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10-1-1998 Spectator 1998-10-01 Editors of The pS ectator

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SWING FTC issues warnings to used car buyers

MeghanSweet tomobile ownership. Editor-in-Chief Forstudents,theseguidelinescan be a valuable guide for deciding Revival The lure of the road can be a whethertheytrulyneedcarkeys,or powerful influence to someone iftheycan stillgetby withaMetro livingin a tinydormroom. schedule. Although Seattle University studentscaneasilyaccess down- WhoShould Buy a Car town, shopping, movies, clubs, andothercity attractionson foot, Somehow,everyonemanagesto reaching the rest of the great get where they need to go. Northwest can benexttoimpos- Itgoes withoutsayingthatajob- sible without acar. lesssophomore wholivesoncam- Part oftheEmeraldCity'slure pus does not need a car. Most is thatitissurroundedbyoppor- people get by with the bus or by tunities for camping,hikingand bummingrides offfriends whoare other outdoor adventures. luckyenough toalreadyowncars. For students inclined toward Thereis alsoanother classifica- REI-stylefun,transportationout- tionofstudents whodoowncars, side citylimitsmay seemessen- butwhoreceivedthemasgifts from tial. parents. Some do noteven payfor Butsometimesthecostofbuy- insurance. ing a car can far outweigh the Sophomore CrystalDavis,who benefits of owning one. More- lives on campus, got her 1990 over, choosing the wrong car Hyundai while stillinhigh school. whenbuyingcanresultindevas- Shedoes notworry toomuchabout tating consequences for young insurance. consumers. "My biggest concern is paying In April, the Federal Trade for the parkinghere,"Davissaid. Commissionedissued a booklet Other studentcarowners agree. entitled "BuyingaUsed Car" to InaSpectator pollof20 student helpconsumersdecideiftheyare Vanessa Reeves / spectator ready to take theplunge into au- See Cars on page 2 Swingdancersbring40sstyle to the 90s. See Features onpage8. Modern art sculpture installed to beautify SU campus Emily wilson nowgraces thelawn on the north Michael Steiner byananonymous News Editor side of the University Services donor fromthe Madrona area. Building. The avid art connoisseur kept Somecall itabird feeder,others "Itgrowsonyouifyoulook atit thesculptureinbothhislivingroom call it amonstrosity but andbackyardgardenforsev- themajoritysimplyrefer eralyears. toitas awork ofmodern Afteryearsofprivateview- This way it can be seen ing, theartist decided toput On the corner of E. the statue on public display Marionand12thAvenue and appreciatedfrom the somewhere forall toseeand lies what couldeasily be mistaken as remnants of street bypassers-by Initially he wanted todo- the Seattle University Bob Turner,SU director nateit to his alma mater in SchoolofLaw construe- New Hampshire. OF PLANNED GIVING Theschooldeclined toac- Inreality,it is apiece cept the gift due to the high ofabstractmodernartdo- costofshipping theheftycop- nated toSUbyalocal artcollector longenough,"saidJerryPeterson, perpiece. last year. directorofadministrative services. After it was decided that SU The large solid metal sculpture Theunusual statue wasplacedin wouldbethesculpture'shome,the itsspecific location as part of the donoroffered topayforanartmov- ~ university'splan to beautify 12th ingcompanyto transportthe piece Avenueafter thecompletionof the tocampus. Index law school. Opinionsoftheabstract artwork 1 "This way it can be seen and vary greatly fromfeelings ofcon- street fusion tosheerindiffer- pages2-5 appreciated from the by anddislike News Turner, Features pages 8-9 passers-by,"saidBob SU ence. "It kindof looks likeasideways A&E pages10-11 directorofplannedgiving. arrow, is it any- pages12-14 Theartwork isentitled"Anyang" bird or an what Sports asked freshman Kaya Advertisements page 15 after an ancient Chinese city, yet way?" ASSUpage page 16 the shapebears no solidstructural Adams. correlation to China or Chinese Others choose to takeit at face culture/Anyang"ismadeof solid value without delving into the 1,000 innermeaning. Thefirst ina series of copperand weighsroughly deeper TERRANCE IHNEN / PHOTO COORDINATOR pounds. "Idon't think itlookslike any- columnsby SUJesuits. Althoughitisconsideredmodern art,opinionsvaryregardingthebeauty Thelarge metal workwas origi- thing," Turner said. "Itake itas a See Opinion,pages 6-7 new thenorthside the UniversityServiceBuilding. nallypurchaseddirectly fromartist pieceof modernart." ofthe sculptureon of News B|3VTS^Q?fifBE^^V7SjP^|

Cars: Smart shopping can help get students in the driver's seat youngperson tries to get page 1 whetherapersonshouldpurchasea down,(their)monthlypayment,the buyer berealistic about what s/he when a From financing for acar. car comes down to two main is- length of the loan,and the annual can afford. example, 20-year-oldfirst- drivers livingon campus,16 said sues:Cansfte afford itand is percentagerate (APR)." "Ifyourbudgetis tight,youmay For a buyer withno credit history that the cost of parking was their informedenoughtobuyacarconfi- Onaverage,rates are higher for wanttoconsider paying cashfor a time biggestconcernregardingtheirve- dentlyandresponsibly. used cars than for new ones,and less expensivecar than you first may agreetobuyacarbecause the guarantees aloanwitha hicles. Only two mentioned car Anyone who is joblessclearly loanperiodsare generallyshorter. hadinmind." dealer him rate.However, insuranceandnonementionedcar cannotbuyacarandsomeonemak- Itisinthisphaseofsearchingout reasonableinterest next day to paymentsor financing. six figuresmay noteven think for the best deal that the second Don't GetTakenFor a if the dealer calls the ing someonewith Still, whether a student iscare- twiceabout doingso. questioninthecar-buyinggameis Ride informthebuyer that risky backgroundcanonly less or simply not financially re- But for most students or recent raised: does abuyer haveenough his credit receive a higher-interestloan, the sponsibleforhis/hercar,themajor- graduates,whofallinthemiddleof educationaboutusedcars tomake Although some commuter and buyer doesnothave tobuy thecar. non-traditional studentshavebeen According to ptm$1 pricesis 896 memm«fct %jm pufcnas* 1m inthe car-buy- Leigh, if the Oneimportant ingmarket for ' hing toremem- terms of the is3»9M».4ttJB V mnnmmm M~ 1m*urnsmhw % years, the FTC agreement fc \m* fc warns that ev- 4 # * ym * change, a buyer A05755 Sm %S7Sm 211CJ29 lobody's going is : SSffr \SSIF eryone fact canchoosenotto suseptible to something for You have the right buy thecar. CREDIT, BAD CREDIT, the same pit- "Dealers are GOOD MO CRIOIT lothing.Dealers gim- a the falls and to see copy of obligated to let ivhoadvertise to micks that dealer's warranty NO PROBLEM! first-timebuyers you out of the plague un- before you buy. dealiftheydon't 2.»% APR on Approval of Credit jrtopeoplewith knowing buy- >ad credit are get you the fi- OUR COAL 100% APPROVAL erseach year. nancingthatyou Accordingto agreed upon," CALL t-aOO-

