02 02 2015 60 ri-vista strategy for a realization in steps wasby KIPOS created elements,andbythis,themaster asaninnovativeplanningtool. planseeksquality A temporary The approachattempts anintegration ofbothtop-down andbottom-up forces, permanentand transformation, socio-economic crisis situation in . the current considering in particular loniki, “Red andGreen”, aproposalfor presents withfocus area ahugeinnercity ontheoverall inbottom-up processes,amasterstarting studioproject attheAristotle ofThessa- University USA andtheDevelopingWorld projectsinEurope, In comparisonwithmosturbanagriculture Abstract Faculty ofEngineering ofThessaloniki,SchoolArchitecture, Aristotle University Eleni Oureilidou Jade HochschuleinOldenburg, SchoolofArchitecture Holm Kleinmann Faculty ofEngineering ofThessaloniki,SchoolArchitecture, Aristotle University Eleftheria Gavrilidou An Academic Project Meets Reality Urban Agriculture in . DOI: 10.13128/RV-17588 -www.fupress.net/index.php/ri-vista/ © TheAuthor(s) 2015. ispublished withCreative Thisarticle Commons license CC BY-SA 4.0 Press. University Firenze / Accepted:Received: November2015 July2015 Faculty ofEngineering ofThessaloniki,SchoolArchitecture, Aristotle University Sarantis G.Z.Zafeiropoulos ience, Thessaloniki. ience, landscape planning/design, top-down/bottom-up- processes,urbanresil Urban agriculture, Keywords Mrs. GiannaAngelopoulosDaskalaki. andtheAmbassador-at-Largeby theAngelopoulosGIUFellowship2014 oftheHellenicRepublic, and assistance inalllevels withoutthegeneroussupport projectcouldnotberealized The KIPOS3 fellows andEleftheria EleniOureilidou Gavriilidou. to “IKY fellowships for ofexcellence postgraduate —Siemensprogram” studiesinGreece bythe was conducted in academic level and thanks presented Project” Red and Green The “Thessaloniki nation, andadidacticinstrumentonthepaththatanacademicprojectfollows towards reality. going throughience adeep inacity crisis, adiscussion onthe top-down and bottom-up combi- - ofinstitutionsandcommunities, alessonofresil inthereactivation on theroleof“foodscape” offers ofthetwointertwined ausefulsions withlandownersandpotential users.Thestory lesson stewardship. after alongwayofmappinganddiscus in2015 Thefirstgarden wascreated ity’s underalsothemunicipal - loniki theconceptofacommongarden to bemanagedbytheresidents 3 , a start-up initiative to bring in Thessa-

[email protected] - Gavrilidou, Kleinmann, Oureilidou, Zafeiropoulos 61 - - - and the Slow Food Movement. and the Slow Food 3 a strategy for more self-determination and sub and more self-determination strategya for sistence, social and life-styles different of integrator an environments, - to of socio-economic transformation a generator green economy, wards and linkages rural-urban of synergetic a creator new livehoods, sustainable, to climate-optimized contribution a city’sthe to also and development urban nutri- as a resource),tion (city Green multifunctional Infrastructure a Productive 2011), the future city (Giseke, for (P.G.I) economy non-centralized new a for point start a the individual.that starts from when the sustainability ex to movement started with the popularity of Permac pand and in parallel ulture concept UA is understood today as: today is understood UA • • • • • • • environment,and cities links It - extends con the being an and functionally of the citycept formally and effective acceptable, affordable increasingly and Luc, (Mougeot urbanization sustainable for tool question the dipole urban – p. 3). It puts into 2003, of way an innovative landscape and promotes rural contemporaryenvisioning urban life, - as well as pro ductively. green maintain areas benefits areThe ecological: - - - - - . Later, in the years of of years the in Later, . 2 in the forefront of discussion in the forefront 1 upon the concept of urban resilience.upon the concept occurred,In Europe, industrialization concepts after as emerged gardens allotment and cities garden of and insecurity, shortages food responses poverty, to origin political a with always World Wars, gardens sprouted in Germany, Canada Canada in Germany, sprouted gardens Wars, World in 1943 the Victory reaching and U.S.A, to Gardens (Lion fresh vegetables America’s of 40% produce During the energy p. 368). 2013, and Tsalikidis, atou returned idea the ‘90s after and ‘70s early in crisis The Urban Agriculture Movement Agriculture The Urban outlineGeneral ur with urban shrinkage, in parallel Urbanization, ban sprawl urban voids in inner cit and left over situations that underline theies, are all controversy of landscape in city’s role emerging continuously p. 3). The al, 2009, and function (Dubbeling et form more of urban sustainability become term seems to - of the urban condi in the search and more topical, of living with- tions that can ensure high standard - living quality of future genera out compromising in especially one moretions and obtains meaning, that of self – sufficien- crisis; economic cities facing p. 185). cy (McDonough, 2003, urban of idea the identity, and action common The a new relation be and the need for productivity, tween city of Ur and nature, the concept brought (UA) ban Agriculture 02 02 2015 62 ri-vista spaces in Brownfields (derelict land previously oc UA forms findground orunexploited atresidual, UA today in theworld the interesting, intriguingandtasteful “foodscape”. ofthe“food”,with theopportunity of inthecontext usually smallscale, political discussion,inthevery a They finallyopen oftheircommon openspace. ty to decideandclaimtheusageence, andthequali- - neighborhoodexperi ties to organize theeveryday They,landscape. to communi- givetheopportunity fine thedemocracy notioninpublicspace andcity’s etal,2011,es (Barthel p. 258). Namely, they rede forming andal collectiveidentity process memory ground and finallycontribute to common cultur collective action,create munities, redefine common cal knowledge (Barthel et al, 2013, p. 1), build com as incubators of - socio–ecologi gardensnity serve al, 2009, p.3).Theallotmentgardens andcommu- especially for vulnerable socialgroups (Dubbelinget integration, empowermentandcivicengagement, environment iscreated, ideal for education, social cially intimesofcrises promoting theself-sufficiencyalso economic, espe the climate andabsorbairpollution.Thebenefitsare airquality, preserve promote materials reuse, cool cultivation offorgotten speciesorlocalvarieties, through biodiversity the and buffer zones,preserve 4 , andsocial,asanewsocial ------esis to take place (planningstage) ists inthecaseofCasablanca, asaresearch hypoth- termediate optionoftop-down —bottom-up, ex ban Appetite”, ofPhiladelphia.An in- runbytheCity orinthecaseofproject “Greeningp. 