Inattentive Consumers Ricardo Reis∗ Department of Economics and Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA Abstract This paper studies the consumption decisions of agents who face costs of acquiring, absorbing and processing information. These consumers rationally choose to only sporadically update their information and re-compute their optimal consumption plans. In between updating dates, they remain inattentive. This behavior implies that news disperses slowly throughout the population, so events have a gradual and delayed effect on aggregate consumption. The model predicts that aggregate consumption adjusts slowly to shocks, and is able to explain the excess sensitivity and excess smoothness puzzles. In addition, individual consumption is sensitive to ordinary and unexpected past news, but it is not sensitive to extraordinary or predictable events. The model further predicts that some people rationally choose to not plan, live hand-to-mouth, and save less, while other people sporadically update their plans. The longer are these plans, the more they save. Evidence using U.S. aggregate and microeconomic data generally supports these predictions. JEL classification codes: E2, D9, D1, D8 ∗I am grateful to N. Gregory Mankiw, Alberto Alesina, Robert Barro, and David Laibson for their guidance and to Andrew Abel, Susanto Basu, John Campbell, Larry Christiano, Mariana Colacelli, Benjamin Friedman, Jens Hilscher, Yves Nosbusch, David Romer, John Shea, Monica Singhal, Adam Szeidl, Bryce Ward, Justin Wolfers, and numerous seminar participants for useful comments. The Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia, Praxis XXI and the Eliot Memorial fellowship provided financial support. Tel.: +1-609-258-8531; fax: +1-609-258-5349. E-mail address:
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