Lawn Crawl is fun for all despite a few minor problems Charlotte West ditionfor the last fiveyears. StaffReporter "It's fairly young but its been successful,"Doran said. Fridaynight'sLawnCrawlwasa Students also seemed to agree 70srevival— after thebandfinally about the success of the Lawn arrived.Featuringmusicians with Crawl. boas, bell-bottoms and platform Sullivan marveled at the wide shoes,every- range of the thing went singers' vocal well al- capacity. though the "I can't be- band's lead Fun was the lieve they can singer ar- singthathigh!" rivedlate. biggest goal he said. The event for An anony- was origi- this concert. mous student nallylocated DAVID DORAN, said,"Ilikethe on the Li- facttheirpants brary Lawn, ASSU ACTIVITIES aresotightyou but rain Vice President canseetheout- forced con- lineoftheirun- derwear." attending cert-goers The acsperform atLawn Crawl waitingfor theirleadsingertoarrive.Students Lawn Maybe thatis whytheycansing Afrodis after intoCampion Ballroom. Students Crawldanced thenight away to thedisco rock soundofthe 1970s retroband. arrived tohear thePortland-based sohigh. Afrodisiacs at7p.m., but withno lead singer there wasno music. "There wasamatterof miscom- munication within the band," said DavidDoran,ASSUactivitiesvice president."It was out of my con- trol." Threemembers of thebandwere readytojive,buttheyweremissing thecenterpiece.While waitingfor theremainingAfrodisiac toarrive, the crowd danced to tunes and milledaround. "The term 'crawl' says it all," decision of 1$ freshmanEvanPham said. y***^^*} WhentheAWOLvocalistfinally appearedanhourandahalflate,the the school / '"" *A /I B \ anxious audience was still ready Is I for the band's discorock. y©cL2T« Div j o I J 'They have a funkadelic sound, il f that keeps the house groovin' all night long," freshman Steve Sullivan said. Thebandmembers— weredecked out in70s style red afros,sequin vests and leopard skin.Multi-col- oredstrobelightsadded tothedisco club atmosphere. TheAfrodisiacsopenedtheshow .... with acover ofK.C.andThe Sun- shine Band's "Get Down Tonight.'The band invited the crowd, "especially the ladies," to swarm the stage. Familiar reper- toires suchas the "SaturdayNight Fever"soundtrack and the robotic undertones of "Funky Town" in- spired the dancers to groove with checking Seafirst, you'll get a theband. Open a account at and get "I wonder if it was really this free DiSCO CD and carrying case* You'll also a free outrageousback then,"juniorDavid order of checks, a VERSATEL" Check Card with your photo, and a Farkouh said. free $30 AirTouch" Prepaid Cellular Card. was theturn Doran satisfied with All of this, just for opening a VERSATEL Checking account at out.He estimated that despite the Seafirst Bank. Think of it as a really good way to groove into rain-out and the late start, 300 to 350 students attendedthe event. the school year. toobad the weather didn't "It's Stop by your nearest branch today. cooperate and there was amisun- Branch, 1300 E Madison, Seattle, (206) 358-2055 derstanding withtheband,"he said. . Madison-Pike " Branch, 1201 Street, Seattle, (206) 358-1260 "Funwasthebiggestgoalfor this First Hill Madison concert,"Doran said. " Broadway Branch, 230 Broadway Aye East, Seattle, (206) 358-2084 He also said ASSU chose the Afrodisiacsbecausestudentswould put your life in motion knowthe wordsandbeabletosing along. Doran noted that the concert costcanbe tracedto tuition dollars, which are filtered down through BANK Student DevelopmentandASSU. X SEAFIRST fPljr^ Student Events and Activities Committee sponsors the Lawn "Offer available through October 30, 1998, while supplies last. !ffil3 Crawland Quadstockeveryyear. See branch for complete details and rules of account. Seafirst Bank. Member FDIC. TheLawnCrawlhas been atra- News Cars: A smart buy takes time and thought From page 2 buyers whendecidingon acar. FTC. The dealer should specify TheFTC warns: "Some dealers exactly whatis covered. are attracting customers with 'no- Leighalso was adament that a Leigh said. haggle prices,' 'factory certified' verbal agreementmeans little to used cars, and better warranties. nothing when itcomes to warran- LemonsDon't Always Consider the dealer's reputation ties. MakeLemonade whenyouevaluate theseads." "Thetruthis this,"Leighstated, Something thatoften gets over- "If anything is covered by war- Few thingscan be as unsettling looked is the issue of warranty. ranty,youhave tonegotiate itand toabuyerthanfinding outthats/he Although many dealers sell their getitin writing." justpaidway toomuchforacarthat vehicles "as-is," buyers should Still,asmost warrantiesare lim- is going to stop running within a know theirrights whenpurchasing ited,itis asmarterinvestment fora year. cars with warranties. buyer topickareliablecar tobuyin Keepinginmind that dealers are Mostusedcar warrantiesarelim- the firstplace. not your friends and that they are ited and vary fromcar tocar as to To educate themselves before trying to make a profit will help what is covered, according to the buying acar, the first thing con- sumers shoulddo isfind out what the Bluebook valueof acar is. TheBluebook valuedenoteswhat SU Students With No Car: acertainmake andmodelofcaris currentlyworth. Itisusedbyinsur- What would you do ancecompanies toassesspayments first if you had a car? to be made to accident victims, amongother things. Tofindout the valueofacaryou Visit friends want tobuy,simply go to thelocal that live in library andlook itup. other Leighrecommends weighingthe cities^^^^^^ priceof the car against the condi- beenexaminedbyathird-partyme- dealer andcan beextremelyrisky. k vehicle. chanic. Tofindsomeonetoinspect Private parties do not have to tionof the "Ifyoupaid6,000dollars for a acar,buyerscanlook inthephone post Buyer'sGuides and they al- 10-year-oldcar,youshouldexpect directory under "Automotive Di- most always sell their cars on an it tobe inpretty goodcondition," agnosticService." "as-is"basis Leighsaid. Researchand The FTC's Used Car Rule re- careful plan- quires dealers to post a Buyers ning can usu- Guideineveryusedcar theyoffer ally help buy- o e S< .■G to th for sale.TheBuyer's Guide should Iget calls desperate ers avoid pit- / from m mountains listthemajormechanical andelec- 18 or falls. tricalsystemsinthe car,as wellas parents of 19-year-olds Beingrealis- what problems to look out for. It whohave beendrawnin by tic about one's also lists several warnings about financial situa- getting all promises in writing. some sleazy car dealer. tionandgetting Source: Spectatorsurvey 30SUstudents whodonotown vehicles. recommendation foundin alloftheinfor- of Another chapter aBuyer's Guide is that a Pat Leigh,Seattle mation avail- potentialbuyerasktohave of theFederal Trade able about the the car checked out by a usedcarmarket BACK TO UHOOL mechanic beforepurchas- Commission is also neces- ing. sary to the suc- SPECIAL! Forabout $100,car buy- cessful pur- ers canhave the piece of According to the FTC, buying rhisf* of 9 tiscd cur mindof knowingthat the the car from a private owner is Formore information,accessthe $2*99! car they want to buy has muchdifferent thanbuyingfroma FTConthe web at HaircutsThat FitYour Life-Style Andßudget.

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Prefer work study student. Ensuring the future TOPLINEPRODUCTS, INC. for those who shape it." 206.723.8663 and interests "DALBAR. Inc., 1997DtjintiContnkulumExctlUnct Rating.Put performance is noguarantee of future results. CRKF certificates complete information,includ- in the TIAAReal Estate Account are distributed byTIAA-CREF Individual and InstitutionalService..For more before you invest or send money. ing charges andexpenses, call 1800842-2733,extension5509. for the prospectuses. Readthem carefully H/W Opinion EDITORIAL Mass of theHoly Spirit reinforces Jesuit ideals

