- 2,859,240 United States Patent Office Patented Nov. 4, 1958 2 or alcohol; a reaction which is typical of aliphatic alpha 2,859,240 hydro-alpha-hydroxy acids. This same decomposition to an aldehyde having one less carbon atom in the carbon PRODUCTION OF ACRYLATES BY CATALYTIC chain is also typical of procedures known to the prior DEHYDRATION OF LACT CACID AND ALKYL art in which or the like is heated in the pres LACTATES ence of strong acids such as sulfuric or phosphoric acid. Reynold E. Holmen, White Bear Township, Ramsey In view of such prior art experience, it is not sur County, Milan, assignor to Minnesota Mining & Maiau prising that any methods for the preparation of acrylates facturing Company, St. Paul, Minn., a corporation of based on lactic acid or its as a raw material have Delaware 10 invariably involved the preliminary replacement of the No Drawing. Application January 12, 1956 alpha-hydroxy hydrogen (and the carboxyl hydrogen, Serial No. 558,607 when present) by some other radical whereby lactide formation and decomposition could be avoided, followed 4. Claims. (C. 260-486) by pyrolysis of the substituted lactate to the acrylate. 5 Typical of such methods is the -acetylation of methyl This invention is concerned with the production of lactate to methyl alpha-acetoxy propionate followed by acrylates, including acrylic acid as well as its lower alkyl pyrolysis to and acetic acid. esters, from corresponding lactates by a direct catalytic Thus, despite the ready availability of lactic acid and process at an elevated temperature. the obvious advantages attendant upon its use, and fur This application is a continuation-in-part of my co 20 ther despite the very considerable efforts applied by re pending application Serial No. 319,185, filed November searchers toward a solution of the problem, the fact re 6, 1952, now abandoned. mains that no one, prior to the present invention, ever The acrylates comprise a class of materials which are succeeded in directly converting lactates to acrylates. of great industrial importance due to their ability to See, for example, the review by C. H. Fisher et al. en form polymers and copolymers having a wide range of 25 titled "Properties and Reactions of Lactic Acid' and applications. The relatively high cost of the acrylates published by the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, No. A1C has, however, been a deterrent to their use in many 279, October 1950. applications for which their physical and chemical prop It has now been discovered, contrary to all previous erties are well suited. The high cost of these materials experience, that lactate material, i. e., lactic acid and has been in part a result of the methods of preparation 30 the lower alkyl esters thereof, may be converted in previously available, involving multiple-step processes, significant yields to acrylate material by direct catalytic use of large amounts of auxiliary reagents, and other dehydration at temperatures within the range of about inefficiencies. . The development of new and more ef 200-600 C., or more particularly at temperatures with ficient processes for the production of acrylates has there in the more restricted and generally preferred range of fore long been an objective of those working in thus field. about 250-550 C. The oxidation of acrolein by means of silver oxide This is particularly surprising with respect to lactic acid was formerly employed in producing acrylic acid, from itself. Atwood, in his Patent No. 2,464,364, for exam which other acrylates could then be obtained. The ple, finds it necessary to remove all traces of lactic acid silver oxide reagent was expensive and was reduced to from his mixture of alkyl lactate and acetic anhydride the metal during the reaction, requiring reconversion 49 in order to prevent excessive coke formation in the to silver oxide prior to re-use. pyrolyzing furnace. Hydrolysis of ethylene cyanhydrin or of acrylonitrile Specific exampies will now be set forth in further ex provides much of the acrylates now produced com planation, but with no intent of limitation, of the inven mercially. Neither intermediate is low in cost. Con tion. siderable quantities of acidic reagents are required. EXAMPLE 1. Another method of preparation involves the pyrolysis of polymeric beta-lactone produced