Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de l’Ontario

ISSUE DATE: August 17, 2017 CASE NO(S).: PL151150

PROCEEDING COMMENCED UNDER subsection 34(19) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended Appellant: Concerned Citizens In Adjala/Tosorontio Inc. Subject: By-law No. 15-37 Municipality: Township of Adjala-Tosorontio OMB Case No.: PL151150 OMB File No.: PL151150 OMB Case Name: Concerned Citizens In Adjala/Tosorontio Inc. v. Adjala-Tosorontio (Township)

PROCEEDING COMMENCED UNDER subsection 17(36) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended Appellant: Concerned Citizens In Adjala/Tosorontio Inc. Subject: Proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 17 Municipality: Township of Adjala-Tosorontio OMB Case No.: PL151150 OMB File No.: PL160370

PROCEEDING COMMENCED UNDER subsection 11(5) of the Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A. 8, as amended Referred by: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Objector: Steve Abraham Objector: Katherine Alexander Objector: Inge Anderssen Objector: David Aspenlieder; and others Applicant: Nelson Aggregate Co. Subject: Application for a (Class A or B) licence for the removal of aggregate Property Address/Description: 5556 & 5670 County Road 13 Municipality Township of Adjala-Tosorontio OMB Case No.: PL151150 OMB File No.: MM160040 2 PL151150

Heard: June 30, 2017 in , Ontario


Parties Counsel*/Representative

Concerned Citizens in Adjala- Ian Flett* Tosorontio Inc.

Township of Adjala-Tosorontio James Feehely*

County of Simcoe Samantha Trottola (Marshall Green*)

Nelson Aggregate Co. David White*

Alliston & District Humane Society Ian Flett*/Eric Gillespie*

Fred Somerville Self-represented

Breedon’s Maple Syrup Kent Breedon

Beausoleil First Nation Chief Councillor Joanne Sandy (not in attendance)



[1] The Township of Adjala-Tosorontio adopted Official Plan Amendment (“OPA”) 17 and Zoning By-law (“ZBL”) No.1537 to amend the Official Plan designation and zoning of the property at 5556 and 5670 County Road 13 from Protected Aggregate Resources to Licensed Pit and from Protected Extractive Resources (M3) to Industrial (M2) respectively, to permit the development of an aggregate operation.

[2] The Concerned Citizens of Adjala-Tosorontio Inc. (“CCAT”) appealed the OPA and ZBL. The Ministry of Natural Resources has referred 152 objections filed in 3 PL151150

connection with the Application for Licence for the Removal of Aggregate, all of whom are parties pursuant to s. 11(6) of the Aggregate Resources Act, whom can make submissions at the hearing as participants to the Planning Act proceedings.

[3] At this the third Pre-hearing Conference, Mr. Flett advised that he had been retained to act for CCAT in addition his firms representation of the Alliston & District Humane Society.

[4] Counsel for CCAT was at odds with the dates suggested by Mr. White in the draft Procedural Order (“PO”) submitted and circulated as required by the Board, and after hearing submissions from all parties in attendance, the Board directed the dates to be modified to ultimately ensure the experts exchange occurred a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the commencement of the hearing scheduled for November 7, 2017. All other dates flow from there, commencing with the circulation of the witness and issues lists by all parties, no later than September 5, 2017. Mr. White and Mr. Flett will independently co-operate to arrange two site visits for the experts to permit observation and investigation sufficient to crystalize CCAT issues and expert representation. As the participants for the site visits will be identified prior to entering the site, it is expected that the witness and issues lists can for all intents and purposes be known well in advance of the September 5, 2017 deadline in the PO, thereby addressing in part Mr. White’s concern about undue delay attributable in part to the late retainer of Counsel by the Appellants.

[5] At the request for clarification from Mr. Flett concerning participants who are not members of CCAT, the Board once again explained to those in attendance that in order to ensure that the hearing proceed in an orderly fashion, the presiding member would stipulate a specific time during the hearing when participant submissions would be made, and further elaborated that the most effective way to bring concerns to the attention of the Board was through co-ordinated spokespersons speaking to a specific issue(s). Again, the caution that repetition does not enhance merit was extended to all 4 PL151150

in attendance. The attached PO stipulates the dates by which all participant statements must be submitted and exchanged.


[6] That a 20 day hearing commence on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. in:

Council Chambers Adjala-Tosorontio Municipal Office 7855 Side Road 30 R. R. 1 Alliston Adjala-Tosorontio, ON L9R 1V1

“Sharyn Vincent”


If there is an attachment referred to in this document, please visit to view the attachment in PDF format.