137), theUr ordinate thenationwideinitiative(Díazetal,2005, al Group for Urban Agriculture was consisted to co it happens in the case of Havana, a Nation- where the cultivation areas — usually separate plots — as isthetop-down optionforthere thedefinitionof ence comes from oforganization. theregime Thus, forExcept theirsizeandform, thesignificantdiffer or incity/urban etal,2005, farms p.XIX). (Viljoen rooftop gardens underprivate orpublicownership, hoods), in school yards and educational gardens, in ban sites usedbylocalcommunities andneighbor in community gardens (in unused or abandoned ur via, Schrebergärten inGermanyandSwitzerland), al ownership plots(allotments inUKandScandina- around cities), sometimeswithseason inprivate, - cupied by other uses) or Greenfields (unbuilt areas (guerilla gardens) ismostly popularinUSA organized spaces withinvacant lotsinside thecity tally bottom-up option, the collectively defined and gardendernach community in Andernach).Theto- Prinzessinnengärten in news Berlin, in An- Phoenix, ed production (Lafayette PHX Re in Detroit, Greens of manygardens-parks incitieswithpotsfor limit 5 , orinthecase 6 . The ------Gavrilidou, Kleinmann, Oureilidou, Zafeiropoulos 63 - - - - - area are area 2 is given to about about to given is 2 . 9 and b) within the city, in Municipality of within the city, and b) 10 are intended to unemployed citizens, citizens, unemployed are to intended 2 . Respectively, another group of citizens oc citizens of group another Respectively, . 8 - Ath in Petroupoli, garden botanical cupied a former - cultiva for a new garden it into ens, and converted and separate), (in a greenhouse area tions (common existing and meetings greenhouse) and in a hall for activities collective while an interesting “bottom-up” movement,while an interesting “bottom-up” usu- recap to - is detected ally with political background, greenfields within the city vacant ture collectively, in Exarcheia,core. that is “ParkingParko” A case like a plot designed by the Municipality be to Athens, ofneed in where reacted citizens area, parking come a collective it into more and converted open spaces with some cultivable meeting, for a place garden, parts given to citizens with a cost of 120 euros/year and and euros/year 120 of cost a with citizens to given 3 years for In Thessaloniki, the remarkable “top-down”In Thessaloniki, the remarkable ex UA amples are University’sAristotle the two: a) - territo pe in the eastern ry (3 in Thermi Municipality, ha) where m plots of 100 riurban arcthe city, of Sykies, where an area of 1000m of area where an Sykies, in lack of basic infrastructure (Kleinmann, 2013, p. 1). p. (Kleinmann, 2013, in lack of basic infrastructure Some a reality. the land” is A movement “back to Alexan of Municipality the like Municipalities, in northern and and of Larissa, of Volos droupoli, urban agri- for Greece, areas central have organized of about in the periurban fringe. Lots ha) culture (2-3 m 20-30 - - - polika . 7 community gardens are widely spread and green green and are spread widely communitygardens in great are detected gardens potential for spaces acres” “596 scale,like mappings in showed is it as in Philly” “Grounded in Philadelphia, “LA open in NY, Acres” city — The city and “Edible is Angeles in Los an orchard” eradicated surrounding gardens gardens surrounding tikies with pilotis, eradicated p. 373). 2013, and Tsalikidis, (Lionatou and orchards landscape of two the posed concepts change This part balance. Consequently, in a fragile (urban-rural) in urban facilities, to of cities became inadequate between the urban landscape,countrywhile settle basic exampleforgetting urban the followed ments knowledge. agricultural inse crisis, on the rise of food the economic Today, with a kind of social and in parallel curity problem, psychological mistrust, finds the majority of Greek peo- institutions. Some towards skeptical society, but city, Greece, the from leave some migrate ple The majority a few. this can be a solution only for a new up in urban environments, of citizens, grown in cities of urban residents, stay have to generation UA today in Greece today and Thessaloniki UA the scheme house-courtyard with Traditionally, in traditional was needs domestic for cultivations of urban den- the abrupt increase Greek cities. After buildings, multi-storey the 50s, late in sities 02 02 2015 64 ri-vista 20 families (40m tia mon politicalactionagainst theauthorities’ iner ban Cultivators) andstarted asagroup withcom- thespace in2011,captured (Periur iscalledPER.KA in western districts of Thessaloniki. The group that campus of Pavlos Melas-Karatasoumilitary ha), (2 alsoinThessaloniki,thearea oftheformerexists lar basis.Lastly, aself-organized garden community advicesof agricultural cultivators experts - onaregu a period of atleast 2 years. In both cases,agroup accordingity to socialcriteria, withoutanycost for illusion ofself-sufficiency. thanan mensions, asan urbanplanningtool, more cultural, ecological andfinallyculturalnomic, di- “food” a planning and design tool with social, eco- aslandscapes, inneedof“synthesis”,more and the formsthe existing treats the productive landscapes with thechangingforces ofcommunities. Noneof ics, thelandscapedesign,workofexperts the blendingoftop-down andbottom-up dynam- saloniki, even today in Greece hasexperimented formsHowever noneoftheexisting ofU.A. inThes ic seeds. cuses inthecultivation andreproduction oforgan- Today counts PER.KA about150members, andfo- ter system anddividedthearea inparcels of35 m they connectedpied thespace, itillegally to thewa- 11 . After fightswithlocalMunicipality, they occu- 2 each) selected bytheMunicipal- 2 - - - . dividual gardens, fruit and vegetable markets, pa infrastructures,green large scaleparks orsmall in- of a usefularea. “Green” interventions represented forming awaste voidinto land,turningabiggreen to giveanswers to problems oftrans and trying researched throughban typologies designprocess, “Red derivedfrom andGreen” thekindofnewur with impactto newforms ofintegration”. Thename itial pointfor educationalrestart social,economic, UA canbeacenter for newenergies, andin- asource basic assumptionofthestudiowas thebeliefthat new solutionsinurbanandlandscapeplanning. The Kleinmann “itaimedthrough designto investigate sign strategies andapproaches. According to Holm Thessaloniki, withinnovative urbanlandscapede doned former of intheinnercity industrialcomplex, was named,focused upontherenewal ofanaban- The ThessalonikiProject —Red asit andGreen, the Fall Semester of2014. Holm