from ketene and A catalyst was made by pelleting NaH2POHO mixed formaldehyde. Several separate reactions are involved, with one-fourth its weight of graphite as a lubricant. cluding lactone formation, polymerization, and pyro Other lubricants, e.g., sodium stearate, are equally effec ySls. tive in providing coherent pellets. The amount of lub Acrylates have been synthesized from acetylene, car ricant may be much less than here indicated. bon mcnoxide and water or alcohol; but this process has A quantity of the catalyst pellets having an apparent not achieved commercial importance. Recovery of ex volume of about 65 ml. was used to pack a 10' sec pensive catalyst presents a major problem. tion of a 1%' O. D. "Pyrex' glass combustion tube passing through a "Hoskins' electrically heated tube The dehydration of hydracrylic acid (beta-hydroxypro furnace supported vertically. The furnace temperature pionic acid) or alkyl esters thereof to the corresponding was slowly raised so as to remove combined water with acrylate is a comparatively simple and economical proc out fusing the catalyst mass. A dropping funnel having ess, but the starting material is neither low in cost nor provision for admitting inert gas and for pressure equal readily available in quantity. Alpha-hydroxypropionic ization was attached to the top of the combustion tube by acid (lactic acid) is much more readily and potentially 60 means of a ground glass joint. The bottom end of the available, but this material, as such, has never been found combustion tube led directly to a water-cooled receiver, to be an effective source of acrylates. - from which non-condensed material passed through a When heated at moderate temperatures, lactic acid Dry-Ice trap and finally through a bubble counter. Oxy readily converts to or lactides. For ex gen-free nitrogen was fed into the system at the dropping ample, Whitmore, "Organic Chemistry,” in discussing the 65 funnel at a rate of about 0.1 cubic foot per hour in preparation of acrylic acid, states: "It is not obtained order to maintain an inert atmosphere and to assist from lactic acid or its esters which give a lactide in in sweeping the feed material and products through the stead.” At higher temperatures, lactic acid and its esters train. - - have been shown by Nef, and more recently by Fisher Methyl lactate was fed from the dropping funnel onto and Fiachione of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, to de 70 the dehydrated heated catalyst at a rate of about one - compose into acetaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and water drop per 4-5 seconds, and samples of the condensate were 2,859,240 3 withdrawn from the receiver at each of several furnace redistilled. A portion weighing 6.8 g., boiling from temperatures within the range of 270°-540° C. 70-77 C., and containing chiefly and ethyl In this as well as the following examples, the furnace acrylate, began to show polymerization after a few hours temperature was obtained by means of a thermocouple in the sunlight. The slightly viscous liquid was allowed which contacted the outer surface of the combustion to evaporate, leaving a film of clear polyethylacrylate. tube within the area of maximum temperature. The The identity of the polymer was confirmed by infrared temperature differential between such surface and the absorption analysis. center of the catalyst column was not more than about 25 °C. Temperatures were recorded in degrees Fahren EXAMPLE 7 heit and could be maintained at plus or minus about 5 0 In this experiment butyl lactate was passed over a F., but for convenience are here reported in degrees peileted catalyst which was prepared, in accordance with centigrade corresponding to the average recorded temper the procedure described under Example 1, from lithium ature. hydrogen phosphate mixed with some graphite. The The condensate contained methyl acrylate. After furnace temperature was 510 C. From 14 ml. of butyl standing at room temperature for about two weeks it was lactate there was obtained 6.2 g of nearly water-white found that polymerization of the methyl acrylate had pyrolysate. After adding a few granules of benzoyl peroxide and warming for thirty minutes on a water bath caused an increase in the viscosity of the samples, par the acrylate in the pyrolysate polymerized