Ontario Municipal Board A constituent tribunal of Environment and Land Tribunals Ontario Website: Telephone: 416-212-6349 Toll Free: 1-866-448-2248 O M B CaseN o.:P L 151150


PROCEEDING COMMENCED UNDER subsection 34(19) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended

Appellant: Concerned Citizens In Adjala/Tosorontio Inc. Subject: By-law No. 15-37 Municipality: Township of Adjala-Tosorontio OMB Case No.: PL151150 OMB File No.: PL151150 OMB Case Name: Concerned Citizens In Adjala/Tosorontio Inc. v. Adjala-Tosorontio (Township)

PROCEEDING COMMENCED UNDER subsection 17(36) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended

Appellant: Concerned Citizens In Adjala/Tosorontio Inc. Subject: Proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 17 Municipality: Township of Adjala-Tosorontio OMB Case No.: PL151150 OMB File No.: PL160370

PROCEEDING COMMENCED UNDER subsection 11(5) of the Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A. 8, as amended

Referred by: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Objector: Steve Abraham Objector: Katherine Alexander Objector: Inge Anderssen Objector: David Aspenlieder; and others Applicant: Nelson Aggregate Co. Subject: Application for a (Class A or B) licence for the removal of aggregate Property 5556 & 5670 County Road 13 Address/Description: Municipality: Township of Adjala-Tosorontio OMB Case No.: PL151150 OMB File No.: MM160040


1. The Board may vary or add to these rules at any time, either on request or as it sees fit. It may alter this Order by an oral ruling, or by another writtenOrder.

Organization of the Hearing

2. The hearing will begin on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 10:00. a.m. at the Council Chambers in the municipal office at 7855-30th Sideroad, Township ofAdjala-Tosorontio.

3. The length of the hearing will be about twenty (20)days. O M B CaseN o.:P L 151150

4. The parties and participants identified at the prehearing conference are listed in Attachment 1 to this Order.

5. Any person intending to participate in the hearing should provide a telephone number and e-mail address to the Board as soon as possible. Any such person who will be retaining a representative should advise the other parties and the Board of the representative’s name, address, phone number and e-mail address as soon as possible. 6. The Issues are set out in the issues list attached as Attachment 2. There will be no changes to this list without the consent of the parties. In the event of a dispute, the Board may be spoken to.

Requirements Before the Hearing

7. Expert witnesses in the same field shall have a meeting before the hearing to try to resolve or reduce the issues for the hearing. The experts must prepare a list of agreed facts and the remaining issues to be addressed at the hearing, and provide this list to all of the parties and the municipal Clerk.

8. A party who intends to call witnesses, whether by summons or not, shall provide to the Board, the other parties and to the Clerk a list of the witnesses and the order in which they will be called, together with the curriculum vitae for each witness. This material must be delivered on or before September 5, 2017.

9. An expert witness shall prepare an expert witness statement, which shall list any reports prepared by the expert, or any other reports or documents to be relied on at the hearing. Copies of this must be provided as in section [12]. Instead of a witness statement, the expert may file his or her entire report if it contains the required information. If this is not done, the Board may refuse to hear the expert’s testimony.

10. All witnesses and participants must provide to the Board and the parties a witness or participant statement on or before September 22, 2017 or the witness or participant may not give oral evidence at the hearing.

11. Expert witnesses who are under summons but not paid to produce a report do not have to file an expert witness statement; but the party calling them must file a brief outline of the expert’s evidence, as in section [12].

12. On or before September 22, 2017, the parties shall provide copies of their witness and expert witness statement to the other parties and to the Clerk of the Municipality.

13. On or before October 20, 2017, the parties shall provide copies of their visual evidence to all of the other parties. If a model will be used, all parties must have a reasonable opportunity to view it before the hearing.

14. Parties may provide to all other parties and file with the Clerk a written response to any written evidence within 14 days after the evidence is received.

15. A person wishing to change written evidence, including witness statements, must make a written motion to the Board. (see Rules 34 to 38, inclusive, of the Board’s Rules, which require that the moving party provide copies of the motion to all other parties 10 days before the Board hears the motion.) O M B CaseN o.:P L 151150

16. Experts shall be allowed to conduct 2 site visits on mutually agreeable dates. The first date shall be chosen from the week of July 17-21 and the second shall be chosen from the week of August 21-25.

17. A party who provides a witness’ written evidence to the other parties must have the witness attend the hearing to give oral evidence, unless the party notified the Board at least 14 days before the hearing that the written evidence is not part of their record.

