs *ho ha! liv.d or docslirc in this gen€ration.Thcrefbrc, in ordcr to (orre.t !n crror qh.!h 8cn.0lly e!!!, conccrnrngu, I givc b€low thar p.n of rhe rirlc pageof rhc Engkh ve$ion of rh. Book of qhi.h Mormoo, is r acnrn. aDdhrcral rllnjhrroa of tnc titlc D.!c- of th. olisinal B@l af Momoon,s r+ordcd on Lhcolit6. Thcrc rnen lolloqs in rh. quorat;onrhc cxrct woids ehich rrc

B.caus.of th€ rmponrnceof tni5 p:rc. ir (rkesDreccdcncc ovc. rhc,morucsof rtrc Jrmerrs ia '$ isii'o" in ,hc'Ber. of Mormon


tu did not lcavc hids.lf without Fitneslar to thc claim of los.Dh Sm,tlt, for hc h:s sld. In rh? mouti wirncss; '-II of r$o o! t-hrcc sh:ll ct"crt wo.d b. 6bblishcd. Cor. tl: r. Hencc, ir wr-r oor lcfi r,o Jotlph Smith rlonc to p.od rd thc milaclouJ mc$ag! to thc wo.ld,

*For fu$.r ftdr, si A Caap..r'i'a 4 tb. Seiptba (Hc.rld H@!.), pc, I )l'132.

27 q'itncsling but thc very witnesses!rophesied by Isaia! had thcir lllt in thcsc thines Isaiih;;d of the recolds from which tne Book of }(ormos wr5

Th. bool !h.ll bc hid frod ti. .}'6 of tb. world Lhatti. ct6 of ooo. sh.ll bchold..s'e 't b. rh,rl a. L/-. . '-i.l *hrd ,t be dc po*( of Cod, bBrd6 hm ro *hon r. b6! rhill b. d..''c.d bd '-l'.t lhrll t6tift !o tl'. &uU oI tn. bookdJ $e tiinis t!.rcin. And $e'c s non. *hi.h thall viR it lvc it b.. tc*..coidins t; $. sill of God.-lra. 29 17,13, I- V. This rarcesqith tbc Flomise in the Eook of Mormon its.lf thlt thc;*ould be Dcr;jftcd to shop the platesto Thosc who shall rssist to bnn8 fo.|h *i5 Eo!l( rnd unro ihrcc shill tley b. shesn -llhcr bv'Tbc tllc boqcr of God. 2: 2. icstimony of th. thrc. wiina$cs is given in thc fro.t of thc Book of Momon oycr their siSnatulcs Tbcy declaredexactll what IFiah forctold $er could r

And e. tcatifytln ec halc s

The lvlanuscrips of the Book of Mormotr

tu Jot€phSmrh trurularcdaloud dE cnSra\:n8ton thc Plat.s, *"r"ir..d ,. -r'r- l.' L - ir -l ',r'.8\'r wir. !i: Smith,Mrnin Harr.. Chnsrranwhr:Ter. Olre! Co*dcry.and c\.n lorccotb€rs, but Oliver Cowd€rywas thc chief soibc. Whenthc translaiionhad been comDleted. the Lord com$aDdcdthlt

2B the manuscriptbe order to insurc itr safety. Thit waj donc by Oliier CoFdery Hen.e, o:re w3s io thc hrndwritir8 of severatscribes, and one copr sas entireh in the handpritin8 of Oliv.r Coqdeq I rrooi one ot rre.i rf,r rf: fi:sr copreiof "r th. aook of Mo-.nol sere fr.r.d b\ r a C!'1drr. ar PlLayd, New York. Afre. th. Frin.i.t wls ..mrleted, Ioseph Smith kcpt ooc maouscript,and Olner Coqderykept rbe othe! 'when the co:ncrstone lard for the Ni:uvoo Housc io Octob€r, "as 184r, onc manusrripl,allarentlt rhe o.e qbrch Jor€phSmith had, wrs plac€din j. The Nauroo House,hoqe!3r, qas ne'er comlletcd, and the norturc destroyedtie manuscriprin the corncrstodc. Thc other manuscripr,the oie beariogth€ haiCR.iting of tle scveral scribcs.i in the vaulti oi the church,h€-ld Firh othe. s:creCand vaiucd porscssions D:. Roy A Cherille his su.f"n€du! its hiitory ir th€se

OL'ver GsJely Eur- .r 16r riFi!ilr In 13.19. sr b

Archaeology of the Book of Morrnon 'lhcre q:ll be nr atter,:r nrle,. rh,s..t$e t. €1asnrateon the n,"^ch.,; rro i ah.l arih-e 1 3, ,jer r" the rithiuln-s of the 8,t,k .,1\f ' Tlii ,j x i:ieli r !.e:r jrulr r.J o.e thir rj e!e.' expa.dt.! rs r:. u..ra\er l: s :L:ggesreJrhat the snjJcnr j nrer:rredrr:h,s j:.-::rj :iirje ri stul; ii :he Bok of "h. M::r. I : i. 202 S a.:.1:r'i:,: :iir:..-1.:r.r 1.1;,.:--:::i4l:!- :-r :nr!'rriaxL,n

The Geography of the Book of lllormon refere..€s in tle Bookof l{oriron arc moreor 1." gen'enl,aid afrer ic.f sfLdj;,one is niii i,'it ro nu.h conjedure. '" Ir i. notthe f L-Por oi r , -: e o.11. te .afh:i of,nci'.r Ame!:.r,rnd fo. rnr' !er or. o-:f sr.L ref(-e r.. ro o rfionswill be tude as ale necessaryfor general undeatanding of the text. we smp\' e..epr 3. Fii:c::a5 :: r.'!".st.I. r:erx:i:.r.r€ as uheldd of pronise of both thc Jalediks a'd thc \"e!hires.

2,t) Books of the Book of Mormon and Their Authors

Nan.t ol thr Booh! Altbo (ln thdr order in the (Twen,r-.fou difierent autho.s) lrooL ol MormonJ l. I Ncphi Ncphi 2.II Naphi Neihi ,. Jacob hcob 4. Enos Enos J. Jarom larodr 6. Omni Omni,Amarod, Cnemish, binadom,Amaleki 7. Woldsof Mormon tr{o.mon 8. Mos;h B€njan)in,Znif,, MosiabII, Atma I 9. Alma Alma II, Helallanl, Shiblon 10. H.lall1f HelamaD Il lr.III Ncphi Nephi(rhe son of H€hdunII) 12.Iv Nephi sonof Nephir.Anos I. Amosrr ll. Mormod Mcrmon,Iloloni 14.Eth.r Eth€r,Moroni tr. Moloni Moroni

Classifcation of the Books of the Book of Momron THE BOOK OF MORMON OLD TEITAMENT ld ..::. ul. ta| -l.or .:.0 B(. | )oo BC

Nepbit. Vtiti'1f!-Frc"r., 600 B.C ro the bifth of I N€phi Inos Mosiah II Nephi hrom Alnx J"c"b- bmni Hctamu ,I'H! tsOOK OF MORMON NEW TESTAI{INT |,;ephiteVtiti,!t - Fromthe blrrh oi Chrjsrto soonafter A.D. 420. III N€phi Iv N.phi Mormoo Vordr of Mo.mon (I'Frted be|qen O6ai aod Mosiah,wh.o MormonErorc hh drids.m€nt) Moroni
