Longford Public Participation Network E-mail:
[email protected]; Web: www.longfordcoco.ie fb :Longford Public Participation Network Siobhan Cronogue, Public Participation Network c/o Community & Enterprise, Longford County Council, Great Water St., Longford __________________________________________________________________________043 3343472 Longford Public Participation Network (PPN) E-bulletin April 2015 CONTENTS: 1. NEWS FROM LONGFORD PPN Page 1 2. WHAT’S ON IN YOUR MUNICIPAL DISTRICT? Page 2 3. LOCAL NEWS & SERVICES Page 13 4. THE GATHERING IRELAND Page 23 5. NATIONAL NEWS Page 26 6. EU NEWS Page 28 7. UPCOMING TRAINING/WORKSHOPS Page 30 8. FUNDING Page 32 1. NEWS FROM LONGFORD PPN Public Participation Network update: Community Representative Vacancies on Longford County Council Committees and outside Bodies: All PPN registered groups were notified about vacancies for a community representative on the Longford Sports Partnership (LSP) Board and the County Heritage Forum. Linkage group meetings were held in the Council Chamber on April 9th. Máiréad Ní Chonghaile, the Heritage Officer and Siobhán Mc Guinness, Longford Sports Partnership Co-ordinator both gave presentations to their respective Linkage groups. Paddy Howe, Ballinamuck Community Enterprise was elected on to the Co. Longford Heritage Forum and John Mimnagh, Irish Wheelchair Association was elected on to the Longford Sports Partnership Board. The PPN would like to congratulate both representatives and wish them well in their new role. All PPN groups were notified of vacancies on the Longford Volunteer Centre Steering Group and the four Strategic Policy Committees (SPC’s); Housing Services SPC, Infrastructure and Environment SPC, Planning and Development and Cultural SPC and the Economic Development and Enterprise SPC.