18. The parties shall prepare a joint document book containing the provincial policies and regulations, County and Township OP policies and By-laws, all Council reports and resolutions, be prepared and relied upon by all parties when referencing such policies, regulations or action by Council.

19. Documents may be delivered by personal delivery, facsimile or registered or certified mail, or otherwise as the Board may direct. The deliver of documents by fax shall be governed by the Board’s Rules [26-31] on this subject. Material delivered by mail shall be deemed to have been received five business days after the date of registration or certification.

20. No adjournments or delays will be granted before or during the hearing except for serious hardship or illness. The Board’s Rules 61 to 65 apply to such requests. O M B CaseN o.:P L 151150


The Parties:

Parties Counsel * / Representative

1. The Township of Adjala-Tosorontio James Feehely*

2. County of Simcoe Marshall Green*

3. Nelson Aggregate Co. David S. White, Q.C.*

4. Concerned Citizens in Adjala-Tosorontio Ian Flett*/Eric Gillespie* Inc.

5. Alliston and District Humane Society Ian Flett*/ Eric Gillespie*

6. FredSomerville Self-represented

7. Breedon’s MapleSyrup Kent Breedon

8. Chief Councillor Joanne Sandy O M B CaseN o.:P L 151150 O M B CaseN o.:P L 151150 ATTACHMENT 2

Case No.: PL151150 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD Commission des affaires municipals de l ’Ontario

PROCEEDING COMMENCED UNDER subsection 34(19) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c P. 13, as amended Appellant: Concerned Citizens in Adjala/Tosorontio Inc. Subject: By-law No. 15-37 Municipality: Township of Adjala-Tosorontio OMB Case No.: PL151150 OMB File No.: PL151150 OMB Case Name: Concerned Citizens in Adjala/Tosorontio Inc. v. Adjala-Tosorontio (Township)

PROCEEDING COMMENCED UNDER subsection 17(36) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, as amended Appellant: Concerned Citizens in Adjala/Tosorontio Inc. Subject: Proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 17 Municipality: Township of Adjala-Tosorontio OMB Case No.: PL151150 OMB File No.: PL160370

PROCEEDING COMMMENCED UNDER subsection 11(15) of the Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A. 8, as amended Referred by: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Objector: Steve Abraham Objector: Katherine Alexander Objector: Inge Anderssen Objector: David Aspenlieder; and others Applicant: Nelson Aggregate Co. Subject: Application for a (Class A or B) licence for the removal of aggregate Property Address/Description: 5556 & 5670 County Road 13 Municipality: Township of Adjala-Tosorontio OMB Case No.: PL151150 OMB File No.: MM160040 ISSUES LIST ON BEHALF OF THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE

1. Is the haul route as proposed by the County, Township and applicant appropriate, representing good engineering practice in view of the specifications of the application for licence? 2. Is the haul route agreement as proposed by the County, Township and applicant appropriate, and does it appropriately represent the public interest? 3. With respect to local planning issues, the County defers to and will support the position that has been taken to date by the Township.

January 4, 2017 E. MARSHALL GREEN Senior Legal Counsel The County of Simcoe 1110 Highway 26 Midhurst, Ontario L9X 1N6

T: 705-726-9300 Ext. 1533 F: 705-737-3634

Email: [email protected] OMB Case No.: PL151150, PL160370


PROCEEDING COMMENCED UNDER subsection 34(19) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended ·

Appellant: Concerned Citizens In Adjala/Tosorontio Inc. Subject: By-law No. 15-37 Municipality: Township of Adjala-Tosorontio OMB Case No.: PL151150 OMB File No.: PL151150 OMB Case Name: Concerned Citizens In Adjala/Tosorontio Inc. v. Adjala-Tosorontio (Township)

PROCEEDING COMMENCED UNDER subsection 17(36) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended

Appellant: Concerned Citizens In Adjala/Tosoronti o Inc. Subject: Proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 17 Municipality: Township of Adjala-Tosoronti o OMB Case No.: PL151150 OMB File No.: PL160370

PROCEEDING COMMENCED UNDER subsection 11(5) of the Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.1. 1990, c. A. 8, as amended

Referred by: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Objector : Steve Abraham Objector: Katherine Alexander Objector: Inge Anderssen Objector : David Aspenlieder; and others Applicant: Nelson Aggregate Co. Subject: Application for a (Class A or B) licence for the removal of aggregate Property 5556 & 5670 County Road 13 Address/Description: Municipality: Township of Adjala-Tosorontio OMB Case No.: PL160370 OMB File No.: MM160040