KleinmannandSarantis G.Z.Zafeiropoulos, in Design andLandscape”, bytheprofessors: directed ofThessaloniki,entitled:“Architecturalle University Aristot SchoolofArchitecture, scape Architecture, course intheJoint Postgraduate Program Land- cities, became the main theme for discussion of a and itsimpactonself-sufficiency Greek problem in Exactly, therural-urban withthisremarks dipole The Thessaloniki Project —Red and Green Fig. 1 —Location ofLachanokipi in pagina afronte Thessaloniki. - - - - - Gavrilidou, Kleinmann, Oureilidou, Zafeiropoulos 65 02 02 2015 66 ri-vista The name“Lachanokipi” derivesfrom the18 scape (fig. 1). nodes and landmarks of periurban and urban land Thessaloniki adjacent to important transportation “Lachanokipi” area. It islocated inthewestsideof The studyarea ha) (52 iscalled after thewider (Kleinmann, 2013, p.2). andofurbanlandscapedesign” development, ofurban needsforties andcurrent anewtypology tradition to contemporary, recognizing newidenti- to passfrom social andpoeticanalysisoftheplace, to a start with anurban,architectural, landscape, Students living, the political statement. called were with the socialidentity,in relation the community chards andolivegroves. “Red” played arole model places for garden cafes, shadow-spendingareas, or vilions for communication and education, leisure, small, private plots withvineyards, orchards and etables, kipos=garden) for thecitizens-owners of ry, whenthesite was acultivated land(lachano=veg th centu- - - - to of“Dendropotamos”. Theoldcharacter ofLacha- area,the adjacent poorresidential theroma ghet to immigration of2000s, newhousingdistrictand ognomy ofthesite isdelineated due byhighdensity sible and contributes to thearea pollution, keeping itacces busstationThe proximity to (KTEL) theintercity identity, left to decay and in need of regeneration. was a common operation for the cities of the 20 Lachanokipi since it districttheindustriallanduse, plan for Thessaloniki’s determined for redesign, vegetables. After of1917, thebigfire ErnestHébrar’s according to thedefinitionofAlanBerger to abrownfield, a waste land,akindofdrosscape, tive activitieshavestopped, in- mutating thispart Today, becauseoftheeconomic produc recession, work (railway, highway) (fig. 2). tor core alongsidewiththenewtransportation net ea was gradually transformed sec into asecondary (Yerolympos,century 1996, pp.109-114) andthear vivid only during the daylight. Thephysi- vivid onlyduringthedaylight. 12 , without , without th ------

Gavrilidou, Kleinmann, Oureilidou, Zafeiropoulos 67 - - - - - 2013, pp. 7),2013, research an interdisciplinary for ground experimentationand agricul- urban of field the on field experimental an studies, agricultural tureand - of “food concept The city. in the of return of food in the case of A.L.S.,scape” treated as was firstly a new social recompose to motivation a common environment. then rebirth The community could and restore legibilitylandscape in the wasteland a but according not arbitrarily of the city, west border of the landscape, a plan, a design, a composition to of the landscape archi- the role mixing in this way - in a contempo of communities and the power tect raryto- also bring could field of interest.food The ed city’s the groups, gether social forces; inactive in- ucational institutions, entrepreneurs, local food a stalled recreate to This ambitious goal dustry. of city’s core — but traditional space produc food rejuvenate the whole city, a pole able to tion —, into great with concept basic the and vision the formed perspec economic, cultural even social, ecological, goal. “resilience” tives, a real de and is created Therefore,part A,the “green” greenspace,char with multifunctional a as signed - ben bringing economic of extroversion, acteristics Canopies are the surroundings. efits and upgrading of system linear the cracked to designed according and servethe initial idea as meeting points, hosting The buildings of A.L.S and markets. open bazaars - - - - (fig. 4). 4). (fig. 13 The proposal of Eleftheria Gavriilidou, Eleni Ourei of - The proposal lidou, Dionysia Dedousi, architects and Maria Ritou (A.L.S.) School” Labor “Agri called agriculturist, was design, an Open School about garden and suggests agriculture, harvesting, produc care, plants’ food conservationtion, cooking, by the pri- supported mary indus of the city (Sindos clusters productive Imathia Holding, Agricultural Diavata trial cluster, commercial institutions (ThessalonGreenhouses), - power of the and the research Fair) iki International UniversityAristotle of Thessaloniki. A.L.S. reviewer, Fáczányi, Zsuzsa to According innovation, receipts “product for core a be would (Fáczányi, agri-knowledge” and research food new cording to processes of landscape design, top-down of landscape processes to cording an ur create aiming to respectively, and bottom-up green infrastructure multifunctional ban Case study 1 — The Agri Labor School Labor Agri 1 — The study Case as well as the The currentframework, economic directed the divi- primary stronger sector, need for ac areas, two into sion of the masterplan different - remaining small fam the 4-5 nokipoi is vouched by units and greenhouses as well as ily agricultural city of the that exists market by the big vegetable mix This complicated called “Lachanagora”. nearby, the identity of indeterminable an causes sites of 3). landscape (fig. semi-urban / semi-rural pagina a fronte pagina for Masterplan 2 — General Fig. Architect) Hébrar 1918 (Ernest Thessaloniki, A., 1996). (Yerolympos, 02 02 2015 68 ri-vista Gavrilidou, Kleinmann, Oureilidou, Zafeiropoulos 69 - - - pro food for space appropriate and storage food for is organized The whole area arecessing introduced. cul- common points, plots and common in private vineyards common orchards, common tivations, so- trees,for olive points with along common and and specific cultivation in periods of cial gathering harvesting. Furthermore, and smaller public spaces food and bazaars hand second squaresare hosting exchanging are spots. People who reside in the area, between exchange their products each to motivated a society based on lack of money. forming other, are of users groups social In part B, the different configured including in the area, specifically located permanent users) A (new zones. Group buffering oth- mix with each residents) B (temporal and group in- of social in need C (users group while er spatially, incorporated but really is partly separated tegration) the new social environment.into Squares and pub - in social for spots as function spaces cultivation lic 6). (fig. and integration teraction two