to give a vis ticularly those taken at 510-532 C. cous liquid. The clear solid isolated by evaporation of EXAMPLE 2 20 the volatile material was identified as chiefly polyacrylic A 9 inch section of the combustion tube of the ap acid, and butene was identified in the residue recovered : paratus described in Example 1 was packed with 6-10 in the Dry-ice trap, indicating that at the temperature mesh granules of a catalyst material prepared by mixing used the butyl acrylate first formed was further pyrolyzed a concentrated solution of Na2SO4 with finely divided to butene and acrylic acid. CaSO4 in a 1:25 mol ratio to form a stiff paste which 25 was dried in a thin layer, broken into small pieces, and EXAMPLE.8 screened. A short upper-section of the combustion tube In this experiment' lactic acid was directly dehydrated was filled with “Pyrex' glass helices for preheating the to acrylic acid. A solution of 70 ml. of 85% lactic acid feed. An aqueous 10% solution of lactic acid was fed in 30 ml. of water was passed at 482 C. furnace tempera into the tube at 10-15 ml. per heur, the furnace tempera 30 ture over catalyst. pellets: prepared, as in Example 1,'frem ture being 400° C. The condensate recovered was frac sodium dihydrogen phosphate mixed with one-fourth its tionated and an aqueous fraction was obtained which on weight of graphite as a lubricant, and further treated-by analysis was found to contain acrylic acid in an amount soaking in a mixture of 6 ml. of 85% phosphoric acid equal to 68% of theoretical based on the amount of and 70 ml. isopropanol for thirteen minutes before dry lactic acid employed. 35 ing for use. From 15 ml. of feed was obtained 14.6 g. pyrolysate in the water-cooled condenser. This was dis EXAMPLE 3 tilled to give 10 g. boiling to 100° C. and 4 g. from Barium phosphate having the nominal formula 100-103 "C. The latter fraction was found by ultra Bas (PO4)2 was produced by precipitation from a solu violet absorption analysis of a sample to contain about tion of barium chloride, with a solution of diammonium 40 39% of acrylic acid. This was further demonstrated phosphate (NH4)HPO and ammonium hydroxide. The by adding to another-sample a small amount of calcium precipitate was washed free. of chloride ion, and was dried carbonate followed by sodium sulfite and sodium per and granulated as in Example 2. The combustion tube Sulfate. After a short induction period a precipitate of was packed with a 3 inch section of the catalyst particles polymerized calcium acrylate appeared and coagulated and with glass helices for preheating. At a furnace tem 45 to a sticky ball of polymer. perature of 425 C. and a feed rate of about 29 mi. per hour, an aqueous 50% solution of lactic acid provide EXAMPLE 9 a 47.8% yield of acrylic acid. This experiment was carried out as previously described EXAMPLE 4 using methyl lactate as the feed, and a catalyst prepared 50 by carefully heating a mixture of barium hydrogen phos Analytical grade finely powdered barium sulfate was phate and graphite. At 454 C. a 15% conversion of . granulated by slurrying and drying, and a 9 inch section methyl lactate to methyl acrylate was obtained, calculated was employed in the combustion tube as the catalyst for from the content of the product fraction boiling up pyrolysis of methyl lactate. At 350° C. and a feed rate to 70° C. - ... of 10-15 ml. per hour of the liquid ester, 28.4% of the 55 The catalyst was prepared by first dissolving 39.5g of ester was converted to methyl acrylate and 17.4% to BaCO3 in a mixture of 30 ml. of water and 27.6 g. of acrylic acid, the total conversion thus being 45.8%. 85% H3PO4; this product was mixed with 50 g. of graphite and then dried at 125. C. before it was broken EXAMPLE5. into small lumps and placed in the reaction tube for An aqueous 50% solution of lactic acid was converted further heating. to acrylic acid in 50.7% yield by the action, at a furnace 80 temperature of 425. C. and in the apparatus of Example EXAMPLE 10 1, of a granular catalyst mixture prepared from CaSO4 A catalyst prepared by the method of Example 9 from and NaPO in 25:1 mol ratio. Feed rate was 17.2 ml. 38.6 g. of tertiary zinc phosphate, 13.8 g. of 85% HPO, per hour and the catalyst bed was 3 inches in length, with and 40 g. of graphite gave about a 7% conversion of - a short preheater section just preceding the catalyst. 