Township of Adjala -Tosorontio By-law 15-37

1. Does the By-law conform to the Township Official Plan?

2. Is the By-law consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement?

J. Does the By-law represent good planning? OMB Case No.: PL151150, PL160370

4. Should the appeal be dismissed?

Township of Adjala-Tosoronti o Official Plan Amendment No. 17

1. Does the Official Plan Amendment conform to the Township Official Plan?

2. Is the Official Plan Amendment consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement?

3. Does the Official Plan Amendment represent good planning?

4. Should the appeal be dismissed?

Applicati on for Class "A" Aggregate Licence

1. Does the application status by the requirements of the Aggregate Resources Act?

2. Is the application consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement?

3. Should the Minister of Natural Resources be directed to issue the licence?

• PL151150


Applicable Policies

1. Are Zoning By-law amendment #1537 and Official Plan Amendment 117 consistent with Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 policies;;; 2.5.3. 1;

2. Do Zoning By-law amendment #1537 and Official Plan Amendment 117 conform to the County of Simcoe Official Plan policies: [CLARIFY WITH COUNSEL APPLICABLE OP].

3. Does Zoning By'-law amendment #1537 conform to with the Township of Adjalaff osorontio Official Plan policies: 3.1;;;;;


4. Has an appropriate monitoring program been established to confirm that predicted water level and water quality changes are accurate and ensure that the use of private wells is not negatively impacted? _ Has it been demonstrated that there will be no adverse affects on private wells near the proposed pit? How will these wells be protected?

5. Has the Appellant adequately addressed potential adverse impacts on the Boyne and Tosorontio Creeks and the Boyne River, especially in respect of:

a) Impacts on water temperature and cold-water habitat; b) Impacts on salmonids; c) Protection of the current flow and meander belt.

6. Has it been demonstrated that pre-pit water levels and water quality will be maintained in the wetland and in on-site and off-site surface water features?

7. Ifnot, has a sufficient monitoring and mitigation program including independent review of same been established for these features? Ifso, has the requirement for this program been appropriately secured?

8. Are existing and proposed on-site wells constructed at appropriate depths and is the frequency of water level and water quality monitoring sufficient to provide reliable • PL151150

data on water level and quality, and have appropriate procedures been established to provide this data to the Township?

9. Are the trigger levels and contingency measures for water levels and water quality appropriate?

Air Quality

10. Has the proponent established a sufficient Air Quality protocol that implements a best-management practices plan?

11. Has the proponent demonstrated that adequate measures will be taken on site to mitigate the generation of dust by the pit operations including but not limited to the truck traffic associated with the pit?

12. Have these measures been appropriately secured?


13. Is it possible to properly mitigate the impacts of noise from the proposed operation? If so, has the Appellant taken appropriate measures to mitigate the impacts of noise from the proposed operation?

Wildlife/Natural Heritage/Environment

14. The bobolink and eastern meadowlark, both found on this property, are species at risk. How will these birds and their environment be protected and thrive on this property?

15. Have all species at risk and/or all threatened species on the site been identified and has impact on their populations been appropriately addressed?

16. Do rehabilitation plans adequately provide for habitat creation and enhancement for species at risk?

17. Have the haul routes been sufficiently studied to demonstrate that there will be no significant impacts on the communities along the routes as a result of the increased traffic from the proposed pit?

• PL151150

18. Have appropriate mitigation measures been developed, where required, to address traffic impacts along the haul routes including,

a) Conflicts and safety concerns in respect of private access to County Road 13; b) The use of County Road 13 by school buses; c) The safety of those engaged active transportation uses on County Road 13; and d) Safety and congestion in respect of queuing?

19. Has the proponent demonstrated and provided for the sufficient protection of wetlands on site through fencing, buffeting, stockpiling protocols and other protective measures?

20. Has the proponent established monitoring programs and complaint protocols which are sufficient to address any potential impacts on agricultural operations in the area? Have these programs been appropriately secured?

21. Has the Appellant addressed the concerns and recommendations raised in the following reports:

a) March and November , 2015 Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry; b) March and November , 2015 Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority; and c) March and August, 2015, Burnside Engineering.


22. Is the mixture of tree species to be planted, and related planting plans, appropriate for the site?

23. Are rehabilitation plans sufficient to restore extraction areas to an approved ecological benchmark?


OMB Gravel Pit Issues List November 2016



1.0 Fugitive Emissions. Do the NAC Applications and their supporting reports and plans address the issues of noise, dust, odour, vibrations, and other contaminants in relation to the ADHS Shelter facility that is in close proximity, and the surrounding property that immediately abuts the west boundary of applicant's lands? It is noted that there is no reference in the plans or reports submitted by NAC that recogniset"the presence of the 50 acre ADHS Shelter facility. Reference D-1 Land Use & Compatibility, MAH .