dif follows In the end, the designing process and one bottom-up. one top-down concepts, ferent - top-down pro by part is organized While the first and ed- research as a public thematic part for cess part restore aims to ucational uses, the second the sense of community and the need and evoke in- by bottom-up exchange, formed products’ for In both itiatives in a given spatial framework. - - - are offered to designers, architects, landscape archi designers, to - areoffered artists,tects, agriculturists, biologists, geologists, the land and the landscape at study physicians, to lectures workshops, semi- and organize to scale 1:1, and exhibi tables open kitchens and common - nars, - and consump production tions which demonstrate types different three 4). Thus, (Fig. procedures tion the per are proposed, of thematic gardens/parks maculture garden, the garden of forgotten plants plants of forgotten the garden maculture garden, 5). and herbs (fig. of native aromatics and the garden be of the pre-existing traces railway, Additionally, greena belvedere. come supports greenA route of the root becoming the proposal, structurally Intercityknowledge, connects which Station Bus A canopy hosts thematic gardens. with the proposed of art” a “core to in located and leads an open market designed as a a space of the bus station, the center A.L.S. visitors for It attracts landmark, the entrance of experience and to the process the route follow to till packaging, cultivations from production, food the product, it and selling it.promoting marketing is designed, part A, to Additionally part B, the “red”, - cultiva which represents of communal the concept penetrates of knowledge tion. The extrovert route of move a track a line of crops, part B and becomes line the old train ment and sensation, following servingthat was in the past commercial transport wagons path, linear this On production. food the of pagina a fronte pagina 3 — Context.Fig. 02 02 2015 70 ri-vista cial empowerment, andconceptual tool forcial empowerment, plant The “food” becomes in parallel incentive for so signed framework for thelandscape evolution. nities is coordinated by a strategic plan, and a de thepowerofcommu where - frastructure”), ban life (“red” and“in- and“green” as“community” ronments andenvisionsanewway of livingtheur tom-up, proposes new life-styles and social envi- ic transformation. Thismodel,top-down andbot could operate asagenerator for- socio-econom ly, combining bothour parts, landscape project approach. Final- cess through aninterdisciplinary theecologicalparts, aspectdefinesthedesignpro------Case Study2—KIPOS and a new agent of coherence.lective memory ponent ofacommon identity, ofanewcol part - ly consists acultural trace ofanoldtradition, com- foran opportunity innovation and research. It final- ings. It brings new aesthetic qualitis and describes portance ofdesigningforms regarding the flexible creative lensindecisionmakingprocess,sic, theim- tor ofevolution, thelandscapereading astheba- on therole astheorchestra oflandscapearchitect - The conclusions experience, generated bytheA.L.S. of Thessaloniki gardens in thecity munity 3 project: a network ofcom project:anetwork - Gavrilidou, Kleinmann, Oureilidou, Zafeiropoulos 71 - - . 15 , a net 16 — City as a resource” — Masterplan “Agri Labor School”. Labor “Agri 4 — Masterplan Fig. 3 work of urban community gardens in the dense in the dense work of urban community gardens of un- the transformation to urban grid, refers com for spots into voids urban and spaces formed The proposal aimed to create a motivation for peo- for a motivation create aimed to The proposal implication the impact of communal perceive ple to landscapes in public space, of productive the value engagement,and the power of collective this time in the core of the city. of “KIPOS The idea ing residual open spaces for a transformation into into a transformation ing residual for open spaces level a green on a low cost and red infrastructure . - - 14 E. Gavriilidou, E. Oureilidou and M. Ritou, proposed proposed Ritou, M. E. and E.Oureilidou Gavriilidou, reclaim network city, the in gardens community a action of communities, and the role of food as the as the of food and the role action of communities, uses, spatial ex blending forces, of new capacitor periences and socio-economic dynamics, were in- periences passage insights on a desirable intriguing evitably and Green” of “Red the completion After reality. to and on the occasion of the in “Lachanokipi” project that occurs program 2014 Fellowship Angelopoulos Global Initiative with the Clinton in collaboration initiatives related with envi- and supports start-up anoth- issues, health public and social ronmental, envisioned in Thessaloniki was of UA er version 02 02 2015 72 ri-vista A modulelotof500m the food again as themagnetfor positivechange. neighborhood, the environment they live in, finding withtheir activeinrelation atives, become more citizens’ action andhowcitizensshouldtake initi- to guide required It showshowtheauthoritiesare life. everyday ing a broader impact city’s on Greek mon gardening activitiesdriv- andalivecommunity Fig. 5 —“Green”. at least 200 m amined to become aproductive garden, containing 2 cultivation area in potsand300m 2 asadesignmodelwas ex - 2 spaces according examined were to ownership pa of Municipality. Department the Green Unbuilt aprocesslot garden core; guided by insidethe city tection oftheappropriate, possiblespaces for a pi- The first phaseoftheimplementation was thede Mapping thecity whole buildingblock. (trees, to cover theneedsoffamilies herbse.t.c) ofa andseatingcirculation areas andother plantings pagina afronte Fig. 6—“Red”. - - Gavrilidou, Kleinmann, Oureilidou, Zafeiropoulos 73 - - -

. The name refers to an urban valley urban valley an to name refers The . 17 that promotes the experience of color and texture the experience of color that promotes The loca- at random. in plants, planted changes public,the to attentiveness give high would tion a best dissemination. for guarantee chitectural project,chitectural an abandoned field owned by tected vegetable garden which could be ampli be could which garden vegetable tected entity and occupying a larg a bigger fied, creating er part of the existing garden. new architectural interventionnew architectural in the waterfront the cityof 3. Adjacent to the linear waterfront landscape ar waterfront the linear to Adjacent 3. 2. The “Garden of 4 Seasons”, which is part of the which is part of the of 4 Seasons”, 2. The “Garden