TheChapelofSaintIgnatiushasbeenhailedas thesymbolofCatholic identityat SeattleUniversity. Ithasincreased thenumberofstudents on campuswhoattend weeklyservices,andhasinvitedresidentsoutside the university tocome worshipandpray. Thechapel hasbrought renewed attention to the Jesuitidentity of the university. And every year,as a Jesuit university,members of the community gather for theMassoftheHolySpirit. Themasscelebrates SU'sCatholic tradition andserves as aneventthrough whichstudents andfaculty can begin tobuildcommunityawareness. The mass and the picnic immediately— following offer an important opportunity forpeople tocommune tocometogetherandbegintomeet the teachers, faculty, students and even the Jesuits whose ideas and philosophieshave been the foundingtraditions ofaneducation atSU.It is anopportunity for all facetspfthe SUcommunity to interact. Thecommunity does notdemandthatitsmembersbeCatholic,orthat they even practice a religion. It simply demands that itsmembers be committed to the ideals ofjustice,respect, loveand diversity. These are the valuesofthe Jesuits,andtheyare values which wehave the abilityto embrace,regardless ofreligion,race oreven language. schedules, Building In themidst ofthe rush tofinalize our fallclass purchasing textbooks, livingspaces,wemightbenefitfromalso Society andmovingintonew taking the time to reflect upon the reasons we take CORE classes in history, English and theology— the reasons why we chose a Jesuit before university insteadof alargerinstitution whichis not able to as readily community address the needs of its students. Students gotocollegesanduniversitieseveryyeartodiscovertheirown independence,to developtheir minds alongthe career paths they have chosen. Theygotodiscover,tolearn,toexploreandtore-invent. Perhaps something beyond the memorization of chemical the structure that we SU offers students built, the minor or analytical essays on Shakespeareand his text. Perhaps it but formulas Whitney, miracles oftrust,care, achancetoidentifyourselvesbaseduponthe valuesand traditions lohn SI offers and friendship that foundingideals ofcommunity andhumanity. TheMassof whichare the Guest Columnist this societyinto theHolySpirit isaChristiancelebration;itisatraditionlongheldby the made university's Jesuits;ithas withstoodchangesthroughout the decades of acommunity. Andthis the school's existence. And while theceremonycommands respectby Ihave lived in Xavier and the other day as Iwas leaving is whereIsaw alesson for thoseof halls,and manyanaspectof religious faith,itinvites all toimmerse themselves in Bellarmine on and off for almost Bcllarmine. Ihadjustbeen toldof us wholiveinresidence others, therichhumanitarian valuesof their university's founders. seven years, but it was the King an"incident" (i.e. wildparty) in- perhapsfor as well. County Detention Center that re- volvingsomenewstudents. Now, What individuals can do struc- RDs,RAs,moderators,ad- TheSpectatorEditorial Boardconsistsof MeghanSweet,Christo- ally taught me what it means to it wasn't the incident itself that turally, pher Wilson and Katie Ching. Signedcommentaries and cartoons buildcommunity. sparkedthoughts of the detention ministrators, students, etc., is to reflect the opinionsof the authors and not necessarily those of The OnTuesdayeveningsIwalk the center (Idon't thinkIwashoping buildasocietyinwhichpeople are Spectator,thatof SeattleUniversityoritsstudent body. twoblocks south to the detention for a lockdown),but as Ileft the respectedand wherecommunityis TheSpectator welcomes lettersto the editor. Lettersshouldbe no center tosay mass for those young hall, Isaw the Student Develop- modeled. This seems tomeapri- more than300wordsinlengthandmustincludesignatures,addresses menandwomenwhowishtocome. ment sign, "BuildingCommunity mary(andstillprettydifficult)task. daytime hours. The and telephonenumbers for verification during Since thepopulation thereis tran- One Student at a Time,"hanging Butnoindividualor groupof indi- is Tuesdayat3p.m. Alllettersaresubject toediting, deadlineforletters andfew areCatholic (theDe- on the vidualscanbuild andbecome propertyofTheSpectator.Send lettersviacampusmail sient isonlyaway station side of the com- orthepostalserviceto:TheSpectator,SeattleUniversity,900Broad- tentionCenter way,Seattle,WA 98122,orsend e-mail [email protected]. betweenarrest and sentencing or t h e munity. _ _, To ask release),explanationsduringliturgy fence. /Spirituality anaJN areessential. Some longtermresi- Not a I In J ) thatis to dents who are on trial for serious par- put an crimesorwhoare awaitingdec!me ticularly impos- TheSfmjtator hearingsinwhichitmaybedecided unusual sible bur- to try them as adults return week sentiment,the den on those KEEPING WATCH SINCE1933 after week. They see the explana- signrepeatedwhatIhaveheardso who coordinate the society (and tions assimply partof therite,part often at Seattle University, about especially,inthehalls,ontheRAs). STAFF: oftherepetitionbywhichtheyenter how we, the faculty, staff, RAs, Community requiresengagement, Address: EDITORIAL intonotonlytheirownsituationbut OAs,Jesuits,etc.,arehereto"build it requires friendship, it requires TheSpectator MeghanSweet,Editor-in-Chief people community." But for the first love;and thatrequireschoice,and leU erSity thoseof the around them. a ChristopherWHson,Afa»a#nsE«tor Through the repetition and time, Ibegan to wonder what it grace. My own goal, then, may SoB dwa ' £rf r SeattiTwA 98122 EmilyWilson News f through thegentle andconstantor- means to build community, and seemmodest: nottobuildcommu- KatieChing,OpinionEditor der of this weekly ritual, these indeed,ifitis evenpossible todo nity,but to helpbuild agood soci- TELEPHONE: KatieMcCarthy,FeaturesEditor "criminals"begintobecomeacom- so. Andhereis whereIthoughtof ety, and to pray that, from it, a Newsroom: (206) 296-6470 SteveFord,A &EEditor munity— a body that cares for its the detention center. community willgrow. AssignmentDesk:(206) 296-6471 Jason Lichtenberger,SportsEditor variouspartsandsustainsitselfina Itstruck me that whathappened Advertising:(206)296-6474 SaraChristensen,StoryEditor deepmysteriousloveforeachofthe in detention was not that Ior the THIS COLUMN ISTHE FIRSTIN A Fax :(206) 296-6477 p eggyEaton,CopyEditor members. Andifthemass does not other chaplains or even the resi- SERIESENTITLED "SPIRITUALITY TerranceIhnen,PhotoCoordinator community, Identity."Theserieswill pL-AOAILM .. completelyundotheyearsofchaos dentsbuilt butthat we and BrookeKempner,Photo Manager many asociety dig- run everyother week,each [email protected] , _ and death thathasmarked so structured in which — JeremyNe son/Qn Urnmtor younglives,its constancy, nity,respect,andlovecouldgrow week featuring a different ' of these WORLDWIDEWEBI EricaBeebe BusinessManager its order, and its message of love if we desired it. Through order, Jesuit writer. Romie* Ponce,AdvertisingManager enfleshed inthelife,death,andres- structureandrepetition,thosehall- student/spec Tom sGuillen,Advisor urrection of Jesus offer many of marks of society, we suppressed Father Whitney is the Alumni thesewomenandmenperhapstheir our own selfish, destructive ten- Chaplin at Seattle University. first glimpse of truecommunity. I dencies (includingmy occasional His views do not necessarily will never forget the 16-year-old desiretoyell"Shutup"orpickup reflect thoseof theuniversityor ofSeattle University. It is TheSpectatoris theofficial studentnewspaper who,wheninvitedtomentionthose my toys and walk out),and so al- the Jesuit community. His Thursday, except duringholidays and examinationperiods, publishedevery father,my our deeper picture was taken by Anil for a total of28 issues during the1998-99 academic year. whohaddied,said:"My lowed desires for con- brother, my companionship to Kapahi. His e-mail address is POSTMASTER: Sendaddress changes to:TheSpectator,SeattleUniversity,900 and son." nection and for Broadway,Seattle,WA 98122.U.S.P.S. No.2783 Ithoughtof the detention center emerge. Butit was,intheend,not [email protected]. Opinion Journalists and politicians judge morality Clinton unfairly condemned a badpresident because ofscandal tialexamination.Mygreatestemo- Stockexchangesallovertheglobe tion concerning these charges is have beenupanddown.Manypo- saddened forthePresident andhis litical pundits believe President HILDIA SVVSTAMOINEN family. Clinton is not responsible for the growth Columnist Iworrymoreaboutthe situation economic theUnitedStates Spectator we may face if our leader is re- has experienced. Well,ifhe isn't moved at thisjuncture ofAmeri- responsiblefor thegrowth,his de- can history. The survival of the mise will certainly impact thede- the — a So,Iwas asked my opinionon leader, but this may not happen maritalaffairs,Ideservethosenew United States of America, fu- cline atleast for while. So, we the presidency. You know, the andevenifheorshedid,wouldhe taxes.Itwouldjustbeataxonmy ture of partisan politics and the which direction should opportunity leading world and politicians issue wehaven't had a free mo- or she be the best choice? I've stupidity orfor the to continuance of the take? Journalists engage a ment toavoidinthelastyear,orso. never voted for a politician be- liveinLa-LaLand. inmanyofthe ventureswe have determined that we need most, in President Iapologizefor bringing the topic causehe orshepromised me that These are amongthe few ques- in are all at risk. At we moral leader office. notrepre- up, but as a blossoming opinion theydidnotcheaton their spouse. tionsandthoughtsIhaveexplored should feelresentmenttowardthe Clinton somehow does months of reading President for putting us in jeop- sent our moral convictions in the 1998, I :wspaper articles and ardy.But forcinghimtoresign,or UnitedStates.But withsuchover- thought it Durs spentgluedtoCNN. impeachinghim, willcertainlyex- whelmingdiversityinourcountry, wouldbe det- fill this situationbringus pose us to danger. whois to definemoral? nthe want truly rimental for moremoralleaders?Idon't What dangers wouldarise from If we to live in a so, leaving prema- society by most people's me not toes- think but Ido think Clinton office moral pouse my people willexpectmoreof turely? Ihave twoexamplesthat definition,perhaps we need to re- opinion of the those theydecide to elect. effect usall. define our country all together. I ' Chances are, Iwas promised an Theymay evenexpectmoreofthe Recently,severalofour embas- think thiswouldviolate thatwhich T — exactly lit, L. T> "J f T education formycommunityand spouses theychoose. Inmyview, sies wereattacked. Other embas- makes us Americans. But down, The likehim,Ilikehis familyandIlike myself.Otherpromisesmayhave thissituationisone toofamiliar to sieshavebeen shut withour what morals do we want? who his policies. person- morality of the President Ieven like funded the development of the want h i s atomic bomb? Do we the vice-president samemoralityinvolvedinsending to countrylike The factis,I Iworry more about the situation wemayfaceifour leader troops anunknown find the en- nesses Kuwait to—defend the Kuwaiti's history. and cor- existence costing many tire inquiry is removed at this juncture ofAmerican The of him and porations American's theirlivesandhealth? States America, the with In a country as diverse as ours, Monica survivalofthe United of futureof Lewinsky overseas morals are relative. We all have and thecontinuance leading the world opera- them,but no can define them. unjust partisan politics of one anda before, like Bill of the At tions As Istated I waste inmany the ventures weengagein areallat risk. anamazing American of have Clinton. He has done been put country and the world public's most, resentment toward thepresident job for our weshould for at risk. we in.He's abadhusband,not time andre- feel live Ameri- badPresident. Butthat'sjustmy sources.Ido putting us in jeopardy. a believe opinion. not zens are his affair — targets and the — declaredby theterrorists them- Hildja Saastamoinen is senior cover-upofhisaffair withMonica included economic prosperity, themarriedcouplesofAmerica as so percent that selves. Terrorist organizations majoringinInternational Studies Lewinsky warrantsimpeachment, growth that may continue to the the other 50 or Her remain married. Ialso do not mustlovethat the American press withafocusin Economics. much lessresignation. new millenium and a future for column,Temerity's...mymiddle any choose tohave. know too many men, including and other leaders are focusingon Iamnotsimple-mindedenough offspringI name" will run weekly in The I so naive to walk to the the Chief Executive of the most thePresident'spersonalproblems tothink thatallpublicofficials are If were Spectator. Her e-mailaddress alwayshonest,allofthetime.Sure, pollsand votefor acandidate that powerfulcountryintheworld,who andnotoninternational threats. The economy is also at risk. [email protected]. it is my right to have an honest promisednew taxes,butno extra- wouldadmit toanaffair uponini-

"- 9iAf/>f lo Has the construction made parking on campus more difficult? it's diffi- takethebus-Idhavetobeup « "Theparkingisn't doesn't have to pay and also be- Ornately because Iwork full time at seven inthemorning, - know to take the bus. difficult for me causetherearenomorespotsavail- andIgotoschoolfull time,Idon't cult to find aspace. If you at five that fillupyoucan Nicole Gyulay, Sophomore, becausel'magradu- able for him oncampus topark. I have theluxury of taking the bus what time the spots situation, space. ratesarealotper English §MM ate student and I just can't wait to see those 290- andavoiding theparking finda The quarter,too. difficult for me to come after three somethingspotsbeingbuilt for the Theparkingnow is worse,thelots It's rf/ overcrowded, o'clock threedaysa apartmentsbecause theywilleasea which are left are week. This is my lot of tension." —Frank So, plus there are all the additional WCek'S iSSUCI SnOUIQ IfJ £j it wasn't actually aparking permit,— « ■, Seattle University be a £* all it was was a hunting license. p y Division Ior a Division n S Catherine Coats ;n* on " Q it t n c school? was like before the— Sophomore,International Stud- construction.Igivemyselfanextra «r, construction." ies half-an hour to park. A friend of E-mail your responses tO ffl* Carie Winchell, mine lives nearby and Ihave a [email protected] Graduate Student, "My freshmen yearIgotapark- guestparkingpermit for zone 7— for responsesisTuesday at 2p.m. Theymust Psychos YZ?!S£ZSZ& beunderiSOwordsandsignedincludingyour 2S£^2£i^ year major. must alsoleavea phone "My roommate wasahunting Iwould get litica.Science and YOU M liceSe. where you can be 7 likes to park his car thepermitandiwoulddrivearound number or e-mail address in front of Xavier andaround.Itwasmorefrustrating "It's alotmore difficult than it reached. becauseheknowshe thanactuallytaking thebus.Unfor- waslast year. Ifyoudon't get here Features Seattle gets intc the swing of things The music and dances of the 1930s and 40s are still alive and kicking