2.0 Water . Impact on ADHS well is an issue,as is the impact on the ponds. How -has this been addressed?

3.0 Proximity. Due to proximity of the NAC: proposals how have the issues of impact on the existing established ADHS shelter and property been addressed? This is a requirement of the application, particularly traffic to, from and within the NAC proposal.

4.0 Incompatible Land Use. How has the NAC application addressed the important issue of Compatibility of the Nelson proposal with the Humane Society's abutting animal shelter under the required Provincial Acts, Guidelines, Policies and Directives?

5.0 Affect on Continued Business Operations and Use of Property. Has this been considered?

6.0 Other issues may be identified between now and the next Pre-Hearing Conference, January 17/2017. Breedon's Maple Syrup I nc. - Party to the OMB Hearing - PL1511 50

Wemay have many more issues, once we have been given an opportunit y to view the most recent sit plans and documentsfrom N elson.

Genera l c oncerns How can a project of this magnitude be approved with such obvious negative environmental impacts? How can this be approved to the detriment of already ex isting business, i.e.?

Summerville Nurseries established for over 29 years Supplying loca l jobs Sustainable Environmentally friendly Dependent on high water and clean air

A lli ston Humane Society Providing care and control of local anima ls Environmentally responsible Depending on fresh water and clean air

These businesses could continue far into the future contributing to the community. The aggregate pit will have a lifetime of approx. 20 years and then gone, with their profits leaving behind the negative impact for generations or the possibility of an industrial processing plant for 50 years .

Farmers' Conce rns

Ground water: The water table will be lowered which could affect the wells for local businesses, residents of Everett and our farming community. The quality and quantity of water for livestock may be jeopa rdized. "The majority of the site will be flood susceptible ." (NVCA)

Surface Water: Boyne River and the Tosorontio Creek will be disturbed-retaining ponds will increase the temperature of the water threatening the viability of our cold water f ish. These waterways are at the source of the Nottawasaga watershed. Contaminating them will have a huge negative impact on the entire watershed and the great lakes basin. Sediment may enter the Boyne River and Tosorontio Creek which would affect farm irrigation machinery.

Tra ffic : The addition of fifty trucks per hour on our roads will increase the potential for accidents when slow moving farm vehicles are competing with dump trucks. If this occurs, a 70 tonne dump truck can definitely cause severe morbidity and fatalities. Add to this traffic congestion, numerous gravel trucks from other pits in Mulmur, Shelburne and Mono are travelling on our local roads Clean air is a must and a right for our good health. Fine dust particulates can cause many life threatening lung disorders in both people and animals. There are established businesses and residences in the immediate area which may be affected by the dust. It has been proven that the lungs cannot expel fine particulate which can cause long term health problems. Dust can stunt plant growth and will interfere w ith photosynthes is.

Enda ngered Species: Ipersonally have done many government sponsored environmental projects to help make our farming practices more environme ntally responsible, costing me thousands of dollars. The impact of a gravel pit in this area will negate these efforts : 1. Riparian growth protects the rivers and creeks to keep the water at an optimal level and temperat ure. 2. Vegetative table to prevent effluent from the barnyard from enter ing the creek. 3. Delaying haying activities until after the bobolink and meadowlark have nested and reared their young

Land values: According to various studies, the land values of the farms and businesses in the area will be lowered due to all of the previously mentioned points while Nelson Aggregates make profits and move on.

Preservation of Farm Land: The site is presently planted in winter wheat and cattle is grazing on the land. "Farms feed cities." Let us preserve our faJmland and our quality of life. We all deserve a safe and livable community .

.. Somerville Nurserie s Inc. - Party to the OMB - PL151150

Issue Statement

Water We are concerned that a large pit of this size going below the water table may lower the water table where we grow seedlings. We have up to 20 million tree seedlings growing on our property at any time. Gravel provides natural filtration for our aquifer . Groundwater stores will be lost or vastly reduced.

Traffic We are concerned about the safety of the large number of gravel trucks driving in this area. There will also be a huge expense to the town and the County of Simcoe to bring roads and bridges up to the standard for 70 tonne truck travel.

Noise Levels Noise will be extreme. This will disturb our way of life and that of our ecosystem.

Dust Levels Carcinogenic dust levels are very harmful to people and extremely detrimental to tree seedlings.