85 Inethyl lactate to methyl acrylate at 454 C. furnace temperature. EXAMPLE 6 was passed through the catalyst bed as in EXAMPLE 11 Example. 1. The furnace temperature was 454 C. From Methyl lactate was passed over a catalyst made from 83 ml. of ethylactate there was condensed 70 g.of 70 about 200 ml. of granular bone charcoal which on analysis. liquid in the water-cooled receiver. A 37 g. portion of showed 81.8% ash and which was treated with 5 g. of this was roughly fractionated to give 2.2 g. to 50 C., 85% H3PO in 100 ml. isopropanol before drying for 4.2 g. from .50-76 C., 9.9 g. from 76-33 C., i.g. from use. The bone. charcoal contained a large amount of 83-120° C. plus 19.2.g. residue. The fractions boiling calcium as well as significant amounts of sodium and from 50-76 C, and from 76-83 C, were combined and 75 phosphorus, in the form of salts. At a furnace tempera

2,859,240 5 6 ture of 343° C. a 20% conversion of the methyl lactate be highly accurate in the absence of other low-boiling to methyl acrylate was effected as determined by the esters. In doubtful cases the results of the saponification ester content of the product fraction. test were further checked by means of ultravioletab-. sorption curves, and/or by iodine back-titration of do-, as EXAMPLE 12 decyl mercaptan added in excess, in accordance with the - In this experiment methyl lactate was passed over procedure described by Bessing et al., Anal. Chem., vol. silica gel which had been impregnated with about 35-40% 21, page 1073 (1949). Where the product comprises: by weight of monosodium phosphate and heated. At a acrylic acid, the quantity of this material is determined furnace temperature of 343. C., a 20% conversion to in known manner, e.g., by bromine addition after re methyl acrylate was obtained. As little as about 25% lo moval of other unsaturates. Acrylic acid has also been of the phosphate was equally effective. determined by ultraviolet absorption and by solids deter wasWars, similarly tested site as a catalyst,th no significantsis PE. yield o mination after polymerization.-- acrylate was obtained. EXAMPLE 23 The following tabulation provides significant data on 15 Butyl lactate was substituted for methyl lactate as the a number of additional experiments in which methyl feed, other conditions being the same as for Example 21, lactate was catalytically dehydrated in the absence of The distillate contained a mixture of butyl acrylate and Oxygen in an apparatus as described under Example 1 acrylic acid which polymerized on standing. m and at the furnace temperature indicated. The catalyst EXAMPLE 24 in each case was prepared by combining the indicated com- 20 ponents and preliminarily heating the mixture slowly to Butyl lactate was also pyrolyzed by dispersing a the indicated temperature in the “Pyrex” tube, any evolved powdered mixture of 6 grams of Na2HPO and 4 grams of water being removed from the system. The silica gel or MgSO in 100 ml. of "Stanolind” white mineral oil, heat equivalent serves to increase the active surface area of ing the mixture to 350° C., and adding the butyl lactate the catalyst. .. 25 dropwise - while maintaining the temperature and with Dehydration of Methyl Lactate M

Example- Catalyst Temper-Furnace Resultsm ature, o C. 13. LiH:Po-0.02 mol.------} 400 14% conversion tomethy Silica Gel-50 g...--- acrylate. . . . . 4------CSEIPO-0.02 noi---- I} - 343 22% conversion to methyl - Silica Gel-50 g------acrylate. ,

15.------(SE30:Silica Gel-50 g.moi--- -- ...} 343 15%acrylate. conversion tomethyl Capo-OOg- - 16------{SEEoGraphite-10g---- } 532.9%acrylate. conversion to methyl MgSO-7 g------... - 17------Graphite-28E. g.------2- - - : 400 moresion thanto aethyiacrylate. 1% conver 18------NaH2PO.B.O on “Darco' Granules---- 427 23%acylate. EYersion to methyl NatFO.O-0.5 (nol------19------Sa2HPO-0.5Graphite-30 g. no------482 7%acrylate. conversion tonnethyl - NaH2PO4.2O-80g------20------E. E------454 17% conversion to methyl taPO to adjust pH to about 3.5------acrylate -- consider able acrylic acid (25% as determined by un Saturation). NaH2PO4.H2O-10 g------

2------SE(6olia - CarbonsXA's------poilets). 270-343-i 10-3%methylactylate: conversion to 22.------CaSO4 (soluble anhydrite).------400 20% EYrsion to methyl - - acrylate.