- - - - Poli), a monument under the protection of UNE of protection the under a monument Poli), pro well scale small a there is case that In SCO. hood and appropriate conditions for plants’ growth. plants’ for conditions hood and appropriate were Churchthe owners main Greece,the of Among the monastery- the Metropoli Vlatadon, Moni Church of Churchtan of Thessaloniki, the Catholic Greece, as these own the majority of the last unex lots in the dense cityploited core. - appropri six spaces, on top concluded This research below: described gardening urban common for ate Nicholaos Orphanos Church in Old City 1. Agios (Ano rameters, accessibility and size, sense of neighbor rameters, 02 02 2015 74 ri-vista 6. Last but not least, the Municipality proposed6. Last theMunicipality to butnotleast, 5. The pilot garden could also gain a direct educa 4. A lot owned by the “Catholic ofGreece” Church support by the Municipality ofThessaloniki. bytheMunicipality support plementation as the most applicable and gained tion was eventually chosenfor thefirst pilotim- ban Vineyard, setupabout3years ago. Thisop- hack stand incentral locationin additionto anur ofaformer extension inthegreen participate ternative isstillopenfor discussion. schools, appropriate for transformation. Thisal- to primary spottedand misusedspaces next were schools.Ineast side ofThessaloniki,empty mary side the courtyards of schools and specially pri orin- tional impactbybeingimplemented next ly into atrash hob. Thespace was converted oruse. gradualactivity - plants havegrown outofcontrol, any preventing “jungle”, untouched for and trees decadeswhere by ahighfence. Thespace was incondition ofa ofthecity,borhood inthecore wellprotected so considered asaspace inanenclosedneigh- was studiedfor asitwas itspotential reuse al- ea’s fencing sizeandexisting protection. forspatial orientation, required plantsgrowth, ar needed characteristics, like appropriate sun, right the “Church issited. Thisspace hasall of Greece” - - - - The starting pointfor KIPOS On theFoundation level for an Interplay of “Top-Down” and“Bottom-Up” Start-Ups Disseminaton Activities as necessary ens ject alsowas promoted viasocialmediaand viathe to Thema Kathemerini ly withallmeans; onlevel ofmedia source for was the city promoted then continual- theapproachNext ofUA inThessalonikiasaRe On thelevelofMedia Greece? yes, inU.S.A., thevisioncanbeareality whynotin unteers’ was networks) andproved impressive that Nurseries, Construction Companies, Charities,Vol- public institutions(University, NGOs,Restaurants, them into gardens incollaboration withprivate and lots of and Phoenix transform to empty ty reclaim city. “PHXRENEWS”, theinitiativeofMunicipali- gardenmunity andit’s organization for thewhole the team gained the experience of a big scale com There,lowship asachange-maker commitment. ty. Theidea was chosenbyAngelopoulos CGIU Fel- al Meeting thatwas heldinArizonaState Universi- ipated in Clinton Annu- Global Initiative University 2014. Arizona,inMarch Phoenix, Theproject partic 19 , inNWZ (Nordwest Zeitung) 21 , in the e-magazine Parallaxi 18 , in DAAD’s Information Center of Ath- 3 project was setin 20 , inJournalPro- in thejournal 22 . The pro - - - - Gavrilidou, Kleinmann, Oureilidou, Zafeiropoulos 75 - - - had several contacts in all scales of Munici- contacts had several 3 the hanging up of posters to inform residents dif of inform to the hanging up of posters - neighborhoods about the vision of a commu ferent the creation for vote and call them to nity garden in their district.of an urban community garden Fly- and short details, description of with contacting ers “Don’t’s the moto with Shhhh but ACT!”the project door-to-door. up were hanged On the level of Municipality KIPOS pality’s positive accept authorities, with a repeated ance of the idea, but not actual support.of the idea, ance The initi- an vision, strategic a into didn’tative quickly turn mecha- the all on move could that idea embraced availability, space’s material, legal, nisms of city, estab get media to promotion and communication The May- Thessaloniki”. for lished as an “Innovation espoused Boutaris Giannis Thessaloniki, Mr. of or help with all and showed willingness to the idea means. available and other Institutions Enterprise On level of Private external to institutions to Among the invitations the American Farm in any way, support the idea become School of Thessaloniki, showed interest to and a restaurantthe expertise of the project mentor unemployed to support social offering for known owner sup- The restaurant’s people, “Mageires”. - - continuously 23 , in Gothenburg and Mariestad, Sweden, Sweden, and Mariestad, , in Gothenburg 24 On the academic level expanded also on ac and projects research Team’s updated, aiming to provide details on the team’s vi- on the team’s details provide aiming to updated, of urban time the idea at the same sions, dispersing - appropri establishing and in Thessaloniki gardens in a typ- of the idea the realization for conditions ate ical neighborhood. with presentations in the conferenc ademic level - of Land the Logics “Unravelling 2014 es PECSRL scape” On the level of Neighborhood the get actions were aiming to employed Several idea the about informed Thessaloniki of citizens useful was Particularly poll their reactions. and to On the specialist’s level were presented in the projects level On Specialists’ of Thessaloniki, at the event Association Engineers’ Thessaloniki, and al- Cities, Happy Cities”, “Healthy and land- architectural environmental, so at the in exhibitionscape architectural “Imagine the City”, Thessaloniki. in URC Urban Regions Under Change, in Hafen City Under Change, in Hafen Urban Regions in URC in S.Arch- Sustaina Germany, Hamburg, University, in Belgrade, Serbia. ble Architecture Conference, online portfolio “City as a Resource” as “City online portfolio 02 02 2015 76 ri-vista den for theneighborhood,for alimited timeperiod, etable garden. So KIPOS create aunitofvineyard–orchard andpossiblyveg planted tothanks whichwere to smallfruittrees Thevineyardculture. was boosted someyears ago volunteers and studentsfrom theSchoolofAgri- with the contribution of neighbors, wine of the city” protected withalowfence, was plannedfor “the lic vineyard. Thevineyard, space, inanopengreen the idea pub was to theexisting implemented next After completing theprocess of“mapping the city”, The Public Vineyard cal background whichwas outoftheteam’s scope. focused on the necessity for ideological and politi but theirinterest campus) expressed mer military (Periurban Cultivators of West Thessaloniki’s for plicate inanyconstruction team works. ThePER.KA unwillingto im- ofThessalonikiwere of Municipality