Property Values Professional real estate appraisers tell us that any landowner within 1.5 km. of a pit of this size can expect their land values to decrease by 30%-40%. Is this fair? We were here first and have spent huge amounts of capital, time, energy and risk to develop our current business.

Employees We employ over one hundred workers . Their health would be weakened by noise, dust, truck travel and poor water quality. We may lose workers .

Natural Environment Woodlands (so scarce in the Boyne River system) will disappea r, as well as wetlands. Habitats for species at risk will disappear.

Economy If our business fails due to the installation of this industrial pit, local jobs are lost, trees produced for MNRF are lost, and a business that has been supporting the economy and environment of Ontario will be lost.

• Beausoleil First Nation.- Party to the OMB Hearin g - PL151150

Our entire membership is concerned about the use of water, land and minerals within our First Nation Territories and in our jurisdiction and on Turtle Island.

We all have a responsibiity to treat the gifts of our environment with respect so that future generations will not be negatively affected.

Navigatable aterways, such as the Boyne River which flows into Earle Rowe Provincial Park, the Nottawasaga River and , fall under provincial and federal jurisdiction.

There is a duty to consult with regarding a navigatable waterway. MM160040 OBJECTORS No. Name Street City Postal Code 1 Abraham, Steve 2004 Blairwood Crt. Pickering, Ontario L1X 2S3 2 Alexander, Katherine 6730 Concession Road 3 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 3 Anderssen, Inge 27 Cindy Lane, RR 1 Lisle, Ontario L0M 1M0 4 Aspenlieder, David 5898 Conc.3, R.R.3 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 5 Barr, David 755516 2nd Line East Mono, Ontario L9V 2B1 6 Baylis, Donna Box 53, R.R.#4 Creemore, Ontario L0M 1G0 7 Birch, Karen 141 Isabella St. Parry Sound, Ontario P2A 1N3 8 Birch, Waverley 141 Isabella St. Parry Sound, Ontario P2A 1N3 9 Blacklaws, Don 994033 Mono-Adjala Townline, R.R.#5 Orangeville, Ontario L9W 2Z2 10 Blum, Marion 7724 5th Sideroad Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V3 11 Borgal, Irene 287 King St. S Alliston, Ontario L9R 0C4 12 Boyd, Thomas 34 Moore Ave. Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 13 Boyd, Cheryl 34 Moore Ave. Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 14 Braden, Ralph 196 Young Street Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V1 15 Braden, Rosalba 196 Young Street Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V1 16 Braden, William J. 230 Young St. Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V1 17 Brighty, Myrtle 287 King Street South Alliston, Ontario L9R 0C4 18 Budgell, Bill 28 Woodhaven Crescent Whitby, Ontario L1R 1R6 19 Budgell, Emily 28 Woodhaven Crescent Whitby, Ontario L1R 1R6 20 Budgell, Ewart 508-88 Palace Pier , Ontario M8V 4C2 21 Budgell, Janet 995129 Mono Adjala Townline Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V1 22 Budgell, Jason 260 Hinchey Ave. Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 1L8 23 Capes, Elaine 995570 Mono Adjala Townline Mono, Ontario L9V 1C9 24 Censoni, Christian 5785 County Road 13 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 25 Ciurleo, Marcello 5569 County Rd. 13 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 26 Clayton, Robin 795640 Third Line EHS Mono, Ontario L9V 1B5 27 Cottrell, Ellen 5039 Con 4 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 28 Cottrell, Dean 5039 Con 4 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 29 Cowen, Ken 5004 County Road 13 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 30 Cowen, Deb 5004 County Road 13 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 31 Cranston-Corradini, Sandra 4374 Concession 3, Adjala Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V1 32 Daley, Pat 2495 County Road 50 Loretto, Ontario L0G 1L0 33 Daniels, Debra 37 Battenberg Crt. Mount Albert Ontario L0G 1M0 34 Daniels, Pat 37 Battenberg Crt. Mount Albert Ontario L0G 1M0 35 Del Riccio, Joe 7780 Concession Rd. 3, R.R.#1 Lisle, Ontario L0M 1M0 36 Dermott, Rob 221 Young St. Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V1 37 Dermott, Bonnie 221 Young St. Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V1 38 Dineen, Mary 408-10 Bay Street East Thornbury, Ontario N0H 2P0 39 Dixon, Valerie 26 Edgewood Crescent Toronto, Ontario M4W 3A9 40 Doucette, Rhonda 215 Calford Street Angus, Ontario L0M 1B0 41 Drummond, Leanne 5102 Concession Rd 4 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 42 Edmonds, Bob P.O. Box 160 Toronto AMF, Ontario L5P 1B1 43 Edmonds, Sharon P.O. Box 160 Toronto AMF, Ontario L5P 1B1 44 Edwards, Barbara 8850 Concession Rd. 3 Glencairn, Ontario L0M 1K0 45 Edwards, Dave 8850 Concession Rd. 3 Glencairn, Ontario L0M 1K0 46 Exton, Lloyd 8235 5th Sideroad Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 47 Finley, Katherine Mono Adjala Town Line Mono, Ontario L9W 6H6 48 Fontaine, Shirley 287 King Street South Alliston, Ontario L9R 0C4 49 Funston, Dr. David 252 Young St. Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V1 50 Furlan, Catherine 3675 Concession Rd. #2 Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V1 51 Gagnon, Carol 15 Rosemont Heights Drive Rosemont, Ontario L0N 1R0 52 Gagnon, Chantale 15 Deer Lane, R.R.#3 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 53 Gallant, Jean 274 Young St. Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V1 54 Gallant, Faye 274 Young St. Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V1 55 Gallaugher, Louise 6001 Concession Rd. 2 RR3 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 56 Graham, Rev. Robert 996035 Mulmur Tosorontio Townline Rosemont, Ontario L0N 1R0 57 Griffin, James 8735 5 Sideroad Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 58 Griffin, Elizabeth 8735 5 Sideroad Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 59 Hesch, Mrs BS 37 Moore Ave. Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 60 Heslip, Ron 21 Fisher Dr. Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 61 Heslip, Estela 21 Fisher Dr. Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 62 Holmsen, Knut 953015 7th Line Mono, Ontario L9V 2B1 63 Hutchinson, Adam P.O. Box 700 Alliston, Ontario L9R 1T3 64 Hutchinson, Brad P.O. Box 192 Orangeville, Ontario L9W 2Z6 65 Hutchinson, Chris P.O. Box 192 Orangeville, Ontario L9W 2Z6 66 Jennings, Doreen 5823 County Road 13 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 67 Jennings, Phillip 5823 County Road 13 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 68 Kennedy, Lydia 31 Deer Lane R.R.#3 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 69 Kennedy, Michael 2495 County Road 50 Loretto, Ontario L0G 1L0 70 Kerr, Mervyn 226 Young Street, R.R.#1 Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V1 71 Kerr, Kay 226 Young Street, R.R.#1 Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V1 72 Klein, Johannes 1730 Concession Road 2, R.R.#1 Palgrave, Ontario L0N 1P0 73 Kolodny, Dr. Harvey 993791 Mono Adjala Townline Orangeville, Ontario L9W 2Z2 74 Kolodny, Joyce 993791 Mono Adjala Townline Orangeville, Ontario L9W 2Z2 75 Korneiew, Greig 6 Rosemont Heights Drive Rosemont, Ontario L0N 1R0 76 Kosar, Eugene W 1400 Dixie Road, Unit 1007 Mississauga, Ontario L5E 3E1 77 Kosar, Lesia 661 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5G 1M1 78 Kosar, S.A. 1007--1400 Dixie Road Mississauga, Ontario L5E 3E1 79 Koster, Gary 5639 County Rd. 13, R.R.#1 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 80 Koster, Barbara 5639 County Rd. 13, R.R.#1 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 81 Kotyck, Natalie 1805 1 Michael Power Place Toronto, Ontario M9A 0A1 82 Leve, Russell 62 Roxborough Street West Toronto, Ontario M5R 1T8 83 Lindsay, Glenn 5101 Concession Rd 4 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 84 Lindsay, Cynthia 5101 Concession Rd 4 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 85 Luethe-Steinhorst, Judith 12 Forest Hill Dr. Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 86 Lusk, Stephen 7725 5th Sideroad Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V3 87 MacDonald, Chris 49 Edmund Road Kitchener, Ontario N2H 1J5 88 MacDonald, Clint Robert 1341 Sharbot St. Oshawa, Ontario L1J 1K1 89 MacDonald, Harold 10156 Hwy 27 Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 1A7 90 MacDonald, Richard A. 44 Grasett Cres. , Ontario L4N 6Z6 91 MacDonald, Terri 44 Grasett Cres. Barrie, Ontario L4N 6Z6 92 MacDonald, Robert 5748 County Road 13, R.R.#1 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 93 MacDonald, Jean 5748 County Road 13, R.R.