In the above table, "Barco' and "Columbia Carbon constant stirring. A portion of the distilled product boil SXA' , are commercial varieties of activated carbon ing over the range of 140-150° C. contained acrylic acid analyzing, respectively, 19.7% and 0.9% ash. The silica which could be polymerized. The identity of the polymer gel produced a residue of 0.15% on evaporation with HF was confirmed by infrared absorption analysis, and HSO4. These materials are employed as carriers for the alkali or alkaline earth phosphate or sulfate EXAMPLE 2.5 catalyst materials. The NaWO included in the catalyst Ammonium lactate has also been prolyzed in accord of Example 21 is seen to decrease the yield of acrylate 60 ance with the principles of the invention. Employing product. M - - . . . 38% aqueous ammonium lactate solution as the feed, The percentage conversion of methyl lactate to methyl with a catalyst prepared from NaH2PO4 and "Darco' acrylate reported in the examples, unless otherwise in activated carbon granules as in Example 18, and with a dicated was determined on the basis of the Saponification furnace temperature of 454-510 C., there was obtained equivalent. The product from the catalytic dehydration 65 a product from which the neutral fraction, boiling up to was first distilled through an unpacked column of about 98 C., was isolated. The presence of acrylonitrile in 12 inch length and about 6 mm. inside diameter. The this fraction was indicated by infrared absorption analysis. fraction distilling at 50-85 C., containing the methyl acrylate together with a quantity of methanol, was EXAMPLE 26 treated with alcoholic KOH to saponify the acrylate. 70 A catalyst mass was prepared by soaking 80 ml. of From the results thus obtained, the percent of the initial commercial 4-8 mesh activated alumina in 40 ml. of an amount of methyl lactate which had been converted to aqueous solution made from 27 grams of hydrous alu methyl acrylate was calculated. The method of analysis minum sulfate containing 27% water, and 20...grams of . was checked by analysis of known mixtures of methyl magnesium sulfate, dissolved in 180 ml. of distilled water, acrylate, methyl-lactate and methyl alcohol and found to and then carefully drying the treated granules at 480 C. 2,859,240 -7 8 The catalyst mass was placed in the reactor tube of Ex EXAMPLE 32 ample 1 and ethyl lactate was introduced, together with Granules formed of a mixture of tricalcium phosphate nitrogen as the inert carrier. The furnace temperature Ca(PO4) and sodium pyrophosphate NaPO in 25:1. was held at 300-360° C. The product was fractionated. molar ratio were employed as the catalyst mass. With The portion boiling at 54–88 C. contained ethyl acrylate, the furnace at 425 C., an aqueous 50% solution of which polymerized on standing. The polymer was fur lactic acid was converted to acrylic acid in 48-52% yield. ther identified by infrared absorption analysis as poly The catalyst bed was 3 inches long and the feed rate was ethylacrylate. - about 31 ml. per hour. - EXAMPLE 27 in many of these examples the catalyst was used for At a furnace temperature of 343. C., methyl lactate O long periods of time, both continuously and intermittently, was passed at a feed rate of 0.30 ml. of liquid per mi. with a continued high level of activity. Physical coating of catalyst per hour over a pelleted catalyst prepared from of the catalyst with polymeric products might be expected 50 grams of CaSO4 ("soluble anhydrite') and 0.01 mol to occur, with resultant decrease in activity, in the case. NaH2POHO, in the presence of the customary inert at of extremely long runs; but no chemical deterioration mosphere. Analysis of the fractionated product indi 5 has been observed. The action appears to be truly cata cated a 5% conversion to methyl acrylate and about lytic. A physically coated catalyst may often be re 21% conversion to acrylic acid. generated by burning off the accumulated products in a Calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO4.2H2O) may be used stream of air at 400-450° C. - in place of the anhydrous material in preparing the cata 20 In this connection, it will be appreciated that the cata lyst mass. lyst as it is employed in the reaction is not necessarily in the same form, either chemically or physically, as is . EXAMPLE 28 the catalyst mass when first charged to the reactor. Many In this example the mol ratio of CaSO4 to NaH2PO4.H2O of the catalyst materials herein specified, particularly in the catalyst mass was changed to 3:1. With the such compounds as monosodium phosphate, disodium furnace at 371. C., a solution of methyl lactate in twice 25 phosphate, primary calcium phosphate, etc. when