these bands as sort of rock-based from California where the dance menonoppositesidesof theroom bases. KATIE MCCARTHY lead singer usually dressed swing. clubs were packed with swinging and withgreatenthusiasmdemon- The Features Editor ina whitetuxedo,cradles the vin- The popularity of swingbands couples.Thiscausedthemtodance stratingthebasicsofrockstepping. tage onehandwhilehebelts hasbeenseeninmovieslikeSwing- style. » h<* p*** Inless then an hour,he has com- mikein Twirling,shaking,jivingandslid- inaformation On ers, on the radio or on television Coast,theyswinginacir- ingin two toned shoes andMary ads for the GAP. A swing group like culardance which allows Janestoaliveorchestrasounds calledCherryPoppinDaddieseven to swing to fast somethingoutofanoldFredAstaire dancers have music videos. of on floors. movie,butit'sactuallyarevival music crowded Swinghascomealongwayand the oldstyle ofswingdancing. Atkinson and of new and rising bands are the list In the pastcouple ofyears, dif- Kuperman bothestab- togrow andjustsomeof lished instructors who continues ferentstylesofswingdancinghave them are:H.B.Radke and the Jet dancingalltheir madeareturn,notonly toSeattle's havebeen CitySwingers,Bellevue Cadillacs, teach these danceestablishmentsbutallaround lives. Both John HoltsRadioRhythmOrches- styles swing the world, as people lace up their three of but tra,MontyBanksandHighRollers, has dancingshoesandputon theirzoot each a distinct meth- TheCrazyRhythmHot Orchestra, ods teaching. sui's. of TheChazzCatsandIndigoSwing. York City was Swing originated back in the New Bands willkeeppumpingoutthe Kuperman's playground 1920s when it was common for musicaslongaspeoplekeepswing- to whenshe wasgrowingup. children to learn how dance in- ing. One of Kuperman's favorite was andmusical stead of surfing the Internet. It dance bands is theBillElliot Orchestra. inspiredherat Couples would godressedintheir theaterthat She thinks they are thebest thing age to learn to suits andsequins toseeacabaret. a young since sliced bread, and her eyes always Many aviddancers have dance. lightup as she talks about the 19- Getting ba- beenshimmyingtheir waythrough down the band. building upon -piece lifewithswing.Severalprofessional sics and Kupermanalsoloves thesoftvo- Kuperman swingerscredit theriseinitspopu- them is how Matassa, who sings classesevery cals of Greta larity to the increased exposureof starts offher TuxedoJunction.Thisband next six withthe swingbands suchasCherryPoppin week. Over the played at several of Seattle will slowly has Daddies and Big Bad Voodoo weeks she University'sWinter Balls. her pupils into Daddy. mold Fansofswingdancingandmusic dances, as the skilled dancers. Old such Lindy have even taken the fad one step West "I teach really so that Hop, EastCoast Swing and further by dressingup in vintage Swing being taught in they can dance well, so Coast are clothes from the 20s, 30s and 40s. the North- they are good at leading dance schools all over the establishments and following," Some of west. KupermanandAtkinson frequent HallieKuperman,owner of the Kupermansaid."Istartmy to buytheir trendy swingers attire Century inCapital Hill, classes out by walking Ballroom can sometimesbeexpensivebutif teachingfor sixyearsand around the room,because hasbeen youhuntaroundforjustthe basics, swing isbignow be- if you can walk,youcan believes that likeswingdressesorsuspenders,a mediahas gottenaholdof do the dance." causethe valueisbound to popup. On different nights of spectator it. ' Vanessa reeves / Here isa listofhipshopsaround people who do it now the weekKuperman spu- "Lots of Acoupleat theShowbox show offtheirmoves whileothersarestilllearning. Seattle for the swing enthusiasts: t itcausetheylovetodance. pils and the public can ' don' do Rudy sVintageClothing,Emerald do it because it is hip," enjoy dancing in the au- They from the 20s-40s City Dance Boutique, Le Frock, Kupermansaid. thentic 1940s styleballroom witha pletestrangerslaughingandtwirl- out sultry tunes or Benny Isadora's andValue Village. 'Hiedifferent types ofswingadd bigbandsuch as the Dusty 45s or ingeachother aroundthe floor. that Frank Sinatra Atkinson started dancingballet Goodman and Bunny Berrigan Thepopularity ofswingseemsto andjazzlongagoandgotintoswing wouldhave sung. beatrendthatisreachingitsclimax when all of his friends were still Cabarets arestillaround, though with bands,dancing and clothing, dancingdiscoandbreakdancingin maybenot as spectacular as they but likeeverytrend they will soon the 80s. were inthepast,butAtkinsonlikes die down.Taketheadvice fromthe "Swingisatrendandwillprob- to have alive show once amonth professionalsandlearnitand have ably die downinafew yearsbutI duringhis ZootSuit Sundays. a blast swinging around instylin believe Seattle isreallyadancing "Ireally like the 1930s cabaret clothes like the generationin the towncompared toSanFrancisco," styleofhaving afloor show inbe- 19205. Atkinsonsaid. tweenlessons and free dancing," "Swingwon'tlast,becausesome After he gives the crowd at the Atkinsonexclaimed. other social dance will come Showboxa tasteofswing,heoffers Theseoldtunesofbigbandfrom along," Kupermansaid. "Itisjust more detailed classes at The the past can still be heard on the the wayit works, everythinghas a WilsonianBallroom neartheUni- radio but with a little different cycle. Swing may have a longer versity* district and the Blackburn "swing" to them. Atkinson sees one,but itwilldie down." , „ VFWHall on 15th Avenue. Along with hip-shaking mm t° o° f°R Lfss°ns in stnnif dance moves, VANESSA REEVES / SPECTATOR therevivalhas CenturyBallroom is locatednear SU on 915 E.Pine.Thenext session for Swingdancersfindaspoton onthecrowdedfloorat theShowbox. brought also classes begins in the end of October. Call Hallie Kupermah at 324-7263 for back differ- a information. variation to the dance. TheLindy the John Holts Radio Rhythm Or- ent tune of DaveAtkinsonSwingDancecanbefoundeitherattheShowboxeverySunday Hopisconsidered theoriginal form chestra. music and formore information abouthisclassescall 782-3698. Visithis website ofswingdancing.Kupermanthinks Swingwillalwaysbeconsidered style ofcloth- night or itisalittle harder than the basic or asocialdancebyAtkinson.Heand ing. at located at generic swing,but itis alive with hisdedicated assistantsgathercom- The music ABC'sofDancingisapart ofDanceSportInternational 12535Lake reallyamazing moves. plete strangerstogethereverySun- is loud and City Way. ShannonKnaussteachesclasseseveryFridaynightandnewcomersare Dave Atkinson, an instructor in day nights at the Showbox night bands consist always welcome. Call 368-0998for moreinformation. NorthSeattle,saidLindyHoporigi- club for "Zoot Suit Sundays." ofavariety of Savoy SwingClub,canbereached at547-7676. , nated from the 1930s Charleston "The Showboxhas agreat feel- trumpets Seattle West CoastSwingDanceHotline canbereached at 789-3970. and integrated air steps and break ing for the 1930s because of the saxophones, WashingtonDanceClubislocatedon1017Stewartandcanbereachedat628- style," drums and of awaymoves. Hesees the danceas authentic atmosphere and 8939. a unique interpretation of jazz Atkinsonsaid. course the dance. Thenightstarts outwithAtkinson classic look- West Coast Swing originated splitting up the ladiesand gentle- ing upright Features Natureshedsitslight atSUgallery Seattle University student shares his life withphotos in theKinsey Gallery