official volunteers andaspecial group ofvolunteers couraging team’s 2u — Thessaloniki” visions. “Next las”, positivelyandimmediately, whoresponded en- Hel environmental actionslike: “WWF in Greece, forstitutions responsible infrastructures and green the ideaFurthermore, was communicated to all in garden, otherusers, soitwas excluding rejected. but withpromote the term of owing the it, whole ported initiallytheidea, offering to theopportunity 3 maingoal isto adda gar ------cism onmaster-plans withitsclaimofoverdetermi- manyjustified doubtsandalotofcriti- are There “Lachanokipoi”? be treated insuchalarge planningscalelike thisin AndshouldtheissueofUA of “UrbanAgriculture”? for undefinedprotagonists andactivists,inthefield regardspatial specificationsandmodificationsin to openthescope of wideranges ofstructural and urban development andsimultaneously beingable all therightinstrumentto to correspond anordered project posedthequestions: Is a“master-plan” at to follow and to keep up the idea of realization. The of an organizedpreexistence group of people willing the idea ofafinal “master-plan”, butwithoutthe goal-orientated with in anacademicdesignproject, theconcept of“UrbanAgriculture” explored ject” Red Pro &Green - of“Thessaloniki The experience fessional realities with changingpro The academicconceptinrelation Reflections and Conclusions implemented7). inthiscasealso(fig. door disseminationactionsdescribedabovewere former parkinto avineyard. existing Thedoor-to- decisionto transform the ment onmunicipality’s publicallytheirdisappoint since they expressed thisspace, this decisionisthatpeopleshould re-use in order to publicapproval. review Anotheraspectof - - Gavrilidou, Kleinmann, Oureilidou, Zafeiropoulos 77 - - - - garden 3 Eleftheria Gavriilidou). Eleftheria Fig. 7 — The KIPOS Fig. near the public vineyard (photo: vineyard the public near nation, and we agree totally with today`s demands with today`s nation, and we agree totally Land-use more complex procedures. and softer for and purpose from just defined by design is no longer the capacity It is related to - of continu “top-down”. “theous development, for giving room uncertainty of or or the unpredictability of unplanned instead dering precisely structures and functions”- (Mosta needs citizen’s 5).pp. to adapt to has It 2003, favi, local responsibili to initiatives, - and “bottom-up” impulse with many and ecological economic ties, to and interventions of coordination stages - of all pro tagonists. deal decision to of this insight the But in spite is the in an academic studio, with a “master-plan” directions.multiple work in Both are to right tool for practice and a good value educational of strong acting in the future. hand, the students On the one shoes” simulating the put on “professional have to with well-exposition of a municipality by operating planning equipment and well-known ac perienced And and investors). (clients of implementation tors think to on the other hand, there is the challenge – inventive uses, activities, terms in programmatic or or happenings, temporarily installations events, by necessary stamped social cohe permanently, sion and community spirit, a new plan- generating “top-ning culture impact from of less authoritarian down”. 02 02 2015 78 ri-vista standing is necessary indealing withurban unbuilt standing isnecessary Again this project makes clear, that a new under scenarios and ontime-based onstrategiesResearch for “public afuture green” throughout Thessaloniki. that offorgotten ofgardens plantsandanetwork theproposedterprise, idea ofpublicgardens like and private oftheuniversity a research-center en- vate andpubliclevel, asseenwiththeintegration of li for interplay ofmixedusesonpri- complex amore wouldbehardlywith allotments.There anystimu- occupation oftheareaple inapredominantly only restrict discussions one-dimensionally, for exam case ofanUrbanAgriculture Program thismight procedureied architect`s asa“stroke ofgenius”. In rial costs, whichapproaches easily thewell-stud- or action,manageable inbothpersonal andmate boundto aspontaneousmost casesthoseare idea strategic to thinkingcompared “small” projects. In ning area, project discussions directed more are to duetoFurthermore the decision for a large plan- velopment. es without total determination forfree de flexible velopment concepts willaskfor skillsoffering spac tects. Theinnovative for capability newurbande stronger importance for planners- andarchi city theseabilitieswill be of strongIn thefuture and ------al potentials for interventions which help to create a whichhelp to createal potentials for a interventions is the use of itsbe a profession decisive element, andthismight important, ban design.Muchmore andur ofarchitecture essarily ontheaestheticpart “bottom-up” character, the focus has not to be nec ded in an overall urban regeneration with strategy scenarios, embed- Intime-based ing importance. willget anincreasgaps from oneuseto thenext, scenarios”, “time-based furthermore bridgingover sign background ofUA for And private useandcare. lic green”with enhanced programmatic and de has to be projectsa shift There to more on “pub level. at thebestonaninterdisciplinary cation haveto deal intensively withtheseaspects, designstudiosofarchitecturalture andurbanedu- sign andappliedresearch onsocialinteraction. Fu- need forresearch, scientific research more by de have to be studiedture, and developed. is There a strategies, to therole inrespect ofUrban Agricul- newWithin thefieldofsupplywithurbangreen, forous green climaticandrecreational reasons. than ever, necessary more for the need of continu growing citiesallovertheworldasks urgently and tenance Butthephenomenonof oftheexisting. new spaces green and the management or main ofcitiesandmunicipalitiescanhardly affordjority green”. Itisafact thatforreasons financial thema- withthe“public inparticular areas inthefuture, ------Gavrilidou, Kleinmann, Oureilidou, Zafeiropoulos 79 - - - - team faced up with a range of reactions. Munici- of reactions. up with a range faced team not so help- help, though pality willing to appeared En- on decision making processes. ful and accurate posi- appeared and social institutions vironmental tive, help, us with any tangible but couldn’t provide who were work able to teams while volunteering of the idea, and promotion with us on construction didn’t respond on time. clubs of archi Meanwhile, - supported pres modestly the and engineers tects citythe in center, gardening urban of entation without offering doubts, with even sometimes im- and real-size on its realization any assistance were reactions neighborhood’s The