heated its weight of methanol was introduced, to provide a prod are known to change to pyrophosphates, metaphosphates, uct fraction boiling at 50-85. C. containing methyl polyphosphates or other modifications possessing improved. acrylate in an amount representing at least about 40% stability at the temperature employed. These latter prod conversion. lucts which are considered as falling within the term EXAMPLE 29 30 "phosphates,” act as true catalysts to promote a change. Methyl lactate was contacted with a pelleted catalyst in the reacting materials without themselves undergoing prepared from sodium ferric pyrophosphate mixed with any significant permanent change. - i. 2% of sodium stearate as a lubricant, stearic acid being When a catalyst, mass is prepared by heating a come removed during preliminary heating. The furnace tem 35 pound or mixture which undergoes loss of water, care perature was 400 C. The conversion to methyl acrylate must be taken to prevent the solution- or fusion of the was about 17% as determined by the saponification equiv mass in the process. For example, the transformation of . alent of the fraction boiling at 50-85 C. On standing, sodium dihydrogen phosphate to the metaphosphate re the acrylate in this fraction polymerized to give a viscous quires slow and cautious heating in order to obtain a solution of polymethylacrylate. 40 non-sintered catalyst mass having adequate surface area. Admixture with a relatively inert material such as graphite EXAMPLE 30 is sometimes of value in achieving a catalyst mass of suit. A catalyst mass was prepared by treating 50 grams able physical condition, as will be apparent from several of silica gel with 0.02 mol of Na2SO4. The mass was of the foregoing specific examples. When mixed cata carefully heated in the apparatus of the preceding ex 45 lysts are used, care should be taken to avoid combina amples. With the furnace at 343 C., methyl lactate. tions which readily fuse at the operating temperatures . was passed over the catalyst. Of the total amount in employed or which react to result in a crystal structure troduced, about 18% was converted to methyl acrylate altogether and unsuitably different from that of the orig and a considerable proportion was converted to acrylic inal active components. . . - - - - acid, which was isolated in a fraction boiling at 105-150 50 The rate of feed of the lactate material to the catalyst. C. The acrylic acid, in the form of its calcium salt, chamber is important in obtaining best results. Too low readily polymerized when the solution was treated with a rate of feed is uneconomical, and too high a rate may NaaSOs, NaHSOs and CaCl2 and diluted 50-100% by result in inefficient contact of the reactant with the cat volume with water. alyst mass. The surface area and activity of a particular - EXAMPLE 31 55 catalyst will dictate the optimum feed-rate for any given Aqueous lactic acid of about 30% concentration was temperature. With the apparatus described in Example 1 fed into the apparatus of Example 1 containing in this and the catalysts described in this specification, feed rates case a pelleted catalyst prepared from 138 grams of about 0.06-0.35 ml. of liquid per ml. of catalyst per NaH2POHO, 12 grams NHaH2PO4, and 37.5 grams hour have given good results, and these values will serve 60 as a guide. For example, with concentrations of 0.025, graphite. The furnace temperature was about 532 C. 0.05 and 0.1 mol of NaH2PO on 50 grams of silica gel, A portion of the product was distilled and the aqueous feed rates of 0.066, 0.104 and 0.22 ml, respectively pro fraction boiling up to 100 C. collected. This fraction duced a 16-17% conversion of methyl lactate to methyl contained acrylic acid. A portion was treated with acrylate. However the invention is not to be considered Na2S2O3, NaHSO and CaCl2, and produced in a few 65 as restricted to these feed rates. . . . . hours a cohesive precipitate of polycalcium acrylatepoly Below a furnace temperature of about 200° C. little if acrylic acid. - any dehydration is accomplished. Above about 600° C., When methyl lactate was passed over the same cata too much undesirable decomposition takes place. This lyst at a furnace temperature of 427-482 C., the product range of operating temperatures may be expanded some was found to contain a quantity of methyl acrylate which 70 what by judicious choice of catalysts and of operating was polymerizable. . - conditions, but will serve to. establish a generally useful When a mixture of 85% lactic acid and methanol in range. Within the preferred range of about 250-550°C, a 2:3 ratio by volume was fed over the same catalyst at a furnace temperature of 482 C. and a feed rate of satisfactory rates of dehydration are obtained with a . about 0.33 ml. of liquid per ml. of catalyst per-hour, minimum of undesirable decomposition. and side reac there was obtained a 6% conversion to methyl acrylate. tions. With the more active catalysts, temperatures not