month, KATIE MCCARTHY full life. Born in Seattle, he re- Malaysia, Thailand, Bangkok him to work once every pursuenotonly FeaturesEditor cently made his 25th decent of andKahtmandu. allowingLongto 'Kinsey Qallery Mountßainier. Butbeforeallthese Alone and 21-years-old, Long his educational dreams but his Hehadtomakeit tothetop.His descents he had climbed many bought a simple camera in photography. schebulefor upcoming climbingpartyonlyhadfourmore While on as- artist days in Ecuador and they knew signment, he they had to conquer the 20,700 has visitedsuch edifice oficeandrockcalledMount exoticlocations MikeLong Chimbroazo. as Valdez, "Wilderness of Light" Bad weather and time was be- Alaska, Nellis Sept. 29- Oct.30 coming their enemy. Mike Long Air-ForceBase, andfriendChrisMartin'spulse's Nevada and hadalreadysignificantly risendue mostrecentlyhe Susand Point to the altitude increase during the flew aboveLake "Works-in Glass" cab ride,from9,000 to 15,000 ft. Sammamish Nov.3Dec. 4 After dinner the two"ropedup" while shooting for the snow and glacier climb to from a helicop- AnilKapahi come. Thepair tookoffafter mid- ter. -March12 night determined tomakeit to the Otherjobsthat Jan. 12 summitofChimbroazoatanycost. Long has held Littledidtheyknow thecostwould overthe yearsare MichealHolloman behigh. as a mountain Native American Inarecordtimeoffivehoursthe guide, teaching Artifice two 5,000feet. Dur- glaciertraveland hadclimbed 30- April ing the last 1,000 feet Long no- crevassesrescue, March 30 ticed himself getting clumsy and snowcamping weak,buthekeptpushinghimself. andiceclimbing. Fragments: Once they made it to the peak he TERRANCE IHNEN / PHOTO COORDINATOR When he first Works from Seattle Longpoints out light toanobserverat hisopeningTuesday night. collapsed,but still wasableto take Mike details of cametoSU,Long University's Artand ofMartin. approached Dr. aphenomenalpicture Literary Magazine AllLongwanted todowa Andrew Schulz, butChris noticed his frien Singapore and spent three weeks the Director of the KinseyGal- May 25- June13 showing signs of Altiti trekkingthebaseofMountEverest. lery and Fine Art's professor, Mountain Sickness (AMS "Igot alot of crappy pictures aboutdisplayinghisphotos. Af- Senior Art Exhibition Hislipswerenavyblue,anc and Igot some incredible ones. ter a year-long wait,Longcan May 25 -June 13 hadclearredfluidrunning That is how Igot motivated to now sharehis art with other stu- fromhisnostrils.Immedi- controllight withacamera,"Long dents and facultyatSU. ately, Martin grabbed said. Asamanofmanytalents,Long "Contact Dr.Andrew Longandbeguntakinghim Thelongprocessoflearningpho- personally framed each of his Schulz in the Fine Arts down themountain. tography onhis ownmade Long, photographs on display. His Building for more Theyhadtomakeitback who wasusuallyanimpatient guy, show isanillustrationonhowthe information. to the town at 9,000 fee take time and slow down so he impression oflight can enhance because the only cure fi wouldn'tmissanything. naturephotography. AMS is to return to a lo Helearnedfrombooks andsome This is notLong's first show; elevation. community classes, buthegained hehashadpreviousonesatShore- hemight want to teach. he to Duringthelast 100yard! most of his knowledge from ob- lineCommunity College and in Ideally wouldlike introduce to the wilderness. remembers feelingclose todeath. servation in the field. He took small cafes. He alsosells some inner-city kids kids, want to When hecame spectacular notes on each frame of his picturesque mountai "I love and I out of the fog, andwoulddescribethe scene,light- photos to magazines like show them the wilderness wentmanytimes the first thing ing,shutter speedandnumber of SEATTLEMagazine. whereI he saw was a exposures. Sincephotographyis vhen my life was re- difficult,"Long row of head "TheoneareaIhavepatienceis going so well for ally stones. Even really only in nature where I'm Long,he is not sur- said. thoughhe was reallyrelaxed,"Long said. "Igot whathe wants tod< There is one Mike's onthe vergeo intonaturephotographybecauseI after this spring. thing in death, his pas wasintoclimbing." lturethatheis ure and sion for pho The mountains have become a abookorteaching of that togr p y _ is traveling. a h permanentfixtureinhislife. Long have all crossed He wants to wouldn't die talks about thebeautiful environ- hismind. He took a ment andhowdramatic thelight- hauntingphoto ing conditions can be inpassing experienced of the grave storms. Hehas seen some of the photographers, stones and, to most interesting lighting condi- hehas notburned outafter about and maybe teach young children thisday,itstay tionsin themountains. 19years. Eventually,Longfeels English. asaremindero "I would be at camp waiting to just one of hi climb thenextmorningearlyandI near-death ex would be the one who got two periencesfrom hoursofsleepcauseIwasupshoot- mountain ingtillmidnight oronea.m.,"Long climbing. said. Photography Currently, Long has been pu- wasnotLong's rsuing other goals inhis life that first love; ad- involve, as he said, "using his venturewas.It Shoreline IHNEN / PHOTO COORDINATOR brain". Hestartedofat was the call of TERRANCE A studentobserves the dtetails inLong'sphotos. Community College,taking five the outdoors credits at atimebefore comingto thateventually ledhimto takethe moremountainsaroundthe world. SU lastyear. photographs that are now on dis- Itall beganaround 1981 when "I didn't want to fail,Iwent playuntilOctober 30attheKinsey he first discovered photography. back 15 years afterhigh school," Gallery. His show is titled"Wil- He was working for a waterbed Long said. dernessofLight." company inQueensland,Austra- Todayhe worksas aindustrial TERRANCE IHNEN / PHOTO COORDINATOR The well-built 38-year-old Se- lia, and from there took off on a photographer for Renton-based McCarthy Longdiscuss thephotographs inhis show. attle University senior has led a never-ending trip to Singapore, DigitalControl. Thisjobrequires Katie andMike Arts&Entertainment QiIHIMHBEQsH


eerie, themselves a cold glass of WOLDMAN lose theiridentity, whichisexactly intensity, relaxes, and does the this tunewouldbedownright pour JESSE chilly lemonade andlisten to"JustLikeI Staffßeporter whattheyappeartobedoingonthis wholethingalloveragain without butas it standsit'smerely a It," arrangement latest album. Pictured asoulful it wasshipped in Trip-hop, funk, soul, or what- Those who have that sounds like NewOrleans Thebluesnum- ever else you want to call it, heardthegroupbe- from . "EverydayPeople"also has a Medeski, Martin and Wood have fore willdefinitely ber definitesouthern flavor lackingon helpedraiseinstrumental musicto notice a change, group'sprior albums. heights with their first two perhaps even a the new Just whenyouthink you're get- albums. Their latest release, maturationintheir ting Combustication, Combustication, (Blue Note sound. And while a handle on MMWbust intoarapid-fire Afro- Records)shows againjusthow far the album may Cubantune,"LatinShuffle."It'sas canpushthelimits of what have a few soft the trio sayingyoucannevercor- simply as jazz. spots, for themost ifthey're wasonceknown into a particular style, andmoodier than part ner them Alittle darker they'llescape. past works, Combustication Combustication because their may gotten alittle work of DJ livesuptoitsname. MMW have features the turntable for their owngoodon tracks, weird Itburns. toomellow Logic on a few Ahiahi,"a song so sprinkled throughoutand The first track, "No Ke Ano samples slow it could lullan insomniac to a spoken wortl performance "Sugar Craft,"be- even sleep."ChurchofLogic"isanother poetSteveCannon. At the very gins withaslippery by abstract concoction that doesn't least,you'vegot tohandit tothese bass line from quite work. They finish strong, guys forbeingoriginal. Wood, then kicks though,with"Hypnotized,"atwo- Featuring on the intofullgearwhen partsong withafunkyintroduction piano and organ, Billy Martin's funk beat electric wild trance-likeending. Martin ondrums and Chris Wood meetsupwithafist- and Asformostinstrumentalandjazz onbass,thegroupneedsnohelpin ful of soul chords music,thebestwaytohearMedeski, getting the sparks to fly. MMW on Medeski's or- and Wood is still to see displaysachemistry that canonly gan. DJ Logic's Martin them live. The group made their comefromspendingyearstogether turntable way to Seattle last year and will on tour buses, in studios and in scratchingsare the likely returnsometimesoon.Inthe clubs, laying grooves for cherryon topofthis down meantime, for those who want a head-bobbing hipsters and jazz already-tasty tune. DJ Logic joins glimpse ofthefuture ofjazz,pop- fiends. ping MMW's new disc into the Perhapsthebestthingaboutthis the trio again on stereo is probably the next best groupis thatunlike rock veterans, "Start-Stop," a spaced-out everraisinginvolume.Afewmore groove. in a can thing. MMW isn't afraid to completely funkadelic number that builds in minor chords from Medeski and Those mellow mood Actors are the real deal in The Imposters' SARA CHRISTENSEN rompinthespiritoftheMarxBroth- mixof characters. Buscemi,whoisknown for dra- Meistrich,a Nazi-esque crew su- is obsessed with Ston, Editor ers. The all-star indie cast includes matic deathsintheCoenBrother's pervisor who TheImpostersfocuses onArthur Steve Buscemi, Hope Davis, films,plays the suicidalentertainer Lily (LiliTaylor). jACI DAHLVANG (Tucci)andMaurice (OliverPlatt), CampbellScott,Lili Taylor,anda HappyFranks.His efforts at self- Taylor shows a talent for com- utilizedin Reporter strugglingactorstryingtocontheir cameo by Woody Allen.It is as if destructionthroughout the filmare edy whichhas not been Staff in waytoameal.Escapinganencoun- Tucci called up his friends and continually thwarted by the fren- herrecentdramaticroles suchas Andy StanleyTucci is agod. Coming ter with a local, overrated actor, asked, "Hey, you wanna make a ziedactionsoftheothercharacters. "IShot Warhol." Davis, with offofhissuccess withthecritically they find themselves stowaways movie?" giving these otherwise Coming offof aserious perfor- inhersecondmovie Tucci, a break from being acclaimed film Big Night, Tucci aboard theS.S.Intercontinental,a serious actors the opportunity to mance in David Mamet's "The takes delivers The Imposters, a comic luxury liner with an improbable playinan over-the-topcomedy. Spanish Prisoner," Scott plays perky to play Emily, a young womandealingwiththelossofher father. TonyShalhoub,solongamem- ber of the good-actor-on-a-bad- showclubthroughhisroleasAnto- (Do nio on Wings, is finally given a Cove to zvrite? chance to usehis talent. you After playing second fiddle to the likes of WarrenBeatty,Kevin Spacey and Matthew McConaughey in recent studio Be aSpectatorreporter films, Platt is also finally given someofthe spotlight.HisMaurice is equal,notsecondary, toTucci's Arthur and, in drag, looks much Call Chris at (206)296-647t for more information on writ- like aSpiceGirl. ing the Spectator. Puttogether,thishigh-energycast for producesaworkofcomicart.Their physical and verbal timing is im- We have positions available for writers in the News, Opin- peccable.From the silent film as- pects of the opening sequence to ion, Features, A&S and Sports divisions. theencore quality ofthe finalcred- its,thepaceofthefilmneverslack- looking for photographers. For in- ens.Theonlyflawinthefilmisthat The Spectator is also theperfectendingcomestwoshort formation, call Terrance or Brooke at (206)296-6472. scenes before ihe actual conclu- sion.Fortunately, the final all-out celebration which follows makes upfor thesuperfluous scenes.. Final verdict: Pay full price. Twice. TheImposters willbeintheaters tomorrow. Arts&Entertainment 'Antz':Bug'sstoryhaslittlebite Even with animpressive cast, moviefalls short ofexpectations yet under-used, DAHLVANG sionas the villainousColonelCut- the outcomepredictable. lifelike. much anticipated JACI to the underground ter. However, the animation alone Inaddition,the"castofmillions" and thereturn Staffßeporter disappointment once Jennifer Lopez as Aztecaserves will be worththerentalprice. requiredfor some scenes ledto the colony is a of crowd technology onehasseen thecolor anddetailof Antzis,as Z-4159 himself says, herpurpose as aromantic interest Antz marks the nextlevel in the development create vast our own worldfrom anant's per- "your basic boy meets girl, boy forWeaverandacheerleader forZ. evolution of computer animation in order to numbers of likes girl, boy changesunderlying However, John Mahoney as a social structure"story. drunken soldier andDan Aykroyd Uninhibited byhisrealizationof andJaneCurtain as theupper-crust his insignificance in the overall beecoupledobringlife totheirall- systemof the colony,Z, a worker too-short screentime. ant withthe voiceofWoodyAllen, AntzisproducedbyDreamWorks attempts to win for himself the SKG,arelatively youngstudiorun worthyprizeofPrincesBala(voiced by the creative minds of Steven by Sharon Stone)and to foilGen- Spielberg,JeffreyKatzenberg,and eral Mandible's (voiced by Gene DavidGeffcn. Hackman)plot to create a master Having proven themselves with race from thecreamof the colony. the summer hit "Saving Private Zhashisopportunity tobecome Ryan,"theyarenow attempting to theheroas aresultoftradingplaces take onDisneyby beatingthem to withhisbestfriend,asoldier named the computer animatedbugmovie Weaver, a move which asks the punch. audience tobelievethatifSylvester Theyarealsoattemptingtomake StalloneandAllenswitchedplaces upforadisappointingperformance noonewould notice. from the first computer-animated Allenas Z is merelyannoying. filmtobereleasedbyDreamworks, Whilehispatentedneurotic world thissummer's flopSmallSoldiers. view andhabit oftalkingtoomuch DisneyandPixar,thecompanies are traits which work in an Allen which animated Toy Story, have film,inAntzthesemannerismsim- completed A Bug'sLife, whichis pede the flow ofaction. due out around Thanksgiving. Instead ofseeingandhearingthe A feelingthatquality wassacri- character of Z, the audience sees ficed togetAntz outbeforeABug's andhears Allen as himself. Life pervades theentiremovie. While Stallone and Hackman It suffers from an unevenscript provide the strongest voice-overs, fromToddAlcottandbrothersChris Graphic Courtesy DreamWorks Pictures restof the vocal talents,includ- andPaulWeitz,allfirst-timescreen- the inde- spective. ingseveralAcademyAwardnomi- writers. after the breakthrough film Toy "extras" who would move runninginto Final verdict:rentit tocheck out neesand winners,donotfaremuch ThebillingofAntz asaromantic Story. pendentlybutwithout thetechnicallystunninganimation, better thanAllen. comedy adventure for kids and While stiffer movements were oneanother. visu- and stay tuned for the word on A Stone and Anne Bancroft give adults demonstrates the attempt to acceptable for the toys, the living Inaddition,thefilmismore interesting it out- Bug's laterthis fall. lukewarm performances and the do too many things atonce. creaturesofAntzrequiredadvances ally once moves Life Antz will be out tomorrow in usually memorable Christopher Theplot todestroythecolonyis inthesoftwareforfacialanimation sideofthecolony. "Insectopia" widerelease. Walken does notmake animpres- vague, the twistsimprobable, and inordertomake thedialogue more The voyage to is Garbage collection rocks Paramount Garbageconcert — it'sanexperi- their return toSeattle after a two- whelmed withloudbeatsandbright near futuremight bewishful think- A review of the and-a-half yearhiatus,wasnothing lights, the concert flared upagain ing,take the extratime torock toa enceyou'llneverforget. shortofawesome. with "StupidGirl" and"Push super-band's For those superficial Garbage It." Also in the second half, fansoutthere whomayhaveheard "Special" was performed so most recent suchrecenthitsinglesas "PushIt" well that it just might be the and "IThink I'mParanoid," you group'snextsingle. Thecon- show at the have barely hit the tip of theice- cert ended with a pleasantly berg. While this tourispromoting tameorchestrationof "Milk," Paramowit their secondAlmorecording, Ver- the finale of the group's first sion 2.0, there were just as many album. Andy Bierly songsshowcased from the band's After severalminutesof ap- Staffßeporter successful 1995 self-titledrelease. plause and screams, Garbage Forexample,abright,bass-filled returned to the stage amidst Let's set the stage,so tospeak. renditionof"StupidGirl"overshad- louder cheers for a lengthy Yousee twoguitars,adrum setand owed the highly-awaited perfor- three-song encore. The con- abass,withasexy Scottishlass in mance of "IThinkI'mParanoid". certwascappedoffbyanother front ofthemicrophone. Theycall Aside from the singles(theprevi- slowsong,the terminusof Ver- themselves Garbage, and they're ously mentioned three,plus "I'm sion2.0,"YouLook SoFine." anythingbut what theywould like Only Happy When itRains"), the Musicaside,Manson,Butch Erikson, you to believe.— Every song has a bandshowcasedtwosongs thatare Vig,Duke andSteve definitebeat but,then,doesn'tev- not on either of their LPs. "#1 Marker hostedagreat perfor- ery alternative bandcarry abeat? Crush" made the popular Romeo mance. Sporting their usual Thissoundislikenootheryouhave andJuliet Soundtrack, and an al- attire (Manson in a SHORT heard and every beat takes over mosthidden track, "Thirteen" can electric orangedress, the rest yourbody.TheaudienceattheSep- be foundononeof themanyalter- in black), the mike, whennot tember 22 show at the Paramount, native compilation albums. transmittinglyrics!wasalways was not just tapping their feet or From a short mix of cuts from alive with jokes andgracious noddingtheir head. They WERE both albums, the concert took an thanks. the beat. almost eerie twistinto the twoor- Totheircredit,Garbagehad Couple this with a more-than- phanedtracks.LeadSingerShirley eightnominations forthe 1998 stunning visual display of laser Mansonintroduced "Thirteen"asa MTV Video Music Awards, lights and colorful tracking, and songthat"99.9percentofyou will and Version 2.0 has been in youhad one of the best concerts love." This seemed to mark the Billboard's Top 50 since its thathascome throughtheEmerald median of the concert. Just when release last February. While City this year. Garbage,making you thought you might be over- another album release in the Sports