plementation. positive with a reserved saw optimism, but they in of this initiative one more poll, on- the background municipality’suseless case study or a a ly with- idea employ- needs for of their real and far out meaning - ment, green systems, infra transportation better structure, etc. playgrounds - nega with the coped but not least, the team Last authorized representatives, of church’s tive reaction encom gardening urban of concept the although be collaboration real contribution, social passes tween motivations neighborhoods and economic due to assistance people in need of economic to well-known crisis. Even the participating students in “Thessaloniki react project & Green studio” Red use of public space the collective ed with distrust to - sponsible for management and maintenance of of and maintenance management sponsible for green in Thessaloniki, clubs of architects and spaces religiousand institu- teams volunteering engineers, tions filled us with on sharing our visionexperience our idea. and promoting our responses are concerned, different as far As Acceptance, relationship a new and attitude towards planning approach and the role of “social spirit” a to a) with regard this seminar contribute Could general serious discussion and assessment on the of on success and about prospects meaningfulness to in Greece b) or Thessaloniki, and of U.A the topic c) or university, the outside dissemination critical a the participation to giving motivation perhaps even parts it of some or idea the transfer to students of reality? into and so- institutions with environmental Contacting who are re cial impact, of municipality, employees - an understand gain is to One lesson of this project architecture,of role the that ing land- and urban scape design might be more less modest and powerful presenting be in to has It self-effacing. indivi- not only an life, a good spatial premises for dual life. specific chemistry among the protagonists for com- for specific chemistry among the protagonists mon action and activity. 02 02 2015 80 ri-vista Gavrilidou, Kleinmann, Oureilidou, Zafeiropoulos 81 - - are based on the idea of “social spirit”? We don’t don’t spirit”? of “social are based on the idea We in the field of “Urban believe rather think so! We - a coop Agriculture” for as an excellent integrator Agriculture” “Urban a as coming-together, erative a trustful living and working together, for “school” structures, towards and a step outside family even spirit”. the direction of “social Offi- and “Top-Down”. “Bottom-Up” needs both UA legislative,cial start-up-support, financial, with la- incentives bor and material, and “Top- both “Bottom-Up” needs in Greece UA for Down” support legislative, financial incentives The lat secondly. and maintenance firstly a start est positive examples from Zürich Switzerland, An- Zürich Switzerland, est positive examples from reduction of maintenance dernach, Germany (90% the approve (PHX RENEWS) U.S.A and from costs) dynamic and the benefits of this implementation model. “Foodscape” in “Crisis” the beginning and we from ourselves asked We conse whether the material curious, were rather crisis would possibly influ- of the economic quences “Urban Agriculture” and activate projects. ence moment this to up Greece in “Crisis” dramatic The doesn’trole as a possible play any specific seem to of community an enhancement and for activator - - - garden. 3 and showed difficulty to handle the concept tem- concept and showed difficulty to handle the within a mas formation and bottom-up porality of “social spirit” and Green” and the topic “Red in Greece development a “red” countries In many European facili community of ideas with strongly started ter-plan. worries by the institutions and There are in general activities and of on informal land-owners by private temporary permanent. become actions to Even en- - tities with predominant social responsibilities fol market without exceptionlowed economic strictly a behavior and refused approval. mindset and social activities aroundties, communal and later, followed movement The “green” 1900. over a considerable detect have to we nowadays agriculture by urban and least not revival, whelming of the world. But in many countries urban gardening this doesn’t experiinclude Greece. diverse - to Due occupation, of hardship, in the last centuries ences there is a generalized dictatorship expulsion, wars, Greekby deep mistrust and authorities of people control. foreign and of external influences any form fami- the in found be to only is confidence them For terms. ly and in close familiar phenomenon represent Does this historic-cultural which planning approaches, for a decisive obstacle pagina a fronte pagina 8 — The KIPOS Fig. 02 02 2015 82 ri-vista pality ofThessalonikiwiththevineyardpality andKIPOS istheMunici- Alaudableexception ademic project. students of the not eitherby ac the participating land-owners, institutions,studentsingeneral and Weture. reaction someparticular perceive by can’t social spiritorientated projects, like UrbanAgricul- of KIPOS inreality,ademic experience the“food” inthecase legibility. On the process of implementing the ac ics, asaperceptual gesture landscape’s to restore economy andinnovation dynam- pact for thecity’s cial groups, asacluster ofresearch withgreater im- neighborhoodsandtheheterogeneoustered so- al landofthecity, asacommon field for thescat all urbantransformation ofthewest postindustri- asastrategic meansthe caseofA.L.S. for theover of production intheurbanenvironment operated in There-introduction a holisticway urbanresilience. only,ficiency butmainlyasa key tool for buildingin of thecrisisdiscussion,notasameans for self-suf However, bothprojects, revealed “food” inthecore land for individualgardening. loniki byproviding ahuge/large area ofuniversity project as well as the Thessa- Aristotle University Municipality’s offices and also in the city’s streets. streets. offices andalsointhecity’s Municipality’s ality, idea, to activate powerful adiscussioninto the the new, hopeful,unusualinthe Thessaloniki’s re tion, was used as the “carrot” to as bring change, 3 - , attheminimumscaleofurban interven ------3