2,859,240 9 m 10 - over about 400 C. are usually best, and when in addi On the other hand, a catalyst produced from 50 grams tion highly porous supports such as silica gel are used, silica gel and 0.05 mol NaH2PO4, in the absence of temperatures of around 300-345 C. are indicated. molybdate, provided approximately a 19% conversion of - In some cases the side reactions, while they unavoid the lactate to esters boiling below 85 C., of which sub ably reduce the yield of acrylates, provide highly useful stantially the entire amount was methyl acrylate. by-products. Thus in some instances there have been On the other hand, small amounts of various other ma obtained small amounts of alpha, beta-dicarbonyl com terials may be incorporated with the catalyst material to pounds, chiefly biacetyl, valuable as a favoring and as serve as promoters of the reaction. Lanthanum phos a polymerization initiator, and capable of being condensed phate is one example of such a promoter; its effect is illus to form the polymerization inhibitor para-xyloquinone. 10 trated in the following tabulation showing percent con However the production of acrylate material remains the version of 50% lactic acid to acrylic acid with granular chief result of the processes here described. catalyst mixtures as defined and at 425 C. - The particular catalyst employed obviously has an effect on the type and amount of by-products formed. In Example - Catalyst Percent general, it is found desirable to avoid catalysts having too 5 Conversion low or too high a pH value, as well as those of pronounced

oxidizing power, each of which tends to increase the pro CHPO-mo 54 portion of side reactions ending in by-products, and/or CaSO-25 mos--- LaPO-1 no----- 42 to decrease the effective life of the catalyst. As an illus CaSO-25 mos tration, when a catalyst prepared from 0.01 mol NaH2PO4 '85.------{CsPO-0.04 4. in 58 and 0.04 mol H3PO (on 50 g. silica gel) was used, the LaPOg-i mo.--- conversion of methyl lactate to methyl acrylate fell to about 4 of that obtained with NaH2PO4 alone, and a In general, it is found that effective results in terms considerable proportion of acetaldehyde was obtained. of catalytic dehydration of lactates to acrylates in accord- . With NaPO, alone, the conversion rate is fairly high, but 25 ance with the principles of this invention may be ob condensation products are produced which contaminate tained by the use as catalysts of the sulfates and phos the acrylate product unnecessarily and tend to cause pre phates of metals of groups I and II of the periodic table mature loss of catalyst activity. The less soluble tribasic which are at least as high as cadmium in the electro alkaline earth phosphates provide high yields and avoid motive series. Of these, the salts of the alkaline earth the formation of large amounts of condensation products, 30 metals, especially of calcium, strontium and barium, pro as has been shown in Examples 3 and 32. vide the highest yields and are preferred. While the The proportion of undesired products produced in the dehydration of lower alkyl lactates to corresponding reaction may be diminished in other ways also, e.g., by acrylates is significant, the preparation of acrylic acid feeding such undesired materials with the lactate ma by direct catalytic dehydration of lactic acid is particul terial into the reactor. For example, in the dehydration 35 larly important because of the greater economies in of methyl lactate, methanol may be added to suppress volved in the use of aqueous lactic acid solution. The the hydrolysis of the ester. A mixture of methanol and latter preparation is also particularly unexpected in the actic acid yields a product mixture of methyl acrylate light of prior art teachings such as found in Atwood and acrylic acid. Patent No. 2,464,364, as hereinbefore noted. Other catalysts found to be active in converting lactate 40 The practice of this invention is not limited to fixed material to acrylate material by the procedures hereinbe bed catalysts, but may be carried out with a fluidized - fore described have been prepared from the following bed when such conditions are advantageous. Similarly, compositions by heating to operating temperatures: variations in pressure from atmospheric to subatmos pheric and to superatmospheric pressures are obvious ex BapO-10% graphite (pelleted) 45 tensions. Acid-resistant stainless steel reaction vessels