Summary Reports of the Missions: M. Molist / J. M. Faura: Tell Halula: un village des premiers agriculteurs-éleveurs dans la vallée de l'Euphrate — E. Coqueugniot: Tell Dja'de al-Mughara — B. Jamous / D. Stordeur: Tell Jerf el-Ah.mar un site mureybetien du moyen Euyphrate syrien. Horizon PPNA - X e millenaire a.J.C. — Y. Nishiaki: Tell Kosak Shamali: preliminary report of the excavations (1994-1997) — Y. Yamazaki: Excavations at Tell al-’Abr — E. Peltenburg: Tell Jerablus Tahtani 1992- 1996: a summary — T. McClellan: Survey of excavations at Tell Banat: funerary practices — C. Valdés: Tell Qara Quzaq: a summary of the first results — Ö. Tunca: Tell cAmarna. Présentation sommaire de sept campagnes de fouilles (1991-1997) — G. Falsone: Tell Shiyukh Tahtani — L. Bachelot: Tell Shioukh Faouqâni (1994-1998) — A. Roobaert / G. Bunnens: Excavations at Tell Ahmar - Til Barsib — B. Einwag / A. Otto: Tall Bazi — J. Eidem: Tell Jurn Kabir and Tell Qadahiye. Danish excavations in the Tishrin Dam Area — G. Matilla Séiquer: Tell Khamîs — G. W. Clarke: Tell Jebel Khalid — Physical Environment: D. Serrat / M. Bergadà: Geomorphological study of the upper syrian Euphrates basin — D. Rivera-Núñez & al.: Paleoethnobotanical approach to the upper Euphrates — M. Saña / D. Helmer: The process of animal domestication in the north of the Euphrates valley (). Socio-economic implications — Pottery Production: J.-M. Faura / M. Le Mière: La céramique néolitique du haut Euphrate syrien — D. Bolger / F. Stephen: Scientific analysis of Uruk ceramics from sites of the syrian and southeast anatolian Euphrates: preliminary results — A. Porter: The ceramic horizon of the early bronze in the upper Euphrates — E. N. Cooper: The EB-MB transitional period at Tell Kabir, Syria — L. Bachelot: Les données archéologiques de l'âge du bronze récent dans la vallée du haut Euphrate — M. Makinson: La culture matérielle du moyen Euphrate au premier millenaire avant J.-C. — Urban Development and Technology: M. Molist / D. Stordeur: Le moyen Euphrate syrien et son rôle dans la néolithisation. Specificité et évolution des architectures — T. McClellan: Urbanism on the upper syrian Euphrates — E. Peltenburg: The living and the ancestors: early bronze age mortuary practices at Jerablus Tathani — J.- L. Montero Fenollós: Metallurgy in the valley of the syrian upper Euphrates during the early and middle bronzes ages — M. Molina: Goods distribution in the upper Euphrates from the perspective of the Tell Qara Quzaq excavations — Cultural Interelationships: J.-C. Margueron: L'Euphrate, force structurante de la Syrie intérieure — M. Fortin: Le facies archéologique du moyen Khabour au III ème millénaire av. J.-C. — P. Akkemans: Pre-pottery B settlement patterns along the Balikh and the Euphrates: fact of fiction? — G. Algaze: Trends in the archaeological development of the upper Euphrates basin of south- eastern Anatolia during the late chalcolithic and early bronze ages — S. Campbell: Archaeological constructs and past reality on the upper Euphrates — Regional History: D. Lacambre / Ö. Tunca: Histoire de la vallée de l'Euphrate entre le barrage de Tišrin et Karkemiš aux III e et II e millénaires av. J.-C. — G. Bunnens: Aramaeans, hittites and assyrians in the upper Euphrates valley — M. Fales: Aramaic tablets from Burmarina (Tell Shiyiukh Faouqani), in the context of assyrian-aramaic studies — G. W. Clarke: The upper Euphrates valley during the hellenistic-roman period — A. González: The christian presence in late antiquity in the upper Euphrates limes — I. Bejarano: Quotidienneté, espace et toponymie: le cas de Qara Qûzâq et de ses environs.