#1 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 94 MacFarlane, Don 627191 15 Sideroad Mulmur, Ontario L9V 0T5 95 Mason, Vaughan 5753 County Road 13 R.R.#1 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 96 Mason, Cherie 5753 County Road 13 R.R.#1 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 97 May, Robert 287 King Street South Alliston, Ontario L9R 0C4 98 McCarroll, Joe 287 King Street South Alliston, Ontario L9R 0C4 99 Medeiros, Cesar 3 Keenan Drive Loretto, Ontario L0G 1L0 100 Medeiros, Trina 3 Keenan Drive Loretto, Ontario L0G 1L0 101 Mein, Douglas P.O. Box 506 STN MAIN Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V7 102 Mein, Susan P.O. Box 506 STN MAIN Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V7 103 Melanson, Kathy 91 Queen Street Alliston, Ontario L9R 1L1 104 Murray, Charles 5153 County Rd. #13 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 105 Murray, Rhoda 5153 County Rd. #13 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 106 Murray, Kelly 5153 County Rd. #13 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 107 Murray, Jonathan 5153 County Rd. #13 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 108 Nunn, Mary 2056 Black Friars Rd. Ottawa, Ontario K2A 3K8 109 Ogle, Ernie 4535 20 SdRd. R.R.#5 Cookstown, Ontario L0L 1L0 110 Ogle, Glenna 4535 20 SdRd. R.R.#5 Cookstown, Ontario L0L 1L0 111 Ough, Ruth 5131 County Rd. 13, R.R.#1 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 112 Pady, Jane 995611 Mono/Adjala Townline Rosemont, Ontario L0N 1R0 113 Parker, Michael 1762 Concession Rd. 5 Loretto, Ontario L0G 1L0 114 Patmore, Carl 4407 Concession 3 Adjala-Tosorontio Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V1 115 Presnail, Brian 5392 8th Line Essa, R.R.#2 Cookstown, Ontario L0L 1L0 116 Preyde, Susan 5392 8th Line Essa, R.R.#2 Cookstown, Ontario L0L 1L0 117 Riehl, Irene P.O. Box 902 Alliston, Ontario L9R 1W1 118 Romain, Eric 17 Tuscany Grande Alliston, Ontario L9R 0E2 119 Romain, Judy 17 Tuscany Grande Alliston, Ontario L9R 0E2 120 Rosniak, Laurie 28 Dungey Crescent Alliston, Ontario L9R 1X5 121 Rosniak, Jacob 28 Dungey Crescent Alliston, Ontario L9R 1X5 122 Rosniak, Ryan 28 Dungey Crescent Alliston, Ontario L9R 1X5 123 Sadleir, Dr. David P.O. Box 855 Alliston, Ontario L9R 1W1 124 Sadleir, Jill P.O. Box 855 Alliston, Ontario L9R 1W1 125 Sallustio, Sharon 115 Church St. S Alliston, Ontario L9R 1E5 126 Shaw, Jim 5476 County Road 13 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 127 Sherlock, Gary 52 Cindy Lane Lisle, Ontario L0M 1M0 128 Sherlock, Mirjana 52 Cindy Lane Lisle, Ontario L0M 1M0 129 Smith, June 287 King St. S Alliston, Ontario L9R 0C4 130 Smollet, Laura 25 Picton Street West Hamilton, Ontario L8L 1E1 131 Somerville, Fred P.O. Box 1445 5884 County Road 13 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 132 Somerville, James P.O. Box 1445 5884 County Road 13 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 133 Somerville, Jean 287 King Street S Alliston, Ontario L9R 0C4 134 Somerville, Robert 6730 Concession Road 3 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 135 Symons, Trish 994435 Mono Adjala Townline, R.R.#5 Orangeville, Ontario L9W 2Z2 136 Thomas, Jessy 35 Dekker Street Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 137 Thurman, Vaughn 6001 Concession Rd. 2, R.R.#3 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 138 Tomalty, Diane 287 King Street S Alliston, Ontario L9R 0C4 139 Verma, Vanessa 50 Cindy Lane, R.R.#1 Lisle, Ontario L0M 1M0 140 Warren, David RR 1 Palgrave, Ontario L0N 1P0 141 Welkes, Mr. Ernest 30 Moore Ave. Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 142 Welkes, Mrs. Ernest 30 Moore Ave. Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 143 Whiteside, Doug 5908 4th Concession Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 144 Whiteside, Cindy 5908 4th Concession Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 145 Wray, Pat 6017 Concession 2 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 146 Yule, Robert 23 Grohal Drive Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 147 Zanella, Dave 5747 County Road 13, R.R.#1 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 148 Zanella, Sandi 5747 County Road 13, R.R.#1 Everett, Ontario L0M 1J0 149 Zarb, Alfred 994360 Mono Adjala Townline Mono, Ontario L9W 6H6