CaFIPO--10% graphite (pelleted) may replace the "Pyrex' glass tube of the examples. BaSO-10% graphite (pelleted) Other non-inventive modifications will be apparent. NaHSO on silica gel (0.01 M/50 g.) The isolation of pure acrylic acid or lower alkyl KSO. on silica gel (0.03 MA50 g.) : acrylates from the crude acrylate material obtained as Of these the barium and calcium salts are of particular 50 the product of the novel process of this invention may be value, the former being the more so. Strontium sulfate carried out by a combination of distillation and ex behaves similarly to barium sulfate. traction or by any other suitable procedures, such as are Many other compounds which have been found useful already well known in the art. in other applications as dehydration catalysts have been What is claimed is as follows: : found to yield little or none of the desired product when 55 1. The process of catalytically producing acrylate ma employed as substitutes for the catalysts of the present terial from lactate material which comprises the steps invention. Thus, such materials as silicophosphoric acid, of (i) bringing volatile lactate starting material, having phosphoric acid, pumice, WO, WO5, WO5 on Al, TiO, the formula CHCHOHCOOR, where R is selected from NaWO, Na2MoCl4, NaVO, MoC), SiO, Al2O3, NiMoO the group consisting of hydrogen, NH4 and alkyl con and ZnMoO, although widely used in other dehydration 60 taining 1-4 carbon atoms, into contact with a dehydra processes, either fail to give any of the desired acrylate tion catalyst consisting essentially of at least one member material when employed in connection with lactate starting of the group consisting of the sulfates and phosphates of materials, or give such a preponderance of contaminating metals of groups I and II which are at least as high as by-products that their employment for the present pur cadmium in the electromotive series, at a temperature pose is totally impractical. 65 within the range of 200 C. to 600 C., and (2) separat As an illustration, the effect of the incorporation of ing acrylate material from at least some of the reaction sodium molybdate in a typical catalyst mass will be de products. scribed. Molybdates are often recommended as dehydrat 2. The process of catalytically producing acrylates ing catalysts for other processes. When methyl lactate from lower alkyl esters of lactic acid which comprises was passed over a catalyst made in the manner hereinbe 70 the steps of (1) bringing a lower alkyl ester of actic acid, fore described from 50 grams of silica gel, 0.04 mol wherein the alkyl radical contains 1-4 carbon atoms, into NaH2PO, and 0.01 mol Na2MoCA, about 10% of the contact with a dehydration catalyst consisting essentially ester was converted to esters boiling below 85 C., and of at least one member of the group consisting of the of these only about 6, i.e., only about 2% based on the sulfates and phosphates of metals of groups I and II lactate starting material, was the desired methyl acrylate. 75 which are at least as high as cadmium in the electro 2,859,240 1. 2 motive series, at a temperature within the trange of fates and phosphates of metals of groups: I and II:which 200.C. to 600 C., and (2) separating acrylate material are at least as high as cadmium in the electromotive from at least, some of the reaction products. series, at a temperature within hite range of 200 C. to: 3. The process of catalytically producing. acrylic acid 600 C., and in the presence of a hydroxyl-containing from lactic acid which comprises the steps...of. (1) bring compound having the formula ROH, to an acrylate. hav-. ing, lactic acid into contact with a dehydration catalyst ing the formula: CH2=CHCOOR, where R is a member consisting essentially of at least - one member of the of the class consisting of hydrogen and lower alkyl group consisting of the sulfates and phosphates of metals radical containing 1-4 carbon atoms. of groups I and II which are at least-as high, as cadmium in the electromotive: series, at a temperature within the 0. References Cited in the file of this patent range of 200 C. to 600 C., and (2)-separating acrylic UNITED STATES PATENTS acid from at least some of the reaction products. 4. The process of producing acrylates from lactates 2,184,934 Bruson et al. ------Dec. 26, 1939 which comprises directly catalytically dehydrating a lac 2,303,842 Kirk et al.------Dec. 1, 1942 tate having the formula CH3CHOHCOOR, by contact 5 "2,428,673 Miller.------Oct. 7, 1947 with a dehydration catalyst consisting essentially - of at 2,442,716 Weisberg et al. ------June 1, 1948. least one member of the group consisting of the sul 2,464,364 Atwood ------Mar. 15, 1949.