ing pointfor theschoolcourtyards. KIPOS saloniki, garden” which found as an inspir “the SchoolsofThes Envirionment ofHighandPrimary of of and the the Department interest ern Greece, ofSouth- hoods inthediscussion,oneMunicipality neighbors, itappealed than3otherneighbor more for experimentation interesting the first 11 as a very andinparallelardship itoperated onpublicspace” to applystew- residents to itsstrategic vision“the could come Municipality closer It became the “way” change”. ofanupcoming “landscapeof “taste” first the very ing. Hopefully, thisistheminimumturningpoint, promis of clients, “unconstructed” but very yet, anewgroup driveto anewmarket, an unexpected became anewfieldofstudy, alightinthedarkand For students,it thelandscapearchitecture ment. ofadifferentencyclopedia inurban environ nature - coffee hour,everyday landmark for thecity, even an “foodscape”, hobby, walk, square, meetingpoint, 3 became became - - - - Gavrilidou, Kleinmann, Oureilidou, Zafeiropoulos 83 - - - ” in Greek means garden. The “Cubed” is related with The “Cubed” garden. ” in Greek means 3 AUTH cultivable lots (05/01/2015). PERKA, Parking Parko Parko Parking - GIU Fellowships Angelopoulos (02/01/2015). the idea of a module editable and adoptable in all dimensions and adoptable of a module editable the idea JNFxoiVgg> (05/01/2015). JNFxoiVgg> 10 8 9 16 14 15 11 12 13 ny, 3. Fáczány I Zsuzsa, Architect, Ybl Miklós Szent István Uni- I Zsuzsa, Fáczány 3. ny, Archi- Kleinmann Holm, Prof. 4. versity Budapest, Hungary, Morabito 5. Hochschule,Jade Germany, BDA, Oldenburg tect Architect, Architect, Landscape PENN University Prof. Valerio, USA, Johannes, Architect, 6. Sack of Pennsylvania, Stuttgart Agriculturist, Landscape Ioannis, Prof. Tsalikidis 7. Germany, ArchitectMLA, University Greece,Thessaloniki, Aristotle 8. Architect, University Aristotle Prof. Sarantis, Zafeiropoulos Thessaloniki, Greece. Tzimopoulou Maria, Prof. Agriculturist, Landscape Architect Architect Agriculturist, Landscape Maria, Prof. Tzimopoulou Greece, Thessaloniki, University Angelis 2. Aristotle ENSP, Germa Oldenburg Partners, + Angelis BDA, Alexis,Architect (05/01/2015). id=3425> (05/01/2015). at this point: “Drosscapes require be implemented at this point: “Drosscapes design to as an activity changing circum that is capable of adapting to - appreciated is only drosscape of The importance […]. stances pp. 210). 2006, up advocacy a bottom process”through (Berger, - - - UA has spread to become a critical source of food for urban urban for food of source critical a become to spread has UA “Urban Farming is growing a green future”, Tribute to Na- to Tribute a green future”, is growing “Urban Farming “Urban Agriculture Casablanca” is a German-Moroccan re German-Moroccan a is Casablanca” Agriculture “Urban - in environmental food “Permaculture is about producing The term Allotment is defined in the Allotments Act of 1925 Allotment is defined in the Allotments The term See mappings for American cities at: for mappings See “Urban agriculture (UA) is an industryan is (in- agriculture within “Urban (UA) located tra-urban) or in the fringe of a town, a city or a metropolis, a city of a town, or a metropolis, or in the fringe tra-urban) a diversity and distributes processes raises, and which grows human and largely (re-)using products, and non-food of food and services resources, in and aroundmaterial products found material and supplying human turn and in area, that urban and servicesresources, products that urban area” to largely p. 2). and Luc,(Mougeot 2003, search project of the German Federal Ministry of the German Federal - project of Educa search (BMBF)tion and Research - pro within the megacity research of Meg Development the Sustainable for “Research gramme Energy efficient — climate and — Focus: Tomorrow, of acities 2011). (Giseke, structures centers in urban growth as “an allotment garden or any parcel of land not more than 5 allotment garden as “an be culti- to or intended acres [about 2ha] in extent cultivated and partly farm or partly as a garden farm, as a garden vated p. 240). et al., 2005, (Perez-Vazquez as a farm 7 6 5 4 3 2 Note 1 ease epidemics (Mlawi) (Mougeot and Luc, 2003, p. 3). epidemics (Mlawi) and Luc, ease (Mougeot 2003, populations in countries affected by natural disasters (Hon- disasters by natural affected populations in countries dis and (Armenia) wars civil (Togo), crises economic duras), ly-sound way. It’s about people growing their own land and their own land and about people growing It’s ly-sound way. and possibly family themselves, their immediate using it for 2005, p. 222). the local community” (Sherriff, - e-magazine (03/01/2015). , , , , - , ties.org/> (14/12/2014), for lands. A project vacant — Activating change for “Grounds community progress”, (03/01/2015). 02 02 2015 84 ri-vista Study oftheRural Landscape. 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 (Accessed January 2,2015). (Accessed January rooftops). of the urban environment (vacant lots, uncovered spaces, yasaresource/docs/city_as_a_resource_portfolio>. Portfolio asaResource Portfolio inIssuu:City ing-the-capacity-for-management-of-ecosystem-services. - cial-ecological-memory-in-urban-gardens---retain holmresilience.org/21/publications/artiklar/3-18-2010-so- Change», «GlobalEnvironmental management ofecosystem services. inurbangardens —Retaining for thecapacity cal memory S.,Barthel, andColding, Folke, C., J.2010,- Social-ecologi 9946-4, p.1. Tidball, K.G., andKrasny, Springer, M.E., ISBN978-90-481- Disaster, zone: red andurgent biophiliaedited by resilience, national Conference onChangingCities: Spatial,Metaphorical, ofsustainable design,Proceedings aspart culture intheInter Lionatou, M.,Tsalikidis, 2013, Theediblecity: UrbanAgri - I.A. loniki, pp.1-2,6. gram ofThessa- Aristotle University Landscape Architecture, Syllabus andprogram JointPostgraduate oftheProject, Pro- Kleinmann, H.2013,, TheThessalonikiproject—Red andGreen tergrative Factor, Technical ofResearch Berlin. University U.Giseke, Casablanca, 2011, UrbanAgriculture DesignasanIn - 201X/X,Built Environment», p.7. Thessaloniki Project–Red, YBL«Journalof andGreen” of “The Fáczányi, Z.2013, inReflection ofUrbanAgriculture Potentials (03/01/2015) org/publications/urban-agriculture-magazine-english-0> Magazine»,riculture issue22,June2009, p.3.

Gavrilidou, Kleinmann, Oureilidou, Zafeiropoulos 85 https:// < (05/01/2015) - www.edibleci

< (05/01/2015)

garden. 3 www.596acres.org/>, , , www.596acres.org/>, - http://www.100resilientcities.org/cities/entry/thessaloni Fig. 9 — The KIPOS Fig. - Mappings at: < ties.org/> (14/12/2014) for lands. A project vacant — Activating change for “Grounds > , laopenacres.org/#10/34.2981/-118.0769 “Urban Farming is growing a green future”, Tribute to Nation- to Tribute a green future”, is growing “Urban Farming - e-magazine.al Geographic earth-day-urban-farming-venezuela_51635_600x450.jpg (03/01/2015) Foundation. cities of the world. The Rockefeller 100 Resilient < > (02/05/2015) ki#/-_Yz5jJmg%2FMSd1PWI%3D/ > PERKA. (02/01/2015) lots. (05/01/2015)