Men's Soccer continues to have difficulties en- the teamsintohalftime engagedin searchofreboundingfromthetough andboosted himto the top of the Yesterday, the Chieftains JASON LICHTENBERGER UPS. a2-2 tie. loss atWhitworth. SUall-timescoringlist(seebottom gagedinafierce battle with Sports Editor ignite theChieftains searchedfora Whitmanwasnow tryingtoplay ofpage 13). Nottoforget, thegoal Swanson again tried to the As earlyon. way toregainthelead,UPScaught As defending national champi- therole ofspoilers,but they were also gave theChieftains a 5-0ad- offense getting ball up front, them sleeping. On the attack, a ons, University men's mercilessly servedasafeast to the vantage. After the the Seattle brokedowntherightside Loggermidfielder played the ball teams soccergodsby therevenge-hungry Junior Jamin Olmstead stepped Swanson soccer teamexpected tobe Hebeat past SU keeper Jeremiah Doyle, game SU was a of the field. out togetthem. Gameinand Chieftains. right infront of the goal. team, crush- two defenders and out, SUwas going to be the"Big different The Chieftains were able toget ingWhitmanbyascore headed for the box. Game", the match these teams humiliating a theball outofthebox,butcouldnot of6-0. After looked forward toat thebeginning UPS defender, clear it whichproved tobe costly. Senior Stan third of the year. heropedashot,butit AsDoylescrambledback intopo- notexpect Thesenvitz, who has ButtheChieftainsdid wassavedbyLoggers sition, Peter Bury ripped a shot Northwest revamped the SU of- the road through the goalie Michael from25 yardsout, giving UPS its to this tough. With fense since his return Conference be Rottersman. first lead of the game with just at tothelineup,startedthe games over the weekend However,Ruizwas under 20 minutesleft toplay. Whitworth andWhitman Colleges scoringearlyinthecon- there to control the The Chieftains werehangingon match yesterday at home test. He scored on a and a reboundandfinishoff theropes,trailingfor thefirst time the University of Puget penaltykick inthetenth against the goal, with inthecontest. Theyhadmanygreat Sound,theChieftains were hoping minute,and theChief- Swansonbeingcred- opportunities in the last 20 min- to on their 3-1-1 confer- tains coasted from improve ited with the assist, utes.Hewitthadacoupleofgreater encerecord. this just seven min- headeropportunities,butbothwere In Saturday's game against KurtSwansonscored utes intothecontest. savedby Rottersman. Whitworth,theroadtripkickedoff his first oftwogoals at But the Loggers With 14minutes left,TonyPyle as the Chieftains fell 13:09offanassistfrom disgustingly foughtback hardand nearly headed in the equalizeroff a of2-1.But Hewitt. Swansonand toWhitworthby score nettedtheequalizerin Gauntt's freekick,butRottersman good teams do, the Chieftains Hewitt then reversed as 16thminute.Tye madeasuperbsafeand theball was composure andcame roles,as thelatter con- the found their Tolentino took ad- cleared outof play. withback-to-back victories nectedoff assists from back vantageof amishap Then,with8:30left toplay,Kevin UPS. Swanson and Manuel overWhitman and the backfield and Houck nearlyconnected off astel- Saturday'slossat Whitworth, Ruiz less than one in In broke through tofin- larone-two withOlmstead,buthe faced ahugeburden minutelater andgiving theChieftains ishaone-on-one op- senthis shoutjustbarely wide left. game, when Andrew SU a3-0lead. early in the portunity. Now beggining to get desperate, scoredjustoneminuteinto The Chieftain scor- Dickson A determined the Chieftains got what they were game to give Pirates a1-0 ingfrenzysloweddown the the Swanson would not lookingfor. lead. forawhileasthey were be denied a second Thesenvitz tried to volley ashot next 80 minutes, held without agoal for For the time. He gave the afteran SUcornerkick. Hemishit Whitworthheldon to theonegoal the remainder of the Chieftains the lead the ball,which ended up right in advantage,until SUfinally equal- half. SU entered the again with a goal in frontof Swanson,whoputthe ball ized.FreshmanJebThomasscored intermission with a the I:3rdminute. pastRottersmanandsentthegame at 81:34 off assists from Craig comfortable 3-0lead. peskyLog- intoovertime. Gauntt and Gavin Hewitt, giving Fiveminutesintothe Eut the refused to go The Chieftains wastedno time, theChieftains somenew life. secondhalf,theChief- gers quietly. Minutes be- scoring45 seconds inovertime.An But three minutes later, tains were at it again. fore halftime, they Nuonreceivedaball inthe middle Whitworth shot down the gallant Senior Jeremy Brown Photo Courtesy of Anil Kapahi eqalizeagain. ontherightsideofthe field,headed effort of the Chieftains when Jeff scoredhis secondgoal would Junior Stan Thesenvitz has added newlife to the Chieftain A UPS corner kick into themiddle andbroke for the Klause connected at 84:12 and of the season as missedthe offensesincehisreturntwo weeksago. Thesenvitz sent far goal. He left a handful of green thelead. The Swanson recorded his was to the Whitworthregained games theseasonbecause ofanankle injury. behind him, and just as he SUfor theremain- second assist of the firstfour of post, where it was shirts Piratesblanked wasabouttounloadashot,hewas minutes,denyingtheChief- game. into the scoring act as well. He touchedbackacross thefront ofthe ingsix tripped up in the box and was ofanylastminute comeback Swanson thenadded the finish- scored his first goalof the season goal. tains Zamira awardeda penaltykick. heroics. ingtouches toatremendous game. and thelastgoalofthematchoffan A wide-open Kevin one-timed theball Thesenvitzsteppedupandnailed The following day, the Chief- His secondgoalof the game gave assistfromThesenvitz to giveSU steppedup and the andsending the game winner. It was a tough playedatWhitmanCollegein him six totalpoints of thecontest the 6-0 victory. intotheback of net tains week, but the Chieftains battled through it witha2-1record. They SUB Kick-off Week Continues... improved to5-3-1 overalland 5-2 intheNWC. Thursday, October Ist SUB- 2nd Floor 7:00 p.m. Hummingfish as as SUsoccer « Hhk^ band cheerful it is groovacious. Imagine the B-52's crossed with Hk the Greatful Dead." scoring P.jjjmtriffl H People Magazine " readers '. """edgy, passionate rock." t jJikfiSS^■■ W MEN k 11 W' StatesmanJournal. Salem, Oregon Goals 1.KurtSwanson,7 ms3G§ssSS3B^^ Fall '98 Friday Night Dance Clubs 2.ManuelRuiz,4 ~oooo^ 2.StanThesenvitz,4 Friday, October 2nd is 80*S Might!!! - Points Music starts at 9:00 p.m. SUB Ist Floor 1. Swanson, 19 2.Ruiz,10 2.Thesenvitz,10 Fall'98 Saturday Night Comedy Series - I Saturday, October 3rd at 8:00 p.m. in the SUB Ist Floor Sp WOMEN Featuring 4^^^&\' 1.TrishaTateyama,7 2.ElizabethDolan,5 Derrick Cameron 2.LindsayLeeder,5 Hour, "^HI Derrick has appeared on MTV's 1/2 hour Comedy i^^^^^ Comedy Central, BET's Comic View, VH-I's Stand-Up 1. Tateyama,21 2.Leeder,13 Spotlight, and much more!!! k Hf*" 3.Dolan,10 Formore information call CampusLifeOffice at 296-2525 Sports

