1. The baptized members of have apostatized (48:1-2).

a. They swear by the name of the Lord, but not in truth or righteousness (48:1).

b. They claim to be of the holy city, but do not rely on the Lord (48:2).

2. The Lord foretold Judah’s destiny even from the beginning (48:3-8).

a. They were shown the things which would happen before they happened (48:3).

b. They were shown these things because they were obstinate and stubborn (48:4).

c. They were shown them so they could not give credit to their idols (48:5).

d. They have seen prophecy fulfilled and have been told of the future, and yet would not hear; this the Lord also knew (48:6-8).

3. The Lord will defer his anger and not cut Judah off (48: 9-11).

a. They will be sent through the furnace of affliction (48:10).

b. The Lord will not allow his name to be polluted (48:11).

4. and are invited to hearken unto God, who is the first and the last (48:12-22).

a. He has created the earth and the heavens, and they obey him (48:13).

b. He will fulfill his word on the Gentiles (48:14).

c. Israel will declare God’s word, and he will make Israel prosperous (48:15).

d. The Lord has spoken of this from the beginning (48:16-17).

e. If Israel had hearkened to the commandments, they would not have been destroyed (48:18-19).

f. The Lord has delivered his people before (48:20-21).

g. There will be no peace for the wicked (48:22).

Great are the Words of Isaiah, pg. 169 Copyright © 2000 Brigham Young University – Developed by Center for Instructional Design