Cross Country ready to face nation's best Coach Crawfordenforcespositive attitude and strong desire to a young Chieftain team entering its toughest race ofthe season key to and they are not always going to workout they are about to do, to a little bit longer of a rest in be- Crawfordsaysthe success JASON LICHTENBERGER aone reducingthe "gap time"— Editor finish well,but he does not want picture how they aregoing torun. tween. They thenfinish with willbe Sports elapsed that toget the teamdown. "Ineverysport,itisimportant to kilometerrun. Allof thesearerun the amountof timebetween It is a warmandsunny Tuesday In fact the team theme this year betoughmentally,"Crawford said. atapace fasterthan what they run the team's first andfifth finishers. especially to atGenessePark,as theSeattleUni- is,"The will towinmeans nothing "Inrunning,toput yourselfthrough incompetitions. This is crucial the team, beenrun- versity cross country team gets without the will toprepare." that kind of exertion for 20 to 30 "Everyweek, we get alittle bit women's whohave readyforpractice.Nobodyislook- Thatis why theserunners donot minutes, you have to be able to stronger," Crawford said. "They ningfairly close togetherlately. workout, ing forward to today's workout,a hide fromthechallengeofthisprac- concentrate for what a lot of us can'tbeafraidtoputinthe work at It wasa tough but the once a week practice." team was all smiles afterwards. strengthening SU's cross country They arebuilding what it takes to practice. team will be heavy un- become a national competitor, a Head coach derdogs in the team ready for a huge challenge John Crawford to anextension yourself, Willamette meet this this weekend. Runninghas become of a saidthechallenge — weekend, but will be But as Crawford said,it takes for this workout thenit becomes easy whenit is not anobligation, looking to make some year-long commitment from his is,"Whereisyour surprises. athletes inorderto attainrecogni- heart?" but somethingyou want to do. Both teams havea lot tion as a national contender. One Despite the CRAWFORD, SU CROSS COUNTRY COACH of new faces this year, major downfall toSUisthelack of workout that lies JOHN the women's teamcon- atrack program. ahead,the teamis sistsof ninefreshmen. Of thenineschoolsintheNorth- Conference, only tice,andnomatterhowmuch they woulddeem alongperiodof time. For the men, Robert Redsteer west SU is the have program.Most getic. Afterthreeracesthisseason, arehurtingtheymanage tocrack a "Somepeoplefeelpainandback andJames Schrader runcon- one withoutatrack theChieftains arepreparingfor their smile. off, but goodrunners ride withit sistentlyallyear. coaches will tell you that a track a toughest competition of the year, That is why they all yell and andbuildoff that." Also in the top-five are Eric team would greatly improve program. this weekend's WillametteInvita- hollerforeachrunner,encouraging In competition, therace lengths Setala,JimmyMeArthurandRobby school'scross country tional atBush Park inSalem, Ore. everyindividual through each ex- are eight kilometers for men and Frondozo. Crawfordmadeapushaboutfour It is a 38 teamrace,manyof the cruciatingstride. five kilometers for women. The women have had a trio of years ago that SUshouldpursue a nationsbest willbeinattendance. Thatis also why on the verylast Crawford wouldlike tosee his top runners leading the way for their track program. A former coach at . High figure Crawford knows it is notgoing to andmost painful set of kilometer five women break the 20-minute cause. RenahSeay,MarthaGrant Garfield Schoolanda be an easy race. Ranked teams runs, freshman Robert Redsteer barrier and the top five men dip andTaraMatthewshavebeenSU's in the SeattleParks and Rec pro- fromeverycollegiatedivision will pushed himself twice as hard for gramfor thepast15years,Crawford space at beshowcasing theirabilities. thefinal tensecondstofinishunder would be able to use the "Onethingthatmakesitdifficult thethreeminute goalCrawfordset Garfield, which is less than two campus. inourregionisthatyouhaveseven beforethatrun.Redsteercameinat The to winmeansnothing miles from the SU or eight top 20 teams," Crawford 2:59. will He also saidthataddingatrack said. "Athletes need a commitment without the will toprepare. teamwould cost less thansomeof SomeoftheteamstheChieftains year-round,"Crawfordsaid. "Run- the other programs that were just top COUNTRY TEAMMOTTO recently. face week in and week out: ninghas tobecome anextension—of SU CROSS added ranked SimonFraser, the Univer- yourself, then it becomes easy That would aid the athletic de- have sity ofPuget Sound(rankednum- when it is not an obligation, but partment as budgetconcerns topic transi- ber twoin the nation)andPacific somethingyou wanttodo." their times' tounder 28:30. strongestfinishers. been aheavy in SU's LutheranUniversity,whofinished Notonlyis this averyphysically Todaysroutineconsistsofaone Roundingout the topfivefor the tion toanew league. third inthenation last year. grueling practice, but Crawford kilometerrun,followed byashort womenare TriciaSatreand Alvie Butthatisallinthe future. Right Crawfordinstills apositiveatti- theteamtobementallyready. restandanotherkilometer runand Melicano, with freshmen Megan now,Crawford just wantsthe team needs im- tudeon this teamwithlots ofmoti- After stretching out, he asks the ashort rest. Afterwards, they run McGuire and Kelly Dotson run- toenjoy runningand work on vation. Theyareinatoughregion runners to relax and focus on the twosetsof twokilometerruns with ning strongas oflate. proving with eachrace. Swanson sets SU soccer SILVER SJ— - all-time scoring record CLOUD his mark in SU | Seniorforward makes SILVER CLOUD VALET NW to victory THE NORTHWEST'S LEADING VALET COMPANY history whileleadingChieftains SERVINGTHE GREATER SEATTLE AREA NEEDS YOU! LICHTENBERGER against Whitman helpedlead the is goodpressure though. JASON forward, job AVG. $7 TO $10 PER HR./TIPS INCLUDED SportsEditor teamtoamuch neededNorthwest "As a it is my to Conference victory. The Chief- score goals, that's what I'msup- With his two goals and twoas- tains, who went 15-0-1 inNWC posedtodo." AFTERNOON/EVENING/WEEKENDS sists Sunday at Whitman College, playlastyear,arecurrently5-2-1in Swanson learned a great deal FULLTIME/PARTTIME seniorKurtSwansonmovedahead conference playthis season. about pressure last season. He Chieftains, of GerogeCzarnowski for the all- "It was nice that we did it and helpedlead the heavy WORK EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE EVENTS OR timeSeattleUniversitymen'sscor- won,"Swansonsaid. "I—wouldtake underdogsall season long, to the RESTAURANTS inglead with106 career points. winsovergoalsanyday winsare NAIA nationalchampionship. He Czarnowskisetthemark lastyear, more important than individual wasrewardedbybeingnamedone => <= finishinghiscareer with105points. records." of the teamcaptains this seasonin PAID TRAINING Swanson,whoalsoholdstherecord Swanson has led theChieftains hopesthathecanprovidethe lead- WE ARELOOKINGFOR CANDIDATESWITH A GOOD for mostgoals in acareer (50and in scoring the past two years. As ership to helpcarry the team to a DRIVINGRECORD,MINIMUM 18 YEARSOF AGE, counting), has now amassed 111 the currentpointsleader with19,he titledefense. STRONG WORKETHIC AND ABLE TO WORKINA pace team inthat "Wehave alotofnew personnel CUSTOMER SERVICE ENVIRONMENT. total points' in his career after is on to lead the yesterday scontestagainsttheUni- category for the thirdstraight sea- and are tryingagain toestablish a IF YOUARE INTERESTEDCALL NOW versity of PugetSound. son. winningteam. Whenyoulosenine difficult," "Thisisnot justmy award;itisa Beingthego-tomanbringsalot guys it's going to be OFFICE (206) 633-4944 teameffort,"Swansonsaid. "I've ofpressure withit,butitispressure Swanson said. "We need to find JOB LINE (206)559-7172 played with a lot of great players thathesayshelpselevatehisgame. newchemistry...soIhavetoleadby that havemadeit easier for me. I "I' ye feltthatpressureeverytime example. feel veryfortunate to have played I've steppedon the field,notjust "Ineedtofinishall thechancesI withthem." for SUbut for every teamIhave get.IfIscoregoals,theteamscores His six total points in the win everplayedfor,"Swanson said. "It goals" Sports

Women's soccer back to winning ways Dolan and Tateyamapower Lady Chieftains throughroad trip Jason Lichtenberger end and helped them pull out a found Dolan again to give SUits left inthe first 15-minute sudden- tainsfinishedtheweek2-0-1,boost- Sports Editor difficult tie yesterday. second and final goalof thegame, deathovertimeperiodwiththegame ingthem to4-3-1in theNWCand On Saturday against Whitworth as the LadyChieftainspostedtheir endingina1-1draw. 6-3-1overall. After ablazingstart, thenasud- College, the Lady Chieftains en- secondstraight shutout. Behind the antics of Dolanand Now back into contention, the den dousing of those flames, the gaged in a fierce battle. Despite Dolan finished the weekend trip Tateyama and fierce goaltending LadyChieftains canfocus onfight- SeattleUniversity women'ssoccer outshooting Whitworth 17-7, the toeasternWashingtonwithallthree ofCarrieGeraghty,theLadyChief- ing their waytothe topoftheNCIC. teamtravelled toEasternWashing- Lady Chieftains could not score SU goals and Tateyama finished tonfora two-gameNorthwest Con- through regulation and one over- withall three assists. ference roadtrip. time half,as the Pirates' defense The Lady Chieftains stepped it Toadd morepressure, the Lady managed tokeeptheball out ofthe up defensively as they picked up SUsoccerfieldrenamedin Chieftains neededvictories,enter- net. twoveryimportantconference vic- ingthe weekend witha 2-3 NWC It was notuntil the secondover- toriesinacriticalweekendforthem. dedication to 1997 record.Adisastrousroadtripcould timehalf,whenDolanconnectedat Theyboostedtheirrecord from 2-3 have knocked the LadyChieftains the 112thminuteoffanassistfrom intheNorthwestConference to4- nationalchampions near the bottomof theNWC. Tateyama, giving SU the golden 3. But a mentally tough SU team goal. Thetwodeadlyforwards contin- Yesterday,before the Seattle University soccer teams took the— accepted thechallenge andplayed The followingday at Whitman, ued their impressive streak, this field against the University—of Puget Sound, the soccer field some tough defense, shutting out the two forwards proved tobe the time to help the Lady Chieftains formerlyknownasEastField wasrenamedChampionshipField. bothWhitworthand WhitmanCol- spark for SUagain. Tateyama as- pulloutadraw against theUniver- Dr.NancyGerou kicked off the ceremony,congratulating the leges sisted Dolanat the 27thminute to sity of Puget Sound, doing so in teamfor its accomplishment andhead coachPeter Fewingfor all Offensively,theforward tandem givetheLadyChieftains a1-0lead, dramatic fashion. that he has done for the program and the university. She then of juniors Elizabeth Dolan and anadvantagetheycarriedinto the The Loggers took the lead 30 introduced long-time SUsoccer fanand formerschoolpresident, TrishaTateyama carried theLady intermission. minutes into the contest. Laura Father William Sullivan,S.J. Chieftains throughagruelingweek- In the 75th minute, Tateyama Grinstead netted a goal to carry Fr.Sullivangavehiscongratulationsandledthecrowd inprayer. UPS toa 1-0halftimeadvantage. He talkedabout whatamagical seasonit was,up to thefinal rainy Thegame remained deadlocked minutesinthechampionship game. at that score throughalmost all of Then head Fewing stepped forward and gave his thanks and thesecondhalf,and itlooked asif congratulations.Heintroduced allthemembers oflastyear's team STUDY ASIA theLoggerswouldsqueaka victory andtold themhowmuchhehopesthat theywillbestillcomeback out. Butinthe finalminute of the totreasurethemomentousachievement(SU'sfirstnationalcham- contest, Dolan connected for the pionshipinits 106 yearexistance).Hehopesthatonedaytheywill Lady Chieftains,once again in a be able to come back with their children and grandchildrenand huge way. shareall the wonderful stories thatcame alongwiththechampion- SYRACUSE And,ofcourse,her goal was as- ship. sistedby Tateyama. Remarkably, While the name was givenin dedication to last year's soccer thismarked the thirdstraight game team, it is also for the national championship teams to come. ABROAD inwhichDolanhasprovidedevery ChampionshipFieldhasbeenengravedinthe eastsideofthebrick goal—and Tateyamaeveryassistfor buildingatthenorthendof thesoccerfield. Aplaquefor the1997 IN SU Dolan four goals, Tateyama national champions has been placed underneath with roomfor fourassists,LadyChieftains 2-0-1. manymore tofollow. HONG KONG The game was called with 5:34

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Computer Desktop Tech Toobtainadditionalinformationon thelisted FREDHUTCHINSON Assist the Communications & Network positionsandotheropenings,please visitour LOSE10POUNDSIN14 DAYS! CANCERRESEARCH Services Department withongoingdesktop website @ or call our Call perfect 10 now for your FREE OPPORTUNITIES support. Duties include but limited to jobhotline at (206)667-2977. Please email SAMPLE! installing and troubleshooting a range of resumes including job number to 206-382-2151 systemsoftware,executing various system [email protected](noattachments)or backups and other duties as assigned. mail/fax to: Billing Assistant Applicants must be knowledgeable in TheSpectatoris whereit'sat! Assistthebillingspecialistwithprocessing Windows9s,WinNT,andPChardware.12- FredHutchinsonCancer ResearchCenter Toadvertise, callRomie at 296-6474 or $8.02 -$9.16 $2.00 invoices and bills, tracking budget and -19 hours per week. an hour. Human Resources,#SL-8677 faxherat 296-6477. The costis for management of Communications & Work studyeligibility required. 1300 ValleyStreet thefirsttwenty wordsandtencentsaword Network Services data. Requires InterestedstudentsshouldcontactSamLewis Seattle,Wa98109 thereafter. Sorry,butnopersonals. All proficiency with common office At 667-4984. Formoreinformation visitour Fax (206)667-4051 classifidesmustbesubmittedbyFridayat applications(spreadsheets,wordprocessing, website at TheFred TTY(2O6)-667-6861 sp.m.fortheThursdayedition. Pre-pay, e-mail) excellent interpersonal skills, Hutchinson Cancer Research Center is an FHCRCis an EOE please. knowledgeof basic accountingprincipals EqualOpportunityEmployer. T^ffE flSSli O*ZUjfE Olfw ftSSIITage ispreparedby the 9ISSIi office. Thispage isfor the advertisements ofregistered cCußs and organizations. Tor more information,please contact the 21SS1I office at 296-6050. GetInvolved *W Join SEAC

It'snever to late to join SEAC, The Student Events and Ac- J fl Make ANote ofIt tivities Committee. Help plan concerts, dances, lyp syncs, and all kinds of other fun stuff. Plus, SEAC members who I Upcoming events help atevents get inFREE! Meetings are Wed. 5:45p.m. in jI you don't want to miss room 205 of theStudent UnionBuilding. See you there! 10/2 Accounts Meeting-All are in- SEACis part of the AssociateStudents ofSeattleUniver- f vited to sit in on the firstmeeting of the sity, for more infocall 296-6048. year. Topics ofdiscussion are thebud- into ASSU get, how to spend it,and who gets it. I 10-11:00 a.m. Upper Sub203 Run for Freshman, I 10/5 ClubsMeeting-Feelfree to stop / by to discuss the structure of ASSU Non-Traditional \. I ClubsCodes andhow they applyto you. Rep 5:45-6:45 p.m. Upper Bunk or Transfer ** 10/8 Council Meeting-Come join us Manditory Candidates Meeting and meet this years reps andraise your questions andconcerns. 7-9:00p.m. Bellermine 1891 room own 6:30-8:30 p.m. PlaceTBA fSoar*10/12 Student Forum Time andPlace TBA I! =? *10/13 Primary Elections ♥10/20 FinalElections Street Fair f9B A successful start for a great year ahead

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I PhotosCourtesy Sflf ,ofAnilKapahi